Why drink beetroot juice? Beetroot juice: the benefits and harms of a tart burgundy drink. Beet juice recipes, useful tips, possible harm. Fresh recipes with beetroot juice

Beets are our favorite domestic vegetable. We eat it with pleasure because of the pleasant taste, beautiful color and useful qualities. Throughout the rest of the world, beets are often treated coolly, even contemptuously, and refuse to eat this root crop. And in vain, because they deprive themselves of many important vitamins and elements, which are abundant in beetroot. In addition, all the beneficial substances from beets are perfectly absorbed by the body, so the introduction of this vegetable into your diet will soon have a positive effect on well-being and appearance.

Composition of beets

Most often, we use beets in boiled or baked form. It is included in salads, appetizers, soups. But in order to literally words to squeeze the maximum benefit out of beet - you have to drink Fresh Juice. His the nutritional value very large, which is why it is used in traditional medicine.

There are 41 calories in 100 grams of fresh beets, with 86 grams coming from water.- that is, the yield of beetroot fresh from raw materials is quite large. The content of carbohydrates is 8.7 grams, proteins - 1.6 grams, fats - only 0.2 grams. There are few organic acids in beets - 0.1 grams, but there are much more mono and disaccharides - 8.8 grams, dietary fiber- 2.6 grams.

vitamins in beets presented not only in sufficient volume, but also in good proportion with each other. There is not much vitamin A in the root crop, but in its tops it is ten times more, keep this in mind if you want to replenish the supply of this particular substance.

- vitamin C - 10.1 mg
- vitamin PP - 0.3 mg
- vitamin E - 0.13 mg
- vitamin B5 - 0.12 mg
- vitamin B2 - 0.05 mg
- vitamin B6 - 0.08 mg
- beta-carotene - 0.02 mg
- vitamin B1 - 0.03 mg
- vitamin B9 - 13.1 mcg
- vitamin A - 2.2 mcg

The picture of macro and microelements is even more impressive, beets are just a storehouse useful substances. It should be noted that they are perfectly preserved during the winter, so during the cold weather beetroot can become an excellent natural “box of vitamins”.


- potassium - 287.8 mg
- sodium - 45.9 mg
- phosphorus - 44.1 mg
- chlorine - 42.7 mg
- calcium - 37.2 mg
- magnesium - 23.1 mg
- sulfur - 7 mg

trace elements

- iron - 1.5 mg
- manganese - 0.67 mg
- zinc - 0.43 mg
- rubidium - 453.09 mcg
- boron - 280.6 mcg
- copper - 140.8 mcg
- vanadium - 69.8 mcg
- fluorine - 21 mcg
- chromium - 19.9 mcg
- Nickel - 14.02 mcg
- molybdenum - 11.1 mcg
- iodine - 7.2 mcg
- cobalt - 2.14 mcg

Useful properties of beet juice

Beetroot juice has a good effect on the composition of the blood, because it contains folic acid, vitamin C and iron. Drinking juice is useful for people with anemia - to raise hemoglobin and with other blood diseases. Vitamin C helps iron to be fully absorbed and further contribute to an increase in the amount of red blood cells and oxygenation of the body.

It was noted that beetroot juice perfectly helps to cope with beriberi, as well as protect against viral and colds. The fact is that he actively feeds immune system thus maintaining health.

Since there is a beet, it means this product useful for thyroid gland and, as a result, improves memory. This is worth paying attention to those who, due to a lack of iodine, have problems with the thyroid gland, want to get effective prevention of atherosclerosis and keep their memory at the proper level.

Betaine (this is exactly the substance that gives beets a red-crimson color) cleanses the blood of cholesterol, strengthens blood vessels and capillaries.

Take on board the advice to drink beetroot juice if you periodically experience a breakdown. Vitamin cocktail will quickly bring you to your senses, beetroot juice is a great natural energy booster.

Everyone knows the fact that beetroot works as a laxative. Fresh beetroot juice has the same effect, it acts gently and naturally. It also has a beneficial effect on digestion in general, accelerates metabolic processes, improves intestinal motility, enzyme production, digestibility of heavy foods. Along with this, beets remove all “garbage” from the body, toxins and toxins will not linger for a long time if beet juice is regularly present on your table. Another plus is that beetroot juice has the ability to dissolve gallstones and cleanse the liver, that is, its effect on internal organs is complex.

Be careful if your blood pressure is usually below normal. But hypertensive patients can take beetroot juice as a means to reduce pressure, as well as to relieve swelling. It is worth paying attention to this drink for people with high sugar blood and diabetics - beetroot juice helps lower sugar levels and improve well-being.

Beetroot juice can also act as an antiseptic; when consumed, it sanitizes oral cavity and prevents the development of harmful microflora in the stomach and intestines. Also, beetroot juice can be used as a healing agent if applied to a wound or abscess.

Harm of beet juice, contraindications for use

You should refrain from drinking beetroot juice:

- with gastric ulcer;
- with gastritis and others acute diseases stomach;
- with an ulcer duodenum;
- with certain kidney diseases;
- in the presence of kidney stones;
- people suffering from periodic diarrhea, dyspeptic conditions;
- at low pressure;
- with individual intolerance to beets;
- women breastfeeding a newborn;
- children under three years of age.

Do not drink more than half a glass of beetroot juice at a time Otherwise, nausea and dizziness will appear. Also, do not take beetroot juice for more than 15 days in a row. For improvement palatability beetroot juice can be mixed with any other vegetable juice, such as carrot juice.

Recipes for the use of beetroot juice in folk medicine

For treatment, you need to use freshly squeezed, but settled beet juice. It is enough to keep it in the refrigerator for 2 hours, then pour it into a new container, and discard the sediment.

With angina

To cure a sore throat, you need to gargle with beetroot juice five times a day.

With diseases of the blood, cardiovascular system, weakness, constipation, hypertension

Beetroot juice is taken 1-2 times a day, 70 ml each.

With a runny nose and other diseases of the nose

For rhinitis, colds, sinusitis and the common cold, it is recommended to instill beetroot juice into the nose 4-7 times a day, 1 drop in each nostril.

From gallstones

With this problem, I take beetroot juice in the morning on an empty stomach every day for 15 days, 100 ml each.

With anemia, beriberi, to cleanse the body of toxins

Prepare a mixture of three juices: beetroot, pumpkin (or carrot), celery in equal proportions and drink on an empty stomach every day for two weeks.

To restore strength

At feeling unwell, stress, after past illness it is useful to drink beetroot juice and radish juice mixed in equal parts- 70 ml.

For women during menstruation

From many female diseases and to restore tone during menstruation, you need to drink a mixture of beetroot, cranberry and orange juice.


Beetroot juice contains all useful trace elements and substances raw vegetable. But when it is taken, the body does not need to release these components from fiber and dry compounds, and they enter the bloodstream almost immediately. Due to this, the benefits of juice appear faster, however, as well as harm with contraindications.

Perhaps the main useful property of the juice can be considered the cleansing of almost all systems and organs of the body. Slags and toxins are removed from the body. This, combined with its saturation with vitamins and useful microelements of juice, leads to the normalization of all vital processes of the body and, first of all, metabolism. This is why many people successfully use beetroot juice for weight loss.

Beet juice

Almost everyone else beneficial features juices are rather a consequence of the above processes in the body: improving the composition of the blood and the functioning of the liver, the digestive system, the heart and blood vessels, complexion, the effects of rejuvenation and pain relief, increased immunity, and so on. To independent additional properties include anti-inflammatory and antiseptic, laxative on the intestines and general strengthening of the body and the ability to quickly restore strength after illness or starvation.

In order not to inadvertently harm the body while being treated with beetroot juice or replenishing its strength, one must first of all take care of the quality of the feedstock - root crops. From this point of view, it is best to prepare juice from beets grown in garden and summer cottages. This vegetable is very susceptible to the accumulation of nitrates, and in fair quantities. Root crops purchased in a store or on the market can be so stuffed with chemicals that the juice from them will do more harm than good.

Therefore, when buying beets, you should definitely try to find out where and how it was grown. If there is no confidence in the ecological purity of the purchased vegetables, then the upper part of the root crops - about a quarter - must be removed along with the tops, because nitrates mainly accumulate at the leaves.

Quality beets for juice

Based on what kind of beet juice will bring more benefit, then it is recommended to take vegetables, the cut of which is bright red in the middle and does not have light veins. In addition, it is considered that the best varieties those whose roots are slightly elongated.

Juice any accessible way. You can grate the roots on a fine grater and squeeze the resulting slurry through gauze. And the fastest way to do it healthy drink using a juicer. The resulting foam must be removed and freshly squeezed juice should be put in the refrigerator. You can’t drink it right away, but more on that below.

Beetroot juice can be stored in the refrigerator for 1-2 days. Then it will just ferment, because it has sugar in it.

Freshly squeezed juice should not be drunk immediately after preparation, as it contains some compounds that can harm the body. It is necessary to let it stand for 2 hours in an open container, which should be placed in the refrigerator. As a result of interaction with oxygen, harmful substances will disintegrate and beet juice will become a full-fledged useful drug.

It is unlikely that there will be gourmets of pure, undiluted beet juice. Rather people are divided into those who are used to it, not used to it and have not yet tried it.

It is more correct and even for some diseases it is more useful to drink it mixed with other juices.

Cooking with other vegetables

Most often, carrot and often cucumber, pumpkin and others, including citrus fruits, are added. With them, a more palatable drink is obtained, in which many of the medicinal properties of beet juice only become stronger.

But most importantly, the effect of juice on the body is so powerful that the launched cleansing and other healing mechanisms a person who is not accustomed to this drink, who drank it more than allowed, will immediately be called by the accompanying unpleasant symptoms and side effects. This can be nausea, headaches, fever and pulse, dizziness, movement of stones, if any, accompanied by pain, and so on.

Therefore, people who have never used beet juice before should start drinking it carefully and with very small doses so as not to harm health instead of benefit. If in pure form, then with one teaspoon or tablespoon 1 time per day - as it goes. You have to look at how you feel. Gradually, a single serving of juice is increased to 50 ml.

Proper use of the drink

But it is better, as noted above, to drink beetroot juice as part of mixtures. The body will get used to it faster and the process will be smoother. You need to start with 10 or 20 ml of beetroot juice per ½ or per glass of cocktail. You can dilute not only with other juice, but also with rosehip broth and even boiled water. The amount of the mixture itself and the concentration of the beet component in it are gradually increased. Already after a few days, the rate of intake of beet juice can be brought up to the prescribed recommendations for the treatment of an eradicated disease. When the body gets used to beetroot juice in mixtures with others, you can start drinking pure.

The daily norm of beetroot juice for a healthy person is 1–1.5 glasses, drunk in several doses. Drink any vegetable juices need on an empty stomach or 15-20 minutes before eating, then they will maximum benefit. Drink a pure drink should be no longer than 2 weeks. Then you need to make a pause of the same duration and repeat the course.

In the arsenal traditional medicine a lot of various recipes the use of beets to cure various diseases, many of them are based on freshly squeezed juice of this vegetable. The most versatile is a mixture of beetroot, cucumber and carrot juices in a ratio of 3:3:10. This vegetable cocktail will benefit the body in diseases of the heart, gallbladder and liver, hypertension, gout, sexual disorders and infertility, constipation, obesity and even foot fungus. Drink it should be at least half a liter a day for 3-4 doses. The duration of the course is 2 weeks.

With hypertension, it is also possible, mixed with honey 1 to 1. The course of treatment is 4 days. Dosage: 3 doses per day for ½ cup. The same remedy will help with spasms of blood vessels and will benefit in the post-infarction period. You can use cranberry juice instead of honey. The ratio with beet 1:2. Such a drink will not only reduce pressure and relieve spasms of blood vessels, but also serve as a good laxative and sedative. It should be taken during the day 3 times 50 ml.

For diseases of the biliary tract and liver, it is recommended to eat 100 g of grated fresh beets daily on an empty stomach and drink ½ cup of a mixture of beet, cucumber and carrot (1: 1: 1) or 1/3 cup of pure beet juice 3 times a day before meals. If there are stones in the gallbladder, you should drink 100 g of undiluted drink in the morning before meals for several months.

The use of grated beets

Beetroot juice helps with oncology very well. In case of any cancer internal organs it is proposed to perform a long (at least six months) course of treatment with a pure beetroot drink. It should be consumed slightly warmed 3-4 times / day for ½ cup. In addition, the beets themselves must various types enter the daily menu. In case of skin cancer with beetroot juice, therapeutic dressings should be made.

At benign tumor uterus (myoma) daily intake of 100 ml of pure beetroot drink with 1 tablet of mummy often avoids surgery. Another recipe: before breakfast, drink a glass of a mixture of potato and beetroot juice. Treatment course long - 3-6 months. During its passage, you should be observed by a doctor. If the tumor grows further, surgical intervention.

With angina, rub a glass of raw beets on a grater, add 1 tbsp to it. spoon apple cider vinegar and let it brew for 30-40 minutes. Then, through cheesecloth, juice is squeezed out of this gruel and gargled. The benefits of this tool will be felt almost instantly. Inflammation will be removed and healing will soon occur. The same remedy, but diluted with water, is used to treat a runny nose - drip 5 drops 3-4 times / day into the nose until complete recovery.

The benefits of beetroot juice

With a runny nose, 5 drops of a mixture of juice and honey (2: 1) are also instilled, or tampons soaked in undiluted juice are injected into the nostrils for 3 minutes. The first remedy is also treated for chronic runny nose in children with adenoids in them. Drip it into the nose 3 drops several times during the day. It happens that such a procedure in combination with daily washings of the nasopharynx saline solution(in a glass of water 1 teaspoon of salt) allows you to cure adenoids of the 1st degree without surgery.

Acute sinusitis is treated by inserting tampons soaked in warm juice alternately into each nostril for 10 minutes. The course is 4 days, 3 times / day. With bronchitis and pneumonia, they drink a pure drink as an anti-inflammatory and general tonic 2 times / day for ½ cup.

Anemia is fought with a mixture of beetroot with carrot juice(1:1) and 1 tbsp. spoons of honey per glass. Drink 2 times / day. Or a cocktail, carrots and beets (1:1:1). The mixture is poured into a dark glass bottle, which is coated with dough and put in a not very hot oven for 3-4 hours. This remedy is prepared and taken for 3 months 3 times / day, 1 tbsp. spoon before meals.

The contents and beneficial properties of beet juice in some cases can be harmful to health and sometimes quite serious. This primarily applies to people with restrictions or contraindications to taking it, who have the diseases listed below. All prohibitions are imposed only on drinking juice.

Hypotension will immediately feel the harm from taking a beetroot drink - people suffering from reduced pressure. It will drop even further.

Contraindications for hypotension

With caution, juice should be consumed with stones in the liver, gallbladder and ducts, urolithiasis. Toxins that are excreted from the body by beneficial substances in beets can cause dizziness and weakness, and stones from unpleasant and acute pain before the exacerbation of the disease.

Contraindicated in diarrhea. He, as mentioned above, is an effective laxative.

Diabetics should be very careful when taking a medicinal drink. There is a lot of sugar in beets, and in some varieties especially.

People with hyperacidity and suffering from digestive diseases: stomach or duodenal ulcers, acute gastritis and others. Reception medicinal drink can harm them, worsening the condition.

In any case, therapy beetroot drink should not be used for longer than 2 weeks, unless a longer course is prescribed by the prescription for the treatment of the disease. This affects the condition of the intestine too much and can harm it. It is also advisable to consult with your doctor about individual contraindications to juice and lack allergic reactions on it, the possibility of using it for healing from a particular disease.

Beetroot, a red root vegetable used to prepare everyone's favorite dishes, such as borscht and herring under a fur coat, is known to everyone. But few people know about beetroot juice and its benefits for the body. But he is able to help with various physical ailments, so it makes sense to talk about it in more detail.

Beetroot juice contains many necessary for normal functioning our element body:

  • vitamins A, C, B, E and PP;
  • micro and macro elements represented by potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, copper and others;
  • carbohydrates and proteins plant origin with no fat
  • fiber and pectins;
  • organic acids and ash.

The calorie content of beetroot juice will delight those who want to lose weight with its low figure - 40 Kcal per 100 grams.

All this fills the product with the ability to have a therapeutic and preventive effect against various diseases:

  1. Useful beet juice for the liver and biliary tract.
  2. It is recommended for painful menstruation and during menopause, significantly reducing symptoms and being an excellent alternative to pharmaceutical hormonal agents.
  3. The drink is indicated for high blood pressure and vasospasm.
  4. It is especially useful for people suffering from constipation, as it effectively helps to solve this problem, having a laxative effect.
  5. The drink is also used for sore throat - they need to gargle.
  6. It is recommended to use beetroot juice for anemia.
  7. Mastopathy is also treated with the help of juice with honey.
  8. Even such a serious one - lung cancer, can be overcome with beetroot juice with the addition of carrot and apple, with the presence of ginger or lemon. The composition is also indicated for diseases of the kidneys, liver, stomach and pancreas, and also for the prevention of the development of a heart attack.
  9. The drink is also recommended for weight loss, due to the low calorie content with large quantity vitamins and minerals.
  10. Beetroot juice effectively restores the body after a serious illness.

It is important to know that the drink in combination with other juices from vegetables and fruits can be drunk for no longer than 3 months, then take a break and continue treatment, if necessary.

How to make beetroot juice yourself? Very simple - thoroughly wash the root crop and peel. Using a juicer or other tool, chop the vegetable. After that, it remains only to squeeze the drink through gauze. 1 medium-sized beetroot will make about a quarter cup.

The resulting composition must be left alone for 2 hours to settle, after which it can be drunk in its natural form or by adding another juice.

It is advisable to choose beets for these purposes without white streaks and damage. Well, of course, if you grow it yourself in your garden, but if not, then buy it from trusted sellers.

The use of beetroot juice in folk medicine

Beetroot juice cannot be bought at retail outlets and drinking establishments; it does not belong to popular soft drinks. But in the arsenal traditional healers many recipes with its use:

  • For liver problems gallbladder, infertility, sexual disorders, cardiovascular diseases, as well as obesity and constipation, gout and foot fungus, a cocktail is prepared from the juice of carrots, beets and cucumbers in a ratio of 10/3/3, respectively. The composition is drunk four times a day, 100 ml each dose - maximum dose 500 ml. The course lasts 2 weeks;
  • Hypertension is treated with beetroot juice combined with honey in equal amounts - take 4 days in a row for half a glass up to 4 times a day before meals;
  • Fighting malignant formations lasts a long time - at least 6 months with pure beet juice. The drink is slightly warmed up and drunk 0.5 cups 3 to 4 times throughout the day, without jamming. You can sit down at the table only after 20 minutes. In addition, the root crop must be present in other types in daily diet people with a similar disease;
  • Surgical intervention for uterine myoma can be avoided with a daily intake of 100 ml of a drink with 1 tablet of mummy. There is another option - in the morning on an empty stomach, drink a cocktail of beetroot and potato juice course up to six months;
  • The next tincture treats sore throat - grate beets (1 cup) and add 1 large spoonful of vinegar, leaving it alone for an hour. After the allotted time, squeeze the composition and gargle with it;
  • Beetroot juice also relieves a runny nose - prepare the mixture according to the previous recipe, diluting the resulting juice a small amount water. Drip 5 drops into each nostril 3-4 times throughout the day until the problem disappears completely. Chronic children's runny nose it is treated with beetroot juice combined with honey in a ratio of 2/1, respectively - drip 2-3 drops several times a day;
  • Sinusitis is treated by washing the nose with boiled beet juice or a decoction of it. To get rid of acute sinusitis you will need to make lotions from a heated medicinal drink. Moisten cotton swabs in the solution and insert into the nose - first for 10 minutes in one pass, then in another, repeating the procedure 4 days in a row 2-3 times;
  • Beetroot juice is good for the thyroid gland due to the presence of iodine in the composition and substances called betalains, which reduce the symptoms that accompany ailments of this gland;
  • US scientists have found that the drink has a positive effect on the brain, preventing the development of dementia;
  • By regularly drinking beetroot juice, physical and biological functions our body. And the retinol in the composition is good for vision.

Even with such serious illness, like pneumonia, it is prescribed to drink pure beet juice twice a day for 0.5 cups. The same dosage and recommendation for use applies to bronchitis, where the drink acts (in both cases) as an anti-inflammatory agent.

Beetroot juice is effective in relieving constipation, but it is important to know how to take it. I want to give a couple of recipes:

  1. Mix 10 parts of fresh carrot juice, 3 parts of cucumber and the same amount of beets - drink in the morning on an empty stomach. For prevention, you can drink the drink several times a day in small sips.
  2. In the same ratio as in the previous recipe, combine beetroot juice, carrot and celery - drink throughout the day, but not more than a glass.

Such compositions will not only help to solve delicate issue, but still fill the body with energy and a mass of elements necessary for health.

How to drink beetroot juice?

How to drink beetroot juice correctly so that the benefits are maximized? This must be done correctly, because it has a very powerful effect on all systems and organs. human body. That is why it should never be drunk immediately after preparation, which will cause diarrhea, vomiting, dizziness and other unpleasant symptoms.

Here are the basic rules on how to take beetroot juice to avoid unwanted consequences:

  • as mentioned earlier, a freshly squeezed drink should be left to stand for a couple of hours in a container without a lid. After the time has elapsed, remove the foam, and pour the juice into another bowl, pouring out the sediment;
  • the dose of the first doses is 1 small spoon, gradually increasing it to a quarter of a glass;
  • most The best way drink juice - in combination with carrot or / and apple juice, which softens the effect of pure beetroot drink and makes it easier for the body to transfer it. It is recommended for 1 spoon of beet juice 10 spoons of any other, gradually adding the amount of the first.

You need to drink beetroot juice up to 3 times a week before meals for 20-30 minutes or between meals. On days when you do not use it, it is advisable to include in the diet any fresh and boiled vegetables for a constant supply of fiber and vitamins with minerals.

Juice for kids?

For children, beetroot juice is introduced into the diet after the baby has already tried zucchini, potatoes, pumpkin and other vegetables. In the absence of a tendency to allergies and if no such reactions have been noticed, then a drink is introduced from 8-9 months.

With a diagnosis of diathesis, beetroot juice will have to be forgotten, at least up to a year.

If the child has problems with stool and no allergies, then the introduction of a drink into the diet is allowed from the age of six months.

During pregnancy

Pregnant women also need to drink beetroot juice, because it will improve intestinal peristalsis, will help to maintain normal weight and prevent anemia. To increase the hemoglobin level, you need to drink a beet-carrot cocktail (½).

For general strengthening health and filling with important elements for mom and baby, it is also recommended to drink it along with apple juice, pumpkin and pomegranate.

When is beet juice contraindicated?

The difference between beetroot juice and other similar drinks is a powerful effect on the body, and this, in addition to benefits, can also cause harm, so you need to know who should not take it:

  1. People suffering from gout and arthritis due to the presence of oxalic acid in the drink.
  2. It will also not be useful for hypotensive patients, since it has the ability to lower arterial pressure.
  3. Red root juice increases the acidity of the stomach, which puts a ban on its use to anyone who already has it.

You can not drink beetroot juice a lot, without observing the recommended norms, otherwise it will lead to a disorder of the digestive system.

As long as you stick to the rules, you have nothing to worry about. It remains only to enjoy the interesting taste of the drink and fill your body with useful ingredients.

Beets - very healthy vegetable for human health, and beetroot juice concentrates most of the vitamins, minerals and other substances of the root. Therefore, it is actively used for the treatment and prevention various diseases, as well as to cleanse the body and lose weight. But if the product is used improperly, on the contrary, it can harm the body, and for some diseases, beet juice is generally contraindicated.

Chemical composition and calorie content of beet juice

Beetroot and its juice are used in medicinal purposes from ancient times, and in the Middle Ages, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract were treated in this way. Beet juice is considered almost more useful than the root crop itself. All because chemical composition The product is incredibly rich and varied, you will not find such a concentration of useful substances in every vegetable or fruit juice.

In addition to the "standard" vitamin and mineral composition, the product contains the substance betalain, it is to him that beets owe their bright, saturated color. This coloring pigment is a powerful antioxidant that helps eliminate inflammatory processes and cleanses the body.

The vitamin composition of beetroot juice is varied: 100 grams of the product contains 3 mg of vitamin C, which is more than 3% of daily allowance. Slightly inferior to ascorbic acid is riboflavin, vitamin B2: it contains a little more than 2% of the norm. Vitamin PP - a nicotinic acid, is contained here in an amount of 1.5 of the required daily norm, is inferior to it in terms of vitamin E - almost 1% of the norm for an adult.

Beetroot juice is rich in trace elements: potassium is 5.9% of the norm for humans, magnesium 4.3%, sodium 3.5%, phosphorus 2.2%. There is even calcium - after drinking 100 grams of the drink, we will get almost 2% of the daily requirement.

Among the macronutrients, iron is the leader - 3.3% of the daily requirement for a person in 100 grams of the product.

BJU per 100 grams:

  • Proteins 1g
  • Fats 0g
  • Carbohydrates 14 g

Also in the composition of water - 83 grams out of 100 possible, organic acids - malic, oxalic in the amount of 0.2 g and 1 gram of dietary fiber. The product is saturated with pectins, amino acids, flavonoids.

Calorie beet juice - 5.8 units per 100 grams

The benefits of beet juice for the body

As we found out, beetroot juice contains many substances that our body needs for health. B vitamins are necessary for the health of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, they regulate metabolism, improve brain function. On guard of the health of the cardiovascular system are potassium and magnesium, and vitamin C, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels and makes them more elastic. Also vitamin C helps to fight free radicals thus protecting our body from aging and dangerous diseases.

Benefits of beetroot juice:

  • Pectin protects against the effects of radiation, helps to remove heavy metals, and also does not give harmful bacteria develop in the human intestine
  • Coloring pigments able to lower blood pressure, strengthen capillaries. The vegetable contains several types of betalains, which neutralize toxins and cleanse the cells of the human body. Pigments have a positive effect on human health with hypertension, type 2 diabetes and even dementia. The substance is rapidly absorbed, and promptly from the gastrointestinal tract enters circulatory system
  • Beetroot juice is useful for anemia and blood diseases, because it contains a lot of iron.
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Reduces cholesterol levels
  • Returns vigor with beriberi
  • Helps improve memory and focus
  • Increases efficiency, gives strength and energy
  • Positive effect on the digestive system
  • Has a mild laxative effect for constipation
  • Accelerates metabolism
  • Promotes elimination harmful substances from the liver and kidneys
  • Removes excess calcium from blood vessels
  • Beneficial effect on lymphatic system
  • Is prophylactic from oncological diseases
  • has a positive effect on man's health and prevents the development of prostatitis
  • Reduces pressure - this is the benefit of beetroot juice only for hypertensive patients
  • Helps with insomnia
  • Eliminates external sores and abscesses
  • Prevention acne and acne when applied externally
  • Eliminates pain in menstrual period
  • Cleanses the intestines from toxins
  • Increases the body's resistance to colds

As you can see, beetroot juice has very extensive useful properties, some of them, for example, beetroot juice from pressure or from a cold, we will dwell on in more detail below. But first, let's talk about the dangers and contraindications of beet juice for the human body.

Harm of beet juice

Like most other products, beetroot juice can have not only medicinal, but also harmful properties. There is nothing surprising in this, since certain diseases some substances are necessary for treatment, and in other pathologies, these same components will be harmful.

The use of beetroot juice can provoke the movement of kidney stones, so it is prohibited for urolithiasis. Beetroot juice increases the acidity of the stomach, respectively, with gastritis, as with an ulcer, it will harm. Beetroot juice should be drunk with caution for people with diabetes, because the root contains a lot of sugars.

Even healthy people you can not drink a lot of beetroot juice, it is a very concentrated product and you need to drink it in small doses. Even a glass of undiluted beet juice will be harmful to a person. If you drink a lot of this juice, vomiting and nausea will not take long.

Contraindications for drinking

Beetroot juice is contraindicated in the following pathologies:

  • Urolithiasis disease
  • Pyelonephritis and other kidney diseases
  • Gout
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Frequent diarrhea
  • Low blood pressure
  • Gastritis with high acidity
  • Osteoporosis
  • Diabetes
  • Individual intolerance to the components

If you have any of these diseases, make a decision with your doctor about the use of beetroot juice. Is it possible to drink beetroot juice if there are no these pathologies? It is better to undergo an examination before using the drink as a medicine, all of a sudden, you simply do not know about the violations in the body, and taking juice will only worsen the condition.

How to drink beetroot juice

The first thing to remember before use: do not drink freshly squeezed beetroot juice, it contains a lot of burning esters and the concentration of substances is too high. After preparing the drink, put it in the refrigerator for at least a couple of hours, but do not cover it. During this time, the juice will settle, a precipitate will form at the bottom, and the burning ethers will evaporate. Then you need to remove the foam and pour the contents of the glass into another container. Make sure that the sediment does not migrate to another jar. But even in this case, the drink should not be drunk in its pure form, it must be diluted with other juices or water. Paired with beetroot juice, you can use cranberry, orange, cucumber, carrot, celery juice. Before dilution, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the indications and contraindications of the selected "second" juice. Moreover, beet juice in a glass should be the least, for example, 1 part of beet juice and 3 parts of other juices. If, after consumption, no allergic reactions or other side effects, you can slightly increase the amount of beetroot juice in the "cocktail".

In its pure form, beetroot juice for the treatment and prevention of diseases can be drunk only in one case: if the doses of the elixir are very small. You need to start with a couple of teaspoons, gradually increasing the portion to 50 grams. Drink half an hour before meals.

The dosage regimen and serving size depend on the diseases and additional conditions(pregnancy, childhood etc.).

How to make beetroot juice at home

If you want to buy beetroot juice - this is not the best choice for good health. The most useful and safe product will turn out if you make it yourself. Moreover, this does not require special Appliances, as well as special culinary abilities. If in home arsenal there is no juicer, you can get by with a fine grater.

To prepare beetroot juice, first you need to cut off the tops and the upper part of the root crop (about a third). Extract the juice with a juicer, or by rubbing the vegetable on a fine grater. Place the resulting mass in gauze and squeeze out the juice. Remember to place the freshly squeezed beetroot juice in the refrigerator for several hours. While the drink is infused, foam forms on the surface, which must be removed from time to time.

Beetroot Juice Recipes

Above we have described the method of making juice from raw beets. Also healing product can be obtained from boiled vegetable. The root crop directly in the peel must be boiled until tender, or baked in the oven. After that, peel the beets from the skin and send them to a juicer or blender. Let the drink settle and take 150 ml per day, but the daily portion of juice initial stage should be 70 ml.

Beet-carrot-apple juice is prepared as follows:

  • At the same time, place all the fruits in a juicer or blender. Take vegetables and fruits in equal parts
  • To increase the usefulness of the drink and improve the taste, you can add a little ginger.
  • Put the mixture in the refrigerator for two hours without covering the container.
  • Consume on an empty stomach

How long can beetroot juice be stored

The prepared beetroot juice must be kept in the refrigerator. And he should stay there for no more than two days, then most of the useful substances disappear. If you drink an "expired" drink, the expected therapeutic effect will not. Beets are well stored in the refrigerator, and the process of making juice is not labor-intensive, so it makes no sense to prepare the elixir for future use.

Treatment with beetroot juice

The product is used for integrated approach in treatment:

  • Constipation - alimentary fiber root crops improve metabolism, have laxative and diuretic effects
  • Hypertension, because the drink is saturated with magnesium
  • Pathologies of the thyroid gland, due to the content of iodine
  • To improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system
  • In case of violation menstrual cycle, as well as strong painful sensations in this period. The product is rich in iron, and women at this moment need to replenish its reserves
  • obesity
  • runny nose
  • Angina

It must be understood that drinking beet juice alone is not enough to treat these diseases. Competent therapy should be carried out, where the use of the drink will play an important role

beetroot juice for weight loss

Despite the obvious sweetness, beetroot juice will really help get rid of excess weight. This is achieved due to the content of dietary fiber, which cleanses the intestinal walls, speeds up metabolism and creates a feeling of fullness in the stomach. laxative effect the product is also important here. At the same time, vitamins and minerals are absorbed better, because now they are not interfered with by harmful intestinal microflora.

The drink will help get rid of excess weight only in conjunction with a diet. By the way, there are special systems nutrition based on this product. Naturally, the diet should in no case consist only of beets and its juice. Beet-cucumber juice will be especially effective.

Useful properties of beetroot juice for pregnant women

The product contains many folic acid, so the drink will not interfere with a healthy pregnant woman and unborn baby. Better juice drink beets already at the stage of pregnancy planning. It is important to follow the basic rules:

  • Drink only a settled drink, half diluted with water
  • Start taking with a tablespoon a day, carefully observing the reaction of the body
  • Gradually increase the serving to 100 grams per day
  • Consult your doctor before using

With angina and runny nose

With angina, it is useful to make beet-vinegar rinses. Grind the vegetable on a fine grater, then add a tablespoon of vinegar there. We put in a dark place for 4 hours and squeeze the juice through gauze. Gargle with this substance every two hours. Also, this recipe is used for tonsillitis.

Beetroot juice from a runny nose will help relieve nasal congestion, reduce the amount of secretion secreted. Apply when:

  • Flu and colds
  • angina
  • bronchitis
  • Sinusitis
  • Tonsillitis
  • Allergies (in some cases)

Beetroot juice is not addictive, unlike many pharmaceutical products. It relieves puffiness, dilutes the mucous secretion, ensuring its easy excretion, and has a vasodilating effect.

Juice is obtained according to the above recipe, but they do not drink it, but are used as nasal drops, which can be given even to children. Important: be sure to dilute the juice with water.

With oncology

In this case, pure beetroot juice is prepared, without the addition of other vegetables. Take 100 ml of juice four times a day twenty minutes before meals. If during the reception you feel nausea, malaise, reduce the portion by half. And be sure to consult your doctor before use.

For kids

Diluted beetroot juice is also given to children for the prevention and treatment of diseases. For example, if there are problems with the intestines, constipation, beetroot juice will help the child without many chemical drugs.

The drink will increase immunity, which is especially needed children's body during cold periods. And above, we have already said that beetroot juice is instilled into the nose of children with a runny nose.

Beetroot juice for the heart and blood vessel cleansing

The drink will be useful for high cholesterol, coronary disease, it will cleanse the blood vessels. Useful for varicose veins veins and to strengthen blood vessels. It also lowers blood pressure. good option there will be a mix of beetroot, cucumber and carrot juices, while carrot juice needs to be taken the most.

Beet juice for the liver

The pigment betalain, which is contained in the root crop, improves liver function. Beetroot juice helps the body get rid of toxins and remove harmful substances.

Drink for the liver is prepared in this way:

  • Mix 3 parts beetroot juice
  • 10 parts carrot
  • 3 parts cucumber
  • Let it brew and take 50 ml three times a day. Gradually total such a mixture per day can be brought up to 500 ml.

How to choose beets for a drink

Of course, it must be a quality root crop purchased from a trusted place. Beets should be firm and elastic, rich red, burgundy, purple. The shape should be slightly oblong or spherical shape. The average root size is 11 cm, so there will be less nitrates in the vegetable. There should be no black or white inclusions in the cut beets, they indicate that the root crop has begun to deteriorate. After purchasing, wash the beetroot well and remove the skin.

Beet and carrot juice

To prepare carrot juice:

  • First, squeeze the juice from the carrots and place in a suitable container
  • Add one part beetroot juice and mix well
  • Add water if taste seems harsh
  • Put the vegetable beet-carrot mix for half an hour in the refrigerator
  • Take three times a day before meals

Such a drink will be twice as useful as just beet juice. It will replenish the vitamin and mineral balance in the human body, improve work digestive system, will have a positive effect on vision, will be the prevention of diseases of the gums and teeth, will remove toxins and toxins, strengthen cardiovascular system. Also, carrot-beetroot juice will provide energy, affect stamina and help get rid of chronic fatigue. The drink is contraindicated for ulcers and gastritis, colitis, diabetes, exacerbation of urolithiasis and hypotension.

Video about the benefits of beet juice

Today, beets are a root crop, without which many dishes of Slavic cuisine are indispensable: borscht, beetroot, okroshka, vinaigrette, etc. Thanks to high concentration useful trace elements and vitamins, this vegetable has taken pride of place not only among recognized chefs, but also among healers. Freshly squeezed beetroot juice is a storehouse of vitamins and a recipe for 100 ailments, the main thing is to learn how to cook and use it correctly. Let's talk more about this miraculous drink in the article.

Beets: origin story

The preparation of beetroot juice has its own characteristics. Consider step by step instructions getting a healing drink.

  1. Wash 3 medium beets thoroughly under running water. It is better to choose an oblong shape of root crops without white streaks inside.
  2. Peel beetroot. Do not throw away the tops (leaves) yet, we will still need it.
  3. Prepare the juicer, connect it to the power source.
  4. Cut root vegetables into quarters.
  5. Place the cut beets and beet tops in the juicer bowl. The fact is that vitamin A is found in beet fruits in a very low amount, in contrast to the tops, which are rich in both vitamin A and retinol. The usefulness of our juice will only increase from this.
  6. Turn on the juicer for 5-6 minutes.
  7. Remove 2 bowls: one with the so-called waste (wort) - mushy thick, left after squeezing the juice and the second - directly with the juice itself.

You can also make beetroot juice without a juicer using a blender. The video shows in detail the steps for obtaining a drink using this method.

It should be noted that it is not recommended to drink freshly squeezed juice right away - you need to give it time to brew for 2-3 hours in a cool place, preferably in the refrigerator. Then remove the foam formed on top with a spoon and only then drink the drink.

Many are interested in whether it is possible to make juice from boiled beets. Of course, you can - only freshly squeezed beetroot juice contains an order of magnitude higher useful microelements, which lose their properties when boiled and boiled.

When the question arises of how exactly to drink beetroot juice for preventive and medicinal purposes, one should remember gradual increase doses up to 50 ml per day. Concentrated juice in in large numbers can provoke peptic ulcer cause nausea and dizziness. Therefore, it is recommended to start: adults with 2 tbsp. l. per day, children from 2.5 years old - from 3 drops, diluted in the same amount of water; children from 5 years old - from 2 tsp, divorced from 2 tsp. boiled water. Instead of water, beetroot juice can be diluted with carrot, apple, orange, grapefruit, cranberry juice, kefir, honey water. From such a combination, the juice will only become more useful, and the body will gently get used to this healing drink.

When losing weight, such vegetable mixes should be drunk 20-30 minutes before meals.

Contraindications to the use of beet juice

If used improperly, beetroot juice can be harmful.

Here are the most common contraindications that this seemingly healing drink:

  • peptic ulcer and problems gastrointestinal tract: increased concentration vitamin C and oxalic acid can provoke seizures;
  • urolithiasis or kidney problems;
  • the presence of an allergic predisposition to red vegetables;
  • indigestion, diarrhea, flatulence - beetroot juice due to high percentage fiber will only increase all these ailments;
  • diabetes. Known fact that sugar is extracted from beets, so beetroot juice in its pure form contains high level glucose.

The video details situations in which beetroot juice can be poisonous.

In any case, if you have any acute ailments, it is recommended to first consult a doctor, and then proceed to treatment with beetroot juice.

Treatment with beetroot juice

Even our grandmothers saw a panacea in beetroot juice and for good reason considered it an integral component for the treatment of many ailments. folk methods. Here are some recipes for some of the ailments that beet juice heals:

  • at overweight, hypertension, atherosclerosis, hepatic colic, problems with blood vessels, it is recommended to drink the following cocktail daily: mix 100 ml of beet juice with the juice of half a lemon, juice of 1 orange and 30 g of celery, chopped with a blender. Such a drink will not only have a cleansing effect on the body, but will also give strength and energy;
  • with constipation, it is recommended to drink on an empty stomach 50 ml of beetroot juice with 1 prunes infused in it;
  • oncological diseases are miraculously healed if you use the following cocktail 3 times a day: mix 200 ml of beetroot juice with 100 ml of carrot juice and add 1 tsp. honey;
  • with sore throat, runny nose, otitis media, problems with adenoids, it is recommended to mix 50 ml of beetroot juice with the juice of 1 small onion and spray the throat, drip into the nose or ears;
  • with sinusitis, rinse the nose well with the following solution: mix 50 ml of beet juice with 50 ml of a weak NaCl solution (0.5 tsp per 100 ml of water);
  • with acute infectious diseases for general strengthening of the body, it is recommended to drink 100 ml of freshly squeezed beetroot juice twice a day;
  • hepatitis does not tolerate the following health cocktail recipe: mix 100 ml of beetroot juice with 100 ml of black radish juice;
  • in the event of abrasions, scratches, cuts, beetroot juice serves as a wonderful antibacterial and deodorant agent: apply gruel from shabby beets to the lesion and hold for 20 minutes;
  • the following recipe will relieve inflammation in a feminine way: 200 g of beetroot juice is diluted with 50 ml of boiling water, infused for 20 minutes, 20 ml is added chamomile decoction. Wetting in this mixture cotton swab and inserted into the vagina for 30-40 minutes. To increase the effectiveness of therapy, the procedure should be repeated three times a day.

Fresh recipes with beetroot juice

Today, due to the wide range of useful and healing properties vegetable juices and fresh juices have become very popular. Such drinks are saturated with amino acids and microelements, and also comply with the principles of a healthy diet.

To drink fresh juice that is not only healthy, but also tasty, you can add ingredients to beetroot juice that will not only emphasize the taste of the root crop, but also give it a new gastronomic touch:

  1. Beet-carrot juice. In a blender, beat 1 medium peeled beetroot and 2-3 carrots. Strain the resulting mixture through cheesecloth to obtain a concentrated liquid.
  2. Beet-carrot-apple juice. In a juicer or blender, beat 1 medium beetroot, 2 carrots and 1 large green apple.
  3. Beet-celery juice. Add 20 ml of celery juice to beetroot juice.
  4. Beet-grapefruit fresh "Slimness". Beat in a blender together or separately cut and peeled medium size grapefruit and 1 beet root, you can add 1 tsp. honey.
  5. Fruit and vegetable fresh "Health". Juices of 1 beetroot, 1 apple, 3 carrots, ½ lemon are mixed. You can add a clove of garlic for a piquancy of taste.
  6. Vegetable fresh "Cheerfulness". Juices of 1 beetroot, 2 carrots, 30 g of grated ginger, ½ lemon, 50 ml of boiled cool water, 1 tbsp. l. heavy cream, sugar and salt are added to taste.
  7. Vegetable fresh anti-hangover. The juice of 1 beetroot, 3 carrots, 1 medium grapefruit is mixed, 1 tbsp is added. l. heavy cream and 1/3 tsp. cinnamon.
  8. Beet kvass. This healing drink is prepared very simply. Many people prefer just such kvass, and not bread. First of all, you will need a 2 or 3 liter bottle with a wide neck. It is recommended to choose beetroot vinaigrette, bright red, without veins. Finely chopped or grated root should be poured with 2-2.5 liters of cold boiled water, add 2 tbsp. l. sugar or a large handful of raisins, a couple of pieces of dried cloves. Then the bottle should be covered with a special breathable lid or wrapped tightly with gauze so that excess carbon dioxide comes out during fermentation. After 2-3 days, it is recommended to drain the resulting bright pink kvass, after filtering it through cheesecloth to avoid getting solid particles into the drink. The remaining thick can also be used to make kvass 1-2 more times.

You can choose the ingredients yourself and cook fresh juices according to your own exclusive recipes.

Regardless of the form in which you decide to use beetroot juice: in pure concentrated, diluted with water, in the form of fresh juices or kvass, after systematic methods you will notice how the body has been updated and rejuvenated, metabolic processes have accelerated and the complexion has improved. Making a choice in favor of natural vegetable juices, you will not have to spend money on expensive medicines in the future.

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