Major ear diseases in cats. Ear diseases in a cat: symptoms and treatment

Cats! In ancient Egypt, they were considered sacred, and the government of Cyprus subsidized funds for their maintenance, because once the mustachioed predators saved the island from the invasion of snakes. How wonderful it is when they are in the house, they delight the owners with games and excellent health. An attentive owner will immediately determine that something incomprehensible is happening to his pet. When he tries to stroke her head, she starts to growl, shows aggression.
Alas, ear diseases in cats are a fairly common phenomenon. And you can’t underestimate them in any way if you don’t want your pet to go deaf.

The cat's ears are a complex organ, thanks to which the animal has a sensitive ear, it is able to distinguish from a variety of sounds the one that is most interesting to it. Healthy, slightly shiny, with some accumulation of sulfur inside - that's what they should be. Determining ear diseases in cats is quite simple: they tilt their heads to the side and “thoughtfully” hold it for a while, scratching it with their paws. What other symptoms to look out for:

  • the pet shakes its head, does not allow itself to be stroked and shows aggression;
  • auricles are dirty, exuding an unpleasant odor;
  • the skin of the ears may be moist, irritated, with sores;
  • too much wax in the ear.

Sometimes the animal shows great anxiety: it meows “for no reason”, walks in a circle, as if someone “leads” it by the sore ear, cannot lie down. He is uncomfortable and it intuitively signals this. With such symptoms, you need to go to the veterinary clinic and show your four-legged friend to the doctor, you can’t linger. You yourself will not be able to determine the causes of ear diseases in cats, since there are many of them, they are diverse with almost the same signs. After examining the animal and making a diagnosis, the veterinarian will prescribe therapy.

Otodectosis - a disease of the ears in cats and cats

One of the most common ear diseases in cats is otodectosis. It is manifested by the separation from the ear of a dark brown mass, outwardly similar to coffee grounds. This disease is also called ear scabies, signaling that ticks live and multiply in a pet. They are not visible to the naked eye, you can only see traces of their vital activity.

Worst of all, ear disease in cats due to ticks can cause otitis media and even lead to the death of the animal.

The severe form of the disease looks very different than its initial stage. The cat becomes lethargic, his temperature rises, then the nervous system is affected, convulsions and seizures are possible.

A person cannot become infected with otodectosis, but all the same, therapy is accompanied by regular thorough cleaning, ventilation of the room, and washing of cat litter. If there are several pets, and the disease is detected in only one of them, then all cats need to be treated so that the patient does not become a source of infection for others.

It is much easier to prevent ear disease in cats, then treatment is not needed. Source: Flickr (Cindy)

Otitis: causes and symptoms, treatment

Severe otodectosis disease can progress to the next stage of ear disease in cats, the symptoms and treatment of which differ from the first case. She behaves restlessly, rubs against various objects, shakes her head (less often than with otodectosis). The temperature rises in the ward, the ears inside become red, purulent (sometimes bloody) formations stand out.

Does your pet suddenly jump up, look around in fear, exude an unpleasant smell, while not showing interest in food? Urgently to the doctor! This is inflammation of the ear (otitis media), accompanied by acute pain. The disease can be caused by various infections, hypothermia, allergies. Otitis is fraught with a transition to a chronic stage, when the ear canal will gradually deform and lead to rupture of the eardrum. A severe form of the disease is accompanied by atypical behavior of the animal, which can later lead to death due to impaired brain activity.

It happens that ear disease in cats (otitis media, for example) is the fault of the owners who do not clean the auricles of a pet at all or treat them until the sulfur is completely “eliminated”, depriving them of their natural protection against bacteria.

Even with a “calm” course of the disease, you should resort to the help of a veterinarian who knows about all the nuances of this ear disease in cats. The specialist will prescribe treatment, tell you about the proper care of the animal, how to prevent secondary infection.

Chronic otitis is an ear disease in cats that requires multi-stage treatment: cleaning the ear of dirt, using ear drops and ointments, taking antibiotics, antifungal and anti-inflammatory drugs. In advanced cases, surgical intervention and a long antibacterial course will be required. To increase the immunity of a mustachioed pet during treatment, you need to introduce supplements with vitamins and minerals into his diet, make sure that he does not get cold and does not come into contact with sick cats. Prevention of the disease comes down to proper care and nutrition, regular examination by a doctor, treatment of the auricles, disinfection of the room and objects that the pet rubs against.

Such ear diseases in cats as dermatitis and eczema are manifested by a rash on the body, partial hair loss on the head. Dermatitis is simple and chronic, when the animal's body reacts to a "dangerous" substance with hair loss, the appearance of pustules, and constant itching. An allergen can be found both in food (for example, in a new cat food), and in the composition of detergents, in the cosmetics of the owners. Judging by the photo of ear diseases in cats, they do not look aesthetically pleasing: blisters, bloody scratches, ulcers, scalyness, baldness.

To get rid of dermatitis, the veterinarian will prescribe topical ointments and antibiotics that destroy bacteria.

Treatment of ear disease in a cat must be accompanied by compliance with hygiene standards. It is necessary to protect the ward from small children who love to touch everything, wash her bedding more often, diversify her diet and supplement it with vitamins and microelements necessary to strengthen immunity.

Prevention of ear diseases in cats

Surely the owners of muroks and snow leopards will have a question, should every ear disease in cats be accompanied by an appeal to a veterinarian? The answer is yes! Unless the representative of the cats accidentally hurt himself, diligently washing himself. Even a foreign object that accidentally gets into the cat's ear must be pulled out with skillful hands so as not to "hammer" it even deeper and not damage the delicate auricles.

In other cases, you need to show the animal to the doctor unambiguously, especially with ulcers with weeping skin, hematomas, and tumors. Self-treatment can cause irreversible processes, up to the death of a furry friend. It is much easier to prevent ear disease in cats, then treatment is not needed. Not so much is required from the owners: attentive attitude, regular care of the pet, preventive treatment of the ears. When bathing, you need to make sure that water does not get inside the pet's ears. Anyone who wants to start a murka at home should know the main ear diseases of cats, their symptoms and treatment in order to quickly respond to the slightest signs of the disease. Love your cat and he will love you back!

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Ear diseases in cats can be noncontagious and contagious in origin.

The most common non-contagious ear diseases in cats include:

  • Inflammation of the middle and inner ear - otitis.
  • Inflammation of the external ear - inflammation of the skin of the auricle and external auditory canal.
  • A hematoma is a collection of blood under the skin of the ear.
  • Lymphoextravasate is an accumulation of lymph under the skin of the auricle.
  • Necrosis of the auricle - necrosis of the ear cartilage.
  • Foreign bodies in the ear canal.
  • Neoplasms.

Ear hematoma in cats

Hematoma in cats occurs as a result of mechanical damage to the auricle - blows, bites by other cats, insects, scratching.

With a hematoma, blood flows from the blood vessels of the auricle into the tissues under significant pressure, pushes these tissues apart, and forms a cavity. The size of the hematoma depends on the strength of the blood pressure in the damaged vessel, as well as on the degree of compliance of the tissues located near it.

A hematoma develops quickly, and its volume increases until the pressure from the stretched tissues becomes equal to the pressure in the damaged blood vessel. After that, the outflowing blood coagulates, and a blood clot forms in the blood vessel.

Most often, hematomas in cats occur on the inner surface of the ear and much less often on the outside. The damaged ear increases in size, hangs down, the swelling is painful and hot to the touch. If the hematoma is not treated, then the pain only increases, and the hematoma itself can become infected with secondary microflora, which can eventually lead to necrosis of the ear cartilage.

During a clinical examination of such a cat, a veterinarian notes the following symptoms:

  • We see anxiety and nervousness in the cat.
  • The cat almost constantly shakes its head from side to side.
  • With his paws he constantly scratches his damaged ear.
  • When you try to pet a cat on the head, it becomes aggressive.

Treatment. Treatment of a hematoma of an auricle does not present big difficulties. If no more than 48 hours have passed since the formation of the ear hematoma, then the owner of the cat fixes the ears with a bandage on the back of the head and applies cold. In the future, in order to resolve the hematoma, it is necessary to use heat and apply locally irritating ointments.

In the event that it is not possible to cure a hematoma at home, the owner should contact the nearest veterinary clinic. In the veterinary clinic, the veterinarian opens the formed hematoma, removes blood clots from it, rinses the resulting cavity with a solution of novocaine with antibiotics and gives recommendations to the owner so that the hematoma resolves safely.

Lymphoextravasate is an accumulation of lymph in a cavity resulting from tissue stratification and rupture of lymphatic vessels.

Lymphoextravasate of the auricle in a cat occurs for the same reasons as a hematoma.

It develops slowly in a cat and is characterized by the development of a contouring swelling in the ear area, there is no local increase in temperature.

The diagnosis is made on clinical grounds. To clarify the diagnosis, a puncture of the resulting swelling is done.

Treatment. With this disease, it is strictly forbidden, in contrast to the hematoma, to apply cold or heat. With this disease, the owner should contact the veterinary clinic. Where they will aspirate the outflowing lymph with a syringe. If this procedure does not lead to the desired results, then the veterinarian resorts to surgical intervention, which consists of making a skin incision and more thorough removal of the contents of the cavity and applying small sutures.

Ear necrosis

Ear necrosis in a cat can result from:

  • The transition to the auricle of purulent processes from the surrounding tissues.
  • With prolonged squeezing of the auricle.
  • Infection with hematomas, lymphoextravasates with pathogenic microflora and with an abscess in the ear area.

With the development of a purulent process in the auricle and in the absence of proper and necessary treatment, the resulting abscess is opened, forming areas of skin necrosis (necrosis), resulting in ulcers on the auricle.

During a clinical examination, the ear cartilage begins to be seen through the areas of damage, its blood circulation is disturbed. The cartilage itself acquires a black color, an unpleasant putrefactive odor emanates from it. With necrosis, the cartilage tissue rots, while the ear is deformed.

Treatment. Treatment of necrosis of the auricle should be carried out in a veterinary clinic. A veterinarian performs either a complete amputation of the auricle, or a necrotic part of it, followed by a course of antibiotic treatment.

Foreign body in the external auditory canal

From foreign bodies, parts of plants, insect larvae, sand, lice can get into the ear canal, sulfur plug and other objects can form.

Sometimes the presence of a foreign body in the auricle of a cat does not cause any concern and the owners of the animal may go unnoticed. Most often, the foreign body causes irritation and inflammation in the external auditory canal.

Treatment. Treatment should be aimed at removing the foreign body from the ear. After removing it, the ear canal is washed with a solution of soda or a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. In order to reduce the cat's pain reaction, it is necessary to drip a few drops of camphor oil into the ear canal.

Neoplasms in the external auditory canal

In cats, the most common neoplasms in the external auditory canal are sarcoma, fibroma, and papilloma. As they grow, they lead to deafness in the cat.

If a cat has neoplasms, the main signs are:

  • The head of the cat is lowered towards the affected ear.
  • We note uncoordinated and manege movements in the cat.

Treatment. Treatment of neoplasms in the external auditory canal is only surgical, which must be carried out in a veterinary clinic.

Dermatitis and eczema of the ears

With dermatitis, the cat's auricle turns red, a rash appears on the skin. A sick cat from severe itching begins to comb his ears, increasing the symptoms of dermatitis. With dermatitis, hair begins to fall out from the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. Cat dermatitis is caused by a food allergy. Streptococcosis () can lead to dermatitis.

Otitis in cats can be caused by inflammation of the outer, middle and inner ear.

Signs of otitis media. During a clinical examination of a sick cat, the skin of the diseased ear is reddened, the cat rubs the diseased ear with its paw, tends to keep the diseased ear folded and pressed to the head. If the pain in the ear is acute, “shooting”, the cat suddenly jumps up, looks around in fright, screams. With constant pain, the cat does not allow touching the sore ear, avoids stroking the head, and presses the sore ear against its bedding.

With purulent otitis media, an inflammatory exudate is released from the cat's ear, and when touched, it gurgles and squishes in the ear. An unpleasant odor emanates from the affected ear.

In an advanced case, in the absence of a full-fledged treatment, the cat has an increase in body temperature, the cat becomes depressed, and there is no appetite. If timely measures for treatment are not taken, perforation of the eardrum is possible, the inflammatory process can spread to the brain.

Treatment. Treatment of otitis media depends on the severity and neglect of the inflammatory process in the ear. In the initial stage, the cat is prescribed special drops (Bars), Stop-Itching spray, antibacterial drugs (tylosin, etc.)

Prevention of otitis. Prevention of otitis in cats should be based on compliance with the rules for the care and maintenance of cats. To help keep your pet healthy:

  • Timely cleansing of the ear canal from accumulated sulfur. For this, the pharmacy chain has recently recommended the use of a special lotion - "Dewdrop for the Ears", which is used to remove sulfur and inflammation products from the auricle and external auditory canal.
  • When bathing a cat, make sure that water does not get into her ears.
  • Avoid keeping the cat in damp and cool rooms so that it cannot become cold.
  • In order to prevent infection with ear mites, try to avoid her contact with stray cats.

Periodically carry out disinfection and decontamination of the cat's place of residence and cat care items.


Ears are one of the most important organs of a cat. Nature has endowed fluffy purrs with excellent hearing, which plays an important role in the life of animals. Representatives of the cat family can pick up soft sounds that are indistinguishable to humans. In addition to the auditory function, the ears help to maintain balance, navigate in the surrounding space, and of course they are indispensable for a successful hunt, because cats are born predators by nature. Unfortunately, the auricles of cats are very vulnerable organs. In veterinary medicine, many different ear diseases are diagnosed, which can cause hearing loss and even lead to hearing loss.


The auricles of cats, like any other domestic animals, are prone to various types of diseases, which are classified into contagious (infectious, bacterial) and non-contagious, caused by various unfavorable exofactors. Ear diseases can affect one or both ears at once.

The ears of cats have an almost identical structure to human ears and consist of: outer, middle, inner ear. The greatest danger to the health of pets is damage to the middle and inner ear.

External ear diseases in cats in cats include:

  • hematomas;
  • pathological neoplasms;
  • injuries, ear injuries;
  • inflammation of the outer ear (otitis media);
  • solar dermatitis (photoderma);
  • ear necrosis;
  • sarcoptic ear scabies.

Often, when examining the auricles of a pet, abscesses, sores, wounds, gray plaque, and neoplasms can be seen on the inner surface of the ears. Often, ear diseases can be triggered by the presence of third-party objects.

The reasons that provoked the development of ear diseases in cats are of a very different nature and can be caused by exogenous and endogenous factors.

Hematomas on the cat's ears most often develop due to severe bruises, mechanical damage to the cat's ears, traumatic factors lead to rupture of small blood vessels, bleeding. Pathological exudate accumulates between the cartilaginous tissue and the skin. These can be bites, wounds received in fights, bruises when falling from a great height. Ear hematomas are most often diagnosed in cats, cats walking freely on the street.

The cause of abscesses in most cases are traumatic diseases caused by injuries as a result of fights between cats. The development of this pathology is facilitated by pathogenic flora that has penetrated through wounds, scratches, microcracks.

Purulent ulcers inside the ears in cats can appear under the influence of endotoxins produced by microorganisms, pathogenic fungi, as well as after bites, scratches, mechanical damage to the delicate skin of the auricles.

Symptoms of ear diseases in cats, intensity, severity of clinical manifestations depend on the form, stage of a particular disease, on the general condition, resistance of the organism, and the age of the animals.

The main symptoms of ear diseases in cats are:

  • deterioration in general condition;
  • increase in general, local temperature;
  • refusal to feed, loss of appetite;
  • severe ear itching;
  • unpleasant, specific smell from the ears;
  • the presence of crusts, scabs, sores on the inner surface of the auricles;
  • the skin is hyperemic, irritated;
  • pain on palpation;
  • scratches, wounds, sores on the outer surface of the ears;
  • enlargement of regional lymph nodes.

Cats may show anxiety, inadequately respond to external stimuli. Animals, experiencing severe itching, constantly rub the damaged ear with their paws, shake their heads, experience discomfort, pain. Don't let them touch the sick ear. When examining the auricles, a large amount of dark brown, sticky, fetid mass can be seen inside the auditory canal.

With hematomas on the affected ear, you can notice a swelling that causes severe pain, discomfort during palpation. As a rule, cats tug at the damaged ear with their paws, they experience anxiety. If you do not take measures, do not treat the hematoma, this can lead to deformation of the auricle, tissue necrosis, abscess.

With otitis, inflammation of the middle, inner ear, pus accumulates in the ear canal, an unpleasant odor comes from the ears, a characteristic squelching sound appears when you press on the sore ear.

Signs of otitis media include: an increase in general temperature, lethargy, apathy, drowsiness. There may be attacks of vomiting, nausea, impaired coordination of movements. Cats lower their heads from the side of the affected ear, do not allow to touch the auricle. In the absence of timely treatment, the tympanic membrane may rupture, which will lead to loss of hearing function.


Treatment methods are prescribed by veterinarians after a comprehensive diagnosis. Treatment of ear diseases in cats can be carried out at home, strictly adhering to all the recommendations of the attending veterinarian. Treatment methods are selected taking into account the form, stage of the disease, the intensity of the manifestation of the clinical picture, the individual characteristics of the animals.

Veterinarians in the treatment of ear diseases prescribe drugs for local and complex effects. In severe advanced cases, surgery may be required. Operations are prescribed if it is necessary to remove polyps, neoplasms. With fibrosarcoma, sarcoma of the auricles, in combination with surgical treatment, radiation therapy and chemotherapy are used.

Fluffy patients are prescribed antibacterial drops, anti-inflammatory, systemic drugs, analgesics to relieve pain, broad-spectrum antibiotics, and physiotherapy. In inflammatory diseases of the ears, a thorough cleaning of the auditory canal from the contents is carried out.

Without fail, the auricles are cleaned of plaque, pathological exudate. To alleviate the condition, relieve itching after cleaning, the surface of the auricles is smeared with therapeutic ointments (Naftaderm, Finistil). Abscesses, purulent wounds are opened, they are aspirated.

With hematomas, cold compresses are applied to the sore ear, tightly fixing them with a tight bandage. The compress needs to be changed every six to eight hours. The duration of treatment is two weeks. in severe cases, to remove the contents, the hematoma is pierced, after which a 05% solution of novocaine with hydrocortisone and an antibiotic is injected into the affected area.


To prevent the development of ear diseases in cats, owners should systematically inspect the pet's ears, clean the ears from excess sulfur and plaque. For hygienic manipulations, you can use special prophylactic solutions, hydrogen peroxide. It is not necessary to treat the ears of a cat with alcohol solutions, and even more so to bury medicinal, hormonal preparations for preventive purposes. The procedure is carried out only with sterile gauze-cotton discs, ear sticks. Use a separate blank disk for each ear.

Do not allow hypothermia, prolonged stay of animals in drafts. When bathing a pet, so that water does not get into the ears, you can purchase special ear swabs or close the ear canal with a cotton pad. After bathing, check to see if water has entered your ear.

In addition, you need to pay attention to the state of the immune system, introduce multivitamin, mineral complexes and supplements into the diet. If the general condition worsens, having noticed the above listed symptoms of ear diseases, show the cat to a veterinarian.

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Ear problems are not uncommon for cats. Diseases can affect outer part of the ear(auricle and part of the ear located on the head), external ear canal, middle ear and inner ear. For details, see the article on the structure of the ears of a cat. The outer parts of the ear and the ear canal are most susceptible to disease.

Diseases of the external ear of the cat.

Wounds and injuries of the ears in cats.

Wounds on the outer surface and inside the auricle of the outer ear are mostly the result of fights between cats, accompanied by damage from teeth and claws. Bites and scratches that do not rupture the cartilage of the ear in most cases heal on their own in cats, without special treatment. However, there is a possibility (especially with bite wounds) of infection, which leads to the formation of tumors and the development of abscesses. Also, be sure to check with your veterinarian to provide the necessary treatment for any wounds and swellings on your cat's ears.

Cat ear hematoma.

Solar dermatitis of the cat's ears.

Solar dermatitis(photodermatitis, solar allergy) is inflammation, usually on the tips of a cat's ears, caused by ultraviolet radiation from the sun. This disease is more typical for cats with white or pale pink ears, living in countries with a sunny and warm climate. In the early stages, the skin turns red and begins to peel off. As it develops, the ears may bleed, scab over, and ulcerate. If sun dermatitis is not treated, it can lead to squamous cell carcinoma (skin cancer). Surgical removal of the tip of the ear is usually recommended as a treatment, while the appearance, as a rule, does not suffer much, and the quality of life does not decrease.

To reduce the risk of sunburn in hot countries, it is not recommended to let your cat outside in the middle of the day. It is advisable to use a protective cream for the ears and nose ( I can hardly imagine a cat that will endure him on the nose, but maybe this is possible?). Moreover, you need to use special creams for cats, since products for people can be toxic to cats.

Sarcoptic or cat's scabies.

Autumn tick (Trombicula autumnalis) in cats.

The autumn mite causes seasonal ear problems in outdoor cats. The characteristic orange "pinheads" of the mite larvae, commonly seen on the ears, muzzle and paws, cause irritation and itching. Tick ​​treatments should also be prescribed by a physician, who will determine the most effective treatment for each case.

Ear canal disease in cats.

To refer to diseases that are any inflammation of the cat's ear canals (or even the auricle), the term is sometimes used otitis. Otitis is not an independent disease, since many diseases of the ears cause inflammation in the ear canal to one degree or another.

Bacterial infection of the cat's ears.

Bacterial (purulent) otitis media in cats, it is often secondary to other ear diseases - ear mites, foreign bodies, trauma, etc., although sometimes an ear infection develops without an obvious external cause (especially in kittens). Pus in the ears of cats can be discharged due to fungal infections. In the ear canal of a cat, pus usually accumulates, an unpleasant odor is felt, and the cat experiences discomfort. An examination is required to identify the underlying disease. This (and possibly ear cleaning) may require short-term anesthesia. Antibiotics and antibacterial ear drops may be prescribed for treatment. However, do not rush to buy ear drops - they are useless until the primary disease is cured, and can even be harmful, especially if there is damage to the eardrum.

Foreign bodies in the cat's ear.

In cats, although much less frequently than in dogs, the ears can get foreign bodies(e.g. plant seeds) getting stuck in the ear canals. This is usually accompanied by acute pain, itching in the ears, the cat may walk with an unnaturally turned head, etc. Anesthesia may be used to remove foreign particles.

Tumors in the ear of a cat.

Tumors, especially in older cats, can develop in the skin covering the ear canal. The growths can be benign polyps and tumors, but are often malignant neoplasms (the most common adenocarcinoma of the sulfuric (ceruminous) gland). Tumors usually look like multiple small nodules, often accompanied by secondary infection, which is usually the most obvious sign of the disease. To diagnose the cause and determine the most effective treatment, it is necessary to examine the animal, taking samples for biopsy. In some cases, tumors are subject to surgical treatment.

To treat diseases of the external ear in cats that develop due to chronic thickening of the tissues of the ear canal, or to access a tumor that has arisen in the horizontal canal, surgery is sometimes necessary - resection of the external auditory canal. To do this, the walls of the vertical channel are surgically removed.

Diseases of the middle and inner ear of a cat.

Because of their very close relationship, diseases of the middle ear (otitis media) often also affect the condition of the inner ear (otitis interna), causing balance problems. Affected cats hold their heads tilted to one side. May have difficulty walking and also tend to "walk in circles", deviating towards the affected ear. In some cats, middle ear disease can spread to the outer ear, and vice versa if the integrity of the tympanic membrane is affected.

The most common diseases of the middle and inner ear are:

Cat middle ear infection.

middle ear infection is more common in kittens and usually results from an infection spreading to the Eustachian tube (the small tube that connects the nose to the middle ear), or as a complication of an upper respiratory tract infection. In the case of purulent otitis, if the eardrum is damaged, the infection can also easily spread to the middle and inner ear of the cat.


Benign neoplasms - polyps may develop in the middle ear or Eustachian tube. Polyps can form at any age, but they are more common in younger cats. The causes of ear polyps are currently unclear, and they can grow in the nasopharynx and/or middle ear of cats. In the case of the formation of polyps in the middle ear, damage to the eardrum is possible. Such polyps may be visible in the outer ear.

Tumors of the middle ear in cats.

Benign and malignant tumors in the middle ear of a cat are rare.

Methods of detection and treatment middle ear tumors in cats depends on the specific situation. Usually X-rays (or more modern means such as magnetic resonance and computer scanning) are used for diagnosis, as a rule, such examinations require the use of anesthesia. Washing and/or tissue sampling from the middle ear (for cytology and culture) can be used to guide the most appropriate treatment. In some cases, surgery is done to treat it, which involves a procedure called bull's osteotomy, in which part of the bone wall of the middle ear is removed to ensure complete removal of polyp tissue.

You need a reason why your ears hurt. Incorrectly selected ones can worsen the situation and lead to complete hearing loss and even to malfunctions of the head animal. Only a veterinarian can establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

Perhaps the most common cause of the ear is infection with the sarcoptic mite, which lives in the ear canal and feeds on the epidermis. Otodekoz - ear scabies - is accompanied by severe itching and the appearance of dark brown discharge that has an unpleasant odor. In order to alleviate the condition of the animal, it is recommended to drip 2-3 drops of warm olive or sunflower oil into the auricles. Purchase special preparations at a veterinary pharmacy. Drops of Dekta, Otibiovin, Amit, Bars, Tsipam will do. Gently clean the animal's ears with cotton swabs, after soaking them in hydrogen peroxide. Apply ear drops as directed.

Another common disease that affects cats is otitis media, an inflammation of the inner, middle, or outer ear canal. Inflammation of the external section is usually associated with untreated otodecosis. Other causes of the disease may be cold water, sulfuric plug or a foreign object that has fallen into the animal's ear. Inflammation of the inner and middle ear is usually associated with staphylococcal and streptococcal infections. To treat otitis, clean the ear canal with saline, special drops, and, if necessary, a course of antibiotics or surgical treatment. It follows that with otitis it is forbidden to clean the ears of the animal with cotton swabs - this can lead to a worsening of the condition cats.For the treatment of otitis media, you can use special anti-inflammatory drops. For example, Otoferonol, Anandin, Serko. Before use, you must carefully study the instructions.

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