Complete dentition of the upper jaw. Partial absence of teeth. Treatment of adentia in children

AT orthopedic dentistry partial absence of teeth implies a lack of one or more units. In terms of the impact on functionality and aesthetics, the diagnosis of “partial absence of teeth (partial adentia)” is very ambiguous, because if 2–3 teeth are missing, this is one situation, and if 1–15 is completely different. That is why some experts began to distinguish such a variety as multiple adentia, when more than 10 teeth are missing. However, even without this division, partial adentia has forms and classes that are important to mention.

Forms of partial edentulous teeth

  • Primary adentia. Absence or death of rudiments of teeth at the stage intrauterine development. This form partial adentia is quite rare and is caused by hereditary factors or diseases and infections that have arisen during pregnancy (hypothyroidism, ichthyosis, pituitary dwarfism). Primary adentia is often combined with an irregular shape of the teeth or underdevelopment of the alveolar processes;

  • A person was born with a full set of teeth, but lost some of them due to injuries or dental diseases and complications. Partial secondary absence of teeth is a very common disease. According to statistics, more than 75% of people lose one or more teeth during their lifetime.

Classification of partial adentia

The most popular classification of partial adentia was developed by the American dentist Edward Kennedy. Despite the fact that this happened back in the twenties of the last century, they are actively working on it today. In total, Kennedy identified four main classes of partial adentia, with a focus on which a rehabilitation plan is drawn up.

Kennedy classification of partial absence of teeth

  1. First grade. Partial edentulous with bilateral end defect: absence of molars on both sides of the jaw.
  2. Second class. Unilateral end defect when the patient has lost chewing teeth on one side of the jaw.
  3. Third class. Unilateral included defect. Missing some molars or front teeth.
  4. Fourth grade. Included anterior teeth defect. Completely missing teeth in the smile zone.

Treatment of partial adentia

If the patient has a complete or partial absence of teeth, treatment is carried out using two methods: implantation and classical prosthetics. The first method is a priority, since only an implant is able to fully replace the tooth root and prevent bone tissue atrophy. On the other hand, implantation is not always possible due to a number of contraindications, as well as due to a banal lack of funds. In this case classical prosthetics- the only way out.

Treatment methods for partial adentia

Fixed bridge prosthesis

The most popular option when restoring one or more missing teeth in a row. A similar prosthesis is attached to the supporting healthy teeth or telescopic crowns. Often, when restoring one tooth, a recess is made in adjacent teeth, after which the structure is connected by a special bridge, which is attached with composite materials(Maryland prosthesis). The bridge can be metal, metal-ceramic and ceramic (to restore the frontal group of teeth).

  • relative durability
  • lower cost compared to implantation
  • good performance indicators

Dental crown and bridge on implants

It is used for a single defect and in the same situations as a classic bridge prosthesis, but based on implants, and not on adjacent teeth.

  • good aesthetics and functionality
  • preservation of bone volume at the implantation site
  • durability
  • high price

Removable and conditionally removable dentures on implants

They are used in the case of multiple adentia, when the doctor removes the remaining teeth and puts an implant-supported structure that completely imitates the jaw. The type of prosthesis (removable or conditionally removable) depends on the method of attachment. Button mount allows you to remove the prosthesis from the oral cavity independently. Beam fastening (implants are connected to each other by a special beam) implies that the prosthesis will be removed only in the dentist's office.

  • reliability
  • good functionality and acceptable aesthetics
  • durability (the old prosthesis is changed after 7 - 10 years, implants can stand for life)
  • high price
  • the need to remove the remaining teeth

Deformation of the bite with partial absence of teeth

State dental system with partial absence of teeth - a topic for a separate discussion. Even the loss of one tooth provokes the displacement of the entire dentition, as the body in this way tries to restore the correct distribution of the load. This process begins in the immediate vicinity of the lost tooth, however, over time, the deformation of the dentition in the partial absence of teeth becomes more pronounced, especially when a significant number of them are lost. The most accurate classification of changes in the position of teeth during adentia was proposed by Dr. E. I. Gavrilov.

Classification of partial absence of teeth according to Gavrilov

  1. Vertical movement (elongation of the teeth). Often occurs with the loss of antagonist teeth.
  2. Mesial and distal movement.
  3. Oral and vestibular movement of teeth.
  4. Combined movement of teeth (rotation with an inclination, fan-shaped divergence, and so on).

Correction of deformities of the teeth occurs with the help of orthodontic, orthopedic and surgical techniques: at serious complications placement of a prosthesis or implants may be delayed. Determination of bite in the partial absence of teeth includes the calculation of the occlusal height, the prosthetic plane, the height of the lower face and central ratio jaws.

Adentia is perhaps the most unexpected and at the same time unpleasant dental disease. Most people are not even aware of the existence of this disease, but some had to deal with it on personal experience. What is this, what are the symptoms and how is this disease treated? There are many questions, each of which has detailed answers.

The complete or partial absence of teeth is called adentia. This symptom occurs equally often in both children and adults. The etiology of the onset of the disease is different for everyone, so the symptoms are different. Sometimes the patient is diagnosed with only a partial violation of the dentition.

Often adentia affects only milk teeth. It should be borne in mind that the disease is not always congenital. Poor oral hygiene and other adverse factors can provoke acquired symptoms.

In order to avoid unpleasant manifestations in yourself and your loved ones, it is better to be fully armed and study the disease in more detail.

Depending on the form of the disease, certain changes in the jaw can be observed.

This is the most annoying variety. Patients with this diagnosis are biggest changes. This is definitely a facial deformity. The cheeks in this case are sunken, the skin on them has a stretched, withered appearance. Observed premature aging facial skin. Almost always, speech suffers, especially with congenital adentia.

An aggravating factor is difficult meals. The patient cannot eat fully, because chewing and biting solid food almost impossible. As a result, there is a general weakening of the immune system and the whole organism as a whole. In this case, it is also difficult to avoid the development of chronic diseases of the digestive system.

Significantly similar defect affects psychological condition person. Patients often, along with adentia, acquire numerous complexes, withdraw into themselves.

Sometimes one of the jaws or parts of it develop without any abnormalities. Then the adentia is considered partial. The number of missing teeth is directly related to external manifestations diseases. Pathology basically also leads to facial deformity, impaired speech and eating. Patients with partial dentition often suffer from malocclusion, cross or deep.

Along with the partial absence of teeth, dentists can detect various displacements, shortening or narrowing of one of the jaws. The temporomandibular joint also suffers pathological changes. Due to the minimum chewing load, the muscles of the mouth are weakened, thinning of the bone tissue occurs.

The absence of one or more teeth practically does not cause any inconvenience to a person, but the body suffers inevitable negative changes. It:

  • displacement of the entire dentition;
  • violation of intestinal motility;
  • load on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • mineralization of tooth enamel slows down;
  • protein metabolism suffers.

All these factors inevitably lead to the development of pathologies more serious than the absence of a pair of teeth.

Diagnostic methods

The correct diagnosis can only be established by a specialist in the field of clinical examination and a number of studies. To examine children who still do not have teeth due to their age, the dentist uses exclusively tactile methods. The baby's gums are felt for the presence of rudiments of milk teeth. As a rule, an experienced doctor can feel them from a very early age.

In more ambiguous situations, the orthodontist recommends that the child undergo x-ray examination jaws. panoramic shot will give complete picture diseases. Here you can consider in detail the structure of the root system of the tooth and the features of the development of the jaw. Visible on the X-ray and the alveolar process.

Features of the diagnosis of secondary (acquired) adentia

In the secondary form of the disease, examination is not much different from diagnosis birth defect jaw development. Often a series is added to the review laboratory research to determine the cause of tooth loss. Sometimes this is caused by complex chronic diseases that prevent prosthetics from being carried out. Without prosthetics, it is impossible to achieve the expected results of treatment. Contraindications may be:

To start treatment, it is necessary to remove all obstacles, otherwise complications are possible.

Reasons for the development of the disease

It is difficult to isolate the main cause of congenital absence of teeth and their loss in adulthood. Scientists have proven that the hereditary factor plays a significant role in the formation of pathology. For example, underdevelopment of teeth even in the prenatal period.

There is also such a pathology as the embryogenesis of dental tissues, which does not allow the jaw and dentition to form normally. The absence of lateral incisors and molars is called phylogenetic reduction.

Caries, violations of tooth enamel, inflammation of the oral cavity, pulpitis can also lead to complete or partial loss of teeth. Therefore, at the slightest uncharacteristic manifestations in oral cavity It is better to immediately contact the orthodontist for a qualified consultation. Any delay in dental health is almost always fraught with consequences.

Varieties of adentia

Primary (congenital) complete edentulous

Pathology is extremely rare and is considered complex in the circle of specialists. genetic disease. In this case, the rudiments of the teeth are completely absent. Accompanied by pathology and other physical manifestations. The facial oval of a child with congenital adentia differs significantly in appearance from the face healthy baby. Bottom part face reduced, alveolar processes the jaws are not fully formed, which is easily visualized. The mucous membranes of such children are pale and dry. The patient can eat only soft or liquid food. Because of the defect, speech does not develop.

Most children with primary edentulous syndrome suffer from the absence of hair on the head, eyebrows and eyelashes. The fontanel of such an infant tightens slowly, and may not narrow at all. The nail plates are either absent or excessively brittle and soft. Therefore, we can say that congenital adentia is a complex of complex genetic defects that are formed during a woman's pregnancy.

Congenital partial disorders of the dentition

It has slightly different symptoms and milder consequences. Occurs during eruption of milk teeth. Some teeth, against all odds, just don't grow. Rudiments are not detected by palpation and x-ray examination.

As a result, gaps are formed between the teeth, which will inevitably lead to a displacement of the entire row. At in large numbers missing teeth, underdevelopment of the jaw is diagnosed. With a mixed bite, when the first teeth fall out, and permanent ones grow in their place, a lot of empty places form in the oral cavity. There is a risk of loosening of the supporting teeth and a violation of the protective enamel layer, which leads to many complications. For example, jaw deformity or the appearance of a crossbite.

Acquired full edentulous

Observed complete absence teeth on both jaws. They can be both dairy and permanent. There is the concept of secondary childhood adentia, when the teeth grow normally, but eventually fall out for some reason.

Common causes of the acquired form of the disease can be:

  • dropping out;
  • removal due to caries, which is not treatable;
  • periodontitis;
  • deletion by surgical reasons such as oncology.

Over time, the alveolar processes atrophy, lower jaw close to the nose. main symptom initial stage secondary adentia is the erasure of tooth tissues. As a result, the patient feels unpleasant feelings with tight closure of the jaw.

Secondary partial

The most common type of pathology. Most people in different ages encountered her. This may be the removal of teeth due to caries or an inflammatory process in the gums. In this case, the alveolar processes continue to function normally. Displacement occurs rarely and depends on the time elapsed since the removal of adjacent teeth.

It rarely happens that with a mixed bite, a shift of the row occurs. Then room to grow permanent tooth not enough. Therefore, parents should pay attention to the delay in eruption, and if necessary, visit a pediatric dentist with the baby.

Treatment of the disease

It is prescribed depending on the type of adentia and other indicators identified during the examination. Most often used:

  • prosthetics with crowns or inlays;
  • the use of implants;
  • installation of bridges;
  • the introduction of a removable or non-removable prosthesis.

Prosthetics are carried out equally often, both with the use of removable and non-removable prostheses. For children, the first option is more suitable. jaw endure age-related changes and further not removable prosthesis can be deformed or displaced, which is highly undesirable.

All prostheses, regardless of the material of manufacture, are made on the basis of a cast made in advance. This is required so that it fits perfectly to the patient's jaw, does not cause discomfort.

Many parents refuse to carry out prosthetics for their children. This is a wrong perception. Even temporary removable dentures can restore the aesthetics of the dentition. The child can fully eat, develop chewing function.

With acquired partial adentia, dentists decide on artistic restoration. This method allows you to restore the integrity of the dentition with minimal effort. For this, ceramics and photo composites are used. Depending on the selected material, the service life of the prosthesis is determined.

Implants will help to properly distribute the load on the dentition. This is their advantage over bridges. Installation features make them the most safe view treatment in relation to adjacent teeth.

At what age should treatment begin?

Orthodontics recommend starting prosthetics with complete congenital adentia from the age of three. Just at this age, the baby's body is much stronger, and the disease can be diagnosed most accurately. The dentist must Special attention pay attention to the shape of the prosthesis, as a poorly matched one can provoke a delay in the development of the jaw.

Choices must be made responsibly dental clinic for the treatment of adentia. Only clinics with good diagnostic equipment can really provide their patients with quality care. In the treatment of this defect, it is extremely important to establish the cause of tooth loss. This may be the result of serious oncological diseases which urgently require the intervention of specialists of other profiles.

You should not save on the material of prostheses. This directly affects their lifespan. Although the process of their installation is painless due to the use of anesthetics, it is still not the most pleasant. Especially for children.

Adentia is complex and very unpleasant disease. But, it is not hopeless. Every patient can count on positive outcome treatment for timely handling to the clinic. Treatment can hardly be called cheap, however, the result will help to solve not only physiological, but also psychological problems. After visiting the clinic, a person who previously suffered from complete or partial absence of teeth will soon be able to return to everyday life.

Thanks to a wide range of treatment methods, any patient will find for himself best way getting rid of such trouble.

A visible aesthetic defect, when teeth are partially or completely missing, is called adentia. At the same time, their complete absence is very a rare event. We will analyze further the symptoms of adentia, causes and possible forms.

Depending on the time and causes of the disease, there are:

  • primary form of the disease. Otherwise, it is called innate.
  • secondary form of the disease. It also has another name: acquired.

The primary form can be observed quite rarely. Its appearance is also associated with the intrauterine process. The disease appears due to a violation of normal embryonic development. With this form, the teeth may be absent, either partially or completely. If the patient has a partial primary form, then some of the rudiments are preserved and therefore teeth begin to develop in this place.

Most of all, in people with adentia, a secondary form can be observed. In this case, not only the tooth itself is lost, but also its rudiments. Therefore, in further tooth unable to form.

Depending on which teeth are lost, there are:

If a tooth germ is suddenly missing, then they say that adentia is true congenital. If there is a delay in teething in terms, then they say that adentia is false.

Depending on the number of lost teeth, adentia is divided into:

  • Partial (only a few teeth are missing).
  • Complete (absolutely all teeth are missing).

There is a significant danger of even partial adentia. Neighboring teeth begin to shift over time. At the same time, during chewing food, an unbearable load is placed on them. All this leads to the fact that over time bone starts to deplete.

Partial congenital adentia is considered if up to 10 teeth are missing in the oral cavity. In this case, the third molars, the upper lateral incisors and the second are usually lost.

If there is a lack of 10 or more teeth, they say that adentia has acquired multiple character (multiple).

If one jaw lacks from 1 to 15 teeth, then adentia is a partial secondary form.

Classification of partial secondary adentia

  • First class (I) - availability end defect on both sides (here we mean a distally unlimited defect).
  • The second class (II) is the presence of an end defect on one side (this is also a distally unlimited defect).
  • The third class (III) - the presence of an included defect on one side (here we mean a distally limited defect).
  • The fourth class (IV) is the presence of an included defect on the front side (this is the absence of teeth on the front visible side).

These classes have their own subclasses. Moreover, defects in different subclasses are often combined with each other.

On the basis of symmetry, adentia happens:

  • Symmetrical.
  • Asymmetrical.

Causes of adentia

This disease is still very poorly understood. Modern dental professionals cannot name exact reason loss of teeth and choose the right ways and methods to solve the problem.

It is assumed that primary adentia occurs against the background of the absence or complete death of tooth germs. The appearance of such adentia can also be hereditary or begin to actively develop under the influence of harmful factors even in the womb. It is known that temporary teeth they begin to lay at 7-10 weeks of development, and permanent ones only at 17.

Such adentia as complete congenital is very often the result of another hereditary disease- ectodermal dysplasia. The symptoms of this disease are usually added to the underdevelopment of hair, nails, skin, eye lenses, sweat and sebaceous glands. Also, teratogenic factors can serve as causes of primary adentia, infectious diseases, endocrine failures and violation of mineral metabolism.

The rudiments of teeth often die in the following diseases: pituitary dwarfism, ichthyosis and hypothyroidism.

Secondary adentia people get sick in the course of their lives. The causes are usually the following ailments:

  • deep caries.
  • Tooth trauma.
  • Periostitis.
  • Phlegmon.
  • Periodontitis.
  • Abscess.

indirect causes

An indirect and common cause is dental caries. The point is that it starts destructive process. Further, the severity of the disease only becomes stronger. And only on the very last stage teeth are lost. But if caries is cured in time, then this problem can be completely avoided. The prognosis for treatment is always favorable.

The disease should not be ignored if its severity worsens. This usually occurs with pulpitis, periodontal disease and periodontitis. The last disease greatly weakens the gums. As a result, the tooth is lost very quickly.

Injury should also be avoided. Since it is because of them that teeth break a lot. In addition, their rudiments are damaged. The damage done causes the teeth to stop developing. And this eventually leads to their complete loss.

In addition, secondary adentia occurs against the background of an incorrectly performed surgical or even therapeutic treatment. If you do not get help in a timely manner, partial adentia will turn into full.

The appearance of secondary adentia of the full form depends on the age of the patient. 60% of people over the age of 60 suffer from this disease, 5.5% of people between the ages of 50 and 60, and only 1% of people under the age of 50.

Adentia in children

Full dentition in childhood leads to social disruption. So, the child begins to slur sounds and letters. He is ashamed of his defect, thereby causing himself psychological trauma. His dissatisfaction is reinforced by the negative attention of other peers. As a result, the child not only suffers from missing teeth, but also begins to suffer from a severe psychological disorder.

In addition, a small patient is malnourished. It becomes difficult for him to bite and chew food. As a result, the gastrointestinal tract begins to suffer. The functionality of the temporomandibular joint is also impaired.

Secondary adentia gives the baby a little less stress.

Symptoms of adentia

From visible symptoms distinguish the following:

  • Absence of one, several and all teeth.
  • Sufficiently large gaps between the teeth.
  • Teeth in the oral cavity are uneven.
  • The bite is crooked.
  • Severe speech impediment is heard.

In addition, even if one tooth is missing (regardless of which jaw), the defect may be accompanied by inflammation of the gums and the formation of pathological pockets.

The patient's speech changes greatly in the absence of teeth on both jaws at once. He also suffers from dyslexia. If suddenly there is no tooth in the foreground (in the area of ​​the frontal teeth), it is clear that upper lip sinks in. If there are no teeth on the side, then the lips and cheeks immediately sink.

If the patient's adentia is presented in severe form, then the normal development facial skeleton, and there is also a pathology in the functioning of the temporomandibular joint or its general dislocation. In the future, a person usually loses all his teeth.

In addition, with complete adentia, you can see that:

  • The uppermost lip appears slightly shorter.
  • The gnathic region of the face is noticeably reduced in size.
  • The supramental fold is strongly pronounced.
  • The height of the face is also markedly reduced.

Diagnosis of the disease

Only doctors can diagnose and eliminate adentia. To do this, they initially conduct an examination of the oral cavity. Doctors of several specialties can take in the examination and treatment at once: surgeons, implantologists, simple therapists, orthodontists, periodontists and orthopedists.

The entire diagnostic procedure consists of:

  • Collection of anamnesis.
  • Examination of the oral cavity and assessment of the clinic of the disease.
  • Correlation between the patient's age and the age of the teeth.
  • Pulpatory examination.

Intraoral radiography can be used to clarify the diagnosis. It is often prescribed when a local defect is detected and when the teeth have already completed their eruption.

If the patient has multiple or long form adentia, then a panoramic x-ray can be done for diagnosis.

X-ray helps to detect:

  • Absence of dental germs.
  • Roots that are covered by the gums.
  • various tumors.
  • Condition of the alveolar process.
  • Other signs of inflammation.

Before starting treatment, it is planned. This may require the removal and manufacture of casts of the jaw, which study the features of the jaw.

And most importantly: during the diagnosis, it is necessary to exclude some factors, due to which it is impossible to start prosthetics soon. It:

  • Tumor or similar diseases.
  • The presence of non-removed roots inside the mucosa.
  • The presence of exostoses.
  • The presence of diseases of the mucous membrane.
  • Other inflammatory processes.

Treatment of adentia

Treatment of adentia in a child

Children's primary full form of adentia is treated with prosthetics. It can be carried out from the age of three. With complete adentia for children, a lamellar prosthesis is made, which can be removed. Change such a prosthesis every 2 years. Primary partial adentia is eliminated with a partially removable lamellar prosthesis. Bridge prosthesis can be installed in children only after the final growth of their jaw. During treatment, children should be constantly under the supervision of a specialist doctor. The fact is that very often there is a risk of stopping the growth of the jaw due to the pressure exerted by the prosthesis.

Treatment of partial adentia

It is treated with special removable lamellar or other non-removable bridge prostheses.

Fixed prosthetics is understood as the installation of special support dental implants(this is ). After that, they are attached to the prosthetic structure.

If the patient has partial adentia, then adjacent healthy teeth are taken as a support. If they are not healthy, then they must be treated before prosthetics. If a person has secondary partial adentia, then first, and then a crown is attached from above.

So, adentia is eliminated with the help of prosthetics. Of course, it is very easy to carry out if only one tooth is missing. And it is much more difficult in the case of simultaneous restoration of several teeth. If a broken bite or some displacement of the teeth is added to this, then without special orthodontic structures is indispensable here.

There is only one treatment option for adentia: when they do not resort to prosthetics. This happens in cases where it is possible to ensure a uniform load on the teeth simply by removing one tooth. Let's take an example. The patient is missing two premolars on upper jaw and also missing one left premolar on the bottom. In this case, it is clear that the load will be unevenly distributed. Then the dentist removes the lower right premolar. As a result of this action, the load on the jaw will now be distributed evenly.

Another moment. Partial adentia not treated:

  • Without the initial oral hygiene carried out by professionals.
  • No Elimination the following diseases: pulpitis, periodontitis, periodontitis,.
  • Without removing unhealthy roots.

Treatment of complete edentulous

Orthodontists are involved in the treatment of complete adentia. They carry out the restoration of chewing and aesthetic function with the help of:

  • Fixed dentures.
  • Removable dentures.

In the first case, implantation is performed first. After that, the prosthesis is fixed on the implant. In this case, implants can be both temporary and permanent.

Complete prosthetics during complete edentulous secondary form carried out with the help of removable lamellar dentures.

Prosthetics with complete adentia can lead to the following complications:

  • emergence allergic reaction on the established dental material. Basically, the body reacts to dyes and polymer.
  • The occurrence of stomatitis.
  • The development of bedsores.
  • Poor fixation of the prosthesis on the jaw due to the fact that there was atrophy of her jaw.
  • Inflammatory process.

Preventive measures

It is necessary to take care of the absence of congenital adentia even before pregnancy. To do this, it is necessary to provide the fetus favorable conditions for bearing. Any possible risks. If a delay in the normal period of teething was noticed in a born child, then it is urgent to rush to the dentist (of course, for children).

Secondary adentia can also be prevented. To do this, you need to visit regularly. dental office, constantly carry out hygiene measures and make timely sanitation of the oral cavity.

If suddenly there was a loss of at least one tooth, it is necessary to go for prosthetics, so that adentia does not affect the following teeth.



My husband and I were recently surprised. Took their only daughter (she's 12 now) to preventive examination to dentistry. The doctor looked at us and said that not all the teeth had come out yet (in fact there were only 13 of them). They sent me for an X-ray. The picture showed that it turns out that all the teeth that they can get out of us. And the rest have a violation of the rudiments. And now they will never grow up. It is also scary that in the future milk teeth will be replaced with permanent ones and there will be 13 of them. We are in a panic. My daughter's teeth are straight and beautiful. At first I did not understand how we should proceed. I read enough information and found out that we have partial adentia. And she needs to be treated. The doctor explained that he would have to go for prosthetics. The process is long, but without it, nowhere. Now it is clear that dentistry will become our eternal home. Yeah! How much more will my child have to endure.


I have always had normal teeth. I rarely went to the dentist. Started over the years small problems but I shrugged them off. At the age of 60, he suffered from oncology. Long treatment drank all the strength. And soon all my teeth fell out. I got scared. The doctors, however, reassured me, saying that at my age and without oncology treatment, many of them fall out. I am a cheerful and optimistic person. So hopefully everything will be sorted out soon. The dentist made me complete prosthetics. How badly my mouth hurt after all the procedures, I can’t describe. However, now everything is fine. I fly young and healthy. Now I try to keep smiling. I advise everyone: do not be afraid of prosthetics, but go for it quickly. My daughter recently lost a tooth. So I practically dragged her to a doctor I knew. She did not want to, she spoke later and later. She had an implant and a tooth extension. Now she thanks me. At the table, she always says how she would eat now, if not for my moralizing about tooth restoration.

Adentia refers to diseases of the oral cavity and implies the partial or complete absence of teeth.

Adentia, depending on the causes, can be primary or secondary.

Primary adentia is congenital. The reason for it is the absence of rudiments of teeth, which is most often a manifestation of anhydrotic ectodermal dysplasia. Also, the symptoms of this disease are skin changes (absence of hair, early aging skin) and mucous membranes (pallor, dryness).

In some cases, it is not possible to establish the cause of primary adentia. It is assumed that the resorption of the tooth germ can occur under the influence of a number of toxic effects or be a consequence of an inflammatory process. Possibly play a role hereditary causes and a number of endocrine pathologies.

Secondary adentia is more common. This adentia appears due to partial or complete loss of teeth or rudiments of teeth. There can be many reasons: most often these are injuries or a consequence of neglected caries.

According to the number of missing teeth, adentia can be complete or partial. Complete adentia is the complete absence of teeth. Most of the time it's primary.

Adentia Clinic

Depending on whether this adentia is complete or partial, the clinic also manifests itself.

Complete adentia leads to a serious deformation of the facial skeleton. As a result, speech disorders appear: slurred pronunciation of sounds. A person cannot fully chew and bite off food. In turn, malnutrition occurs, which leads to a number of diseases. gastrointestinal tract. Also, complete adentia leads to dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint. Against the background of complete adentia, the mental status person. Adentia in children leads to a violation of their social adaptation and contributes to the development of mental disorders.

Primary edentulousness in children is very rare and serious illness in which there are no rudiments of teeth. The cause of this type of adentia is a violation of intrauterine development.

Clinic in the absence timely treatment extremely severe and associated with pronounced changes in the facial skeleton.

Secondary complete edentulous is called the loss of all teeth in their original presence. More often, secondary complete adentia occurs due to dental diseases: caries, periodontitis, and also after surgical removal teeth (with oncology, for example) or as a consequence of injuries.

Secondary partial adentia has the same causes as the primary one. With the complication of this adentia by the wear of the hard tissues of the teeth, hyperesthesia appears. At the beginning of the process, a soreness appears when exposed to chemical irritants. With a pronounced process - pain when closing teeth, exposure to thermal, chemical stimuli, mechanical stress.


Diagnosis is not difficult. Enough clinic. To confirm some types of adentia, an x-ray examination is necessary.

Treatment of adentia

Primary complete adentia in children is treated with prosthetics, which must be carried out starting from 3-4 years of age. These children need the dynamic supervision of a specialist, tk. there is a significant risk of a child's jaw growth failure as a result of the pressure of the prosthesis.

With secondary complete adentia in adults, prosthetics are carried out using removable plate dentures.

When using the method of fixed prosthetics with complete edentulous, it is necessary to carry out pre-implantation teeth.

Complications of prosthetics:

Violation of the normal fixation of the prosthesis due to atrophy of the jaws;

Allergic reactions to denture materials;

The development of the inflammatory process;

Development of bedsores, etc.

Treatment of secondary partial adentia complicated by hyperesthesia includes depulpation of the teeth.

In the treatment of secondary adentia, it is necessary to eliminate causative factor, i.e. disease or pathological process leading to adentia.

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