Skin diseases in dogs: types, symptoms, treatment. Skin diseases in dogs: symptoms, description with photo, treatment

Skin diseases are common in dogs. They cause suffering to animals and impair health, and therefore require treatment. Information about the types of these diseases, symptoms, their treatment and prevention of occurrence will be useful for any dog ​​owner.

Types and their description with a photo

Many skin diseases in dogs are infectious, although this is not always the case. According to this criterion, they can be divided into groups according to the source of infection or other reasons for the appearance. For example, the causative agents of diseases can be fungi or bacteria, skin lesions can be allergic in nature or occur for other reasons.


Mycoses affect the skin, coat and nails of dogs, as well as internal organs. They can become ill after contact with an infected animal or simply after walking in areas where pathogens can be found. We advise you to read more about the treatment and prevention of mycoses

ATTENTION! Even pets who have never left the house can get sick - in this case, fungi enter the home on people's shoes or clothes.

In addition to pathogenic fungi, there are also conditionally pathogenic ones. They are constantly on the skin of animals, but their number is corrected by a healthy immune system, so diseases do not develop. But as soon as the dog’s immunity drops sharply, the fungi become active and begin to multiply.

The development of dermatomycosis is also facilitated by mistakes in caring for a pet made by the owner. For example, Dogs often get sick with fungal diseases for the following reasons:

  • poor nutrition, due to which the body's defenses are reduced;
  • dirty, greasy and felted wool, to which oxygen does not penetrate;
  • clean but dry coat due to washing too often.

In addition, dermatomycosis can be a consequence of the treatment of other diseases with drugs that suppress the immune system.

Mycoses are divided into:

  • superficial (the fungus does not penetrate deeper than the skin and mucous membranes) - microsporia, malassezia, candidiasis, pityrosporosis;
  • subcutaneous - sporotrichosis, eumycosis;
  • systemic - coccidioidomycosis, aspergillosis, histoplasmosis.

A common disease of this group in dogs and cats is microsporia and trichophytosis (ringworm) caused by microsporum and trichophyton fungi. Humans can also be infected from animals.


Common diseases:

  • eczema (you can read about ear eczema in);
  • tick-borne borreliosis;
  • yersiniosis;
  • tularemia.

We offer you to watch a video about eczema in animals:

Dogs of any breed and age can become infected with a bacterial infection. But especially puppies, adult weakened and old animals get sick. Infection occurs by contact (communication with a sick individual, use of someone else's dog ammunition and care items), alimentary (after eating contaminated feed) and airborne droplets. The risk group includes animals living in poor conditions, receiving insufficiently good nutrition, kept together in large groups.


Other cases

Skin lesions in dogs can also be caused by ticks. Settling under the skin of animals, they cause diseases such as sarcoptic mange, demodicosis, otodectosis (ear scabies).

Hormonal disorders resulting from endocrine pathologies or age-related disorders can cause increased hair loss ( alopecia).


Symptoms of skin diseases in dogs are varied, but, first of all, this is a change in the skin, coat and claws in the form of:

  • loss of shine and hair loss;
  • redness or graying, swelling and peeling of the skin;
  • rashes of various etiologies.

A frequent symptom of damage to the scalp, body, limbs, paws, ears in dogs is severe itching, causing the animals to constantly itch. Pets can refuse food and games, sleep most of the time, react sluggishly to external stimuli. They may have a rise in general body temperature or become hot lesions, there may be serous or purulent discharge from the eyes and nose, coughing, sneezing, shortness of breath, anemia of the mucous membranes, and digestive disorders.


Dog skin diseases are diagnosed in veterinary clinics. A preliminary diagnosis can be made already during an external examination, but it is possible to establish exactly what caused the disease only after laboratory tests and studies:

  • blood test;
  • bakposeva;
  • cytological analysis of biomaterials;
  • allergy tests.

According to studies, patients are prescribed treatment.


Therapy of skin lesions in dogs is carried out taking into account the characteristics of the diseases that caused them:

In addition to special preparations, in all cases, immunomodulators and vitamins are also prescribed to help the dog's body cope with the disease.

Treatment of skin diseases is carried out mainly at home and only in special cases - in veterinary clinics. For the duration of therapy, the dog must be given peace, children and other pets should not be allowed near it. All treatments should be carried out with medical gloves, do not touch the pet unnecessarily, immediately eliminate everything that was used for the procedure (fleece, sticks).

REFERENCE! From home remedies for external use, you can use aloe juice, infusion of chamomile, calendula, echinacea to relieve itching, inflammation, swelling and redness.


Skin diseases in dogs are often associated with illiterate maintenance and care, so every owner of a four-legged pet necessary:

These simple preventive measures will help reduce the risk of contracting or developing diseases that result in skin lesions in dogs and keep your friend healthy.

Useful video about the symptoms and treatment of pathology

One of the most common pathologies in dogs is skin disease. The causes and manifestations of these diseases are varied.

However, despite the fact that skin diseases in dogs are much easier to notice with the naked eye than, for example, lesions of the internal organs, many owners ignore the symptoms, and then learn from the veterinarian that a timely visit to the clinic could save them from dealing with complications.

- this is an inflammation of the dermis (the second layer of the skin), located under the top layer - the epidermis. With dermatitis, all skin functions are disrupted, and this can lead to systemic disorders.

invisible enemy

This group of skin diseases in dogs includes:

  • dermatophytosis (superficial infectious mycosis), or. The disease is characterized by the appearance of rounded alopecia (bald patches). Moreover, the wool in the affected areas seems to be sheared. Itching with dermatophytosis is not pronounced. Peeling on the affected areas (seborrhea) is possible.
  • damage by the fungus Malassezia (pitarosporosis). Often manifested in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe auditory canals (), labial folds, chin. It is characterized by seborrhea, chronic wet discharge.

Insects in dogs

Sarcoptic mange is caused by microscopic intradermal mites and is characterized by intense itching. With demodicosis, itching is moderate, alopecia appear on the skin.

dangerous reaction

Allergic skin diseases in dogs are manifested by itching, alopecia, which appear when the animal scratches a certain place for a long time, weeping eczema is often observed. Distinguish:

Skin pathology manifests itself when a hormone is produced in the body in excess or in deficiency. The cause of this skin disease in dogs may be a violation of the function of the thyroid gland, adrenal cortex, gonads. The main signs of such disorders are the appearance of symmetrical, thinning of the coat, skin pigmentation. Itching is absent.

When food kills...

These skin diseases in dogs are caused by improper feeding of pets. It often happens when they give cheap food. Deficiency of zinc, essential fatty acids or too much calcium in the diet leads to skin lesions. Symptoms vary from skin and coat color to weeping eczema.

Symptoms of skin diseases in dogs

Autoimmune diseases are manifested by itching, rashes, and inflammation is noticeable in some areas. After analyzing the most common skin diseases in dogs, we can highlight the main symptoms.

Trophic ulcers in dogs is a purulent-necrotic dermatological pathology often diagnosed in traditional veterinary medicine, which occurs due to impaired blood and lymph circulation, tissue trophism, due to damage to large blood vessels, nerves, and spinal cord. Skin lesions are not prone to self-healing and may recur periodically. If the treatment of trophic ulcers is not started in a timely manner, destructive-degenerative processes occur in the structures of damaged tissues. This pathology requires long-term medical therapy.

The formation of trophic ulcers in dogs is promoted by a number of reasons, unfavorable exogenous factors. As a rule, this pathology can occur in animals after severe injuries, bruises, prolonged mechanical damage, which leads to impaired venous circulation. Damage to the integrity of the skin leads to disruption of tissue trophism, provokes acute inflammation in the structures of the damaged epidermis.

Important! In dogs, weeping, long-healing sores are most often noted on the limbs (leg), mucous membranes, less often on the back, sides, and neck.

Causes of trophic ulcers:

Trophic ulcers in animals are not an independent pathology and are most often formed against the background of systemic, functional disorders in the work of internal organs, systems, with a deterioration in venous and arterial circulation. Their development is facilitated by inflammatory infections that reduce the immune potential of animals.

Dogs experience severe itching, pain. The limbs swell. Animals become inactive, inadequately respond to external stimuli. Appetite is reduced or absent altogether. Dogs eagerly drink water, lie motionless in their place. An increase in overall body temperature by one to two degrees is possible.

Read also: Dry keratoconjunctivitis in dogs: causes and treatment options

Treatment of trophic ulcers in animals

Considering that trophic ulcers are difficult to treat and provoke serious complications, therapeutic therapy should be started immediately, as soon as the owner notices uncharacteristic manifestations on the body of his beloved pet.

Important! Treatment of a trophic ulcer in a dog should be prescribed by a veterinarian after a comprehensive diagnosis.

The choice of treatment methods depends on the underlying cause, the degree of progression of pathological processes in the tissues, the general physiological state, the age of the dog, the presence of secondary, concomitant diseases. The prognosis largely depends on the underlying cause.

Dogs are assigned comprehensive symptomatic treatment. For trophic ulcers in animals, apply:

  • drug treatment;
  • surgical intervention;
  • infusion therapy;
  • means of alternative medicine.

In the initial stages of pathology, complex wound healing agents(gels, ointments, creams, liniments, talkers) intended for local treatment. The drugs have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti-edema effect, accelerate the processes of epithelialization, regeneration of damaged tissues.

Veterinarians use the following drugs: Argosulfan, 0.01% Genatmycin, methyluracil ointment, Vishnevsky liniment, Solcoseryl, Levomikol, streptocid, gels, creams containing antibiotics, sulfanilamide, which has a complex antibacterial effect. Well helps with trophic ulcers Miramistin, chloramphenicol, heparin ointment, Sulfargin, silver nitrate. Preparations improve metabolic processes in tissues, trophism of the damaged dermis.

In addition to general therapy, in the treatment of trophic ulcers in dogs, special dressings. For example, VosKapran, which is a unique dressing material impregnated with medicinal products. Has a prolonged effect. It has a wound-healing, wound-protective, analgesic effect. Promotes faster healing of ulcers, purulent infected wounds.

With long-term non-healing trophic ulcers, dogs are prescribed corticosteroids in minimal dosages (10-20 mg per day).

Local treatment

Local treatment of trophic ulcers gives very good results in combination with other methods. Includes several stages:

  • Elimination of infection.
  • Removal of purulent contents, necrotic tissues.
  • Healing process, defect closure.

Before applying a therapeutic ointment, the toilet of the ulcerative surface is carried out using sterile wipes, gauze swabs soaked in antiseptic solutions. The wound can be treated with furatsilin, iodopyrone, which is used in veterinary medicine to treat purulent infected wounds. Disinfection of tissues adjacent to the wound surface is carried out. You can use a highly concentrated soapy solution to wash the wound.

Responsibility for illnesses and ailments of pets lies entirely on the shoulders of the owners, because our smaller brothers do not know how to talk and will not be able to report discomfort.

In order not to start the treatment of the disease, it is necessary to diagnose the disease in time and take appropriate measures, and even better, carry out constant prevention. there may be many, and the consequences are different. This article will discuss skin diseases, diagnostic methods and treatment methods.

In order to identify a skin disease in a dog, you need to remember what skin is. This is an organ of the immune system, which is the primary barrier through which all foreign substances pass. Some of them pass inside (drugs, ointments, etc.), and some (viral life forms, infections) are rejected by antibodies.

Skin ailments are primarily a violation of the immune system, which can be triggered by malnutrition, deficiency of vitamins or trace elements.

Diseases of the endocrine system are in second place in terms of frequency of occurrence. Deficiency of certain hormones and enzymes can cause non-viral diseases and skin irritations, even with a normal balanced diet.

Another reason may be impaired function of the sebaceous glands. Hypertrophy of the sebaceous channels, hypofunction or hyperfunction. All these ailments disrupt the balance of sebum and interfere with the work of the sebaceous glands.


A situation where a foreign substance that enters the body is wrapped in a film that should isolate the substance until the body produces antibodies. If the process of immunological response is delayed or the virus is too strong, an abscess occurs. The white blood cells that enter the film are engulfed by the virus and increase the size of the abscess. Sooner or later, the film will not withstand the pressure and the pathogen will enter the bloodstream, which will lead to systemic infection and blood poisoning. To get rid of an abscess, you need to call a veterinarian, but while waiting for his arrival, apply a warm compress from celandine or an alcohol lotion.

lupus erythematosus

Lupus erythematosus is an autoimmune chronic disease in dogs. It provokes an endocrine disruption when the body is attacked by its own cells.

The frequency of the disease is high predisposition plays a big role.

REFERENCE. Most often, lupus occurs in collies, poodles, Scottish and German shepherds.

This autoimmune disease most often affects females between the ages of 2 and 8 years. The disease is hereditary, but inflammation, severe bacterial or viral infections can lead to infection.

Also, veterinarians believe that lupus can progress against the background of certain pharmacological drugs or UV radiation. Symptoms make themselves felt no earlier than the 6-year-old age of the pet.

The course of the disease can be both gradual and acute.

The main symptom is nasal hemorrhage, which forms ulcers on the skin around the nose if left untreated. At this stage, active degradation of the connective tissue is already taking place. The integrity of the joints is violated, and at the same time the bone tissue. The result is polyarthritis. An increase in body temperature is often noted.

In some cases, there are disturbances in the work of the central nervous system (epileptiform seizures). Lupus is accompanied by anorexia and malfunction of the urinary system.


Folliculitis in dogs is accompanied by a pustular lesion of the skin in the region of the hair follicles. The causes are staphylococcus, hypertrophy of the sebaceous glands.

Favorite places of folliculitis - forehead, cheeks, neck, nose.

IMPORTANT! Some muzzles or collars made of poor quality fabric can provoke this ailment.

The infected area must be treated with brilliant green or formalin. In the presence of a large number of pustules - treat with ultraviolet radiation. In special cases, the use of antibiotics, vitamin complexes is prescribed.

If there is a relapse, or a systemic lesion of the skin, the following procedures are performed:

  • autohemotherapy;
  • therapeutic tissue treatment;
  • ultraviolet irradiation;
  • blood filtration.

The veterinarian also conducts diagnostics on the fact of the presence of diseases that are associated with the gastrointestinal tract, as they can also cause folliculitis in pets.

Specialized preparations are used to regulate the intestinal microflora. With an exacerbation of the disease, you need to adjust the diet and include dietary supplements in the diet.


Phlegmon is an acute purulent inflammation, which goes side by side with a necrosis of friable cellulose.

The reason for the occurrence of this disease in dogs is the ingestion of purulent bacterial masses into the tissues. In addition to phlegmon, there may be a complication with purulent inflammation.

During the development of phlegmon in dogs, characteristic clinical symptoms are noted. So, at the first stage, swelling appears in the form of hot inflammatory edema, which has a rather dense and hard structure.

Important! At the same time, the skin is in a tense state, and its borders are smoothed. On palpation, it is diagnosed that the temperature of the areas around the inflammatory edema is significantly increased.

The animal has a sharp deterioration in condition, depression, apathy, refusal to eat, rapid pulse and shortness of breath. Increasing leukocytosis occurs in the blood with an increase in the number of neutrophils. In the future, swelling is limited and necrosis begins.

At the same time, the amount of infiltrate increases, intoxication of the body occurs. To make a diagnosis, a puncture is performed.


A furuncle on the skin of animals is formed due to inflammation of the sebaceous glands, hair follicles and loose fiber. The source is staphylococcus aureus.

Factors contributing to the development of the disease:

  • various skin injuries (scratches, burns);
  • metabolic disorder;
  • polyhypovitaminosis;
  • acne
  • seborrhea.

A furuncle is a dense swelling that has the shape of a cone. It hurts a lot and sometimes reaches the size of a walnut. As the boil matures, a yellowish-gray spot appears on its top. This means that the purulent necrotic core of the boil has firmly settled in the skin.

In the center of this rod is the hair. If the furuncle opens itself, a rod can come out along with pus. However, the pus spreads to nearby areas of the skin and forms new boils.

Sores and ulcers

An abscess is a local lesion of the skin or subcutaneous tissues, accompanied by the formation of pus. Every responsible dog breeder eventually acquires the skills of a trainer, nutritionist and veterinarian in one bottle. Fights, brawls, damage - often and quite a familiar situation, passing without obvious consequences. But what to do if you find an abscess on the dog's stomach, muzzle, paws?

An abscess is an inflammatory process that requires support, therapy and treatment. On the advice of cynologists and the rules for keeping pets, the owner should inspect the dog after each walk. You need to look out for ticks, injuries, bites, scratches. The most common causes of suppuration are injuries inflicted in a fight. Dogs use all their weapons - claws, paws, teeth. Dog claws are not as sharp as those of cats, but they leave wider cuts, which means that the vulnerable area for infection is larger.

Animals on the run come into contact with the ground, which contains many bacteria and infections. If the pet's immune system is weakened, foci of inflammation and purulent areas in the dog in the abdomen, chest, armpits, and groin may arise.

Advice! It is necessary to treat the wounds with antiseptic preparations and ointments, peroxide, you can apply a plaster or bandage.


Occurs due to hypothermia of tissues. A common mistake is to rub the frostbitten area. This aggravates the situation, because the liquid crystals scratch the skin and the walls of blood vessels.

In case of frostbite of the ears, you need to apply a warm, but not hot compress to the ears, immobilize the dog, so that crystals of frozen fluid do not travel through the bloodstream and damage nearby tissues. If the paws are frostbitten, they can be warmed up in a warm bath.

Other skin diseases


This is an extremely common ailment in dogs, especially those with long hair. The first symptom is an unpleasant smell. Seborrhea can be genetically transmitted and manifests itself at an early age, as the animal ages, it constantly progresses. Also, the causes of this disease are:

Seborrhea can be of three types: oily, dry and mixed.

With dry seborrhea, the pet's skin secretes excess sebum. It accumulates in the armpits and auricles of the dog, on the elbows, in the lower abdomen, and also near the ankle. Due to the strong fat content, an unpleasant odor occurs. The dog scratches the affected areas all the time, which leads to bleeding, irritation, hair loss, vulnerability to infections.

Seborrhea is most susceptible to breeds such as:

  • West Highland White Terriers;
  • basset hounds;
  • american cocker spaniels;
  • English Springer Spaniels;
  • labrador retrievers;
  • German Shepherds;
  • golden retrievers;
  • sharpei.

For a detailed diagnosis, you need to conduct a list of studies in a veterinary clinic, to eliminate the chance of primary diseases that can provoke seborrhea, such as an allergic reaction. For this, skin samples are examined, blood and feces are taken.



IMPORTANT! First of all, you need to consult a doctor so as not to start complex diseases.

In the veterinary clinic

The doctor conducts a detailed analysis, possibly using a biopsy method (analysis of a sample of the affected area), after which he prescribes a course of medication, a list of physiotherapy procedures, as well as recommendations regarding diet and exercise.

Which dogs are most susceptible?

Short-haired and smooth-haired breeds fall into the risk zone, which are deprived of a powerful protective hairline. Exotic breeds brought to Russia from abroad are especially susceptible.

Follow the right diet. Remember that the dog's body was formed in certain nutritional conditions, which are not recommended to be changed. The basis of nutrition is raw meat and offal of animal origin, milk and cottage cheese, a minimum of cereals and vegetables, no sweets containing sugar. It is this diet that will allow you to get all the necessary nutrients and remain a healthy pet.

You also need to carry out hygiene procedures: brush your dog once a week and bathe it once a month with a hypoallergenic shampoo.

Take good care of your dog's health. Visit the veterinarian several times a year, even if there is no apparent reason. Sometimes it is better to prevent dangerous diseases at the initial stage than to spend a lot of money on treatment later.

Skin diseases are among the most common diseases in dogs. In most cases, skin diseases occur due to infections and allergic reactions. However, despite the fact that skin diseases in dogs are much easier to notice with the naked eye than, for example, lesions of the internal organs, many owners ignore the symptoms, and then learn from the veterinarian that a timely visit to the clinic could save them from dealing with complications.

Skin diseases in dogs are now becoming more and more common. This is due to many aspects: malnutrition and malnutrition, deterioration of the ecological atmosphere of the air, a sedentary lifestyle. Very often, skin diseases in animals manifest themselves as hereditary predispositions of the skin to various diseases.

Dermatitis- this is an inflammation of the dermis (the second layer of the skin), located under the top layer - the epidermis. With dermatitis, all skin functions are disrupted, and this can lead to systemic disorders.

At the slightest change in the hairline of a dog, you need to contact a veterinary clinic to conduct the necessary tests and make an accurate diagnosis of the disease. Below we give the most common skin diseases among dogs, but only a specialist can accurately determine which disease is taking place.

Types and symptoms of skin diseases in dogs

1. Bacterial skin infection.

Staphylococcus aureus is the main cause of bacterial skin infection in dogs. The ears are most susceptible to bacterial infection. However, symptoms can spread throughout the body. The main symptoms of a bacterial skin infection include a rash, pustules, skin inflammation, hair loss, and severe itching.

2. Fungal skin infection.

A fungal skin infection in dogs is known as ringworm. It is more common in puppies and less common in adult dogs. The fungus is usually found in the skin, in the claws and in the coat. Ringworm usually affects the head and paws. Hair loss is one of the early symptoms of a fungal skin infection in dogs. If the disease is not treated, the infection can progress and lead to the formation of scabs.

Malassezia dermatitis in dogs is also related to fungal skin lesions. This name hides a common yeast fungus, the fungus is not contagious to other animals and people. Since it is part of the habitual microflora that is constantly present on the skin of an animal, under normal conditions it does not manifest itself in any way, and begins to multiply intensively only when favorable conditions are created for this.

4. Allergic skin diseases.

Allergic skin conditions in dogs can be caused by food allergies, allergies to chemicals found in soaps and detergents, and insect bites. Among them, the most common is atopic dermatitis. Symptoms of atopic dermatitis include a rash and itching of the head, ears, and paws.

Diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases in dogs

Since skin conditions can develop in dogs for a variety of reasons, making an accurate diagnosis can be difficult. Diagnosis is usually guided by a physical examination and the dog's medical history. In order to establish the underlying disease, the veterinarian may take blood, urine, feces for analysis and make a skin biopsy. After making a diagnosis and determining the source of the allergy, the doctor prescribes the appropriate medications for treatment.

The actual treatment of a skin disease is based on removing the cause of the problem. If it is a bacterial infection, then the veterinarian may prescribe a course of antibiotic treatment (Cefalen, Sinulox, Xiklav, Tsiprovet). Other general treatment procedures include solutions and ointments for local action on the affected areas of the skin (Migstim, ointments - Baksinovaya, Iruksovetin, Ranosan, Phytoelita anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, Diclorex). Treatment of an animal with Malassezia dermatitis is desirable to begin with the identification of the underlying cause of the disease. In cases where the underlying disease is not treatable, periodic recurrences of Malassezia dermatitis occur. Then you will need the constant use of antifungal agents, a course of one and a half months (but sometimes more). To cleanse and moisturize the skin, therapeutic and prophylactic shampoos are shown (Globalvet hypoallergenic, Doctor, Dermilen, Meladerm, Essential, Hexovet, Ketovet, Peroxiderm).

If the skin disease is caused by an allergy, then the best way to prevent the development of the disease is to avoid exposure to the allergen.

It is necessary to remember about proper nutrition (Farmina) and during the period of illness, transfer the dog to a dietary diet, which may consist of using special food for animals with signs of allergies (Vet Life Dog Hypoallergenic Egg & Rice, Vet Life Dog UltraHypo).

An improper diet can lead to problems with the skin, as a lack of trace elements leads to the destruction of hair follicles. Modern dog food is the fruit of numerous studies. Their development sometimes takes years of laboratory research and testing. The decision to switch to homemade food should not be taken lightly, it must be balanced with the addition of vitamin and mineral supplements (Zoovit Balance, Kanvit Biotin, Kanvit with biotin and sea water. Chlorella, Laveta Super Dog, Multi Bust, Multiplex Dog, Polydex Super Vul +, Excel Brewer's yeast d / sob.).

For the treatment of chronic skin diseases, drugs can be prescribed that will have to be given to the dog throughout his life. If your dog is experiencing increased itching or changes in behavior, you should seek the advice of a veterinarian. Timely treatment and proper care of the dog is essential to prevent the development of further complications.

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