The cat has a black coating in the ears. The presence of brown plaque in the ears of a cat. Brown plaque in the ears of a cat, what is it

Seeing a black coating in the ears of a cat, the owner, as a rule, does not pay attention to it at first. special attention. On occasion, the animal simply tries to make standard hygiene procedures, having cleaned auricles cotton swabs. However, often you have to deal not with ordinary dust and dirt, but rather serious illness- otodectosis provoked by ear mites. The causes and methods of treatment for ear scabies (second name) will be discussed below.

First of all, cats with a weakened immune system, especially when crowded, as well as kittens under the age of one year, fall into the risk zone. The disease is considered highly contagious and can be passed on to other pets, although it is quite rare.

It is impossible to see the tick with the naked eye due to its very small size. It can only be seen under a magnifying glass or microscope, taking a smear from the affected area. The insect has an average size of 0.2-0.7 mm in length, a short body of pale yellow color and elongated limbs.

Possible Complications

In the absence of treatment or insufficient therapy, otodectosis may develop various complications. For example:

  • Inflammation of the middle ear
  • Meningitis
  • Rupture of the tympanic septum
  • Ear necrosis

Characteristic symptoms

The animal cannot say in words what exactly worries him, therefore, he shows his discomfort with various behavioral actions. In the case of ticks, this will be the following symptomatology:

  • In a desire to get rid of constant itching, the cat looks for hard, stable pieces of furniture to rub his head on, or “sticks” to doorposts, corners and steps.
  • A liquid of dark brown and brown. Appears bad smell. The pile in the lower zone of the ear brushes sticks together.
  • There is a partial or complete disappearance of hearing.
  • The body temperature rises slightly.

Important: not to lubricate clinical picture, before visiting the veterinarian, it is undesirable to carry out any hygiene procedures. You should also refrain from instilling drops or applying any ointments.

Methods of treatment

  • Drops. Most often, such drugs are prescribed: Tresaderm, Ivomek, Bars, Amitrazin Plus, Otoferonol Gold, Tsipam. The advantage of using Tresaderm is that the antibiotic included in it kills not only an adult tick, but also its eggs, and also simultaneously fights fungi and others. infectious inflammations. The drug Ivomek can be prescribed in the form of injections and pierced to the animal according to the scheme several times a month. The remaining drops from the above list tend to act on worms, if any.

Important: so that the cat does not get nervous during instillation calmly, the liquid must be slightly warmed up.

  • Ointments (aerosols). Aversectin ointment shows itself well in practice, which is applied to the ear with a special spatula and is well absorbed into the skin during rubbing. A similar acaricidal effect is also exerted by Amit ointment, made on the basis of amitraz and prednisolone. Ears are disinfected twice a day for 5 days. A cotton swab is lubricated with a creamy substance, and then gently rubbed into skin covering. Effective against otodectosis spray Acaromectin, sprayed on inner surface ear according to the attached instructions.

A doctor may also prescribe Stronghold, Frontline or Oridermil, however, these drugs are contraindicated for use as self-medication - only on the recommendation of a veterinarian. AT preventive purposes often prescribe the drug Revolution for Cats - It is applied to the withers in a drip way. After absorption into the skin active substance acts simultaneously on ticks and fleas, if any.

Rules for the use of medicines

The sequence of actions during therapy should be as follows:

  • Before dripping or applying the ointment, it is necessary to clean the ear surface from all dirt, crusts and purulent discharge. It's done cotton swab dipped in camphor alcohol(2%) or hydrogen peroxide. Alternatively, other disinfectant lotions designed for use on the ears can be used.
  • When all the impurities become sour and “depart” from the skin, it will be easy to remove them. cotton swab. Often the cat itself “shakes out” all the dirt from the ears with its paws.
  • To medicinal product got deep into ear canal and well absorbed, you need to massage the base of the ear with light movements.
  • The dosage of the medicine must clearly comply with the instructions or prescriptions of the doctor.
  • If another cat or other animals live in the house, it is recommended to ventilate the living quarters more often and do wet cleaning during the treatment period. In this way, the likelihood is reduced reinfection and infection of healthy pets.

Folk remedies

If for some reason objective reasons a visit to the doctor is temporarily impossible, then comes to the rescue ethnoscience. Herbs and lotions are hardly capable of completely curing otodectosis, but they can alleviate the suffering of the animal until the moment before the visit veterinary clinic they may well.

  • Green tea drops. A tablespoon of dry leaves is poured into a glass of water and infused for 5-10 minutes. After cooling to warm state the solution is drawn into a pipette and a few drops are instilled into each ear.
  • Garlic has powerful antiseptic properties. In the case of an ear mite, it is insisted on oil for 24 hours, and then the ears are instilled with the resulting solution once a day. Olive, linseed, sunflower, almond and other oils are taken as the basis for the tincture.
  • Celandine juice is instilled into the ears in the morning and in the evening, two drops in each ear. Freshly picked grass is ground in a meat grinder, and then squeezed out in gauze to prevent the remnants of leaves or stems from getting into the juice ready for use.

And the last thing you should not forget is to try to give the cat maximum attention and care in order not only to alleviate her suffering, but also speed up the recovery process.

If the owner of a feline of any breed knows the main symptoms of the most common ailments among them, then he will never allow the development of the disease and its advanced stage, as he will be able to show the animal to the veterinarian in time and begin the correct necessary treatment.

If you look closely at the brown coating on the ears of the animal, you will notice that its structure is similar to the thick residue left after drinking coffee. In addition, in the presence of mites, this very plaque has a very unpleasant and even quite pungent odor.

If the owner of a feline has such an opportunity, then it is best to take your pet to a veterinarian as soon as possible. But in general, you can deal with the problem on your own. To do this, you only need to purchase a special drug to combat ear mites. For example, a special therapeutic liquid "Bars" would be an excellent option. It is sold in pet stores and specialized veterinary pharmacies. Apart from high efficiency such a drug can be noted as an advantage and its attractive cost.

It is best to first securely fix the animal with a thick blanket to avoid painful scratches. The ear of a cat or cat is gently twisted so that it becomes visible. internal cavity, after which from its surface with a cotton swab dipped in the acquired medicinal solution, the brown coating that appears is carefully removed. The main thing is to do it slowly and carefully so as not to hurt the animal. It is best to try to change quickly soiled cotton buds more often.

Veterinarians note that you can fix the result of such cleaning with the help of boric acid. A small amount is poured into the cat's ear immediately after the procedure. The main thing is to pour the substance not into the ear canal, but precisely to those places where the foul-smelling brown plaque was previously located.

It is very important to "wield" a cotton swab only at a minimum depth. Otherwise, the owner of the animal can seriously damage the ear of his pet. For example, due to injury eardrum a cat or a cat can completely lose their hearing.

Love for your pet makes good hosts closely monitor the well-being of the cat. In the event that red spots on the ears of a cat began to appear suddenly, causing him discomfort, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

What do the spots on the ears of the animal say

Red spots on the ears of a cat - it's pretty common symptom talking about development various diseases. The most common option is lichen. It affects different parts of the skin of the animal, including the ears. With the development of lichen, red spots are replaced by serious ones. skin lesions, and the animal's hair begins to fall out quickly at lightning speed.

Another common cause of red spots is a mite infestation. Most often, ticks infect the cat's ears, as a result of which they begin to appear small spots. The cat itself can tilt its head to one side all the time, and besides, scratch the affected area strongly. All these signs are difficult to ignore, since the character of the animal is noticeably changing, because even the most active cat, infected with ear mites, stops playing, running, and sometimes eating.

Red spots on the ears of a cat may be due to contact dermatitis. Most often, this problem worries if the affected area has interacted with chemical irritants. In this case, the skin on the ears is covered with a small red rash, which disappears only after long-term treatment.

In many cases, spots on the ears of a cat appear due to elementary food allergies. the pet turns out to be too sensitive to some components of the food, which is why its neck, ears and eyelid areas are covered with the corresponding spots. To get rid of itching and irritation, it is enough to change the pet's diet, and then after a couple of weeks unpleasant symptoms stop bothering pet.

Sometimes smooth-haired or hairless cats develop strange red spots all over the body, including on the ears. Veterinarians explain these spots as elementary sunburn, because the skin of such pets is not protected by dense wool, and besides, it is also considered extremely sensitive.

How to get rid of the problem

If the cat has red spots on the ears that do not disappear within 2-3 days, then it is necessary to sound the alarm. It is extremely difficult to independently determine the cause of the disease, because there is always a risk of misinterpreting the symptoms.

If the cat has red spots in the ears, which also fester, then we can talk about an elementary abscess. The animal could get hurt during a walk, and now this very wound is rotting. In this case, problem area you need to carefully rinse, and then lubricate with iodine or hydrogen peroxide. If the person has a severe infection, it is necessary to contact a veterinarian, otherwise the animal may die.

Eliminate lichen or ear mites improvised means are not worth it, since a person without specialized education can only worsen the situation. Having found signs of the first or second disease, you should consult a doctor. Ear mites, like lichen, are dangerous diseases, and the sooner they are eliminated, the better. Get rid of ticks with the help of special ear drops, which contain insect poison, but are safe for a pet. Also, the owner of the cat must regularly wipe the polluted ears and rinse them so that the weakened body does not pick up any infection as a result. Especially often, ticks disturb those animals that move uncontrollably on the street.

If a cat has red spots on its ears that do not cause her much discomfort, then we can talk about violations of skin pigmentation. Of course, to confirm the diagnosis, it is worth consulting with a doctor, but usually such a problem is easily treated and does not threaten the pet's life.

If red spots appeared due to the development of lichen, then you should get rid of the disease with the help of Wakderm and Microderm preparations. The drugs themselves must be prescribed by a veterinarian, since it is important to take into account the individual, especially the cat's body.

Small red spots may be the first an alarming symptom talking about the development of a really serious illness. That's just self wrestling with an unknown disease can result in a deterioration in the condition of the pet.

Every owner wants his pet to be healthy and cheerful, but sometimes the cat starts shaking his head and scratching his ears. Such symptoms cause diseases of the auricle. How to help your pet? Consider the most common ear diseases in cats.

What are ear problems in cats?

Cats Have Many Ear Diseases

They appear after mechanical damage auricle and ear canal. Hematomas and lymphoextravasates often appear after fights. They are a swelling filled with blood (in the first case) or lymph (in the second). Usually, hematoma and lymphoextravasate are removed surgically.

scabies mite

This disease is caused by Nothoedres mites. The main symptom is severe itching and irritation. The disease is diagnosed by scraping from the affected area.

A photo. Ear mites in cats

Dermatitis and eczema

With dermatitis, the auricle turns red, a rash appears. The cat is suffering from severe itching and starts scratching his ears, which only makes things worse. With dermatitis, hair falls out of the damaged area. The cause of this disease is most often an allergy.

A photo. Dermatitis in a cat

Ear necrosis

Necrosis appears as a result of infection with hematomas, as well as after prolonged squeezing of the ear. In the cartilage, blood circulation is disturbed, the tissues begin to die, blacken and rot. Necrosis treated operational way, removing the ear entirely or only the damaged part.

Neoplasms in the auricle

To ear neoplasms include polyps, fibromas, papillomas, sarcomas, and tumors. Often they grow and lead to deafness. With neoplasms, the cat's gait becomes uncertain and uncoordinated. This disease is treated surgically.

Diseases of the outer and inner ear

Diseases inner ear cats are difficult to diagnose

The most common are diseases of the inner and outer ear. The first group includes any neoplasms and polyps deep in the ears. Diseases of the inner ear are difficult to diagnose; X-rays and cytology are used for this, and in some cases surgery is used.

Despite the fact that everyone ear disease have their own signs, they can be recognized thanks to general symptoms. These include:

  • discharge from the ear (from light purulent to black and loose);
  • severe itching: the cat scratches the auricle, constantly rubs its head against the furniture;
  • bad smell from the ear;
  • sores, sores, redness and rash are observed;
  • the animal shakes its head and ears;
  • in advanced cases when pressing on the auricle, squelching can be heard.

How to treat ear diseases in cats?

Bars drops can be used for treatment

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to conduct an examination and find out what kind of disease the cat suffers from. If you choose the wrong drug, you can deprive the animal of hearing, so diagnosis is very important.

If the cat is infected with a tick, first clean the ear with lotion and remove all secretions. For treatment, veterinary, Otibiovin, Decta and others are used. Drop them into the affected ear after cleaning it according to the instructions.

Otitis media in cats is treated with anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, and in advanced cases, surgery. With this disease, you can not clean the ears with cotton swabs. For the treatment of otitis, Anandin, Serko and Otoferonol drops are used.

Hematomas, neoplasms and necrosis should only be treated veterinarian through surgical intervention. In case of contact with the ear foreign body it should be removed immediately so as not to cause severe inflammation.

Prevention of ear diseases

For the prevention of ear diseases in cats, this is their cleaning

The main prevention of ear diseases in cats is their regular cleaning with the help of special lotions and preparations. In order for this procedure to be quick and painless, use the following algorithm:

  • prepare all the tools in advance;
  • soothe the cat and gently wrap it in a strong towel or bathrobe;
  • bend the auricle and drip right amount lotion inside;
  • press the ear tip and gently massage the base of the ear;
  • after the massage, remove the lotion and possible contamination with a soft cotton swab or a piece of sterile gauze;
  • praise the animal and treat him to his favorite treat.

Veterinarians advise owners to constantly monitor the condition of the ears of cats. Many animals produce a lot of sulfur, which should be cleaned regularly, otherwise inflammation may develop.

Remove water that has entered the ear canal. If this is not done, otitis media may develop. Make sure that your pet does not come into contact with tick-infested animals, because this disease is quickly and easily transmitted.

Each owner is obliged to monitor the condition of their cat and, if necessary, show it to the veterinarian. Do not forget that many diseases of the ears can lead to complete deafness if they are not treated in time.

Hello! Our cat is 1 year 9 months old, started showing up brown spots on the skin on the ears (and on the inside too) and feline bald patches near the ears. The cat does not scratch them, the hair does not fall out in those places. The spots do not peel off, do not peel off the skin. When she was little, she had lichen on her ears, they cured her, everything was fine for a year and a half. Could these brown spots be a recurrence of lichen? Can it
be pigmented, the cat spends a lot of time on the balcony with the onset of summer. The cat is tricolor, it is noteworthy that these spots appear only in those areas where black hair grows. Thanks for the answer!

Dark spots these places are not pathological, this is not dermatomycosis. They can accumulate in areas of excessive secretion of apocrine glands or reflect an increase in natural pigmentation under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

My dachshund puppy 6 weeks old had a gray-white-yellowish discharge from the penis;

Yes, little puppies have very unstable temperatures and are prone to both overheating and hypothermia.

Measure the body temperature, with an increase, you can make an antipyretic (analgin with diphenhydramine), wipe the puppy with a cloth moistened cool water and place it in optimal temperature conditions (not cold or drafty!).

Watch your baby - the cause of lethargy can be more serious problems, for example, the onset of another disease. If there is no improvement within a short time, it is better to take the puppy to the doctor.

The cavity of the prepuce can be washed with furatsilin through a syringe without a needle 2 times a day for 3 days.

3 months ago castrated a cat at the age of 8 months. his behavior has not changed, he has remained the same aggressive! he just can't keep up with the cat that lives in the house with him.

If castration is not carried out immediately after the onset of sexual behavior, then the cat may have some habits, in particular rituals of sexual behavior. Marking is easier to correct with castration.

Try to stop unwanted cat behavior with startle reactions - at the first sign unwanted actions spray the cat with water from a water pistol. The more regularly he will receive negative incentives for incorrect behavior, the higher the likelihood of its elimination.

Hello! We have such a problem., I'll start in order. A lactating cat (5 years old, Scottish Fold) lives at home, kittens are 5 weeks old and a cat (5 years old, British breed). The cat was castrated 4 days ago because he did not give in recent times passage to the cat, while periodically sleeping in the house in which the cat and kittens are located, the cat even licked him and was calm about the fact that he slept in their house, but on the day
castration, the cat seemed to have been replaced, she began to pounce on him with screams, growl. They seated him in rooms, tried to let him out, but she again grabbed him and barely separated them. What's happening? As I understand it, she probably protects the kittens, but such a change a few hours before the castration of the cat, the cat is alone and even bows to the cat, and a couple of hours after the castration she is ready to tear him. But that's not all. After the previous lambing, we live A 6-month-old cat (their daughter), she also rushes at her, hisses. We tried to give drops of "CAT BAYUN" for three days and nothing helps. Tell me how to be in this situation. Thank you in advance.

You did the right thing by isolating the animals.

After the operation, the cat's smell changed - the admixture of medicinal "aromas" changed the cat's perception of the cat, which is why she reacted so negatively to him.

The cat should be kept in isolation for several days, it is advisable to distribute the kittens as soon as possible (under the control of the state of the mammary gland in the cat), since maternal aggression makes the cat even more inadequate.

After a few days, try again to “introduce” cats to a cat (it’s better to take turns, so that it doesn’t play negative role"herd feeling"). You need to do this at a decent distance. The use of pheromones will reduce the anxiety of the animals and the likelihood of re-aggression. For calming, you can also use soothing herbal remedies (Fitex).

In a puppy yorkshire terrier, 7 months old, a small bun appeared above the right eye and the eyes watered strongly with purulent discharge. What could it be and how to treat it? We wash our eyes every day with tea.

What is a gulka?

A furuncle could form on the eyelid as a complication of allergic folliculitis. If there is free pus in the cavity, it must be removed through a puncture or by removing the “core” of the boil. Then rinse the cavity aqueous solutions antiseptics (furatsilin, 1 tablet per glass of water) and introduce tetracycline eye ointment. Similarly, you need to treat the eye (furatsilin, tetracycline or erythromycin ointment). Processing is carried out 2 times a day.

And analyze what could be the reason for the appearance of a boil - there could be an insect bite or allergic reaction on feed ingredients.

Hello, my kitten is 1 month old. fracture lumbar spine after the blow, his front legs are fine, but he cannot stand on his hind legs and drags them along with him. Sometimes he manages to get up on his hind legs, but his legs diverge in different directions. Please tell me if he has a chance to walk again and how to help him. Or maybe put him to sleep so that he does not suffer?

Recovery is unlikely if there is complete fracture, especially with offset.

Stabilization of the spine with long-term rehabilitation therapy is necessary, while the chances of restoring functions are very small.

Paralysis of the pelvic part of the body also leads to impaired defecation and urination - this is also a serious problem that requires constant care and control of emptying Bladder and rectum.

Delayed help worsens the prognosis.

In general, the chances are very small. But the decision is yours.

hello!!! my cat is 3 and a half years old, Persian-extremal breed, he eats well, drinks, runs and goes to the toilet. But for about 7 months it screams a lot if you pick it up and at the same time touch it chest, in the area I took him to 3 clinics, but they didn’t say anything sensible anywhere, as they explained if he is actively behaving, then there’s nothing to worry about. But I don’t think that everything is in order if he screams in pain like that.

Take an x-ray, make sure there is no anatomical damage.

Another cause of pain may be excessive tissue calcification, such as when feeding on liver. These deviations will also be visible on x-rays.

Some cats simply have a negative attitude towards touching the chest area - this is the most unprotected place.

Treatment depends on the diagnosis.

Kitten, 4 months old, vaccinated. Since childhood, he has been sniffling and wheezing - on inspiration. There was no discharge from the eyes, the nose, and the mouth is clean. With age, this is aggravated - breathing is harder. Appetite is good, the beast is playful and affectionate. Assumed narrowed nasal septum X-rays were taken and no abnormalities were found. They gave injections after penetrating the edema - the effect was zero (the edema itself is not visible, it was suggested that it might be in the trachea). For rhinoscopy
they said it's still small. Doesn't look like a virus. Lungs listened - normal. The veterinarian says that if it is a congenital defect, it can outgrow it. But what worries me is that over time the cat breathes worse. Is there any experience on this? So far, from the "collected stories" about cat wheezing -
only with snot or old animals. And we have - young and without other symptoms accompanying wheezing.

There may be an anomaly or marked brachycephalic communication of the cartilage of the larynx and soft palate. But the most informative way is endoscopy, you need to grow up to it.

Try while bronchodilators - eufillin in tablets 1/5 2-3 times a day.

Hello! I have this question. my dog ​​breed toy terrier whelped almost a week ago. this is her second birth. but this time she behaves differently than that time. some kind of restless running from room to room dug up the whole bed. the street is also restless. at the same time, she feeds the puppies regularly and eats well herself. what should I do with her? thank you in advance.

At dwarf dogs eclampsia is common. This is a convulsive status provoked by calcium loss during pregnancy and lactation. In list characteristic symptoms inappropriate behavior can be noted.

Need to enter as soon as possible calcium preparations preferably by vein. Under the skin, you can make calcium borgluconate 2 ml, you can dilute it with 5% glucose to 5-10 ml. Calcium gluconate can theoretically be injected into the muscle, but sometimes infiltrates (seals) remain after it.

Hello. Recently a cat strayed to me, an adult Persian, very aggressive towards other cats, my parents allowed me to feed him, but they didn’t take him into the house, because he beat our two cats, yesterday he again grappled with someone on the street when I I found he didn’t move, foam came out of his mouth, without blood, he lay for several hours, one side of the body did not react to irritants, I gave him caffeine, I don’t have the opportunity to take him to the veterinarian, no one wants to help me either. After a couple of hours, the cat began to come to his senses, sometimes even moving his paws, but he began to arch his neck back very scary, as if he was twisting it and his paws were very cold, but at the same time he responded and could quite focus, his eyes were clean and externally damaged like no. Help me please, can I
Is there anything I can do to help him?

The cat has a traumatic brain injury or another disease of the central nervous system. The doctor should deal with the treatment of this pathology. Try giving him Corvalol 5-7 drops diluted with water. You can also make dexamethasone 0.5 ml and furosemide 0.5 ml.

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The formation of black dots in the ears of cats is feature otitis media caused by ear mites. How can you help your pet get well soon? Let's try to figure it out.

The cat has black in the ears causes, symptoms

The appearance of an ear mite in a cat that has never gone outside is a fairly common phenomenon. The owner can bring the insect on shoes or street clothes. Kittens or weakened animals are most often infected.

The first sign of the disease will be restless behavior of the pet. He shakes his head, scratches his ears, as if he wants to get something out of there. In some animals, ear mites cause allergies, then you have to treat allergic otitis media complicated by ear scabies. With allergies, the cat's ears swell, redden and swell, become hot.

Ear mites multiply rapidly. Its lifespan is about three weeks, so after infection, the ears are covered from the inside with black, gray and brown scales, an unpleasant odor may appear.

The cat has black ears and itches how to treat

Ear mites are treated with acaricidal preparations. It is best to use complex drops, which kill the tick and relieve inflammation. Prices on ear drops from a tick are very different, ranging from 40 rubles to 500 rubles. Bars has proven itself well. These are not the drops that drip on the withers from fleas, but ear drops.

The cat has black and ichor in the ear what to do and what it is

The presence of black scales in the ear and ichor indicates a mite disease. Ears must be instilled medicinal drops, for example:
- Leopard ear drops;
- Otoferonol plus;
- Amitrazine, etc.

Before instillation, the ears of the animal are cleaned with a cotton swab dipped in drops. Drip according to the instructions.

The cat has black in the ears and flows from the ear, festered

If the cat's ears are festering, it means that the otitis media is running. It is important not to waste time and go to the vet to prescribe proper treatment. Otherwise, death is possible.

Black dots in the ears of a cat sore treatment

With otodectosis, black dots appear in the ears of a cat. Buy ear drops from ticks at a veterinary pharmacy and drip, after cleaning, with a cotton swab dipped in medicine.

What to do if the cat itches in the ears and they are black? Inexperienced owners Cats often make the mistake of mistaking black or brown coating in their pet's ears for earwax or dirt. Some simply do not make any attempt to get rid of it, others simply clean the "dirt" with a cotton swab. In fact, if a cat has black ears, then this clear sign diseases called otodecosis. It is caused by microscopic mites. In this case, it is necessary to urgently take measures for treatment.

The second name of this common disease in cats and dogs is ear scabies. An animal suffering from this disease experiences very severe discomfort and also combs his ears until they bleed.

How to tell if a cat has ear mites

An attentive owner always notices the fact that the behavior of his cat or cat has changed. Early detection problems can protect your pet from serious health problems. If you notice black in the ears of a cat, then carefully monitor your pet to identify the following symptoms.

First, pay attention to internal state pet. Infected cats become lethargic, they lose interest even in their favorite food and games. The animal may become aggressive and avoid touching, especially the ears.

Secondly: the auricles of the cat begin to become covered with a black coating, which resembles appearance withered coffee grounds. Blackness in the ears of cats is removed with great difficulty. In addition, it has an unpleasant odor. In some situations, bloody or purulent discharge may appear.

Thirdly: the cat constantly scratches its ears, sometimes tears them to the blood. She can also keep her head slightly tilted to the side at all times.

If the disease is severely neglected and has managed to acquire chronic, then dried crusts, or a powder that looks like dirt, may periodically spill out of the cat's ears. In any case, you need to take your pet to the vet.

Treatment of otodecosis

Final accurate diagnosis An animal can only be given by a doctor. He will take a scraping from the cat's ear - a sample of black plaque and, based on its analysis, will identify the focus of the disease and the pathogen.

Depending on the age of the animal, the stage of the ear disease, the state of health and other individual characteristics, the veterinarian will prescribe a course of treatment for the pet. At mild form diseases, these can be special drops that need to be regularly instilled into the ears. In chronic or advanced stages of the disease, antibiotics, painkillers and other drugs may be used.

If the cat has black ears inside, then they can be treated at home. Available in pet stores and veterinary pharmacies a wide range of products that help to successfully eliminate microscopic mites. During treatment, the pet should be given especially nutritious food and vitamins to strengthen its weakened immunity.

The incubation period for ear mites is 21 days. Therefore, during treatment, it is better to isolate a sick animal from other pets. Its habitat should be thoroughly disinfected.

If you detect the symptoms of ear mites in your cat in time, the animal will recover very soon and restore its strength. Otherwise, he may start serious problems hearing organs, and in some cases, the pet may lose it completely.

It happens that in some areas of the cat's muzzle (on the nose, ears or lips) suddenly appear dark spots brown to completely black. For many owners, this can be a serious concern. However, there is no reason to panic: it is common occurrence posing no danger to the animal. It even has a special name for it. lentigo. Dark spots are somewhat similar to freckles. In the vast majority of cases, they are not evidence of any serious disease or illness. Lentigo may appear suddenly. And just as suddenly disappear. There is no remedy for treatment. And there is no point in treatment either.


Lentigo occurs when one skin cell produces more melanin than the rest adjacent to it. This causes a darkening, making the spot different from the rest of the skin. Lentigo can appear anywhere. However, it is most commonly seen on the nose, lips, and the inside of the ears.

predisposition to lentigo

Lentigo is inherited and is more common in tabby cats. Age and sun exposure also increase the likelihood of it occurring. Lentigo practically does not occur in kittens and young cats.


Spots with lentigo are from light brown to deep black. It can be a few small specks or vice versa big spots. The appearance and disappearance of lentigo is impossible to predict.

When to Start Worrying

If the spot becomes inflamed, swollen, or suddenly begins to grow, you need to take your pet to the veterinarian. Such changes may indicate skin cancer, and therefore require special attention. If the cat has a light pink nose, any darkening of the skin should be treated with caution and it is advisable to immediately show the pet to a specialist. Light-skinned cats are especially prone to skin diseases and pigmentation.

Now you know that your cat has dark spots, it's not as scary as it might initially seem.

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