Lice prevention: simple tips and tricks. Pediculosis: causes, prevention, control measures, folk remedies

Lice have been known to people since ancient times, there are many folk methods for the treatment and prevention of pediculosis. In ancient Egypt, prevention from lice and nits consisted of careful shaving of areas where hair grew; in Russia and Ukraine, tar was used to wash the head and body. In our time, pediculosis has not yet been completely defeated, although effective methods and means have been developed for the prevention of lice. How to avoid infection and protect your loved ones from lice, we will consider in the article.

Provoking factors and the development of pathology

Various types of lice can live on animals - monkeys, horses, dogs, pigs. Three types of lice are dangerous for humans:

  • rediculus humanus capitis (head);
  • Phthirus pubis (clothes);
  • humanus vestimenti (pubic).

Lice live only on the host, they quickly move from the body to clothes, underwear and hygiene items, but in need of food, they quickly find a new host, lay their eggs in the behind-the-ear or occipital zone of the head (from five per day). The larvae also feed on blood. The appearance of lice causes severe itching and a local burning sensation. Constantly combing the bites, you can provoke secondary inflammatory processes.

Carriers of lice, or otherwise suffering from lice, are contagious. The main ways of infection are contact and household (through household items, clothes, bedding). In large crowded communities, lice spread rapidly. This applies primarily to children's groups - summer camps, kindergartens, boarding schools, schools, sports clubs.

The opinion that lice is a feature of asocial strata of society and poorly developed societies has long been refuted. This disease affects adults and, more often, children, including those in quite prosperous families and social circles.

There are factors that contribute to the spread of pediculosis. Lice protection will be more effective if you know these conditions and be extremely careful when they occur. The following risk factors can be identified:

How to avoid infection?

How not to get lice is the first question that arises when you are near a sick lice. The place of infection can be any room where there are many people at the same time. Children's health camps, kindergartens, school locker rooms often become a hotbed of infection, because children rarely consciously follow the rules of hygiene, that is, they cannot protect themselves, and if the premises are not properly treated, they can get pediculosis.

Sports and gym, swimming pool, sauna, hostel, barracks, any locker room are also sources of invasion. A sloppyly cleaned hotel room, stale towels or bed linen is also unsafe.

When you are near a patient with pediculosis, you should treat his things from lice, exclude bodily contact, and begin treatment.

Paying close attention to hygiene and using only your own things can prevent the spread of head lice.

Consider how lice and nits are prevented at home and in public places.

Prevention in adults

Public security measures are controlled by the SES, mass cases of infection are recorded by Rospotrebnadzor. The risk of infection with pediculosis arises in a wide variety of cases, for example, in the performance of official duties. Medical personnel, social workers, representatives of humanitarian missions and foundations, teachers and educators are required to comply with basic measures for the prevention of pediculosis. According to the instructions, you must:

How not to get sick children?

Prevention of lice in children is one of the conditions for maintaining their health. Children are constantly at risk for the incidence of pediculosis. This happens for a variety of reasons, the most compelling of which are:

  • lack of conscious compliance with hygiene measures;
  • close contact in games, including interest in trying on other people's things;
  • lack of feelings of disgust.

Prevention of pediculosis in children should become a habit. However, it is quite difficult for children to understand issues related to the inviolability of personal belongings. Someone else's comb, hat, hairpin often cause acute curiosity. Therefore, the infectivity of children is much higher, and girls are more likely to become infected with lice.

In order for the child not to have lice as a prevention of pediculosis, it is necessary:

  • wash your body and head regularly;
  • comb your hair well, including a comb with fine teeth;
  • long hair in girls requires regular care and braiding, loose hair will attract insects more easily;
  • you need to teach the child to wear only their own hats, hairpins, hair ties;
  • you can use in minimal doses (once every two weeks) a medicated shampoo for the prevention of lice or, in agreement with the doctor, another remedy for lice. Preparations for children, as a rule, are the same as for adults (Pediculen Ultra shampoo, Lavinal prevention spray, etc.).

Preventive measures in both children and adults should not be one-time. These are regular actions that are carried out as long as there is a risk of infection.


Today, there are many preparations and shampoos against lice. Many of them can be used to prevent head lice at home. It is possible to protect a child from lice, thanks to an integrated approach to hygiene, constant parental attention, and reasonable care. If pediculosis is suspected, experts recommend consulting a doctor for a professional assessment of the state of health and prescribing treatment regimens that can be used in adults and children at home.

This disease was described by Aristotle, so the vital activity of such dangerous microorganisms goes back thousands of years. A louse is a wingless insect that has six limbs with claws for firm fixation on the human body. Thanks to the sharp teeth in the mouth apparatus, the pest digs into the skin, breaks its integrity, releases saliva, causing itching, and sucks blood. Lice are taken from the environment, and the most favorable conditions for existence are found in dirty places. The risk group includes people who do not follow the rules of personal hygiene

Incubation period of lice and nits


When this insect bites with saliva, a special substance penetrates the skin, provoking severe itching of the focus of pathology. The patient becomes nervous and irritable, behaves extremely irritably. Symptoms of pediculosis may not be noticed immediately, but their intensity gradually increases, as does the number of viable individuals in the hair. It is necessary to take measures to combat pediculosis, thus avoiding dangerous health complications. In addition, it is important to pay attention to such changes in general well-being:

  • tangling of hair;
  • the appearance of an unpleasant odor;
  • redness, swelling of the dermis;
  • irritation on the body;
  • decline in performance.

Types of pediculosis

Reasons for the appearance of lice

Before curing pediculosis, it is important to determine the source of infection, to provide preventive measures in a timely manner. The causes of the appearance of lice are obvious - in contact with contaminated household items, infected people or water. The contact-household path is the main direction why a once healthy person is faced with such an unpleasant diagnosis as pediculosis. A thing, water, children's toys in the garden, or even a familiar person may be infected. Other provoking factors for pediculosis are outlined below:

  • visits to places of increased congestion of people;
  • business trips, train travel and hotel stays;
  • non-compliance with mandatory preventive measures;
  • travel by public transport;
  • indiscriminate sexual relations.

In children

In young patients, lice appear on the scalp. Measures to combat pediculosis of parents should be followed immediately, but first you need to find out the true causes of infection. More often, a growing child is faced with the problem of lice in kindergarten, school, health camps and other crowded places. Other causes of head lice in children are:

  • non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, which is especially important for not neat children and inattentive parents;
  • direct contact with infected children, objects;
  • classes in a children's team, communication with unfamiliar people.

Pediculosis treatment

  • proper nutrition, the use of vitamins;
  • timely detection of secondary diseases;
  • the use of pharmaceutical products in the form of shampoos, balms, hair masks;
  • short haircut of the child (individually by the decision of the parents);
  • treatment of the head with folk remedies;
  • prolonged use of a comb for combing hair;
  • implementation of preventive measures;
  • the need to examine not only the foci of pathology, but also things with their subsequent washing, ironing with a well-hot iron.


  • Pediculen R Ultra;
  • Medilis-bio;
  • Paranit Lotion;
  • Anti-Bit;
  • Paranit Spray;
  • Chigia;
  • Para-Plus;
  • Full Marks.


After a single use of these drugs, it remains only to comb out the hair with a special comb, and carry out such a procedure for several days - in the morning and evening after examining the head. No less effective is the ointment from pediculosis, which can also be purchased at a pharmacy. Use separately from other drugs, follow all instructions from the instructions. Well proven such therapeutic ointments:

  • benzyl benzoate;
  • Permethrin ointment;
  • Boric ointment.

Dust soap

Folk remedies for lice

Measures to combat pediculosis can be not only official, but also alternative. Folk remedies for lice enjoy noticeable prevention, and are much cheaper than pharmacy shampoos, sprays and ointments. It is also possible to produce an effective remedy for pediculosis at home, the main thing is to choose a reliable, effective and safe recipe for all occasions. It can be a solution or a therapeutic ointment in order to suppress the pathogenic flora, to prevent re-infection. Here are some good recipes:

If a conscious person knows the causes of the development of the disease, then for the purpose of prevention, he should in every possible way avoid provoking factors. If the infection has already occurred, the first step is to wash bed linen and clothes, iron things, additionally steam all the items that the sick person has come into contact with. This is the main prevention of pediculosis in order to save the family from mass infection. After finding out the cause of the pathology, preventive measures are as follows:

Knowing the measures to combat the disease and the causes of its occurrence, adults should tell their children about prevention in a timely manner. For example, you can not use someone else's comb, otherwise the risk of infection with head lice only increases. Prevention of pediculosis in children involves observing the rules of personal hygiene, limiting contact with sick people. It is recommended to focus on the following measures for the prevention of pediculosis:

  1. Every three days, wash your child's head using special anti-lice shampoos.
  2. Keep the children's room clean and tidy, regularly perform general cleaning.
  3. Examine the baby's head every 10 days, and when visiting a kindergarten - once a week.


  • Para-Plus;
  • Paranit shampoo;
  • Anti-Bit;
  • Pedilin;
  • Chigia.


Pediculosis: causes, prevention, measures to combat which will be discussed in this article is an extremely delicate and unpleasant problem. But you can both remove lice and prevent their appearance if you use proven and effective means and methods. And for the treatment to be effective, it is worth following some rules.

What it is

Pediculosis is a disease, the main causative agent of which is lice. These pests are very small and often live on the head of a person. They hide in the hair and deftly move along it thanks to special scales on their paws. These insects feed on blood, which they suck out through punctures; the mouth apparatus of lice is specially designed for this way of eating food.

Since there are several types of lice, there are also several varieties of pediculosis:

  • Head lice is the most common and common type. The causative agents are head lice, which live in the scalp and feed on blood. Moreover, they are there all the time, without leaving the human body (they constantly need new portions of food, including for active reproduction). Lice can be transmitted from person to person very easily.
  • Clothes. Body lice - one of the varieties of head lice, which has some distinctive features. So, there are no scales on their paws, since they do not need to move along slippery hairs. Their main habitat is human clothing, especially in places of folds, for example, in pockets, sleeve cuffs, collars, and so on. Insects regularly move to the human body to get another portion of blood. Bites are most often observed in places where clothes and skin are in close contact: on the neck, in the armpits, on the chest, elbows, and so on.
  • Pubic pediculosis. Pubic lice live on the host's genitals, that is, on the pubis (hence the specific name of the species). It is clear that this disease is most often transmitted sexually.

To determine one or another type of disease is usually not difficult. Treatment in most cases is universal, although some products can only be used to treat hair or infected things.

Reasons for the development of the disease

The main causes of infection with pediculosis:

  • Non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. The less often a person takes a bath and especially washes his hair, the higher the likelihood of infection with head lice. If simple rules are strictly observed, and all parts of the body are kept clean, then even if one individual falls on a person, it will be removed by washing in the very near future. If you wash rarely, then soon the lice will begin to actively multiply, then the treatment of pediculosis will become much more complicated.
  • Staying in crowded places, such as shops or other institutions (especially if there are lines in them), summer camps, schools, kindergartens, hospitals, sanatoriums, social services, and so on. In them, the likelihood of contracting pediculosis increases significantly.
  • Trying on other people's clothing (especially hats).
  • Use of shared accessories or hygiene items, such as hairpins, combs.
  • Frequent travel by public transport.
  • Business trips, especially involving travel by train and stay in hotels or inns.
  • The main reason why pubic pediculosis develops is promiscuity with different partners, including unfamiliar ones.

There is a hypothesis according to which lice most often affect people with a weakened immune system or those who are in a nervous or stressful state. This is not scientifically proven, but still such a judgment is fully justified. For example, during times of stress, people often sweat, and body odor changes. This is probably what attracts individuals who quickly find the “victim” and begin to attack it.


Symptoms of pediculosis in children and adults are the same. A person infected with head lice looks quite normal, especially if there are still few pests on the scalp. But still, the disease can be determined by some changes, so, signs of pediculosis:

How to treat pediculosis

How to treat pediculosis, what to do in case of infection? Treatment aims to kill all lice and remove them from the scalp.


The main measures to prevent the development of pediculosis:

  • Follow the banal rules of personal hygiene, that is, take a bath or shower regularly and wash your hair thoroughly.
  • If you belong to a risk group, that is, you are forced to visit places of possible infection (in hospitals, shops, social services, educational institutions), then for preventive purposes periodically use the means that are used to treat pediculosis, for example, anti-pediculosis ointment or tea oil tree.
  • Treat things with a product that has a characteristic and noticeable or even pungent odor. For this purpose, tea tree oil can be used.
  • You should not shop in the markets and even more so try on hats.
  • To scare off pests, you can carry a plant or product with a pungent odor, for example, a sprig of wormwood or mint, tea tree oil.
  • Tight hairstyles or specific headwear will help protect against infection: scarves, disposable or rubber caps (they can be worn by employees of hospitals and sanatoriums, visitors to swimming pools).
  • Try adding an essential oil, such as tea tree oil, to your shampoo, it will repel pests with its special smell.

Any remedy, be it an ointment, shampoo or even tea tree oil, it is advisable to start using after consulting a specialist. One way or another, starting treatment, study the rules of use and find out contraindications to remove lice safely and get rid of them forever.

Now you know the causes of head lice in children, what to do to ensure proper treatment, get rid of pests, and also protect yourself from infection.

Parents who have children know firsthand about pediculosis. In kindergarten, school and other educational institutions, there are often outbreaks of the disease. In our article, we will give a detailed picture of this unpleasant disease, consider the causes, prevention, control measures that people may not be familiar with.

The concept and types of pediculosis

head lice

Each head louse, like an ordinary insect, has three stages of development: egg, larva, imago (adult). The insect does not have wings and long legs for jumping, it can only crawl.

The occipital, temporal and parietal parts of the head are considered favorite habitats, since the skin in these areas is very sensitive and soft. During an external examination of the patient, the largest accumulation of eggs (nits) can be found in these places. They are very small, but distinguishable by a normal eye. Their peculiarity is that the nits are whitish in color and are clearly distinguishable on dark hair.

The incubation period of lice and nits is a little over a week (9 days), that is, during this time the larva is able to hatch from the egg.

Important! Female lice live for about 30-40 days, laying up to 4 nits every day, respectively, during her life the female lays up to 160 eggs.

Another feature of the head louse is the inability to lay eggs at low temperatures. If the ambient temperature is below 20 degrees, egg laying stops, the growth of an adult slows down, and existing larvae may die.

body lice

Having studied the concept of pediculosis, it is worth noting that for a person it poses a serious danger.

Why are lice dangerous? Complications with advanced pediculosis can be in the form of:

  • typhus or relapsing fever;
  • Volyn fever.

The first mention of lice has been known since the time of Aristotle. They have always lived close to humans. Pediculosis can occur at any age if there was contact with the patient. The most susceptible part of the population are children in organized children's groups (kindergartens, schools). The cause of pediculosis can be any:

  1. If a healthy person used the patient's personal hygiene items: a towel, a comb, hair ties, hats, scarves, etc. In this case, women are more susceptible to pediculosis. For example, little girls with long hair are more likely to develop lice than children with short hair.
  2. At preschool age, lice are transmitted through close communication of children in kindergartens, sanatoriums, camps, and schools.
  3. When visiting a hairdresser or swimming pool, there is also a chance of getting lice.
  4. When staying in crowded places for a long time. For example, in public transport.
  5. The cause of pubic pediculosis is intimacy.

They won't jump on you from another person. Only with close contact of two heads, the louse is able to crawl from one head to another, this will take several minutes, since the speed of an adult is slightly more than 20 cm per minute. That is why children and adolescents are more likely to suffer from pediculosis in children's institutions, where direct contact with each other is inevitable, rather than vigilant adults who can avoid close communication.

Signs of manifestation and its diagnosis

Pediculosis clinic is as follows:

In each children's educational institution, medical examinations are regularly conducted, at which time pediculosis is detected in children. All carriers of lice are identified and referred for home treatment. The diagnosis is made by a dermatologist, who prescribes a course of therapy. After a certain time, the patient must re-appear at the clinic. If the doctor is convinced that there are no lice and nits, he will write out a certificate with which you can return to attending a kindergarten or school.

How to deal with the disease

When this disease is detected, it is important for each person to know that pediculosis will not go away on its own, it must be treated. Treatment can be carried out at home, but under the supervision of a dermatologist. When making a diagnosis, the doctor develops an action plan to combat pediculosis, which must be followed by the patient. The patient does not need to stay in the hospital, treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis.


Due to the wide choice of modern effective remedies for pediculosis, it will not be difficult to cope with the disease. These are all kinds of shampoos, sprays, ointments, infusions, etc. Modern pediculocides are products that contain chemical compounds that poison adults and destroy nits.

Before using one of the products, an allergy test should be performed. If there is one, then the best option would be treatment with folk remedies.

Folk remedies

Many patients, by virtue of minimizing the harmful effects of chemicals on the body, often resort to traditional medicine recipes. And there are these:

Every time after using any folk remedy, it is necessary to inspect for the presence of nits. They are very firmly glued to the hair, so they require mechanical removal by hand or with a fine comb.

Preventive measures

Prevention is aimed at the timely detection of signs of pediculosis.

  1. If your child attends an educational institution, then whenever he comes home, inspect his head for nits and lice.
  2. Long hair in girls must be tightly braided.
  3. Try, if possible, to avoid yourself and do not let children communicate with people whose lifestyle is accompanied by non-compliance with simple rules of hygiene. Tell your children that you can’t use someone else’s clothes, hats or personal items (towels, combs, hairpins).
  4. At each scheduled medical examination at a school or other educational institution, a dermatologist should talk about the possible causes of pediculosis. The doctor should tell you how you can get lice, what the danger is, how to determine them, what you need to do to protect yourself.
  5. If one family member has pediculosis, you should carefully examine the rest of the residents, remove him from communication.
  6. Personal hygiene: regular hair washing, examination of girls with long hair.
  7. Wet cleaning of the room.
  8. To protect yourself from body lice, you need to wear only your own clothes, wash and iron them periodically.
  9. When visiting large foci of pediculosis, pre-treat your hair with special repellents.

By following all the sanitary rules to prevent illness, you will protect your family as much as possible, but there is no complete certainty in “non-infection”.

Do not neglect this disease, it will not go away on its own. Subject to all therapeutic measures, as well as preventive measures at home, at school and kindergarten, the onset of the disease can be avoided.

Pediculosis is a socially significant disease that is a serious problem for both developing and economically developed countries. The disease is most common among children and persons aged 14-24 years. Preventive and with pediculosis are aimed at preventing the development of the disease, reducing the incidence and complete elimination among certain population groups.

Preventive measures are aimed at preventing the spread of an infectious disease. Prevention of pediculosis is divided into public and individual. for the purpose of their localization and elimination.

Head lice is more common in young children, schoolchildren and youth. The peak incidence is observed in autumn, when children and adults return from vacation. Pubic pediculosis is more often recorded in young people who lead a promiscuous sexual lifestyle. Clothes pediculosis is now rare, mainly in people living in unsanitary conditions. Babies become infected through the bed and from a sick mother.

Rice. 1. Lice are a constant companion of unsanitary conditions. The photo shows a neglected form of head lice.

Female lice lay 3 to 6 eggs daily. In her entire life (the louse lives for about 46 days), the female manages to lay up to 140 eggs. Lice lay their eggs on the hair (head and pubic lice), in the folds and seam areas of clothing and underwear (body lice). Each egg is wrapped in a sticky secret, which contributes to its long-term retention on hair and fabric. The formed cocoon is called a nit.

Climate mitigation, frequent infection associated with the lack of simultaneous treatment of contact persons from the focus of the disease, lack of awareness of preventive measures and incorrect (incomplete) treatment of the patient are the main causes of pediculosis outbreaks.

Rice. 2. Nits on the hair.

Rice. 3. Body lice.

Rice. 4. Pubic louse (photo on the left) and nits with pubic pediculosis (photo on the right).

Measures to prevent pediculosis

To prevent the spread of infection in our country, a whole complex has been developed and is being applied. preventive and anti-epidemic measures, including sanitary-hygienic, treatment-and-prophylactic and administrative measures.

  • Preventive measures are aimed at preventing the spread of an infectious disease.
  • Anti-epidemic measures are carried out in the focus of infection. They are aimed at its localization and elimination.

Measures for the primary prevention of pediculosis:

  • Compliance with the rules of personal and public hygiene.
  • Compliance with the sanitary and anti-epidemic regime in organized groups and medical institutions.

Measures for secondary prevention of pediculosis:

  • Early identification of the patient (when applying for medical care and conducting primary and periodic planned medical examinations of organized population groups).

Measures for the tertiary prevention of pediculosis:

  • Isolation of the patient.
  • Timely initiated, adequate treatment of the patient with the obligatory monitoring of the cure.
  • Identification, examination and treatment (processing) of contact persons.

Rice. 5. The photo shows pubic lice and nits.

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene is the first step in the fight against head lice

Overcrowding, unsanitary living conditions, irregular use of the shower or bath, a rare change of linen create conditions for the development of pediculosis. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene is the main component of individual prevention of pediculosis. To this end, it is recommended:

  • keeping the body and hair clean,
  • regular haircut,
  • change of underwear and bed linen (at least once a week or 10 days),
  • regular cleaning of outerwear,
  • do not use other people's combs, hairpins, scarves, hats and clothes,
  • in crowded places, do not walk with loose hair,
  • thoroughly and regularly clean the apartment,
  • conduct regular examinations of children and other family members for pediculosis, especially after a long absence,
  • if necessary, carry out preventive sanitization - washing and disinsection (destruction of arthropods).

A complex of hygienic measures is also carried out in organized groups in order to prevent the occurrence of an outbreak of pediculosis.

Rice. 6. The photo shows head lice.

Public prevention of pediculosis

Public prevention of head lice includes:

  • Compliance with sanitary and technical rules in production.
  • Strict observance of the sanitary and anti-epidemic regime in organized groups and medical institutions.
  • Early identification of the patient (when applying for medical care and conducting primary and periodic planned medical examinations of organized groups of the population).
  • Proper implementation of disinfection measures in hairdressing, laundries, beauty parlors.
  • Provision of institutions with the necessary amount of personal hygiene products, replaceable bed linen, detergents and disinfectants.
  • Provision of medical institutions with the necessary disinfection equipment.

Rice. 7. Body lice fed on blood.

Preventive medical examinations - a measure for the prevention of pediculosis in children and adults

Active identification of patients plays an important role in the fight against pediculosis. Patients with pediculosis are detected both when seeking medical help, and during primary and periodic medical examinations.

Primary medical examinations are carried out in the following cases:

  • upon admission of patients for inpatient treatment, upon referral to sanatorium treatment, in rest homes and children's institutions, in hostels, nursing homes and disabled people, upon admission to pre-trial detention centers and overnight stays;
  • in crowded and public places.

Primary medical examinations in children are carried out in the following cases:

  • upon admission to preschool institutions, schools, secondary and higher educational institutions, boarding schools, orphanages;
  • when returning from holidays and vacations;
  • with directions to pioneer camps, for inpatient and sanatorium treatment.

Scheduled medical examinations are subject to:

  • children attending kindergartens and schools,
  • collectives of orphanages and boarding schools,
  • students of vocational schools,
  • people living in hostels
  • persons of social security institutions,
  • employees of a number of industrial enterprises.

The frequency of scheduled inspections:

  • children from orphanages, orphanages and boarding schools are examined weekly for pediculosis,
  • school and college students, as well as children after returning from vacation, are examined quarterly,
  • children who are in pioneer camps are examined weekly,
  • Persons from social security institutions are examined twice a month,
  • employees of a number of enterprises during medical examinations,
  • patients who are on inpatient treatment are examined once every ten days.

Responsibility for the detection of pediculosis rests with medical workers of institutions and enterprises, regardless of departmental affiliation and ownership.

Rice. 8. The photo shows head lice.

Sanitary education is an important element in the prevention of pediculosis

Among the factors increasing the incidence of pediculosis, in addition to the growth of migration processes, insufficient sanitary and educational work plays an important role. Instilling in the population a sanitary culture and hygienic education is the main goal of sanitary and educational work. Its high level makes it possible to acquire useful skills and habits of a healthy lifestyle among the population.

Every adult must know how pediculosis manifests itself in order to seek medical help in a timely manner. Particular attention should be paid to parents, as children are especially susceptible to this disease. Compliance with elementary hygiene measures can stop the spread of this rather unpleasant disease.

Rice. 9. In the photo, bites of linen lice.

Anti-epidemic measures for pediculosis

When a patient with pediculosis is identified, an epidemiological examination of the focus is carried out. Based on its results, a plan is drawn up for anti-epidemic measures that are aimed at neutralizing the source of pathogens, breaking the infection transmission mechanisms and the susceptible contingent.


When a patient with pediculosis is detected, the patient is immediately sanitized, followed by washing. In parallel with this, the patient's linen, bedding are subject to processing, wet cleaning of the room is carried out using disinfectants.

  • Activities in the detection of head or pubic pediculosis with a low degree of lice from the home are carried out independently by the sick and caring staff.
  • If combined pediculosis (head and body lice), a sick child from a closed institution, a lonely, disabled person, a person living in hostels, a member of a large family, a migrant, a person without a fixed place of residence, is detected, the treatment is carried out by a specialized organization using chamber processing of bed and underwear .
  • When a patient is identified upon admission to inpatient treatment, sanitization is carried out in the admissions department. The patient's belongings and the clothes of medical personnel are sent for chamber treatment for disinfection.


A patient with pediculosis is exempted from visiting the team. The focus is monitored for a period of 1 month. In the outbreak, once every ten days, examinations for pediculosis are carried out. Admission to the team is carried out after a complete and effective treatment with a certificate from a dermatologist or pediatrician.

Rice. 10. Body lice (left photo) and nits (left photo).

Sanitary treatment for pediculosis

In case of detection of lice in the focus of pediculosis, disinsection is carried out. Lice are destroyed simultaneously on the patient's body, his clothes, underwear, bedding and, in some cases, on furnishings.

In case of detection of body lice, with severe lice or a mixed form of the disease, disinfection is carried out by disinfection institutions. During the sanitization of the patient and work with his linen and things, medical personnel dress in special clothes. After hospitalization of the patient or after his recovery, final disinfection. The patient's belongings, care items, dishes, furniture, floors and walls are subject to processing. Bedding and clothes of the patient are subject to chamber processing.

You can get rid of head lice by combing out the nits and the insects themselves with a special comb. This method is indicated for patients who have contraindications to the use of pediculicides - pregnant and lactating mothers, children under 5 years old, people with allergies. Using a good comb will allow the patient to completely abandon insecticides. Only clean hair should be combed. To facilitate the procedure, the hair washing field should be rinsed with a 5-10% solution of acetic acid, which weakens the attachment of nits to the hair. Combing is done every three days for 2 weeks.

The use of a mechanical method of removing head lice and nits makes it possible to avoid in 95% of cases the re-treatment of hair with an insecticidal preparation.

For the destruction of lice, physical methods of destruction are used. Hot water, dry hot and humid air, freezing are methods used to combat body lice.

The most popular today are Medifox, Medifox Super, Avicin, Hygia, Nittifor, Nix, NOK, Veda-2, Reed, A-Par, Pax, Anti-Bit, Pedilin, Para Plus, Medilis Super, Para Plus, Full Marx, Paranit , Nyuda, Pedicullin, Ultra, Benzyl benzoate.

Rice. 13. There are more than 20 lice remedies for sale in pharmacies. About 70% of them are based on synthetic pyrethrins, which are poisonous chemicals (insecticides) used to kill insects.

Sanitation for head lice infestation

If patients with head lice are identified from home foci, provided they live in comfortable apartments, treatment can be carried out by the patient and caring staff. Instructs and gives advice on getting rid of head lice by medical personnel. The patient should know that in the family it is necessary to conduct a mutual examination of family members, the method of using the remedy for lice and the technique of conducting the current disinfection.

When examining a patient and members of his family, special attention is paid to the places of the greatest resettlement of lice - more often the temple area, behind the ears, the back of the head, on the beard and mustache in men.

The main methods of getting rid of head lice:

  1. Hair after cutting or shaving is collected on paper or oilcloth and burned, and tools are disinfected with 70% alcohol.
  2. Head lice are treated with a variety of products in the form of concentrates, emulsions, gels, lotions, creams, shampoos and aerosols. Most pediculicides require re-treatment, as they do not affect eggs. Preparations of the group of pyrethrins and synthetic pyrethroids (Medifox, Medifox Super and the analogue of Medifox Avicin) and the group of organophosphorus compounds (Para Plus aerosol) destroy lice and eggs, therefore, do not require re-treatment.
  3. Sanitization for infestation with pubic lice

    In case of damage by pubic lice, the patient is sent to the dermatovenerologic dispensary, where an examination for other sexual infections will be carried out.

    Pubic lice live in the pubis, scrotum, perineum, perianal folds, sometimes along the edge of hair growth on the head, on eyelashes, eyebrows and in the axillary region.

    Shaving your hair is best for head lice. In areas where there is no hair, pubic lice do not survive. Lice from eyelashes and eyebrows are removed with tweezers.

    Of the pediculicides used:

  • Preparations containing permethrin: Medifox and Medifox Super, Avicin, Hygia gel-based liquid, Nitifor, Pax, NOC and Veda-2.
  • Preparation of the group of organophosphorus compounds Medilis Super solution.
  • A drug that has a physical effect on lice - shampoo, spray and lotion Pediculen Ultra.

Lice remedies Medifox, Medifox Super, Avicin and Medilis Super are 100% ovicidal - they destroy lice and nits in one application.

After treatment, you must take a shower with soap. At the same time, linen and clothing are changed and disinfected.

When infected with pubic lice, all family members are examined, including for head and body lice.

Rice. 15. The photo shows pubic pediculosis.

Sanitary treatment for body lice infestation

Clothes (linen) lice settle, live and lay their eggs in the folds of linen, folds and seams on clothes in the collar, belt, sleeves and cuffs. Despite their inactivity, insects quickly spread among people. Especially often, outbreaks of body lice are recorded among the homeless and in places of long-term stay of adults and children.

If single lice and nits are found, treatment can be carried out at home. With severe lice and mixed pediculosis (head and underwear), the treatment is carried out by the disinfection departments of the sanitary and epidemiological stations or disinfection stations. Things of the patient, linen and bedding are subject to chamber processing. The patient himself is sanitized.

  • Linen and clothes are soaked in chemical solutions followed by rinsing. In the absence of such, the linen is boiled in a 2% solution of soda ash for 20-30 minutes.
  • The patient's clothes are ironed with a hot steam iron. Particular attention should be paid to the pleats, seams, cuffs, collar and waistband.
  • Outerwear, bedding and objects that the patient has come into contact with are irrigated with emulsion solutions or aerosols.

Rice. 16. Linen lice in the folds of fabric.

In all cases, after sanitization, it is necessary to monitor the effectiveness of the measures taken by inspecting for the detection of live individuals and nits.

Read more about the drugs used to treat pediculosis in the article.

Detailed information on the use of remedies for lice and nits is presented in the article.

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