How to treat thick snot in a child Komarovsky. Snot in a child - the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky. Prohibitions in treatment

  • Dust or toxic substances;
  • If the cause of the common cold was SARS, then the increased amount of secretions is responsible for the destruction of the infection that has entered the child's body. It is in the mucus that there are substances that can neutralize the vital activity and reproduction of viruses. It turns out that eliminating the runny nose in acute respiratory disease, parents automatically eliminate defensive forces child's body. Therefore, with a viral infection, there is no need to stop the runny nose, it should do its job.

    But, if the runny nose has become thick or crusts form in the child's nose, then the mucus loses its protective functions. For example, this can happen when the temperature rises or the air in the room is too dry. In such cases, thick and dry mucus becomes an excellent protein medium for the propagation of a bacterial infection. The child develops yellowish snot white color, which indicate that at this stage in the nasal cavity of the baby, not only the viral, but also the bacterial microflora is developing.

    Consequences of a prolonged runny nose

    If a child has a runny nose due to infectious agent or an allergic reaction, then a long course of inflammation in the nose can lead to such complications:

  • Sinusitis (lesion of the maxillary sinuses);
  • Otitis (inflammation of the ear);
  • Adenoiditis (inflammation of the pharyngeal tonsil);
  • For irrigation of the nasal mucosa, you can use home solutions or pharmacy products:

    If a runny nose appeared in a baby who cannot blow his nose on his own, then Dr. Komarovsky recommends that parents carry out the following procedure:

  • Pick up a little medicinal solution and drip into one nostril of the baby 2-3 drops.
  • Turn the baby's head so that the dripped nostril is at the top.
  • Then you can bury the other nostril and also turn your head in the opposite direction.
  • Transparent snot in a child

    Snot in a child is one of the most common problems. Most often they are a consequence of rhinitis (inflammation of the nasal mucosa). And if for an adult a runny nose is just unpleasant phenomenon, then for the baby - a super-problem that can affect the course of vital functions.

    Infants are especially prone to the disease. This is due to the lack of cartilaginous part of the nose, narrow nasal passages and low production of protective mucus. And since the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx serves as a barrier and a cleansing filter, the inhaled air is less warmed and cleaned, thereby creating favorable conditions for the penetration of harmful microorganisms.

    From now on knowing some physiological features body of the baby, you will not be surprised why, after a regular walk in the park, the baby began to sniff.

    Stages of development of the common cold

    Snot, like any disease, is the result of a series of sequential processes, namely:

    1. Edema and swelling of the mucosa. It can last from several hours to several days.

    3. Spread of the inflammatory process.

    Sources of the common cold

    Vasomotor, infectious, traumatic, atrophic, allergic, hypertrophic - these are the reasons that cause snot in a child. Komarovsky also adds a medical runny nose to this list.

    In second place in terms of frequency of occurrence - thick snot The child has. Again, they may indicate protracted colds or about allergic reaction .

    The greatest danger is fraught with green snot in a child, especially if they are of a thick consistency. They are nothing more than pus that is secreted to fight bacteria. Although there is a completely opposite opinion, according to which a green liquid is a sign of recovery.

    With a runny nose, there are also snot with blood. The reason for this is the proximity blood vessels to the mucous membrane. As a result, with a sharp blowing of the nose, some capillaries burst, which fall into the mucus.

    Thick snot in a child than to treat? Komarovsky: runny nose in a child

    January 16, 2015

    Snot in a child? Treatment is perhaps one of the most common problems that new mothers have to face. If for us, adults, a runny nose is an unpleasant phenomenon, then for babies it is a huge problem that can affect the functioning of the whole organism with the ensuing consequences.

    As a rule, the appearance of this disease is a manifestation inflammatory disease nasal mucosa - rhinitis, and many novice mothers are immediately at a loss and stupor: how to treat thick snot in a child?

    In babies, the appearance of thick snot has good reasons, such as viral or bacterial infection or allergic diseases.

    The main causes that can cause a runny nose are:

  • vasomotor;
  • hypertrophic;
  • allergic.
  • According to Dr. Komarovsky, a medical reason should also be added to this list.

    Requires special attention allergic component causing thick snot in a child. How to treat, medical statistics can suggest, which indicates a progressive annual increase in the number of children suffering from various allergic diseases. It is quite clear that the cause of such a runny nose is contact with the allergen, and distinctive feature- the presence of white snot.

    Long-term use of vasoconstrictor drugs determines the appearance drug-induced rhinitis or, in other words, drug addiction.

    Appearance various kinds injuries of the nasal mucosa predetermines the presence of traumatic rhinitis. Among the reasons may be mechanical injury, chemical or thermal.

  • Generalization of inflammation.
  • An exciting problem for every mother is the snot in a child. Treatment may vary. In otolaryngology, the origin of white snot is often associated with the presence of an allergic reaction in a baby. But mothers should remember that with non-bacterial diseases, thick snot may appear in a child. How to treat them in case of establishing the allergic nature of the disease? You need to take the following measures:

  • regularly ventilate the room in which the child is located;
  • at least twice a day to carry out wet cleaning of the room;
  • Often there may be a discharge of thick and transparent snot. According to parents, thick snot in infants is a mucous discharge that appears as a result of contact with an allergen, and they may not always be white. In such a case, not only allergic nature diseases.

  • When a child has a runny nose of an infectious nature, the main task of parents is to prevent the mucus from drying out. You should constantly provide the baby with a drink and regularly humidify the air in the room.
  • If this is not facilitated, the mucus can thicken and gradually settle in the lumen of the bronchi, which, in turn, can lead to the development of bronchitis or pneumonia. It can also lead to complications in the form of pharyngitis, otitis media, sinusitis and other diseases.
  • The baby has thick snot

    • do not force-feed the child;
    • take the baby more often in your arms;
    • So, vasoconstrictor drugs should be prescribed in the minimum dosage and only in the first two days of the development of the disease. To do this, you can use tools such as "For the Nose" (0.05%) and the children's "Otrivin", which are shown to infants.

      Treatment of yellow snot

      Let's say that even exact definition causes of the disease, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician to agree on the treatment and its stages. If there is no opportunity to consult, then, as Dr. Komarovsky says, a runny nose in a child can be treated by following these recommendations:

    • apply vasoconstrictor drugs;
    • continue local procedures;
    • use antihistamines;
    • it is possible to use antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs based on paracetamol.

    It is worth remembering that in the absence of the effect of the ongoing drug treatment, you may have to resort to surgical intervention in the form of a puncture, which will remove the collected pus and ensure adequate ventilation of the sinuses.

    It is possible to clear the nasal passages when yellow thick snot appeared in a child using an ordinary pear-syringe. By the way, this procedure it is recommended to carry out before each washing of the nose or instillation of drugs.

    You can rinse your nose with special solutions that are sold in a pharmacy, or with self-prepared salt water. In the latter case, the solution should not be stronger than one teaspoon of salt per liter of boiled water. You can use both sea salt and ordinary table salt. For infants, it is recommended to take special solutions for washing, which can be bought at a pharmacy. In them, the microelement composition is observed in the most optimal proportion.

    In order to rinse the baby's nose, it must be put on its side, and the solution for washing should be poured into the nostril that is located above. After this, the child is turned over to the other side and the procedure is repeated. The injection of the solution is done very carefully. You can also wash with an ordinary pipette. It should be remembered that the washing procedure is unpleasant for the baby. It can also be carried out using a medical syringe with a solution volume of not more than 0.5 ml.

    Proper nasal instillation

    Help to ease the baby's condition folk ways used by our mothers and grandmothers.

    So, for washing the nose, you can use not only salt water, but also freshly prepared and chilled decoction or infusion of chamomile at the rate of two teaspoons per glass of water.

    You can also lubricate the nasal passages sea ​​buckthorn oil, which will have a preventive effect in the formation of crusts.

    You can lubricate the baby's feet with the Asterisk balm three to five times a day, combining this procedure with massage.

    You can bury the juice of aloe or Kalanchoe. Freshly cooked carrot or beetroot juice, diluted boiled water in the same proportions.

    cold medications

    Physiological basis runny nose- increased production of mucous membranes of the nasal passages. The reasons for the above increased output» can be very different - infections (viral and bacterial), allergies (to anything), just increased content dust in inhaled air.

    By the way, sniffing is not always a disease. So, for example, any active sobbing and the associated increased production of tears inevitably leads to the need to urgently use a handkerchief - "extra" tears are discharged into the nasal cavity through the so-called lacrimal-nasal canal.

    Thus, if the reason runny nose- viruses, it should definitely be concluded: there are no drugs for the common cold and cannot be. Snot with a viral infection, they are needed, because, as we have already understood, they neutralize viruses. The task is to maintain the optimal viscosity of the mucus - drink a lot, breathe cool, clean and not dry air (wash floors, ventilate, use humidifiers). To prevent the drying of mucus, you can also use drugs - pinosol, ekteritsid, conventional saline(approximately 1 teaspoon of salt per 1 liter of boiled water). The last two drugs - do not regret - half a pipette in each nostril every hour.

    Examples vasoconstrictor drugs . naphthyzine, sanorin, galazolin, xylometazoline, nazol, tizin, otrivin, leconil, afrin, adrianol, etc. (one dozen more names can be written for sure). In general, the mechanisms of action and side effects are very similar. The differences are in the strength and duration of the therapeutic effect.

    Usage vasoconstrictor drugs requires certain knowledge, which we will now share.

    When using any vasoconstrictor drugs habituation develops quite quickly, requiring an increase in doses and more frequent use. The consequence is the development of side effects associated with the fact that almost all of these drugs, to a greater or lesser extent, have not only a local effect on the vessels of the nasal mucosa, but also a general effect on the vessels of the whole organism.

    Subject to the rules of admission - the recommended doses are not exceeded, the total duration of use is not more than 7 days - side effects are rare.

    Side effects are local and general. Local - swelling of the nasal mucosa, burning, sneezing, tingling in the nose, dry mouth. General - palpitations, disturbances heart rate, sleep disorders, dizziness, increased blood pressure, blurred vision, vomiting, depression. (no comment).

    There are anti-allergic agents for topical use - they are used for seasonal and year-round allergic rhinitis (rhinitis- inflammation of the nasal mucosa, in other words, this is a runny nose). Examples are allergodil, cromohexal, cromoglin. A pronounced local anti-edema and anti-inflammatory effect is exerted by preparations containing glucocorticoid hormones, for example, baconase, nazacort, flixonase.

    The list of drugs can be continued for a very, very long time. But only a qualified doctor can figure out what is better and what is required exactly. And we cited many names of medicines only to convince the reader of the considerable possibilities of modern medicine.

    The first one is that cold treatment not as simple as it might seem at first glance, because a suffering subject with a bottle of naphthyzinum in a trembling hand surprisingly resembles an ostrich with its head in the sand and does not understand the dialectical relationship of cause and effect.

    08/03/2016 22:53 #

    Until I went to the garden, everything was fine, and here it is the garden - it has begun!

    And whoever says that snot and coughing is the norm for a child, I don’t think so now! Normally, the child should not have anything, then we can say that he is healthy.

    Due to the immaturity of the immune system, thick infectious snot appears in children, often with the onset of cold weather - in winter and autumn period. The fact is that all changes in the environment and weather conditions very actively affect the child's fragile body. And if the kid attends a preschool institution, where he is completely exposed to the constant attack of the virus, the situation is heating up.

    To prevent the appearance of green snot in a timely manner, it is important to monitor the child. Often, when an infection appears in the body, mucus begins to flow from the baby's nose, which is the first sign of a cold.

    It is during this period that the process begins to progress, characterized by the development of pathologically dangerous microparticles.


    As a rule, the likelihood of developing an infection increases if the child visits kindergarten. Each organism has its own microflora of the mucous membrane, and thus begins a period of adaptation to the environment and reactions to changes in the production of mucus from the nasopharynx.

    In particular severe cases, to prevent the spread of bacterial infections, a course of antibiotics may be prescribed and additional vitamins for full recovery child's body.

    With any manifestation of a runny nose in a child, it is necessary to pay tribute to the process of washing the nasopharyngeal mucosa. How to do it right? In a pharmacy, you need to purchase a saline solution intended for the treatment of snot. After you need to get a syringe, dial into it a small amount of solution for washing (enough half a cube in one nostril), lay the child on his side and pour the contents of the syringe into the upper hole. Next, the child must be shifted to the other side and repeat the procedure.

    Photo: Washing the nasopharyngeal mucosa

    Immediately after washing, it is necessary to instill with vasoconstrictor drops, which were prescribed by the doctor. The instillation procedure is similar to washing. However, you need to make sure that the medicine has penetrated the mucous membrane and acted properly.

    Green snot in a child: treatment Komarovsky

    Modern pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky offers his own method for the treatment of green snot in children. To preserve the microflora of the child's body, the doctor recommends fighting the common cold modern methods excluding drugs. According to him, it is important to regularly ventilate the room in which the sick child stays, as well as moisten the nasal mucosa.

    Treatment of snot in children Komarovsky recommends using more radical methods (in particularly difficult cases). There are so-called vasoconstrictor drugs that can eliminate the problem of the common cold in the shortest possible time. But still, they should be resorted to in some cases, since these drugs are addictive and addictive. Many pediatricians oppose vasoconstrictor drugs, but Dr. Komarovsky claims that in the case of complete nasal congestion of the child and high probability development of otitis media, these drugs are simply necessary, because without them, treatment will not make any sense. And in general, if a child regularly breathes through his mouth, the mucus in the nasopharynx dries up, and in order to avoid complications, timely use of the necessary drugs is required.

    Treatment of snot in infants

    A serious danger for every mother is the appearance of green snot in an infant. The baby is not able to blow his nose on his own, so the mucus from the nasopharynx flows not only outside, but also gets inside. The place of substantiation of snot can be both the larynx (which is a more favorable environment for the development and reproduction of bacteria), and the bronchi.

    The treatment of infants is somewhat different and should be gentle, but at the same time effective methods. First you need to make sure that the air surrounding the child in the room is humidified and purified, which will help moisturize the nasopharynx and prevent overdrying.

    It is strictly forbidden to use for the treatment of a runny nose in infants medicines without consulting a doctor, especially antibiotics. It is also forbidden to keep the baby in a hot heated room with low humidity.

    Photo: A room with low humidity

    Treatment of green snot in a child with folk remedies

    The simplest and effective remedy grows on our windowsill, and this is Kalanchoe. For treatment, it is enough to lubricate the nasopharyngeal mucosa with the juice of this plant. The effect will start with a sneeze, but the result will soon follow. You can also use aloe juice.- enough 2-3 drops in the nose and 2-3 drops in clean water for gargling.

    A simple and effective folk method for treating snot involves the use of honey.. It is necessary to dip into it, and then insert into the nostrils for 10-15 minutes the usual cotton buds(you can do it yourself).

    The child constantly snot what to do Komarovsky

    Dr. Komarovsky on the treatment of the common cold: when it is necessary and when it is not necessary to eliminate the discharge

    Almost every child has a runny nose since birth. In some cases, nasal discharge is a physical cause. That is, the mucous membrane of the child does not yet have time to get used to contact with air and reacts to it as an irritant, constantly secreting mucus. But already 1-2 months after birth, physical rhinitis stops without any intervention from the mother and pediatricians.

    But the situation is quite different with a runny nose, which is caused by various negative factors, such as a cold. Dr. Komarovsky explains the reason for the appearance of discharge after the child has become cold or infected with an acute viral disease.

    Nasal discharge never appears without a specific reason. As a rule, the mucous membrane begins to produce an increased amount of liquid mucus in order to protect the body from different types irritants:

  • Viruses or bacteria;
  • Allergens.
  • Even while crying, the child will have a runny nose. Only in this case, it is not the nasal mucosa that is responsible for the discharge, but the lacrimal canals. When a large amount of tears are formed, they are discharged through the nasolacrimal canal into nasal cavity and from there they come out.

    From this information of Dr. Komarovsky, we can conclude that it is not necessary to treat a viral rhinitis if the discharge is plentiful and liquid. But as soon as the runny nose takes on a shade, becomes thick and dries up, then care should be taken that the child does not develop bacterial rhinitis or sinusitis.

    What causes a runny nose in a child

    A decrease in the functionality of the immune system, resulting in a runny nose, may be associated with infection, hypothermia, or even overheating of the body. All these negative factors lead to weakened immunity and the appearance of snot. And since the children's nasal passages are still quite narrow, even a slight swelling of the mucous membrane provokes a runny nose.

    Allergies are another common cause. A runny nose from an allergic reaction is always accompanied by sneezing, itching, tearing and swelling of the face. Sometimes rhinitis causes foreign object in the baby's nose.

  • Bronchitis;
  • Tracheitis.
  • In addition, nasal congestion will lead to the fact that the child's breathing will be disturbed and enough oxygen will not be able to enter his body. This will negatively affect the mental development of the baby, his emotional state.

    Dr. Komarovsky in his book says that when a runny nose in children lasts longer than 7 days, it is already necessary to contact an ENT. Thus, complications can be prevented, as well as the child's condition can be improved with the help of effective medicines. The doctor will be able to prescribe certain medications only after he establishes the exact cause of the discharge. So, for example, if an allergy is the cause, then antihistamines, etc., will be required for therapy.

    The main task of parents with the appearance of a thick runny nose is to keep the discharge liquid. To do this, it is necessary to give the child more liquid, humidify the air, wash the floors, ventilate the room.

    In order for the treatment of the common cold to be carried out correctly, it is necessary to use a complex of healing procedures. Be sure to rinse your nose with special solutions. Dr. Komarovsky recommends making the child's breathing easier by rinsing with saline or sea ​​salt. To prepare a safe salt solution at home, you need to take only 9 grams of sea crystals and dilute them in a liter of water. Such a solution will not burn or irritate the mucous membrane, but will gently cleanse the nose of the infection, thick discharge. Salt solution will help eliminate dry cough, because it will moisturize the mucous membrane of the throat and clear it of infection.

    1. Suck out the secretions from both nostrils with a small enema.
    2. And in order for the child not to have a runny nose, you can from time to time rinse the nose with saline to prevent ARVI.

      Video - Doctor Komarovsky runny nose and cold medicines:

      Causes of runny nose in children

      Such, at first glance, a harmless disease, like a runny nose, sometimes has quite serious consequences. In small children, snot almost always appears in response to a viral or microbial attack. Often a runny nose occurs due to allergies.

      Simply put, abundant snot in the nasopharynx of a child appears due to an incompletely formed immune defense of the body. The complex manifestation of the disease is reduced to rhinitis and pharyngitis.

      2. Intensive production of mucous secretion and its outflow along the pharyngeal wall.

      Already at the first stage, it becomes difficult for the child to breathe through the nose. Adults, in this case, switch to mouth breathing, but the baby simply has not yet mastered it. This is where the newborn gets shortness of breath and this is why the baby may throw the breast or the bottle during feeding.

      Vasomotor view arises as a reaction to a number of factors: emotional experience, smoke, hot food etc. a bright sign such a runny nose are transparent snot in a child.

      Infectious view associated with a bacterial, viral or mycotic pathogen. As a rule, it is accompanied by various kinds of diseases: flu, scarlet fever, etc.

      allergic rhinitis in medical practice occupies a significant place. Every year, the number of children suffering from this disease is only increasing. The cause of the disease is the action of an allergen (flower pollen, animal hair, fluff, etc.). Feature- white snot in a child.

      Medical type. owes its origin long-term use vasoconstrictor drugs. It is to such a runny nose that the concept of drug dependence is attached.

      Mechanical, thermal or chemical trauma to the nasal mucosa causes traumatic runny nose; tissue proliferation is hypertrophic, and thinning or atrophy of the nasal mucosa is atrophic appearance diseases.

      Varieties of snot

      In practice, yellow snot in a child is most common. First, this signal infectious process (sinusitis, sinusitis or chronic rhinitis), secondly, a consequence of previous ineffective treatment.

      What to do if the snot in the child does not pass?

      Etiology of rhinitis in children

      If a child has thick snot, Komarovsky advises solving this problem immediately. He indicates that the most susceptible to the occurrence this disease breast babies, which is associated with a low secretory ability of the nasal mucosa, difficult and narrow nasal passages, as well as the absence of the cartilaginous part of the nasal septum.

      These circumstances make it difficult to warm and purify the inhaled air and create quite favorable conditions for microbial and viral contamination. In other words, the occurrence of a runny nose in children is due to poorly formed immune protection, And his complex manifestation reduced to diseases such as rhinitis and pharyngitis.

      If a child has snot, what should I do? Knowing certain features of the functioning of the baby's body and its growth, mothers cease to be surprised at the appearance of snot after a walk.

    3. infectious;
    4. The occurrence of vasomotor rhinitis can be due to a number of factors, such as hot food, psycho-emotional experiences, smoke, etc. This cause is indicated by transparent thick snot in a child.

      The occurrence of infectious rhinitis is associated, as a rule, with the presence of a microbial, viral or fungal pathogen, and it can appear against the background of various diseases: influenza, cold infections, scarlet fever, etc.

      With the appearance of an overgrowth of the nasal mucosa, a hypertrophic runny nose is formed, and with its atrophy - atrophic.

      The development of the common cold and its stages

      Of course, the process of the appearance of rhinitis has certain stages in development.

    5. The appearance of swelling and swelling of the mucosa, which can last for several days.
    6. Increased secretory activity of the epithelium.

    When primary symptoms appear, that is, when the development of rhinitis enters the first stage, it becomes difficult for the baby to breathe through the nasal passages. The peculiarity is that we, adults, easily begin to breathe through the mouth, but it is difficult for a child to do this. This determines the appearance of shortness of breath and the refusal of the breast or bottle of formula. After all, at the same time, the baby simply does not know how to eat and breathe through a nose stuffed with snot.

    How thick snot appears

  • take frequent walks in the fresh air;
  • completely avoid contact with a potential allergen.
  • Mucous secretions protect the baby's airways from getting into them the smallest particles that are in the inhaled air, and maybe the baby does not receive enough liquid. If this is the case, it is recommended to increase the amount of water you drink and consult a doctor than to treat thick snot.

    At chronic diseases, such as bronchitis, or those that become protracted (pneumonia), there may be a discharge of thick green snot, which can also appear with runny nose. Mucous discharge from the nose can take on a yellow-green color with a bacterial infection, which is due to the massive death of leukocytes and microorganisms.

    Thick snot in a child Komarovsky considers the most insidious. The nature of the origin of these secretions may be the same as in older children. It is worth not delaying treatment, as this can lead to the development of complications, and babies at such an early age are not able to blow their nose on their own. Therefore, it is recommended to regularly inspect the nasal passages, for example, after each bath, and clean them as necessary.

    What Dr. Komarovsky says about a runny nose

    Everyone knows how to get rid of snot, but it is clear that every mother is concerned about the question of the right and fast elimination baby runny nose. It is worth saying that you do not need to engage in self-treatment.

    Babies and children under one year old are completely different people, from the point of view of medicine. The processes that occur in their body are very different from those that occur in the body of an adult or older children.

    How to get rid of snot will help you understand the advice of Dr. Komarovsky:

    If thick snot appeared in a child, than to treat, the recommendations given above will prompt. Namely, it is necessary: ​​regularly ventilate the room in which the baby is located, and carry out wet cleaning. In a situation where hyperthermia occurs, boiled water should be given to the baby as often as possible. In addition, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • regularly audit the nasal passages and suck out mucus;
  • speak kindly to your child.
  • Every mother is concerned about the issue of treating a runny nose with any medications. According to Dr. Komarovsky, a runny nose in a child can be treated with medicines, but you should follow the recommendations of pediatricians regarding their appointment.

    If necessary, the use of antiviral and antibacterial drugs, you can use the following:

  • drops "Protargol";
  • nasal drops "Grippferon";
  • drops on oil based"Retinol", "Ectericide", "Tocopherol";
  • rectal suppositories "Viferon";
  • children's spray "Isofra".
  • When using these drugs, you should carefully read the instructions for use, and it is better to consult with your pediatrician.

    From antihistamines it is possible to use a drop of "Vibrocil" or washing sprays "Aquamaris" or "Aqualor baby".

  • actively blow the mucus out of the nose;
  • some time after that, flush the sinuses;
  • apply antibacterial agents if necessary a wide range actions;
  • The main measures in the treatment of green snot

    After the diagnosis has been made by the attending pediatrician, both medications and folk remedies can be prescribed. In especially severe cases, when yellow thick snot appeared in a child, antibacterial drugs may be recommended for a bacterial infection and antiviral drugs for a viral one.

    Treatment of the disease should begin with the maximum release of the nasal sinuses and passages from mucus to ensure comfortable free breathing for the baby.

    Thick white snot in a child is recommended to be treated after establishing the cause of their appearance. Initially, as in the treatment of any type of snot, it is recommended to rinse the nose to clear it of mucus and microorganisms. It is possible to use vasoconstrictor drops, which should not be used more often than 3-4 times a day. To combat inflammation, you can use the drops "Protargol", "Collardol" along with antiallergic or antibacterial drugs. Thick white snot in a child responds well enough to therapy with the anti-inflammatory ointment "Viprosal".

    nose wash procedure

    After rinsing the nose is finished, you can drip therapeutic drops.

    In order to properly drip drops into the baby's nose, it must be laid on its side, similarly to the washing procedure, and then drip 2-3 drops of the drug. It is necessary that they hit the mucous membrane - in this case, the effect will develop as quickly as possible. After that, you should gently press the nostril with your finger so that the drops do not leak out, turn the baby on the other side and repeat the procedure.

    Folk ways

    To carry out "disinfection" in the room, you can put an onion cut in half or into 4 parts. Inhaling the phytoncides secreted by her will help break through a stuffy nose. After a while, the swelling of the mucosa will decrease, and the baby's breathing will become easier.

    Prevention of the common cold

    As you know, the disease is better to prevent than to deal with its treatment. By following a few simple rules, you can prevent the development and appearance of a runny nose. So, baby from the very early age it is necessary to create and maintain a daily routine, ensure the correct good nutrition, conduct physical education classes and provide air baths. You can also wipe the baby with a damp towel and take contrast baths. In the latter case, the difference between the initial and final temperatures should not be more than 2-3 degrees.

    Young children often suffer from nasal congestion and an annoying runny nose. Often, even with proper treatment, it becomes chronic, from which the child experiences constant terrible discomfort. This symptom may be associated with various factors, including colds, allergies and others. The sooner the cause is identified, the sooner it will be possible to cure this disease. Well, if the condition is neglected, we suggest finding out how to get rid of a runny nose, how to treat a child, what does Dr. Komarovsky advise?

    Causes of a protracted runny nose and features of the course

    Treatment tactics are always determined in accordance with the causes of the common cold. Most often it is provoked by:

    Hypothermia of the body and the associated cold, drafts or inhalation of cold air, resulting in a decrease in the protective ability of the mucous membrane;

    Allergy as a result of contact of the mucosa with pollen, wool, dust;

    Inhalation of dry air, prolonged exposure to dusty conditions;

    Immunodeficiency provoked by pathologies, which occurs in premature babies and babies with somatic diseases;

    Violation of vascular tone as a result of psycho-emotional overexcitability, which often begins vasomotor rhinitis;

    The period when the teeth erupt.

    because of prolonged runny nose, which prevents normal breathing, in children the mouth is almost constantly ajar, which becomes a habit. The mucosa is edematous, the discharge is thick or watery, the sense of smell is partially or completely lost and taste sensations. Toddlers may complain of a headache, they do not sleep well, become irritable and whiny.

    A chronic runny nose is extremely dangerous and should not be ignored. If a child suffers from nasal congestion for several months, hypoxia and developmental disorders may develop.

    How to treat a chronic runny nose in children?

    According to Dr. Komarovsky, a runny nose in babies is a factor in a protective reaction in the body. it physiological process, secretion of mucus in the sinuses helps to cleanse the epithelium and the cilia located on it from dust particles, microorganisms, toxins. Natural hydration prevents the mucosa from drying out.

    Many parents use vasoconstrictor drops and sprays as soon as they notice snot in a child. And treatment with such means can continue for several weeks to no avail. For some reason, getting rid of snot from a child may not work. Komarovsky draws attention to the fact that vasoconstrictor drugs are relevant only for allergic rhinitis, as they eliminate mucosal edema.

    In addition, according to Komarovsky, it is necessary to treat not only with medicines. It is necessary to create for the child such conditions of stay in which he will be comfortable. During the day, be sure to moisturize the mucous membrane with saline, which is harmless even for newborns. Useful and home solution: 2 grams of salt diluted in 350 ml of warm water. Treat the nasal mucosa with this solution several times a day. Drip 2-3 drops into each nostril, tilting the baby's head to opposite side. After such washing from the sinuses, it is easier to clean the mucus.

    The room must have high level humidity - about 75%. To do this, use humidifiers, hang wet things in the room. Airing and wet cleaning - at least 2 times a day. Komarovsky at lingering runny nose categorically against the belief of parents that their children should not go out, so as not to provoke deterioration.

    On the contrary, according to the doctor, a walk for half an hour in the morning and evening contributes to saturation. internal systems organs with oxygen, which facilitates breathing. Peace and home stay is indicated only when high temperature, and in its absence and a runny nose, it advises to adhere to the usual rhythm of life.

    For effective treatment, the child must receive a sufficient amount of vitamins, especially vitamin C and a number of trace elements. Therefore, parents should take care of proper and nutritious nutrition.

    Useful for a child with a prolonged runny nose are and steam inhalation. These procedures are carried out using a decoction of chamomile, coniferous needles, eucalyptus.

    If lingering rhinitis leads to the appearance of greenish or bright yellow discharge, you should move on to more serious treatment, namely antibiotics.

    This color of mucus indicates the appearance of a bacterial infection, get rid of which folk remedies will not work. You cannot prescribe them on your own, parents should consult a doctor.

    Komarovsky categorically does not advise using it for instillation of the nose with a prolonged runny nose vegetable juices and aloe juice. These drugs can be used as an additional home therapy for a short-term runny nose, and if a child has a prolonged runny nose, they can severely burn the mucous membrane.

    In addition to targeted treatment, it is necessary to strengthen immune system children in general.

    This will not only speed up recovery, but also avoid the development of chronic inflammatory processes in the nasal cavity, ears and larynx. Komarovsky recommends that the child take a lot of drinking, which is suitable for warm raspberry or currant tea.

    The child's body must learn to cope with infections on its own, so do not use drops and sprays from the first days of a runny nose.

    Snot in a baby is the scourge of all parents. Difficulty breathing prevents the little one from enjoying the world around him. To help the baby, you should delve as deeply as possible into the essence of the concept of what snot is and what they are.

    Why do snot flow

    Snot is a muconasal secretion secreted by the glands of the nasal mucosa. The mucus produced covers the inside of the nose. Its function is protective.

    Mucus is a very sticky substance, so bacteria and microparticles settle on it. But it also contains substances that kill pathogens.

    Shell respiratory tract covered with ciliated epithelium (cilia), which removes mucus along with destroyed bacteria to the outside. It is this spent “cocktail” that the child blows his nose.

    If children catch a cold, develop an allergic reaction, or become hypothermic, the production of muconasal secretion rapidly increases to protect the body. Excessive secretion of mucus, in fact, is the common cold.

    What are the types of snot in children

    Initially, the secret produced by the nasal mucosa is transparent. Then gradually it thickens and disappears. If a runny nose is provoked by bacteria, then the mucus changes color over the course of the disease. This is due to the fact that dead microorganisms accumulate in it. The color can change from yellow to green, depending on the concentration of "corpses" of bacteria.

    Thus, a child may have the following types of snot:

    — transparent liquid;

    - thick;

    - yellow;

    - green.

    The last two species should attract special attention of parents, as they indicate the presence of bacterial or viral-bacterial rhinitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis. With absence necessary assistance the disease can become chronic.

    Snot in children under one year old - causes

    In infants, a runny nose is an unpleasant phenomenon that causes tangible anxiety, because the baby is not able to blow his nose. What are the reasons for the appearance of snot at such a young age?

    1. Physiological runny nose. Phlegm from the nose is clear, liquid consistency. Appears during the period of cutting teeth, with excessive unrest and changes in body temperature. Also, such snot flows during the maturation of the nasal mucosa (at 1.5-2 months). May appear after a long walk in the fresh air.

    In general, it does not pose a particular danger and is a sign of an immature mucosa in the nose that reacts increased secretion secretion in response to any stimulus. Up to the ordinary house dust, which the little one could inhale, hiding behind the closet.

    The biggest disadvantage: such sputum, thickened, prevents the baby from sleeping or sucking on his mother's breast.

    2. Colds in infants is caused by an infection (virus or bacterium). Mucus thickens over time. This type of snot is dangerous because it can provoke a much more serious illness (bronchitis, pneumonia, otitis media).

    Methods of treatment

    Caring for a baby up to a year with a runny nose consists of the following activities:

    - moisturizing the nasopharynx with saline ( saline solution) at the rate of 3-4 times a day to prevent infection from entering the children's body;

    - cleansing the nasal passages from accumulated sputum (using cotton wool turundas, a small rubber pear or an azal aspirator);

    - the use of oil massage as a prevention of physiological rhinitis: it is enough to apply crumbs on the wings of the nose with a drop of oil (peach, sea buckthorn, etc.), massage gently.

    - lowering the temperature in the baby with the help of compresses, taking an antipyretic (based on paracetamol);

    - providing abundant drinking regime;

    - taking vasoconstrictors according to the scheme prescribed by the pediatrician;

    - Antibiotic treatment in the absence of positive dynamics is also prescribed by a doctor.

    Green snot in a child - causes

    Abundant green snot in a baby, especially with a concomitant rise in temperature to 37-38 ° C, is usually caused by inflammatory process in paranasal sinuses nose, which may be bacterial in nature.

    If the upper two, located on the sides of the nose, are affected (they become inflamed more often than the other pair), then we are talking about sinusitis, or sinusitis.

    In case of damage to the sinuses located in the lower part of the forehead, there is a suspicion of frontal sinusitis.

    An additional sign of such preliminary diagnosis can serve as a very noticeable pain in these areas of the nose, causing discomfort.

    Green snot in a child - methods of treatment

    All of these pathologies should be immediately diagnosed by a specialist (ENT doctor or pediatrician). These diseases should not be treated without the attention of a doctor, because they can develop into a chronic form. Self-medication can also be fraught with complications, so the appointment should be made exclusively by a doctor.

    Most often, treatment begins with nasal drops and washes. This procedure should be performed correctly so as not to harm the baby even more. Considering that the baby cannot blow out the green mucus, an aspirator must be purchased at the pharmacy - a device for sucking the thickened secret from the nasal cavity.

    Then you will need saline (sold) and a syringe (remove the needle). Putting the child on one side, pour 0.5 cc of washing liquid into the upper nostril. Then the crumbs should be turned over to another barrel and pour the solution in the same volume into the second hole.

    After washing the baby's nose, it must be dripped with vasoconstrictors (as prescribed by the doctor). This procedure is carried out similarly to washing. It should be performed carefully, making sure that the drops fall on the mucous membrane, otherwise there will be no desired effect.

    The complex treatment also includes physiotherapy procedures (local heating of the affected sinuses and ultraviolet irradiation), reception antibacterial agents. In case of a difficult situation, the doctor may prescribe a course of antibiotics and vitamin complexes to support the baby's weakened body.

    Transparent snot in a child - causes

    Habitual to the pain in my mother's heart transparent selection from the nose most often appear in children of kindergarten age. It would seem that only the child was treated, as after a couple of days of visiting the group, he again felt unwell. What are the reasons for the appearance of such mucus? This needs to be clarified, because the scheme and duration of treatment will depend on this knowledge.

    1. Allergic reaction. You can talk about it if most often a runny nose appears in spring (flowering trees, plants) or summer (flowering and pollen of weeds). Most often, nasal congestion and clear snot are accompanied by other symptoms: increased lacrimation, redness of the eyes, redness on the body or even a rash, itchy skin. Another sign allergic rhinitis the child has frequent sneezing. In this case, parents should find out as early as possible which factor causes such a reaction.

    2. ORZ, ODS. Viruses are one of the most common causes of clear snot in children of all ages. A runny nose develops against the background of an increase in body temperature, sore throat, frequent sneezing, headache.

    Transparent snot in a child - methods of treatment

    First of all, it is necessary to consult an otolaryngologist, who will prescribe treatment based on the etiology. At the same time, it is necessary:

    - constant cleansing of the baby's nose from mucus to facilitate breathing.

    - providing humidity in the room;

    - in case of viral etiology, the sick peanut should be provided bed rest, drinking plenty of water.

    It is not necessary to use vasoconstrictor drugs, as transparent snot indicates that healthy body child is fighting illness.

    Thick snot in a child - causes

    The cause of the appearance of thick snot can be the most various factors:

    - Allergy with prolonged absence of treatment;

    - sinusitis;

    - sinusitis;

    - adenoiditis;

    - consequences of the flu;

    - polyps;

    - non-compliance with the humidity regime;

    - dehydration of the child's body for various reasons.

    As soon as the usual transparent and liquid snot becomes thick, you should consult a doctor. Self-medication can be dangerous, since illiterately selected medicines and the lack of qualified help can lead to inflammation of neighboring organs (ears, bronchi, and subsequently lungs).

    Thick snot in a child - methods of treatment

    Nasal lavage is used to treat thick snot. sea ​​water(sold in a pharmacy), weak decoctions of useful medicinal fees(St. John's wort, sage, chamomile).

    Instill a few drops into each nostril and blow your nose. To a baby mucus is removed with an aspirator, and older children are able to get rid of snot after washing on their own. All other measures must be prescribed by a doctor.

    Yellow snot in a child - causes

    Many pediatricians believe that snot alone cannot say much. Any runny nose that starts with a clear nasal discharge progresses to a stage where it thickens, becomes yellowish, and then disappears. This is due to the fact that white blood cells slimes kill harmful microorganisms and dead bacteria, accumulating, stain the secret in a yellowish color.

    But one should distinguish between the situation when these snot appear after several days of a runny nose, as a sign of recovery, and when similar symptom lasts several weeks. In the latter case, most likely, we will talk about more serious illness- sinusitis, rhinitis, sinusitis in a chronic form. In this case, the cause of yellow snot is most often bacteria. Sometimes even allergic reactions. To avoid such complications, the child should be brought to the ENT doctor as soon as unusually colored sputum began to appear with a prolonged runny nose. You may also need to consult an allergist-immunologist.

    Yellow snot in a child - methods of treatment

    The first thing they begin to do if a child has yellow snot is washing the nose. To do this, you can use a pharmacy saline solution. Even more effective are special products based on sea water. These are drugs such as Aquamaris, Salin.

    If there was nothing at hand, then a saline solution for rinsing the nose can also be made at home: dilute 1 teaspoon of ordinary salt in 1 cup of boiled water. table salt. The main thing is to carry out the washing procedure correctly so that there are no consequences in the form of otitis media.

    For full treatment the otolaryngologist prescribes drops. All children are unique, the etiology of the disease in each case may be different, therefore, the means may be different: Derinat, Dolphin, Dioxidin and others. Moreover, they are not analogues, some of them contain antibiotics. Naturally, they must be used with caution and after consultation. As additional funds special ointments and tablets corresponding to the disease can be used.

    Snot and temperature in a child

    If a child has a runny nose, which is accompanied by a cough or fever, then it does not make sense to delay contacting a pediatrician. Especially if in associated symptoms apathy, lethargy, excessive excitability, headache, constant Bad mood and irritability. The pediatrician will make a diagnosis and prescribe a course of treatment.

    Snot in a child - the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

    The doctor draws the attention of parents to the fact that thick snot, even a rich green color, does not mean the need for antibiotics. It is likely that the most common measures that mothers often forget will be enough:

    - regular walks in the fresh air;

    - wet cleaning in the room;

    - ventilation and provision of air humidity;

    - Rinse the nose to cleanse and moisturize.

    The famous pediatrician recommends in difficult cases, accompanied by green snot, to use vasoconstrictors, although some of his colleagues object to the use similar drugs. Komarovsky warns that they can be used as exceptional measures, because these drugs can be addictive and even addictive. But if there is a threat of complications in the form of otitis media, then the risk is fully justified.

    When the baby starts attending kindergarten, he brings a mountain of infections from there. The most common symptom of SARS and the common cold is a runny nose. Of course, the main treatment should be based on the dispensation of the cause.

    Runny nose in children

    Dr. Komarovsky does not consider a runny nose a problem. In most cases, no treatment is required. First you need to clearly understand the reasons, then it will be easier to deal with the disease. After all, sometimes nasal congestion can talk about such serious reasons as vasomotor rhinitis in children.

    You can cure a runny nose in a child only by defeating the virus. But this does not require medication, just proper care is enough.

    In any case, you need to consult a doctor, because snot is not always as harmless as we would like. It may posterior rhinitis, allergy. In each case, the methods used will differ. The doctor will be able to clearly answer the question - how to treat a runny nose.

    When using drugs, you must also take into account the age of the child. Not everyone pharmaceuticals May be used in children 1 year of age and younger. In the treatment of infants, folk remedies are more often used, since they are safer. But here the main thing is not to miss the moment when a complication occurs. In a 2-year-old child, they come on very quickly.

    Runny nose in children is also allergic. It will not work out quickly, you need to find something that causes such a reaction in the body. As a rule, the mucus poked out of the nose is clear. Upon contact with the allergen, its amount increases. Most often, the main allergies appear before the 2nd year of the baby's life.

    Treatment according to Komarovsky

    In most cases, no urgent action no need. If the child has:

    • transparent mucus flows from the nose;
    • no temperature;
    • there is no cough, then nothing needs to be done.

    This is a common cold or a mild virus that the body will effectively overcome itself. Perhaps this is allergic rhinitis, but in this case, you need to monitor the baby. Such a runny nose will either increase or subside, but the baby will not stop sniffing. When the symptom does not go away on its own in two weeks, you should consult a doctor. After all, back rhinitis is also often confused with colds and allergies. In any case, the advice of an experienced doctor will not hurt.

    When the body is faced with a viral infection, a runny nose is almost always inevitable. It is especially unpleasant if the baby falls ill before 1 to 4 years. In children, treatment is carried out by creating optimal conditions to fight immunity against SARS. Even one year old baby will easily overcome the virus if he walks along fresh air, drink plenty of fluids, the room will be thoroughly ventilated.

    It is very easy to treat a runny nose according to Komarovsky. It is enough to humidify the air, and if there are problems with this, then you can rinse the baby’s nose with the help of special solutions on sea ​​water or salt. This is easily done at home with a pipette or a special watering can.

    A 4-year-old child will be able to wash his own nose. The procedure is not very pleasant, but not painful. Of course, children under 1 year of age should not carry out such manipulations on their own. It is enough for them to instill 2-3 drops of the solution into the nostrils every two or three hours. This will help prevent drying out.

    The use of vasoconstrictor drugs is impractical, it can cause drug-induced rhinitis. They are used if:

    • child has otitis media this moment Or at least once before.
    • Heat.
    • Breathing through the nose is completely difficult.

    In such cases, it is worth using the drugs only at bedtime. If they are abused, then drug-induced rhinitis occurs, which is characterized by addiction. Doses increase, nasal passages swell.

    If there will be fewer problems with weaning with a child of 1 year old, because he does not understand, then a 4-year-old baby will already demand to drip his nose.

    Common vasoconstrictor medication:

    1. Nazivin.
    2. Naphthyzin.
    3. Formazolin.
    4. Knox Spray.

    Therefore, it is necessary to select such funds the most sparing and according to the age of the crumbs. Medicated rhinitis- this is not a joke, but a serious deviation in the work of the body.

    Any medicinal product must be agreed with the doctor. Even if mom knows how to treat a runny nose, you need to make sure that this is not a manifestation of such a disease as posterior rhinitis. Consulting a doctor can speed up recovery.

    In order not to think about how to cure a runny nose, it is easier to take preventive measures. These include:

    In case of manifestation of symptoms, it is necessary to see a doctor on the first day. It is important to understand what attacks the body: posterior rhinitis, SARS, allergies, bacterial infection. It is especially worth monitoring the course of diseases in children from 1 to 4 years old, since complications in them occur faster and more seriously.

    A runny nose in children accompanies a great many diseases and is rightfully considered one of the most common "children's" symptoms. All parents know that it is the most diverse - from dry to abundant, and the color of nasal mucus - from transparent to gray and yellow-green to purulent.

    Often parents do not know what to give the baby if he has green nasal mucus. And with this question they turn to the famous pediatrician Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky.

    Runny nose in children is so common that panic in experienced mothers and dad is no longer calling. However, you can’t relax either, because timely help with rhinitis (that’s what doctors call a runny nose) will help to avoid serious complications. By the color of nasal mucus, it is quite easy to determine the origin of a runny nose and even guess about its causes. This knowledge will make it possible to treat the baby correctly. Let's see why a child's snot may be green.

    And Dr. Komarovsky will help us more clearly understand the reason for the formation of nasal mucus in the next video.

    In 9 out of 10 children, a runny nose is caused by viruses. Viral rhinitis is the undisputed leader among childhood ailments. The fact is that viruses enter the child's body most often through the nasopharynx and very rarely through the eyes. Natural protection is arranged in such a way that immediately after penetration, mucus begins to be produced in the nose, the task of which is to stop the invasion and prevent further penetration of viruses. Mucus in this situation is produced a lot, it is transparent and liquid. At the very beginning of a respiratory viral infection, parents say about such a phenomenon "from the nose it flows."

    Evgeny Komarovsky emphasizes that the liquid copious mucus completely harmless to the baby, the main thing is not to let it thicken or dry out. Since it is in the dried mucus that there is such an amount of protein that it becomes very free for various bacteria. This is where the color of the snot changes.

    Thick and green slime speaks of the bacterial nature of the common cold or its mixed nature - viral-bacterial. The color in this case is due to the presence of dead bacteria and neutrophils that died in battle, which were thrown by immunity to protect against infection. The greener the color palette of nasal discharge, the higher the likelihood of mixed rhinitis. Yellow-greenish snot always speaks only of the bacterial form of the disease.

    Whether it is necessary to take antibiotics for green snot, Dr. Komarovsky will tell in the next issue.

    At viral rhinitis in mucus, lymphocytes predominate, in bacterial - neutrophils, in allergic - cells - eosinophils. Knowledge of this allows, according to Komarovsky, to find the true cause of rhinitis, protracted and poorly amenable to one or another treatment. Mucus is taken from the child's nose for sowing, and by the number of certain cells - defenders, they determine what exactly the baby's body is trying so hard to defend itself from.

    As already mentioned, green color mucus appears when dying neutrophils secrete a special substance that gives the snot such a color. Therefore, the appearance of green snot Komarovsky recommends that it be considered a rather favorable sign - it indicates that the defender cells have already begun to fulfill their immediate duties.

    About bacterial rhinitis

    It usually occurs after the parents failed to keep the nasal mucus thin during a viral infection. But sometimes only bacteria are to blame for the causes. This rhinitis is characterized by some special symptoms: on the early stage in the nose itches, the child begins to sneeze and scratch his nose, as with allergies. This stage, unlike allergic form illness, does not last long - about 2-3 hours, after which, for 3-5 days, liquid transparent mucus is released from the nose, which quickly begins to thicken.

    Nasal congestion appears, the child is disturbed nasal breathing due to swelling inside the nasal passages, lacrimation, headaches may begin, appetite decreases, the ability to distinguish smells completely or partially disappears. At the final stage, you can observe the same green and yellow nasal discharge, which has already become quite thick.

    In infants, especially at the age of 1-3 months, a runny nose can also be physiological, due to adaptation to a new environment for him. All procedures for such babies should be carried out only after consultation with the attending physician, but general approach to the treatment of infants is the same as in the treatment of older children.


    How to treat a runny nose, accompanied by green discharge, is best told by a doctor who can establish the true cause of the disease. It can be pharyngitis, and tonsillitis. The task is to prevent complications, which can be quite serious - otitis, sinusitis quite often appear precisely after a bacterial rhinitis, which was not treated or not treated at all.

    Dr. Komarovsky will tell you how to clear a child's nose from mucus in the next video.

    Moms have a rather polar attitude towards snot: some consider it a serious illness and immediately begin to demand antibiotics, others are sure that a handkerchief in their pocket will cope with rhinitis, and you can even take such a baby with green snot to kindergarten.

    Yevgeny Komarovsky urges parents to be prudent. No need to go to the above extremes. It is possible to treat a bacterial runny nose without antibiotics, but it still needs to be treated.

    It is better to postpone visiting a kindergarten or school for a runny nose with yellow and green snot until better times. And to do the normalization of nasal mucus. This does not require expensive medicines, says Evgeny Olegovich, sometimes it is enough just to create favorable conditions.

    The mucus will not dry out and thicken if the parents try to create humidified air at the level of 50-70% in the room where the baby lives. This can be done with a humidifier. It is not cheap, and if the financial capabilities of the family do not allow you to buy it, then you can get a special valve-valve for batteries in winter time, and in any season you can hang wet towels, put a basin of water so that it evaporates freely, in the end, buying a small aquarium with fish will be both informative and useful.

    In a hot room, the snot also dries up almost instantly and the infection begins to progress very quickly. Therefore, you should purchase and hang a room thermometer and make sure that the air temperature in the room does not fall below 18 degrees and in no case rises above 20 degrees.

    Fresh air will also help to cope with a bacterial runny nose. Instead of instilling antibiotics, Dr. Komarovsky advises to go for a walk. The more time the baby will spend on the street (naturally, in the absence elevated temperature body), the sooner the mucous membranes become moist again, and the body will be able to fully resist the bacteria.

    And another “medicine” available to everyone is water.. If the child drinks more, then the mucus will soon become liquid and will be easily removed from the nasal passages naturally. Komarovsky recommends giving a drink at a temperature that is equal to the temperature of the child's body. So the liquid will be absorbed and absorbed by the intestinal walls faster, which means that the result will not be long in coming.

    About medicines

    Parents think about pharmacy drops and sprays from the common cold in the first place, as soon as the child's nose is blocked, says Yevgeny Komarovsky. In fact, you do not need to do this without special instructions and prescriptions from a doctor. The most common cause of rhinitis is viruses, and therefore 90% of rhinitis in children should not be treated with any medication, the doctor believes, because antibiotics are ineffective against viruses, and vasoconstrictor drops too.

    About how to treat the nose, Dr. Komarovsky will tell in the issue below.

    Without exception, all pharmaceutical remedies for the common cold only temporarily eliminate the symptoms, but in no case cure the cause of rhinitis, says Komarovsky. Vasoconstrictor drops("Naphthyzin", "Nazivin", Nazol, etc.) can generally cause drug addiction if they are used for more than 3-5 days. They require great care in application, as they also have a number of side effects. Many drugs in this group are prohibited for children who are not yet 2 years old.

    You can often find recommendations for bacterial rhinitis be sure to start dripping drugs with antibiotics, such as Framycetin, Isofra and others. These are good and effective drugs, says Komarovsky, but sometimes they are completely unnecessary. More precisely, in most cases absolutely not necessary. If the child has purulent rhinitis, with a severe course, the doctor, of course, in addition to recommendations on rinsing the nose and walking, will prescribe drops of antibacterial action, and maybe even complex drops, which are prepared in pharmacies where there is a prescription department, strictly according to the doctor's prescription. But he will do this only after a bacterial test has been carried out in order to know exactly which specific bacteria need to be defeated as soon as possible.

    If the doctor just prescribes antibiotic drops without preliminary tests, and the child does not have purulent discharge from the nose, and all complaints are limited to green snot, then Komarovsky considers such treatment inappropriate.

    The only reason to engage in the selection of a pharmaceutical pharmaceutical preparation is allergic rhinitis. But even in this case, this must be done unambiguously together with the doctor, in no case on your own.

      Green snot can be prevented altogether, if you respond in time and correctly to liquid and transparent discharge from the nose, that appear on initial stage rhinitis. Parents need to create the “right” microclimate conditions, which were mentioned above, and more often additionally moisten the nasal passages by washing the nose with saline or instilling preparations to moisturize the nose - Pinosol, Ekteritsid and the most common saline solution that can be purchased for a penny at any pharmacy. To prevent drying out, according to Yevgeny Komarovsky, is possible only with intensive instillation - half a pipette every hour in each nostril. There will be no harm.

      As soon as possible, you need to teach the child to blow his nose. This skill will greatly help in the treatment of rhinitis. However, with a runny nose in a baby, one should not fall into despair due to the fact that the baby, due to age, cannot free the nose from snot. Pharmacies sell small aspirators that will help you quickly pump out excess mucus from the nasal passages.

      If a runny nose with yellow-green or green snot flows along with cough it is possible to “kill two birds with one stone” during treatment, says Komarovsky. Drugs such as ACC, Ambroxol, which you can give your baby for coughing to thin sputum in the bronchi, will effectively moisturize nasal mucus, as these medicines act on the mucous membranes of all respiratory organs.

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