Nasal drops are addictive. Nasal drops addiction (drug rhinitis). How I got rid of vasoconstrictor addiction

Rhinitis often causes a person to resort to the use of nasal drops. Naphthyzin and its analogues quickly cope with the task, eliminating the common cold in short time. But if the drug is used illiterately, the mucous membrane quickly gets used to its “help” and is no longer able to perform its function to the fullest.

To get rid of addiction to nose drops, you need to have patience and knowledge about the mechanism of action of such medicines.

The principle of operation of drops in the nose

How vasoconstrictors help get rid of a runny nose, it is clear from their name. The medicine acts on small blood vessels that are located inside the nasal mucosa.

The narrowing of the capillaries helps to relieve swelling, the amount of mucus produced is noticeably reduced. When similar drugs are used for a short time, they do not harm health. In order for the nose to get used to the drops, they need to be applied for more than a week without observing the indicated dosage.

The appearance of dependence on vasoconstrictor drops in the nose is explained by the presence of an aggressive active substance. These include:

  • xylometazoline;
  • oxymetazoline;
  • naphazoline;
  • phenylephrine.

If the preparation contains one of these components, its use should be resorted to in case of emergency and only for a few days. You do not need to use the remedy without consulting a doctor, since then it will not be easy to get rid of drip addiction.

Drops addiction symptoms

You can determine the dependence on drops in the nose by the most important sign - without using the remedy, a person is not able to fully breathe. There are also several other signs by which it is easy to independently determine addiction.

What you should pay attention to:

  • a small dosage of the drug does not eliminate the manifestations of rhinitis;
  • the bottle is used at the slightest runny nose and more than 1 week;
  • a person begins to experience psychological discomfort if there are no drops at hand.

Some time after prolonged use of drops, the patient begins to be disturbed by signs of drug-induced rhinitis. That is, the disease itself is caused by uncontrolled intake of the drug.

Subsequently, naphthyzinic dependence manifests itself:

  • excessive dryness of the nasal mucosa;
  • itching;
  • recurrent headaches;
  • sneezing
  • discharge from the nose a large number liquid mucus;
  • complete or partial loss of smell.

If there are one or more signs of addiction to the drug for the common cold, you should immediately take measures to eliminate dependence. The more "experience" of using drops, the more difficult it is to get rid of the problem.

How to get rid of yourself

There are several ways to cure addiction to drops from a cold. If a person was able to recognize the dependence on early stage, which greatly simplifies the next step.

You can refuse a vasoconstrictor drug without using any other medications, with a replacement for more gentle drops or using traditional medicine recipes.

Refuse abruptly

The easiest way to get rid of addiction to the drug at home is to simply stop dripping nose drops. This method is suitable for people who simply delayed the treatment of rhinitis once or did not comply with the required dosage.

This technique does not imply any material costs for the purchase of other drugs. This will require only patience and handkerchiefs.

At first, a significant nasal congestion will be felt or a runny nose will suddenly increase sharply. Improvement can be noticed after a few days, usually 2-5 days are enough. The mucous membrane begins to function in the same mode after 2 weeks.

Give up gradually

If it is not possible to get rid of a bad habit by completely giving up the medicine, you can do it gradually. This method is more gentle, but will require the same amount of moral strength.

The main principle of the methodology:

It is necessary to gradually reduce the dosage and frequency of use of vasoconstrictor drops. That is, the amount of drug entering both nostrils first decreases. After a couple of days, you need to increase the intervals between instillations.

When the mucous membrane gets used to this regimen (2-3 days), you can instill only one nostril, alternating them. So, gradually reducing the duration of the course and dosage, you can get rid of addiction.

Advice! You can go to the trick and treat addiction to drops with aloe juice. For this you need to purchase finished product in a specialized store or cook it yourself. Juice is recommended to be diluted with saline in a ratio of 1:1. You need to bury your nose in order: the first time drops, the next - aloe. The dosage of the drug will also need to be gradually reduced.

Substitution of a medicinal product

Another simple way to get rid of addiction is to switch to another drug and then stop using it. It is better to use drops that are not addictive or choose a vasoconstrictor based on another active ingredient.

For example, if you develop a habit of xylometazoline-based drops, they should be replaced with an oxymetazoline drug. Then it is necessary to abandon the second remedy by reducing the dosage.

Nose drops that are not addictive

Sometimes without using additional drug not enough. But you can choose the maximum harmless remedy, which will not harm health and will not cause addiction after the third application.

The list of such drugs is quite extensive, but they all have a similar composition. The main difference is the cost of a particular brand.

Nasal sprays without addiction:

Even for these purposes, an ordinary saline solution is suitable, which is as close as possible to any biological fluids person. It must be instilled in the same way as any medicine based on sea ​​salt.

Treatment of addiction to vasoconstrictor drops with other drugs should be discussed with your doctor. It will help you choose the remedy that is most gentle for your health.

Most drops that do not possess vasoconstrictor effect, issued on the basis of sea ​​water and are designed to dry the nasal mucosa. Of course, the effect of them is not so expressive, but the harm is many times less.

First you need to teach one nostril to function without the usual drops, digging into it medicinal substitute with sea salt. Then the second nostril is also transferred to a harmless drug.

Addiction treatment in the clinic

You can unlearn the use of nasal drops by contacting the clinic. There they will select the maximum comfortable treatment, which will combine several methods at once. This method should be resorted to if it was not possible to get rid of the problem on your own within a month.

What methods can be used to relieve congestion in the hospital:

You should not use such funds on your own, as they have an extensive list of contraindications. Only an otolaryngologist can prescribe such medications. Glucocorticosteroids have a strong anti-inflammatory effect, so that the nasal mucosa does not swell. Also, anti-inflammatory drugs enhance local immunity.

Improvement occurs a couple of hours after use, a positive trend in treatment is observed after a week. Glucocorticosteroids are highly effective in the fight against allergic rhinitis.

  • Physiotherapy procedures.

You can also relieve congestion and get rid of addiction with the help of physiotherapy. They almost never cause side effects are safe for patients of all ages. After physiotherapy, the need to use gradually disappears. large dosage nasal drops.

This treatment not only helps to eliminate bad habit, but also to get rid of the disease itself, which led to it.

Electromagnetic waves, electrophoresis, ultrasound, phonophoresis, diadynamic currents are used for treatment. The specialist may also suggest medicinal inhalation, which remove mucus from the sinuses and prevent its re-formation.

  • Operational intervention.

The most drastic method of getting rid of chronic rhinitis is a vasotomy. During the operation, the specialist removes part of the nasal mucosa, which no longer carries out its function due to atrophy. Most procedures are minimally invasive, have a minimum of contraindications and complications.

For this, it is used laser vaporization, radiocoagulation, operation using ultrasound or vacuum.

The technique helps to get rid of a runny nose and addiction to nasal drops in just a matter of minutes. Then you only need to maintain the result and follow the recommendations of the doctor in the future.

How to use nasal drops correctly

So that vasoconstrictor drugs are not addictive, they must be used correctly.

It is worth knowing a few basic rules for using such funds:

  1. For the treatment of uncomplicated rhinitis, it is recommended to take drops with a lower percentage of the active substance. For example, most manufacturers of xylometazoline-based drugs offer 0.1% and 0.05% dosages. To eliminate the common cold, a remedy with a concentration of 0.05% will be enough.
  2. You should not self-treat a runny nose for more than 5-7 days. As a rule, with mild forms of rhinitis, this time is enough to stop all the main symptoms. If the symptoms of the disease do not recede, you should consult a doctor.
  3. It is required to strictly observe the dosage indicated in the instructions. It is forbidden to exceed the number of drops used, even if the effect of the drug is not immediately observed. The result after instillation can be seen after 30-40 minutes, but not earlier.

Much faster dependence on vasoconstrictor nasal drops develops in children, as well as patients with other diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Such funds are recommended to be used only in case of emergency, when alternative methods do not bring the desired result.


Preventive measures will need to be observed after the main treatment in order to prevent the recurrence of the disease with the subsequent use of harmful drugs.

How else can you cure a runny nose:

  • ventilate the room several times a day;
  • walk every day fresh air at least 2 hours;
  • perform wet cleaning daily;
  • during the heating season, use devices for air humidification;
  • at the first sign of rhinitis, rinse the sinuses with saline;
  • give preference correct posture for sleeping with a slightly raised head;
  • do not prescribe addictive nasal drugs on your own.

If there are any chronic diseases nose and nearby organs, it is necessary to periodically visit the consultation of the attending physician. When there is a need to use vasoconstrictor drops, they are recommended to be used in a short course of no more than 3-5 days with the lowest possible dosage.

If you use vasoconstrictor drops more than 7 days, addiction may occur: even after the cold has passed, the runny nose does not stop. It is necessary to get rid of such an addiction at its first signs.

Just take it and not drip more than a drop, not everyone will succeed. You need to stock up in advance with aloe juice, sea salt, you can choose a spray or drops, which are based on plant extracts. The most important thing in treatment is to decide for yourself that you can do without drops in the nose, and start treatment as early as possible. To get rid of addiction, you should first reduce the frequency of instillation. Do not use one remedy for a cold for more than 7 days, this will also reduce the risk of addiction.

Next comes the sea salt. She needs to wash her nose as often as possible. To do this, a teaspoon of salt should be diluted in a glass of water and rinse each nostril with the resulting solution from a syringe. As soon as the nose began to breathe badly, instead of instillation vasoconstrictors washing can be done. Sea salt will help at least during the day not to use drops. Available at the pharmacy ready solution and use it so you don't have to make a new one every time.

It will be much more difficult to wean from a drop in the nose at night. Washing is no longer suitable here. Aloe juice is useful, it will draw out pus from the sinuses, it will have an antibacterial and healing effect. A few drops will make breathing free and clean, relief will come in just a few minutes. But the procedure cannot be called pleasant because of the bitter taste. However, this will more than pay off with a wonderful effect. You need to replace conventional means on aerosol preparations that contain natural ingredients and, consequently, do not cause addiction. A doctor's prescription for such a drug is not required. At night, you can make a hot foot bath. It will help your nose breathe freely. After that, you should wrap your legs in something warm or put on woolen socks. Do not forget that you can always go for a consultation with an ENT doctor. Such dependencies have their own systematic treatment. The doctor, after a thorough examination, will prescribe a special routine for washing the nose, applying medicines. If dependence on nasal drops is high, a course of antibiotics may be required. Although most often it will be enough to take an antihistamine drug, which is used once. It is also prescribed by a doctor.

Phonophoresis, or electrophoresis, are physiotherapeutic procedures that also help to wean yourself from nasal drops. They can only be prescribed by a doctor.


How to get rid of nasal drops

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How I got rid of vasoconstrictor addiction

Friends, hello. This is how I wish you good health. And there are no trifles in the issue of health, and I realized this after I once got hooked on such a seemingly ordinary thing as nasal drops. What is vasoconstrictor addiction and how I got rid of nose drop addiction is the topic of today's post.

I don’t even remember how this whole story began, but only once I began to notice that without the use of drops (vasoconstrictors) in the nose I couldn’t fall asleep. You drip into your nose and sleep until the morning, you don’t drip - there’s nothing to breathe. Of course, I understood that such an addiction is harmful and even went to Laura twice, but at first I could not defeat the “xylene monster”.

What is the danger of dependence on long-term use of vasoconstrictors

Such drops act on the body as follows: getting on the nasal mucosa, the vasoconstrictor causes blood capillaries narrow, causing swelling of the nasal mucosa decreases, and the person begins to breathe calmly. Everything would be fine, but such drops cause addiction, dryness and dystrophy of the mucous membrane, tissue hypoxia, and with prolonged use they cause a drug-induced runny nose and even poisoning with the components of the drug. It is especially harmful to use vasoconstrictor drugs for pregnant women, since the fetus literally suffers from hypoxia because of this.

And in short, if you are hooked on vasoconstrictors, then without them your nose does not breathe, and it is very difficult to get rid of such dependence. To be honest, I’ll tell you a secret that I suffered from this for about three years.

How I cured addiction to vasoconstrictor drops

I started my fight against addiction by visiting a doctor. He told me that everything is fine with me, but there is a dependence on vasoconstrictors. To get rid of it, you should completely abandon vasoconstrictor drops, and instead of them, he prescribed Nasonex hormonal drops for me. Drops are expensive, but what you can’t do for your health is bought. Perhaps the drops are good, but the thing is that the drops help after a rather long time, and at the same time it is impossible to drip with vasoconstrictors. And how can I sleep, how can I breathe before Nasonex starts to act? In short, I suffered with these miracle drops, but I got up in the middle of the night to drip Naphthyzinum. I realized that better addiction than insomnia.

After failing, I decided to fight my nose drop addiction by rinsing my nose with saline solutions like Aquamaris. But either my addiction to the drop was very high at that time, or my nose didn’t like “salty foods”, but this water didn’t help me much either.

The third stage of the struggle with naphthyzinum addiction began after I had frequent headaches. I thought this: “Are my headaches related to the use of a nose drop? It's time to do something, and right now!

100% recipe for getting rid of addiction with vasoconstrictor drops in the nose

We don’t drip our nose during the day, and if it’s not a cold, but a drug addiction, then it’s quite possible to withstand this. At night, we drip only into one nostril, for example, into the left. I lay down on my left side and sometimes it turned out that both nostrils breathed for a long time, but in any case at least one nostril - the left one - breathed all night. Three days later, I realized that the right nostril was no longer blocked tightly. But still, I continued to drip into the left nostril for another four days, so that the mucous membrane of the right nostril was completely restored. After a week of such smart use of the drop, I completely stopped dripping drops, trying to fall asleep already on my right side. Now the already healthy, right nostril was breathing, and the left began to breathe better every day. Soon I realized that my naphthyzinic addiction came to an end.

As you can see, everything is simple, cheap and without much tension. If you have an addiction to a drop in your nose, get rid of it immediately, because if you have this “bondage” for a long time, then there is a high probability that the former purity of breath will never return. Too bad I didn't know about this before.

Getting used to drops in the nose: how to get rid of the habit, what to do

Otolaryngology has more than a dozen varieties of rhinitis, differing in etiology and pathogenesis. No less common type of rhinitis today is drug-induced, caused by uncontrolled use vasoconstrictor drops.

Exceeding the recommended doses causes addiction to nasal drops. How to get rid of drug addiction and tolerance to drugs, the issue is very relevant. After all, the process of weaning a habit can take long time, and untimely measures taken can result in serious complications.

Why do people get addicted to nose drops?

Most patients consider vasoconstrictor drugs a panacea for the common cold, self-medicate and gradually increase the dosage for more rapid achievement result.

At first sight easy process treatment, can lead to significant disruption of the functioning of the nasal mucosa and the development of side effects: frequent attacks of headache, gestational hypertension, sleep disturbance, depression.

Nasal drops belong to the group of adrenergic receptor agonists that have a stimulating effect on the adrenoreceptors of the walls of blood vessels, causing the latter to narrow. Adrenergic stimulation medicinal products changes the secretion of muconasal secretion.

The action of drugs of the vasoconstrictor group is aimed at removing swelling of the mucous membrane, reducing the amount of mucus and facilitating nasal breathing. In other words, nasal drops do not direct impact on the cause of the disease, but only eliminate the symptoms.

Important! Delayed treatment drug rhinitis threatens pathological changes in the nasal mucosa, for the restoration of the functioning of which it may be necessary surgical intervention.

After long-term use nasal drops may develop vasomotor rhinitis

The therapeutic scheme of treatment involves the use of vasoconstrictor drugs for no more than 3-5 days, since more long-term use causes tolerance to the drug (addiction of the body to the active substances).

Uncontrolled instillation of the nose gives the opposite effect - a decrease in vascular tone, mucosal atrophy, shortness of breath and absolute dependence on vasoconstrictor drops.

AT this case, the problem cannot be solved by completely eliminating the pharmacological product, independent actions do not always make it possible to exclude addiction to nasal drops. What to do to alleviate the condition, the doctor will advise, having studied in detail the patient's history and the pharmacokinetics of the drug used.

How to treat addiction to nose drops

The immediate responsibility of the attending specialist is to determine the etiology of the disease and conduct an examination of the mucous membrane, paranasal sinuses and nasal septum. After a thorough diagnosis, a treatment regimen is selected taking into account individual characteristics patient.

In practice, one chooses conservative method therapy, in exceptional cases there is a need for radical measures (surgical intervention).

Necessary actions to alleviate the condition

If the nose is accustomed to drops in the first place, it is necessary to minimize the concentration of the drug and reduce the number of its applications. For this you need:

  • increase the interval between instillation of the nose;
  • reduce the dosage of the drug every day (ideally, drip your nose just before bedtime);
  • if possible, dilute the pharmacological product boiled water before use.

It is important to develop the habit of not resorting to the help of drops at the first symptoms of nasal congestion. Alternative Methods help facilitate breathing - humidification of the air in the room, walks in the fresh air in warm time of the year.

Your doctor may suggest a method to replace the drug. There are four types of vasoconstrictor drops with different active ingredients: phenylephrine, naphazoline, xylometazoline and oxymetazoline.

Persistent nasal congestion with drug-induced rhinitis causes a person to use nasal drops uncontrollably

For example, if addiction was caused by phenylephrine, a drug based on another active substance from the above types is prescribed.

If a this method did not give positive dynamics, in therapeutic regimen treatment includes drugs based on synthetic hormones similar to those produced by the adrenal glands biologically active substances in human body.

The value of a single or total application, as well as the duration of therapy, is calculated based on the age of the patient and the severity of drug-induced rhinitis.

Nasal lavage

Sanitation of the nasal cavity refers to procedures that have received approval among physicians. This manipulation does not require certain skills and is easily carried out at home.

The most common way is to use a saline solution, both prepared independently and purchased at a pharmacy (Aquamaris, Aqualor, etc.).

This method allows you to recover normal functioning nasal mucosa - eliminate dryness, reduce the viscosity and amount of mucus, make breathing easier.

For self cooking the solution needs a third of 1 tsp. sea ​​salt dissolved in 250 ml. water brought to a boil. Cool to an acceptable temperature (36 degrees) and proceed to washing.

Important! Salt has an antiseptic effect. It is necessary to adhere to the recommended dosage when preparing the solution, since an increased amount of salt can lead to overdrying of the mucosa.

Products purchased at the pharmacy will facilitate the washing procedure. Pharmacological products are equipped with special anatomical nozzles, and the solution is supplied under pressure, which allows you to irrigate the mucous membrane as much as possible.

Non-traditional methods of therapy

Among the most effective ways folk therapy in the treatment of medical rhinitis, it is worth highlighting the following recipes:

  1. Healing drops. For preparation, it is necessary to mix aloe juice, honey and sea buckthorn oil in equal proportions. Use three times a day, 2-3 drops in each nasal passage.
  2. Steam baths with essential oils. At correct use essential oil tea tree can be indispensable tool during treatment. Thanks to the regenerating, antiseptic effect, it has positive impact on the mucosa. For cooking steam bath needed in 1 liter. water brought to a boil dissolve a few drops of ester oil.
  3. Equally effective is eucalyptus oil. You can also use the leaves of the plant. For inhalation, 3 tbsp. l. leaves boil for 10 minutes over low heat in 500 ml. water. Let the mixture cool down a little and start steam inhalation. The duration of the procedure should not exceed 15 minutes. Daily rate- 2 times, in the morning and before bedtime.

Complex therapy (medication and folk remedies) gives a positive trend
  1. Turundas with boromenthol ointment. Turundas soaked in ointment are inserted into each nasal passage for 15-20 minutes. The duration of treatment is one to two weeks.
  2. Medicinal infusions. saline solution for washing, you can replace the prepared infusion from medicinal herbs. The most optimal combination of medicinal raw materials: chamomile + calendula + sage (2 tablespoons each). Pour a mixture of herbs 500 ml. water brought to a boil, leave for 60 minutes and strain. Use 3-4 times a day for 10 days.
  3. lighten nasal breathing You can use a mustard foot bath.

Physiotherapy procedures

Physiotherapy helps to significantly alleviate the patient's condition. Most effective procedures in the treatment of medical rhinitis:

  • electrophoresis. This method allows you to remove swelling of the mucosa, accelerate tissue regeneration, activate immune defense organism. The principle of electrophoresis is based on the simultaneous action of electrical impulses and the introduction of drugs through the nasal mucosa;
  • phonophoresis, affects the mucous membrane by high-frequency sound waves, which allows you to enhance the effectiveness of medicines and speed up the healing process;
  • ultrahigh-frequency therapy (influence by a high-frequency electromagnetic field). Promotes the restoration of cellular respiration, regenerates the mucosa, reduces swelling, stimulates blood circulation and the immune defense of the body;
  • acupressure ( acupressure), effectively localizes symptoms, restores nasal breathing, and eliminates edema. A fairly simple procedure that does not require the use of drugs. You can do it at home as it doesn't require any special skills.

Important! Folk remedies are powerful allergens before using which it is necessary to conduct an allergy test.


Having considered possible ways, how to wean from nasal drops, it is worth noting that the patient needs to tune in for a long time of treatment. Positive mental attitude, and following the recommendations of the attending physician will allow you to get rid of addiction with minimal damage to the body.

Nasal addiction. How to get rid of nose drops

It is clear that sometimes funds for “piercing” the nose are necessary when an allergic reaction or a runny nose worsens during a cold. However, they are designed for short-term use to make life easier for the patient while he is being treated for the underlying disease.

By suppressing the symptom (runny nose), you can make it the main problem with your own hands. Remember: defeat the disease - the runny nose will go away, you will fight the symptom - make it chronic.

How it works

Chemical preparations for the common cold work by narrowing the vessels of the nasal mucosa. The vessels narrow and the swelling in the nose goes away. But you must find out the cause of the swelling. If it is not eliminated, the runny nose will not disappear, and the temptation to use dangerous medicines for a long time will increase.

It is safe to use vasoconstrictors only for the first five days. Then the addiction starts. If you do not stop instilling your nose, it will soon develop drug rhinitis: The nasal mucosa will get chronic swelling. As a result, a runny nose does not go away, and only medicine can bring relief, from which the nose is used to receiving a portion of active chemical substances. You can avoid addiction if you clearly follow the doctor's prescriptions and instructions for a particular drug.

Harmful drops

Doctors say that one of the most harmful, but no less popular remedy for the common cold is naphthyzinum. It greatly constricts the blood vessels in the nasal cavity, but as soon as the effect of the drug ends, the edema returns with a triple force. As a result, the greater the edema, the more the drug is used, the more it is used, the greater the dependence on nose drops in the body.

Naphthyzinum dependence was noticed during the Second World War, but it is still actively used all over the world. Competent, and not irresponsible attitude to the medicine will help to use it exclusively with benefit.

Addiction and other consequences

Dependence medical preparations in general, and nose drops in particular, is a disease that causes structural and functional changes in the cerebral cortex. If you use the drugs for a long enough time, you will no longer be able to do without them: the runny nose will become simply unbearable, headache it will be difficult to breathe. In addition, a mental attachment will appear, up to panic attacks, when the medication is not at hand at the right time.

In addition to these, other problems appear: the sense of smell is weakened and protective function mucosa, the nasal mucosa becomes overdried. Due to inadequate blood circulation in the nose, the brain also suffers. Headaches, disruption of cardio-vascular system, lethargy and irritability, decreased performance ... It is quite difficult to fully live with such a set. Try to mitigate the dependency with the following manipulations:

  1. Increase the interval between instillations;
  2. Slightly dilute the drops with distilled water;
  3. Bury first one nostril, then the other, so you do not immediately lose all your sense of smell.

After such preparation, one should proceed to complete cure from addiction.


After an appointment with an otolaryngologist, the first step to curing physical dependence will be to completely abandon the drug used. It will be hard, so start in the morning.

If the nasal mucosa has grown due to porous cavernous bodies and it is almost impossible to breathe even after giving up drops (and sprays) based on naphthyzinum, surgical intervention will be required. For example, one of the procedures is quite simple: under a light local anesthesia the doctor inserts a special radio wave probe into the nose. The vessels are immediately scarred, so the operation takes place practically without blood. Breathing is restored very quickly.

If surgery is not required and you are exhausted after giving up the drops, there are some natural preparations that can help alleviate your condition. Every hour during the day, you need to alternately bury your nose with an extract of aloe, carrots and onion. To all fresh juices (they must be kept in separate containers), add a drop of honey. Onions should be dripped only when it becomes completely impossible to breathe: it will help restore breathing for a while.

It will also be useful to wash the nose with sea salt: 1 tbsp. dissolve a spoonful of salt in a liter warm water, wash your nose should be six times a day.

Of more pleasant procedures help inhalation with essential oils of eucalyptus and fir (3-5 drops). Take unscented sea salt baths before bed, but be sure to bundle up warmly afterward.

In this case, nasal sprays with a moisturizing effect are not contraindicated (attention: not vasoconstrictive, but moisturizing). They will moisturize and soften the affected organ, also contributing to its speedy recovery.

Before using the medicine, carefully read the instructions and consult with an otolaryngologist.

Before going to bed, warm the nose with warm salt (wrap it in a cotton bag and keep it on the bridge of your nose for about half an hour). Steam your arms and legs. The first night is the most difficult, be prepared and do not refuse treatment - it will be easier later on.

Often when severe runny nose many of us use vasoconstrictor drops so often that we ourselves do not notice how such a habit develops into a real one drug addiction. How do you get rid of nasal drops?

To cope with dependence on topical anticongestants (vasoconstrictor drops), methods allow complex therapy. As part of conservative treatment drug-induced rhinitis anti-inflammatory and decongestant drugs are used, general stimulating sanitizing procedures, as well as physiotherapeutic methods - laser therapy, acupuncture, electrophoresis, etc. The irrational use of anticongestants often causes the development of uncontrolled vasodilation - excessive relaxation of the muscle fibers in the walls of the arterioles that permeate the nasopharynx.

Violation of vascular tone leads to swelling of the nasal mucosa and, as a result, the development of drug-induced rhinitis. Treatment of non-started forms of the disease is carried out with the help of drugs and physiotherapy procedures. With atrophic and hypertrophic changes in the tissues of the nasopharynx, surgical methods therapies - conchotomy, cryotherapy, etc.

Why does addiction occur?

How to get rid of addiction to nose drops? Before answering this question, we need to find out why decongestants are addictive. With a runny nose, most people are limited to the use of vasoconstrictor aerosols or drops. They contain substances (adrenaline receptor stimulants) that cause the arterioles in the nasopharynx to narrow. The reasons for the development of drug rhinitis lie in the long-term use of anticongestants.

Abuse of vasoconstrictors entails the development of tachyphylaxis - rapid decline response to the action of the drug after its use. To remove puffiness, a person is forced to constantly increase the dose of applied drops. All nasal anticongestants belong to the group of vasoconstrictors, i.e. substances that affect the work of adrenaline receptors that are located in the walls blood vessels.

The systematic use of decongestants sooner or later leads to the appearance of the "rebound" effect. Rejection of vasoconstrictors activates compensatory mechanisms, during which the body tries to restore normal blood supply to the tissues in the nasal cavity. This is expressed in the expansion of blood vessels and increased production of nasal secretions.

The irrational use of anticongestants is fraught with hyperplasia (enlargement) of the mucous membranes and glands that produce nasal secretions.

If you do not stop using decongestants within 7 days, this will lead to drug rhinitis, the development of which is based on vasodilation. It is quite difficult to cure addiction, since the rejection of vasoconstrictor drugs negatively affects a person’s well-being - there is constant congestion nose, abundant transparent selection, sneezing, etc.

Is it possible to give up the habit of dripping decongestants in the nose on my own? It is possible to get rid of "drip" dependence without the participation of an otolaryngologist only at the initial stages of its development. If vasoconstrictor drugs have been used for years, most likely, it will be possible to eliminate the manifestations of drug rhinitis only through physiotherapy and surgical intervention.

There are several ways to get rid of addiction:

  • Sharp rejection. If you have been using vasoconstrictor medications for a relatively short time, it will help to cope with the problem. abrupt rejection from drugs. As a rule, the “rebound” effect persists for several days, after which the vascular tone is restored, and the runny nose goes away by itself;
  • Gradual withdrawal. From chronic addiction get rid of gradually, deliberately increasing the intervals between the use of anticongestants. To reduce the concentration of substances in the drug, it is recommended to dilute it with saline or mineral water;
  • Drug replacement. The most dangerous are anticongestants, which contain xylometazoline. To get rid of the "drip" dependence as soon as possible, it is recommended to replace the drug with drops, which include phenylephrine or naphazoline. After 1-2 weeks, it is recommended to switch to homeopathic nasal preparations, as well as hypertonic solutions for washing the nasopharynx.

Vitamins C, B5, P and E help strengthen the walls of blood vessels and eliminate swelling in the nasal passages.

You can independently treat dependence on drops with the help of drugs that increase vascular tone - Dihydroquercetin, Ascorutin, Cavinton. With their help, it will be possible to eliminate vasodilation and, as a result, manifestations of drug-induced rhinitis.

Medical treatment

How to get rid of addiction to drops in the nose? If a person cannot refuse decongestants on his own within a month, he should seek help from a specialist. The attending physician will assess the condition of the nasopharyngeal mucosa and determine how much she is "used" to vasoconstrictors. In the absence of perceptible hypertrophic or atrophic changes in soft tissues the patient will be prescribed anti-inflammatory and decongestant drugs that do not affect vascular tone.

Topical corticosteroids

Treatment of "drip" dependence is almost always accompanied by the use of local hormonal drugs, i.e. topical corticosteroids. They have pronounced anti-inflammatory properties, so they can be used to relieve swelling and inflammation in the turbinates and internal nasal openings:

  • "Rinoklenil";
  • "Nasobek";
  • "Beclomethasone Orion Pharma";
  • "Flixonase".

Hormonal drugs are contraindicated in people suffering from fungal diseases.

In cases where the patient cannot immediately refuse decongestants, the doctor simply reduces the dose of drugs and prescribes corticosteroids in parallel. In the course of treatment, the regularity of the use of vasoconstrictors gradually decreases, due to which the body almost painlessly weaned from vasoconstrictors.


How to get rid of drops vasoconstrictor action? Conservative treatment drug rhinitis is often accompanied by the use of antiallergic drugs. Like decongestants, they reduce swelling in the nasopharynx, but do not affect adrenaline receptors. To restore normal vascular tone in the mucous membrane, it is recommended to drip such drugs into the nose:

  • "Sanorin-Analergin";
  • "Levokabastin";
  • "Allergodil".

Antiallergic drugs prevent the release of inflammatory mediators that lead to swelling of the nasopharynx and, as a result, blockage of the nasal passages. If the symptoms of drug rhinitis bother you constantly, you can replace decongestants with antihistamine drops for a while.

Nasal wash solutions

You can get used to vasoconstrictors in just five to ten days, but it is quite difficult to refuse their use. How do you wean yourself off nasal decongestants? Pronounced decongestant properties have hypertonic and isotonic solutions salt.

As a rule, the treatment of "drip" addiction involves the use of hypertonic drugs, which contain more than 0.9% sodium chloride. Medical rhinitis is cured with the following nasal remedies:

  • "Dolphin";
  • "Aqua Maris Strong";
  • "Morenasal";

To achieve the desired results, nasal lavage should be done at least 4-5 times a day. If the symptoms of drug rhinitis are alleviated, completely refuse decongestants or replace them with homeopathic remedies.


What to do if medicines do not help to cope with nasal congestion? If at the doctor’s appointment the patient declares “I have been dripping vasoconstrictor drops for more than 5 years”, in 90% of cases with instrumental examination pathological changes are found in the nasopharynx. It should be understood that decongestants negatively affect the functioning of the glands that secrete nasal secretions. If you drip drops constantly, this will lead to insufficient mucus production and, as a result, dehydration and thinning (atrophy) of soft tissues.

Treatment of atrophic and hypertrophic changes in the nasal mucosa is carried out with the help of physiotherapy procedures. They help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, restore the secretory activity of the glands in the nasopharynx and thereby stop the manifestations of drug-induced rhinitis.

Laser therapy

How to cure medicinal runny nose? To eliminate the symptoms of vasomotor and drug-induced rhinitis, laser therapy is often used. Laser study has a beneficial effect on transcapillary processes in arterioles that are located in the nasopharynx. With the passage of 7-10 sessions of laser treatment, you will completely get rid of addiction and vascular dystonia.

Instrumental therapy has an anti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictive and anti-edematous effect on the ciliated epithelium, which covers the turbinates. To mitigate the effect of laser study, after the procedure, it is recommended to instill moisturizing drops into the nose - "Physiomer", "No-Sol", "Quicks", etc.


Acupuncture is one of the most effective methods treatment of chronic and drug-induced rhinitis. During the procedure, the specialist inserts thin needles into regional and segmental points that are on the face. Stimulation of acupuncture points allows you to restore the normal innervation of the muscle fibers that are responsible for the expansion and narrowing of the arterioles in the nasal cavity.

It should be noted that the mechanism of action of acupuncture is currently poorly understood. Many doctors are skeptical about this treatment method, although practical results speak in its favor. Physiotherapy does not eliminate psychological addiction to nose drops, but it helps to eliminate somatic disorders caused by vasodilation, i.e. violation of vascular tone.


Electrophoresis - instrumental method treatment of ENT diseases, based on the introduction of drugs into the nasopharynx through electric current. Commonly used drugs are:

  • thiamine (vitamin B2);
  • pantothenic acid (vitamin B5);
  • rutin (vitamin P);
  • dimedrol.

Electrophoresis is contraindicated in people with impaired blood clotting and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

To reduce discomfort during electrophoresis, analgesic substances should be instilled into the nose. The duration of the session depends on the degree of vascular dystonia and the condition of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. Therapeutic effect observed after 10-12 sessions of electrophoresis.


Abuse of vasoconstrictor drops inevitably leads to drug-induced rhinitis. The basis of the development of the disease is vasodilation - the expansion of blood vessels associated with the relaxation of muscle fibers in the vascular walls. Pathological processes provoked by active substances contained in decongestants - oxymetazoline, xylometazoline, naphazoline, etc.

How to treat dependence on vasoconstrictors? To wean from anticongestants, you need to replace them with nasal preparations of a different type - homeopathic, antiallergic, anti-inflammatory (topical corticosteroids), etc. In case of inefficiency drug treatment physiotherapy (electrophoresis, laser treatment) is prescribed, which helps to restore vascular tone and patency of the nasal passages.

differing in etiology and pathogenesis. The type of rhinitis that is no less common today is drug-induced, caused by the uncontrolled use of vasoconstrictor drops.

Exceeding the recommended doses causes addiction to nasal drops. How to get rid of drug dependence and tolerance to drugs is a very topical issue. After all, the process of weaning from a habit can take a long time, and untimely measures taken can result in serious complications.

Why do people get addicted to nose drops?

Most patients consider vasoconstrictor drugs to be a panacea for the common cold, self-medicate and gradually increase the dosage to achieve a faster result.

At first glance, an easy treatment process can lead to significant dysfunction of the nasal mucosa and the development of side effects: frequent attacks of headache, gestational hypertension, sleep disorder, depression.

Nasal drops belong to the group of adrenergic receptor agonists, that have a stimulating effect on adrenoreceptors in the walls of blood vessels, causing narrowing of the latter. Adrenergic stimulation of medicinal products alters the secretion of muconasal secretion.

The action of drugs of the vasoconstrictor group is aimed at removing swelling of the mucous membrane, reducing the amount of mucus and facilitating nasal breathing. In other words, nose drops do not have a direct effect on the cause of the disease, but only eliminate the symptoms manifested.

Important! Untimely treatment of drug-induced rhinitis threatens with pathological changes in the nasal mucosa, which may require surgical intervention to restore its functioning.

After prolonged use of nasal drops, vasomotor rhinitis may develop

Therapeutic regimen involves the use of vasoconstrictor drugs for no more than 3-5 days, since longer use causes tolerance to the drug (addiction of the body to the active substances).

Uncontrolled nasal instillation gives the opposite effect- decreased vascular tone, mucosal atrophy, shortness of breath and absolute dependence on vasoconstrictor drops.

In this case, the problem cannot be solved by completely eliminating the pharmacological product, independent actions do not always allow eliminating addiction to nose drops. What to do to alleviate the condition, the doctor will advise, having studied in detail the patient's history and the pharmacokinetics of the drug used.

How to treat addiction to nose drops

The immediate responsibility of the attending specialist is to determine the etiology of the disease and conduct an examination of the mucous membrane, paranasal sinuses and nasal septum. After a thorough diagnosis, a treatment regimen is selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

In practice, a conservative method of therapy is chosen, in exceptional cases there is a need for radical measures (surgical intervention).

Necessary actions to alleviate the condition

If the nose is accustomed to drops, it is first necessary to minimize the concentration of the drug and reduce the number of its applications. For this you need:

  • increase the interval between instillation of the nose;
  • reduce the dosage of the drug every day (ideally, drip your nose just before bedtime);
  • if possible, dilute the pharmacological product with boiled water before use.

Important develop the habit of not resorting to drops at the first sign of nasal congestion. Alternative methods will help make breathing easier - indoors, outdoor walks in the warm season.

The doctor may suggest drug replacement method. There are four types of vasoconstrictor drops with different active ingredients: phenylephrine, naphazoline, xylometazoline and oxymetazoline.

Persistent nasal congestion with drug-induced rhinitis causes a person to use nasal drops uncontrollably

For example, if addiction was caused by phenylephrine, a drug based on another active substance from the above types is prescribed.

If this method did not give positive dynamics, the therapeutic regimen includes drugs based on synthetic hormones, similar to biologically active substances produced by the adrenal glands in the human body.

The amount of single or total application, as well as the duration of therapy calculated based on the age of the patient and the severity of drug-induced rhinitis.

Nasal lavage

Sanitation of the nasal cavity refers to procedures that have received approval among physicians. This manipulation does not require certain skills and is easily carried out at home.

The most common way- the use of a saline solution, both prepared independently and purchased at a pharmacy ("", "", etc.).

Using this method allows you to restore the normal functioning of the nasal mucosa - eliminate, reduce the viscosity and amount of mucus, and facilitate breathing.

For self-preparation of the solution necessary third part 1 tsp dissolve sea salt in 250 ml. water brought to a boil. Cool to an acceptable temperature (36 degrees) and proceed to washing.

Important! Salt has an antiseptic effect. It is necessary to adhere to the recommended dosage when preparing the solution, since an increased amount of salt can lead to overdrying of the mucosa.

Products purchased at the pharmacy will facilitate the washing procedure. Pharmacological products are equipped with special anatomical nozzles, and the solution is supplied under pressure, which allows you to irrigate the mucous membrane as much as possible.

Non-traditional methods of therapy

Among the most effective ways of folk therapy in the treatment of medical rhinitis, it is worth highlighting the following recipes:

  1. Healing drops. For preparation, it is necessary to mix aloe juice, honey and sea buckthorn oil in equal proportions. Use three times a day, on 2-3 drops into each nasal passage.
  2. Steam baths with essential oils. When used properly, tea tree essential oil can be an indispensable tool in the treatment. Due to the regenerating, antiseptic effect, it has a positive effect on the mucous membrane. To prepare a steam bath in 1 l. water, brought to a boil to dissolve a few drops of oil ethers.
  3. No less effective oil. You can also use the leaves of the plant. For inhalation it is necessary 3 art. l. leaves boil for 10 minutes over low heat in 500 ml. water. Let the mixture cool down a little and start steam inhalation. The duration of the procedure should not exceed more than 15 minutes. daily rate - 2 times, in the morning and before bed.

Complex therapy (medication and folk remedies) gives a positive trend

  1. Turundas with boromenthol ointment. Ointment-soaked turundas are inserted into each nasal passage for 15-20 minutes. Duration of treatment - one to two weeks.
  2. Medicinal infusions. Salt solution for washing can be replaced with prepared infusion of medicinal herbs. The most optimal combination of medicinal raw materials: chamomile + calendula + sage ( 2 tbsp. l.). Pour the herbal mixture 500 ml. water brought to a boil, leave for 60 minutes and strain. Use 3-4 times a day for 10 days.
  3. You can ease nasal breathing with a mustard foot bath.

Physiotherapy procedures

Physiotherapy helps to significantly alleviate the patient's condition. The most effective procedures in the treatment of medical rhinitis:

  • electrophoresis. This method allows you to remove the swelling of the mucosa, accelerate tissue regeneration, activate the body's immune defenses. The principle of electrophoresis is based on the simultaneous action of electrical impulses and the introduction of drugs through the nasal mucosa;
  • phonophoresis, acts on the mucous membrane by high-frequency sound waves, which makes it possible to enhance the effectiveness of medicines and speed up the healing process;
  • ultrahigh frequency therapy(influence by high-frequency electromagnetic field). Promotes the restoration of cellular respiration, regenerates the mucosa, reduces swelling, stimulates blood circulation and the immune defense of the body;
  • acupressure(acupressure), effectively localizes the symptoms, restores nasal breathing, eliminates swelling. A fairly simple procedure that does not require the use of drugs. You can do it at home as it doesn't require any special skills.

Important! Folk remedies are powerful allergens, before using which it is necessary to conduct an allergy test.


Having considered possible ways how to wean from nasal drops, it is worth noting that the patient needs to tune in for a long time of treatment. A positive psychological attitude, and following the recommendations of the attending physician will allow you to get rid of addiction with minimal damage to the body.

Nasal congestion is a very unpleasant sensation that affects the patient's quality of life. To eliminate unpleasant symptom various drugs are used. But the use of such drugs can be harmful to health, lead to dependence on the drops, which is difficult to treat. Uncontrolled use of vasoconstrictor drops leads to addiction to them and the development or rhinitis.

Causes of dependence on drops

The most affordable is naphthyzine. But he is not medicinal product, but only on a short time eliminates the symptoms of a cold. Improper use of this drug leads to the development of naphthyzinum dependence and severe complications.

Therefore, you should not immediately apply drops at the first sign of a runny nose and nasal congestion. There are so many ways to quickly recover and not harm your health.

Wrong and long-term use causes allergic reaction mucosa in the nasal cavity. After, relief comes and you can breathe normally. But this is a temporary effect. After a short period of time, the person again drips drops.

The composition includes ephedrine, which constricts blood vessels and reduces their blood supply. This leads to:

  • atrophy of the nasal mucosa;
  • nasal vessels expand;
  • their tone is reduced.

The runny nose does not go away, but intensifies. Pharmacological dependence develops, in other words, addiction to this medicine.

Contraindications to the use of vasoconstrictor drops

  • with individual intolerance;
  • with glaucoma,;
  • in case of dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • with a rapid heartbeat;
  • with vascular atherosclerosis;
  • with high blood pressure.

How does addiction manifest itself?

The main sign of addiction to the drug is the complete inability of the blood vessels in the nasal mucosa to narrow and expand on their own. Nasal congestion can only be eliminated with the help of a drug.

With drug dependence, the patient will complain:

  • for a headache;
  • constant ;
  • congestion;
  • the patient complains that the mucous membrane is always dry;
  • , burning, lacrimation, sneezing;
  • the perception of smells is completely or partially lost;
  • clear mucous discharge from the nose.

In the presence of such signs, you should immediately consult a doctor and begin treatment.

Methods of treatment at home

What should I do to get rid of addiction to nose drops at home? It is possible to completely eliminate the trouble only by initial stage. If vasoconstrictors were taken very for a long time required physical therapy and surgery.

First of all, you need to abruptly stop dripping the medicine that caused the addiction. If the stage is not started, but discomfort cause only mild discomfort, the nasal mucosa will recover quickly, the runny nose will pass on its own, breathing will become free.

The period depends on the degree of addiction and can last from one week to a month. In more severe cases getting rid of drug addiction and giving up drops is simply impossible. In this case, the following actions should be taken:

  • Vasoconstrictor drugs are taken as infrequently as possible.
  • It is recommended to dilute the drops with water.
  • The agent is first dripped into one nasal passage, after a while into the other nasal passage.
  • Be outdoors as often as possible.
  • In the room where such a patient is located, carry out wet cleaning and frequent ventilation.
  • If possible, take a pose when the head and shoulders are in an elevated state.
  • Conduct foot warming baths daily.

Effective remedy for runny nose and getting rid of nasal addiction is, which completely restores the nasal mucosa. Washing the nasal passages should be carried out several times a day (3-6 times). You can buy in pharmacies similar drugs, which include (Aquamaris, Aqualor).

Folk methods

Folk recipes will also help get rid of addiction to drops:

  • The nose can be dripped with onion juice, honey solution.
  • A mixture helps with a runny nose: honey, sea buckthorn oil,. Mix all components, drip 3 times a day, 2 drops into the nose.
  • It is useful to wash the nose with a decoction of medicinal herbs: chamomile, sage, calendula, oak bark.

Continue treatment for at least two weeks.

Help with a runny nose turunda with boromenthol ointment. It can be used for 10 days.

In addition to the use of drops in the nose, it is useful to take phytocollection inside. For its preparation take:

  • centaury;
  • St. John's wort;
  • dandelion roots;
  • horsetail;
  • corn silk;
  • chamomile.

Such a collection heals allergic rhinitis for a few days, but it is recommended to continue drinking the infusion for another 3-4 days after the disappearance of all unpleasant symptoms.

Medical treatment

If you cannot refuse vasoconstrictors on your own, you should seek help from a specialist as soon as possible.

If there are no significant and atrophic changes on the nasal mucosa, it is prescribed drug therapy. Anti-inflammatory and decongestant drugs are used that do not affect the walls of blood vessels.

Treatment includes the use of topical hormonal drugs. Topical corticosteroids are prescribed, which eliminate swelling, relieve inflammation. Hormonal remedies not prescribed if the patient has fungal diseases.

In some cases, appoint antihistamines. They will relieve puffiness, but do not affect adrenaline receptors.

Well relieves swelling of the mucous membranes by washing the nose with isotonic and hypertonic saline salts containing more than 0.9% sodium chloride. The procedure is carried out 4-5 times a day. As soon as the condition is relieved, it is recommended to switch to taking homeopathic medicines.

If hypertrophic and atrophic changes on the mucosa, treatment is carried out by physiotherapeutic methods. Such treatment will strengthen the walls of blood vessels, restore the secretory activity of the glands in the nasopharynx, and eliminate the unpleasant picture of drug-induced rhinitis.

Applied physiotherapy procedures

Laser therapy - relieves inflammation, has a vasoconstrictive effect, relieves swelling, restores transcapillary exchange in the small arteries of the nose.

Acupuncture - the method restores the normal innervation of muscle fibers, which are responsible for the narrowing and expansion of small arteries in the nasal cavity. The method will not save the patient from psychological dependence but eliminate changes in vascular tone.

Electrophoresis - the method is based on the introduction of vitamin drugs into the nasopharynx by means of an electric current.

Cryotherapy uses the effect of tissue freezing.

Septoplasty - performed under anesthesia, submucosal vasotomy.

Pick up desired method Only a doctor can, in each case it is individual.

It is important to remember that when taking any drops for the treatment of a runny nose, you must follow the recommendations in the instructions for the drug or doctor's prescriptions. Do not exceed the indicated dose and time of taking the drug. Then it will be much more difficult to cure the dependence on the drops than the runny nose itself.

Video: Drops in the nose

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