Oily discharge in women. What discharge is considered normal in women? Why there is a discharge with a specific smell

Purulent discharge in women is a sure sign of trouble. Very often they are accompanied by symptoms such as pain, irritation, redness and swelling of the organs of the reproductive system. At the same time, general well-being often worsens. In any case, the appearance of pus always indicates that the inflammatory process is progressing in the body.

Let's look at what are the most common causes of purulent discharge in women, and the treatment that is most likely to be used in a given case.

Distinctive features of purulent discharge

Pus is not a natural product of the secretion of the sex glands, which contains a large number of bacteria and dead leukocytes (neutrophils).

Purulent discharge is quite easy to recognize. Most often it is a mass of yellow-green color, which has a repulsive specific smell and is characterized by abundance.

Purulent discharge photo:

As the inflammatory process progresses, the amount of such a secret also increases.

In parallel, as a rule, there are other signs of ill health:

  • hyperemia and swelling of tissues;
  • pain of a pulling or cutting nature in the lower abdomen or sacrum;
  • pain when emptying the bladder;
  • itching of the external genitalia.

In some cases, the general condition may worsen, the appearance of symptoms of intoxication of the body.

The specific structure of the female reproductive organs makes them vulnerable to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms. The main causes of purulent discharge in women are the diseases described below.

Purulent discharge with vulvitis

Vulvitis is a pathological process that covers the area of ​​​​the external genital organs. The essence of the disease is inflammation of the mucous membrane of the large and small labia.

The cause of this disease is often a violation of the rules of hygiene. Similar are often indicated. In adult women, vulvitis manifests itself much less frequently. Conditions for the development of the disease can create endocrine disorders, a decrease in local and general immunity, a reaction to mucosal contact with synthetic underwear or a hygiene product. The characteristic signs of vulvitis are:

  1. Profuse discharge of purulent secretion. Their color depends on the pathogen that provoked the inflammation. When breeding E. coli, the discharge will be yellow with a greenish tint. Staphylococcus aureus causes more, a fungal infection is accompanied by a white coating;
  2. Unbearable itching of the labia, burning, aggravated by contact with urine and active movement;
  3. Soreness in the vulva, caused by severe redness, swelling and irritation of the mucosal tissues;
  4. Enlargement of regional lymph nodes;
  5. Sometimes malaise, lethargy.

How to treat? Most often, the therapy of this disease includes the use of topical agents:

  • rinsing (or baths) of inflamed areas with potassium permanganate, chamomile infusion:
  • treatment of the vulva with chlorhexidine, the use of antipruritic drugs.
  • in severe cases, antibiotic therapy and antifungal drugs are used;
  • additionally, drugs may be prescribed to restore the microflora of the vagina and vitamins to raise general immunity.

Purulent secret with endometritis

The development of uterine endometritis is accompanied by symptoms such as the release of a purulent mass with inclusions of blood clots, which has a repulsive odor. There may also be an increase in body temperature, chills, pain in the pelvic region and the lumbar region, and general malaise.

How is it treated? There are cases when endometritis disappears spontaneously immediately after menstruation, since during this physiological process there is a natural rejection of the upper layer of the mucosa, which is just affected by inflammation. But this is not always the case. In some cases, even hospitalization is required.

Therapy of endometritis includes, first of all, the appointment of antibiotics, as well as (if necessary) the introduction of saline and protein solutions to eliminate intoxication of the body. After removing the main cause that caused the development of the disease state, the patient can be prescribed multivitamins, a course of immunomodulators, and hormonal drugs.

If timely treatment is not carried out, then after the removal of acute symptoms, there remains a high probability of the disease becoming chronic.

Pathological secret in cervicitis

Cervicitis is, in simple terms, an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cervix. It can be caused by a variety of reasons. These are sexual infections (gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia), and fungal infections, and hormonal disorders, and mechanical damage to the integrity of the mucous layer. But most often the cause is the reproduction of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, which occurs against the background of a decrease in the body's defenses.

As a result of the action of factors provocateurs, a focus of inflammation appears, which is initially accompanied by an increased secretion of an odorless mucous secretion. As the disease develops, dull pains appear in the abdomen, false urges to empty the bladder, pain during sexual contact.

In addition, as a result of damage to the integrity of the mucous membrane in a woman after sex, the appearance of a purulent secret, the color of which may vary depending on the pathogen that provoked the pathology.

  • So from the vagina will be yellow.
  • If the cause is trichomoniasis or chlamydia, then the structure of the discharge will be similar to foam.
  • Candida fungi provoke white curdled discharge, in which, with an advanced form of the disease, an admixture of pus may appear.

With cervicitis, the cervix becomes loose, increases in size, acquires a reddish tint. Once an acute cervicitis occurs, it threatens to develop into a chronic disease. In addition, it often causes cervical erosion.

What to treat? Therapeutic procedures are prescribed by the doctor based on the results of the tests, with the help of which it is possible to establish the direct causative agent of the disease. In some cases, it may be necessary to use antibiotics, in others - antifungal drugs, and in the third - antiviral agents. To enhance local immunity, it is possible to use immunostimulants, vitamin complexes and drugs that normalize the microflora.

Vaginal secret of a purulent nature with vaginitis

Vaginitis (colpitis) is an inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, which is a consequence of an imbalance in the microflora. Often it occurs against the background of a decrease in the body's defenses, as a result of the reproduction of conditional pathogenic flora. Violation of hygiene rules, damage to the mucous layer, hormonal changes, infection with a sexual infection can provoke it.

The symptoms of vaginitis are quite clear. The first characteristic is leucorrhoea of ​​an abnormal nature. As a rule, the secreted mass is a serous-purulent discharge, the color intensity and structure of which may vary depending on the causative agent of inflammation. In parallel, symptoms observed in any inflammatory process in the field of gynecology can be noted, namely: itching and burning in the vulva (especially when in contact with urine), swelling and redness of tissues, pain during intimate contact, hyperthermic syndrome, enlargement of local lymph nodes.

Inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes, inflammation after surgery

Sometimes the focus of inflammation occurs in the very depths of the female body - the fallopian tubes or ovaries. Signs of such diseases are somewhat different from those listed above.

So the serous discharge observed in this disease most often has a dirty green tint, while no manifestations in the form of itching, burning or pain during urination may be observed at all. However, on the contrary, they are intense and sharp.

Another distinguishing feature of mucopurulent discharge during inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes is that their release is greatly enhanced by physical activity. Additionally, manifestations of intoxication are recorded.

Another cause of purulent discharge is the occurrence of inflammation after operations on the organs of the reproductive system, for example, after the removal of various neoplasms. The development of internal inflammation is accompanied by intoxication, an increase in body temperature to critical values, sharp pains in the pelvic region, a reaction from the lymph nodes and an intense release of a purulent mass that smells repulsive.

Most often cause inflammation of this kind of Escherichia coli, streptococci, staphylococci. Ignoring the above symptoms can lead to dangerous consequences - infertility, blood poisoning, severe intoxication.

How is it treated? Without antibiotics, purulent discharge during inflammation cannot be defeated. With an advanced stage of the disease, accompanied by clear signs of intoxication (vomiting, high fever, feeling unwell), not only hospitalization, but also a surgical operation may be necessary. Additionally, the patient may be prescribed immunostimulants, vitamins, hormonal drugs - it all depends on what caused the inflammation.

Anomalies of the structure (incomplete doubling of the vagina)

One of the reasons why purulent discharge in women is possible is the doubling of the uterus with incomplete doubling inside the vagina. With this physiological anomaly, the accessory vagina develops in parallel, like an accessory pocket. At the same time, the exit from it is closed, which prevents the natural outflow of secretory fluid and causes stagnation and inflammation. As a result of this, a fistula occurs, which secretes pus into a normal vagina, which explains the appearance of pathological discharge.

How is it treated? Unfortunately, in this case, only an operation can help, during which the surgeon removes the accessory vagina. After the removal of an abnormally developed organ, reproductive functions are completely preserved.

Pus in vaginal cancer

This is another reason why vaginal purulent discharge appears. Such secretion is caused by the defeat of the cancerous tumor by a secondary infection. At the same time, a significant amount of blood inclusions is present in the excreted mass. There is also a heavy putrid odor. Most often, this form of cancer occurs in older women over the age of 60 years. In this case, the affected areas look like ulcerations of a necrotic nature.

How is it treated? Like any oncological disease, vaginal cancer involves specific treatment, which may include both surgery and chemotherapy and radiation therapy after removal of the lesions.

Inflammation of the urethra

Sometimes the appearance of traces of pus on underwear may not be associated with gynecological problems. Their cause can be inflammation of the urethra (). Symptoms may include painful urination, increased urination, and a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder. Often there is a general malaise, pain in the abdomen, irritation of the area around the urethra.

In women, the cause of such discharge is most often gonorrhea or trichomoniasis. Mechanical damage to the tissues lining the urethra can also provoke inflammation. For example, the Foley catheter, used to remove urine for bladder dysfunction, often causes this complication.

Treatment tactics. In this case, everything again depends on the causes that provoked inflammation. When it comes to STDs, the treatment is carried out depending on the type of pathogen. If the inflammatory process occurs as a result of dysfunction of the urinary system, then an integrated approach to treatment is required, including the use of antibiotics, surgical assistance, and vitamin and immune therapy.

A peculiar indicator of a woman's health is vaginal discharge. Quantity, color, smell - all this plays an important role in the life of the fair sex. What are vaginal discharge, causes and much more, are outlined below.

secretory glands located in the vagina, due to the results of their activities, secrete mucus. This is normal, all women and girls have vaginal discharge of a physiological nature after the end of puberty. During the postmenopausal period, their number decreases markedly.

The glands are located in the mucous membranes that line the walls of the vestibule of the vagina and cervix. To protect, irrigate and cleanse the vagina, they produce a small amount of secretion all the time.

I would like to note that physiological secretions do not affect the state of surrounding tissues in any way, and the woman does not feel discomfort. Allocations are normally considered according to the following indicators:

  • Transparent or cloudy, liquid or mucous, sometimes jelly-like;
  • The absence of a pronounced unpleasant odor;
  • Do not provoke itching, pain and discomfort.

The concept of the "norm" of discharge for each woman is different. For some, the norm is a larger amount, for someone less, and also if the nature of the mucus does not change throughout life and there are no alarming signs.

Sometimes the fair sex is frightened for no reason when the separated substance changes its appearance. On contact with air, vaginal discharge may vary slightly in color. The chemicals in pads interact with mucus and change its appearance. An objective assessment of the contents of the vagina can only be given by a doctor during the examination.

You should not attempt to get rid of the discharge completely, as the path for infection is opened. The mucous membrane does not have a protective layer, which means it is not protected. The vagina has its own microflora, the necessary fungi, bacteria live in it, which protect and maintain the condition of the mucosa, the walls of the uterus and the uterus itself from the penetration of harmful microorganisms.

The amount of fluid released from the vagina per day in healthy women is no more than 2 ml. The basis of the composition is squamous epithelial cells and lactobacilli. The content of conditionally pathogenic flora in the vagina is only 2%. The selections include:

  • Mucus that protects the uterus from infection. The glands located in the uterus secrete this;
  • Epithelial cells from the uterus. These cells are constantly being renewed. Old cells descend into the vaginal cavity and come out;
  • Microorganisms of various types. This includes: streptococci, gardnerella, anaerobic bacteria, Dederlein sticks, staphylococci, fungi. The content of microplasma and ureplasma in small quantities was noted. To block the reproduction of objectionable flora, in the vagina, with the help of lactobacilli, a stable sphere with a pH of 3.8–4.5 is observed.

Factors affecting the contents of the vagina

Vaginal discharge is affected by:

When the amount of secretion increases, an odor is released from the genitals. And also there is a change in the consistency of the secretions (curdled, jelly-like, foamy) and everything is accompanied pain, itching or burning. These are sure signs of an infection or a serious illness. This pathology has its own name "leucorrhea".

What is beli

What are vaginal discharges? Scanty or copious discharge from the vagina, atypical in character and smell, is called leucorrhoea.

Whites that cause anxiety may vary in color(brown, gray, greenish, reddish, yellow, pink).

  • Beli with pus are sure signs of an inflammatory process;
  • Bleeding is associated with the development of the tumor;
  • Thrush is characterized by curdled or flake-like;
  • With trichomoniasis, foaming whites appear;
  • Bacterial vaginosis is orange and greenish with a putrid odor.

Vaginal discharge in puberty is a consequence of the inflammatory process of the uterus, ovaries and bladder. In such cases, there is pain during urination, colic, pulling, discomfort in the lumbar region and lower abdomen. There is a possibility of a rise in temperature. If a blood test will show an increase in ESR, leukocytosis, which means there is inflammation.

Somewhere a year or 10 months before the start of the first menstruation, the vaginal mucosa becomes sensitive to hormonal changes. A clear liquid mucus is formed. If such discharge does not become curdled, no action should be taken.

With the onset of sexual activity, the composition and consistency of the discharge change. Usually the cause is a fusion with the partner's microflora, which differs from the vaginal flora in its composition. After a period of adaptation, everything returns to normal. During this period, the volume of secretion increases and the discharge becomes pale yellowish and more liquid. Usually, when the sexual partner changes, the discharge also changes.

Candidiasis or thrush

Complaints of women about unusually thick white flakes or cottage cheese-like discharge, accompanied by burning and itching indicate the development of pathology. These are signs of fungal microflora. The cause is Candida fungi, popularly called thrush.

Quite often, with such a disease, patients notice pain and cramps during urination. In small quantities, fungi can be found in the vagina; lactobacilli inhibit their growth. If the microflora in the vagina is disturbed, the fungi begin to vegetate intensively, and useful and necessary microorganisms are forced out.

The cause of the manifestation of yeast fungi is most often a weakened immune system and improper use of antibiotics. Such a disease is not cured completely and is often found in many women. Under favorable conditions, thrush will definitely return.

Yellow and green highlights

In most cases, whites indicate severe inflammation. The mucous membrane of the vagina is difficult to withstand the onslaught of infection. The cause of an undesirable process is often "own" microorganisms or incoming pathogens, which are sexual infections.

Trichomoniasis. Vaginal discharge with this disease is very frothy and often with an unpleasant odor. This is an inflammatory pathology of an infectious nature. You can get it during intercourse. The mucous membrane of the vagina becomes inflamed, this condition is called vaginitis. In the chronic course of the disease, the discharge is yellow in color and becomes thick. In the region of the external labia, a woman feels an unbearable itch.

Gonorrhea. The disease is venereal and is acute. Symptoms of inflammation and fever are pronounced. The volume of discharge is moderate with a grayish tint and an unpleasant odor. Accompanied by pain in the lower back, inner thighs, lower abdomen. Bleeding may occur. If the discharge from the vagina has a putrid odor and a yellowish appearance, it means that the process of transition of the acute stage to the chronic one has begun. Causing symptoms of adnexitis and endometritis, the disease rapidly rises to the genital organs located above. Gonorrhea can cause infertility. This happens when the disease covers the fallopian tubes, and the inflammatory fluid contributes to their adhesion.

Bacterial vaginosis. The most common disease. The cause of vaginal discharge is a strong growth of bacteria on the mucous membrane. Such bacteria normally live safely in the vagina, however, there are very few of them. This includes Peptococci, Gerdenerella, Bacteroids, vaginalis and many others. Abundant leucorrhoea has a disgusting smell of rotting fish. The grayish-white type of discharge is at the beginning of the disease and a greenish, even orange color is characteristic of a long period of the pathology. Sometimes there is a slight itch.

All shades from pink to dark brown indicate that a woman has a small amount of blood in her vaginal discharge. The presence of blood can be associated with pathological and physiological causes. Menstrual disorders are the main cause of such discharge.

Physiological reasons:

Usually, the above discharges quickly disappear and you should not worry about this.


Sexually transmitted diseases, endometrial hyperplasia, cervical erosion, polyposis and others can cause pathological bleeding.

With gonorrhea, bloody streaks appear on the background, as well as intermenstrual bleeding, all this indicates a rising gonococcal infection.

Inflammation of the functional uterine layer is called endometritis. After each menstrual cycle, a woman's layer is updated. White leucorrhoea appears before and after menstruation. Such mucus can also be released in the middle of the cycle. Usually, the inflammatory process of the endometrium is combined with its growth and menstrual bleeding. Women should take this seriously, since such growth (hyperplasia), according to experts, is a precancerous condition.

Stretching of glandular tissue in the muscle layer, in the cervix, in the ovaries, fallopian tubes are signs of a disease called endometriosis. The cause of the pathology are endometrial cells. During childbirth, examination of the uterus with an instrument, during abortions or when the menstrual masses return, they find themselves in atypical places. Spreading, the result of the endometrium are local inflammatory processes with the appearance of adhesions. The consequences of such formations leads to infertility.

Erosion of the cervix provokes small spotting. During sexual intercourse, they increase. Erosion - 50% of women are faced with such a diagnosis. is an ulcerative defect of the mucous membrane of the vaginal part of the cervix, damaging the epithelial cover.

Polyps in the uterus

Rounded outgrowths on the skin that look like a fungus are considered to be a benign formation. For the health of women is not dangerous. But over time, a polyp can turn into a malignant tumor. Most often, polyps are found by chance at a doctor's appointment or on an ultrasound scan. Symptoms of the development of polyps are irregular periods, heavy bleeding during menstruation, during or after intercourse, as the polyp is injured. An alarming bell can be bloody discharge from the vagina between menstruation and abdominal pain.

Tumors in the early period pass smearing brown discharge. At a later stage, it is already bleeding. Tumors are either benign or malignant. Leucorrhoea with scarlet blood and pus, usually accompanied by an unpleasant odor, which comes from the decay of the tumor. Increased bleeding usually gives submucosal fibrous nodes - this is a sign of malignancy. Cervical cancer is distinguished by thick or scanty discharge, but streaked with blood. The disease quickly metastasizes to the pelvic lymph nodes, lungs and liver.

Any vaginal discharge that may cause anxiety should be taken seriously. Do not self-medicate, but it is better to go to the doctor.

Often, women who love cleanliness and diligently maintain body hygiene are overzealous in trying to get rid of whiteness. When vaginal discharge is observed on underwear in women and girls, most often you should not worry about the pathology - this is a natural process due to physiology. But when discomfort, an unpleasant odor or a suspicious color are added to the secret, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist - such phenomena indicate possible inflammatory or infectious processes in the genitourinary system. In order to take timely action, it is necessary to understand where the natural processes end and the development of pathology begins.

How are secretions formed and what are they

Before considering what normal whites should be, let's define what they are. As a rule, the secret that stands out is a natural phenomenon, it is produced by glands located on the mucous layer of the vestibule of the vagina, the cervix. A certain amount of effusion of the vaginal vessels, the discharge of the uterine cavity, is added to the composition of the mucus. One of the main tasks of the secret is to protect the uterine and vaginal walls from the introduction of pathogens. It is also necessary to prevent the drying of the vagina, cleaning the genital tract. Accordingly, eliminating those whites that are the norm, the woman also removes the protective layer, opening up access to infections.

Usually, from 1 to 5 ml of vaginal mucus is secreted during the day, while during the menstrual cycle its characteristics may change, including shade and consistency. The volume may also change, the natural reasons affecting this indicator are:

  • ovulatory period;
  • bearing a child;
  • sexual arousal.

With insufficient production of vaginal fluid, pain during sex can occur, and frequent infection of the body. If we consider the parameters of the vaginal mucus in a woman, its composition includes cells and a variety of microorganisms:

  • Mucus formed by the cervical canal, which is a protection against infectious pathologies in the cervix.
  • Constantly renewing cells of the epithelium of the uterus, while the detached ones descend into the vaginal cavity, then coming out.
  • Microflora, which includes from 5 to 12 varieties of microorganisms, including a small amount of coccal bacteria, viruses and fungi. Actively multiplying under the influence of negative factors, they are able to provoke the development of the inflammatory process.

It is believed that normally the ovaries, uterine cavity and fallopian tubes, along with the cervix, are completely sterile and microorganisms inhabit only the vagina.

In women and girls of reproductive age, the natural vaginal microflora for the most part includes lactic acid bacteria, due to which the normal excreted secret is an acidic environment with a pH value of 3.8 to 4.4. This explains the possible sour smell of mucus.

Characteristics of natural vaginal discharge

Every girl who has reached childbearing age should have a discharge that indicates the health of her reproductive system.

There are a number of signs, according to which a woman is able to independently determine how much the allocated secret meets the norm:

  • It is estimated what color the secret is, the results are correlated with the period of the menstrual cycle - shades can be white, cream, yellow, or differ in transparency.
  • Most of the natural vaginal discharge almost does not smell or there are sour shades.
  • The consistency of mucus can vary from liquid to viscous.
  • Despite the fact that the volume of the secret may vary, it should not exceed about a teaspoon.
  • The amount of mucus increases significantly before menstruation, after sexual intercourse, during sexual arousal.

The nature of vaginal discharge is largely influenced by the woman's age, the hormonal background of her body, the presence or absence of a sexual life, and other factors. In girls, leucorrhoea should be absent until the puberty, given the peculiarities of the hormonal background and the structure of the genital organs characteristic of this age.

Allocations are evidence of pathology if they have a smell, color and appear in girls of 10-12 years of age. Usually such mucus indicates problems in the genitourinary or digestive system. Approximately 12 months before the start of the first menstrual cycle, teenage girls begin to experience the production of vaginal fluid, which is due to hormonal changes. Beli can be liquid or mucous, painted white or slightly yellow, when they leave the vagina there should be no unpleasant sensations - soreness, burning or itching, swelling and redness. After the stabilization of the monthly cycle, cyclic changes in the properties of secretions are observed. Given that most often girls and women have a monthly cycle of 28 days, consider the natural changes in vaginal discharge, taking it as a basis:

  • In the initial phase of the cycle - and this is the period from the first to the twelfth day after the end of menstruation - the secreted mucus is often liquid, of a homogeneous consistency, sometimes with the inclusion of lumps, which consist of dead epithelium. Its color is transparent, but white or yellow shades are not considered a pathology. The smell is absent or gives slightly sour.
  • On the thirteenth - fifteenth day, the ovulatory period begins, in which the volume of daily secretions increases to 4 ml, their consistency is similar to viscous mucus, the color ranges from transparent to white or light beige tones.
  • In the second phase of the cycle, which begins on the fifteenth or sixteenth day, normal discharge in women decreases in volume, the consistency is similar to jelly or a thin cream. The color remains transparent, whitish or yellowish. Immediately before menstruation, the discharge becomes mucous and smearing, acquiring a brown tint.

Why do whites change

In addition to the monthly cycle and pathological conditions, there are many most often hormonal factors that affect the nature of the secret:

  • When a girl begins to have sex or a change of partners occurs, a new microflora enters the vagina, which is essentially non-pathogenic, but completely alien. As a result, during a certain time period, the duration of which is individual for each individual organism, the reproductive system adapts to the changed composition of the microflora. At such moments, there may be an increase in the volume of the allocated secret, a change in its consistency and color. In this case, any discomfort, including itching or burning, should be completely absent.
  • Sexual contact itself also provokes the production of specific whites - after an act without using a condom for several hours, vaginal discharge is like transparent clots, painted in whitish or yellowish hues. After six or eight hours, the mucus changes again - it becomes liquid and plentiful, painted white. When using a condom or when interrupting the act, the secret that is subsequently released has a structure similar to a cream, since it consists of a “waste” vaginal lubricant. Its color is whitish, the amount is quite scarce.
  • Female oral contraceptives significantly change the hormonal background, inhibit ovulation and, during their use, help to reduce the volume of secretions. After stopping the use of the drug, the nature of the vaginal discharge is restored. Similarly, the nature of the leucorrhoea has a period of lactation. When the lactation period ends, the amount of mucus produced is quite low.
  • Consider what discharge is considered normal for women who are carrying a child. Usually their number increases, since blood circulation in the genitals is accelerated and a certain amount of plasma penetrates into the lumen of the vagina. In the last trimester, the volume of the secret increases even more noticeably, which is a harbinger of labor activity.

Pregnant women need to pay increased attention to the nature of the substance released from the vagina, as it may indicate hidden problems. For example, liquid mucus in the last trimester often indicates a discharge of water.

The leucorrhoea that appears after labor is called lochia, they are uterine secretions, which include blood, mucus, rejected due to the non-viability of the tissue. Normally, lochia is released for three to six weeks, sometimes this period increases to almost one and a half months. At this stage, the trend towards a decrease in the volume of lochia and their clarification is important - the first seven days of discharge resemble ordinary heavy menstruation, which may contain clots. Gradually, the volume of lochia decreases, and the color changes towards yellow-white shades, which is facilitated by a large amount of mucus contained in them, and bloody inclusions may be present. Closer to about the fourth week, the discharge becomes smearing, at the end of the sixth week (this period can last up to the eighth week), the whites become the same as before the conception of the child.

The hormonal background in women changes significantly in the period before the onset of postmenopause. Consider what the discharge should be at this time - their volume is significantly reduced, for the most part coccal microorganisms are observed, which include streptococci and staphylococci.

It should be remembered: regardless of the period of the menstrual cycle and other circumstances, the release of vaginal secretions should not be accompanied by discomfort. Otherwise, an immediate gynecological examination is necessary.

Signs of pathological discharge

We examined the natural discharge in girls and women, now it is necessary to understand when leucorrhoea becomes pathological and the development of what diseases they accompany. Conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, present in small quantities in the vaginal environment, under the influence of certain reasons, begin to actively multiply and suppress lactobacilli, causing inflammation and processes.

These factors include:

  • violated rules of personal hygiene;
  • taking antimicrobial drugs;
  • hormonal disruptions.

Focusing on the changed properties of leucorrhea, one can assume the development of pathology in the reproductive system, although it is impossible to establish an accurate diagnosis without conducting appropriate tests. Danger signals are:

  • Discomfort, itching, burning.
  • The secreted mucus becomes foamy, acquires yellow, green or white hues.
  • Cheesy clots of white or yellow shades are released from the vagina, irritating the external genitalia.
  • Abundant leucorrhoea with the smell of fish is observed, the volume of which increases with sexual arousal.
  • Beli acquire a yellow tint, accompanied by problems with urination, pain in the lower abdomen.
  • The discharge becomes thick, with inclusions of blood, their smell is strong and unpleasant.
  • Between the planned periods, the appearance of bloody discharge is observed.
  • When carrying a child, brown or red discharge appears.
  • Thick purulent discharge with impurities of blood, with a pungent odor.

Beli is classified according to where exactly they are formed and can be tubal, occurring during inflammatory processes in the fallopian tubes, cervical, appearing with problems in the cervix, uterine, forming in the presence of endometritis.

The safest is the vaginal discharge, which, however, with a change in color or the presence of an unpleasant odor, may indicate the development of trichomoniasis, thrush, gardnerellosis and other pathologies.

Despite the fact that it is not possible to determine the exact cause of pathological changes in mucus without special laboratory tests, focusing on the smell, color and consistency, it can be assumed which disease is taking place. It should be borne in mind that the same signs may indicate different pathologies, therefore an examination by a gynecologist remains a necessity:

  • The development of chlamydia may be indicated by foaming whites of a transparent color.
  • A gray tint, combined with an unpleasant fishy odor, usually indicates bacterial vaginosis or bacterial vaginosis.
  • White leucorrhoea may be a natural phenomenon or indicate thrush. It should be noted that candidiasis in a mild degree may not be accompanied by burning and itching, its usual signs, but the change in the volume of leucorrhoea in the direction of increase, their thick consistency and curdled appearance is of concern.
  • Light yellow leucorrhoea can be the norm, a day or two before menstruation is not considered a pathology and a more saturated shade. However, accompanied by a sharp unpleasant odor, with an increase in the allocated volume, irritation and redness of the genital organs, the presence of trichomoniasis can be suspected.
  • Green shades are never normal, even in the absence of other symptoms, this is a danger signal. Usually, such secretions warn of the development of vaginal inflammatory processes, since the green color is caused by an increased number of leukocytes. Greenish leucorrhoea can be released with vaginitis, cervicitis, or inflammation of the ovaries.
  • Red leucorrhoea becomes from an admixture of blood, immediately before menstruation this is a normal phenomenon, but you should be wary when such mucus appears between menstruation. Breakthrough bleeding indicates a possible oncology of the cervix, endometriosis, spontaneous abortion at the beginning of pregnancy, and others.

Pathological odor can be:

  • acidic, which often indicates the reproduction of fungi;
  • fish, when vaginosis can be suspected;
  • putrid, often indicating the development of malignant neoplasms;
  • glandular with secretions with the inclusion of blood.

What to do if vaginal discharge is suspicious? The most reasonable way out is to go to the clinic for an examination and take a smear for analysis, which will identify the causative agent of the problem. Self-medication is unacceptable, since taking pharmaceutical drugs without a doctor's prescription can aggravate the situation.

Vaginal discharge is divided into physiological, normal for a certain age and stage of the menstrual cycle, and pathological associated with diseases of the genital organs. It is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe a course of treatment for a single symptom, but the appearance of a discharge that is different from the norm gives a reason to contact a gynecologist and undergo an examination.

Normal the discharge consists of a mixture of mucus, dead epithelium and microbial cells, the secret of the Bartholin glands located on the threshold of the vagina. They contain glycogen - a nutrient for beneficial microflora, and lactic acid - a waste product of lactobacilli. The content of glycogen is maximum on the day of ovulation. Normally, there are transparent discharges or whitish, the consistency is mucous, with small lumps or homogeneous, without an unpleasant odor, up to 4-5 ml per day in volume.


Abundant vaginal discharge or scanty, but atypical in nature or smell, is called leucorrhoea. Whites create a constant feeling of moisture, burning and itching in the perineum. The reasons copious discharge - inflammatory processes ( , ); infectious diseases of the urogenital organs, non-specific or STDs; tumors or injuries of the internal genitalia; allergic reactions to latex, spermicidal lubricants, underwear and hygiene products for intimate areas.

By origin, there are vaginal discharges, uterine and tubal (watery, large in volume) and cervical (thick, scanty).

White with pus - a symptom of inflammation,bloody are often associated with tumor development; curdled or resembling white flakes are characteristic of thrush; orange and greenish with a putrid odor - for gardnerellosis (bacterial vaginosis);foaming appear with trichomoniasis.

Beli can appear after long courses of contraceptives, after douching with antiseptics; with constipation and a static lifestyle, leading to stagnation of venous blood in the small pelvis. The omission of the walls of the vagina, microtrauma of the genitals after sexual intercourse, ruptures of the perineum also cause the formation of leucorrhoea.

Mucous discharge is normal

The first mucous secretions are observed in newborn girls, the appearance of a secret is associated with residual amounts of maternal hormones. After 3-4 weeks, the discharge disappears and reappears by the age of 8-11 years, when the production of one's own estrogen increases. Mucus is secreted periodically, similar to raw egg white or rice water, sour in smell, color - white with a yellowish tint.

Further, during puberty, cyclic vaginal discharge appears. The beginning of the cycle is the first day of menstruation; in the 1st half of the cycle and until its middle, coinciding with ovulation, there is less discharge. They are mucous or watery, homogeneous, possibly with small lumps. In the middle of the cycle - mucous and abundant, viscous in consistency, possibly beige or brownish.

After ovulation jelly-like discharge, similar to jelly. They increase the content of lactic acid, which is produced by lactobacilli, and the discharge acquires a sour smell. Increased acidity protects the vaginal mucosa, which is looser and more vulnerable to infection during this time period. Before menstruation, the volume of mucous secretions increases again.

Discharge during pregnancy liquid and copious, whitish or transparent. Before childbirth, the cervix dilates, and the cervical plug comes out in the form of a rather large clot of mucus, possibly with an admixture of scarlet blood. Usually the release of the cork coincides with the first contractions. If there is more vaginal secretion than usual, then you should go to the gynecologist: perhaps amniotic fluid is “leaking”.

The presence of liquid blood or blood clots in the discharge suggests an ectopic pregnancy, a threat of interruption gestation, atypical position (previa) or placental abruption. All options are dangerous, at any moment they can be complicated by bleeding and end in death. A pregnant woman who has noted the appearance of scarlet blood from the vagina should immediately lie down, then immediately call an ambulance.

White discharge

During puberty, vaginal discharge may be due to inflammation. intestines, bladder, uterus or ovaries. These episodes include pain associated with urination, intestinal colic or pulling sensations in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region. Perhaps the temperature will rise, a blood test will show signs of inflammation (leukocytosis, an increase in ESR): then inflammation treatment will be needed.

10-12 months before the onset of the first menstruation, the vaginal mucosa reacts to hormonal changes and liquid, transparent discharges or white, the color of highly diluted milk, odorless or sour are formed. No measures need to be taken if there are no complaints of burning or itching in the perineum, and the discharge does not take on a curdled appearance.

After the onset of sexual activity, the consistency and composition of the secretions change, the reason is the addition of the partner's microflora, which is different in composition from the vaginal flora. It takes time to adapt, in each case is different, and the situation will return to normal again. During the adaptation period, the volume of secretion increases, the discharge becomes more liquid, with a pale yellowish or whitish tint. A change in sexual partner is almost always associated with a variation in the nature of vaginal discharge.

After unprotected intercourse, the discharge normally first takes the form of yellowish or white clots, and after 5-8 hours the secret turns into a liquid and plentiful. After protected intercourse, a white and thick discharge appears, resembling a lubricant.

Taking contraceptives or breastfeeding reduce normal secretion: vaginal discharge is scanty and thick, white or yellowish.

gives white curdled discharge, copious, sour in smell. Sometimes the discharge resembles yellowish curd lumps or white flakes. The disease is accompanied by itching and swelling of the genitals, irritation of the skin of the perineum. The development of candidiasis is a sign of a decrease in immunity.

cheesy white plaque in the vagina with thrush

Thrush is often associated with STDs(, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis) and, manifests itself in metabolic diseases (diabetes mellitus) and tumors. Candidiasis definitely requires treatment.

Video: vaginal discharge - norm and pathology

Yellow and green discharge

"Colored" discharge from the vagina occurs with STDs, bacterial vaginosis (gardnerellosis), with nonspecific genital inflammation.

With STDs, leucorrhoea is always pain and burning associated with urination.

: visible on examination of the vagina yellow discharge, emerging from the cervical canal and flowing down the walls of the vagina. Belyam is accompanied by pain in the lower back and lower abdomen, an increase in Bartholin's glands. The diagnosis is confirmed by PCR analysis.

: leucorrhoea plentiful, frothy, greenish or yellowish with a strong putrid odor. May drain onto the perineum, inner thighs and cause skin irritation.

: moderate in volume, the color is yellowish white. May be accompanied by bleeding without matching the cycle, pain of the "lowered belt" type - lower back, lower abdomen, inner thighs. With gonorrhea, a putrid smell of leucorrhoea is often found; a change in their color from grayish-white to yellow indicates the transition of the acute stage of the disease to the chronic one.

: leucorrhoea plentiful, grayish-white, with the smell of rotting fish. Sticky, yellow-green and even orange discharge is typical of an untreated, long-term disease. Itching is not strong, occurs periodically. All symptoms are exacerbated immediately after intercourse.

Nonspecific vaginitis(colpitis): with this disease, leucorrhoea is the main symptom. The type of vaginal discharge varies, depending on the severity of the process. With inflammation of the vagina, the secret becomes sour by reaction, by consistency - viscous and stretching or plentiful and liquid, loses its transparency. A hazy white tint is given by leukocytes,yellowish-green color due to the presence of pus,yellowish-pink - blood. In the initial stages of inflammation, serous leucorrhoea is liquid, watery; then they transform into purulent - thick, green, with a strong putrefactive odor.

and adnexitis: inflammation of the fallopian tubes and ovaries. May appear as specific complications caused by ascending venereal infection in STDs, or "normal" inflammation of the internal genitalia. The discharge is always accompanied by pain in the abdomen; in the acute period - periodic, cramping and strong, in the chronic stage - of medium and low intensity, constant, dull, pulling.

Let's summarize. Causes of yellow and green whites:

  • foamy discharge - a characteristic sign of STDs;
  • abundant discharge is typical for the acute stage of colpitis, adnexitis and salpingitis;
  • scanty whites - for chronic adnexitis and salpingitis.

Brown and pink discharge

Associated with the presence of blood in vaginal secretions; may appear for physiological or pathological reasons.

Physiological reasons:

  1. small brown, pink or scarlet discharge in the middle of the cycle: the laundry does not get dirty, the color is noticeable only on sanitary napkins or toilet paper. Secretion signals that ovulation has taken place, which helps plan pregnancy.
  2. pinkish and brownish discharge- the norm for the end of menstruation, when there was a complete rejection of the endometrium and the proliferation phase begins (growth of a new endometrium).
  3. Bloody issues during the period of taking hormonal drugs. If they last more than three cycles, then it is worth changing the contraceptive and being examined by a gynecologist.
  4. Secretion of cervical mucus with bright blood- in pregnant women before childbirth.

Pathological causes

Pathological causes can be: sexually transmitted diseases (gonorrhea), endometritis, uterine tumors, endometrial hyperplasia, polyposis, cervical erosion, endometriosis.

For gonorrhea the infection rises from the vagina upwards, affecting the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. Appearance blood in streaksamong mucopurulent secretions and intermenstrual bleeding are signs of an ascending gonococcal infection. A confirmed diagnosis is made after, which must be positive for gonorrhea, or after the detection of gonococci in it.

- inflammation of the functional uterine layer, which is updated after each menstrual cycle. brown whites, associated with endometritis, appear before and after menstruation, it is also possible to produce brownish mucus in the middle of the cycle. Almost always, inflammation of the endometrium is combined with its hyperplasia (growth) and menstrual bleeding, often the cycle is shortened. Profuse bleeding leads to anemia, the hemoglobin content drops to 50-70 g / l (the norm for women is 120-140 g / l). A woman feels constant fatigue, shortness of breath and dizziness appear even with little physical effort.

Endometrial hyperplasia is considered a precancerous condition.

To return the endometrium to normal, you must first cure the inflammation. The course of antibiotics lasts at least 3 months, the drugs are prescribed for 3 menstrual cycles.

Endometriosis is an overgrowth of glandular tissue (endometrium) in the neck and muscular layer of the uterus (myometrium), fallopian tubes, ovaries, in the abdominal organs. Endometrial cells get into atypical places during abortions, during instrumental examinations of the uterus, during childbirth and during the return of menstrual masses. endometriosis spreads i, leads to numerous local inflammations and the formation adhesions; common complication - infertility.

Drawing pains during menstruation are typical, bloody discharge from all foci of growths of the endometrium. At colposcopy small multiple nodules or cysts, cyanotic or red stripes are visible on the cervix. Bloody-brown leucorrhoea becomes lighter after menstruation, their volume decreases during this period and increases again before the next menstruation. Abdominal endometriosis is a common cause of internal bleeding and subsequent surgery (laparotomy).

Cervical erosion: violation of the integrity of the mucosa, when viewed to determine the boundaries of erosion, acetic acid, 3-5% solution is used. After smearing the surface with acid, erosion is visible as a whitish spot on a pink background. When erosion occurs, small spotting appears, their number increases after intercourse.

Bleeding in cancer patients

endometrial hyperplasia accompanied by smearing brown or bloody discharge before and after menstruation. Acyclic uterine bleeding is possible: they are long, up to several weeks and even months, leading to anemia. The disease develops due to hormonal imbalance, with problems with lipid and carbohydrate metabolism (obesity, diabetes mellitus), hypertension, after gynecological operations, with hereditary predisposition, as a result of STDs - after inflammation of the uterus, with endometritis.

For treatment, combined estrogen / progestogen preparations are used, with severe bleeding - curettage of the endometrium. Be sure to do a biopsy, assess the degree of cellular atypia and growth of glandular tissue. If cancer is suspected, the examination is repeated.

Polyps in the uterus- these are elongated growths of the endometrium, symptoms of polyposis often become brown discharge and postmenstrual bleeding. Discomfort during sexual contact is possible, immediately after its completion - spotting brownish discharge. The reasons for the formation of polyps are an imbalance of estrogens and progestogens, inflammation of the endometrium and cervical canal. Small polyps are discovered by chance; large (more than 2 cm) are manifested by pain in the form of contractions, increased menstrual blood loss. The main complication is infertility; the transition of polyposis to a malignant tumor has not been proven.

Tumors in the uterus in the later stages they are manifested by bleeding, in the early period - by spotting vaginal brown discharge. Tumors of the uterus are divided into benign(polyps, fibromyomas and myomas) and malignant(endometrial cancer and myosarcoma, cervical cancer). Leucorrhoea with pus and scarlet blood, possibly offensive, is characteristic of the decay of the tumor; with cervical cancer appear thick discharge, scanty, streaked with blood. Submucosal fibromatous nodes always give severe bleeding, that is, they clinically proceed malignantly. Cervical cancer quickly metastasizes, spreading to the pelvic lymph nodes, the liver and lungs, and can move to the walls of the vagina.

Video: discharge from women, expert opinion

Vaginal discharge in women is one of the most common reasons for visiting a gynecologist. Of course, it is normal for women to have discharge every day, but not all of them are normal, some are symptoms of various diseases, including sexually transmitted ones. So, which discharges in women require treatment, and which ones are normal and natural.

Physiological secretions

Any gynecologist will confirm that normal discharge in women is not abundant, the color is transparent, maybe with an admixture of white, on underwear with a yellow tint. Moreover, the discharge from the vagina does not bring any discomfort, such as itching, and also does not have a sharp, unpleasant odor.

The secretion of whiter in women increases significantly at the time of sexual arousal, as well as during and after sexual intercourse. In addition, abundant leucorrhoea is observed in women of reproductive age in the middle of the menstrual cycle. It is related to ovulation. Complaints about abundant mucous discharge in women occur in the first weeks of pregnancy. This does not at all mean that something threatens the embryo; soon the amount of discharge will normalize. Such changes are associated with changes in hormonal levels.

Changes in the microflora of the vagina

In the vagina of every woman live thousands of microorganisms, which make up the "microflora". Among them there are conditionally pathogenic microorganisms that begin to multiply under certain conditions, thereby leading to the disease. In this case, we are talking about the 2 most common diseases that are not sexually transmitted and non-venereal - candidiasis and gardnerellosis.

Discharge in women is white, plentiful, similar to cottage cheese with a sour smell and accompanied by severe itching, most often caused by an opportunistic pathogen - fungi of the genus Candida. In addition to discharge, a woman notices swelling of the vulva, redness of the labia. Treatment is carried out only in the presence of these symptoms and a poor smear result. There are a number of drugs quite effective for combating thrush, this is what people call candidiasis. But it must be borne in mind that white discharge in women can appear periodically when favorable conditions arise for the reproduction of the pathogen that causes candidiasis. But more on that below.

Another disease, similar in symptoms, but only with it, grayish discharge appears in women with the smell of rotten fish. The disease is called gardnerellosis. The causative agent is gardnerella. In its frequency, it is approximately equal to candidiasis, and it is also diagnosed with the help of a smear on the flora. Less often, there are discharges in green women, frightening with their unusualness.

When diagnosing both candidiasis and gardnerellosis, it is recommended to undergo a complete examination for all kinds of sexually transmitted diseases, and especially for latent infections. Since it is with them that the microflora of the vagina most often pathologically changes. Treatment of gardnerellosis at the initial stage aims to eliminate the pathogenic flora, the second stage is to create a normal environment in the vagina.

Both of the above diseases have risk factors, the conditions under which they most often develop.

1. Taking antibiotics.

2. Rare sex without the use of barrier contraception, as well as frequent change of sexual partners.

3. Use of hormonal contraception.

4. Douching, especially with chlorine-containing solutions (usually used as a prevention of infection with sexually transmitted diseases, it should be noted that this prevention is rather weak).

5. Use of spermicides containing 9-nonoxynol as contraception.

6. Use of lubricants containing 9-nonoxynol.

It should be noted that men can develop candidiasis and gardnerellosis. And in this case, abundant, thick, transparent discharge in women, grayish or white cheesy appear in their partners, usually at the same time. But if the partner has all the signs of the disease, but the man does not, he does not need to be treated.

Sexually transmitted diseases

Most infections are characterized precisely by this or that nature of the discharge from the vagina. We will consider 2 of them, quite common.

1. Trichomoniasis. This disease, often leading to female infertility, is characterized by yellow discharge in women, pain during urination and sexual intercourse, inflammation of the external genital organs. In men, the symptoms are the same, and they are quite similar to those of prostatitis. Treatment when a pathogen (Trichomonas vaginalis) is detected in a smear. Moreover, the treatment does not consist in the use of drugs locally, they are absolutely not effective, but in the internal administration of antitrichomonas drugs.

2. Gonorrhea. One of the most ancient diseases. Its causative agent is gonococcus. Vivid symptoms are present in men, while women usually only have yellow or white discharge, which many women do not take seriously, considering this a manifestation of candidiasis. Another symptom is painful urination mistaken for cystitis. But the disease is very dangerous, not only the genitourinary system is affected, but also the joints, skin, liver, heart and other internal organs. Gonorrhea is also diagnosed by laboratory methods.

Menstrual disorders and gynecological diseases

1. Erosion of the cervix. This fairly common pathology can cause weak intermenstrual bleeding. They do not arise on their own, but due to some mechanical effect on the cervix, for example, as a result of sexual intercourse.

2. Hormonal contraception. Contraceptive pills, which are quite popular now, have many side effects in the first cycles of their use. A common side effect is brown discharge in women outside of menstruation. This "daub" does not pose a health hazard. In the presence of this side effect, the doctor may recommend other birth control pills, change the type of contraception, or simply wait 2-4 months until the side effects disappear on their own, since they are temporary in this situation.

3. Age-related disorders of the menstrual cycle. Delayed periods, too long intervals between them, or vice versa too short, intermenstrual discharge in brown women often occurs during the first 1-2 years after the very first menstruation. And vice versa, with the extinction of the menstrual function, that is, with the onset of menopause. However, even if you fit into one of these two categories, you should not rely on the fact that everything will work itself out. It is quite possible that the cause is not at all in age and natural hormonal changes in the body, but in a disease, and not necessarily a gynecological one. In case of serious violations of the menstrual cycle, it is necessary to consult not only a gynecologist, but also an endocrinologist.

Bloody, brown discharge during pregnancy

They are one of the most dangerous symptoms that should not be ignored at all stages of pregnancy. Probable causes are described below.

1. Hormonal changes. Surely, you have heard from experienced women that menstruation can occur during pregnancy. This phenomenon is very rare, but it does occur in some expectant mothers. Moreover, a daub appears only in certain weeks, with the same regularity as menstruation went. It is because of this rare feature of the female body in areas where there was poor medical care that pregnancy was sometimes determined on the basis of such symptoms as a visual increase in the uterus (abdomen), baby movements and a vertical strip (pigmentation) on the abdomen, appearing only in the middle of the term. .

2. Ectopic pregnancy. In the early stages, you need to think about this diagnosis if brown or bloody discharge appears. If the test is positive but you have discharge, see your doctor. On examination in the early stages, the doctor is unlikely to be able to determine where the fetal egg develops - in the uterus or not. But on ultrasound everything becomes clear. If hCG is above 1000 mU / ml, the gestational age is more than 4 weeks (from the first day of the last menstrual cycle), but there is no fetal egg in the uterus - there is reason to suspect an ectopic pregnancy. Another of its distinguishing features is the slow growth of hCG.

3. Frozen pregnancy. It is less dangerous than ectopic, but still requires an early diagnosis. One of the main signs of frozen is again spotting, which intensifies when a miscarriage begins. When frozen on ultrasound, the heartbeat of the fetus is not detected, hCG stops its growth, its concentration in the blood and urine decreases.

4. Threatened or incipient miscarriage. Scanty brown discharge may be a sign of a hematoma formed as a result of detachment. This condition does not require treatment. If you notice scarlet blood on your underwear and the discharge is quite plentiful, urgent hospitalization is needed. This is the only way to save the pregnancy. A miscarriage cannot be avoided if the cervix has already opened, and the detachment of the chorion or placenta is large.

That's what the different nature of vaginal discharge means. And these are by no means all of their possible causes. Do not forget to regularly (at least once a year) visit a gynecologist.

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