Is it possible to breastfeed after purulent mastitis. The main causative agents of mastitis. What to do with mastitis

A common problem that postpartum period faced by about 5% of women.

it inflammatory process that occurs in the tissues of the mammary gland during breastfeeding.


It can develop for a variety of reasons, but in most cases a combination of factors leads to the disease.

Below are the most common:

Symptoms and treatment

The disease has three main stages. Depending on which of them the patient encountered, the doctor chooses the tactics of treatment.

serous stage

In fact, it is a transitional stage between and mastitis. it non-infectious form, that is bacterial infection not yet. This stage is diagnosed by high content leukocytes in milk.

The chest swells, the affected area turns red. Expressing milk causes pain and does not bring relief (unlike lactostasis, when emptying the breast immediately leads to the disappearance of painful sensations). The woman's temperature rises, chills begin.

First aid in this situation - frequent feeding child. If milk remains after feeding, it is carefully expressed.

When timely measures taken sometimes manage without drug treatment, the woman's condition is normalized within 2-3 days. Otherwise, mastitis goes to the next stage.

Infiltrative stage

It comes with an infection. The listed symptoms are accompanied by weakness and lack of appetite (a consequence of the onset of intoxication), an increase lymph nodes. The affected segment of the chest becomes dense.

At this stage it is shown conservative treatment. The doctor selects antibiotics (there are a number of drugs that are compatible with breastfeeding, such as Amoxicillin, Cephalexin, etc.) and decides on the possibility of further feeding the child.

Mammologist's note: regular pumping of milk will help, if the mother wishes, to restore lactation after recovery and continue feeding the baby.

To facilitate the outflow of milk is prescribed hormonal preparations(Oxytocin), physiotherapy, antispasmodics. With severe pain during pumping, the patient is given novocaine blockade. Also prescribed drip injection of solutions to relieve intoxication.

Purulent stage

It develops in 2-3 days if the chosen treatment tactics was not effective. The body temperature reaches 39-40 degrees and does not decrease, the chest is red, sometimes with a bluish tinge. The infiltrate (affected segment) has pronounced boundaries.

Usually, purulent forms mastitis require surgical intervention. In a hospital setting, an incision is made on the chest to remove pus.


offers a wide variety of resources. But it is worth knowing that best case they will help relieve the symptoms of the disease, since they are not able to fight the infection.

In the worst case, experiments with cabbage leaves will aggravate the situation, and the time that could be spent on a full-fledged treatment will be irretrievably lost.

It's important to know: in order not to cause harm to health, the use of any folk remedies should be discussed with the doctor.

Folk remedies cannot be an alternative to consulting a doctor! If the very first symptoms of lactational mastitis occur, you should immediately consult a doctor. The sooner mastitis treatment is started, the higher the likelihood that surgery will be avoided.

How to treat mastitis for a nursing mother, see the following video:

My name is Anya, my son Algerd. We fed quite successfully for almost 3 months, and nothing foreshadowed trouble. But shit happens - purulent mastitis, surgery and a real breastfeeding struggle. I hope my story will help those who are in the same situation and are afraid to feed.

Fifty-second story within the framework of the competition "Mom's milk": Purulent mastitis. Feed? Feed!

So, at the beginning of October right chest there was a seal. Small, painless, not causing any inconvenience. With varying success, I filtered it, and then it disappeared, then it appeared again.

I have a cyst in this breast, and on an ultrasound scan, the doctor warned that during breastfeeding there may be such seals, it's okay, feed. A week later, the seal had grown to a size quail egg and disappeared no more.

On Thursday, I went to the residential complex, where I was married to a midwife who "clears well." She reassured me that it was just stagnation, “we’ll deal with it in a moment.” Understood to fainting. I naturally passed out right in the office.

Wet through and through, with ammonia under her nose, she somehow got to the house (she also got behind the wheel, yeah), where she continued the struggle with the seal: compresses with dimexide, pumping under a warm shower, cabbage leaf and feeding in different positions (the little one protested, but I was firm).

Friday passed quietly - it didn’t get better, it didn’t get worse either.

On Saturday afternoon, the temperature jumped to 38, the seal swelled up and got sick, the small one began to spit on his sore chest.

I called the breastfeeding consultant (and here I have to repent that I was a fool and did not contact her on Thursday, perhaps the operation could have been avoided). She listened to the situation, confirmed the recommendations of the midwife and said that she could come in the morning. Okay, we're waiting.

The night was hellish

The chest was swollen, it hurt, the baby refused to eat, yelled and beat her with his hands, I hissed in pain and persistently shoved the nipple into his mouth, sipped milk until sparks from his eyes, but it only got worse. At 5 in the morning the temperature rose to 40. Needless to say, I was waiting for the consultant as an angel-deliverer.

Seeing my bright red swollen chest, my face changed. She warned that she would have to be patient, washed her hands and got down to business. To say that it was painful is an understatement. Algirdas is a cesarean, and it's hard for me to compare this with childbirth, but I think the pain is comparable.

I howled, sobbed, gnawed my finger and was ready to die right under her arms. The kid slept on the balcony, his mother-in-law rocked him so that he would not hear or see me. An hour later, the consultant reached the hearth and thick yellow milk flowed from there.

“It’s bad, but there is still a chance to do without surgery, you will always have time to go under the knife,” the consultant said and left, giving me 12 hours. If it doesn't get better, call an ambulance. If it doesn't get worse, we'll repeat the execution in the evening.

I immediately felt better. My teeth were chattering, my temperature jumped below 40 again, but a paracetamol tablet and a few hours of sleep brought me back to life. soda baths, pumping under a warm shower, compresses and feeding-feeding-feeding.

In general, the baby turned out to be smarter than all the doctors put together, since he refused to eat his sore chest, and by the evening green milk flowed from it. A call to the consultant confirmed the worst fears - an ambulance, a hospital. The brigade was called.

We drove for a long time - I managed to get ready, eat, by some miracle feed the sick chest to the baby. The ambulance doctors felt sorry, clicked their tongues: “How did you manage to do that?”. Like this. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of underestimating the "enemy".

We were taken to 11 clinics. Examination, ultrasound, a flash of hope - “I don’t see pus on the apparatus.” Just in case, they called the second surgeon on duty - a gray-haired, gloomy uncle. He took my chest with two fingers and sent me to the puncture, saying just one word: “Pus”.

The chest was pierced for profit with a hefty needle, green slurry flowed along with the milk. "We open." For half an hour, they took tests, a cardiogram, interrogated, again clicked their tongues - “how are you like that.”

I almost roar, but I hold on, I write home a chronicle from the scene, I tell the surgeons that I always wanted a tattoo, but there was no chance. Now I’ll definitely fill it, on my chest, beautiful. The surgeon began to dissuade, word for word, I'm already on the table. The abscess was opened at midnight under general anesthesia.

I woke up at about two in the morning and immediately reached for the breast pump - to express. I was sure that this was right, and I only had frozen milk for a day, and Algerd is a guy with an excellent appetite.

Thanks to the book "The Art of Breastfeeding" - thanks to it, I had no fear of either feeding after anesthesia (I woke up - the drugs from the blood were gone), or before feeding under antibiotics.

Of course, having finally recovered, I checked the antibiotic on the service, it turned out to be safe. But there were other problems.

Milk was catastrophically small. From a healthy breast, I expressed about 60 ml of milk in 6 hours and passed these tears to my husband, who heroically dangled to me 4 times a day. Stocks of frozen milk ran out, and the baby was given formula on Tuesday morning.

I sobbed because I had a good idea of ​​what we are losing: I - communication and incredible closeness with the child, he - the best food and immunity in the world. Arguments from the category "I raised three on the mixture" caused bouts of rabies. Back off! I will feed!

On the second day I was allowed to go home for a day

The kid didn't eat healthy breasts, and every bottle of formula was a tragedy for me. Meanwhile, the wound healed well, there was no pus in it, and I began to get the doctors to see if I could start breastfeeding with the operated breast.

The attending man shrugged - I don't know, the operator was categorical - no. The gynecologist and pediatrician recommended not to feed even healthy ones, but “once you start and everything is in order, feed, although inflammatory mediators can provoke dysbacteriosis.” I wanted to yell, because the mixture is a guaranteed dysbacteriosis.

But no one wanted to allow food and take responsibility. And then my mother called my aunt, who purulent abscess was immediately after childbirth (36 years ago). She was recommended to feed immediately, despite the pus, the surgical wound and the small age of the baby. She fed until she was almost two years old.

I called the gynecologist again, and he said that in the West they feed in such situations, and once the wound has cleared - feed. The pediatrician confirmed with a sigh. The surgeon hesitated and said that "he would not recommend feeding until completely healed." The Internet is silent on this topic (I found only one real story in the Lyalechka community).

I made a decision and 4 days after the operation, when the number of bottles with the mixture reached three per day, the baby was completely locked up, and there was even less milk, I gave a second breast.

The child took it and ate for the first time since Sunday. Albeit from two breasts, but finally he was not fed from a bottle. Poop waited with bated breath, continuing to feed. When the child finally “went down”, there was a holiday in the house - no greenery, no mucus, no inclusions.

I continued to feed the operated breast, showing miracles of acrobatics. If someone needs poses, there are not many of them:

  1. Mom lies on the side opposite the sore chest, as if hanging over the child. I tried to keep the corners of the child's lips closer to the bandage. There is a diaper on the bandage (milk leaks from the wound).
  2. The child lies on his back, the mother is on all fours above him, the chest hangs freely.

In general, the idea of ​​​​feeding positions in this case is freely hanging breasts and freely flowing milk.

For the weekend, they let me go home with an overnight stay, the child slept with me and ate every 1.5 hours. The stitches were removed on Monday and discharged. The milk has arrived, Algerd eats with one breast, sleeps normally, gains well. I hope we feed for at least two years.

Behind the scenes were: the heroic family - mother, husband and mother-in-law, who nursed the baby and calmed the hysterical me. The doctors are the operating surgeon Vasily Vasilyevich Zhuravlev, who did it as “beautifully” as possible, and the attending surgeon Irina Aleksandrovna Budkevich, who endured my “pens”, professionally managed the wound and generously let go to her son.

Junior medical staff surgical department, which entered into position and released late at night give milk to her husband. It is thanks to them that the number of bottles with the mixture turned out to be minimal.

Low bow to you for the saved GV.

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Mastitis is an inflammatory process in the mammary glands, both at once or one of them. Mastitis in a nursing mother, as a rule, occurs in the first few weeks after childbirth or during the completion of lactation. This disease is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous for mother and baby, so it is important to know and notice the symptoms in time in order to start treatment in a timely manner.

Mastitis is an inflammation of the breast tissue. The cause of inflammation is an infection that enters the tissues, usually this Staphylococcus aureus. At the same time, the ingress of staphylococcus on the skin of the chest does not always cause the development of the disease, this requires favorable conditions.

Causes of mastitis can be as follows:

  • abrasions and cracks in the nipple. Through open wounds, the infection easily penetrates the body and causes deterioration. Therefore, such cracks should be treated immediately and in no case should they be started;
  • postpartum mastitis can also be caused by a general weakening of the body caused by exhaustion, hormonal changes, weakened immunity, hypothermia, exacerbation of chronic diseases (sinusitis, caries, tonsillitis);
  • excess milk that the baby does not eat, and the mother does not express. As a result, lactostasis develops, and it can quickly turn into lactational mastitis;
  • violations in breast hygiene - too frequent washing, which removes the protective layer from the skin, causing drying and damage, untimely change of clothes. After feeding, the breast should be blotted so that no drops of milk remain on it;
  • the presence of benign or malignant tumors in the chest, as well as structural changes in tissues - mastopathy, scars, etc.;
  • foreign bodies in the chest (implants, piercings);
  • purulent inflammation on the skin - acne, boils, etc. At improper treatment inflammation can spread throughout the breast tissue.

As a rule, postpartum mastitis develops in the period from 5 to 30 days after childbirth, and the peak of the disease occurs on the 7-15th day. After this period, mastitis is quite rare and is usually associated with postpartum complications or a hospital infection.

Milk stasis and lactostasis is the most common cause of mastitis in lactating women. It is very important to know in advance what the signs of mastitis may be, so as not to start the inflammatory process in the tissues. If you do not start treatment on time, the disease will progress and soon develop into purulent mastitis.

How to identify mastitis

Lactational mastitis has several pronounced symptoms. They allow you to suspect the disease in time and seek help. Timely diagnosis mastitis - within 48 hours after the onset of symptoms - allows you to significantly reduce Negative consequences inflammation for both the health of the mother and the development of the child.

How to distinguish mastitis from lactostasis

In the initial stage, mastitis and lactostasis are easily confused. The difference between lactostasis and mastitis is manifested in the general condition of the woman. With lactostasis, mothers complain of heaviness and tension in the mammary glands, in one of them slightly painful seals with clear boundaries can be felt.

Signs of mastitis during breastfeeding may initially be similar to lactostasis. But mastitis is different sharp deterioration well-being, elevated temperature(up to 40 degrees in advanced cases). The tissue of the gland becomes sharply painful, the breast is filled with milk and becomes stone. At the same time, expressing milk is either very difficult or completely impossible, even a child often cannot suck a drop.

To more accurately determine the problem, it is necessary to completely express the breast, and after 3-4 hours to conduct an examination. If it was lactostasis, the pain after pumping goes away, and general well-being is improving. Small painless granular lobules are felt in the chest. Otherwise, visible changes after decantation is not observed.

Since this disease can be very dangerous for both mother and baby, doctors recommend that any seals accompanied by fever be considered symptoms of mastitis; in a nursing mother, this can save a lot of time and nerves, as well as save health.

serous stage

Lactational mastitis goes through several stages. The first of these is serous mastitis, often mistaken for normal lactostasis. However, if in 2-4 hours it is not possible to drain the diseased breast, and the temperature rises, mastitis should be assumed and immediately seek help from a doctor.

The stage lasts about 2-3 days, while developing quite rapidly. The temperature can rise to 38-39 degrees and be accompanied by chills, headache, weakness and signs of intoxication.

There is pain in the chest, which increases with feeding. The diseased gland increases in size, may turn red and become noticeably warmer than the second. An elastic seal is felt in the tissues - it can be one or more, or it can capture the entire chest.

Infiltrative form

In the absence of treatment, the serous form turns into infiltrative mastitis. Signs of intoxication intensify, the clot in the chest takes on a denser shape, clear boundaries, on palpation you can notice its bumpy surface. When breastfeeding, severe pain is felt, and milk leaves with great difficulty or does not leave at all.

Purulent mastitis

If the mother did not seek help from a doctor, purulent mastitis develops after 48 hours. This is a severe form of the disease requiring hospitalization and surgical intervention.

The symptoms of this form are quite severe:

  • high temperature - up to 40 degrees. It can rise sharply and also fall sharply;
  • the chest hardens and becomes very painful;
  • over the foci of inflammation, the skin turns red and becomes hot;
  • pus may be discharged from the chest;
  • signs general intoxication- thirst increased sweating, chills, nausea;
  • spread of symptoms to the second breast.

This condition is life-threatening, so trying to cure mastitis on your own is impossible. In severe cases, abscessing mastitis develops, when small abscesses merge into one or two large ones with a softening zone. The breast increases in size, soreness and redness persist.

Chronic form

As a rule, acute mastitis is immediately diagnosed and treated, so its transition to chronic form unlikely and extremely rare.

Chronic mastitis is usually accompanied by symptoms of the infiltrative stage of ordinary mastitis. It occurs as a result of undertreated acute condition, less often - as a primary phenomenon. With this form of the disease, the woman's condition worsens slightly:

  • there may be a slight increase in the size of the diseased breast;
  • a seal is palpable in it, almost painless;
  • occasionally, the disease is accompanied by an increase in lymph nodes and slight increase temperature.

And although the symptoms chronic mastitis may not cause much discomfort to mom, you can not leave him unattended!

How to treat mastitis

It is best to start treatment as early as possible, before acute mastitis develops. That is, already at the first signs of discomfort and heaviness in the chest, it is better to seek the advice of a doctor. This will help not only significantly speed up the treatment process, but also avoid many painful minutes.

In the initial stages, as a rule, it is enough to achieve a complete emptying of the breast at each feeding. To do this, you need to either establish breastfeeding so that the child completely eats away the diseased breast, or supplement HB with proper pumping.

If symptoms continue to appear, accompanied by fever and severe pain will require a course of antibiotics. Together with them, antispasmodics are taken to facilitate the release of milk from the breast, as well as UHF or ultrasound therapy.

First aid

First aid for the appearance of signs of stagnation of milk is the frequent application of the child to the breast. It is necessary not only to feed him on demand, but also to offer the breast more often, and also to allow the child to “hang” on the breast for as long as he wants.

At the same time, a nursing mother needs to choose different positions for feeding. The part of the gland that is located on the side of the baby’s chin is best cleaned, so by changing its position, you can empty the necessary areas as much as possible and prevent further development illness.

If the baby does not empty the breast completely, it must be expressed regularly to prevent overflow and the appearance of new foci of stagnation. With pain in the nipples due to cracks and abrasions, they must be constantly treated with healing ointments (Bepanten, Purelan 100, etc.) to prevent infection from entering the gland.

After pumping or feeding on a sore breast, you can apply cold compress or a heating pad with ice, after wrapping it in several layers of fabric. You can also do light massage breasts, moving from the edges to the nipple - this will help facilitate the outflow of milk.

What can not be done with mastitis:

  • Stop breastfeeding and/or take lactation suppression medications own initiative. Such decisions are made only after consultation with a doctor if indicated;
  • warm sore breasts, including taking hot bath or shower, apply a heating pad;
  • self-treatment with antibiotics or other means.

To start suitable treatment it is necessary to see a doctor as soon as possible, and not wait until the disease comes into full force.


Conservative treatment lends itself to both serous mastitis and its next stage - infiltrative. It consists of the following measures:

  • complete peace for mom;
  • elevated position of the mammary gland;
  • regular pumping;
  • the appointment of antibacterial drugs;
  • elimination of symptoms of intoxication;
  • physiotherapy (massage, cold compresses and heating pads, UHF and ultrasound therapy);
  • maintenance therapy ( vitamin complexes, immunocorrection, antihistamines etc.).

It is necessary to prescribe antibiotics for mastitis almost immediately, since the disease passes from a serous form to purulent mastitis in just three days. Therefore, the effectiveness of drugs should be on top, because they will not have a second chance.

Postpartum mastitis almost always occurs in the hospital or shortly after discharge from it, so the causative agent, Staphylococcus aureus, was classified as an antibiotic-resistant infection. The doctor should take this into account when prescribing drugs for treatment. As a rule, this is:

  • Amoxiclav.
  • Third generation cephalosporins (Cefoperazone, Cefixime, Cefazolin, Cefuroxime);
  • Gentamicin;
  • Lincomycin;
  • Vancomycin, Edicin.

The course of antibiotics lasts no more than 10 days, and if after 2-3 days there is no improvement, this is a reason to suspect the formation of an abscess.

Home treatment includes breast massage - it facilitates the flow of milk and allows you to speed up pumping. At the same time, it is impossible to strongly crush the chest, rub it with a hard washcloth, as this can cause the spread of inflammation.

Compresses for mastitis help to remove discomfort and relieve pain. The main rule of their use is to exclude warming varieties! It is possible to warm the breast only with lactostasis, but if the mother is diagnosed with mastitis, warming compresses will contribute to the spread of infection.

It is possible to supplement the complex of measures for treatment various ointments or creams that have an anti-inflammatory effect:

  • Vishnevsky ointment. It has a thick and viscous texture, is able to penetrate deep into tissues, where it has anti-inflammatory and therapeutic effect. It is used in the presence of a visible abscess under the skin - the ointment will help draw out the pus. It is not recommended to use it when the focus of inflammation is deep!;
  • Ichthyol ointment. Active substance ointment has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, healing, antiseptic and antipruritic effect. The ointment eliminates congestion, swelling and pain, is able to penetrate deep into the tissues and have a directed effect on the foci of inflammation;
  • ointment Levomekol. Safe remedy with antimicrobial and restorative action. This ointment is often prescribed for open abscesses or wounds, it is applied as a compress or simply thin layer to the affected area.

Other ointments may also be used similar action- Heparin, Synthomycin, Traumeel.

Hardware physiotherapy for mastitis often complements massage and compresses. It is aimed at improving lymph and blood flow in the chest, relieves pain, swelling and spasm, and also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Most effective procedure ultrasonic impact on diseased areas is considered.

Serous and infiltrative mastitis can be treated conservatively only when:

  • general state the patient does not cause concern;
  • the disease lasts no more than 3 days;
  • temperature not higher than 37.5 degrees;
  • no symptoms purulent inflammation;
  • chest pain is moderate, and the induration occupies no more than a quarter of the gland;
  • general blood test is normal.

If within two days the treatment did not give results, mastitis turned into a purulent form.

Operation for mastitis

Purulent mastitis during breastfeeding almost always requires surgical intervention. In relatively mild cases, it is enough to make a small puncture to remove pus and inject antibiotics directly into the gland tissue.

For severe form purulent mastitis the patient is immediately hospitalized and the abscesses are opened and drained. After that, a course of antibacterial drugs is necessarily prescribed.

As a rule, after the operation, lactation is completed, since it is impossible to feed the baby from the damaged breast, and expressing milk from it causes great discomfort and pain, and is not always effective. After stopping feeding, lactation is suppressed with medication.

Folk methods

Treatment of mastitis with folk remedies is allowed only in the initial stages, under the supervision of a doctor. It serves as an addition to the main treatment, and not as a substitute for it.

Among the most effective means folk medicine:

  • washing the chest with infusion of chamomile and yarrow (in a ratio of 1: 4). Useful in the initial stages in the presence of cracked nipples. 2 tbsp. l. mixture of herbs is poured into 0.5 l hot water and let it brew. Before use, the broth is filtered and cooled;
  • cabbage leaf with mastitis, perhaps the most famous folk method. Washed leaves are applied to long time to the chest (you can put it in a bra) - the compress can be left for the whole day and all night, if necessary, replacing the leaves with fresh ones;
  • Compresses from the leaves of alder and mint, burdock, coltsfoot. The leaves are scalded and applied to the chest for a quarter of an hour before feeding or decanting.

It is better not to use camphor oil for mastitis. Firstly, compresses with it are not effective for mastitis, and secondly, once in milk, camphor will harm the health of the baby.

There is also a more "exotic" treatment with folk remedies - various conspiracies and "rites". It should be understood that mastitis is serious illness and refuse full treatment, hoping for a conspiracy from mastitis - irresponsible. If the mother believes in the power of such things, of course, you can use such a remedy, but only in combination with other methods.

In any case, treatment with folk remedies should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor in order to prevent the transition of the disease into a more severe form.

Is it possible to breastfeed with mastitis

There is no general opinion on whether it is possible to continue breastfeeding with mastitis.

In the manual of the World Health Organization “Mastitis. Causes and management” (2000) states that in most cases it is possible and necessary to continue breastfeeding with mastitis, since the risk of infection of the child is minimal. And this risk is much smaller than the damage that forceful weaning will cause to the baby's health.

Some of the "advanced" Russian pediatricians support this point of view: they argue that it is possible to feed with mastitis, even at the stage of treatment. After all, for example, amoxiclav is compatible with HB. Moreover, you can feed not only healthy, but also sick breasts.

A significant part of Russian doctors believe that breastfeeding with mastitis is prohibited from any breast and at any stage, since staphylococcus can be transmitted to the baby and cause serious problems with health. They argue that if purulent mastitis has developed, feeding is stopped, including from healthy breasts.

Is it possible to resume feeding after treatment (conservative or operative) or will it have to be stopped? Majority modern doctors They say they can, but on the condition that:

  • inflammation is eliminated;
  • bacteriological analyzes of milk gave a negative result.

However, there are also adherents of a categorical ban on breastfeeding. They believe that after the operation it is necessary to complete lactation, even if mastitis has been cured.

What should a breastfeeding mother do? Weigh the pros and cons, consult a good pediatrician and make a decision together with him.

Most breastfeeding consultants believe that feeding should be continued. For example, watch this video.


Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Prevention postpartum mastitis does not require any complex actions from the mother, but helps to maintain health and fully enjoy the process of feeding the baby.

The most important means of preventing mastitis during breastfeeding is the correct attachment of the baby to the breast! In this case, it completely empties the chest and does not injure it.

It is also recommended to constantly change the position for feeding so that the baby stimulates different parts of the breast, and feed the baby on demand. As a result, milk production will improve faster and it will come in the amount that the child needs.

Some doctors recommend that the first few weeks after childbirth be sure to strain the milk after feeding. This is done in order to stimulate milk production and avoid stagnation. However, WHO experts warn mothers against such a step. Pumping the breast with GV really stimulates lactation, but more milk comes in than the baby needs! Therefore, stagnation easily occurs, because the baby is simply not able to suck everything out.

Also to preventive measures can be attributed:

  • timely, if they did appear;
  • proper breast hygiene;
  • peace of mind. It is not necessary to suspect mastitis in every rush of milk.

Postpartum mastitis is a serious disease that can harm not only the mother, but also the child. A young mother should make every effort to prevent her development or transition to severe forms.

Young mothers know firsthand what mastitis is, because they have experienced this unpleasant illness. You can often hear that mastitis is called the "runny nose" of the chest, but the symptoms and pain accompanying it cause intense fear among women. During this period, they are only concerned with one question, is it possible to breastfeed a child and is it dangerous for the baby's health?

Mastitis is bacterial infection and occurs mainly in women during breastfeeding, but can also be observed in non-nursing mothers. Experts have not yet fully clarified all the circumstances under which infection occurs, since the disease can be both in women with damaged nipples (cracks in the nipples), and in those whose breasts are in perfect order. With this disease, breast compaction is observed, which may prevent the detection of another phenomenon - lactostasis or stagnation of milk in the ducts. The resulting compaction proceeds in combination with severe swelling and significant painful sensations, while the skin becomes red, and the chest feels hot to the touch. Most often this situation mistaken for blockage of the milk ducts, but in fact the cause of mastitis is the penetration of milk into soft tissues.

Usually, women in this situation begin to worry about continuing breastfeeding, fearing that this could harm the baby. But you should not be afraid of this, moreover, in no case should you stop breastfeeding. With mastitis, the breast needs constant and thorough emptying so that milk does not stagnate in the affected breast. At the same time, it is important to squeeze the breast while feeding the baby and massage it lightly so that the milk is more easily squeezed out of it. When massaging the breast, be extremely careful, because rough pressure can cause excess milk to penetrate into the soft tissues of the breast, which will significantly worsen the condition. Since during this period milk stagnation in the affected breast should not be allowed, it is necessary to apply the baby to the breast as often as possible, it is also recommended to use a breast pump to completely empty it after feeding. According to some moms, breast pumps empty their breasts much better than when sucking on a baby. It is worth noting that this is observed with inflammation of the nipples in the mother. If putting the baby to the breast causes unbearable pain, it is better to use a breast pump and feed the baby from a bottle or cup.

During the period of illness, a woman simply needs a calm environment and good rest, no overvoltage. Therefore, in order not to get out of bed at night in order to feed the baby, it is recommended to put him to bed with you in advance. All this will prevent the development of mastitis in more serious forms up to suppuration.

Heat will help to cope with mastitis on your own. Between feedings, it is recommended to warm the breast with a heating pad or a bottle of hot water. You can also use hot compresses, take hot shower and a bath or apply a diaper well ironed with a hot iron to the affected chest. By the way, some mothers, on the contrary, bring relief with cold compresses. AT this case You should choose what brings relief to you.

Very often, with mastitis, a woman has an increase in temperature. You should not be afraid of this, because the body is struggling with inflammatory processes. It is necessary to bring down the temperature only in cases where its value is too high level. If necessary, you can take painkillers. They will not cause any harm to the baby's body, but they will bring significant relief to mommy. For example, you can use Ibuprofen, it is approved for use during lactation, it eliminates pain and relieves inflammation. In this case, before taking any drug, it is important to consult a specialist.

In general, at the first symptoms of mastitis, you should immediately consult a doctor. To facilitate the process of breastfeeding and relieve pain, it is recommended to apply to the inflamed breast for several minutes immediately before feeding dry hot compress. Only after complete examination breast doctor will prescribe a method for treating mastitis. In addition, the specialist will instruct the woman on preventive measures. this disease.

Depending on the form of mastitis, as well as the duration of the condition in which the woman is, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics. Usually, the specialist prescribes drugs that can be used during breastfeeding and which do not negative impact on the quantity and quality of milk, as well as the health of the baby. In this case, it is necessary to warn the doctor when prescribing antibiotics that you intend to maintain lactation and the ability to breastfeed.

About a day after the start of taking antibiotics, a woman feels a significant improvement in her condition. Even if mastitis is caused non-infectious causes, the drug will eliminate inflammation. It is worth remembering that if mastitis is caused by improper attachment of the baby to the breast, then the treatment in this case will positive effect for a while. It is important to prevent recurrence of the disease proper organization baby feeding. You need to make sure that the baby is applied to the breast correctly, for which you need to remember step by step instructions on breastfeeding. During feeding, it is necessary to change the position, looking for the optimal one, in which it will be convenient and comfortable for the baby to suck.

Many women are afraid to take antibiotics, leaving them on extreme case. But in any case, drugs of this kind must be kept at hand. Deal with early stage mastitis on their own possible, but if improvements from self-treatment no, there is a risk of developing purulent inflammation, which requires medical, and often surgical intervention.

It must be clearly understood that mastitis is not a sentence, that in this case, you can and should continue to breastfeed your baby. With the right, and most importantly, timely treatment the disease is successfully and fairly quickly eliminated. Most importantly, even if the mother feels terrible, feeding from an inflamed breast is safe for the baby. Even if in case infectious origin mastitis with milk digestive tract baby will fall pathogenic bacteria, his gastric juice cope with them without much difficulty.

At the stage of formation of lactation, a nursing mother faces difficulties that are not always successfully overcome. Such a borderline condition is considered to be lactostasis or milk stagnation, which, without proper treatment, can cause more dangerous disease- mastitis mammary gland.
Mastitis of the breast is an inflammatory process that occurs in the tissues of the mammary gland of a nursing woman. It manifests itself in the form of seals and painful engorgement. Often these processes are accompanied by elevated temperatures. If a woman is unable to cope with painful induration and does not know what to do with mastitis in nursing mothers - it is important to consult a specialist in a timely manner.

Mastitis during breastfeeding develops most often as a result of lactostasis, which is accompanied by an infection, usually of a bacterial nature. However, there are a number of factors that increase the risk of its occurrence. Mastitis can develop in the presence of the following aggravating circumstances:

  • complications in childbirth can become a predisposing factor to the onset of the disease;
  • previously occurring mastitis will return with each subsequent pregnancy and lactation;
  • malnutrition of the mother;
  • woman's age from 21 to 35 years;
  • stress, fatigue, frequent overwork, smoking (read about the dangers of smoking with hv);
  • injury.

There are also the main causes of mastitis, which directly affect its occurrence:

  • Mistakes in the organization of breastfeeding (attempts to feed the baby according to the regimen during the period when lactation has not yet been established, an uncomfortable position for feeding, rare and short-term attachment of the baby to the breast);
  • improperly selected underwear;
  • lactostasis can often cause this pathology;
  • taking certain drugs;
  • Availability infectious diseases in a nursing mother;
  • milk stasis;
  • the short frenulum of the newborn interferes with proper attachment. This causes discomfort in a woman, cracks appear, bleeding is possible;
  • candidiasis can cause this disease. However, according to WHO, this is very rare;
  • feeding the baby with mixtures.

How is mastitis classified?

Clinical manifestations

Mastitis in a nursing mother can be divided into the following types (according to the number of leukocytes and bacteria that were found in milk taken from the breast with clinical signs given disease):

  1. Milk stasis. This type is characterized by the formation of a nodule, rather painful with hyperemia (redness) of the skin above it and a pronounced white spot on the nipple.
  2. non-infectious. It is characterized by the following manifestations: the affected breast is painful, fever is pronounced and general well-being is reduced, the mammary gland is hard on palpation, breast swelling is possible. The taste of milk changes - it becomes more salty.
  3. Infectious. This type of disease is quite difficult to distinguish from a non-infectious course. It is characterized by the following manifestations: severe redness (hyperemia), pain in the affected lobe, swelling and inflammation of the mammary gland, hard areas of the chest on palpation.

Breast abscess is a formation granulation tissue around the infected area. It is characterized by: the formation of an inflammatory coma of red color. On palpation, it is painful, the tissue around it is edematous, there may be fluctuation (the presence of fluid in a closed cavity with soft walls is felt), necrosis (tissue necrosis) is possible. Often such mastitis proceeds without temperature.

Purulent lactational mastitis develops as a result of the presence of injuries, neoplasms, cysts.
Purulent mastitis during breastfeeding is accompanied by fever. The first signs of such mastitis:

  • mastitis lactational proceeds in an acute form;
  • the mammary gland is enlarged;
  • flows with temperature;
  • on palpation, the presence of an infiltrate is noted, which does not have definite and clear boundaries. A center of softening may appear in the center;
  • the general well-being of a nursing mother decreases;
  • insomnia appears;
  • appetite decreases.

Meets sub clinical mastitis while breastfeeding. It occurs when the ratio of calcium and potassium in milk is incorrect and high content interleukin 8. At the same time, there is no clinical mastitis. With this type of disease, the baby does not gain weight well. Moreover, this condition is bad conclusion milk.

Signs of mastitis during breastfeeding of the serous form of the course:

  • heaviness in the mammary glands;
  • pain during pumping;
  • the appearance of seals in the chest;
  • the tissues of the affected lobe are impregnated with a serous infiltrate;
  • temperature rise is possible.

What does infiltrative mastitis look like? It is typical for him:

  • the appearance of infiltrates;
  • breast augmentation;
  • the skin on the chest is unchanged. Hyperemia and edema are absent.

Lactational mastitis occurring in gangrenous form, has the following properties:

  • blood supply is disturbed as a result of blockage of blood vessels;
  • the formation of necrosis begins;
  • soreness;
  • increased heart rate;
  • blood pressure decreases;
  • increase in body temperature.

In severe or advanced cases, sepsis occurs. This type of disease can result in death.

Phlegmonous lactational mastitis can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  • the general state of health worsens;
  • intoxication of the body is manifested;
  • swelling of the chest;
  • the skin on the gland is glossy;
  • cyanosis of the skin is noted;
  • the nipple is retracted.

What are the most common symptoms of mastitis in a nursing mother? The main signs of mastitis in a nursing mother are:

  • increase in body temperature;
  • swelling of the mammary glands;
  • Maybe local boost temperature in the lesion;
  • pain sensations;
  • heaviness and swelling of the chest.


Before treating mastitis in a nursing mother, you need to make the correct diagnosis.
Diagnosis of mastitis in a nursing mother is carried out most often:

  • by collecting anamnestic data;
  • after palpation (enlarged lymph nodes, soreness, increased local temperature, the presence of fluctuation and infiltration);
  • tests are ordered.

Lactational mastitis is detected using ultrasound diagnostics of the breast. In this case, a strong process of inflammation will be detected. maybe histological studies punctate, a biopsy is performed. For bacteriological research milk is taken from the diseased breast. Based on all the studies carried out, differential diagnosis with neoplasms and cysts of the mammary glands.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of mastitis during breastfeeding is carried out comprehensively and is aimed at eliminating the symptoms and causes.
The best treatment for any disease is prevention. But if, observing all necessary measures precautions, there has been a development of mastitis in a woman, it is first advisable to consult a specialist. It is necessary to clarify with him whether it is necessary to stop breastfeeding. And how to be treated after the cessation of feeding. Treatment of mastitis in a nursing mother is prescribed only by the attending physician.

Basic principles of therapy:

  1. Consulting or psychological help. Mastitis during breastfeeding is psychological complex disease requiring support. The easiest way is to end lactation, the hardest thing is to keep it. This is what such therapy should be aimed at - the preservation of milk.
  2. Elimination of the cause - the withdrawal of milk. With HS, it is necessary to establish the process of feeding and the frequency of applications. Best of all - and as much as the baby needs. After breastfeeding, if necessary, express any leftovers.
  3. Drug therapy includes treatment with antibiotics.

Antibiotics for mastitis for a nursing mother are prescribed only by a specialist.

  • Erythromycin. This medicine refers to antibiotics. Tablets are prescribed with a dosage of 250-500 mg. Take every six hours. In the form of an ointment, apply to the affected area up to 3 times a day. When used this tool breastfeeding must be stopped. Mastitis ointment is used in complex therapy with antibiotics.
  • Flucloxacillin. It is considered an excellent bactericidal antibiotic. It is prescribed 4 times a day for 0.25 g. Take before meals. Taking the drug provides for the completion of breastfeeding.
  • Dicloxacillin. Possesses low toxicity, has high bactericidal action. Appointed in severe cases ailment - with sepsis, necrosis or in the presence of a staphylococcal infection.
  • . Antibiotic a wide range actions. Breastfeeding is not recommended due to high concentration drug in milk.
  • Ibuprofen. Excellent medicine, which has anti-inflammatory, analgesic action. Before you finish feeding the crumbs, you need to clarify the need for this process. Since the medicine does not have a negative effect on the baby.
  • Paracetamol.
  • Cephalexin.

To feed or not to feed

Is it possible to breastfeed a child with mastitis? Breast milk– is essential for the baby. It is not necessary to complete this process with this disease, since this will not lead to recovery. When weaning a baby from the breast, it is necessary to follow some rules. Some doctors believe that it is simply necessary to remove the guards, as there is a risk of infection of the newborn. To do this, they explain to mothers how to properly wean a baby. And, here's how to properly interrupt or end breastfeeding with an experienced consultant on guards. Whether it is possible to breastfeed with mastitis is decided by a specialist, based on the individual picture and the nature of the course of the disease.

Preventive measures

If mastitis occurs in a nursing mother, it is very important, in addition to identifying symptoms and treating it, to adhere to certain principles for its prevention in the future. Prevention of mastitis in the postpartum period is very important and necessary procedure. Knowing how mastitis is dangerous, it is important to take care of its prevention in a timely manner.

What does the prevention of mastitis during breastfeeding include? To avoid this disease, you must:

  • follow up possible manifestations symptoms of the disease;
  • upon detection inflammatory response immediately contact the experts;
  • as soon as the manifestation of the first signs of the disease began - do not self-medicate;
  • follow the rules of feeding;
  • establish the process of breastfeeding;
  • do not give supplements unless absolutely necessary;
  • apply the baby as required;
  • can be carried out.

Experienced consultants on guards will help answer the question of how to avoid mastitis. They will teach the technique of attaching the baby, explain how to determine the norms of feeding, and help eliminate discomfort during feeding.

folk therapy

How to treat mastitis at home?
Some doctors advise massage for mastitis. For these purposes, the use of both creams and ointments is allowed. This procedure is carried out by gently massaging movements around the areola, from armpits towards the nipple. Massage should be with a little pressure, but without pain.
Therapy with folk remedies can be effective only when complex treatment diseases.

Folk remedies include:

  • cabbage leaves;
  • camphor oil;
  • honey cake;
  • herbs;
  • compresses;
  • essential oils.

There are several ways to eliminate unpleasant symptoms incipient disease. cure initial stages diseases can be using the following recipes of folk remedies:

  1. Cabbage leaves are selected large sizes. It is gently kneaded until juice appears. Then apply to the affected chest so that the "lotion" covers the entire surface. Such a compress is put on at night. Before it is carried out, milk is expressed.
  2. Camphor oil. This remedy relieves seals, reduces the inflammatory process. To do this, moisten gauze or a sterile bandage in the product. Apply to the chest. Discontinue use after symptoms disappear.
  3. What honey cake? It is a mixture of flour and honey in a ratio of 2:1. Optimal time keeping the compress - night. This tool has absorbable properties.
  4. Herbal infusions, decoctions, solutions. These funds will be effective only in complex therapy. Use, St. John's wort, sweet clover, aloe, Kalanchoe. Gauze or bandage is moistened in herbal infusions and decoctions. Apply at least twice a day.
  5. Compresses. The vodka compress proved to be effective, alcohol compress, saline. Vodka compress start preparing ahead of time. Mix vodka with honey in a ratio of 1:1. Beat the resulting mixture. Then leave for 24 hours in a dark place. Use at night, wrapping the mammary gland and fixing the compress. Then it is removed in the morning and thoroughly washed with warm water.

Before you get rid of this disease with the help of folk remedies, you need to determine the degree of inflammation that has begun. In addition, there are allergic reactions to these procedures.
Dr. Komarovsky claims that the best healer of this disease is a child. It is able to dissolve the cork, relieve heaviness and tension in the chest. It remains only to correctly attach the baby to the chest.

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