If there is a cold on the lips. How to get rid of a cold on the lips at home. Additional pharmacy products

Often you can see a person who has small sores and swelling on his lips. Usually such rashes appear in the off-season, in autumn or spring. In fact, these are manifestations of the herpes virus, so it will not go away on its own, treatment is mandatory.

Watery blisters on the lips are a sign of labial herpes. The main reason for such manifestations is reduced immunity. There are also factors that provoke a cold:

  • severe stress;
  • intoxication;
  • SARS, influenza, tonsillitis;
  • depletion of the body due to unbalanced nutrition, long-term dieting;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • overheating or hypothermia;
  • mental or physical overwork;
  • smoking;
  • abuse of caffeine and alcohol.

Herpes on the lips is contagious. The virus can enter the body through contact with objects used by a sick person. Therefore, the disease must be treated quickly, otherwise the virus will spread, affecting healthy areas of the skin and internal organs.

Treatment and prevention

How to remove a cold, the doctor will tell you. The most effective are ointments. But they are best treated before the appearance of bubbles, at the stage when a slight tingling or burning sensation is felt on the lips. AT last resort ointment is used in the first couple of days after the onset of the rash. Treatment with antiviral drugs should be carried out along with the use of immunostimulants.

To get rid of herpes on the lips will help:

  • Acyclovir and Zovirax are applied every 4 hours for at least 5 days. When a temperature appears, in addition to the ointment, it is necessary to take antiviral tablets.
  • Oxolinic ointment 3% will cope with primary herpes. The tool instantly eliminates inflammatory process. Oxolinic ointment can be treated by children and pregnant women.
  • Gel Viru-Merz serol is used up to 5 times a day. If after 2 days the fever on the lips does not disappear, then you need to consult a doctor to prescribe another drug.
  • Famciclovir and Valaciclovir are actively fighting the virus.

If rashes appear several times a year, then this indicates a weakening defensive forces organism. Reception of immunomodulators is shown, they are prescribed in courses as part of complex therapy. Basically, experts appoint 3 groups:

  • Interferon preparations, in particular, Viferon, Cycloferon, Interferon.
  • Immunomodulators natural origin. These include Bronchomunal, Immunal, Imudon, Ribomunil.
  • Immunostimulants of artificial origin, such as Polyoxidonium, Likopid, Levamisole.

It should be noted that getting rid of a cold on the lips when the bubbles are opened is somewhat more difficult, since the virus has already gained strength. You have to wait for the rashes to disappear on their own. But the ointment can also be used at this stage, treating her lips with it as an antiseptic. This will prevent infection of healthy areas of the skin.

The cold demands long-term treatment. Therefore, it is best to take preventive measures that will prevent the appearance of bubbles, such as:

  • hardening;
  • mobile lifestyle;
  • proper nutrition;
  • do not visit crowded places;
  • compliance with the daily routine to avoid overwork;
  • need to sleep.

In the off-season, when a cold often appears on the lips, it is necessary to take Aflubin, Anaferon or a natural alternative - echinacea purpurea tincture, garlic. They will provide additional support to the body and will not allow weakening of the immune system. When you are in crowded places, it is recommended to lubricate the nasal passages with Oxolinic ointment.

Treatment begins at the first symptoms. But if this failed, then preventive measures should be taken to prevent further infection:

  • Do not touch the affected lip. If this happens, you should wash your hands with soap and water.
  • The patient should have a separate towel and dishes for the period of exacerbation.
  • During a recurrence of herpes, it is forbidden to kiss.
  • It is contraindicated to peel off a dried crust or squeeze liquid out of the bubbles. This leads to the spread of infection.
  • Ointments for colds are applied cotton swab but not by hand.

If the patient wears contact lenses, then he should not moisten them with saliva. Infection in the eyes is very dangerous.

Folk remedies

It is possible to get rid of an unpleasant cold at home:

1. Lips are smeared with fir oil every couple of hours from the moment the first signs of herpes appear.

2. Prepare a composition based on calendula petals and petroleum jelly and lubricate the affected areas with it.

3. An alcohol tincture of propolis is used to cauterize the blisters. In order to take off discomfort, after 10 minutes sore spot lubricated with softening cream. This will help prevent burns.

4. One of available funds is salt which is in every home. Bubbles that have not yet opened are sprinkled on it, and a few crystals dissolve in the mouth.

5. Dry the tea bag bubbles. It is pre-brewed and applied to the lips.

6. Eliminate a cold at home helps ice. It is wrapped in a napkin and applied to a sore spot.

7. baking soda bred in hot water to a thick slurry and apply to the affected area. Soon a crust will form at this place, which cannot be removed.

8. Fever on the lips at home is treated with aloe juice. It can also be mixed with honey and consumed internally. This tool will strengthen the immune system and prevent the development of infection.

9. Birch buds can also treat colds. A tablespoon of raw materials is placed in a glass of hot milk. Insist a quarter of an hour closed. Next, the composition is filtered and the kidneys are applied to the bubbles.

10. Raspberry branches remove herpes. To do this, they need to be chewed in the mouth.

11. Film with eggshell. It is separated and applied to the affected area for several minutes.

12. Toothpaste will help clear up breakouts. She lubricates her lips before and after the onset of a cold. Wash off the paste after 20 minutes.

13. For itching and burning, use earwax. Bubbles dry up quickly.

14. Apple vinegar. They are lubricated with a sore spot, and also taken orally in a diluted form.

15. Rashes are treated with sea buckthorn or almond oil, alcohol or valocordin.

16. An increase in local immunity is facilitated by applying gruel from the tops of beets, carrots or parsley to the lip.

If a responsible event is coming soon, then it is important to know how to quickly cure a cold. You can use the following homemade products:

  • Melissa tincture. Vegetable raw materials are poured with alcohol in an arbitrary proportion and infused for several days. With a recurrence of herpes, the cotton wool is moistened in tincture and lubricated with her lip.
  • Cure the disease quickly at home will allow Birch buds. Take 2 tablespoons of raw materials and fill them with 200 ml of vodka or alcohol. Put the container in a dark place for 2 weeks. After the time has elapsed, the tincture is filtered and applied externally.
  • To get rid of rashes as quickly as possible will help ordinary celandine. Freshly squeezed plant juice is poured into a bottle so that there is little space left on top, and placed in a dark place. Periodically, the product is shaken and opened to let the gas out. After a week, the medicine can be applied externally.
  • Juniper. The fruits of the shrub are crushed, turning into flour, and poured with vodka. In a day, the tincture will be ready. She is cauterized with blisters on her lips.

Do not expect to get rid of the disease in 1-2 days. Therapy will last at least 5 days. After external manifestations disappear, treatment is continued anyway, since the virus is still in the body and can be activated again.

It's hard to find someone who hasn't experienced this. unpleasant disease like a cold on the lips. The appearance of painful watery blisters on the upper or lower lip often accompanied by a deterioration in well-being, often occurring during the flu or SARS.

Cold is not something independent disease, but the result of the activity of the herpes virus, which is in the body of almost every person, but manifests itself only during a period of reduced immunity and weakening of the body.

To date, there is no way to completely get rid of this unpleasant virus. The virus is easily transmitted through human contact, sexual and by airborne droplets. Already by the age of 3-4, it enters the body, where it remains throughout our lives.

Skillfully integrating into the cells of the body, the herpes virus most time does not show itself. But it is worth a little to catch a cold - and he is already right there. Along with cough and snot, a cold often appears on the lip - the result of the activity of the virus.

A cold delivers not only aesthetic discomfort, but also causes very pain while eating or talking.

What are the causes of a cold and how to cure it at home to get rid of these unpleasant rashes?

Causes of a cold

As a rule, the herpes virus is activated against the background of a decrease in immunity and a general weakening of the body.

The reasons for this may be the following factors:

  • colds;
  • emotional experiences;
  • not proper diet nutrition;
  • bad habits;
  • exhaustion or fatigue.

At the same time, there are people who constantly get a cold, it only takes a short stay in the draft. As a general rule, everyone who is subject to frequent appearance colds on the lips, have a weakened immune system, do not eat properly, do not receive enough vitamins and often abuse alcohol or smoking.

Stages of development of a cold

The appearance of a cold looks like itchy redness, which, when scratched, gives painful sensations. A well-palpable seal forms under the skin.

After a while, watery formations appear on the skin. Swelling, they become very painful.

Soon the bubbles burst and instead of them there are sores that cause very unpleasant sensations - burning, painful itching. At this time, a cold becomes most contagious and poses a danger to others.

Within 4-5 days after that, the ulcers heal and the cold goes away.

You can watch a video about the common cold and the causes of its occurrence below:

To speed up this process, you can use medications or time-tested folk recipes.

How to treat a cold on the lips? Medicines.

To date, acyclovir is prescribed for the treatment of colds. This drug allows you to quickly and effectively get rid of the manifestations of herpes, allowing you to get rid of a cold in just a couple of days.

The active substance of the drug - acyclovir, very effectively fights against herpetic lesions of the skin and mucous membranes.

Acyclovir is produced in the form of a 5% ointment and in the form of tablets. Taking the medicine in tablets allows you to fight the virus from the inside. Once in the body, acyclovir is integrated into the DNA of the herpes virus, preventing its reproduction.

Acyclovir tablets are available in 200, 400 and 800 mg.

Also on sale is a 3% eye ointment "acyclovir".

For the treatment of colds, both adults and children are prescribed acyclovir tablets, 200 mg 5 times a day every 4 hours. The duration of treatment is 5 days.

In case of severe immunodeficiency, acyclovir is prescribed 400 mg 5 times a day.

In the treatment of herpes zoster (shingles), 800 mg of acyclovir is prescribed every 6 hours.

The drug has contraindications. It is not recommended to use acyclovir during breastfeeding. At the time of treatment, you should switch to artificial mixtures.

Also, the drug should be taken with extreme caution when kidney failure, dehydration and neurological disorders.

In the treatment of a cold, the use of acyclovir should be timely when the first symptoms of the disease appear. If you miss the time, the effectiveness of treatment is noticeably reduced and it will not be possible to cure a cold in 1-2 days. The disease will pass during the same period as in the case of no treatment.

Treatment of a cold with folk remedies

If you are unable to get drug treatment, you can get rid of a cold with the help of folk remedies.

As a rule, all these remedies are easy to obtain from domestic plants or products. Here are just a few popular folk recipes from a cold.

Aloe juice

Cut off a thick leaf of aloe at the bottom of the plant, squeeze the juice out of it and lubricate the affected areas with this juice every 2 hours.

Kolanchoe juice has a similar effect.

Garlic for colds

An effective way to get rid of a cold is the most common garlic. For treatment herpetic lesion skin you need to chop a clove of garlic, prepare a gruel from it, and apply to the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.

You can lubricate a cold with a clove of garlic cut in half or making compresses from garlic gruel wrapped in gauze.

Fir oil

Can be used against herpes on the lip fir oil. To do this, it should be heated to 35-40 degrees and, applied to a cotton swab, applied to a cold for 10-15 minutes.

A mixture of honey, garlic and ash

A good result can also be achieved when using a mixture of garlic juice with honey and a small amount ash. To prepare such a mixture, it is enough to take 0.5 tsp. honey and mix with gruel or juice of 1 clove of garlic, then add a pinch of ash.

With this mixture, you need to lubricate the area affected by a cold 3 times a day.

You can watch a video on how to treat a cold with folk remedies below:

As you can see, a cold is just a manifestation of the herpes virus dormant in our body, waiting in the wings to come out in the form of these unpleasant watery bubbles, which we call a cold.

During the treatment of herpes on the lip with acyclovir or folk remedies, you must follow the correct diet.

Since the virus is activated against the background of a general weakening of the body and a decrease in immunity, in its daily menu add foods rich in vitamins. It is also very useful during this period to include in your diet potatoes, fish, eggs, milk, yogurt and other products containing lysine, which actively counteracts the spread of the virus.

Any sores on the lips are most often called a "cold". In most cases, they really are a symptom of the common cold or provoked by them.

What does a cold on the lips look like

Diseases on the lips are expressed by three main manifestations:

  • herpes;
  • zaedy;
  • stomatitis.


Jams are cracks in the corners of the lips. More often occur in children. Basic the cause of seizures is a lack of vitamin B2 which causes the skin to become dry. Bacteria, fungi or viruses provoke the appearance of cracks and ulcers that do not heal for a long time. They do not allow the wound to heal quickly. For treatment, it is worth using remedies and ointments for colds on the lips:

  • acyclovir, oxolinic ointment - at viral nature;
  • tetracycline- if the seizures are caused by bacteria;
  • antifungals, such as clotrimazole- with a fungal nature;
  • fucorcin, miramistin, metrogil denta- if the cause could not be determined.

In addition, it is imperative to drink a course of B vitamins and immunomodulatory drugs so that the body copes with sores faster.


Stomatitis is called ulcers on the lips and on the oral mucosa. There are several main types of stomatitis on the lips:

  1. herpetic;
  2. aphthous,
  3. fungal;
  4. allergic.

Depending on the cause, stomatitis manifests itself as follows:

  • herpetic vesicles, which affect not only the border of the lips, but also the lips inside;
  • aphthae - single round sores with a red border and white or gray coating inside, formed on the inside of the lips and in the mouth;
  • curdled white coating;
  • individual vesicles and sores.

Bubbles on the lips, but not herpes - this is usually allergic stomatitis . It differs from herpes in a slightly larger size and fewer vesicles. Herpes are multiple vesicles grouped together, while allergic stomatitis can appear as individual vesicles. bigger size. Treatment of allergies on the lips is carried out as part of a complex antiallergic therapy.

Usually stomatitis appears on the inside of the lower lip. It rarely moves to the visible part of the lips, and if this happens, it means that herpes is the cause of stomatitis.


It's called a cold on the lips. The easiest way to say it is herpes. It is the virus herpes simplex in the vast majority of cases causes and jams, and stomatitis. The disease on the lips manifests itself in the form of bubbles that turn into sores. Even if you are not sure what kind of disease affected the lips, it always makes sense to use antiviral ointments- they will help from herpes, and from seizures caused by viruses, and from viral stomatitis.

Causes of a cold on the lips

As already said, herpes is caused by a virus. It can live in the body long years, not showing at all, and in one "beautiful" moment comes out in the form of painful and itchy blisters, which burst after a couple of days and turn into sores. The most common place for herpetic eruptions- lip rim. This herpes even has a name - labial, that is, located on the lips. The symptoms of a cold on the lips are known to many - itching, painful blisters and sores, fever and an increase in lymph nodes located near the sore.

How long does a cold sore last?

At normal flow all stages of the disease take no more than two weeks. The prodromal (that is, the preceding stage, characterized by itching) lasts up to two days. Then the bubbles are poured out clear liquid inside. In two or three days, the liquid becomes cloudy, the bubbles burst. In place of the bubbles, ulcers form. Without treatment, these sores may take 7-10 days to heal.

The most contagious cold on the lips is at the stage when the bubbles burst and a liquid pours out of them - lymph. It is in the lymph that the virus is contained in a concentrated form. If you do not use antiviral agents, lymph can affect areas of the skin near the sore, that is, herpes will spread.

The virus is transmitted from person to person direct contact with body fluids or damaged tissues. Also, the virus can be transmitted to the newborn from the mother. The virus is quite tenacious, so you can get infected using the same dishes or towel with infected person. The virus enters the body through mucous or damaged skin. In children, the virus can also penetrate intact skin. Cold sores are contagious, with about 90 percent of people infected with the herpes virus.

The virus is embedded in the cells, getting rid of it will not work. Visible symptoms, those same bubbles that come out on the lips, appear with a decrease in immunity, namely:

Cold sore treatment

What to do if there is herpes on the lips? Treatment starts at the first sign- with characteristic itching in the lips. If you start antiviral therapy at this prodromal stage, you can avoid vesicles altogether. It is desirable to combine the intake of antiviral drugs with a course of immunomodulating or immunostimulating agents.


Cold medicine on the lips should fight the virus. Effective antiviral agents that really help with herpes are:

  • acyclovir- the most famous good remedy for colds on the lips, available in the form of ointment and tablets by different manufacturers. The most promoted brand is Zovirax, but cheaper analogues work. Malaria ointment on the lips is applied to the lips already at the first stage of the disease - when itching begins, but even if you skip this stage, you need to use the ointment to speed up recovery and prevent the cold from growing. Ointment lubricates the affected area every 4 hours for 5 days. If you have frequent colds on the lips, if the blisters on the lips are accompanied by high temperature, as well as at in large numbers bubbles must be taken antiviral drugs in tablets, they affect not only the lips, but the entire organism affected by the virus.
  • Viru-Merz Serol- an effective remedy for colds on the lips. The gel is applied to the vesicles up to five times a day. If after 2 days there is no improvement, you need to consult a doctor to select another remedy.
  • valaciclovir and famciclovir- funds that, when entering the body, turn into the same acyclovir. There are many drugs based on famciclovir and famciclovir. These are Valtrex, Famvir, and others. It is believed that famciclovir is effective even in cases where acyclovir does not help.
  • oxolinic ointment for cold sores on the lips is effective and at the same time safe for the treatment of colds on the lips in children. Oxolin is usually used for the first time or rare herpes. If a cold on the lips appears frequently, it is necessary to use other means.

How to quickly cure a cold on the lips, you can ask the pharmacist. Today, pharmacies offer a wide selection of creams, gels, ointments for colds on the lips. Any of these remedies can help quickly, especially if you start using them. at the first symptoms. But what to drink with herpes on the lips, it is better to consult a doctor. At the first appearance of herpes, acyclovir tablets may help. It is believed that the virus can adapt to acyclovir, so if a cold on the lips, despite taking acyclovir, appears several times a year, it is better to choose another drug.


A cold, lichen on the lips is always a sign of reduced immunity. healthy body can fight the herpes simplex virus. If the virus "came to the surface", this means that a gap has appeared in the body's defense system. In order to prevent the appearance of a cold on the lips, you need to stimulate the body for more effective fight with a virus. Most often, herpes appears on upper lip or at the corners of the lips. If herpes appears on the lower lip, this may be evidence that the virus has seriously settled in the body, which means that it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive fight against it.

Courses of immunostimulating drugs can be carried out during the treatment of herpes sores, and separately from it. Immunomodulators effective in the treatment of herpes include:

  • interferon preparations (viferon, cycloferon, etc.);
  • bacterial and plant immunomodulators natural origin (Bronchomunal, Imudon, Immunal, Ribomunil, etc.);
  • synthetic drugs (Polyoxidonium, Levamisole, Likopid, etc.).

Colds on the lips - treatment with folk remedies

A cold on the lips is considered the most slight manifestation herpes. Instead of using medicines many prefer folk remedies for colds on the lips:

Cold on the lips of a child

In children, the frequency of the appearance of a cold on the lips is associated with the peculiarities of the formation of immunity. It is believed that by the age of 3, the child's stock of immunity, transmitted from the mother, is depleted. It is at this age that herpes often first appears. Then outbreaks and recurrences of herpes occur in primary school age. It's connected with poor hygiene and the growing social circle of the child - at that age, children easily exchange gum from mouth to mouth, for example.

How to treat a cold on the lips of a child? Acyclovir and oxolinic ointment can be used to treat childhood herpes, however, it is better to consult a doctor and take any medication under his supervision. Suitable for the treatment of colds on the lips of a child folk remedies. It is better to use them for the healing of sores. It is worth paying attention to the immunity of the child. A course of immunomodulatory drugs will not only prevent herpes rashes, but also help children's body cope with SARS, influenza and other colds.

herpes in pregnant women

Colds on the lips in pregnant women are a common occurrence. Treat it with antiviral medicines usually not recommended. In the annotations to drugs they write that they can be used only in cases where the harm from the disease exceeds the harm from the drug. However you can use a cold cream containing acyclovir on the lips, since acyclovir with topical application does not enter the general circulation and the placenta, which means it cannot harm the fetus. You can also use oxolinic ointment. Herpes on the lips during pregnancy does not mean that the child will definitely get this virus by inheritance.


Acceptance of any oral medication(tablets, capsules) by a pregnant woman for the treatment of herpes is carried out strictly under medical supervision.

Diet for herpes on the lips

There are no products that would fight a cold on the lips. However, doctors recommend include in the diet of people suffering from herpes, foods containing lysine- an amino acid that prevents the virus from growing stronger. Lysine is found in such products: chicken meat, vegetables and fruits. But arginine, an amino acid that strengthens the herpes virus, is found in chocolate and raisins. These products should be excluded.

A cold on the lips poisons the life of many. To avoid its appearance, you need not to catch a cold and lead healthy lifestyle life. Leaving a cold on the lips without treatment is not worth it, because in this case the virus will get stronger, develop and appear not only on the lips, but also on the body in much more dangerous forms.

Small, fluid-filled blisters—called a "cold" or "fever"—occur in children and adults. The reason is the herpes virus, its carriers after 40 years are up to 80% of the population. While strong, the virus does not manifest itself. But it is worth overworking, overcooling, getting nervous, as itching, burning sensation is felt, characteristic bubbles appear near the lips, eyes, on the wings of the nose, mucous membranes. Since it is impossible to remove the herpes virus from the body, it is worth starting to treat on the lips as soon as possible at home with medication and folk remedies - in order to a short time get rid of or prevent external manifestations.

Causes of herpes on the lip

Viruses can only exist in someone else's body. When they penetrate and multiply, symptoms of a specific disease appear.

Group herpetic viruses includes pathogens chicken pox, infectious mononucleosis, CMV infection (cytomegalovirus), herpes.

Herpesviruses are common among humans, here are some of the varieties:

Herpes simplex virus type I. It manifests itself in the form of a cold on the lips, mucous membranes, skin, eyes, less often on the genitals.

Viral disease type II causes rashes on the genitals.

After suffering from chickenpox, immunity is developed.

The carrier of infectious mononucleosis remains for life.

Cytomegalovirus also remains in the body, almost does not manifest itself.

The herpes virus type I enters the body of children and individuals young age from patients or carriers household way when coughing or sneezing. During the period when reddish bubbles pour out on the lips, wings of the nose, it is especially easy to get infected from the carrier.

The virus is embedded in the genetic apparatus of nerve cells, often does not immediately manifest itself.

During the initial infection incubation period lasts from 1 to 26 days, most often affected oral cavity. The temperature rises to +39..+40С,. Gums, buccal mucosa, palate, tongue are covered with small bubbles, they burn and tingle. The contents are transparent at first, then become cloudy, after 2-3 days it breaks through, ulcers form. Salivation is increased, it hurts to eat. Recovery occurs in 1-3 weeks.

In carriers, with a decrease in immunity, a cold appears on the lip. Treatment eliminates external manifestations, but the herpes virus remains in the body for life, creating an additional burden on the immune system.

The condition for infection with the second form viral disease, as a rule, is the beginning of sexual activity. Antibodies to this species were found in 12% of the US population.

  • Brew in a glass of boiling water 1s.l. sage, insist 20 minutes, strain.

Rinse your mouth with a medicinal agent, apply to the affected areas.

Chrysanthemum. Helps with herpes on the lips next remedy for oral administration:

  • Brew a glass of boiling water 1 tsp. chrysanthemum flowers, insist 40 minutes, strain.

Accept for home treatment labial cold 1/4 cup four times a day.

Vegetable juice. A quick result gives the reception of the mixture:

  • Prepare juice from three medium-sized carrots, parsley, apple, fresh, leave for one hour.

Take little by little throughout the day.

(callisia). When the first symptoms of herpes appear on the lips, apply cotton wool moistened with alcohol tincture for 10 minutes. After opening the bubbles, lubricate the sores twice a day with a decoction or juice.

Ointment recipe:

  • Moisturize warm water 1s.l. calendula flowers, mix them with 1 tbsp. honey, 1 tbsp. vaseline, 1 tbsp. juice of a golden mustache, insist for a day, strain.

Lubricate the cold on the lips at night.

. Apply every 2 hours problem areas alcohol tincture, after 5-10 minutes - a nourishing fat cream.

Ointment from. To quickly cure labial herpes in spring or autumn, prepare the following composition:

  • chop 15 g of celandine (with root), pour a glass, bring to a boil in a water bath, let cool, insist 14 days in a dark, cool place, strain;
  • heat up, add 50g chopped beeswax, stirring to get a homogeneous consistency, strain.

Apply ointment for the treatment of herpes when itching, burning on the lips, apply to rashes.

Quickly get rid of labial herpes helps tincture:

  • Pour 2s.l. inflorescences with alcohol, insist in a dark place for a week, strain.

Lubricate blisters or sores every hour or two. At the pharmacy, ask for a solution of Romazulan, which is used in the same way.

Chamomile infusion:

  • Brew 1/2 cup boiling water 1 tbsp. flowers, boil for five minutes, strain.

Apply warm lotions to labial herpes.

Modified: 02/10/2019

Many people at least once in their lives have suffered from such unpleasant phenomenon like the appearance of herpes on the lips. The so-called pimples or pimples, after a certain amount of time, are able to crust, they itch irritably and hurt. This disease in medicine is commonly called labial fever, or herpes. AT Everyday life, sometimes, this ailment is called a cold. The disease is caused by the elemental herpes virus of the first category. How to quickly get rid of a cold on the lip? This is a fairly common question.

Description of the disease

Almost all people on our planet are direct carriers of this harmful source. Throughout the life of our body, the virus resides in the human body. In more than eighty percent of people, herpes may not manifest itself at all. But in about twenty percent of cases, patients suffer from various relapses of this disease at the time when a rash occurs on the lips, as well as on the mucous membrane. Getting into the blood and lymphatic area, this virus spreads extremely quickly to all internal organs. For this reason, there is always topical issue about how to effectively deal with this problem. In fact, there are quite a few such ways. We will figure out how to quickly treat herpes at home.

Causes of a cold on the lips

The easiest way to transmit the cold sores virus is through contact with damaged tissues through biological fluid sick person. In addition, it is transmitted against the background of asymptomatic carriage of the virus. Due to the presence of specific receptors in the pathogen, the infection can spread even through intact skin. Since herpes already lives in many human organisms, most often the following factors can easily activate it:

  • stressful situations and problems;
  • too much great use alcoholic drinks;
  • hypothermia along with lack of sleep;
  • excessive sunbathing;
  • severe depletion of the body on the basis of rigid diets;
  • all kinds of colds and other infections;
  • menstrual cycle;
  • skin injuries.

How to quickly get rid of a cold on the lip is interesting to many.

Types of herpes

On the this moment science knows different types herpes virus infections. But often because of it, as a rule, the lips suffer, as well as the mucous membrane in the nose area. For the vast majority of patients, this virus is a minor cosmetic problem. absolutely normal for healthy person it is considered to be ill with this disease no more than once or twice a year. However, people who suffer reduced immunity, a herpes simplex infection can be quite damaging. For example, against the background of oncology, HIV infection, and, in addition, in patients who have undergone organ transplantation, this disease can provoke dangerous defeat internal systems and organs. Basically, herpes occurs on the lips for a short period of time. It appears most often on the upper lip. Or in the corners of the mouth. You can get rid of a cold on the lips in two days. What to do for this?

Bubbles and pimples, which contain liquid, burst with the passage of time, after which wounds appear in their place, which become covered with a crust. Problems with healing occur due to the fact that in the process of talking, or when eating food, the crust bursts sharply, and after that the wound begins to bleed painfully. Due to the fact that this virus is introduced into nerve cells the body, having suffered from the virus only once, in the future it will be simply impossible to get rid of it. In a word, it's not pleasant.

So, how to quickly get rid of a cold on the lip?

Treatment of herpes on the lips

So, in more detail. At the moment, the main drug that would make it possible to quickly cure and permanently get rid of a cold on the lips simply does not exist. Special medicines developed for this can only reduce the reproduction of the herpes virus, and do not completely remove fragments of its viral deoxyribonucleic acid. It is for this reason that frequent relapses occur, especially among immunocompromised patients.

Thus, in the event that the elemental herpes virus bothers a person more than twice a year, he definitely needs to see a doctor. The doctor will help to establish the reason why so often there is a cold on the lips, probably prescribe additional examination to see a picture of the state of immunity. How to quickly treat a cold on the lips (herpes)? 2 days on average is required for this.


Thanks to the antiviral functions of a number medications it becomes possible to relieve symptoms, accelerate treatment and heal viral wounds during relapses. The main ointments for the treatment of herpes on the lips are drugs such as:

  • "Valacyclovir".
  • "Penciclovir".
  • "Gerpferon".
  • "Acyclovir".
  • Docosanol.
  • Zovirax.

It is important to know how to treat a cold on the lips quickly and effectively.

The affected area should be lubricated several times a day, preferably four or five doses, and sometimes more frequent use is recommended. Antiviral drugs can be used without consultation and prescriptions of doctors. All these ointments are quite effective in getting rid of unpleasant itching and other irritating sensations, as well as stimulate speedy recovery person.

In order for the process of treating herpes on the lips to go quickly, you should not touch the wound in order to avoid damage to it, and, therefore, the likely introduction of an additional infection. You can use ointments constantly, while it is important to use only your own hygiene products. In some situations, against the background of significant lesions of the skin and mucous membranes, the doctor may also prescribe pills inside. Now let's talk about how to quickly cure a cold on the lip at home.

In addition to antiviral drugs, you can also use drugs such as:

  • Echinacea preparations, and, in addition, other immunomodulatory agents that are aimed at increasing human immunity.
  • Lysine, which is an extremely important amino acid that helps tissues regenerate quickly enough.
  • Antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and drying effect is characteristic of zinc-based ointments.
  • Aloe vera and propolis extracts are considered natural anti-inflammatory agents.

Here's how to quickly cure a cold on the lip with drugs. Nothing complicated. In the event that for a long time the signs of a cold from the lips do not disappear, in without fail you should contact a specialist who will give necessary recommendations about how to effectively and quickly heal this disease.

Additional pharmacy products

Among others, Vivorax serves as an additional pharmacy remedy for herpes. Against the background of prolonged and recurrent herpes, doctors strongly recommend following pills for internal reception: "Famvir" and "Valtrex". Sometimes it is customary to use combined remedy as "Isoprinosine", which has an extremely strong immunostimulating, as well as anti-inflammatory effect on the treatment process.

In addition, as an assistant for herpes on the lips, a mummy or a regular paracetamol tablet along with aspirin is used, which must be soaked and applied to the area affected by the virus. Well strengthen the immune system of all kinds vitamin remedies, for example, rosehip, tincture of ginseng or lemon. And how to get rid of a cold on the lip with traditional medicine? More on this.

Treatment of the herpes virus with folk remedies

In the field of traditional medicine, there are a great many tools that help to quickly treat herpes on the lips. This therapy can be done at home. Thus, it is common to use one or more of the following methods:

How to quickly get rid of a cold under the lip alternative methods? More on that below.

How to quickly treat herpes at home? Alternative Methods

So. In addition to these methods, we should talk about a few more that are successfully used to eliminate colds on the lips. One of them is a method of treating herpes with earwax. This substance contains silicon. Due to its presence, this method helps to positively affect skin tissues, as well as mucous areas. It should be noted that this microelement is necessarily included in the composition of various drugs in order to reduce the degree of edema and inflammatory reactions. For this reason, earwax, which promotes epithelization, helps to get rid of herpes rashes on the lips. True, treatment with this remedy must be started already at the first manifestations of the disease. With advanced herpes, it may be ineffective.

The question of how to quickly get rid of a cold on the lip on your own is very relevant today. Of course, for some, the use of earwax in medicinal purposes may seem unaesthetic, but this substance will always come to the rescue when there are no medications. It is enough just to apply a certain amount of sulfur on herpes and do not wash it off for half an hour. This method has no contraindications. Everyone will agree that using earwax is much safer, and, most importantly, more useful than all kinds of chemicals. It can also be combined with other treatments. After all, herpes is viral infection which, of course, requires a deep and complex impact.

Lemon in the fight against herpes

Lemon is another indispensable assistant. Being one of the most acidic citrus fruits, it serves as a source of vitamins, beneficial acids and phytoncides. Therefore, it is not surprising that the juice of this sunny fruit is widely used to treat all kinds of viral illnesses, as well as dropsy and tuberculosis. In the spring, doctors recommend using lemons in order to maintain immunity weakened due to beriberi. In addition, it serves as an excellent opportunity to fill the gap. essential vitamins and trace elements in the human body. It's no secret that tea combined with lemon and honey is a traditional effective tool during colds and flu.

Useful substances contained in lemons are found not only in its juice, but also in the pulp, as well as in the peel of the fruit. inner side this shell and should be applied to the manifested herpes on the lips. Fresh lemon pulp can also have a beneficial effect. Thus, doctors recommend rubbing a sore spot with a slice of lemon several times a day. You should also lubricate the affected lips with its juice. In the event that the swelling that has arisen is barely noticeable, then herpes is just beginning to form. In this situation, you should immediately start rubbing sore lips with a slice of lemon.

In conclusion, it should be said that you can try folk remedies at any time and without medical advice, since they are absolutely natural, which means they will be relevant for any signs of this unpleasant cold. The first stage of the disease is the period in which the skin on the lips begins to tingle easily, itch and pinch noticeably. Just at this moment, you should begin to take measures in order to treat herpes as quickly as possible.

So. We examined in detail how to quickly get rid of a cold on the lip. Take care of yourself and be healthy!

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