Profuse white discharge with a sour smell. What can cause yellowish discharge and a sour smell from the vagina

Dear Symbat!

Normally, the vaginal discharge of a healthy woman looks like a transparent or translucent mucus and has a small volume - about 1-2 ml per day. Depending on the phases of the menstrual cycle, the discharge may increase or decrease, but they should not cause significant concern. Healthy secretions practically do not smell if a woman changes her underwear daily and follows the basic rules of personal hygiene.

Abundant white vaginal discharge with a pungent smell of sour milk indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the vaginal mucosa.

There are several reasons for this:

  • A lot of bacteria live on the vaginal mucosa, which, in the course of life, secrete lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide. On the one hand, this environment helps to cleanse the vagina of pathogenic bacteria, for which these substances are detrimental, but, on the other hand, it can give a specific and persistent odor to the secretions, especially in the case of vaginal dysbiosis, in which the bacterial flora of the mucosa is disturbed.
  • The natural environment of the mucosa consists of beneficial lactobacilli that block the reproduction of other unwanted guests - streptococcus, staphylococcus, ureaplasma and others. A decrease in the number of lactobacilli, for example, with a decrease in immunity, causes the active reproduction of harmful bacteria that cause infections. Vaginal discharge intensifies, acquires an unpleasant odor; it may also be accompanied by itching, pain, inflammation of the bladder if the infection has reached the urinary tract.
  • Many inflammatory processes, such as the formation of adhesions in the fallopian tubes or polycystic ovaries, are asymptomatic. The smell of sour milk can signal the presence of the above diseases even in the absence of other signs of the disease.
  • If the discharge, in addition to an unpleasant odor, has acquired a yellowish or greenish color, then this is a sign of a bacterial infection. So, with urogenital trichomoniasis, the discharge is white or yellow and has a thick consistency. Urogenital candidiasis or thrush is characterized by cheesy white discharge that causes itching in the vulva, pain and pain when urinating.

In your situation, the gynecologist should have prescribed the following surveys:

  1. Examination of unstained vaginal discharge
  2. Examination of stained vaginal discharge
  3. Mycological examination to determine the type of fungus that causes thrush
  4. General analysis of blood and urine
  5. Blood test for sugar, HIV infection, sexually transmitted infections
  6. PCR diagnostics of a vaginal smear for infectious bacteria
  7. Blood test for sex hormones and thyroid hormones
  8. Examination of the sexual partner for the presence of pathogens of bacterial or viral infections

You mentioned that you have three children. Stressful situations, weakened immunity, for example, due to prolonged breastfeeding, or hormonal changes that accompany the period of gestation and the postpartum period, can also cause white discharge with a sour smell.

To date, there are a large number of modern, proven drugs for the treatment of disorders of the vaginal microflora, in particular, candidiasis. Perhaps the cause of your sour-smelling discharge for 5 years has not been found. Make sure that all of the above methods of examination have been completed by you, and if the causes of your problem are identified, undergo a course of treatment with a gynecologist.

The reproductive system of a woman is a well-oiled mechanism. It is characterized by hormonal fluctuations throughout the childbearing age. Full-fledged work of the body is always accompanied by secretion from the vagina. It can change its consistency, structure, volume and composition. Every lady should know and be able to distinguish when creamy ones are the norm, and in which cases they indicate a pathological process.

The nature of the secret in different phases of the cycle

What are allocations? which is continuously produced in the genital tract. It is made up of mucus, epithelial cells, and bacteria living in the vagina. Normally, they are representatives of the lactoflora, and in various disorders - pathogenic microbes. Violation of the existing balance is considered the main prerequisite for the development of inflammation.

The qualitative composition of secretions may vary depending on the phase of the female cycle. Its beginning is considered the first day of menstruation. From the moment the menstruation ends until the 12th day of the cycle, a woman can observe scanty discharge. They often have a slimy consistency, and their color varies from almost transparent to pale yellow. The smell is either completely absent, or slightly sour. Before menstruation, the volume of the secret always increases.

On the 14th day, the amount of discharge increases. Such changes are due to the period of ovulation - the time when the egg matures. On this and several subsequent days in the body of a woman, favorable conditions are created for the onset of pregnancy. In a humid environment, it is easier for spermatozoa to reach their final goal. From about the 16th day, a creamy white discharge appears. The light shade of the secret is given by the dead elements of the epithelium of the vagina.

What should be considered normal?

White creamy are considered the norm. Doctors identify other signs that help distinguish them from the pathological form:

  1. Slight haze.
  2. A yellowish tint, which is clearly visible on a daily sanitary napkin.
  3. Lack of burning and itching in the vaginal area.

Before ovulation, the secret acquires a mucous consistency. Such changes are due to an increase in estrogen levels. These hormones are responsible for increasing the secretion of vaginal mucus. Some time after the release of the follicle from the egg, it changes again, becoming more dense. At the same time, its quantity decreases. Closer to menstruation, the volume of the secret increases again. Such changes are characteristic of a healthy menstrual cycle.

White creamy discharge before period

The secret before the onset of menstruation becomes quite abundant. Gynecologists explain this phenomenon by a decrease in the amount of hormones in the body. On the other hand, excessive secretion often indicates health problems. Therefore, a woman should be able to distinguish pathology from the norm.

In the first case, creamy discharge is accompanied by a sour smell, itching and burning in the genital area. Sometimes streaks of blood in the mucus signal pathology. If these symptoms appear, you should consult a gynecologist. It is better not to put off a visit to a distant box.

How does the discharge change after ovulation?

White, creamy patches on the panty liner may be different from those before the follicle was released from the egg. Mucus after ovulation becomes thick and viscous, which indicates the active "work" of progesterone in the corpus luteum. Usually it is formed at the site of a previously bursting follicle. The vaginal secret is very similar to the discharge associated with pregnancy. After successful fertilization of the egg, they are produced under the influence of the same progesterone. However, in this case, its concentration is much higher than before the conception of the baby.

The amount of secretion gradually increases and reaches its critical point at about the 16th week of pregnancy. Such a sign is often frightening, but the results of the tests usually put everything in its place. If the woman is healthy, the white blood cell count should not exceed 20. Values ​​from 20 to 40 are also normal. Exceeding these indicators indicates the beginning of inflammation in the body.

Thick vaginal secretion - a harbinger of disease

White creamy often indicate pathological processes in the body. The prevalence of this symptom is approximately 35%, and sometimes it can reach 95%.

All reasons for changing the nature of a secret can be divided into several conditional categories:

  • Inflammatory pathologies of the intimate sphere.
  • Violation of the hormonal background.
  • Consequences of long-term antibiotic therapy.
  • Frequent douching.
  • The use of intrauterine devices.
  • The development of malignant neoplasms.
  • Traumatic processes affecting the cervix.

Also, the reason for changing the nature of the secret is wearing uncomfortable underwear. Sometimes a similar symptom occurs against the background of the use of aggressive soap, which contains a large number of chemicals. That is why doctors recommend women to use special gels and products designed for intimate hygiene.

The causes of creamy discharge are highly dependent on the age of the woman. In menopause, they may be due to atrophic vaginitis, and in childbearing age - inflammation of the intimate sphere.

Infectious processes in which creamy white discharge appears include diseases such as:

  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • thrush;
  • gonococcal cervicitis.

Focusing solely on the clinical symptoms of the disease is wrong. In this case, you simply cannot do without qualified help from a gynecologist.

Curd secret in the development of thrush

White creamy discharge, itching in the vaginal area - these are the symptoms in 70% of cases that indicate thrush. This disease is caused by fungi of the genus Candidae. These microorganisms are considered opportunistic pathogens, since they constantly live on the mucous membranes of the genital organs. They do not allow the acidic environment that lactobacilli and bifidobacteria create in the vagina to multiply. However, under the influence of certain factors, the balance is disturbed. Among them are:

  • decreased immunity;
  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • colds;
  • synthetic underwear;
  • the presence in the diet of sweets and confectionery;
  • stress;
  • avitaminosis;
  • smoking.

In a short period of time, the discharge acquires a curdled consistency, becomes plentiful. A woman begins to pursue an unpleasant sour smell in the intimate area. Toward evening, the clinical picture is usually supplemented by aching pains in the lower abdomen.

If left untreated, the disease becomes chronic. Sour smell and discomfort gradually recede. A creamy white discharge appears, which is distinguished by its ductility. It is during this period that the cervix becomes inflamed, which is confirmed during colposcopy.

When to go to see a doctor?

For any changes in the consistency or color of the vaginal secretion, you should contact your gynecologist. The specialist, after examination on the chair, usually prescribes a series of tests. According to their results, it is worth judging the presence of diseases. Based on bacposev, a gynecologist can determine the presence of pathogenic flora, evaluate the number of leukocytes. In some cases, PCR tests, ultrasound and colposcopy are additionally required.

Principles of therapy

Diseases affecting the self cannot be treated. Each problem associated with the appearance of creamy white discharge must be addressed comprehensively and in stages. Treatment should be selected by a gynecologist, taking into account the cause of pathological disorders.

Therapy always begins with the elimination of the source of the disease. For these purposes, antibacterial drugs are used in the form of pills or suppositories. With their help, you can quickly suppress the activity of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms.

At the next stage, the woman is assigned measures to restore the natural flora of the vagina. They involve taking hormonal medications, using suppositories with lactic acid. In this case, the choice of specific drugs and treatments depends on the doctor.

After carrying out therapeutic procedures, it is extremely important to restore the functioning of the immune system. Usually, for the purpose of prevention, vitamin complexes, physiotherapy procedures are prescribed.

Prevention measures

White creams are most often considered the norm. However, sometimes they are a symptom of a pathological process. Any gynecological disease always causes discomfort to a woman and requires competent therapy. To avoid such disorders, doctors recommend following the elementary rules of prevention.

  1. Personal hygiene must be observed. Water procedures are recommended to be carried out twice a day.
  2. When choosing underwear, preference should be given to options made from natural fabrics.
  3. Gynecologists do not recommend the daily use of sanitary napkins, since they practically do not allow air to pass through. As a result, a favorable environment for the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms is formed. If panty liners are unavoidable, change them more often.

For the timely detection of gynecological diseases, it is extremely important to regularly undergo an examination by a female doctor.

The sour smell of vaginal discharge in women, provided that it does not cause discomfort, is a normal situation that indicates health. In diseases of the reproductive system, the clinical picture becomes unfavorable, and the smell becomes fetid. In this case, urgent diagnosis is required: the symptom is typical for both thrush, which is easily treatable and does not cause complications, and for oncological ailments, delay in the treatment of which can cost the patient her life.

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    Mucus is produced by the glands of the vestibule of the vagina, the inner lining of the cervical canal and contains a certain amount of cells from the vaginal mucosa. The vagina contains a wide variety of microorganisms, which are divided into:

    • useful;
    • conditionally pathogenic (cause symptoms of the disease in large numbers);
    • pathogenic.

    Under normal conditions, the content of lactobacilli predominates - rod-shaped microorganisms that maintain an acidic habitat and can cause a sour smell of vaginal discharge.

    Conditionally pathogenic microflora is represented by gardnerella, escherichia, candida. Under certain conditions (decrease in general immunity, taking antibacterial drugs, frequent douching), these microorganisms can multiply intensively and cause diseases accompanied by the release of pathological leucorrhoea.

    The amount of mucus secretion is regulated by the content of hormones in the body:

    • estrogens increase the amount and viscosity of the secret;
    • after the onset of menopause, the total content of sex hormones decreases, as a result of which the volume of secretions decreases.

    Signs of the norm

    In women of reproductive age, a certain amount of mucus is always present in the vagina. It can also be secreted from the genital tract.

    There are certain criteria that indicate that the nature of the discharge is normal:

    1. 1. Quantity. The volume of secretions should not cause any inconvenience to the woman and force her to use panty liners. It can change during the menstrual cycle: increase after the end of menstruation and before ovulation, and decrease after ovulation, reaching a minimum before menstruation.
    2. 2. Smell. Normally, the smell of secretions is not sharp, it may not be noticeable at all or slightly sour.
    3. 3. Color. Transparent leucorrhea or slightly cloudy, with a white tint are considered normal.
    4. 4. Consistency. Mucous, not liquid, rather viscous discharge is considered the norm.

    The sour smell of discharge from the genital tract in women is the waste products of lactobacilli that inhabit the vaginal mucosa and provide local immunity. Not expressed and not causing discomfort, it is absolutely normal and physiological.

    Symptoms of diseases

    The causes of pathological discharge with a sour odor can be various diseases. Each type of pathogenic bacteria has its own characteristics, a strange smell and a characteristic consistency:

    Pathological condition The nature of the discharge Color
    Bacterial vaginosis (dysbacteriosis)Abundant mucous discharge, similar to normal, but accompanied by discomfort in the vagina, itching, and sometimes mild pain. The sour smell is moderate, intensifies with the addition of candidiasisWhite, cloudy, with a yellowish tint
    Candidiasis (thrush)Thick, cheesy, plentiful, exude a pronounced sour smell. A woman feels severe itching and burning in the vaginal cavity and in the vulvabright white
    Urogenital trichomoniasisAbundant and frothy, regardless of the degree of spread of pathogens. They have a slight sour smell. There is redness, moderate pain, burning, itching on the vulva and inner thighsYellow with a greenish tint
    Gonococcal infectionMucous, viscous, copious, when lactobacilli are suppressed, a fetid sour smell appearsGrey-green, greenish
    Tumors of the genital organsTumors tend to ulcerate and bleed. When passing through the vaginal cavity under the action of lactobacilli, the blood undergoes a number of changes. The discharge becomes not bloody, but mucous, thick. The smell is rotten and sour, which indicates soft tissue necrosis. When the tumor reaches a large size, it is determined in the lower abdomen in the form of asymmetryWith a pronounced malignant neoplasm, the discharge has a bright brown color, may contain streaks of scarlet blood
    Hormonal disordersThe abundance of secretions depends on the degree of hormonal imbalance. Usually they are always mucous, rarely thick. They are often spotty in nature, increasing in the first half of the cycle, closer to ovulationLight brown, yellowish, cloudy

    Causes and diagnosis

    The causes of a sour smell from the vagina are usually associated with a pathological process.

    The predominance of pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms disrupts the enzymatic and metabolic functions of the genitourinary system. In the process of their active life, substances that provoke an unpleasant odor appear.

    Among the main causes of the disease are:

    • hormonal disorders;
    • taking combined oral contraceptives;
    • venereal diseases;
    • chronic stress and overwork;
    • decreased immunity, including during pregnancy;
    • oncological neoplasms;
    • non-infectious inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system.

    To confirm the diagnosis and identify the true cause of the sour smell, a comprehensive diagnosis is carried out. It involves general clinical studies of blood, vaginal secretions, urine, less often - feces.

    To identify organic lesions, carry out:

    • ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs;
    • magnetic resonance imaging;
    • if necessary - diagnostic laparoscopy.

    During the last procedure, it becomes possible to take a biopsy from the neoplasm in order to determine its structure and appearance.

    Age features

    A sour smell from the vagina can appear under various circumstances and at different periods of life.

    Pathological discharge after infection with sexually transmitted diseases occurs depending on the incubation period of the introduced pathogenic bacteria. Usually, a woman notes the first symptoms after 1-2 weeks.

    The development of thrush and bacterial vaginosis does not require mandatory contact with a sexual partner. Most often, these pathologies develop after severe stress and general overwork of the body. The smell, intensity and amount of leucorrhoea increase towards the middle of the cycle. When ovulation occurs, the hormonal background changes, so immediately after it, under the action of other hormones, the bacteria are inhibited, the secretions are somewhat reduced, and their smell becomes less pronounced. Before menstruation in girls, pathological leucorrhoea can completely disappear.

    During pregnancy, there is always a change in the nature of the discharge: they acquire a brighter, specific smell, become plentiful, while remaining mucous and do not indicate pathology. Blood impurities and a brown tint may indicate a threatened abortion. In the early stages, for the unimpeded attachment of the fetal egg, the woman's immunity weakens somewhat, so all chronic foci of infection tend to worsen. Often there is a pronounced sour smell due to candidiasis.

    Antibacterial drugs must be taken strictly according to indications and after consultation with doctors. Antibiotics contribute to the death of not only pathogenic microorganisms, but also lactobacilli, which prevent the settlement of infectious pathogens in the vaginal cavity.

    When bleeding occurs, a specialist consultation is necessary.

    With candidiasis, antifungal drugs are used (Fluconazole, Pimafucin). These medicines can be prescribed in different forms:

    • capsules;
    • creams;
    • vaginal suppositories;
    • combinations of various dosage forms.

    If bacteria are the cause of acidic secretions from the genital tract, antiseptic, antibacterial drugs are prescribed, which are most often used topically: in the form of suppositories and capsules. Douching with an aqueous solution of chlorhexidine or Miramistin is shown. To eliminate itching and inflammation, douching based on decoctions of nettle, linden or chamomile is used.

    Treatment must be supplemented with probiotics - drugs containing normal microflora. They help restore immunity and replenish the required level of lactobacilli. This will take time and several courses of the drug.

Vaginal discharge is a normal physiological process that should not cause concern for a woman. They can appear at any age and are a special secret secreted by the genitals.

Odorless secretions perform extremely important functions - they moisturize the mucous membranes, prevent the entry of pathogenic bacteria into the internal organs, and activate the self-cleansing process of the vagina. But if a woman has white discharge with a sour smell, this may indicate various disorders in the female body.

What should be normal discharge

Normally, every girl of reproductive age has discharge before menstruation. The intensity of the discharge may vary on different days of the month. For example, during ovulation or during sexual arousal, white, abundant discharge often appears. As a rule, they do not cause discomfort and do not require medical intervention.

Normal vaginal discharge has the following features:

  • They are colorless, with a slight whitish or yellowish tint.
  • With a neutral, not pronounced smell.
  • Do not cause discomfort, pain or burning.
  • The volume of normal secretions from the intimate area should not exceed 4-5 ml.
  • Consistency - liquid or creamy.
  • With normal vaginal discharge, a woman does not need to wear sanitary pads.

Important! Any changes in the normal color or consistency of the discharge, a sour smell, cheesy discharge, itching, burning, and any other uncharacteristic changes should alert the woman and become a reason for a visit to the doctor.

Reasons for these withdrawals

The sour smell of discharge in women can be associated with both physiological factors and various diseases that develop in the body. Most often, physiological causes are associated with hormonal disorders and are characterized by whites with a sour smell.

As a rule, the hormonal background directly depends on the menstrual cycle. The first half of the menstrual cycle is characterized by the active production of estrogen, which is necessary for the full maturation of the eggs. At the time of ovulation, as well as after the fertilization of the egg, the discharge can become abundant and thick. It has to do with the production of progesterone.

Note! The activity and regularity of sexual life do not have any effect on the hormonal background - only the menstrual cycle.

Many women sometimes notice that intimate secretions smell like sour milk. The reason for this phenomenon is considered to be the increased activity of special lactic acid bacteria that are present in a healthy vaginal microflora. Hormonal disruptions, prolonged use of antibiotics, frequent stress lead to a regular increase in bacterial activity, resulting in a smell from the genital tract, similar to sour milk.

The most banal cause of fetid vaginal mucus is considered to be inadequate personal hygiene. Irregular hygiene procedures, a rare change of underwear can lead to an unpleasant smell from the intimate area.

Discharge as a symptom of thrush

But discharge with the smell of sour milk can also be a symptom of various diseases, in most cases we are talking about thrush - a pathological change in the normal structure of the vaginal microflora. The causative agent of the disease becomes a fungus of the Candida group, which can be activated under the influence of the following factors:

  • Long-term hormonal or antibiotic therapy.
  • Decreased immune forces of the body.
  • Tendency to frequent use of alcoholic beverages.
  • Regular douching.
  • Frequent stress.

To identify thrush, it is necessary to pay close attention to the nature of the secretion secreted and the presence of additional signs. With candidiasis, there may be a curdled discharge with a sour smell, which can systematically appear and disappear.

Thrush (candidiasis) - click to view

The main signs of thrush:

  • Curd discharge with the smell of curdled milk.
  • Itching, burning and discomfort in the intimate area.
  • Sexual contact or urination is accompanied by pain and discomfort.
  • The labia swell and swell, may turn red.

Candidiasis requires a mandatory visit to a doctor, since if left untreated, the disease can spread to other, healthy internal organs. Complications of thrush can be bacterial vaginosis, various inflammatory processes in the pelvic area.


Bacterial vaginosis is a disease that occurs due to a violation of the alkaline microflora of the genital organs and a decrease in the number of lactobacilli. Most often, the reasons for the development of bacterial vaginosis are long-term use of antibiotics, disturbances in the hormonal balance of the female body, and impaired immunity. Too frequent douching, washing out useful lactobacilli from the vagina, pathologies of the digestive system, and promiscuous sex life can provoke the disease.

Attention! Yellow discharge in women, as well as thick brown mucus, most often accompanies bacterial vaginosis, which is provoked by a pathogenic bacterium from the genus Gardnerella vaginalis.

The disease in most cases occurs during pregnancy, which is associated with serious hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother. A sign of bacterial vaginosis is a gray or white mucous liquid with a sharp, unpleasant smell of fish. In advanced stages, yellowish or green discharge may appear.

With bacterial vaginosis, there is a high risk of rupture of the membranes and, as a result, premature birth. Therefore, such women are under constant medical supervision throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

Sexual infections

Acid discharge in women often occurs against the background of promiscuity or unprotected sexual intercourse. The cause of the problem is the penetration of infection into the urinary tract - it can be chlamydia, trichomoniasis or gonorrhea. You can determine the exact type of infection by passing all the necessary tests, as well as paying attention to other symptoms of the disease.

With trichomoniasis, a woman notices abundant discharge before menstruation, which is characterized by a yellow, green or brown tint. Also, the signs of the disease include pain, burning and discomfort during urination and sexual intercourse. Painful, bleeding wounds and erosion may appear in the intimate area.

Treatment Methods

To treat discharge and sour smell in women, it is necessary to conduct a complete examination of the body to determine the cause of the pathology. Treatment is prescribed only by a gynecologist who will study the symptoms of the disease.

Abundant discharge arising from physiological factors does not require any special treatment. With a strong hormonal imbalance in the female body, various hormonal preparations can be used to make up for the deficiency of the necessary substance. All hormonal drugs are prescribed only by a doctor. In no case should you independently change the dosage and duration of treatment.

White thick discharge resulting from thrush is treated with special antimycotic drugs. Such drugs are available in various pharmacological forms - tablets, vaginal suppositories. To eliminate unpleasant, painful symptoms, itching or burning, creams and ointments for external use may be additionally prescribed. The most commonly used are Terzhinan, Pimafucin, Flucostat.

On a note! If it is established that the discharge before menstruation is associated with thrush, it is necessary to treat not only the woman, but also her sexual partner. Throughout the course of treatment, sexual intercourse should be abandoned.

The discharge that accompanies the development of bacterial vaginosis is recommended to be treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics. As a rule, antibiotic therapy is considered one of the most effective - the first positive results of treatment can be seen within a few days after taking antibiotics. The drug is selected individually, depending on the main causative agent of the disease.

You can supplement the treatment process with special multivitamin complexes, immunomodulators - drugs to increase the body's immune forces, as well as special medications designed to normalize the vaginal microflora. These include Linex, Bifiform.

When diagnosing a fungal or any other infection in pregnant women, the use of drugs for internal use is strongly discouraged. The most preferred are ointments, creams and lotions for external use, which do not affect the development of the fetus.

Future mothers can use various recipes of traditional medicine - decoctions, douching. Medicinal plants are used for preparation.

Important! Medicinal plants have a number of contraindications, some of them are not allowed during pregnancy. Before using any herbal medicine recipes, be sure to consult a gynecologist.

Basic rules of prevention

To prevent the appearance of vaginal discharge with an unpleasant sour odor, every woman should know the basic rules of prevention.

Remember! Many women try to get rid of the unpleasant smell in the intimate area and “mask” it with the help of various perfumes or cosmetics. In no case is it recommended to do this, it is necessary to treat the cause of the disease.

  • Be extremely attentive to personal hygiene, wash the genitals at least twice a day.
  • For hygiene procedures, it is best to use not ordinary soap, but special pharmacy products - they not only remove impurities, but also restore the normal microflora of the vagina.
  • If a woman notices that after drinking alcoholic beverages, hot, spicy or pickled foods, redness, itching or burning occurs in the perineal area, they should be discarded.
  • Wear loose-fitting underwear made from natural, breathable materials.
  • While bathing, every woman should remember that the genitals should be washed towards the anus - otherwise, the risk of transferring pathogens from it into the vaginal cavity is extremely high.

The fair sex is not recommended to constantly wear tight clothes, in particular, trousers. This blocks the free access of air to the genitals, which is an excellent environment for increased activity of various pathogenic microorganisms.

White discharge without a pronounced odor is a normal physiological phenomenon that is normally present in every woman. But any changes in the shade, smell or consistency of the discharge should alert, because they may indicate the development of serious diseases. In no case should you postpone a visit to the doctor. Treatment started in the early stages of the disease always brings the most effective results.

Vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea) accompanies a woman every day, regularly replaced by menstruation. By the appearance, color, consistency and smell of whiter, you can determine the state of health of a woman, the day of the menstrual cycle.

Sometimes women notice a change in the smell, color of the discharge. Beli becomes thick, white, similar to cottage cheese and smells like kefir. Find out why vaginal discharge smells sour. Is this normal or is it evidence of a disease?

The causative agents of this disease are yeast-like fungi from the genus Candida, whose representatives are often present in the microflora of the vagina of a healthy woman.

For a long time, the causative agents of thrush do not manifest themselves in any way, however, with a decrease in immunity or under the influence of various factors, the fungi begin to multiply intensively, causing an inflammatory process in the vagina. This is manifested by the following, rather specific, symptoms:

  • Curdled thick vaginal discharge. They may have a white color, and when dry, they change it to yellow.
  • Strong sour smell, comparable to the smell of kefir or sour milk.
  • Itching in the vagina, perineum. In advanced cases or with severe damage, itching is unbearable.
  • Burning in the vagina during and/or after sex, urination.
  • Signs of irritation of the perineum: redness of the labia, the appearance of rashes.


Symptoms of vaginosis:

  • Abundant discharge, liquid, uniform gray tint.
  • There is a strong sour or fishy odor.
  • Itching, irritation, burning in the vagina.

When a sour smell from the vagina appears, it is necessary to visit the gynecologist's office and undergo a simple examination. It is recommended to take a smear from the vagina for flora and purity, as well as bacteriological smear. Additionally, you may need a blood test with a formula and a general urine test. This examination will identify the pathogen and prescribe treatment, if necessary.

When a sour smell develops, it is important to detect a possible problem and take appropriate measures. Often, girls who are faced with such a problem try to mask the sour smell with various deodorizing agents (intimate gels with a strong fragrance, scented panty liners, etc.).

Even more often, various drugs are used, which are often not at all suitable for eliminating the problem, which erase the clinical manifestations. All these actions can lead to the transition of the disease into a chronic form, provoking the further development of the process.

Treatment will depend on the type of pathogen. So, with thrush, antifungal drugs will be needed, and with a bacterial infection, antibiotics. In all cases, prebiotics and probiotics can be prescribed, restoring the normal microflora of the vagina.

The normal microflora of the vagina is able to independently suppress the growth and reproduction of conditionally pathogenic flora. Helps create an acidic environment. Provides a protective barrier against various infectious agents.

To avoid the appearance of acidic vaginal discharge, you must follow very simple rules:

  • Observe personal hygiene measures.
  • Wash with special means for intimate hygiene.
  • Wash strictly from front to back, that is, in the direction from the pubis to the anus. This will prevent the entry of various pathogenic agents (E. coli, yeast-like fungi, etc.) from the rectum into the genitourinary system.
  • Use underwear made from natural fabrics, as synthetics can irritate the genitals.
  • When the first symptoms appear, contact a gynecologist, and not self-medicate.
  • Visit your gynecologist regularly for checkups. The frequency of visits should be at least 1 time per year (ideally 1 time in 6 months).
  • Use barrier methods of contraception (condom) if you are not sure about your sexual partner.

Only a specialist can identify the cause of the appearance of whites with the smell of kefir. In addition, treatment is always prescribed based on the individual criteria of the patient's body. Therefore, you should not try to self-medicate “on the advice of a friend”. Remember: early detected diseases are much easier to cure!

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