What to do if your child is bitten by a wasp. What does a wasp sting look like. Why are children more susceptible to bites?

What to do if a wasp stung a child? Every mother should be prepared for a possible attack by a stinging insect on her baby on the street. Summer - favorite time years of all children. Walking on fresh air in light clothing that does not hinder the movement of the baby, they allow you to explore the surrounding space with interest. Summer time is the time of long walks in the fresh air with the maximum open surface of the body. However, do not forget that the activation of insects during this period just rolls over. Not all of them are harmless. Usually insects do not attack passers-by and do not sting them on own will. Just feeling a threat from the outside, many insects can sting or throw a portion of poison at the enemy.

The procedure for parents in case of a bee sting

Immediately after the bite should be given emergency care to the victim:

  • It is necessary first of all to remove the sting. After all, the longer it stays in the skin, the large quantity poison can enter the body. The sting cannot be removed with your fingers, because this way you can easily squeeze out the poison from the vial. For this purpose, it is worth using tweezers, and if it is not at hand, then the edge of a knife. After removing the sting, the wound must be treated with alcohol, hydrogen peroxide solution or other antiseptic. It is good to examine the skin, exclude the possibility of multiple bites.
  • Locally necessary to put cold compress(any cloth dampened cold water) - it will help reduce swelling, minimize pain and prevent the spread of poison that has already entered the body. A compress can be applied to the swollen area using soda solution, hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine.
  • Above the bite, if it hits the leg or arm, apply a tourniquet for no more than 30 minutes, but loosen it every 10 minutes for 1-2 minutes.
  • Give your child plenty to drink.
  • Give an antihistamine to be taken orally, especially if the child is prone to allergic reactions - tavegil, suprastin, claritin, etc. in age dosages.

In the event that you have nothing at hand, you should pay attention to some plants and materials at hand. Many of these will prove useful in Hymenoptera bites:

  • parsley leaves - will reduce itching and pain;
  • fresh plantain leaf - has a decongestant and analgesic effect, prevents the spread of poison;
  • onion cut in half;
  • crushed mint leaves, dandelion;
  • crushed tansy flower;
  • apply a wet piece of sugar to remove the poison;
  • lemon juice compress;
  • attach a moistened Validol tablet;
  • attach a crushed Kalanchoe leaf;
  • apply a bowl of raw potatoes or garlic;
  • give an antihistamine to take, especially if the child is prone to allergic reactions;
  • give an antipyretic.

If a wasp has bitten a child in the area of ​​​​the mucous membrane, and the edema expands, capturing the surrounding tissues, an ambulance call is necessary. Before the arrival of the doctor, you need to give the baby a drink cold water, which will curb puffiness.

Having found such symptoms after a bite in a baby, you should immediately call an ambulance:

  • Wheezing is a signal that choking may begin.
  • Difficulty swallowing or speaking may be symptoms of choking or nervous system failure.
  • Chest pain is a reaction of the cardiovascular system to a large amount of poison that has entered the body.
  • Shortness of breath and dizziness can occur as a result of intoxication, pulmonary spasm and swelling of the larynx.
  • The reason for the immediate call of an ambulance is the age of the baby up to 3 months and multiple bites in a child, regardless of age.
  • If a lot of time has passed after the bite and the wound begins to fester, these are signs of a possible infection. Therefore, it is imperative to see a doctor.

How to protect yourself from encounters with wasps

The bee has a stinger on its abdomen. It is his insects that are used as protection. After a bite, the sting remains in the body of the victim along with a part of the abdomen and a bubble, and an active release of poison begins, which tends to quickly penetrate through blood vessels. If a wasp or a bumblebee bites a child, then the sting does not remain in the skin.

The wasp is not an ordinary insect capable of stinging. Bees and bumblebees, when bitten by an "offender", insert a sting under skin surface. Wasps inject venom after a bite. One wasp is capable of several active stings before recovering necessary stock poison.

Wasp nests have been a talk of the town since time immemorial. All people on Earth are afraid of them. Wasps so quickly create their homes next to a person that sometimes, waking up in the morning, you can find a nest built overnight on your open balcony. And inside it is already swarming a swarm of wasps. The favorite places of these unpretentious insects are usually playgrounds, split systems from air conditioners, vineyards, trees, benches.

A wasp, like any other living being, cannot live long without water. In summer, wasps accumulate around mini-pools, open wash basins, and on beaches. For example, swimming in the sea, you can observe a large number of wasps on the very shore, greedily catching splashes of water from the wave. They love to constantly crawl through garbage containers in search of food. Wasps are especially attracted to sweet leftovers. And in the summer there is a lot of such waste.

Sometimes, just walking down the street, you can attract a wasp with ice cream or sweet food like popcorn. It won't be easy to get rid of her. Therefore, it is almost impossible to completely avoid a meeting with a wasp.

Any insect rarely takes the initiative to attack a person first. If a wasp bit a child, then, alas, she had “reasons”. Feeling a threat from a person, the insect is capable of an instant reaction - a bite. If a wasp sits on a baby who eats something sweet, it means that it was attracted by sweetness. At these moments, you should not react violently, namely:

  • wave your arms;
  • shout loudly;
  • drive away the insect with sharp movements and clapping of hands;
  • run away;
  • rush about.

If adults at this time are next to a baby who has been attacked by a wasp, it is necessary to act calmly and at the same time quickly. Having driven the wasp from a sticky place, you should resolutely leave from where it will continue its circling. If the child was sitting on a bench or in a sandbox, you need to leave this place as soon as possible, because a lot of wasps can gather.

What to do if a wasp has bitten a baby

If a child is bitten by a wasp, you need to act decisively, without succumbing to panic. Too emotionally reacting parents are able to bring the baby to hysteria and fear in the future. First of all, the danger of a bite should be assessed. The most dangerous bites are in the neck, face, mucous membranes of the nose and oral cavity, pharynx, behind the ear cavities. Painful and fraught with consequences were stings of wasps or bees for children that fell on the region of the lymph nodes.

Bites of stinging insects cause severe edema, which can provoke asphyxia, loss of consciousness, anaphylactic shock. The condition of the victim can only be assessed close person, located at the time of the bite nearby.

When a baby’s handle or leg is injured by a bite, you should not immediately call an ambulance. If a wasp has bitten a child, first aid should come from the mother, which she is able to provide on her own. Such a bite can be survived. In cases where the mucous membrane of the mouth, nose or eyes is affected, care should be taken very responsibly.

An important point is also the fact how many bites were per child. If the bite is single, it is not as terrible as those frequent cases when a swarm of wasps pounces on a baby. it serious danger which may even lead to lethal outcome. Immediately after the bite, a row appears characteristic symptoms which should be carefully monitored, namely:

  • body temperature rises;
  • edema is formed and increases at the site of the bite;
  • heart rate increases;
  • dyspnea;
  • severe redness;
  • nausea;
  • a sharp increase or decrease in blood pressure;
  • dizziness;
  • acute pain at the site of the bite and around, more often burning and itching.

If the symptoms gradually begin to disappear, then everything is going as it should, and there is no cause for concern.

Harm from a wasp sting

Every mother should know that in addition to unpleasant sensations, wasp stings carry a threat of infection. Wasps constantly "patrol" in garbage dumps, eat up the remains of dead animals, decaying scraps. Therefore, the bite of such a wasp is also dangerous by entering various infections. Especially dangerous are bites with the transfer of cadaveric poison. This may cause serious problems with health.

Each child may react differently to a wasp, bee or bumblebee sting, depending on individual features organism and sensitivity to poison. In the presence of a hereditary predisposition to allergic reactions, high level in the body of immunoglobulin E at the first bite, a strong reaction to the allergen may occur. Persons less prone to allergies may react to subsequent stings. In the body of a child, antibodies are produced and accumulated each time, circulating for about six months. The more they accumulate, the stronger the allergy will be.

The reaction of the organism to a bite depends on the intensity of the bite, its localization and the individual susceptibility of the organism. So single bites are most often manifested by local skin reaction sometimes anaphylactic. With multiple bites (5 coma or more), a general (generalized) reaction also joins local manifestations, which can manifest as shock, collapse, and even coma. In this case, the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and oral cavity swell in the victim, and suffocation occurs. It is very dangerous if a bee stings in the neck, face, upper eyelid. So, if the bite fell on the cornea of ​​​​the eye, it is possible to cloud it and reduce visual acuity. An extremely dangerous manifestation is swelling of the tongue and larynx, because as a result of this, suffocation may occur.

What to do if a child was bitten by a wasp and anaphylactic shock began?

Unfortunately, with a wasp sting, this happens often. Sometimes it falls on the area carotid arteries when the child presses the wasp to the neck. This is a very critical situation. Anaphylactic shock can also occur with a bite into the muscle tissue of the arms or legs. This state begins with a loss of consciousness and the impossibility of bringing to life with the help of ammonia. Anaphylactic shock - extreme allergic reaction. Its first signs are rapid heartbeat weakness, low blood pressure. In this case, the child needs emergency help.

Seeing this, you need to immediately call an ambulance or yourself in urgently take the baby to the intensive care unit of the local hospital.

Anaphylactic shock is characterized by a staged course. Acutely after an insect bite for half an hour there are:

  • The first stage is anxiety increased sweating, itching of the feet and hands, severe weakness, chills, throbbing headache, lethargy or agitation, dizziness, sore and itchy throat, sneezing, nasal congestion. Slightly reduced arterial pressure and the heart rate increases.
  • The characteristic symptoms of the second stage are nausea, vomiting, severe weakness, hearing and vision impairment, skin pallor, difficulty breathing, acrocyanosis, dry scattered rales in the lungs, severe tachycardia, blood pressure decreases to 60% of the age norm, the amount of urine excreted sharply decreases.
  • The third stage - the condition of the victim is extremely serious. Breathing is difficult, arrhythmia, develops at lightning speed vascular insufficiency, possible collapse, coma. The pulse is thready, the pressure is not determined, the heart sounds are muffled. There are convulsions, involuntary defecation and urination.

In the absence of proper assistance, death occurs within an hour of the onset of such a condition.

When the reaction came into its own characteristic state, the following steps should be taken:

  • remove tight clothing from the victim;
  • ensure free access of air;
  • put the baby on a pillow so that the head is not thrown back;
  • apply a compress from improvised means to the affected area.

Treatment anaphylactic shock following:

  • Lay the victim on his back, raise the foot end, cover with heating pads and warmly cover the child, give humidified oxygen.
  • In case of vomiting, turn the child's head to one side, if there are sweets in the mouth, chewing gums etc. delete them.
  • Introduce crosswise 0.1% adrenaline 0.1 ml / year of life (but not more than 0.5 ml) diluted in 5 milliliters of saline into the bite area.
  • At the same time, adrenaline 0.1% in the same dosage should be injected into another part of the body every 10-15 minutes until the condition improves.
  • Enter intravenously prednisone at the rate of 2-4 mg/kg, or hydrocortisone at a dose of 10-15 mg/kg.
  • A solution of suprastin 2% is injected intramuscularly - for children under 7 years old - 0.1 ml per 1 year of life, over 7 years old - 1 ml or tavegil 2.5% in the same dose.
  • With a severe headache, the introduction of 50% analgin at the rate of 0.1 ml / year of life is indicated.
  • In the presence of bronchospasm, a 2.4% solution of aminophylline is administered at the rate of 0.5-1 ml per year of life.
  • If convulsions occur, the victim is injected with sodium oxybutyrate 20% solution 50-100 mg / kg, seduxen 0.5% - 0.3-0.5 mg / kg.
  • In heart failure, Korglikon 0.06% solution is administered at a dose of 0.01 mg/kg slowly intravenously and intramuscularly Lasix at the rate of 1-2 mg/kg.
    Even if life-threatening symptoms disappear after first aid, the child must be hospitalized, as there is a risk of secondary shock.

In a hospital setting, the above activities continue.

The kid in many situations is not able to protect himself. Only adults can help him if trouble has already happened and prevent most of the misfortunes that hidden threat from the outside.

A wasp will not attack a person unless they are acting "suspicious". You should explain to your baby that when stinging insects approach, he should not do sudden movements, did not succumb to panic, did not swing at the wasps, did not throw stones at them, did not crush with his arms and legs.

Wasp stings are different from bee stings, as bees are ready to attack a person for no reason. Together with the poison, the bee injects a substance that gives a signal to other insects to also attack the victim. Then the usual animal instinct works, which will not be easy to stop.

The child should explain the differences between a wasp and a bee by showing insects in nature. No need to tune the baby sharply negatively towards the insect. Some children take this approach quite literally and begin to hunt stinging insects. Such behavior can provoke a whole swarm of wasps that will sting the baby mercilessly and it will be impossible to fight them off.

Very young children need to be given advice as problems arise, calmly correcting their behavioral responses. You should speak calmly, without making sudden movements and without intimidating the baby. Older children can be periodically reminded of threats, especially on the eve of summer period when watermelons and melons appear on sale. It is undesirable for a child to be in the kitchen with parents engaged in summer conservation - wasps sometimes fly into such apartments in a swarm, and sometimes it becomes a matter of several days to drive them out of their homes.

Modern pharmacology is ready to offer repellents to prevent the bites of stinging insects. If parents have planned a walk with a child in nature or in a city park, where it will be difficult to resist buying cotton candy or ice cream, it makes sense to apply on the skin similar drugs before leaving home. Usually these are creams or sprays that have a pleasant fragrance and do not cause severe allergic reactions on the skin. After their use, ordinary washing under running water is enough to remove the remnants of the substance. The time of action of repellents is from 2-3 to 6-8 hours.

When providing first aid to a baby after a wasp sting, you cannot use a large number of even well-known, impeccable and harmless remedies. Thus, it is possible to cause serious damage to health, causing even more anxiety. Sometimes just a soda compress and treatment of the bite site is enough. alcohol solution. The site of the bite should be observed. If after a few hours the swelling begins to subside, the body temperature returns to normal, redness decreases, then there is no cause for concern.

A few days after the bite, the affected area may sclerotate, forming large hard bumps. To restore normal blood circulation to the affected area, it can be affected by ointments and alcohol tinctures. AT this case will give good effect"Troxevasin", which is sold in pharmacies without a prescription, tincture of a golden mustache, plantain or sophora. On the fourth day, heating of the affected area is already allowed if the edema left behind a bright hematoma.

Wasp stings are very painful and allergic. Everyone can face this insect. Wasps feel great not only in vegetation areas, but also in cities. The bites of this insect are most dangerous for children. The immune system in babies is not yet fully formed and therefore the risk of a strong reaction is high. What to do if suddenly the child was bitten by a wasp? Every parent should know the answer to this question. After all, trouble can happen at any moment.

What does a wasp sting look like?

A wasp sting is easily confused with a bee sting. It is very important to immediately distinguish who exactly stung the child. The sting of a wasp and a bee looks the same. There is only one difference that needs to be noticed - the bee leaves a sting in the wound. It usually sticks out above the surface of the skin. Outwardly, it looks like a small thorn.

The bee sting has small notches, due to which it gets stuck in the flesh. A bee, if it bites a person, can no longer pull out the sting and flies away, leaving him with part of his intestines. That is why, after a sting, bees die, sometimes without even having time to fly away from a person. They can only sting once in their life. On this basis, you can find out who exactly bit the child - a bee or a wasp.

The wasp has a smooth stinger and is able to bite many times. When bitten, the first thing a child can feel is discomfort, pain as from pricking with a needle, burning. Swelling and redness may appear immediately, or some time after the event. It all depends on the immunity and skin of the baby.

If a sting is noticed, it must be removed. Otherwise, the symptoms and treatment of the consequences of stinging bees and wasps do not differ.

Why is a wasp sting dangerous for a small child?

By itself, a puncture with a sting is not at all dangerous for human body. The problem is the poison that the insect releases when it bites. Wasps, however, like bees, use their sting mainly for self-defense. Very rarely, an insect kills large prey caught with its poison.

The composition of the substance released by the wasp when stinging includes components that are toxic to the human body. When ingested, they cause a violent reaction immune system. She instantly begins to produce antibodies to these substances in order to destroy them. This process causes the release of histamine, which irritates the skin. An allergic reaction occurs. If the child's immune system is strong and the skin is not very sensitive, the bite may go away without complications. But for an allergic person, a collision with a wasp is highly undesirable. It is highly likely that the reaction will be strong.

Children under one year of age are at the highest risk of developing severe allergies. Their body weight is small, their immunity is still quite weak, and their skin is tender and sensitive.

Help little child a wasp sting should be immediate. What to do in such cases, you will learn below.

On a note! Wasp venom contains useful components. AT minimum quantity they stimulate the immune system, accelerate tissue regeneration, and even fight cancer cells.


Most young children have an allergic reaction to a wasp sting. It is impossible to predict exactly how strong it will be and in what way it will be expressed. Symptoms of wasp sting allergy can be mild, localized only to the site of injury, and extensive. The location of the bite also matters. If the insect stung on the lip, eye or eyelid, then the reaction may be stronger. There are situations when wasps sting in the tongue. Such a case is possible if the child pulls food into the mouth on which the wasp sits. A bite in the mucous membrane or in the face is especially dangerous.

With an immune response to a wasp sting, the following symptoms are possible:

  • Redness at the site of the bite.
  • Rash, spots spreading over the body.
  • Hives.
  • Edema (sometimes quite strong), swelling.
  • Pain, itching, pinching of the damaged area.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Sore throat, cough.
  • Lachrymation.
  • Appearance a large number liquid secretion from the nose.
  • Increase in body temperature.
  • Weakness, lethargy, drowsiness.
  • Arrhythmia, tachycardia.
  • Frequent urination.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Tremor of the limbs.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Fainting state.

The most dangerous reactions are:

  • Bronchospasms.
  • Quincke's edema.
  • Anaphylactic shock.

Some parents are interested in whether the temperature of the child rises from the sting, if not skin symptoms(swelling, redness). With an extensive reaction of the body, an increase in temperature without dermatological signs is quite possible.

If a wasp sting caused serious consequences in a child, you should immediately call an ambulance or take him to the hospital yourself. With Quincke's edema and anaphylactic shock, it is recommended that measures be taken, if possible, until the baby is taken to the hospital. These reactions are so strong that every minute counts.

What to do if a small child is bitten by a wasp?

The first thing to do if the baby is stung by an insect is not to panic. Fear and excessive emotionality of adults can frighten the child and aggravate the situation. To minimize Negative consequences bite, it is necessary to provide first aid to the victim.

First aid for a wasp sting

  • Rinse the wound under running cold water.
  • Treat the bite site with any, preferably alcohol-free antiseptic.
  • To quickly relieve pain and swelling, apply a cold compress to the wound.
  • Give the child as much liquid as possible, this will allow the poison to be eliminated faster.
  • If the reaction progresses, give the baby an antihistamine (in children's dosage).

When the sting occurs in the leg, arm or finger, you can put a bandage on the wound so that the baby does not bring dirt into it. Otherwise it is possible to join secondary infection and development of inflammation.

On a note! Lemon and garlic help to quickly anesthetize a wasp sting. A slice of citrus or root crop is applied to the wound for 15-20 minutes.

After the first symptoms are removed, the bite is treated with any healing cream / ointment.

What can not be done?

Parents should also know what not to do if a child has been stung by a wasp:

  • Rub the wound.
  • Warm damaged skin areas.
  • Treat the bite with iodine or brilliant green.
  • Trying to squeeze the poison out of the wound.
  • Bandage the wound with airtight materials.

How to quickly remove a tumor if there are no drugs at hand?

If your child was bitten by a wasp or a bee, and there were no medicines, swelling and swelling, you can try to remove improvised means. Such situations may well occur in nature, and it is important to know how to act even in a difficult environment.

good method how to remove the tumor - apply ice to the bite. Another effective method- make a highly saline solution, soak a soft cloth in it and make a compress. Salt draws fluid out of the pores, preventing swelling from developing.

First aid for severe reactions

From serious complications, the consequences can be tragic. Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock can lead to respiratory arrest. In such situations, an ambulance is immediately called, and while it is on the way, independent measures are taken, if possible.

Relief of complex allergies:

  • The child should be freed from tight clothing and laid on his back. If he has vomiting, then lay on his side.
  • To relieve edema, Hydrocortisone is administered intravenously or intramuscularly at a dose of 10-15 mg/kg or Prednisolone at a rate of 2-4 mg/kg.
  • To suppress histamine, Suprastin or Tavegil 2% is injected intramuscularly - for children under 7 years old - 0.1 ml per 1 year of life, over 7 years old - 1 ml.

This will help stop severe swelling before the arrival of the doctors.

Medical treatment of wasp stings

Antihistamines help to quickly relieve allergy symptoms from a wasp sting. Any medicine a doctor must prescribe for the treatment of a child. Medicines must have a special children's dosage. Treat your child on your own drug therapy It is acceptable only if the risk of complications is too high. Provided that the instructions are carefully studied and the doses of drugs are correctly calculated.

Allergy oral medications for babies

Medicines in syrups allowed for children under one year old:

  • Zyrtec.
  • Fenistil.
  • Erius.

In severe cases, the baby can be given Suprastin injections at a dosage of 1/4 ampoule (0.25 ml).

Treat with these medicines one year old baby it is necessary strictly in compliance with all the rules specified in the instructions.

Preparations for children aged 3 years and older

Children who are 3 years of age or older can be given antihistamine tablets, but with a child's dosage.

These medicines include:

  • Loratadine.
  • Suprastin.
  • Dimedrol.
  • Cyproheptadine.
  • Diazolin.
  • Mebhydrolin.

Ointments / creams for wasp stings for children

Quickly remove swelling, swelling from a wasp sting and others skin manifestations antiallergic ointments, creams, gels help.

Safe preparations for children for external use:

  • La-Kri.
  • Bepanten.
  • Desitin
  • Mustela Stelatopia
  • Gistan
  • Skin cap
  • Elidel.
  • Fenistil gel.

All of these ointments/creams can be used on young children 3 months and older. The drug must be smeared on the affected skin until the symptoms disappear completely.

There are hormonal antihistamine ointments. They are very efficient and work as quickly as possible. But they are prescribed to small patients only in extreme cases- when there are serious complications on the skin from an insect bite. Hormonal ointments for allergies have many side effects and are used strictly according to the doctor's prescription.

Advice! When bitten to the head, it is advisable to cut or shave off a small part of the hair in the affected area to make it easier to treat the wound.

Folk recipes for bites of wasps, bees and other pests can also give nice results. It is permissible to treat a child in such ways at home only if the reaction is not strong and the victim feels satisfactory. If the baby's condition worsens, you should show it to the doctor and switch to drug therapy.

The best recipes for insect bites

  • Redness, irritation and itching can be removed with a solution of soda. The powder is diluted in warm water (1 teaspoon per glass) and rubbed every 15-20 minutes until the discomfort subsides.
  • To relieve swelling and redness, it is necessary to treat the bite with apple cider vinegar diluted to 3%. Rubbing is done several times a day. You can also apply a compress to the wound from the solution for 15-20 minutes.
  • Infusion of chamomile, calendula, sage, mint, succession relieves allergy symptoms well. Compresses, lotions, rubbing are made from it.
  • If the baby has severe pain from a wasp sting, and there are no medicines and other remedies at hand, the usual toothpaste. It is applied to the affected area and left to dry completely. It disinfects well, and due to menthol it relieves swelling and reduces pain.
  • Onion gruel disinfects the wound, stops the spread of edema and reduces pain.
  • From irritation and redness, sour cream helps well. It is smeared on damaged skin and washed off warm water after 20-30 minutes.
  • If the skin turns red quickly and the spots spread over the body, it is recommended to bathe the child in herbal decoction celandine. The water should be warm, not hot. Bath time - no more than 15 minutes.


A wasp or bee sting is dangerous for a child. Unfortunately, it is impossible to fully insure your child from a collision with insects. But you can reduce the risk if you take preventive measures.

In addition to high sensitivity, child's body have and positive property He is able to recover very quickly. If all measures are taken in time, then the wasp sting will not bring serious complications and will heal in a short time.

My child was bitten or stung by some kind of insect. Should I be worried?
Children are often bitten by various insects. Usually this is not a cause for concern. Most insect bites cause only itching or a slight burning sensation and slight swelling. Stings from bees, wasps, and hornets can be painful, but for most children, they are not dangerous. In very rare cases a child may have a severe allergic reaction to a bee or wasp sting. This condition, known as anaphylactic shock, can be fatal.

How to treat insect bites?
If you see that there is a stinger left at the bite site, scrape it off or pick it off with your fingernail. Do not squeeze the stinger with your fingers or tweezers so that more poison does not get into the child's body. Wash the bite site thoroughly with soap and water.
When the stinger is removed, bites and stings are treated in the same way:

You can prevent the development of swelling and reduce itching by applying ice or a cold compress, such as a cool, damp piece of soft cloth, to the bite site.

If your child is in pain, you can give him a pain reliever, such as children's paracetamol in suspension or ibuprofen, following the instructions. Choose the dose of medicine according to the child's age.

You can apply an anti-inflammatory or anesthetic cream to locally soothe the pain.

An antihistamine for children will help reduce swelling and itching

Do not apply creams or ointments to broken skin, and try to encourage your child not to scratch the sting site, as this can create a sore that bacteria can enter. This can lead to infection, for example, pustular disease skin (impetigo). Watch the skin around the bite, as hives may develop after a few hours.

What should I do if my child has an allergic reaction to an insect sting?
If your child has any of the following symptoms, they may have an allergic reaction to an insect sting. Call 911 if you notice any of these symptoms in your child:
swelling of the lips, tongue and mouth and airways, embarrassing breathing
cold clammy sweat
loss of consciousness
nausea and vomiting
While waiting for medical attention, place the child so that the bite is below the level of the heart, if possible. Reassure the baby and cover him with a blanket.

Can an insect bite cause an infection?
The bite site can become infected if the bacteria got into the wound at the time of the insect bite or a few days later, when the child scratched the site too much. Check for increased redness around the sting site, for a hard bump where the baby was stung, or for a fever. If you suspect your child has an infection, contact your pediatrician, who may suggest a course of antibiotics. If your child is bitten by a tick, watch for signs tick-borne borreliosis(Lyme disease), serious bacterial infection. If a rash or a ring-shaped spot develops and spreads around the bite, take your child to the doctor. Although such cases are extremely rare, children can contract encephalitis (brain tumor) and other illnesses from insect-borne bacteria. If your child seems confused or sleepy, has a fever, or stiff neck, call 911 just in case.

I think my child has a tick. How can I remove it?
A tick is a small round insect without wings. Ticks usually attach themselves to animals to feed on their blood. Sometimes they live on people. Initially, the mites are very tiny and difficult to detect. As they fill up, they grow up to 1 cm long and are much easier to see. If you notice a tick on your child, try to remove it as soon as possible. Protect your hands with a cloth or gloves to avoid contact with cavity fluids tick, and use fine tweezers to pull out the tick as follows:
Grab the tick close to the skin.
Gently pull straight up until all parts of the tick's body are removed.
Wash your hands with soap and water after removing the tick.
Clean the area of ​​the tick bite with an antiseptic or soap and water.
During the removal process, do not twist or pull out the tick sharply, as part of the insect may come off and remain under the skin.
Do not attempt to remove the tick using petroleum jelly, alcohol, or a lit match, as these methods are ineffective.
Alternatively, your pediatrician or ER staff will be able to remove the tick at your request.

We are planning a trip abroad. Should I be worried about insects?
In some countries, mosquitoes, flies, fleas and other insects are carriers serious illnesses such as malaria and yellow fever. About three months before you travel, ask your doctor what vaccinations you need to protect your family from these diseases. And don't forget to bring repellent with you, making sure it's suitable for children.

How can you protect your child from insect bites?
Most insect repellents on the market are fairly good at repelling mosquitoes. Find a remedy that is suitable for children. Wearing long trousers, a long-sleeved sweater and boots for a child, you will protect the child during a walk or a picnic. Finally, try to keep your pets free of fleas.

Opinion of Dr. Komarovsky:

When responding to insect bites, two things should be considered possible situations:

1. The reaction of the body - the response to the effects of the poison of a particular insect.

2. A person has an allergy, i.e. hypersensitivity to one of the components of the venom of a particular insect. In the second case, in addition to the standard reaction, so to speak, varying degrees severity allergic local and common manifestations, sometimes extremely dangerous, up to anaphylactic shock.

In the absence of allergies - the situation is quite manageable, and not particularly dangerous. Immediately after the bite - it is advisable to apply something cold to the bitten place, in the future - anti-allergic ointments, inside - calcium gluconate, anti-allergic (antihistamines) can be used. Note that anti-allergic ointments are based on herbal preparations (for example, "Fladex"), antihistamines, the most typical representative is "Fenistil-gel", and based on corticosteroid hormones - hydrocortisone, prednisolone ointments, more modern and effective - "advantan", "elocom".

What to use depends on the severity of the local reaction. If severe swelling, itching - most likely hormonal ointments if, as you described about mosquito bites, then fenistil-gel is more than enough. I perfectly understand that in a civilized country it is not you who should decide what to smear and what to give, but a doctor, but I also perfectly understand how "easy" it is to find a doctor somewhere on a summer cottage or in a tent camp on the seashore - that's the only reason and say the name of the drugs.

If there is an allergy, it can be difficult to do without medical help. By at least if close relatives or this child had pronounced reactions for bites, immediately after the bite - cold, then ointment, optimally, from my point of view, "advantan". In the presence of general reactions- rash, shortness of breath, fainting - intramuscular prednisone, go dexamethasone 2-3 ml and go to the hospital as soon as possible. I insist that if the general severe reactions the child or close relatives had insect bites, without 5 ampoules of dexamethasone and a disposable syringe, you should not go to nature.

Wasps are rather nervous and aggressive insects that prefer to attack first. Anything can cause their hostility, but most of all wasps are irritated by active and sudden movements. And since many children love to run, jump and wave their arms, they are the first victims. When a wasp stings, babies experience horror and severe pain Tears begin to roll uncontrollably from his eyes. Seeing baby crying, parents panic and cannot concentrate and remember what to do if the child is bitten by a wasp. The algorithm of actions depends on the degree of damage, symptoms and predisposition to allergies.

How do wasps bite?

Wasps are divided into many varieties, the most familiar to us are representatives of the paper type. These insects are brightly colored with black and yellow stripes. Their bite is very painful for both a child and an adult. But even they cannot be compared with black and brown road wasps. After stinging them, the victim may have a real pain shock. And no wonder, because these stinging insects feed on spiders, often several times their size. With their poison, they are able to paralyze even tarantulas. Fortunately, such wasps are much rarer than their counterparts, and can only attack a person for safety reasons.

Wasp venom contains histamine, enzymes, polypeptides, biogenic amino acids. But some individuals are able to inject toxic elements under the skin that contribute to the destruction of cells in the victim. Since insects can feed on garbage and even carrion, a mass of pathogens accumulates on the sting. At the moment of stinging, microbes penetrate the wound, which can provoke the formation of pus.

Important! A wasp sting is especially dangerous for adults. Because the susceptibility to the provocateur contained in wasp venom increases with each bite. Therefore, attacks of hypersensitivity can become more and more aggravated, leading to serious complications.

In children, allergy symptoms are more tolerable, since the immune system has not yet had time to properly “get acquainted” with the allergen. Cause severe consequences more often it is the action of the poison, and not the manifestation of a hypersensitive reaction. Therefore, pain and swelling remain, but allergic manifestations(fever or rash) are rare.

Wasp sting symptoms

Characteristic symptoms

First of all, when attacked by a stinging insect, it is necessary to determine whether the wasp or the bee has bitten the child. Unlike hard-working honey miners, wasps are very aggressive creatures and can sting not only for the purpose of protection, but for absolutely any reason. If a child is bitten by a bee, the sting gets stuck in the skin, the insect itself soon dies. Wasps do not leave a sting when attacking: since it has a smooth shape, the insect can easily pull it out. Another danger is that these arthropods are able to attack the crumbs up to 4-5 times.

Immediately after a wasp sting, the damaged area on the child's body looks like a small red swelling with a dot in the middle, which causes unpleasant burning sensation and pain. There is also itching of the wound itself and the surrounding area. At severe inflammation when bitten into an arm or leg, swelling can spread throughout the limb, while the contours become blurred.

Important! It is especially dangerous if a wasp has bitten a child in the head - in this situation, the poison spreads faster through the blood vessels. The consequences may be: violation of the functions of the central nervous system, spasms of the respiratory tract and the development of inflammatory processes due to increased production histamine.

Symptoms usually disappear within a few hours. But if a wasp has bitten a child in the face, it may take 2 days for a full recovery. Sometimes the situation is aggravated by an allergic reaction and serious complications.

Allergic to bite

An allergic reaction to a wasp sting in a child is quite rare. Parents should be alert:

  • Redness, reaching a diameter of 1 cm or even more.
  • Swelling that becomes extensive - for example, if a wasp has bitten a baby on the finger, the skin around it quickly turns red and swells, as a result, the entire arm may swell.
  • Eruptions on the body, causing itching.

The risk group includes infants, toddlers up to a year old and children who have not previously encountered a wasp sting.

Why is a wasp sting dangerous?

When bitten, parents need to monitor the condition of the baby throughout the day. Typical symptoms the lesions are swelling, redness and pain. If a child is hard to tolerate a wasp sting, complications and consequences such as:

  1. The appearance of blisters.
  2. Headache.
  3. Intolerable itching.
  4. Temperature rise.
  5. Fever.
  6. Impaired coordination.
  7. Sharp drops in blood pressure.
  8. Abdominal pain, diarrhea.
  9. Difficulty breathing, shortness of breath.
  10. Convulsions, fainting.

Therefore, from time to time, the mother should ask the baby about his well-being and check if the child’s temperature rises after a wasp sting.

Important! If a wasp has bitten a child in the tongue or throat, you should immediately call an ambulance team - swelling can block Airways and lead to suffocation.

You should not think for a long time what to do if a wasp has bitten a child in the eye or eyelid - you must urgently contact stationary institution. The doctor will advise how to remove the swelling, remove the swelling from the sting. Otherwise, the appearance of inflammatory processes, suppuration of the eyes is possible. Increased risk of developing conjunctivitis. A wasp sting in the mucous membrane of the eye is more dangerous for children than just in the eyelid, since pathologies associated with vision may later be detected.

When is a doctor needed?

Often, parents are aware of how to provide first aid for insect bites, and how to treat at home. However, there are a number of signs, when fixed, it is necessary to urgently call a doctor:

  1. Whistling sounds are heard during the child's breathing, which indicates a violation of bronchial patency, suffocation.
  2. The patient is an infant under 3 months of age.
  3. The presence of multiple bites.
  4. It becomes difficult for the victim to swallow and speak. Similar symptoms may signal swelling of the larynx, asthma attacks, or neurological manifestations.
  5. Feeling pain behind the sternum - indicates a violation of the cardiovascular system due to exposure to toxic substances.
  6. Stinging in soft tissues(tongue, larynx) or in the eyes.
  7. Symptoms of severe intoxication: dizziness, fever, tachycardia or pulmonary spasm.
  8. A sharp deterioration in the child's well-being.

What is forbidden to do if the baby was bitten by a wasp?

Every child needs to know what not to do with a wasp sting, so as not to aggravate the situation. If the baby is still too young, parents themselves should observe his actions. So, when bitten by a stinging insect, it is contraindicated:

  1. Rub sore spot water from natural reservoirs (rivers, lakes). In such water are pathogenic bacteria and when it enters the wound, it leads to various diseases.
  2. Look for a sting after a bite - unlike bees, wasps do not leave a sting in the skin.
  3. Squeeze out the poison - if the toxins come back, then only in small quantities. And increased blood flow will provoke an even greater spread of poison in the tissues. An additional disadvantage will be the increased risk of secondary infection.
  4. Scratching the bitten area can promote infection and the spread of toxic substances.
  5. Taking antihistamines without symptoms allergic symptoms. Hypersensitivity to wasp venom in children is rare, but drugs (and even drunk for no reason) may well lead to feeling unwell at the baby. An exception is a predisposition to allergies.
  6. Kill a wasp - when a flying insect dies, a secret is released that its relatives can instantly feel. If the hive is located nearby, then a bunch of angry wasps can attack the child.
  7. use adults medical supplies instead of children. Incorrectly selected medications can cause serious complications.

And the most important thing for parents to remember - even if strong feelings try to control yourself. Do not panic, do not lament, and do not openly show your concern. This can make the child even more scared. You need to feel sorry for the baby and say that nothing terrible happened, and the pain will soon subside.

Allergy to bites

What to do if a wasp has bitten an allergic child? Give the baby a pill antihistamine action to prevent the development of the disease. When a wasp stings a child, the doctor may prescribe: Suprastin, Zodak, Zirtek, Tsetrin. At allergic rhinitis nasal sprays are well suited: Tizin, Azelastine, Reaktin.

To reduce breakouts and skin itching antihistamine ointments are used. According to numerous reviews of parents, two drugs are considered the most effective:

  • Fenistil gel - has antiallergic and antipruritic action. Positive effect appears after a few minutes. Smear the site of a wasp sting should be 2 to 4 times a day: the more pronounced the symptoms in a child, the more times it will take.
  • Psilo-balm - eliminates the manifestations of allergies, pain and swelling. Pleasantly cools the skin, reducing the discomfort of itching to a minimum.

It is especially noticeable if the wasp has bitten the child on the lip or eye. The lip can greatly increase in size and become numb. Eyelid at allergic edema it often swells so much that it becomes almost impossible to open the eye. Therefore, treatment for increased susceptibility to bites should be carried out without delay.

Wasp sting in a child under one year old

If a wasp has bitten a six-month-old or one-year-old child, itching and pain after the bite may pass faster, but the bump and swelling usually remain for more long time. What to do if a wasp has bitten a child up to a year old? First of all, distract the child from the pain (for example, with a cool bath) and give him an antihistamine: drops of Zyrtec, Fenistil, Cetrin or Peritol syrup. You can also take ¼ of the Suprastin tablet, after crushing it between spoons to a powder state.

What should you do if a child is bitten by a wasp?

To provide a child with first aid for a wasp sting, it is necessary to act in a certain way:

  1. Immediately after the bite, suck out and spit out the poison before it has time to spread throughout the body. If you start acting immediately, the manifestation of symptoms will be smoothed out as much as possible.
  2. When providing first aid for a wasp sting at home, you need to press a swab dipped in vinegar or lemon juice to the child's reddened skin for 2-3 minutes. Wasp venom has alkaline environment, and the acid suppresses it bad influence. Therefore, you can attach any acidic product to the swollen area - a piece of lemon, orange or green apple.
  3. Rinse wound surface cold water to remove residual dirt and toxins.
  4. It is easy to remember how to treat a wasp sting in a child at home. Any disinfectant solutions will help here: Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green.
  5. To accept antihistamine if the baby is susceptible to hypersensitivity or one of the parents has this disease.
  6. You can anesthetize a wasp sting and relieve swelling in a child with the help of such improvised means as a piece of ice wrapped in a cloth, or any frozen food from the refrigerator.
  7. Drink more liquid (tea or ordinary water) to quickly remove the poison from the body.

How can you help a child if he was bitten by a wasp?


Before treating a wasp sting in a child, it is required to determine the degree and nature of the lesion. Most often, doctors prescribe medications that help eliminate itching, relieve inflammation and swelling.

If a small child has been bitten by a wasp or a bee, topical medications can help improve his well-being:

  • Rescuer - a balm based on natural ingredients: beeswax, melted butter, sea buckthorn esters, calendula, tea tree and lavender. The tool will help remove the tumor and contribute to the speedy restoration of tissues, relief pain syndrome. approximate cost balm: 170 rubles.
  • Balm Asterisk - "cools" the affected areas, thereby providing an analgesic and antipruritic effect. However, do not apply too much balm to the skin - this can cause a burn. If, after using the drug, the child began to complain about strong feeling burning sensation, remove the remnants of the product with water.
  • Bepanthen - used in the form of an ointment or cream. The main substance of the drug is dexpanthenol. Bepanthen helps to accelerate the processes of tissue metabolism, moisturizes the skin and relieves inflammatory processes. The drug has practically no contraindications and can even be prescribed for the treatment of newborns.

If the pain after a wasp sting in a child becomes unbearable, it is recommended to use Soventol anesthetic gel or Menovazin ointment.

Alternative medicine

By using folk recipes with bites, you can get rid of the feeling of itching, pain and relieve swelling. There are 5 most effective ways:

  1. Grind the leaves of parsley, plantain, Kalanchoe, celandine or dandelion and press to the reddened area.
  2. Add a little water to the soda, apply the paste to the affected area and leave until completely dry.
  3. Dilute 1 tsp. table soda in 200 ml of water, soak a cloth in a solution of soda and apply to the affected area. Similarly, a solution is prepared with salt, vinegar or citric acid.
  4. Rub the affected area with olive oil.
  5. Cut the aloe leaf lengthwise and keep it on the wound surface.

Safety regulations

To protect the child from wasp attacks, it is recommended to follow a number of rules:

  1. Do not wear bright colors - such colors attract the attention of wasps.
  2. Do not use eau de toilette, especially with a sweetish or floral scent.
  3. If the baby is dirty, dirty places should be immediately cleaned with wet wipes.
  4. If a stinging insect is circling nearby, it is necessary to warn the child so that he does not commit active action, did not swing at the wasp and did not run away. It is best to take the baby by the hand and quietly leave the “dangerous place”.
  5. Explain to the baby that it is impossible to kill a wasp, otherwise a whole swarm of embittered relatives may fly.
  6. Do not allow the child to walk barefoot in the shade - it is in such places that insects prefer to make nests.
  7. Do not leave jam and other sweet foods open.
  8. Before going on a picnic, use special repellents that repel annoying insects.

Going with a child to nature, you need to take repellents and medicines for wasp stings with you. If there is a tendency to allergies, antihistamines should be added to them. If symptoms are mild after a bite, parents can help the child with ointments or folk ways on one's own. With severe intoxication, multiple lesions or sharp deterioration the condition of the child requires urgently call an ambulance.

What to do at home if a person has been bitten by a wasp - this problem is especially relevant in the hot summer months. Young children and the elderly do not always tolerate this without consequences. For a person prone to developing an allergic reaction, a wasp sting can be fatal. Allergists estimate that about 10% of people are allergic to wasp venom. According to statistics, 1 child in 100 is at risk of developing anaphylactic shock after a wasp attack.

From year to year, wasps become more aggressive and dangerous, as they collect substances in fields treated with various insecticides, herbicides, etc. No expert study can fully explain the fact why modern insects are so radically different from those that were 50 years ago. Patients are increasingly seeking medical care after contact with a "striped fly" and do not know what to do if a wasp or a bee has bitten.

For healthy person a lethal dose of wasp venom is equivalent to 500 insect bites. But for an allergic person who suffers from a painful reaction to wasp venom, even 1 bite can lead to tragic consequences.

Wasp venom is a clear, colorless liquid with a bitter taste. It contains biological substances a small amount of which can cause a number of pathophysiological reactions.

Lethal dose wasp venom equals 500 stings

The composition of the poison:

  • 30% dry matter,
  • biogenic amino acids
  • polypeptides,
  • enzymes.

The composition of wasp venom may differ depending on which continent the insects live on. AT foreign countries for example, cross-reactions with ant venom may occur. The aggression of the poison depends on the composition of the antigen, the age of the wasp or bee, and the weather.

most great danger represents a sting in the oral mucosa. In this case, the insect does not spare the poison, as it is frightened by the cramped conditions. As a result, the tongue swells, or even worse - the larynx. In the case of swelling of the tongue, there is nothing fatal, while swelling of the larynx can lead to suffocation. Also, do not think for a long time what to do if a wasp has bitten in the neck. In this case, immediate medical attention is required.


After a wasp sting, a local reaction occurs in the form of edema on the affected area of ​​the skin. When stinging into the soft tissues of the face, the swelling is more pronounced. It should be remembered that people weak immunity, young children, the elderly and allergy sufferers are most vulnerable to contact with a stinging insect.

Edema appears in the bite area. Characterized by redness and itching

In addition to swelling, the following symptoms may appear:

  • pain in the bite area;
  • puffiness;
  • redness of the affected area of ​​the skin;
  • fever, fever (read in this publication how effective they are for children);
  • periodic itching;
  • rash.

At normal course all these signs disappear without a trace after a few days, while allergy sufferers can suffer from a bite for several weeks.

In addition to the standard signs, a person suffering from allergies may experience tachycardia, severe shortness of breath, chills and even short-term loss of consciousness. This condition is unsafe for human life and requires immediate medical attention.

How to treat a bite

Even if a person does not suffer from allergies, he still needs to know what to do at home if a wasp has bitten, especially a child. The bites are very painful, the pain is stronger than from a bee. Pain relief - the main task. In hot and sunny summers, you also need to know the rules for providing first aid for sun and heat stroke. More details - material.

First aid

Wash the affected area and apply a cold compress

Let's find out what to do if a wasp has bitten into an arm, leg (the most common cases) or another part of the body:

  1. Rinse the affected area with cold water to wash away dirt and poison residue. You can also apply a cold compress or a piece of ice.
  2. Disinfect the wound - alcohol, iodine, hydrogen peroxide, etc. will do.
  3. If swelling and itching increase, then lubricate the affected area with an antihistamine such as Fenistil gel. An alternative is to attach a piece of cloth soaked in vinegar.
  4. Take Suprastin, Claritin, Loratadin tablets to avoid allergy complications.
  5. In case of anaphylactic shock or Quincke's edema, immediately seek medical attention. waiting medical team, the victim must take lying position by placing the feet at a level above the head.
  6. With general intoxication of the body, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids - this can be plain water or highly sweet tea.

No need to try to pick at the wound to find the sting, because only bees leave it.

What to do if a wasp has bitten a child? First, give an antihistamine according to the age category, then disinfect the wound and use folk remedies (lemon juice, onion, vinegar) to neutralize the poison.

How to treat the affected area

Allergy to wasp venom

Insect venom releases histamine and other components that provoke the onset of an allergic reaction. Therefore, you need to know what to do if a wasp has bitten and a person’s arm or leg is swollen.

Allergy is divided into several degrees of severity:

  • Easy degree. Redness and swelling at the site of the bite normal reaction organism).
  • Average degree. Redness and swelling, difficulty breathing, abdominal cramps, and diarrhea.
  • Severe degree. Anaphylactic shock develops. In this case, immediate medical attention is required.

An increased risk of developing a severe anaphylactic reaction with allergies most often occurs in people with chronic problems hearts and asthmatics. In the event of a local allergic reaction (swelling around the bite site), the following should be done:

  1. Take an antihistamine as soon as possible. It blocks the action of histamine, a substance released by certain body cells during an allergic reaction.
  2. Apply a cold compress to reduce pain and swelling. You can use a piece of cloth or an ice pack.
  3. What to do if a wasp has bitten a finger and a person experiences excruciating discomfort throughout the arm: analgesics, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen, will help relieve pain.
  4. In the event of a severe allergic reaction, an allergic person must be injected with adrenaline.

Candidate in the next video medical sciences tell you how to help with a wasp sting.

Allergy tests

To diagnose an allergy to insect venom, a skin test or blood tests for specific IgE antibodies are performed. The only way to alleviate the symptoms of an allergic reaction is the systematic introduction of small doses of insect venom. This procedure is carried out in a hospital or outpatient settings. The doctor regularly injects to maintain normal functioning immune system. This treatment lasts 5 years and guarantees a 90% result.

If the swelling gets bigger and bigger, this is a reason to see a doctor.

If it happens anaphylactic reaction, allergy tests with insect allergen type should be performed 2-3 weeks after the bite.

Depending on the reaction of the body, the degree of the allergic reaction is determined. If the first test is negative, it should be repeated after 4-6 weeks. Such manipulations should only be performed by an experienced allergist, who can skillfully prevent the development of allergies during the test.

When to Seek Medical Care

After a bite, you need to listen to your body and monitor your well-being. The reaction of the body to poison is individual for each individual. and proceeds differently. You should seek medical help in such cases:

  • the general condition of the victim has deteriorated sharply;
  • the swelling does not subside, but, on the contrary, becomes larger (read about the reasons);
  • the temperature rises, convulsions appear;
  • noticeable pronounced symptoms of allergies;
  • several wasps attacked a person at once;
  • the insect stung in the soft tissues of the face (tongue, larynx);
  • wasp stung in the eye;
  • an anaphylactic reaction develops.

Common First Aid Mistakes

  • Consume alcohol. Alcohol provokes swelling and exacerbates symptoms.
  • Squeeze out the poison. This may lead to the spread of infection throughout the body, which will significantly aggravate the condition of the victim.
  • Leave a person alone in a state of anaphylactic shock. In this case, it is necessary to wait for an ambulance and not leave the victim.


No one is immune from wasp stings and it is very difficult to completely avoid an insect attack. However, you can minimize this risk, for this it is recommended to follow some precautions:

  • put mosquito nets on the windows;
  • during outdoor recreation, carefully check food and drinks before drinking, especially sweet ones;
  • use repellents or special candles;
  • do not walk barefoot on flowering grass;
  • on hot days outdoors give preference to clothes of light, muted colors: bright, colorful things attract the attention of wasps;
  • bypass the places where the beehives and garbage cans are located;
  • do not overdo it with perfume;
  • do not make sudden movements near wasps;
  • carefully pick up fruits that have fallen from a tree;
  • do not try to kill, hit or drive away insects, because this only provokes their attack.

In a special risk group are people who are allergic to wasp venom, young children, as well as children of parents with allergies. Elderly people should be especially careful when meeting with wasps. Their reaction to the sting may be unexpected.

Wasps are not the only danger that awaits people during outdoor recreation. Scroll down to find out what are the first symptoms and signs heat stroke. you can find out all about the symptoms sunstroke and its danger to children and adults.


Symptoms of a wasp sting can range from redness and itching to nausea, vomiting, and difficulty breathing. Therefore, it is important to avoid insect attacks, especially for allergy sufferers. But if this nevertheless happened, the affected area must be washed and disinfected, and both pharmacy and folk remedies are suitable to relieve puffiness. Antihistamines will relieve the development of an allergic reaction. In severe cases, medical attention may be required.

The following video will show you when you need to without fail see a doctor after a wasp sting.

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