Endoscopy of the nasopharynx. Endoscopy of the nasopharynx: how the procedure is done. Is the endoscopy procedure painful?

Alternative names: fibro-rhino-pharyngo-laryngoscopy, diagnostic endoscopy of the nasopharynx.

Endoscopy of the nasopharynx is one of the most modern examination methods in ENT practice. The method consists in examining the structures of the nose and pharynx using a special device - a flexible fiberscope.

Endoscopy allows you to examine those structures of the nose that cannot be seen with direct rhinoscopy. The goal of endoscopy is to detect pathological changes in the mucosa and other structures of the nasopharynx as early as possible. Early diagnosis allows, if necessary, to carry out sparing interventions in the future, during which the anatomical integrity of the structures of the nasopharynx is preserved, if possible.


The basis for diagnostic endoscopy of the nasopharynx are the following diseases and conditions:

  • pathological discharge from the nose;
  • recurrent nosebleeds;
  • suspicion of tumor diseases of the pharynx and nasal cavity;
  • maxillary etmoiditis;

Adenoid vegetations;

  • hearing disorders caused by impaired patency of the auditory tubes;
  • headaches of unknown origin;
  • pronounced violation of nasal breathing.


There are no absolute contraindications to this procedure.

Preparation for the procedure

Special training is not required. The physician should ask the patient about allergic reactions, especially to local anesthetics. Immediately before the procedure, the patient should undergo a thorough toilet of the nasal cavity.

How is a nasopharyngeal endoscopy performed?

Preliminary anemization and anesthesia of the nasal mucosa is carried out, for which an anesthetic solution with a vasoconstrictor (adrenaline) is injected into the nasal passages.

A fiberscope, which is a thin tube with an optical fiber and a lens at the end, is inserted into the nasal cavity through the nasal passage. In children, fiberscopes with a diameter of no more than 2.4 mm are used, in adults they are slightly thicker - up to 4 mm. The endoscope gradually moves deep into the nose under the control of vision, upon reaching the choanae, it is brought into the pharyngeal cavity, where a thorough examination of its structures is performed.

Inspection of the nasal mucosa and structures is performed through the eyepiece, the image can be displayed on the monitor screen. A 70-degree optic is used for a panoramic view, and a 30-degree optic is used for a closer look at structures.

Interpretation of results

First, the doctor examines the panoramic structure of the vestibule of the nose and the common nasal passage. Then the endoscope moves towards the nasopharynx, while assessing the condition of the inferior turbinate. The endoscope advances to the choanae, upon reaching which a visual assessment of the state of the mouth of the Eustachian tubes is made, the presence of vegetations is determined.

Endoscopy is performed separately for each nasal passage.

Additional Information

Endoscopy of the nasopharynx is the most convenient and highly informative method for diagnosing diseases of the ENT organs. Endoscopy makes it possible to refuse an X-ray examination if, for example, adenoid vegetations are suspected, which reduces the radiation load on the patient.

Some disadvantage of endoscopy is the invasiveness of the procedure, which sometimes makes it difficult to perform in children. However, in modern conditions, it is possible to conduct an endoscopic examination in children under sedation or anesthesia.

The procedure takes no more than 10-15 minutes along with the preparatory stage. Endoscopy is performed on an outpatient basis, and after its completion, the patient can immediately go home.

Compared with rhinoscopy, nasopharyngeal endoscopy allows assessing the condition of not only the nasal cavity, but also more deeply located structures, such as the choanae, the mouth of the auditory tubes, which undoubtedly increases the diagnostic value of the study.


  1. Otorhinolaryngology: a textbook for universities / V. T. Palchun, M. M. Magomedov, L. A. Luchikhin. - 2nd ed., corrected. and additional - 2008. - 656 p. : ill.
  2. Likhachev A.G., Gladkov A.A., Ginzburg V.G. etc. Multi-volume guide to otorhinolaryngology. -M.: Medgiz, 1960.-T.1.-644 p.


Thanks to the development of modern medicine, endoscopic techniques have become one of the most informative methods of examination that help the doctor establish an accurate diagnosis. In otolaryngology, such a method also appeared. Endoscopy of the nasal cavity and upper pharynx is performed when a simple examination of the patient's nasopharynx with the help of mirrors is not enough to make an accurate diagnosis. Thanks to the endoscopic device, the doctor can examine the parts of the respiratory tract of interest in great detail.

What is nasopharyngeal endoscopy

An endoscopic examination is a diagnostic procedure that is performed on an outpatient or inpatient basis. Examination of the nasopharynx with an endoscope involves taking biological material for bacteriological analysis, assessing the condition of the mucous membrane, the presence or absence of neoplasms in the cavity. The procedure is performed from various angles with the ability to greatly enlarge the image, which makes it easier for the doctor to make a diagnosis.

An endoscopic examination of the nasopharynx does not require any preparation. This is an absolutely painless manipulation, after which there is no rehabilitation period. The procedure lasts only a few minutes, after which the patient can immediately go home. Endoscopy of ENT organs among physicians is considered the most minimally invasive diagnostic method. It is often used for surgical intervention on the nasopharynx.


More often, endoscopy of the nasal cavity is performed for diseases such as sinusitis, pharyngitis, frontal sinusitis, tonsillitis, hay fever, inflammation of the ethmoid labyrinth. Often, endoscopic examination is prescribed to determine the degree of spread of lymphoid tissue and for a number of other diseases in order to clearly see the clinical picture. Endoscopy indications include:

  • trauma or a feeling of pressure in the face;
  • deterioration of the sense of smell;
  • violation of vascular tone due to prolonged use of local vasodilators;
  • curvature of the nasal septum;
  • preoperative and postoperative diagnostics;
  • labored breathing;
  • deterioration of the sense of smell, constant discharge from the nasal cavity;
  • frequent migraines;
  • nosebleeds;
  • inflammation of the nasopharynx of various etiologies;
  • tinnitus, hearing loss;
  • snore;
  • delayed speech development in a child;
  • adenoiditis;
  • ethmoiditis;
  • suspected tumors.


Endoscopic examination of the nasopharynx does not require a special preparatory period. Often patients are nervous before the procedure due to fear of pain. In this case, the doctor may irrigate the nasal mucosa with a local anesthetic. If minimally invasive surgery is performed, then general anesthesia is used. With wide nasal passages of the patient, the doctor makes an examination with an endoscope without the use of any anesthesia. Also, anesthesia is not used for severe allergic reactions to anesthetics.

When an endoscopy is performed on a child, a conversation is held before the procedure. Parents or doctor explain the following points:

  • with the assistance of a doctor, the examination of the nose with an endoscope will take only a few minutes;
  • if the baby does not twitch and break out, then the procedure will pass without pain.

For the painlessness of the procedure for the child, a gel containing Lidocaine is used. The drug processes the flexible tip of the endoscope tube. When exposed to an anesthetic, numbness of the nasal mucosa occurs, due to which the tube enters the nasal passage unnoticed by the baby. A doctor may use an anesthetic spray to numb the nasal passage.

How is endoscopy done?

Examination of the nose with an endoscope is carried out in a sitting position. The chair in which the patient is seated is similar to a dental chair. With a slightly tilted head, the doctor injects a vasoconstrictor into the nasopharynx to eliminate excessive swelling of the mucous membrane. The cavity is then irrigated with a local anesthetic solution. A spray or solution in which a cotton swab is wetted can be used as an anesthetic.

After some time, anesthesia begins to act, which is expressed in the appearance of a slight tingling on the nasal mucosa. At this stage, the endoscope is inserted, after which the doctor begins to study the state of the nasopharyngeal cavity. The image is displayed on the computer monitor. For a more thorough examination, the doctor slowly guides the endoscope tube from the nasal cavity to the nasopharynx.

Endoscopy of the sinuses and nasopharynx includes several stages:

  • panoramic examination of the common nasal passage and nasal vestibule;
  • checking the mouths of the auditory tubes, the condition of the nasopharyngeal arch, the posterior ends of the inferior concha of the nose, the presence of adenoid vegetations;
  • the device moves to the middle nasal concha, after which the condition of its mucosa and middle nasal passage is assessed;
  • the upper nasal passage, the condition of the outlet openings of the cells of the ethmoid labyrinth, the olfactory fissure and the superior nasal concha are examined.

On average, the procedure takes from 5 to 15 minutes. If necessary, the diagnosis is supplemented by medical or surgical manipulations (for example, removal of polyps). After completing the examination of the nasopharynx, the doctor prints out the received images and draws up a conclusion. Endoscopy results are given to the patient or sent to the attending physician. During the examination of the nasopharynx, the specialist evaluates:

  • the presence of inflammatory processes or hypertrophy;
  • color of the mucous membrane;
  • the nature of the discharge (transparent, liquid, purulent, thick, mucous);
  • the presence of anatomical disorders of the nasopharynx (curvature of the nasal septum, narrowing of the passages, etc.);
  • the presence of tumor formations, polyps.

In the absence of poor health after the end of the session, the patient goes home. If endoscopy was supplemented with surgical procedures (surgery, biopsy), then he is placed in a ward, where he is under the supervision of medical personnel throughout the day. After the procedure, the patient is advised to refrain from intense blowing of the nose for several days so that it does not provoke the development of nosebleeds.

Endoscopy of the nasopharynx for children

The procedure is a standard diagnostic in ENT practice. Its implementation for children and adults is not much different. In pediatric practice, in most cases, an anterior rhinoscopy is performed, since the posterior one is more complex in terms of execution technique. If a child has hypertrophy of the palatine tonsils or swelling of the mucosa, then difficulties during endoscopy are not excluded.

Before proceeding with the procedure, the doctor examines the nasopharyngeal cavity for the presence of abscesses or inflammatory processes. Anterior endoscopy is performed in two positions of the head - straight or thrown back. In the first case, it is possible to examine the anterior and posterior parts of the nasal cavity and the septum. If the head is thrown back, then the middle parts of the nose and the nasal passage are examined. With a high qualification of the doctor, the child will not feel discomfort during the endoscopic examination.

To conduct a posterior rhinoscopy, the doctor uses a special spatula, which is pre-treated with an antiseptic solution. With its help, the front part of the tongue and the mirror inserted into the nasopharynx are pushed back. The mirror surface is preheated so that it does not fog up during the procedure. If polyps or a benign tumor are detected, they are removed directly in the otolaryngologist's office.

What does endoscopy show?

Examination of the nasopharynx with an endoscope is carried out mainly to make an accurate diagnosis. If foreign objects are found in the maxillary sinus, neoplasms of a benign or malignant nature, the doctor decides on an immediate surgical operation. With the help of endoscopy at the initial stage, it is possible to identify inflammatory processes accompanied by mucus, pus, redness, swelling, and other pathologies of the nasopharynx and maxillary sinuses, including:

  • proliferation of adenoid tissue;
  • pathology of the maxillary sinuses;
  • polyps of different sizes;
  • broken structure of the walls of the nasopharynx.


As a rule, endoscopic examination of the nasopharynx does not cause side effects or complications, so there are only two contraindications to the procedure: an allergy to a local anesthetic and a tendency to nosebleeds. If such conditions are present, the patient should notify the doctor before the examination. With a tendency to bleeding, the doctor will perform endoscopy with a thin device designed to examine children. The procedure is performed with great care for overly sensitive mucous membranes.

Sometimes ENT doctors do not resort to examining the nasopharynx with an endoscope for certain neurological disorders, so as not to provoke an attack in the patient. If the presence of an allergy has not been declared, then the occurrence of allergic intolerance to the anesthetic during the procedure is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • swelling of the larynx and pharynx;
  • hyperemia of the mucous membrane;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • sensation of itching in the throat;
  • tearing and sneezing;
  • labored breathing.

If signs of allergy appear, the patient needs urgent help. The doctor must provide access to fresh air, unfasten clothing, and inject an intravenous antihistamine. If the case is severe, then hormone therapy is additionally performed. After providing first aid, the patient is hospitalized in a hospital under the supervision of medical staff for several days.


Endoscopic examination of the nasopharynx is done by an otolaryngologist in the treatment room. Endoscopy is performed in medical centers or specialized clinics equipped with special equipment and licensed to provide such services. The price for the procedure varies, depending on the region where the medical institution is located, the complexity of the manipulation, the professionalism of the doctor and other factors. The average cost of endoscopic examination of the nasopharynx in medical centers in Moscow:


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Endoscopy is a modern, informative and painless method for diagnosing diseases of the nasopharynx, which allows you to examine hard-to-reach areas of the nasopharynx that are not visible during a standard examination.


  • allergic reactions to the anesthetic used;
  • with caution with a tendency to nosebleeds;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • neurotic disorders.

Used equipment:

  • rigid endoscope;
  • light source for endoscopic examination of ENT organs;
  • lor-harvester ATMOS S 61.

Not a single modern examination of the ENT organs is complete without an endoscopic examination. Endoscopy of the nasopharynx in Moscow is one of the most advanced and safest methods of examination in ENT practice. With the help of this procedure, the doctor will be able to examine the ENT organs and look into those parts of the nasopharynx that are not visible to the human eye during a normal examination. Endoscopic examination helps to identify the pathology of the nasopharyngeal mucosa at an early stage and, accordingly, to carry out the necessary medical manipulations in a timely manner.

You can do an endoscopy of the nasopharynx for adults in any ENT clinic or medical facility that has an ENT room equipped with an endoscopic unit in its arsenal.

This diagnostic method is very popular and is used for many diseases of the ear, throat and nose. Endoscopy is indicated for frequent nosebleeds, pain in the nose, headaches, in violation of nasal breathing, smell, adenoids and snoring. With the help of endoscopic examination, inflammation in the nasopharynx and sinuses can be detected. An experienced ENT doctor, using the procedure, will “see” the overgrown adenoids, often found in children, polyps and tumors.

Our doctors

How is research going

For endoscopy, a special tool is used - an endoscope. It resembles a flexible tube 4 mm in diameter for an adult. For a child, a thinner instrument is used - 2 mm. A camera and a light source are built into the tube, and an eyepiece is at the other end of the tube. What the doctor sees with the help of an endoscope inside the nasopharynx can be displayed on the screen with the help of a camera.

The whole procedure takes no more than 2 minutes and goes according to the following scenario:

  • so that the patient does not have pain, the ENT doctor uses an anesthetic (more often it is lidocaine);
  • the patient is comfortably seated in a chair, with his head thrown back a little (almost like at a dentist's appointment);
  • the doctor gently inserts the instrument into the nasal passage, and immediately after the procedure the clinical picture becomes clear.

There are no absolute contraindications for endoscopy. If the nasal mucosa is prone to bleeding, you have poor blood clotting, or you are allergic to lidocaine, be sure to tell your ENT specialist about this.

How much does the procedure cost

The price in Moscow for endoscopy of the nasopharynx for adults depends on the pricing policy of the clinic and the status of the medical institution. Of course, each patient seeks to make endoscopic diagnostics at an adequate price. In our clinic, the cost of the study has remained unchanged for many years now. Given the economic situation, our price list has not changed for three years, and the quality of service remains at the highest level.

Endoscopic examination is performed by ENT specialists with extensive experience. The experience of the chief doctor of the clinic V.M. Zaitsev for over 19 years. The procedure is painless, non-traumatic and maximally comfortable for the patient.

The price of nasopharyngeal endoscopy performed in our clinic in Moscow is 2500 rubles. A video endoscopy procedure is also available. The difference between this procedure and the standard one is the ability to connect a camera and record the nasal cavity to provide it to the hospital. Our ENT doctor during the examination will show on the screen and comment on everything he sees, tell about the causes of the disease and possible methods of treatment.

Thus, a trusting relationship with the patient is formed, and the patient realizes that there is nothing wrong with the ongoing manipulations. The cost of video endoscopy is 3000 rubles.

Certificates and licenses

You can make an appointment for an endoscopic examination by calling the clinic’s registry or through a special appointment form on the main page of the site. We will find a convenient time for you. Please, come. We will be glad to help you!

Endoscopy of the nasopharynx for children is more often prescribed for frequent respiratory diseases. In this case, a focus of infection is formed in the child in the nasopharynx, which causes a constant relapse and all kinds of complications. The procedure is diagnostic and therapeutic in nature, allows you to timely recognize the disease in the initial stage and prescribe an effective treatment.

A small patient is referred for nasal endoscopy, or as the procedure is also called - rhinoscopy, in various cases, and most often this occurs in connection with the following conditions:

  • the presence of foreign objects in the sinuses;
  • wounds, injuries of the mucous membranes of the nose;
  • the appearance of various kinds of neoplasms, including adenoids;
  • violations in the sinuses of the body.

This diagnosis allows you to examine the tissues of the nasopharynx, assess the condition of the mucous membranes and even perform, if necessary, surgery. Endoscopy gives high efficiency in the early stages of pathological conditions. If the pathology is running, then more serious measures are prescribed.

The study reveals the pathology of the adenoids, finds out their size, the level of the inflammatory process - whether there is a purulent formation or not. Therapy is prescribed based on the results obtained.

Endoscopy helps to detect the relationship between the neoplasm and emerging hearing problems, speech delays in a young child.

During the diagnosis, the specialist examines the structural features of the nasal septum - the resulting spikes, deformities, eroded, perforated tissues. If the baby has polyps in the nasal cavity, then the doctor finds out from which place they have grown, where they are located, this information will facilitate the subsequent operation to excise them.

If the procedure is prescribed to detect neoplasms - benign or malignant, the specialist examines the mucous surfaces, evaluating their color, growth, density, thickening, erosion and other changes.

Endoscopy allows you to determine the exact cause of the common cold (rhinitis): allergies, atrophy, tissue hypertrophy, etc.

Rhinoscopy allows you to assess the condition of the fistulas of the nasal sinuses, to identify developmental anomalies, which often lead to the development of chronic sinusitis. Timely detection of pathology makes it possible to avoid various pathologies, including loss of smell.

If a child often has nosebleeds, then the method helps to identify the cause of these phenomena. Often they occur against the background of weak blood vessels, neoplasms, and violations of the septum.

It seems to some parents that this diagnostic examination is not a mandatory procedure, and they try to protect the baby from passing it, but experts have the opposite opinion on this matter. By refusing the procedure, parents exacerbate the condition, as the disease flows from an acute form into a chronic one.

In the following situations, rhinoscopy is indicated on an emergency basis:

  • in pathological conditions of the auditory tubes;
  • proliferation and enlargement of adenoids;
  • severe swelling and recurrent conditions.

In most cases, a pediatrician prescribes an examination at the ENT during routine examinations. In addition, it is necessary for prolonged sinusitis, which traditional therapy cannot cope with. Rhinoscopy of the nasopharynx for children is prescribed without fail before the ENT operation is performed, and after the intervention.

The endoscope is a unique and one-of-a-kind tool that allows you to identify adenoids, determine their shape, condition, remove and evaluate the functionality of the Eustachian tube.

Endoscopy uses local anesthesia, so the procedure is well tolerated by children. During the study, the doctor receives maximum information that a regular examination does not provide, so this is the most accurate method for diagnosing even early forms of diseases.

Endoscopic diagnosis consists in introducing a special instrument into the nasopharynx in the form of a thin tube with an optical fiber. At the end of the instrument, there is an illumination that enhances visualization and a lens that is connected to the computer equipment. Moving, the tool allows the specialist to view on the monitor all the details of the anatomical structure, pathological phenomena, and at the same time does not cause the baby much inconvenience.

The screen displays a full-color image of the entire nasopharynx in a significantly enlarged form, which makes it possible to accurately identify pathologies.

For small patients, endoscopes with increased flexibility are used, which significantly reduces the risk of injury to mucous tissues and reduces discomfort. But already from the age of 3, it is possible to use an endoscope for adult patients.

The procedure has no age restrictions, but young children are usually scared, which makes it somewhat difficult to carry out. Therefore, experts consider it appropriate to prescribe rhinoscopy from 2-3 years of age. But if there are serious concerns that the baby has a congenital abnormal pathology of the sinuses, septum, the symptoms indicate possible neoplasms, then the procedure may be recommended earlier.

Adolescent patients are more conscious in their approach to diagnosis, so they better tolerate the procedures and the effectiveness in this case is an order of magnitude higher.

Endoscopy makes it possible to identify the causes of the following phenomena:

  • defective changes in the pharyngeal tonsil (adenoids), their location, shape, which is important for the surgical operation;
  • hearing impairment (decrease, congestion);
  • speech disorders (in the absence of other reasons);
  • discharge from the nose of any nature;
  • impaired sense of smell;
  • sinusitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, acute and chronic forms;
  • frequent headaches of an unexplained nature.

Unlike various kinds of diagnostic measures, endoscopy does not require special preparatory measures. But for small children it is done using local anesthesia - medicinal solutions are first applied to the mucous membranes. These funds have a number of effects - analgesic, decongestant, vasoconstrictor.

Rhinoscopy is one of the rare methods that have been proven over the years and are distinguished by safety and the absence of complications, therefore, there are practically no contraindications.

But sometimes doctors prefer other research methods, this can happen in the following cases:

  • if the child is concerned about frequent nosebleeds caused by weakening of blood vessels;
  • diagnosed with reduced blood clotting;
  • if the anesthetic drugs used for the procedure (Lidocaine, Novocaine) cause an allergic reaction.

Application in surgery

The endoscope is used not only for diagnostics, but also for surgical interventions. The popularity of the method is associated with its safety, high efficiency and low trauma.

The operation to remove the adenoids and tonsils using an endoscope allows you to remove all the lymphoid tissues in the nose, which in the future will eliminate the likelihood of relapses. With conventional methods of excision, often the remaining tissue grew again and a second operation was required.

Using the device, a specialist can carry out a corrective measure that eliminates the pathology in the nasopharynx. This will save the child from all sorts of chronic diseases.

In addition to surgical operations, endoscopic equipment is used for conservative therapy procedures.

With its help, the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx are irrigated, the sinuses are washed, and drugs are administered. Often, rhinoscopy allows not only to identify, but also remove polyps in one procedure. It is also possible to simultaneously collect tissue for laboratory testing.

Patient examination methods are improved annually. Endoscopy of the nasopharynx is considered a highly accurate way to diagnose respiratory diseases. The reliability of the results often depends on how competently the procedure is carried out and whether the parent can prepare the child for it.

What is nasopharyngeal endoscopy?

This procedure is prescribed for suspected inflammatory disease of the respiratory system affecting the lower nasal cavity. Endoscopy of the nasopharynx allows you to see the changes that have occurred with diseased organs, which increases the accuracy of the diagnosis.

During the procedure, the child is examined. This device resembles a long tube of small thickness (2–4 mm). At the end of the device is a flashlight to increase visibility.

Next to the lighting device is a camera that allows you to display a picture on the monitor screen, behind which the doctor is sitting. Tubes are soft, very thin, rigid or bendable. The device consists of several parts:

  • frame;
  • connection cable;
  • working part;
  • working end control knob;
  • monitor;
  • lighting cable;
  • lighting cable connector;
  • power cable connector;
  • distal end.

Nasal endoscopy is completely painless. The procedure is highly accurate and allows you to see the pathology in the early stages. This allows you to make a diagnosis with high accuracy.

Endoscopy is often combined with surgical procedures. This allows you to remove neoplasms quickly and least traumatically. Such an operation does not leave marks on the face, and blood loss with it is minimal. The patient is allowed to go home on the second day. This significantly reduces the number of days on sick leave.

Indications for carrying out

Nasopharyngeal endoscopy is sometimes called rhinoscopy. It is carried out for the purpose of diagnosis and for the removal of certain neoplasms.

There are several diseases, the presence of which involves an endoscopic examination:

  • (inflammatory disease of the frontal sinus);
  • (damage to the ethmoid labyrinth);
  • (pathology of the sphenoid sinus).

Nasal endoscopy is used to diagnose diseases and as a therapy (in the treatment of polyps). But not only diseases are considered indications for endoscopic examination. Some of these symptoms include:

  • decreased sensitivity of olfactory receptors;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • frequent bleeding from the nose;
  • headache;
  • an increase in the amount of separated mucus;
  • feeling of pressure in the nose;
  • a sharp deterioration in hearing;
  • the presence of diseases of the nasopharynx of inflammatory etiology;
  • sensation or tinnitus;
  • snore;
  • delayed speech development in children;
  • in history;
  • nose and skull injuries;
  • preparation for rhinoplasty and control of the result.

The presence of one of the symptoms gives rise to a nasal endoscopy. Sometimes the cause of diseases of the nasopharynx is a staphylococcus infection localized in another organ. Then respiratory diseases will be only complications of the underlying disease.

But with the help of endoscopic examination, it is possible to see the smallest changes in the mucosa, which indicate the presence of inflammation. This helps prevent further spread of the infection and possible more serious complications.


Since endoscopy of the nasopharynx is a painless and safe procedure, it does not have an extensive list of contraindications. But it can not be carried out in the presence of an allergic reaction to lidocaine. Since the examination with an endoscope involves local anesthesia to eliminate discomfort in the patient.

For children and patients with sensitive mucosa or frequent nosebleeds, special ultra-thin tubes of the apparatus are used. This allows you to avoid injuries to the nasopharynx and carry out the procedure without complications.

What will endoscopy show?

Endoscopic examination allows you to look inside the nasopharynx and see its changes in the most detail. Especially often during the procedure revealed:

  • injury to the nasopharyngeal mucosa;
  • foreign bodies in the nasal cavity;
  • pathology of the paranasal sinuses;
  • deviated septum of the nose;
  • neoplasms, including adenoids.

Conducting endoscopy of the nasopharynx, the doctor assesses the condition of the nasal mucosa, individual structures of the organs. The procedure allows to carry out surgical interventions to remove neoplasms in the nasal cavity with virtually no tissue injury. This type of surgical treatment is effective only in the initial stages. In more advanced cases, endoscopy is not used.

With the help of an endoscope, the doctor determines the size of the neoplasm, the degree and rate of growth, the extent of the lesion. When conducting a study, it is possible to consider the nature of the adenoids (purulent, mucous, mucopurulent), which helps to correctly choose the tactics of treatment.

Endoscopy can identify the cause of hearing loss in children and the occurrence of speech problems. In such cases, the study is combined with tympanometry (diagnosis of the auditory tube).

Carrying out the procedure

Since the procedure is simple, does not cause inconvenience due to local anesthesia and takes a little time, it does not require special preparation. For endoscopy, it is necessary to mentally prepare the child for the fact that you have to sit still for some time.

It is necessary to explain that this will not cause pain, so that the baby is not afraid of the procedure. Otherwise, parents will have to hold the child and reassure after the examination is completed.

Before the introduction of the tube, its end is treated with a gel with lidocaine. Sometimes a special one is used, which is sprayed into the nasal cavity. The child reports the onset of the drug as a tingling sensation in the nose.

During the procedure, parents hold the child to prevent sudden movements and not accidentally injure the nasal mucosa. Sometimes the doctor shows the baby what he sees on the screen in order to distract and interest the little patient.

The procedure for diagnostic purposes does not take more than 20 minutes. There should be no discomfort or pain afterwards. Materials filmed during endoscopy can be handed out to the patient. Sometimes the patient is given only a doctor's opinion.

The success of the procedure largely depends on how the preparatory stage goes. The results of the study can also be influenced by the patient's condition during endoscopy. Therefore, sometimes it is necessary to abandon the procedure if the child is under great stress, and it is better to prepare him for the next visit to a specialist.

Video: Endoscopy of the nose in children

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