Extremely dangerous tuberculosis in dogs: how to suspect and treat the disease. Canine tuberculosis - causes, forms of the disease, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

A zooanthroponotic bacterial chronic disease of dogs and cats, characterized by the formation of specific nodules-tubercles in various organs and tissues. The causative agent is bacteria of the genus Mycobacterium. Mycobacteria are resistant to various environmental factors and remain viable for a long time in frozen meat - up to 1 year, in soil - more than 2 years. The pathogen is also highly resistant to the action of disinfectants and belongs to the 3rd group of resistance.
Dogs are infected mainly by alimentary and aerogenic routes, rarely through damaged skin during mating. Transmission factors of the causative agent of tuberculosis can be infected feed, water, milk, bedding, as well as feces, nasal discharge and sputum of sick animals and humans.
The incubation period for tuberculosis in dogs lasts from 2 to 6 weeks, sometimes more.

Symptoms of tuberculosis in dogs

The chronic course of the disease is observed mainly in generalized tuberculosis, when extensive lesions of the respiratory, digestive, genitourinary and other body systems can occur.
At the same time, subfebrile body temperature, general depression, fatigue, progressive exhaustion, as well as shortness of breath, prolonged cough and profuse nasal discharge are noted in sick dogs.
With a pronounced lesion of the digestive system, anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea (sometimes mixed with blood) are also observed. In such cases, dogs often die.

latent flow the disease is not clinically manifested and it is established only during an x-ray examination of the animal or during a pathoanatomical autopsy.

Treatment of tuberculosis in dogs

There are still no reliable and effective methods and means of therapy for animals with tuberculosis. Individual regimens for treating sick dogs with a combination of antibiotics and other agents, such as a combination of three drugs: rifampicin, isoniazid, and streptomycin, require a very long course of treatment for 1-2 years. In this regard, taking into account the absolute priority - the protection of human health, euthanasia (painless euthanasia) of all animals with tuberculosis is necessary.


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Tuberculosis infection in dogs can occur in different ways. The prevalence of this disease among animals should not be underestimated, and therefore it should be understood what exactly affected the infection of a dog with tuberculosis.

The causes of this disease in an animal are:

  • Pet owner with tuberculosis, which, in the open form of this disease, can easily infect an animal by airborne droplets. This reason is considered the most common, since contact between the owner and the pet occurs regularly, which means that infected bacteria can enter the dog's body unnoticed by both at any moment.
  • Living a dog near tuberculosis dispensaries. As you know, this disease tends to be transmitted by airborne droplets, which increases the chances of it being infected by an animal whose habitat is simply teeming with this kind of bacteria.
  • When eating food containing microbacteria. This method of infection is called alimentary and is no less common than the previous two. It manifests itself in the dog eating the meat of sick animals, drinking milk infected with a tubercle bacillus, and also when licking sputum containing the infection.
  • Weakened immunity. This disease has received such a characteristic as a disease of the "social bottom", due to the fact that unfavorable living conditions weaken the immune system of the animal's body to the maximum, which ceases to fight various types of bacteria. This contributes to the development of terrible, incurable diseases.

The causative agent of tuberculosis is mycobacterium, also called Koch's bacillus. The genus of mycobacteria includes dozens of species, and among them there are pathogens that provoke the development of tuberculosis in warm-blooded animals.

Dogs suffer from tuberculosis caused by a pathogenic bacterium - Mycobacterium bovis (bovine tuberculosis). In addition, the human form of tuberculosis caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis is also diagnosed in dogs.

The main feature of tuberculosis is the secrecy of the clinical picture and chronic course. During periods of a decrease in the body's immune forces, the tubercle bacillus is activated, causing an exacerbation of the disease.

The main method of transmission of the pathogen is airborne. When mycobacteria enters the digestive system with saliva, or when the skin is infected, microorganisms spread throughout the body, localizing in the region of regional lymph nodes. In the future, with the blood flow, the infectious agent penetrates into the pulmonary system.

This process is accompanied by inflammation, in which specific nodes, of a grayish color - tubercles, begin to actively form in the affected organ. The period from the penetration of a pathogenic bacterium into the body of a dog, until the onset of obvious signs of infection, ranges from 2 weeks to 1.5 months.

The degree of damage and the rate of development of the disease mainly depends on the body's defenses. After a certain time, a specific capsule begins to appear along the contour of the tubercle, and the contents of the capsule become necrotic, forming a kind of powder.

Depending on the type, there is tuberculosis:

  • generalized;
  • latent.

The latent form of the disease is characterized by a latent course, and mycobacteria die in the capsule formed around the tubercle. This form has no clinical manifestations and is diagnosed exclusively during an X-ray examination.

The generalized form of the disease is characterized by damage to various body systems. Each animal tolerates the generalized form individually.

Some dogs are diagnosed with tubercles in the kidneys, others in the intestines and lungs. Signs of the disease do not appear immediately, and the dog may not have any symptoms.

Stages of development of tuberculosis and ways of infection

This is a very dangerous disease because it is highly contagious. It takes a long time, sometimes for several years. At first, its course is hidden, then the onset of the disease lasts for a long time, then its peak and attenuation.

While the disease period is latent, the causative agent of tuberculosis is not released into the environment. It begins to spread only at the initial stage of the development of the disease.

At the height of the disease, infectivity reaches its peak and the maximum of the causative agent of tuberculosis is released into the environment. Tuberculosis can be spread by aerogenic means, that is, through sputum droplets that are coughed up from the respiratory system.

These droplets with air currents enter the respiratory organs of a healthy animal, and also settle on various objects. Then, dried dust droplets rise into the air and can get into the lungs of other animals, onto the skin (contact route), into water or food (alimentary route), and from there into the digestive tract.

Many veterinarians believe that it is pointless to treat a pet with tuberculosis and advise the dog to be euthanized immediately. But first you need to properly check the diagnosis.

When confirming the diagnosis, combined regimens of antibiotics and other drugs are often used, for example:

  1. rifampicin,
  2. streptomycin,
  3. isoniazid

The difficulty of treating tuberculosis lies in the fact that such antibiotic treatment is very long (1-2 years) and is possible only at the very initial stages. At the same time, the body of an animal that is constantly exposed to strong antibiotics must be supported with medications. Their task is to reduce this harm: with vitamins and minerals, feed well with fresh foods.

In the same long period, the animal must be isolated from people and other animals until complete recovery.

Symptoms of tuberculosis

Since many lymph nodes are affected in an animal with tuberculosis, one of the first signs is a noticeable increase in the submandibular lymph nodes.

  • Also in these places on the skin, abscesses, ulcers, fistulas can occur.
  • The pet is very thin, his hair is disheveled.
  • In the chronic course of the disease, extensive lesions of the respiratory, genitourinary, digestive and other body systems often occur.
  • The dog sleeps a lot, looks tired, has a prolonged cough, shortness of breath, general depression, profuse nasal discharge.

However, there is also a latent course of tuberculosis, which is not particularly clinically manifested. It is installed only during x-ray examination. If tuberculosis is suspected, any dog ​​is sent for x-rays. Tuberculinization is also carried out - dry tuberculin is injected subcutaneously into the dog and after two days the reaction of the body is assessed.

If no allergic reaction occurs, then the animal is infected.

To determine tuberculosis, in principle, like any other disease, it is necessary to observe the animal and the manifestations of symptoms. Since this disease is chronic, signs of its onset may not appear for 2 to 6 weeks. This greatly complicates the process of healing the dog.

Despite the sluggish manifestation of symptoms, they are still there and special attention should be focused on them. Tuberculosis symptoms:

  1. Inflammation of the lymph nodes under the jaw of the animal.
  2. Sudden weight loss for no apparent reason.
  3. Fever attacks.
  4. Bloating of the abdomen, which occurs as a result of the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity and the development of jaundice.
  5. Rejection to others, severe weakness, inability to endure various physical activities.
  6. Hard-to-heal ulcers appearing on the upper epidermis of the dog's skin.
  7. Violent persistent cough with blood and phlegm.
  8. During movement, wheezing is heard, shortness of breath and discharge from the nose appear.
  9. Diarrhea.

If at least one of the above symptoms is detected, you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic.

The main sign of tuberculosis in dogs is inflammation of the lymph nodes under the lower jaw. On palpation, they are characterized by large size and pathological hardness. In places of the affected lymph nodes, it is often possible to detect ulcerations on the skin and fistulas (from which a viscous exudate is released, similar to pus).

Depending on the form of the disease, the symptoms will vary. So in the chronic generalized course of tuberculosis, the following symptoms are noted:

  • increase in body temperature by 1-2 degrees above normal;
  • a sharp decrease in the activity of the pet;
  • loss of appetite;
  • increased fatigue;
  • progressive depletion of the dog, regardless of the calorie content and quality of feed;
  • dyspnea;
  • cough with bloody sputum.
  • in the case of a large accumulation of tubercles formed in the digestive system, animals note:
  • eruption of gastric contents;
  • coughing;
  • severe diarrhea with impurities of mucus and blood.

Note! The chronic form of generalized tuberculosis poses a serious danger to the animal organism due to its high mortality.

Diagnosis of the disease is based on radiographic studies. With the help of x-rays, infectious foci can be detected not only in the lung structures, but also in other organs of the animal. To confirm the diagnosis, you may need:

  • computed tomography of lung structures;
  • immunological tests;
  • bronchoscopy with biopsy;
  • biopsy of regional lymph nodes.

From the moment of infection to the appearance of the first symptoms, it can take from several days to several months. Tuberculosis has a latent, latent period, a peak phase, manifestations of symptoms, a period of attenuation. The intensity, the degree of manifestation of the signs of the disease depends on the individual, physiological characteristics of the organism, resistance, age, conditions of animals.

The most characteristic signs of tuberculosis include:

    an increase in regional lymph nodes;

    an increase in body temperature by several degrees, periodic bouts of fever;

    fatigue, decreased physical activity, apathy, depression of the general condition;

    accumulation of fluid in the abdominal organs;

    the appearance on the muzzle, other parts of the body of long-healing wounds. sores;

    deterioration of the skin.

In the pulmonary form, the inflammatory process affects the organs of the respiratory system; in sick animals, shortness of breath, shortness of breath, wheezing, cough, copious discharge from the nose, eyes, rhinitis, anemic, yellowness of visible mucous membranes, sputum with blood impurities are noted. The inflammatory process can affect the pleura of the lungs.

On palpation of the sternum, the dog experiences unpleasant pain. The main symptom of the intestinal form is severe diarrhea, dehydration, intoxication, impaired digestive processes, metabolism in the body, and frequent urination. The dog refuses food, loses weight. With tuberculous lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, the abdomen is greatly enlarged in volume.

In the chronic course of tuberculosis, extensive lesions affect the respiratory, gastrointestinal tract, and genitourinary tract. In severe lesions, the pathological process passes to the bone structures of the limbs.

Treatment of tuberculosis in dogs

Treatment of tuberculosis in dogs is possible only when all studies have been carried out and an accurate diagnosis has been made. Diagnosis in this case is more than mandatory in order to determine the degree of progressive disease. To do this, you need to conduct the following research:

  • Take an x-ray of the lungs.
  • Take an analysis of discharge from the nose, sputum, feces.
  • Take bioassays and do tuberculinization.
  • Use the allergic method of research: introduce pure tuberculin into the animal's body and follow the reaction two days after vaccination.

If doctors have diagnosed mild tuberculosis, the chances of curing a pet, although small, are still there. In such cases, special preparations are prescribed, and it is also recommended to supply the dog's body with vitamins, minerals and fresh foods in order to boost immunity.

In the case of a severe form of tuberculosis, veterinarians are of the opinion that this trouble is dangerous not only for the animal, but also for the person who is next to it. Since it takes a lot of time to heal (from 1 to 2 years), and harm will be done daily and the risk of infection about the animal is high, doctors recommend euthanasia.

When making a diagnosis, the doctor makes a verdict depending on the severity of the disease. In mild forms, you can take special pills for tuberculosis for dogs. But the owner should know that the treatment will be delayed for a long time - from 1 to 2 years. In addition, at the time of therapy, it is recommended to limit the contact of the animal with the owner.

In the early stages of developing TB, there is a treatment option that involves isolating the dog completely from people and other pets. Therapy involves taking specific antimicrobial agents, immunomodulatory drugs and vitamins.

The medicine for dogs in the treatment of tuberculosis has not been created, therefore, veterinary medicine widely uses the human drug - Rifampicin. This drug is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. It has a pronounced activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis and leprosy. The drug Rifampicin inhibits the production of RNA in the cell of pathogenic mycobacteria.

At the same time, in the vast majority of timely accepted treatment, the results are not justified and the animal dies. Unfortunately, tuberculosis is a highly contagious and incurable disease.

Given the high degree of contagiousness, treatment of animals infected with tuberculosis is not carried out. In addition, the treatment does not guarantee positive results, the drugs used for treatment have a high degree of toxicity. Unfortunately, dogs are euthanized.

In the initial stages of diseases, if there is an opportunity and a chance for a favorable prognosis, dogs are isolated from other animals and people. That is, treatment is carried out exclusively in a hospital, in a separate isolated box. For treatment, antimicrobials are used, maintenance therapy, immunomodulators, globulins, antibiotics - levomycin, macrolides, tetramizol are prescribed.

It should also be borne in mind that after expensive treatment, relapses may occur, the dog remains a virus carrier for life, endangering other animals. For this reason, however cruel it may sound, if a dog is diagnosed with tuberculosis, a more humane method is euthanasia. Ammunition, bowls, combs, other household items left after an infected dog are burned.

For the purposes of prevention, dog owners should pay attention to the health status of their four-legged friends, monitor the quality and nutritional value of the diet. Do not allow pets to come into contact with stray animals. Categorically do not feed meat products, offal of dubious origin to dogs.

Prevention measures

Given that it is almost impossible to cure tuberculosis in dogs, veterinarians recommend that every effort be made to prevent the onset of this disease in a pet. For this, preventive measures should be taken:

  • Provide good living conditions for your pet, which consists of a quality, fresh diet and constant safe walks in the fresh air.
  • Maintaining a high level of the animal's immune system;
  • Avoid all contact with animals and people who have tuberculosis.
  • Do not feed dairy and meat products, if there is no certainty that they do not contain microbacteria that provoke the onset of tuberculosis.
  • Do not allow dogs to walk near tuberculosis dispensaries and clinics with people sick with this disease.

Of course, no one is immune from the possibility of catching such an infection, even taking all precautions and following all the rules of hygiene, however, you should always be on the alert and, if possible, examine your pet in veterinary clinics for bacteria and various kinds of infectious diseases.

Prevention of tuberculosis is important and necessary in order to save the health and life of pets. A few rules recommended by experts will help protect your dog from illness. The main ones are:

  • ensuring optimal living conditions for the dog (normal exercise and nutrition of dogs);
  • maintaining the immune system at a high level;
  • limiting pet contacts with obviously suspicious or sick animals and people;
  • do not give dogs food of dairy and meat origin, if there is no confidence in the quality.

From infection with tuberculosis, not a single animal or person is insured. It is extremely important for preventive purposes to conduct a routine diagnostic examination of the pet once a year. This will allow you to keep your finger on the pulse, controlling possible deviations in the functioning of the dog's body systems, as well as timely identify dangerous bacterial and viral infections.

There are many infectious diseases in the world, which were known to our distant ancestors. Already in those days it was clear that some ailments affect not only humans, but also their animals. Such diseases, for example, include the well-known tuberculosis. In dogs, it is no less difficult than in their owners.

This is the name of the disease caused by mycobacteria. Almost all warm-blooded animals are affected, including humans (there is evidence that reptiles and amphibians are also affected). In dogs, Mycobacterium bovis is the most common causative agent. Despite the name (Bovis - bull), this type of bacteria affects almost all animals with equal efficiency. It should be remembered that the perception of tuberculosis solely as a pulmonary infection is fundamentally wrong, since there is both a skin and an intestinal form.

How does infection occur? Both airborne and alimentary routes of infection are possible. Accordingly, both the course and the future forecast largely depend on this. As a rule, dogs become infected by airborne droplets. However, stray dogs often become carriers of tuberculosis by eating slaughterhouse waste (obtained from sick cows, of course). Always remember that tuberculosis in dogs is transmitted to humans!!!

The fact is that this pathology is not just a contagious disease, but also anthropozoonosis. This means that it can be transmitted from animals to humans and vice versa. If you have even the slightest suspicion that your dog is suffering from this disease, take him to the veterinarian immediately. However, in our country and abroad there are many cases when a dog becomes infected from its owners. Be that as it may, but your pet, and even yourself, if tuberculosis is detected, you will have to register with a phthisiatrician. It is very important! Doctors will be able to detect signs of an incipient disease in time (of course, it would be better if it didn’t come to this).

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Forms of tuberculosis, their description

In the "wild nature" the following forms of tuberculosis are most often detected:

  • Lung variety.
  • primary tuberculosis.
  • reactivated form.
  • Extrapulmonary variety.
  • Leprosy, or leprosy. Not quite tuberculosis, but caused by related mycobacteria.

The first three varieties are the most common. Primary tuberculosis is especially frequent. Often, clinical signs in this case are not observed at all, but sometimes pneumonia occurs, accompanied by inflammation of the pulmonary and bronchial lymph nodes. Most often, the disease is simply "clogged" with prescribed antibiotics, but the true cause of pneumonia remains unclear. If the immune status of the animal is greatly reduced, the pulmonary stage develops. Accompanied by cough, shortness of breath, very often there is a secondary pneumonia caused by pathogenic microflora.

Tuberculous reactivation, or chronic course. An exhausting, sluggish stage. The animal is constantly losing weight, cases of intermittent fever are possible. As a rule, if it comes to this form, the animal can no longer be saved. Finally, the intestinal form. It occurs if the dog likes to "feed" at those slaughterhouses that do not monitor the sanitary condition of the territory too much. It is characterized by profuse diarrhea, the dog is depressed and lethargic, refuses to feed. Conventional antimicrobial drugs do not give any visible effect.

The pathogenesis is quite simple. First, the pathogen enters the body (through the lungs or the gastrointestinal tract - it doesn’t matter). Wherever he gets, he "takes root" in the body, forming a small bubble, a tubercle. Gradually, it grows and becomes covered with a connective tissue sheath. Inside it (due to the lack of nutrients) a homogeneous, casein mass is formed. If the contents of this kind of tubercle enters the bloodstream, new foci of infection arise.

Read also: Mastopathy in dogs: a detailed description and methods of treatment

Symptoms and diagnosis, therapy

The main symptoms of this disease in dogs may include the following signs:

  • Cough. Varies from dry and barking (in the initial stages) to hoarse, gurgling (when open).
  • Depression.
  • Weight loss (progressive, gradual).
  • Increased thirst and increased urination (polydipsia and).
  • Diarrhea (if the intestinal form is observed).
  • (especially noticeable on the gums).

It is important to note that even relatively pronounced pulmonary tuberculosis in dogs can be very difficult to diagnose. Often this is due not only to the poor equipment of veterinary clinics. So, for a more or less accurate diagnosis, PCR is required. An even more accurate method is to grow a culture of mycobacteria on a nutrient medium. This is a long process, it can take more than one month.

Of course, diagnostics also includes simpler methods. A complete blood count is required. But the results in this case are not particularly specific: the maximum that can be established is a significant increase in the number of leukocytes. Blood biochemistry is important, which will help to find out how far the disease has gone and what is the general condition of the dog.

Basic diagnostic methods, information about treatment

You can not do without a chest x-ray: this way you can accurately find out about the presence or absence of pneumonia, in some cases it is possible to see tuberculous cavities in the thickness of the organ. Tuberculosis is often confused with lung cancer, since in both cases the x-ray picture is similar. In doubtful cases, a biopsy of the affected organ cannot be dispensed with. This procedure is quite painful, so sometimes you have to resort to general anesthesia. Unfortunately, diagnosing tuberculosis by skin test (Mantoux reaction) in animals is impossible, since its reliability is very low, “false positives” are frequent.



Tuberculosis is a chronic microbial disease in which specific nodules form in various tissues and organs. Tuberculosis occurs due to the penetration of mycobacteria into the body. These pathogens are characterized by resistance to the influence of most environmental factors. Tuberculosis can affect not only dogs, but also other animals and humans. In most cases, infection of dogs occurs through the alimentary and aerosol (airborne) route. The pathogen is transmitted through contaminated food, water, milk, bedding. In addition, mycobacteria can be found in feces, nasal secretions, and sputum. The incubation period for tuberculosis can be up to 1.5 months. The following conditions contribute to the infection of a dog with this disease:

1. Unsanitary conditions.

2. Inadequate animal care.
3. Cramped and damp.
4. Poor dog feeding.

Disease pathogenesis

The penetration of the causative agent of tuberculosis through the dog's digestive tract, damaged skin or lungs is accompanied by the occurrence of a focal inflammatory process at the localization site. Subsequently, a characteristic tuberculous granuloma forms at this site. If organs and regional lymph nodes are involved in the pathological process, we are talking about a complete primary complex. An incomplete primary complex is a tuberculous lesion of only the lymph nodes. With a favorable course of the disease, encapsulation and calcification of tuberculous granulomas occur. In the worst case, the spread of pathogens throughout the body (generalized tuberculosis) is noted.Diseases and recommendations for that terrier

Clinical picture of the disease

Usually the course of tuberculosis is chronic and asymptomatic. In the generalized form of the disease, the appearance of general depression, fatigue, progressive exhaustion, etc. is noted. In severe cases, the disease is accompanied by shortness of breath, prolonged cough and copious nasal discharge, which leads to ear care . It is worth noting that in sick animals there is a violation of behavior. They become depressed and inactive. Detection of latent tuberculosis is facilitated only by radiography.


To detect tuberculosis, the use of tuberculinization and radiography of dogs suspicious of the disease is indicated. The tuberculinization method consists in the use of dry, purified tuberculin, which is injected under the skin of the inner thigh. The reaction is evaluated after two days. Evidence of the disease is the appearance of swelling at the injection site.

Treatment of the disease

It is worth noting that there is still no effective treatment for canine tuberculosis. In some cases, you can use separate treatment regimens for dogs. We are talking, for example, about the combined use of drugs such as rifampicin, isoniazid and streptomycin. The duration of such treatment reaches two years. However, in most cases, a sick animal must be destroyed. This is due to the risk of human infection.


Sick animals are very dangerous for their owners, as well as for such a category of people as the staff of shelters for stray dogs. Therefore, when establishing tuberculosis in animals, the entire complex of legal restrictions is shown.To prevent the occurrence of tuberculosis in dogs, it is necessary to carry out veterinary, sanitary, zoohygienic and organizational and economic measures. In addition, it is necessary to remember about personal hygiene and prevention measures.

Tuberculosis in dogs is an infectious disease. It is characterized by the presence of a large number of tubercles of different sizes in the affected organs. A dog of any breed or age can get sick, both stray and domestic. Therefore, it is very important to know what this phenomenon is, how to protect yourself from it or quickly get rid of it.

Do dogs get tuberculosis?

Mycobacterium bovis is the most common causative bacterium. This microorganism is very viable, in the natural environment, for example, in the ground, it can be active for up to 5 years. Frozen for up to 12 months and on your pet's mat for up to 24 months.

Did you know?There are cutaneous and intestinal forms of tuberculosis in dogs.

The disease is transmitted to dogs mainly by airborne droplets. It develops when the body is exposed to aerobic mycobacteria with an incubation period of several weeks. The disease itself, in addition to the above Mycobacterium bovis (bovine), can be caused by such varieties of tubercle bacillus:

  • bird;
  • mouse;
  • human.
As already mentioned, the bacterium is extremely viable, antiseptics are not afraid of it.

How dogs get tuberculosis: causes

A person can get sick from a dog, and vice versa. In addition to the airborne route, the pathogen can get to the dog with food. There are other, fairly common options for infection:

  • mat;
  • microwounds;
  • feeding a puppy to an infected mother;
  • mating.

The likelihood of infection increases in the presence of such factors:

  • poor or malnutrition;
  • keeping an animal in poor conditions without proper care.
The risk group primarily includes animals with a weakened immune system.

Forms of the disease, their characteristics

There are 2 main forms:

  1. Generalized- the digestive, respiratory, reproductive and urinary systems of the dog are affected. Quite often, this form becomes chronic, with a high probability of death.
  2. Latent- not clinically determined, the basis for establishing the diagnosis can only be an x-ray. With timely and proper treatment, the chances of recovery are high.

Symptoms of the disease

During incubation, the disease may not manifest itself at all. The only sign will be the constant fatigue of the animal, rapid fatigue. During the development of the disease, you can notice the following signs:

  • temperature rise;
  • poor appetite;
  • weight loss.

Important! In the case of the diagnosis of tuberculosis, the dog should be isolated from the household as soon as possible, and they, in turn, should be examined by a phthisiatrician.

Diagnosis of the disease

In order to identify the disease, the veterinarian performs the following procedures:

  1. Tuberculin in dry form is placed under the skin of a dog. If no allergic reaction is observed after 48 hours, then the animal has a tubercle bacillus in the body.
  2. An X-ray of the lungs is ordered.
  3. Carry out a blood biochemistry test.
  4. They take a sample for bacterial culture.

The disease develops in stages. At the first stage, the course of the disease passes in a latent form. At this time, the animal does not pose a danger to others, it cannot infect anyone. The period of intensive development is the most dangerous, since at this time the probability of infection of others is highest.

Did you know?There is no universal cure for tuberculosis. It is always selected on an individual basis.

The dog coughs, the bacteria settled in the lungs enter the surrounding air and settle wherever possible. The way the disease develops, the severity and speed of its course, is directly affected by the general condition of the dog, its age, and the conditions in which the animal is kept.

Treatment of the disease

An animal diagnosed with tuberculosis should be treated exclusively in a clinical setting, in strict isolation. In the case of a mild form of the disease, the veterinarian prescribes tablets. Usually this . Anti-tuberculosis drugs are supplemented with antibiotics - Levomycin or Tetramizol. In addition to treatment, the purpose of which is to suppress the disease, a course of vitamins and microelements is prescribed to support the animal's immunity, as well as helping the body recover as quickly as possible.
Much attention should be paid to nutrition - it must be of high quality and the freshest. This is one of the elements of successful treatment. Treatment can be very long (more than one year), success directly depends on the early diagnosis of the disease. In the case of a diagnosis of a generalized form, the use of anti-tuberculosis drugs does not give the proper result. In this case, doctors generally suggest euthanizing the animal.

Important!A sick animal may sometimes try to breathe less frequently. It does this because of the acute course of the disease in the lungs. In such cases, the development of pleurisy is possible.

Prevention of tuberculosis in dogs

Tuberculosis is a highly serious disease. In this regard, it is necessary to follow some rules in order not to get infected:

  • create proper conditions for the animal, sanitary conditions and proper nutrition;
  • exclude contact with infected dogs, do not walk near tuberculosis dispensaries where people are treated;
  • 2-4 times a year to carry out immune-strengthening therapy with the help of a vitamin, which will be prescribed by a veterinarian specifically for your dog;
  • exclude meat and dairy products of dubious origin from the animal's diet;
  • every 6 months to be checked by a veterinarian.
In the case of any infectious disease, it is necessary to approach its treatment as seriously as possible in order to minimize damage to the animal's immune system. Strong immunity will give a chance to avoid a recurrence of the disease.
In the event that the disease was diagnosed early enough, the correct treatment was prescribed, and you strictly followed the doctor's recommendations, the chances of recovery will be quite high. But even in this case, you should be patient, as the treatment takes several years. And do not forget that even after successful treatment, the animal remains predisposed to the disease throughout its life.

Video: tuberculosis in dogs

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