What are my life goals. Examples of goals in life: from spiritual to material

If you see a goal, then it is achievable

“When a person devotes himself entirely to something, then the whole course of the universe changes to help him”

The level of our life depends on the level of energies with which we are in contact. In turn, the level of these energies depends on the level of our goals. The very type of our thinking largely depends on the presence and height of the goals set for ourselves: the lowest type of thinking is the mentality of the victim. Such people are always looking for excuses for all their failures and blame anyone for them.

Another type of existence when a person "froze" in his development: he does not want to change anything, at the moment everything suits him, and he wants to stay in this state forever. There are also dreamers who just dream, but do not change anything in themselves and in their lives. They do not make the necessary efforts and therefore all their dreams remain empty fantasies. Successful people have a different type of thinking. Their dreams come true because they turn them into goals.

is a dream united by efforts to achieve it. God helps those who help themselves. Therefore, we must clearly know what we want to achieve and why we need it. website

"You can only hit the target if you can see it"

Rami Blackt

According to statistics, in our society, a little less than 3% of people have clear, specific goals in life, and thanks to this they achieve more than all the others combined. This was clearly demonstrated by a scientific experiment begun in 1953 at Harvard University in the USA. All graduates were asked if they have a goal in life and if they feel purposeful. It turned out that about 80% did not have any specific plans for the future, 17% knew what they wanted to achieve materially, and only 3% had very specific goals and objectives in life, written down on paper, which they were ready to achieve. have been devoting their entire lives.

Over the next 25 years, observing their progress, the researchers found that the 17% who knew what they wanted were in good leadership positions or started their own business and achieved more than 80% of the "go with the flow." But the success of those 3% of graduates who had a clear and detailed, written down plan to achieve their clearly visible and specific goals, surpassed the total success of all the rest combined. One businessman who has taken many expensive management courses said that the most valuable and important rule for determining how successful a person will be and how much he is ready to be a leader is the question of how he sees himself in 5 years, what he wants to achieve, and what that's exactly what he does.


Losers usually cannot answer this question, at best - "how the circumstances will turn out." It is very important for us to decide what we want to achieve in life, write down our mission, your plans, our goal and constantly check with them, periodically return to them and check whether we are on the path we have chosen. Over time, we can revise our plans, we may have new, more promising goals, but if we ourselves do not write the script for our life, others will write it for us. As the saying goes, “If you don’t know where you want to go, then you will be very surprised if you get there!”

Working with a written mission accelerates the approval of the mission and plans in the subconscious, namely, subconscious programs determine the course of our lives. We need to draw and clearly visualize a picture of what we want to achieve in life, and this should be such a goal that will inspire us day and night, which will get us out of bed and fill us with inexhaustible creative energy. Enthusiasm only arises from having a goal. This very feeling that we are following the Path, that our life is not meaningless, gives a feeling of happiness and psychological stability. In addition, having a goal can greatly alleviate suffering. An example of this is a woman giving birth, who, due to her strong desire to have a child, can easily endure the pain associated with childbirth. The higher the goal, the less attention we pay to the shortcomings of others.

On the other hand, a person engaged in meaningless activities will be annoyed by every trifle. The higher the goal, the higher the potential of your life. A lofty goal is always associated with the death of the false ego:

“If you haven’t found something worth dying for, then you don’t know how to live.”

Martin Luther King

When choosing your goals in life, you should not think that you will automatically become happy if all the pleasures of life are available to you. Modern advertising has practically replaced these concepts. But pleasure is an external category, and happiness is an internal category. Pleasures are those things that money can buy, and happiness is a feeling of fullness of life in connection with God.

The feeling of fullness of life consists of 6 components:

  • appeasement, which is a consequence of spiritual progress;
  • harmonious relationships with others;
  • health;
  • real achievements in life;
  • financial independence;
  • inspiring goals and objectives in life.

The harmonious development of personality implies the presence of goals at all these six levels. These can be, for example:

On the physical level - achieving physical health, cleansing the body of toxins, developing the flexibility of the body, getting rid of any disease, the desire to look good, slow down the aging process, etc.

On the intellectual level - learning new material, a foreign language, reading certain books, developing willpower, obtaining a scientific degree, etc.

In terms of achievements - the desire to find oneself and be creatively realized in social terms. Happiness in this world is always associated with the realization of oneself in the service of people. Therefore, it is very important to engage in activities that correspond to your psychophysical nature and contribute to the disclosure of your talents. It is very important to do what we like and according to our nature, even if only for a few hours a day. By and large, any of your achievements, any, even the smallest victory over yourself, gives self-confidence and is important for achieving larger goals. For example, my self-confidence grew a lot when, after three unsuccessful attempts, I overcame the most disgusting program in my life, Keyboard Solo, and nevertheless learned to type blindly.

On a spiritual level, your goal may be to develop a pure, unconditional love for God. In modern culture, spiritual goals include the observance of the commandments of religion, the study of spiritual literature, and even visiting the theater and exhibitions. Although this may help spiritual development, it cannot be an end, but only a means, and belongs to the intellectual level. We come into this world only to purify our consciousness and learn to accumulate love. The highest goal of life is found only on the spiritual level.

At the financial level, this may be the achievement of a certain level of comfort, the acquisition of certain material benefits, etc. Although different people have different ideas about material prosperity, each of us needs a certain living wage that brings him a sense of satisfaction, and this aspect is important even for spiritual people: excessive material dependence gives rise to spiritual degradation.

Set high goals

Having a high inspiring life purpose is very important for every person. A midlife crisis is a situation when the ultimate goal in a person’s life is low (earn a million, defend a dissertation, give children a good education, etc.), and, having achieved this, rests on the energy wall created by their consciousness, and loses interest in life . A vivid example of this is people for whom career achievements are the main meaning of life: .

It should be well understood that pleasures or material goods are not the goal, but only the scenery of life, therefore, one should not forget about the action itself - real, spiritual life, in order to deserve the applause of the main spectator - God. One does not interfere with the other, but, as they say, fools live in order to eat, and the wise eat in order to live. If a person does not have a lofty goal in life, then he will not have the feeling that he, in fact, truly lives, that is, he does not live in vain. In order for this goal to inspire us, it must be high, aimed at the good of the world and a little unattainable. For example, the best and, in general, the only correct option

  • it is to attain the love of God, Divine love. Its derivatives can be the following goals: to achieve unity with God, learn to live in harmony with the universe, get rid of selfishness, spread divine love throughout the world, save humanity, etc. And more specific goals, for example, to find a cure for incurable diseases, to revive the culture of their people, etc. If the goal is visible, then it is achievable.


It is important to know that there is a law of attraction: what we think about, we attract. wishes is the most powerful energy in the universe. Buddhist masters say that the main human ability necessary for spiritual and material progress is imagination, skill in detail. One of the laws of the Universe is this: if you have a desire or a dream, then you have the ability to realize it. Another, no less important law: everything is first created in the mind, in consciousness, and only then manifests itself on the physical level. Without passing this level, it is impossible to achieve anything in this world. Therefore, it is very important to give freedom to your imagination.

"Imagination is the forthcoming display of the events of life"

Albert Einstein

All creation, including human thought, consists of the almighty energy of God manifesting itself in infinitely different ways. Detailed, well-formed thoughts, aspiring to one goal, create a bright stable in rough reality due to the direct close connection of man and the Universe (microcosm and macrocosm). Thanks to this connection, a person finds himself in a situation that corresponds to his inner vision and attitude.

In continuation of our conversation about life without haste (see article) - a new trend of our era, a new look at your life, I want to say this.

The idea of ​​"slow life" does not mean "doing nothing" while lying on the lawn. Against. Adherents of this lifestyle specifically choose a job that will NOT “take away” all the time from them but only a small part of it. For what?

Yes, just in order to have the most time to do and try in your life. To have balance in life between work (business), personal life. To have more free time to communicate with your family, to achieve your goals, fulfill your desires. To make your dreams come true.

Other useful articles: * * *

1. Are you curious to know which 50 goals in a person's life list are the most popular right now among people from different countries?

List of targets collected Internet edition of 43things.com. On this site, more than 3 million people from all over the world talk about their goals. It is interesting to know: what is the goal in the life of a person from another country, or rather, many people from many other countries?!

Here they are, 50 goals in a person's life - the most popular in the world:

  1. lose weight
  2. write your book
  3. Do not put off dreams, deeds for later (the problem is called “procrastination”)
  4. fall in love
  5. Become a happy person
  6. Make a tattoo
  7. Spontaneously go on a trip without planning anything
  8. Get married or get married
  9. Start traveling around the world
  10. To drink a lot of water
  11. Keep your diary
  12. See the northern lights
  13. Learn Spanish
  14. Keep a personal blog
  15. Learn to save money
  16. Take lots of photos
  17. Kissing in the rain
  18. To buy a house
  19. Make new friends
  20. Learn to play the guitar
  21. run a marathon
  22. learn french
  23. Find a new job
  24. Pay off loans
  25. Read a lot of books
  26. Become self-confident
  27. Actively live
  28. Write a story
  29. Jump with a parachute
  30. Switch to a healthy diet
  31. Do sport
  32. Learn Japanese
  33. Learn to cook delicious
  34. Start your business
  35. Quit smoking
  36. Visit 50 states
  37. learn sign language
  38. Swim with a dolphin
  39. Learn to play the piano
  40. Become a surfer
  41. Correct your posture
  42. Find 100 things other than money to be happy
  43. Don't bite your nails
  44. Define an occupation for the rest of your life
  45. Learn to dance
  46. Learn to drive a car
  47. Change, improve life
  48. Get financial independence
  49. Learn Italian
  50. be organized

It struck me that there were so few financial goals on this list. The first places are occupied by goals about travel, self-development, love and happiness.. It's great that more and more people in the world have stopped listening to stupid advice at personal growth trainings, that supposedly all people without exception should set excessive requirements and goals for themselves, achieve them in order to become very rich. It seems to me that such recommendations cause anxiety and do not bring happiness.

2. Why do we need goals in a person's life (examples) and how can they change life?

There is, I would say, some kind of mysticism in this issue. Do you know what unites successful people who have become happy because they have been doing what they love all their lives? They are united by a common quality inherent in all of them - purposefulness and an irresistible desire to achieve their dreams or goals. All of them very early, even in childhood or adolescence, set before themselves and write down a list of goals and did everything to achieve them.

An example is the life of John Goddard, a Guinness World Record holder, explorer and traveler, an outstanding anthropologist, holder of scientific degrees in anthropology and philosophy.

But do not be embarrassed and compare yourself with this hero. Such people are the exception rather than the rule. It’s just that the example of John Goddard especially clearly shows how written down goals help to live more interestingly and vividly.

How many goals should a person have? The more you write them on your list, the easier it will be for you to find your innermost desires and dreams, make them come true and become happy.

3. Which goals are more important, financial goals or goals of spiritual and personal growth?

This question is very similar to the question "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?". Now I will explain why. Materialists will say that if you have money, you can easily fulfill all your dreams and goals. For example, start traveling the world. To buy a house. Learn languages. Therefore, first you need to fulfill financial goals - find a new job, build your own business, and the like.

For information: who are the Materialists and Idealists. Materialists believe that matter is primary and gave rise to consciousness. Idealists, on the contrary, that consciousness is primary and it created matter. This contradiction is called by many the main question of philosophy.

But my grandmother always told me (without knowing it herself, she belonged to the Idealists) that if God is in the 1st place, then everything else will be added and will be in their places. She also said: “You don’t have to wait for financial well-being in order to have a baby. Because if God gives a child, He will give a child!”

Using logic, prudence, pragmatism, it is difficult to understand this grandmother's principle and even more difficult to apply in life. Because it is difficult, impossible to explain it from a scientific, materialistic point of view.

But sayings and proverbs (I call them the quintessence of the centuries-old experience of our ancestors) seem to be trying to convey to us the knowledge and wisdom of previous generations.

This wisdom is based not on logic and pragmatism, but on observations of the connection between actions and events, both in the life of one person and entire generations:

  • Man proposes, but God disposes (Russian proverb)
  • Easy come easy go (English proverb "What is easily gained is easily lost")
  • What happens, happens in time (Chinese proverb "Accidents are not accidental")

The list of proverbs from different nations can be continued indefinitely. But how can even these three proverbs of different peoples be explained from the point of view of logic and materialism?

Based on these considerations and being an idealist, I made goals for myself in the following sequence: Spiritual improvement –> Personal growth and relationships –> Physical health –> Financial goals.

Spiritual improvement:

1. Do not judge, watch your thoughts

2. Conquer your talkativeness, listen to others

3. Charity: monthly transfer money to those in need (orphanage, children's hospital, old neighbors)

4. Complete the house for parents, help parents

5. Help children until they get back on their feet.

6. Do not interfere in other people's affairs, unless they ask for advice.

7. Give alms to beggars - do not pass by

8. Do not retell other people's sins (Cham's sin)

9. Go to the Temple for Sunday services at least 2 times a month

10. Do not store, but give unnecessary, but good things to those in need

11. Forgive wrongs

12. Fast not only on Lent, but also on Wednesdays and Fridays

13. Visit Jerusalem for Easter

Personal growth and relationships:

16. Get rid of your laziness, stop procrastinating

18. Take your time, live in a slow-life style, leaving time for communication with family, contemplation, reading and your hobbies

20. Learn to cook deliciously for family and friends, go to master classes

21. Learn to grow herbs, vegetables, fruits and flowers in your garden

22. Go to Latin American dances with your husband

23. Learn to take professional photos

24. Improve English - watch movies and read books

25. Spontaneously go on a car trip with your husband without planning anything.

26. Learn how to do daily cleaning for 15 minutes instead of general cleaning of the whole house

27. Meet more often with children and friends, go to concerts, performances, exhibitions

28. Travel the world 2 times a year with my husband, children and friends

29. Go on a trip with your husband not for 2 weeks, but for several months to Thailand, India, Sri Lanka, Bali

30. Ride an elephant, swim with a dolphin, a huge turtle, a sea cow

31. Visit the Serengeti Park in Africa with your husband

32. To be alone with her husband in America

33. Take a multi-deck cruise with your husband

Physical health:

34. Get regular massages

35. Exercise every day

36. Go to the sauna and pool once a month

37. Every evening - a quick walk

38. Refuse harmful products completely

39. Once a month - 3-day hunger strike

40. Lose 3 kg

41. Drink 1.5 liters of water a day

Financial Goals:

42. Increase income from a vending enterprise - a network of payment terminals

43. Boost Your Monthly Blogging Revenue

44. Become a professional webmaster

46. ​​Raise your blog traffic to 3000 visitors per day

47. Make money on affiliate programs

48. Write one blog post every day

49. Purchase products in wholesale stores

50. Swap a petrol car for an electric car

51. Build the work of your projects in such a way as to receive passive income

52. Learn how to save, open a savings account and top up monthly

Of course, you can write all your goals in any order. In fact, that's how they should be written. I divided them into 4 groups to make it clear that in life it is necessary to maintain a balance between the goals of Business and Finance, Relationships, Health, Spirituality. In general, I always write all the affairs, goals, dreams in a row. Below in section 4 “How do I list my goals?” I will talk about it in detail.

I've included my goals as an example. Everyone is different and changes over time. For example, there are no parenting goals on my list. This is because they have already been fulfilled - our children have grown up and live independently.

4. How do you list your goals? 50 goals in a person's life list in present tense

Working in large banks, on large IT projects, I took a lot of interesting trainings in psychology, motivation, stress management, time management, emotional intelligence, personal growth. In these trainings we were taught the techniques of setting goals and intermediate tasks to achieve them.

But I especially liked this simple and effective technique:
  • You need to mentally “turn off your consciousness” and, without hesitation, start writing by hand on a blank sheet of paper all your desires, goals, tasks - large and small.
  • It is necessary to write as much as possible, the main thing is “not to turn on the brain” and not to stop.
  • Write “today's” problems, for example, “for the son to pass the test” or “take out the trash from the garage” or “buy a live Christmas tree in a pot for the new year”. And global, for example, "so that children choose professions to their liking", "so that they successfully graduate from universities."
  • Then break down your goals into short, medium and long term. Also highlight the goals themselves and what can be called tasks to achieve these goals.

By the way, I often met this idea in the books of successful people, but did not attach any importance to it. They all say that it is important to write down desires and goals, and this helps in some incomprehensible way to fulfill them.

If you are thinking about goals, then you will probably also be interested in this useful article. It will help you look at personal finance goals in a different way. After reading the article, you will understand how easy it is to secure a decent “pension” for yourself, without even waiting for retirement age! Be sure to pass on this simple but valuable knowledge to your children, because in our schools it is not customary to teach personal finance issues.

5. How to fulfill the goals, slowly and in the joy of yourself and your loved ones?

We know that all people are different. They have different psychotypes, abilities, charisma, efficiency, intuition. Therefore, everyone lives, creates, realize their dreams and goals DIFFERENTLY, based on their abilities and character.

Let's consider a small example. I will now describe the “portrait” of my successful friend:

  • He is an optimist, it helps him a lot in business.
  • He has good abilities, but he is lazy.
  • At some moments, when you need to get together, do something important - laziness recedes and he becomes assertive and purposeful.
  • He is also a very spontaneous person. If he lights up with some idea, then he instantly embodies it, without arguing. Because of this, there are often losses, but in general the job is done quickly.
  • He often relies on intuition and if something "doesn't work", he easily puts it off, knowing that in "the time" it will be done easily.
  • He does a lot of things absolutely disinterestedly, helping people.

Now you can roughly imagine (based on this characteristic) how my friend achieves his goals: sometimes lazily, sometimes impulsively, sometimes assertively and purposefully, sometimes relying on intuition. But he never goes against his nature, character, his moral principles. And this is the secret of his success.

Do you understand what I'm getting at? I want to say that we are all different and what you definitely should not do in order to achieve your goals is not to break yourself. No need to drive yourself into a state of stress, no need to reproach yourself for sluggishness. And never go against the dictates of your heart and do not do what you do not like just because everyone has such a goal on the list.

For example, I do not like to exercise in the gym. Let everyone go, but I won’t, because I tried several times and made sure that it doesn’t bring me pleasure, and therefore no benefit

Do not listen to anyone that you need to devote so much time to your goal every day that you need to schedule everything by day and hour. In this case, you will become a slave to your ambitions. You need your goals in order to live interestingly, to love, to be a happy person, to do what you love.

Live slowly, enjoy life, refuse to rush at home, at work and in relationships with all people. To this the idea of ​​slow life Many progressive people from many countries have already come. And stop blaming your children for sluggishness the way your parents reproached you (I recommend an article on how to raise children happy and unleash their intellectual and creative potential :). Since we are talking about children, I also recommend that you read an article about progressive and about, which will be in demand in 10 years or more.

Conclusion: In order to start living more interestingly, without delay, sit back now and write, without hesitation, as many small and big things as possible, goals, tasks and desires.

And then, if the mood appears, you can divide them into financial, personal and others. For big and small. But I will tell you that I always write down my life goals, desires and dreams in a row. And I shared them today for the 1st time only for this article, so that it becomes clear what goals are.

Do you like this approach? No boredom! I love this new positive approach to life - do everything with joy, the way your heart tells you!

Finally, I propose to watch a wonderful video describing an ingenious and simple way, how to joyfully and at the same time effectively achieve results in 4 directions of life goals. I loved the idea of ​​setting small goals on the way to big ones and celebrating the accomplishments of each one! At the same time, cover all 4 areas of your life and set at the beginning only one goal. I'm taking this awesome idea to heart!

I wish you all inspiration and self-confidence!

See you soon!

Hello my dear friends! Although the topic of our today's conversation is quite serious: what goals can be in life, I cannot help but bring to your attention a funny photo of a tired hedgehog that I liked, which, in my opinion, personifies the essence of the saying:

There is a goal - go to it! Can't walk - crawl! If you can't crawl, lie down and lie in her direction!

Judging by the picture, the hedgehog has decided on his life priorities and course. What is a goal, why is it needed? is it possible to do without it? Maybe it is easier for a modern person to live without dreaming and without bothering to search for the meaning of life?

Alas, nature so ordered that people are not some kind of plants, but creatures endowed with intelligence, who need something more than air and food for happiness.

You are not alone

If you think that you are going nowhere, do not see the future, these thoughts torment you, CONGRATULATIONS!

You came to the realization that something is wrong, that something needs to change, that you need to set goals. This is the first stage of setting goals - realizing that you do not have one.

Now you need not to mope, but to expand your horizons, to see what people are doing, who has achieved what, who has what plans. Just watch for a week. Then give a break. It is advisable to exclude television and the Internet altogether. Within 1-2 weeks, the brain will calculate, weigh and issue a solution. You will feel the urge to do something. And then the most interesting thing will go, for the sake of what we live - movement towards the goal. And it doesn’t matter if you achieve it or not, what matters is the movement and interest in life, which will definitely wake up when you see this goal.
A little motivation.

Why do we need and important life guidelines

Be that as it may, every person one day begins to realize himself as a part of the Universe, at the same time he begins to think about his mission on Earth. Agree, it’s much more pleasant to think: I was born in order to save the planet (if not from alien invaders, just from environmental troubles), and not just like that, “spoil the air” for 75 years, and if you’re lucky, then 90. Although stop: this after all, too, the goal is to live to a certain age. It turns out that a thinking person almost automatically determines for himself, to a greater or lesser extent, important tasks, the main thing is to learn how to do it right so that life is filled with meaningful actions.

Fate bonuses guaranteed when setting a goal:

  1. Clarity and understanding of your purpose gives people a sense of confidence and peace, relieving routine throwing and fuss. A compiled list of specific goals is a conscious program, minimum or maximum (depending on the circumstances), in which all the main desires and aspirations of a person are encoded.
  2. Clearly marked movement vector makes people concentrate on the planned things, without being distracted and without wasting energy on unimportant trifles. The outlined action plan for the near future excludes "confusion and vacillation" in search of something to do, a purposeful individual does not suffer from depression or boredom.
  3. Powerful motivation - a companion of success, such a generator of energy, moving forward to new achievements and victories.
  4. A responsibility - one of the qualities that testifies to the maturity of a person who is able to feel the true taste of life.
  5. Personal growth and self-realization. A person who clearly knows what he wants from life has every chance to become better, reach new heights, live the time allotted to him meaningfully, interestingly, vividly, with great pleasure - just happily!

Maslow's pyramid or the nature of the needs of homo sapiens

The famous American psychologist Abraham Maslow once developed the theory of the hierarchy of basic needs, classifying them from the lowest to the highest level. Thus, it turned out seven steps of the virtual pyramid, at the lowest were the basic physiological needs: thirst, hunger, sexual desire, a sense of security. Intermediate steps - the need for love and recognition, the desire to learn new things, live in harmony and order, surround yourself with beauty. At the highest level, as on a pedestal, was the need for self-actualization, which implies the ability to set and realize one's goals.

Another American, Stephen Covey, a teacher and consultant in organizational life management, outlined in his book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Personal Development Tools a systematic approach to determining a person’s life goals and priorities. On the pages the reader will find tips on how to determine and implement their short-term and far-sighted plans, to realize the potential in various areas of life.

The aspirations and dreams of young girls and boys, mature women and men can be completely different, but no matter how many items are included in the list of future achievements - 5 or 50 goals, it is desirable that they affect different layers and imply the satisfaction of paramount (basic) and higher superstructure needs.

What are the goals? Examples based on the theory of motivation according to A. Maslow:

Physical needs and health

  • Organize comfortable living conditions
  • Plan your time and follow a daily routine
  • Establish a healthy diet (diet, try a raw food diet, become a vegetarian)
  • Get rid of excess weight, bad habits, get fit
  • Practice yoga, surfing, diving, dancing, horseback riding, etc.
  • Regular visits to the doctor for prevention
  • Schedule time not only for work, but also for rest

financial security

  • Have a stable financial base without debts and loans
  • Find additional sources of income
  • Buy a summer house or build a dream house (on the seashore, abroad, in a prestigious quarter)
  • Replace an old car (bike, boat) with a brand new foreign car, buy a car for each family member

Family, love and respect

  • Get married, get married, have children
  • Take your loved one on vacation
  • Gather all relatives for the holidays
  • Give children a decent education
  • Take care of the inheritance for children and grandchildren
  • Arrange for parents a trip to the resort or abroad

Social roles(adaptation, recognition, success)

  • In the profession to become a true pro
  • Become a mentor for an inexperienced employee
  • Move up the career ladder
  • Attend a seminar or take a refresher course
  • Participate in the public life of the organization (city)
  • Organize corporate events for subordinates
  • Improve the public yard (plant trees, make a swing or a sandbox)

cognitive needs

  • Get basic or additional education
  • Sign up for an interesting psychological or educational training
  • Read Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad Poor Dad
  • Read new books regularly (one a day/week/month)
  • Collect a library or all editions of a favorite author
  • Learn another foreign language
  • Master the art of meditation (cooking, playing the violin, drawing, design, etc.)
  • Visit an unfamiliar country or city

Aesthetic and spiritual self-improvement

  • Develop a personal growth program
  • Learn to enjoy every day
  • Attend exhibitions, premieres, festivals
  • Do charity work and volunteer
  • Learn to achieve your goals
  • Forgive an offense to everyone or a specific person
  • Overcome your biggest fear

Self-actualization(realization of abilities, development of one's own personality)

  • Find your life's work
  • Achieve spiritual harmony and wisdom

Self-actualization is the peak to which a particular person strives all his life, defining important goals exclusively for himself, therefore writing all the points is an intimate and individual matter. Perhaps, in the process of self-esteem and self-digging, quite interesting books on self-development will come to your aid:

Bestseller "I want and I will: Accept yourself, love life and become happy", author - psychologist Mikhail Labkovsky

online book Hardcover

“Get out of your comfort zone. Change your life. 21 Methods for Improving Personal Efficiency”, authored by Canadian business coach and consultant Brian Tracy.

online book Hardcover

To be honest, it’s hard for me personally to imagine what a person lives without a goal in life. I am interested in active and multifaceted people who know where they are going and what goals to set on a certain segment of their life path, without fear of obstacles and obstacles. For myself, I realized the existence of 5 important points, the observance of which will help not only to bring the deadline closer, but also to form a realistically achievable dream, and not abstract dreams in the spirit of Manilov. The task should be:

  1. concrete,
  2. actual,
  3. measurable
  4. achievable
  5. limited in time.

Practical tips from experts in the field of psychology will also come in handy.:

  • Write down all plans on a convenient medium: paper, visualization board, electronic notepad.
  • Identify and mark the important points of the planned, clearly presenting all the details.
  • Do not give yourself a chance to show weakness - take responsibility for all your actions.
  • Develop a detailed scenario for achieving the goal; to make it easier, break the achievement process into several intermediate stages if the task is global or too complicated.
  • Set optimal (adequate!) terms.
  • Strengthen your strength and fill with optimism by determining which of the people in your close circle will have a better life if you complete the tasks set for you.
  • Formulate thoughts and phrases in an affirmative form in the present tense with full confidence that success is guaranteed to you.

Finally, a few quotes from The Little Prince - click to enlarge

This article was written as part of a task at one of the trainings. If you read smart books on planning, goal setting and personal effectiveness, then everywhere they write that it is important to write them out when compiling life goals. And I can confirm this from personal experience, you won’t be able to keep goals in your head, because the thoughts in your head are constantly changing, which means you will periodically forget about your goals.

Having written out the goals on paper, it is best to fix them somewhere in front of your eyes. It can be a regular list. This will help you not to forget about your dreams and constantly think about their realization. Even better is to make a visualization board. I do not just believe that thoughts are material and we can attract to ourselves what we think about. There are many examples in my life when it worked. Below you will find a list of my most cherished desires.

Why did I post them? Firstly, this is very important for me, because by declaring our own goals, we cut off our way back to our former existence. Secondly, I think it will be useful for readers of my blog, who, having studied my goals, may think about it, or reconsider theirs.

So, here are my 10 most cherished goals in life (the list was written on October 14, 2010, under each goal you will find explanations that were left after years):

1) Be a free, independent person. I want to be free from any form of addiction, such as alcohol, tobacco, drugs, gambling, drugs, work, complexes and stereotypes, relatives and friends, public opinion, money.

  • I still don’t drink alcohol, I don’t feel like it at all. Once I tried wine, but apart from a drowsy state and a headache, I didn’t feel any effect, euphoria and other things.
  • Smoked from age 13 to 19. I'm 37 now and still don't smoke.
  • I do not take drugs, I rarely play online shooters.
  • If I suffer from colds, then I don’t take any medications (antipyretics, cough, throat, etc.) - I think the body has all the necessary functions for self-healing. At such moments I drink a lot of water and try to rest more. There were several more serious sores, he took pills for a while, but found alternative methods of treatment. At the moment he is healthy, only his vision is lame.
  • I am not employed, I continue to develop various business projects, I have not yet achieved great success, but I am on the way to it. Come back in a year, I'll update the article, I'm sure by then a lot has changed.
  • Over the past 8 years, we have quarreled with many relatives and communicate little. This is the result of my desire for freedom from other people's opinions and stereotypes. On the one hand, this is sad, on the other hand, I understand that if I am like them, I will not achieve anything in life, I will thump and turn into an idiot.

2) Gain financial freedom by starting your own business. Financial freedom can be gained in other ways, but for me, creating my own business is the most preferable as a way to maximize my potential, my creativity, leadership skills, etc.

I have not yet achieved financial freedom, I continue my struggle on the way to this.

3) Move to the South. Pyatigorsk, Kislovodsk. I really like these cities, nature, climate, mineral waters, treatment, etc.

  • Updated April 3, 2014: moved from Nizhnevartovsk to Moscow to develop an online store. .
  • Updated August 3, 2015: .
  • Updated April 5, 2017: moved from Moscow to Gelendzhik. You can consider the target closed. but there will be more posts.
  • Updated April 24, 2018: we still live in Gelendzhik, fell in love with this city and its surroundings. We are currently renting housing, but the next goal is to build my own house, I will write it down below. Also soon I will publish the results of a year of life here.

Here are some videos from our life at sea:

Video: Wild beach in Gelendzhik

Video: November in beloved Gelendzhik

Video: Walking on bikes along the embankment of Gelendzhik

4) Be able to travel at least 4 times a year. I want to travel the whole world.

Updated April 24, 2018: this goal has not been achieved, as it is largely tied to goal number 2 - financial independence. Over these 8 years, I have developed several business projects, now I have returned to blogging, as it frees my hands more in this regard. I have planned a lot of work for the next 1-2 years, but I am sure it will allow me to complete this goal. Keep for updates.

5) I want to earn enough money by the age of 40-50 to be able to make my own feature films. I want to enter the faculty of directing in the future. My goal is to make films with the help of which to bring life wisdom to people. For example, in my head there is a movie script about drugs and alcohol. It’s like with us, if you don’t drink, don’t use drugs and don’t smoke, then something is wrong with you. I would like to change this view, show reality and ways out. Making films like "Peaceful Warrior"

Updated April 24, 2018: 8 years later, this goal is still on the list of the most desired. But, I noticed that there were signs of pessimism. Age and the wisdom gained over the years is taking its toll. For 8 years, I haven’t earned a lot of money, so far it’s definitely not enough for the film. But I don’t give up, it may be necessary to expand the time horizons, I don’t give up on the goal, but I push it into the background in the list of priorities.

6) I want to be an example for other people. I want to inspire other people to great achievements with my deeds, deeds and life. I want to prove that human possibilities are limitless and the way we live is determined only by the boundaries that we have set for ourselves. I want to succeed from scratch, without higher education, without connections and connections, being a resident of ordinary Tmutarakan.

Updated April 24, 2018: this is my life credo and over the past 8 years this goal, this slogan has only become stronger in me. That is why I am updating this entry after 8 years, because I know that these lines will inspire someone, my example. I myself am inspired by other people. And now I can say with confidence that it is very important who your environment consists of and who you look up to. The more successful, right people in your environment, the more the most cherished goals you will realize. But you need to start with yourself. Set an example for other people. Live right, lead a healthy lifestyle, read, develop, reach new heights and other people will follow you. This will be an additional incentive for you.

7) I want to write many books, courses and trainings to leave a legacy. I want what I do to live after me and this business was continued by other people. Thus, I want to become famous and perpetuate my name. It is important to understand that this is not vanity, but a challenge to oneself. This is a huge test. I don't want to be mediocre. Many people live boring, gray lives. Oh, how I don’t want to, sitting in a rocking chair, wrapped in a warm blanket, thinking that I am a coward and a weakling who could, but did not.

Updated April 24, 2018: From 2010 to 2014, significant work was done in this direction. A lot of material was prepared, both books and trainings. Books, however, were only in electronic form. The publisher did not reach. And rightly so. Now, in 2018, I understand that it would be complete bullshit. However, this goal has not disappeared from my list, from my vision of the future. I will definitely continue to work in this direction. It's interesting and exciting to me, just like making films.

8) I want to raise great children. I will not forgive myself if my offspring become ordinary cattle, which is enough in abundance in the vastness of our planet. I think there are a lot of gaps in our education system. But one of the most important gaps is the lack of a subject in schools and universities that would teach elementary rules for raising children of future and young parents. Bydlyachestvo is passed down from generation to generation. If children see their parents swearing, drinking beer every evening, watching stupid programs, swearing, hitting each other, then why be surprised that drug addicts, prostitutes, thieves and robbers grow up out of them, or just passive people who eke out miserable things, meaningless existence, blaming everyone and everything around?

Updated April 24, 2018: when I wrote this goal, I didn’t have children yet, now I have 2 daughters. I want another son, I'll write it down in the goal. My vision of this goal has not disappeared, moreover, I already practice many things. I want to say that it benefits both children and myself, because it makes me constantly think about children, about the vector of their development. Someday I will write a separate article about this, if my readers are interested.

9) I want to create my own school. I still don’t know exactly what kind of school it will be, but I definitely know my mission and vocation. I want to teach people goodness, heroism, leadership, success. I want to help people become real, outstanding personalities. I understand that first you need to become one yourself.

Updated April 24, 2018: this goal needs to be worked on. It intersects with target #7. Now she lacks certainty, they wrote to me about this in the comments and I agree with this.

10) I want to have good health until the end of my days, be of sound mind and memory, love and be loved.

Updated April 24, 2018: this goal needs to be corrected, since health, mind and memory largely depend on how you live, what lifestyle you lead, and I wrote a lot about this in goal number 1. But to love and be loved is not in the first goal, so I’ll write a few words about it. I have been married since 2007. Already 11 years of marriage. I love my wife and really want us to live with her all our lives. I don't like it when people often change partners. It is doubly unpleasant if they have children who suffer from this. My wife and I sometimes quarrel and this is normal, anything can happen. A couple of times it was so hard that thoughts of parting visited. But for the sake of children, you need to learn to get rid of your pride, to engage in dialogue and find compromises. I don't want my children to suffer and I won't let anyone else raise them. If bad segments arise in your life, then at some point you need to sacrifice yourself and your Wishlist. If you have taken responsibility for the lives of other people, then you need to be ready for self-sacrifice. This is a topic for a separate big conversation, so I’ll write a separate article someday.

Well, here you are with my life goals. As you can see, there are no special material goals on my list, such as a cool car or an apartment. In the near future I will only finish the house. The lack of material goals is not on purpose. I have a goal number 2 - To gain financial freedom. By realizing this goal, all my material Wishlist will be closed.

P.S. Do this exercise, write down your goals without delay, I will be glad if you share your thoughts in the comments, and finally I recommend watching a fragment of the film “Knocking on Heaven”, where two young guys who, by the evil fate of fate, have a few days of life left (deadly diagnoses), you need to have time to realize the most desired goals. See how they set goals:

Video: Knockin' on Heaven's Wish List...

One of the best pieces of advice I can give you is to "look forward with confidence - in the direction of your dreams" and set the right goals in life.

Most of us live like the wind - moving back and forth, from one day to the next.

But I believe that our life is not just an accident, and that we should all participate in "designing" it. You could call it lifestyle design.

Ever since The Bucket List with Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman came out, more people have been writing their own goals list.

Goal setting is not just about writing a list. It is the starting point for designing the life we ​​live. Maybe it's time for you to think about all the big and small things that you would like to accomplish in your life.

Every year, usually in December, people make a list of things they would like to achieve next year. However, these are short term. 100 life goals set you more ambitious goals. Some of them will be short-term, while others may take your whole life to complete. Some tasks you can start and do right away, some will take more time.

100 life goals should be so exciting for you personally that you will have a hard time falling asleep at night! If you're not excited about your goals, then you won't be striving for them at a high enough level.

I will give an example of 100 life goals (both basic and "exotic"), but I strongly recommend making your own list. So, be patient...

100 human life goals

  1. To start a family.
  2. Maintain excellent health.
  3. Learn to speak English (with the help of a native speaker or on your own).
  4. Visit a new country in the world every year. Visit all continents.
  5. Invent and patent a new idea.
  6. Get an honorary degree.
  7. Make a significant positive contribution to peace.
  8. Go on a boat trip.
  9. See the earth from space + Experience weightlessness.
  10. Make a parachute jump.
  11. Participate in a marathon.
  12. Create a passive source of income.
  13. Change someone's life forever.
  14. Participate in the Olympics (or the World Championship).
  15. Make a pilgrimage to Israel.
  16. Help 10 people achieve their life goals.
  17. Give a birth to a baby. Raise a child.
  18. Be a vegetarian for a month.
  19. Read the entire Bible.
  20. Dine with famous people.
  21. Speak at a conference (+give a speech in front of more than 100 people).
  22. Write and publish a book.
  23. Write a song.
  24. Launch a website on the Internet.
  25. Learn to ride a motorcycle.
  26. Create your own business.
  27. Climb to the top of the mountain.
  28. Learn to play tennis.
  29. Explore digital photography and learn how to take photos.
  30. Donate blood.
  31. Get rid of bad habits (alcohol, smoking).
  32. Meet an interesting person of the opposite sex.
  33. Own your own 5 hectares of land.
  34. Feed the sharks.
  35. Find a job you love that won't stress you out.
  36. Go scuba diving (go diving or maybe even swim in a submarine).
  37. Ride a camel or ride an elephant.
  38. Fly in a helicopter or hot air balloon.
  39. Swim with dolphins.
  40. See the top 100 movies of all time.
  41. Visit Oscar.
  42. Lose weight.
  43. Take your family to Disneyland.
  44. Ride in a limousine.
  45. Read the 100 best books of all time.
  46. Canoeing on the Amazon.
  47. Attend all games of the season of your favorite football/basketball/hockey/etc. commands.
  48. Visit all major cities in the country.
  49. Live for a while without TV.
  50. Retire and live a month like a monk.
  51. Memorize the poem "If only..." by Rudyard Kipling.
  52. Have your own home.
  53. Live for a while without a car.
  54. Fly in a fighter jet.
  55. Learn how to milk a cow (don't laugh, it can be a rewarding life experience!).
  56. Become a foster parent.
  57. Take a trip to Australia.
  58. Learn to belly dance.
  59. Start a non-profit organization dedicated to helping people.
  60. Learn how to make repairs in the house (and do it).
  61. Organize a tour of Europe.
  62. Learn rock climbing.
  63. Learn to sew/knit.
  64. Take care of the garden.
  65. Go on a hike in the wild.
  66. Master a martial art (perhaps to become the owner of a black belt).
  67. Play at the local theatre.
  68. Shoot in a movie.
  69. Travel to the Galapagos Islands.
  70. Learn archery.
  71. Learn how to use a computer confidently (or help your girlfriend, mother)
  72. Take singing lessons.
  73. Taste dishes of French, Mexican, Japanese, Indian and other cuisines.
  74. Write a poem about your life.
  75. Learn to ride horses.
  76. Take a gondola ride in Venice.
  77. Learn to drive a boat or boat.
  78. Learn to dance the waltz, tap dance, etc.
  79. Post a video to YouTube that gets 1 million views.
  80. Visit the headquarters of Google, Apple, Facebook, etc.
  81. Live on an island + Live in a hut.
  82. Get a full body massage.
  83. Drink only water and juice during meals for a month.
  84. Become the owner of a % share of a profitable company.
  85. Have zero personal debt.
  86. Build a treehouse for your children.
  87. Invest in gold and/or real estate.
  88. Volunteer at the hospital.
  89. Go on a trip around the world.
  90. Get a dog.
  91. Learn to drive a racing car.
  92. Publish family tree.
  93. Achieve financial freedom: have enough passive income to cover all expenses.
  94. Witness the birth of your grandchildren.
  95. Visit Fiji/Tahiti, Monaco, South Africa.
  96. Participate in dog sled races in the Arctic.
  97. Learn to surf.
  98. Make twine.
  99. Go skiing with the whole family in Aspen.
  100. Get a professional photo session.
  101. Live in another country for one month.
  102. Visit Niagara Falls, the Eiffel Tower, the North Pole, the pyramids in Egypt, the Roman Colosseum, the Great Wall of China, Stonehenge, the Sistine Chapel in Italy.
  103. Take a survival course in nature.
  104. Own your own private jet.
  105. Be happy in this life.
  106. …. your goals...


The question may arise: why 100 goals in life - so many? Setting so many goals can really test your motivation and talents in many areas and walks of life. Life is so multifaceted, and goals should demonstrate your discipline and responsible attitude towards it.

You are the one who takes control of your life. And goals are like GPS in life. They give direction and help you choose where to go in this life. Your vision of an ideal future can become a reality.

When you set 100 life goals and then evaluate your accomplishments, you can see what you've done and what you're really capable of. The very process of achieving goals will give you confidence and faith in yourself. After you have achieved one goal, you will try to achieve other goals, possibly higher ones.

You will see the great progress you have made when you look back after a while. Goals are the starting point for success. Just start...

And a good start, as you know, is half the success!

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