Invitro - the opinion of a specialist on the quality of analyzes. Cheating when taking tests and providing false information Incorrect test results how to prove

Can the results of such analyzes be trusted? And if not, then what to do? Doctor and blogger Tatyana Tikhomirova collected the most striking statements on this subject and accompanied them with an exhaustive commentary.

Yes, it's convenient, but...

Yes, now there is a decent number of companies that have a lot of material on analyzes on their website in an accessible form for a non-specialist. You can choose what you want to test for, and then even interpret the results yourself using the laboratory's interpretations. It's convenient, albeit expensive. At the same time, you donate blood not sitting from eight in the morning for a couple of hours in a terrible queue at the district clinic and not rude laboratory assistants, but sitting on a soft sofa in a clean office with a TV, and even then a couple of minutes. Or even without leaving the house. And at a convenient time for you. And the analyzes are sent to you wherever you want, and you don’t have to go to the clinic again for them. Naturally, a lot of people use it, demand creates supply, the number of firms is growing. And it would all be just wonderful if Russia had at least some kind of quality control system for analyzes.

But no one controls anything

But there is no such system in Russia. Maybe on paper it exists somewhere, but in reality it does not exist in any form. External blind control: control samples with previously known results are sent to the laboratory "incognito". Laba gives an answer, if it is incorrect, then the license for this analysis is withdrawn, the laboratory pays a fine and is obliged to obtain permission to do it again, as well as provide information on what was the cause of the error and what measures were taken. And it is also obliged, according to its database, to find and notify all clients that the analysis was done incorrectly, and return their money. External open control: samples are sent to the lab, but the laboratory workers know that they are controls, they just do not know the answers. Do the analysis, send, the consequences are the same. Worse, the “stream” samples can be made as usual, and the “control” samples are of the highest quality and strictly according to the rules. Like in a candy factory, there is a concept of "make a cake for your own", and the result is very different from other cakes. But there is not even such control anywhere.

Internal quality control. The principle is the same, but the personnel responsible for control sends control samples for analysis, at different intervals, blindly and openly. They give you a cap each inside the laboratory, no one takes the license. It's all in theory. The practice looks different: if the head of the lab is interested in quality, somehow and in some places internal control is done. If not, which happens much more often, nothing is done.

Why it is useless to sue and seek the truth in other ways

For the same reason that there is no control system. You have two analyzes on hand: according to one, you are healthy, according to the other, you are sick. Let's say anemia. There is a clinic for anemia, so the laba is wrong, which gave the result “everything is OK”. Theoretically, in another country and in a different scenario, the situation would develop like this: you file a complaint with a higher authority responsible for control. He requests a duplicate of your blood from the “wrong” lab, or better yet, you seize it yourself (and they are obliged to give it out without any explanation). A duplicate of the same sample, where “everything is OK”, is transferred to another lab, usually certified as a quality sample for this analysis, it makes its conclusion, hats fly. But in Russia there is no lab whose answer is regarded as exemplary, as true. Therefore, no matter what nonsense they write to you as an answer, no one, anywhere and in any way, can prove that nonsense is in the lab, where anemia was not found, but the truth is in the lab, where it is.

If you are trying to find the truth by simply presenting samples from another lab, these attempts are even more pathetic and useless. Well, they will take blood from you, even for free, again, well, they will do it normally or draw what you want, will this change something? No. Labe for this something will? No, because on what basis? And how can you prove it?

We have imported reagents and devices, so everything is ok with us?

Further. Why the risk of getting dog nonsense instead of an answer to an analysis is now extremely high, no matter where you donate your blood. Reagents are spent on any analysis, I will not discover America here. But there are two set-ups here that people outside the labs don't know about. The first is that if the laboratory has indeed purchased very high-quality instruments and reagents, it is expensive to work on them. So expensive that the price of consumables can overlap the final price of the analysis, and it will be unprofitable, at a loss. If you raise the price to a reasonable one, all customers will go to competitors. Therefore, it is necessary to equalize the price with the market. In this case, the only honest way not to work at a loss is to drop high-cost tests from the list (some people do this, but clients are also lost on this). There is a second honest way - to increase the batch of patient samples for one setting, that is, put not two samples for analysis, but 20 each. Then there will be the same number of controls (they are used inside the analysis), but the cost of analysis will fall by about 10-15 times . But how do you get 20 people into the lab at the same time wanting to get tested for Rocky Mountain Fever? No way, if you are not a lab of a large center, where such patients are in abundance. It is possible to accumulate samples, preserving and freezing, until a batch is accumulated that provides analysis at no loss. But then the patients run away. They do not care about the difficulties of the labs, they need quick answers, not two weeks later. And they can be understood.

Therefore, other methods are used to reduce the cost of analysis. For example, you can set controls not every time, but once or twice, build a control curve not by five points, as the instructions say, but by three. You can replace the branded buffer, which costs 10 bucks per bottle, with a similar one near Moscow, which costs 50 rubles per bucket. Or mix it yourself, using salts from the basement. You can reduce the amount of reagents by 2-3 times by dropping not the prescribed 50 microliters into the test tube, but a barely visible pisyun. You can cut test strips into 2-3 pieces lengthwise. And for analyzes, of which there are a lot, in which negative answers are flowing, you can apply the “bucket” method. In this case, all samples are mixed in one tube and the analysis is performed as if it were one sample. There will be a plus on it - we put them all separately for the second time, looking for which of them is positive there. And most often, everything is a minus, and we saved 10 reagents.

Such tricks - the sea. And all these tricks would not be a problem if there were quality control, at least internal. When, having come up with a cost-effective trick, you first prove that it really does not worsen the quality of the analysis, and then make sure that it does not worsen further, also beware of the punishment stick in the form of external quality control from above. But, as I said, there is no quality control in any form. Therefore, any trick to reduce the cost of analysis is checked only if it worries someone, and he worries infrequently. And I don't mean to say that the evil lab rats are deliberately messing up. Not at all. It's just that the theory of how to save money on analyzes, as well as the physics and chemistry of the process, is not taught either at medical institutes or even at advanced training courses. In my practice, I came across such enchanting methods of cheapening that my hair stood on end. But to my question: it’s impossible because and because - the workers of the lab made huge eyes: “Yes-ah-ah-ah-ah ?! Ra-a-a-azve?! But everyone does it, and nothing!”

Therefore, I will upset you with a simple conclusion: no imported machines, reagents or kits are a guarantee of quality simply because working on them strictly according to the instructions is at a loss, you can’t raise prices, and almost no one knows how to save wisely.

We have very high quality Russian reagents, here are 20 diplomas and 10 medals for them!

Is it possible to solve the problem using cheap Russian instruments and reagents? Of course, you can, because the classic Zhiguli car drives, right? It is absolutely the same in laboratory work: all Russian reagents, reagents, all kits are licked. All devices are licked and outdated. After licking, they often pass under the articles "advanced technologies that have no analogues "and" support a domestic manufacturer "and receive all their diplomas and medals. At the same time, no one bothers to open the very first online catalog of a foreign company, order a similar reagent device there and check the effect of a local offspring. it has no analogues, remember, or they pass this test... well, by making a cake "for their own".

Further - worse. Just like in the auto industry, the Russian government is extremely concerned about supporting everything Russian. Therefore, many labs in state institutions are put, excuse me, with cancer. Even if you do commercial analyzes and receive your own money for them, you cannot buy normal imported reagents and equipment in the lab with this money. Because there is a tender, according to which there is “exactly the same quality” (and cheaper) analogue of the Red Banner Muhosran plant for sale. And you must buy something that is the same, but cheaper. The quality is confirmed by diplomas, medals and recommendations from above. Some get out of this situation, some do not. Sometimes you read with horror an article in a newspaper that an advanced device or reagent has again been made at the Red Banner Muhosransky. So - Khan, you can’t order more German.

Conclusion: tests are a lottery. And you don't know the chance to win

Let me emphasize right now. There are simple analyses, there are old analyses. A clinical blood test, blood biochemistry, a general urine test - this is the set with which the probability of flying by and getting nonsense in the answer is the lowest. These are new Zhiguli on a flat dry road at a speed of 5 km per hour. These analyzes are cheap, they are done for at least 50 years, the reagents for them are usually simple and cheap, and the probability of error is relatively small. But even here there is a danger, since recently even in the most shabby polyclinic, a clinical blood test has begun to be performed not in the form of a laboratory assistant - glass - a microscope, but on an automatic device. The biochemistry of blood has also changed, now there are devices that, one strip with a drop of blood, give all the necessary answers. Fast but expensive. And that is why now the number of crap in these analyzes is growing at an alarming rate, as people in the labs are trying new ways to reduce the cost of working on miracle devices. Therefore, if you were given an answer for clinical blood on a shabby yellow form filled with crooked hands and a pen, press it to your heart, it is more real and truthful than a printout in the form of "WB 0.02" on a check.

The rest: PCR, allergy tests, tests for infections, immunoblot, "immune status", tumor markers and markers of everything in the world, and all the rest of the "fresh stuff" are high-risk tests. It is on them that they train to hone the technique of saving.

What to do?

Trite: go to the doctor. Look for a good doctor. And having found it, cling to it with a stranglehold, feed it, please it and never lose it. And not because the doctor is very good. Because he has a lot of patients. And he, unlike you, has statistics on analyzes. That is, he sees the clinic, sees the answers of the laboratory, and knows in dynamics and on a group of examples where they do get along, and where everything is fine. A good doctor will often refer a patient to donate blood at 2-3 different locations. Because in lab A they do well analysis 1 and 2, but they screw up on 3 and 4, and in lab B - 3 is fine. Laba I is far away and works very inconveniently, but they don't give a good idea about the analysis 4. You don't know all this, and you can't collect such statistics yourself. In addition, the doctor, unlike you, knows such a thing as mutually exclusive tests. That is, with the answer "A" there are no such and such figures in the analysis "B". You don't know it and you won't even notice it.

And therefore, do not be surprised that, having come with a pack of tests to the doctor, you will hear that you need to retake everything, and he will tell you exactly where. Now you know why. And by the way, I’ll also make a reservation: doctors in state medical institutions are sometimes required to send tests only to their “native” laboratory, even knowing that they are doing nonsense there. And they cannot tell you about it, otherwise they will get a cap. Therefore, it is worth clarifying this question yourself in the form: “Doctor, I will take tests in the laboratory of your institution. But you know, I'm so paranoid, I want to be sure, can you tell me where else I can pass the same analysis? Just for myself, doctor."

I don't want to see a doctor!

Is there money? Well then, I’ll suggest one more or less reasonable way: donate blood in 2-3 different places for the same thing. Compare answers. Donate the same blood under different surnames (mandatory!) to the same lab, compare the answers. Draw your own conclusions where the answers converge and where they do not. But this method works only in the case of "digital" answers, and not in the case of "no, not found" to rule out a rare disease. But it's better than nothing.

And never draw conclusions about the quality of a lab based on the fact that your friend had everything ok there. Because he could do some tests that are really OK there, but you need others. Or because there is such a thing - statistics, and one case does not form it.

And about the quality of analyzes in this laboratory in the wake of a discussion in one of the social network groups.
I'll quote the entire post here.

Medical injury. PART 6. Myth about laboratory tests or the whole truth about INVITRO!

Today we will generally get personal, mentioning the name of the laboratory ... Do you know what prompted me to write this article? But just yesterday, on Facebook, in the promamskoe group, there was a thread in which it was discussed that many doctors do not advise taking tests in vitro. Like, they cheat, their blood coagulates, they lose tests, etc. Vooot, let's take a closer look at what is really happening, otherwise the world of the Internet is full of rumors, yeah .... And these rumors are from allegedly very reputable doctors, yes, yes !!

I must say right away that I am not engaged, not affiliated and not lured by invitro, that is, I have nothing to do with this laboratory and never had. Neither directly nor indirectly, and people who believe rumors more than a person who has a valid certificate of a doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics and has worked in one of the largest laboratories in Russia can cool their ardor, intending to accuse me of lobbying someone or something !

Let's start! So, the first myth. Invitro is a small semi-basement laboratory, we have been there more than once, they are sitting in the basement. Cool down, comrades. Invitro is one of the largest players in this segment of medicine, and what you call a semi-basement laboratory are just franchised offices that anyone can open by paying a couple of million and putting up an INVITRO sign. But this does not mean that the analyzes are done in the same place. Invitro provides its franchisees with consumables, and the courier picks up the biomaterial at a strictly defined time and delivers it to its own laboratory, where the production process itself takes place ... Yes, yes, that's what it's called!

Second myth. In in vitro, they do tests with their hands and it all depends on the change of the doctor. If the guest workers are on shift, they will do it wrong, so the blood coagulates and the results are incomprehensible. This is generally a rare nonsense. Firstly, such a laboratory takes a day, and such laboratories work around the clock, processes tens of thousands of samples, and if everything is done by hand, then the laboratory staff will be many thousands, which will lead to the fact that the prices for analyzes will be tens of times higher than they are now. Almost all analyzes are performed on automatic analyzers of the world's leading companies and their measurement accuracy is hundreds of times higher than with manual performance. Only microbiological cultures, antibiotic susceptibility testing, and some ELISA and ELISA tests can be done by hand. [In the laboratory now, judging by the "Equipment" section on the website, there are at least 2 microbiological analyzers, and a preanalytical sorting system, i.e. manual work and the "human factor" in errors are trying to be minimized].

Third myth. They have the wrong test. In the medical textbook, other blood test standards are written. Here is a very common mistake. Anything can be written in the textbook and it will be far from the truth. each laboratory may have its own standards and they may differ from those of other laboratories. Norms or REFERENCE VALUES are not set by the laboratory, but by the manufacturer of the consumables the laboratory uses! unfortunately, many doctors do not know this either and also refer to textbooks of the 60-70s, calling the laboratory and making a scandal that they do not know how to interpret the analysis, since the references differ from those written in the textbook ... ..

Fourth myth. Invitro saves on analyzes and invents results without doing a real analysis. Well, I'm not going to comment on anything here, sorry. This is more like post-hangover syndrome. This is a jurisdictional matter and each tube that is sent to the laboratory is stored for up to 14 days after analysis and can be sent for rework if there is doubt about the result or if an additional order is needed for execution from the same tube. This, for example, happens when an analysis is performed, the result comes to the doctor, and he wants to see some more parameters based on the result. Then an additional appointment is made and a new sampling is made from the existing test tube for analysis. By the way, few people know about this, but it can be used!
It cannot be said that everything is going smoothly, there are problems in laboratory diagnostics. So, for example, 2-5% of all analyzes can be performed with errors. and this is not an invitro problem, this is a global practice. Well, unfortunately….

and now the traditional digression and the whole truth about doctors. The problem, comrades, is not in the laboratory, but in the qualifications of our doctors or, even worse, in the love of our people for self-diagnosis, self-prescription and self-treatment.
Most errors do not occur during the production of the analysis, but at the preanalytical stage, that is, at the stage of taking the analysis. There are certain rules of preanalytics that are violated by our doctors and franchisees right and left, this is due to the low qualification of medical personnel, but they do not want to admit this, it is easier to blame the laboratory.
So, for example, I came across scandalous surgeons who send pus to the laboratory for microbiological culture and sensitivity to antibiotics. There are hundreds and hundreds of such examples. And among these doctors are honored figures, doctors of sciences, professors. But none of them knows what horseradish can be grown from pus, because, by definition, these are dead microorganisms, blood plasma and the same dead leukocytes .... And you can grow something only from a living one .... But on the other hand, to argue and yell, and beat your chest, that everyone is bad, but they are doing everything right, they are much!
Even worse things are with gynecologists. These generally like to take tests without really understanding why and for what, and even less understanding the rules for taking tests in gynecology. So, for example, for most gynecological smears, you need to take a discharge from the vagina, urethra, or cervical canal. But it is the separable, not the separable. Can't you hear the difference?? Here, here, gynecologists also do not smell and take just what is excreted, and not what is separated. That is, what the vagina secretes by itself, that is, discharge, while according to the rules, these discharges must be completely removed and scraped from the mucosa, that is, the epithelium should be separated. Most smears are performed by the polymerase chain reaction, PCR for short, in which blood and mucus can act as an inhibitor of the reaction and lead to a false negative response.
And so you can continue to tell, but there is a lot to tell. In each technique there are preanalytical rules and it is precisely those who carry out the sampling of the analysis that should know them.

So, the results! The minimum set of knowledge, so to speak!

1. If you make yourself a self-diagnosis, prescribe tests, then take the trouble to read multi-volume works on laboratory diagnostics or at least call the medical department of the laboratory and find out the rules for taking this or that analysis.

2. Reference values. Remember that they may differ for each laboratory, and if you take tests in dynamics, then they should be taken in one laboratory, and not in several, then you can clearly follow the dynamics and evaluate the quality of treatment. [My article about].

3. It is always better to donate blood from a vein, and not from a finger. Unfortunately, many doctors argue that it is better to donate blood from a finger, especially for young children. This is mistake! Modern test tubes are vacuum, which ensures their filling with blood along the pressure gradient and minimal trauma, as well as the safety of blood due to the lack of contact with the external environment and the presence of a preservative inside the test tube, while all these criteria are absent when taking blood from a finger. This procedure is much more traumatic and the degree of reliability of the analysis may be lower than when taking from a vein.

4. Spermogram. Here it is better to take it not at the collection point located far away, in the franchisee's office, but at the collection point located in the laboratory itself, this will ensure the minimum delivery time to the laboratory assistant and a more reliable result. By the way, here it should also be remembered that having received not very good spermogram results, a competent doctor is in no hurry to prescribe treatment, but investigates all the reasons, collecting information about the preanalytical stage and concludes that treatment is necessary only based on the results of 2-3 spermograms taken for a certain time interval.

5. Blood culture for sterility. In general, I do not recommend taking this analysis, which doctors love to prescribe so much. This is complete nonsense. Blood is inherently sterile BY DEFINITION! It does not contain bacteria from which colonies can be grown and a microbiological test for sensitivity to antibiotics can be done. If the doctor prescribes this analysis, then he is a complete idiot! IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER! a disease in which the blood ceases to be sterile is called SEPSIS, the mother is killed ... Smoke Google and look at the pictures of what a person with sepsis looks like. He does not go to the doctors, he lies and goes to another world ... Here you can take blood from him for sterility, from the rest - it's pointless!

6. Complete blood count. You can take not only in the morning and not only on an empty stomach. If you ate and passed a general blood test immediately after eating, then you don’t have to worry, its reliability will not decrease, but this does not apply to biochemical analyzes!

7. Hormones! It is very important to know preanalytics! Many hormones have rhythmic production peaks and some hormones should be taken strictly at a certain time, as well as at rest. So, for example, prolactin, beloved by gynecologists, tends to increase significantly for almost any reason (I exaggerate, of course). And if you have elevated prolactin, this is already a reason for the doctor to prescribe you an x-ray of the Turkish saddle or an MRI of the pituitary gland, while it is only worth redoing the analysis or taking the trouble to find out under what conditions the analysis was collected. The prolactin value above 800-1000 units may indicate the likelihood of an adenoma (prolactinoma) of the anterior pituitary gland. Do not rush to immediately do an MRI of the brain and faint with your doctor, it is often enough just to retake the analysis to make sure everything is OK.

In general, by tradition, I wish you all good health, Nikita Yuryevich Istomin, a doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics, an obstetrician-gynecologist, an ultrasound diagnostician, an osteopath, was on the air with you. Hi promamskoe group, I hope I answered your questions. If you have any more questions, I'll try to answer!

A complaint against a laboratory assistant is an official document that establishes the requirements of the patient and describes the essence of the occurrence of such requirements. According to article 4 federal law "On the procedure for considering applications from citizens of the Russian Federation" a complaint- a citizen's request for the restoration or protection of his violated rights, freedoms or legitimate interests or the rights, freedoms or legitimate interests of other persons. Responding to a written complaint is mandatory for official bodies and organizations. In addition, consideration of the complaint must take place in full compliance with the procedures and deadlines established by this federal law.

We offer our sample complaint, in which we tried to take into account all typical situations. You can correct and supplement the specified sample - the complaint does not have a mandatory prescribed form.

Before writing and filing a complaint against a laboratory assistant we recommend you:

  • get free legal advice on the rights of the patient, which will save your time;
  • read the following materials of our resource: how to write a complaint correctly and how to file a complaint correctly.

sample complaint letter for lab worker

To the chief doctor of the state (municipal (private) healthcare institution (name) (address)

Ministry of Health (name of the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation with powers in the field of health protection) (address)

Prosecutor's Office (name of the subject of the Russian Federation) (address)

Territorial body of the Federal Service for Surveillance in the Sphere of Health Care for (name of the subject of the Russian Federation) (address)

from Surname First name Patronymic, residential address

(for example: Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, Moscow, Moskovskaya st., 134, apt. 35)

Complaint against a laboratory assistant

I, Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich (indicate your surname, first name and patronymic - the last one if available), on September 25, 2017 (indicate the exact date of the event) felt unwell, namely (indicate the specific symptoms of the disease) and decided that I would need a laboratory assistant.

This circumstance served as the basis for my appeal to a medical healthcare institution (specify the type of medical institution and its name, for example, city polyclinic No. 9) for the provision of medical care to me.

At the same time, the following unlawful actions (inaction) were taken against me in this institution, namely (select the one you need, in addition, add a detailed description of the situation to your complaint and attach evidence):

  • I was denied medical services for the following reason (describe the situation and the reason for the refusal, for example, “after finding out the fact that I applied at the place of temporary stay, I was denied medical assistance”, etc.);
  • I was provided poor quality medical service;
  • medical assistance was provided untimely;
  • I was misdiagnosed;
  • the laboratory assistant refused to accept the patient;
    the doctor was negligent;
  • I was given the wrong therapy;
  • after receiving a laboratory assistant, health deteriorated;
  • had to incur excessive financial costs;
  • the doctor treated me rudely;
  • laboratory assistant violated medical confidentiality

In accordance with Article 4 of the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation”, the main principles of health protection are: observance of the rights of citizens in the field of health care and provision of state guarantees associated with these rights; priority of the patient's interests in the provision of medical care; availability and quality of medical care; inadmissibility of refusal to provide medical care; the priority of prevention in the field of health protection; observance of medical secrecy.

Based on the above, I ask(choose the one you need):

  • take measures against the laboratory assistant (indicate the surname, name and patronymic of the laboratory assistant),
  • refund my expenses
  • correct the situation.

Date, personal signature of the person filing the complaint against the laboratory technician

For consumers in the service industry, there is now a very large choice. In addition to municipal medical institutions and diagnostic laboratories, there are private clinics and diagnostic centers. Practically in any private laboratory or city polyclinic, where there is a self-supporting system, you can take tests and get a medical report for a certain fee. If you have a medical policy, services of this kind are provided in municipal institutions free of charge.

Is there a risk of cheating when taking tests?

Regardless of whether it is a municipal or private clinic, laboratory, medical center, there is a possibility of cheating when taking tests.

There are several options for this kind of deception:

  • When taking tests, the medical worker, due to his own carelessness, mixed up the biomaterial. As a result, someone else's biomaterial got to the study. Ultimately, the patient will receive information about other people's indicators. A laboratory employee who directly conducts the study can also make such a mistake.
  • The biomaterial obtained for the study was lost due to some circumstances due to the fault of the employees of the medical institution, and other people's analyzes got into the study.
  • When entering the analysis data into a computer program and typing, errors were made in the direction of decreasing or increasing biochemical parameters in the analyzes.
  • The study was conducted in bad faith and does not contain true data.

As a rule, almost all actions lead to one result - when passing tests, they gave incorrect data.

What should I do if I get incorrect data during the test?

When considering the problem through the human factor, it seems that nothing terrible happened. A situation that occurs quite often in life. And who in this life is not mistaken.

But in the case of medicine, it is important to understand that we are talking about the most important thing - human life and health. Under such circumstances, the client of the medical institution loses time, often money. Well, if suddenly we are talking about a sick person, then time can be worth its weight in gold in this case.

How to restore your violated rights?

To begin with, it is necessary to analyze the circumstances by examining the details: what documents are available confirming the delivery of tests, payment, visiting the organization, and finally speaking of an error.

In order to more clearly understand your subsequent actions, the surest decision would be to seek legal assistance in a medical dispute. A qualified lawyer to explain the legal nature of the actions of employees of a medical institution, the procedure for restoring violated rights and the limits of responsibility of physicians.

Properly and timely provided legal assistance in a medical dispute is already almost 1/3 of the solution to the problem.

If there is no desire to raise a scandal, and there is free time for re-testing, an alternative can be offered to the medical staff and the administration of the medical and diagnostic institution. For example, free delivery of repeated tests with the intake of biomaterial out of turn. Or an accelerated study with the issuance of results in the shortest possible time. Most often, in order not to raise a fuss, offenders go to meet their client.

Each case is individual, and the person who applied for the service decides for himself how antisocial and dangerous for the health and life of a person was a legal offense committed by doctors and how important it is for him to hold doctors, hospitals, clinics accountable.

What consequences await the medical staff in this case?

When deciding how to hold doctors, hospitals, clinics accountable, the degree of negative consequences that entailed erroneous test results issued to the patient will be important. Whether for this reason circumstances have arisen that worsen the patient's state of health. For example, an erroneous analysis of the body's susceptibility to a particular chemical or drug, when used, can lead to undesirable negative consequences.

In any case, the medical staff and the administration of the medical institution are responsible. The nature of their actions and the legal analysis of the situation makes it possible to decide what responsibility is at issue. For example, about civil, administrative or criminal.

As part of their job descriptions, employees of a medical institution may be punished in accordance with the norms of the Labor Legislation and in the field of healthcare.

The administration of a medical institution may be sued for violating administrative law.

If the client goes to court with claims for compensation for material and moral damage, then we are talking about civil liability.

With serious consequences that have caused damage to the life and health of the patient, the question often arises of bringing the employees of the medical organization and management to criminal responsibility.

In this case, constitutional human rights are also violated, for example, the right to life.

Solving such a problem on your own is quite difficult, and in any case, the right decision would be to contact a lawyer to resolve such disputes.

It is important to understand that the medical staff of any medical institution is responsible for the health and life of the person who came to the appointment. They are required to comply with ethics, and their job descriptions, regulations governing healthcare in Russia.

When visiting paid and municipal hospitals, clinics and laboratories, vigilance and caution must be exercised. Read the tags on the container with biomaterial, carefully study the documents that are given for signature. If any deception is found on the part of a medical worker, contact the administration of this organization with a claim. Ask questions when in doubt.

Important! For all questions of a medical dispute, if you do not know what to do and where to turn:

Call 8-800-777-32-63.

Medical lawyers, and attorneys who are registered on Russian Legal Portal, will try to help you from a practical point of view in the current issue and advise you on all issues of interest.

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