Severe bronchitis makes it difficult to breathe. Shortness of breath with bronchitis: treatment of asthma attacks with drugs. Bronchitis with obstruction

You are an active person who cares and thinks about your respiratory system and health in general, continue to play sports, lead a healthy lifestyle, and your body will delight you throughout your life, and no bronchitis will bother you. But do not forget to undergo examinations on time, maintain your immunity, this is very important, do not overcool, avoid severe physical and severe emotional overload.

  • It's time to start thinking about what you're doing wrong...

    You are at risk, you should think about your lifestyle and start taking care of yourself. Physical education is obligatory, and even better start playing sports, choose the sport that you like best and turn it into a hobby (dancing, cycling, gym or just try to walk more). Do not forget to treat colds and flu in time, they can lead to complications in the lungs. Be sure to work with your immunity, temper yourself, be in nature and fresh air as often as possible. Do not forget to undergo scheduled annual examinations, it is much easier to treat lung diseases in the initial stages than in a neglected form. Avoid emotional and physical overload, smoking or contact with smokers, if possible, exclude or minimize.

  • It's time to sound the alarm! In your case, the probability of getting sick with bronchitis is huge!

    You are completely irresponsible about your health, thereby destroying the work of your lungs and bronchi, pity them! If you want to live long, you need to radically change your whole attitude towards the body. First of all, go through an examination by such specialists as a therapist and a pulmonologist, you need to take drastic measures, otherwise everything may end badly for you. Follow all the recommendations of doctors, radically change your life, it may be worth changing your job or even your place of residence, absolutely eliminate smoking and alcohol from your life, and reduce contact with people who have such addictions to a minimum, harden, strengthen your immunity, as much as possible be outdoors more often. Avoid emotional and physical overload. Completely exclude all aggressive products from everyday use, replace them with natural, natural products. Do not forget to do wet cleaning and airing the room at home.

  • With bronchitis shortness of breath - obvious clinical sign of the disease. The symptom of lack of oxygen occurs in adults and children. There are cases when difficulty in breathing during bronchitis occurred even in infants. In many cases, while bronchitis is being treated, shortness of breath can be relieved by inhalation. But there are emergencies when medical attention is needed immediately.

    The reasons

    - one of the characteristic signs of bronchitis. It develops as an inflammatory process and is accompanied by shortness of breath. The appearance of shortness of breath in the initial stages of the disease is not always noticeable. Increasing, breathing problems become a signal to contact your doctor. If treatment is not started in time, the disease can lead to a complete cessation of breathing.

    Places of localization of shortness of breath are the bronchi, alveoli and alveolar passages. The main etiological cause is the disease of these organs of an inflammatory and non-inflammatory nature. During shortness of breath, the bronchi narrow, as a result of which oxygen is not supplied in the required amount.

    Other causes of the disease:

    • spasmolytic condition of the smooth muscles of the bronchi;
    • swelling of the mucous and submucosal layers of the bronchial tree;
    • sputum that accumulates in the bronchi and clogs the alveolar passages, preventing the flow of oxygen to the lungs.
    Shortness of breath in a neglected state can develop into asthma or a chronic form of bronchitis.

    Symptoms of shortness of breath in various forms of bronchitis

    Bronchitis, depending on the clinical signs, it happens:

    • chronic;
    • spicy;
    • diffuse;
    • allergic;
    • asthmatic.
    Acute bronchitis rarely accompanied by shortness of breath, attacks of suffocation are the result of poisoning. Poisons enter the bronchi, which causes a lack of oxygen. Shortness of breath contributes to the appearance and pain in the chest cavity.

    At chronic bronchitis shortness of breath is often manifested. It does not occur immediately at the onset of the disease, but after some time. Untimely treatment leads to an exacerbation of the disease and the occurrence of suffocation.

    The most dangerous type of shortness of breath occurs during diffuse bronchitis. The presence of sputum in the bronchi causes a severe form of difficulty in breathing. Increased shortness of breath in the morning and disappears after coughing. Shortness of breath can develop as the inflammatory process spreads to certain parts of the lungs and alveoli.

    : attacks of shortness of breath increase from a slight lack of oxygen to complete suffocation.

    During asthmatic bronchitis there is a spasm of the bronchi, there is difficulty in exhaling air. Later, this can develop into suffocation.

    The sudden appearance of shortness of breath may signal an inflammatory process or complication. Sudden difficulty in breathing indicates the development of complications after suffering bronchitis. Pain in the chest, prolongation of bouts of shortness of breath - with such signs, you need to urgently call a doctor and undergo treatment in a hospital. The occurrence of oxygen starvation can lead to a complete cessation of breathing and death.

    Shortness of breath with bronchitis in a child: first aid

    The occurrence of bronchitis in a child is dangerous. The shortness of breath that accompanies it can lead to suffocation. The lumen of the bronchi narrows, it is difficult for oxygen to get into the lungs, and the child suffocates.

    Another risk factor is the rapid development of the disease. The lack of oxygen increases much faster in childhood than in adulthood. Quick help to the child as a result of lack of breath becomes the primary task of parents.

    The most dangerous type of shortness of breath for a child is difficulty breathing when diffuse bronchitis. The younger the child, the more dangerous the seizures for him, there is a risk of complications.

    No less dangerous is shortness of breath with bronchitis in infants. It usually occurs in a diffuse form. This disease is the second most common among all diseases of the respiratory system.

    Babies mostly suffer from bronchitis from the first year of life, their shortness of breath manifests itself clearly. Deviation from treatment can lead to the development of asthma based on lack of oxygen.

    The causes of shortness of breath are completely different. These include flu, tonsillitis, bacterial infections. Diffuse bronchitis can be caused by small objects entering the child's airways.

    The occurrence of shortness of breath in a child requires immediate help:

    • the very first action should be to call an ambulance;
    • the child must be put or seated;
    • unfasten clothes and release the baby's neck from the collar;
    • open windows, doors for fresh air;
    • apply an inhaler.
    Important! In some cases of shortness of breath, emergency assistance is required:
    • The appearance of sudden shortness of breath and the increase with increasing force.
    • Increased episodes of oxygen deprivation.
    • Appearance of suffocation.

    Treatment: medications, physiotherapy and traditional medicine

    Shortness of breath with bronchitis is one of the symptoms. Therefore, the cure for breathing difficulties comes down to getting rid of the underlying disease. With bronchitis, medicines, aerosols, inhalers and alternative methods of treatment are used.

    Diffuse bronchitis (obstructive)

    This type of disease is treated not only with drugs, but also with a change in diet. Among a large number of medicines, drugs are used, relieve bronchospasm: Salbutomol and others.

    Means that relax the smooth muscles of the bronchi: Papaverine, No-shpa.

    Expectorants: Lazolvan, Evkabal, Acetylcestin.

    Antibiotics: Macropen, Cefazolin.

    Massage and. Inhalation therapy is used in severe cases, for this they use drugs that eliminate the causes of bronchitis and shortness of breath. Massage is used to remove phlegm, facilitate breathing, relieve spasm from the bronchi. Massaging, capture the chest, back and withers.

    From the video you will learn what symptoms children should be massaged for, how to properly perform therapeutic massage for bronchitis in a child, and what needs to be done to facilitate breathing and sputum discharge, how to massage a baby at home using cans.

    Known cases of the use of drugs, thinning mucus. Such medicines perform a drainage function, there are direct and indirect actions. Most often, plant materials are used: licorice root, marshmallow root, thyme, thermopsis.

    Small children do not know how to remove mucus themselves, so vasoconstrictor medications or special jars - aspirators have been created for them. There are times when the baby has a fever. In this case, you need to drink plenty of water: fruit and vegetable juices.

    Chronical bronchitis

    Treatment is similar to diffuse. Broad-spectrum drugs are used. It is not always possible to completely get rid of such an ailment, but it is possible to stabilize the condition and stop the progression. For the treatment of chronic bronchitis apply:
    • Antibacterial agents: Aumentin, Amoxiclav, Macropen.
    • Expectorants: ACC, Lazolvan, Flavomed, Bromhexine.
    • Bronchodilators, anti-inflammatory and antihistamines: Eufelin, Ipratropium bromide, Salbutomol, Fluticasone, Sembicort.
    • Inhalations: Dioxidin, Lazolvan, Berotek.
    • Physiotherapy.
    Physiotherapy used to treat bronchial diseases, including bronchitis. It is aimed at improving blood circulation in the bronchi and removing sputum. The variety of physiotherapeutic agents is great. Thermal procedures and electric current treatment are mainly used.

    Thermal treatments include treatment with mud, paraffin, ozocerite. electrical impulses used to expand the lumen of the bronchi and relax smooth muscles. The method is based on the action of electrical signals.

    Various drugs are used to treat bronchitis. Means can have a quick and long-term effect. For example, ACC Long, Ambrobene and Halixol.

    ACC Long- a common remedy for bronchitis, used by adults and children who suffer from shortness of breath. The drug dilutes sputum, removes it and promotes the expansion of the lumen of the alveoli.

    Ambrobene- a drug used to treat bronchitis and shortness of breath, as well as ACC, helps to remove sputum and prevents shortness of breath.

    Halixol- used to treat bronchitis, shortness of breath, sputum removal. The drug begins its action immediately, the effectiveness drops after a day.

    Fast-acting drugs are Ambroxol, Lazolvan and Halixol. The effect occurs immediately after taking the medication, and the action lasts for a day.

    Bronchitis is treated not only with medicines, but also folk remedies, herbal infusions, collections or herbal tablets. They resort to making remedies for bronchitis at home: plantain syrup, garlic infusion in milk, etc.

    Shortness of breath after bronchitis

    After treatment of bronchitis, attacks of lack of air may persist for some time. The reasons for this may be the recovery processes in the lungs and bronchi, which are slow, as well as pain in the chest during breathing.

    Treatment should be careful, it is carried out under the supervision of doctors, since shortness of breath can mean not only recovery and restoration of the bronchi, but also complications after the disease. As a therapy, drainage massage, physiotherapy procedures, air ionization are used.

    Timely detection and treatment of shortness of breath that occurs during bronchitis will keep you and your loved ones healthy! Be healthy!

    Next article.

    Bronchitis is an acute infectious disease of the respiratory tract, which consists in inflammation of the bronchial tree at different levels, which, with the further development of the pathological process, can lead to a lack of air for adequate gas exchange. The essence of the article is to convey to the reader why it is difficult to breathe with bronchitis, what to do in such a situation, what are the mechanisms for the development of this condition, as evidenced by the patient's wheezing.

    Pathogenetically, it looks like this: there is a pronounced swelling of the bronchial mucosa (as one of the main manifestations of the inflammatory process in the body), the release of a large amount of exudate (sputum), which the mucociliary epithelium cells are simply not even able to bring out of the lumen of the bronchi. Because of this, the “bronchial flooding” syndrome occurs, associated with increased secretion of mucus, which, figuratively speaking, “floods” the entire bronchial tree. This is one of the components of respiratory failure. Among other things, there is a certain obstructive component in the disorder of the respiratory function - its essence lies in the narrowing of the bronchi due to swelling of the mucous membrane.

    Prognostically, this mechanism of difficulty in breathing is much more unfavorable, since due to an increase in the thickness of the mucous membrane, complete obstruction of the lumen of the bronchus is possible. It is customary to single out bronchitis with an asthmatic (atopic) component in a separate group. Some even call this phenomenon a special type of bronchial asthma. It should be noted that obstructive bronchitis in Europe and the United States is not generally distinguished as a separate nosology, but is considered just some prolonged asthma attack and nothing more. Be that as it may, obstructive bronchitis differs from bronchial asthma in essence, only by an increase in temperature (although it may not be) and the presence of inflammatory changes to a more pronounced degree. The wheezing is also perfectly auscultated.

    That's actually all the mechanisms of respiratory failure, due to which there is a lack of air.

    Unfortunately, broncho-obstructive syndrome is a life-threatening condition caused by lack of air.

    Often it is even worse than laryngospasm, for several reasons:

    Laryngospasm is quickly stopped by the introduction of hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs; it is not always possible to alleviate the lack of air in a similar way with spasm of the bronchi themselves.

    In the most extreme case, with severe laryngospasm, a tracheotomy can be performed, even outside the hospital.

    With broncho-obstructive syndrome (suffocation attack), there may be no response to treatment with etiotropic drugs (beta-2 agonists), that is, the formation of the so-called "silent lung" syndrome.

    It is possible to understand that a patient has developed broncho-obstructive syndrome by several signs:

    1. Difficulty breathing in the absence of any physical activity, characteristic wheezing.
    2. Increased respiratory movements (more than 18 per minute).
    3. Signs of respiratory failure (lack of air), determined mainly instrumentally. First of all, saturation is an indicator of the concentration of oxygen in the blood. This indicator should be at least 95% - in case of its decrease, oxygen therapy is mandatory. If less than 95% - it is possible to supply oxygen through a mask, if it falls below 90% - it is necessary to transfer the patient to a ventilator.
    4. Cyanosis of the skin, peripheral or central cyanosis. A clear sign of hypoxia, a consequence of lack of air.
    5. Neurological symptoms, convulsions. It is rare and usually occurs in children.

    In addition, respiratory failure (suffocation) with bronchitis does not develop immediately - so having an appropriate history will also help to correctly diagnose the cause of a sharp deterioration in the condition.

    Be that as it may, at the slightest suspicion of broncho-obstructive syndrome, or simply by the appearance of a feeling of heaviness with bronchitis, hospitalization is necessary. It must be remembered that the reason that the patient suddenly became suddenly hard to breathe may be that a pneumothorax, abscess or pleurisy has developed. These conditions require assistance in the intensive care unit and intensive care unit.

    Urgent care

    However, care at the prehospital stage is no less important than inpatient treatment, and often the first resuscitation measures determine the fate of the patient in the future. If you feel the heaviness of breathing, with an attack of suffocation, the patient immediately needs the introduction of steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - dexamethasone at a dosage of 4 mg intramuscularly for an adult and 2 mg intramuscularly for a child. This must be done immediately. The introduction of this drug will remove the signs of inflammation of the bronchial mucosa, which will improve the patency of the respiratory tract, and as a result, eliminate the lack of air. In addition, beta2-agonists (ventolin or salbutamol) are required. Allows you to remove the muscle component of the spasm. An important point - children should not be given ventolin through an evohaler, as it can cause cardiac arrest. It is possible to use this drug only through the baby-haler, because in this way a “softer” supply of this drug is obtained. Already being in an ambulance, it is imperative for the patient to supply oxygen through a mask - naturally, before stopping the obstruction itself to the maximum.

    Treatment in a hospital

    When a patient is admitted to a hospital, it is necessary to re-evaluate the state of all his vital functions by measuring the respiratory rate, heart rate, temperature and saturation. Assess the consequences and degree of lack of air. Infusion therapy is indicated - intravenous drip of methylxanthines (eufillin), as it is not worth getting too carried away with beta2-agonists - a “dumb” lung may develop due to the fact that the receptors lose sensitivity to salbutamol. In this case, the effect of ongoing therapeutic measures will be significantly reduced. Oxygen therapy is mandatory to alleviate the lack of air to the maximum.

    After providing urgent measures, it is necessary to carry out some instrumental and laboratory methods of research, to assess the degree of lack of air. It is imperative to do this. First of all, this is a survey chest x-ray (allows you to exclude developed complications, such as pneumonia, pneumothorax, pleurisy) and spirometry (allows you to distinguish between bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - that is, chronic obstructive bronchitis, a disease of miners and smokers). The data of these research methods will largely determine the further tactics of managing the patient and will determine what etiological treatment will need to be prescribed.

    An important component in the treatment of broncho-obstructive syndrome (relieving an asthma attack) is inhalation. As a rule, four types of inhalations are prescribed, plus the introduction of ventolin (double). The treatment regimen in this case looks something like this:

    1. Salt-alkaline inhalations (using Borjomi mineral water). They are carried out for five minutes three times a day. They allow you to thin the sputum and facilitate its excretion, since the severity of breathing in bronchitis can be caused by the so-called "flooding syndrome", which occurs due to the hyperproduction of pathological secretions.
    2. Inhalation with hydrocortisone. In this case, they are of paramount importance, due to the fact that they allow you to remove inflammation from the walls of the bronchi. Assigned at the rate of 2 times a day for five minutes.
    3. Inhalations with berodual. Also of great importance for the removal of spasm, combines ipratropium bromide and respiratory glucocorticoid. It is better to breathe them through a nebulizer, and not through an evohaler, the efficiency is higher. Also held 2 times a day, lasting 5 minutes.
    4. Dioxidine inhalation. A good antiseptic for inflammation of the respiratory tract. It is recommended to use them once a day, this is enough for the clinical effect to be visible, there was no lack of air.

    All these approaches are nothing more than pathogenetic and symptomatic treatment (that is, a type of therapy that does not eliminate the cause of the disease, but only eliminates the consequences), but in this case it is much more important to eliminate the consequences, since it is they (mainly lack of air and tissue hypoxia) pose an immediate danger to the life and health of the patient. Naturally, when the hospital manages to stabilize the patient's condition, eliminate suffocation, and conduct all the necessary additional research methods, then the treatment will be determined, which will eliminate the cause of the disease and avoid recurrences of respiratory failure attacks.


    What patients understand by the term "hard to breathe" can be understood in completely different ways. As a rule, this is an attack of suffocation or shortness of breath of a mixed type, which does not depend on the intensity of physical activity, since it is not caused by heart failure, but by airway obstruction. It develops, as a rule, with obstructive bronchitis or bronchial asthma. An attack of respiratory failure (as a result - lack of
    air) in both cases is stopped approximately according to the same scheme, but the main therapy has a number of significant differences that must be taken into account in order to achieve positive results.

    Video: Live Healthy! Bronchitis symptoms

    • Obstructive bronchitis, symptoms
    • The reasons
    • Medical and folk treatment
    • Prevention
    • Inhalations

    This article discusses what obstructive bronchitis is, how it develops, its symptoms and complications. And also, how to treat this disease with folk remedies and official medicine. (From a conversation with A. Poskrebyshev, Candidate of Medical Sciences (HLS Bulletin 2007 No. 19 pp. 6-7))

    What is obstructive bronchitis
    If inflammation of the bronchi continues for a long time, then the walls of the bronchi begin to change from this. The walls swell, thicken, a slight bronchospasm occurs (similar to asthma, but weaker). In addition, with inflammation in the walls of the bronchi, a viscous, sticky sputum is formed, which clogs the bronchi. As a result of these two factors, the lumen in the bronchi is greatly reduced, which prevents air circulation. This phenomenon is called obstruction, and bronchitis with such a course is called obstructive bronchitis.

    What causes chronic obstructive bronchitis, its symptoms
    Due to the fact that the bronchi do not pass air well, the following process occurs: inhalation is an active process, and exhalation is passive, each time the patient inhales more air than exhales. As a result, excess air remains in the lungs, areas of the lungs swell. If COPD lasts for a long time, then the lungs begin to function worse, develop emphysema.

    Chronic obstructive bronchitis is characterized not only by such a symptom as a prolonged cough with poorly expelled sputum, but also dyspnea, which intensifies over the years. Over time, patients with obstructive bronchitis become disabled, because. not only respiratory, but also heart failure occurs. Due to the overcrowding of air in the lungs, the pressure in the vessels passing through them increases. Vessels stop pumping blood normally. The patient begins to swell, the face becomes cyanotic.
    In some people, acute bronchitis disappears in 2 weeks, while in others it degenerates into chronic.

    The reasons for this phenomenon are as follows:

    • Smoking. With a known predisposition, this factor is decisive. The main condition for the treatment of chronic obstructive bronchitis is the need to quit smoking.
    • Environmental pollution, poor working conditions
    • Frequent infections. Hardening, strengthening of immunity is necessary.

    Medical treatment.

    The severity of the disease is determined by the degree of shortness of breath. At the initial stages of the treatment of shortness of breath, it is enough to use drugs that dilate the bronchi, primarily this atrovent- applied 1-2 breaths no more than 4 times a day, or weaker drugs: berotek and salbutamol.
    If the patient's shortness of breath is already significant, stronger drugs are added: spirit- - its action is designed for a day, formoterol, serivent- Valid for 12 hours.

    Folk remedies. Pass through a meat grinder 10 lemons and 10 heads of garlic, add 1 kg of honey. Take 2 tbsp. l. once a day. This mixture should be eaten very slowly.

    Cough treatment for obstructive bronchitis

    • One of the symptoms of obstructive bronchitis is the abundance of viscous, difficult to discharge sputum in the bronchi. This symptom can be relieved by mucolytics(mucolytics in translation - destroying mucus). Patients should not use cough suppressants, otherwise sputum will accumulate, clogging the bronchi. Cough has a curative effect - sputum leaves with it.
    • The main task in the treatment is to make the sputum as thin as possible. The following drugs cope with this task: ACC, fluimucil, lazolvan. Bromhexine less effective, to get the effect of treatment with this drug, you need to use 6-12 tablets per day.
      Onion liquefies mucus in the bronchi well. It should be applied up to 6 bulbs per day. Not everyone can do this, such a folk remedy comes to the rescue: mix the onion passed through the meat grinder with honey, in a ratio of 1: 1. Apply 1 tbsp. l. three times per day.
      Drinking plenty of fluids also helps to loosen phlegm.
    • 2-3 days after the start of taking sputum thinners, you can switch to expectorants then mucoltin is a preparation based on marshmallow root, as well as various herbal preparations: clover tea with honey, tricolor violet infusion, elecampane root decoction. Expectorant decoctions should be used every 2-3 hours in such an amount that there is a feeling of slight nausea, nausea. This is the criterion that the remedy worked.
    • In addition, in order to improve sputum discharge, you need to learn how to cough correctly, do positional drainage, taking certain postures when coughing: “praying Mohammedan pose” - kneel down, bend over, let go of your hands down, “shoe search pose” - lie on your side in bed , hang down, letting go of your hand.

    How to protect yourself from exacerbations

    • The main symptoms of an incipient exacerbation are an increase in the amount of sputum, a change in its appearance - it becomes purulent. With these symptoms, it is necessary to increase the dose of drugs that dilate the bronchi. It is not bad to take sputum for sowing in order to determine the type of microbes that have settled there.
    • Then apply antibiotics. The most effective, with a wide action - sumamed, rules, they are used 1 tablet 1 time per day, sumamed is only three days, and drives - 5 days.
    • In advanced cases, if the exacerbation cannot be stopped, corticosteroids are prescribed. They drink these hormones for no more than 10 days, no more than 40 mg per day, so complications from taking hormones do not have time to develop.
      But instead of treating exacerbations, it is better to resort to prophylactic agents for upper respiratory tract infections. These are drugs Bronchovax and bronchomunal. Drink them 1 capsule for 10 days. They have no side effects and contraindications. If you drink one of these remedies for the first 10 days of each month, for six months, then there will be no infectious exacerbations.

    Inhalation is often used in the treatment of obstructive bronchitis.

    Inhalations help to quickly make sputum in the bronchi more liquid, facilitate its discharge. In addition, antiseptic plants and the substances that make up them help reduce inflammation of the bronchi, expand the airways in them, which significantly improves the patient's condition. Inhalations are used for acute obstructive bronchitis, as well as for chronic in the acute stage.

    How to do inhalation at home?

    1. With the help of a special inhaler device (steam or ultrasonic), it is very easy and safe to use. It is especially convenient to treat cough in children with such a device.
    2. With the help of a paper funnel, put on the spout of a kettle with a hot solution.
    3. Leaning over a container with a medicinal infusion, covering your head with a towel or blanket.

    The latter method cannot be used if the disease is accompanied by fever. The fastest result is obtained by an ultrasonic inhaler - the particles of the solution formed during its use easily enter the bronchi.
    In addition to the above methods, “cold” inhalations are also used - this is the inhalation of phytoncides of chopped onion, garlic, radish, horseradish. Salt cave sessions are very useful.

    Scheme of inhalation in obstructive acute bronchitis.
    Inhalations are done 3-4 times a day for three to five days. The duration is about 5 minutes for children and 7-10 minutes for adults. Relief of breathing sometimes occurs after the first procedure.

    Solution for inhalation.
    In inhalations, solutions of furacilin, chlorophyllipt, rivanol are used. In folk remedies, infusions with onions, garlic, and medicinal plants are used. Such inhalation is very effective in obstructive acute bronchitis: 6 tbsp. l. dry raw materials of medicinal plants (mint, calendula, oregano, chamomile, eucalyptus, linden - in any combination) pour 1 liter of boiling water, insist, wrapped for 20 minutes, add a head of grated garlic and immediately begin to inhale healing vapors. Essential oils (fir, eucalyptus, mint) and alcohol infusions of medicinal plants are also used.

    Inhalation with mineral water or soda.
    Alkaline inhalations soften the mucus in the bronchi well: 1/2 tsp. soda per 200 g of water. Instead of a soda solution, you can use alkaline mineral water "Borjomi", "Essentuki", "Narzan". Inhalations with mineral water are best done using inhaler devices. Do them twice a day. These procedures increase the output of sputum from the bronchi 3-5 times. Shortness of breath passes quickly.

    Inhalations for bronchitis according to the prescriptions of the Bulletin of a healthy lifestyle.

    Folk remedies help to cure the most severe bronchitis, when the lungs seem to burst from coughing and nothing helps.

    • Salt treatment for adults.
      Take salt, preferably sea food, grind it into powder on a coffee grinder, pour it into a mug, bend over the mug with salt and stir the salt with a spoon, inhaling the resulting salt fog. The smaller the particles, the deeper they will penetrate into the bronchi. This folk remedy helps to cure acute obstructive bronchitis in 1-2 days. (healthy lifestyle recipe 2001, No. 21, p. 9)
    • Onion inhalation.
      Put an empty metal teapot (preferably nickel-plated) on the stove, when it heats up, pour finely chopped onion on the bottom. Close the kettle with a lid on the spout, put on a paper funnel and breathe onion vapors through your mouth. Exhale through the nose. When the kettle is very hot, turn off the heat and continue to breathe. Do the procedures every evening before going to bed, each time using a fresh onion, after treatment, do not drink until the morning. Course - 10 days.
      Unstarted bronchitis goes away after five days, started treatment takes longer. (HLS 2002, No. 20, p. 18-19)
    • Garlic and balm "Asterisk".
      This prescription was suggested by the doctor to his patient. The tool helped to cure acute obstructive bronchitis in an adult in three days. Boil 3 cups of water, chop 2-3 cloves of garlic, add Vietnamese asterisk balm the size of a match head. Make an inhalation with this composition. Then drink a tablet of mukaltin. (2005, No. 6, p. 29).
    • garlic solution.
      After a severe cold, the woman fell ill with bronchitis. They prescribed a lot of medicine, three days later the stomach ached from the medicine, vomiting and convulsions began. I decided to be treated with folk remedies. Finely chop 6 cloves of garlic, throw them into a saucepan with a glass of boiling water. Take cover with this saucepan with a blanket over your head, and throw 1 tsp into boiling water. soda. Breathe these vapors under the covers for 7-10 minutes, then wipe your face from sweat and immediately go to bed. After five inhalations it was possible to cure chronic two-month bronchitis. (2010, No. 3, p. 25).
    • Chronic bronchitis in a child.
      The child was often sick, sometimes twice a month. The head of the kindergarten gave a good folk recipe that helped to quickly cope with the disease. For 1 liter of water, add 6-7 drops of iodine, 1 tsp. soda, on the tip of a knife balm "Asterisk". Boil this solution, put it on a chair, put the child on another chair, cover with a warm blanket, let him breathe in pairs for 5-6 minutes.
      Then open your face and sit in a blanket over the steam for another 30 minutes. Then take off wet clothes, rub with turpentine ointment or camphor oil. Do this procedure every three hours, and at night warm your feet in hot water and put on warm socks. Do this every day until the cough goes away. (HLS 2009, No. 16, p. 30)

    Bronchitis is an inflammatory disease that affects the lining of the airways. The problem can have a different etiology - bacterial, viral, allergic. The disease acquires an acute (obstructive) or chronic form. Treatment of pathology occurs both in the hospital and on an outpatient basis. Can bronchitis be treated with folk remedies at home? It all depends on the characteristics of the body and the severity of the symptoms.


    Bronchitis is accompanied by the following symptoms, which usually develop rapidly:

    • The first symptoms of the disease are slight malaise, increased fatigue, slight sore throat.
    • The body temperature rises.
    • A strong dry cough begins. It has a paroxysmal character and quickly changes to wet. Mucus is coughed up, which may contain purulent impurities. Usually, coughing is a lot of anxiety, especially at night.
    • Breathing becomes difficult, there is a strong shortness of breath.
    • Aches all over the body, the appearance of a feeling of "brokenness".

    The duration of bronchitis is at least two weeks. The mucous membrane of the respiratory tract is restored for quite a long time.

    It is necessary to treat acute bronchitis, since there is a high probability of the onset of a chronic form of the disease. It is more difficult to tolerate and can bother a person for several years (often found in smokers). Over time, the chronic form of bronchitis is transformed into bronchial asthma. These diseases are especially dangerous during pregnancy or in childhood.

    First steps to recovery

    How to quickly cure bronchitis at home without the use of serious medications? Folk and traditional medicine agree that the first three days after the discovery of the initial symptoms of the disease, bed rest should be adhered to. If this rule is not observed, the patient cannot be cured. When the person's condition returns to normal, and the body temperature drops, it is allowed to adhere to a semi-bed rest. Doctors recommend taking short walks in the fresh air.

    If an adult patient smokes, he urgently needs to get rid of this bad habit. Tobacco smoke provokes an increase in cough and prolongs the treatment period. After recovery, you should not return to smoking to prevent recurrence of the disease.

    Asthmatic attacks, nasal congestion and prolonged cough will disappear faster if the room where the patient is located is humidified and ventilated.


    If bronchitis is treated at home, you must remember to follow a special diet. During the course of the disease, doctors recommend giving up heavy and fatty foods. It is advisable to enrich the diet with plant foods, include a lot of dairy products, fresh vegetables and fruits in the daily menu. The diet should be balanced between proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

    It is necessary to treat bronchitis at home in compliance with the drinking regimen. The use of large amounts of warm liquid produces an expectorant effect due to the liquefaction of sputum. Bronchitis is accompanied by intoxication of the body. Therefore, daily consumption of 2.5-3 liters of fluid helps to get rid of all accumulated toxins.

    During home treatment, it is allowed to use any drinks, but it is best to give preference to rosehip infusion, raspberry, viburnum, linden tea, chamomile decoction. From strong tea, coffee should be abandoned. They deprive the body of fluid, which is not desirable during bronchitis.


    Inhalation is considered a good remedy for bronchitis. They should be done when the person's condition is a little normal and the high temperature subsides. Inhalation of air vapors with impurities of special preparations will alleviate cough, produce an anti-inflammatory effect.

    1. Healing herbs. Effective inhalations can be done using chamomile, sage, juniper, St. John's wort, eucalyptus. A spoonful of the plant component is poured with 260 ml of boiling water and infused for 35 minutes. After that, a little hot water is added to the infusion and the resulting steam is breathed. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.
    2. Hot potato. It is boiled until cooked in a container with a wide bottom. The head is covered with a towel and the steam emitted from the potatoes is inhaled for 15 minutes. This method of inhalation allows you to improve the separation of sputum, which will facilitate coughing.
    3. Mix with onions and garlic. For inhalation, water is brought to a boil and removed from heat. After that, finely chopped onion and garlic (by head) are added to it. The resulting vapor is inhaled for 20 minutes.
    4. Dry inhalation. For inhalation, you need to take sea salt (without dyes and flavors). It is heated in a frying pan, after which they breathe the resulting steam for 15 minutes.
    5. Milk soda. The mixture will help improve sputum discharge and alleviate the condition in the presence of bronchitis. To prepare a mixture over which you need to breathe, add a spoonful of soda to a liter of boiling milk. The recommended duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.

    Lemon, honey and glycerin - an effective mixture

    Do-it-yourself medicine will be no less effective than pharmacy preparations. The benefits of this tool are due to its composition. Lemon enriches the body with vitamin C, which helps to restore the protective functions of the body. Glycerin relieves cough and speeds up the removal of phlegm. Honey has a pronounced antibacterial effect.

    This tool is contraindicated for people who have problems with the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

    To prepare the medicine, follow the instructions below:

    1. It is necessary to boil water, throw a lemon into the container and cook it for 5 minutes. Citrus must first be pierced in several places.
    2. When the lemon has cooled, juice is squeezed out of it.
    3. 25 ml of glycerin is added to the medicine.
    4. The mixture is poured into a 250 ml beaker. It is filled completely, adding liquid honey.
    5. The resulting syrup is placed in the refrigerator. It will be ready for use in a day.

    To alleviate the condition with bronchitis, the syrup is used in a spoon 4-7 times a day (depending on the severity of the manifestations).

    The use of the bow

    When preparing medicines according to folk recipes for cough and bronchitis, onions are used, which have antibacterial and immunomodulatory properties. In combination with other components, its positive effect on the patient's body is enhanced.

    The following are highly effective:

    1. You need to take 2 large onions, peel and chop them. The resulting slurry is poured with 240 ml of milk. The mixture is put on fire and boiled until the onion softens. Add a spoonful of honey to the cooled liquid and mix thoroughly. The course of treatment with the received medicine is three days. During this period, you should take a spoonful of medicine with a frequency of one hour.
    2. A glass of sugar is dissolved in 950 ml of water. Two chopped onions are added to the resulting mixture and put on fire. The syrup is boiled until the volume of the liquid is reduced by half. The resulting medicine is divided into several portions and drunk for two days.

    Warming treatments

    What folk remedies are considered the most effective in the fight against bronchitis? To relieve a severe cough, it is recommended to use special warming procedures that will eliminate inflammation and facilitate sputum discharge. The most popular of them:

    • Homemade mustard plasters. Mix honey, mustard powder, vegetable oil and flour in equal proportions. The resulting cakes are slightly heated in the oven and applied to the back and chest area. They are kept for about 20 minutes, after which they lie down under a warm blanket to enhance the healing effect.
    • Rubbing with badger fat. It is applied at night on the back, legs, chest. Fat has a warming effect, which will relieve coughing. With chronic bronchitis, this remedy is taken in a spoon three times a day.
    • Compress of honey and butter. These components in equal proportions are carefully connected to each other, preheated. The resulting mixture is applied to the chest and back. This compress is recommended to keep all night. In the morning, the skin is cleansed with water.

    Other recipes

    To speed up recovery from bronchitis, you can use one of the recipes:

    1. Bear fat. Increases the body's defenses, which speeds up recovery in severe bronchitis. To obtain the desired effect, you must take a spoonful of fat 3 times a day. They can also be rubbed on the back and chest.
    2. Radish with honey. It is necessary to take one root crop and make a small depression in it (like a cup). A little honey is poured into it and they wait until the radish releases juice. The resulting mixture is taken in a spoonful every 4 hours.
    3. Aloe with honey. Use an ordinary houseplant. Its leaves are crushed, and juice is squeezed out of the resulting slurry. Natural honey is also added to the medicine in a ratio of 1: 1. It is taken 1 teaspoon every 4 hours.
    4. Application of propolis. This product is a natural antibiotic, therefore it allows you to destroy pathogens that provoke bronchitis. It also strengthens the immune system, which speeds up recovery from bronchitis. To prepare the medicine, 100 g of honey and butter are used. For this amount take 10 g of dry propolis. It is crushed and added to pre-melted butter and all honey. The resulting remedy is taken in half a teaspoon. It is recommended to stir it in a small amount of water. The frequency of receptions is every 3 hours.

    Alternative treatment of bronchitis is indicated at any stage of the disease. But if relief does not occur within 1-2 days, you should consult a doctor.

    It is possible to treat bronchitis at home in adults, the main thing to remember is that this disease is inflammatory in nature, accompanied by a strong expectorant cough, fever up to 38–40 degrees, general weakness of the body, and sometimes tachycardia.

    If not properly treated, bronchitis can cause a number of complications that can affect the respiratory system, cause hearing loss, and cause pain in the heart and stomach. That is why it is so important to take a course of complete recovery of the body in a timely and effective way!

    Symptoms of bronchitis in adults

    In adults, bronchitis is accompanied by the following symptoms:

    • frequent dry cough that interferes with sleep;
    • sore throat, perspiration, plaque;
    • weakness, loss of appetite.

    Many cases of bronchitis without fever have been recorded, in which there is general weakness, pallor of the body and face. There may be no appetite, dry cough and soreness in the larynx. The manifestation of bronchitis without fever may mean the presence of chronic diseases that worsen during this period.

    You can focus on several symptoms of allergic bronchitis:

    • closer to the night, the manifestation of a persistent cough;
    • elevated temperature during an exacerbation of the disease;
    • when eating certain foods or contact with an animal (depending on the cause of the disease), the cough becomes aggravated;
    • runny nose, skin rash, conjunctivitis (in some cases);
    • exhalation of air is accompanied by wheezing in the chest.

    Signs of the disease

    Bronchitis is divided into several types, each of them can be accompanied by a temperature or proceed without it. Although, in general, they can be very similar to each other. Consider the signs of bronchitis without fever:

    • the disease begins with a dry cough;
    • there is discomfort in the throat;
    • labored breathing;
    • sometimes sputum is secreted (colorless or with a gray-yellow tint).

    Signs of bronchitis, which is accompanied by fever, are hoarse breathing, dry cough, the temperature lasts for a long time, general weakness, fatigue.

    When acute bronchitis occurs, the following symptoms appear:

    • the temperature rises to 39 degrees;
    • the patient is shivering, weakness;
    • sweating;
    • dry cough becomes wet;
    • wheezing in the chest.

    How long is bronchitis in adults treated?

    With proper treatment, bronchitis lasts no more than three weeks, although these periods have recently been lengthened. But other factors also play an important role: whether the patient started treatment in a timely manner, the correctness of the selection of drugs, compliance with general recommendations (bed and drinking regimen, ventilation of the room, getting rid of bad habits), how strong the human immune system is.

    Bronchitis can occur without accompanying temperature or with it. If the mark on the thermometer significantly exceeded 36.6 - this is quite normal. An elevated temperature indicates that the immune system is fighting off the disease. Usually one week is enough to defeat the fever, so long does the temperature with bronchitis. But in some cases, the disease is cured, and the temperature does not drop - you need to see a doctor.

    What is dangerous (consequences of bronchitis)

    Complications of bronchitis in adults is the transition of the disease into a chronic and obstructive form, which lead to dangerous consequences. For adults, this disease is less dangerous than for children. The main consequences of bronchitis:

    • obstructive bronchitis;
    • lung obstruction;
    • emphysema;
    • bronchiolitis;
    • respiratory failure;
    • heart failure;
    • pulmonary hypertension.

    Important! Read more about the symptoms and treatment of obstructive bronchitis in our article.

    If there is a residual cough, if it does not go away after the illness, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Such cases occur, at home, for treatment, they use drinking warm milk with the addition of soda and iodine or honey tincture on a radish. If possible, after the disease you need to relax: go to the resort, to the sanatorium.

    Treatment of bronchitis by known methods

    The main therapy includes taking medications, traditional medicines and physiotherapy, for warming up and expectorating mucus from the respiratory organs.

    Is it possible to cure bronchitis without antibiotics?

    To improve the condition of a person with chronic bronchitis, folk remedies can help get rid of cough, runny nose, fever, hoarseness in the throat, relieve spasms in the intestines, and normalize stools. At home, it is effective to use the following medical procedures:

    • rubbing;
    • compresses;
    • inhalation;
    • phytotherapy.

    In the treatment of bronchitis, many herbs support the body and promote rapid recovery. If you read the composition of modern medicines for this disease, then you can find various plant extracts there, these are echinacea, eleutherococcus, ginseng, nettle decoction, licorice root tincture.

    Such bacterial immunocorrectors include drugs Bronchovax, Bronchomunal. They help to cope with allergic bronchitis, when potent allergens enter the body. What other drugs for the treatment of bronchitis in adults can be used, we have already written.

    But before spending money on expensive pharmacy drugs, it is worth trying to treat bronchitis in adults with folk remedies. To make an accurate diagnosis, you need to see a doctor and discuss alternative methods of treatment!


    For rubbing, camphor alcohol, essential oils, turpentine ointment are used, which, when heated, help to improve blood supply to the respiratory system.

    To reduce the temperature in acute bronchitis, the patient should be wiped with vinegar, in a ratio of 1:5 with water. For diaphoretic action, drink plenty of liquids, tea with raspberries, decoctions of sage, lime blossom, elderberry.

    To improve the general well-being of the patient, you can do a light massage using fir or eucalyptus oils. The patient will breathe fumes, improving the functioning of the respiratory system.


    On the basis of folk remedies, you can make effective warming compresses by applying boiled potatoes in a peel, burdock oil to the back and chest area. Keep for 3-5 hours, until the condition of the body improves.

    After completing the procedure, the patient should drink a warm decoction based on chamomile, St. John's wort, bergenia root, licorice, thyme. In addition to compresses, banks can be used, but not for acute bronchitis, with a large amount of sputum.

    Inhalations for the treatment of bronchitis

    The therapeutic effect of inhalations is very high, they can get rid of prolonged bronchitis, when it is difficult for a person to remove mucus from the body. The main components of the procedure are antimicrobial and vasodilators.

    There are the following types of inhalations:

    • with the addition of essential oils;
    • boiled potatoes with balms;
    • grated garlic and onion.

    The method of treating bronchitis with the folk method, inhalation, cannot be called expensive. Inhalations are recommended for exacerbation of the disease, as well as for prevention. Just follow these procedures carefully.

    Important! Inhalations should be completely abandoned for problems with the heart, lungs, and high blood pressure.

    You can do home inhalations over steam and over water. Such procedures are generally not suitable for children as a treatment, because they can cause burns of the delicate mucous membrane.

    You can perform inhalations over alkaline heated water, to which add a few drops of anise or eucalyptus oil. Do the procedure several times a day for three minutes.

    Folk remedies for the treatment of obstructive bronchitis

    Thyme, as well as any essential oils based on this herb, help perfectly with exacerbation. If bronchial obstruction has occurred, then not only the people's doctor, but also the doctor from the clinic will advise thyme as a soothing and analgesic herb. Patients say that from the use of thyme, it becomes easier to breathe. Sputum is expectorated better, the mucosa is freed from unnecessary mucus.


    For the treatment of bronchitis, propolis is used in different ways (it all depends on the form and symptoms of the disease). Tincture is recommended for adults with acute and chronic diseases:

    • 10 g of crushed propolis pour 100 ml of medical alcohol;
    • shake the bottle and put it away for 2 weeks in a dark place;
    • take 10 drops after meals.

    A cake for a chronic and protracted form of the disease is prepared in this way: roll out propolis and put on the chest, carry out the procedure at night (in the absence of temperature and inflammation).

    badger fat

    Badger fat is useful for its composition of substances: polyunsaturated fatty acids, saturated fatty acids, vitamins A, B and E. It is worth noting that it is contraindicated to use:

    • children under three years old;
    • in capsules - up to 12 years;
    • with dysfunction of the liver and biliary tract;
    • individual intolerance.

    Treatment regimen for adults:

    • the first 2 weeks for a patient from 30 kg, 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day;
    • the next 2 weeks - the same dosage 2 times a day.

    Preschool children are treated according to the same scheme, changing the dosage (1 tbsp. to 1 tsp.). For children 3–6 years old, the amount of badger fat is reduced to 1/2 tsp, following the standard scheme.

    What else will help from the disease in this form

    1. Broth Mother-and-stepmother. The tool has an expectorant and antipyretic effect. For brewing, two small spoons of the plant are taken, and 0.2 liters of boiling water is poured. Then simmer over low heat for a quarter of an hour, remove and insist for an hour. Take 50 ml three times a day before meals.
    2. Elecampane root. It is also used as an excellent expectorant in the treatment of bronchitis. You will need a small spoonful of crushed dry root. Pour 0.2 liters of boiling water and send for 10 minutes in a water bath. Allow the infusion to cool, and you can take 50 ml, always before meals.
    3. Knotweed. In the treatment of bronchitis with folk methods, the herb is recommended to relieve inflammation, and as an expectorant. Two small spoons of chopped dry grass pour 250 ml of boiling water. Simmer in a water bath for 10 minutes, leave for several hours. Take a large spoon, after straining. Up to four tablespoons of infusion can be taken per day.

    How to treat different types of bronchitis at home


    Since the treatment of chronic bronchitis at home is complex, alternative treatment is different. The most popular remedy is yarrow. It will be necessary to pour 30 grams of grass into 100 ml of vodka. Then insist 2 weeks and take up to four times a day, three dozen drops.

    Other folk ways:

    1. Boil potatoes in their skins and mash. When cooking, add three small spoons of soda. Spread the puree in a towel, and put between the shoulder blades or in the front of the chest. Wrap the body area and hold the potatoes until they stop heating.
    2. Lamb fat will help to cope with attacks of chronic bronchitis. They rub the back and chest, the fat must first be melted. The therapeutic effect can be enhanced by wrapping the place where the fat will be with plastic wrap. Relief should come after the first night of using such a folk remedy.
    3. Mix 250 ml of boiled milk with a tablespoon of badger fat and natural honey. Take in the morning.

    Acute bronchitis

    Many people ask how to treat acute bronchitis at home. As a rule, treatment should be supported by the rejection of bad habits and the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle. Therapy of acute bronchitis is carried out in a complex with the use of medications:

    • cough suppressants (Lazolvan, Gerbion);
    • expectorants (Mukaltin, Ambroxol);
    • antibiotics (Azithromycin, Ceftriaxone, Biseptol);
    • probiotics (Lineks, Yoghurt);
    • drugs with antipyretic properties (Ibuprofen, Ferveks);
    • gargling with solutions (soda);
    • antiseptic sprays (Ingalipt, Faringosept);
    • drugs that increase immunity and vitamins;
    • bronchodilators (Neofilin).


    Treatment of obstructive bronchitis in adults is based on the use of several methods:

    • preparations for dilating the bronchi (Salbutamol);
    • drugs to stimulate the bronchi (Tiotropium bromide);
    • expectorants, mucolytics (Mukaltin);
    • antibiotics (Amoxicillin, Erythromycin).

    An effective folk remedy for obstructive bronchitis:

    1. Mix 200 g of viburnum berries, 200 g of natural honey and 100 g of water in an enameled container, boil until the water evaporates.
    2. Allow the mixture to cool and transfer to a glass jar.

    Kalina on honey is taken according to the scheme:

    • I day - 1 tsp. every hour;
    • II and III day - 1 tsp each. with an interval of 3 hours.

    Treatment of viral bronchitis

    In the treatment of viral bronchitis in adults, different methods are used:

    • immunostimulants and vitamins;
    • antibiotics (if the temperature is 38 degrees for three days);
    • compliance with bed rest;
    • drinking plenty of water, means to reduce the temperature;
    • preparations for sputum removal;
    • therapeutic exercises, diet, inhalations.

    Traditional medicine against viral bronchitis:

    • finely chop or scroll in a meat grinder 100 g of raisins, pour 200 ml of boiling water, put on fire;
    • boil for 10 minutes, strain and drink throughout the day.

    In this case, the treatment for each patient is selected individually, it will necessarily be complex:

    • antibiotic (for infection);
    • adhere to proper nutrition;
    • ventilate the room in which the patient spends time, do not contact with animals;
    • taking antihistamines, introducing an allergen in minimal quantities (if necessary);
    • anti-inflammatory drugs, inhalations;
    • therapeutic massage, breathing exercises.

    You can use herbal remedies, but keep in mind that they can cause an allergic reaction, like honey, which is mentioned in many recipes.

    Prolonged bronchitis

    The treatment of protracted bronchitis should be dealt with by the grabber. It is dangerous for health to choose drugs on your own, since the viral and allergic forms of the disease are not treated with antibiotics, and in order to identify bacteria, it is necessary to take tests. Doctors adhere to a single scheme for the treatment of an advanced form, which sets the following tasks:

    • normalize the temperature;
    • get rid of cough, anesthetize;
    • expel mucus.

    At home, use traditional medicine. It is necessary to make a puree from a fresh banana and add sugar and water to it, you can eat it in unlimited quantities.

    Dry cough

    The result of the treatment of dry cough with bronchitis in adults depends not only on medications, but also on the observance of general principles: regularly ventilate the room, drink more fluids, use absorbable lozenges, do inhalations. Drugs to cure the disease are selected based on the nature of the cough:

    • Sinekod, Stoptussin (prolonged and paroxysmal);
    • ACC, Ambroxol (to thin sputum);
    • Solutan (an expectorant).

    Antibiotics, antiviral and hormonal drugs are prescribed depending on the cause of the disease.

    Nutrition for bronchitis

    The number of calories consumed for bronchitis should be 2500 - 3000. At the same time, it is recommended to include in the diet:

    • fresh fruits and vegetables;
    • chicken, pork and veal boiled meat;
    • sea ​​fish;
    • dairy products;
    • honey, drink more tea with raspberries and lemon;
    • vegetable broths;
    • cereals (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal - better on a milk basis).
    • more liquid.

    Exclude sweets, chocolate products, muffins, salty foods from the diet. Also, foods containing cholesterol, fatty, spicy and smoked foods, alcohol, condiments and drinks containing coffee and cocoa are not recommended.

    What vitamins will help?

    Very good folk medicine, with bronchitis in any form, refers to herbs that contain a lot of vitamin C. Pay attention to the rosehip, which can be brewed and drunk like tea (but the temperature for brewing should be 70 degrees Celsius so as not to kill the beneficial properties plants).

    Also take additional nicotinic acid B3 for the treatment of bronchitis. You can take it in the form of tablets, or eat more liver, fish, chicken meat, carrots and sprouted grains of wheat. A lot of acids are found in chamomile, mint, nettle and parsley.

    Therapeutic exercises for bronchitis

    The patient should not spend a long time in bed, as various complications may develop, including heart failure and pneumonia. It is necessary to do simple breathing exercises.

    The complex includes:

    • hand imitation of "chopping firewood";
    • circular rotations by hands;
    • body tilts in different directions;
    • deep breath and slow exhalation;
    • easy walking in place.

    You shouldn’t overwork yourself, but you should always keep your body in excellent physical shape, of course, if you don’t have a high temperature and other contraindications to motor gymnastics.

    Medicines for treatment


    Ceftriaxone is an antibiotic that belongs to the cephalosporin family. The drug of the III generation group is often used for bronchitis. Ceftriaxone is used to treat adults and children. With the standard scheme, the drug is administered intramuscularly:

    • adults - no more than 2 g per day;
    • children - the dosage varies according to body weight.

    Contraindicated in allergic reactions to the drug. Side effects can cause improper antibiotic intake: nausea, vomiting, allergies, jaundice, problems with blood clotting.


    Sumamed is a drug of the macrolide group, it is well absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract and tolerated by the patient's body. The antibiotic is taken for three days, 500 mg at a time (1 hour before a meal or 2 hours after a meal). Before prescribing the drug, a sputum test is performed for the sensitivity of bacteria.


    The antibiotic Amoxiclav is prescribed for the treatment of bronchitis when certain bacteria are detected: streptococci, echinococci, listeria, shigella, moraxella, bortadella, gardnerella, klebsiella. The dosage is determined by the doctor, starting from body weight:

    • mild and moderate severity of the disease (1 tablet 500/125 mg) twice a day;
    • severe form of bronchitis (1 tablet 850/125 mg) 2 times a day.


    If the disease was provoked: pneumococcus, Haemophilus influenzae, marocella, mycoplasma, chlamydia, legionella, Azithromycin is prescribed. This is an antibiotic of the macrolide group, the course of treatment with this drug should not exceed 5 days. Antibiotic regimen for bronchitis.

    1. Adults: I day - a single dose of 500 mg; from II to V day - 1 time per day 250 mg.
    2. Children: I day - a daily dose of 10 mg per 1 kg of body weight at a time; II-V days - 1 time per day, 5 mg per 10 kg of weight.


    Flemoxin, like all antibiotics, is taken as prescribed by a doctor. The drug is used to treat bronchitis with:

    • elevated temperature (above 38 degrees for three days);
    • intoxication of the body;
    • breathing problems;
    • leukocytosis;
    • leukoformula shifted to the left;
    • The causative agent was staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus, pneumococcus, moraxela catharalis.

    Often the medicine is used for chronic bronchitis. The dosage is selected individually for each patient, taking into account the age, stage of the disease and the presence of chronic diseases.


    When using a nebulizer during bronchitis, drugs are used:

    • Berotek, Atrovent (bronchodilators);
    • Lazolvan (for thinning and removing sputum);
    • Furacilin (antiseptic);
    • Pulmicort (hormonal preparations);
    • Rotokan (vegetable).

    Psychological attitude

    In the treatment of any disease, positive thoughts and a humorous attitude will help you recover faster, and faith in a speedy recovery will lift even the most seriously ill people to their feet. After all, it gives the brain a strong impetus to fight viruses and other ailments.

    What do we have to do? Read positive books, meditate, say well-known affirmations for the healing of the soul and body, smile, be in a great mood, do not lose heart. The disease will pass very soon, and then interesting, exciting and happy days will await you. Take care of yourself and keep your body in a fighting spirit!

    Disease prevention

    In order to prevent bronchitis, you need not to overcool, put on things that correspond to weather conditions. If you have bad habits (smoking), it is recommended to quit. Perform breathing exercises (inflate balloons), ventilate the room more often and do wet cleaning.


    Bath is an excellent way to prevent bronchitis or recuperate after suffering a chronic form of the disease. You can go for a steam bath after seven days after bronchitis, but not for everyone. It is forbidden to visit the bath at a body temperature above 37 degrees, if shortness of breath appears during physical exertion, the pulse is above 90 beats / s, and also at a pressure above 140/90.

    These are the main treatments. Before you decide to try any remedy, we strongly recommend that you discuss with your doctor. Yes, alternative treatment is effective, but self-medication often leads to sad consequences.

    Shortness of breath with bronchitis is a feeling of lack of oxygen, in which the frequency of breathing increases, the depth, duration of inhalation and exhalation changes.

    • Shortness of breath with bronchitis - what to do if it's hard to breathe
    • Help with shortness of breath in adults
    • Fast-acting drugs
    • Ventolin
    • Berotek
    • Folk remedies for shortness of breath
    • Hot foot baths
    • Dill infusion
    • What to do if shortness of breath occurs with bronchitis
    • Shortness of breath as a symptom
    • Types of shortness of breath
    • Acute bronchitis
    • Chronical bronchitis
    • Obstructive bronchitis
    • allergic bronchitis
    • Bronchitis with asthmatic component
    • Features of shortness of breath in children
    • Warning signs
    • First aid for shortness of breath
    • Treatment of shortness of breath after bronchitis
    • General recommendations
    • Massage
    • Physiotherapy
    • Air ionization
    • Breathing difficulties with bronchitis - a dangerous syndrome
    • The reasons
    • Chronical bronchitis
    • Shortness of breath after bronchitis
    • Shortness of breath with bronchitis treatment with folk remedies
    • Types of bronchitis
    • Treatment of shortness of breath folk remedies
    • Treatment of shortness of breath in children
    • Treating dyspnea in the elderly
    • Treatment of cardiac dyspnea
    • Treatment of psychogenic dyspnea
    • Treatment of inspiratory dyspnea
    • Treatment of expiratory dyspnea
    • Treatment of shortness of breath after a heart attack
    • Treatment of shortness of breath in bronchitis
    • Treatment of shortness of breath in bronchial asthma
    • Treatment of shortness of breath with allergies
    • Treatment of shortness of breath on walking and exertion
    • Treating shortness of breath from heat
    • Shortness of breath: folk remedies for treatment at home. Traditional medicine recipes for shortness of breath
    • Effective folk remedies for shortness of breath
    • This recipe helps even decrepit old people.
    • What can you do if you suffer from shortness of breath with bronchitis
    • Classification
    • Features of therapy
    • First aid for choking
    • Shortness of breath with bronchitis: how to make breathing easier, first aid
    • Mechanism of dyspnea
    • Characteristic features of shortness of breath depending on the type of disease
    • Spicy
    • Chronic
    • obstructive
    • Allergic
    • Bronchitis with asthmatic component
    • Features in children
    • Warning signs
    • First aid
    • Treatment of residual effects
    • General recommendations:
    • Massage
    • Physiotherapy

    The patient experiences tightness in the chest, tension of the diaphragm, intercostal muscles with each breath.

    The frequency of inhalation / exhalation in dyspnea caused by bronchitis in adults exceeds 18, and in infants it can reach dov / exhalations per minute. The degree of respiratory failure depends on the severity of the disease.

    First aid for shortness of breath in children

    If the child suddenly turns pale, breathing becomes noisy, with a wheezing, whistling sound on exhalation, one can assume that he is developing shortness of breath. With bronchitis, it is difficult to breathe due to the narrowing of the small-caliber bronchi caused by edema and spasm, we suggest that you learn more about what to do with shortness of breath.

    If there are signs of respiratory failure, it is necessary to call a doctor, before his arrival, you need to:

    • seat the child, put a pillow under the back;
    • try to calm him down, divert attention;
    • release the child from clothing that restricts breathing;
    • provide air access, but avoid hypothermia;
    • increase the humidity in the apartment - turn on the humidifier, hang towels moistened with water, turn on the kettle;
    • make inhalation with humidified oxygen, controlling the respiratory rate.

    The patient should not be frightened, you should try to fuss as little as possible. This is very important - stress makes the heart beat faster, leading to increased respiratory failure.

    To cope with shortness of breath with bronchitis in children, to prevent its intensification, turning into suffocation, they take medicines in tablets, make inhalations with aerosols, solutions through a nebulizer.

    Used for inhalation Salbutamol, Berotek, Berodual. Adrenomimetics are used through a nebulizer until the attack stops.

    Help with shortness of breath in adults

    In adults, shortness of breath occurs with chronic obstructive bronchitis due to bronchospasm.

    Treatment in adults includes:

    • use of antibiotics to suppress infection activity;
    • stimulation of mucus discharge from the respiratory tract (massage can also help here);
    • elimination of bronchospasm.

    With increased signs of respiratory failure, the patient should take an antibiotic prescribed by a doctor, bronchospasmolytics (Atrovent, Berotek).

    Fast-acting drugs

    For severe symptoms, short-acting inhalers should be used. This method of administering the drug is used in the treatment of patients of any age, in the article Cough inhalation this method is described in more detail.


    Quickly begins to act, restores bronchial patency dosed aerosol for inhalation Ventolin. The active substance of Ventolin - salbutamol, refers to bronchodilators, helps with shortness of breath in obstructive bronchitis in both children and adults.

    Ventolin inhalations relieve shortness of breath with bronchitis in a child immediately after use.

    With rapidly increasing respiratory failure, it is recommended to inhale through a nebulizer with Ventolin Nebula.

    Aerosol Berotek restores breathing in bronchitis, bronchospasm, improves sputum excretion.

    Begins to act 5 minutes after application, duration of action is 6 hours.

    You can repeat inhalations up to 4 times a day.

    Long acting drugs

    • Tablets Saltos, Volmaks containing salbutamol;
    • Clenbuterol - tablets, syrup for children;
    • Salmeter - an aerosol that eliminates bronchospasm in children and adults, is contraindicated in pregnancy.

    Folk remedies for shortness of breath

    Treatment with folk methods will not help to quickly relieve an attack, but it can prevent an increase in symptoms. With systematic treatment, folk remedies will help to cope with shortness of breath left after bronchitis.

    Hot foot baths

    When the first signs of difficulty in breathing appear, distracting thermal procedures help well. Common folk remedies for shortness of breath at home include warming foot baths.

    To carry out the procedure, you need to add mustard powder to the water, cover the basin with water so that the water cools slowly. The water should not be too hot to prevent burns.

    Dill infusion

    An infusion of dill seeds and herbs helps with shortness of breath.

    • Pour 2 tablespoons of dry dill with boiling water (1 cup);
    • insist hour;
    • filter out;
    • drink 3 times a day for half a glass.

    Lemon juice with honey and garlic

    At home, you can prepare another wonderful folk remedy for the treatment of shortness of breath with bronchitis. You will need juice from 10 lemons, 1 liter of honey, 10 peeled heads of garlic, twisted through a meat grinder.

    All ingredients are transferred to a glass jar, insist 7 days. The course of treatment lasts 2 months, take 4 teaspoons before meals in the morning.

    You can learn about other ways to treat bronchitis with folk remedies in the article Treatment of bronchitis at home with folk remedies.

    Source: to do when shortness of breath occurs with bronchitis

    Shortness of breath as a symptom

    Shortness of breath is an acute sensation of lack of oxygen. Patients complain that it is difficult for them to breathe. Another name for shortness of breath is dyspnea. This is a very important symptom that accompanies a number of diseases. Easy shortness of breath can turn into an asthma attack, which can be especially dangerous for a small child. During an episode of shortness of breath, breathing quickens, inhalation and exhalation change depth and are accompanied by a whistle. Wheezing with bronchitis that accompanies respiratory movements is an important diagnostic feature.

    In diseases of the bronchi and lungs, the main mechanism for the development of shortness of breath is the narrowing of the airways. Breathing with bronchitis can be difficult both in the acute phase and in remission.

    Types of shortness of breath

    • expiratory (it is difficult for the patient to inhale, the exhalation is lengthened);
    • inspiratory (difficulty in breathing is noted);
    • mixed (difficulty inhaling and exhaling).

    The main mechanisms of development of dyspnea in bronchitis

    • accumulation of sputum in the airways;
    • bronchospasm.

    In addition, the cause of shallow rapid breathing may be chest pain during inspiration.

    Characteristic features of shortness of breath depending on the type of bronchitis

    Acute bronchitis

    Shortness of breath rarely accompanies acute bronchitis. As a rule, the appearance of dyspnea indicates the development of complications (pneumonia, pleurisy, etc.) or a chronic process. When bronchitis develops in a young child, shortness of breath appears quickly enough.

    Chronical bronchitis

    Shortness of breath is observed in most patients. It can disturb intermittently or constantly, sometimes there is moderate pain in the chest with deep breathing. The more exacerbations of the disease, the more often it is difficult for the patient to breathe, sometimes asthma attacks may develop against this background. Perhaps the appearance of respiratory disorders after the end of the exacerbation phase.

    Obstructive bronchitis

    With obstructive bronchitis, the bronchial lumen is clogged with viscous sputum, therefore, this type of disease is characterized by severe dyspnea. Additionally, the airways are narrowed by edema of the bronchial walls as a result of an inflammatory reaction and spasm of the muscle layer. The exhalation is lengthened and accompanied by a whistling noise. Wheezing with bronchitis can be heard even at a distance. Characterized by an increase in shortness of breath in the morning and a decrease after coughing, accompanied by sputum. In addition, dyspnea can gradually progress as new sections of the bronchi and lungs are involved in the pathological process. With obstructive bronchitis in a child, shortness of breath develops quite often.

    allergic bronchitis

    The appearance of shortness of breath provokes contact with the allergen. Attacks can be of varying severity: from mild dyspnea to suffocation. Treatment will not be effective if exposure to the allergen continues.

    Bronchitis with asthmatic component

    Shortness of breath with bronchitis with an asthmatic component is observed quite often. The main mechanism of its development is bronchospasm. A decrease in the lumen of the bronchi leads to difficult exhalation and can develop into suffocation. The development of shortness of breath with such bronchitis in a child is dangerous by the transition of the disease to bronchial asthma, mandatory treatment is necessary.

    Features of shortness of breath in children

    The development of shortness of breath with bronchitis in a child occurs faster and more often than in an adult. The reason for this is the relatively narrow lumen of the bronchi. Even with a small accumulation of sputum, the child may experience respiratory problems. Dyspnea is especially likely to develop in obstructive bronchitis. The younger the child, the more dangerous for him attacks of shortness of breath, they can lead to serious complications.

    Warning signs

    Some features of shortness of breath require emergency help:

    • shortness of breath appeared suddenly and is growing rapidly, severe chest pain worries;
    • attacks of shortness of breath become more frequent, lengthen;
    • expiratory nature of dyspnea, the appearance of suffocation.

    The appearance of sudden and severe shortness of breath may indicate the development of dangerous complications of bronchopulmonary diseases (pneumothorax, pleurisy). Dyspnea may accompany chest pain. Requires hospital treatment. With the increase and lengthening of attacks of shortness of breath with obstructive bronchitis, it is also necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible. Attacks of suffocation are dangerous for the development of oxygen starvation and require the mandatory prescription of medications. When shortness of breath occurs in a child, you should call a doctor as soon as possible.

    First aid for shortness of breath

    With the development of an acute attack of shortness of breath, especially in a child, it is necessary to act quickly, since dyspnea can turn into suffocation. Timely treatment will help to avoid complications.

    1. Call an ambulance.
    2. If the attack is allergic, eliminate the allergen.
    3. Have the patient sit or provide an elevated lying position.
    4. Loosen clothing that restricts breathing.
    5. Open a vent or window to let in fresh air.
    6. Monitor the frequency and depth of breathing.
    7. If the diagnosis has already been established and the patient has an inhaler prescribed by a doctor, help him use it.

    The doctor must be told:

    • a possible cause of an attack of shortness of breath;
    • episode duration;
    • what accompanied the attack (discoloration of the skin, chest pain, short-term loss of consciousness, etc.);
    • frequency of respiratory movements during an attack;
    • what measures were taken, which inhaler and at what dose were used;
    • whether the treatment of exacerbation of bronchitis was carried out, with what drugs.

    If the attack does not end by the time the ambulance arrives, the doctor's actions will be as follows:

    • oxygen therapy (an air mixture with an oxygen content of 40 to 60% is used);
    • in case of bronchospasm, inhalation of fenoterol (0.5 ml) is carried out using a nebulizer or inhaler, if necessary, a second dose is possible after five minutes;
    • in severe cases, intravenous administration of prednisolone in dozemg is possible;
    • hospitalization for diagnosis (mandatory if chest pain is associated with shortness of breath) and treatment.

    Treatment of shortness of breath after bronchitis

    Sometimes dyspnea persists when the main symptoms of bronchitis have already disappeared. Shortness of breath can be exacerbated by mild chest pain when breathing. The cause of these symptoms is the recovery process in the lungs and bronchi after an illness, which can take a long time. The implementation of simple recommendations can significantly alleviate the patient's condition and speed up the recovery process.

    • moderate physical activity, in which severe shortness of breath and chest pain do not appear;
    • exclusion of smoking, including passive;
    • good nutrition, vitamin therapy (as prescribed by a doctor);
    • massage and physiotherapy
    • sanatorium treatment in specialized institutions.

    Treatment of shortness of breath after bronchitis should be carried out as prescribed and under the supervision of a physician, since this symptom may indicate an unfavorable course of the disease. Shortness of breath, which is accompanied by chest pain, requires special attention.

    To improve the drainage function of the bronchi, a vibration massage has a good effect. During this procedure, tapping movements are combined along the chest and back in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe lungs with deep breathing or pronouncing vowel sounds.

    Treatment with the use of vacuum massage significantly improves blood flow and improves bronchial patency, reduces inflammation.

    Classical massage is carried out in the chest area from the lower edge of the costal arch to the neck. With special care, massage movements should be made in the area where the heart is located.

    During the massage, it is important to ensure that severe chest pain does not appear and there is no increase in shortness of breath. The purpose of the massage is to improve blood flow and eliminate congestive processes in the lower parts of the lungs.


    After consultation with a physiotherapist, treatment can be prescribed:

    • thermal procedures (mud therapy, paraffin therapy, ozocerite applications, etc.);
    • impulse currents (improve the patency of the bronchi, relaxing the muscles of their walls).

    The main goal of physiotherapeutic procedures is to improve blood circulation in the bronchi and lungs, to promote sputum discharge.

    Air ionization

    When inhaling air that has undergone ionization, there is a significant decrease in bronchial reactivity. This can significantly reduce the symptoms of dyspnea and reduce the risk of asthma attacks. Breathing becomes much easier after a few days of using the ionizer. It is especially important to improve the air quality in the room of a child with lung disease.

    It should be remembered that shortness of breath is only a manifestation of a disease of the bronchi and lungs, which requires complex treatment and medical supervision.

    Source: breathing with bronchitis - a dangerous syndrome. Causes

    Dyspnea- one of the characteristic signs of bronchitis. It develops as an inflammatory process and is accompanied by shortness of breath. The appearance of shortness of breath in the initial stages of the disease is not always noticeable. Increasing, breathing problems become a signal to contact your doctor. If treatment is not started in time, the disease can lead to a complete cessation of breathing.

    • spasmolytic condition of the smooth muscles of the bronchi;

    Shortness of breath in a neglected state can develop into asthma or a chronic form of bronchitis.

    Symptoms of shortness of breath in various forms of bronchitis

    Bronchitis, depending on the clinical signs, it happens:

    • chronic;

    Acute bronchitis rarely accompanied by shortness of breath, attacks of suffocation are the result of poisoning. Poisons enter the bronchi, which causes a lack of oxygen. Shortness of breath contributes to the appearance of cough and pain in the chest cavity.

    During asthmatic bronchitis there is a spasm of the bronchi, there is difficulty in exhaling air. Later, this can develop into suffocation.

    Shortness of breath with bronchitis in a child: first aid

    The occurrence of bronchitis in a child is dangerous. The shortness of breath that accompanies it can lead to suffocation. The lumen of the bronchi narrows, it is difficult for oxygen to get into the lungs, and the child suffocates.

    Babies mostly suffer from bronchitis from the first year of life, their shortness of breath manifests itself clearly. Deviation from treatment can lead to the development of asthma based on lack of oxygen.

    • the very first action should be to call an ambulance;

    Important! In some cases of shortness of breath, emergency assistance is required:

    • The appearance of sudden shortness of breath and the increase with increasing force.

    Treatment: medications, physiotherapy and traditional medicine

    Shortness of breath with bronchitis is one of the symptoms. Therefore, the cure for breathing difficulties comes down to getting rid of the underlying disease. With bronchitis, medicines, aerosols, inhalers and alternative methods of treatment are used.

    Diffuse bronchitis (obstructive)

    This type of disease is treated not only with drugs, but also with a change in diet. Among a large number of medicines, drugs are used, relieve bronchospasm: Salbutomol and others.

    Known cases of the use of drugs, thinning mucus. Such medicines perform a drainage function, there are direct and indirect actions. Most often, plant materials are used: licorice root, marshmallow root, thyme, thermopsis.

    Chronical bronchitis

    Treatment is similar to diffuse. Broad-spectrum drugs are used. It is not always possible to completely get rid of such an ailment, but it is possible to stabilize the condition and stop the progression. For the treatment of chronic bronchitis apply:

    • Antibacterial agents: Aumentin, Amoxiclav, Macropen.

    Physiotherapy used to treat bronchial diseases, including bronchitis. It is aimed at improving blood circulation in the bronchi and removing sputum. The variety of physiotherapeutic agents is great. Thermal procedures and electric current treatment are mainly used.

    ACC Long- a common remedy for bronchitis, used by adults and children who suffer from shortness of breath. The drug dilutes sputum, removes it and promotes the expansion of the lumen of the alveoli.

    Shortness of breath after bronchitis

    After treatment of bronchitis, attacks of lack of air may persist for some time. The reasons for this may be the recovery processes in the lungs and bronchi, which are slow, as well as pain in the chest during breathing.

    Treatment should be careful, it is carried out under the supervision of doctors, since shortness of breath can mean not only recovery and restoration of the bronchi, but also complications after the disease. As a therapy, drainage massage, physiotherapy procedures, air ionization are used.

    Source: with bronchitis treatment with folk remedies

    Causes of shortness of breath in bronchitis and its treatment

    • Causes of bronchitis
    • Types of bronchitis
    • Symptoms of obstructive bronchitis
    • How to cure shortness of breath with obstructive bronchitis?

    Shortness of breath with bronchitis, the treatment of this disease are issues of interest to many people. Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchi. With this disease, the entire bronchial mucosa mainly suffers, but other tissues can also be affected.

    Causes of bronchitis

    There are many reasons why bronchitis can occur:

    1. The disease can occur when all kinds of bacteria and viruses enter the human body.
    2. Various effects on the body of toxic substances can also provoke the appearance of this disease. These include industrial waste emitted into the atmosphere, exhaust gases, dust and much more. The disease resulting from exposure to toxic substances will proceed with the most unpleasant symptoms. This can be intermittent breathing, a very strong cough, in which bloody discharge appears, severe shortness of breath that can turn into suffocation.
    3. Smoking. Even after the slightest infectious disease, smoking will become a trigger, as a result of which bronchitis can develop. Remember that human bronchi are greatly affected by passive smoking. It is for this reason that children in a smoking family are very often sick.

    Symptoms of bronchitis in children are more severe. It should be noted that in sick children, the risk of pneumonia and bronchial asthma greatly increases.

    Back to index

    Types of bronchitis

    In medicine, there are two forms of this disease. Bronchitis is divided into acute and chronic. In the first case, there is a rather acute inflammatory process of the entire bronchial mucosa. During the acute period, all mucous membranes swell somewhat, as a result of which the blood vessels become more dilated, and sputum forms on the bronchial surface itself.

    Chronic bronchitis is a progressive bronchial inflammation. Often the main symptom of this disease is a severe cough. Unlike the acute form, in the chronic form of bronchitis, not only the mucous membrane, but also all other elements of the bronchi can become inflamed. After some time, the inflammation reaches the lung tissue.

    There are cases when chronic bronchitis occurs after acute bronchitis. But this can only happen if the treatment of the acute form has not ended in complete recovery. Most often, the acute form is transformed into a chronic form in the elderly and young children.

    The most common cause of the chronic form of the disease is smoking. This also applies to passive smokers. According to statistics, for this reason chronic bronchitis develops in 80 percent of the population.

    Shortness of breath is an acute or chronic feeling of lack of air that occurs in a person, difficulty in breathing, accompanied by an increase in the frequency of breathing. Patients complain that it is difficult for them to breathe. Another name for shortness of breath is dyspnea. This is a very important symptom that accompanies a number of diseases - from cardiovascular to pathology of the respiratory system.

    Mechanism of dyspnea

    With shortness of breath, breathing quickens, inhalation and exhalation change the depth and ratio of the length of inhalation to exhalation. There are several types of dyspnea, depending on which phase of breathing suffers the most:

    • expiratory (it is difficult for the patient to exhale, the exhalation is lengthened);
    • inspiratory (difficulty in breathing is noted);
    • mixed (difficulty inhaling and exhaling).

    In diseases of the bronchi and lungs, the main mechanism for the development of dyspnea is the narrowing of the airways. Breathing in chronic bronchitis can be difficult both in the acute phase and in remission. The main mechanisms of dyspnea in acute bronchitis are:

    • accumulation of sputum in the airways;
    • bronchospasm and bronchial obstruction;
    • Shallow rapid breathing may be caused by chest pain during inhalation.

    Chronic bronchitis differs from acute by other mechanisms of development of shortness of breath:

    • as a rule, dyspnea has a mixed character;
    • in addition to stenosis and obstruction of the bronchial lumen, there is the development of pulmonary hypertension, cor pulmonale and symptoms of heart failure.

    Not every time bronchitis is accompanied by the same symptoms, and shortness of breath is inherent in its severe forms.


    Shortness of breath rarely accompanies simple acute bronchitis. As a rule, the appearance of dyspnea indicates the development of complications (pneumonia, pleurisy, etc.) or a chronic process. When bronchitis develops in a young child, shortness of breath appears quickly enough.


    Shortness of breath is observed in most patients. It can disturb intermittently or constantly, sometimes there is moderate pain in the chest with deep breathing. The more exacerbations of the disease, the more often it is difficult for the patient to breathe, sometimes asthma attacks may develop against this background. Perhaps the appearance of respiratory failure after the end of the exacerbation phase.


    With obstructive bronchitis, the lumen of the bronchi is clogged with viscous sputum, stenosis and deformation of the bronchial tree is observed, therefore, this type of disease is characterized by severe dyspnea. Additionally, the airways are narrowed by swelling of the bronchial wall as a result of an inflammatory reaction and spasm of the muscle layer. Expiration is lengthened and accompanied by a whistling noise. Wheezing with bronchitis can be heard even at a distance. Characterized by an increase in shortness of breath in the morning and a decrease after coughing, accompanied by sputum. In addition, dyspnea can gradually progress as new sections of the bronchi and lungs are involved in the pathological process. With obstructive bronchitis in a child, shortness of breath develops quickly and has an expiratory character.


    The appearance of shortness of breath provokes contact with the allergen. Attacks can be of varying severity - from mild dyspnea to suffocation. Treatment will not be effective if exposure to the allergen continues.

    Bronchitis with asthmatic component

    Shortness of breath with bronchitis with an asthmatic component is observed quite often. The main mechanism of its development is bronchospasm. A decrease in the lumen of the bronchi leads to difficult exhalation and can develop into suffocation. The development of shortness of breath with such bronchitis in a child is dangerous by the transition of the disease to bronchial asthma, mandatory treatment is necessary.

    The development of shortness of breath with bronchitis in a child occurs faster and more often than in an adult. The reason for this is the relatively narrow lumen of the bronchi. Even with a small accumulation of sputum, the child may experience respiratory problems. Dyspnea is especially likely to develop in obstructive bronchitis, broncho-obstruction and bronchospasm. The younger the child, the more dangerous for him attacks of shortness of breath, they can lead to serious complications.

    Warning signs

    Some features of shortness of breath require emergency care:

    • shortness of breath appeared suddenly and is growing rapidly, severe chest pain worries;
    • attacks become more frequent, lengthen;
    • expiratory nature of dyspnea, the appearance of suffocation.

    The appearance of sudden and severe shortness of breath may indicate the development of dangerous complications of bronchopulmonary diseases (pneumothorax, pleurisy). Dyspnea may accompany chest pain. Requires hospital treatment. With the increase and lengthening of attacks of shortness of breath and with obstructive bronchitis, it is also necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible. Asphyxiation attacks are dangerous for the development of oxygen starvation and require the mandatory prescription of medications. When shortness of breath occurs in a child, you should immediately call a doctor.

    First aid

    With the development of an acute attack, especially in a child, it is necessary to act quickly, since dyspnea can turn into suffocation. Timely treatment will help to avoid complications.

    1. Call an ambulance.
    2. If the attack is allergic, eliminate the allergen.
    3. Have the patient sit or provide an elevated lying position.
    4. Loosen clothing that restricts breathing.
    5. Open a vent or window to let in fresh air.
    6. Monitor the frequency and depth of breathing.
    7. If the diagnosis has already been established and the patient has an inhaler prescribed by a doctor, help him use it.

    The doctor must be told:

    • possible cause of the attack;
    • episode duration;
    • what accompanied the attack (discoloration of the skin, chest pain, short-term loss of consciousness, etc.);
    • frequency of respiratory movements during an attack;
    • what measures were taken, which inhaler and at what dose were used;
    • whether the treatment of exacerbation of bronchitis was carried out, with what drugs.

    If the attack does not end by the time the ambulance arrives, the doctor's actions will be as follows:

    • oxygen therapy (an air mixture with an oxygen content of 40 to 60% is used);
    • in case of bronchospasm, inhalation of fenoterol (0.5 ml) is carried out using a nebulizer or inhaler, if necessary, a second dose is possible after five minutes;
    • in severe cases, intravenous administration of prednisolone at a dose of 90-120 mg is possible;
    • hospitalization for diagnosis (mandatory if chest pain has joined with shortness of breath) and treatment.

    Sometimes dyspnea persists when the main symptoms of bronchitis have already disappeared. Dyspnea can be exacerbated by mild chest pain when breathing. The cause of these symptoms is the recovery process in the lungs and bronchi after an illness, which can take a long time. The implementation of simple recommendations can significantly alleviate the patient's condition and speed up the recovery process.

    • moderate physical activity, in which there is no difficulty in breathing, an increase in its frequency, as well as the absence of chest pain;
    • exclusion of smoking, including passive;
    • good nutrition, vitamin therapy (as prescribed by a doctor);
    • massage and physiotherapy;
    • sanatorium treatment in specialized institutions.

    Treatment of shortness of breath after bronchitis should be carried out as prescribed and under the supervision of a physician, since this symptom may indicate an unfavorable course of the disease. Dyspnea, accompanied by chest pain, requires special attention.


    To improve the drainage function of the bronchi, a vibration, percussion massage has a good effect. During this procedure, tapping movements are combined along the chest and back in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe lungs with deep breathing or pronouncing vowel sounds.

    Treatment with the use of vacuum massage significantly improves blood flow and improves bronchial patency, reduces inflammation.

    Classical massage is carried out in the chest area from the lower edge of the costal arch to the neck. During the massage, the area where the heart is located is avoided.

    During the massage, it is important to ensure that severe chest pain does not appear and the respiratory rate does not increase, there is no difficulty in breathing. The purpose of the massage is to improve blood flow and eliminate stagnant processes in the lower parts of the lungs.


    After consultation with a physiotherapist, treatment can be prescribed:

    • thermal procedures (mud therapy, paraffin therapy, ozocerite applications, etc.);
    • impulse currents (improve the patency of the bronchi, relaxing the muscles of their walls).

    The main goal of physiotherapeutic procedures is to improve blood circulation in the bronchi and lungs, to promote sputum discharge.

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