Potassium permanganate solution - home first aid. How to use a solution of potassium permanganate to treat wounds 3 percent solution of potassium permanganate

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Potassium permanganate is a crystallized potassium permanganate, which is in a powdery state, which has a pronounced brown color, and is sold in pharmacies strictly by prescription. Upon contact with water, manganese actively interacts with it, and as a result, a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate is obtained. The range of application of potassium permanganate is quite wide. It is used in industry, medicine, and a potassium permanganate solution is also actively used in case of poisoning with food or chemicals.

A solution of potassium permanganate is a universal antiseptic agent. A weak solution of potassium permanganate is used for oral administration in case of toxic damage to the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as externally for the disinfection of wounds. The main thing is to observe the dosage in the process of preparing the solution so that the percentage of the active substance is not too high. Potassium permanganate at an excessive concentration in water can cause burns of the mucous membrane and epithelial tissues.

The use of manganese solution in medicine

A solution of potassium permanganate for treating wounds is considered the best antiseptic in the early stages of helping a person who has received a minor injury with damage to the skin. Potassium permanganate solution has unique chemical properties. During contact with organic compounds, a large amount of oxygen is released, and during the chemical reaction, almost all microorganisms die. As a result, the wound is completely decontaminated from pathogenic bacteria.

With various kinds of poisoning, potassium permanganate is also used to neutralize the toxic effect. Many people ask the question, is it possible to drink potassium permanganate? The answer is unequivocal, this chemical can be used inside, but only in dissolved form, in compliance with the recipe for the preparation of an antiseptic. Manganese solution is able to have the following therapeutic effect in case of poisoning:

  • Oxidizes chemical compounds that cause toxic damage to the body. As a result, such substances pass into an inactive form, and cannot have a pathogenic effect on human health. Dissolved manganese is especially effective in case of alcohol intoxication.
  • Destroys the cellular structure of most microorganisms that enter the gastrointestinal tract along with poor-quality or spoiled food.

Diluted manganese should be consumed internally only under the supervision of a specialist who has a medical education and is familiar with the pharmacological properties of the drug.

Preparation of dilute potassium permanganate

How to breed potassium permanganate? Few can give a clear answer to this question. It is even more difficult to determine the correct algorithm of actions when a liquid antiseptic needs to be made as soon as possible due to the fact that a person needs emergency help. How to breed potassium permanganate of weak consistency? To prepare a weak solution, the concentration of which does not exceed 1%, should be thrown into 1 liter of cold boiled water - 2 crystals of potassium permanganate powder. The water is stirred so that the substance is completely dissolved, and then the liquid must be filtered through 8 layers of gauze. This is necessary so that the remains of the crystals do not accidentally fall on the mucous membrane while drinking.

How to make a 5% potassium permanganate solution? It is believed that potassium permanganate diluted to such a percentage is a strong antiseptic solution. In this case, at least 10 powder crystals should be thrown into 1 liter of boiled water, and mixed until completely dissolved. Such a liquid is not used inside, as it can provoke a slight burn of the mucous membrane. It is best used for external wound treatment for antiseptic purposes.

Diluted potassium permanganate 1% concentration has a pale pink hue, and 5% has a rich burgundy color.

The use of a disinfectant and contraindications

A weak solution of manganese (1%) is taken orally on an empty stomach in the presence of symptoms of poisoning. It is enough to drink 250 grams of antiseptic liquid at a time. Do not artificially try to induce vomiting, following folk advice. The solution should act inside the stomach and intestines for as long as possible in order to neutralize the largest number of harmful substances and microorganisms. If, nevertheless, there is a gag reflex after drinking a liquid, then you should not restrain yourself.

A strong solution (5% or more) is applied to cotton wool or gauze, and the wounds are wiped. Also, a cool manganese solution is effective for preventive purposes, so that there are no purulent abscesses of damaged skin and soft tissues. It is recommended to treat open wounds with diluted manganese no more than twice a day. More frequent use of an antibacterial agent can backfire, causing a chemical burn. This will greatly complicate the healing process.

How to prepare a solution of potassium permanganate? This question may not bother people who have the following health problems.

  1. Increased skin sensitivity. Manganese can only exacerbate the reaction.
  2. allergic rhinitis. With increased sensitivity to chemical compounds, deterioration of well-being is not ruled out.
  3. Bronchial asthma. Perhaps the development of bronchial spasm.
  4. Peptic ulcer and chronic inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Contact with the solution on the affected areas of the digestive organ can provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

Nevertheless, potassium permanganate remains the most sparing antiseptic for the body with a wide spectrum of action. Making a solution is quite simple, but its preparation should be carried out by a physician or a qualified pharmacist.

Potassium permanganate (or potassium permanganate) is used in everyday life for various purposes: as a remedy for a home first aid kit, to remove stains from fabrics and to clean dishes. In this case, not the potassium permanganate crystals themselves are used, but a water-based solution.

Depending on the intended purpose (ingestion, external skin treatment, domestic use), potassium permanganate solution requires different concentrations: as a rule, from 0.1% to 5%. A stronger solution (as well as getting crystals on the skin, especially in combination with moisture) can cause severe irritation and even burns.

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In order to make a 5% potassium permanganate solution, it is worth considering that:

  • When working with potassium permanganate, it is better to protect your hands with gloves to avoid contact with the concentrated substance on the skin;
  • To prepare the solution, it is better to use clean (boiled) water, warm (with a temperature of about 35-40 degrees);
  • To get a 5% solution, you need to pour 5 grams of potassium permanganate into 100 ml of water. Typically, crystals are sold in containers of 3 g - this dose will require 60 ml of water;
  • After dissolving the crystals, strain the solution to avoid getting the remaining crystals on the skin. For filtering, you can use gauze folded in several layers;
  • The finished 5% solution should turn out to be a rich purple color. It is used for external use in a chilled (to room temperature) form.

If the solution is made with distilled water, it can be stored in a dark place for up to six months.


A 5% solution of potassium permanganate is considered quite strong. However, he also found his field of application. Most often, it acts as a potent antiseptic for serious skin lesions. This solution is used:

  • For treatment (cauterization) of deep wounds;
  • For disinfection and speedy healing of bedsores;
  • For the healing of the navel in newborns, if less potent drugs (brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide, etc.) did not help;
  • For washing wounds from the bites of some poisonous spiders or snakes;
  • For lotions with severe thermal burns.

Such a strong solution cannot be used inside - this can provoke damage to the mucous membranes of the internal organs. Potassium permanganate should be on hand in your home (and camping) first aid kit.


If crystals of potassium permanganate nevertheless got on the skin, or a strong solution of potassium permanganate was drunk, its oxidizing effect must be neutralized. For this you need:

  • Drink or apply milk or raw fresh egg whites to the skin lesions;
  • Rinse the stomach (when taking potassium permanganate inside). Warm water with crushed activated carbon is used;
  • Seek medical attention for both external and internal burns. When taken orally, a strict diet will be required for some time.

This article is provided for informational purposes only and cannot be used as a guide to action without prior consultation with a qualified specialist in the relevant field (physician).

Potassium permanganate (or potassium permanganate) is used in everyday life for various purposes: as a remedy for a home first aid kit, to remove stains from fabrics and to clean dishes. In this case, not the potassium permanganate crystals themselves are used, but a water-based solution.

Depending on the intended purpose (ingestion, external skin treatment, domestic use), potassium permanganate solution requires different concentrations: as a rule, from 0.1% to 5%. A stronger solution (as well as getting crystals on the skin, especially in combination with moisture) can cause severe irritation and even burns.


In order to make a 5% potassium permanganate solution, it is worth considering that:

  • When working with potassium permanganate, it is better to protect your hands with gloves to avoid contact with the concentrated substance on the skin;
  • To prepare the solution, it is better to use clean (boiled) water, warm (with a temperature of about 35-40 degrees);
  • To get a 5% solution, you need to pour 5 grams of potassium permanganate into 100 ml of water. Typically, crystals are sold in containers of 3 g - this dose will require 60 ml of water;
  • After dissolving the crystals, strain the solution to avoid getting the remaining crystals on the skin. For filtering, you can use gauze folded in several layers;
  • The finished 5% solution should turn out to be a rich purple color. It is used for external use in a chilled (to room temperature) form.

If the solution is made with distilled water, it can be stored in a dark place for up to six months.


A 5% solution of potassium permanganate is considered quite strong. However, he also found his field of application. Most often, it acts as a potent antiseptic for serious skin lesions. This solution is used:

  • For treatment (cauterization) of deep wounds;
  • For disinfection and speedy healing of bedsores;
  • For the healing of the navel in newborns, if less potent drugs (brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide, etc.) did not help;
  • For washing wounds from the bites of some poisonous spiders or snakes;
  • For lotions with severe thermal burns.

Such a strong solution cannot be used inside - this can provoke damage to the mucous membranes of the internal organs. Potassium permanganate should be on hand in your home (and camping) first aid kit.


If crystals of potassium permanganate nevertheless got on the skin, or a strong solution of potassium permanganate was drunk, its oxidizing effect must be neutralized. For this you need:

  • Drink or apply milk or raw fresh egg whites to the skin lesions;
  • Rinse the stomach (when taking potassium permanganate inside). Warm water with crushed activated carbon is used;
  • Seek medical attention for both external and internal burns. When taken orally, a strict diet will be required for some time.

This article is provided for informational purposes only and cannot be used as a guide to action without prior consultation with a qualified specialist in the relevant field (physician).

Etching with potassium permanganate- the simplest and most common method of seed disinfection. At the same time, it is very effective, since potassium permanganate has the widest spectrum of action of all chemical pickling agents.

However, pickling with potassium permanganate does not guarantee complete disinfection: while reliably killing pathogens on the surface of seeds, it is powerless to affect the infection nesting inside the seed.

Seeds are treated with 1% or 2% KMp04 solution. The optimal treatment regimes for different seeds are not the same.

Modes of seed treatment with potassium permanganate

  • Celery, onions, tomatoes, physalis, lettuce, radishes, corn, beans, peas, beans; 1% KMn04 solution, 45 min.
  • Peppers, eggplant, cabbage, parsnips, carrots, dill, cucurbits: 2% KMn04 solution, 20 min.
  • Seed treatment is carried out at room temperature, followed by washing with tap water.
  • To prepare a 1% solution, 1 g of potassium permanganate is dissolved in 100 ml (1/2 cup) of water, to prepare a 2% solution - 2 g in 100 ml of water.

To be able to weigh small quantities of chemicals, you need to make simple scales from scrap materials. Working by eye in such a responsible matter as seed dressing can have sad consequences. Here one cannot err either in the direction of increasing or decreasing the concentration. Without weighing, measuring potassium permanganate by volume, you can also prepare a solution with sufficient accuracy. To do this, you need a standard (5 ml) teaspoon. One teaspoon without top contains 6 g of potassium permanganate. "No top" means that the excess substance is removed with the flat side of the knife.

How to prepare a solution of potassium permanganate without weighing?

2% KMn04 solution: Dilute one teaspoon without top in 300 ml (in one and a half glasses) of water.

1% KMn04 solution: Pour off a part of a 2% solution of potassium permanganate and add an equal volume of water to it; or dilute one teaspoon without top in 600 ml (in three glasses) of water.

The resulting solutions have a thick, almost black color. Treatment of seeds with less concentrated solutions (pink, dark pink or purple, when the bottom is visible through the solution) does not provide disinfection.

Disinfection does not occur in cases where sticky seeds are processed. Tomato seeds are especially prone to sticking together. Before immersing in potassium permanganate, they must be rubbed with your hands so that each seed is moistened from all sides. For tomatoes, heating is much more reliable than dressing.

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Dark crystals of potassium permanganate are still present in many first aid kits, despite the fact that the sale of this product has long been discontinued.

The pharmacy offers a huge selection of other various medicines for all occasions. However, the powder and aqueous solution of potassium permanganate for wound treatment is still suitable for use.

In what cases can potassium permanganate be used

Crystals of potassium permanganate or potassium permanganate (KMnO 4) are the potassium salt of permanganic acid. The powder is dark burgundy, almost black in color, highly soluble in water, is a strong oxidizing agent. Upon contact with living skin cells in solution or pure form, atomic oxygen is released, due to which the antiseptic properties of the drug are manifested.


Potassium permanganate should not be used for hypersensitivity to potassium and magnesium.

In case of overdose, there is pain in the oral cavity, swelling of the mucosa of the esophagus, pharynx, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, burn shock is possible. So that the treatment with the drug does not lead to sad consequences, does not cause the development of complications, the powder must be properly diluted with potassium permanganate to treat the wound and the dosage should not be exceeded.

How to properly dilute potassium permanganate for wound treatment

To dissolve salt crystals, it is better to use warm water, so the powder will dissolve faster. For dilution, water should be boiled, then cooled to about 40 ° C. For 1 liter of liquid, you need to take a pinch of potassium permanganate.

To properly prepare a potassium permanganate solution for treating wounds, you need to know:

  • You can not take the substance with bare hands, while you can get a severe burn of the skin. For this purpose, use a spoon, knife, or a flat wooden stick;
  • The finished solution should be a light crimson hue. If the result is a darker concentration, then for the treatment of wounds, the potassium permanganate solution must be diluted with water until the desired shade is obtained;
  • Undissolved particles settle at the bottom of the container, you need to wait a bit for them to dissolve, or the liquid must be filtered through several layers of gauze or a fine sieve;
  • The finished product should be used immediately after preparation, since it cannot be stored, the remaining drug is poured out.

Potassium permanganate, dissolved in water, has a disinfecting and eavesdropping effect. The solution is widely used in dermatology, surgery, gynecology, urology.

In surgical practice, the liquid is used to treat wounds, and dried bandages are soaked in the solution to make a dressing.

For gastric lavage, it is not necessary to use a probe, the patient simply drinks 0.5-1.5 liters of light pink liquid, after which vomiting is caused by a reflex when pressing on the root of the tongue. In case of poisoning with alcohol, morphine, drugs, when vomiting must be induced immediately, patients are also given potassium permanganate to drink.

Proper use of the solution

In everyday life, potassium permanganate is used to relieve pain in calluses, for this they make foot baths. In a bowl of water, also add a tablespoon of table salt or baking soda. The legs are lowered into the pelvis for 15 minutes, after a while the corns stop hurting.

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