Polydex instructions for use in the ears of children. Polydex: instructions for use. The price of Polydex in the form of ear drops

Last update of the description by the manufacturer 19.08.2019

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Active substance:


Pharmacological group

Nosological classification (ICD-10)


Description of the dosage form

Drops: transparent liquid of light yellow color, foaming when stirred.


Combined preparation for local use in otolaryngology.

pharmachologic effect

pharmachologic effect- glucocorticoid (local), anti-inflammatory local, antibacterial local, broad spectrum.


The therapeutic effect of Polydex is due to the anti-inflammatory action of dexamethasone and the antibacterial action of the antibiotics neomycin and polymyxin B. When these antibiotics are combined, the spectrum of antibacterial action on most gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms that cause infectious and inflammatory diseases of the external and middle ear is expanded.

Neomycin is active against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae.

Polymyxin B is active against gram-negative bacteria: Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Resistant to these antibiotics Streptococcus spp.(incl. Streptococcus pneumoniae).

Indications for Polydex

otitis externa without damage to the eardrum;

infected eczema of the external auditory canal.



viral and fungal infections of the ears;

infectious or traumatic injuries (perforation) of the eardrum;


breastfeeding period.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Contraindicated for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Side effects

Local allergic reactions are possible.

If the integrity of the tympanic membrane is violated, there is a risk of toxic effects on the auditory and vestibular apparatus.

In the event of unusual reactions, you should consult your doctor about the advisability of further use of the drug.


Incompatible with monomycin, streptomycin, gentamicin, amikacin, netilmicin (increased ototoxic effect).

Clinically significant drug interactions with other drugs have not been identified.

Dosage and administration


Adults: 1-5 drops in each ear 2 times a day for 6-10 days.

Children: 1-2 drops in each ear 2 times a day for 6-10 days.

The duration of treatment should not exceed 7-10 days.


Due to the low degree of absorption into the systemic circulation, overdose is unlikely.

special instructions

After instillation of the drug in one ear, you should tilt your head in the opposite direction for a few minutes, and then drip into the other ear.

Do not inject under pressure.

Polydex is a powerful combination drug exclusively for external use.

Thanks to the strong and active substances that are present in its chemical formula, the drug has:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antimicrobial;
  • antiallergic action.

Anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory action provides dexamethasone. It actively eliminates all allergic reactions and inflammatory processes, while completely stabilizing the state of cell membranes and reducing capillary permeability to a minimum. Polymyxin B and neomycin provide antibiotic action by killing certain groups of bacteria. However, anaerobic bacteria and streptococci are not vulnerable to this drug.

The drug is available in the form of ear drops. Detailed instructions are offered for each vial of the drug.

Instructions for use of Polydex ear drops

Polydex is used for the local treatment of infectious and inflammatory processes of all viral etiology (otitis, sinusitis, rhinitis), with infectious eczema of the outer ear. The very good efficacy of this drug is due to its composition, which includes two powerful antimicrobial substances - polymycin and neomycin.

Ear drops should be prescribed by an otolaryngologist after examining the patient and detecting sinusitis or purulent complications of the middle ear. These diseases are very serious and can have serious consequences, as they can lead to more severe inflammation of the ear, which can cause deafness or inflammation in the lining of the brain and the rapid development of meningitis.

The doctor prescribes the dosage of drops for each patient individually and according to the instructions.

This drug is very popular among sick patients in otolaryngological hospitals, since Polydex is very easy to use and has a small list of side effects that occur only in isolated cases. Also, there have not yet been cases of overdose with these ear drops.

Polydex ear drops are used only externally. Daily doses should be prescribed by a doctor, after examining the patient. Basically, 5 drops are instilled into the ear twice a day. An approximate course of treatment is 7 days.

During treatment, you can not use a cold solution, so before instillation, the vial with the drug should be warmed in your hands. After Polydex has been dripped into one ear, you need to tilt your head to the other side for a few minutes. This will allow the ear drops to penetrate the ear canal. In a similar way, you need to carry out the procedure with the second ear.

Features of taking Polydex in the form of ear drops

Instructions for use

Before using Polydex, be sure to read the instructions.

This drug should be discontinued in case of hypersensitivity or intolerance to the components of the drug.

Pregnant women and women during lactation are also prohibited from using Polydex, since this category of patients was not included in clinical studies.

Before starting to take ear drops, it is necessary to examine the eardrum, and if it is damaged, this course of treatment should be canceled, since the risk of intoxication of the hearing and vestibular apparatus is significantly increased.

People who have diseased kidneys and problems with the urinary system should also not use this remedy, since it will only exacerbate this pathological condition.

A bottle of drops

Severe consequences after a course of treatment with these ear drops appeared only in isolated cases. Local allergic reactions were observed in the form of urticaria, rash and pruritus.

This medication is very often used in pediatrics, since inflammatory processes in the ear are most common in children. However, the instruction warns against taking ear drops in children under 2.5 years old. More serious reservations for taking Polydex are not indicated. The inexpensive price of the drug is also pleasing, so having a bottle of these medicines in stock will not burden your family budget.

Since Polydex is used in the treatment and elimination of inflammatory processes in the field of otolaryngology, the drug is often present in complex therapy. In most cases, these ear drops are easy to combine with other medications. However, there is a certain group of funds in which the use of Polydex is strictly prohibited due to the complete incompatibility of their constituent components. The instruction of the drug warns about this.

Reviews about the drug Polydex

By following the instructions of the doctor and following the instructions, these ear drops have a good reputation in various forums and Internet resources. Almost all patients who have been treated with this drug leave positive feedback about it and actively recommend the use of ear drops in the treatment of the outer and inner ear.

Reviews of doctors confirm this point of view. Therefore, it is not surprising that Polydexa occupies a leading position among all conservative therapy in the field of otolaryngology. These ear drops effectively eliminate the main cause of the inflammatory process in a short time, therefore this drug is also classified as an etiological sanitation.

Feedback from koala2014

Children are also satisfied with the result of the action of Polydex and leave only positive feedback, because these ear drops in a very short time allow you to fully hear and, most importantly, return to the previous way of life: play with friends, study. This therapeutic course is the most conservative in this area and lasts mainly 6-10 days.

However, in each case there is an individual risk factor and the reaction of the patient's body. Therefore, before using Polydex, you should consult a doctor and act according to his instructions and the current instructions.

The price of Polydex in the form of ear drops

The price of this drug is quite affordable. You can buy this pharmaceutical product on the territory of the Russian Federation at a price of 185 to 220 rubles.


Polydex ear drops

Polydex ear drops are a powerful new generation medical product that is used exclusively for external use.

The chemical formula of ear drops is strong and active substances that have such unique properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antimicrobial;
  • antiallergic.

The presence of a substance such as dexamethasone in the preparation provides an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect. In addition, the substance helps to stabilize the state of cell membranes and reduce capillary permeability.

The antibacterial effect is achieved due to polymyxin B and neomycin, which neutralize certain groups of bacteria.

Streptococcal infection and anaerobic flora are not affected by the drug.

Polydex is available in the form of ear drops, and detailed instructions for use are included in each package.

Description of the drug

The main active components of the drug are the following substances:

  • neomycin;
  • polymyxin B;
  • dexamethasone.

The drug is produced in two pharmacological forms, namely:

  • ear drops. Dark glass bottles. In addition to the drug itself, the carton contains a dosing pipette;
  • The nasal spray is a clear, colorless liquid that comes with a special atomizer.

Indications and contraindications for the use of Polydex

The use of ear drops is quite wide, among which are the following:

  • otitis externa;
  • otitis media;
  • sinusitis, which is accompanied by green snot;
  • nasopharyngitis;
  • runny nose in acute or chronic phase;
  • pathological processes of the nose, pharynx and paranasal sinuses of an infectious or inflammatory nature;
  • adenoids;
  • eczema of the ear canal with infection.

Polydex is not allowed to be used in the presence of a defect in the eardrum!

However, the drug has its limitations.

Polydex should not be used in the following cases:

  • with increased individual sensitivity of the body to the constituent components of the drug;
  • with hereditary or acquired intolerance to the active ingredients;
  • damage to the eardrum of an infectious or traumatic nature;
  • glaucoma closed coal form;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • children under three years of age;
  • pathologies of the kidneys, which lead to urinary retention and the appearance of protein in the urine;
  • ventricular tachycardia.

The occurrence of adverse effects from treatment with ear drops is a rare occurrence. Rarely, such local allergic reactions are possible:

  • skin rashes;
  • feeling of itching;
  • hives.

As for the nasal spray, compared to ear drops, it contains more active active ingredients, in addition, the therapeutic result is realized through the mucous membrane. As a result, the chance of side effects from the nasal spray is much higher.

Side effects of a systemic nature from Polydex include the following:

  • headache;
  • disturbed sleep;
  • hypertension;
  • increased heart rate;
  • pallor or redness;
  • tremor.

In addition to the above allergic reactions, dryness of the nasal passages may occur.

A long course of conservative treatment, drug dosages that significantly exceed those prescribed in the instructions - all this can lead to the appearance of adverse effects of a systemic nature

Reviews about the medicinal product

Reviews of both buyers and medical specialists unanimously speak in favor of the drug.

Almost everyone who has completed the full course of treatment with Polydex recommends this drug to others and notes the positive dynamics of their condition. And the opinions of doctors only confirm these statements. All this in combination brings Polydex to a leading position among the drugs used in otolaryngology.

Children are picky people who are far from always satisfied with medicines, but Polydex has found an approach even to the smallest patients. Due to the fact that the drug helps to fully hear in a short time, and therefore play with children, children are happy to be treated with this drug.

Despite the positive statements regarding Polydex, one should not forget about the individual risk factor, as well as the body's reaction. That is why, before using the drug, you should consult a doctor and strictly follow the advice that is detailed in the instructions.

Maria, 27 years old

Recently, my ear was very blocked, although there was neither temperature nor pain, but there was such discomfort and audibility was as if my head was under water.

Read also: Instructions for Sofradex ear drops

In view of such unpleasant sensations, I decided not to self-medicate, so as not to aggravate the situation, but went to an otolaryngologist. The doctor prescribed Polydex ear drops for me. Before buying the tool, I decided to learn more about it and read the instructions. It turned out that these are French-made drops with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.

After reading, I had no doubts that the drug should be bought. I followed the instructions and buried my ears for five days, five drops in the morning and evening. In principle, on the fifth day there was no need to drip, but I decided to do it just in case to consolidate the effect.

Congestion passed, a feeling of vacuum and the general condition returned to normal. I recommend to everyone!

Yuri, 34 years old

I've been suffering from otitis media for several years now. I learned about Polydex ear drops not so long ago, this was my discovery. No matter how many methods I have tried, what drops I have used. Nevertheless, Polydex is the leader among ear drops. The drug quickly removes the inflammatory process and cures otitis media in just a few days.

The dosage form of Polydex is easy to use.

The rapid effect is associated with the antibacterial properties of the drug. From the instructions, I learned that the drug is also available in the form of a nasal spray, so it can be safely used for a cold.

Recently, my daughter also developed otitis, I read that the drug is used to treat both adults and children. Three days later, the illness was gone.

The worst thing is when your children get sick. It just so happened that since childhood, my daughter has been constantly suffering from otitis media. The children's ENT doctor constantly prescribed us an antibiotic in the form of a syrup, the disease of course receded, but the children's body was weakened due to such a strong treatment.

The last time my colleague advised me Polydex, a drug prescribed by a specialist from the region. According to a colleague, the remedy quickly saved the child from the disease. This is also an antibiotic, but still local, which means it does not pass through the gastrointestinal tract.

For three days, the child was given drops twice a day. How happy it was that after half an hour the sharp pain receded. When we took our daughter to the doctor three days later, he said that there was no otitis media.

The drug has earned wide recognition among specialists due to a single manifestation of side effects.

Method of application and correct dosage

These ear drops are in great demand among patients from otolaryngology, and this is due to ease of use, as well as safety and low risks of developing unwanted complications.

The medical literature does not describe reliable data regarding drug overdose.

As for the differences in dosages for children and adults, there are practically no differences. Patients are prescribed two drops in each ear canal twice a day. The specialist can take into account the relevant indications, as well as the severity of the pathological process, and may decide to increase the dosage to five drops.

Before instilling drops into the ear canal, the medicine must be warmed by taking them in a fist.

The duration of the course of treatment is 5-10 days

Useful information about the use of Polydex

As already mentioned, perforation of the eardrum is a contraindication to the use of the drug. Why? In this case, there is a high probability that the active components of the drug will have a toxic effect on the auditory and vestibular apparatus.

As for the fungal or viral nature of the pathological process, in this case the drug should be taken with caution. Before starting a course of conservative therapy, it is necessary to conduct an additional diagnostic study.

The drug is very often used in pediatrics, and this is not surprising, because babies so often suffer from ENT diseases: runny nose, ear pain, rhinitis, otitis - all this accompanies our children

Now, with regards to Polydex's belonging to antibacterial drugs. Some say it's an antibiotic, while others deny it. Pharmaceutical forums abound with a variety of opinions and statements. Who is right? It is definitely impossible to answer this question. It must be admitted that the drug contains active ingredients with antibacterial properties, but by its nature, the drug cannot be classified as an antibiotic.

Another positive point of Polydex is that the drops can be used simultaneously with systemic antibacterial agents, and there must be appropriate medical indications that the doctor must prescribe.

Feature of the treatment of children

As for the pricing policy, the cost of the drug will not hit the family budget so much.

From a medical point of view, experts approve the use of ear drops by children who have reached the age of three. Active ingredients quickly and effectively eliminate the inflammatory process and accelerate the healing process.

So, Polydex is a powerful combined preparation exclusively for external use. The drug has its indications. So are contraindications, as well as side effects, so do not self-medicate, but consult a specialist.


Polydex drops - official instructions for use, analogues

Analogues, articles Comments

Registration number:

P N015455/01

Brand name: POLYDEXA

INN: neomycin + polymyxin B + dexamethasone

Dosage form:

ear drops

Composition per 100 ml Active ingredients: Neomycin sulfate .............. 1g, which corresponds to 650,000 IU Polymyxin B sulfate .............. .......................1,000,000ME Dexamethasone sodium metasulfobenzoate ...............0.100 g

Excipients: thiomersal, citric acid, 1N sodium hydroxide solution, macrogol 400, polysorbate 80, purified water q.s. up to 100 ml

Description: Light yellow clear liquid that foams when stirred.

ATC Code:

Pharmacotherapeutic group:

antibiotics - aminoglycoside and cyclic polypeptide + glucocorticosteroid (combined anti-inflammatory drug)

PHARMACOLOGICAL PROPERTIES Combined preparation for local use in otolaryngology. The therapeutic effect of Polydex is due to the anti-inflammatory action of dexamethasone and the antibacterial action of the antibiotics neomycin and polymyxin B. When these antibiotics are combined, the spectrum of antibacterial action on most gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms that cause infectious and inflammatory diseases of the external and middle ear is expanded. Neomycin is active against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae. Polymyxin B is active against gram-negative bacteria: Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Streptococcus spp. are resistant to these antibiotics. (including Streptococcus pneumoniae).

INDICATIONS - Otitis externa without damage to the eardrum;

Infected eczema of the external auditory canal;

CONTRAINDICATIONS - infectious or traumatic damage to the eardrum;

Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug

METHOD OF APPLICATION AND DOSAGE Adults: instill 1-5 drops in each ear 2 times a day for 6-10 days. Children: instill 1-2 drops in each ear 2 times a day for 6-10 days. Duration of treatment - should not exceed -10 days. Before using ear drops, it is recommended to warm the bottle by holding it in your hand, in order to avoid the discomfort associated with the ingress of cold liquid into the ear. After instillation of the drug in one ear, you should tilt your head in the opposite direction for a few minutes, and then drip into the other ear.

SIDE EFFECTS Allergic reactions are possible, rarely - skin manifestations.

If the integrity of the tympanic membrane is violated, there is a risk of toxic effects on the auditory and vestibular apparatus.

OVERDOSAGE Due to the low degree of absorption into the systemic circulation, an overdose is unlikely.

PREGNANCY AND BREAST FEEDING With long-term treatment of pregnant women, there is a risk of ototoxic effects on the fetus.

DRUG INTERACTIONS Incompatible with monomycin, streptomycin, gentamicin, amikacin, netilmicin (increased ototoxic effect).

SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Do not inject under pressure. The simultaneous use of other aminoglycosides is not allowed. With topical application of neomycin or polymyxin B, the development of an allergic reaction may exclude the possibility of systemic use of other antibiotics similar in structure to neomycin and polymyxin B. If you are allergic to neomycin, cross-allergy with antibiotics - aminoglycosides is possible.

FORM OF RELEASE Ear drops: a bottle of yellow glass with a capacity of 10.5 ml, complete with a pipette, is placed in a cardboard box along with instructions for use.

EXPIRY DATE 3 years. Do not use after the expiry date stated on the package.


At a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C, out of the reach of children.

CONDITIONS OF DISCOUNT FROM PHARMACIES Dispensation by doctor's prescription.


"Laboratory "BOUCARD-RECORDAT" 68, rue Marjolin - 92300

Levallois-Perret France

Representation in Moscow: Krasnopresnenskaya nab., 12,

WTC, "International-2".

Children are more susceptible to viral diseases than adults. The child can catch a cold, and after a few days he has signs of otitis media, sinusitis, bronchitis and other complications. In these situations, parents should immediately provide assistance so that the child recovers as soon as possible.

Treatment in childhood requires a special approach, since not all drugs are approved for use in different age groups of children. Often, ENT doctors in combination therapy prescribe Polydex. It has a broad evidence base for efficacy and safety in pediatric use.

Composition, form of release and principle of action of the drug

Polydex is a complex medicine used in otolaryngological treatment. It has an antimicrobial effect against many types of microorganisms (staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus, Klebsiella, etc. (we recommend reading:).), suppresses their reproduction and leads to lysis (that is, it simply kills).

The active components in the Polydex tool are:

  • dexamethasone sodium metasulfobenzoate;
  • neomycin sulfate (antibacterial action);
  • polymyxin B sulfate (bacteriolytic action).

All constituent components act on gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. Auxiliary substances that are part of: prepared water, thiomersal, macrogol 4000, citric acid, sodium hydroxide solution. These substances support the medicinal structure of the drug.

In pharmacy chains, the tool is implemented in the form:

  1. Ear drops in 10.5 ml bottles of brown-orange glass.
  2. Nasal spray with phenylephrine 15 ml. The solution comes with a special pipette nozzle for easy dosing during use. The spray package also contains a spray nozzle for irrigating the nasal cavity.

Indications for use Polydex

In otolaryngology, Polydex is used for otitis externa (inflammation of the ear canal) and for the integrity of the tympanic membrane, for eczema of the external auditory canal that has been infected, and for inflammation in the middle part of the hearing aid, if the tympanic septum is intact. To prevent ototoxicity (deafness may develop) as a result of use, the ENT doctor should examine the external auditory canal, check the integrity of the membrane.

Polydex with phenylephrine is also used for topical treatment in otolaryngology. This form of the drug has a pronounced anti-inflammatory (due to dexamethasone) and bactericidal action. It is available as a nasal spray and is used for inflammatory and infectious diseases of the nasopharynx and paranasal sinuses (sinuses):

  • rhinitis (inflammation of the nasal cavity), acute and chronic;
  • rhinopharyngitis (acute and chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose and pharynx);
  • sinusitis (inflammation of the frontal, maxillary, paranasal spaces) (see also:).

Contraindications, overdose and side effects

Like many medicines, Polydex for children has contraindications, unforeseen and adverse reactions.

At what age can the spray be used? Polydex with phenylephrine is prescribed for children only from 2.5 years old. It is unacceptable to use a spray for washing the paranasal sinuses, and should not be used in children with renal insufficiency.

Due to possible contraindications and side effects, Polydex is used only after consultation with your doctor.

Poledex is also contraindicated:

  • with intolerance and / or hypersensitivity to neomycin or other bacteriolytic drugs from the pharmacological group of aminoglycosides;
  • if the disease is provoked by viruses (antibiotics are ineffective against viral infections);
  • in case of damage to the eardrum due to infection and / or mechanical trauma;
  • hyperreactivity to polymyxin B, dexamethasone and other ingredients that make up the drops (see also:).

Adverse side effects include:

  • rarely - allergic reactions from the skin (redness, swelling, urticaria), as well as itching in the nose;
  • with insensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics, mycosis (damage of fungal etiology) may occur;
  • if the integrity of the membrane is broken, toxic effects on the vestibular apparatus and hearing are possible.

To minimize unwanted effects, consult your pediatrician or pharmacist. Read the instruction leaflet carefully.

You should strictly follow the instructions, do not interrupt the course of treatment yourself, follow the dosage. If you accidentally instilled a few drops more, an overdose is unlikely, since the substance acts locally and does not penetrate well into the blood.

Instructions for use Polydex

nasal spray

Assign 1 press in each nasal passage 3 times a day. Duration of treatment - 5 days, but not more than 10 in order to avoid the emergence of resistance (resistance) of microorganisms and to protect the mucous membranes of the nose and pharynx.

Ear drops

Ear drops should be instilled only when warm. To do this, just hold the bottle in your hand for a few minutes. First, one ear canal is instilled, 1-2 drops each, after which the child needs to lie down or turn his head down, to the untreated side. By analogy, the second ear is buried. The course of therapy for children is from 6 to 10 days, 2 times a day.

It is necessary to instill 1-2 drops into each ear canal, avoiding overdose

What else do you need to know about the use of the drug in childhood?

Before using ear drops, the doctor must check the eardrum for perforation. Drops are used only in a heated form. When instilled, do not touch the pipette with your fingers and touch the ear canal to avoid infection. After instillation, a small cotton swab can be inserted into the outer ear and let the child lie on his back (do not lie on his side because the drops will flow out).

If unexpected reactions occur that are not described in the instructions, you should immediately stop treatment and consult a doctor as soon as possible (see also:). If the symptoms do not go away within 10 days, you should visit a doctor to review the treatment tactics and clarify the diagnosis.

Interaction with other drugs

The drug Polydex for use in the ears cannot be combined with some other antibacterial agents (Monomycin, Streptomycin, Gentamicin, Amikacin, Netilmicin). In this case, there is an increase in the negative impact on the hearing organs.

Polydex spray with phenylephrine, when used in parallel with guanethidine and drugs from this group, increases the hypertensive effect (increases blood pressure) of phenylephrine, reduces sympathetic tone. As a result, prolonged mydriasis (dilated pupil) may develop. It is advisable not to allow such a combination. If it is impossible to replace such a drug combination, constant monitoring by a doctor during the course of treatment is necessary.

Price and similar means

The price of these drugs is relatively low and affordable for every family. The cost of Poledex and Polydex drugs with phenylephrine varies depending on the region and the pharmacy chain in which they are sold. Approximate prices for medicines in Russia, the Republic of Belarus and Ukraine are shown in the table below:

When choosing analogues, it is necessary to consult with your doctor or seek help from a pharmacist at a pharmacy, since all drugs are combined. In similar products, one or another component may not be present or other active substances may be present. When consulting, pay attention to the use of medicines in childhood. The table below shows some analogues, their price and form of release:

Polydex ear drops are a powerful new generation medical product that is used exclusively for external use.

The chemical formula of ear drops is strong and active substances that have such unique properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antimicrobial;
  • antiallergic.

The presence of a substance such as dexamethasone in the preparation provides an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect. In addition, the substance helps to stabilize the state of cell membranes and reduce capillary permeability.

The antibacterial effect is achieved due to polymyxin B and neomycin, which neutralize certain groups of bacteria.

Streptococcal infection and anaerobic flora are not affected by the drug.

Polydex is available in the form of ear drops, and detailed instructions for use are included in each package.

Description of the drug

The main active components of the drug are the following substances:

  • neomycin;
  • polymyxin B;
  • dexamethasone.

The drug is produced in two pharmacological forms, namely:

  • ear drops. Dark glass bottles. In addition to the drug itself, the carton contains a dosing pipette;
  • The nasal spray is a clear, colorless liquid that comes with a special atomizer.

Indications and contraindications for the use of Polydex

The use of ear drops is quite wide, among which are the following:

  • otitis externa;
  • otitis media;
  • sinusitis, which is accompanied by green snot;
  • nasopharyngitis;
  • runny nose in acute or chronic phase;
  • pathological processes of the nose, pharynx and paranasal sinuses of an infectious or inflammatory nature;
  • adenoids;
  • eczema of the ear canal with infection.

Polydex is not allowed to be used in the presence of a defect in the eardrum!

However, the drug has its limitations.

Polydex should not be used in the following cases:

  • with increased individual sensitivity of the body to the constituent components of the drug;
  • with hereditary or acquired intolerance to the active ingredients;
  • damage to the eardrum of an infectious or traumatic nature;
  • glaucoma closed coal form;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • children under three years of age;
  • pathologies of the kidneys, which lead to urinary retention and the appearance of protein in the urine;
  • ventricular tachycardia.

Side effects

The occurrence of adverse effects from treatment with ear drops is a rare occurrence. Rarely, such local allergic reactions are possible:

  • skin rashes;
  • feeling of itching;
  • hives.

As for the nasal spray, compared to ear drops, it contains more active active ingredients, in addition, the therapeutic result is realized through the mucous membrane. As a result, the chance of side effects from the nasal spray is much higher.

A long course of conservative treatment, drug dosages that significantly exceed those prescribed in the instructions - all this can lead to the appearance of adverse effects of a systemic nature

Side effects of a systemic nature from Polydex include the following:

  • headache;
  • disturbed sleep;
  • hypertension;
  • increased heart rate;
  • pallor or redness;
  • tremor.

In addition to the above allergic reactions, dryness of the nasal passages may occur.

Reviews about the medicinal product

Reviews of both buyers and medical specialists unanimously speak in favor of the drug.

Almost everyone who has completed the full course of treatment with Polydex recommends this drug to others and notes the positive dynamics of their condition. And the opinions of doctors only confirm these statements. All this in combination brings Polydex to a leading position among the drugs used in otolaryngology.

Children are picky people who are far from always satisfied with medicines, but Polydex has found an approach even to the smallest patients. Due to the fact that the drug helps to fully hear in a short time, and therefore play with children, children are happy to be treated with this drug.

Despite the positive statements regarding Polydex, one should not forget about the individual risk factor, as well as the body's reaction. That is why, before using the drug, you should consult a doctor and strictly follow the advice that is detailed in the instructions.

Maria, 27 years old

Recently, my ear was very blocked, although there was neither temperature nor pain, but there was such discomfort and audibility was as if my head was under water.

In view of such unpleasant sensations, I decided not to self-medicate, so as not to aggravate the situation, but went to an otolaryngologist. The doctor prescribed Polydex ear drops for me. Before buying the tool, I decided to learn more about it and read the instructions. It turned out that these are French-made drops with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.

After reading, I had no doubts that the drug should be bought. I followed the instructions and buried my ears for five days, five drops in the morning and evening. In principle, on the fifth day there was no need to drip, but I decided to do it just in case to consolidate the effect.

Congestion passed, a feeling of vacuum and the general condition returned to normal. I recommend to everyone!

Yuri, 34 years old

I've been suffering from otitis media for several years now. I learned about Polydex ear drops not so long ago, this was my discovery. No matter how many methods I have tried, what drops I have used. Nevertheless, Polydex is the leader among ear drops. The drug quickly removes the inflammatory process and cures otitis media in just a few days.

The dosage form of Polydex is easy to use.

The rapid effect is associated with the antibacterial properties of the drug. From the instructions, I learned that the drug is also available in the form of a nasal spray, so it can be safely used for a cold.

Recently, my daughter also developed otitis, I read that the drug is used to treat both adults and children. Three days later, the illness was gone.

Konstantin, 43 years old

The worst thing is when your children get sick. It just so happened that since childhood, my daughter has been constantly suffering from otitis media. The children's ENT doctor constantly prescribed us an antibiotic in the form of a syrup, the disease of course receded, but the children's body was weakened due to such a strong treatment.

The last time my colleague advised me Polydex, a drug prescribed by a specialist from the region. According to a colleague, the remedy quickly saved the child from the disease. This is also an antibiotic, but still local, which means it does not pass through the gastrointestinal tract.

For three days, the child was given drops twice a day. How happy it was that after half an hour the sharp pain receded. When we took our daughter to the doctor three days later, he said that there was no otitis media.

The drug has earned wide recognition among specialists due to a single manifestation of side effects.

Method of application and correct dosage

These ear drops are in great demand among patients from otolaryngology, and this is due to ease of use, as well as safety and low risks of developing unwanted complications.

The medical literature does not describe reliable data regarding drug overdose.

As for the differences in dosages for children and adults, there are practically no differences. Patients are prescribed two drops in each ear canal twice a day. The specialist can take into account the relevant indications, as well as the severity of the pathological process, and may decide to increase the dosage to five drops.

Before instilling drops into the ear canal, the medicine must be warmed by taking them in a fist.

Useful information about the use of Polydex

As already mentioned, perforation of the eardrum is a contraindication to the use of the drug. Why? In this case, there is a high probability that the active components of the drug will have a toxic effect on the auditory and vestibular apparatus.

As for the fungal or viral nature of the pathological process, in this case the drug should be taken with caution. Before starting a course of conservative therapy, it is necessary to conduct an additional diagnostic study.

The drug is very often used in pediatrics, and this is not surprising, because babies so often suffer from ENT diseases: runny nose, ear pain, rhinitis, otitis - all this accompanies our children

Now, with regards to Polydex's belonging to antibacterial drugs. Some say it's an antibiotic, while others deny it. Pharmaceutical forums abound with a variety of opinions and statements. Who is right? It is definitely impossible to answer this question. It must be admitted that the drug contains active ingredients with antibacterial properties, but by its nature, the drug cannot be classified as an antibiotic.

Another positive point of Polydex is that the drops can be used simultaneously with systemic antibacterial agents, and there must be appropriate medical indications that the doctor must prescribe.

Feature of the treatment of children

As for the pricing policy, the cost of the drug will not hit the family budget so much.

From a medical point of view, experts approve the use of ear drops by children who have reached the age of three. Active ingredients quickly and effectively eliminate the inflammatory process and accelerate the healing process.

So, Polydex is a powerful combined preparation exclusively for external use. The drug has its indications. So are contraindications, as well as side effects, so do not self-medicate, but consult a specialist.

Latin name: Polydexa
ATX code: S02CA06/ R01AD53
Active substance: Dexamethasone, Neomycin
Manufacturer: Lab. Bouchard-Recordati, France
Pharmacy leave condition: On prescription

Polydex is one of the drugs with a combined composition. The medicine helps to eliminate inflammation and pathogenic microorganisms, is widely used in the complex treatment of diseases of the ENT organs.

Indications for use

Polydex ear drops are prescribed for use in:

  • Various forms of otitis media
  • The development of infected eczema inside the nasal passage.

Polydex with phenylephrine is used to treat such pathological conditions:

  • Inflammation in the nasopharynx, which arose against the background of an infectious disease
  • Rhinopharyngitis
  • Rhinitis occurring in acute or chronic form
  • sinusitis.

The drug Polydex is also used for sinusitis, it helps to improve nasal breathing.


Polydex drops in a volume of 1 ml contain a number of main components:

  • Neomycin sulfate 10mg
  • Polymyxin B sulfate - 10,000 IU
  • Dexamethasone sodium methylsulfobenzoate 1 mg.

Additional substances are presented:

  • Thiomersal
  • Polysorbate
  • sodium hydroxide
  • lithium chloride
  • polyethylene glycol
  • Citric acid
  • Purified water.

Polydex spray contains the following components:

  • Neomycin sulfate dosage 6500 IU / ml
  • Phenylephrine hydrochloride in a volume of 2.5 mg / ml
  • Polymyxin B sulfate - 10000 IU / ml
  • Dexamethasone sodium metasulfate benzoate at a dose of 250 mcg / ml.

Polydex with phenylephrine also includes auxiliary components, which are:

  • macrogol
  • Lithium hydroxide and chloride
  • Citric acid
  • Polysorbate
  • Methylparaben
  • Water.

Medicinal properties

Drugs with a combined composition are among the drugs that relieve inflammation and have a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms. The components contained in Polydex for the ears are able to neutralize a number of pathogenic bacteria. The effect of the drug does not apply to some varieties of anaerobes, staphylococci, and streptococci.

The nasal spray has a fairly broad antimicrobial effect on the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity, as does Polydex drops in the ears. The composition of the Polydex aerosol with phenylephrine includes another component, represented by a substance with a vasoconstrictor effect - phenylephrine, due to which nasal congestion is eliminated, nasal breathing is normalized.

Release form

Ear drops are released in bottles of 10.5 milliliters. Inside the pack there is 1 vial. Polydex, instructions for use.

Polydex nasal drops are presented as a clear solution, which is placed in a 15 ml bottle with a spray device. A pack of cardboard contains 1 fl. Polydex Nasal Spray.

Polydex drops

Price for drops: from 207 to 395 rubles.

Polydex for children, as well as for adults, is usually prescribed in the same dosage, which is one or two drops. into ear. The procedure should be carried out twice a day. With a severe course of the disease, a single dosage of the Polydex preparation for the ears can be increased to 5 caps. Immediately before the manipulation procedures, the drops should be well heated inside the palm.

The use of the drug can continue for 10 days.

If the child feels stuffy in the ears after several days of using these drops, the drug will need to be replaced.

Polydex with phenylephrine

Spray price: from 223 to 610 rubles.

Nasal spray is indicated for intranasal use. Before the procedure for instilling the Polydex medicine into the nose, it is recommended to turn the medicine bottle vertically, and the head should be kept at an angle. Thanks to this, the nasal mucosa will be irrigated accordingly.

Polydex with phenylephrine should be used strictly according to the recommended dosage - one vp. in each nasal passage three times a day. If necessary, adults and children from the age of fifteen, the frequency of use of drugs can be increased to 5 r.

Polydex should be dripped no more than 5-10 days.

Before you start using this drug, you should consult your doctor about what is best for a particular patient. Perhaps Polydex or Isofra will be prescribed.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding


Nasal spray, as well as ear drops, are contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Excessive susceptibility to the components of the drug or their intolerance
  • Damage to the eardrum due to trauma or a previous infectious disease
  • Angle-closure glaucoma
  • Pregnancy, lactation
  • Children up to two years
  • Albuminuria or other kidney pathologies
  • Violations of the CCC, which provoke the development of ventricular tachycardia.

Precautionary measures

Drops should not be administered under pressure.

Both drugs are not prescribed for people with impaired renal function.

Spray is contraindicated to use for washing the sinuses.

Cross-drug interactions

Ear drops are not recommended to be combined with streptomycin, amikacin, monomycin, gentamicin, and netilmicin. This is due to the fact that with the simultaneous use of Polydex, the ototoxic effect of the above drugs is observed.

When using guanethidine, an increase in the hypertensive effect of phenylephrine is detected.

Side effects

Any reactions during the use of Polydex ear drops appear quite rarely. Possible local manifestations of allergies, which include:

  • severe itching
  • Rash.

Due to the content of a large number of components, the therapeutic effect of the application is realized directly through the nasal mucosa, which is why the likelihood of developing all kinds of side effects is high. Drying of the nasal mucosa joins the signs of allergy. Systemic reactions to Polydex nasal spray may occur only with prolonged therapy or when the recommended therapeutic doses are exceeded. In addition to this, the following are not excluded:

  • Severe headaches
  • Sleep quality disorder
  • A sharp jump in blood pressure
  • Tremor
  • Signs of tachycardia
  • Paleness or redness of the skin, as a result of a violation of microcirculation.


The likelihood of an overdose during the use of ear drops is very low, such cases have not been reported.

Prolonged use of a nasal spray or exceeding its maximum allowable doses can provoke the development of systemic adverse reactions.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Storage of spray and drops implies compliance with the temperature regime (up to 25 C). Each of the drugs is valid for 3 years from the date of manufacture.


Alcon, Belgium

Price from 329 to 560 rubles.

Maxitrol is a drug used to treat infectious diseases of the eyes. The composition of the drug is similar to that in Polydex, respectively, the mechanism of its action is the same. Maxitrol is available in the form of drops. Thanks to the convenient shape of the bottle and dropper, the procedure for instilling the drug is greatly facilitated.


  • Effective for blepharitis and conjunctivitis
  • Relieves pain quickly
  • It can be used to prevent the occurrence of inflammation during the postoperative period.


  • Available by prescription only
  • Contraindicated in keratitis
  • Increases intraocular pressure.

Servier, France

Price from 439 to 791 rubles.

Bioparox is a topical antibacterial drug used in the treatment of respiratory infections. The main component of the drug is fusafungin. A topical antibiotic is available in the form of an aerosol.


  • Can be used to treat angina
  • Effective for sinusitis
  • Released without a prescription.


  • Expensive
  • Not used for the treatment of children under 2.5 years
  • Can provoke the development of bronchospasm.
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