Triphala capsules instructions for use. The health benefits and harms of triphala powder, medicinal uses and side effects. Eliminates joint pain and aching bones

Triphala is a drug that Ayurveda considers one of its main values. No other remedy is mentioned in the "science of life" as often as it is. The word "triphala" ("triphala") is translated as "three fruits".

3 Indian fruits in the basis of the medicinal formula

The cure is indeed made from three fruits:

  • amalaki (Indian gooseberry);
  • bibhitaki;
  • haritaki.

Triphala refers to rasayana - a set of methods used for general healing of the body and its rejuvenation. The tool improves well-being, increases vitality, regulates the balance, and.

The Charaka Samhita, an ancient Indian sacred text, focuses on the invaluable benefits of the drug. The following words were said about him: “He who takes triphala for a year will be able to get rid of all ailments and live up to a hundred years.”

What is the secret of the effectiveness of this tool? Let's try to at least slightly open the veil of the mystery of the "three fruits" preparation.

The composition of the miracle cure

As already mentioned, triphala is made from three components (amalaki, bibhitaki and haritaki). Such a triune union was created for a reason. More In ancient times, people noticed that these fruits have extremely beneficial properties.. What do we know about these plants today?

Amalaki (amla)- Indian gooseberry, recognized in Ayurveda as almost a fruit "king". A limitless source of vitamin C, this fruit able to enhance the digestive fire and blood circulation, stabilize the excretion function. Amalaki helps relieve fatigue, strengthen memory and increase efficiency. It is believed that this plant is able to effectively rejuvenate, activating the regeneration of all body tissues.

Haritaki is the third component. From Sanskrit, its name is translated as "a plant that steals diseases." He won the deep respect and trust of the followers of Ayurveda, therefore he is called the "king of all medicines." Thanks to him, you can balance Vata dosha, which allows you to get rid of "one hundred diseases", as they say in the canons of the "science of life." Haritaki has a huge number of useful properties: regulating the functions of the small and large intestines, nourishing brain tissues and cells of the nervous system in particular, improving visual acuity, cleansing the respiratory system and the whole body of toxins. Haritaki is a powerful antioxidant that can also increase intelligence, enhance intuition and endow wisdom.

Each of the components of triphala has a large set of vitamins, macro-elements, minerals and other substances indispensable for the human body. It is amazing that the healing power of this drug is in the unity of the three components. They are enhance each other's action, due to which they have powerful properties .

Properties of an Ayurvedic preparation

Triphala affects three doshas - Vata, Pitta, Kapha. This means that the drug has a positive effect on all tissues of the body. This balanced and effective Ayurvedic remedy is characterized by the following properties:

  • Cleansing of all departments and organs of the digestive tract.
  • Helps with pancreatitis.
  • Rejuvenation of both internal organs and external integuments. The skin acquires its former elasticity, the hair grows faster and more beautiful, the nails become stronger.
  • It is a lifesaver for people with diabetes as it stabilizes insulin levels.
  • It has a positive effect on the emotional state of a person, normalizes sleep, helps fight the effects of stress, pacifies, relieves anxiety and fear.
  • Acts as a brain tonic, activating thought processes.
  • Restores vision, reverses the processes of degeneration of visual function.
  • Helps to lose weight, accelerate weight loss and stabilize body weight. The tool is able to make up for the deficiency of substances necessary for the body, therefore it is indicated for use by those who are forced to adhere to a strict diet.
  • Purifies the blood, increases hemoglobin to normal levels, relieves anemia.
  • Regulates sexual function.
  • It fights the manifestations of allergic reactions, activates the excretion of harmful toxins from the body.
  • Helps with skin diseases.
  • Accelerates the process of rehabilitation after injuries, serious illnesses, surgical interventions, radiation, etc.

And this is not all the properties of the drug. High blood pressure, lung pathologies, chronic stool disorders, high cholesterol levels - triphala effectively fights all these problems.

In what form is it issued

The use of triphala is possible in the framework of the prevention and treatment of almost all diseases. Also, the drug is used in cosmetology.

The medicine is produced in different forms:

  • In capsules. They begin their action very quickly. They are used in the treatment of diseases of internal organs.
  • In tablets. They are used for the same purposes as capsules. They are just as effective, but are much slower than capsules.
  • in powder form. To get it, the fruits of the three components of the drug are dried and ground. The powder can be used both internally and externally. For example, masks for hair, face, nails can be prepared from it.
  • in the form of oil. It is used both independently and as an additional component for the preparation of various face and body skin care products, hair, and nails.

For each form of the drug there is an instruction for use. Triphala manufacturers usually list it on the package.

Now let's look at the most popular products of manufacturers of different variations of triphala, which are presented on Iherb (Ayherb) - a reputable online store specializing in the sale of natural products for health and beauty.

triphala tablets

Tablets "Tripkhala Guggul" (Trifala Guggulu) consists of three elements: triphala, trikat and guggul. Everything is ground, and then tablets are formed from the resulting mixture. The said medicine in India is widely used for the treatment hepatitis, myocardial necrosis, normalization of insulin and cholesterol levels. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the principles.

Used as a dietary supplement, Triphala able to simultaneously have a complex effect: tonic, antiseptic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, rejuvenating. Tablets can be prescribed to people who have recently suffered an injury, have cracks and fractures of bones, sprains, etc. Also, the drug helps people with diseases of the lungs, heart and blood vessels, stomach.

Due to the fact that triphala helps regulate metabolism, the supplement helps overweight people to significantly reduce the amount of fat.

In case of gastric disorders and loose stools, it is recommended not to use this medicine. Since the drug contains bitter guggul, it can increase irritation of the gastric mucosa.


The action of capsules is similar to the action of tablets. But, as already mentioned, the capsules are much faster absorbed by the intestinal walls, so they are recommended for use by those who need emergency therapeutic assistance.

The medicine is used for all types of allergies, nervous exhaustion, eye diseases, oncological diseases. Triphala helps to cleanse all organs from the effects of toxic substances, increase immunity, enhance tissue regeneration, rejuvenate the body, stabilize the circulatory system. Another medicine perfectly copes with foci of inflammation. Using triphala along with other Ayurvedic medicines, you can enhance the effect of each remedy and get even more benefits.

There are several leading manufacturers of triphala capsules. For example, the Himalaya brand (Himalayas) offers its products not only in the specified form, but also in tablets and syrup.

There are different manufacturers offering triphala in powder form. Dabur Triphala Churna, a herbal mixture of a grayish hue with a fruity aroma, deserved positive reviews. There are many indications for taking the drug: intoxication, diseases of the digestive organs, the appearance of signs of early aging, frequent stress, chronic fatigue, arthritis, glaucoma, diabetes, skin infections, etc.. Doctors note that the powder cannot be used simultaneously with drugs that contain phenytoins.

Triphala produced by Dabur

"Triphala Churna" produced by Dabur can be used not only for indoor but also outdoor use. For example, you can dilute the powder in clean boiled water and rinse your hair with the resulting solution, bury your eyes or rinse your mouth .

How to take triphala

A responsible manufacturer of Ayurvedic preparations always indicates in the instructions how to drink triphala. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most common schemes for the use of the drug, produced in different forms.

Tablets or capsules are taken 30 minutes before meals twice a day, 2 capsules weighing 1 gram. You can drink them immediately after waking up in the morning, before going to bed or 30 minutes before meals. This is the standard treatment regimen. For diseases of the stomach and lungs, it is necessary to drink 1 capsule or tablet 3 times a day after meals. With candidiasis, the dose of the drug should be increased to 2 tablets three times a day (before meals).

Note that tablets and capsules are a purely Western version of triphala, which is convenient for constantly busy people. Ayurveda does not use this form of the drug, preferring to prepare teas and infusions from triphala powder.

For diseases of the internal organs, adults should take 1 tsp. powder before meals twice a day. For children aged 6 to 14 years, the dose should be halved - ½ tsp each. twice a day.

The powder can also be used as a main or additional component for the preparation of baths, lotions, masks and cleansing scrubs. To get rid of acne, micro-inflammation and other skin problems, mix 1 tsp. powder with ½ tsp. honey and wash such areas with this mixture.

Triphala in the form of oil suitable for the treatment of hair, nails and skin, reducing the severity of cellulite tubercles. To do this, rub the oil 2-3 times a day with light massage movements.

Contraindications to taking an Ayurvedic remedy

Like any effective medicine made according to the ancient recipes of Ayurveda, triphala has some contraindications. Before you decide to start taking this remedy, analyze them. Limit the use of the drug or completely exclude it from your diet when it comes to such conditions, features or disorders:

  • allergy to one of the components of the product;
  • age up to 3 years;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • violations of the liver;
  • dropsy;
  • liquid stool;
  • mental illness.

While taking triphala, you should not eat fatty, spicy and heavy foods, which can irritate and load the intestines. The medicine should not be combined with taking anticoagulants, since the Ayurvedic remedy helps to thin the blood.

As evidenced by the reviews of doctors and those who took triphala

On the basis of the conducted studies aimed at studying the action of triphala, doctors made certain conclusions regarding this drug. The tool is effective, has powerful therapeutic and prophylactic properties, but you should always remember about contraindications to its use. Triphala should not be treated as a harmless additive.

The drug can affect the composition of the blood and platelet function in particular. That's why it is not necessary to combine taking an Ayurvedic drug with the use of blood-thinning medications. Doctors also warn that triphala should never should not replace the full therapy prescribed as part of conventional treatment. It is better to use an Ayurvedic remedy as a general tonic and immunomodulatory supplement, taking it with meals. You can learn more about Ayurveda from.

If there is any doubt about the advisability of taking triphala, before taking it it is advisable to consult with doctors. If you use the drug uncontrollably and exceed its dosage, it can disrupt metabolism or cause an allergic reaction. If the stool is too unstable, dry and hard, doctors recommend limiting the use of the drug. Instead, you can drink haritaki.

What do people who take triphala say?

If we analyze the numerous reviews, then in most cases they are positive. With the help of this Ayurvedic preparation, you can smooth out allergic manifestations, strengthen immunity, and get rid of excess body weight.

Many note that after completing the full course of taking the medicine, they began to get sick less with ARVI and colds began to feel more alert, their sleep improved and stress resistance increased.

Triphala is a universal remedy with unique properties. If you take it correctly in combination with other means, without neglecting the recommendations of specialists, you can achieve excellent results in the treatment of a variety of ailments.

Triphala or Triphala is a remedy from Ayurveda (the ancient Indian science of healthy and long life, which had a great influence on the development of European and Arabic medicine). This is a preparation consisting of medicinal plants that can help cure many diseases, cleanse and rejuvenate the body.

The action of the drug

This unique tool has quite a variety of indications for use:

  • problems in the digestive tract;
  • insomnia;
  • constipation;
  • overweight, obesity;
  • problems with visual acuity;
  • decreased libido, potency;
  • increase or decrease in pressure;
  • allergies of various origins;
  • low level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • memory problems;
  • skin diseases: dermatitis, psoriasis, acne, ulcers, etc.

What does it consist of?

The composition of Triphala includes components of natural origin, extracts of fruit plants growing in the Himalayas:

Triphala has found its application in such areas as medicine and cosmetology. The effect of this medicine depends on the form of release of the drug:

  • Capsules are taken for various diseases of the internal organs. Capsules are easy to use, they act very quickly.
  • Tablets are intended for the same purposes as capsules, however, the assimilation process in this case is slower. In terms of effectiveness, tablets do not differ from capsules.
  • The powder is obtained by grinding the dried fruits of plants. The powder can be used both internally and externally (for the treatment of problems with the skin, hair, nails).
  • The oil is used externally, it is suitable for face, body and hair care.

When can not be treated with a drug from Ayurveda?

Like any medicine, Triphala also has contraindications:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • mental disorders;
  • diseases and problems with the liver;
  • individual intolerance to the components;
  • dropsy;
  • diarrhea.

Also, while taking the medicine, it is important to eat right, exclude fried, spicy and salty foods from the diet.

Side effects

Methods of using the supplement for the treatment of diseases of internal organs

Instructions for use Triphala tablets and capsules

  • To cleanse the body, remove toxins and toxins - 1 tablet (or capsule) three times a day for 30 days.
  • For the treatment of obesity, diabetes mellitus (non-insulin-dependent type), atherosclerosis - 2 pills 1 hour before meals and at bedtime. The duration of treatment is six months.
  • For stomach and intestinal ulcers - 1 pill for breakfast, lunch and dinner after meals.
  • For the treatment of thrush (candidiasis) - 2 tablets 3 times a day before meals.
  • For bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia - 1 capsule or tablet three times a day after meals. Duration of treatment - until complete recovery.
  • For osteochondrosis, cholelithiasis and urolithiasis, gout, as part of complex treatment, take 1 capsule before meals. The course of application is 2-3 months.

Powder application

How to take Triphala Powder? For the treatment of diseases of internal organs - 1 tsp. powder 2 times a day before meals. Children from 6 to 14 years of age should take half the medicine. Before use, the powder should be dissolved in warm water or milk. For external use, masks, decoctions, and baths are prepared from the powder.

Consider the instructions for using Triphala in powder form:

  • For the treatment of skin problems: acne, redness - mix 1 tsp. powder with honey (0.5 tsp). Wash problem areas of the skin.
  • For dry skin, acne, for a rejuvenating effect, mix Triphala powder with honey in equal proportions until a thick mass is obtained. Apply the product on the face, wait 10 minutes, then rinse with water.
  • To get rid of age spots, freckles: take 2 tbsp. l. powder and 4 tablespoons of coconut oil. Melt butter, add powder, stir. Apply a thin layer of the cooled thick mass on the face, rubbing it into the skin. Leave for 15 minutes. Such a mask improves blood circulation, exfoliates dead cells, fights premature aging, dark spots on the face. The mask can be prepared in advance and stored in the refrigerator. Use 3 times a week.
  • To relieve redness and tension from the eyes, restore visual acuity, eliminate inflammatory diseases of the organ of vision: 0.5 tsp. powder pour 150 ml of warm boiled water. Stir until the powder is completely dissolved. Make lotions on the eyes using cotton pads.

Ways to use oil

  • For weight loss: apply oil on the skin, make a general strengthening body massage. To get rid of cellulite, you need to rub the oil daily into problem areas of the skin, do not wash it off with water.
  • To rejuvenate the face and body: apply oil with light massage movements, rinse with cool water. Triphala oil activates the process of collagen production, restores tissues, removes puffiness, and has a tightening effect.
  • To combat dandruff, lice: rub the oil into the skin, leave for 1 hour, rinse with soap and water.
  • To moisturize hair, prevent brittleness and dryness, give a healthy shine: apply oil in a warm form along the entire length of the hair, rinse with water and shampoo.

Use for body shaping

Knowing how to take Triphala for weight loss, you can easily get rid of 5-10 kg per month. To do this, it is recommended to resort to both external and internal use of the drug:

  • Drink a solution (1 tsp of powder per 200 ml of water) for 1 month.
  • To eliminate the "orange peel" massage with Triphala oil.

But we must not forget about a healthy, nutritious diet, exercise. Only with an integrated approach to the process of losing weight, you can successfully lose weight.

The drug Triphala is one of the most widely used in Indian medicine.

It is based on a unique Ayurvedic formula that combines extracts of medicinal Himalayan and Indian plants - amalaki, haritaki and bibhitaki.

As an independent medicine, Triphala is actively used for violation of the natural functions of the intestines as a mild laxative, for blood diseases, exhaustion of the nervous system, and also for insomnia.

1. Instructions for using Triphala

An important advantage of Triphala is that it has a mild laxative effect without inhibiting beneficial intestinal bacteria.

The active substances present in the composition of all three fruits effectively fight pathogenic microorganisms and have a beneficial effect on the peristalsis of the large intestine.

Indications for use

Triphala is prescribed to effectively treat conditions such as:

The drug significantly improves the functions of the digestive system and the metabolic process, and also has a general strengthening effect due to numerous beneficial phytochemical compounds.

Release form and methods of application

Triphala is available in the form of tablets, powder and capsules.

The pills are taken in this way:

In severe and complicated forms of diseases - for several days (up to 1 week), 3-6 tablets are prescribed 2-3 times a day. In mild forms, as well as for preventive purposes - for two to three months it is recommended to take 2-3 tablets daily.

Triphala in powder form should be used as follows:

Dilute 1-2 teaspoons of the drug with a small amount of milk or water. Take once daily - in the morning on an empty stomach, or in the evening, before going to bed.

Triphala capsules in acute forms of diseases, it is necessary to use at least 4 weeks - 2 pieces twice a day. For constipation, 2 capsules of the drug are prescribed at night.

The composition of the drug

The components of the medicinal drug Triphala are three fruits:

  • amalaki;
  • haritaki;
  • bibhitaki.

Amalaki or Amla- This is a plant that is widespread in eastern countries, which is also known as the "Indian gooseberry".

Its important feature is the content of a significant amount of ascorbic acid in various forms in combination with gallic acid and tannin complex - thanks to this, the beneficial properties of vitamin C in fruits can last longer.

haritaki fruit rich in strong natural antioxidants and chebulic acid. Their name can be literally translated as "a plant that steals diseases." Due to its numerous healing properties, it is assigned one of the most important roles in Ayurveda.

Bibhitaki- This is another type of fruit widely used in Tibetan and Ayurvedic medicine. Rich in saponins, phytosteroids and gallotannic acid, they have a mild cleansing effect on the large and small intestines, as well as improve tone and peristalsis.

Speaking about the phytochemical composition of the drug, the content of the following components should be noted:

  • vitamins - ascorbic acid, beta-carotene, nicotinic acid, rutin, riboflavin, thiamine;
  • micro and macro elements - iron, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, copper, selenium;
  • carbohydrates - glucose, fiber, sucrose, starch, pectin, fructose, arabinose, rhamnose;
  • amino acids - glycine, proline, valine, arginine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, methionine, lysine, gallic acid, ellagic acid;
  • flavonoids - quercetin, luteolin;
  • phytosterol - beta-sitosterol;
  • enzymes - polyphenol oxidase, tannase and peroxidase.

Interaction of Triphala with other medicines

The herbal preparation Triphala can be used in combination with other medicines without any health hazard.

2. Side effects

Contraindications for use

This drug is contraindicated in cases where the patient has an individual intolerance to the constituent components. It is also necessary to stop taking at least two weeks before the upcoming surgery. In all other cases, the doctors did not establish any contraindications and side effects.

triphala during pregnancy

Triphala is not recommended for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

3. Terms and conditions of storage

Store this drug with a tightly closed lid at a temperature not exceeding + 25 ° C, in a dry place, out of the reach of children, and protected from sunlight.

The shelf life of Triphala is 24 months.

4. Price

Average price of Triphala in Russia

On the territory of the Russian Federation, the cost of Triphala depends both on the form of release and on the volume of the package.

  • The average cost of a package containing 60 capsules is 450-500 rubles.
  • 200 grams of the drug in powder form can be purchased for 550-600 rubles.
  • The prices of packages containing from 40 to 200 tablets vary from 300 to 700 rubles.

Average cost in Ukraine

For residents of Ukraine, Triphala is available at the following prices:

  • Packing with 60 capsules - 150-190 hryvnia.
  • Tablets (from 40 to 200 pieces) - from 150 to 270 hryvnia.
  • Packing the drug in powder form weighing 200 grams - from 190 to 230 hryvnia.

5. Analogues

There are several drugs that have a similar pharmacological effect and have similar indications for use. Among them:

  • Hilak Forte is a drug that regulates the balance of the intestinal microflora and improves its composition.
  • Bifidumbacterin- a highly effective probiotic designed to activate the digestive and metabolic processes, as well as the function of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Apibact is a dietary supplement, a multiprobiotic designed to restore and maintain the intestinal microflora at an appropriate level, prevent constipation and strengthen general immunity.
  • Laktovit forte is a combined medical preparation, a probiotic that has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora.

Video on the topic: Triphala. Your clean and young body!

6. Reviews about Triphala

Patients using the Indian herbal preparation Triphala note that a positive effect occurs, on average, after one week from the start of administration. The stool normalizes, the feeling of heaviness disappears, the skin condition improves.

In some cases, patients experience side effects in the form of tachycardia, flatulence and pain in the pancreas - most likely, this may indicate the use of a fake or expired drug.

Finally, let's summarize

  • Proper use of the drug Triphala normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, digestive and excretory systems, sensory organs, and also contributes to the effective cleansing of tissues throughout the body.
  • Keep in mind that only a fresh drug has useful properties, so when buying it, you need to pay attention to the expiration date. A remedy that has expired, on the contrary, can provoke a deterioration in well-being.
  • Purchase the drug only from those manufacturers and suppliers who have an impeccable reputation.
  • In order to effectively cleanse the body of toxins, it is recommended to take Triphala in the morning.
  • Exceeding the recommended dose and duration of administration is unacceptable.

Triphala is one of the most popular formulas used in Ayurvedic medicine. This medicine is a mixture of three fruits: Amalaki (aka Indian gooseberry), Bibhitaki and Haritaki. Most often, this remedy is recommended to improve metabolism and normalize the digestive and excretory systems. Triphala has a mild laxative effect, thereby helping to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. Also, to enhance the action, Guggul, the resin of a unique Indian plant, is added to the classic triphala. This supplement helps cleanse the kidneys and liver, lower blood cholesterol levels.

Triphala is widely used in the form of a powder (churna) that can be mixed with food and drinks. A wide range of triphala churna powder is presented on the iHerb website at affordable and competitive prices. This is where I got triphala at a super low price!

When and how to take triphala

Triphala is an Ayurvedic panacea that has a wide range of uses. Doctors recommend taking this remedy for the prevention and treatment of many diseases. And this is not surprising! After all, triphala powder has the following properties:

  • normalizes the balance in the whole body;
  • cleanses the blood;
  • relieves negative consequences after prolonged stress;
  • normalizes the work of the digestive tract;
  • helps with insomnia;
  • normalizes the work of the organs of vision;
  • increases libido;
  • regulates blood pressure, hemoglobin level in the blood;
  • improves brain function;
  • helps to recover quickly after a bone fracture;
  • treats skin diseases.

By the way triphala powder copes well with excess weight. My girlfriend managed to lose 5 kilograms in three weeks with the help of triphala. She could not achieve such a result for a very long time. In addition, during the break between courses, the weight did not return!

Many people ask the question: how to drink triphala in powder. There are some rules that should be followed in order to achieve the effect and get the maximum benefit from the drug.

  • Rule 1. Triphala powder should be diluted only in warm and even slightly hot water. It can also be mixed with honey or ghee. However, they must be warm.
  • Rule 2. It is best to take triphala in the morning on an empty stomach. Remember that triphala has a laxative effect, you should not take it before going out!
  • Rule 3. While taking triphala, it is necessary to refuse fatty, spicy and heavy foods.
  • Rule 4. Triphala powder has a cooling effect, so refrain from using it for colds, inflammation, respiratory diseases.

Like any drug triphala powder has contraindications. These include:

  • individual intolerance to one or all components;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • various mental illnesses.

Reviews of doctors about triphala are ambiguous. Some are confident in the safety and efficacy of this powder. The main thing is to know the measure and observe the dosage. Other doctors argue that triphala has unproven effectiveness, so it is better to give preference to some vitamin complexes. The matter is up to you! Believe it or not, but the fact remains. I am personally convinced of the effectiveness of this drug and feel free to recommend it to you. The best triphala powder can be bought online.

Miraculous triphala: my review

I learned about triphala from my husband, who for some time was fond of Indian culture. It became interesting to me, is this remedy really so universal and effective. Many years ago I had an experience with Ayurvedic eye drops that really helped me get rid of my eye problems. Given my positive experience, I decided to order triphala on my favorite.

After a long study of all drugs from various brands, I focused my attention on. This supplement cost me $ 8.09, I received the package within two weeks. Opening a small plastic jar, I found a homogeneous grayish-greenish-brown powder, which, at the same time, smelled pleasantly of dried fruit.

Triphala powder tastes slightly bitter. I took this remedy one spoon a day on an empty stomach. According to the recommendations in the instructions, in the morning I added triphala to non-acidic juice. Triphala powder is a drug with an effect that will not be noticeable immediately. According to ancient scriptures, the minimum period for its admission is three months. I can say that after two hours my sleep returned to normal, the creaking in the joints disappeared, which I could not get rid of for a long time, I began to get up easily in the morning, vigor and energy appeared, which was enough for the evening. In general, I am satisfied, and therefore ordered another jar.

Triphala (tripkhala)- An ancient Ayurvedic remedy known in India for several millennia. With the help of triphala, people achieve amazing results in rejuvenating the body and healing many diseases. Triphala is used as an independent medicine, especially for blood diseases, bowel dysfunction, nervous exhaustion and insomnia.

triphala churna It looks like a light brown powder with a pleasant, spicy smell of dried fruits.

As part of triphala churny three main components, in the same proportion:

  1. Dried Amalaki Fruit (Emblic Myrabolan),
  2. Dried fruits of Babhitaki (Beleric Myrabolan),
  3. Dried Haritaki fruit (Terminalia Chebula).

The peculiarity of these components is that they have five different tastes, thanks to which they are able to balance the internal processes in the body and treat many diseases.

Pharmacological action of triphala:- Improves metabolism, anti-inflammatory and laxative.

Indications for the use of triphala:

  • Body rejuvenation;
  • Purification of toxins;
  • Weakening of vision;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Chronic constipation;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • skin diseases;
  • Accelerated recovery of broken bones;
  • Memory recovery;
  • Regulates the formation of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • Relieves stress;
  • Purifies the blood, liver, pancreas, gallbladder, spleen,
  • Brings balance to all body systems;
  • Insomnia,
  • Cough.

Triphala contraindications: individual immunity, pregnancy, lactation. Triphara is a natural remedy and has no side effects.

How to use triphala: once a day at bedtime, on an empty stomach 1/2 - 1 tsp. drink water at room temperature. Prophylactic course of admission: every day for three months.

For a stronger cleansing effect, drink warm water.

It should be understood that there are no clearly prescribed dosages in Ayurveda, everything is prescribed individually by an Ayurvedic specialist, based on the age, weight, condition of the patient and other individual characteristics. Since not everyone has the opportunity to visit an Ayurvedic doctor, we indicate the minimum dosage.

Triphala is natural and harmless, however, if you feel uncomfortable, there will be pain after taking, you should reduce the dose by half for 10-14 days. Unpleasant sensations after taking triphala mean that the body is heavily polluted with toxins, and triphala sets them in motion and the body cannot cope with their processing.

As well as triphala is good for external use making face and hair masks out of it. Triphala face mask will cleanse the skin of impurities, remove acne, get rid of black spots, narrow pores. The skin after such a mask acquires a healthy, radiant appearance.

Cooking method: make a creamy paste with triphala, milk or water. Apply to previously cleansed face and wait 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Hair Mask. We make triphala paste, according to the same principle as for the face. Apply to hair for 1-2 hours (the longer the better), rinse with warm water and shampoo. Triphala nourishes the hair roots and scalp, stimulates hair growth and prevents hair loss.

You can make a tonic for washing from triphala. To do this, add two tablespoons to 1 liter of water, boil for five minutes and leave for 8-10 hours. Then the resulting decoction can be washed as a tonic, it will cleanse the skin well.

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