Herpes sore throat the course of the disease. Herpes sore throat in adults: symptoms and treatment. How does herpes sore throat differ from ordinary sore throat

Angina herpes is a common disease in preschool institutions. The disease is characterized by high contagiousness (contagiousness), vivid clinical symptoms and severe complications that develop with improper treatment of the infection.

Herpes sore throat (herpetic stomatitis, herpangina) is an acute infectious disease caused by Coxsackie viruses of groups A and B. This virus belongs to the family of enteroviruses that affect not only the epithelium, but also nerve and muscle tissues, which is why herpes sore throat is often combined with mass damage to vital organs and systems.

Etiology and mechanism of disease development

Most often, herpetic stomatitis is diagnosed in children of younger preschool age (1-3 years), which is associated with an unformed immune function and a high susceptibility of babies to viral infections. Herpes sore throat in adults occurs less frequently, but is severe, often with complications from the nervous system.

People with immunodeficiency conditions are most susceptible to the disease:

  • with hypovitaminosis;
  • often ill;
  • long-term antibiotics(in this case, the immune system is greatly weakened and the body is not able to fight the infection);
  • people undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy;
  • people living in disadvantaged conditions.

The source of infection is the patient or the carrier, the Coxsackie virus is transmitted mainly by airborne droplets, however, you can also become infected through household items that the patient used (towel, cup, spoon). A person is contagious in the first week, after which you can no longer be afraid of infection.

When it enters the body, the Coxsackie virus is localized in the lymph nodes (cervical), where it begins its active reproduction.

When the pathogen multiplies in sufficient quantities and begins to secrete the products of its vital activity into the blood, the patient has the first clinical signs of herpes sore throat, and the more toxins in the blood, the more intense the symptoms will be.

Clinical picture

Symptoms of herpetic sore throat are divided into general intoxication and local (local).

local symptoms

These include:

  • pronounced redness of the oropharynx (mucous membranes, palatine arches, uvula, soft and hard palate);
  • slight swelling of the posterior pharyngeal wall;
  • papular rashes on the surface of the oropharynx - they appear 2-3 days from the onset of the disease and are up to 3 mm in diameter, papules can be located singly or merge with each other into large foci (with a complicated course of angina);
  • vesicles filled with a cloudy liquid - they are formed as a result of a change in papular rashes.

Bubbles with liquid in a child can occur up to 20 pieces, in adults, such rashes are in small quantities. As soon as vesicles (vesicles) form from the papules, a pronounced pain syndrome joins - it is difficult for the patient to swallow even saliva, it becomes viscous and flows from the mouth into the environment involuntarily (especially in young children).

Eating or drinking is also problematic due to severe pain. Sometimes the bubbles itch unbearably, which is accompanied by constant coughing and bleeding of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity.

With a complex course of herpes sore throat, the vesicles bleed, the resulting sores are the entrance gate for the bacterial flora. With the addition of a secondary bacterial infection, it is not possible to do without antibiotic therapy.

Approximately on the 4th day from the onset of the course of the disease, the vesicles with a cloudy liquid open, and a white or grayish coating appears in their place. Complete healing of sores is observed only after 7-10 days.

General symptoms

The disease is characterized by an acute onset and pronounced signs of intoxication of the body, which is clinically manifested:

  • - it is in them that toxic substances and waste products of the virus accumulate, which are released in large quantities into the general bloodstream;
  • an increase in body temperature to 39-40 degrees - the temperature is poorly knocked down by antipyretics and lasts up to 4-5 days;
  • abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea - the appearance of these symptoms indicates a general poisoning of the body with toxic substances;
  • headaches and weakness;
  • lack of appetite;
  • muscle pain.

Important! With a complicated course of herpetic sore throat, the Coxsackie virus affects the cardiovascular system, which leads to myocarditis, and the nervous system, which causes meningoencephalitis.

After the illness, the patient develops a strong immunity, but for a long time he can remain a carrier of the Coxsackie virus.

How is herpes sore throat different from ordinary sore throat?

A distinctive feature of herpetic from is the presence of rashes in the form of papules and vesicles on the mucous membranes of the oropharynx. With bacterial angina, there are no such rashes.

A notable feature of the Coxsackie virus is rashes on the inside of the palms, which appear 4-5 days after the onset of the disease - such a symptom is never observed with bacterial tonsillitis.

Important! Never self-medicate and do not start taking antibiotics for sore throats, as the treatment of herpes sore throat and bacterial sore throat is fundamentally different. Antibiotics for herpes sore throat are not only useless, but also dangerous, as they suppress immune function and increase the likelihood of complications.

Methods for diagnosing the disease

Herpetic sore throat has an acute onset and in its symptoms in the early days is similar to pharyngitis and bacterial sore throat, so it is very important to correctly differentiate the disease.

If you experience sore throat before starting any treatment, you should consult a therapist (or pediatrician if the child is sick). The doctor will definitely examine the throat and take smears on the flora from the pharynx.

During the examination, attention is paid to the condition of the lymph nodes (cervical and submandibular) - with herpes sore throat, they are enlarged and painful when pressed. It is also important to differentiate infection from angioedema and allergic edema of the oropharynx.

A blood test helps to identify antibodies to the Coxsackie virus in a patient, but this study is informative only on days 2-3 from the onset of the disease.


If a patient has a sore throat, herpes treatment consists of the following measures:

  • observance of bed rest in the first days;
  • diet;
  • drug therapy (drugs of local and general action);
  • physiotherapy.

Mode and diet

How to treat herpes sore throat and why is bed rest so important?

It can be extremely difficult for parents of a sick child to put a small patient to bed, however, bed rest for up to 4-5 days helps prevent serious complications in the heart and brain. If the temperature is high, the child should lie down. It is important to provide the patient with access to fresh air and regularly carry out wet cleaning without the use of chemicals.

The diet implies the predominance of food in the diet in a semi-liquid, liquid and frayed form - this helps to reduce the irritating effect on inflamed mucous membranes. Chocolate, citrus fruits, cocoa, spices, fried and spicy foods should also be excluded from the diet for a while - these foods increase blood flow to the throat, which increases tissue swelling and aggravates symptoms.

Medical therapy

Drug treatment of herpes sore throat includes the following groups of drugs:

  1. immunostimulants- prescribe drugs based on recombinant human leukocyte interferon. These can be suppositories in the rectum (Laferobion, Interferon), lyophysiate for preparing a solution and instilling it into the mouth and nose (Interferon), intranasal sprays and drops (Nazoferon). Immunostimulants increase the body's defenses and stimulate the production of antibodies against the Coxsackie virus.
  2. Vitamin complexes- since in case of illness the patient refuses to eat a full meal and is forced to follow a diet, it is recommended to take multivitamin complexes to maintain the strength and functions of the body. Preparations of this group also help to regenerate sores in the oral cavity more quickly. Children are prescribed vitamins in the form of drops or syrups (Kinder Biovital, Multitabs, Pikovit), adults can take vitamins in tablets and dragees (Undevit, Alfavit, Supradin).
  3. Local antiseptics- These include rinsing solutions and various sprays with an antibacterial effect. Antiseptics reduce pain when swallowing and prevent infection of burst vesicles. Until the papules open, it is recommended to gargle with a solution of Miramistin, Furacilin, Chlorhexedine. Lugol with herpes sore throat can be used after opening the blisters, this drug dries up erosion and helps prevent the addition of a secondary bacterial infection.
  4. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs- children are prescribed in the form of a suspension, adults in the form of powders for the preparation of a solution and tablets. Drugs in this group relieve pain, reduce signs of inflammation, and have antipyretic properties.
  5. - Children must be prescribed Loratadin or Suprastin tablets at the age dosage. Antihistamines reduce swelling of the mucous membranes, suppress hypersalivation (increased salivation) and dry erosion.

Important! Antibiotics for the treatment of herpetic stomatitis are not used! The doctor can prescribe antibacterial agents only if the disease is complicated by a bacterial infection. Do not self-medicate and consult a doctor before treating herpes sore throat.


Complications after herpes sore throat occur if the patient was treated incorrectly, antibiotics were used, or infection of the opened vesicles was allowed. Severe consequences of infection are aphthae in the oral cavity, inflammation of the serous membranes of the brain and myocarditis.

For information on how to avoid such complications, see the video in this article, however, remember that the material presented is informational and cannot replace the advice of a specialist.


Hello, Doctor. I am a mother of 2 children, the eldest child is currently suffering from herpetic sore throat, the diagnosis is confirmed clinically and we are receiving treatment. I have a panic fear that the youngest might get sick, in connection with which the question arose - is it possible to somehow avoid infection? Perhaps there is a vaccine against the Coxsackie virus and is there any point in vaccinating in our situation? Thanks in advance for your reply.

Hello. Unfortunately, in your situation, it does not make sense to vaccinate a child with something, since he is already in contact with an infectious patient.

There is no specific vaccine specifically for Coxsackie, at the request of the parents, the child can be vaccinated against enterovirus infection in general, but its effectiveness is not very high, since there are a great many enteroviruses and it is simply impossible to protect the child from everyone!

You can avoid infection if you limit the communication of children with each other as much as possible, you will ventilate more often, pay attention to the fortified nutrition of a healthy baby, and prevent the use of shared toys and household items. It all depends on the state of the immune system of your youngest child.

Hello, Doctor. I am a nursing mother and I have herpes sore throat, how to treat it so as not to harm the child? Is there any guidance for nursing on safe treatment? As far as I know, all drugs pass into breast milk, is this true?

Good afternoon. First of all, be sure to consult a doctor for examination and control of the condition. You can use immunomodulators and local antiseptics - these drugs are safe during lactation, they do not penetrate into milk and do not harm the baby. To avoid complications, do not self-medicate.

Herpes sore throat is a fairly common ailment. In medicine, it is called vesicular. This is one of the types of angina, which is provoked by the Coxsackie virus. Compared with other types of herpes sore throat has its own characteristics. Most often, children get sick, because in the first year they risk getting infected. If a person falls ill for the first time, the disease has pronounced symptoms, sometimes complications. As a rule, after an illness, immunity is developed for a long time.

Causes of herpes sore throat

For some, the disease is constantly recurring. This can happen when a person has problems with immunity, as well as after a serious illness, rarely during the initial infection with the virus.

An adult is easier to tolerate, the symptoms are not so intense. The disease is especially difficult for infants who are not yet a year old. Infants rarely develop herpes sore throat, because innate immunity is a reliable defense against various viruses.

Most often, the virus occurs among children 4 to 10 years old. It is quite difficult to protect them from various diseases, because they are in contact with the outside world, communicate with their peers.

Symptoms of herpes sore throat

When the disease appears, symptoms characteristic of intoxication of the body, as well as various changes in the oropharynx, oral cavity. Herpes sore throat begins abruptly: a high temperature rises (sometimes up to 40 degrees). In addition, there is vomiting, severe pain in the abdomen. The temperature does not drop for 4 days, then it can drop sharply.

With herpes sore throat, the mucous membrane of the palate, uvula, and the back wall of the pharynx almost always turn red. Then papules begin to appear, over time they become bubbles with a cloudy liquid.

The number of bubbles can be different: from 15 to 20 pieces. In addition to the fact that bubbles appear, when swallowing, unbearable pain appears. Sometimes unbearable itching worries, the amount of saliva increases, the mucous membrane begins to bleed heavily, it is injured. After 3 days, the vesicles begin to open, erosions form on the mucosa with a white-gray coating. Completely pathological elements disappear only after a week. With herpes sore throat, the chin, submandibular lymph nodes almost always increase.

The disease is especially severe from 3 to 6 years. In this case, systemic organs may be affected. If it develops, the membranes of the brain become inflamed, neurological symptoms may develop.

In some patients, against the background of herpes sore throat, carditis develops, that is, in addition to the fact that the oropharynx and oral cavity are affected, there are problems with the heart. In this case, pain is felt, the work of the heart is disturbed, arrhythmia is disturbing.

Sometimes herpes sore throat occurs without symptoms. In this situation, the soft, hard palate, tongue, mucosa of the posterior pharyngeal wall, tonsils swell, redden.

Some children under 4 complain not of a sore throat, but of abdominal pain, nausea, and refuse to eat. When the baby complains of discomfort during swallowing, immediately take flashlights, carefully examine the throat and mouth. With angina, ulcers with redness will be noticeable. Sometimes sprinkles more soles, palms.

The doctor can make an accurate diagnosis only after a special examination. As a rule, the doctor immediately prescribes drugs, because the test results come later, and you can’t wait, the patient’s condition may worsen.

Herpes sore throat in adults

The disease is typical for people of all ages. The infection makes itself felt after two weeks. The patient feels that his condition is deteriorating sharply. Herpetic sore throat in an adult begins with:

  • Increased irritability.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Internal restlessness.
  • Aches all over the body.
  • Pain in the throat during swallowing.

Then the person refuses food, and after the disease develops dramatically. The temperature jumps to almost 40 degrees, for about 3 days I have a fever, an unbearable sore throat. Then, red pimples appear on the back of the pharynx, they are quite painful, and ulcers subsequently form.

If you start treating the infection in a timely manner, it goes away after 2 weeks. After an illness, an adult forgets about a dangerous infection for a long time.

Why does herpes sore throat develop in adults?

This is usually a seasonal disease. Most often a person gets sick in the summer, autumn. You can get infected by the fecal-oral, airborne route. The patient poses a danger to others for 10 days. If the disease is not treated in a timely manner, everything will end with such dangerous complications:

  • Meningitis
  • Rheumatism.
  • Nephritis.
  • Encephalitis.
  • Myocarditis.

How to treat herpetic sore throat in adults?

It is very important to prevent serious consequences, therefore, in order to recover as soon as possible, it is necessary to take antihistamine, desensitizing drugs - Suprastin, Diazolin, with their help you can alleviate the patient's condition.

Ulcers in the mouth are recommended to be lubricated with Viferon, Acyclovir. To boost immunity, vitamins B are prescribed. With herpes sore throat, it is important to drink as much as possible. Only tea, water should be warm, because cold and hot drinks irritate the oral mucosa even more.

You need to be extremely careful with antibiotics. Herpes sore throat is a viral infection. If it does not go away for a long time, the temperature keeps and does not fall, only then antibacterial drugs are prescribed.

Herpes sore throat during pregnancy

The period of bearing a child is a real stress, which is why there is a risk of getting seriously ill. The virus can live in the body for a long time, does not make itself felt, then a lot of bubbles appear on the lips, the mucous membrane of the genital organs. In this case, it is enough to use Zovirax ointment, Gerpevir.

But angina is a serious disease for a pregnant woman. Firstly, you will have to bring down the temperature, and all antipyretics can do harm. If you do not bring down the temperature above 39 degrees, the woman's body will suffer from intoxication, and it can adversely affect the lungs.

Due to the pain that accompanies herpes sore throat, a pregnant woman cannot eat normally. If a woman does not eat normally, the baby will not have enough useful components, this will negatively affect his development.

Some pregnant women take painkillers to get rid of pain, and they contain substances that should not be used during pregnancy.

How to treat herpes sore throat in a pregnant woman?

It is very important that the disease is treated under the supervision of a physician. Some doctors first prescribe antibiotics for treatment, standard, light drugs, but they are not always effective, tighten the sore throat for several weeks.

Additionally, you can gargle, irrigate the mouth with decoctions of herbs that have a wound healing, antiseptic effect. Particularly well suited for these purposes: oak bark, chamomile, calendula.

With herpes sore throat, it is advised to use fir, castor, sea buckthorn oil. If you lubricate the ulcers with a swab dipped in oil, they will begin to heal quickly. Additionally, it is allowed to use Lugol's solution, it contains propolis, iodine. This remedy will help burn the sores.

But Acyclovir, Gerpevir, Zovirax cannot be used alone, only after consulting a doctor. They can lubricate the surface of the lips with herpes vesicles.

Some pregnant women stop treating herpes sore throat after it gets better. Subsequently, the disease does not go away, but after a while it resumes.

After the end of treatment, a woman is prescribed to take a course of immunoglobulin, as well as taking vitamins, ginseng, echinacea, it is very important to follow a special diet. With the help of a course of treatment, you can improve the condition of the pregnant woman, get rid of all the negative consequences.

Why is herpes sore throat dangerous for a pregnant woman?

The disease is quite dangerous, because it leads to such complications:

  • Detachment of the placenta.
  • I'll miscarry.
  • child intoxication.
  • Serous meningitis.
  • Damage to the muscles of the heart.
  • Liver disease.
  • Muscle necrosis.

Herpes sore throat in children

Herpangina in a child is quite common. Every parent worries when they notice an illness in their child. We note that herpes sore throat is not caused by the herpes virus, but by dangerous intestinal enteroviruses - Coxsackie (group A, B), echoviruses. Rarely, the cause of herpes sore throat are such pathogens:

  • Cytomegalovirus, although it rarely causes a sore throat.
  • Herpes virus type 6, which is provoked by infantile roseola.
  • . When a child becomes infected with it, angina becomes a manifestation of mononucleosis.

If angina is caused by these viruses, it proceeds atypically. Why do children get sick most often? Preschoolers, as well as elementary school students, and sometimes infants, are most at risk of getting sick. In the first year of life, the disease has an acute form of the course, over time leads to quite dangerous consequences.

The child becomes infected most often if sanitary conditions are not observed. The way of spread of herpes sore throat is contact, fecal-oral. Most viruses are found in the nose and mouth. Most often, young children get sick, because they like to put everything in their mouths, they are not afraid of contact with animals, they do not always wash their hands after the street.

Some children get sick after they eat dirty vegetables, fruits, berries. After the child is ill, he develops immunity to the virus throughout his life. Therefore, the disease is rare in adolescence.

How is herpes sore throat manifested?

About 3 days after the child becomes infected, the following unpleasant symptoms appear:

  • Heat.
  • Severe sore throat.
  • The digestive process is disturbed.
  • Worried about nausea, diarrhea.
  • There is a severe headache.
  • Babies may experience cramps, pain in the abdomen.
  • The throat becomes very inflamed, rashes can be seen on the mucous membrane, over time they can become pustules.
  • The inflamed areas are very painful, the child cannot eat, drink, it is difficult for him to swallow, he constantly cries.
  • Increased secretion of saliva.
  • The lymph nodes in the neck are noticeably enlarged.

When the papules are fully mature, they begin to burst. In this case, the pain becomes less, the symptoms disappear. The acute period of angina worries the child for about a week, then it gradually gets better. Despite this, for about a week the child is a carrier of the virus.

What is the difference between herpes sore throat and SARS?

  • There is no runny nose, the nasopharynx is not affected.
  • No .
  • Seasonality - in spring and summer, a cold rarely worries, the most common is a sore throat.

How dangerous is herpetic sore throat for a child?

If you do not start treating the disease in a timely manner, everything will end with Kernig's symptom, myocarditis, serous meningitis.

Forecasts are quite dangerous, nervous and cardiac disorders are often observed, and some children die due to severe complications. Please note that herpes sore throat is most often complicated in children with weakened immunity.

How is herpes sore throat diagnosed and treated in children?

To make an accurate diagnosis, differential methods are used. Virological and serological testing is underway. It is very important to alleviate the condition of the child:

  • Bring down the heat. In this case, antipyretic drugs are prescribed - Efferalgan, Nurofen, Panadol.
  • Remove the inflammatory process - prescribe Ibuprofen, Nimesulide.
  • Remove swelling that prevents normal breathing, swallowing. Most often, Diazolin, Suprastin, calcium gluconate are prescribed.
  • Reduce pain, especially when the child cannot eat or drink normally. A safe remedy is a decoction of sage. It is very important to treat open erosion with antiseptics as much as possible.

In addition, the child should not be allowed to indulge, he should be in a calm state, sleep as much as possible, and it is very important to constantly ventilate the room.

The menu of a sick child should include soups, broths, mashed potatoes, boiled porridge. With angina, you can not drink hot, it further aggravates the pain, so pre-cool the decoctions. Of no small importance are decoctions with rose hips, tea with lemon, taking vitamin and mineral complexes, you can add jam, honey.

It is forbidden for herpes sore throat to warm up the throat with special warming agents, otherwise the virus will become even more active, the disease will progress even more.

It is worth noting that if a child has never had herpes sore throat, sooner or later it can get sick. To avoid this, it is important to constantly strengthen the immune system, remember about prevention. Also, the menu should contain as many vegetables, fruits, healthy foods as possible.

Acyclovir for herpes sore throat

The drug is prescribed to children, adults, if they are convinced that the virus is provoked by herpes. The dosage depends on how long and severe the disease is, as well as on the weight and age of the adult.

It is very important to remove the intoxication of the body in a timely manner, to reduce the inflammatory process in the submandibular lymph nodes. It is considered one of the effective, modern drugs that makes it possible to get rid of cytomegalovirus, the second type of herpes virus.

The drug exits through the kidneys, only a third part is absorbed by the intestines. The drug effectively destroys viruses, only often has a side effect:

  • A rash appears on the skin.
  • There is a gastric disorder in the form of diarrhea, nausea, constant colic.
  • Neurological symptoms - dizzy, drowsiness increases, attention is upset.

Important! If Acyclovir is used frequently, resistance will form over time, the drug will be ineffective.

Unfortunately, Acyclovir must be used to treat herpes sore throat, because there are few folk methods. Rinses with tinctures, herbal decoctions will not help, they will only relieve irritation from the oral mucosa, but will not eliminate the main problem.

In the event that a bacterial infection joins herpes, antibiotics must be taken. Sometimes Acyclovir needs to be taken along with antibiotics in order to act on different pathogenic flora.

When herpes sore throat is too severe, you need to additionally take vitamins, immunomodulators, and antipyretics. In order to remove intoxication, get rid of side effects, it is additionally required to take antihistamines, it is also very important to drink as much as possible: tea with raspberry, linden, black currant, cranberry, chamomile, rosehip.

Due to the fact that the mucous membrane is very inflamed, you should not get carried away with hot drinks, dishes, and you should also give up various seasonings. After an acute period, the disease goes away, it becomes much easier. But, if you don’t feel like it, you shouldn’t eat, because everything can end with vomiting, and it corrodes the inflamed stomach mucosa.

Before the doctor examines, you should not treat herpes sore throat on your own. Often, herpes is confused with fungal or purulent tonsillitis, and these diseases are treated in a completely different way.

Treatment methods for herpes sore throat

It was said above that with this type of angina, you need to take antiviral drugs. If you start drinking them when the disease is just developing, there will be quite good results. The solution is taken in liquid form, it contains interferon, it is he who makes it possible to increase the body's defenses, stop the reproduction of the virus.

Does the temperature rise during the illness? Be sure to take anti-inflammatory, non-steroidal medicines - Nimesulide, Ibuprofen. With their help, you can reduce the inflammatory process, tone the body.

Attention! It is very important to do everything to prevent the development of allergies, to remove swelling from the mucosa. For this, it is additionally necessary to take antihistamines - Suprastin, Diazolin, calcium gluconate.

Locally, in order to relieve the inflammatory process, pain, doctors recommend using anti-inflammatory aerosols, they relieve pain, have an antiseptic effect.

Furacilin, Methylene blue solutions, as well as the special Castellani liquid, perfectly relieve irritation. It is recommended to gargle the throat every hour with a warm decoction of sage, chamomile, calendula, oak bark. In order not to become infected again with bacteria, to prolong the action of antibiotics, it is necessary to dissolve antiseptic tablets.

Features of symptomatic treatment

The patient is prescribed drugs that can alleviate the condition. The complex therapy includes:

  • Vitamins must be taken correctly, while not forgetting to stick to a diet, observe a daily routine.
  • Immunocorrection.
  • Taking antihistamines.
  • Physiotherapy procedures - the tonsils are irradiated with microwave or ultraviolet radiation.
  • Novocaine blockade.
  • Inhalations.
  • Magnetotherapy.

On a note! Sometimes, after it becomes easier, after 3 days the temperature rises again, the patient's condition worsens sharply, the entire mucous membrane is completely affected.

Often, a bacterial infection can also join herpes sore throat, because of this, many painful abscesses and ulcers appear. They can be lubricated with Chlorphyllipt oil solution, Lugol's ointment, propolis, sea buckthorn oil.

Attention! With herpes sore throat, it is forbidden to warm up the throat, perform steam inhalations. Otherwise, the condition may worsen, the viral infection will begin to attack the entire body.

Diet for herpes sore throat

It is very important that food ensures the full functioning of the body, while the kidneys and liver are less loaded. The diet must be balanced. The following products are allowed:

  • Fruits vegetables.
  • Dairy products.
  • Cereals, bread.
  • Lean meats, seafood, eggs, poultry, seeds, legumes.

It is very important that the daily menu is varied, while drinking as much water as possible.

How to eat in the first days?

Please note that when the temperature is high and the body suffers from intoxication, you need to drink as much as possible. It can be pure water, fresh vegetable, fruit juice, a decoction of carrots, potatoes.

An adult should drink at least 2 liters of water, and a child - 1 liter. It is very important to drink the liquid warm, you will have to give up hot, irritating drinks.

A diet for angina should have an anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, antimicrobial effect. Therefore, enter in the menu: lemon, ginger, propolis, honey, tea tree essential oil, bergamot, thyme, aloe juice.

What is impossible with herpes sore throat?

You will have to refuse such products:

  • Sugar makes it difficult to fight infection. Can't live without sweets? Use honey (a teaspoon), drop tea tree essential oil on it. Thus, an antifungal, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral effect will be provided.
  • Sweets, chocolate, cakes, in which there are a lot of sweeteners.
  • Food with preservatives.
  • Soda - gas strongly irritates the mucous membrane of the throat.
  • Sour foods, citrus juices - grapefruit, orange.
  • Dairy products. Some people do not have in the intestines a special enzyme that breaks down milk sugar - lactose. Because of this, cheese, milk, and other dairy products can cause mucus to accumulate in the lungs and throat. Subsequently, the inflammatory process, infection, is activated.
  • refined products. It is better to give preference to dishes with vegetables, whole grains, fish, legumes.
  • Fatty, fried foods that are a serious burden on the body. Meals should be frequent and fractional.

What dishes can be prepared with herpes sore throat?

  • Soup puree cooked in chicken broth. Be sure to add onions, carrots to it, give up salt.
  • Mushroom soup (use) is the best immunomodulator.
  • Mashed potatoes do not injure the oral cavity, it can be easily consumed in case of irritation of the mucous membrane.
  • Rice with cloves, cinnamon has a bactericidal effect, stimulates the immune system.
  • Baked, boiled, stewed vegetables with garlic relieve itching, pain.
  • Greek yogurt.

With angina, you can eat solid food. It can be boiled fish, roast beef, baked chicken, fruit. If you want to relieve pain because solid food is difficult to swallow, you should first take a pain reliever such as acetaminophen.

The diet will largely depend on age, as well as on how severe the disease is. It is important to take into account:

  • In young children, the tonsils are most often affected by the Coxsackie virus. In the acute period, the child will refuse food, so clean water is enough. To babies, the liquid is injected in a few drops with a syringe. Then they give a decoction of beets, carrots, potatoes, it has an enveloping effect.
  • The diet should be sparing. It is better to give preference to liquid dishes, and most importantly, small portions. When planning your menu, keep your taste preferences in mind. It is very important in case of illness to eat food willingly and easily. Scientists have long proved that recovery largely depends on the mood, morale of the patient.
  • With angina, antibiotics are almost always prescribed, and they negatively affect the intestinal microflora. In this case, it is recommended to use bifidobacteria starter cultures, and also include as many fruits as possible in your menu - smoothies.
  • If a bacterial infection joins the herpes sore throat, a purulent film begins to form, because of this the temperature jumps sharply, there is a strong intoxication of the body. In the early days, it is generally better not to use writing. Allowed warm water, herbal tea with honey. After recovery, it is very important to consume as many foods and drinks rich in antioxidants as possible. Your menu should include green tea, products containing zinc, selenium, magnesium, manganese. Sore throat? Difficulty chewing food? Make yourself some nut milk. It's very easy to make: mix walnuts with water in a blender.
  • Rarely, herpes sore throat is complicated by fungal. Most often it develops in people with weak immunity. In this case, a white coating can be seen on the tonsils. The fungus lives in the genitourinary system, intestines. If it affects the tonsils, this indicates a malfunction in the immune system. In this case, only antifungal drugs can help. It is impossible to leave the disease without treatment, otherwise the fungus will begin to affect the entire body. As for the diet, it is worth giving up carbohydrates, but you need to include minerals, proteins, vitamins in the menu. Additionally, take aloe juice, echinocea tincture.

Alternative methods of treatment of herpes sore throat

Honey for angina

If there is no allergy to bee products, it is very important to consume honey. It has antibacterial, analgesic, expectorant action. This is an indispensable product. Linden, sweet clover, sage, clover, acacia honey is considered useful.

Using honey, you can quickly get rid of the disease, activate blood flow in the capillaries, speed up metabolic processes, remove toxic substances. If you use bee honey in a small amount every day, you can remove inflammation from the throat, soften the mucous membrane. It is especially useful to add honey to warm tea, it is also recommended to prepare drinks from it, various solutions that can be used to gargle.

You can use this recipe: melt the butter, the same amount of honey, add a little soda, stir everything until foam begins to form. The mixture is consumed warm.

The following recipe is considered no less effective: aloe juice (a tablespoon) + dark honey (5 grams) is taken. You need to take everything before meals - no more than a teaspoon at a time.

It is very good to gargle with honey water. To prepare it, you need to take honey, dissolve it in warm water. Try to gargle with this solution as often as possible.

There is probably no person who does not know about the mixture of milk + honey + butter. Many people know about this recipe since childhood. The tool can be used to treat wet, dry coughs, colds, sore throats. This is one of the best soothing, vitamin drinks.

Recipes with beets

The vegetable is rich in various vitamins, microelements, organic acids. If you use it in complex therapy, you can quickly get rid of swelling of the throat mucosa, as well as relieve inflammation from the tonsils, and avoid various complications in the disease. Beetroot juice is prepared quite simply: first you need to wash, peel the root crop, then grind it in a blender to get juice. After that, a tablespoon of vinegar (6%) is added to a glass of beetroot fresh. Juice is best combined with carrot, cranberry, onion. It is one of the best pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs. Don't be afraid to accidentally swallow beetroot juice. If you use it regularly, you can additionally raise the level of hemoglobin in the blood, restore the functioning of the nervous system.

Propolis for the treatment of herpes sore throat

This is a useful, harmless remedy that is easy to use for treatment. It is enough to chew a small piece of bee product after eating. Do not be alarmed if you feel a burning sensation, numbness in your mouth.

You can gargle with a solution. It is prepared quite simply: medical alcohol (40%) + propolis (10 grams) is taken, everything is thoroughly mixed, then every day you need to take the tincture inside or dilute it with warm water, tea, milk.

Additionally, you can use propolis oil. To prepare it, butter (10 grams) and the same amount of bee product are taken. The mixture is taken in 5 ml half an hour before meals.

Iodine treatment

Please note that not everyone can use this tool. It often causes allergies, urticaria, Quincke's edema. An iodine-based rinse solution is prepared simply: 200 ml of water is taken, a teaspoon of salt + iodine (3 drops) is added. The throat should be gargled every 2 hours. Salt can be replaced with potassium permanganate, only the solution should be a little pink to avoid burns.

In addition to tincture of iodine for alcohol, you can use Blue Iodine,. These drugs are suitable for lubricating a sore throat, inflamed tonsils. They have an antimicrobial, antiseptic, healing effect.


Everyone knows about the soda solution, which is easy to prepare: half a teaspoon of soda dissolves in a glass. Try to use the gargle solution as often as possible. Soda soothes irritated mucous membranes, eliminates, flushes out mucus, and destroys bacteria.

Lemon and ginger

Ginger tea will help get rid of a sore throat, as well as other unpleasant symptoms of a sore throat. For cooking, you need to use a fresh root. It is rubbed on a grater, then crushed in a blender. There are 2 teaspoons of ginger for a cup of tea. After the drink cools down, lemon juice and honey are added to it.

We note that lemon relieves a sore throat. If a sore throat is just starting, you need to cut the fruit into slices and use it in the form of a “candy”. You can add lemon to drinks, herbal teas, gargles.

garlic treatment

Prepare one head, mince garlic cloves, then add wine, apple cider vinegar, honey (2 teaspoons). The mixture is taken several times a day, keeping in the mouth as long as possible.

Check out this helpful recipe: garlic (2 heads) + honey (3 tablespoons) + some elderflower (make a powder from it). Everything is poured into 700 ml, wrapped in a towel, then the decoction should be taken 50 ml every 2 hours.

You can cook fresh carrots and add chopped garlic to it. Garlic water has long proven itself. It is prepared quite simply: garlic gruel is poured with boiling water. You need to take the remedy in a tablespoon. So the sore throat will quickly pass.

Herpes sore throat is well treated with a mixture of milk and garlic. First, garlic gruel is prepared, then everything is poured with a glass of boiled milk. You need to drink the remedy in small sips.

Hydrogen peroxide

An effective, but dangerous remedy that can cause burns to the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat. Here it is important to strictly adhere to the dosage: Dissolve no more than one tablespoon of peroxide (3%) in a glass of water.


The plant has long established itself among folk healers. With herpes sore throat, it is advised to use aloe juice. They need to process the tonsils. If the disease does not go away for a long time, you need to put a piece of aloe leaf on the cheek at night.

Also often used is this recipe: wash the aloe leaves, cover them with sugar (100 grams), cover with a napkin, put in a dark place for 3 days. The tincture is squeezed out and consumed by a teaspoon.

Thus, herpes sore throat is a very complex disease, dangerous for its consequences. At the first signs, do not waste time, try to cure the disease yourself, immediately consult a doctor. He will prescribe an effective complex treatment. Be healthy!

Herpetic infection is accompanied by the appearance of many adverse symptoms. Babies can get sick at any age. Without adequate treatment, dangerous complications are likely to occur.

The reasons

Severe inflammation of the tonsils resulting from a herpes virus infection is called herpes sore throat. The disease is caused by a virus related to the type of herpes. These microbes are characterized by high volatility and excellent survival even in the most adverse environmental conditions. They easily get on the mucous membranes and contribute to the death of epithelial cells (necrosis).

There are a sufficient number of different subspecies of herpes viruses. Infection can cause both herpes simplex virus type 1 or 2, as well as Coxsackie virus or ECHO enteroviruses, which also belong to this family. Quite often, such a sore throat occurs against the background of an acute respiratory infection of the respiratory tract or with the flu.

A strong decrease in immunity leads to the reproduction of the virus to a large extent. In this case, the activation of herpes viruses and their active reproduction occurs. Settling in epithelial cells, mainly on the mucous membranes, they cause severe inflammation. As a result of such a toxic effect, the cells of the epithelium lining the tonsils begin to gradually die and die. This process leads to the development of herpetiform angina.

How is it transmitted?

The most common disease occurs in children of school age and children attending kindergarten. Cases of herpes sore throat in infants are rare. Breastfed babies receive protective antibodies from their mother's milk. Secretory immunoglobulins provide a good level of passive immunity, which protects the child's body from viral infection throughout the entire lactation period.

There are also congenital forms of the disease. The herpes virus is quite small in size and perfectly passes through the placental barrier. If the expectant mother is infected with a herpes infection, then in the child after birth, pathogens can also be detected in the blood. In the presence of pathology of the placenta or the development of complications during childbirth, the risk of infection of the child increases several times.

Herpesvirus infection can spread in many ways. Most often, it is transmitted through the blood, as in the transplacental variant of infection. You can also get infected by contact-household method or airborne droplets. In this case, a sick person becomes the source of infection. During the entire acute period of the disease, it is contagious.

When using shared utensils, as well as violations of personal hygiene rules, you can also easily become infected. The herpes virus is perfectly preserved in the external environment for a long time. Its concentration in saliva is very high. Viruses can cause inflammation in the tonsils when they get in with food leftovers with insufficiently good processing of dishes.

After entering the body, the viruses are sent to the lymph nodes of the intestine. There they can stay for a sufficient amount of time, after which they rapidly spread to all mucous membranes along with the bloodstream. Some types of herpes viruses persist for a long time in the nerve ganglia. Usually they remain in them after the acute period of the disease. In some cases, they can remain there throughout life.

Incubation period

The appearance of the first symptoms of the disease may be at different times. It depends on the initial level of immunity, the age of the child, as well as concomitant chronic diseases. On average, the incubation period for herpes sore throat is from 3 days to two weeks. From the moment of infection until the first symptoms of the baby's illness, nothing bothers. Parents will not be able to suspect any infection at this time.


After the end of the incubation period, characteristic signs of the disease begin to appear. They can be expressed to varying degrees. In severe cases, all the symptoms are quite strong and bring the baby severe discomfort, significantly disrupting his general well-being.

Among the specific signs of the disease:

    The temperature rises to 38-39.5 degrees. She is growing rapidly. High temperature usually lasts about 4-5 days, after which, against the background of ongoing treatment and antipyretics, it begins to decrease.

  • Rashes on the mucous membrane of the tonsils. The palatine arches become edematous and bright red. All tonsils are covered with numerous vesicles filled with liquid from the inside.

    Pain when swallowing. Even fairly liquid food can cause pain. This leads to a decrease in appetite. In infants, this symptom may be most pronounced. Such children refuse breastfeeding, which contributes to a greater deterioration in well-being.

    Enlarged peripheral lymph nodes. Most often these are submandibular, parotid, and also occipital. Lymph nodes become compacted, edematous, tightly soldered to the skin. Feeling may cause pain.

    Soreness in the muscles. Most pronounced in the neck. When you try to turn your head or a sharp change in body position, pain may increase.

Marked general weakness. Babies become lethargic and get tired quickly. Sleepiness increases during the daytime. The child refuses to play with toys. Toddlers of early age often become capricious and ask for more hands.

What does it look like?

Numerous reddish rashes appear in the mouth 2-3 days after the onset of the disease. They resemble bubbles, inside of which there is a serous turbid liquid. Such rashes can cover almost the entire surface of the tonsils. When you try to touch them with a spoon or spatula, they quickly break and bloody contents flow out of them.

Usually on the 5th-6th day of illness, herpes vesicles burst, exposing the inflamed and eroded mucosa. The entire surface of the tonsil has numerous ulcers and erosions. They bleed easily when touched. Even pieces of solid food can cause damage to the mucous membrane and lead to increased bleeding.

On days 7-10, the tonsils are usually completely cleared of rashes and begin to heal. Their surface becomes less bumpy, ulcers and erosion gradually disappear. However, there are also atypical forms of the disease. They occur mainly with reduced immunity and the presence of chronic diseases in the baby.

In such cases, after complete cleansing of the tonsils, new bubbles begin to form again after 2-3 days on their surface. After a few days, they also burst with the outflow of fluid and the formation of ulcers. Such a process can occur several times and takes an undulating course. In this case, the appointment of immunostimulating drugs is required, which will improve the functioning of the immune system and contribute to recovery.


When the first symptoms of the disease occur, it is imperative to call the attending physician at home. The doctor will examine the baby's neck and be able to establish the presence of a sore throat. It is possible to accurately identify the cause of the disease only after additional examinations.

All babies with suspected angina are required to take material for bakposev and a smear. These tests will allow differential diagnosis and clarify the correct diagnosis. Such tests are also very important in ruling out diphtheria and scarlet fever, as well as other dangerous childhood infections.

In some cases, a complete blood count may be required. This simple test will determine the severity of the disease and clarify the nature of the inflammation. Usually, with herpes sore throat, the total number of leukocytes and lymphocytes is greatly increased. These immune cells are responsible for eliminating the virus from the body. Also in babies, ESR is greatly accelerated.

You can learn about how to distinguish herpes sore throat and how dangerous it is from the video.


A viral sore throat usually resolves in a few days. Appointment of adequate treatment helps to prevent the development of adverse effects of the disease. However, not in all cases it is possible to avoid them. If the child has reduced immunity or concomitant diseases of the ENT organs, various complications may join. They can develop both immediately after the acute period of the disease subsides, and after a few months.

The most common complication is the addition of secondary bacterial flora to the inflammation. This is possible if the inflamed eroded mucous membranes are injured during meals or if the tonsils are not properly processed when applying drugs. Younger children may put various toys or objects into their mouths, thereby contributing to the development of complications.

The attached staphylococcal or streptococcal flora can cause suppuration of herpes vesicles. The child's body temperature rises, soreness in the throat increases, appetite almost completely disappears. Large doses of antibiotics are required to eliminate adverse symptoms.

Among the long-term consequences of the disease are disorders in the functioning of the kidneys and heart muscle. As a result of a severe herpes infection, pyelonephritis or myocarditis may develop. To exclude these conditions, a mandatory consultation with a nephrologist or cardiologist is required.


It is possible to treat herpes sore throat at home, but with the obligatory supervision of the attending physician. The doctor will be able to timely see the symptoms of complications or deterioration in the child's well-being, which will allow him to promptly adjust the treatment. Hepes sore throat can be cured in 7-10 days. Rapid treatment of complicated variants of the disease is impossible. This requires at least two weeks.

For the treatment of herpes sore throat are used:

    Antiviral drugs. Help reduce the concentration of viruses in the body and promote recovery. The most commonly used drug for therapy is Acyclovir. It is prescribed in tablets, and in severe cases of the disease - in injections.

    Immunostimulating agents. Activate the immune system. Imunnal, Viferon, Interferon and other drugs are usually prescribed for 7-10 days. They act gently and effectively, with virtually no side effects.

Tonsillitis is one of the most common diseases, which is dangerous for its complications. There is an ailment both in children of different ages and in adults. But in order to properly treat and avoid adverse effects, you need to determine the type of disease. There are several of them. One of these is herpes sore throat in adults.

Many patients believe that the cause of the pathology is a herpes infection. But actually it is not. The causative agent of herpangina belongs to the enteroviral group. In medicine, it is also called the Coxsackie virus or ECHO.
This type of tonsillitis is characterized by rashes on the tonsils that are similar to herpes. The flow is always acute. If you do not start timely treatment, herpangina can lead to serious consequences. Therefore, the outcome of the disease depends entirely on the medication, the stability of the immune system and the environment.

Herpetic sore throat in adults is considered an infectious disease of an acute nature. When the virus enters, the mucous membrane of not only the tonsils, but also the mouth, throat and pharynx is affected. In this case, the disease is accompanied by painful sensations, as with bacterial tonsillitis.

The Coxsackie virus has approximately 30 varieties. Enterovirus infection is in the external environment, so it can easily enter the body to any person. Anginal herpes occurs when microbes from groups A and B enter.

Enterovirus is highly resistant to the external environment. Its complete destruction occurs only at temperatures above 75 degrees. It is also stored for a long time when frozen, in wastewater and indoors.

Most often, the disease affects children aged 2 to 10 years, as well as adults from 30 to 40 years. At the same time, older people suffer the infection much harder. If a child managed to get a sore throat in childhood, then he develops immunity, but only to one type of pathogen. There are many viruses. Therefore, when infected with another enterovirus, the disease is transferred again.

Those patients who are malnourished, live in poor conditions, have bad habits or concomitant diseases of a chronic nature are exposed to infection.

Increased incidence is observed from July to September, as well as from February to March. Enteroviruses are transmitted by airborne droplets, contact and fecal-oral.

If herpes sore throat occurs in adults, treatment should begin as soon as possible. If you do not consult a doctor and take medication yourself, you can earn serious complications.


The virus enters the body through the upper respiratory tract. How is the infection transmitted? Herpetic tonsillitis occurs when infected in several ways:

  • airborne;
  • fecal-oral during the use of food and water;
  • contact through contaminated hands, during sneezing, talking and coughing.

Once the viral agents have entered the body, they are carried by the blood to all organs. Enterovirus is active in the lymph nodes of the intestinal tract and respiratory tract.
The first symptoms of herpes sore throat do not appear immediately. The incubation period ranges from three days to two weeks. The Coxsackie virus usually settles in muscle and nerve structures, as well as on the mucous membrane. After the patient has suffered herpes tonsillitis, he develops immunity. But it is worth remembering that microbes tend to mutate.

In order for herpesvirus angina not to give complications, it is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner. Based on complaints, he examines the oral and pharyngeal cavities. If there are suspicions, then an additional examination is carried out. How to treat herpes sore throat, only a doctor can say based on the course of the disease, the age of the patient and individual characteristics.

There is no vaccination against this disease. But if the child was in contact with the infected, then the doctor is advised to put gamma globulin. This will help build immunity for a while.

If herpes sore throat has been diagnosed, treatment should be carried out as soon as possible. Otherwise, serious complications develop in the form of chronic tonsillitis, meningitis, encephalitis, pyelonephritis, myocarditis.

Herpetic sore throat symptoms signs

Although children are more likely to suffer from this pathology, adults are more difficult to tolerate the disease. To all this, herpangina is similar to aphthous pharyngitis. The incubation period ranges from three days to two weeks. 7 days after infection, the virus enters the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body. But clinically it is not accompanied by anything.
Gradually, in adults, the first signs appear in the form of:

  • raising temperature indicators to 39-41 degrees;
  • severe pain during swallowing;
  • aches all over the body;
  • pain in the head;
  • weakness;
  • runny nose;
  • cough
  • enlargement of lymph nodes in the submandibular, cervical and behind the ear region. On palpation, the patient feels a strong pain sensation;
  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

To deal with the symptoms of the disease, it is worth viewing a photo of herpetic sore throat.
Since enterovirus often affects the functionality of the digestive system, tonsillitis can be confused with food poisoning or intestinal infection.

Three days later, small patches of a reddish color appear on the mucous membrane of the mouth, throat and pharynx. There are always several of them. With an uncomplicated form, from 3 to 7 pieces, with a severe course - about 20.

Treatment of herpes sore throat begins after the patient's complaints are identified. The patient is disturbed by an unpleasant feeling in the throat, as a result of which he cannot swallow. Unlike bacterial tonsillitis, in addition to painful sensations, there is also a strong burning sensation.

On the 4th day, the rash turns into bubbles. The temperature is still high. After that, the second stage of herpetic sore throat begins. His patients endure a little more difficult. The bubbles open and become covered with a whitish coating. A few days later, painful crusts appear.

On the 5th-6th day, the condition gradually improves, and the crusts disappear. By 8-10 days, the lymph nodes decrease in size. Treatment in adults lasts from 7 to 10 days, depending on the course of the disease.

Medical and home treatment

If the patient has uncomplicated tonsillitis, then therapeutic measures will quickly give a positive effect. Treatment of herpetic sore throat in adults is no more difficult and consists in taking medication to eliminate enterovirus infection.

Since the disease is considered highly contagious, the patient is isolated. Also, it must be provided with separate bed linen and kitchen utensils.

The main rule in therapy is strict adherence to the drinking regimen. Water removes toxic substances from the body and quickly replenishes lost moisture. You can drink ordinary purified water, fruit drinks, compotes, decoctions. At the same time, their temperature should be in the range of 25-30 degrees.

Treatment of herpes sore throat in adults involves a strict diet. It is necessary to eat liquefied meals from easily digestible foods. Meat and fish dishes are consumed only in the form of minced meat. It is forbidden to give vegetables and fruits raw.

You should eat often from 5 to 7 times a day, but at the same time a little bit.
How to treat herpes sore throat? The basis of measures is the elimination of unpleasant symptoms. Therefore, the patient is prescribed:

  • antipyretic drugs based on paracetamol, ibuprofen, acetylsalicylic acid;
  • gargling with a decoction of chamomile, sage, calendula, a solution of soda and salt. These components exhibit antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. Repeat manipulations should be from 6 to 10 times a day;
  • painkillers for the throat. This category of medicines includes Geksoral, Tantum Verde, Strepsils. Well anesthetizes Lidocaine solution;
  • antihistamines to eliminate swelling of the mucous membranes. They can prescribe Claritin, Erius, Suprastin, Tavegil. All of them are sold in tablet form.

Irrigation and lubrication of the sore throat is not worth it, since such measures can only worsen the patient's condition. With herpangina, they are ineffective. It is forbidden to carry out inhalations and put warm compresses. Exposure to heat can only increase the impact of the virus.
Symptoms and treatment should be identified as soon as possible. The sooner treatment is started, the faster and without complications the patient will recover.

Complications after herpes sore throat

This type of disease is dangerous for its complications. The most common pathology is the degeneration of an acute course into a chronic form. Although the symptoms are not so bright, the disease will manifest itself every time the immune function is weakened.
In the absence of timely treatment, the patient has complications in the form of:

  • meningitis;
  • encephalitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • myocarditis.

The virus adversely affects the work of the nervous system and articular tissues, which leads to rheumatism.


The prognosis directly depends on the condition and age of the patient, timely treatment. In most cases, herpes sore throat proceeds without complications. An adult fully recovers in 8-10 days.
If the patient has HIV infection, then a fatal outcome is possible. This is due to the fact that the body does not perceive viruses as foreign bodies. Thus, the immune system does not fight them.

Enterovirus adversely affects the digestive tract. Therefore, it can lead to rapid dehydration of the body against the background of repeated vomiting and diarrhea. To prevent this, drink plenty of fluids.

It is very difficult to diagnose the disease on your own, since the symptoms are similar to many diseases in the form of a cold, influenza infection, stomatitis, chicken pox, gingivitis, and intestinal infections.
To make an accurate diagnosis, you should visit a doctor. The incubation period lasts an average of 3 to 14 days, so the disease is not accompanied symptomatically. To quickly overcome the pathogen, you should adhere to a strict diet. Food should be in a liquefied form, this will prevent dehydration and reduce pain.
It is forbidden to use traditional methods of treatment. They can only make things worse. No antiviral and antibacterial agents will help in the treatment, and therefore taking them is not only pointless, but also dangerous.

Prevention of angina

Preventive measures for herpetic sore throat are to increase and strengthen the immune forces. Therefore it is necessary:

  • observe strict hygiene. Hands should be washed after every visit to the street or toilet. In this case, use laundry soap;
  • eat right. Eliminate all junk food from the diet: fast foods, soda, convenience foods. Products should be rich in vitamins and minerals. Do not forget about the drinking regime. The liquid replenishes the water-salt balance and removes microbes from the body in time;
  • strengthen immunity. Harden yourself, walk more often in the fresh air, go in for sports, take fortified complexes;
  • fully rest and sleep at least 8 hours a day;
    give up bad habits in the form of smoking and drinking alcohol.

If a person has ever been ill with a certain virus, he develops immunity. But the pathogen has many varieties, so the occurrence of tonsillitis is possible again. To avoid this, following all recommendations for prevention will help. At the first signs of the disease, you should not delay the visit to the doctor, because the outcome of a sore throat depends on it.

Herpes sore throat is the common name for enteroviral vesicular pharyngitis. Other scientific names for the disease are enteroviral vesicular stomatitis and Zagorsky's disease, but the synonyms "herpangina" and "herpetic sore throat" are more common in common parlance. Sometimes the name ulcerous angina occurs.

Herpes sore throat is an acute viral disease, manifested by a sharp increase in temperature, a typical severe febrile condition, inflammation of the pharynx, the appearance of clearly visible and very painful vesicles in it and in the oral cavity. The disease in most cases develops in children, after recovery, a person develops strong immunity, so cases of re-infection are extremely rare. To date, there is no specific treatment for this disease, and therefore therapy consists in stopping and easing symptoms during the acute period of the disease. The prognosis in most cases is favorable: almost all patients recover without any complications, but there are exceptions. So, herpes sore throat in children of the first year of life, as well as in patients with immunodeficiency conditions, can be deadly.

What causes herpes sore throat?

Herpes sore throat is caused by intestinal viruses (enteroviruses) Coxsackie and ECHO (echoviruses). In many cases, the pathogen affects not only the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, but also the digestive tract, and with active viremia, other internal organs, including the meninges, heart muscle and kidneys. In this regard, herpes sore throat often causes various generalized symptoms - from digestive disorders to cramps and pain in the heart - which require medical attention due to the risk of spilling over into complications.

It is important to understand that herpes sore throat is not caused by herpes viruses.. The disease got its popular name only because the rash in the oral cavity with it resembles rashes with labial herpes and herpes stomatitis. For example, in the photo below - herpes sore throat:

And here - herpes stomatitis:

In addition to the similarity of clinical manifestations, there is nothing in common between herpes sore throat and typical herpes diseases. This is important because attempts to treat the disease with antiherpetic drugs can be dangerous if they are completely useless.

How are angina and herpes sore throat related to each other?

Similar to the situation with herpes diseases, tonsillitis and herpes sore throat are also not related to each other. A typical sore throat is caused by pathogenic bacteria, herpes - by viruses. Angina disease is called only because it develops severe sore throats, similar to those with typical streptococcal tonsillitis.

True angina is tonsillitis, inflammation of the tonsils. With it, the pathological process develops only in the tonsils, and abscesses (if any) never spread to the tissues near the tonsils. With herpes sore throat, papules for the most part appear just outside the tonsils - on the palate, palatine arches, on the tongue. On this basis, these two diseases are most easily differentiated.

Here is a photo of the throat of a patient with a typical bacterial tonsillitis in the follicular form:

And here - with herpes sore throat:

What does the throat of a patient with herpes sore throat look like?

The most characteristic clinical manifestations of herpes sore throat are:

  1. Hyperemia (redness) of the pharynx, tonsils and back of the throat;
  2. Characteristic rashes in the form of small red dots in the first days of the disease and transparent vesicles - on the 3rd-5th day of the disease.

The photo below shows the throat with herpes sore throat in children:

Herpes sore throat in adults looks similar. The photo shows fairly large vesicles formed by the merger of several small bubbles:

These papules appear on the 1-2 day of illness. Each of them is surrounded by a small roller of hyperemia and is very painful. About a day after the appearance of the papules begin to lighten and turn into light bubbles. Their pain persists. On the 3-4th day after the appearance, the bubbles open on their own, the contents flow out of them and they become covered with crusts.

The photo shows what herpes sore throat looks like on the second day of illness:

... and on the fourth:

Inflammation of the pharynx with herpes sore throat persists for about 6-7 days, but after ulceration of the vesicles, the pain begins to subside.

Most often and in their bulk, bubbles appear on the pharyngeal ring and on the palate. Less often and in smaller quantities, they develop on the tongue. The more severe the disease, the more of them, their normal number in a patient is 10-20 elements.

General symptoms of the disease

Herpes sore throat begins with a sharp sudden increase in temperature to 38-39 ° C and a deterioration in the patient's condition. He develops weakness, irritability, malaise, in the first hours of the illness, the throat begins to redden, a feeling of tickling appears in it, but there is no pain yet. Gradually develop typical symptoms of herpes sore throat:

  • High temperature - up to 40 ° C;
  • Severe sore throat, aggravated by eating;
  • Runny nose and cough;
  • Enlarged lymph nodes under the lower jaw and near the ears.

This symptom complex is observed in almost all patients. In rare cases, herpes sore throat in adults can occur without rashes, only with inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth and pharynx.

A situation where there is severe pain in the throat, but there are no rashes

On the contrary, in children, signs of herpes sore throat are added to the standard symptoms, indicating a viral infection of various organs:

  • Pain in the muscles;
  • Heartache;
  • Convulsions, trismus of masticatory muscles, Kernig's syndrome, clouding of consciousness - signs of meningitis or encephalitis;
  • Digestive disorders, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • Pain in the lumbar region - as a sign of pyelonephritis;
  • Conjunctivitis in only one eye;
  • Rashes on the skin - with herpes sore throat often appear on the arms and legs, less often - on the trunk.

Typical manifestations of an enterovirus infection are a rash on the hands.

In adults, such symptoms of herpes sore throat are rare. They are more typical for children, and the younger the child, the more likely they are to develop. If any of them are too pronounced (for example, the child has a constant heartache, convulsions occur), the patient should be shown to the doctor for advice and measures to prevent the serious consequences of the disease.

How to distinguish herpes sore throat from diseases with similar symptoms?

In most cases, a doctor can diagnose herpes sore throat without special research methods, since the nature of the clinical manifestations and symptoms makes it possible to distinguish it from most similar diseases. Difficulties in diagnosis often occur in non-specialists at home - here herpes sore throat is sometimes confused with such diseases:

  • Herpes stomatitis is a typical herpes virus disease. With it, bubbles appear on the tongue, palate, gums and the inner surface of the cheeks, similar to those with herpes sore throat. In the photo - herpes sore throat in a child: ... and here - stomatitis:
    The most important difference lies in the localization of the rashes: with herpangina, they are located mainly near the pharynx and on the palate, with stomatitis - mainly on the gums, lips and tongue. That is, herpes sore throat on the tongue is most likely not a sore throat, but stomatitis. In addition, the symptoms of herpes sore throat in children are usually more pronounced than the symptoms of stomatitis. For example, the temperature with herpes sore throat in a child almost always rises, stomatitis often occurs without its increase and deterioration of well-being. Also, herpes sore throat does not recur, while herpes and the stomatitis caused by it can constantly recur. Practice shows that recurrent herpes sore throats diagnosed at home in a child are precisely herpes stomatitis;
  • Bacterial sore throat - usually herpes sore throat is mistaken for purulent in the follicular form, or vice versa. The main signs of herpes sore throat in children and adults that are not observed with bacterial sore throat are a runny nose and the location of vesicles outside the tonsils. With bacterial sore throat, a runny nose does not develop, and abscesses are only on the surface of the tonsils. More details about this are in

In some cases, differential diagnosis can be difficult. For example, herpes sore throat without a rash resembles catarrhal, and stomatitis with localization of vesicles on the palate can be mistaken for herpes sore throat. In these cases, they resort to laboratory diagnostic methods: PCR to detect the virus itself, ELISA to detect antibodies to specific viruses, and some others. Confirmation of the diagnosis can be changes in the composition of the blood.

A blood test for herpetic sore throat sometimes has to be taken for a reliable differential diagnosis of the disease, but such a need rarely arises.

Chronology of the course of the disease

Herpes sore throat lasts 7-9 days, in adults it is usually shorter than in children. The entire acute period can be divided into several stages, by day it proceeds as follows:

  1. day - fever, feeling unwell, sore throat;
  2. day - increasing obvious pain in the throat, the appearance of red papules in the throat, a slight decrease in temperature, loss of appetite, indigestion;
  3. day - a repeated jump in temperature, characteristic of herpes sore throat, the transformation of red papules into transparent vesicles;
  4. day - opening of vesicles and the appearance of ulcers with crusts in their place, a decrease in temperature, a decrease in fever and symptoms of general intoxication of the body;
  5. day - relief of sore throat;
  6. day - normalization of temperature and general condition of the patient;
  7. day - the disappearance of sore throat and secondary symptoms;
  8. day - shedding of crusts at the site of sores in the pharynx.
  9. day full recovery.

Approximately on the 12-14th day, the inflammation of the lymph nodes subsides, but their soreness may persist for some time. At this time, the patient remains an active carrier of the infection, he needs to observe quarantine for at least 10-14 days and not be in crowded places.

In the acute period with herpes sore throat, the patient should stay at home, but as he feels better, he can go for a walk.

On a note

An ill person can remain a carrier and source of infection for a long time - up to a month, so even after quarantine is over, you should not communicate closely with him for some time. On the other hand, most patients stop releasing viral particles into the environment after two weeks, and therefore making quarantine too long is not justified.

In children, in some cases, rashes can disappear and reappear up to 3-4 times. Most often this occurs with a severely weakened immune system. The duration of the disease in this case increases.

The incubation period of herpes sore throat lasts 5-15 days, sometimes it can be less. In most cases, it is difficult to find out exactly where and when the infection occurred.

How is herpes sore throat transmitted?

Herpes sore throat is transmitted by airborne, fecal-oral and contact routes. In children's groups, all methods are equally significant; in adults, the airborne transmission route is the main one.

The source of infection is the patient and his personal belongings. Transmission of herpes sore throat is possible through the fabric of towels and wardrobe items, dirty hands, toys, food. Recovering patients also spread viral particles within 3-4 weeks after the end of the disease and the disappearance of its signs.

On the other hand, this disease does not develop only due to weakened immunity, due to hypothermia or bathing in cold water. The primary cause of herpes sore throat is always infection of the patient from another person, secondary causes (especially in children) are violations of the rules of personal hygiene, unsanitary conditions, and staying in groups inside poorly ventilated rooms. The same hypothermia or weakened immunity can only be predisposing factors for infection - after them it is more difficult for the body to destroy viral particles that enter the mouth and digestive tract. But if the pathogen itself was not transmitted, these factors in themselves cannot become the causes of herpes sore throat in either adults or children. If a child has herpes sore throat, he picked it up somewhere from someone.

The main source of infection is sneezing patients and people in the period of convalescence.

Treatment of herpes sore throat in children

To date, there are no means that could speed up the recovery of a patient with herpes sore throat. Its treatment in children and adults consists only in easing the symptoms, and the body itself will fight the cause of the disease.

In most cases, it is enough to treat herpes sore throat with such means:

  • Antipyretics - Nurofen, Paracetamol, Efferalgan, for adults - Aspirin;
  • Local anesthetics in various forms to relieve sore throats - Hexoral Tabs, Strepsils Plus, Teraflu Lar, Tantum Verde solutions, 2% Lidocaine and Teraflu solutions, throat irrigation sprays, for example, Tantum Verde;
  • Rinsing with solutions of soda, salt, decoction of chamomile, tincture of calendula and other herbs that have an anti-inflammatory effect.

In rare cases, one has to resort to the use of systemic hyposensitizing agents - Suprastin, Claritin and their analogues. In fact, inflammatory processes rarely reach such severity that the use of such powerful agents is required.

Systemic anti-inflammatory drugs for herpes sore throat can usually be replaced with local anesthetics

It is even more important in the treatment of herpes sore throat to follow the rules for organizing a regimen for the patient (especially if you need to treat herpes sore throat in children):

  1. The patient should drink as much as possible. Drinking helps to normalize the temperature and accelerates the removal of toxins from the body, reducing the strength of intoxication. During this period, children can be given anything to drink (except alcohol, of course), as long as they drink - compotes, juices, sodas, teas. The drink itself should be at room temperature, since warm drinks with herpes sore throat are painful to swallow;
  2. You can eat with herpes sore throat only if you wish. In no case should you force or persuade a patient (especially a child) to eat - due to indigestion, force-feeding can cause a deterioration in the condition;
  3. The food itself should be low-fat, without spices, not fried, soft, in the form of mashed potatoes or broths. Diet 13 according to the Pevsner system is optimal during this period;
  4. The patient needs to be provided with bed rest, in the room he should have fresh cool clean air.

The drugs themselves are taken only when necessary. Treatment of herpes sore throat is intended only to alleviate the symptoms of the disease. If the patient's throat stops hurting, there is no need to rinse it, if the temperature drops below 38 ° C, you do not need to drink antipyretics.

Treatment of herpes sore throat with folk remedies involves the use of various anti-inflammatory and antiseptic decoctions for gargling. For these purposes, the already mentioned chamomile and calendula are used, as well as sage, coltsfoot, yarrow, oak bark, eucalyptus leaves and other means.

With proper regular use, gargling with a decoction of calendula helps relieve pain.

Do not use herpes sore throat remedies for herpes (for example, Acyclovir) and universal antiviral agents (Citovir-3, Groprinosin, various immunomodulators). The former are useless, since they do not act on enteroviruses, the effectiveness of the latter has not been proven.

Definitely contraindicated for herpes sore throat, inhalation, compresses (the throat cannot be warmed up to prevent increased inflammation) and lubrication of the throat with Lugol's solution, hydrogen peroxide or brilliant green (these measures are useless, but very painful for the patient).

Both adult patients and parents of a sick child need to understand that it is impossible to speed up recovery from herpes sore throat. If you take drugs with unproven effectiveness during an illness, its severity can be increased due to the addition of side effects of the drugs themselves. For most, the most difficult thing with this disease is simply to wait until it passes by itself, while giving the patient the means to alleviate his condition.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky about the differences between herpangina and streptococcal tonsillitis

Complications and consequences of the disease

Herpes sore throat is rarely complicated. This can occur either in children of the first two years of life, or in patients with immunodeficiency states. The most common complications are:

  • Meningitis and encephalitis;
  • Myocarditis;
  • Pyelonephritis;
  • Accession of bacterial infections in places of inflammation.

Of these, meningitis is the most dangerous consequence. There are cases of deaths in children of the first two years of life from meningitis caused by pathogens of herpes sore throat.

Various disorders of coordination, muscle spasms and pain in the head indicate the involvement of the nervous system in the pathological process.

As a rule, complications develop if their symptoms appear even in the acute period of the disease. For example, headaches, trismus of masticatory muscles, loss of consciousness are signs of meningitis, pains in the heart indicate damage to the heart muscle. With the appearance and obvious manifestation of such symptoms in the acute period of the disease, the patient should be examined by a doctor (for children this is mandatory) so that the doctor himself can prevent the development of complications in time.

Is herpes sore throat dangerous during pregnancy

Herpes sore throat during pregnancy can be dangerous to the fetus. Group B coxsackieviruses pass through the placenta and are theoretically capable of causing fetal developmental disorders. There are no statistical data on the frequency of certain anomalies in the development of the fetus with herpes sore throat.

For the most pregnant, herpes sore throat is of little danger. In most cases, it proceeds according to the type of standard SARS and ends with a complete recovery. Cases of spontaneous abortion caused by herpes sore throat have not been documented.

It is clear that the healthier the pregnant woman herself and the stronger her immunity, the easier she will endure the disease and the less likely the viral infection will threaten the health of the fetus.


Herpes sore throat most often occurs in children aged 3-10 years, somewhat less often in children of the first years of life, even less often in adolescents and children. Children of the first 6 months of life practically do not get sick with it, since they are reliably protected by maternal antibodies.

After the illness, the patient develops strong immunity. At the same time, the disease itself is highly contagious, and therefore the majority of people get sick in childhood, in adulthood they are reliably protected from re-infection. The nature of outbreaks of infection is also associated with high contagiousness - the disease usually covers entire groups of children and adults, families living together, causing quickly liquidated local epidemics.

Herpetic sore throat does not get sick all the time, it cannot. In the vast majority of cases, the disease occurs in a person once in a lifetime.

Macrophage cells responsible for the destruction of foreign organisms and involved in the immune defense of the body

The main period of the disease of herpes sore throat is the summer months and the beginning of autumn.

Prevention of herpes sore throat

Specific measures for the prevention of the disease have not been developed. There are no vaccines that would be able to prevent the development of the disease.

The main measures to prevent herpes sore throat are to avoid contact with obviously sick or recently recovered people, to harden the body, eat right, observe a competent work and rest regimen, adhere to sanitary and hygienic norms and rules, and avoid stress. To reduce the risk of the spread of herpes sore throat in various institutions, airing and cleaning are carried out, and the required microclimate parameters are maintained.

The use of non-specific protection means - instillation of interferon preparations into the nose, taking vitamins, the use of various immunomodulators - are not measures with proven effectiveness and are mainly used to reassure parents. Non-specific measures and means do not provide reliable protection against herpes sore throat.

In details:

Video: Dr. Komarovsky talks about the treatment of herpetic sore throat

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