Treatment of mastitis while breastfeeding. Lactational mastitis in a nursing mother: symptoms and treatment. Breastfeeding with mastitis

Mastitis is a problem for many breastfeeding mothers. The causes of this disease are streptococci, staphylococci and other pathogens that cause processes inflammatory nature. acute illness mastitis can occur when these pathogens enter the breast through the milk ducts or during lactation. By the way, this disease can develop not only in nursing mothers. In medicine, there are cases when this disease affected women during pregnancy.

The process of mastitis

When pathogens enter through wound surface cracks in lymphatic vessels, located in the thickness of the nipple tissue, spread further throughout the mammary gland. It should be noted that the infection can get into the chest not only in this way. Can also cause mastitis chronic pathologies infectious nature present in the body of a young mother. These include inflammation of the tonsils (tonsillitis), soft tissues of the tooth (pulpitis), paranasal sinuses (sinusitis).

Mastitis or lactostasis?

You can never exclude the possibility that mastitis will appear in a nursing mother. Treating it can be quite difficult. But numerous folk ways treatments based on many years of experience in the application, contribute to the speedy relief of the condition of patients.

Mastitis is often confused with such a similar symptomatic disease as lactostasis. It's two different diseases. Lactostasis is observed in the form of which is preceded by an incorrect or insufficient process of emptying the breast. However, in the case of running similar situation mastitis may develop non-infectious nature. In this case general well-being woman instantly deteriorates to such a state that it may be necessary to urgent care the doctors.

How to treat mastitis with folk remedies: warnings

Today, traditional medicine is quite popular. In many cases, home-prepared products give positive result in the fight against many ailments.

But often there is a risk of worsening the patient's condition with the thoughtless use of dubious recipes. For this reason, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is required before starting self-treatment in order to avoid unforeseen negative consequences. It may turn out that the help of exclusively official medicine is needed.

As for the disease itself, such as mastitis, treatment folk remedies in some cases it really speeds up the healing process. Also, with the help of them, the disease can be prevented. However, it should be remembered that it is also not worth excluding the possibility of causing harm by using this method of treating mastitis.

Prohibited method of treating mastitis

Under no circumstances should warming of the mammary glands be used in this disease. So you can only aggravate mastitis. Treatment with folk remedies in the form of compresses or lotions hot temperature create favorable conditions for fast reproduction pathogenic bacteria. This will cause the disease to progress. The heating method is sometimes advised experienced moms and grandmothers, not realizing that he can improve his condition only with lactostasis. Applying hot herbal decoctions and other mixtures will help relieve the symptoms of mastitis outside the chest. This can be taken as positive effect treatment, but the procedure will affect the focus of infection in the above way.

At the slightest suspicion of mastitis, heating of the mammary glands should be categorically refused.

Effective folk remedies for mastitis

To improve the condition of a sick woman nursing a child with milk, the following folk remedies for mastitis are used.

Rice lotions

For a noticeable relief of the patient's condition, it should be applied to the chest diluted with water (until the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained). The improvement becomes clearly noticeable after a couple of hours after the procedure.

Fresh vegetables

In order to reduce tightness in the chest with mastitis, it is recommended to apply fresh coltsfoot or cabbage leaves to it. You can also use grated carrots. You can fix the funds with a bandage or bra (if this does not cause discomfort and pain). These products are able to stop inflammatory processes.

Healing mixtures

How else can you get rid of such an ailment as mastitis? Treatment with folk remedies involves the use of a variety of mixtures made from herbs, oils and other products. Here are the most popular recipes:

  • It is necessary to thoroughly mix one chopped narcissus bulb with rice porridge cooked on water, or rye flour. The agent is required to be spread on the surface of the breast affected by mastitis.
  • For relax general condition for a nursing mother with mastitis and relief of the inflammatory process, it is recommended to apply a cake made from rye flour, fresh milk and butter. It is necessary to apply the remedy at night. To achieve the desired result, repeat the procedure several times.
  • You should combine raw beets, chopped with a fine grater or blender, with honey in a ratio of 3: 1. Apply the resulting product to the chest affected by mastitis. To completely get rid of the disease, at least 20 such procedures are required.

Herbal infusions and decoctions

What other ways can mastitis be cured in a nursing mother? Treatment is also recommended with the help of herbal remedies. Some of the recipes are listed below.


To prevent the occurrence of a purulent inflammatory process in the tissues of the mammary glands, traditional medicine recommends first of all wiping the chest with vodka (it can be replaced with medical alcohol). Then you need to express all the milk. After that, it is required to impose on the entire surface of the chest

Other folk remedies

In addition to the methods described above, there are other folk methods for the treatment of mastitis. Pieces can be applied to sore spots of the chest kombucha and, fixing them with a bandage, keep in this state for several hours. It is also recommended to use a mixture and vodka. These components should be combined in a ratio of 1: 2 and infused for three days. It is necessary to strain the resulting remedy, and then wipe the breast affected by mastitis with it several times a day.

When using all folk methods It is especially useful to use a complex of vitamins to obtain a greater effect. A substitute for it can be tea made from sage, mint, rose hips or viburnum. All components must be combined in equal proportions, pour boiling water (200 ml of water per spoon collection) and insist for two hours. Strained infusion is recommended to be taken orally with lemon juice twice during each day.

Compresses for mastitis: rules for use

Compresses are the main way traditional medicine to get rid of this disease. They are able to save a woman from pulling pain and a feeling of "bursting" of the chest. The basic principle of the use of compresses in this case- exclusion from the list of used components hazardous substances which can be applied both unknowingly and consciously.

As mentioned above, it is strictly forbidden to warm the chest with mastitis. That is, compresses for mastitis should be applied warm or cool, but not hot. You should be aware that there is an inflammatory process in the mammary glands, and warming up will only aggravate the situation.

Compress made from starch and oil

Must be combined with oil plant origin(sunflower) and mix thoroughly until a mass of a homogeneous consistency, resembling thick sour cream, is obtained. Apply the resulting product in the form of a compress should be slightly warmed up on the hardened areas of the chest.

Compress of honey and cottage cheese

What other foods can stop mastitis? Treatment with folk remedies can be carried out with the help of cottage cheese and honey. A compress with these components should be applied to the chest all night. It is required to apply a layer of honey on a gauze or fabric sterile napkin, followed by cottage cheese. To prevent the product from leaking, you can put a piece of waxed under the material or Compress should be applied to the sore chest (with a layer of cottage cheese to the skin). For reliability, it should be fixed with a bandage. After removing the compress, the chest must be washed with water. room temperature.

Onion compress

This compress is recommended for use in daytime days. First you need to bake onion. It is recommended to do this with the help of an oven and a dry, clean frying pan with a lid. Onions do not need to be peeled before baking. Then you need to cut the head across and, after cooling, apply inside to mastitis-affected areas of the chest. For some time it is necessary to fix the compress with a bandage.

Compress made from plantain seeds

For cooking healing agent it is necessary to carefully crush the psyllium seeds and combine them with water at room temperature. The resulting slurry is recommended to be applied to the sore breast with mastitis. Much more effective remedy works if it is prepared on the basis of potato or rice starch, which must first be diluted with water until a thick sour cream is obtained.

Herbal ointment for mastitis

To prepare the ointment, it is necessary to combine Japanese Sophora, spherical eucalyptus, (in equal proportions). The resulting collection in the amount of three tablespoons (tablespoons) should be mixed with boiling water (200 ml is enough) and boiled for 5 minutes. Then the product needs to be cooled and filtered. To the resulting broth should be added butter in the amount of 100 grams. The prepared ointment from mastitis is applied with tissue napkins to the chest (both on the affected areas and on healthy ones).

to get rid of seals

With the help of a special massage for mastitis, already formed knots in the chest can be softened. Also, these actions will contribute to the evacuation of milk from clogged glands. It is necessary to carry out massage with mastitis, making movements in the direction from the peripheral zone to the nipple.

Before starting the massage, it is recommended to slightly relax the formed knots. They must be smoothed with spiral movements made clockwise. Such a preliminary impact on the areas of stagnation in the tissues of the chest is required to be carried out for 40 seconds.

This is followed by the main massage. If during the course of pain intensify and become unbearable, then the procedure is recommended to be carried out in water of medium temperature, under the shower.

Prevention of mastitis

Such unpleasant illness like mastitis of the mammary gland, it is quite possible to avoid if you follow some simple rules, namely:

  1. After feeding the baby, milk must be carefully expressed.
  2. Before giving the baby the second breast, you need to completely empty the first. it required condition to prevent the development of mastitis.
  3. If the baby has enough milk from one breast, next feeding another one needs to be done.
  4. The process should be controlled. The baby should not just suck on the breast, but get milk from it.

Did the nursing mother have a fever, did her breasts fill up and become stone? Maybe it's mastitis! It is useful for women who are breastfeeding to know how to prevent and recognize mastitis in a nursing mother, what are the symptoms and treatment of this disease.

Causes of the disease

lactation mastitis- a disease that occurs in women who have recently given birth or when breastfeeding is stopped. Causes of the disease:

  • milk stasis (lactostasis);
  • undertreated or chronic diseases: sinusitis, tonsillitis, caries;
  • hypothermia, lack of rest (contribute to the awakening of dormant infections in the body);
  • cracked nipples;
  • neglect of the rules of breast skin care.

In the first time after the birth of a child, a nursing mother produces much more milk than a baby can suck. Edema blocks one or more ducts of the gland.

This is how lactostasis begins. It is important for women to know how to avoid mastitis, because suffering from the disease when breastfeeding there will be a mother and a child.

Symptoms and development of the disease

If you do not take active measures to eliminate lactostasis, serous mastitis begins, in a nursing mother, the symptoms of the disease are as follows:

  • Rise in temperature to 38 ° and above.
  • A symptom of density, severity, soreness of the mammary gland.
  • Difficulty in the flow of milk. Sometimes a child cannot suck a drop.
  • Affected and healthy breasts have different sizes.
  • Perhaps redness of the entire mammary gland or some part of it.

Serous mastitis quickly passes into the next stage, interstitial. The symptoms of the disease intensify, the nursing breast fills up even more, it becomes stone. The temperature rises, can reach up to 39 °. The woman feels weakness, pain in the joints, she is shivering.

At this stage of breastfeeding mastitis, the symptoms of fullness and soreness worsen, the baby may refuse to suckle. It is difficult for a nursing mother to express at least a little milk, or it does not come out at all.

With absence adequate treatment interstitial mastitis turns into purulent within 48 hours, which requires hospitalization and surgical intervention. This stage of the disease has severe symptoms:

  • the temperature rises to 40 °, can rise sharply and fall sharply;
  • chest stone, painful;
  • redness of the skin over areas of inflammation;
  • symptoms of intoxication: bad feeling, fever, chills, increased sweating, thirst;
  • there may be a discharge of pus from the mammary gland;
  • symptoms may also appear in the second breast.

Purulent mastitis that develops during breastfeeding is a life-threatening condition. With its signs, you need to seek medical help.

Do no harm to yourself: what not to do if mastitis is suspected

You cannot self-medicate. If the temperature and inflammation in the chest persists for more than 3 days, without signs of improvement, you need to go for an ultrasound.

No need to strongly influence the chest - squeeze it, knead it, rub it with a hard washcloth or rough cloth. This can lead to swelling and aggravation of the problem. A special massage for a nursing mother can be shown by a breastfeeding specialist, or a doctor.

With inflammation of the mammary gland, thermal exposure is contraindicated. No hot baths or heating pads. Bath and shower, as well as compresses, should be at body temperature.

Restricting yourself to liquids (allegedly this reduces the volume of milk in a nursing mother) is not only useless, but also harmful. The amount of milk from this will not decrease, but the symptoms will only intensify.

Feeding a child is not only possible, but necessary. Signs of mastitis and lactostasis are smoothed out or completely disappear with proper breastfeeding.

How to cure mastitis?

If mastitis is suspected in a nursing mother, the doctor will prescribe a blood test that will show the presence and nature of inflammation.

Ultrasound is also used for diagnosis. Immediately take milk for sowing - if available bacterial infection the pathogen will be identified, and it will be possible to select the most effective antibiotic.

Treatment depends on the severity of the disease. With symptoms of serous and interstitial stage appointed special massage which the doctor will show the patient. Physiotherapy can also be prescribed - magnetotherapy, ultrasound.

If a nursing mother heat, you need to take an antipyretic - ibuprofen or paracetamol. Concentration active ingredient, which gets into milk, is extremely small and cannot harm the baby, so feeding is not a contraindication for taking these drugs.

If necessary, the doctor prescribes the treatment of mastitis with antibiotics that are safe for breastfeeding. Just be sure to tell your doctor that you continue to feed so that you can be prescribed the appropriate medication.

Purulent mastitis is treated in a hospital setting. A woman is having a puncture or an incision under general anesthesia- remove pus and stagnant milk. Rehabilitation treatment after surgery is the same as treatment for milder mastitis.

Prevention is better than cure: disease prevention

Although young mothers encounter lactostasis very often, mastitis develops quite rarely during breastfeeding: in 6-9 percent of cases. Prevention of inflammation is very simple: you need to quickly release the breast from milk at the first signs of mastitis in a nursing mother.

The simplest and natural way emptying - attaching the child. With symptoms of lactostasis, you need to feed on demand, offer breasts even more often than the baby asks, and allow the baby to suck as much as he wants.

See also my video tutorial about lactostasis:

If the patient is diagnosed with mastitis, breastfeeding will alleviate the symptoms of the disease, and treatment will go faster.

If the child is still very young and falls asleep while eating, you can periodically wake him up by tickling his cheek. A sick breast should always be offered first, and for some time not to stop trying, even if the baby does not want to take it.

Drink a cup before feeding warm tea and take a shower (not hot). During the shower, try to gently express your breasts without pressing or squeezing them hard. Rough actions can aggravate swelling.

Folk remedies for getting rid of mastitis

Drug treatment and physiotherapy can be supplemented with folk remedies for treatment:

  • Both day and night, apply a cabbage leaf to your chest (you can put it in a bra).
  • Mint leaf compress. Dry leaves pour boiling water for 5 minutes. Then cool, wrap in clean gauze or a diaper and tie to the chest like a mustard plaster for 20 minutes.
  • You can also make compresses from alder leaves and burdock.

Most often, mastitis occurs in lactating women due to an oversight. Monitor symptoms closely, take action when slightest stagnation milk - and the disease will bypass you.

Lactational (postpartum) mastitis is inflammatory disease mammary glands that occurs during breastfeeding. Most often, the disease occurs in nulliparous women in the first weeks of lactation, as well as during weaning. Mastitis while breastfeeding is caused by pathogenic microorganisms (Staphylococcus aureus and streptococcus).

Causes of lactational mastitis

  1. Microcrack in the nipples. The entrance gate for germs that cause mastitis is the nipple. Therefore, any inflammatory diseases with microcracks in the nipples (for example, breast thrush) can lead to the spread of infection to the mammary gland. (read the article about).
  2. Unpreparedness of the nipples for feeding.
  3. The postpartum period in women is accompanied by: a) hormonal changes, b) a decrease in immune forces - which can also lead to mastitis.
  4. Failure to comply with elementary norms of breast hygiene.
  5. Hypothermia.
  6. The presence of tumors in the mammary gland.
  7. Laktostasis. After childbirth, the breast swells greatly, as the first influx of milk occurs. At the same time, the baby may still eat little or not breastfeed at all, which leads to stagnation of milk in the mammary gland - THIS is the most common cause of mastitis in a nursing mother.


The disease is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Compaction, swelling and soreness in the entire breast or some part of it (nipple, halo, mammary gland).
  • Redness of the skin at the site of inflammation.
  • Difficulty in the outflow of milk, problems with feeding.
  • Elevated temperature up to 38 0 C or more. Headache, chills, weakness.
  • Enlarged axillary lymph nodes.



Mastitis is difficult to confuse with another disease mammary glands, therefore, if there are the above symptoms, then within two days you should definitely see a doctor. In this case, the first days you do not need to stop feeding the child with a healthy breast, and milk should be expressed from a breast with mastitis until you are convinced that there is no infectious process in it.

With purulent mastitis, which is determined by ultrasound, you should stop feeding the child with a healthy breast, since pus can also enter a healthy mammary gland through the blood. Renew breastfeeding it will be possible only after recovery and testing for the presence of infection in the milk.

Video #1

What not to do if mastitis is suspected

  • Mastitis during lactation is not a reason to urgently stop breastfeeding your baby. It is strictly forbidden to use any means or drugs to suppress lactation, to be limited in fluid intake for this purpose.
  • In no case should the place of inflammation be heated: do not take hot baths and showers, do not apply a heating pad.
  • It does not follow on one's own choose antibiotics or test folk remedies.

Mastitis treatment

The effectiveness of treatment is directly related to the timeliness of the necessary therapy. If mastitis began to be treated in the first 2 days after the appearance characteristic symptoms, then surgical intervention most likely not needed. The operation is indicated only in case purulent mastitis. Most often, treatment takes place on an outpatient basis, as the mother continues to breastfeed the baby, and this is an important factor in the treatment of mastitis. Stopping breastfeeding with mastitis can only complicate the disease.

Therapy for mastitis includes:

  • The most important thing at the beginning of the disease is to continue to stimulate the outflow of milk from the mammary glands. First, you need to apply the baby to the sore breast, since maximum emptying is more important for her. Pumping should be regular, as it is important to reduce the load on the gland and prevent the appearance of new stagnant foci. A contraindication to feeding from a mastitis breast can only be taking antibiotics, which are prescribed only if other conservative (non-surgical) methods do not help.
  • Regular manual massage from the edges mammary gland to the nipple promotes the outflow of milk.
  • After feeding, ice or a heating pad with ice should be applied to the sore breast through the tissue for 15 minutes.
  • For a better outflow of milk and relieve spasms in the mammary gland, before feeding, take a solution of oxytocin 4 drops 5-6 times a day.

All of the above (pumping, cold, and oxytocin) should be done every two hours, including at night.

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  • It is important to treat the external focus of infection: if there are cracks or inflammation on the nipple, then you should smear it with Bepanten, Purelan - 100 or other anti-inflammatory and healing ointments that your doctor will prescribe.
  • If the temperature rises above 38 0 C, you need to take antipyretics.
  • With a protracted infectious inflammatory process, the doctor prescribes antibiotics, which are selected depending on the pathogen and are drunk in a course of 5-10 days. Parallel to antibacterial drugs prescribe drugs that inhibit lactation. During this period, the child is transferred to artificial feeding mixtures. After recovery, breastfeeding can be resumed.

Folk remedies

Apply a cabbage leaf to your chest

At the first signs of mastitis, in parallel with the main methods of treatment, some folk remedies can help:

  1. Cabbage leaf is applied to the sore breast for the whole day and at night under a bra.
  2. Compresses and leaves of alder and mint. Can be taken dried leaves and, after soaking them in boiling water for 2 minutes, apply in gauze to the sore breast for 15 minutes before each pumping or feeding.
  3. Burdock leaves (coltsfoot), scalded with boiling water, apply to the chest for 10-15 minutes.


When breastfeeding, mastitis is doubly unpleasant, because it brings discomfort not only to the mother, but also to the child. Therefore, it is important to constantly monitor the prevention of this disease.

Secondly, it is important to properly apply to the baby's breast and change position when feeding to ensure a uniform outflow of milk. Reading

Thirdly, it is necessary to treat nipple cracks, which often occur in novice wet nurses. You can smear the nipple with Bepanthen before and after feeding or use

The birth of a child is the most crucial period in a woman's life, requiring mental and physical strength. During pregnancy and childbirth, the body experiences stress. Not all women in labor cope with it to the same extent. Very often, a weakened body is not able to resist infection, and this may occur. unpleasant disease like mastitis.

What is mastitis in a nursing mother, how and why does it appear

Mastitis in women (N64 according to ICD10) is called inflammatory process due to various reasons originating in the mammary glands.

lactation mastitis - severe inflammation in the mammary gland during lactation. It can occur during the entire time of breastfeeding, but most often appears in women in the first weeks after childbirth - postpartum mastitis. Also common cause breast mastitis is the period of weaning a baby from the breast.

The main causes of mastitis:

  1. weakening of the immune system in postpartum period. The body of a woman cannot fully resist a pyogenic infection. There may be various infections which are much more difficult during this period, and recovery period longer. This is due to the fact that the body has not yet fully recovered.
  2. Human milk is an excellent breeding ground for various microorganisms. The infection develops especially quickly when congestion occurs in the mammary gland. This may be due to many reasons. In particular, when the baby is put to the breast late, and the woman did not express milk. If the baby is weak and cannot suckle well. This leads to congestion in the chest, which is the main trigger for the development of mastitis.
  3. Maternal infections. In the postpartum period, there is an exacerbation chronic diseases. For this reason, it is imperative to sanitize the foci of infections.
  4. Microcracks and damage to the nipples. This is the entry gate for infection.
  5. Small nipples when the baby cannot latch onto the nipple and sucks milk poorly.
  6. Violation of the norms of hygiene and breast care.
  7. Hypothermia or overheating. This leads to a weakening of the body and the attachment of infection.
  8. The presence of tumors or implants. They compress the ducts and contribute to stagnation.

Symptoms and signs of mastitis

Local signs: swelling, redness, swelling, soreness of the chest. Difficulty in the outflow of milk, problems with feeding.

Common symptoms of mastitis: sharp deterioration general condition, chills, headache, fever up to 38-39 degrees, an increase in axillary lymph nodes.

Treatment of mastitis, which doctor to contact, examination

Prevention of mastitis - how to prevent the development of the disease

Prevention of mastitis will help to feed the baby with breast milk and avoid such an unpleasant disease.

Mandatory condition - decanting residues breast milk which the child did not suck out of the chest. In case of difficulty, you can use a breast pump. This will not only prevent the development of mastitis during breastfeeding, but will also promote milk production.

Wash your breasts before feeding warm water, Express a drop of milk. You can not pull the chest, wear a tight bra, which impairs blood circulation and compresses the mammary glands.

Compliance with hygiene and proper attachment of the child to the breast. Make sure that there are no cracks and abrasions on the nipples. If it occurs, be sure to treat with Bepanthen or other wound healing ointments.

Massage of the mammary glands has a good effect. This increases lactation and duct patency.

Do not overcool, avoid stressful situations, set up the right good nutrition avoid contact with sick people.

Preventive measures will help to avoid trouble during breastfeeding and the development of mastitis in women.

Mastitis is an inflammatory disease of a bacterial nature that affects the mammary glands, as a result of which a woman experiences pain, burning and, accordingly, discomfort. There are a number of factors, how to determine mastitis in a nursing mother, symptoms and home treatment should be started at the earliest manifestations.

Causes of mastitis in women

Doctors distinguish mastitis of two types:

  • lactation;
  • non-lactational. given period mastitis is not at all uncommon, especially after delivery. However, not everyone knows what measures to take.

The risk zone for the occurrence of the disease includes the following deviations:

  • severe pregnancy;
  • weakened immunity;
  • increased fatigue;
  • disturbed structure of the nipple;
  • improper attachment of the baby to the breast;
  • complication after childbirth.

Causes of occurrence:

  1. Infection different type. Staphylococcus aureus or streptococcus are the two main types of bacteria that can cause mastitis. The baby may latch on the breast incorrectly, resulting in cracks and injuries. Also, an infection can occur if the mother does not adhere to hygiene and does not carefully treat the breast before feeding.
  2. Laktostasis. Incomplete emptying breast leads to stagnation of milk, from which the channels are clogged. Therefore, this inflammatory process occurs. Doctors advise at the first signs of mastitis to take Urgent measures. During feeding this process can cause great discomfort. Therefore, you need to know how to treat mastitis in a nursing mother at home.

Symptoms of mastitis in a nursing mother


  • chills;
  • burning in the chest;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • sweating;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • pain in the chest;
  • temperature rise;
  • Availability purulent discharge from the nipple.

At an early stage, the disease is manifested by a violation of the outflow of milk, poor patency. May be seen in the chest small seals. After 2-3 days, symptoms such as chills, fever, large seals inside join.

How to treat mastitis in a nursing mother at home

Treatment for early stages appoint complex. It consists of:

  • regular pumping: doctors recommend pumping every 2-3 hours, but most importantly - completely;
  • taking antibiotics, and antihistamines and vitamins (in severe cases with purulent secretion);
  • physiotherapy: these manipulations help to quickly eliminate the symptoms of the disease and improve the outflow of milk. During the period of the disease, doctors do not recommend breastfeeding. Mom is prescribed drugs that stop lactation, and the baby is transferred to artificial nutrition.

To avoid this complication Mom needs to learn how to take care of her breasts consistently and properly. To do this, you need to follow:

  • hygiene;
  • correct application;
  • to do massages, as well as to express the remaining milk so that it does not stagnate, and so that the volume of incoming milk is adjusted.

Exist folk recipes from mastitis. In the early stages of manifestations, it is recommended to apply to the chest cabbage leaves. They need to be constantly changed. If a this method does not bring results, then you need to see a doctor. Physiotherapy will help eliminate the disease in 1-2 days.

If there is no such experience, then it is necessary to seek help from a perinatal sister who will teach the mother to perform all the actions correctly. This must be done in order for the baby to receive high-quality breast product. So mastitis will not occur in a nursing mother, every girl should know the symptoms and treatment at home.

E. Malysheva about mastitis

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