How to properly and how to feed the Maltese so that the eyes do not flow. Why are Maltese's eyes watering? How to clean the tear ducts of a Maltese

You made your dream come true and got a Maltese puppy. How much joy, positive minutes from communicating with a puppy, as many new worries and troubles. Many questions arise, how to care for a puppy, its coat and eyes, what is the best way to feed, how to spend time, how much to walk, etc.

In fact, the care of the Maltese is the same as for other long-haired dogs, with the exception of some subtleties. Pay attention to the area around the eyes, because without proper care of the eyes of the Maltese lapdog, the hair under the eyes will soon begin to darken, due to smudges formed by lacrimation.

In general, there are no problems, this detail is just a feature of this breed. You can find eye care products and other useful products for dogs at any pet store, since now there are a great many of them - both on the Internet and locally.

In fact, all breeds of dogs have such a problem, lacrimation, some have more, some have less. The reasons are different: foreign objects getting into the eye (mote, dog hair, etc.), biological processes occurring in the dog's body (changing teeth in a puppy or estrus in a bitch). In female dogs, there is also postpartum lacrimation. Also on the list of provocateurs of this problem are allergic reactions - to food, plant pollen, dust, and so on. And, finally, lacrimation can also be triggered by an inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the eyes, for example, conjunctivitis. Some types of eye diseases can be hereditary, and unfortunately, they are not completely cured - you can only alleviate the symptoms by choosing the right drugs.

It is very important to monitor the discharge from the dog's eyes, as this is not only a problem of beauty and appearance of the pet, but also of health - the hair around the eyes, constantly wetted with tears, can form a fungus, which will lead to other unpleasant consequences. Dogs with dark hair suffer less from this scourge, since streaks from mucous secretions are less noticeable on their hair, but pets with light hair have a hard time, since the secretions form very noticeable smudges. As you probably guessed, proper care can be ensured by constantly wiping smudges using dog eye care products - antibacterial wet wipes, lotions and drops, special sprays.

In general, it is possible to eliminate the causes - by understanding the source of the problem. If it's not a hereditary eye disease, everything else is treatable. Transparent tears in Maltese are temporary, occur during the change of teeth in puppies and estrus or the postpartum period in bitches. Also, in puppies, irritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes occurs due to the ingress of hairs of wool into them. If this is a single hit of a hair, rinse your eyes with drops and gently remove the hair from the corner of the eye, but if the irritation is caused by the touch of growing hair near the dog’s eyes, you just need to wait this period until the hair grows to such a length that you can collect the tail.

If the cause of lacrimation is an allergy, first of all it is necessary to establish the allergen. If it is a food product, discard it; if it is plant pollen, then remove the plant from the dog's habitat and avoid places with flowering fields or alleys during walks. In each of these cases, the tears should be transparent, but if the liquid is dark, this indicates conjunctivitis, and here you can’t do without the help of a doctor. It is not recommended to self-medicate, as the use of inappropriate drugs will aggravate the course of the disease and delay the recovery of the lap dog. The veterinarian will establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe an objective treatment. Most eye diseases are easily treatable, so there is no reason to panic.

What if, when caring for the eyes of a Maltese lapdog, the cause of lacrimation has already been eliminated, and smudges have already appeared?

Peace of mind is a matter of life! Dark smudges are easily eliminated - use special creams, powders, lotions. When choosing a product, proceed from the type / color of your dog's coat. Caring for the area around the eyes of a Maltese lap dog involves not only a one-time elimination of smudges, but also constant care, by washing the eyes and instilling with a soothing lotion.

The key reason for increased tearing in a dog is, however, nutrition. For example, if you have already accustomed your dog to natural food, switching to something simpler can cause a decrease in immunity, indigestion and, as a result, increased tearing. Meat is best given not raw, but slightly boiled, in combination with vegetables and cereals, feel free to add chopped greens to the dog's food, as well as olive oil and oil for dogs with multivitamins.

Dairy products, yoghurts and curds, are also very useful for the puppy's digestion. In small quantities, give fruit - melon, apples, bananas.

We hope that the information provided in this article will help you in solving difficulties and problems with a pet, if you already have one, and if you don’t yet, it will prepare you in advance for possible difficulties.

Maltese or otherwise , belongs to the breed . She has a long white coat with a hint of ivory. Its appearance is more reminiscent of. However, the Maltese differs from them in its particular care.

Features of the structure of the eyes

Eyes of a Maltese dog rounded with a wide slit, slightly arched, expressive and intelligent. Proteins are transparent and almost invisible against the background of white fur.

A common problem that a dog is prone to is watery eyes. It is also known from history that the Maltese were rat and mouse hunters. Rats also lived in dark basements. The darkness put a lot of strain on maltese eyes . The ingress of dust particles and dirt contributed to the excessive release of lacrimal fluid, which constantly washed the eyeballs. This adaptation process kept the dogs from damaging and infecting their eyes, but left unattractive marks on their coats.

Causes of lacrimation

Appearance at the maltese lacrimal ducts characterized by the influence of the following factors:

  • A large amount of hair in the ears, retaining moisture, creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, after bathing, the dog should carefully dry the ears. You can also cut the hairs in this area, after consulting with your veterinarian about how to do it correctly.
  • The period of loss of milk teeth and the eruption of new teeth is a source of discomfort for a Maltese puppy, as well as profuse tearing. Therefore, it is worth buying him special toys that you could chew on, scratch your gums. So the owners can avoid damage to the necessary things.
  • The manifestation of allergies to food and untreated drinking water. The most common reaction in a lapdog is observed on buckwheat and products containing the liver. Consumption of pure distilled water significantly reduces the manifestation of allergic reactions.
  • Exposure to external irritants (tobacco smoke, dust, perfumes, etc.) has a very negative effect on the health of the Maltese. It is worth protecting your pet from them, cleaning more often, ventilating the rooms.
  • hereditary predisposition to the fact that lapdog's eyes are flowing , is the primary reason for careful care of them.
  • Too short muzzle hair at the corners of the eyes, especially in puppies, poses not only a risk of injury to the cornea, but also significant discomfort. You can solve this problem by cutting hairs or tying ponytails with elastic bands.
  • Estrus or the period after the birth of puppies also causes profuse separation of tears in dogs of this breed.
  • Incorrect eyelash growth is corrected by professional groomers. In this case, trimming is done, the so-called procedure for removing hair and eyelashes around the eyes.

foundation of education tear ducts on the face is a violation of the outflow of tear fluid in a natural way with partial or complete closure of the tear ducts. Therefore, in any situation, the elimination of traffic jams will be the best way to deal with lacrimation.

Eye Care for the Maltese

Caring for Maltese eyes is a labor intensive process. Of course, you can't do without proper nutrition. A diet that includes greens and mineral dry food not only improves digestion, but also the growth of a beautiful snow-white coat. First of all, you need to start with nutrition. The fight against tearing from within the body can give a better effect than any cosmetic procedure.

No washing with clean water maltese care useless. However, rinsing the eyes alone does not solve the problem of remaining tear stains . This procedure should be combined with daily washing with placental emulsion. It can be easily bought at a veterinary pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. Before use, the emulsion is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:20. Wash the muzzle of the dog every day with a solution from the placenta.

In addition, numerous cosmetic products have been produced to eliminate yellow marks on the coat. NO MORE STAIN (No more stains) has a cleansing property, designed for the most difficult stains to be removed. The product in the form of granules can be applied immediately before washing or diluted with shampoo. Safe to use for both adult dogs and puppies.

Eye Treatment

Understanding the reason why maltese eyes flow, you can start treatment. The first thing to do is to purchase Ciprovet drops containing ciprofloxacin. They help dissolve the cork, restore the patency of the lacrimal canals. The drug is effective against many bacteria associated with eye infection. Method of application: 2 times a day. However, it is very important to consult a veterinarian before using this antibiotic.

No one has canceled the use of massage as a method of treating traffic jams. It is performed from top to bottom, by soft, not rough, pressure in the region of the lacrimal sacs. The procedure time should not last more than 5 minutes.

Keeping the eyes and ears clean is an essential part of therapy. Necessary rub the eyes of the maltese warm water, clean the ears. The spread of infection should not be allowed, this can lead to serious complications, since these organs are interconnected. Watch your pet, pay attention to it, because it is not for nothing that the cause of many dog ​​diseases is the loneliness and indifference of the owners.

One of the reasons for the release of tears in the Maltese is blocked tear ducts. Excessive production of tears leads to the fact that they cannot flow down the muzzle of the animal, accumulating in the corners of the eyes. This can lead to the development of various infectious diseases, which is why it is so important to always keep the skin dry in the corners of the eyes and on the skin under them.

With excessive accumulation of tears, reddish spots begin to appear under the eyes, which lead to the rapid growth of pathogenic bacteria. If you notice an accumulation of tears under the eyes of your pet, this is an occasion for an immediate visit to the veterinary clinic.

There are several reasons why the eyes of the Maltese are flowing:

  • Presence of ear infections. An untreated ear infection in dogs can cause excessive tearfulness. An ear infection can occur due to poor drying of the pet's ears after bathing. Water, remaining in the auricle, is a fertile ground for the reproduction of pathogenic infections. That's why it's so important to always thoroughly dry your dog's ear canals after water treatments.
  • The presence of mites in the ear canals can lead to the development of infectious diseases. Ticks get into the dog's ear during street walks, especially in tall grass. You can see ticks with the naked eye - they look like small black dots that are located on the skin in the ear canal. In the presence of an infectious disease caused by ticks, a dark brown discharge appears in the dog. Mites in the ear canal are another common cause of excessive tear production.
  • Overgrown ears - too much hair in the ear canal of an animal leads to a constant accumulation of moisture, which leads to the reproduction of infectious pathogens. To avoid an unpleasant disease, you must carefully monitor your animal, removing hair from the ears. Before removing hair, you should consult with a veterinarian who will tell you if this is necessary and how to do it correctly.
  • Dental problems are another reason for the release and accumulation of tears under the eyes of an animal. In young individuals, milk teeth often fall out, which leads to a change in the structure of the jaw. This process causes excessive fluid to flow out of the canals, causing the Maltese to have watery eyes. To avoid unpleasant consequences when teeth fall out in puppies, the dog must be given hard toys to gnaw.
  • The environment is a potential threat to the dog's health. Various types of ticks and fleas can settle in the fur of an animal and cause a number of infectious diseases.
  • Inappropriate food for the animal is one of the main reasons. Certain types of dog food can, on a case-by-case basis, cause allergic reactions in the animal. To prevent excessive release of tears and avoid unpleasant consequences, owners need to monitor their pet's diet and remove those foods that cause allergies in the animal. For drinking, it is recommended to give distilled mineral water, which stops allergic reactions.
  • household allergens. Many animals are sensitive to tobacco smoke, hairspray, perfume, dust on furniture and hair in carpets. To keep your pet healthy, always do regular wet cleaning around the house.
  • genetic predisposition. Some pet owners believe that excessive tearing is a genetic disease, which is especially dependent on the breed of dog. In part, this is true. But in order to prevent the aggravation of the situation and the development of infectious diseases. Animals must be carefully monitored.

Brown-red spots that appear under the eyes of the Maltese can be bleached, but before doing this, it is necessary to find out the root cause of the excessive production of tears and cure it.

And in order for the pet to be healthy and always look well-groomed, it is necessary to pay attention not only to, but also to choose the right feeding strategy for the pet.

So, the torment of choosing a dog is over and you have acquired a representative of the Maltese breed or, which is a fairly similar breed. The very first thing you will ask is what to feed a maltese lap dog. To help you understand, I am publishing this article with a photo.

The health and activity of an animal largely depend on how balanced its nutrition is and whether it contains all the microelements and vitamins necessary for the animal. An improperly selected diet can cause the dog's coat to become dull and brittle, or it may have digestive problems.

What to choose as food for the Maltese lapdog? ? This choice depends not only on the owner, but also on the preferences of the dog itself.

It is also important that the ratio of proteins, carbohydrates and fats in ready-made feeds is balanced, while when feeding with natural food, the owner has to independently calculate the balance of all these parameters.
It is not recommended to combine dry and natural food, as this can cause problems with the animal's digestive system.

If your pet normally treats dry food and eats it with pleasure, then it would be better to stop at those. This is the right choice.

Modern manufacturers have reached perfection and at the moment their products meet all the norms and standards of proper feeding.

Natural feed

In order for the dog to please the owner with excellent health and activity, the nutrition of an adult Maltese should be balanced and high-calorie. Feed an adult dog no more than twice a day.

Calculate the serving volume per feeding so that for every 500 grams of animal weight, there is approximately one tablespoon of feed.

Grocery list

  • Porridge from rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley, from oatmeal flakes;
  • Fresh herbs - parsley, dill, cilantro;
  • Dairy products (kefir, cottage cheese, natural yogurt);
  • Meat products (lean pork, beef, chicken or turkey meat);
  • Offal beef or pork;
  • Cartilaginous components of the joints and throat;
  • Vegetables (carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin);
  • Boiled egg whites. Yolks can sometimes and only after one and a half years of age;
  • Sea fish, as there are too many bones in the river.

For breakfast, the dog is boiled porridge, mixing it with pieces of boiled meat and vegetables. Chopped greens and a few drops of vegetable oil are added to food. In addition, it is recommended to add a few drops of a mixture of fat-soluble vitamins - trivit or tetravit.

For dinner, you can offer your pet low-fat cottage cheese, boiled egg white or boiled sea fish.

A couple of times a week, a snow-white friend can be pampered with a vitamin salad of nuts, honey and finely chopped dried apricots or prunes.

When feeding a pet with natural food, vitamins should be given with food. The water-soluble ones are given directly, like candy, while the fat-soluble ones are added to food.

In older dogs, the need for plant fiber increases, so more vegetables and dairy products are introduced into their menu, and cereals and meat are given in limited quantities.

The French and the British developed a special diet for snow-white creatures. The staples of the English diet are goat's milk, cereals, and chicken egg scrambled eggs. French Maltese fans offer to feed miniature pets with chicken or beef, cottage cheese and fresh fruits and vegetables.

If the owner decides to choose a French or English diet as a food, then he should remember that such feeding, the puppy must be taught from a young age, so that the dog is normally used to such a diet.

List of prohibited products

The dog will never refuse to try food from the owner's plate, and many owners allow such a whim to a charming pet, not even suspecting that this can cause irreparable harm to her health.

What foods are contraindicated for lapdogs:

  • Smoked meat;
  • Sausage;
  • Potato;
  • Canned fish and meat for people;
  • Flour and confectionery products;
  • Chocolate;
  • hard cheeses;
  • White and cauliflower, potatoes;
  • Legumes (peas, soybeans, beans);
  • Animal or bird bones.

If your dog loves sweets, you can treat him to a piece of oatmeal cookies or special sweet biscuits designed for decorative dog breeds. You can easily buy them in a specialized pet food store.

If your eyes are flowing

Perhaps it makes sense to say a few words about the most common problem of this breed. I am often asked what to feed Maltese so that my eyes do not flow? Forced to disappoint fans of natural feeding. My advice is to switch to premium dry food.

You are unlikely to be able to determine exactly which natural product is an allergen for your pet. For some it's chicken, for others it's beef liver. You will go through options for a long time and it’s not a fact that you can get to the bottom of the truth. It is best to simply switch to super premium dry food and thus eliminate all allergic reactions. I would recommend Choice Hypoallergenic ALL BREEDS or holistics from Grandorf. It is these feeds that give very good results.

puppy feeding

In puppies under six months of age, the digestive system is not yet fully formed, so the owner should pay special attention to feeding a young, growing organism.

Or from a private breeder, despite, the owner needs to ask how and what he was fed during the first weeks. This is necessary in order to adhere to the same diet. New foods should be introduced into the animal's menu gradually, as a sharp change in nutrition can provoke constipation, diarrhea, or dyspeptic disorders.

Initially, small puppies up to two months old are fed frequently, up to six times a day. Further, every two months, this amount is reduced by removing one feeding. Thus, at the age of six months, the puppy should be fed four times a day, then the puppy should be transferred to three meals a day.

Calculate the amount of food at one time based on the needs of the puppy. Starting with one tablespoon, gradually you will reach the volume of a small bowl. The main rule is that the puppy must eat everything at once.! If there is something left in the bowl, then you are overfeeding!


The owner must take care of the health of his little pet and provide him with, without forgetting the importance of proper nutrition. Then the white beauty will delight the owner with activity, playfulness and good health for many years.

In contact with


The problem of dark smudges under the eyes.

Grooming for the Maltese is similar to that of other longhaired breeds. However, there are some nuances associated with the white coat of the Maltese. With poor care, the white coat under the eyes of the Maltese may darken - the so-called "dark smudges" are formed. The cause of smudges is lacrimation from the peephole, about which in the world of dog breeding they say "eyes flow".

In general, the eyes flow to some extent in all dogs, regardless of their breed. Tearing from the eyes can be caused by various reasons:
. mechanical damage to the eyes due to exposure to external stimuli (growing hairs in the corners of the eyes in puppies, dust, wind, etc.);
. some biological processes in the body of a dog (change of teeth, estrus in bitches, eyes can flow in bitches even after childbirth);
. allergies (to any products, to pollen or individual plants, etc.);
. inflammatory process associated with any eye disease (conjunctivitis, etc.).

Some of these diseases, unfortunately, can be hereditary and passed down from generation to generation.

A tear secreted by the eye wets the hair under the eyes, with frequent sputum a fungus forms, especially if the color of the tear is not transparent. The appearance of dogs with dark hair almost does not suffer from this. But in light-haired dogs, over time, the hair under the eyes gets dirty, dark smudges form, which are then difficult to remove. These breeds include, unfortunately, the Maltese. Their snow-white coat is very spoiled by dark smudges.
Is it possible to do something so that the Maltese does not have smudges? Of course available! Unless this is a hereditary eye disease, which is quite difficult to cure. But, fortunately, hereditary eye diseases are rare in Maltese. Most often, lacrimation in Maltese is transparent in color and is caused by allergies or a change of teeth in puppies, estrus and childbirth in bitches.
If lacrimation is caused by a change of teeth in puppies, estrus and childbirth in bitches, then it will end on its own when the puppy's teeth change, and the bitch ends in estrus or the postpartum period. Puppies also shed tears if their eyes are irritated by growing hairs at the corners of their eyes. As soon as the length of the hairs allows, collect them in a ponytail so that they do not injure the eye, and the tears will stop flowing.
If the tearing is caused by an allergy, you need to try to determine what the allergen is and eliminate it from your Maltese's diet or habitat (do not walk the dog in a clearing where there are a lot of plants with pollen; exclude the allergen product from the diet). Maltese are often allergic to chicken and beets. Currently, there are special hypoallergenic foods that exclude the most common allergen products. Already about 3 weeks after the elimination of the allergen product from the diet of your Maltese, lacrimation should stop.
In all the cases described above, the color of the tears in the Maltese is transparent. If the tear is not transparent, then this indicates an eye disease (conjunctivitis, etc.). In this case, it is worth contacting a veterinarian in order for him to make a diagnosis and advise the most effective treatment. Most eye diseases in dogs, including the Maltese, are fairly easy to treat.
What to do if the lacrimation of your Maltese is eliminated, but smudges have already formed? Dark smudges can be removed! Currently, there are many means to eliminate smudges under the eyes: powders, creams, lotions, nutritional supplements. The choice of this or that means depends on type of wool of your Maltese.
After the smudges are removed, for prevention, I recommend daily washing the eyes of your Maltese with water and instilling a soothing lotion into the eyes.

*** I consider it necessary to add advice on the care of Ekaterina Gafurova ( cattery "Elkets show", Moscow)***

Nutrition is closely related to whether the eyes flow and in what quantity.
If you are feeding your Maltese a natural food, I would suggest that you continue to feed him a natural food without switching to dry food. Raw meat is useful from the point of view that it contains living vitamins. If you feed the dog with raw meat, then it should not be fatty and of good quality, and it is advisable to weld it lightly (bring to a boil and cook for 5-7 minutes). Meat is good to give with cereals or vegetables, you can also add finely chopped greens and a little olive oil or multivitamins in oil for dogs. Now in pet stores there is a special oil for long-haired dogs from wheat germ, which goes well with both natural and dry food.
It is useful for a puppy to give fermented milk products - yogurt, bifidok, curdled milk or children's curds.
Fruits in small quantities (apple, banana, etc.)
Vitamins - necessary during the change of teeth and the growth of the puppy (vitamins with a high calcium content are not required by the maltese).
When compiling a diet, you should take into account the lifestyle and activity of your Maltese.
From the diet of the Maltese, it is necessary to exclude those foods that cause an increase in dark discharge from the eyes. From my experience, I can say that for each Maltese, these products may be different. They can be determined by a diagnostic diet, which should last at least 2-3 weeks.
From eye care products, there is a very good product from the Italian company BALDECCHI. Consisting of two products - Washing foam for the area around the eyes Beautiful Eyes (Contorno Occhi) - eliminates smudges, relieves redness and irritation and MAKE EYES (Polvere Assorbente) - adsorbent powder around the eyes: cleans and absorbs moisture.
Another tip, cut the hair around the eyes 3-4 mm, especially in the corners where the hair gets into the eyes and irritates the cornea. BALDECCHI mousse - treat only the coat, let it dry, and then rub the BALDECCHI powder into the coat around the eyes. Treat the eyes as needed as soon as a tear begins to flow. At the age of 4-6 months, discharge from the eyes intensifies, this is due to the period of changing teeth.

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