Rapid evacuation treatment. Don't forget to go small before intimacy. Ways to Avoid Rapid Ejaculation

Rapid ejaculation is a disease that many men suffer from. Let's look at the main causes of premature ejaculation, methods of treatment and methods of prevention.

According to scientific statistics, today a third of all men on the planet suffer from rapid ejaculation. But the statistics are conditional, since many men hide this pathology. Premature ejaculation is a real problem for perfectly healthy men, as it has a negative impact on sexual intercourse and relationships in general.

ICD-10 code

F52.4 Premature ejaculation

Causes of rapid ejaculation

The causes of rapid ejaculation are divided into two groups - psychological and physiological, that is, those that are associated with health problems, the functioning and structure of organs. In order to find out the problems of premature ejaculation, you need to contact a specialist, it can be a psychologist, urologist or sex therapist. The doctor will conduct an examination and diagnosis of the body to determine the cause of the disease. Let's look at the main physiological and psychological causes of rapid ejaculation.

Physiological causes of premature ejaculation:

  1. Increased sensitivity of the glans penis is the most common cause that occurs in men of all ages. This pathology can be acquired (phimosis, balanoposthitis) or congenital. Features of rapid ejaculation with increased sensitivity of the glans penis:

When having sex with a condom, the duration of ejaculation is longer. The duration also increases with the use of artificial lubrication. Therefore, it is recommended to use special condoms with anesthetics and lubricants.

  • As a rule, ejaculation does not occur before intercourse, and if it does, it is only because of the friction of the penis on underwear or in the process of putting on a condom.

To reliably determine the relationship between rapid ejaculation and hypersensitivity, it is recommended to buy a lubricant with an anesthetic (prolongator) and apply it to the head of the penis 10-15 minutes before sex. In addition to lubrication, you can use Lidocaine aerosol, which is sold in pharmacies. If the use of lubricant increased the duration of sexual intercourse, even for a couple of minutes, then premature ejaculation is associated with increased sensitivity.

For the treatment of rapid ejaculation caused by sensitivity, circumcision is resorted to, as this is the most effective method of treatment. During circumcision, the foreskin is removed, which increases the duration of sexual intercourse by 2-3 times. By the way, circumcision increases ejaculation in any man, even without problems with ejaculation.

If hypersensitivity is caused by phimosis or balanoposthitis, then circumcision is the only solution to the problem. In the event that a man is afraid to do circumcision or refuses this procedure, doctors recommend using lubricants with anesthetics or an aerosol with Lidocaine.

  1. Chronic vesiculitis - rapid ejaculation is caused by inflammation of the seminal vesicles. They accumulate components of sperm - spermatozoa. The walls of the bubbles become thinner and become very sensitive. That is why mild sexual arousal leads to ejaculation. Chronic vesiculitis always develops simultaneously with prostatitis, which is inflammation of the prostate gland. Treatment of this problem should be complex. The main symptoms of vesiculitis, provoking rapid ejaculation:
    • Ejaculation has a wave-like character, sometimes the sexual intercourse is prolonged, but in some cases ejaculation occurs very quickly. The disease developed gradually, before that the man had no problems with ejaculation.
    • Ejaculation occurs even before sexual intercourse from excitement. In this case, the first sexual intercourse passes quickly, and subsequent ones take longer.
    • Drinking alcohol before sex does not improve the situation, but rather exacerbates the process. The use of condoms, lubricants with anesthetics do not affect ejaculation.
    • Sexual intercourse does not bring pleasure, causes pain, and the feeling of orgasm is blurred.
  1. Damage to internal organs and disruption of their work - this cause can be diagnosed only after a series of examinations and tests. Violation of the cortical and subcortical structures (acquired and congenital) adversely affect the reproductive system and sexual functions. Damage to the lumbosacral spinal cord, bone injuries, inflammatory diseases of the urological nature and the internal organs of the pelvis also cause rapid ejaculation.
  2. Hormonal disorders - cause hormonal imbalance, which provokes rapid ejaculation. Pathology occurs due to a lack of testosterone, increased production of prolactin and endocrine disorders.
  3. Poisoning - chronic poisoning with alcohol, nicotine and other toxins leads to inferior sexual intercourse and the fact that a man ends quickly. Sometimes rapid ejaculation occurs due to the use of antibiotics and medications.

Psychological causes of rapid ejaculation:

  1. Fears - an unsuccessful first sexual experience, fear of not pleasing a partner, being ridiculed, rejected and other fears cause psychological problems that negatively affect sexual life and the duration of sexual intercourse. Only a psychologist can cure such a disorder.
  2. Regular stressful situations. Men who fully devote themselves to work suffer from lack of sleep, constant stressful situations and depression - they have problems in the genital area that are associated with early ejaculation.
  3. Overexcitation is the most common cause of rapid ejaculation. This is inherent in young guys who have just begun to have sex. But sometimes premature ejaculation happens in adult, experienced men. Due to overexcitation in one of the sections of the cerebral cortex, tension builds up, which leads to ejaculation and orgasm.
  4. Lack of trust among partners. This psychogenic factor causes early ejaculation due to dissatisfaction with life together, fear of romantic relationships and betrayal. Problems with ejaculation can also occur in those men who pursue only the goal of having sex.
  5. External stimuli - rapid ejaculation can occur due to sex in an unfavorable environment. In this case, the man subconsciously wants to finish intercourse faster and accelerates ejaculation. Most often this happens in young guys, and in this case it is difficult to determine the true cause of rapid ejaculation.

The main symptoms of rapid ejaculation caused by psychological reasons:

  • Irregular sex life or first sexual experience.
  • Due to premature ejaculation, erection problems occur, so it is not always possible to have a second sexual intercourse.
  • Thoughts on abstract topics often lead to the disappearance of an erection. Drinking alcohol also negatively affects erections and the ability to ejaculate.

Psychological problems that cause rapid ejaculation go away with a man's age or experience in sex. But if they get worse, they need treatment. With the treatment of this kind of problems, a psychologist or a sex therapist will help. As for the physiological causes of early ejaculation, they can be resolved after undergoing diagnostics and examinations. It is impossible to start problems with rapid ejaculation, as this has a devastating effect on a man's self-esteem, relationships with a partner, and can lead to disastrous consequences.

Why does ejaculation happen quickly?

Why does ejaculation happen quickly and how to deal with this problem? To determine the cause of early ejaculation, it is necessary to undergo a diagnosis. It is very difficult to determine the true cause of rapid ejaculation. To do this, the doctor must determine the sex quality index, since very often problems with early ejaculation are disguised as andrological diseases (diseases of the male genital organs that pathologically affect the reproductive system).

Diagnosis consists of an external examination, ultrasound examination of the genital organs and rectal examination. In some cases, a man needs to pass a series of tests to determine hormones and infectious and inflammatory diseases. It is mandatory to assess the blood supply to the penis (with the exception of erectile dysfunction) and other diagnostic methods.

Let's look at a diagnostic table that will help determine the symptoms of premature ejaculation (Premature ejaculation symptoms score PESS).

Not difficult

A little hard

Pretty hard

Very hard

Extremely difficult

How difficult is it for you to delay ejaculation?

Almost never

Less than 25% of the time

In about half of the cases

More than 75% of the time

Almost always

Do you ejaculate before you want to?

Do you ejaculate even after minimal stimulation?

Do you feel frustrated that you ejaculate before you want to?

How dissatisfied do you think your partner is because of your sexual problem?

How many intercourses out of 10 ended in premature ejaculation?

More than 5 minutes

Less than 2 minutes

Less than a minute

Before introduction

How long does your sexual intercourse last?


Very bad

How would you feel if you had to live with this problem all your life?

After passing the test, it is necessary to evaluate the results, for this, sum up the answers.

  • 10-18 points - mild degree of early ejaculation;
  • 18-25 points - the average degree of rapid ejaculation;
  • > 25 points - severe degree of premature ejaculation.

Only after diagnosis, passing a series of tests and examination by a doctor, you can find out why ejaculation occurs quickly and cure it.

Rapid ejaculation during intercourse

Rapid ejaculation during intercourse may occur due to the presence of diseases or for psychological reasons. In any case, this problem negatively affects the relationship between partners, as a woman remains unsatisfied because of such a quick sexual intercourse, and for a man this is a blow to self-esteem. But early ejaculation during sex is not always pathological. It all depends on the frequency and extent of the problem.

Previously, there was an opinion that sexual intercourse that lasts less than 20 seconds is pathological due to rapid ejaculation. But this statement is completely destroyed, since many factors influence the duration of sex. Problematic and requiring medical attention is considered ejaculation, which occurs due to little stimulation. In this case, ejaculation occurs even before intercourse.

At first glance, ejaculation is a rather primitive, but in fact, a very complex process. This process involves the central nervous system, as well as emotional and reflex mechanisms. Most often, the cause of failures are psychological factors. There is no pattern between a man's age and premature ejaculation. Both 20-year-old boys and mature men can face this problem. So, if the problem occurs at an early age, then, as a rule, due to overexcitation and perception of sexual intercourse. But in men of mature age, rapid sexual intercourse and ejaculation can be caused by prostatitis or another disease. In any case, this problem requires medical attention.

Rapid ejaculation during masturbation

Rapid ejaculation during masturbation, as a rule, occurs due to increased sensitivity of the glans penis. But masturbation can also cause early ejaculation. Of course, the very fact of masturbation does not affect the duration of sexual intercourse, but the technique is of great importance. Masturbation, that is, self-satisfaction or onanism, is sex with oneself. As a rule, guys start masturbating at the age of 12-17.

Most often, arousal and subsequent masturbation arise from watching porn or any other material of erotic content. In this case, stimulation of the penis leads to an erection. But, in some cases, the guy goes to the toilet and tries to quickly cope with arousal, which also leads to ejaculation. If this happens very often, then on a subconscious level a habit is developed that arousal and short-term stimulation of the penis is ejaculation.

Ejaculation is a reflex or response to a mental, mechanical or visual stimulus. For example, if a young man starts masturbating at the age of 13 and does it 3 times a week, then in a year he ends up 150-170 times. Moreover, if an orgasm happens very quickly, then the body and the penis get used to it and a reflex is formed, due to which, during sexual intimacy, ejaculation occurs very quickly. That is, during masturbation, ejaculation should not occur earlier than after 10-30 minutes.

The absence of masturbation is considered pathological, that is, a man in any case should engage in self-satisfaction. This is due to the fact that as soon as there is sexual intercourse with a partner, the body will try to get rid of sperm as quickly as possible. That is, the absence of masturbation, as well as its excess, lead to rapid ejaculation. In some cases, a man cums even before inserting his penis into the vagina, due to the fact that the body reacted and quickly got rid of the sperm.

What to do with rapid ejaculation?

What to do with rapid ejaculation and whether this pathology can be cured is the most common question among men who have not encountered the problem of early ejaculation for the first time. In order to cure the problem, it is necessary to find its cause, that is, to undergo diagnostics and a series of examinations. The reasons for rapid ejaculation can be physiological and psychological. Let's look at a few recommendations that can help with rapid ejaculation.

  • Use condoms with a special lubricant that lengthens the duration of sexual intercourse.
  • Learn to resume and delay urination. Similar exercises with the sphincter apparatus of the bladder will help prevent rapid ejaculation.
  • Shortly before sex, you can masturbate. According to statistics, the second sexual intercourse will be long.
  • Make a circumcision - this procedure will increase the duration of sexual intercourse by 2-3 times or more.

The above recommendations can help solve the problem with early ejaculation. But some techniques are strictly forbidden to be used to restore full sexual functions. Do not pinch the urethra with your hands, because of this, the sperm returns to the seminal vesicles and bladder. As a result, stagnation in the prostate gland begins, which will help to cause chronic prostatitis, disrupt the function of the sphincter apparatus in the prostate gland and cause retrograde ejaculation (a violation of ejaculation, in which the release of seminal fluid occurs in the opposite direction). If none of the above recommendations helped, you should seek medical help from a urologist or sexologist.

Treatment for rapid ejaculation

Treatment of rapid ejaculation begins with the diagnosis of the disease. Diagnosis is carried out to determine the cause of the pathology. If a man who suffers from early ejaculation has a permanent sexual partner, then he also takes part in the examination and diagnosis. Depending on the established cause of premature ejaculation, the doctor selects a treatment option. It could be:

  • Drug therapy.
  • Microsurgical correction of ejaculation.
  • Physiotherapy treatment.

Secondary rapid ejaculation is treated conservatively. As for the secondary symptomatic early ejaculation, it is eliminated in the process of treating the true cause of the disease. If problems with sexual intercourse are caused by urethritis or prostatitis, then the duration of sex increases during treatment. But a course of treatment can only be prescribed after an examination by a specialist who diagnoses and treats sexual dysfunctions in men. The main methods of treatment:

  1. Conducting psychological, behavioral and sexual therapy to form a clear recognition of the onset of orgasm and control the duration of ejaculation.
  2. Treatment of inflammatory and infectious diseases that caused early ejaculation.
  3. Conservative treatments for hypersensitivity using lubricated condoms and anesthetic ointments. Medicines are applied to the head of the penis and to the area of ​​the frenulum, 10-20 minutes before sexual intercourse.
  4. With psychological causes of rapid ejaculation, pharmacotherapeutic methods of treatment are used. To do this, use antidepressants, anxiolytics and other means to increase the duration of sexual intercourse.
  5. The use of acupuncture, physiotherapy methods and reflexology.
  6. The use of surgical methods of treatment. The patient undergoes circumcision of the foreskin, plasty of the frenulum and denervation of the glans penis using microsurgery methods.
  7. Surgical treatment with partial division of the nerves that provide sensation to the penis. The operation must be performed by a qualified specialist, as there is a high risk of permanent loss of sensitivity of the penis and weakening of orgasm.

Folk remedies for rapid ejaculation

Folk remedies for rapid ejaculation can cure the problem of early ejaculation. The peculiarity of traditional medicine is that they can be used at home. Let's look at some folk recipes that will help in the treatment of rapid intercourse.

  • Prepare a medicinal decoction of rose hips, medicinal angelica root, two-leafed love and colza herb. Take the herbs in equal proportions, pour boiling water over and leave for 15-30 minutes. Take 1/4 cup twice a day for 1-2 months with a week break.
  • Mix oregano herb, motherwort, yarrow herb and peppermint in equal proportions. Pour boiling water over the herbs and insist for 10-20 minutes. It is recommended to take a decoction of 1/2 cup before meals. The course of treatment takes from 2 to 4 months.
  • Take in equal parts rose hips, motherwort herb, calendula and three-leaf watch leaves. For ease of use, the grass can be crushed and brewed in special bags or a strainer. The decoction should be drunk 1/4 cup for 3-4 months.

If rapid ejaculation is caused by psychological disorders, then for their treatment it is recommended to undergo a prophylactic course with a sex therapist or psychologist. It will not be superfluous to have sessions of daily auto-training, which must be carried out in the morning and evening, concentrating on the problem of the disease. As a rule, problems with rapid ejaculation for psychological reasons are accompanied by sleep disturbances and irritability. Plants with sedative properties are used to treat early ejaculation. Let's look at a few folk remedies for rapid ejaculation.

  • Pour boiling water over a tablespoon of hop cones and a tablespoon of motherwort. Steep the herbs for six hours and then strain. It is recommended to drink a decoction three times a day for 1/2 cup for a month.
  • Pour a tablespoon of periwinkle with cold water and keep in a steam bath for 30-40 minutes. After this, the broth must be filtered and taken 10 drops in the morning and evening, for five days. Then you need to take a three-day break and repeat the treatment course.
  • Pour 25 g of lovage root with boiling water and simmer for 30 minutes over low heat. Once the decoction has cooled, strain it and take 1/3 cup three times a day.
  • Pour 10 g of hoof root with a glass of boiling water and keep in a water bath for 30-40 minutes. Decoction take one spoonful six times a day, before each meal.

Please note that folk remedies for the treatment of rapid ejaculation must be taken within a year for a sustainable therapeutic effect.

Preparations for rapid ejaculation

Preparations for rapid ejaculation are used as drug therapy for early ejaculation. Let's look at the most effective drugs that are prescribed to patients for the treatment of early ejaculation.

  • Dapoxetine

It is a short acting selective inhibitor. The drug is used to treat rapid ejaculation in men over the age of 18 years. The drug prolongs sexual intercourse by 3-5 times. The action of the drug is based on the blocking of brain receptors and the absorption of serotonin. The drug begins to act 15-30 minutes after ingestion, and the duration of its effect on the body is from 2 to 3 hours. The optimal effect of the drug occurs within 30 minutes to 2 hours.

The main indications for the use of the drug are the treatment of rapid ejaculation. Dapoxetine is contraindicated in patients with allergic reactions to lactose, in diseases of the liver and the cardiovascular system. The drug should not be taken with drugs that are used to treat depression and some antibiotics. You can read about the details of the interaction of Dapoxetine with other drugs in the instructions for the drug or ask your doctor. As for side effects, the drug can cause nausea.

Dapoxetine is available in the form of tablets, it is recommended to take the drug once a day and only after consultation with your doctor. Before taking the drug, it is recommended to check the blood pressure. If the indicators are low, then taking Dapoxetine is prohibited.

  • erectile

A drug used to treat erectile dysfunction and rapid ejaculation. The peculiarity of this remedy is that it restores the body's ability for prolonged sexual intercourse and improves erection. The drug is recommended to take 50 mg, an hour before sexual intercourse. If the dosage is not observed, Erectil causes a number of adverse reactions. Due to the drug, headache, dizziness, diarrhea, nausea, muscle and joint pain may occur. To treat side effects, you must stop taking the drug and seek medical help.

The drug is contraindicated for people with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. If symptoms of an overdose occur, which are similar to side effects, symptomatic therapy is carried out. With extreme caution, the drug is prescribed for patients with cardiovascular diseases, penile deformity and leukemia. You can take the drug only as prescribed by a doctor with the selection of an individual dosage.

  • Konegra

A drug for the treatment of rapid ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. According to its principle of action, this drug is similar to the one described above. Konegra is taken one hour before sexual intercourse, 50 mg. Given the individual tolerance of the drug, the dosage can be increased to 100 mg or reduced to 25 mg. The drug practically does not cause adverse reactions, except for headache, dizziness, visual impairment and nasal congestion.

The drug is contraindicated for patients with individual intolerance to the active components of the drug. Conegra should not be taken by patients under 18 years of age. If the dosage is not observed, the drug for the treatment of rapid ejaculation causes overdose symptoms. In case of overdose, it is necessary to carry out symptomatic therapy.

Cure for rapid ejaculation

The cure for rapid ejaculation is an effective remedy in the fight against early ejaculation, that is, a short sexual intercourse. According to statistics, every man at least once in his life, but faced with the problem of rapid ejaculation. This problem causes not only failures in sexual life, but also affects the relationship between partners and the self-esteem of a man. Medicines and a number of treatment methods can help in the treatment of rapid ejaculation. Let's take a closer look at what are the cures for rapid ejaculation.

  • Sealex

Herbal cure for rapid ejaculation. Sealex is a dietary supplement. The composition of the drug includes ginseng root, which enhances libido, garlic extract to strengthen immunity and green tea extract to invigorate and tone the body. The drug not only helps to prolong sexual intercourse, but also improves erection, that is, it has a double effect on the male body.

  • Lidocaine

A local anesthetic that is effective for hypersensitivity of the glans penis. The principle of the drug is that it lowers the threshold of sensitivity and prevents premature ejaculation. Lidocaine is applied to the head of the penis before intercourse, and this reduces its sensitivity to touch. The duration of action of the anesthetic is 40-50 minutes. For the treatment of rapid ejaculation, the drug is released in the form of an aerosol, which is convenient to spray on the genitals.

How to avoid rapid ejaculation and prolong sexual intercourse? First of all, it is necessary to determine the cause of rapid ejaculation, and for this it is necessary to seek medical help. The doctor will conduct diagnostics and examinations to identify the cause of a short sexual intercourse and prescribe an effective treatment. But in addition to taking medication, prevention of such disorders is of great importance.

  • Lead a healthy lifestyle and avoid stress - this is the first rule of preventing early ejaculation.
  • Eat natural foods and foods that are rich in zinc and magnesium.
  • Exercise regularly, exercise, and be outdoors. This allows you to improve the functioning of all systems and organs of the body, and also helps to eliminate nervous tension, which is one of the causes of rapid ejaculation.

Compliance with all the above preventive methods gives a favorable prognosis for treatment. Please note that rapid ejaculation prevention is only necessary after the first episode. Since in some cases, the psychological mood before sexual intercourse (overexcitation, stress, alcohol intoxication, fear, and so on) contribute to erectile dysfunction and rapid ejaculation.

For prevention, only psychological methods are used, that is, no drugs. Prevention is carried out by a sex therapist or psychologist. In some cases, for the treatment of rapid ejaculation, the patient is recommended a masturbation technique. Medical interaction is very important. So, the duration of ejaculation can be influenced by previous diseases or medications taken.

Rapid ejaculation is a problem for any man at any age. Early ejaculation is considered a disease that is treated by a psychologist, a sex therapist and a urologist. Today, modern medicine has learned to treat rapid sexual intercourse, both with medication and with psychological and physiotherapeutic methods. Regardless of the cause of the problem, rapid ejaculation must be treated, since the disease itself is not eliminated, but rather progresses and takes on a pathological form.

Very fast ejaculation- a common problem that affects not only the quality of intimate life, but also a man's self-esteem. In order to normalize the process of sexual life, it is necessary to find. Treatment of absolutely any pathology begins with the search for the root cause and its elimination.

Causes of rapid ejaculation

Conventionally, all causes can be divided into two categories: physiological and psychological. The first group includes factors associated with the functioning of organs and systems, the second - accelerated ejaculation, not accompanied by somatic pathology.

Physiological causes of premature ejaculation

Rapid ejaculation, causes which are caused by a violation of the activity of organs and systems, are often found in men of mature age. Knowing about these diseases, you can understand how to deal with rapid ejaculation.

Rapid ejaculation in men in most cases, it is a consequence of increased sensitivity of the glans penis. Which, in turn, is a consequence of phimosis (narrowing of the foreskin) or balanoposthitis (inflammation of the glans penis). The first reason is a congenital feature of a man and is perfectly amenable to surgical treatment. The second reason is a sexually transmitted disease. If the problem appeared suddenly, there is every reason to think that as causes of rapid ejaculation is a venereal disease.

Diseases leading to premature ejaculation in men are not necessarily directly related to the penis. Often the cause can be found in endocrine pathologies, accompanied by hormonal disruptions. And also on the sexual strength of a man is affected by his general state of health. For example, with severe poisoning, a man can learn from his own experience what is premature ejaculation, even if you have never encountered such a phenomenon before.

Finally, to understand what could be cause of rapid ejaculation in men, you need to remember the mechanism by which an orgasm occurs. The response to some erotic stimulus-stimulus is formed in the brain, after which the signal is sent to the spinal cord. That, in turn, sends impulses to the nerve endings on the glans penis. If the connection of synaptic transmission is broken at any stage, for example, due to damage to the spinal cord, a man may experience various ejaculatory disorders: late ejaculation, early, or complete lack of erection.

Psychological causes of rapid ejaculation

Psychological barriers that prevent a man from opening up during the sexual process can act as psychological barriers. It can be fear, regular stress, overexcitation due to prolonged abstinence, lack of trust in your partner. Any of these factors activates the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system, which speeds up the heart rate and breathing rate.

In this state, orgasm usually happens very fast ejaculation, which a person can control by consciously calming down, normalizing or even holding his breath, relaxing muscle blocks on the body.

To psychological causes of early ejaculation external factors can also be included. For example, when a sexual contract takes place in conditions of increased danger, when strangers can catch a couple, the man’s brain gives a subconscious signal to speed up. Therefore, such early ejaculation in men difficult to call a manifestation of pathology.

Symptoms of rapid ejaculation

The main symptom of rapid ejaculation is short sexual intercourse. But in order to use this term, it is important to understand: early ejaculation - what is it? The average sexual intercourse lasts from 4 to 10 minutes. These limits are not strict, because partners can, with the help of special means and techniques, extend or, on the contrary, shorten the time of coitus.

If the vast majority of sexual intercourse does not last longer than 3 minutes, it makes sense to talk about such a phenomenon, like a quick ejaculation. What to do with such a feature of a person? If it is not a consequence of the disease, and does not cause psychological discomfort, it makes no sense to think how to avoid rapid ejaculation. But if the situation becomes a problem in your personal life, you should definitely consult a doctor to find out What is premature ejaculation a symptom of?.

Diagnosis of early ejaculation

Before you know how to treat rapid ejaculation, you need to learn about ways to effectively diagnose.

First, the doctor collects the patient's history, finds out how long the person has been facing a delicate problem, what events accompanied or preceded sexual intercourse, whether he has chronic diseases.

After that, the doctor examines the genitals. Sometimes finding out the reason why does rapid ejaculation occur, terminates directly at this stage. This happens if a man has phimosis.

Also, the doctor may notice signs of a sexually transmitted infection, but it is impossible to make a diagnosis without preliminary laboratory diagnostics. Therefore, the doctor directs the patient for examination or independently performs scraping from the urethra.

Laboratory diagnostics also includes tests for hormones, which are taken on an empty stomach by taking venous blood. These laboratory studies are mandatory for any violation of potency. Cause of early ejaculation cannot be elucidated without examining the human endocrine system.

There are also specific tests that are carried out by doctors in order to better understand the cause of rapid ejaculation if the clinical picture is not clear enough. The most popular simple and affordable is the lidocaine test.

A lidocaine test is a diagnostic method in which a special anesthetic gel is applied to the penis immediately before sexual contact. If this diagnostic measure acts as quick cure for rapid ejaculation, and the man immediately feels that sexual intercourse is being prolonged, then the doctor prescribes to the patient either surgical circumcision of the foreskin or special means that dull the sensitivity of the glans penis.

There is also the so-called antidepressant test. In this case, the doctor prescribes antidepressants from the required group to the patient, after which the man checks their effectiveness directly during sex. It is important to remember that the effect of such drugs does not occur immediately. And you also need to understand that such drugs are very dangerous, so it is strictly forbidden to take them on your own, without a doctor's prescription.

Why does ejaculation occur quickly

The answer to the question why does it happen from time to time rapid ejaculation during intercourse, cannot be universal and unambiguous. Under the influence of external factors, a long break in intimate life or strong overexcitation, accelerated ejaculation can occur and is not required.

Orgasm is a complex process in which both physiology and the human psyche are involved. At the first stage, a person has a reaction to a certain stimulus, for example, an erotic picture, a touch. But there is a beginning of sexual arousal always starts in the brain.

And the direct physical reaction of the body - erection and ejaculation occur as a result of the activation of synaptic connections from the spinal cord, which makes the nerve endings on the glans penis more sensitive.

Normally, this process takes a certain amount of time from the onset of arousal to ejaculation. If the frictions come immediately after the excitement, the sexual intercourse will last longer than if the excitement grows for some time.

But sometimes there can be changes in this process. At a young age, when a man does not yet have sufficient sexual experience, ways to deal with early ejaculation are the most relevant. Firstly, he has enough masturbatory experience in which he is used to ejaculate after a certain period of time. Secondly, he is emotionally more vulnerable, so his sexual arousal is usually brighter and stronger.

Mature men are also not immune from the problem, how to prolong ejaculation. At this age, the physiological causes of rapid ejaculation predominate.

Before finding out how to get rid of rapid ejaculation using the methods of modern pharmacology or psychotherapy, you need to understand why does early ejaculation occur. And you can find out this only in a specific individual case, there can be no universal answers in this case.

Rapid ejaculation during masturbation

Masturbation is a natural part of any man's sex life. Being engaged in self-gratification on their own, men, as a rule, ejaculate faster. Hence, myths arise that frequent masturbation affects the quality of sexual life, therefore treatment early ejaculation required primarily by those who have extensive experience of self-satisfaction.

But in fact, the fact of masturbation does not have any effect on the quality of sexual life. But the technique of onanism may well become the reason that a man needs treatment premature ejaculation. That is, by acting with his hand, the man accelerates the onset of orgasm, increasing the impact of the hand on the penis. Sometimes this process is also associated with psychological problems, for example, when at a young age the boy was afraid of being caught masturbating, so he tried to hasten the onset of orgasm.

Before finding out why rapid ejaculation occurs after frequent masturbation, it is important to understand that our psyche seeks to automate any processes in order to achieve a reduction in energy expenditure. Therefore, any patterns of behavior are fixed quite easily with their regular repetition.

On average, a man masturbates once every 48 hours. At a young age, this happens more often, in adulthood, with a constant partner, less often. But if, according to these statistics, at least 150 acts of self-gratification a year for a man are accompanied by an accelerated orgasm, it is not surprising that the brain takes this pattern for a template, and in the future the man faces such a problem as early ejaculation. What to do in the event that masturbation causes a deterioration in the quality of life?

It is important to understand that it is not the masturbation itself that plays the role, but the technique of its execution. Therefore, you can try to change the way of masturbation, try to delay the onset of orgasm as much as possible.

What to do with rapid ejaculation

Premature Ejaculation Prevention Techniques have a sufficient degree of effectiveness, but most men resort to them too late. Problems in intimate life are a rather delicate problem, which is unpleasant for a doctor to talk about.

But it is important to understand that it is necessary to consult a urologist or a sex therapist. And it's better to do it as soon as possible - it will greatly speed up early ejaculation treatment.

Treatment for rapid ejaculation

There is no universal treatment regimen. First of all, because the causes of the problem can be different, and to find out how to cure rapid ejaculation possible, only having sufficient information about the causes of the disease.

In some cases, the problem can only be solved by surgery. For example, in cases of phimosis, the urologist performs surgery under local anesthesia, excising excess flesh in such a way that the glans penis is open. In this state, the mucosa becomes rougher, and therefore less sensitive. According to numerous reviews, after the operation, the time of sexual intercourse increases several times. But this method only works if rapid ejaculation treatment implies a decrease in the sensitivity of the glans penis.

In the event that the mucous membrane of the penis is sensitive, but circumcision of the foreskin is not required, various local preparations can be used that will dull sensations, thereby prolonging sexual intercourse. The list of medications that can be used is listed below.

It is worth remembering that the elimination of the root cause of the pathology is the most important condition, how cure early ejaculation. If there is a pathology of the genitourinary system or other internal organs and systems, it is useless to use any drugs with a temporary therapeutic effect.

The treatment regimen must be determined by the attending physician. Self-administering therapy aimed at prolonging sexual intercourse or getting rid of causes of premature ejaculation can lead to even more health problems. For example, drugs such as Viagra, which increase the time of intercourse by increasing erection, negatively affect the heart muscle. And the pathology of the cardiovascular system will necessarily subsequently affect both ejaculation and erection.

Preparations and medicines for rapid ejaculation

symptomatic ejaculation treatment includes taking drugs that prolong the time of sexual intercourse.

If a ejaculation occurs quickly, sexologists can recommend drugs that improve erection due to the blood supply to the cavernous bodies of the penis. These drugs are quite effective, able to make intimate life more vivid and sensual. But there are a few points that it is important for any patient to know:

  • premature ejaculation treatment must be prescribed by a doctor;
  • it is strictly forbidden to exceed the dosage;
  • before use, you need to check the activity of the heart muscle.

A perfect example of such a drug is Viagra. Its cost ranges from 600 to 900 rubles per tablet. But Viagra also has generics, which, as a rule, cost customers an order of magnitude cheaper:

  • Viatail - about 650 rubles for 4 tablets;
  • Sildenafil - about 550 rubles for 10 pieces;
  • Vizarsin - about 520 rubles for 4 pieces;
  • Maksigra - about 800 rubles for 4 pieces;
  • Ereksezil - about 1000 rubles for 4 pieces.

The topical preparation is lidocaine in the form of a spray, which can be bought at any pharmacy. It is evenly sprayed onto the head of the penis, after which it is necessary to wait for the effect of anesthesia to work. In stores with intimate goods, there are special lubricant gels that contain lidocaine:

  • NAISC;
  • PEINEILI Men Spray;
  • LongLast Men Spray;
  • God Oil India;
  • Super Dragon 6000;
  • Scorol Men Spray.

If drug treatment is not effective, the doctor may advise the patient to how to get rid of early ejaculation using psychological techniques. Sexologists recommend using breathing techniques, muscle tension. In especially difficult cases, when psychotherapy and pharmacological assistance do not bring results, the nerve of the glans penis is incised.

Folk remedies for rapid ejaculation

Traditional medicine offers a large number of methods for a variety of diseases, including advice, how to treat early ejaculation without medication.

  1. Three tablespoons of motherwort grass should be mixed with one tablespoon of cones and brewed with one liter of boiling water. The drug is used 100 ml three times a day. If the decoction causes drowsiness, you can not drink it in the morning, transferring the dose to the evening.
  2. A tablespoon of periwinkle herb, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, is added to a glass of water. The mixture is poured into a wide bowl and heated in a water bath. After that, the bowl is covered with a lid and infused for at least half an hour. It is necessary to use a decoction of 50-100 ml three times a day.
  3. Two tablespoons of oregano herb and one tablespoon of calendula are brewed with 200–250 ml of boiling water. After 6 hours, when the remedy is infused, it is consumed after meals. The course of treatment is at least 6 weeks.
  4. Mint, oregano, motherwort and yarrow, one teaspoon each, are added to the container and poured with boiling water. After 20 minutes, the broth can be filtered and drunk twice a day.
  5. Lovage rhizome must be poured with a liter of boiling water and put on a slow fire. After 30 minutes, the broth should be removed from the stove, strained and eaten 100 ml three times a day.

Do these remedies help? First of all, it must be said that all the described methods, how to prevent premature ejaculation, work by calming the nervous system and increasing vitality. If rapid ejaculation is the result of stress and other psychological causes, the remedies described may show a positive effect.

Traditional medicine is considered a safe method of treatment with respect to pharmacological preparations. In fact, even herbal decoctions should be taken with great care, as they:

  • may react with medications taken;
  • may cause allergic reactions;
  • have an unspecified period of excretion of the components of the composition from the body.

Before how to treat premature ejaculation with the help of alternative medicine, you need to consult with your doctor. In some cases, for example, with impaired filtration capacity of the kidneys, he may prohibit the intake of any decoctions and tinctures, in others he may recommend specific recipes or natural herbal preparations.

Ways to Avoid Rapid Ejaculation

Medical literacy is the main tool for preventing various pathologies, including in the area of ​​the male reproductive system. Knowing why there is a premature orgasm, to what causes frequent ejaculation, one can understand not only how to cure premature ejaculation but also how to prevent it.

Knowing that sexual infections lead to disruption of the ejaculation process, it is not difficult to assume that a condom is an excellent method how to get rid of premature ejaculation. In addition, it reduces the sensitivity of the head of the penis during intercourse, and therefore prolongs the period of friction.

A proper lifestyle is a universal way to improve the functioning of all body systems, including improving a man's sexual abilities. Proper nutrition, moderate but regular physical activity, the rejection of bad habits have a positive effect on the cardiovascular, nervous and endocrine systems. So before you think how to prevent premature ejaculation, it is necessary to assess the correctness of the lifestyle and, if necessary, change it.

And, finally, an important condition for a healthy and fulfilling sexual life is psychological stability. Numerous phobias and stresses have a direct impact on a man's ability in bed, so it is important to get rid of any phobias and deal with any stresses correctly.

Using all the above methods of prevention, regularly visiting a doctor for a routine examination, you may never know personally what is early ejaculation, maintaining a strong sexual function for many years.

Many men at least once in their lives had to deal with psychologically unpleasant sensations or the consequences of a quick sexual intercourse, provoked, if not instantaneously, then early ejaculation. This problem is quite common and at the same time quite serious.

Any delay in contacting a specialist, incorrect or inappropriate treatment of premature ejaculation is fraught with disastrous consequences.

It should be understood that it is almost impossible to get rid of the disease using only alternative medicine or medications recommended by others. Only a competent approach to therapy and the right ways to deal with pathology (as prescribed by a doctor) will help slow down sexual intercourse.

According to statistics, young men who have no experience of sexual relations are more likely to encounter this nuisance. Often adult men also face a pathological condition. There are many reasons for rapid ejaculation. And in order to cure the disease and get rid of psychological discomfort, as well as prevent the development of complications, it is first necessary to identify the main cause of the disease and only then begin treatment.


On average, sexual intercourse lasts approximately 7 minutes. A deviation of a couple of minutes is also the norm.

It is customary to talk about rapid ejaculation in such cases:

  1. Ejaculation occurred after two minutes from the beginning of sexual intercourse. This symptom is the first sign of pathology.
  2. Ejaculation occurred immediately after the introduction of the penis into the vagina.
  3. Ejaculation occurred before the penis was inserted into the vagina.

It should be understood that early ejaculation is not a pathology in all cases. It may be due to prolonged abstinence or severe overexcitation. In such cases, such a phenomenon as premature ejaculation does not require special treatment.

When identifying an ailment, you must first seek the help of a qualified specialist. He, after conducting an examination and establishing the root cause, will prescribe the appropriate treatment. Ignoring pathology is fraught with mental disorders and prolonged depression.

What is a provocateur of rapid sexual intercourse

There are plenty of ways to treat premature ejaculation today. These are the methods of hypnosis, and the use of tablets and herbal decoctions and infusions. Often, in order to slow down sexual intercourse, an operation is prescribed. However, it should be understood that no treatment will be effective if it is used without the appointment of a specialist. Certain methods can certainly work. But, unfortunately, they will not get rid of the problem completely, but will only help to briefly restrain ejaculation.

That is why, before starting the treatment of premature ejaculation, it is necessary to make an appointment with a specialist and undergo examinations. Therapy will be effective and improve the quality of sexual life only if the exact cause is established.

The appearance of the disease can be triggered by the following psychological factors:

  • overexcitation;
  • fear of contracting an infection;
  • too early experience of sexual life;
  • irregular sex;
  • syndrome of "obsessive expectation" (due to past failures with partners);
  • overwork;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • lack of experience;
  • frequent stressful situations and depressive disorders.

In addition, the causes of the pathological condition can be physiological.

In this case, the disease may be due to:

  • the presence of addictions: smoking, drug use and alcohol abuse;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • violations in metabolic processes;
  • neurobiological disorders;
  • neurological pathologies provoked by disorders of the pelvic organs;
  • lack of magnesium;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • short frenulum of the penis;
  • diseases of an inflammatory nature (vesiculitis, prostatitis);
  • genital injury.

The main cause of the disease is hypersensitivity. On the head of the penis there are receptors that react incorrectly to irritation. That is why ejaculation can happen quickly.

Which specialist to contact

With such a problem, consultation of several specialists at once is necessary:

  1. Urologist. In order to exclude the development of pathologies that provoke an increase in the sensitivity of the penis, palpation and examination are prescribed.
  2. sexologist. Engaged in identifying psychological causes.
  3. Neurologist. In order to exclude the development of pathologies of a neurological nature, a consultation with a neurologist is needed.
  4. Endocrinologist. Engaged in the identification of hormonal pathologies that affect sexual life.


In order to identify the root cause of the pathological condition, in addition to the survey and physical examination, dopplerography, biotesiometry, ultrasound and laboratory tests are prescribed. In some cases, it is prescribed to carry out: tests with lidocaine, a test with antidepressants, PCR diagnostics, cystoscopy and ureteroscopy, as well as a blood test for hormones.

Early ejaculation: how to delay ejaculation using various techniques

Today, there are many ways to delay ejaculation and cure the disease.

Some of them are more effective, they contribute not only to the delay and prolongation of sexual intercourse, but also to improve sexual life, while others are less effective.

And since early ejaculation is a rather serious problem, only a specialist should deal with the treatment of the disease.

Often, in order to increase the duration of sexual intercourse, the following methods are prescribed:

  • method "Start-Stop";
  • drug therapy;
  • stimulation;
  • operations;
  • non-traditional treatment.

To normalize ejaculation, you need to have a regular sex life, play sports and adhere to the correct daily routine.

Treatment of early ejaculation "Start-Stop"
. During intimacy, a representative of the strong half of society must feel and catch the moment of orgasm and ejaculation. It is at this moment that you should remove the penis from the vagina and squeeze it with your fingers at the base. After the subsidence of excitation, sexual intercourse should be extended. You can do this until your partner is completely satisfied. You can practice the method for as long as you need. Over time, the duration of the act will increase and such a problem as early ejaculation will remain in the past.

The use of medicines. Today this technique is the most popular. The modern pharmaceutical industry has a huge number of drugs that help eliminate the problem and delay ejaculation.

Doctors for the treatment of pathology often prescribe the use of:

  • alpha-blockers and inhibitors, agents that increase the duration of sexual intercourse: Paxil, Deprivox, Fluoxetine;
  • antidepressants, contribute to the elimination of psychological factors and overexcitation;
  • erection pills: Viagra, Cialis, Levitra;
  • Dapoxetine;
  • herbal medicine.

Kegel Method. The method is effective in combating disorders of the innervation of the pelvic organs and consists in performing special exercises that help restore innervation and delay ejaculation. Controlling the tension and relaxation of the muscles of the pelvis and coccyx is the best way to learn how to control ejaculation.

Here are some exercises:

  • Lying on your back, you need to pull your knees to the chest while inhaling, and while exhaling, draw in the stomach. Repeat - five times.
  • Lying on your back, you need to carry out circular movements, first with the right, then with the left foot. Repeat - five times.
  • It is necessary to lie on your back and bend the lower limbs at the knees. After counting to three, you need to raise your buttocks, then squeeze them and retract the anus, at the count of four - relax and sink to the floor.

The use of alternative medicine. Compositions of medicinal herbs will help get rid of early ejaculation, and establish a sexual life. To do this, you just need to use herbal remedies that help increase the duration of sexual intercourse.

  • lovage help to overcome the disease. It is necessary to pour 15 g of crushed dried plants with high-quality vodka - 200 ml. The composition must be insisted in a cool place for two weeks. It is advised to consume 20 drops of the filtered drug once a day. You can also make a decoction from the same plant. To do this, 20 g of finely chopped dry plant is poured with 200 ml of water. The container must be put on the stove and wait for the product to boil. Next, the remedy must be insisted - 30 minutes. It is advised to consume 50 ml of a filtered medicinal drink three times a day, before a meal.
  • Application healing collection. It is necessary to mix two parts of oregano with one calendula. Next, 20 g of the mixture should be steamed in two hundred milliliters of boiled water. The container must be set aside in a warm place for five hours. It is recommended to drink half a glass of strained medicine after each meal. The duration of the therapeutic course is 45 days.

Use of stimulation
. This method involves the use of massage, acupuncture, baths and other methods of reflexology.

Application of surgical techniques. With the ineffectiveness of treatment with medicines, folk remedies and other non-surgical methods, an operation is prescribed.

How to delay ejaculation, and what methods can help, only the doctor knows.

In order to normalize sexual life, the following is prescribed:

  • circumcision or circumcision;
  • microsurgical denervation. It consists in influencing the nerve endings of the penis;
  • injection implantation. It consists in the introduction of hyaluronic acid into the head of the penis.


In order to exclude the appearance of disorders in the sexual sphere, it is necessary to: eat right, lead an active and healthy lifestyle, give up addictions, exclude promiscuity, avoid stress and injuries.

Active outdoor recreation, a balanced diet and sports have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the reproductive system.

Violations in the sexual sphere can manifest themselves in different ways and occur at absolutely any age. Isolated situations when premature ejaculation occurs usually do not cause alarm, and they are not given serious importance. However, if this happens all the time, the man begins to panic, in some cases, such failures lead to the development of chronic depression, which develops into a protracted depressive state.

The reasons

Rapid ejaculation can be caused by various factors. They can be divided into 2 groups.

Physiological prerequisites for violation:

  • Lack of magnesium in the body;
  • Short frenulum of the penis;
  • The presence of inflammation and injuries of the genitals;
  • Increased;
  • Metabolic disorders;
  • CNS diseases that adversely affect the functioning of the pelvic organs;
  • Hormonal disorders;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • The consequences of taking medications;

Psychological causes of premature ejaculation:

  • A reflex formed during youthful masturbation;
  • The beginning of sexual activity in;
  • Excessive arousal;
  • An obsessive fear that arose after several failures;
  • Neuroses, developed on the basis of regular "punctures";
  • Minimal experience of intimate relationships with women;
  • , depression, constant exposure to stress factors;
  • Fears associated with possible infection with infectious diseases;
  • Big break;
  • Subjectively, too beautiful and exciting partner.

Symptoms and signs

Despite the fact that until now it has not been precisely determined by clinicians, it is generally accepted that ejaculation is premature if friction during intimacy lasted no more than 2 minutes.

Signs by which you can also determine the presence of a violation:

  • The release of ejaculate occurs within a few seconds or even before the onset of sexual intercourse;
  • The eruption of the seed occurs at the sight of the female genitalia.

Less commonly, the symptoms of premature ejaculation include a situation where a man has reached orgasm before his partner did.

How to treat premature ejaculation?

There are several ways to correct premature ejaculation. Treatment includes psychotherapeutic techniques and use. Also can help, including herbal medicine, physical activity and non-traditional methods. In case of severe severity of the disease resort to surgical intervention.


Medicines include creams, sprays and which are used topically and for oral administration, directly affecting the problem of premature ejaculation.

Also, for therapy, drugs are used that were originally developed for the treatment of depressive and anxiety states, which by the way contribute to delayed ejaculation.

Means of topical application

The main principle of the method is the use of products containing anesthetic components. Application or spraying on the genitals blocks the nerve endings of the penis. Due to this, orgasm and ejaculation occurs later.

The main active ingredient is lidocaine, or substances with a similar effect. It is recommended to use them under a condom, otherwise getting the product on the walls of the female vagina can deprive the partner of orgasm. Emla gel, SS-cream, Stud 5000 spray are the most popular drugs that can be used for anesthetic treatment of ejaculation disorders.

The disadvantage of this therapy is that many people are allergic to lidocaine and analogues. In this case, it is necessary to look for an alternative way to prolong sexual intercourse.

Dapoxetine and Ogoplex

Drugs, clinical trials of which have confirmed high efficiency in the treatment of rapid ejaculation. You can start taking it only after consulting a doctor, the drugs have side effects and can cause negative physiological reactions of the body.

Dapoxetine slows down the rate of ejaculate release and prolongs sexual intercourse. At the moment, tablets are considered the most effective in the treatment of the disease. The drug is forbidden to be taken by men with pathologies of the kidneys and heart. Also, they can not be combined with alcohol and tranquilizers.

Ogoplex capsules delay ejaculation, as well as:

  • Improve spermatogenesis;
  • Activate prostate metabolism;
  • Enhance physiological arousal;
  • They have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

This drug is safer for the male body. The only reason for refusing therapy is hypersensitivity to the components.


Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors belong to the group of antidepressants. The main indications for the use of SSRIs are the treatment of disorders and a number of mental illnesses.

In the course of tests and studies, it was found that an additional effect of drugs is the ability to delay ejaculation. It has been proven that treatment with this group of antidepressants has a high recovery rate, which is why this type of therapy is considered a promising way to correct rapid ejaculation.

The most famous means: Paxil, Sertraline, Fluoxetine. Given the peculiarity of the composition and indications for use, it is impossible to purchase these drugs on their own, they are under strict control.

However, some clinicians are opposed to this method of treatment. They believe that the use of side effects to correct the problem is fundamentally wrong, in addition, SSRIs can cause difficult to tolerate concomitant reactions:

  • convulsions;
  • tremor;
  • confusion.

Moreover: taking antidepressants can lead to the opposite effect, disrupting sexual function and. Therefore, despite the proven effectiveness of such a technique, it is considered quite controversial, and before resorting to it, it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons along with.

dietary supplements

In the instructions for many, it is indicated that they can be used to treat premature ejaculation in men.

According to the reviews of professionals and patients, the most effective and proven ones are Sealex, Vimax, Neurodose.


Pharmaceutical Preparation Sealex is a dietary supplement with a complex effect. In addition to the main purpose - delaying ejaculation, it can be used to increase stamina and sexual activity, strengthen the immune system and give orgasm brightness and saturation.

As part of dietary supplements, only plant components:, extracts of eurycoma, creeping palm and, extracts from licorice roots and sowing. The drug does not work for everyone, but side effects are extremely rare.


Herbal medicine, standing on the first positions of the ratings of dietary supplements, which can cure premature ejaculation. Capsules have a prolonged action, respectively, course treatment is necessary for several weeks.

With the help of the drug, sexual intercourse becomes longer, sperm release slows down, it is provided. Natural formula includes:

  • ginseng and eurycoma;
  • dodder seeds;
  • Creeping anchors;
  • Water chestnut.


Neurodose is another example of a natural complex that successfully copes with the problem of premature ejaculation.

Designed specifically to correct violations of the completion of sexual intercourse, it can also be used as an additional source that the body of a man needs.

The product consists of 2 amino acids, magnesium, vitamin B6, L-glutamine and phenylalanine. These components inhibit the process of ejaculation, fight anxiety and the effects of stress.

Physical exercises

An alternative method for managing your own ejaculation is developed by Kegel. From his point of view, the basis of the disorder is a violation of the mechanism of innervation of the organs located in the pelvic region.

The main exercise is that 2-3 times a day you need to strain and then relax the pubococcygeal muscle. At the beginning, you can limit yourself to 15 times, but gradually it is necessary to bring the number of repetitions to 50 times.

Muscle contraction should occur during inhalation, after which you need to wait 2-3 seconds and relax while exhaling. There are no special requirements for breathing, it must be free.

Other techniques and tricks

Due to the fact that half of the prerequisites that cause premature ejaculation are psychological in nature, many men are recommended to undergo a full course of psychotherapy. In the process, the main cause that caused the disease is found, and the patient, together with the psychotherapist, is engaged in its correction.

There is also a special technique that allows you to control ejaculation, called "Start-Stop". Its essence is as follows:

  • At the time of the onset of ejaculation, the man removes the genital organ from the vagina;
  • Strongly squeezes it at the base of the head, blocking the release of sperm;
  • As soon as the feeling of an approaching orgasm recedes, sexual intercourse can be continued;

Thus, you can gradually extend the time of intimacy.

The Simmans technique is also effective, provided that there is a trusting relationship with a regular partner. It is built on the principle of masturbation without orgasm. First, stimulation is carried out independently, then with the help of a woman. Another way is to press with 3 fingers on a point located between the scrotum and anus. Its activation must be carried out before the onset of the climax.

Acupuncture, oriental spiritual practices, and breathing also help. A successful way is to count the frictions in combination with breath control. The man focuses on the counting process, thereby slowing down the onset of ejaculation.

Herbal medicine is another non-traditional method, thanks to which it is possible to prevent premature ejaculation. Means based on motherwort, oregano and will be effective if properly collected and prepared according to the directions listed in the recipe. Sometimes supporters of the occult can accompany such treatment with conspiracies and rituals. Such methods are still popular in remote villages and remote areas of the country.


To avoid violations in the reproductive system, it is important to adhere to a number of principles:

  • Timely prevention of conflict situations that provoke stress;
  • Avoidance of hypothermia;
  • Entering into sexual contact only with a permanent partner;
  • Compliance with the correct mode;
  • Leading a healthy lifestyle: regular walks and visits to the gym;
  • Minimize glasses of alcohol and smoked cigarettes.

It is also very important to regularly visit a urologist for preventive examinations and not to ignore the primary symptoms of any diseases. A neglected pathology can give various complications, in particular, to the urogenital area.

According to world data, from 10 to 20 percent of all representatives of the stronger sex of the planet have a problem.

According to British doctors, every man has experienced premature ejaculation at least once in his life. Data on the exact time of its onset vary, but most biologists note the critical a figure in 120 seconds- if the sexual intercourse lasts less, then we can talk about the presence of this sexual dysfunction.

The reasons

The reasons for rapid ejaculation can be psychological-social or functional. Psychological ones include:

  1. Irregular sexual life and very long sexual abstinence.
  2. Atypical conditions for sex.
  3. Excessive excitement of a new partner.
  4. First sexual contact.
  5. Hypersexuality, tied to a strong sexual constitution.

Functional reasons:

  1. Paracentral lobule syndrome, congenital or acquired. Its essence boils down to the presence of a focus of overexcitation that disrupts the functions of pollution and urination.
  2. Inflammation in the seminal tubercles, where ejaculation reflexes are formed.
  3. Diseases such as vertebral hernia, osteochondrosis and multiple sclerosis can cause premature ejaculation.
  4. Hypersensitivity of the glans penis.
  5. Inflammatory processes in the genitals - vesiculitis, prostatitis.
  6. Side effects of drugs. Rapid ejaculation can be induced by ephedrine, chlorpheniramine, phenylephrine, guanethidine, haloperidol, and other drugs.


There is no single treatment regimen for rapid ejaculation, since it can be caused by a number of reasons. The most popular and in demand remains the medical method. Actively used drugs that slow down the rate of onset of excitation.

An alternative is the use of anesthetic creams, but they can suppress sexual desire in a partner. Sometimes during treatment, a sex therapist may prescribe antidepressants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, and other medications, such as paroxetines and clomipramines.

Surgical intervention is also recognized as a conservative method of treatment if the problem is associated with a functional disorder of the body. The surgeon can perform selective denervation and denervation of the glans penis with parallel restoration of the nerve trunks of the organ. These procedures involve making an incision in the skin of the penis below the sulcus, cutting and suturing the nerves, and then cutting off the foreskin.

Also, do not forget about proper diagnosis before any treatment - sometimes premature ejaculation can be caused by inflammatory processes and even taking certain medications. Eliminating the cause leads to the restoration of functionality.

In addition to the above methods, it is desirable to normalize your own diet, eliminating fatty and spicy foods, organize periodic moderate physical activity, use a condom that slightly reduces the quality of tactile sensations and delays the process of ejaculation.

Popular drugs and medicines

The drugs most used for this sexual problem are the drugs of the so-called SSRI group - Dapoxetine, Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft and Deprivox,. The above medical products block the nerve centers of ejaculation for an average of 3-5 hours, which significantly prolongs the time of sexual intercourse. Usually, they are paired with drugs that increase potency, in particular Viagra, Leritra, Cialis.

Rapid ejaculation. Folk methods of treatment.

For sexual male diseases associated with dysfunction and sexual disorders of a wide range, increased fatigue, sleep disturbances, weak erection, irritability and loss of libido are characteristic. Traditional medicine usually suggests in this case to overcome the disease with the help of sedative tinctures:

  1. A mixture of motherwort herbs and hop cones in a ratio of 3 to 1, brewed in a glass of water per one tablespoon. Drink three times a day for half a glass for no more than thirty days.
  2. Periwinkle herb (1 tablespoon per glass of water), boiled in a water bath. Use 10 drops per day for no more than three days.
  3. Crushed hoof root (one third of a teaspoon) is poured with a glass of water and boiled for ten minutes, after which it is infused and filtered for thirty minutes. Drink a tablespoon six times a day.
  4. The crushed lovage root in the amount of one tablespoon is poured with a glass of water and boiled for about 20 minutes in a water bath, after which it is infused for 30 minutes and filtered. Drink a third of a glass, three times a day.

Possible diseases

By itself, rapid ejaculation cannot provoke any disease. In fact, this intimate problem is an indicator of some kind of malfunction in the body. Such a failure can be psychological problems, functional disorders, inflammation and other factors. Therefore, if you find this problem in yourself, then be sure to go through a comprehensive diagnosis and consult with a sex therapist. Quite often, the elimination of only one cause gives an almost instantaneous positive effect.

Useful video

Answers to frequently asked questions:

Why does rapid ejaculation occur?

Rapid ejaculation can occur due to a number of reasons. First of all, this is a manifestation of male hypersexuality, when a partner has a short sexual intercourse, but after a short period of time, he is again ready for intercourse, though just as short. Sometimes this problem is associated with an irregular sexual life, inexperience of a man, a depressed psychological state, atypical conditions for sexual intercourse.

The cause of functional disorders of this spectrum can be inflammation of a very diverse nature, paracentral lobule syndrome with impaired emission and urination, multiple sclerosis, vertebral hernia, osteochondrosis, and even banal side effects when taking a number of drugs.

What to do with rapid ejaculation?

First of all - to undergo a comprehensive examination and identify the true cause of this sexual dysfunction. Only together with a sexologist can you find the best solution to your intimate problem.

It is the doctor who decides whether you need surgery, as well as taking medications. Of the general recommendations for men, we can advise you to lead a healthy lifestyle, get enough sleep, engage in regular physical activity, and normalize your own diet. Of the additional “tricks”, it is recommended to regularly use a condom, which slightly reduces tactile sensations during sex, which means prolonging the time before ejaculation, as well as special lubricants, retractor rings, etc.

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