What to do after the wisdom tooth extraction procedure: recommendations. What to do with a gauze swab -. Flux treatment after tooth extraction

Toothache not only takes away the joys of life, but is also dangerous to health. That is why dentists do not advise ignoring it, muffling it with painkillers and postponing treatment until tomorrow. With the possibilities of modern dentistry, tooth extraction is a last resort. However, in advanced cases, this procedure cannot be dispensed with.

Tooth extraction is implantation or prosthetics in the future, for which it is important to be financially prepared. However, first, an operation is to be performed in the office of a dentist-surgeon. Manipulations take place under local anesthesia, sometimes they bring significant relief. For this, you will have to be patient and carefully care for the oral cavity after removal. Wound healing has its own nuances, and if hygiene rules are not followed, serious complications are possible.

How long should the hole heal?

After tooth extraction, a hole remains, which is a source of increased attention. During the operation, the surgeon violates the integrity of blood vessels and nerves, damages neighboring soft tissues. As a result, the site of injury may become inflamed and bleed. Its healing is usually accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • pain in the area of ​​the extracted tooth;
  • pain can radiate to the ear, eye, neighboring tissues;
  • rise in body temperature;
  • difficulty in swallowing, swelling, other disorders of the jaw.

All these consequences are considered the norm, but they should gradually fade away, and not progress. Many factors influence the successful healing of the gums. The main ones are proper oral care, the state of the body, and the rate of blood clotting. Until a blood clot appears that closes the wound (this takes up to three hours), there is a risk of infection entering it.

Stages of healing with a photo

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For a complete recovery, it will take much more time, since healing after removal takes place both in the tooth socket and in the gum. They behave differently in this case:

With the extirpation of a wisdom tooth, the formation of new tissues will end by the end of the first month (we recommend reading:). When looking for a photo with a tooth socket at different times, this point should be taken into account so as not to be upset that the process is going wrong. Excessive stress will not benefit health, it will delay the healing period.

3 days after removal

Normally, the wound does not bleed on the 3rd day. The clot, which was burgundy on the first day, becomes lighter, acquires a yellowish tint. Its color is determined by natural physiological processes. Hemoglobin (the red component) is gradually washed out by saliva, but the fibrin framework is preserved. It forms the basis of a blood clot that prevents bleeding from the wound.

No need to climb into the problem area with your hands, injure with toothpicks and a brush. The wound heals according to the principle of secondary tension, from the edges to the center. If these conditions are not observed and hygiene is not observed, suppuration at the place of removal is possible after 1-3 days. This alveolitis is a dangerous complication with a complex of unpleasant symptoms. The gum becomes inflamed, the pain increases, the hole is filled with food or saliva, or empty, the blood clot is injured or absent. If time does not start treatment, the disease threatens with phlegmon, abscess, sepsis.

Day 5

By day 4-5, the color of the tooth socket normally becomes even lighter, the wound heals, as can be seen in the photo. The place of removal can still whine and bother. If the pain is not severe, there is no bad breath, inflammation or swelling of the gums, the process is going as it should. At this time, it is important to observe oral hygiene, try to talk less and not chew on the problem side of the jaw.

Day 7

For 7-8 days, the pain subsides. Granulations gradually replace the blood clot, only in the center of the tooth hole you can see its traces. Outside, the wound is covered with a layer of epithelium, and bone tissue is actively formed inside. If discomfort, swelling of the gums, painful sensations appear, you should see a dentist. It may be necessary to re-process the well and lay the medication. In practice, if the patient followed the instructions after tooth extraction, complications rarely occur.

Factors affecting the rate of gum healing

How long does tissue heal after extirpation? Each patient has their own regeneration time. The following factors influence the process:

Causes of inflammation of the hole

Inflammation of the tooth socket, the soft tissues surrounding it or the periosteum cannot be missed (we recommend reading:). The process is accompanied by pain, swelling in the problem area, general malaise. Often the body temperature rises, it becomes painful to speak, swallow. Inflammation of the hole is caused by such factors:

  • infection with SARS, infections after removal (it is important to be healthy at the time of the operation);
  • weakened immunity due to diet, any disease;
  • the presence of carious teeth, from where pathogenic bacteria pass to other parts of the oral cavity;
  • improperly selected anesthesia;
  • poor processing of instruments, non-compliance with sanitary conditions during manipulations, as a result of which an infection penetrates the wound;
  • serious damage to the gums during extirpation;
  • the cyst from the extracted tooth remained in the hole.

In any situation that interferes with the healing process of the socket after tooth extraction, a dental surgeon should be consulted. Perhaps an X-ray, a complete blood count, an autopsy and repeated cleaning will be shown. In addition, the doctor will prescribe physiotherapy and supportive medications to improve well-being. After cleaning, the doctor puts Neomycin powder (antibiotic) in the hole, closes it with a swab. Symptoms of inflammation after that disappear within 1-2 days.

What to do if after a week the gum still hurts?

Normally, the pain in the soft tissues subsides gradually, and already on the 7th day the patient does not feel severe discomfort. However, with difficult removal, the gum heals for a long time, it hurts at night. In this case, you should contact the doctor who removed the tooth. At home, pain relievers (Tempalgin, Nalgezin, Nurofen, Solpadein) and rinsing will ease suffering:

  • weak soda solution;
  • a solution of furacilin (1-2 tablets per glass of water);
  • decoction of calendula, sage or oak bark;
  • antibacterial drug Miramistin.

How to properly care for the gums after tooth extraction?

Tooth extraction should be agreed as a last resort, when modern methods of dentistry are not able to restore it. If extirpation cannot be avoided, it should be entrusted to an experienced surgeon with a good reputation.

The procedure will take place under local anesthesia, the doctor will not let you go home until he is sure that the bleeding from the hole has stopped. Self-absorbable cones with iodine, other antiseptic and hemostatic drugs are placed in it.

In addition, the doctor advises on wound care in the first days. The rules after tooth extraction are as follows:

  • you should slowly get out of your chair and go out into the corridor;
  • sit for about 20 minutes (sudden movements and fuss can cause unwanted bleeding);
  • do not eat or drink for 3 hours after manipulation;
  • do not rinse your mouth for the first 2 days;
  • do not touch and do not get the turunda in the hole if the doctor left it;
  • if a white clot, a tampon with medicine that was placed during the intervention fell out, it is necessary;
  • when food gets into the wound after tooth extraction, do not pick with a toothpick, but rinse gently;
  • make "baths" for the hole with an antiseptic, as the doctor advises;
  • when chewing, try not to touch the affected area;
  • during cleaning, do not touch the problem area, so as not to break the clot;
  • from the third day, rinse your mouth with decoctions of herbs or antiseptic solutions;
  • use local preparations according to the recommendations of the dentist (Solcoseryl gel, Metrogil denta);
  • for pain and inflammation, do cold 15-minute compresses on the cheek;
  • you can not heat the problem area, take a bath, steam in the sauna;
  • avoid alcohol, smoking, physical activity (we recommend reading:);
  • see a doctor if the hole with a clot turns black.

What does a normal healing hole look like after a while? Neat, not inflamed, without pain and discomfort. When this is not the case, a dentist should be consulted. He will carry out activities that will prevent infection or relieve inflammation.

Toothache is annoying and unpleasant, you want to get rid of it as soon as possible. Sometimes a tooth cannot be cured therapeutically, you have to resort to surgery. Tooth extraction is a complex procedure for both the patient and the doctor. Thanks to modern anesthesia, she became painless. But when the effect of the injection wears off, problems begin. A hole remains in the gum. It can heal quickly and painlessly, or it can bleed and whine for a long time. How to speed up gum healing after tooth extraction? Healing gels, ointments, rinses and compliance with the rules of oral hygiene will help in solving the problem. Violation of tissue integrity often leads to the development of inflammation.

After tooth extraction, a blood clot forms

When unwanted symptoms appear, you should immediately go to a consultation with a specialist.

Injury of the tooth extraction procedure

Tooth extraction is a last resort. The operation is performed when therapeutic treatment cannot help get rid of the problem. Indications for emergency tooth extraction:

  • Periostitis, osteomyelitis (inflammation of bone tissue).
  • Phlegmon.
  • Sinusitis.
  • Lymphadenitis.
  • Vertical tooth fracture.
  • Crown fracture with pulp exposure.

Tooth extraction, depending on the situation and its location, is carried out using different techniques. The gum is removed from the surface of the crown. The tooth is grasped with forceps, rocked or rotated to break the connection of the tooth with the surrounding tissues. Then it is removed using forceps of various types.

When a tooth is pulled out, the integrity of the mucous membranes is destroyed, muscles are damaged, small capillaries and nerves are torn.

It's unavoidable. Pathogenic flora can easily penetrate into open covers. To avoid this, antiseptics are used.

How does the hole in the gum heal

After a tooth is pulled out, a cavity remains in the gum, its size depends on the type of tooth. It will take some time for the gums to heal.

During the healing period, the following symptoms may appear:

  1. Bleeding (under normal condition stops 2-4 hours after the procedure).
  2. Pain in the damaged area that radiates to adjacent tissues.
  3. Redness and swelling of the gums around the injured area.
  4. Short-term hyperthermia (up to 38 degrees).
  5. Short-term dysfunction of the jaw.
  6. Violation of the functionality of the jaws is a consequence of pain and swelling. Food debris regularly enters the cavity, which can aggravate symptoms. Therefore, oral hygiene is of great importance for gum healing.
  7. The blood clot that appears in the hole after the extraction of the tooth and bleeding should not be tried to get. It is needed for wound healing. Removing the clot can lead to infection, the onset of new bleeding.
  8. Gradually, epithelial cells will begin to form in the hole. They differ in color, so their formation can be intimidating at first. The epithelium will gradually line the hole. Trying to pick out the cells is impossible.
  9. After the formation of the epithelial lining, the process of bone repair will begin. It flows from the walls to the center of the hole. The gum will be fully restored when the formation of bone tissue is completed.

The healing period of the gums after tooth extraction is individual for each person, depending on the rate of formation of epithelial and bone cells.

In one patient, the wound heals in a week, in another, the gum heals more slowly after tooth extraction.

The hole closed completely after 3 weeks.

Complications after tooth extraction

If violations were made during the operation, or the patient did not follow the rules of conduct after the procedure, the following undesirable conditions may develop:

  • Dry hole. There is no blood clot in the cavity from which healing begins. The cause of the complication may be a violation of the process of thrombosis, taking drugs that reduce clotting (cardioaspirin), too intense rinsing of the mouth. A dry socket can cause the penetration of pathogenic bacteria, prolonged wound healing. How to treat a violation, the attending physician will say.
  • Alveolitis. Purulent inflammation of the gums. The cause of the complication is the penetration of foreign microorganisms. Medicines, antibiotics will help get rid of the problem.

Gingival alveolitis or white hole

  • Parasthesia. Paralysis of gum tissues. It occurs due to nerve damage during surgery. Parasthesia goes away on its own, after a few hours, sometimes days.
  • Fracture of the bones of the jaw or teeth. Complications, the cause of which is one - the low qualification of the attending physician.
  • Sometimes, after the extraction of a tooth, the position of adjacent teeth changes. This is due to the development of inflammation if the tooth roots were not completely removed.

The most common complications develop after the removal of a wisdom tooth. Therefore, the operation should be trusted only by experienced and proven specialists.

To make gums heal faster

After tooth extraction, what to do so that the gums heal faster and without complications. To do this, you need to follow a few recommendations:

  • Stop bleeding at the site of tooth extraction.
  • Taking painkillers.
  • Reduced bleeding and swelling during the first day after the procedure.
  • Prevention of infections with the help of special means.
  • Cleaning the mouth.
  • Proper nutrition.
  • Complete rest.

In the first hours after surgery, it is very important to be careful not to put pressure on the tissues, not to damage or remove the blood clot. It is necessary to follow all the recommendations of the attending physician.

Stopping smoking for 1-2 days after the operation will also help speed up the healing of the gums.

Mouthwash after removal

Stop bleeding after surgery

Swinging and extracting the tooth leads to profuse bleeding. The doctor stops the blood immediately after the operation using a sterile piece of gauze. The gauze cut is placed on the bleeding hole. The patient should bite down firmly on the tissue. To reliably stop the blood, not to interfere with the formation of a blood clot, you need to follow simple rules:

  • do not open the gums, do not talk;
  • when changing the bandage, do not spit saliva;
  • do not touch the damaged area with your hands, do not climb with your tongue.

Opening the gums will not stop the bleeding. With heavy bleeding, the dressing gets wet quickly and needs to be replaced. There will be a desire to spit out saliva, but this cannot be done, you can accidentally spit out the resulting clot. The gauze is removed after half an hour, the bleeding should normally stop during this time.


Tooth extraction is performed under local anesthesia. Modern preparations act quickly and reliably, which makes the procedure completely painless. The presence of an allergy to the anesthetic should be reported to the dentist. In the absence of complications, the tooth is pulled out very quickly. Anesthesia works for some time after the operation. When the effect of the drug ends, the damaged gum begins to hurt badly. This is normal after a serious injury. Can I use analgesics? Severe pain does not allow you to rest calmly, interferes with eating. It is recommended to remove it with the help of traditional painkillers (Nurofen, Nise, Nimesil). A suitable medicine will be advised by a doctor. The first tablet can be drunk until the effect of anesthesia has passed.

Sometimes the doctor will prescribe antibiotics if there is a risk of infection. Self-administration is not recommended.

Gum care after tooth extraction

Proper gum care after tooth extraction will help to avoid complications and quickly heal the wound. The first two days are the most important. It depends on the behavior of the patient during this period how quickly the hole will grow.

How to care for your gums after tooth extraction:

  • Ice compresses. Ice is applied for half an hour, the procedure is repeated after 20-30 minutes. Cold causes constriction of capillaries, prevents bleeding, relieves swelling.
  • Rinse with salt water. You can rinse your mouth only the next morning after the procedure. Dissolve one tablespoon of salt in 250 ml of warm water. Rinse your mouth slowly, spit out the solution carefully. Do rinses 4-5 times a day, for 3-5 days after the operation.
  • Warm compress. Heat accelerates the blood supply to the tissue, rapid wound healing. Apply a compress to the cheek area of ​​the injury when 36 hours have passed since the operation. You can do the procedure if there is no bleeding.
  • Medicinal gel and ointment for gums. Gel with chlorhexidine will help heal the gum after tooth extraction. Smear the sore spot with ointment only two days after the tooth is removed. Do not press hard on the wound. The gel relieves pain, redness, gums heal much faster. Lubricate the gums usually after cleaning the mouth or rinsing.
  • Reparative preparations - Solcoseryl, Stomafit, Rotokan, propolis or sea buckthorn oil will help heal the gum faster. You can treat the gum with your fingers or cotton swabs.

For the first two days after the operation, solid foods should be avoided, and cigarettes should be avoided. Smoking is bad for gum health. After an injury, if a tooth was removed, they become more vulnerable.

Gel Holisal for gums

Rules for eating

Food is in direct contact with the oral cavity and has a direct effect on the injured gum. Therefore, following the rules of nutrition will help reduce the load on the gums, reduce pain and accelerate the healing of the hole. Rules for eating after visiting the dentist:

  • You can eat immediately when the effect of anesthesia disappears.
  • In the first 48 hours, take only liquid and soft food, preferably cool, this will relieve pain and swelling.
  • Avoid hard, crunchy, sticky, spicy foods, carbonated and hot drinks.
  • Do not use a straw for drinking and eating.
  • You can only chew on the opposite side of the injured area.
  • You need to switch to solid foods gradually so that the healing gums do not suffer from excessive stress.
  • The wound heals due to the formation of bone tissue. A protein-rich diet will help speed up the process. You need to eat more cheese, fish, soft meat (pate, meatballs, etc.). Vitamins will help restore the general condition of the body.

Oral hygiene

You can brush your teeth one day after the operation. For care use a standard set:

  • toothbrush and floss;
  • paste or gel;
  • conditioner.

When caring for your teeth and tongue, you should not touch the sore spot. Rinse your mouth and spit carefully.

Rinse aid should be used after meals, saline solution is also suitable instead. When the oral cavity is cleaned, the gums are treated with a gel. Having lubricated the sore spot, you need to wait, do not eat or drink any drinks for a while.

When to See a Doctor

An extracted tooth can cause many problems. Sometimes they require medical attention. You need to contact your dentist if the gum does not heal for a long time, and the following symptoms are observed:

  • Resumption or increase in pain 2-3 days after removal (may be a symptom of a dry socket).
  • Pain of an unusual nature 6–8 days after tooth extraction.
  • Heavy bleeding that lasts longer than 3 to 4 days.
  • Fever.
  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Persistent taste and odor from the mouth.

Fever, nausea can signal acute inflammation. A bitter taste in the mouth sometimes appears with an allergy to an anesthetic. It should disappear on the first day.

Bad taste and bad breath can also indicate inflammation.

Sometimes sharp splinters are felt in a healing wound. It is not always possible for the surgeon to extract the roots completely the first time. Remains of dead tooth tissue can cause inflammation. Therefore, in case of discomfort, you need to re-apply to the clinic.

Before tooth extraction

Dental problems are annoying. In emergency situations, it is not possible to prepare for the tooth extraction procedure.

Before the operation, it is necessary to warn the doctor about taking medications:

  • drugs for hypertension;
  • oral contraceptives;
  • any hormones.

Medicines for hypertensive patients and contraceptives disrupt blood clotting, which leads to severe bleeding.

It is necessary to warn the doctor about the presence of diabetes. In patients, the gum after surgery does not grow for a long time and bleeds. The dentist will take measures, prescribe care products that will help get rid of discomfort. You will have to treat the sore spot more often.

Today, teeth can be removed completely painlessly. The quality of the operation and the rehabilitation period depend on the qualifications of the dentist-surgeon and the behavior of the patient. With proper care, the wound after tooth extraction will heal in a minimum time.

Molar tooth extraction (extraction) is a surgical operation, so it is necessary to control the condition of the gums after the tooth has been pulled out and the turunda has been placed. For a successful outcome without complications, the skill of the surgeon is not enough. Most of the consequences in the form of inflammation and pus occur due to infection.

The process of removing a root tooth

The extraction procedure is performed by the surgeon if therapy is not possible. Reasons for tooth extraction:

Sometimes there are objective reasons for removal, but surgery is undesirable for medical reasons. In this case, it is possible to remove the diseased molar tooth in a hospital with resuscitation support.

Contraindications for dental extraction:

  • previous myocardial infarction or stroke;
  • hypertension;
  • severe arrhythmia;
  • blood diseases (leukemia, hemophilia, hemorrhagic diathesis);
  • epilepsy, schizophrenia and other mental problems.

In the event that there are no contraindications, tooth extraction is carried out according to the following scheme (see photo):

In some cases, extraction cannot be carried out according to this scheme. Factors complicating the operation:

  • crooked tooth roots;
  • fragility of bone tissue;
  • the crown is completely destroyed, the root is below the gum level;
  • the eighth unit is not completely cut through or lies horizontally.

In such situations, the doctor cuts the gum and exfoliates it from the bone tissue. Then the necessary section of the bone is drilled with a drill and access to the root is created. Sometimes sawing of the partition between the roots is carried out and they are extracted one by one. Subsequently, stomatitis is possible, the tissue can heal and fester for a long time and hard.

Patient's actions after the procedure

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The surgeon instructs the patient what to do after tooth extraction:

How long does healing take?

Wound healing after tooth extraction occurs as follows:

  1. Immediately after the extraction is completed, the circular ligament that encircled the crown is reduced around the hole.
  2. A blood clot forms in the wound, protecting it from infection. Then it is replaced by fibrous tissue.
  3. Tightening of the wound surface and restoration of the gum area.
  4. Growth of new epithelium on the gum.
  5. Development of new bone tissue.

Many are worried about when the hole closes after the tooth is pulled out, how many days it takes for the wounded place to heal. The edges of the wound will close in 2-3 weeks. In case of infection after tooth extraction, the process will be delayed up to 2 months. Complete formation of bone and soft tissues will be completed in 5 months.

The most complex tissue damage occurs when pulling out the "eight". To speed up the healing of a wound after the removal of a "wise" tooth, you can use decoctions of sage and other medicinal herbs.

Rules for oral care after removal

  • 2-3 days after the procedure, you can rinse your mouth with a warm soda solution (1 tsp per 1 cup of boiled water) or anti-inflammatory drugs (Iodinol, Furacilin, Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, Stomatidine, Rotokan) (more in the article:). Rinsing must be done carefully so as not to damage the blood clot after tooth extraction. To do this, put a little solution in your mouth, hold it in your mouth and spit it out. Repeat 3-4 times.
  • Due to the fact that part of the tissue was torn out, hygiene and careful oral care are necessary so that pus does not form in the hole. Brushing your teeth should be done carefully.

Possible complications during and after the procedure

Unfavorable symptoms of complications after tooth extraction:

Complications after tooth extraction from stomatitis to osteomyelitis occur after a pulled out "eight". If suppuration appears at the site of the removed unit, it hurts to swallow, the temperature persists, then you need to immediately treat the disease and take antibiotics.

Possible consequences of the extraction of the 8th unit of the series:


The first consequence of molar extraction is bleeding, which usually stops after 5 minutes. The doctor should put a tampon, which must be kept for 20-30 minutes, and then removed from the mouth. In the presence of hypertension or poor blood clotting, the patient informs the doctor about this, and the doctor inserts gauze soaked in antiseptics and a hemostatic sponge into the wound. The gauze is removed after 5-7 days. For problems with clotting, the surgeon prescribes special medications for oral administration or injection.


For some time after the removal of the molar, there is aching pain. This is a normal reaction of the body to the intervention, especially if the operation was complex.

Pain can last up to 7 days, gradually fading. The increase in pain indicates a violation of the healing process after tooth extraction. In this case, you should immediately contact a specialist.

What to do to ease the pain? Basic Rules:

  • carefully read the recommendations on how to behave after tooth extraction;
  • take pain medication (Nurofen or Ketanov) that was recommended by the surgeon;
  • do warm antiseptic baths.


Inflammation may not be limited to stomatitis. Already on the second day after tooth extraction, pus may appear. In the future, signs of alveolitis develop:

  • severe pain with spread to other areas of the jaw, face and head;
  • heat;
  • the smell of decay from the mouth;
  • no clot (dry socket);
  • dirty gray deposits on the wound;
  • submandibular lymph nodes are enlarged;
  • purulent discharge with pressure on the gums.

How to quickly stop the bleeding after extraction?

To stop bleeding and heal quickly, follow these rules:

Diseases of the gums and teeth after extraction and their treatment

The most common diseases and their treatment after tooth extraction:

  • Alveolitis - inflammation of the hole. Therapy consists in the use of anesthesia, curettage (cleaning) of the hole with its release from necrotic tissues, washing the wound, suturing, continuing treatment at home with antiseptic preparations.
  • A cyst is a fibrous formation filled with liquid contents. Removed surgically or with a laser. Antibiotics are prescribed for subsequent treatment.
  • Flux - inflammation of the periosteum, accompanied by severe pain and swelling of the cheek (we recommend reading:). The main medicines for flux after tooth extraction are antibiotics (we recommend reading:). Surgical cleansing of the wound is mandatory, otherwise it will not heal for a long time.

Prevention of complications

Prevention of diseases and conditions for rapid healing:

  • observe hygiene and take care of the oral cavity;
  • caution when eating, sneezing, coughing, blowing your nose;
  • food should be soft and liquid, without solid components;
  • on the first day, make an ice compress;
  • take prescribed medications;
  • you can not remove the tampon after tooth extraction ahead of time;
  • do not touch the hole that is healing;
  • clean the oral cavity with a brush only on the second day.

Tooth extraction is a rather complicated procedure carried out with the help of surgery. In place of the removed dental unit, a deep hole remains, which bleeds and causes pain of varying intensity to the patient. It is impossible to say for sure how long the wound heals, since this process is individual. To prevent dangerous consequences and accelerate the healing of the hole formed after tooth extraction, careful care is recommended.

Why is tooth extraction so traumatic?

Regardless of the method of tooth extraction (extraction), this operation is associated with damage to the oral mucosa and the formation of a bone wound unit, a hole, at the site of the removed unit. Violation of the integrity of the skin can provoke the entry of pathogenic bacteria into the body.

The hole after tooth extraction heals for a certain time. During this period, food can get into it, as a result of the gradual decomposition of which inflammation inevitably develops. In addition, the inflammatory process in an open wound can be provoked by saliva, which, despite its disinfecting properties, is a carrier of pathogens.

In the process of extraction, if the integrity of the mucous membrane is violated, the vessels and nerve endings are injured, since the removal of the tooth root is associated with damage to the ligaments, muscle and other soft tissues. As a result of this, the hole formed after the extraction of the tooth looks inflamed at first.

Wound healing is usually accompanied by the following phenomena:

Such phenomena are considered normal signs of a healing hole. However, in case of their progression, it is urgent to see a doctor.

What can increase the risk of problems?

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The likelihood of developing complications depends on several factors. If the patient has taken blood-thinning medications shortly before the extraction, bleeding during and after the operation will be extremely difficult to stop. In addition, a blood clot will not form at the site of the extracted tooth, which should protect the hole from food and infection.

Not only the duration of wound healing, but also the likelihood of undesirable consequences depends on oral care after extraction.

If you do not rinse your mouth after each meal and neglect regular brushing of your teeth, after a short time a pathogenic environment will develop in the oral cavity.

How long does the gum last?

For each patient, tightening the hole has its own timing. The recovery period after extraction depends on the following factors:

  1. Age. The younger the patient, the faster regeneration processes proceed in his body. In this case, in the elderly, the postoperative period lasts 7-14 days longer than in younger patients.
  2. The presence of foci of inflammation. This condition may be indicated by redness of the gum tissue. If such a symptom concerns a single-rooted tooth, the wound will heal 5-7 days longer than expected, if we are talking about a multi-rooted unit, the hole will be delayed 13-16 days longer than it would be in a standard situation.
  3. Injury. Any surgical intervention is associated with a violation of the integrity of soft tissues. So, when removing a wisdom tooth, it is often necessary to make an incision on the gum in order to extract a deep root. In this case, the regeneration period can last up to 5 weeks.

Not the last role in the restoration of tissues after extraction is played by the state of the patient's immunity. If the defenses of his body are weakened, the wound will heal for a long time and poorly.

Stages of healing of the hole

After extraction, healing occurs in the hole left after the extracted tooth and in damaged gum tissues. At the first stage of rehabilitation, the gums are restored. After that, the formation of new bone tissue begins. Then it is compacted. Upon completion of this stage, the bone tissue is fused with the gum, this ends the postoperative period of extraction.

Not every patient has an idea of ​​how the wound formed at the site of the extracted tooth should look like during healing. Below are photos of examples of its phased recovery, on the basis of which we can conclude how the standard postoperative period should proceed, not associated with certain complications.

Overgrowth of the soft tissues of the gums

After the operation, a blood clot should form at the site of the extracted tooth within 1-3 hours, it is strictly forbidden to touch it, since it prevents pathogenic microorganisms from entering the wound.

At this stage, brush your teeth regularly and rinse your mouth after every meal. In addition, during the recovery period, it is necessary to observe a special diet.

After 3-4 days from the moment of the operation, epithelialization of soft and hard tissues begins in the hole, accompanied by the formation of granulation tissues. At the same time, painful symptoms are significantly reduced, redness and swelling are reduced, the wound is covered with a white coating (we recommend reading:). Normally, the healing hole should have only white color. Other shades indicate developing complications. If the wound turns yellow, green or black, while exuding an unpleasant odor, then an inflammatory process has begun in the injured tissues and pus has accumulated.

When a wisdom tooth is removed, the gums recover much longer. This is explained by the fact that the wounds remaining after tearing out the "eights" in most cases are large. Often, the area of ​​wisdom tooth extraction has to be sewn up, which not only prevents microbes from penetrating into the wound, but also accelerates its healing.

Formation of new bone tissue

On the 7-8th day after extraction, bone tissue begins to form. The blood clot remains in the cavity of the hole, there is no recess after tooth extraction. The patient no longer hurts the place of surgical intervention and he practically does not experience discomfort while chewing food. The process of new bone formation is usually completed by the end of 2 weeks. A month after extraction, the cavity of the hole will be almost completely filled with bone tissue. It finally overgrows, as a rule, in 2-3 months.

Bone thickening

At this stage, the formed bone tissues are compacted and after a certain period they turn into fully mature and strengthened bones. This process is necessary to replace a missing tooth.

This stage lasts about 4 months, which is how long it takes for the final formation of mature bones.

Fusion of bone tissue with the gum

At the final stage of the postoperative period, the formed bone tissue fuses with the existing jawbone. This process takes at least 4 months. However, the specified period is significantly increased if infection or other complications have been detected. In this case, the fusion will take 6-10 months.

How to speed up healing: rules for caring for the hole

After the operation, the patient receives recommendations for caring for the hole formed after the removal of the dental unit. Compliance with a number of rules will avoid undesirable consequences and speed up the rehabilitation period. Care for the hole is necessary as follows:

These rules must be strictly followed. Otherwise, complications may develop that require surgical removal.

What factors can hinder recovery?

The healing time of the wound formed as a result of tooth extraction is affected by the professionalism of the dental surgeon, the condition of the periodontium and roots, as well as the correct implementation of hygiene procedures for the oral cavity. The rehabilitation period is delayed when the inflamed tooth is removed. Poor wound cleaning is also associated with an increase in the recovery period. In cases where food has got into an empty well with an unformed blood clot, there is a high risk of developing an inflammatory process, which will greatly complicate healing.

The use of a brush for cleaning the oral cavity, the bristles of which are inhabited by pathogenic microorganisms, can provoke inflammation and, as a result, prolonged tightening of the hole. In patients suffering from diabetes or pathologies of the circulatory system, the recovery period is often longer than in standard situations.

Possible Complications

As a result of tooth extraction, severe pathological processes can develop. Among them are such phenomena as:

  1. Alveolitis. The disease is accompanied by an increase in pain, the appearance of bad breath, intense bleeding, hyperthermia, weakening of the body and severe headaches. This condition is dangerous by the ability to rapidly flow into osteomyelitis of the alveolar process.
  2. Inflammation of the gum tissue. In this case, the hole is filled with pus, fibrous or granulation tissue, the gum becomes inflamed and bleeds, throbbing pains are felt in it (we recommend reading:).
  3. Paresthesia. This condition develops as a result of injury to the nerve endings surrounding the extracted tooth, and is associated with paralysis of the gum tissues.
  4. Changing the position of the teeth. This is due to incomplete extraction of the root or the development of inflammation in the area of ​​​​surgical intervention.
  5. Fracture of a tooth or jaw. To avoid these consequences, it is recommended to contact only highly qualified specialists.

When should you see a doctor?

The extraction procedure may be associated with certain signs indicating the development of dangerous pathological processes. These include the following states:

  • heavy bleeding lasting more than 3 hours in a row;
  • many hours of intense pain and swelling that does not subside;
  • hyperthermia lasting more than 1 day;
  • the formation of pus, associated with an unpleasant odor and pain in the wound;
  • headache attacks, accompanied by fever and swollen lymph nodes in the neck.

If at least one of these conditions occurs, you should immediately contact your doctor. In the event of the slightest delay, severe and dangerous consequences can develop.

The alveolus, or alveolus, is the depression in the jaw where the upper part of the tooth root is located. Inflammation of the socket of the tooth is called alveolitis and occurs for several reasons.

Treatment of the disease depends on the timely diagnosis and identification of factors influencing this process.

The reasons

Inflammation can begin against the background of suffering immunity, which is a consequence of a chronic somatic disease. But basically, the process progresses after traumatic removal - when the recess and the periodontium surrounding it are injured.

The operation is considered difficult if the tooth:

  • not completely cut through and closed by the gum;
  • crumbles during the procedure;
  • completely destroyed, and the doctor has nothing to catch on with forceps;
  • the roots are irregular.

Both the patient who ignores postoperative care and the doctor who violated hygiene requirements are to blame for the appearance of the inflammatory process:

  • improper treatment with an antiseptic of the oral cavity;
  • getting into the wound of plaque;
  • not carefully cleaned hole.

Risk factors play an important role in the occurrence of the inflammatory process. These include the presence of foci of caries and chronic infectious diseases of the nasopharynx.

In some cases, the course of wound healing can be disrupted by the washing out or complete destruction of the blood clot that fills the hole after surgery.

The alveolar thrombus is designed to protect the hole from infection. Normally, the clot falls off seven to twelve days after surgery. If prolonged bleeding is observed or the patient is fond of rinsing the mouth, then the clot is prematurely washed out, which can cause infection and the development of alveolitis.

Learn more about this in the following video:

First symptoms

After the operation, the hole heals quickly, and the pain disappears in a day. If the thrombus, which performs protective functions, has not formed, then the infection penetrates into the wound.

Self-medication and excessive rinsing leads to undesirable complications, including the occurrence of alveolitis.

The main first symptom of the disease is continuous, aching pain radiating to the ear and temple. After the action of anesthesia and tooth extraction, pain can begin immediately, but more often after a few days.

When examining a patient, the doctor feels fetid odor. The edges of the wound have a swampy brownish color, and the alveolar thrombus has a loose structure. The walls of the alveolar cavity are also inflamed and covered with a gray-green coating.

The edges of the gums lose sensitivity to pressure, become loose and acquire a purple hue. The periodontium of healthy teeth is located in the inflamed area - therefore, when they are squeezed, pain and a feeling of fullness are observed.

If the patient does not turn to a specialist in time, then a fever may begin, and the corresponding part of the face becomes swollen, submandibular lymph nodes enlarged(see photo on the right) - they become painful on palpation.

In more detail about the principle of progression of the disease, the types and accompanying symptoms, we will consider further.

Types of disease and their symptoms

Doctors distinguish three types of alveolitis: serous, purulent and chronic.

  • Serous. It develops within 3 days after tooth extraction and lasts about a week, in the absence of treatment it turns into a purulent form. It is manifested by constant pain, aggravated by foreign substances (food, liquid, toothpaste) entering the wound.

    The body temperature does not rise, the general condition does not worsen, the lymph nodes are not inflamed. On examination, the doctor sees a dry hole filled with food debris and saliva.

  • Purulent. It is considered a complication after the serous form of alveolitis. It is characterized by constant severe pain, due to which eating is no longer possible.

    Fever appears, body temperature rises to 38 degrees, regional lymph nodes swell. The hole is filled with purulent contents and edematous, the alveolar ridge is thickened, the surrounding tissues are inflamed.

  • Chronic. Occurs in patients who tried to cure alveolitis on their own, because. the disease cannot be eliminated without the surgical intervention necessary to clean and locally disinfect the hole.

    Rinses and lotions only stop the symptoms: the general condition improves, the temperature returns to normal, the pain subsides. But the hole continues to fester, pieces of dead tissue remain inside, granulation grows, the gum becomes bluish.

Features in the extraction of the figure eight

The wisdom tooth or otherwise - the figure eight, gives a person a lot of problems. Appearing when all the rest of his brothers cut through, he, like an uninvited guest, does not please with his visit.

When it erupts, swelling of the periodontal tissue often develops, a person is haunted by pain. Rudiment removal is necessary in the following situations:

  • Deviation of tooth growth in an unpredictable direction, which contributes to injury to the oral mucosa and tongue;
  • The presence of caries and the impossibility of treatment due to the inaccessibility of the tooth;
  • Very slow cutting, which contributes to the formation of a "hood", which provokes inflammation;
  • The negative impact of the "intruder" on neighboring teeth.

During the extraction of the third molar, it is possible injury to one of the nearby nerves, which leads to paresthesia of the corresponding part of the face. Sometimes adjacent teeth or dentures can be damaged during surgery.

But the worst consequence could be dry socket"- a complication after traumatic removal. She is is the result of prolonged bleeding arising for various reasons. In this case, the likelihood of infection of the wound is high.

Given the specifics of modern operations on, the probability of alveolitis is high only in two cases:

  • profuse bleeding from the wound, which requires the help of doctors to stop;
  • non-compliance with oral hygiene, which provoked infection under the seam.

The fact is that after extracting the impacted tooth, the wound is sutured in such a way that the clot is protected from mechanical influences. But there remains a small hole for draining the ichor during the healing period of the wound, through which the thrombus can only be pushed out by a strong flow of blood.

If you do not brush your teeth and do not do antiseptic baths, the infection will enter the hole through the hole. Decomposing in a confined space, it will provoke alveolitis, despite the presence of a clot.

In case of untimely seeking medical help, inflammation leads to osteomyelitis of the jaw, which can spread to adjacent teeth. His treatment is described in the article.


The choice of treatment method depends on the stage of neglect of the wound and the presence of complications. Some manipulations are performed by a doctor in the clinic, but most methods are available for home self-treatment.


Before starting treatment, the patient x-ray is prescribed. The picture will indicate the presence of foreign elements or fragments of the tooth in the gum cavity and will help to exclude complications.

If the treatment is started on time, then within a week the inflammatory process stops, the wound is covered with a protective epithelium, which indicates a positive dynamics of treatment. After that, the patient must follow the treatment recommendations and regularly visit a specialist for examination.

Folk remedies

After stopping the inflammation with medications, treatment can be continued at home. Traditional medicine offers rinsing with infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs:

  • chamomile;
  • sage;
  • petals of calendula.

The composition of herbs contains valuable essential oils, anti-inflammatory natural components, thanks to which you can remove small inflammations and disinfect the oral cavity.

Infusion of sage

Sage has disinfectant and analgesic properties. To prepare the infusion, you need to take one tablespoon of dried herbs and pour a glass of boiling water.

Dishes with brewed grass must be wrapped in a towel and let it brew for an hour. Strain the solution, after which it is ready for use.

pharmaceutical camomile

The components that make up chamomile gently cleanse the oral cavity and relieve inflammation. Chamomile inflorescences should be brewed as in the previous recipe. Let it brew for 15-20 minutes under a towel. Strain the solution and rinse your mouth.

calendula petals

Calendula relieves puffiness, disinfects and promotes the speedy healing of the mucosa. One tablespoon of calendula inflorescences is poured with a glass of hot water, after which the resulting solution must be left for half an hour to infuse.

Herbal infusions are recommended to rinse at least ten times a day, and for the prevention of diseases 3-4 times. From herbal infusions, gauze compresses can be prepared and applied to the inflamed area in the oral cavity.

In pharmacies, you can buy alcohol infusions on medicinal herbs. But you can cook them yourself. Here is an example recipe:

  • Poplar buds - 1 part;
  • Vodka - 5 parts.

Pour the kidneys into a glass container, pour vodka and insist in a cool, dark place for several weeks, then strain. The tincture can be added to warm water for rinsing, as well as gauze applications on inflamed gums.

In any case, if symptoms occur that signal the development of an inflammatory process (swelling of the face and gums, fever, severe pain, putrid breath), you should contact a specialist as soon as possible. Such manifestations may be signs of the development of the inflammatory process.


Preventing the formation of alveolitis after tooth extraction is simple - you need to follow the doctor's recommendations aimed at maintaining the integrity of the clot in the hole. It is the blood clot formed after the operation that protects the wound from the formation of a dry hole, infection and the development of inflammation.

The washing out of the clot is provoked by the following actions:

  • Rinsing. The pressure created by water mechanically displaces the thrombus from its place, therefore, on the first day, and preferably 2-3 days, it is forbidden to do therapeutic rinses with decoctions and antiseptics, which are loved by many patients.

    Baths are allowed on the second day; you need to take the decoction in your mouth, hold it and let it flow out.

  • Physical activity. You need to be at rest, you can not go to the gym, do active housework, lift weights, etc.

    All this provokes an increase in blood circulation, which leads to bleeding if a person has an open wound, and the clot is washed out with the blood stream.

  • Hot food. The impact of high food temperature on the thrombus leads to its resorption, as a result, it gradually eliminates itself and the hole remains dry.
  • Drinking through a straw and smoking. The negative pressure created during this pulls the clot out of the wound.
  • Touching the hole. You can mechanically provoke the prolapse of a blood clot if you touch it with your tongue, fingers, cotton swabs or a brush.

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  • Sasha

    January 21, 2016 at 21:25

    The most unpleasant of the possible consequences of tooth extraction. And the treatment is far from simple, and the sensations are not pleasant. Conclusions - contact your dentist in a timely manner, especially be careful in the first days after tooth extraction. There is no place in the material to describe in more detail what, why and how. I know that folk remedies can help, but a dentist is better after all. Don't pull.

  • Ludmila

    February 19, 2016 at 10:55 pm

    I removed a wisdom tooth immediately after childbirth, I don’t even know how it happened, but a big hole formed in it and all this in a matter of days, not today, but appeared tomorrow. This tooth interfered with me very much, climbed for a very long time, about 5 years, there were inflammations, I coped with rinsing and propolis tincture. It's good that it was possible to remove it without consequences, I'm shocked that it turns out that there is a possibility of damage to the nerve of nearby teeth.

  • Dasha

    December 2, 2016 at 1:10 am

    Alveolitis is a very unpleasant complication after tooth extraction. Treatment there can be long and tedious, you may have to constantly go to the doctor. The best way to treat alveolitis is to prevent it. If something went wrong after the extraction of a tooth, there is blood or you have damaged a blood clot, immediately run and show the hole to the dentist, this will save you both time and money.

  • Madina

    January 19, 2017 at 3:34 am

    My mother-in-law faced alveolitis this summer: first, a bloody clot fell out of the hole that appeared after the extraction of a tooth, and then the edges of the resulting wound began to inflame. The mother-in-law tried to solve the problem with folk methods for two days (every hour she rinsed her mouth with a concentrated decoction of sage and chamomile), but the situation only worsened. On the third day, I still had to go to a specialist and undergo a two-week course of drug treatment. The surgeon said that with timely treatment, alveolitis could be cured in a week. Therefore, my advice to you: never try to deal with this problem on your own, when the first symptoms appear, immediately consult a doctor!

  • Olga Alexandrovna

    October 25, 2017 at 12:02 pm

    In modern dentistry, especially private ones, the extraction technique is much better than it was in the USSR. I remember when I had my upper front tooth removed in my youth, I suffered so much. Firstly, there was no normal anesthesia, hence all the questions of older people about the pain during removal. It really hurt. Secondly, they put a pill with a nasty taste in the wound, I vomited from it on the way home. Then we did not have any information about the extraction of teeth, because. There was no Internet and no one wrote about it anywhere in print media. As a result, she ended up in the hospital.

  • Victor

    October 26, 2017 at 9:11 am

    I’ll tell my story about what I did out of ignorance with the hole of the extracted tooth. Once it became necessary to remove the six, because I didn’t particularly follow my teeth (I started to follow, in fact, only after this incident), at first I started caries, then the tooth completely rotted, endured for a long time, in the end I went to remove it. Due to the fact that he got into a free office at the clinic, where people go to be removed by a conveyor, the doctor, of course, did not explain anything about leaving, pulled and sent to call the next one. This was my first tooth to be extracted.
    On the first day, I didn’t really take a steam bath, I didn’t touch the wound, and a day later I began to slowly clean this side and noticed a WHITE PIECE in the wound! I thought it was pus and ... cleaned it to the very bone with a cotton swab! Don't do that, it turned out to be fibrin!

  • Julia Evgenievna

    October 27, 2017 at 03:42 pm

    I work in the registry of a dental clinic and every day I encounter patients who do not properly care for the hole after tooth extraction.
    At the same time, our surgeons give everyone a memo in which it is written in plain language what cannot be done. But people do not read, as a result, they either rinse immediately after the operation (because the grandmother advised), or they pick out “something white in the wound” with cotton swabs.

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