How harmful is anesthesia? Harm and possible complications from general anesthesia. Reactions from general and inhalation anesthesia

One of the options for ensuring the most comfortable treatment and surgical intervention is general anesthesia, the consequences of which for the body are minimal, but inevitable. By agreeing to the procedure, you should learn in more detail about the possible consequences of the application, the advantages and disadvantages of its impact on the health and well-being of the patient.

General anesthesia or general anesthesia is the most difficult method of pain relief during surgery.


  • unconscious state;
  • muscle relaxation;
  • complete anesthesia.

The purpose of using general anesthesia is:

  • high-quality and fruitful operation;
  • avoiding discomfort and stress for the body during surgery caused by pain;
  • monitoring the health of the patient during and after treatment;
  • exclusion of the risk of a mental disorder.

How is general anesthesia done?

In a state referred to as general anesthesia, the consequences for the body of which specialists are trying to study, the patient can be introduced in 2 ways:

The use of the second method involves the use of medications that affect the pain relief process in different ways:

  • ketamine and recofol are commonly used medications that are used to induce deep breathing sleep and are considered the safest;
  • fentalin - used to suppress the reaction to pain and create half-drowsiness;
  • the union of the above drugs - used to obtain a complete stop of all reactions, including breathing, the method is considered the most dangerous.

The mechanism of action of general anesthesia

This process is divided into 4 components:

  • Sleep with the use of drugs - the introduction of special drugs causes the patient to calm down, relax and plunge into a semi-drowsy state. Duration - 4 minutes;
  • Complete anesthesia - in the process of numbing the body, the reactions associated with the fear of pain are inhibited up to an almost complete stop. Duration - from 7 to 15 minutes;
  • General relaxation is the last step in bringing the patient to a state of rest and the beginning for surgical procedures.

Depending on the purpose of the operation, there are several options for sleep:

  • very deep;
  • light;
  • deep;
  • nap.

The duration depends on the type of operation. Awakening is the return of the patient to a conscious state after the operation.

How long does general anesthesia last

The duration of general anesthesia, the consequences of which for the body are not always serious, depends on 3 factors:

  • health;
  • age;
  • operation time and its type:
  • caesarean, abortion - from 20 min. up to an hour;
  • treatment of gynecological diseases, intestines - from 1.5 to 2 hours;
  • breast surgery - from 3 to 6 hours;
  • organ transplant - from 8 to 15 hours.

Important! If the patient is at risk, then the time of anesthesia is minimized without harm to health and the course of the operation.

How long does it take to recover from general anesthesia?

The period of adaptation of the body after surgery occurs in each person in different ways.

Among the factors affecting the duration of withdrawal from general anesthesia, the consequences of which for the body are minimal, it is worth noting:

  • health;
  • sleep depth;
  • the complexity of the treatment.

In the case of a high-quality and short course of the operation, high qualification of the doctor, difficulty sleeping, the patient leaves general anesthesia for a maximum of 6 hours. If the surgical intervention lasts from 3 hours or more, the adaptation period is up to 3 days.

Helpful Hints:

  • The most accurate information regarding the adaptation of the body after anesthesia is recommended to be obtained from a narrow specialist, since it is he who will be more likely to determine when the patient returns to normal after surgery;
  • To speed up adaptation after anesthesia, it is advisable to switch to a diet that presupposes light food, in particular broths, 2-3 days before the operation;
  • In case of trembling in the hands, it is enough to cover yourself with a warm blanket;
  • Analgesics should be used to relieve spasms in the head;
  • It is important to drink plenty of fluids during and after the adaptation period in order to remove all chemicals from the body.

The effect of general anesthesia on the body

Since the task of general anesthesia is to bring a person into an unconscious state with the help of drugs, it significantly affects:

  • cognitive function, the disruption of which is expressed in the weakening of memory, absent-mindedness, a decrease in the level of learning and concentration on some specific objects or subjects surrounding a person;
  • nervous system- is expressed by strong emotional excitability;
  • Liver and kidneys- in this case, the influence is not only negative (patients with a disease of these organs are not allowed to be treated under general anesthesia), but also positive - the described organs are filters of the body, therefore, with a lot of fluid intake and dieting, they quickly remove harmful substances from the body;
  • Vision- after surgery, blindness or partial loss of the seen image is possible.

To avoid the effects of general anesthesia or reduce the risk of their occurrence, doctors advise:

  • a week before the operation, follow a strict diet, including boiled food and lean meals;
  • a month and a half before the operation, give up alcohol and tobacco products;
  • stop taking medications that relieve spasm;
  • to be in a good mood;
  • after treatment, follow a diet that promotes accelerated recovery and adaptation of the body.

How does general anesthesia affect the brain?

The level of influence on the human brain depends on its age. The greatest damage can occur in a child - inhibition in development is possible after the use of strong medications.

In adult patients, memory impairment occurs. The duration of the side effect is about a year. The manifestation is more common in people with heart disease.

The effect of general anesthesia on the heart

The impact of general anesthesia, the consequences of which for the body are unpredictable, occurs through the action of anesthetics, which are used to bring the patient into an unconscious state. Variation of side effects depends on the type of medication, for example, "Ftorotan" has a negative effect on the functioning of the heart muscle, but is short-lived - 30 minutes, then the body returns to normal.

General anesthesia is necessary for complex operations, but it often entails negative consequences for the body in the form of impaired functionality of various internal organs.

The most powerful drugs have a negative effect on blood pressure, expressed by its decrease. It is also possible to show symptoms that indicate a violation of the heart rhythm.

How does general anesthesia affect a woman's body

General anesthesia has a negative effect on the female body during pregnancy, especially at the 3rd and 8th month of fetal development:

  • in the first trimester, the manifestation of pathology in the baby is likely;
  • in the third trimester, premature birth, miscarriage, bleeding are possible.

In the absence of an interesting position, the menstrual cycle is disturbed.

The reasons for changes in the body can be:

  • infection;
  • gynecological surgery;
  • change of food;
  • additional drug burden on the body.


The use of general anesthesia, the consequences of which for the body are unpredictable, is prohibited in the presence of:

  • heart disease in the last stage;
  • diseases of the kidneys and liver;
  • infectious diseases of the acute stage;
  • diseases of the respiratory system - asthma, SARS - at the last stage;
  • bronchitis at the last stage;
  • viral infection;
  • suppressed vital functions of the body;
  • allergic reactions to medicines;
  • skin diseases;
  • taking narcotic substances;
  • mental disorders at any level;
  • pregnancy;
  • diseases of the nervous system in the last stages;
  • the period after vaccination (the operation is possible after 20-30 days from the day of vaccination);
  • hormonal pathologies.

The above health problems occur in all patients and are a ban on the use of general anesthesia. However, special attention should be paid to prohibitions related to children, since it is small patients who are at risk for the described procedure.

Operations using deep sleep are prohibited for children with:

  • high temperature;
  • rubella, measles;
  • skin diseases;
  • rickets;
  • low levels of calcium in the body;
  • indigestion.

What are the possible complications and consequences after general anesthesia

Consequences and complications can affect different systems of the body, as well as manifest themselves in different ways.

Consequences for the female body

Due to the fact that the body of girls is difficult to tolerate the effects of drugs due to congenital weakness, therefore, a large number of negative symptoms are likely to appear after the transfer of general anesthesia.

Among the consequences:

  • headache;
  • vomit;
  • swelling of the brain of the head;
  • lung disease.

Temporary Consequences

Damage to the tongue and lip cavity is manifested in many due to dehydration and the presence of damage in the oral cavity. The action is short-lived.

Important! To avoid the risk of damage to the lips, tongue and teeth, experts recommend that you have an examination with a dentist before the operation to make sure that the gums and teeth are in good condition.

Common types of consequences:

  • Sleep interruption during surgery- manifested in the case of low concentration of drugs in the body. It has a negative impact, expressed in mental disorder and long-term adaptation after surgery;
  • Impaired lung function- manifests itself in the presence of a high concentration of drugs that create general anesthesia in the body;
  • Dizziness- found in everyone. Manifested in case of dehydration of the body and changes in blood pressure;
  • Confusion- occurs in elderly patients. The effect takes place in the process of adaptation and recovery of the body;
  • hand shaking- trembling in the limbs is a consequence of the use of painkillers. Does not have a negative effect on the body. Lasts about 20-30 minutes after the withdrawal from anesthesia .;
  • convulsions- found in everyone. The cause of the effect is dehydration or excess calcium. Does not bear negative consequences for the body;
  • Back pain- appears in connection with being in one position for a long time;
  • Sore throat- The effect lasts from several hours to several days. The duration depends on the presence of external stimuli. It manifests itself when swallowing and talking;
  • Pain in the muscles- appear in male patients of middle and younger age in the shoulders, neck. The duration of the effect is from 2 to 3 days after the operation.

Rare Consequences

Rarely there are such consequences:

Symptoms of anaphylactic shock:

  • circulatory disorders;
  • pain in the muscles;
  • drop in blood pressure;
  • lack of oxygen;
  • headache;
  • loss of consciousness.

In case of partial memory lapses and headaches, doctors recommend taking medications to improve blood circulation, for example: Piracetam, Cavinton or Glycine. Before taking these drugs, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Asthenic syndrome is a mental disorder, expressed by fatigue, loss of attention, weakness. The causes of the disease are constant stress or tension, as well as psychological trauma caused by the action of drugs used to create general anesthesia.

Symptoms of asthenic syndrome:

  • headache;
  • increased irritability;
  • weakness;
  • hand shaking.

Risk group: who is more at risk of experiencing negative consequences

Among patients who are dangerous to enter into a state of general anesthesia:

  • children;
  • people over 50;
  • people with weak hearts, severe heart disease;
  • patients with serious lung disease.

Important! For a safe operation and the correct choice of anesthesia, experts recommend, and sometimes strongly advise, to take blood and heart tests, as well as obtain medical confirmation from a general specialist indicating the normal functioning of the whole organism.

Side effects

After leaving the unconscious state and moving away from general anesthesia, the consequences of which for the body are different, The patient may present with unexpected symptoms:

These and other side effects, according to experts, occur on the first day after surgical procedures, disappearing over time.

General anesthesia, the consequences of which for the body are most often unpredictable, has both positive and negative sides. Subject to the rules indicated above, the impact of deficiencies on the patient's body is minimal, but, despite this, it is advisable to consult a specialist before choosing it.

General anesthesia video

Consequences for the body of general anesthesia:

What are the risks of general anesthesia?

According to polls, anesthesia scares a person more than the operation itself. Patients experience an overwhelming fear of having to fall asleep during surgery, but they are even more afraid of not recovering after it is completed. And even understanding the need for the introduction of anesthetics, patients still have many questions for the anesthesiologist. In this article, we will talk about the sensations that patients experience under anesthesia, and find out - is anesthesia harmful?

Why anesthesia is needed

The vast majority of surgeries are performed under anesthesia. It is necessary for a person to anesthetize the body, and therefore to prevent pain shock. In addition, the introduction of an anesthetic helps to monitor the patient's heartbeat and pressure changes. Moreover, thanks to anesthesia, a person simply does not remember the details of the operation, which saves his body from stress. And postoperative recovery in this case is much faster.

Anesthesia Options

Broadly speaking, anesthesia can be divided into two types:

1. Local anesthesia
During this procedure, a special solution is introduced into the operated tissues, due to which the passage of nerve impulses is inhibited. At the same time, the patient feels numbness in a certain part of the body and does not feel interference in the tissues at all. Such anesthesia is considered the safest, although it is suitable only for simple operations, for example, in dentistry.

2. General anesthesia
The most dangerous is general anesthesia, because with it, for a certain time, the patient's consciousness is completely turned off and he falls asleep. There is no need to worry about general anesthesia. After its introduction, the patient does not feel anything at all, quickly and easily falling into a deep sleep, and also calmly coming out of it.

Can anesthesia be harmful?

It is unlikely that anesthesia can be called a boon for the body, but it is a conscious need to avoid death and other consequences of pain shock. Moreover, if the patient's vital organs and systems worked normally during the operation, and the patient himself did not see unpleasant hallucinations, it can be concluded that anesthesia did not harm the body. Usually, after waking up, patients experience not the most pleasant sensations. As a rule, this is:

  • dizziness and sore throat;
  • severe weakness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • muscle, back or lower back pain;
  • confusion;
  • trembling in the limbs;

A qualified anesthesiologist is responsible for the safety of the patient during the operation. Its primary task is to assess the readiness of a person for an operation. To do this, the specialist must study the patient's card, check the cardiogram, find out if there are any inflammatory processes in the body, a tendency to bleed, and allergies to the injected anesthetic. The consequences of the introduction of anesthesia largely depend on this test. If the doctor has doubts about the safety of anesthesia, he is obliged to postpone the operation, even against the wishes of the surgeon and the patient. Otherwise, serious consequences of anesthesia cannot be ruled out:

  • trauma to the teeth, lips and tongue;
  • nerve damage;
  • eye damage;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • damage to the cerebral cortex;
  • fatal outcome.

Considering that anesthesia temporarily inhibits the functioning of the nervous system, it is impossible to exclude harmful ones that may appear after the patient is discharged from the clinic. Most often, persons who have undergone surgery complain of hair loss, sleep disturbance, as well as memory impairment, which can be both mild and pronounced.

Having figured out whether anesthesia is harmful, one has only to understand that the likelihood of the above symptoms increases significantly in cases where a child is operated on. Health to you and your children!

Can you imagine modern medicine without… anesthesia? And, your trip to the dentist without a special anesthetic injection? And, any other medical manipulations that are accompanied by very painful and uncomfortable sensations, without the absence of special anesthesia? Of course not, most of us will answer. However, as a historical reference, we want to remind you that such painless medicine was not always, and mankind learned about anesthesia not so long ago.

But, be that as it may, despite the fact that anesthesia immerses us in a painless sleep, there are still a number of statements indicating that anesthesia is not so harmless to the human body.

Is it really? And what is anesthesia? What happens to our body and mind under anesthesia? And what effect does general anesthesia have on the human body, and in particular on the brain - to all these questions, we will look for answers in our publication ...

What is anesthesia

Anesthesia is a condition accompanied by loss of consciousness, which is caused artificially (not to be confused with fainting) and is reversible. When using anesthesia, in addition to loss of consciousness, patients experience the effect of anesthesia, which makes it possible to actively use these properties of anesthesia in various fields of medicine, when it is necessary to carry out a number of medical manipulations accompanied by painful sensations.

This state of anesthesia is achieved through the use of special anesthetics. And, he watches the whole process - a special doctor - an anesthesiologist, it is he who calculates the optimal dose of the drug that gives anesthesia, combines such drugs, while relying on the individual indicators of the human body.

“What if I don’t wake up?” - 90% of people who have undergone anesthesia, before plunging into such an unconscious and insensible state, asked themselves this question.

“What if, after anesthesia, I will have complications, I will lose my memory, I will forget my name ...” - 65% of people ask themselves these questions before anesthesia.

So, is it worth being afraid of anesthesia - or is it just an artificial dream(well, we are not afraid to sleep and do not ask ourselves all these questions every night before going to bed) ...

Having calmed down a little and looking at things realistically, we understand that without such anesthesia we simply cannot survive a single operation, but the hackneyed phrases that “anesthesia”, “affects the functioning of our heart, impairs our memory” resurface in our memory ... And , there is also a number of “well-wishers”, instead of supporting and reassuring - on the contrary, he claims that anesthesia is a small death, and “from there” you can not return ...

After all this, even the most inveterate skeptic has some excitement, especially before the operation with anesthesia ...

"Ah, maybe I'm somehow without anesthesia?" - this question "kills" surgeons and doctors. After all, we, patients, do not understand or do not want to understand that it is much worse than such anesthesia, and not all pain can and should be endured ... And if the doctor knew that we can survive the operation without anesthesia, he would definitely use this possibility. Therefore, it is not worth arguing with when anesthesia is prescribed for you and “heroism” about this - “I will tolerate” - is not worth it. If you need it, then you need it...

The effect of anesthesia on the human body

In order to answer How does anesthesia affect the human body?, it is necessary to build on what type of anesthesia is used in each case. After all, depending on the nature of medical manipulations, different types of anesthesia are used. So, for example,

in the case of surgical interventions on internal organs that are located above the diaphragm area, anesthesia with artificial lung ventilation is used, while in the case of heart operations, anesthesia with artificial circulation is used.

Similarly, the methods of administering anesthesia can also be different - intravenous injection, inhaled air through a special mask or other types of anesthesia (including spinal or epidural anesthesia).

The choice of which type of anesthesia to use during the operation is the right of the anesthesiologist, and the patient cannot choose the type of such anesthesia. Therefore, one should not be surprised that several people undergo the same operation under different types of anesthesia. This is quite justified, because the anesthesiologist chooses the type of anesthesia that will work best for you ...

Depending on what type of anesthesia was used, the time of its duration, the method of administration, as well as the personal perception of the body of such anesthesia, after anesthesia, phenomena such as memory impairment, sleep disturbance, hearing and speech impairment can be observed (these symptoms disappear already a few hours after the operation), in some cases hallucinations.

But, if anesthesia were so harmful, and the changes that it brings to our lives are so irreversible, medicine would simply not use it.

Using painkillers during surgical interventions, it is impossible to predict what the consequences of general anesthesia for the body will be. Tolerability of anesthesia depends on various factors. These include age, gender, the presence of alcohol or drug addiction, as well as general health and chronic pathologies of a person. One of the main dangers is that complications in humans may appear some time after the operation.

What is general anesthesia

General anesthesia is a type of anesthesia, artificial introduction of a person into an unconscious state with the possibility of returning consciousness. It is used to block painful syndromes during surgical interventions and various medical procedures. To achieve the loss of pain, you can use special medicines, selected in a certain dosage.

The drugs are able to immerse the cortical centers of the brain in a narcotic sleep of various depths. Medicines can enter the body in various ways: by inhalation - by inhalation of various substances, and also by non-inhalation - in the form of parenteral administration.

The effect of anesthetics on the human body goes through several stages:

  1. Analgesia is a gradual loss of consciousness, accompanied by a lack of sensitivity.
  2. A stage of arousal that some drugs cause. The stage is characterized by short-term excitability of the brain centers.
  3. The surgical stage is a complete loss of excitability and all kinds of sensitivity.
  4. Awakening. Return of painful syndromes, consciousness, motor abilities.

The degree of intensity of each stage is related to the type of specific drug used for pain relief.

Is anesthesia harmful or not for the body? All types of anesthesia, both general and local anesthesia, can provoke some changes in the condition.

Varieties of anesthesia

The harm of anesthesia depends on its type. Most often, a single use of painkillers does not pose a particular threat to a person.

Various drugs can put the patient into a state of sleep, including narcotic and non-narcotic analgesics, anesthetic drugs, neuroleptics. There are several types of general anesthesia. Depending on the method of penetration into the human body, there are:

  1. Inhalation type - the entry of medicinal substances into the circulatory system through the lungs by inhalation of gaseous agents. Used in dentistry.
  2. non-inhalation method. The introduction of drugs intramuscularly or intravenously is used less frequently than the first method. This method of anesthesia can be divided:
  • the classic introduction of drugs - recofol, thiopetal, ketamine - into the venous blood, leading to deep sleep with the preservation of respiratory capacity and slight muscle relaxation;
  • neuroleptanalgesia is carried out with the help of droperidol, fentanyl. Superficial method of anesthesia, causing drowsiness and lethargy;
  • ataralgesia. Loss of soreness with the tranquilizers diazepam and fentanyl;
  • combined anesthesia. It represents a gradual intake of drugs from various pharmacological groups: anesthetics, narcotic analgesics, neuroleptics, inhalation agents together with dithylin, arduan relaxants. When applied, these substances block neuromuscular impulses, which leads to a complete loss of respiratory ability. This condition is dangerous for children and adults.

Similar anesthesia is carried out with tracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation.

The dangers of general anesthesia

There is a risk of not waking up during the operation. Pain relief works in 99% of cases, but in 1% the unexpected can happen. During the surgical intervention, the patient's well-being is controlled by anesthesiologists. who, suspecting something was wrong, take first aid measures.

Another topical question that many patients ask is: is it possible to die from the action of anesthetic drugs? The reaction to anesthesia can be fatal, but with the development of modern technology, the likelihood of a fatal outcome has decreased several times.

Currently, medical institutions use various methods aimed at saving the lives of patients, however, dangerous consequences of anesthesia are not excluded, in which a significant deterioration in well-being is possible.

The most common complications after surgery are:

  • nausea;
  • pain in the throat;
  • mild convulsive syndromes;
  • disorientation in space;
  • headache;
  • feeling of itching;
  • pain in the back and lower back;
  • muscle aches;
  • slight clouding of consciousness.

Most often, such manifestations occur for a short time and disappear within the first 24 hours after surgical procedures.

During anesthesia, patients may experience some conditions that last for a long time:

  • panic attacks that can disrupt the usual rhythm of life in the form of daily uncontrollable bouts of fear;
  • memory impairment. Several cases of memory loss have been established in children who could not remember elementary school material;
  • disorder of the cardiac system, increased heart rate, tachycardia;
  • increase in pressure;
  • failure of liver and kidney function due to the effects of medications used during surgery.

The disorder of the functioning of the liver and kidneys is less common than other consequences.

About 50 years ago, the negative impact of anesthesia was observed in 70% of cases. Currently, only 1-2% of cases of death have been recorded, which is 1 case per 3-4 thousand operations.

Effect on the body

Before performing surgical interventions, the specialist determines the method of anesthesia, depending on the characteristics of a particular person.
. Adults may experience the following conditions:

  • worsening sleep;
  • hearing and speech impairment;
  • pain syndromes in the head;
  • violation of memorization of elementary things;
  • hallucinations.

These manifestations may disappear within 3-5 hours after the use of anesthetics..

Negative consequences after anesthesia can occur in the form of:

  • suffocation;
  • swelling of the respiratory tract;
  • vomiting, in which vomit can enter the respiratory system;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • cerebral edema;
  • renal failure;
  • disorders of cerebral circulation;
  • asthenia.

How anesthesia affects the human body cannot be said unequivocally: it all depends on the type of anesthesia, duration of use, method of use, as well as individual sensitivity to substances.

Impact on the brain

Anesthesia during surgical interventions affects the brain: a number of patients note memory impairment, decreased concentration, mental disorder. Such complications appear gradually, are temporary and last for about a year.

One of the most dangerous consequences is asthenic syndrome, accompanied by changes in the work of the central nervous system.

Primary symptoms include:

  • sleep disturbance that occurs in the form of insomnia or, conversely, deep sleep;
  • depression, mood swings;
  • decreased performance, frequent fatigue.

Secondary, mild symptoms include:

  • feeling of distraction;
  • deterioration in concentration;
  • difficulty remembering;
  • decreased ability to learn.

Most often, such manifestations occur in the first 3 months after the operation.

There are speculations that cause these symptoms:

  • the ability of drugs to lower blood pressure. Anesthesia drugs cause a microstroke, which most often goes unnoticed by a person;
  • imbalance provoked by drugs provoke the death of nerve cells;
  • interaction between the immune system and the inflammatory process. This condition appears after surgery when the patient refuses antispasmodics.

The likelihood of asthenic syndrome increases with the following factors:

  • childhood or old age;
  • increased dose of anesthetic;
  • the presence of certain chronic diseases;
  • reduced intellectual abilities of the patient;
  • prolonged use of painkillers;
  • severe postoperative trauma.

Positive-minded patients tolerate loss of consciousness more easily, so doctors should morally support patients, preventing the occurrence of panic conditions.

Impact on the heart

In most cases, the negative effect of anesthesia on the human body is observed in people with heart disease.

People suffering from heart disease should undergo a full diagnosis before using general anesthesia.
, according to the results of which the specialist will assess the general state of health and determine the type of anesthetic.

Means and methods of their administration can affect the heart in different ways: many cores easily tolerate anesthesia, others experience significant unpleasant symptoms, such as:

  • chest compression;
  • rapid pulse;
  • soreness and stabbing sensations in the heart;
  • feeling of heat;
  • slow heartbeat.

Anesthetics act on the conduction system of the heart, causing arrhythmia. Fortunately, such phenomena are short-term, and after a while they are able to regress. However, in some cases, the pathology can remain for a long time or even forever.

Effect on the woman's body

Doctors do not recommend using anesthesia during pregnancy: painkillers are very toxic, and can adversely affect the condition of the unborn child.

It is forbidden to use anesthetics in the 1st and 2nd trimesters of bearing a child: at these stages, the internal organs of the fetus are laid.

Drugs can slow down the development of internal organs, worsen nutrition, which can provoke various external and internal defects in the child. Also, anesthesia is not used in the middle of the 3rd trimester: this can lead to miscarriage, premature birth, uterine bleeding, and general poisoning of a pregnant woman.

General anesthesia during caesarean section leads to the appearance of:

  • nausea;
  • pain symptoms in the head;
  • dizziness;
  • muscle spasms;
  • deterioration in concentration;
  • cloudiness of consciousness;
  • convulsive syndromes.

The negative effects of anesthesia on a woman's body occur under the influence of the following factors:

  • Overvoltage. Any anesthetic leads to an increase in the load on the body, slows down the work of all organs.
  • Changing your usual diet. Some types of surgical operations require adherence to a therapeutic diet that affects the frequency of menstruation and the abundance of discharge during menstruation.
  • Intervention in the work of the pelvic organs often leads to their failure. In this case, a woman needs time to restore their functioning.
  • During and after surgery, a weakened body is at increased risk of infection.

Impact on the child's body

Most often, children tolerate anesthesia more easily and quickly forget the negative consequences that accompany the operation, which is a feature of their psychology. The reaction of the child's body to the introduction of painkillers is also individual, as in adults. Any intervention can affect the growth and development of the child. Of the negative consequences, one can note the appearance of allergic reactions to medications, disruption of the heart.

In addition, anesthesia affects the rate of development of children and impairs the functioning of the central nervous system, therefore, before conducting anesthesia, the specialist compares the need for its implementation with the risk of complications.

What is the danger of anesthesia during surgery in childhood? Common consequences are:

  • anaphylaxis;
  • angioedema;
  • heart disorders;
  • coma.

Similar symptoms are observed in rare cases. Of the late consequences, cognitive disorders can be noted in the form of:

  • hyperactivity;
  • chronic headaches, migraine attacks that are not able to eliminate analgesics;
  • slowly progressive disorders of the functioning of the liver and kidneys;
  • tendency to dizziness;
  • convulsive contractions of the muscles of the legs.

Among cognitive impairments, deterioration in memory, logical thinking, difficulty concentrating, and impulsive behavior can be noted. In young children, up to 3 years, there is a lag in mental development, learning difficulties, epileptic syndrome.

To avoid the negative consequences of general anesthesia, it is necessary to fully examine the body before the operation, and after surgery, use drugs that improve cerebral circulation, as well as vitamin complexes.

Many are interested in how many anesthesia can a person endure? Doctors say that general anesthesia should be carried out as many times as necessary. If there is a question of life and death, doctors decide on the use of pain relief, despite the possible negative consequences in the future.

Anesthesia is a fainting condition that is artificially caused by special drugs. It is used to block pain during surgery, painful procedures. Due to the unusual impact, the question: “how does anesthesia affect the human body” has been and remains relevant.

Types of anesthesia

According to the degree of influence, the principle of administration and exposure, two types of anesthesia are distinguished:

  1. General anesthesia, also called anesthesia. It is used to turn off pain, relax muscles, ensure the immobility of a person during operations. It is carried out in two ways - through a vein, a mask into which a gaseous anesthetic is supplied. The depth of consciousness blackout directly depends on the amount of anesthetic supply. If a major operation is planned, the anesthesiologist increases the amount of the substance through a dropper or mask;
  2. Local anesthesia. This is the introduction of an anesthetic to the place where the manipulations will be performed. For example, if a person has broken a finger, the doctor injects the substance there. The place injected with the drug becomes numb, the patient feels the touch weakly, remains fully conscious.

The danger of anesthesia

People often worry that they can wake up right during the operation. Unfortunately, there is such a possibility. Anesthetics work and keep a person's consciousness in 99% of cases under control, but there is always 1% when something can go wrong.

This is due to individual characteristics, which may have a peculiar effect on the effect. During the operation, the patient's condition is monitored - heart rate, pressure, breathing - down to the smallest detail, so if the doctor feels something is wrong, he will have time to take action.

Is there a risk of dying from anesthesia? Alas, yes, but with the development of technology, changes in the composition of the anesthetic substance, it has decreased by 6 times. The risk of death from it is several times lower than dying in a car accident. Youth, the absence of chronic diseases reduces the possibility of dying several times more.

How can anesthesia affect a child?

Experienced anesthesia affects, first of all, the work of the brain:

  • speed of thought;
  • memory impairment;
  • Decreased concentration level;
  • hyperactivity;
  • Willingness and ability to learn.

The risk of destruction of neural connections, brain cells in a child is due to the fact that at a young age it is only developing.

Scientists suggest that anesthesia given before the age of two can seriously affect the development of the baby. While the study is open, a safe, time frame for a child not to be mentally affected by anesthesia has not yet been established.

The danger of anesthesia for memory?

The first thing that general anesthesia affects is the brain. The most terrible consequence is asthenic syndrome, characterized by disorders of the central nervous system.

The manifestation of asthenic syndrome should be divided into two categories - primary symptoms, secondary (mild)

The primary ones are:

  • Sleep disorder - insomnia or restless sleep;
  • Decreased performance. Many complain of rapid fatigue;
  • Apathy, mood swings.


  • A person becomes distracted, it is difficult for him to concentrate on one thing;
  • Bad memory is the result of poor concentration;
  • Deterioration in learning ability.

The syndrome makes itself felt in the first three months from the day the anesthetic enters the body. So far, there are only theories regarding the cause of the syndrome:

  1. Painkillers lower blood pressure. A short-term critical condition provokes a microstroke, which can be almost invisible;
  2. An imbalance between neurotransmitters and molecules in the brain causes the death of nerve cells;
  3. The collision of the immune system and inflammation. This phenomenon is observed when the patient in the postoperative period refuses antispasmodics.

What increases the risk of developing asthenic syndrome:

  • Age - children, elderly;
  • The presence of chronic diseases;
  • Poorly developed intellectual abilities;
  • Prolonged presence of an anesthetic in the body;
  • Large dose of anesthetic;
  • Serious postoperative trauma.

How does anesthesia affect the body, namely the heart. For example, if a person already suffers from serious pathologies - atrial fibrillation, coronary disease, cardiac asthma, tachycardia.

The doctor will send you for a full diagnosis, according to the results of which he will set a risk score for surgery, and also determine which type of painkiller, which type is right for you.

The effect of anesthesia on the heart is a purely individual matter. Some feel fine and recover quickly, while others fall prey to asthenic syndrome.

If you have a constricting feeling in the chest, colitis, pain, bakes, becomes very frequent, your heartbeat slows down, you should immediately talk to your doctor.

The effect of anesthesia on the body of a woman?

The female body is unique, it can be in a variety of states - puberty, the menstrual cycle, pregnancy. Therefore, it is easiest to judge the consequences based on the state of the body at the time of the operation.

If you are in a position anesthesia is not at all desirable. Any type of painkiller is toxic, it can adversely affect the health of the child, the expectant mother.

It is not recommended to use anesthesia in the first, second trimester, the most dangerous period from the 2nd to the 10th week, when the baby's vital organs are still being formed. The ingestion of an anesthetic slows down the process of development, nutrition, which can lead to external / internal anomalies.

The middle of the third trimester is also not the right time for anesthesia. During this period, the placenta, the uterus shrink even more, the peritoneal organs are in a tense state, the anesthetic substance can provoke a miscarriage, premature birth, and cause bleeding. Also do not forget about, you can read on our portal.

Cesarean section with anesthesia gives consequences in the form of symptoms:

  • Headache attacks;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • muscle spasms;
  • Concentration disorders and clouding of consciousness;
  • Spasms of the back muscles.

A woman outside of these states with an established menstrual cycle may experience its violation. It is called:

  • Overvoltage. Any anesthetic substance is a burden on the human body, and the female one is no exception, the whole process slows down, all forces go to stabilize the work of organs;
  • Diet change. Some types of surgical interventions require a therapeutic diet, which affects the number, frequency of menstruation;
  • Operation on the pelvic organs. Any gynecological operation temporarily upsets the work of the genital organs, it is required to wait until they are restored again;
  • Infection. The operation is associated with risks, including infection. This can happen not only during the operation, but also after, when the body is weakened.

How can anesthesia affect the body?

General anesthesia strongly affects the entire organ system, so the risk of complications cannot be completely ruled out.

How anesthesia can negatively affect the body:

  1. Suffocation, swelling of the lumen of the respiratory tract;
  2. Vomit. In pregnant women, the gag reflex may begin during surgery, there is a risk of dying from ingestion of vomit into the respiratory tract;
  3. arrhythmia;
  4. swelling of the brain;
  5. Diseases of the respiratory apparatus, respiratory failure;
  6. Inflammation;
  7. kidney failure;
  8. Deterioration of cerebral circulation;
  9. Asthenic syndrome.

Video: what is anesthesia (shock)

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