Temperature 38.9 in a nursing mother. Causes of fever during lactation. Elevated temperature in a nursing mother: normal or not

The rise in temperature is a surprise breastfeeding for a young mother, faced with which, many women begin to panic. There can be many explanations for this phenomenon, and which of the reasons caused hyperthermia, you can figure it out by contacting a doctor. The mother's body during breastfeeding is vulnerable, and the temperature may rise due to lactostasis, inflammation, colds or exacerbation of chronic diseases. The cause of the phenomenon should be determined, a decision should be made to continue feeding and taking any medications (the attending doctor should decide on the drugs).

Reasons for the rise in temperature

The reasons for hanging the temperature during breastfeeding can be different.

The temperature during lactation can rise for many reasons, the main of which is a bacterial infection. get infected colds possible during the influenza epidemic, the peak of which is considered the spring-autumn period. If a woman catches an infection during the feeding period, she runs the risk of infecting her baby, so you should immediately consult a doctor and start treatment.

It is not recommended to refuse breastfeeding due to SARS, since mother's milk begins to produce immune compounds that enter children's body and increase its resistance to infections. Thanks to these antibodies, if the baby becomes infected from the mother, the pathology will proceed in mild form.

The list of factors that affect the temperature increase during breastfeeding:

  • phenomena of stagnation in the mammary glands and the development of inflammatory-purulent mastitis;
  • bacterial infections of the throat and nose (tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis);
  • exacerbation of pathologies chronic form from which a woman suffers;
  • complications after cesarean (inflammation or divergence of sutures);
  • poisoning and intestinal infections;
  • inflammation of the endometrial layer of the uterus;
  • diseases of the internal organs.

Attention! Self-medication with an increase in temperature harms the health of the mother and baby, the question of the need to prescribe drugs and the advisability of abolishing breastfeeding is decided by the doctor after diagnostic procedures.

Laktostasis and mastitis

Mastitis is one of possible causes temperature increase

In many cases, an increase in temperature is observed during breastfeeding due to mastitis and lactostasis. Many mothers do not know how to breastfeed, because of which the skin of the nipples cracks, pathogenic bacteria get inside, for example Staphylococcus aureus, develops purulent mastitis. To cure the disease, antibiotic therapy is required, and sometimes surgical intervention. To avoid the development of mastitis, one should learn correct technique breastfeeding, breast hygiene, avoiding nipple cracks and ironing bras.

Lactostasis - less dangerous pathology, in which there is stagnation of milk in the gland. Occurs with weak sucking of the breast by a child in the process of feeding, during the development more milk than the baby needs. Seals appear in the gland, the temperature rises, aching pain is felt.

Inflammatory processes after childbirth

If during breastfeeding a temperature of 39 ° C is observed in the mother, the doctor suspects the development of an inflammatory process. They provoke its divergence and suppuration of the sutures on, or sutures placed on the cervix or perineum (with natural childbirth and performing an episiotomy). In order to avoid complications, doctors recommend carefully looking after the seams, and when the temperature rises, seek help and not be treated on your own. If inflammatory processes in postpartum period accompanied by a sharp temperature jump, antibiotic therapy may be required, the decision to continue feeding the doctor and the woman is made jointly.

Postpartum endometritis - inflammatory process, which struck the epithelial uterine layer, which developed when the infection entered the uterine cavity. Provoke the development of endometritis manual scraping and separation of the placenta during childbirth. At severe symptoms inflammation required urgent help- Ultrasound, antibiotics, cleaning and washing the uterine cavity with antiseptics in the hospital.

After childbirth, inflammatory processes can be observed in the body of a woman.


If the temperature of the mother has increased during breastfeeding, this may be due to viral infection. The body of a woman after childbirth is weak and vulnerable, so she easily picks up infections, especially during their spread. The fact of infection with SARS is not a reason to interrupt feeding, on the contrary, at this time the milk contains increased amount antibodies that help develop immunity in the baby. With a viral infection, flu, colds and a temperature rise above 38.5 ° C, you will have to take antipyretic drugs, which will be prescribed by your doctor.

Diseases of the internal organs

Another cause of sudden temperature fluctuations in nursing mothers are intestinal infections that occur due to malnutrition, entering the body pathogenic bacteria, at chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract. Food poisoning symptoms:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • liquid stool;
  • weakness, loss of strength;
  • headaches and cramps in the abdomen;
  • rise in temperature to 38-40 o C.

It's important to know! A nursing mother should immediately visit an infectious disease doctor to select sorbents, enveloping drugs and, if indicated, antibiotics, as well as to prescribe a diet so as not to harm the baby's health.

Severe abdominal pain, as well as vomiting and loose stools, may indicate poisoning

Breastfeeding and fever are not always a cause for panic. You should observe the body's signals and act calmly, perhaps nothing terrible is happening, panic will aggravate the woman's condition and only do harm. The algorithm of actions with an increase in temperature during feeding is as follows:

  1. Determination of the cause of hyperthermia. Qualified medical assistance, even if the nursing mother knows the symptoms of the disease, due to which the temperature has risen, the specialist will notice the changes that have eluded the woman's gaze, and will give the necessary recommendations.
  2. Continue feeding. You can’t stop feeding on your own without good reasons, even with a jump in temperature, since milk is the best immunomodulator for babies.
  3. Correct temperature measurement. The reason for panic may be the wrong temperature measurement process, since during the feeding period the thermometer shows more high performance in the area of armpits due to the production of milk by the glands.
  4. The use of antipyretics. The doctor will help you choose the safest.
  5. Compliance drinking regime. During a rise in temperature during breastfeeding, a woman should drink 250 ml of water every hour to reduce the risk of developing lactostasis and remove toxins and harmful substances from the body.

Advice! Not every temperature needs to be brought down, you should immediately consult a doctor, and take anti-heat medications only when the thermometer marks are above 38.5 ° C. The body should be allowed to cope with the problem on its own.

If the temperature rises during breastfeeding, a mandatory consultation with a doctor is required.

How to measure temperature correctly

To measure the temperature during breastfeeding correctly, a new mother should place the thermometer in an area away from the armpit, for example, in the crook of the elbow. This fact is explained by the fact that the flow of milk to the glands contributes to the distortion of indicators in the armpit area, as a result, the marks grow, and the measurement is considered unreliable. Normal indicators for a nursing woman, the limits are from 36.4 o C to 37.3 o C, you should not panic and consider such numbers as pathology.

The effect of temperature on milk - to feed or not

What to do if the mother's temperature rises during breastfeeding - is it advisable to deprive the baby of milk? The problem is very relevant for women, because breast milk is the source nutrients and vitamins for the crumbs, and deprive him valuable nutrition do not want. List of pathologies, in the development of which it is better to stop breastfeeding:

  • diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary system;
  • tetanus;
  • advanced mastitis;
  • tuberculosis in an open form;
  • syphilis;
  • severe blood diseases;
  • anthrax.

Toxins from the body can get into the milk and harm the health of the baby. Relative contraindications infectious diseases are considered, for these cases there are a number of recommendations:

  1. During therapy with antibiotics prescribed for influenza, tonsillitis and pneumonia, feeding should be carried out in a gauze bandage, and the rest of the time the mother should not be near the baby.
  2. With measles, chickenpox and scarlet fever in the mother, the baby is vaccinated, feeding is not interrupted.
  3. With dysentery, typhoid and paratyphoid, feeding should be interrupted, if the pathologies proceed in a mild form - milk can be expressed, and boiled before feeding.

On a note! Even with poisoning and infectious diseases the baby needs mother's milk, it serves as a source of antibodies and antitoxins that strengthen the immune system and help the baby not get sick.

How to bring down the temperature

What can bring down the temperature while breastfeeding? traditional method improve the condition, get rid of pain, inflammation and fever is to take medicine from the list of antipyretics and nonsteroidal drugs, which will be discussed below. The doctor may recommend additional medicines, depending on the cause of the rise in temperature. These are antibiotics various groups(tetracyclines, penicillins, cephalosporins, macrolides) - they are prescribed for bacterial infections and inflammatory diseases, such as endometritis and mastitis.

At intestinal poisoning the reception of sorbents, complexes of lacto- and bifidobacteria, antidiarrheal and enveloping agents is shown. Therapy is selected taking into account the severity of the pathology and severe symptoms. Treatment of SARS and influenza involves the simultaneous appointment of antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs with antipyretic drugs.

It is worth bringing down the fever during breastfeeding only after reaching the thermometer mark of 38.5 ° C, and before that, allow the body to cope with the disease on its own. During such a struggle, antibodies and anti-toxic substances are produced that are useful for mother and baby.

What can you drink from the temperature while breastfeeding:

  • Paracetamol;
  • Ibuprofen.

The list consists of only two items, the rest of the medicines, including antibiotics, are prescribed in extreme cases And only with the recommendation of a doctor. It is necessary to tell in more detail about these two drugs approved for use when feeding.

Paracetamol is one of the basic medicines that lactating women can drink from the temperature. Tests of the drug were carried out, during which it was possible to prove the safety of the active substance for the body of the baby - Paracetamol does not harm the baby either during prenatal development nor during maternal lactation.

Ibuprofen is a drug from the group of anti-inflammatory non-steroids, which lowers the temperature, stops inflammation, relieves pain and febrile syndrome. The tool is considered compatible with breastfeeding, does not harm the baby's body, and the duration of the anti-inflammatory action is 8 hours.

Take antipyretic drugs while breastfeeding should be in doses recommended by your doctor. They depend on the type of disease and clinical symptoms, but the average dose for Paracetamol is 300-350 mg at a time, for Ibuprofen - 200 mg. Drink medicines should be 3-4 times a day until positive results are achieved.

Traditional medicine

Chamomile tea has anti-inflammatory effects

At the temperature of the mother during breastfeeding, you can use recipes from the piggy bank traditional medicine they are safe and effective:

  • drink decoctions medicinal herbs with anti-inflammatory effect - chamomile, sage, calendula, mint;
  • drink rosehip infusion - it increases the body's resistance to infections and saturates with vitamin C;
  • prepare fruit drinks from fresh berries(cranberries, red currants, lingonberries);
  • do cooling compresses on the forehead;
  • rub the body with a composition prepared from water and 9% table vinegar.

Useful information! To increase sweating, you can drink tea with a slice of lemon and a spoonful of honey, only if the baby does not have allergic reactions. Treatment with folk remedies should be carried out in conjunction with taking the funds prescribed by the doctor.

What drugs can not be taken with HB

The list of drugs for fever during breastfeeding is not so extensive, but there are also remedies that are absolutely impossible to use. These include Aspirin, which is based on acetylsalicylic acid. Taking aspirin while breastfeeding causes heart problems, impairs function digestive system at mother. The baby's body is exposed toxic lesions- The liver and brain suffer. When forced to use acetylsalicylic acid milk should be expressed and breastfeeding should be stopped for a while.

Also, do not take combined preparations such as Theraflu, Coldrex, Antigrippin, Rinza. They contain not only Paracetamol, which is allowed to be taken during feeding, but also additional substances that have not been studied in relation to the effects on the baby's body and can provoke dangerous side effects.

Elevated temperature while breastfeeding - alarm symptom which must be taken seriously. Do not self-prescribe drugs or ignore bad feeling. As it became clear, fever can be caused not only by a common cold, but also by dangerous diseases such as endometritis, purulent mastitis, inflammation internal seams. In the postpartum period, a nursing mother should be attentive to her and her baby's health and consult a doctor without waiting for dangerous complications.

Seasonal colds are commonplace. In each home first aid kit There are common cures for this disease. Two or three days - and we are back on our feet. But what if you are unlucky enough to catch a cold during such a crucial period as lactation? How to treat a cold for a nursing mother when most of habitual drugs is banned? And how not to harm the baby at this time?

Temperature in a nursing mother: what to do?

The period of breastfeeding is a crucial time for every woman. You have to limit yourself almost more strictly than during pregnancy. Naturally, most of the medicinal "harmful chemistry" is banned. But few people manage to survive this period completely without sores. You have noticed symptoms of SARS. What to do? Do not immediately rush to the home first aid kit. First you need to figure out the reason. Temperature, cough and runny nose can indicate not only a cold.

Temperature is a very worrisome phenomenon, especially if you have recently had a childbirth or caesarean section. A cold is the most harmless explanation. Fever can be a sign:

  • common viral infection;
  • food poisoning;
  • lactostasis (this special condition, in which milk stagnates in the chest, preventing the ducts of the glands from being released);
  • mastitis (inflammation of the breast, which can develop into lactostasis);
  • endometritis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the uterus, disturbed during childbirth);
  • poor healing, inflammation or even divergence of sutures placed during caesarean section or after childbirth;

Cough and runny nose can also indicate different reasons:

  • seasonal cold
  • allergy
  • too dry and hot climate in the house. In the room of a newborn, they often stop ventilating, and the heating dries the air a lot.

Do not start swallowing pills until you have definitely established the cause bad condition. To do this, you will need to consult a doctor. And yet, in most cases, the cause of these symptoms is a common virus. How to treat a cold to a nursing mother if she is afraid to pass on “medicinal chemistry” to the baby?

What can a nursing mother with a cold?

The main answer is: keep feeding! There are several myths associated with colds during lactation.

  1. False: You need to stop breastfeeding. Stopping to give the baby breast milk, you are unlikely to stop contact with him. It turns out that he will still receive the virus from you. But protective cells immunity, which previously came to him with breast milk, will cease to flow. No dressing will protect the baby like mother's milk.
  2. Incorrect: because of the temperature, the milk disappears. Milk production may indeed decrease, but not stop at all. Therefore, a cold is a reason not to wean the baby from the breast, but to apply more often so that he still eats up.
  3. False: Temperature can make milk uncomfortably bitter. It really can change its taste, but this happens due to stress or increased loads. Therefore, during a cold, you need to rest more and be less nervous.
  4. False: you can not drink medicines, due to the fact that they can harm the baby. It is necessary to manage with herbs and folk remedies. In fact, there are now many drugs that do not pass into breast milk. For example, antipyretic candles. On the other hand, many of the usual herbal teas are prohibited for use during lactation. Also, herbs can cause allergies. They are dangerous for both mother and baby.

A nursing mother has a temperature of 38: what to do?

It is not recommended to knock down a low temperature at all. This is just evidence that your immunity is fighting the virus, but so far it is coping on its own. He needs help only when the thermometer reaches 38 degrees.

What can a nursing mother drink at a temperature? All the same as shown infants. If you are unlucky enough to catch a viral infection (such as the flu), you can get by with antipyretics. They do not treat the cause, but eliminate the symptoms. Only your immunity can overcome such a disease; medicines are powerless against viruses.

What can bring down the temperature of a nursing mother? The most common "harmless" antipyretics are paracetamol and ibuprofen. They can be purchased under various trade names and in different forms release. The most harmless for a nursing mother will be baby syrups (naturally, in a higher dosage) or candles. True, the latter do not act so quickly.

If the cause of the high temperature is not a virus, but harmful bacterium the prescription of antibiotics is unavoidable. Without these drugs, even treatment common sore throat may take several months. By the end of this period, your body will be so depleted that there will be no question of any lactation - the milk will disappear by itself.

Do not be afraid to use pills. But you can use antibiotics only as prescribed by a doctor. Many drugs of this type are allowed for nursing mothers. The doctor can easily find something that is right for you.

Other symptoms of SARS: how to treat the throat of a nursing mother

A nursing mother is always at risk. Lactation weakens maternal immunity, but gives protection to the child. Sometimes a mother's cold occurs without a high temperature, but is accompanied by a cough and a runny nose.

Many of the usual means of combating and preventing cough are banned:

  • Tea with lemon. Citrus fruit very allergenic. They are contraindicated for breastfeeding mothers.
  • honey and raspberry jam. Also contraindicated due to allergenicity. The baby may develop diathesis due to the fact that the mother eats too much sweet
  • onion and garlic. We think they are excellent. prophylactic from cold cough. But these foods can change the taste of milk.
  • rosehip syrup. It is also quite allergenic. And its diuretic properties can provoke fluid deficiency in both mother and baby.
  • mustard plasters on the chest, iodine mesh. Can damage the mammary glands and affect milk production
  • many phytocollections. St. John's wort, coltsfoot and aloe can reduce lactation. Therefore, they are not advised to use for the treatment of sore throat and perspiration.

What can be coughed up for a nursing mother? Many drugs from the pharmacy arsenal are effective and safe. There are lozenges, throat sprays that will not harm the baby. It will NOT be superfluous to drink plenty of water (berry fruit drinks, dried fruit compotes).

There is another paradoxical answer to the question of what you can drink for a nursing mother with a cold. Oddly enough, these are vitamins. Often the cause of a cold is the weakened state of the mother's body after childbirth. Therefore, you should never neglect vitamins for nursing mothers.

Can be used for colds sea ​​water or saline for nasal irrigation. There are permitted vasoconstrictor drops to help mom restore nasal breathing.

So, what can nursing mothers take with a cold? There is a whole arsenal of medical and folk remedies: from safe antipyretics to special vitamins. Two main rules:

  1. Do not stop breastfeeding unnecessarily.
  2. Do not neglect the approved drugs for the treatment of colds.

It is important to protect not only the baby, but also yourself during this difficult period.

Video. Medications during pregnancy and lactation – School of Dr. Komarovsky

And breastfeeding a baby, a woman should carefully monitor her health, since any deterioration in well-being that led to drug treatment, can adversely affect the health of the crumbs. An increase in body temperature during lactation can be due to several reasons, the most common of which is a seasonal viral infection, which is not always possible to protect yourself from. In addition to this symptom, the mother in this case also has other signs of the disease - pain in the throat, cough, runny nose.

For more accurate measurement temperature thermometer should be held in the elbow. The fact is that during lactation, the degrees under the arm can be much higher.

An increase in temperature in the mother during breastfeeding may be associated with the development of lactostasis, that is, stagnation of milk in the glands. First, a woman feels discomfort in her chest, and only after that her temperature rises. The reasons for this deviation are:
- hyperlactation;
- injury;
- squeezing of mammary glands;
- wrong diet nutrition.

The danger of milk stasis is that it can cause lactational mastitis, whose treatment in advanced cases requires surgical intervention.

Is it possible to breastfeed a child with a temperature?

The question is, does it hurt? breastfeeding baby with an increase in temperature during lactation, excites every mother. They should not worry about this, because doctors say that breastfeeding can and should be continued. And they motivate this approach by getting into the body of antibodies contained in mother's milk. In this way, defensive forces rise.

If you stop breastfeeding your baby, the chances of catching a cold or getting the flu from his own mother will increase significantly. However, if lactostasis or mastitis provoked by it turned out to be the culprit of the temperature increase, breastfeeding should be continued, and more actively. By sucking milk, the child frees the mother's breast from congestion.

How to safely bring down the temperature of the mother during breastfeeding?

If the mercury column does not exceed 38 ° C, you should not fight - the body must cope on its own.
Plentiful warm drink as a means of lowering the temperature can be used only in the absence of lactostasis. If the child does not have allergies, honey and lemon are added to the tea.
But if the thermometer "rolls over", you can't do it anymore. Safe drugs for mothers, "Nurofen", or "Ibuprofen" and "Paracetamol" are considered. Helps to bring the temperature down quickly rectal suppositories, the composition of which is based on and ibuprofen.

Cool compresses applied to the forehead will help relieve the heat. Rubbing the body with a weak solution of vinegar is allowed. It is not recommended to use vodka or alcohol for this purpose, since alcohol can penetrate the skin into the body and cause intoxication.


  • How to bring down the temperature in a nursing mother
  • The temperature of the nursing mother.
  • The temperature in a nursing mother is not a disease, but a symptom.

Advice 2: Lactostasis in a nursing mother: symptoms and treatment

Lactostasis is a disease that torments so many young mothers. How to improve the feeding process? How to make feeding painful procedure, a happy moment communicating with your child? Consider what lactostasis is, what are its symptoms and how to treat lactostasis in a nursing mother.

Chest pain, discomfort prevent a nursing woman from adjusting the feeding process, the child does not receive what is due. All these are manifestations of such a disease as lactostasis.

What is lactostasis?

Lactostasis can begin immediately after childbirth. A woman's milk comes in quickly. 2-3 day old baby unable to suckle a large number of milk, and the ways in which milk moves, have not yet been developed.

The product, which is vital for the baby, stagnates in the chest. Therefore, the chest becomes "stone" and very painful. And the child does not get what he is supposed to, since sucking from such an undeveloped breast is beyond his strength.

This milk stasis associated with sharp increase its production, and is called lactostasis.

This disease is typical for initial period lactation, especially for nulliparous women. In women who have given birth for the second time, lactostasis, as a rule, does not develop or is mildly expressed.

Symptoms of lactostasis

Lactostasis can also appear 4-5 days after the birth of a child. At this time, mother and baby are already at home, so you need to know the main manifestations of this disease.

Firstly, the increase in the mammary glands is sometimes uneven, one breast is significant.

Secondly, the effect of the "stone" chest, i.e. the chest becomes hard and sore.

Thirdly, engorgement, soreness of the nipples, the appearance of edema.

Treatment of lactostasis

With this disease, a nursing mother can cope on her own. To do this, follow these tips:

  1. Place your baby on your breast more often. It is better to express beforehand a small amount of milk.

  2. Warm compresses help improve milk flow to the breasts. Can do warm compresses or take warm showers.

  3. With the help of oil and cream, breast massage should be done.

Such measures help to eliminate the stagnation of milk in the breast. You should also remember that you must definitely feed the baby.

During pregnancy, women try to be especially attentive to their health. After the birth of a baby, little changes. Indeed, from that moment on, the fair sex becomes a nursing mother. However, not always women manage to protect themselves from various diseases. What can a nursing mother do? Women face this issue very often. It is worth noting that many drugs are prohibited. All due to the fact that the active ingredients of a particular drug can penetrate into breast milk and harm the baby.

This article will tell you what you can drink from the temperature of a nursing mother. You will be able to get acquainted with the main drugs, as well as learn about folk methods of treatment. The opinion of specialists and doctors on this matter should always be taken into account.

What do the doctors say?

Doctors say that before bringing down the temperature, a nursing mother needs to find out about the reason for its increase. Only after that is the method of correction selected. Currently, pharmaceutical campaigns represent a wide range of antipyretic drugs. Among them are Fervex, Teraflu, Coldrex, and many others. They not only eliminate the fever, but also fight the headache, muscle pain, a feeling of weakness, nasal congestion and so on. All of them certainly deserve recognition. However, nursing mothers are strictly forbidden to use such drugs.

Also, doctors say that you should not bring down the temperature with the drug "Aspirin" and any of its derivatives. This medicine is strictly contraindicated in children at any age. It often causes serious complications.

When is it necessary to bring down the temperature?

Before you figure out how to bring down the temperature of a nursing mother, it is necessary to say about the values ​​\u200b\u200bof the thermometer. If the fever is caused by a virus or bacterial infection, then the human body first tries to cope on its own. In this case, the temperature can rise to 38 degrees. Don't take medicine right away. Let your immune system work to its full potential.

When the level of the thermometer is growing rapidly and reaches 38.5 degrees, you need to think about how to knock down a nursing mother. Consider the main safe formulations.

Preparations with paracetamol

How to bring down the temperature of a nursing mother? Each physician will answer you what is the most safe remedy is paracetamol. Given active substance is part of the drug of the same name. Also, on the basis of paracetamol, Panadol syrup and Cefekon candles were made.

It is worth noting that Paracetamol tablets are available in dosages of 500, 325 and 125 milligrams. How less medication the mother drinks, the safer it will be for her child. If you need to get rid of a fever, then start with the minimum dosage. Rectal suppositories"Cefekon" contain in its composition from 100 milligrams of paracetamol. Also, they practically do not pass into breast milk. However, before using them, it is advisable to empty the intestines.

Medicines containing paracetamol in their composition last up to 12 hours. In this case, the drug can be taken again after 4 hours. Do not use tablets unless absolutely necessary. In most cases, a single dose of the drug is enough to reduce the temperature.

Ibuprofen based products

What can a nursing mother have for fever? Drugs containing ibuprofen are considered approved. If for some reason you cannot take the safe and effective Paracetamol, then use Nurofen. This medicine It has the form of a suspension, capsules and suppositories. AT pharmacy network you can search for "ibuprofen for kids". This composition has a lower dosage. Start with it. Capsules for adults have a large dosage and are recognized as more dangerous for the baby.

The medicine "Nurofen" lasts about 8 hours. You can make up to four doses per day, if necessary. Give preference to the drug in the form of candles. Like the Cefekon medication, they will be safer for your baby. It is worth noting that the ibuprofen-based remedy is not only an antipyretic and analgesic. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Due to this, the effect of treatment is achieved much faster.

Medicines with nimesulide

What can a nursing mother have for fever? If you cannot take the first two substances described, then use a medicine that contains nimesulide. These drugs include "Nise", "Nimesil", "Nimulid" and so on. They are also approved for use in children, but have more negative reviews. Doctors also disagreed about these funds.

Compositions with nimesulide are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Their work is similar to that of ibuprofen. However, many doctors and patients say that "Nise" and its analogues have a greater effect and a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.


How to bring down the temperature of a nursing mother with a cold? An unequivocal effect will be achieved with full recovery. To make it come as soon as possible, a woman can use antiviral compounds. These include Oscillococcinum, Viferon, Genferon, and so on. They are allowed during pregnancy and subsequent breastfeeding.

The above means provoke the release of natural interferon in the human body. The result of this is speedy recovery. It should be noted that with the early use of the drug "Oscillococcinum" the temperature decreases quite quickly and does not rise in the future.

Folk remedies

How to bring down the temperature of a nursing mother, so as not to harm the child? Many representatives of the weaker sex prefer folk methods. However, doctors recommend to be especially careful in this case. Many formulations can provoke the appearance of an allergy in an infant. Here are some verified

  • Raspberry tea. The berry can be used in the form of jam. It is also useful to brew raspberry leaves. Such hot drinks help to eliminate toxins and thin the blood.
  • Vinegar. Wiping with a solution of vinegar leads to the fact that moisture evaporates from the surface of the skin, cooling it. For such treatment, it is worth using only table vinegar diluted with water. Do not replace it with alcohol. This can harm the baby.
  • Liquid. and compresses from cool water on the forehead area will help you cope with the fever. The more water you drink per day, the faster you will recover.
  • Vitamin C. Loading dose of this substance will not only help you get back on your feet, but also increase the body's resistance in the future. However, you need to be aware of possible allergies.

How to bring down the temperature of a nursing mother with lactostasis?

If the temperature increase is caused, then no folk remedies won't help here. Plentiful drink may even aggravate the situation and lead to the need for surgical intervention.

If a nursing mother suddenly notices bumps in the mammary glands and an increase in temperature, then she needs to immediately empty her breasts. Only this will help eliminate the fever. In some cases, this can be quite difficult. Go to hot shower. Under the influence of heat, the milk ducts will expand, and you can easily stretch your breasts. After the procedure, be sure to make a compress from the cabbage leaf. It prevents the formation of new bumps. If nothing works out for you, then you should immediately contact a mammologist or gynecologist. Otherwise, you can bring the matter to an operation.


You now know how to bring down the temperature during breastfeeding. Try to use drugs as little as possible. If, after a single dose, the fever continues to bother you, it makes sense to consult a doctor. The doctor will correctly diagnose and prescribe the right treatment for you.

Never stop lactating when the temperature rises. After all, with this milk, antibodies are transmitted to your baby, which will protect him from infection. The opinion that breastfeeding can harm the child in this case is erroneous. Be healthy!

Mom's milk best food for the baby. However, it is not always possible to quickly establish lactation. per installation normal operation mammary glands takes 2-8 weeks. During this time, the body tries to understand how much food the baby needs. Therefore, hyperlactation or lack of milk may occur.

If a nursing mother immediately after feeding or pumping measures the temperature under her arm, she will find that it is above normal. Usually on the thermometer you can see values ​​​​in the range of 37.0-37.4 ° C. This is absolutely normal, because after feeding, the muscles emit heat, in addition, the temperature of the milk in the ducts is above 37 ° C. Accordingly, to obtain reliable results doctors do not recommend taking the temperature under the armpit.

Why does a woman's body temperature change during breastfeeding?

The physiological increase in temperature is due to the process of milk formation. In addition, at the beginning of lactation, it is not installed. Accordingly, the chest can overflow and hurt from stretching. This process is also accompanied by an increase in temperature. But if the temperature has risen above 37.6 ° C, other reasons should be sought. This temperature is not normal and may be a symptom of a dangerous disease.

How to measure the temperature while breastfeeding?

If you take your temperature under your armpit, you will get unreliable result. When breastfeeding, the thermometer is always more than 37 ° C. This is normal, therefore, to obtain adequate and true values, put the thermometer in the elbow bend. Just hold the thermometer by bending your arm. In the maternity hospital they measure in inguinal fold or even in the mouth. True, the temperature in the mouth is also normally higher than 37 ° C.

If you suspect you have breast problems, take your temperature under both armpits. It may differ, but if it is higher than 37.6 ° C, we can talk about some kind of illness.

Temperature at HW

Is it possible to breastfeed at a temperature?

This is a separate issue, since before the mother was taken away from the baby and forbidden to breastfeed. Now everything has changed, and in most cases, if the mother does not take any serious medications, feeding the baby is not only possible, but necessary.

If the mother has SARS, there is no need to stop lactation, it is enough to put on a mask and try to spend less time with the child so as not to infect him. You can express milk and give it to your baby from a bottle. With lactostasis, that is, blockage of the milk ducts, it is not necessary to stop feeding. The baby is better than any breast pump will remove milk from the inflamed area. Many mothers are afraid of the salty taste of milk in the presence of seals in the breast. This is how it should be, because at the same time sodium salts approach the breast tissues, and the taste of milk changes.

The salty taste of milk has nothing to do with the appearance of pus in it. If milk normal color with a salty taste, you can feed the baby. And it is better to do it only from a sore chest. Milk is expressed from a healthy mammary gland.

Low temperature during breastfeeding, causes

Low temperature rare with breastfeeding. If this happens, most likely the woman is sick.

Reasons for low temperature:

  • Anemia. This ailment often occurs after childbirth. Due to blood loss during childbirth, hemoglobin decreases, so a woman may feel weak and dizzy
  • Vitamin C deficiency
  • Ailments thyroid gland and adrenal glands
  • overfatigue

Fever during breastfeeding, causes

There are many reasons for the rise in temperature. It is not necessarily some dangerous disease. Most likely, this is lactostasis or banal SARS.

Causes of fever during lactation:

  • Inflammatory processes after cesarean
  • Poisoning
  • Mastitis or lactostasis
  • endometritis

If you suspect that some tissue may have remained inside the uterus after childbirth, contact your gynecologist urgently. At untimely appeal possible blood poisoning and even death. As practice shows, women with endometritis after childbirth rarely turn to a gynecologist on their own. They are taken away by ambulance due to the temperature rise to 40 °C. Do not run stitches on the abdomen after a caesarean. If they constantly pull, hurt, ooze pus from them, consult a doctor.

The reasons for the increase in temperature during HV

How to raise the temperature during breastfeeding?

It is advisable not to prescribe anything on your own. To increase the temperature, you need to sleep well and rest. After all, the cause of low temperature is overwork. In addition, it is worth taking a hemoglobin test. If the temperature is provoked by a low concentration of hemoglobin, take iron supplements, such as Maltofer. It is safe and can be taken while breastfeeding. A diet to increase hemoglobin is welcome. Eat buckwheat porridge, liver, boiled beets and baked apples.

How to lower the temperature while breastfeeding?

If the temperature came on suddenly, you can drink Ibufen or Paracetamol. These medicines are allowed even for children, so there is no need to stop feeding the child. Many mothers refuse to take any medication for breastfeeding, this is wrong, as you will make things worse for yourself and your baby.

No antibiotics should be taken on their own. They can harm the child. Any antibacterial and antiviral drugs can only be prescribed by a doctor.

What do chills and fever indicate when breastfeeding?

First you need to decide what provoked the temperature. If this is lactostasis, then you will feel characteristic pain in the chest and induration. Your chest will feel like it's on fire.

  • To reduce the temperature, it is enough to take a warm shower and massage the chest, it can be very painful, but be patient, otherwise you risk missing a seal. After that, press on the mammary gland in the direction from the armpit to the nipple
  • There is no need to press on the areola. You must release the distant lobules, which are the worst to empty
  • Thereafter cabbage leaf is beaten off with a chopper and cooled in the refrigerator. We put such a compress on the chest
  • We constantly put the child on the sore breast. If very bad, you can take Ibufen or Paracetamol
  • If you do not feel pain in the chest, the glands are not hot and non-calculous, then most likely the reason is not lactation. pay attention to general well-being. If you have a headache, backache and muscle weakness then most likely you caught a cold. This is a banal SARS
  • If your stomach hurts, the discharge after childbirth has increased, urgently call ambulance

Chills with HB

High fever while breastfeeding

A very high temperature during breastfeeding can be triggered by purulent mastitis. This disease is accompanied by chest pain. When you press on the gland, you feel pain. Redness and dent after pressing do not resolve for a long time.

  • Be sure to taste the milk and evaluate its color. If it has become greenish and with an unpleasant purulent taste, decant it and pour it out. You can't feed your baby
  • With mastitis, antibiotics are prescribed; in advanced cases, surgery may be necessary

Chills with HB

How to bring down a high temperature while breastfeeding?

O medicines you can find the information above. But if you don't feel like taking anything, try lowering your fever without medication:

  • If you are very hot, undress. Place a cloth soaked in a solution of vinegar on the head and calves. You can just rinse with cold water
  • If you are chilly and very cold, dress warmly and lie under a warm blanket. You need to sweat. To do this, drink warm tea.
  • Drink lime, chamomile tea. You need to drink a lot of liquid

How to bring down a high temperature while breastfeeding: tips

  • Do not stop HW when the temperature rises. Many mothers believe that milk high temperature burns out, actually it's not
  • The amount of milk may decrease, this is normal
  • Breastfeed more often to stimulate lactation
  • With HB, you can drink antibiotics of the penicillin group
  • Do not take tetracycline and chloramphenicol. These drugs affect hematopoiesis and are prohibited in HB

Do not self-medicate. At sharp rise temperatures, consult a specialist.

VIDEO: How to bring down the temperature during lactation?

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