Allergy to citrus. Dangerous vitamin C. Allergy to citrus fruits in children and adults: causes, symptoms and treatment. Possibility of severe complications

Fruits belonging to the citrus group are very popular - especially in winter. Lemons, oranges, tangerines and grapefruits are not all representatives of this fruit family. They are valued for the content of the most useful ingredient -, as well as for their pleasant taste and intoxicating aroma.

However, it is also a well-known fact that the use of citrus fruits can lead to rashes, runny nose and other manifestations. Allergy to citrus has been and remains extremely common among patients of various age groups. Why does it occur and can you cope on your own? Read about it in the article.

Causes of Allergy

Everyone knows that citrus fruits are highly active allergens. Children are especially sensitive to these, in addition, they most often appear in childhood.

In adults, citrus intolerance is usually characterized by a reaction to a particular member of the group. So, many people who suffer from allergic reactions to oranges may well eat grapefruits. In this case, everything depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

Finally, lemons rarely cause allergies and are not among the potentially dangerous allergens. However, sensitivity to all citrus fruits combined is not ruled out.

Although the belonging of citrus fruits to products with a high degree of allergenic activity leaves no doubt, the exact list of substances in their composition that are allergens has not been established. However, it is not always a true allergy with antibody production; There are many variants of so-called non-immune sensitivity, in which citrus fruits provoke symptoms only when consumed in large quantities. Therefore, when describing reactions to these fruits, the definition of "food intolerance" rather than an allergy to citrus fruits is more accurate.

There are several probable reasons why symptoms of intolerance occur:

  1. Reaction involving immune mechanisms and the production of antibodies. This is an intolerance of an allergic nature, which is due to the presence of a specific sensitivity to citrus fruit allergens. A violent reaction can occur even when eating a tiny piece of orange or lemon.
  2. Exceeding the individual norm. Each organism perceives exotic fruits in its own way, and the probability of a reaction depends not only on the concept of “individual norm”, but also on the state of the digestive, endocrine, and nervous systems at the time of use. Simply put, signs of a false allergy to citrus fruits can appear if a person eats a lot of fruits or drinks a lot of juice, as well as in case of exacerbation of chronic pathologies.
  3. Reaction to foreign substances. Very often a person reacts to substances that were used to process fruits. For example, oranges are often harvested unripe and then treated with ethylene, which belongs to the group of petroleum products. The use of ethylene is not beneficial to the body, and in children this substance can cause severe reactions.
  4. response to supplements. If a person is sensitive not to citrus pulp, but to industrially produced juice, the reasons may be a reaction to flavors and dyes. Unlike ethylene, they cannot be called extraneous, since most of the additives are necessary to store the product and improve its taste. However, if one person tolerates them without consequences, the other notes the manifestation of allergic symptoms.

If sensitivity to citrus appeared in early childhood, it may weaken or disappear over time - this is due to the final maturation of organ systems, the improvement of immune mechanisms.

However, in adults, intolerance most often persists throughout life and, as a rule, depends on the amount of the provocative product. True allergies are rare.

Symptoms, signs and manifestations

What does an allergy look like? Symptoms usually appear almost immediately after eating the fruit, very rarely it takes several hours before they occur. Cases have been described in which the deterioration of the condition was caused only by inhaling the aroma of the allergen product or mentioning its presence in the composition of the consumed dish, but the reasons for this phenomenon are not well understood. Complaints are not limited to indicating one specific symptom, most often a person is worried about several signs at once - for example, nasal congestion and lacrimation.

The main signs of an allergy associated with the consumption of oranges and other citrus fruits include:

  • itching in the nose, in the sky, tongue, lips; swelling of the lips, cheeks, eyelids, nasal mucosa;
  • the occurrence of lacrimation and rhinorrhea (liquid discharge from the nose);
  • the occurrence of repeated obsessive sneezing, which intensifies the effects of a runny nose.

There are also other possible manifestations to be aware of:

  1. Nausea, vomiting, upset stool.
  2. Skin changes.
  3. Quincke's edema, .
  4. Anaphylactic shock.

Skin changes

This is dryness, peeling, irritation and the appearance of a rash. Most often, there are areas of swelling and redness, small vesicles, which can cause concern to the patient, mainly due to excruciating itching. Combing the elements of the rash leads to the appearance of wounds with crusts drying on their surface, creating the so-called "entrance gate" for a secondary infection. The rash is not always very itchy; arising in the area of ​​skin folds, may go unnoticed by the patient.

Quincke's edema and urticaria

Quincke's edema is localized in the area of ​​the lips, cheeks, external genital organs, as well as the mucous membranes of the respiratory and digestive systems. The manifested complex of symptoms depends on the location of the edema.

  • If the lips and cheeks are affected, the patient is primarily concerned about fullness, as well as tingling and other subjective sensations.
  • The mucous membrane of the pharynx and larynx is involved - there is a hoarseness of voice, a rapidly increasing difficulty in breathing.
  • Swelling of the trachea and bronchi is accompanied by paroxysmal cough with the release of a significant amount of transparent sputum, respiratory disorders.
  • Tumor of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract - pain in the abdomen.
  • The mucous membrane of the bladder - pain in the suprapubic region, false urge to urinate.

With the development of an allergy to citrus fruits in the form of Quincke's edema, the affected area of ​​the skin does not itch - the absence of itching is one of the typical signs of this pathology.

Urticaria, on the contrary, is characterized by the appearance of itchy blisters on the skin, which, as a rule, disappear within a few hours (up to a day), leaving no traces. Urticaria is very often combined with Quincke's edema.

Anaphylactic shock

Allergy to citrus, the symptoms of which develop suddenly, in some patients manifests itself in the form of anaphylactic shock - this is a systemic reaction of an allergic nature, life-threatening as a result of dysfunction of all organs. Harbingers of shock may be urticaria and Quincke's edema; often a person first feels discomfort, expressed in the appearance of a "heat wave", agitation, anxiety, after which he notes a headache, nausea, difficulty breathing, pain in the abdomen and / or chest. The main manifestations of shock are a sharp decrease in blood pressure, the development of bronchospasm, and sometimes a convulsive syndrome. There is also a lightning-fast variant of the flow, in which the pressure drop occurs abruptly and suddenly, without any precursors.

Reaction treatment

Allergy to citrus fruits, the treatment of which should be started as soon as possible, requires the use of primarily non-drug methods - this, on the one hand, simplifies the therapy, and on the other hand, places considerable responsibility for its results on the patient himself, because the actions recommended by the doctor are carried out by the patient on one's own.

Where to begin

A person who is faced with food intolerance should know that to overcome any allergy and prevent its development will allow a complete rejection of the use of citrus fruits. It is necessary to refuse all the dishes in which they are included. The risk group includes not only foodstuffs, but also cosmetics, in which natural extracts, peel or fruit seeds are added.

It would be useful to say that in some cases, a long-term refusal of citrus fruits for the treatment of allergies leads to the complete elimination of the risk of developing an allergic reaction. Sometimes people who have tried lemons or oranges after a couple of years have noted the absence of allergies. However, with a true allergy with the presence of antibodies to citrus allergens, this method will not work, it is good only for those people who have experienced sensitivity to fruits due to exacerbated pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. If this is the case, it is not necessary to wait years; citrus fruits can be consumed after the condition has stabilized - however, only with the permission of the doctor in small quantities.

If the allergy to citrus fruits is true, only an elimination diet can help to avoid deterioration of the condition - that is, the absence of fruits of this group in the diet.

Food intolerance is a complex pathology, the treatment of which is selected individually. For example, if a person experiences symptoms only when eating a large amount of tangerines, he should eat them little and rarely - this is enough to improve the condition. Also, you should not drink juices with a lot of additives, buy fruits, the quality of which you doubt for some reason. It is wrong to make a diagnosis of "allergy" based on a single episode of the development of pathological signs; a thorough examination by a qualified doctor is necessary.

How to use medicines

Antiallergic drugs will help eliminate the symptoms of an allergy to citrus fruits:

  • antihistamines;
  • cromones;
  • glucocorticosteroids.

If signs of rhinitis bother you, you can use Cetirizine, as well as Tailed or Nalcrom. Erius, Eden will help to eliminate nasal congestion and at the same time get rid of urticaria. Most manifestations of allergies can be removed by using special ointments and creams based on glucocorticosteroids (Ftorocort, Elocom) - they will get rid of skin itching and rashes.

In the presence of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, enterosorbents (White coal, Sorbex, Smecta, Enterosgel) should be used to treat allergies to citrus fruits. The development of suffocation, Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock, paroxysmal cough requires immediate medical attention.

It should be understood that allergy drug therapy is used as a means of stabilizing the condition when a person has violated the elimination diet. Taking medication while continuing to consume citrus fruits is unacceptable. In addition, these drugs are not intended for self-medication, some of them act quickly, others need to be taken for several weeks before the effect appears. Only a doctor can choose the appropriate dosage and treatment regimen.

Prevention of allergic reactions to citrus fruits is an elimination diet. The patient needs to carefully study the composition of the proposed dishes and cosmetics. It is also recommended to carry medications with you that can be used in case of accidental contact with the allergen. In case of non-immunological reactions, it is necessary to ensure that the amount of citrus fruits consumed does not exceed the “individual norm”.

There is an allergy to citrus fruits (photo 1) in both adults and children. Allergy to tangerines (see photo 2), oranges and lemons can be triggered by both overeating fruits and an allergic response to the penetration of small doses into the body.

Citrus Allergy Symptoms Photo

Arises allergic to citrus(photo 1) both on the fruits themselves and on the chemicals with which they are processed from pests. Signs of such an allergy are not at all difficult to notice. The main marker of the allergic process specifically to citrus fruits is the rapid occurrence of an unpleasant reaction of the body to the fruit.

An allergic reaction appears almost immediately after the fetus enters the body. It takes 10-15 minutes for the patient to develop characteristic signs of an allergy. This is just the time for which the fruits are broken down in the stomach and enter the bloodstream.

Citrus Allergy Symptoms(photo in gal.) develop rapidly and can persist in an allergic person for several days, until the body completely removes the allergen. The amplitude of symptoms is quite wide, much depends on individual characteristics. Therefore, an allergy from citrus fruits - a rash and other signs may differ.

More often, a citrus allergy on the skin is the only sign that a person suffers from intolerance to bright and tasty fruits. Other people tolerate allergies more severely. In addition to the rash, an allergy on the lips is manifested, the cheeks itch and swell. Symptoms of Citrus Allergy in Children(photo in the gallery) occur more often than in adults, because the child's immune system has not yet been formed.

In addition, the organs of vision also suffer - from an allergy to citrus fruits, the eyes can itch, lacrimation begins, capillaries expand and the eyes turn red. Swelling of the conjunctiva creates an unpleasant feeling of sand in the eyes, photophobia is observed.

agonizing citrus allergy symptoms in adults(photo below) and children - rhinitis, from which patients suffer from abundant mucus separation, swelling of the lining of the nasal passages. Breathing through the nose becomes impossible, a nasal voice appears, unpleasant tickling sensations in the nose and frequent sneezing.

On the part of the digestive system, it manifests itself - the appearance of nausea, colic and vomiting. The organs of hearing rarely suffer, but in individual cases, signs of allergy may appear here too - there is a ringing in the ears, a feeling of deafening emptiness, dizziness. With a severe allergic reaction, Quincke's edema is possible - swelling of the mucous membrane of the larynx, similar to an asthma attack.

Allergy to tangerines photo

Nowadays allergic to tangerines(photo 2) is not uncommon. Despite the fact that tangerines have a lot of useful components, vitamins, antioxidants, they can also cause allergies. It often appears in young children. A false allergy to tangerines on the face can be caused by overeating these fruits.

It's no secret that tangerines are a constant companion of the New Year's table. They appear on sale a few weeks before the holiday and are sold for some time after. During this period, eating tangerines increases significantly, since the delicious fruit is not available for most of the year. Allergy to tangerines in children(photo in gal.) may well be associated with excessive intake of fruit in the body.

A true allergy does not appear from a large number of fruits - skin allergies in children will appear even when eating one small tangerine. This indicates a true intolerance to the fruit, when substances that inhibit processing are released in the body. The manifestations of such an allergy are practically indistinguishable from a false one.

Allergy to citrus in a child is usually limited to skin manifestations. Allergies are much more severe in adults, in whom the immune system has already formed a persistent allergic response. There is swelling of the nasal mucosa, the eyes turn red and the conjunctiva swells. When combing skin spots, allergies increase even more.

Symptoms of allergy to tangerines in adults(photo below) are supplemented with angioedema. Quincke's edema appears, it is difficult for patients to breathe, it hurts in the chest and there is a feeling of constriction. With angioedema, it is important to quickly apply first aid.

What does an allergy to oranges look like?

An allergy to oranges looks typical, like most negative reactions to citrus fruits. Allergy to oranges(photo 3) causes an active skin reaction - a rash appears on the cheeks, the spots of the rash are mostly limited. In size, they can be much larger than tangerine allergy skin rashes and have limited contours.

An interesting fact is that in some people, an allergy to oranges is completely manifested by one spot, which is located on the cheek, in the region of the nasolabial triangle. It itches, swells a little and stays on the skin for several days. After the spot brightens, the skin peels off at the edges.

Usually, the allergy is limited to a skin reaction, but in a severe case, the nasal mucosa suffers, the conjunctiva swells. The eyes itch unbearably, and ticklish sensations in the nose cause incessant sneezing in allergy sufferers. With the addition of Quincke's edema, an allergic reaction is complicated by atypical suffocation, pain behind the sternum.

allergy to lemon

Symptoms allergies to lemons in adults(photo below) and children first appear on the skin of the face. Red spots appear on the face, cheeks and neck, inside which you can see a pinpoint focus of a more intense red color. The size of the spots is small, up to one centimeter. around the perimeter allergic to lemon(photo 4) in the form of spots has an irregular shape, blurred edges. When puffiness appears, they rise slightly above the level of the skin, but the puffiness does not acquire a pronounced character, but is limited only to an allergic rash.

An allergy to lemon in a child is accompanied by constant itching, which is why the kids scratch the rashes a lot and the symptoms worsen. Lemon rash spots swell, redden, citrus allergy looks like small wounds if the baby has scratched the skin.

The most severe symptom of allergy is Quincke's edema. It becomes difficult for allergy sufferers to breathe, there is a feeling of pressure behind the sternum, pain, whistling sounds with a deep breath. Quincke's edema increases if patients try to breathe often, cough.

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Allergy to citrus fruits is very common, because these fruits are among the five most common food allergens. More often, an allergy to orange, tangerine and lemon appears in young children, but in the presence of certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it can also occur in adults.

Allergy to citrus fruits: why does it occur?

Many people start their mornings with a glass of freshly squeezed juice or citrus fruits themselves. After all, they contain many vitamins and minerals and their benefits are irrefutable. But are these fruits as safe as they seem, or can they also cause harm? Let's figure it out.

Most often, an allergy to citrus in a child occurs if he has consumed a large amount of fruit. Another reason may be an unformed immune system and an undeveloped tolerance to food antigens, due to age.

As a rule, over time, children get rid of food allergies due to the maturation of the gastrointestinal tract and the formation of the immune system. This process can take place before the child reaches the age of five.

Often, an allergy to citrus fruits may not occur on the fruits themselves, but on fertilizers and chemicals used in the processing of fruits for transportation and long-term storage.

An allergy to citrus fruits during pregnancy can occur due to a weakened immune system. Therefore, highly allergenic fruits, in this period, must be eliminated from the diet.

Allergy to citrus fruits - symptoms

People who first encountered food intolerance do not know how an allergy to citrus fruits manifests itself. Below we consider the most common symptoms that occur in children and adults.

  • hives, dermatitis and itching on the skin
  • labored breathing
  • cardiopalmus
  • frequent sneezing
  • conjunctivitis and itchy eyelids
  • nausea, vomiting
  • migraine
  • panic attacks
  • anaphylactic shock.

Allergy to citrus fruits in children and adults has identical symptoms and most often manifests itself in the form of various skin rashes.

According to the time of manifestation of symptoms, allergic reactions can proceed in an immediate and delayed type. An allergic reaction of the first type, after an antigen enters the body, manifests itself from several minutes to half an hour. As a rule, the most common symptom is a rash from citrus fruits, which can be localized anywhere on the body.

While a delayed allergy to citrus manifests itself after 8 hours or more.

Allergy to citrus: photo

Distinguishing a true allergy from a false one is easy - with a true allergy, a small amount of fruit eaten or even its smell can pose a serious threat to human life.

Allergy to citrus fruits - diagnosis

To determine the antigen, you should contact an allergist and a gastroenterologist. After collecting an anamnesis about the clinical picture of the disease, they prescribe the necessary studies, on the basis of which further treatment is determined.

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out using a scarification test as follows: the allergen is applied to the skin, then a small scratch is made, no more than 1 mm deep. The reaction is noted after 15 minutes. If a small swelling occurs at the site of the scratch, the allergen has been identified.

Carrying out skin testing

Blood tests for antibodies of the IgE class are also prescribed to confirm the presence of allergies and an analysis for antibodies of the IgG class in difficult cases of diagnosing food allergies and food intolerances.

A gastroenterologist, in his case, will prescribe special studies to identify problems with the gastrointestinal tract: fecal analysis for dysbacteriosis, fecal coprogram, FGS (gastroscopy), ultrasound, etc.

Allergy to citrus fruits - treatment

The first thing a person who develops an allergy should do is follow an elimination diet. That is, eliminate from your diet foods that caused allergies. Wherein pay attention to the composition prepared meals, they may also contain allergens.

Medical treatment consists in a course of taking second-generation antihistamines prescribed by an allergist, as well as probiotics to normalize the intestinal microflora. The following tablets are most often used: Zodak, Zirtek, Tavegil. In severe cases, the use of a corticosteroid agent, such as Prednisolone, is necessary.

For young children, drugs in the form of a drop are prescribed, such as Fenistil from 1 month of age or Zyrtec, used from 6 months.

For skin rashes and gastrointestinal disorders, enterosorbents are used, which contribute to the rapid removal of allergens from the body: activated charcoal, Polysorb, Enterosgel, etc.

With dermatitis and urticaria, the use of ointments gives the greatest effect: zinc ointment, Fenistil gel, etc.

In cases where conventional anti-inflammatory ointments do not help, corticosteroid hormonal ointments based on prednisolone and hydrocortisone, which have an anti-allergic effect, are used as prescribed by the doctor. For example, Advantan, Hydrocortisone, Lokoid, Akriderm, etc.

Also, the treatment of food allergies is performed with the help of allergen-specific immunotherapy, which has been used for over a hundred years as a desensitizing therapy for allergic diseases.

There are two types of therapy: sublingual (sublingual tablets), which is used independently at home, and injectable, which is carried out in the clinic under the supervision of a physician.

With the introduction of an allergen with a certain frequency, antibodies to these antigens (allergens) are produced in the body. As a result, in a person who has eaten citrus in the future, the manifestation of an allergic reaction will occur mildly or disappear completely for a long time. The allergist prescribes the duration and dose of the allergen.

Treatment with folk remedies

Many people prefer to use traditional medicine because they trust the centuries-old experience of healers and are confident in the benefits of natural gifts.

The following methods are effective for relieving allergic symptoms, however, due to the individual characteristics of the body of each person, their use should be coordinated with a doctor.

◊ If there is an allergy to oranges, the symptoms can be eliminated with the help of nettle leaves, which are a natural source of antihistamine: they can be consumed in the form of tea or tincture.

Peppermint oil can soothe the digestive tract and reduce inflammatory symptoms associated with food allergies. To do this, add one drop of oil to a glass of warm water and drink 30 minutes before eating.

◊To relieve the symptoms of an allergic rhinitis, you can use freshly squeezed raw beetroot juice: you need to drip a few drops into your nose.

◊ Steam inhalation with eucalyptus essential oil: it is an excellent remedy for relieving nasal congestion and other allergy symptoms.

◊Eat turmeric - it strengthens the immune system, and its antibacterial properties help reduce the exposure of the body to allergens. Turmeric should become an integral part of your diet: just add it to your meals while cooking.

Now you know what a citrus allergy looks like and what symptoms most often occur in adults and children. We wish you good health!

Our grandparents did not know about allergies, but today everyone has heard about it, and many people know firsthand.

What is an allergy? It is believed that this disease occurs when our body too sharply perceives the effects of the environment in which we live - or rather, we are forced to live.

These influences are not so harmless - they are the pollen of various plants and animal hair; waste products of microorganisms that surround us; household chemicals and medicines; food, etc.

In the old days, there were no chemicals, and people would hardly have thought that cats, dogs, and other animals could cause skin rashes or coughs; Our ancestors definitely didn’t have food allergies - they just ate clean foods; so the allergic reactions caused in our body by the conditions of modern life are not so surprising.

Among all types of allergies, food allergy is the most common. is the body's sensitivity to food. You can try to list food allergens - this is how these products are called, but it would take a long time: any, the most common product, for example, eggs, fish or milk, can become an allergen for a particular person.

The causes of the disease are associated with the functioning of the immune system., however, a food allergy called true is rare - it can be congenital or inherited. Most often, we are dealing with an acquired allergy, when a sick and slagged organism begins to react inadequately to the most ordinary food.

So, even in the "Soviet" times, few people heard about an allergy to citrus fruits - tangerines and oranges were traditional "New Year's" fruits, and most often children enjoyed them. Today, allergies to citrus fruits are more common than to many other foods., but it is not always possible to accurately determine that it is these fruits that cause allergies, and not some others.

Signs of an allergy to citrus fruits

Allergies can be manifested by swelling and redness of the nose, runny nose; redness of the eyes and watery eyes; swelling of the bronchi, difficulty breathing; swelling of the ears and hearing loss; skin redness, rash and itching.

Skin allergies are most common in children, while adults usually suffer from conjunctivitis and rhinitis.

If you do not pay attention to this, then serious diseases can develop, and then you will have to be treated in a hospital. Children with an exacerbation of allergy manifestations cannot study, and adults cannot work, and this is especially dangerous for people in those professions that require constant attention and quick reaction - drivers, machinists, etc.

Do not treat allergies on your own- it can be dangerous, and instead of facilitating lead to exacerbation. Medications, procedures and other treatments should only be chosen by a doctor. Nevertheless, there are many alternative methods of treatment, however, before using them, you should also consult a doctor.

Treatment of allergies to citrus folk remedies

Beekeeping products are very popular among the people - these are perga, honeycombs, zabrus, honey, but these products themselves can increase the manifestations of allergies.

Many herbs are considered anti-allergic: birch buds, wormwood, oregano, duckweed, nettle, hops, St. John's wort, etc. Fees are prepared from them, but they can also cause increased allergic reactions. In addition, plant allergies are also common, so many patients are not recommended to use even cosmetics, which include herbal extracts.

With different types of allergies, including allergies to citrus fruits, Japanese honeysuckle preparations help. You can take a decoction of flowers or branches inside.

Stinging nettle is used for eczema, hives and allergic rashes. Dry or fresh flowers (1 tablespoon) are brewed with a glass of boiling water, wrapped and insisted for half an hour; filter and drink 4-5 times a day for ½ cup, or 3 times a day for a glass. Peppermint infusion is taken in 1 tbsp. 3 times a day. 10 g of mint is poured into ½ cup of boiling water and insisted for half an hour.

Mummy from sun allergy
Shilajit is considered a very effective treatment for all types of allergies.. When high-quality shilajit dissolves in water, it does not become cloudy. It is enough to take 1 g of mumiyo per liter of pure water, and take it once a day, in the morning. Drink warm milk. Children from one year to 3 years 50 ml, from 3 to 7 - 70 ml, from 8 years 100 ml per day. If the manifestations of allergy are pronounced, then you can take mumiyo a second time, during the day, reducing the dose by 2 times. The affected areas of the skin are lubricated with a mumiyo solution of a higher concentration - 1 g per 100 ml of water.
Mumiyo, as a rule, acts quickly and effectively, even with very strong allergies - after a few days there is a noticeable improvement, but you should not stop there - you need to conduct treatment courses regularly, 2 times a year.

Citrus Allergy Treatments

Official medicine today also uses many ways to treat allergies., and in order to correctly diagnose, it is necessary to consult a doctor. An inexperienced patient can easily confuse allergies with psoriasis, infectious diseases, scabies, etc.

The doctor can prescribe not only medicines, but also massage, physiotherapy, spa treatment, and also choose the right diet.

Specialists consider specific immunotherapy to be one of the most effective methods of treating allergies today - this is something like a kind of vaccination. The patient is given allergens in very small doses, which then gradually increase, and the body has time to produce antibodies that block the action of allergens. After such treatment, the allergy does not bother the patient for a long time, and if it manifests itself, then in a very mild form.

As far as medicines are concerned, Allergy to citrus fruits, like other types of allergies, is treated with various drugs..

The best known are antihistamines, such as claritin, kestin, cetrin, zyrtec, ksizal and others. The duration of their treatment is different - from a week to several months.

Older drugs for the treatment of allergies are derivatives of cromoglycic acid - Tyled, nalcrom, cromoglin, etc. They are not very effective, but they practically do not have side effects; prescribed for mild forms of food allergies.

The drugs of the group of glucocorticosteroids are very powerful, and they can only be used as directed by a doctor. These can be tablets or drugs for injection, both for local and general effects on the body.

This group includes many drugs, including prednisolone and hydrocortisone known to many. Typically, such drugs are prescribed for 3-5 days, and with their long-term use, many side effects can occur: blood pressure rises, diabetes develops, body weight increases, gastrointestinal diseases appear, etc. In no case should you exceed the dose and duration of taking the drugs - you must strictly follow the doctor's orders.

Sorbents are also prescribed in the treatment of allergies, and more often with its skin manifestations - so that allergens are quickly excreted from the body.

Surgical treatment of allergies

Doctors say that it is impossible to completely get rid of allergies, you can only alleviate the disease, but today new technologies are emerging - because science does not stand still.

One of these methods is extracorporeal hemocorrection, otherwise called gravitational surgery. Simply put, this method allows you to purposefully adjust the composition of the blood - today it is used to treat dozens of diseases.

Those factors that cause this or that disease are removed from the patient's blood, and this happens outside the body. Then the blood is saturated with what is required for this disease, and again returned to the patient.

With persistent allergies, the blood is purified from the antigens that cause allergic reactions, and drugs are injected into it, if necessary. After the first procedure, allergy symptoms disappear, but to get a lasting result, you need to go through 5-10 procedures, and after that you can forget about allergies for a long time. Extracorporeal hemocorrection is not cheap, and is performed today only in some specialized clinics.

So the easiest way to avoid allergies to citrus fruits is to exclude them from your diet, and replace them with products containing the same set of vitamins, minerals and other biologically active substances: fruits, berries, herbs and vegetables.

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