Separate nutrition according to Malakhov - a valuable technique or inventions of a charlatan? The transition to a healthy diet. And what food is dead

Step 1

First, during the week, we acquire a healthy habit of drinking a glass of freshly squeezed juice, preferably vegetable juice, 20 minutes before meals.

Step 2

Instead of juice, 20-30 minutes before meals, we eat fresh fruit for a week. Juice and fruits before meals can be alternated

Step 3

We teach ourselves to eat vegetables before protein foods (for example, before eating meat) for a week or two. Also, according to Malakhov, you need to accustom yourself to eat vegetables 20-30 minutes before taking carbohydrate food.

Step 4

We plan our breakfast and dinner so that they contain no more than 2-3 dishes. And we acquire a useful habit of combining these 2 dishes in this way: vegetables - proteins; or vegetables - carbohydrates.

Step 5

Gradually replace boiled or stewed vegetables with raw ones. Kashi is the same. Malakhov advises to gradually reduce the heat treatment time so that the habit of eating raw vegetables and porridge drenched in boiling water is strengthened.

That is, every time you cook vegetables, reduce the time they are cooked or stewed by 2-3 minutes and then eat in this form. Are you looking for effective weight loss?

Step 6

Within a week or two, change dishes: stewed vegetables-raw vegetables. So you gradually accustom your body to a different diet - the Malakhov diet.

Step 7

Learn to germinate wheat grains and eat them in salads or with cereals. This will give you the opportunity to lose weight faster and get a lot of vitality with sprouted grains.

Step 8

Do not cook porridge, but soak the cereal with boiling water overnight, covering with a lid. So it will retain more useful substances. To avoid psychological discomfort, start with the cereal that you love the most. Oatmeal, for example. Or buckwheat - buckwheat diet gives the body a lot of useful substances and promotes effective weight loss.

Step 9

Eat berries and fresh herbs in season. This will give you an influx of vitamins of essential microelements, and as a result - good health and vitality.

The essence of the gradual transition to Malakhov's nutrition system is that with the new menu, the body gradually begins to reject itself harmful products. Taste buds, getting rid of harmful seasonings, establish their normal work. Those dishes that used to cause boredom or seemed tasteless now take on a new taste. We losing weight and recover. Which, in fact, was the goal Malakhov's diet.

A.V. Faleev."Errors in the system of Gennady Petrovich Malakhov"

Nutrition is that long-suffering topic where every newly-minted "health" guru hurries to check in. The Americans (P.Bragg, G.Shelton, N.Walker, etc.) first of all inherited here, but then our compatriots followed the overseas exoticism and began to preach naturopathy, a raw food diet, vegetarianism, etc.

Let's deal first with the separate power supply.

Separate food

The "bible" of separate nutrition - Herbert Shelton's book "The Right Combination of Foods" - was published in 1928 and has been very popular ever since. Sometimes there is a feeling that in our country there is probably not a single person who has not heard about separate meals. The bookshelves are gleaming with beautiful and expensive covers of books with recipes for separate meals, unsightly brochures with advice on separate meals for every day, pocket "poket-books" (mini-books) on the kitchen of a separate meal. There are books for every budget and taste. Some enterprising enthusiasts conduct training seminars on the kitchen of separate food, give lectures, write articles in newspapers.

All this is served under a scientific sauce and therefore easily fools a large part of the population.

But let's still look at this issue without prejudice.

Here is what G. Shelton says, justifying his separate diet. For the digestion of proteins (meat, fish, eggs, etc.), processing of this protein in the acidic environment of the stomach is necessary. Digestion of carbohydrates (potatoes, bread, sugar, etc.) requires an alkaline environment. Greens and fruits are easily digested by the body in any environment, so they are compatible with both proteins and carbohydrates. But, since proteins and carbohydrates need a different environment for digestion, proteins and carbohydrates cannot be combined in one meal. If they are consumed together, then some of them will remain undigested and will rot in the intestines. For example, it is strictly forbidden to eat meat with potatoes. First you should eat meat, then after a few hours - potatoes. The joint intake of potatoes and meat leads to rotting of incompletely digested products and self-poisoning of the body.

Here is the whole theory of separate nutrition in a nutshell.

Such dense ideas about the process of digestion are not forgivable for a doctor of medicine, which was Herbert Shelton. Even 80 years ago, all scientific information about the processes occurring in the gastrointestinal tract was already known.

The fact is that the acidic environment and enzymes of gastric juice DO NOT digest proteins in the stomach, but only COOK protein food for subsequent digestion. And the digestion of proteins itself does not occur in the stomach, but in the small intestine, where the environment is already alkaline. The main digestion of carbohydrates takes place in the same small intestine. Moreover, carbohydrates begin to be digested even in the mouth, under the influence of saliva and the enzymes contained in it and having an alkaline reaction. acid environment the intestine stops this digestion, and in the stomach the carbohydrates are just waiting in the wings, completely unprocessed.

In addition, nature made it so that the main dispenser of food from the stomach to the duodenum - the pyloric sphincter - is designed so that it works only on the pH difference between the stomach and the duodenum. Normally, as soon as the oxidized lump of food approaches the pyloric sphincter, it opens and lets some of the food through. The pyloric sphincter remains open until the environment in the duodenum becomes acidic under the influence of an oxidized food bolus.

As soon as the environment has become acidic, the sphincter closes. The dispenser worked.

The food bolus in the duodenum begins to be processed by alkalis entering the duodenum 12 - bile, pancreatic juice and intestinal juices.

As soon as the food bolus becomes alkaline, the pyloric sphincter opens, the alkalized bolus goes further into the small intestine, and the next portion of food from the stomach enters the duodenum, which again oxidizes the entire space of the duodenum 12. And so on.

And so this dispenser works continuously, as food is digested in the stomach and alkalized in the duodenum.

This amazing mechanism was created precisely in order to combine in one digestive tract processing both proteins and carbohydrates SIMULTANEOUSLY.

Nature did not go for the creation of two separate digestive systems - separately for protein food, separately for carbohydrate food, she skillfully combined all this in one digestive tract, protein-carbohydrate.

By the way, the greens and fruits touted by Shelton are carbohydrates and proteins combined together. In general, there are very few mono-products consisting of only one component. Such mono-products include only oil, salt and sugar. There are no other mono-products - everything else is a harmonious mixture of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. And from these positions, it would be very interesting to know to which category G. Shelton would classify, for example, cucumbers, spinach, nuts, mushrooms and other products in which both proteins and carbohydrates are approximately equally contained.

Our digestive system is universal, nature ensured the survival of a person by the fact that he can eat any food, both protein and carbohydrate in any of their combinations, and G. Shelton's statements about the need for a different digestion environment for protein and carbohydrate foods are not scientifically sound. But then the question arises, what led G. Shelton to such a conclusion? Why did he start talking about it at all?

And here is the time to remember that he was an experimenter. It was experimentally that G. Shelton achieved very useful results in the treatment of patients. His patients switched to a separate diet and received obvious and pronounced relief. And this is a fact! And the fact is very interesting. And it was this fact that G. Shelton tried to explain with his incorrect scientific statements.

We will now try to explain this fact a little differently, based strictly on a scientific point of view.

In order to do this, you need to know who G. Shelton's patients were. G. Shelton worked in the southern states of the USA and his clients were mostly rich farmers in these areas. The basic diet of these people was (I quote from an eyewitness): "Ninety percent of the food was cooked in a pan: fried chicken, fried ham, bacon, potatoes, pork and fried meat of all kinds." The main feature of the diet of these people was the abundance of meat products in the diet, along with potatoes. These people were just eating meat. And only for such people who do not know the restrictions in meat, carbohydrates can really interfere, but not with digestion, but with the preparation of meat in the stomach for subsequent digestion.

On average, about 2 liters of gastric juice is secreted into the stomach per day. At four meals a day, after each meal, approximately 0.5 liters of gastric juice processes the contents of the stomach for several hours. If there is only 0.5 kg of meat in the stomach, then 0.5 liters of gastric juice process only these 0.5 kg of meat. If 0.5 kg of meat and a certain amount of bread and potatoes are in the stomach, then bread and potatoes divert part of the gastric juice to themselves and the meat is processed with a smaller amount of gastric juice, i.e. it is processed worse and therefore later, in the small intestine, part of the protein chyme may remain undigested. It will rot, cause fermentation processes and poison the body. But this is possible only under one condition - there should always be a lot of meat in the stomach. So much so that it should draw off almost the entire supply of gastric juice for its processing.

G. Shelton, of course, understood the perniciousness of meat gluttony and repeatedly urged the population of the southern states to limit themselves in nutrition. For example, his book "Fasting Will Save Your Life" is entirely devoted to this issue. But his advocacy of dietary restrictions did not give any result. Wealthy farmers, accustomed to an abundance of meat products in the diet, ignored all Shelton's exhortations. And then, experimentally, Shelton found a way to improve the health of these people practically without limiting their meat diet. By introducing a separate diet, Shelton ensured that the rich Americans of the southern states retained their habitual overeating of meat, but at the same time avoided the processes of decay of the protein chyme in the intestines. To do this, he suggested that they eat meat separately from potatoes and bread. And this really brought relief to his patients - now the gastric juice was occupied only with meat and was not distracted by bread and potatoes.

It was this experimental result that led Shelton to his mistake - promoting separate nutrition for everyone. For everyone without exception. It is this combination: meat - potatoes - bread that is the most abused in all Shelton's books and is the most important taboo in his system of separate meals. Shelton just didn't understand that what still somehow suits the gorging farmers of the southern states of the USA does not suit many other people at all. And, indeed, if each resident of the United States consumes an average of 120 kg of meat annually, then a resident of Russia is half as much - 62 kg of meat, and Japan is 4 times less - 38 kg of meat (data for 1986).

That is why for the inhabitants of our country separate meals do not have any positive meaning. And, indeed, the traditions of our diet clearly show that the incompatibility of meat with potatoes and bread not only does not exist, but for the vast majority of our population this is the most healthy and useful combination of food products, tested by the life of many generations.

Herbert Shelton simply followed the habits of meat lovers and instead of trying to reduce the proportion of protein to 100 g per day, as recommended by dietetics, he tried to "scientifically" explain separate meals, deliberately distorting the digestive processes that he, as a doctor of medicine , should have known. Reducing the proportion of protein to the recommended value of 100 g per day would simply make any Shelton's undertakings with separate meals unnecessary. And that would be the surest and only right exit from a situation with overeating meat.

The fact is that separate nutrition also has several negative effects which our supporters and propagandists of this method try not to notice.

The first effect is psychological. Let me quote a fragment from a letter from one of my readers, who for a long time adhered to a separate diet: "... there was always tension because of the "danger" of eating something "wrong", fear that the child would not grab a spoonful of rice after a piece of fish. A good relationship with a husband usually also immediately strains as soon as he sits down to eat his "inseparable" food, and little son, whom I diligently protect from this "muck" begging for something from him. You get tired of this. Tired of constantly thinking about food. I feel that everything should be simpler and more natural... "

Absolutely right - everything should be simpler and more natural. Separate food often becomes a bone of contention in a married couple.

But there is a second reason, much more compelling. With the systematic adherence to the rules of separate nutrition, a conditioned reflex is developed in a person. If for a long time a person has accustomed his body to eating protein food at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and carbohydrate food at 4 o'clock, then the enzymes corresponding to this diet will already be released reflexively. And one has only to break the established sequence, as immediately comes the retribution for such a gross violation of the regime. The example of academician A. Mikulin is widely known, who taught his body to a separate diet for two years, and then one day he violated it on one of the holidays and was hospitalized in serious condition. The fact is that the body for two years has become accustomed at certain hours to produce enzymes necessary for the processing of protein foods, at other hours - only for the processing of carbohydrates. Violation of this regime and led to poisoning. Enzymes were allocated not those that do not correspond to the type of food.

A normal person should be ready for any menu at every meal. This is the law of evolution, and it was he who ensured man's survival in any conditions - both in the hot climate of the equator and among the snows of the tundra.

Gennady Malakhov, preaching separate nutrition after Shelton, is simply buying into the exotic.

By the way, this is a very interesting question - why do Americans experiment so much and often with their diet?

To answer this question let's look at one fact.

Studies of the problems of longevity in the Soviet Union showed that the highlanders of Abkhazia were in the first place in terms of longevity, and the mountaineers of Dagestan were in third place. This fact is widely known and easily justified logically - unhurried work on fresh air, narzans, subtropical climate, lamb with greens for the holidays, aged not strong wines, etc.

Well, who's in second place? Most likely the highlanders of Ingushetia, Ossetia or Alat, you might think.

No, not mountaineers.

In second place are the indigenous people of Taimyr. Imagine, permafrost, tundra, bushes. Frosts below minus 50 Celsius will not surprise anyone, wind of 30 meters per second is a common thing. There are ten months of winter in a year, and spring, summer and autumn pass in two months. No fruits, greens and vegetables. The main food product is fat (seal, fish, bear), deer meat and fish. Fat is not only eaten, they are smeared with it and they walk like that for months without washing it off the skin - no hygiene.

And they live long. Paradox. What's the matter here? And, of course, it's about food.

Now there are many books devoted to the rules of nutrition, many "teachers of life" promise ideal health to adherents of one method or another, some foodstuffs are declared the number one enemy of all mankind (salt, milk, animal fats, etc.), and some are saviors (sprouted wheat, quail eggs). Indeed, these systems help someone (most often it is the creators who intuitively select food products for their diseases), but for the majority, they only bring harm. How to deal with all this? What to follow? Which book to believe - Mantegnacu? eat according to blood group? by Atkins?

No and no again! NEVER TRUST ANYONE!!! All that has been written, written and will be written by all kinds of food gurus, never take it for granted! You can only trust the EXPERIENCE and TRADITIONS of your ancestors. They won't deceive you. They are vitally interested in your health. And overseas "teachers" have only one goal - to fill their pockets with green papers. At your expense, of course.

There was a period in my life when, while studying in graduate school, I transferred to correspondence courses and went to work in the police to support my family. Do you know what newcomers who come to the criminal investigation department are taught first of all? They are taught not to trust anyone. Because among the "contingent" there are such masters of lying that you simply marvel. Stanislavsky would give them a standing ovation. Such a person looks at you with penetrating eyes, tells in a sad voice about his honest but hard life and speaks so smoothly, logically and believably that something in your soul is changing, and you look at him with participation, already support him and try to help, because it is clear that he has nothing to do with it. And you are already ready to let him go, so what if he is a thief - a recidivist and served 3 times, but now he is not to blame for anything. After all, here he is, all at a glance in front of you, a simple and honest guy with the sad eyes of a righteous man. They just thought badly of him. Unintentionally.

BUT. In ALL such cases, a little later, the guilt was proved 100%. Without any ambiguities and omissions, but was confirmed by ITS own testimony. And then this rule - DO NOT TRUST ANYONE - enters your life from a new side - as an inevitable reality.

Therefore, the FIRST and MAIN rule. If you are healthy, eat mostly the way your ancestors living in the same area ate.

The food traditions of different peoples are different, and they evolved over many centuries. Therefore, if you mechanically transfer even the most best features nutrition of one people to another, this will not add health, since it will take a lot of time for the human gastrointestinal tract to adapt and perceive unusual food as native.

It has been established everywhere that centenarians in various regions of the world lead an active lifestyle that they have been accustomed to since childhood. In particular, they go a lot at any time of the year and in any weather. In the overwhelming majority of cases, their strong family and social status is also characteristic. Centenarians, their relatives and friends have a highly developed sense of family integrity and continuity of generations. The ideal food is the food of the native home, the native hearth, which is based on recipes passed down from grandmother to daughter and granddaughter, on family traditions, on the traditions of a given area, a given people, a given nationality. This will be the ideal nutrition for a healthy person.

So, the most ideal diet for a healthy person is the diet that his ancestors adhered to. A clear confirmation "by the contrary" is the situation with health and nutrition in the United States. This is a young country, consisting of emigrants, often torn away from their homeland and forgotten all sorts of national traditions. America has no traditions! And that is why there are so many patients with metabolic disorders. This is the richest country in the world, but it is also the country of the fattest and sickest people! And it is quite logical that most of the newfangled diets and nutrition theories appear in America - they simply do not know which tradition to cling to, they often snatch various places from various traditions, resulting in a completely indigestible result. That is why the theories of P. Bragg and G. Shelton, N. Walker, etc., wild in the opinion of a nutritionist, could appear there.

traditional food

Gennady Malakhov bases part of his recommendations on truly traditional nutrition - on nutrition according to the tradition of Ayurveda. One problem is that food is traditional for the Hindus and the inhabitants of Tibet, but not for the inhabitants of central Russia!

Malakhov, again bought into the exotic, completely unaware of what consequences the recommendation of a food tradition alien to us can lead to.

To illustrate the importance of this issue, I would like to present some research results.

Even under the Soviet Union, while studying the problem of longevity, one gerontological expedition conducted research in two nearby villages in Nagorno-Karabakh. One village was Russian, the second - Azerbaijani. It turned out that there are many centenarians among Azerbaijanis, and in a Russian village people died early, despite the fact that the inhabitants of this village were members of a religious community and were extremely correct image life.

Similar studies were carried out quite recently in Ukraine. It was found that in the south of Ukraine (Kherson region, Crimea) in a fertile place, where, it would seem, it is best to live, the population has the shortest life expectancy. But the highest life expectancy was observed in the western regions of Ukraine. And the thing is that the alien population lives in the south, and the indigenous population lives in the western regions.

The conclusion made by gerontologists is unequivocal - those who follow the traditional way of life live longer. Traditional nutrition, which is typical for a given area and for each area has its own, is the factor that preserves health and increases life expectancy. This is explained by the fact that the type of nutrition in each ethnic group is formed over several generations, which long time selected products adapted specifically to this area and allowing them to survive in this particular area.

That is why a healthy person should eat the way his ancestors ate, and not the way Gennady Malakhov, Paul Bragg, Herbert Shelton and many others write.

But, I emphasize - this applies to a healthy person.

We must not forget that the vast majority of our population are people with certain diseases. How to eat them?

I won't say anything new here. A sick person should adjust his diet to his disease. Any dietary textbook will help him with this, where dietary regimes, food composition and total caloric content of the diet are described in detail, depending on each specific disease. Such food will be truly healing. Well, as soon as you get rid of your illness, you can move on to the traditional food for your area.

Since I am writing primarily about Russia and for Russians, I would like to give some information about our national tradition.

The history of Old Russian cuisine can be clearly traced from the 9th century.

In general, Russian cuisine is characterized by the following features: the extreme constancy of the composition of dishes and their flavor range, strict canons of cooking. The origins of Russian cooking begin with the creation of cereal porridges - primarily spelled, oatmeal, rye (the so-called "green porridge") and national Russian kvass (that is, sour) bread from rye flour. Already in the middle of the 9th century, that black, rye, porous and baked bread made from leavened sourdough appeared, without which the Russian menu is generally unthinkable. Following him, other types of national bread and flour products were created: dezhni, loaves, juicy, pancakes, pies, pancakes, bagels, baika, donuts. The last three categories are almost a century later, after the appearance of wheat flour.

Adherence to kvass, sour was also reflected in the creation of kvass proper, the range of which reached two or three dozen types, very different from each other in taste, as well as in the invention of primordial Russian kissels - oatmeal, rye, wheat, which appeared almost 900 years earlier than modern berry - starch jelly.

At the very beginning of the Old Russian period, all the main drinks, in addition to kvass, were formed: all kinds of perevarovs (sbitni), which were a combination of decoctions of various forest herbs with honey and spices, as well as honey and honey, that is, natural honey fermented with berry juice or simply diluted with juices and water to a different consistency. Although the recipes for honeys, medkovs and kvass became more complicated and supplemented over the following centuries, these products by themselves remained steadfastly on the Russian table until the 18th century.

Kashi, although they were insipid according to the principles of their manufacture, were sometimes acidified with sour milk. They also differed in diversity, subdivided according to the types of grain (spelt, rye, oats, barley, buckwheat, millet, wheat), according to the types of grain crushing or its running (for example, barley gave three cereals: barley, Dutch, barley; buckwheat - four: ground, veligorka, Smolensk, he did it, wheat - also three: whole, korkot, semolina, etc.), and, finally, according to the type of consistency, for porridges were divided into crumbly, slurry and porridge (quite thin). All this made it possible to vary from 6-7 types of grain and three types of legumes (peas, beans, lentils) to several dozen different cereals. In addition, a variety of flour products were made from the flour of these crops. All this bread, mostly flour food diversified mainly with fish, mushrooms, wild berries, vegetables, and less often - milk and meat.

Already in the early Middle Ages, a clear, or rather, sharp division of the Russian table into lean (vegetable-fish-mushroom) and modest (milk-meat-egg) arose. Wherein Lenten table included far from all plant products. So, beets, carrots and sugar, which were also classified as fast food, were excluded from it. Drawing a sharp line between fasting and fasting tables, fencing off each other with an impenetrable wall of products of various origins and strictly preventing their mixing, naturally led to the creation original dishes, for example, various types of fish soup, pancakes, kundums (mushroom dumplings).

The fact that most of the days in the year - from 192 to 216 - in different years - were fast, caused quite a natural desire to diversify the Lenten table. Hence the abundance in the Russian national cuisine of mushrooms and fish dishes, a tendency to use various plant materials - from grain (cereals) to forest berries and herbs (sowweed, nettle, sorrel, quinoa, angelica, etc.). At first, attempts to diversify the Lenten table were expressed in the fact that each type of vegetable, mushroom or fish was cooked separately. So, cabbage, turnip, radish, peas, cucumbers (vegetables known since the 10th century) were cooked and eaten raw, salted (pickled), steamed, boiled or baked - separately from one another. Salads and especially vinaigrettes were not characteristic of Russian cuisine at that time and appeared in Russia only in the middle of the 19th century. But they were also originally made mainly with one vegetable, which is why they were called cucumber salad, beetroot salad, potato salad, etc. Mushroom dishes were even more differentiated. Each type of mushroom - milk mushrooms, mushrooms, honey mushrooms, ceps, morels and stoves (champignons), etc. - was not only salted, but also cooked completely separately. The situation was exactly the same with fish consumed boiled, dried, salted, baked, and less often fried. Sigovina, taimenina, pike, halibut, catfish, salmon, sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, beluga and others were considered each individually a special, different dish, and not just “fish”. Therefore, the ear could be perch, ruff, burbot or sturgeon.

Thus, the number of dishes by name was huge, but the technological differences between them were small.

The taste diversity of such homogeneous dishes was achieved in two ways: on the one hand, the difference in heat and cold processing, as well as through the use of various oils, mainly vegetable - hemp, walnut, poppy, wood (olive) and much later - sunflower, and on the other - the use of spices. Of the latter, onion and garlic were more often used, and in very large quantities, as well as parsley, mustard, anise, coriander, bay leaf, black pepper and cloves, which appeared in Rus' already from the 11th century. Later, in the 11th - early 12th centuries, they were supplemented with ginger, cardamom, cinnamon, calamus (iry root) and saffron.

In the ancient period of Russian cuisine, liquid hot dishes appeared, which received common name"bread". Especially widespread are such types of breads as cabbage soup, stews based on vegetable raw materials, as well as various zatiruhi, zaverihi, talkers, straws and other types of flour soups, which differed from each other only in consistency and consisted of three elements - water, flour and fat, to which sometimes (but not always) was added, onion, garlic or parsley. The processing of meat and dairy products was not particularly difficult. Meat, as a rule, was boiled in cabbage soup and porridge, milk was drunk raw, but more often baked and very rarely sour. Sour milk was often seasoned with gruel and cabbage soup (whitened). They also made sour cream and cottage cheese (according to the then terminology - cheese). The production of cream and butter remained unknown until the 14th century, and in the 14th-15th centuries these products were rarely prepared and were of poor quality at first. Due to imperfect methods of churning, cleaning and storage, oil quickly goes rancid.

The national sweet table consisted of berry-flour and berry-honey or honey-flour products. These are gingerbread and different types unbaked, raw, but specially folded dough (Kaluga dough, malt, kulagi), in which a delicate taste effect was achieved by long, patient and laborious processing.

I would like to separately note the history of the use of alcoholic beverages in Rus', since for some reason it is believed that Russian people have always drunk a lot of strong alcoholic beverages, and vodka is generally elevated to the rank of national Russian pride. This is not only not true, but the opposite of it!

In Rus', for a long time only low-alcohol drinks were drunk - kvasintsy, hop honey, beer and berry wine with a strength of 2 - 6 degrees. And they drank only on big holidays: the birth of a child, victory in the war, funerals. They drank very little, and on holidays they were going not to drink, but to sing. Choral joint singing turned on and cheered up much better than any intoxicating drink.

Vodka first appeared in Rus' at the beginning of the 15th century, when ambassadors from Genoa presented it as a gift to Vasily the Dark. And they used it by no means inside, but externally as a medicine (“let it go into the wound”).

And only 150 years later, in the middle of the 16th century, during the reign of Ivan the Terrible, vodka "went to the people." The production of vodka turned out to be very economically profitable. In the conquered Kazan, Ivan the Terrible first saw what was later called a "tavern" - a place where visiting people gather to drink strong alcoholic drinks and have a snack. At that time there was nothing like it in Rus'. Because it was customary to drink alcoholic beverages only on holidays, then every Russian family prepared them in advance and for themselves.

But, after the conquest of the Kazan Khanate, all of Siberia lay before Ivan the Terrible. In order to annex such vast expanses to Rus', huge funds were required for the construction of outposts, prisons, roads, crossings, the maintenance of Cossack border detachments, salaries for civil servants, etc. Yes, there is also a war with Livonia. It was necessary to build fortresses, make cannons and squeaks.

There was no money in the treasury. Many new taxes were invented and introduced, but this did not bring the desired effect, and because of the introduction of new taxes, riots broke out among the people, which were immediately brutally suppressed.

Then Ivan the Terrible did what can be called the mass soldering of the people under the threat of the death penalty.

He forbade the production of alcoholic beverages at home, i.e. for the first time in Russian history introduced a state monopoly on alcohol. For unauthorized brewing of beer, wine, mead, etc. There was only one punishment - the death penalty.

At the same time, he opened the "king's taverns". Moreover, these taverns were significantly different from those he saw in Kazan - in them you could only drink and drink only vodka. Eating was prohibited. And you can't buy takeaway liquor. Demonstrative mass executions were carried out of those whom we would now call "moonshiners".

Can you imagine the conditions people are in? Let's say you need to celebrate your daughter's wedding. Now you can only come to the tavern with the whole crowd of guests and drink vodka there, and then go home and have a bite.

The prices in the royal taverns were not small, so there were not many who wanted to drink. The people preferred not to drink at all, rather than drinking expensive vodka. Then Ivan the Terrible assigned a plan for the sale of alcohol to each tavern. If the plan was not carried out, the tavern clerk was executed. To fulfill the plan, the clerks had to beat people, drag them into the tavern by force so that they drank vodka. Of course, there were riots, popular uprisings, and even Civil War. For example, the peasant war led by Ivan Bolotnikov, which broke out shortly after the death of Ivan the Terrible and lasted 2 years, was also raised against the state monopoly on alcoholic products. The rebellion was suppressed, Bolotnikov was executed. And people began to get used to getting drunk for the future. People worked for months to save enough money to go to the tavern, but when they got there, they drank away their last shirt.

The methods of coercion worked, the income from taverns began to form a significant part of the budget. Siberia was conquered, but we are still paying for this rapid expansion of Russia's borders.

From Ivan the Terrible to the present day, the state monopoly on the production and sale of alcoholic beverages has remained unchanged. Income from the sale of alcoholic beverages consistently accounted for a third of the budget. The state has always been beneficial to the drinking population and it has encouraged the drinking of alcoholic beverages in every possible way. It came to such cases - few people know that in the 19th century there were entire provinces that refused to drink alcohol - they introduced a "dry law". Since budget revenues from such decisions fell significantly, the government introduced harsh punitive measures against these provinces, up to the change of governor and a sharp reduction in the price of vodka. The monopoly was abolished just a few years ago, and that was more of a purely populist move by the Democrats who had just come to power. But the consequences of this step are enormous - for the first time in the history of Russia in 2003 there was a decrease in the consumption of pure alcohol per capita. In Russia, they began to drink less!

The harm from vodka is simply huge! I did not work for a long time in the police - only 3 years. But what I saw clearly showed me that 95% of crimes are committed while intoxicated. Moreover, even old people die not from old age, but from vodka. Such a scene is typical - for example, an old man of 80 years old died. Grandma calls an ambulance, " ambulance"states death and calls the police - it's the way it is with us - the police go to any corpse, both "criminal" and "domestic". From the police, either a district inspector or an inspector "for analysis" comes. He describes the corpse, its position in room and asks how and what happened.So, in 95% of cases it turns out that yesterday there was some kind of celebration and "grandfather took just a little - 100 grams. "And in the morning he did not wake up.

In short, I made a completely unambiguous conclusion for myself - our people are dying primarily from vodka! And all misfortunes - first of all from vodka! Crippled destinies - from vodka!

Chapter 7

Introduction to the science of human nutrition

And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb yielding seed that is in all the earth, and every tree bearing fruit of a tree yielding seed; - this will be food for you ...
Bible, Genesis, ch. 1

Chapter 1
The founders of good nutrition and their recommendations

Many eminent physicians paid attention to the problem of proper nutrition. They have developed systems that help with their help to restore health to a sick person and strengthen their strength to a healthy one. This invaluable experience should be made public, especially since their methods have repeatedly proven their effectiveness.

Dr. Maximilian Bircher-Benner

This Swiss doctor lived and worked at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. He was the first to understand the usefulness of food for the treatment and promotion of health and successfully applied this knowledge to improve people's health.
Bircher-Benner had to refute the unnatural theory of the value of foods based on caloric content and protein content, as well as reconsider the view of cooking, which was stubbornly introduced by bacteriologists and consisted in the destruction harmful bacteria through prolonged heat treatment.
Dr. Bircher-Benner believed that sunlight, accumulated in plants, gives value to all foodstuffs. His reasoning was built as follows: the main source of energy is the sun. Plants are the first to capture and accumulate the energy of the Sun in the form of sunlight. Thus, solar energy in them best quality And high potential. If the plant is subjected to heat and cooking, then this potential is reduced. When an animal eats a plant, it decreases even more, and in products of animal origin, and even more so thermally processed, it turns out to be very small.
It should be noted that from the standpoint of lowering the potential of solar energy from plant to animal food, this is logical and fair. However, the animal, eating plants and converting their potential, turns solar energy into its own structures, which are much higher energetically than those of plants. But in order to consume animal tissues with maximum benefit for oneself, they must be eaten raw, preferably the whole carcass. This is exactly what predators do, which also have a different structure of the digestive system. Such conditions for a person turned out to be unacceptable.
Bircher-Benner created the doctrine of three types of products characteristic of human nutrition, calling them, respectively, depending on the stored potential of solar energy, batteries of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd order.
1. Foods of high nutritional value (1st order batteries). They contain structures with the maximum concentration of sunlight: green leaves, fruits, vegetables, fruits, roots, nuts, sprouted grain bread, etc. To this group, he added mother's milk for infants, whole (fresh, nothing processed) cow's milk and raw eggs.
Bircher-Benner recommended these products for medicinal purposes and as a basis for daily nutrition.
2. Foods of less nutritional value (2nd order batteries). They contain a reduced potential of solar energy, and therefore they are of much lesser therapeutic value. These are cooked foods. plant origin: boiled vegetables (moreover, with rational heating, over low heat), bread with bran, whole cereals prepared by evaporation, boiled milk, dairy products, soft-boiled eggs, etc.
3. Foods of negligible nutritional value (3rd order batteries). These include White bread, white flour, cereals, vegetables, boiled in in large numbers water, refined oils, canned foods, sweets, meat and meat products. Bircher-Benner believed that since they do not contain the proper potential of solar energy and the correct ratio of mineral salts and vitamins, it is impossible to get enough of them.
In 1897, Dr. Bircher-Benner opened a small private clinic in Zurich, where he successfully treated sick people with a diet of raw vegetables and fruits.
In January 1900, he decided to talk about his method of treatment at a scientific meeting of the Society of Physicians in Zurich. The doctors present took his teachings as a fantasy, and the presiding officer declared: "Bircher-Benner went beyond science."
Benner himself loved science and regularly read about all the discoveries in the field of physics, chemistry, molecular biology. He used this knowledge to substantiate his theory of health improvement with food. In 1903, his book "Principles of dietary treatment based on energy" was published (in Russia, the translation appeared in 1914). The discovery of vitamins was a confirmation of his theory of eating unprocessed plant foods. His sanatorium expanded and soon gained worldwide fame.
In addition to proper nutrition, to which Dr. Bircher-Benner paid leading role, he recommended the convalescent to streamline his life according to the laws of nature. Additionally, he used psychotherapy (psychoanalysis), physio- and hydrotherapy, as well as kinesitherapy, or treatment with the help of movement and gymnastics.
Based on scientific, physiological and biological research confirmed by experience, Bircher-Benner laid new foundations for therapeutic nutrition, which are still valid today. I recommend adopting them. These recommendations are as follows.

A. Eliminate all harmful.
1. Toxic and stimulating substances should be eliminated from the food of patients: tobacco, alcohol, beer, hot spices, protein broths and decoctions containing an abundance of purine bodies.
2. Minimize the intake of concentrated protein products: meat, eggs, cheese, mushrooms, legumes (peas, beans). This is because the abundance of protein causes the body to spend a lot of energy on its absorption and excretion. Unlike carbohydrates and fats, which can accumulate as fat stores, proteins can clog capillaries (colleemia) and, deposited in the form of crystals, give rise to gout.
3. Avoid overeating. Excess food overloads the body, disrupting its normal life-support processes.
4. Reduce your salt intake to a reasonable minimum.

B. Increasing the healing potential in food.
5. The healing power of food increases with the amount of natural foods that are included in the daily diet.
Dietary healing powers are found in fruits, vegetable salads (consisting of leafy vegetables and root vegetables), nuts. Especially a lot of them in freshly squeezed juices of fruits and vegetables. Therefore, they should occupy the first place in the food of the sick. In combination with vegetable oils from nuts, they may well cover the nutritional needs of a person.
The food that occupies the second place after them (accumulators of the 2nd order) - thermally processed greens, vegetables - should not satisfy hunger before the use of accumulators of the 1st order. In this regard, fruits, fresh salads and nuts should be served at the beginning of the meal. And "culinary arts" products should neither interfere with the intake of natural foods, nor be taken beyond measure.
Natural food, rich in active enzymes, vitamins, minerals and other necessary and useful substances, carries out healing work in the body, increasing metabolism, saturating with energy, removing toxins.
6. healing action food also affects the fact that conditions 1, 2, 3, 4 are met (the body is not poisoned, the protein load is removed from it, there is no overeating and excessive intake of salt, which causes the body to retain excess water).
7. The elimination of overeating and artificial appetite stimulants creates all the conditions for the restoration of normal nutritional needs - a healthy feeling of hunger and moderation in food intake.
The feeling of natural hunger normalizes and grows from exposure to fresh air and physical activity person.
In general, all this has a positive effect on the mental well-being of a person.
8. Since the solar energy absorbed by the body is converted into biological energy, it is recommended to visit the sun more often. This need is different for each person and is regulated by the “light mood”.

IN. Nutrition personalization.
9. The fundamentals of nutritional treatment as outlined apply to all people and all diseases. This is because food is biological energy. The laws of its action are similar for each person.
Any living organism, including the human one, is adapted to life with a certain energy potential. This potential is mainly provided by food. It must be understood that the biological energy of food interacts with the human body as a single biological system.
If the energy intensity of food decreases, then the general vital activity of a person, his ability to self-regulate, inevitably decreases, and a predisposition to various kinds of diseases arises. The decrease in the vital potential of the organism occurs due to the nutrition unusual for a person with a low content of biological energy. As a result, a wide variety of diseases are manifested, which are a disorder of vital functions. If we increase the overall vital potential of the body with the help of good nutrition, then its ability to self-regulate, which is the basis for curing any disease, also increases. The organism, in order to preserve itself against the background of increased vital potential, changes its reactions, and thus recovery is achieved.
Bircher-Benner emphasized that, in this way, not special diet for every disease, but the best for all people!
10. Individualization of nutrition consists in the application of a "general diet" to each individual person.
The choice and mechanical processing of food products for a particular person depends on the condition of his teeth, the functioning of the digestive apparatus, the state of blood circulation, and others.

G. signs good food.
11. A person's nutritional need consists of three components: the body, food and habitat.
Such individual differences of the body as body weight, its surface, metabolic characteristics, make adjustments to the amount of food consumed by a person.
The quality of food, its saturation with biologically active substances significantly affect the volume of its consumption.
The habitat, which includes mental, physical and social activity, climatic features, affects the consumption of biological energy from food.
12. Reliable signs of good nutrition are well-being and performance. As a rule, the best indicators of well-being and performance are achieved with the best nutrition.
In his practice, Bircher-Benner noted that the vast majority of sick people easily switch to the diet recommended to them. But in two cases there are deteriorations.
The reason for the first deterioration is that, with the recommended nutrition, salts begin to dissolve and be excreted strongly. uric acid. This phenomenon is temporary, and it is necessary to wait it out by helping the body with fasting, drinking plenty of water and cleansing procedures (enemas, baths, showers).
The reason for the second deterioration lies in the establishment of regulatory work on the part of the body. So, a sick organism did not fully perform some of its functions for a long time. Now, with the increase in life potential, he must fulfill them along with his daily biological duties. Naturally, this work brings anxiety and inconvenience to the body. A person's well-being worsens, chronic diseases become aggravated - a phenomenon of a health crisis sets in.
In connection with the healing crisis, Bircher-Benner warns that any attempt to suppress it only hinders or delays the healing process. Based on his own experience, he says that crises are the healing work of the organism itself, they must be specially called up, not afraid, and in no case suppressed.
Contraindications crises are advanced age, atrophy of the liver and kidneys, neglected tuberculosis, progressive paralysis and malignant tumors.
The use of this nutrition leads to a reduction in urination to 800-1000 cm3. Normalizes thermoregulation, calms sexual arousal, quickly eliminates constipation. The work of the heart and vascular system improves, which is greatly facilitated by a decrease in protein in food. The work of the skin, kidneys, liver to remove poisons is greatly facilitated. After all, the load on these organs increases or decreases in proportion to the consumption of protein foods. Outwardly, this is expressed in improving the skin, increasing overall endurance, and the ability to resist colds. The heart receives significant relief from "energy nutrition" with a minimum of protein due to significant reduction blood viscosity.
The respiratory organs are strengthened - the absence of starches, sugars and fat, the main sources of mucus, relieves them of unnecessary stress. The same thing has a beneficial effect on the female genital area.

Bircher-Benner recommendations for the use of therapeutic nutrition

Since, according to Bircher-Benner, the main causes of disease are bad habits and prejudices, he recommends first of all to exclude from food everything harmful and only after that to bring into action the active healing power of food by eating fresh products.
Bircher-Benner advises taking long breaks between meals. This eliminates many digestive problems. Sick people are advised to follow three rules of nutrition every day:
1) eat slowly and chew well;
2) eat no more than three times a day;
3) stop eating before full saturation.
The last rule follows from the fact that the feeling of satiety comes from the blood washing the brain, in which there are nutrients. But this process is extended in time: food must be absorbed into the blood, pass through the liver, and only after that get into the systemic circulation and begin its distribution through the tissues of the body. For this reason, a person who feels full has already overate - with all the ensuing consequences.
Bircher-Benner warns a sick person against overeating, explaining that the food he recommends is highly nutritious and contains everything you need. Overeating at the beginning of therapeutic nutrition has a negative effect on the healing process - malnutrition at the first stage is much more useful.
Bircher-Benner also recommends completely abandoning meat food, because it interferes with the healing process, causing or maintaining painful disorders, exclude other protein products: eggs, legumes, limit milk (it is better to completely abandon it).
To achieve the active healing effect of food, Biecher-Benner recommends eating only 1st and 2nd order battery foods. Wherein raw food preferably boiled. Basically, nutritional therapy consists of eating raw fruits, salads, edible roots, and nuts. Salads are recommended to be seasoned with fresh lemon juice or cold-pressed oil.
Due to the fact that raw plant foods require a lot of stress on the teeth, weak people it must be artificially crushed for ease of use. But modern research has shown that in this case there is a more intense oxidation of food from contact with metal, air and light. Therefore, use this technique in a reasonable measure.
Based on the experience of treating patients, Bircher-Benner was faced with the fact that sick people, after several days, weeks, months of taking this food, begin to experience an irresistible aversion to fruits. But after a short interval in taking them, this disgust disappears, and patients return to them with pleasure. Moreover, such fluctuations can last for several years. This is quite normal and is explained by Benner by the peculiarities of the course of mental processes and partly by fluctuations in energy processes in the body.
The order of eating during the day is as follows: 8.00, 12.30 and 18.30.

Here is the "daily diet" recommended by Bircher-Benner.
Breakfast And dinner consist mainly of raw food. This is some kind of dietary dish (recipes are given below), dietary bread (preferably from sprouted grains), fresh fruits and nuts.
Bread is served with a modest portion of butter. After the meal, a cup of milk is offered at breakfast. At dinner, you can choose between a cup of milk, curdled milk or rosehip tea. I would recommend drinking freshly squeezed juice instead of milk - from carrots, apples, beets, other vegetables and fruits.
IN dinner boiled plant foods and salads are offered: stewed vegetables (together with secreted juice), potatoes cooked in their skins, occasional dishes of eggs and cheese, peas or beans, vegetarian soup (every other day), dietary bread (both for breakfast and dinner ) and fruits. A meat dish is allowed twice a week. They drink non-alcoholic wines - grape, fruit and berry in the amount of one glass. They can be replaced with compote, fresh juice, decoction of herbs, berries.
A similar diet is recommended by Bircher-Benner for most chronic diseases and should be slightly changed only when the condition of the digestive organs requires it, but within the limits indicated (replace products with others, change the method of grinding, etc.).
Bircher-Benner does not recommend a gradual transition - this causes half-hearted treatment, and advises switching to a new diet immediately and completely so that there are no half measures.
At home, diet meals and sprouted grain bread are enough for breakfast and dinner. For lunch, you can eat one dish of potatoes or whole grains (porridge), or a bowl of soup, salad, boiled fruit and sprouted grain bread. As a drink - a glass of clean water.

Diet meals
1. Apple dish. Take 1-3 crushed apples, 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons well softened oatmeal better than well-sprouted grains of wheat, oats). In order to soften them, pour the flakes 3 tbsp. spoons of water for 12 hours. Add the juice of half a lemon, a spoonful of condensed milk (or honey, or fruit jelly) to the dish. Mix well and eat raw.
2. A dish of apples and carrots. You will need 1-3 crushed apples, 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons softened oat flakes ), 1-2 tbsp. spoons of grated carrots, juice of half a lemon, 1 tbsp. spoon of condensed milk, 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons of grated almonds. Mix all the ingredients and start eating.
Soaked prunes can be used instead of apples.
3. A dish of prunes. Take 200-300 g of soaked prunes, 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons softened oatmeal germinated grains of wheat, oats), juice of half a lemon, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of condensed milk. Mix and eat.
4. A dish of berries. Mix 200-300 g of crushed berries (blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries), 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons softened oatmeal germinated grains of wheat, oats), juice of half a lemon, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of condensed milk and eat.
These dishes should be prepared immediately before eating. When cooking, pre-combine softened cereals with lemon juice and condensed milk by mixing thoroughly. Only after that add apples and mix.
In his sanatorium Bircher-Benner, treatment began with a "cleansing diet." You can apply it before the "daily diet" above. It lasted several days and consisted mainly of fresh juices. Get a juicer and squeeze fresh juices.
This was followed by a period (several weeks, sometimes even several months, depending on the severity of the disease) of the "interim diet". This diet consisted of eating fresh vegetables and fruits with the addition of black bread and milk. I think it is better to replace black bread with bread made from sprouted grains.
After a person recovered or received significant relief, Benner recommended following a "daily diet" to maintain the health achieved.

body cleansing diet

Food products are selected in such a way as to stimulate the functions of the excretory organs and promote the removal of toxins and toxic metabolites from the body.
Within four days, vegetables, nuts and fruits are consumed: raw or dried. Dried fruits are pre-soaked in the evening. Fruit infusions are also prepared for drinking. Drink infusions from the leaves or coffee from chicory, green tea. As sweeteners, honey is used in drinks and vegetable oil in vegetables (1-3 teaspoons). Made from potatoes Fresh Juice and drink. 100 g of dried rye bread are eaten per day. Better is bread made from sprouted grains, made by drying in the oven.
At the same time, we get rid of unhealthy habits - do not smoke and give up alcohol.
5th day - all the same, but it is recommended to add one black cracker (preferably a donut from sprouted grain).
6th day - all the same, but for lunch add 2-3 potatoes, boiled in a "uniform", without salt. You can make puree. It is recommended to eat potatoes with skin.
7th day - all the same and 2 crackers, half a liter of sour milk.
8-9th day - everything is the same as on the 7th day, plus one egg. Use the egg raw or cook so that the yolk is raw.
10-14th day - add 1 teaspoon of butter and 2 tbsp. spoons of cottage cheese with 1 teaspoon vegetable oil.
Starting from the 15th day, you can eat 100 g of boiled meat, but not more than twice a week. It is recommended 2 times a week (Monday and Tuesday) to repeat the regimen of the first four days.

William Howard Hay

American physician W.-G. Hay, back in the 19th century, demonstrated from personal experience that reducing the amount of protein in the diet contributes to successful treatment diseases such as rheumatism, asthma, migraine, etc., and when you return to the same food, relapses occur.
At the age of forty-one, Dr. Hay fell seriously ill. He suffered from glomerulonephritis, a kidney disease accompanied by high blood pressure, which led to the expansion of the heart. Even he, a doctor who had ample opportunity to attract specialists, had to hear: "You are terminally ill."
But Hay did not back down. Long nights, tormented by insomnia and shortness of breath, he thought and thought, and finally made a decision that resulted in a courageous experiment. And he was pushed to this by the report of the British military doctor, Colonel McGarrison, where he talked about the Hunza people.
I will give an excerpt from the book "Reserves of our body" by Nikolai Agadzhanyan and Alexei Katkov about this people.
“The 32,000 population of this paradise knows no disease. The average life span of a Hunza is 120 years!
Hunza are vegetarians. In summer, they eat raw fruits and vegetables (that is, according to the season), in winter - sun-dried apricots and sprouted grains, sheep cheese. Daily calorie content hunza is much lower than usual and includes 50 g of protein, 36 g of fat and 365 g of carbohydrates.
The Scottish physician McGarrison lived in the vicinity of the Hunza Valley for 14 years. He came to the conclusion that it is the diet that is the main factor in the longevity of this people. If a person eats improperly, then the mountain climate will not save him from diseases.
Therefore, it is not surprising that the neighbors of the Hunza, living in the same climatic conditions, suffer the most various diseases. Their life span is twice as short.
Mac-Garrison, returning to England, set up interesting experiments on a large number of animals. Some of them ate regular food London working family (white bread, herring, refined sugar, canned and boiled vegetables). As a result, a wide variety of “human diseases” began to appear in this group. Other animals were on the hunza diet and remained absolutely healthy throughout the experiment.
It is curious that the Hunza, unlike neighboring peoples, outwardly are very similar to Europeans. According to historians, the founders of the first Hunza communities were merchants and warriors from the army of Alexander the Great, who settled here during a campaign through the mountain valleys of the Indus River.
The daily food of the Hunza is flatbread and soups made from whole grain grains, as well as vegetables and fruits. Milk and dairy products are consumed in small quantities. They consume very little table salt, and they do not produce sugar and white flour at all.
Based on the McGarrison report, Howard Hay radically restructured his diet. He began to eat only what is determined for people to eat by nature. Moreover, he used products only in their natural form and in the amount necessary for normal life.
Three months later he was healthy! His weight, barely reaching 25 kg during his illness, increased to 80. He began to feel fresher and more efficient than in his youth. Hay made a full recovery, although the medical luminaries of his time believed that he was doomed to certain death.
In subsequent years, Dr. Hay, using the nutritional methodology he developed and some other health remedies, treated thousands of seriously ill people from a wide variety of diseases.
Based on his own experience, Hay came to the conclusion that diseases can hardly develop in the body of a person who consumes natural foods. While the organism is still able to recover, three conditions are necessary: ​​the will to recover; study of the method by which one can return to a full-blooded life; digestive apparatus, from a physiological point of view, suitable for the restructuring of nutrition. As for the will to recover, a person must have a thirst for life, which will allow him to do everything possible and impossible to regain his lost health. This indispensable condition will not be fulfilled by any clinic, any medication or doctor. From this point of view, recovery depends only on the patient himself.
Based on his experience, Dr. Hay wrote a book about his healing method, in which he pointed out that many bodily diseases, low performance, and increased sensitivity to stress and depression are common consequences of people's malnutrition. According to Hay, this is due the following reasons: excessive intake of proteins; abundant consumption of such refined products as white sugar, white bread and the like; errors in the combination of nutrients in one meal.
Hay, trying to prove that the wrong mixing of dishes in one meal can lead to "pathological fatigue", did the following experiment: he selected eighteen men aged 28 to 55 and allowed them to eat their usual foods. But he separated foods that are carriers of proteins (eggs, meat, fish) from foods that are carriers of carbohydrates (bread, cereals, potatoes). He did not give the indicated groups of products simultaneously, but alternated in different tricks food. And for control, Hay conducted simple performance tests. At the end of the first week, the control showed that the performance of men increased by 50%, and at the end of the fourth week - by 165%.
So, Dr. Hay recommends:
a) avoid denatured foods (peeled cereals, white sugar);
b) limit products of animal origin (meat, fish);
c) give preference to raw plant foods (fruits, vegetables). Moreover, root crops are recommended to be consumed 4 times more than leaves;
d) in one meal, do not mix protein dishes with carbohydrate ones.

Dr. Max Gerzon

This doctor from Germany at the beginning of the 20th century showed the role of table salt as a factor that causes and aggravates certain diseases. He significantly supplemented the doctrine of proper nutrition by M. Bircher-Benner and G. Hay.
In his youth, Gerzon suffered from severe headaches (migraines), which he could not get rid of. No doctor was able to cure him of "a simple headache."
Migraine threatened to ruin the career of a young doctor, as her attacks were repeated 2-3 times a month. During such attacks, he was forced to stay in a dark room. He was vomiting and could not eat or drink. He returned to his normal state in 2-3 days, and then the next attack occurred, and everything was repeated from the beginning.
The doctors from Breslau and Berlin came to the conclusion that in this case there was a constitutional violation, and therefore they are powerless to help.
Gerzon decided to undergo treatment on the diet of Dr. Bircher-Benner. This helped him only partially. The attacks became less frequent and shorter when he completely abstained from eating meat and ate a lot of raw foods.
Dr. Gerzon realized that the path to recovery lies through a change in diet and lifestyle. He started by quitting smoking. Stopping smoking worked well for him, but there was no complete cure for migraine. This prompted Gerzon to continue searching for his own healing. He began to scrupulously check the effect of each food on his migraine.
Around the same time, he came across a pamphlet that spoke about the dangers of table salt. After reading it, he decided to give up salt and products containing it. Gerzon switched to a diet similar to the Bircher-Benner diet, but excluded everything that contains salt, including bran bread, cheeses, and even milk, since it also contains some salt. He also stopped using butter (it always contains salt) and some other products that had never before been banned for use by nutritionists. And, to his great surprise, the results of the change in diet were immediate. Literally a few days later disappeared even light headache pain that preceded migraine attacks.

This is a clear example of how quickly the body restores its normal performance if a harmful element is eliminated from the diet or lifestyle. If this is not done, any treatment will be ineffective.

To test his guess about the harmfulness of salt, Gerzon repeatedly returned to his previous diet, which included salt. The migraine returned with her.
Through experience, Gerzon learned to avoid the consequences of an improper diet. For example, he ate for 3-4 days salty food(but only vegetable) or meat, but without salt at all. In these cases there were no attacks, but they inevitably began again after he ate meat or fish with salt. This led him to conclude that the combination of meat and salt is much more dangerous to health than either of these nutrients alone.

It can be assumed that salt in combination with food proteins makes the blood more viscous and heavy liquid, which does not pass well through small vessels the brain and thus disrupts the metabolic processes in it, which is expressed in the appearance of headaches, an attempt to cleanse the body by vomiting, refusal to eat. We need to understand a simple thing - the body itself teaches us malaise and disease, and if the lifestyle and diet that we lead are not suitable for us, we need to change them. We do not listen to the opinion of the body, we have forgotten its language, and therefore we suffer. All the clues are nearby, they come in a timely manner - you just need to follow them.

As a result, Dr. Gerzon realized that in certain diseases, certain foods that were considered useful and considered by Dr. Bircher-Benner as digestive stimulants (in moderation), cause and support the appearance of these diseases and for this reason should be strictly prohibited.
Dr. Gerzon began to treat migraines in his patients using a salt-free diet. Along the way, other diseases that patients suffered from began to pass. Particularly well responded to the treatment of skin diseases: eczema, lupus and others that were not treated by conventional methods.
Gradually, the circle of diseases cured by this method expanded. So, in the treatment of lupus on the face of one person who was prescribed a strict salt-free diet (in addition to vegetables and fruits, it included 100 g of meat, 80 g of fish and 20 egg yolks per week), he had a tuberculous fistula on his leg. It took several months of following a salt-free diet. The patient told Gerzon about this, which was a real discovery for him. He examined the affected area and exclaimed: “If the same diet cures migraines, tuberculous lesions of the skin and bones, then it should cure pulmonary tuberculosis!”
After that, Gerzon began to treat tuberculosis with a salt-free diet.

It should be noted that Dr. Gerzon, Hay, Bircher-Benner do not treat anyone in the classical sense of the word, they recommend that the patient create such a lifestyle, adhere to such a diet that creates the necessary conditions in the body for self-healing! Nature heals, and the doctor and the patient help her.

In 1922-1924, Dr. Gerzon discovered (like Bircher-Benner, Hay before him, and after him Walker, Bragg, Shelton, Shatalova and many others) that the same diet can be effective in a number of diseases, even cure tuberculosis !
Additionally, it turned out that wounds are easier to treat if the patient does not eat. It turns out that the internal environment of the body during starvation is shifted to the acid side.
Gerzon and Dr. Sauerbuch found that TB patients and other patients, which did not improve on a vegetarian "alkaline" diet with salt, improved markedly on a salt-free diet rich in vitamins, but "acidic" - containing moderate amounts of animal proteins. It also turned out that a plant-based salt-free diet in itself is ineffective in the case of tuberculosis and some other diseases if it contains little protein. Based on this, it was concluded that neither the alkaline nor the acidic nature of the diet is of decisive importance.

The question arises: what is crucial in nutrition? In my opinion, species nutrition is the use of those products and in the form to which the human body is evolutionarily adapted. These are, first of all, natural products, not modified in any way, not processed in any way, consumed raw: vegetables (leafy and root crops), fruits (dried fruits), berries, herbs, nuts and seeds, grains and legumes, mushrooms, eggs, milk, other animal products eaten raw or at least thermally processed.

Let's consider what is harmful action table salt. It is known from physiology that it can only be excreted by healthy kidneys in an amount of about 25 g per day. This includes the salt that was additionally added to the products, as well as sodium and chlorine (salt components) contained in bread, vegetables, potatoes, fruits, cereals, milk and other products. If more salt is consumed than can be excreted by the kidneys, then its remainder accumulates in the body.
Where is it concentrated salt? IN subcutaneous tissues, in internal organs and in mucous membranes. Moreover, it is deposited not in the form of crystals, but in the form of a solution, holding water around it. This, in turn, leads to the formation of edema, and indirectly to disruption of normal blood circulation in the areas of edema and, finally, to inflammation (eczema, lupus).
In order to remove from the body the excess amount of salt received by him once, it takes several days, and this is provided that on these days a person receives a smaller dose of salt. Fasting copes especially well with this - salts quickly leave the body, swelling subsides, inflammation disappears. And since a large amount of salt accumulates in the body during life, it takes several months on a salt-free diet. After all, with urine it is possible to remove 5-6 g of salt per day! Simultaneously with them, the body removes (with a reasonable diet) from 1 to 2 liters of water, which means a loss of 1.5-2.5 kg of weight after the first days of switching to a salt-free diet.
So, if you exclude salt from food, the body will be freed from excess water, which will reduce the load on the heart. At the same time, kidney function and skin respiration will improve.
In skin diseases, excess salt is deposited mainly in the subcutaneous tissues, which causes swelling due to water retention. The blood vessels that feed these tissues shrink, and the blood cannot properly nourish and protect them. This or that skin disease gradually develops, the mucous membrane is affected. Salt-free diet, and in particular fasting, removing extra salt and water, contribute to the normalization of the skin and mucous membranes.
Juice therapy is very good for skin diseases. The most powerful diuretic raw juices from fresh fruits and vegetables. For example, the juice of apples, oranges, and other fruits contains 100 parts of potassium to 1 part of sodium. Consequently, when taking juices, the salt accumulated in the tissues is "washed out" from the body ( sodium chloride). Therefore, the more these juices are drunk, the faster the salt and water content in the body decreases.
Gerzon instructed his patients to drink a large glass of juice every two hours. This was done in order "to more often with the help of the kidneys urine and other toxic substances that cannot be removed in any other way." So, some of his patients drank during the day 15 glasses of juice, mostly vegetable, more valuable in terms of mineral salts than fruit juice.
This rule of Gerzon is valid at the initial stage of treatment of a sick person in order to quickly remove from the body all that is superfluous, harmful, interfering with the healing process.
To avoid trouble with such a large intake of juice, you need to drink it slowly, carefully moistening with saliva. But even in this case, you need to be careful - take as much as the body can digest and assimilate, no more. Therefore, this recommendation is strictly individual.
Gerzon found that, depending on the diet, the most significant changes in the body occur in the first 3-7 days. Therefore, in order not to lose its stimulating effect, it is necessary to change food through the use of "short-term diets."
Here are Gerzon's "short-term diets":
a) a raw diet based on the Bircher-Benner rules with the addition of a large amount of juices;
b) a potassium diet consisting of potatoes, fruit juices (apples, oranges, lemons, tangerines, grapefruits) and raw fruits with the complete exclusion of vegetables.
The combination of these diets (twice a month for three days) with a salt-free diet has a very positive effect.
Gerzon paid great attention to the selection of food products depending on the type of disease. Cucumbers, for example, are excellent vegetables, but they are contraindicated for some, as they cause stomach upsets. The same can be said about prunes. Some people are allergic to strawberries. Peanuts are also not well tolerated by everyone. Nuts are an excellent food from many points of view, but they are not recommended for tuberculosis patients and asthmatics because they cause coughing. Cauliflower, beans lead in some to bloating, heartburn, they are contraindicated in cores.

Here Gerzon unwittingly encountered the peculiarities of the individual constitution of a sick person and the products that are most suitable for her, and, conversely, the products that bring her out of harmony. We will talk about this in a special section below.

Approximately half of Dr. Gerzon's patients with asthma, migraine and other "spastic" diseases, as well as heart patients, did not return to their usual diet with meat and salt for health reasons. Some of them could choose between a diet without meat, but with salt, or, conversely, with meat, but without salt. Most of the patients had to give up both meat and salt forever.
In the treatment of bone and pulmonary tuberculosis, Dr. Gerzon recommended preparations of calcium salts, magnesia with vitamin D intake, and fish oil for rapid tissue repair and calcification of areas.
In the treatment of many heart diseases, rheumatism, tuberculosis and arthritis, Dr. Gerzon paid great attention to an enema of 1 liter of warm chamomile solution. At high temperature he recommended giving an enema 2 times a day, and in cases of severe illness - 3 times. Usually 2-3 weeks after the start of enemas and nutrition, a sick person suddenly passes very dark excrement with a sharp, fetid odor.

This is nothing but a healing and cleansing crisis, as a result of which pathogenic substances are removed and the process of recovery begins.

Toxic substances gradually, over the years, accumulated in the body and led to illness. Now, thanks to proper nutrition and cleansing, they come out, and the lost health returns again.
Enemas are recommended regardless of loose stools, their purpose is to stimulate the secretion of bile, which can improve liver function.
Dr. Gerzon had several successful cases of cancer cure. The diet used in this case was extremely poor in proteins. A large role in it was played by the fresh juice of a slightly fried liver. According to Gerzon, liver juice, like juice fresh spinach, forms the basis for the treatment of tumors.

Dr. Norman Walker

This specialist spent a lot of time and money researching the healing properties of raw plant foods. In 1936, he wrote the book Raw Vegetable Juices, in which he talked about the benefits of freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices, as well as their use in the treatment of specific diseases.
Walker points out that the nutritional efficiency of the body depends on how much the food that enters our body is alive. And the basis of life in food - enzymes And enzymes. As soon as the product is heated above 54 ° C, these substances lose their activity and the food becomes "dead".
Walker writes that enzymes are complex substances that help digest food and absorb it into the blood. It is for this reason that food should be raw and unprocessed.
“Life and death cannot exist simultaneously, whether in relation to our body or in relation to vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds. Where there is life, there are enzymes,” said N. Walker.
Based on the doctrine of enzymes, Walker began to figure out how to get them in most and it is better to apply in medical and health-improving practice. Simply eating raw plant foods has proved unsatisfactory for a number of reasons. For example, a sick person is not able to eat enough raw food to get enough "building material" from it. The abundance of fiber in plant foods requires many hours of digestion, and in some cases adversely affects the body of a sick and healthy person.
Walker asked himself the question: how to make plant food truly healing, so that it can be used as a medicine created by nature? The answer was found: using fresh vegetable and fruit juices obtained by squeezing.
Investigating freshly squeezed juices, Walker found that they meet the "ideal natural medicine" with the following properties. They have structured water, which is quickly absorbed by the body. They have very little fiber, which slows down the digestion process. They contain a lot of biologically active substances previously enclosed in fiber cells: enzymes, vitamins, minerals, protein and carbohydrate complexes, etc. It is these substances that nourish cells, tissues and the entire human body.
Juice nutrition has shown that biologically active substances very quickly and completely absorbed by the body. At the same time, the body itself spends very, very little energy on their digestion and assimilation, which is especially valuable in the treatment of a weakened and sick person. Through fresh juices can be introduced into the body great amount biologically active substances and quickly achieve healing. Even raw food cannot be compared with fresh vegetable juices in its effectiveness. At the same time, the treatment itself was pleasant and fast.
So, the point is small: get an electric juicer and make juices!
Fruit juices cleanse the human body more. Fruits from which juices are squeezed must be ripe. Fruits and fruit juices are not recommended to be consumed with food containing starch and sugar.
Vegetable juices are more restorers and builders of body tissues. They contain large amounts of amino acids, minerals, vitamins, enzymes and other biologically active substances that are so necessary for a sick body.
Depending on the severity and type of disease, Walker recommended first cleansing the body, and then quickly replenishing it with biologically active substances in the form of fresh juices. To get noticeable healing results, they were recommended to drink from 1 to 4 liters of fresh juice per day! It is necessary to take juice immediately after squeezing, this is due to the fact that biologically active substances, quickly reacting with air and light, lose their activity.
Thus, eating fresh juices is an essential and pleasant addition, which can significantly enhance the effect of therapeutic nutrition. And in some cases it becomes the only possible at the first stage of its application.

Chapter 2
The use of freshly squeezed juices in clinical nutrition

Let's talk about the juices of vegetables and fruits and about what diseases they are best used for.
Apricot juice. Prepared from ripe fruits at maturity. A good multivitamin remedy containing, in addition, potassium and iron salts. They are used for anemia, gastrointestinal and cardiovascular diseases accompanied by edema, during pregnancy, as well as for diseases of the skin, oral mucosa, trophic ulcers of the leg, when taking diuretics.
Quince juice. Prepared from well-ripened yellow fruits. It has astringent, diuretic, hemostatic, antiseptic and tonic properties. They are used for anemia, diseases of the heart, respiratory tract, organs of the gastrointestinal tract, tuberculosis, asthma. Juice or pulp from boiled or baked fruits is a good remedy for liver diseases and as an antiemetic. Take / -1 glass before meals.
Juice of oranges and tangerines. Used for the prevention and treatment of hypo- and beriberi, especially in spring, in the postoperative period, during infectious diseases.
Well quenches thirst, has a slight tonic effect, improves metabolism. Useful juice with honey for gout, uric acid diathesis, lethargy of intestinal motility and chronic constipation, gastritis. Like all citrus fruits, it can cause allergies if the body is slagged or the juice is consumed without regard to compatibility.
Accepted by 1 / glass, but not more than 1 glass per day. In some cases, you can add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey just before taking the juice.
Juice is contraindicated during an exacerbation peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, chronic enterocolitis and pancreatitis, gastritis (with increased secretory activity). People suffering from these diseases can only include juice in the diet during remission and in diluted form.
Barberry juice. Prepared in autumn from ripe fruits. Wash ripe berries, blanch in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, drain the water, and pass the berries through a juicer. It is used at elevated temperatures and as a remedy for indigestion and lack of appetite, as well as a mild laxative. It is used for the treatment of diabetes mellitus, as a diuretic, for malaria, vomiting in pregnant women, for the treatment of acute gastrointestinal diseases.
Juice from fresh leaves is drunk for internal and postpartum bleeding, as an anti-inflammatory agent for diseases of the liver and biliary tract, as a choleretic agent. Reception for 1 tbsp. spoon with an equal amount of honey 3-4 times a day before meals.
Hawthorn juice. It can be obtained from flowers (at the beginning of flowering), leaves (in May) or berries (October).
Regulates cardiac activity, improves the supply of oxygen to the heart through the expansion of blood vessels, reduces arterial pressure. It has a calming, cardio-strengthening and diuretic effect. It normalizes sleep and the general condition of a person, promotes recovery after serious illnesses, and lowers cholesterol levels in the blood.
Used for diseases of the skin, liver and biliary tract, with functional disorders of the heart, shortness of breath, insomnia, in menopause. Through selective expansion coronary vessels and blood vessels of the brain reduces blood pressure, improves the supply of oxygen to the heart, reduces the excitability of the nervous system.
Take 1 teaspoon of flower juice or
1 / glass of fruit juice with 1 tbsp. spoon of honey 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
Blueberry juice. A good tonic and tonic for fever, colds, malaria, measles, and diabetes. Taken for gastritis low acidity, with arthritis of metabolic origin, with rheumatism, gout, as a diuretic. It has a strong diuretic effect, which is why it is useful for diseases of the kidneys, bladder, liver and gall bladder, hypertension, poisoning, diathesis.
It is popularly used to treat skin cancer and stomach tumors.
Accepted by 1 / 2 glass of juice with 1 tbsp. spoon of honey 3 times a day.
Grape juice. In its composition, and especially in the composition of inorganic salts, it resembles mineral alkaline waters, so many quite rightly consider grape treatment to be similar to mineral one.
The water contained in grape juice liquefies secrets and excretions, increases urination, promotes the removal of metabolic products, liquefies the contents in the intestines, which contributes to the promotion of feces, and finally causes a rush of blood to the skin, increasing evaporation through the skin and lungs.
Water grape juice contains sugars, acids and aromatic substances, taken in small portions does not cause a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Grape juice is highly nutritious due to its sugar content. Mineral salts are also part of the juice. Potassium salts are credited with a calming effect on the heart, blood vessels and nervous system. Lime and phosphoric acid may be of value in replenishing the material needed for the bony skeleton.
Grapes contain vitamin B in sufficient quantities, as well as some vitamin C. minerals: potassium, sodium, lime, magnesium, iron, aluminum, manganese, chlorine, phosphoric and silicic acids.
Grapes is the causative agent of the secretion of the digestive glands, regulates the motor function of the stomach. With chronic inflammatory diseases stomach (gastritis with high and low acidity), without organic disorders of motor function, freshly squeezed grape juice reduces the amount of mucus, improves appetite, relieves the feeling of heaviness and pain in the epigastric region and helps to eliminate constipation, often accompanying this kind of disease.
Grapes increase the percentage of hemoglobin in the blood, increase the number of red blood cells, regulate the ratio between leukocytes and lymphocytes. Grapes have a stimulating effect on the bone marrow and the reticuloendothelial system, thereby improving the functions of the hematopoietic organs.
Grape juice is good for chronic nephritis, nephrosis, tuberculosis, anemia of various origins, habitual atonic constipation, chronic arthritis, gout, chronic rheumatism, kidney stones, chronic diseases kidneys and pelvis, chronic stagnation of bile, neurasthenia.
The duration of treatment with grape juice is from 4 to 6 weeks. Small doses of grape juice are 2 glasses per day; 2 to 5 glasses are average doses. More than 5 glasses - large doses are applied in exceptional cases.
It is recommended to start with a dose of 100 g on the first day and on each subsequent day add 70-80 g, so that by the end of the first week the daily dose taken is approximately 3 glasses.
It is better to take juice in 3 doses and each time two hours before a meal and not earlier than two hours after the last meal.
In case of mild diarrhea, the dose is not increased or a 2-3-day break is made. Only in rare cases, with great sensitivity of the stomach in emaciated patients, the juice is not transferred to an empty stomach. In such cases, it is recommended to give juice after meals. Treatment with grape juice should be accompanied by sufficient exposure to fresh air and walks. For children, according to their age, the dose is reduced by 2, 3 and 4 times.
When treating with grape juice, it is forbidden to eat easily fermenting drinks - kvass, beer; smoked, salty foods, marinades, spirits, very fatty foods and coarse raw vegetables. All of these substances, taken with grape juice, can upset the intestines.
Other basic rules of grape treatment include oral and dental hygiene. The teeth are carious and in places free from enamel, deteriorate from sugar and acids of grape juice. Rinse your mouth after taking juice. warm water or, even better, a solution of soda.
sugar diabetes;
acute fever diseases;
severe forms of tuberculosis;
sharp and chronic diarrhea;
ulcers of the mouth, stomach and intestines;
oncology of the stomach;
excessive obesity;
second half of pregnancy;
carious teeth.
Pomegranate juice. Used as a general tonic for malnutrition, anemia, atherosclerosis, bronchial asthma, sore throat, radiation, respiratory infections, malaria, ascites, jaundice, burns, dermatoses.
Sweet juice is used after infectious diseases and operations, with gastrointestinal disorders, renal colic. Sour juice - with diabetes (improves the function of the pancreas). Condensed juice is taken to improve appetite, with scurvy, as a fixative, antipyretic and thirst quencher, with hemorrhoids - as a wound healing agent, with diabetes - as a digestive stimulant. Appoint by 1 / 2 -1 glass with 1 tbsp. spoon of honey 3 times a day.
Contraindicated in gastric ulcer, gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice. Externally used for burns, conjunctivitis.
Pear juice. It quenches thirst in febrile conditions, has analgesic, antiseptic, fixing, antibacterial and antiviral action. Recommended as a diuretic for renal and urolithiasis, as an astringent, tonic, antipyretic for malignant tumors, diarrhea, nephritis, cystitis, as a wound healing agent. Regulates digestion, useful in obesity and diabetes.

End of free trial.

How can one explain the effectiveness of the method of separate nutrition in the treatment of kidneys? The use of certain foods leads to the fact that unnecessary water and salt are excreted from the body. These two factors greatly affect the performance of the heart and kidneys. Reducing the load allows them to begin the process of self-healing. Therefore, for people with chronic kidney failure the system of separate nutrition is changed so that they mainly eat food poor in salts and proteins. Additionally, to remove excess water and salt, at the first stage of therapeutic nutrition, products that have a natural diuretic effect (rich in potassium) are prescribed.

As a result of such nutrition in the blood, the amount of substances that should be excreted in the urine decreases. Urination increases. The excretion of protein in the urine proceeds in the opposite direction; elevated blood pressure due to kidney disease is reduced. The work of the heart is facilitated, and the kidneys are restored. It is important not to start the disease when the body loses its ability to heal itself.

Separate nutrition is the main treatment for patients with heart disease. It was found that all serious heart diseases, including heart attack and stroke, are accompanied by latent acidification of the body. The use of separate nutrition reduces blood clotting, measured by the value of the "mercury value".

Dr. Walb found that in all diseases of the circulation and heart, small meals should be preferred, denatured foods should be avoided, since they saturate a person less and more slowly and therefore are eaten in too large quantities, which is harmful to blood circulation and heart.

The use of separate nutrition in more than 90% of patients with increased level cholesterol in the blood leads to a decrease in its level and subsequent normalization. Thus, the risk of atherosclerosis and its complications, such as calcification of the coronary vessels of the heart, is significantly reduced.

A 54-year-old man with diabetes had to stop working. Due to illness, he was blind in one eye, the other eye saw 50%. Separate nutrition was used as the main treatment. Vision improved after 6 weeks. The dose of insulin was reduced by half. After a while he was able to start working.

Dr. Walb spoke about a 55-year-old man who suffered from diabetes for 6 years. At laboratory research found a sharply increased amount of sugar in the urine, the blood sugar level of this patient was about 350 mg (the norm is 110 mg). His daily urine output was over 6 liters and he had to inject 50 units every day. insulin. After switching to a separate diet, the need for insulin for 4 months was reduced to zero, and the amount of urine was 1.6 liters per day (normal). The blood sugar level averaged 150 mg and was not detected in the urine.

Patients with diabetes should use the system of separate nutrition in a modified form. Those who need insulin should eat carbohydrate-rich foods (cereals, potatoes) after their morning and evening insulin injections. In between, it is recommended to take small portions of food, consisting of fresh vegetables, fruits, greens. Such food alkalizes the body.

Dr. Walb showed that in 200 diabetics treated in his clinic with separate meals, after about 4-6 weeks, the level of sugar in the urine decreased by 98%, and the level of sugar in the blood - by 90%. Insulin consumption was reduced by an average of 37%. In addition, ailments associated with impaired blood circulation receded. It was noted that diabetics who inject higher standard units of insulin can achieve more tangible results than other diabetics.

The use of separate nutrition for patients with diabetes mellitus can cure diabetic lesions of blood vessels. To do this, eliminate the acidification of the body by eating alkaline foods (fresh, vegetable). This is followed by a decrease in blood sugar levels to a normal value. The abundance of ballast substances with separate nutrition leads to the fact that some components of carbohydrates (glucose) enter the blood more slowly. Blood sugar is lower and changes smoothly, instead of fluctuating up and down, as it does with refined carbohydrate foods (peeled cereals, potatoes, baked goods, not to mention sugar).

In 1978, Dr. Walb examined 82 women and 51 men, average age who was 53 years old. Patients suffered from various diseases: tumors, allergies, kidney disease, rheumatism, diabetes, diseases of the circulatory system and digestive organs. A blood test for four weeks of using a separate diet showed that her data normalized by an average of 80%! And that's in just four weeks!

Chapter 4
The practice of separate meals

When the body is freed from the toxins that it was previously filled with, the mood rises and a new, happy world opens up to the person.

Howard Hay

With a separate power supply, three important conditions must be observed.

1. Right choice food.

Here it is necessary to adhere to the recommendations of Dr. Bircher-Benner - to use more products that are 1st order batteries. This is mainly fresh plant foods: vegetables (leafy and root crops), fruits, nuts. Particular attention should be paid to the use of fresh juices, especially at the first stage, in order to quickly flush out toxins from the body.

2. Alkalinization of the body during the day.

Alkali-forming foods are foods that are dominated by minerals such as sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. It's basically fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as fresh juices from them.

Acid formers are products in which phosphorus, chlorine and sulfur predominate. These are mainly cereals, meat products, as well as products that have undergone heat treatment (even the same vegetables, heat-treated, become acid-forming).

In order to reliably alkalize the body, which is especially valuable in a number of diseases, you need about 80% daily ration eat raw (fresh juices, vegetables, fruits, salads, lightly stewed vegetables). And only 20% is allocated to protein products of animal origin (meat, fish, cheese) and cereals (cereals, bread). Practice has shown that the ratio of 70:30 is a very good indicator.

Which foods are more "alkaline" and which are "sour" can be seen from the table below.

Have you ever wondered why people who aspire to healthy eating and giving preference only to healthy and healthy products, rarely achieve the desired result? They still have something aching, somewhere it hurts, and the pressure jumps. Maybe we're not moving enough or thinking about the wrong things? Yes, pessimism and hypodynamia make a negative contribution to the level of our health. But I'm not talking about that now. After all, food is the basis of life. An unsurpassed specialist in cleansing and healing nutrition (however, these two types of nutrition are closely intertwined with each other) G.P. Malakhov believes: “Food can become a powerful remedy, bringing a charge of vivacity, maintaining the strength of the body, or, conversely, be the cause of diseases. We all know the common truth: "Everyone is what he eats." But how to combine the theoretical conclusions of the science of nutrition with the individual constitution, needs, tastes, possibilities? How to understand the variety of interpretations, names, diets and recipes? I've read a lot of books, I've tried a lot of nutrition and I've chosen what is really valuable and applicable.".

This means that the state of our body depends mainly on what we consume. But it turns out not only What, but also When And in what order. You can find the classification of products and their vitamin and mineral composition in any classic reference book, but I found a system of therapeutic and cleansing nutrition from G.P. Malakhov. It was confirmed by the books of many other researchers and healers. Yes, and I myself, to be honest, came to the same conclusions, because I realized that even the most healthy food, eaten at the wrong time, can turn out to be poison for a person. By the way, the famous scientist B.V. Bolotov believes that healthy food should first of all be tasty. I fully agree with him. It is impossible to put fried insects in your mouth just because they are rich in protein. Although the Chinese and someone else do it with pleasure. However, they are used to it, but we are not! We want borscht, meatballs, cakes... With this approach, it will not take long to come to eating foods that are simply harmful. It turns out that we have reached a dead end. If, without hesitation, there is everything you want, then it will not be a cleansing, but rather the opposite - a complete blockage of the intestines. And yet I was not mistaken, and Bolotov was even more so. After all, he advises eating what is pleasant, that is, it causes appetite. This means that healthy dishes must be prepared and served in such a way that saliva flows. That's the whole point. And man is a rational being, to fight all sorts of temptations. I want a cake, and I'll make a salad of fresh dandelion leaves, seasoned with walnut sauce. Wow! Real jam. Gradually you get used to such a diet, and no cakes and fatty chops are needed. However, I do not urge you to limit yourself in nutrition, but I just want to correctly place the accents. The main emphasis will be on healthy, that is, cleansing and healing food and its proper use.

And as assistants I call on experts in this matter, first of all G.P. Malakhov, who is a pioneer of natural nutrition. Later, such well-known scientists-researchers and healers as B.V. Bolotov, G.A. Garbuzov, Gleb and Larisa Pogozhevs and your obedient servant joined him and follow his path.

Part one. Principles of healthy eating

Food is alive and dead
What food is considered alive?

Any food turns out to be alive or dead depending on its essence and when and how you use it.

Even fruits, the benefits of which no one doubts, can become the cause of the disease stomach. The fact is that they are usually used for dessert, that is, after all the dishes. Being quickly digested, they tend to the small intestine, but they cannot get there while there is other food in the stomach that is digested more slowly. Therefore, in the stomach begins decomposition process fruits, in which alcohol, acetic acid and carbon dioxide are formed, with all the ensuing consequences - heartburn, belching, inflammatory processes. As a result, serious illnesses develop.

That's why fruits and vegetables should be a separate meal. This is the meaning of green food, which includes juices, green salads and smoothies, eating fruits and vegetables in their raw form. Then they become living food.

The same applies to grain products, which are also very healthy. In the absence of a sufficient amount of vitamins, especially group B, bread products are not digested, but fermented and bacterially decomposed with the formation of alcohol and other products of incomplete decomposition. From here arise peptic ulcer, cirrhosis of the liver and even cancer of the oral cavity.

That is why fruits and vegetables should be eaten as separate meals, never mixed with other foods. This is the main point of green nutrition. Green food also includes green smoothies, fruit and vegetable salads prepared only from raw products.

So, for food to become alive, two conditions must be met:

1. Fruits, vegetables and herbs are only eaten raw.

2. Eat these foods as separate meals.

The same applies to grain products, which are also very useful, as they contain vitamins of group B. During heat treatment, that is, baking, some of these vitamins are lost (from 10 to 30%). But in wheat sprouts, these vitamins are completely preserved. Sprouts, on the other hand, are considered green food, so they can and should even be combined with fruits and vegetables. B vitamins will be a valuable addition to the green diet. And here bread and cereals are better to eat separately, because yeast and animal fats (milk, butter, which are added to cereals) with simultaneous reception green food promote fermentation processes in the intestines.

From this follow two principles of cleansing nutrition according to Malakhov:

The first principle of a healthy, that is, cleansing diet is the correct alternation and combination of products.

The second principle of cleansing nutrition is the seasonal use of dishes.

G.P. Malakhov promotes the seasonal use of products, because he quite rightly believes that the most useful products are those that grow in your area at a given time of the year. The fact is that with a daily variety of products of different seasons, the enzymatic digestive systems do not have time to adapt to them. Therefore, food must be correlated with the season.

The spring diet should abound in fresh herbs, summer - fruits and vegetables, autumn - autumn fruits and vegetables, winter - nuts, cereals, legumes, roots, dried fruits and dried herbs.

Concerning animal products, they can be consumed at any time of the year. 2-4 times a week. If the body is young, animal food is eaten more often, but the older the person, the less often. Wherein animal products are important to alternate, rather than eating the same food all the time. For example, once every two weeks, to replenish your own cartilage tissue, it is recommended to eat boiled pork legs that contain such tissue. Chicken eggs you can eat 1-2 times a week. The rest of the time, alternate meat and fish, as well as other animal products.

And, finally, among the whole variety of products, it is worth highlighting those that are precisely living food. A what does it mean? Food is considered alive which saturated with useful substances, vitamins and microelements. She may be only fresh, in extreme cases - frozen. By the way, when freezing fruits, vegetables and meat, all useful substances are almost completely preserved in them. But by heating the products, we rob ourselves. Food cooked on fire cannot be alive, because it destroys living beneficial bacteria, vitamins, enzymes - plant enzymes that are vital to our body.

We're so used to hot dishes- soups, stewed vegetables and fried meat that have acquired a lot of sores and completely unbalanced the normal state of the intestinal microflora. That's why dysbacteriosis intestines has become the scourge of our time. And from him and all the problems: slagging, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and neighboring organs, tumors and much more.

So, let's sum up.

live foods

Raw vegetables and fruits or heated to a temperature not exceeding 50 ° C (when the enzymes are preserved).

Frozen food prepared immediately after defrosting and eaten on the day of preparation.

Juices, greens, sprouts and salads eaten as a separate dish and not mixed with other foods.

Fruits and vegetables eaten in the season of their growth in the area where the person lives.

What food is dead?

This is any canned food, including pasteurized milk, in which most of the beneficial vitamins are not preserved, and beneficial bacteria generally die. Dead food is also considered to be cooked or cooked on fire, and even more so heated two or more times. It is clear that we cannot eat meat and fish raw, so they must be processed, but in the most gentle way, for example, in an oven or air grill. A dish heated twice loses the last vitamins and nutrients it still had. Never cook food several days in advance and then reheat it. It won't do you any good other than filling your stomach. But the damage will be undeniable.

How much vitamin C is stored after heat treatment in various vegetables

Boiled white cabbage (cooking for 1 hour) - 50%.

Shchi from fresh cabbage, standing for 3 hours - 20%.

Soup cabbage soup (cooking 1 hour) - 50%.

Braised cabbage - 15%.

Fried potatoes - 35%.

Boiled potatoes in uniform - 70%.

Peeled boiled potatoes - 55%.

Peeled potatoes that have lain for 10 hours in water - 80%.

Mashed potatoes - 20%.

Potato soup – 50 %.

Boiled carrots - 40%.

Stewed tomatoes - 40%.

Tomatoes baked in the oven - 55%.

Bell pepper stewed - 50%.

Therefore, raw vegetables and fresh juices are the liveliest food. In the West, these products have long been preferred.

The transition to a healthy diet
It takes time

The transition to a healthy diet is not such a simple matter, because any undertaking requires some effort at first, and only then it becomes a habit. The same thing happens with our body. Each of us develops a good habit more or less quickly. But our intestines, that is, microflora and enzymatic systems, are rebuilt in a new, healthy way in about 3-12 months. The intestinal hormonal system is highly inert, and it takes 1–2 years to rebuild. Changing the taste habits, behavior and psyche of a person requires even more time - 2-3 years. That is, in order for a new style of eating to become firmly established in your life, you will need about three years. But what! Full of amazing discoveries and pleasant sensations. You will finally understand what it means to be absolutely healthy, to feel the freshness and lightness of the whole body, the joy of overflowing strength, the desire to fly.

Believe me, these three years will not pass in vain: You will learn not only to eat right, but also to cook amazingly delicious dishes. You grow on your windowsill(if you want of course) whole garden useful plants and do not spend more time on all this than on preparing and eating those fatty and nasty dishes, after which you felt a disgusting eructation and an unpleasant rumbling in your stomach.

Internal restructuring

The transition to healing nutrition is accompanied by internal restructuring in the body. According to certain indicators, you can observe how the process is going. When the work of the gastrointestinal tract is completely normal, you will notice certain changes in yourself.

Signs of restructuring of the body (according to Malakhov)

When taking beetroot juice, urine does not turn beetroot color. This indicates the normal state of the epithelium of the gastrointestinal tract.

The chair becomes easy and happens 2-3 times a day. This indicates normal motility of the gastrointestinal tract.

The consistency of the feces is uniform, they do not contain undigested pieces of vegetables and fruits and have no smell. This indicates the normal absorption of water in the large intestine and the development of a full-fledged microflora.

Eating habits and needs gradually change. After 1-3 years, you will stop eating “normal” food, because you will feel for yourself how it negatively affects the entire body.

Usually, when transitioning to a cleansing and healing diet, people have many questions about the very methodology of the transition and the basic principles of nutrition that should be guided by this. These are the principles that you must master and always follow in the future.

Cleansing Nutrition Principles

Drink liquid only before meals.

Fruits are eaten only before meals.

For the first, you need to eat a salad, for the second - a dish containing only carbohydrate foods (for example, kappa) or only protein (for example, eggs, fish or meat).

Gradually move from stewed and boiled vegetables to raw.

Drink vegetable or fruit juices every day, starting from 100–120 g.

Include raw plant foods in your diet: sprouted wheat, soaked cereals, wild edible fruits and herbs.

Porridge is better to soak than to boil.

Periodically arrange a day of seasonal fruits or vegetables, for example: eat only strawberries when they are ripe, or apples.

Part two. Healing and cleansing juices

G. P. Malakhov quite rightly believes that greens and freshly prepared juices from fruits, vegetables and herbs are the basis of live food. According to the famous healer, "apple and carrot juices contain structured water, as well as an abundance of enzymes that are necessary for the oxidation of toxins. After all, incompletely oxidized products are slags.

In addition, drinking juices is tasty and pleasant: no one denies this. And what could be better than a pleasant treatment?

Treatment with vegetable juices
Juices alive and dead

There are huge differences between "live" juices and "dead" ones. Only juices freshly prepared at home are useful to us. They are called "live".

All canned juices are dead food! It is impossible even by pasteurization to preserve living vitamins and nutrients. Moreover, it is impossible to name wholesome food canned juices from concentrates, with all kinds of additives: dyes, thickeners, fillers. And heat treatment also kills living enzymes - enzymes. Don't deceive yourself.

Enzymes are special enzymes that speed up the process of absorption of various nutrients into the blood. Enzymes live only in plant foods.

Therefore, the more we subject vegetables to heat treatment, the less enzymes our body receives, the worse the process of assimilation of food goes. Enzymes are killed at a temperature of 50 ° C, but they are not afraid of the cold and are preserved in frozen vegetables and fruits.

The use of "live" juices in the West has long been successfully used in the treatment of atherosclerosis, rheumatism, kidney and skin diseases, hypertension, constipation, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hemorrhoids, etc. If you follow a diet based on the use of “live” vegetable juices instead of dinner, you can gradually lose up to 10 kg of weight within a month.

Making live juice

To prepare high-quality juice, choose vegetables that are ripe, but not spoiled.

If you want vegetables to contain only useful substances and trace elements, use those that are grown by yourself.

Rinse vegetables thoroughly, carefully peel.

You can squeeze vegetables with a food processor, but it's better to do it the old fashioned way: first grate, and then squeeze through cheesecloth. By the way, when juicing in this way, you protect yourself by 40% from harmful substances that may be contained in purchased vegetables in connection with the chemical processing of fields.

Tomato juice is best prepared by mashing the tomatoes through a metal strainer.

Make as much juice at a time as you need at one time.

Do not prepare vegetable juice for the future - already 30 minutes after preparation, "live" juice begins to "die".

To prepare juice, it is best to use enameled dishes, and to store it - glass.

Do not add salt and sugar to juice.

How to drink juice?

If you are going to use juices in a pure, undiluted form as a preventative then it is enough for you to drink 1/2 glass of juice 3 times a day. If you have a desire, well cleanse your long-suffering body drink 1 glass of juice 3 times a day. If you decide to take juices V medicinal purposes, See the following chapters for guidance on this matter.

nutritionists do not recommend drinking juice in one gulp. Get used to the idea that this is a pleasant medicine. And if at first the taste of this or that juice seems unusual to you, then, believe me, in two weeks you will get used to it. The main thing is not to rush. You have made life easier for yourself and your body: you do not need to chew vegetables, your body does not need to spend 2-3 hours digesting poorly chewed food. Juice is absorbed in only 15-20 minutes, so take your time and drink it in small sips.

Freshly squeezed juice should not only be healthy, but also taste good. If you are not used to drinking fresh juices, for example, the juice of asparagus, cabbage, lettuce, radish, cucumber, it will not taste good to you, then in the first week mix them with a small amount citrus juice, sour berries and apples. Once you've gotten used to the new drink, cut out these additives.


If you have had problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then keep in mind that "live" juices can irritate the weakened mucous membrane. Therefore, people who have a predisposition to gastritis and ulcers should dilute juices with still mineral water or liquid rice water.

You can drink juice 20-30 minutes before meals. If you have high acidity, then it is better to do this 1 hour after eating.

Remember that the most healthy juice- juice with pulp, so do not be zealous in particularly thorough filtering of vegetable juices.

Good, different, healing
Juice from white cabbage

Vegetable juices perfectly cleanse the body. Juice from white cabbage is especially useful. You may be put off by this juice. natural reaction body on its use - gases. But nothing can be done! Gases are formed due to the reaction of cabbage juice to the decomposition products that have accumulated in our intestines. And for you, this unpleasant process - the release of gases - is a clear indicator of how many decay products have accumulated in the intestines. That is, the more gases, the more carefully you need to clean your body. Cleansing herbal enemas will help you reduce gas, which can be used both before and during juice intake.

White cabbage juice is a product with high biological activity. It contains glucose, fructose, fiber, protein, pectin, a set of vitamins necessary for our body, as well as provitamin A, folic and pantothenic acids, a complex of mineral elements, enzymes and organic acids.

Among useful properties cabbage juice should be noted low acidity. In addition, cabbage juice stands out from its vegetable juice counterparts with a high content of nitrogenous substances, most of which are proteins. It also contains up to 16 free amino acids, including lysine, methionine, leucine, tryptophan, etc.

It is a derivative of the amino acid methionine that has therapeutic effect in peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, colitis, skin diseases. If you meet a container labeled “vitamin U” in a pharmacy, you should know that this is exactly the vitamin that is contained in sufficient quantities in fresh cabbage juice and which will protect your body from ulcers.

Cabbage juice is different high in vitamin C. By the way, the early varieties of white cabbage in terms of the content of this vitamin are not only not inferior, but often even surpass the late-ripening ones. But early varieties have one significant disadvantage: they lose vitamin C very quickly in the very first days after harvesting. Late varieties retain vitamin C during winter and spring storage. It is interesting that in more mature varieties, ascorbic acid is better preserved. Heads of late-ripening varieties of white cabbage by the end of storage contain 40-50 mg / 100 g ascorbic acid. It is approximately as much vitamin C as is found in lemons and oranges.

Cabbage grown in your own garden is generally the most useful. And freshly squeezed juice from it is very afraid of light and heat, because of which it loses most of its vitamin C. Therefore drink fresh cabbage juice immediately after cooking.

The mineral composition of cabbage juice is very diverse. The main element contained in this juice is potassium. It also contains compounds of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, chlorine and a number of trace elements: aluminum, boron, iron, iodine, cobalt, copper, manganese, nickel, silver, chromium, fluorine, zinc.

White cabbage has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiulcer, diuretic, laxative, expectorant effects, and also stimulates the secretory function of the stomach.

Juice is different high fiber content, which has a positive effect on the state of the gastrointestinal tract, and also helps to eliminate cholesterol from the body.

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