Steamed rice: benefits and harms to the body, cooking features and reviews. The negative impact of the product on the body. weekly rice diet

Rice is a culture that is considered the most ancient on our planet. Most of all, rice groats are valued in the east, where it is customary to use it every day. Perhaps that is why almost all people in Asia never get sick and live long enough.

Many housewives think rice porridge diet dish. But, experts have not yet come to a consensus on this issue. However, it should be noted that rice is useful product nutrition and its benefits to humans is undeniable, despite the fact that there are some disadvantages.

Rice can be steamed or cooked in the oven, but the Berghoff pan is considered the best tool for cooking rice, which saves more during cooking. useful substances. And for various risottos, you should choose a saucepan.

Useful properties of rice

Rice is a kind of absorbent for the body, which has the ability to absorb toxins. That is why it is indispensable for humans and should be included in the diet, at least several times a week. In the process of dieting, it is rice that can remove harmful toxins from the body and speed up the process of fighting excess weight.

Rice contains magnesium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, copper and other trace elements. If you cook rice porridge, which is based on milk, the body will get everything necessary substances at one meal. By the way, feeding small children begins with rice porridge in milk. And all because the composition of rice does not include gluten, a substance that can irritate the gastric mucosa. That is why rice is a gentle food for the crumbs and does not cause negative reactions.

Rice also has a fixing property, which is why it is often recommended for indigestion. Only rice needs to be cooked in Bergoff dishes in salt water.

Harmful properties of rice

Many nutritionists claim that rice, which lends itself modern treatments can cause irreparable damage human body. Often they mean refined White rice. His frequent use leads to diseases such as diabetes, atherosclerosis and hypertension.

In no case should white rice be consumed by people who suffer from constipation.

As it has already become clear, brown or brown rice is a real life saver that can help cope with many diseases. Therefore, you need to purchase only high-quality varieties that will really benefit the body.

It is not for nothing that in the East they have practically no idea what obesity is - after all, the basis of their diet is rice. We do not live in the East, but who is stopping you from trying such a diet? Maybe everything you need for weight loss has long been in our kitchen?


Interestingly, the benefits of a rice diet have been scientifically proven. First of all, it is recommended for weight loss and cleansing the body of toxins, and here's why:

  • improves the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • excess fluid is removed;
  • absence of organic debris - a guarantee of uninterrupted metabolic processes thanks to which lipid metabolism flows quickly and fats are not deposited;
  • cereals are digested for a long time, for which the body is forced to spend energy.

Brown rice has fat-burning properties, so it is better to take it for weight loss. Although for unloading days you can use white.

through the pages of history. Rice appeared in Russia thanks to Peter I. Until the 19th century, it was called “Saracenic millet”.

Pros and cons


  • saturation of the body with a huge amount of useful substances;
  • improving the condition of the skin and hair;
  • absorption and removal of toxic substances;
  • replenishment of energy costs;
  • improving blood quality;
  • restoration of body cells;
  • lowering cholesterol;
  • purgation;
  • removal of anxiety;
  • strengthening the nervous system;
  • economy: rice is a relatively inexpensive product.


  • insufficient weight loss;
  • strict weight loss schemes;
  • monotony of the menu;
  • unbalanced nutrition breaks down muscle fibers;
  • intestinal obstruction, stagnation in the gastrointestinal tract leads to constipation;
  • together with toxins, potassium, which is necessary for the heart, is excreted.

So a rice diet can benefit a losing weight body, or it can be harmful - it will depend on observing the rules of a hunger strike.

Curious fact. In total, there are about 7 thousand varieties of rice.


Contraindications are:

  • diabetes;
  • stomach problems;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • kidney failure;
  • liver pathology;
  • tendency to constipation;
  • rehabilitation period after any illness.

If you ignore them, losing weight can very quickly end with an exacerbation chronic diseases, constipation, nervous breakdown or heart problems (from tachycardia to heart attack due to lack of potassium).

It is interesting! Rice does not contain gluten, a substance that causes allergic reactions.


Before you lose weight, choose one of the many options that differ in terms and additionally allowed products.

By terms

  • For 3 days

The strictest is the three-day rice diet, which involves the use of small portions of boiled cereals (without salt), fruits (except mangoes, grapes, watermelon, persimmons and bananas), vegetables (except potatoes and corn), mushrooms. Estimated results - losses up to 4 kg.

  • Weekly

If you want to lose 10 kg in a week, it is possible, but the diet should be as strict as possible: eat no more than 300 grams of boiled cereals without salt per day, 2-3 apples, drink. In the middle of the week, you can pamper your body with 150 grams of chicken fillet and a tablespoon of honey.

Nutritionists do not recommend choosing this hard version, as there are more sparing programs for 7 days, offering a more varied diet. You won’t get a result of 10 kg with them, but at the same time you won’t harm your health.

By products

  • Two meals

The protein-rice diet is designed to lose weight in 5 days with a result of 5 kg. Meals - twice a day: in the morning - 250 gr boiled rice, in the late afternoon - 300 grams of fish or seafood. You cannot combine them.

  • glass of rice

Very rigid rice diet for 3 days. During the day, you need to eat 200 grams of “pearl” porridge in portions without any seasonings. It is allowed to drink citrus fresh juice and seize hunger with a couple of green ones. The result is up to 4 kg.

  • By age and weight

On an empty stomach in the morning, as many raw or soaked in water rice grains are eaten as the age of the person who is losing weight or what is his weight. After that, do not eat 4 hours. Duration is determined by well-being.

  • Five volumes / Tibetan

Deadline - 2 weeks. 4 days before the start, put in 5 glasses of 2 tbsp. l. cereals. Fill them to the top with filtered water. Each of these 4 days at the same time to change the water.

On the first day of weight loss, eat the contents of one glass (drain the water) and soak the rice again. It is better to split the portion into several times. To satisfy hunger, it is allowed to consume 150 gr during the day following products: cottage cheese, fish, meat, eggs. Fruits and vegetables are not limited. From liquids - tea and coffee without sugar. The result that gives Tibetan diet, - 7 kg.

  • Geisha figure / Japanese

Calculated for 5 days. The result is 3 kg. The diet is the same on all days. Such weight loss is contraindicated for everyone who suffers from insomnia.

  • Protein-vegetable / 3-3-3

Very interesting diet on rice porridge, chicken and vegetables. Lasts 9 days. Represents 3 separate mono-diets, alternating in a certain order. The weight loss scheme is divided into 3 parts, each for 3 days.

The first 3 days will have to eat fresh rice porridge. Pour 200 g of cereals with 300 ml of water overnight. Boil in the morning. The resulting mass is distributed in portions throughout the day for 5-6 meals. Such a meager diet is supplemented with 3 tablespoons, which must be eaten separately from the main product.


The next 3 days you need to fractionally eat 1 kg of boiled chicken fillet per day. 3 tablespoons of honey are kept in the diet.


The last 3 days - 1 kg of vegetables per day. Recommended:, zucchini,. Carrots and tomatoes in total should not be more than 200 grams per day. All this can be boiled, stewed or eaten raw. Honey remains in the same quantities.

No salt + one and a half liters of water a day allow you to drop a kilogram daily.

  • Pearl

Pearl rice diet (for a week) is based on a combination of cereals with vegetables, nuts, fruits and dairy products. The diet is varied, but strictly fixed. Menu, in the article below.

  • Diet Walter Kempner

Developed by Duke University employee Walter Kempner, it guarantees a loss of 5 kg in 2 weeks. Assumes strict calorie counting: daily intake- no more than 2,400.

The basis of the weight loss program is 350 grams of rice boiled in water without spices. Dried fruits, legumes, partially potatoes are allowed. Fruits, juices, avocados, tomatoes, alcohol are prohibited. Drinking regime- 6 glasses a day.

With the world - on a thread. In China, "breakfast" is translated as "rice in the morning", "lunch" - "rice at noon", "dinner" - "rice in the evening". In Japan, the words "eat" (verb) and "rice" appear under the same character.

Losing weight on a rice diet should be as careful as possible so as not to harm your health and at the same time achieve good results. To do this, try to follow the advice of nutritionists.

  1. Talk to your doctor if this weight loss is contraindicated for you.
  2. Do not use salt, pepper, sugar or other spices.
  3. At the end of the diet, maintain the result by switching to proper nutrition and arranging fasting days every 2 weeks.
  4. Drink plenty of fluids - give preference to water and green tea.
  5. 2-3 days before fasting, switch to easy-to-digest food without spices.
  6. Rinse and soak the rice well before cooking.
  7. Use unrefined cereals.
  8. Do not overcook the rice - let it remain slightly undercooked.
  9. Drink multivitamin complexes.
  10. Go in for sports (exercises with, etc. are optimal for the house).
  11. Don't lose weight for more than 2 weeks.
  12. All recipes must be low in calories.

If you have any questions, consult with experts and those who have already experienced the diet for themselves. Our advice will help dispel some doubts.

  • How to lose weight on a rice diet?

Choose one of the diets, adhere to its basic rules, follow the recommendations of nutritionists and contraindications, follow the principles proper nutrition, lead a healthy lifestyle.

  • Which diet is better: rice or buckwheat?

In each individual case, one or the other is preferable. gives top scores, but lacks such powerful cleansing properties as rice.

  • How to cook rice?

Rinse and soak overnight. Pour in the morning cold water 1 to 1.5. Boil. Reduce the heat to a minimum, cook under a closed lid, without stirring, for 20 minutes. Turn off, let it brew for 10 minutes.

  • Do I need to take potassium while on a diet?

Yes, along with the slag, potassium also leaves. Therefore, you need to take either pharmaceutical preparations with the content of this element, or daily include dried apricots and raisins in the diet. Otherwise, there may be problems with the work of the heart.

Statistics. An Asian resident consumes an average of 150 kg of rice per year, a European - only 2 kg.


To compile the menu, be guided by indicative tables for different dates.

Fruit and vegetable for 3 days

Sparing for 7 days

Pearl for 7 days

These programs can be adjusted to your own individual requirements.

Blimey! In Japan, 500,000 dishes can be prepared from rice.


Here you can find for yourself simple recipes rice dishes that are low in calories. Despite this, they are very nutritious and will help you endure the hardships of a hunger strike.

Vegetable soup


  • half a glass of rice;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 parsley root;
  • 20 ml vegetable oil;
  • 1 carrot;
  • some greenery.


  1. Chop the onion too.
  2. Grate the parsley root.
  3. Pour the roots with water, boil, cook until the carrots are ready.
  4. Drain the broth and strain.
  5. Boil rice in it.
  6. Add roots.
  7. Sprinkle with herbs.

protein soup


  • 50 gr of rice;
  • 1 celery root;
  • 1 green bell pepper;
  • 50 gr of peeled shrimp;
  • 50 gr of peeled mussels;
  • 1 onion;
  • 200 ml of tomato juice;
  • 2 liters of water.


  1. Soak rice for 15 minutes cold water.
  2. Peel and chop the celery and onion.
  3. Pour in boiling water. Cook for 20 minutes. Remove roots from broth.
  4. Boil rice in it.
  5. Add seafood, celery, chopped pepper. The onion does not start in the soup - it was needed only to create an aftertaste.
  6. Turn off the soup after 15 minutes.
  7. Pour tomato juice into it.

Diet tunics


  • 500 gr chicken;
  • 1 onion;
  • 100 gr of white bread crumb;
  • egg;
  • 100 ml of milk;
  • 250 gr rice.


  1. Soak bread in milk for 10 minutes.
  2. Pass through a meat grinder chicken fillet with onion and crumb.
  3. Add milk to minced meat after soaking bread.
  4. Boil rice until half cooked.
  5. Add it to the mince.
  6. Make meatballs.
  7. Put them on a baking sheet (you can grease it with oil), put in the oven for 20 minutes.
  8. Serve with fresh vegetables.

Diet pilaf


  • 500 gr chicken fillet;
  • 350 gr rice;
  • 1 medium carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 50 ml.


  1. Chop carrots and onions.
  2. Fry them in oil.
  3. Put in a cauldron, add washed rice, chicken fillet, chopped garlic.
  4. Pour in water (it should cover the products by 2 cm).
  5. Place in the oven at 200°C for 40 minutes.

diet pudding


  • 60 gr brown rice;
  • 10 ml of olive oil;
  • 150 grams of skimmed milk;
  • 30 gr raisins;
  • 2 eggs;
  • sugar substitute.


  1. Soak raisins for 30 minutes in apple juice.
  2. Fry rice for 5 minutes in oil. Add milk. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes.
  3. Separate the yolks from the whites. Beat the last ones, mix the first ones with a sugar substitute and beat them too.
  4. Remove rice, mix with yolks and raisins, beat in a blender.
  5. Slowly fold in egg whites into mixture. Stir the mixture from bottom to top.
  6. Put the pudding in molds, bake at 170 ° C for 30 minutes. As soon as the dish turns brown, you can pull it out.

These recipes can diversify any rice diet, but do not forget to count the calories consumed so that you can successfully spend them later.

What associations does rice evoke in you? Someone talks about Japan, someone sees pilaf, well, and someone remembers the diet. Yes, the rice diet really exists. Like any other type of diet, it has its pros and cons, however, nutritionists are inclined to believe that it is the rice-based diet that is beautiful way tidy up your own figure, while at the same time improving the body. Moreover, the beauty of the rice diet for weight loss lies in the fact that its types are so diverse that every woman can easily find rice-based weight loss recipes that will suit her and not bring discomfort. Today, the women's website DietaClub presents to your attention an overview of the types of rice diet for cleansing the body and quick weight loss.

Rice: history and traditions

O healing properties Rice was known even by the ancient Japanese - it is they who today are practically the healthiest nation with a predominant number of centenarians. In addition, have you ever noticed that in Japan, China or Korea it is very difficult to find really complete man? Yes, genetics plays a significant role in this matter, but do not forget about the amazing cleansing properties of rice, which is able to remove water, toxins and toxins from the body. So, including rice in your diet, a person not only loses weight, but also strengthens his health.

Gradually, rice penetrated other countries of the world, and today we can no longer imagine our diet without porridge, pilaf and a host of other rice-based dishes. Moreover, there appeared rice diet for weight loss, which, under all conditions, allows achieving brilliant results in the fight against extra pounds. The main thing is to find your own version of such a diet. Well, let's lose weight together?

Rice diet "Five volumes"

This one is quite simple. It is necessary to take 5 glasses or jars, inside of which 2 tablespoons of rice of any kind should be placed. After that, rice is filled with water for 4 days. By the way, put the jars or glasses in a dry and dark place, so that the rice will definitely not deteriorate and retain all its beneficial features. On the fifth day, you need to take one of the five containers, drain the water from there and eat raw rice. The same container should be refilled with rice and water. The next day, do the same with the second jar of rice, and so on. Rice is eaten in the morning for two weeks. You can eat any food for lunch and dinner, however, given the fact that you still decided to follow a rice diet to cleanse your body and lose weight, try limiting yourself to fatty and sweet foods. Eat more vegetables and fruits, drink juices and water.

What are the pros and cons of this rice diet? The advantage of this type of nutrition is the ability of rice to cleanse the body of toxins and salts. By the way, about salts. Try not to eat too much salt during the rice diet, because then your efforts will be in vain, as you will give your body what it gets rid of. Let it be known to you that salt retains water in the body, which contributes to weight gain, and therefore try, if not completely limit the intake of salty foods, then at least reduce its amount.

Rice diet "Two dishes"

This is another type of simple and effective rice diet for weight loss. All you need is to eat two plates of food every day. In this case, the first plate should be filled exclusively with rice without oil and salt, and the second - with seafood or fish. Do not mix the contents of both plates. This one lasts 5 days. What do they consist of pros and cons such a diet? A person loses weight, but receives vitamins and necessary trace elements along with fish and seafood is a definite plus. Of the minuses, one can only note the slow shedding of extra kilos, but they certainly won’t come back to you!

Rice diet "Weekly"

The duration of this diet is 7 days. For breakfast, lunch and dinner, you need to eat rice with the addition of vegetables or fruits. But be sure to observe one condition: there should always be more rice than everything else - it should become the basis of your diet for the next week. And don't overdo the portions. Yes, getting fat from rice and vegetables with fruits is harder than from fried potatoes However, you are still on a diet - therefore, let the portions be small, sufficient only to saturate and maintain strength. For the duration of such rice diet the women's site DietaClub advises you to exclude ketchups, mayonnaise, sauces and salt from your diet. You can only make salads with the addition of soy vinegar or olive oil.

Rice diet "Glass of rice"

This kind of weight loss is very tough. For three days every day you have to eat only one glass of rice. You can eat it all at once or in parts - it doesn't matter. If you feel weak and hungry, you can afford 2-3 green apples. Drink plenty of water and try to avoid physical activity in this period. This rice diet can only be used in emergency cases when you urgently need to lose weight.

Remember that any restriction in food and a change in the usual diet is stress for the body. And no matter how useful and miraculous it may be, refuse to use it if you have diseases gastrointestinal tract. Even better, if you consult on this issue with a professional nutritionist who will tell you how rice diet for weight loss will affect your body. Be vigilant and take care of yourself!

Tatyana Belashova

Today, across the planet, billions of people are celebrating the grain that has become their staple in their diet - rice. Its in huge quantities used by the Chinese, Japanese, Indians, Afghans, Uzbeks and Tajiks. And it is from it that many delicious dishes: risotto, pilaf, sushi and, of course, pilaf.

However, this is a rather controversial product. On the one hand, it contains almost no vitamins and nutrients, and on the other hand, it is well suited for those who have problems with the pancreas or suffer from poisoning. About what is and should not be feared when eating rice, the correspondent of "VM" talked with nutritionist Elena Solomatina.

First of all, you need to understand what kind of rice we are talking about and what we eat it with. Most often, this refers to white rice, which lies on the shelves of stores and is the basis for most Asian dishes. But there it is eaten with many seasonings. Rice itself is the basis on which, for example, fish is placed, where there is a lot of omega-3 fatty acids. Or, as in Indian cuisine, seasonings are added, mixed with legumes. Unlike our style of consumption, this is not a “naked” product, like rice porridge, - Elena Solomatina explained. - By itself, white rice is not far from semolina, which, in turn, is extremely close to white bread and sugar. Rice is quite high glycemic index. It can increase the level of leukemia in the blood.

White rice is completely cleaned of almost everything. There is no fiber, all vitamins, micro and macro elements are removed along with the shell. A small amount of B vitamins remains in it, but so little that rice cannot be considered a source for the body, the nutritionist noted. Along with an increase in the amount of leukemia in the blood, additional insulin begins to be released, and, accordingly, we want to eat again faster, and the processing of what we eat into fat also accelerates, because we cannot immediately spend the energy received.

On the other hand, rice is an excellent absorbent. Rice porridge, for example, absorbs toxins and salts well. heavy metals. However, it also absorbs moisture well. Therefore, when cleansing the intestines, rice and a lot of water are used, - Elena Solomatina added. - Another useful property of rice is its slimy texture. Soups and cereals made on this basis are very easy to digest and are well suited for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Mucus protects the stomach from the damaging effects of acidic foods and excess gastric juice. It also digests quickly.

Nevertheless, Elena Solomatina reminded, there are also brown and red rice. They have a much lower glycemic index. They energize long time, which is spent longer and is not so actively converted into adipose tissue. Since it is not purified, it retains essential vitamins and micronutrients. In white rice, unfortunately, when cooked, starch quickly breaks down and becomes, in fact, sugar.

However, there is a way to deal with it. The experience of Asians should be taken into account and rice should be consumed in a cooled state. Starchy foods, cooked and chilled, are not as digestible small intestine, which does not raise glucose levels as much. So you can weaken side effects, from which we get fat or just spoil our health. Therefore, white rice is best eaten cold along with vegetables.

Loose rice porridge in popularity can compete only with buckwheat. Tasty, healthy, easy to prepare, goes well with various additives - this is what caused the love of millions to it.

Due to its low calorie content (only 78 kcal per 100 g), it is one of the most common dishes for various diets.

Yes, and ordinary lovers of proper nutrition highly appreciate this cereal, because the calorie content of rice porridge is low in any of its combinations:

  • with pumpkin - 85 kcal;
  • milk rice porridge - 111.10 kcal;
  • with an apple - 102.76 kcal;
  • in milk with raisins - 98.5 kcal;
  • with meat: chicken / beef - 156.00 / 235.00 kcal.

To start cooking, you should consider the benefits and harms of rice porridge.

The complex carbohydrates that make up rice contribute to the fact that such cereals give a large influx of energy to a person. At heat treatment cereal does not lose its vitamins (B, E, PP) and trace elements (iron, manganese, zinc, calcium, potassium). Being a natural absorbent, it absorbs and removes naturally all harmful substances from the body. Therefore, it is not for nothing that rice porridge on the water is recommended as aid with poisoning. And it is very popular for unloading days.

There is no single answer to the question about the dangers of rice porridge. This is such an optimal dish that, in addition to allergies, with individual intolerance, the product is not capable of harming a person. However, no one is immune from dishonest manufacturers.

If rice was grown in violation of technology, processed with chemicals, improperly stored and transported, then it loses its useful properties.

And such a refined rice dish can cause problems with the heart and blood vessels, increase blood pressure or cause kidney stones. To avoid such problems, it is necessary to carefully and seriously approach the choice of the purchased product. After all, only high-quality cereal will allow you to cook excellent rice porridge.

Cooking porridge does not tolerate fuss. A 7 useful tips they will tell you how to cook rice porridge so that it does not burn, does not stick together and does not turn into a mess. Of course, if you use household appliances and cook rice porridge in a slow cooker, then you don’t have to worry about its friability.

But in any case, every housewife should be able to cook porridge on her own:

  1. Training. This stage boils down to the fact that the rice must be washed 1-3 times before cooking. Ideally, rinse until the runoff water runs clear. And hard varieties of cereal (wild, brown) can also be pre-soaked for several minutes.
  2. Water. Since rice increases by 2 times during cooking, then liquids for porridge must be taken at the rate of 2: 1. If necessary, the amount of water can be increased, but not much. The temperature of the water is also important for the dish. For crumbly porridge, grains should be poured with cold water, and for glutinous rice - with boiling water.
  3. Time. Rice groats preparing quickly. Ordinary rice porridge in milk, water or broth will cook in 20 minutes. Brown rice will take about 45 minutes.
  4. Languor. Do not neglect this stage of cooking. 10 minutes after turning off the fire is enough to make the rice appetizing and very crumbly.
  5. Nuances. For crumbly rice porridge, there is an unspoken rule - it should not be stirred during cooking. For dairy and liquid dishes, this does not matter. When laying additional products, it is necessary to strictly follow the order. For rice porridges with meat, beef or pork are placed first, and only then rice is added to them. For apple and other sweet dishes, so that the fruits do not boil, they should be put after rice.
  6. Multicooker. Rice porridge in a slow cooker with milk or water is prepared according to the instructions. Therefore, you should not independently increase the doses in the recipes. You also need to choose the right cooking mode.
  7. Milk. Good news for beginner housewives. There is no difference between how to cook rice porridge in milk or water. It is only necessary to remember that milk boils quickly and rises at the same time.

Rice porridge - a versatile side dish

Porridge is the basis of any second course. And rice can be a side dish for anything: meat, fish, vegetables, jams. If the tastes in the family are varied, then you can cook rice porridge in water without adding salt or sugar and use it for sweet and savory dishes at the same time.

How to cook in a saucepan with water

To cook rice porridge on the stove, it is better to use a pan with a thick bottom, then the likelihood of burning will be small.


  • Rice - 200 gr;
  • Water - 400 ml;
  • Salt, spices / sugar - to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse the rice until the water is cloudy. Pour water into a saucepan and put it on fire. Salt or add sugar if necessary. You can add nothing, but season the already prepared dish with spices or sweets, depending on your preferences.
  2. Cook rice porridge over medium heat until boiling. Then turn the heat down to a minimum and cook under a tight lid for 15-20 minutes.
  3. After the water has evaporated, leave the pan for another 10 minutes, so that the rice steams even more.

Such a side dish can be served with anything: stewed vegetables, meat or honey.

Cooking in a multicooker

To make rice porridge on water in a multicooker perfect, you don’t need to do anything, the technique will do everything.


  • Rice - 1 cup;
  • Water - 2 glasses;
  • Salt / sugar - to taste;
  • Butter - to taste.


  1. Rinse rice grains in cold water and pour them into the multicooker bowl. To fill with water.
  2. Salt or sugar to taste. Add a piece of butter.
  3. Cook on the “Porridge” or “Pilaf” mode for half an hour. After cooking, leave the dish to sweat for another 15 minutes.

Serve crumbly rice porridge with jam or gravy.

Rice porridge with milk for children

Sweet and delicious milky rice porridge has been loved since childhood. It is prepared as a first food for babies, made sweet for babies and boiled with fruit for lovers of sweets. Unlike simple porridge on the water, dairy does not have to be crumbly. On the contrary, it should be thick and viscous.

There are two ways to cook rice porridge with milk:

  1. Boil according to the usual recipe in water, and then dilute the finished rice with hot milk.
  2. Immediately cook rice porridge in milk. Only milk for such a dish should be taken more: for 100 grams of cereal - 300-400 ml of milk. The amount of liquid depends on the desired result and the density of the porridge.

All the benefits of rice for kids

This recipe for rice porridge with milk for babies from 6 months is useful to all young mothers.


  • Rice - ¼ cup;
  • Milk - 1 glass;
  • Sugar and butter optional.

Cooking process:

  1. It is best to use brown rice in this recipe. Clean sorted grains must first be ground. For this, a blender bowl or coffee grinder is suitable. You should get a homogeneous powder. To do this, you need to grind cereals for about 7 minutes.
  2. Bring a glass of milk to a boil. Lower the heat and slowly pour in the rice powder. To prevent lumps from forming, stir constantly throughout the entire time. Cook rice milk porridge for 10-15 minutes over low heat. If the child already receives oil in the diet and is familiar with sugar, then these ingredients can be added to the porridge.
  3. Allow food to cool before feeding. If it thickens too much, then it can be further diluted with warm milk.

Do you want something interesting?

The convenience of this recipe is also that, if necessary, you can cook rice porridge in milk in reserve and store it in special containers in the freezer for up to 7 days.

Porridge from bulk apples

Well, what child does not like apples. And rice porridge in a slow cooker with baked apples is a double benefit from a treat.


  • Rice - 1 cup;
  • Water - 2 glasses;
  • Apples - 2 pcs;
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Butter - 25 gr;
  • Salt - to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse rice. Wash the apples and remove the core. Cut fruit into large pieces.
  2. Pour rice into the bowl of the multicooker, pour it with water, add sugar and a little salt. Boil rice porridge in water for 30 minutes in the “Pilaf” or “Porridge” mode.
  3. At the end, add apples to the rice and put a piece of butter. Mix everything well and continue cooking for another 10 minutes in the “Baking” mode.
  4. When rice porridge with apples is completely ready, you can still put a piece of butter on each serving plate. You can also sprinkle porridge with cinnamon or sprinkle with honey.

Healthy rice porridge with pumpkin

Few people thought about the fact that the food they eat can also be a medicine. By itself, rice porridge is effective in losing weight, and as a natural absorbent, it helps to recover faster in case of poisoning. With the addition of pumpkin, the dish increases its beneficial properties.. Therefore, every housewife should have a recipe for rice porridge with pumpkin.

Cooking in the pumpkin itself

A pumpkin will help to please a child of any age and arrange a holiday for him not only on Halloween. Rice porridge with pumpkin is tastier, prettier and much healthier. And if you bake it in the vegetable itself, you get a real fairy tale.


  • Pumpkin - 1 pc;
  • Rice - 1.5 cups;
  • Milk - 4-5 glasses;
  • Butter - 30 gr;
  • Dried apricots, figs - optional;
  • Sugar and salt - to taste.

How to weld:

  1. in a pumpkin medium size(1.5 kg) cut off the top. It is better that the pumpkin is fleshy and juicy. Remove all unnecessary contents (seeds, fibers) with a large spoon. It doesn’t matter if pieces of pulp are cut off, they will come in handy for the filling.
  2. If it is decided to use dried apricots and figs in rice porridge, then these dried fruits can be pre-soaked for a short time. Then cut them into small pieces. Pumpkin pulp also cut into pieces and mix everything with grains of washed rice.
  3. Pour rice with additives into the resulting vegetable pot. Add sugar to taste and butter. If the pumpkin is juicy, then for a start it is enough to pour in ½ of the norm of milk.
  4. Cover the pumpkin with a cut lid and place in a preheated oven. Bake porridge at 200 C for 40-80 minutes. The cooking time depends on the size and variety of the pumpkin, as well as on the oven itself. If the need arises during the baking process, then the remaining milk can be added to the rice.
  5. Let the finished dish cool down a little, and that's it - fragrant rice porridge with pumpkin in milk is ready for the holiday.

Recipe with pumpkin and millet

Combine different 3 ingredients to get the perfect healthy and tasty result. Rice porridge with pumpkin in a slow cooker with the addition of millet is best start for a cold autumn day.


  • Rice - ¼ cup;
  • Millet - ¼ cup;
  • Pumpkin - 250 gr;
  • Milk - 500 l;
  • Sugar - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Salt - ½ teaspoon;
  • Oil - 100 gr.

How to cook properly:

  1. It is best to take a pumpkin with a bright, rich pulp. Peel it from the skin, remove the seeds and fibers. Cut the pumpkin into small pieces and simmer in a slow cooker for 30 minutes with the addition of a small amount water.
  2. Boiled pumpkin can be mashed. Add the washed rice and millet to the bowl. Pour in milk. Such milk rice porridge is prepared in a slow cooker for 1.5 hours in the “Porridge” mode so that the millet is well boiled.
  3. Stir the dish from time to time. In case of rapid absorption and evaporation of milk, it should be added.
  4. 15 minutes before the end of cooking, add butter, add sugar and salt.
  5. To cheer up the finished rice porridge, decorate to taste.

To the delight of all sweet tooth

How can you pamper yourself and your family with something tasty and sweet without harming your figure - only delicious sweet porridge.

And rice is very suitable for this, because. goes well with any fruit supplements.

Oriental notes of dried fruits

An oriental dish with dried fruits will appeal to both sweets and gourmets of all ages. Moreover, such rice porridge with raisins, dried apricots and prunes is prepared in a matter of minutes thanks to the slow cooker.


  • Rice - 1 cup;
  • Dried fruits - 250 gr;
  • Water - 2 glasses;
  • Oil - 50 gr;
  • Honey, salt - to taste.


  1. Rinse raisins, dried apricots and prunes and pour boiling water to swell for 10 minutes. Then drain the water, and cut large fruits into pieces.
  2. Rinse rice under running water several times.
  3. Set the multicooker to the “Frying” mode. Put butter in a bowl and melt it. Then add rice and fry for about 5 minutes, stirring constantly with a spatula.
  4. Pour dried fruits into a bowl and pour everything with water. Season to taste and mix everything thoroughly.
  5. Switch the multicooker to the “Porridge” or “Pilaf” mode. Set the time to 30 minutes.
  6. After cooking, let the porridge brew for another 15 minutes. And only after that fill the rice porridge with honey to taste. Arrange on plates and enjoy the unique taste and aroma.

Chocolate porridge dessert

This recipe is dedicated to all chocolate lovers. It will not be a shame to serve such porridge to guests as a dessert.


  • Rice - 70 gr;
  • Chocolate - 100 gr;
  • Milk - ½ l;
  • Cocoa - 30 gr;
  • Cinnamon - 1 stick;
  • Lemon zest, orange zest, to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Fortunately, this dessert is easy to prepare. It is enough to cook milk rice porridge with the addition of chocolate, cocoa and zest.
  2. Heat milk in a saucepan. Grate citrus zest there and put 1 cinnamon stick. Mix cocoa powder well in milk. Bring to a boil over low heat.
  3. Rinse rice very well to get rid of excess starch. As soon as the milk starts to boil, add the rice and stir. Cook rice for 8-10 minutes over very low heat.
  4. Grate the chocolate or break into small pieces. As soon as the rice begins to swell, pour sugar into the pan and add chocolate. Mix everything thoroughly and continue cooking for another 7-10 minutes.
  5. Arrange the finished dessert porridge in small bowls.

Rice porridge with meat

Dairy and sweet cereals will delight everyone except men. Without a piece of meat or fish, it will not be food. And they are somewhat right. And if you have already learned how to cook rice porridge correctly, and there is a desire and desire for experiments, then you can take up the development of exotic dishes from this cereal.

Mashkichiri - Ferghana pilaf

Rice porridge with meat - well, of course, this is pilaf. And if you add mung (small green beans) there, you get an amazing mashkichiri.


  • Rice - 250 gr;
  • Mash - 150 gr;
  • Lamb - 500 gr;
  • Onions - 2 pcs;
  • Carrots - 2 pcs;
  • Garlic - 3 cloves;
  • Salt, pepper, spices - to taste.


  1. Like Uzbek pilaf, this dish is best cooked in a cauldron. But a deep pot with a thick bottom will also work.
  2. Rinse mung beans and rice thoroughly and leave in bowls (each separately). Pour them with cold water to swell.
  3. Chop the onion into thin half rings, and cut the carrot into medium strips.
  4. Cut lamb meat into 2x2 pieces. fry on vegetable oil adding garlic cloves and spices.
  5. After 2-4 minutes, add onions and carrots to the meat. Fry vegetables until light golden brown. Pour 1 liter of water into the cauldron and simmer lamb with vegetables for about 40 minutes.
  6. Drain the water from the machine. Put it to the meat, mix and cook for 40 minutes until half cooked. If necessary, add water.
  7. Drain the rice and put in a bowl. Salt everything, mix and cook until tender, until the rice and mung bean boil. This will take approximately 20 minutes.

Pilaf in a hurry


  • Rice - 1 cup;
  • Chicken - 300 gr;
  • Mushrooms - 400 gr;
  • Onions - 2 pcs;
  • Carrots - 1 pc;
  • Salt, spices - to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Peel vegetables. Rinse rice under running water.
  2. Cut the chicken meat into medium-sized pieces. In the multicooker bowl on the “Frying” mode, fry it in sunflower.
  3. Chop the onion into cubes, cut the mushrooms into 4 parts, and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Add all the cuts to the meat. Salt and season with spices.
  4. When the vegetables are a little fried, pour in the water and add the rice. Cook until the rice has absorbed all the water. Then you can switch to the “Baking” mode for 10-15 minutes.
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