Rational nutrition of the elderly. Diet for the Elderly Diet Tips for the Elderly

The aging process is a complex of changes resulting from the action of time. Aging is a process of accumulation of various age-related changes. These changes are manifested at the cellular, molecular and tissue level. Aging is a general biological pattern, which is characterized by a significant weakening of the functional abilities of all systems of the human body.

Changes, of course, appear in the digestive system. The gastric mucosa becomes thinner and the cells become less differentiated. All this leads to the fact that the secretory and motor functions of the stomach are reduced. In addition to these functions, the level of acidity of gastric juice decreases, which affects the state of the intestinal microflora. Therefore, due to the low acidity of gastric juice, putrefactive microbes predominate in the microflora. The amount of active enzymes in the human pancreas is significantly reduced. Excess weight also affects the development of processes leading to aging.

In old age, in order to maintain the normal state and performance of the body, it is necessary to eat right. If nutrition is balanced, then it significantly affects the development of the aging process. And therefore, it is necessary to properly organize nutrition and be sure to take into account the capabilities of the digestive system, the functions of which decrease over time. Older people need to eat in moderation - this is the first rule. The second rule of nutrition for the elderly is that nutrition should be biologically complete, balanced. And the third - you need to add to the diet foods that contain anti-sclerotic substances.

In old age, the formation of tissues in the body is completed, and therefore the body's need for protein is much less than in youth. The intensity of physical activity also decreases with age. And in this case, the rate of protein in the body must be lowered. But in older people, regeneration of worn-out cells occurs, for which quite a lot of protein is needed. That is why in the diet 55% of the total amount of proteins should be animal proteins. But the amount of fat consumed must be limited, since the abundant consumption of foods containing fats has a strong effect on the development of atherosclerosis. In addition, it is quite difficult for the weakened digestive system of an elderly organism to process a large amount of fat. Therefore, in the first place it is necessary to limit the consumption of animal fats. But in the diet can be both butter and vegetable oil. However, the latter should not be abused, since a large amount of vegetable fats adversely affects digestion.

In general, the amount of carbohydrates that the body receives exceeds the amount of proteins. But in old age with little physical activity, the amount of carbohydrates consumed must be reduced. This is very necessary for the body, since an excessive amount of sugar negatively affects the activity of beneficial intestinal microflora. In this case, you need to consume more complex carbohydrates, but the amount of easily digestible carbohydrates should be reduced.

Older people especially need vitamins, as they help to slow down the aging process. The vitamin complex normalizes the state of the nervous and vascular systems, and also inhibits the development of many "senile" diseases, including atherosclerotic ones.

Vitamin C is one of the most useful and necessary vitamins for the body of people in their prime. It is this vitamin that sets the balance between cholesterol synthesis and its processing. Vitamin C also increases the reactivity of the human body. However, it is impossible to abuse vitamin C - it has a bad effect on the functioning of the pancreas. The body also needs vitamin P, which helps to lower blood pressure with increased hypertension, and vitamins that inhibit the development of atherosclerosis: folic and pantothenic acids, choline, B6, B12, F.

In the diet of people after 55 years, the amount of minerals should be less than in the diet of middle-aged people. In old age, the body accumulates minerals. This may be, for example, the accumulation of salts in the joints or in the walls of blood vessels. But there are also cases where the cause of osteoporosis was salt deficiency. That is why you should be very careful in the use of minerals.

In the products that the elderly consume, microelements such as calcium, potassium, iodine, and magnesium should prevail. The norm of calcium intake per day after the age of 55 years is 800 mg. The recommended intake of magnesium should be 400 mg per day. If this trace element is not enough, then the calcium content in the walls of blood vessels increases in the body. Potassium is very important for the body, as it increases the contraction of the heart, and also helps to remove excess water and sodium chloride from the body. Iodine is necessary for the body, namely for the implementation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism, which is very important for people in their prime.

Nutrition advice for people over 55 includes recommendations that are needed for people of any age, as well as specific advice that is needed specifically for people in old age. Be sure to remember that with age, the body's need for calories decreases, and therefore it is necessary to reduce the calorie content of food, reducing the amount of easily digestible carbohydrates and animal fats.

Basic principles of nutrition for the elderly

  1. It is necessary to limit the consumption of animal fats, namely: butter, cream, fatty meats, fish roe, offal. You need to eat foods that are cooked without adding fat: stewed, baked, boiled, or steamed.
  2. Limit your intake of salt and sugar. The norm of sugar per day is up to 50 grams (as part of drinks, confectionery), and the norm of salt in the body is up to 5 grams (as part of fish and meat dishes).
  3. In food, it is desirable to consume sour-milk drinks with low fat content, which are enriched with probiotics.
  4. The diet should contain polyunsaturated fatty acids. These acids are part of vegetable oils, found in fatty fish.
  5. In food, you need to eat more foods containing vitamin C: orange, currant, gooseberry, grapefruit, blueberry, lemon, rosehip broth.
  6. You also need to add foods to the diet that contain a large amount of potassium and magnesium salts in their composition, namely: carrots, milk, nuts, dried apricots, millet, potatoes, beets, rice, cabbage, prunes.
  7. It is necessary to increase the consumption of foods that are rich in dietary fiber: vegetables, fruits, berries, bran bread, whole grain bread.
  8. It is necessary to eat foods with a significant content of B vitamins: bran, bread, legumes, dairy products, cereals, fish.
  9. You need to stick to fractional and frequent meals.

In order for the body to function normally, you need to regularly eat the following foods:

  1. Sour-milk drinks with low fat content: fermented baked milk, kefir, yogurt. These drinks are a necessary source of protein, vitamin B2, calcium.
  2. All kinds of cereals. Oatmeal and other various cereals in their composition contain food, natural, soluble fibers. In order to lower the level of sugar in the blood, as well as cholesterol, you need to eat oatmeal regularly. Of course, other cereals are also very beneficial for the body. It is best to use them several times a day.
  3. At least 3 times a week you need to eat legumes: peas, beans, lentils. They are an excellent source of protein, and in addition, they contain phytoestrogens, which significantly reduce the risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system and osteoporosis. However, if you suffer from diseases of the kidneys and joints, gout, then these products are strictly contraindicated.
  4. Also, at least 3 times a week, you need to eat fatty fish, namely: herring, mackerel, sardines. The fat contained in fish ensures the correct, harmonious functioning of the heart, and also helps to strengthen the immune system and normalizes cholesterol metabolism. Fish contains protein, zinc, iron, vitamin A and D.
  5. Be sure to include in the diet of various herbs (dill, cilantro, parsley), which is a source of vitamin C and folic acid. It is best to eat greens fresh and no less than 2 times a day.
  6. Also, for the elderly, a variety of fruits and berries are needed, which contain many biologically active compounds and natural dietary fiber. They help protect the body from malignant neoplasms, and blood vessels from cholesterol.
  7. Every day you need to eat seeds and nuts, as they are rich in protein, polyunsaturated acids and vitamins.
  8. Of course, you need to use all kinds of vegetables, both raw and stewed or boiled.

Indicative menu for people over 55

tea with milk, you can just herbal or green tea.

fresh fruits or berries;
baked apple.

cabbage soup;
boiled fish with mashed potatoes;
carrot salad dressed with sour cream;
compote or jelly.

Afternoon snack:
rosehip decoction or herbal infusion.

cabbage rolls stuffed with vegetables;
cottage cheese pudding;
tea with honey.

For the night:

In addition, throughout the day you can:
10 g butter;
300 g of bread;
30 g sugar.

At the moment, experts have proven that if you reduce the consumption of sweet, fatty foods in the diet, and also if you increase the consumption of various dairy products, whole grain bread, fish, and various cereals, you can extend your life. You just need to adjust your diet to avoid many diseases. And also it is necessary to remember about the minimum physical activity.

The quality of his life depends on how the nutrition of an elderly person is organized, what products will be present in his diet.

The main principles of rational nutrition of the elderly are:

Energy balance nutrition

Food should be balanced in calories: you should not overeat and eat too much fatty and carbohydrate foods (bread, cereals, sugar). Overeating is often the cause of health problems. In ancient Rome, on the grave of a man who lived for 112 years, an inscription was made: "He ate and drank in moderation."

Prevention of atherosclerosis

Vascular atherosclerosis is the main cause of serious illness and death in the elderly today.

Try to eat as little animal fat as possible, eat more fish, which contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, cottage cheese, sour-milk and seafood products, as well as vegetables and fruits - this helps lower blood cholesterol levels and prevents its reabsorption from the intestines into the blood.

Maximum Diet Diversity

Food should contain all the substances necessary for the normal functioning of the organs and systems of the body, so it is imperative to include a variety of foods in the daily menu: meat, fish, eggs, various fats, vegetables and fruits, dairy products, cereals.

Sufficient intake of vitamins and minerals

To do this, in addition to including in the daily set of products containing a large amount of vitamins, it is necessary to follow the rules of culinary processing. If they are violated, the vitamins contained in natural products can be completely destroyed.

The diet of the elderly (main meat) should be dominated by raw vegetables and fruits. It is desirable to eat them throughout the year. Raw fruits and vegetables, their juices, as well as dried fruits provide the diet with a sufficient amount of minerals. It is not advisable for older people to systematically use canned foods and concentrates, since the vitamins in them are partially destroyed during technological processing. In addition, you should limit the amount of salt in your diet. The abuse of salty foods can increase blood pressure, fluid retention in the body, and worsen heart function. Salt is recommended to eat no more than 10 g per day with a restriction in the diet of herring, pickles, mushrooms and other salty foods.

Products and dishes should be light, well digestible

This is due to a decrease in the digestive activity of digestive enzymes in old age. That is why you should give preference to fish and dairy rather than meat proteins, you should not often and in large quantities use smoked meats, mushrooms, legumes - these products complicate the work of the digestive tract.

Food should be appetizing

Older people often have a reduced appetite, so it is important that the dishes you put on the table look attractive. It is necessary to use greens, garlic, onions, horseradish more widely: they not only improve the taste of dishes, but also supply the body with useful substances: vitamins, phytoncides, minerals, etc. For the prevention of atherosclerosis and the regulation of the functions of the digestive organs, it is advisable to systematically use onions and garlic. Folk wisdom says: onions - from seven ailments, and the peoples of the East have a saying: onions, any disease passes in your arms.

Green onions are especially useful in the spring season, when the reserves of vitamin C in vegetables and fruits are noticeably depleted.

There is evidence that berries and fruits contain substances of the dicoumarin series, i.e. reduce blood clotting and reduce the level of prothrombin. The need for older people in vegetables and fruits throughout the year is about 300-400 g per day. Their low calorie content allows you to reduce the calorie content of the diet, and a significant amount gives a feeling of satiety. Ballast substances (cell membranes, pectin) stimulate the intestines, eliminate putrefactive microflora, promote the excretion of cholesterol. In addition, most vegetables and fruits contain a significant amount of potassium salts, which has a diuretic and antiarrhythmic effect, which improves the condition of the cardiovascular system. And finally, with vegetables and fruits, we get the main amount of vitamin C.

Rules for cooking vegetables and fruits

Of great importance is the observance of certain rules for the preparation of vegetables and fruits, since if this is neglected, vitamin C can be almost completely destroyed. For example, when cooking potato or cabbage cutlets, casseroles, about 95% of ascorbic acid is destroyed, and when boiling potatoes in their skins or steamed, from 10 to 15%. If potatoes are dipped into cold water instead of boiling water, the loss of vitamin C increases to 35%. With long-term storage of the cooked dish (even in the refrigerator), the amount of ascorbic acid decreases by 20-30% after 3 hours, and after a day - by 40-50%.

A good source of vitamin C in the spring is sauerkraut: 100 g of this product contains up to 20 g of ascorbic acid. At the same time, if sauerkraut is washed and squeezed, the amount of vitamin is reduced by more than half. In spring, you need to include greens in the menu more widely and earlier - green onions, rhubarb, lettuce - as sources of vitamin C, as well as rosehip broth or blackcurrant mashed with sugar. Pharmaceutical ascorbic acid can also be used.

Sufficient content of vitamin C in the body not only strengthens the walls of blood vessels, contributes to the normalization of cholesterol metabolism, but also increases the body's resistance to various infections. The increase in the number of colds in the spring can be explained by a decrease in the body's resistance against the background of a deficiency of ascorbic acid.

The most widespread in the nutrition of the population of our country is potatoes, 100 g of which contains 20 g of carbohydrates, 2 g of protein and 1.2 g of mineral salts, and of all vegetable proteins, "potato" is the most complete. The content of ascorbic acid in potatoes is low, but since it is eaten in large quantities, it is an essential supplier of this vitamin.

There are special "potato" diets that are used for medicinal purposes in certain diseases, for example, in chronic renal failure. The low protein content in such a diet and the high calorie content help to achieve a significant therapeutic effect.

As a source of potassium salts, baked or boiled potatoes in their skins are included in the diet of patients with hypertension, cardiovascular insufficiency with edema (when boiling peeled potatoes, potassium salts go into the broth). Raw potato juice is used in therapeutic nutrition for peptic ulcer and hypertension as a means of reducing spasm of smooth muscles. The calorie content of potatoes is quite high (94 calories per 100 g), therefore, with a tendency to be overweight, it is better to limit its consumption.

The benefits of cabbage have been appreciated by people since ancient times. The philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras wrote: "Cabbage is a vegetable that constantly maintains cheerfulness and a cheerful, calm mood of the spirit." There are many varieties of cabbage: white, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi, etc. Cabbage contains a lot of vitamin C, carotene, vitamins B, B 6, the so-called vitamin U, which has an antiulcer effect. The mineral composition of cabbage is also rich - these are salts of potassium, phosphorus, sulfur. 100 g of cabbage contains 1.8 g of protein (moreover, it also includes essential amino acids) and 5.4 g of carbohydrates. Low calorie content - only 28 calories per 100 g - allows cabbage to be widely recommended for people prone to obesity.

As a rule, older people do not include enough carrots in their diet, and in fact it contains substances that have a therapeutic effect on the body: carotene, potassium salts, lecithin. Carrots are especially useful for vitamin A deficiency in the body, for diseases of the liver, kidneys, and to eliminate constipation.

Among part of the population there is an opinion that tomatoes contribute to the deposition of salts in the joints. This is not true. These vegetables contain a small amount of oxalic acid, the salts of which (oxalates) are contraindicated in violation of certain types of water-salt metabolism. Basically, tomatoes contain malic and citric organic acids, which have the most beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the body, as well as carotene, vitamins C, P, and B vitamins in a small amount. There are a lot of potassium salts and other minerals in tomatoes. Therefore, older people are advised to eat fresh tomatoes and drink tomato juice. But canned and salted tomatoes, tomato paste can also be consumed only if there are no diseases of the liver and biliary tract and with a low content of table salt in the diet.

The nutritional value of cucumbers is low: 100 g of these vegetables contains 95 g of water and only 15 calories, so they are used as "unloading" in violation of fat metabolism. Salted and pickled cucumbers are tasty, stimulate the appetite and can be eaten in small quantities.

Vegetables such as zucchini, pumpkin, eggplant, not only diversify the diet, but also enrich it with minerals, especially potassium salts.

Unlike other vegetables, beets are rich in sucrose. A significant fiber content, the presence of organic acids (malic and oxalic), as well as sucrose cause the laxative effect of beets. The tops should also be used, since they contain up to 50 mg of vitamin C - much more than in the root crop.

Since ancient times, many berries and fruits have been used as remedies for various diseases. And now housewives dry and boil raspberries, which, even in our age of antibiotics and sulfonamides, are indispensable for colds. Blueberries are used to treat diarrhea, and plum, on the contrary, helps to eliminate constipation.

Treatment of patients with hypertension is much more effective if the patient's menu includes dried apricots, prunes, raisins, rich in potassium salts. These products are used to treat chronic heart failure and arrhythmia.

The English say: "Eat one apple a day and you won't need a doctor." The high content of sugars, pectin, fiber, ascorbic acid, iron salts, manganese, potassium, calcium, organic acids (including salicylic acid) determines the therapeutic effect of apples in acute and chronic colitis, cardiovascular diseases, gout.

Rosehip is a real pantry of ascorbic acid: 100 g of fruit contains 1000 mg of vitamin C, while the daily human need is 70-120 mg. To obtain a rosehip infusion, pour 1 tablespoon of berries with a glass of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, leave for a day, and then strain. It turns out a sour drink with a pleasant aroma, one glass of which will fill the daily need for vitamin C.

Citrus fruits - oranges, lemons, tangerines, grapefruits - are rich in vitamin C, carotene, potassium salts, organic acids, fiber; essential oils give them a specific aroma. All this allows us to recommend citrus fruits to the elderly.

But grapes should be eaten in small quantities, since the high content of sugars often causes an increase in fermentation processes in the intestines, bloating. In addition, grapes should not be eaten with other vegetables and fruits, as well as with milk, kvass and mineral water.

With intolerance to raw vegetables and fruits, you can replace them with fruit and vegetable juices, although it is very important for older people to get enough plant fiber.

To improve the taste of food, parsley is recommended as a seasoning for the first and second courses. The high content of ascorbic acid, rutin, carotene, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium salts in parsley and celery significantly improves the mineral and vitamin composition of the diet. However, they are quite high in purines, so for those who suffer from gout, it is better to use greens in a limited way.

Milk and dairy products should make up a significant part of an older person's diet. The daily requirement of older people (up to 65 years) in milk and fermented milk products is up to 300 g, and in cottage cheese - up to 100 g. Fermented milk products are diverse: kefir, yogurt, acidophilus, and ryazhenka - for every taste. All these products contain sour-milk fungi, which, populating the large intestine, create a slightly acidic environment in it and prevent the development of pathogenic microbes. In addition, due to the content of lactic acid and carbon dioxide, fermented milk products quench thirst well, increase appetite, and improve intestinal motility. Several varieties of cottage cheese go on sale - fatty, low-fat, dietary. Low-fat cottage cheese is made from skimmed milk, it contains more protein (up to 18 g per 100 g) than other varieties, and a small amount of fat, so its calorie content is lower and it is especially recommended for overweight people.

As already mentioned, cheeses are a good source of protein.

Meat and fish should also be included in the diet in sufficient quantities. The Institute of Nutrition recommends that older people consume up to 100 grams of lean meat and 75 grams of fish per day.

Meat is a source of proteins, B vitamins (B 2 , PP, B 6 , B 12), minerals. Of all the varieties of meat, beef has the most valuable amino acid composition; in the meat of young animals (chickens, calves) there are much more purine bases. When cooking meat, extractive substances pass into meat fats.

What is preferable from a large number of various meat products: sausages, ham, canned food, etc.? There are no prohibitions for the elderly, but still it must be taken into account that the fat content in sausage is from 10 to 50%, while in beef it is about 5%. The brains and internal organs of animals (liver) contain a lot of cholesterol, so they should not be consumed often and in large quantities. There is a large assortment of canned meats. You can quickly cook delicious dishes from them, but, unfortunately, there will be almost no vitamins in them, since during canning most of the vitamins are destroyed under the influence of high temperatures. Therefore, natural home-cooked meat is certainly preferable. The same advice applies to fish and fish dishes.

For the elderly, sufficient content of iodine salts in the body, which has long been considered a means of preventing atherosclerosis, is of great importance. Its source is marine products - squid, scallops, shrimp, seaweed, "Krill", "Ocean" paste, which, in addition, have many essential amino acids. And seaweed contains substances that prevent the formation of blood clots in the vessels. The inclusion of seafood in the diet reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood, reduces blood clotting and inhibits the development of atherosclerosis, the main disease of old age.

The daily need for bread in the elderly is about 300 g. You can eat equally rye and wheat, but the most useful bread is made from wholemeal flour or bran. Along with other grains, bread is the main source of vegetable protein (up to 11.5 g per 100 g of wheat). However, the amino acid composition of rye bread is more complete, contains more essential amino acids - lysine, methionine, valine, threonine.

The need for fluid in a temperate climate is up to 1.5 liters per day: it can be fruit and vegetable juices, compotes, kissels, milk and sour-milk products, rosehip broth, weak tea and coffee, cocoa. In the absence of special indications (cardiac decompensation, kidney disease), there is no need to limit the amount of liquid in the diet, since under-oxidized, toxic metabolic products are removed from the body with the liquid. But table salt, which retains water in the body, is better to limit, reduce the consumption of salty snacks, salt food moderately. Strong teas and coffees should be avoided, as they contain stimulants and purines that adversely affect the functioning of many organs. Cocoa and chocolate in large quantities is undesirable.

Everyone can drink mineral waters, but if there are disorders in the intestines, stomach, liver, you should consult your doctor.

It must also be remembered that even a fully balanced diet will not bring the proper benefit if the diet is not followed, as well as the rules for eating.

Infrequent or disorderly meals, foods that are too hot or cold, a heavy dinner just before bed, serious, exciting conversations and haste during meals, and poorly chewed food can cause noticeable disturbances in the functioning of the digestive and other systems in an elderly person.

Poorly chewed food is a big burden for the digestive organs, it is worse digested and absorbed. In addition, when eating in a hurry, food particles can enter the respiratory tract. If a person talks while eating, he swallows air, which can cause a loud burp. For people with a healthy heart, there is no great harm in this, but with atherosclerosis, hypertension, the displacement of the heart caused by a distended stomach significantly disrupts its activity.

Too cold, as well as too hot food, as a rule, causes disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. Many have probably noticed that milk from the refrigerator provokes bloating and rumbling in the stomach, sometimes even diarrhea, while warmed or room temperature does not cause these phenomena.

Of great importance is the distribution of food throughout the day in terms of volume and calorie content. Breakfast should be 35-40% of the daily diet, lunch should be 40-45%, and a light dinner should be 15-20%. Too heavy dinner contributes to weight gain, disrupts the rhythm of the digestive organs, deprives them of rest, adversely affects the state of the heart, leads to sleep disturbance and can cause changes in the electrocardiogram in the elderly, and with systematic eating disorders, seriously affect the work of the heart.

Older people should not abuse spices - vinegar, mustard, pepper. By irritating the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, these products can cause inflammation in the stomach and intestines.

Meat and fish are preferably consumed boiled and only occasionally fried or baked after boiling. In general, fried foods are best avoided, since when they are cooked, substances are formed that disrupt the digestive system and bile secretion. In addition, they contain too much fat, for example: in fish products - up to 66%, in rice cakes - up to 96%. In people suffering from chronic cholecystitis, gastritis, fried foods often cause exacerbation of diseases. Vegetables are also best cooked stewed, baked and boiled.

When cooking meat or fish, the biological value of proteins does not decrease - as, indeed, during canning. But the amount of vitamins in canned food, depending on the method of preparation, decreases from 50 to 5%, and the amount of minerals - from 17 to 5%, which is why it is better not to abuse canned food.

Some people believe that ground, pureed food is healthier. This is wrong, since sparing food often leads to the development of constipation.

Andrey Starukhin
From the book "Secrets of an experienced nurse"

Article provided by the publishing house "Geleos"

Comment on the article "Basic principles of rational nutrition for the elderly"

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Basic principles of rational nutrition of the elderly. Magic Magnesium. home > Beauty and health > Healthy nutrition > Dietary supplements, vitamins and microelements.

According to the age classification approved by the Congress of Gerontologists and Geriatricians, the population over 60 years of age is divided into three age categories: the elderly - from 61 to 74 years; senile persons - 75 years and older, centenarians - 90 years and older.

Aging is a slow process of accumulation of age-related changes that manifest themselves at all levels of the whole organism. Changes and causes that form aging include changes in the cells of the central nervous system, atrophy of the gonads, intestinal autointoxication, degeneration of colloids, etc.

One of the most important factors causing aging is a decrease in the intensity of self-renewal of cell protoplasm. In the process of aging, protoplasm loses nucleoproteins, nucleic acids and other components characterized by high self-renewability.

Aging is characterized by a weakening of the functional ability of all body systems. Significant changes occur in the digestive system.

When compiling a rational diet for the elderly, it is necessary to take into account, first of all, the reduced capacity of the digestive system. In this regard, the first requirement for the nutrition of the elderly is moderation, i.e., some restriction of nutrition in quantitative terms. Given the decrease in the intensity of metabolic processes during aging, the second requirement should be considered to be the provision of high biological nutritional value by including sufficient amounts of vitamins, biomicroelements, phospholipids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, etc. The third requirement for the nutrition of the elderly is the enrichment of diets with natural anti-sclerotic substances contained in a significant quantity in food.

To ensure the process of cell regeneration, an elderly person requires a sufficiently high amount of proteins. Along with this, there are recommendations regarding the restriction of protein in old age due to the fact that its excess can contribute to the development of atherosclerosis. Protein restriction in the diet of elderly and senile people, as well as sugar restriction, leads to a persistent decrease in blood cholesterol levels. It is generally accepted that the optimal protein requirement for the elderly is 1 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight. The intake of proteins recommended by the Institute of Nutrition of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences for the elderly is given in Table. 6.

Table 6. Recommended daily intake of proteins, fats,

carbohydrates and energy for the elderly

Age Proteins, g fats, Carbohydrates, g Energy
Total including animals. kJ kcal
60-74 years old 69 38 77 333 9623 2300
75 years and older 60 33 67 290 8368 2000
60-74 years old 63 35 70 305 8786 2100
75 years and older 57 31 63 275 7950 1900

Animal proteins should make up approximately 55% of the total protein in the diet.

When compiling a menu for the elderly, it is necessary to reduce the amount of fat, mainly due to fats of animal origin (lamb and beef fats). From fats of animal origin, milk fats are preferable.

It is also recommended to include 20-25 g of vegetable oils in the diet daily. The content of carbohydrates in the diet of the elderly should be limited (Table 6) due to the manifestation of the hypercholesterolemic effect of excess low molecular weight carbohydrates. Against the background of a general decrease in the amount of carbohydrates in food, a somewhat greater restriction of easily digestible carbohydrates - sugar and sweet foods is required. As sources of carbohydrates in old age, whole grain products (rye and wheat bread from wholemeal flour, etc.), as well as potatoes and other vegetables, are desirable. You should also use foods that contain a lot of fiber and pectin. Fiber helps to remove cholesterol from the body.

Providing older people with vitamins improves oxidative processes, normalizes metabolism and thus slows down the aging of the body. Vitamin C plays an important role in this. Under the influence of ascorbic acid, the physiological balance between the biosynthesis of cholesterol and its utilization in tissues is stabilized. Ascorbic acid increases the body's reactivity and strengthens defense mechanisms. Providing the body with vitamin C should be made at the expense of its natural sources. Excess intake of vitamin C has an adverse effect on the pancreas.

Due to the fact that vitamins C and P are synergists, in old age it is rational to introduce P-active substances into the diet, which have the ability to lower blood pressure. Vitamins with lipotropic properties that inhibit the development of atherosclerosis include choline, inositol, vitamin B12 and folic acid, and, according to some reports, vitamin B15. Vitamin Wb (pyridoxine) and pantothenic acid, as well as vitamin F (polyunsaturated fatty acids) have pronounced lipotropic properties.

Daily requirement for vitamins in the elderly

age is given in table. 7.

There are preventive measures that slow down the development of premature aging to some extent. These funds also include various vitamin complexes, including a number of vitamins taken in certain ratios.

In old age, phenomena of both supersaturation and insufficiency of certain mineral substances take place. In an aging organism, the mineralization of some tissues is often increased against the background of a decrease in the content of mineral substances and the intensity of their metabolism in others.

Of particular importance in the mineral metabolism of the elderly is calcium. Currently, the generally accepted norm of calcium for the elderly is the norm adopted for adults, i.e. 800 mg per day. Another important mineral element in old age is magnesium. It has an antispastic and vasodilating effect, stimulates intestinal peristalsis and promotes the release of bile. The influence of magnesium on lowering the level of cholesterol in the blood has been established. With a lack of magnesium, the amount of calcium in the walls of blood vessels increases. The main sources of magnesium in human nutrition are cereals and legumes. The daily requirement for magnesium is 400 mg.

Potassium plays an important role in old age and in old age. The main value of potassium lies in its ability to increase the excretion of water and sodium chloride from the body. In addition, potassium enhances heart contractions. All foods in the diet are involved in the daily provision of the diet with potassium. However, in old age, the most profitable source of potassium is potatoes, figs, dried apricots.

For the elderly, it is desirable to strengthen the alkaline orientation of nutrition through increased consumption of milk and dairy products, potatoes, vegetables and fruits.

When establishing a diet, it is necessary to take into account the reduced functionality of the altered and weakened digestive system, for which a large load becomes unbearable.

The main principles of the diet of the elderly are eating strictly at the same time, limiting the intake of large amounts of food and avoiding long intervals between meals. Four meals a day are recommended. Can be set to a diet with meals 5 times a day. With four meals a day, the food ration is distributed as follows: for the 1st breakfast - 25%, for the second - 15%, for lunch - 35% and for dinner - 25% of the energy value of the daily diet.

Today we will talk about how to eat the elderly. I am often asked about this.

Alas! We are getting old! With age, the metabolism in the human body slows down, it becomes more difficult to maintain the previous form, you have to reconsider your eating habits. The very first wave of metabolic decline passes after twenty-five years, but it is so insignificant that it is rarely noticed by anyone. The second wave is stronger, it passes after forty years. After this age, it is already necessary to adjust your diet and carefully monitor it.

But now, if after forty years you can still actively play sports, thereby maintaining your figure in good shape, then after sixty, this is quite problematic to do.

My favorite aunt - Zamuraeva Claudia Ivanovna

How to eat properly for older people?

It is worth considering that complex carbohydrates are very important in old age, thanks to them a lot of energy appears in the body, respectively, and a person can lead a more active lifestyle. In addition, most older people have bowel problems. How to eat with constipation in the elderly? Certain foods will also help fight them.

Most complex carbohydrates are found in whole grain bread, legumes, cereals (which are boiled in water), pasta, of course, from durum wheat, and mushrooms.

By consuming these foods, you will provide your body with good nutrition and save yourself from many problems. In addition, it is almost impossible to get better from the above products, since the body spends a lot of energy on their digestion.

But simple carbohydrates should be completely excluded. By consuming them, you run the risk of gaining extra pounds, which in old age will be very difficult to get rid of.

In addition, it is very useful to eat vegetables. Of course, they should always be eaten, at any age, but older people must do this. Natural vegetables contain an incredible amount of vitamins that help the immune system stay at the proper level, and also support the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Make sure that carrots, asparagus, sorrel, spinach, and cabbage are always present on your table. By eating them daily, you will forever forget about absolutely any problems with the intestines. Also, vegetables contain very few calories, respectively, they can be eaten in large quantities and not be afraid to get better.

There is a very useful drink for cleansing blood vessels. You need to grate a lemon with zest and a head of garlic on a fine grater, mix and pour 600 ml of boiled, but chilled water. Leave for two to four days. Strain and drink on an empty stomach 50 ml each in spring, autumn and winter.

The older a person gets, the less calcium is contained in his body, and this problem must be addressed. This can be done only by eating dairy products, calcium from them is absorbed very easily. It is best to give up cow's milk, as lactose is absorbed much worse with age. Give preference to other dairy products, as well as lactose-free milk. It is most useful to include kefir, various starters, as well as low-fat yogurt and cottage cheese in your daily diet. These foods are best eaten for breakfast or dinner.

Everyone is used to the fact that proteins are necessary for the body and protein foods should be consumed in large quantities, but older people should reduce the protein content in their diet. It becomes difficult for the body to digest it, creating a huge burden on the kidneys. Of course, in no case should you give up protein, try to eat foods rich in it only once a day. The most useful are lean veal, chicken fillet, as well as various seafood.

It is worth giving up fats, as they can harm the body with age. Choose foods that are rich in vegetable fats, such as nuts and avocados.

And how to eat older women? Does nutrition depend on gender?

Of course! From the table, you can easily understand that the difference in the daily caloric intake of women and men should be different.

With age, every elderly person has his own “backpack” with diseases behind him. Of course, nutritional features for each disease must be taken into account. The information on my blog will help you with this. For example, you will find out what you can eat with a stomach ulcer.

Important details in the diet of the elderly:

  • daily you need to eat cottage cheese 2.5% fat;
  • it is better to replace meat and fish soups with vegetable ones;
  • minimize the use of fried foods, and completely impose a taboo on smoked meats;
  • daily it is recommended to eat only 100 g of boiled or stewed fish (meat is possible);
  • 1 - 2 times a week to bet on legumes or lentils;
  • have dinner no later than a couple of hours before bedtime.

You have learned how to eat properly for the elderly. You just need to remember that even if you could eat any food in any quantities all your youth and not get better, you are unlikely to be so lucky in old age. That is why it is necessary to carefully control all the food that enters your body.

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