Ear hematoma. Diagnosis, treatment and prevention. The main nuances of the treatment of hematoma of the auricle

This is an accumulation of blood between the cartilage and the periosteum. Sometimes appears between the skin and the seer, in the upper third auricle. The cause may be trauma. The disease is called "wrestler's ear", because it is most often found in people involved in wrestling, rugby, boxing and some others. contact species sports.

If treatment is not started in a timely manner, then all natural contours are smoothed out, bumps appear under the skin.

The reasons

With some types of disease, the hematoma appears from a simple pressure. The risk group includes people with:

  • hemophilia,
  • trophic disorders,

At first, the content of the hematoma is bloody, but then brightens. If it does not go away for a long time, it can become chronic.

Doctors warn that sometimes it hides under the signs of this disease.

Therefore, when the appearance pain at rest, you should consult a doctor.


Outwardly, the formation looks like a swelling of a reddish-blue hue. Painful symptoms missing. Education is easy to find on your own.

When pressed, it begins to "spring". Unpleasant sensations in some cases occur in the supine position on the side of the affected ear. Severe pain can occur with suppuration or perichondritis.

Diagnostics of the hematoma

Usually, in the normal course of the disease, it is enough for the doctor visual inspection damaged tissues to make a correct diagnosis.

If a cartilage fracture is suspected, a person is sent for an x-ray. If suspected, a smear is prescribed to establish the pathogen. The same event allows you to choose the treatment when joining.

Types of hematomas of varying degrees


If the swelling is small, a pressure bandage is applied. The skin around the affected area is treated with iodine. For creating desired effect fixation of the bandage occurs with the help of adhesive tape. With this problem, thermal exposure is completely contraindicated.

Applying a bandage to the focus leads to the fact that the hematoma simply resolves. After removing the bandage, a cold is applied or a massage is done. The dressing itself is a dense roll of gauze, complemented by a few more balls of gauze. The latter increase the pressure on the sore ear.

If the formation is large, it is opened. To do this, make an incision at the edge and remove the contents with sterile cotton balls. Then the cavity is washed with an antiseptic, sutures are applied.


If the hematoma has long been big sizes, the contents are removed in a hospital with a syringe and a thick needle. After that, a few drops of iodine are introduced into the cavity. This allows you to accelerate the process of adhesion, scarring of the walls of the cavity. Then a bandage is applied for several days.

If the hematoma does not resolve for a long time, there is a risk of infection, then antibiotics are administered. Drugs are usually used penicillin group. After that, a pressure bandage is made.

Removal of fluid from the hematoma

Folk remedies

Then it is mixed with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:4. You can rub viper fat into the wound. It will help to quickly dissolve education. Cope well with hematomas:

  • tincture of wild rosemary flowers,
  • honey with aloe juice
  • potato slices,
  • ointment of wormwood and honey.

Prevention, consequences

The main preventive measure is the prevention of injuries, since bruises often cause hematomas. Good ear hygiene will also help. With minor damage, this is enough to achieve a good result.

It should be remembered that secondary infection can lead to severe pain, skin changes. With regard to recovery, the disease has a favorable prognosis, but with complications, plastic surgery may be required in the future.

Watch the video on how to remove the hematoma from a wrestler:


No one can be immune from injury, it is impossible to predict. In some cases, a bruise on the ear can be complicated and lead to sick leave. Hematoma of the auricle is a hemorrhage under the skin, which occurs due to rupture of capillaries.

Ear hematoma is not accompanied by a serious injury, the walls of blood vessels can burst due to their weakness. Ear injury can occur if the organ is pierced.

How to distinguish a bruise from a hematoma?

In a person, a bruise on the ears appears with injuries. As a result, the skin becomes bluish, pain is absent. Clinical manifestations disappear on their own after a few days.

A hematoma is a cavity filled with blood cells. Over time it swells skin covering takes on a bright purple color, in some cases blue. Unlike a bruise, a hematoma is accompanied by painful sensations and a feeling of itching.
If the ear is scratched, it swells more, and there is a risk of ulcers. To the touch, a hematoma resembles a ball with liquid. Hemorrhages vary in size. In a situation where the hematoma does not go away on its own over time, increases in size, pain intensifies - a consultation with a medical specialist is required.

Hematoma of the auricle has the following consequences:

  1. The tumor can spread into the organ, leading to hearing loss until the swelling subsides.
  2. There are channels in the ears that are responsible for balance. When they are damaged, dizziness occurs.
  3. Hematoma is accompanied by noise in the auricle.
  4. In case of serious damage, there is a risk of rupture of the eardrum.
  5. If you seek the help of a medical professional late, you are at risk of hearing loss. For full life You will need to buy a hearing aid.

Subcutaneous hemorrhage of the auricle changes not only the color of the ear, but also its appearance. This is key difference bruising from a hematoma.

When to consult a medical specialist and how to provide first aid

To avoid the formation of a subcutaneous formation in the ear area, it is strongly recommended to cool the injury site after damage to the organ. To do this, use ice, frozen meat, a cloth that has been dipped in cold water. Frozen meat or other item from the refrigerator needs to be wrapped. This will avoid frostbite of the body. It is recommended to apply cold for 20 minutes, after which you need to take a break for 5 to 10 minutes.

Ice should be applied in case of an ear injury

Assistance in the treatment of subcutaneous hemorrhage of the auricle is provided by an otolaryngologist. Many doctors recommend contacting them for advice even when the skin is blue.

A medical professional will be able to assess the severity of the ear injury. It is not recommended to postpone the visit to the ENT even in situations where the patient is completely sure of the ease of injury.

Treatment Method

People do not want to seek help from a medical specialist and try to cope with the problem on their own. This approach to treatment is far from always successful, only the doctor knows about the necessary manipulations to improve health.

There are several treatment methods:

  • If a subcutaneous formation located in the area of ​​cartilage, medical specialists cartilage is pierced. The procedure is performed under anesthesia, the doctors suck out clotted blood and then examine cartilage tissue. Cartilage deformity can cause growths. After the procedure, a bandage is made over the injury site.
  • In some cases, an autopsy of subcutaneous hemorrhage is performed surgical method. This makes it possible to disinfect the hematoma, speed up the healing process. Subcutaneous hemorrhage can be opened only in the first hours of its occurrence; after the procedure, the patient is prescribed a course of antibiotics, which help fight the development of infections.
  • For the treatment of subcutaneous hemorrhage of the auricle, compresses and lotions are used, which are made from improvised means: a compress with ice. There are also compresses aimed at removing the tumor or anesthesia of the hematoma. This includes lotions based on a decoction of chamomile. Some people use it for treatment vegetable oil, and before using the compress, you need to consult a medical specialist.
  • If the cooling compress has not worked, medical experts advise using special medicinal ointments from bruises. Renowned for their exceptional efficiency medications based on shark oil extract.
  • Electrophoresis is used to speed up the healing process.
  • If the patient suffers from severe pain, he is prescribed a course of analgesic and anti-inflammatory.
  • In order to relieve swelling in the ear, an iodized mesh is applied to the damaged organ.

The above activities make it possible to achieve get well soon and reduce the risk of complications.

Prevention of ear hematoma

  • During operation, it is required to adhere to safety regulations, this will reduce the risk of injury.
  • Very often, hematomas appear as a result of fights, it is better to avoid conflicts that can end in assault.
  • Infectious pathologies of the ears can lead to the formation of a hematoma, you should not postpone the treatment of diseases.
  • Such bad habits, like alcohol, smoking, lead to weakening of the capillary walls, which increases the risk of hematoma. The main preventive measure regarding this fact will be quitting smoking and alcohol abuse and maintaining healthy lifestyle life. Attention should be paid to sleep and diet, which should include all necessary for a person vitamins and minerals.
  • Do not forget about the rules of hygiene, medical experts recommend washing your ears at least 2 times a day.
  • Doctors advise timely preventive examinations.
  • When swimming in rivers, seas and lakes, it is better to use special protective rubber caps.

The above preventive actions not only reduce the risk of developing ear hematoma, but also allow you to maintain clarity of hearing.

Ear hematoma - dangerous formation, because pus can accumulate inside it, so you should pay attention Special attention for her treatment.

How to distinguish a bruise from a hematoma

In order for the treatment to be effective and not harm your health, you need to know how to distinguish a hematoma in a person's ear from a simple bruise.

A bruise on the ear is a bruise that occurs due to mechanical influences - bruises. It can appear even with minor blows and is characterized by a blue discoloration of the injured area, which is explained by hemorrhage into the superficial tissues. Often the bruise resolves after a few days, so it does not pose a big threat.

Hematoma (otohematoma) is similar to a bruise in nature of its origin, but is much more dangerous manifestation mechanical impact. The cause of the appearance can be both sports injuries, and just a blow to the ear. It is also worth noting that otohematoma also manifests itself, for example, when cosmetic procedures(ear piercing) or with a disease of the vessels or the circulatory system.

It is a kind of tumor on the surface of the ear and is an accumulation of a blood clot under the skin, between the cartilage and the perichondrium, which has come out of damaged tissues. Such skin has a red or bluish color. The hematoma is localized in the upper part of the auricle, looks like a round or oval formation. It is characterized by fluctuation - if you press on the affected area with gentle movements, you feel a wave-like movement of fluid in the hematoma.

Treatment Method

The main task of treatment is to extract fluid from the hematoma and provide preventive measures preventing complications. At the first manifestations of a hematoma, it is worth applying cold.

If the tumor is small, it is necessary to apply a pressure tight bandage. This action will lead to a gradual release of fluid from the hematoma. Can wipe it alcohol solution iodine - this will speed up the healing process, the formation will resolve within 3 days.

But there are situations when the hematoma lasts more than 3 days, increases in size and hurts. In this case, you should definitely consult a doctor. Doctors can solve this problem different ways depending on the nature of the hematoma itself.

If there is no threat of complications, the hematoma is pierced with a syringe and the contents are sucked out. After that they impose pressure bandage an average of 2-3 days.

If there is a threat infectious inflammation, the formation is opened. The affected area is also treated with antiseptics, then an incision is made along the formation and cleaned out. After that, the wound is sutured along the edges, leaving the middle intact. This is necessary for further drainage - the introduction of one edge of the rubber strip into the wound (the second is brought out), along which the remnants of the contents will come out.

During treatment, doctors prescribe antibiotics and pain medications. After therapy, you will need to come back for a follow-up appointment.

Ear hematoma can cause:

  • purulent perichondritis - pus accumulates in under the skin, contributes to melting ear cartilage and leads to ear deformity;
  • otitis media - inflammation of the ear from the outside;
  • abscess - an abscess formed as a result of an inflammatory process.

Therefore, it is necessary to immediately respond to the consequences of bruises, and it is best to carry out disease prevention, which includes providing the necessary equipment when playing sports, avoiding injuries at home and at work, medical examinations for the detection of diseases associated with circulatory system and vessels.

In contact with

Hematoma of the auricle (or otohematoma) is a disease of the ears, which, as a rule, has a traumatic nature. We can assume that this is just a bruise. Actually, this is what almost every person with a bruise thinks and does not apply for medical care. But almost a quarter of cases lead to suppuration, and sometimes to sepsis and necrosis, which develops on the third day after the injury, and all due to the fact that a person with a hematoma did not turn to an otorhinolaryngologist in time.

So what is the difference between an otohematoma and a simple bruise? With hematomas, hemorrhage occurs due to damaged blood vessels, resulting in the accumulation of wound exudate and blood clots under the skin. This is a kind of tumor that forms on the auricle. It is localized in the upper part of the ear and has a round or oval shape. The color of the formation is usually red-blue. If you press on it, you can feel how the liquid flows inside. The affected auricle hurts, itches. and "burning". Sometimes noise and ringing in the ears may occur. AT rare cases, the pathology may be accompanied by dizziness. A bruise also occurs due to bruises, but superficial tissues are injured. The injured area of ​​the skin turns blue, but after a few days it restores its color.

A hematoma can develop for several reasons:

  • household bruises;
  • sports injuries (the disease is often called "wrestler's ear");
  • blood diseases;
  • diseases of the blood vessels;
  • infectious diseases (for example, scarlet fever);
  • fulfillment medical manipulations(for example, during plastic surgery).
medical serviceprice, rub.

Opening of a hematoma (including festering) of the auricle (on one side)


Initial appointment with an ENT doctor


Repeated appointment with an ENT doctor


Initial consultation with the head of the clinic


Repeated consultation of the head of the clinic


Additional consultation during the procedures


Adaptation of the child to the ENT office


Adaptation of the child to the ENT office by the head of the clinic


The treatment of the ear shell must be taken very seriously! In the absence of proper and timely treatment a person from a hematoma may experience complications such as: otitis media, purulent abscess, sepsis, perichondritis, ear deformity and even tissue necrosis..

Application ear drops and self-testing advice traditional medicine will not lead to recovery. It is necessary to treat an ear injury on time and strictly under the supervision of an otorhinolaryngologist.

Hematoma treatment

The first stage in the treatment of otohematoma, like any other disease, is diagnosis. As a rule, a visual examination is enough for an ENT doctor to determine the presence of an otohematoma. If there is a suspicion of crushing and deformation of the cartilage, the patient is sent to x-ray examination. If there is a high risk of joining purulent infection an ENT doctor prescribes a smear to determine the pathogen.

In cases where the tumor is large or suppuration has occurred, the otorhinolaryngologist prescribes an autopsy of the otohemotoma. Before opening, the affected area is treated antiseptic solution, and is carried out local anesthesia. The tumor is opened with a scalpel. With the help of a syringe or vacuum suction, purulent masses and blood clots are removed. After the procedure, the patient is prescribed a course of antibiotic therapy.

If the hematoma is small, instead of opening, a pressure bandage is applied, which contributes to the gradual "resorption" and restoration of the shape of the ear.

If the hematoma arose a few days ago and the formation is small, the ENT doctor treats it with an antiseptic, makes a puncture with a syringe and pumps the contents out.

Which method of treatment to choose in a particular case, is determined by the doctor - otorhinolaryngologist.

Carrying out the procedure in Moscow

Opening of hematomas is carried out by many medical institutions Moscow, where an ENT doctor takes them: these can be large multidisciplinary medical centers, and there may be highly specialized private clinics. Price policy each medical institution has its own, so the price for the same procedure in different clinics will be different.

It is easy to injure the ear, since this part of the body is extremely vulnerable: it protrudes strongly above the surface of the head. A significant part of the injuries of the auricle - the outer ear - is also accompanied by damage to the middle and inner ear, which may lead to severe violations hearing.

Shulepin Ivan Vladimirovich, traumatologist-orthopedist, highest qualification category

The total work experience is more than 25 years. In 1994 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Medical and Social Rehabilitation, in 1997 he completed residency in the specialty "Traumatology and Orthopedics" at the Central Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics. N.N. Prifova.

Most often, a contusion of the outer ear occurs when a person falls or hits it. A sharp mechanical impact shakes soft tissues and cartilage are damaged small vessels organ. Sometimes, together with a bruise on the auricle, abrasions occur, lacerations. In this case, treatment under the supervision of an ENT doctor is necessary.

Trauma symptoms

recognize this species damage is easy according to the characteristic features:

  • fact physical impact in the ear;
  • redness;
  • puffiness;
  • pain when touched;
  • later - the appearance of a bruise on the ear.

First aid

In the first minutes after injury put something cold on the affected ear. At home, a bag of food from the freezer or a piece of ice is suitable for these purposes. Be sure to wrap the cold object in a towel to avoid hypothermia of the ear. Cold helps to narrow the capillaries in the auricle and thereby prevent the formation of a hematoma - a volumetric accumulation of blood in the ear tissue.

If the victim is worried about pain, you can give him non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug(Ibuprofen, Ketorolac, etc.).

After the manipulations, it will not be superfluous see a doctor with an injury. This is especially true in cases where the ear is reddened even more, or a hematoma is growing rapidly.

Diagnosis and treatment

In case of minor bruises, an examination by an ENT doctor is sufficient (to exclude possible complications) and carry out its assignments. Most often, these appointments are reduced to taking anti-inflammatory drugs for several days. Sometimes external agents are prescribed to accelerate healing - ointments with heparin, Troxevasin.

At the first visit, the patient should describe in detail how and with what he hit. You should not miss scheduled visits to the clinic, as the doctor must evaluate how the bruise goes during treatment.

Additional examination and treatment in a hospital is necessary in the following cases:

  • ear hematoma is large, extends to the ear canal, the skin over it is tense, cyanotic. If the accumulation of blood is not removed in time, then this is fraught with complications;
  • on suspicion of tissue infection ear;
  • when it is possible structural damage inner or middle ear;
  • on suspicion of skull fracture;
  • when flowing out of ear canal blood, liquor.

To clarify the diagnosis, the doctor performs an otoscopy (examination of the inner and middle ear); may appoint x-ray examination as well as MRI. These types of studies will determine accurate diagnosis and, accordingly, the tactics of further treatment.

In the presence of an otohematoma (hematoma of the auricle), prescribe anti-inflammatory therapy compresses, physiotherapy. It is also possible that the hematoma resolves spontaneously. Sometimes resort to surgical treatment- remove the accumulation of blood, followed by the appointment of antibiotics.

If a bruise is accompanied by a violation of the anatomical integrity of the organ, a rupture of the auricle, a reconstructive operation cannot be dispensed with.

Consequences and complications

Even the most harmless injuries of the auricle can become a prerequisite for the development of conditions such as:

  • hearing loss up to complete deafness in one ear;
  • vestibular injury;
  • infectious complicationschronic otitis media, abscess, osteomyelitis of the bones of the skull;
  • from the side nervous systemmeningitis, encephalitis, neuritis of the auditory or facial nerves, paralysis of facial muscles;
  • sepsis.

Doctors remind: with an ear injury, it is better to immediately see a doctor, and not treat it yourself.

It is necessary to contact an ENT doctor, as well as a neurologist, if the following changes in well-being appear:

  • fever not associated with a respiratory infection;
  • a change in hearing (its decrease or the appearance of hyperacusis, when even quiet sounds are painfully perceived);
  • nausea, dizziness, severe weakness, double vision;
  • taking painkillers does not bring relief, the pain becomes stronger;
  • the bruise on the ear has dramatically changed color and size.

Self-medication in such situations is unacceptable.

Help Needed qualified specialist. After all, an ear bruise can be accompanied by a concussion, a fracture temporal bone or other bones of the skull.

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