Mental and anxiety disorders. Folk remedies. Physical ailments of a person with depression. Change of scenery and new experiences

With psychosis, a state of uncontrolled excitement occurs or, on the contrary, deep depression, in addition, psychosis is accompanied by profound disturbances in the thought process, in which there is no critical attitude to one's condition.

Depending on the source of mental imbalance, all psychoses can be divided into the following:

1) exogenous psychosis- psychosis caused by the influence of external environmental factors

2) endogenous psychosis - psychosis caused by internal disorders and speculation

3) organic psychosis - psychosis caused by traumatic brain injuries, as well as diseases and tumors of the brain.

Thus, the cause of psychosis can be internal as well as external factors. Manifestations of an internal nature are, as a rule, neurological disorders, as well as endocrine diseases leading to the development of an endogenous disease. The external causes of the disease are infections such as tuberculosis, typhus, influenza, syphilis, as well as alcohol, narcotic substances, industrial poisons, psychotrauma, and stress. It should be noted that among the external causes, the first place belongs to alcohol, it is he who leads to the so-called alcoholic psychosis.

Endogenous psychoses in a person develop in connection with his age-related changes, and are often the result of schizophrenia, hypertension, as well as atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels. Endogenous psychosis, as a rule, is long-term and with it a tendency to relapse is often found.

In general, psychosis is a rather complex human condition, which has its own difficulties in diagnosing both internal and external causes. So, external factors can serve as the beginning of the development of psychosis, and only then internal problems join.

According to the occurrence and nature of the course of this disease, reactive and acute forms of the disease are distinguished. Reactive forms are reversible mental disorders that occur as a result of mental trauma. Whereas acute form disease develops as a result of a sudden and rapid development of events. For example, sudden news of the death of a loved one or the loss of property can serve as the cause of psychosis.

How to distinguish a person with psychosis from a healthy person?

Early symptoms of psychosis are expressed in the following:

1. A person experiences changes in character: irritability, nervousness, anxiety, hypersensitivity, lack of appetite and sleep disturbance, as well as a sudden lack of interest, an unusual and strange appearance.

2. Changes in working capacity are observed, namely: there is a sharp decline in activity, impaired attention, reduced stress tolerance and a sudden decline in activity.

3. Feelings change in a person: they appear various fears, mood swings, depression.

4. There are changes in the social life of a person, which are expressed in isolation, distrust, withdrawal into oneself, problems in communicating with people and ending contacts.

5. There is a change of interests, there is a sudden interest in some unusual things: for example, a person goes deep into religion, he develops an interest in magic, etc.

6. A person's experiences and changes in perception become aggravated, for example, a color or sound can be perceived by him intensely or distorted, there may also be a feeling of surveillance and a feeling that everything around has changed.

It should be noted that regardless of the cause of the origin of psychosis, all of its symptoms are similar to each other. A mentally disturbed person is easily distinguished from a normal person. He can perform various unpredictable acts that defy any explanation, the movements of a sick person become unnatural and are often not controlled even by himself.

Symptoms of psychosis are also a person's overexcitation during the commission of a particular action or inaction (symptoms of manic psychosis), as well as mood swings, which are characterized by the length of stay in a particular state (depressive psychosis).

In addition, his speech can tell a lot about the state of the mentally ill - as a rule, the patient's phrases are not interconnected and do not make sense, he is delusional, talking with some invisible people (delusional, hallucinogenic, acute psychosis). Or the patient gives incoherent answers to questions, often speaks in the third person or refers to himself (schizophrenia). Another symptom of psychosis is hallucinations, which can make a mentally disturbed person behave inappropriately and provoke personality disorganization. That is, a person ceases to identify himself as a person and can present himself as some object or creature, for example, a cat or a tree.

A mentally ill person is not able to realize what is happening, and also cannot appreciate how much his psyche has changed. Often, because of their depressed state, patients do not want to receive medical care and completely refuse hospitalization.

As a rule, the diagnosis of psychosis includes a psychiatric examination of the patient, as well as the use of other neurological research methods, which are carried out according to indications.

How to cure psychosis? How to get rid of psychosis?

The most important thing in the treatment of psychosis is to eliminate the cause of the disease or the psychogenic situation that takes place. I must say that the affective-shock reaction of a person to a psychogenic situation, as a rule, medical care does not need. Whereas in other forms of this disease, the patient must be hospitalized in order to prevent unconscious harm to himself or others. Medical assistance to the patient should be provided taking into account a correctly established diagnosis, psychopathological symptoms must be identified before treatment, individual characteristics of the patient's personality must be taken into account, and the severity of the patient's condition must be determined.

Treatment of psychosis, as a rule, consists in the fact that the patient is:

1) Drug therapy. In this case, in the treatment of psychosis, psychotropic drugs, in most cases - antipsychotics, tranquilizers, antidepressants and restorative drugs are also sometimes used. Nowadays, there are many drugs that can selectively act on certain types and psychotic groups. So, for example, if psychosis is a consequence of intoxication, then drugs are used that help cleanse the body.

Drugs for psychosis, drugs for psychosis should be prescribed only by a specialist, moreover, each patient individually. When prescribing drugs for psychosis, it is necessary to take into account the age of the patient, the cause of psychosis, as well as the presence of other diseases and, of course, contraindications. In the case of a state of excitation, the patient is given tranquilizers in injections (Seduxen) and antipsychotics (Triftazin and Aminazin). Crazy ideas in psychosis are also stopped with the help of neuroleptics (Etaperazine, Stelazin, Haloperidol). And reactive depression is treated by taking antidepressants (Amitriptyline, Pyrazidol, Gerfonal). It should be noted that drug therapy for psychosis should be dynamic - depending on the stage of the disease, as well as changes in the patient's condition.

2) Psychological rehabilitation. The effectiveness of drug therapy for psychosis can be enhanced by psychological rehabilitation. In this case, during the treatment, the main task of the psychiatrist is to find contact with the patient, inspire him with the idea of ​​his speedy recovery and explain to the patient that the drugs will not cause any harm to his body. In this case, the patient must be guaranteed the anonymity of his treatment. Good result in the treatment of psychosis, it provides a comprehensive treatment: drugs in combination with psychological rehabilitation. The rehabilitation course of classes also includes training sessions, during which the patient is taught to react differently to the world around him and develop new forms of behavior in his life. After rehabilitation, a person suffering from psychosis should feel equal in society, he should go to shops, take care of his own hygiene, etc. With the help of psychotherapy, people who experience feelings of inferiority due to mental illness, as well as denying the presence of the disease, relate to themselves much better than before.

3) Physiotherapeutic methods. The treatment of psychosis can also include various physiotherapeutic procedures, such as electrosleep, exercise therapy for psychosis, spa treatment, acupuncture, occupational therapy, and others. Thanks to physiotherapy for psychosis, emotional overstrain and fatigue are removed, as well as working capacity increases and metabolism improves significantly.

4) Electroconvulsive therapy. This method of treating psychosis consists in the fact that convulsive seizures are artificially induced in a patient by exposure to an alternating electric current. The effect of this method is the direct effect of the current on the subcortical centers of the brain and metabolic processes in the patient's nervous system.

Traditional medicine in the treatment of psychosis also plays an important role. There are many recipes that help in the treatment of this disease.

1) To get rid of psychosis, you can use grass or lemon balm leaves, from which a decoction is prepared at the rate of 10 g of dry raw materials per 500 ml of boiling water. Then the broth must be insisted in a tightly closed container for 2 hours and filtered. Take 2/3 cup 3 times a day.

In cases of strong nervous excitement, you can prepare an infusion - 1 tablespoon of raw materials per glass of boiling water. Leave for 1 hour. Drink 1 glass 2-3 times a day.

2) You can cure psychosis if you apply a decoction of cudweed marsh. To do this, take 3 tablespoons of marsh cudweed grass per 500 ml of boiling water. Then insist 1 hour and strain. Take 1 glass three times a day.

3) Will help fight psychosis and infusion of oregano, which is prepared at the rate of 6 tablespoons per 1 liter of boiling water. It is necessary to drink this infusion instead of tea with honey, 1 glass 2-3 times a day.

4) How to deal with psychosis at home? In this case, valerian officinalis can help. It is necessary to insist 10 g of dry valerian root on 300 ml of boiled water for 8 hours. Then bring to a boil, cool for an hour and strain. Drink 1 tablespoon three times a day.

5) Valerian root baths can help beat psychosis. To do this, pour 300 ml of a strong decoction of dry valerian root into 10 liters of warm water. The decoction is prepared as follows: 20 g of crushed valerian root should be boiled in 500 ml of water over low heat for 15 minutes, then strain and pour into the bath.

6) good remedy from psychosis - this is a sage field. You need to take 3 tablespoons of flowers, pour 500 ml of boiling water. Infuse for 1 hour in a tightly sealed container, then strain. Drink 150 ml three times a day before meals.

7) To remove psychosis, you can do the following: prepare a collection that includes hawthorn fruits - 3 parts, hawthorn flowers - 2 parts, valerian root - 3 parts, St. John's wort (grass) - 3 parts, yarrow (grass) - 3 parts. Then brew 1 tablespoon of the crushed mixture with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 5 hours and strain. Take 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day half an hour before meals.

8) What can help with psychosis? Hop cones may help. You need to take 1 tablespoon of crushed cones, pour them with 1 cup of boiling water, then leave for 1 hour and strain. Take 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day.

9) You can reduce psychosis with the help of azure cyanosis. To do this, you need 2 tablespoons of crushed rhizomes of cyanosis azure pour 2 ml of boiling water. Insist for 2-3 hours, and then strain. Take 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day.

10) How to deal with psychosis? In this case, spring adonis can help. You need to take 2 teaspoons of this herb for 1 cup of boiling water. Infuse for 1 hour, then strain. Take 1-2 tablespoons three times a day.

11) How to cure psychosis? The following collection can help: horsetail herb - 20 g, mountaineer grass - 30 g, hawthorn flowers - 50 g. You need to take 10 g (2 tablespoons) of the mixture and pour 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours in a tightly sealed container and strain . Drink 2-3 times a day for half a glass.

Depressive manic psychosis

Methods of treatment with folk remedies

A disease such as depressive psychosis is not always pronounced. People with this disease usually look normal, their behavior is quite adequate. We just think that mental illness will never affect us. However a large number of people around us suffer from one or another disease associated with a mental disorder. Correctly this disease is called manic - depressive psychosis.


Often the condition of sick people is characterized by a change in emotional state, a period of excitement (manic mood) is replaced by a depressed mood (depressive state). Between mood swings, the disease may disappear completely. These people can live and work in society, have a family. But relatives should know that such a person needs to be protected, to create a favorable emotional environment in the family. This disease may be hereditary. Moreover, it is worth emphasizing that it is not a disease that is inherited, but a predisposition. This disease begins to make itself felt somewhere in the age of thirty.

Usually relatives at the first stage begin to notice the harbingers of the disease. This is expressed in unstable emotional state sick. This person has too many mood swings. Then the mood phases begin to be traced more clearly. At the same time, the excited state is shorter than the depressed state.

The main problem is to identify these harbingers of the disease in time in order to seek medical help in time. Otherwise, there will inevitably be a transition to the disease - manic-depressive psychosis.

Almost always, this disease occurs for the most part in a depressive state, which is characterized by a depressed mood, the patient may be in some lethargy, be indifferent to what is happening around him, he often has an unreasonable feeling of guilt, he begins to accuse himself of non-existent actions, engages in self-flagellation. In such a depressed mood, a person often bends over and makes suicide attempts. If this patient is not provided with medical assistance, then this can lead to a complete stupor - he stops moving, talking, constantly lies, does not even go to the toilet. He does not want to drink and eat, he does not respond to speech and when they turn to him.

Naturally, deterioration physical condition the patient, he begins to suffer from tachycardia of the heart, arrhythmia is observed, his pupils are dilated, spastic constipation develops. The depression may be followed by a period of unprecedented excitement. The working capacity of a person increases, he can look at the world overly optimistically.

The surrounding people may not even understand that these are symptoms of the disease, they can only identify experienced doctor. If the disease is detected, then it is necessary health care experienced doctor. It is desirable to be constantly under the supervision of doctors, to consult with them more often, even when the symptoms of the disease do not bother. Usually, depression causes anxiety and sleep is disturbed. To strengthen the work of the heart and normalize sleep, you can drink herbal teas. This trio of herbs does wonders for nerves, sleep and mood - valerian, California poppy and kava kava. The main thing to remember is one rule, if the patient is taking medication or undergoing treatment, you should always consult with your doctor whether it is possible to drink infusions from medicinal herbs.

Nervous system - treatment with folk remedies

Photo: Depressive manic psychosis

Secrets of traditional medicine

Collection of folk remedies various diseases and bad habits


Psychosis: causes, symptoms, treatment, folk remedies

Unlike neurosis, which can only be called a disease with a stretch, psychosis is a mental disorder, a disease that is treated with the help of a rich arsenal of modern psychiatry.


Psychosis is a collective diagnosis that refers to a group of mental disorders characterized by distorted perception reality, loss of connection with reality. With psychosis, a person is not able to adequately assess what is happening and respond to it. Psychiatrists use a complex classification of disorders based on causes, etiologies, and dominant symptoms. The disease may be caused physiological factors: certain diseases, endocrine pathologies or exposure chemical substances. But it can also be the result of mental trauma, shocks, protracted borderline states. Depending on which symptoms dominate, one speaks of paranoid, depressive, manic psychosis and many combined forms.

With neurotic disorders, a person is able to understand that he needs help, and independently turn to a psychotherapist or psychiatrist. For psychoses, independent visits to the clinic are rare. Often the patient is not only unaware of his illness, but deliberately hides it, knowing how others will react to a sincere story about what he is experiencing. Such behavior is typical for paranoids - they can hide their condition with sophisticated cunning even from psychiatrists. Therefore, in the treatment of psychosis, much depends on relatives and friends, their ability to recognize the disease and persuade a person to seek help.

Symptoms of a mental disorder

Signs of mental disorders are very diverse. The manifestations of the disease depend on the personality of each person, circumstances and many other factors, so the list possible symptoms practically limitless. The main signs that should alert a person and his loved ones can be grouped into 4 large categories:

  • hallucinations. Hallucinations can affect any way of perception: sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste. They can be simple or complex: a person may imagine a phone ringing or whole scenes, conversations. In the movie Shutter Island, you can see an example of a common simple visual hallucination when a person sees running rats or insects.
  • Rave. We are talking about obsessive judgments and conclusions that are far from reality and common sense. Often there are such forms as delusions of persecution or delusions of influence: it seems to a person that he is being watched, he is influenced from outside. It may also seem to the patient that they want to harm him, that he is suffering from a serious illness. Delusional disorders can take any form, up to the notorious megalomania.
  • Movement disorders. They can have 2 forms - increased inhibition or increased excitation. Both of these forms correspond to two main mental processes: excitation and inhibition. The person may be active, make faces, talk incessantly, and show other signs of hyperactivity. Or, on the contrary, sit motionless, looking at one point for hours.
  • Emotional disorders. This category of symptoms is also tied to two key mental processes: arousal and inhibition. Accordingly, disorders can be manic or depressive in nature. Appear in the form constant longing, depression, unsociableness or in the form of a constantly high spirits, a decrease in the need for sleep and rest. Being in a state of mania, a person can blindly follow his desires and whims, starting numerous sexual relationships, abusing alcohol and drugs.

When we are talking about mania or manic disorder, this term should not be confused with its common meaning. manic disorder not associated with "homicidal maniacs" and "sex maniacs". Mania is the opposite of depression. All mental activity is a combination of excitatory and inhibitory processes. When the first process begins to predominate, one speaks of mania. If inhibition dominates over excitation, we are talking about depression.

Development of psychosis

Above we have described the symptoms that seem to be added to the behavioral and emotional attitudes of a healthy person. But mental illness progresses just like any other pathology. Therefore, over time, a person will show more acute negative symptoms, consisting in a personality disorder. A person “loses himself”, his character changes, former desires and aspirations disappear, the need for social contacts disappears. Disorders of thinking and behavior progress to the point that a person loses all ability to work. At this stage, patients receive disability as disabled.

It is important for friends and family to remember that a person suffering from delusional disorders is not to be argued with. This can aggravate the situation and spur the development of the disease. If a person behaves calmly, does not try to harm himself or others, he must be carefully listened to, reassured and persuaded to see a doctor. To deceive a person by presenting a visit to a psychiatrist as a regular examination by a therapist, or to lure him to a doctor under false pretenses, is categorically contraindicated. This will only aggravate the situation and make treatment more difficult.

Causes and treatment of psychosis

There are many reasons why psychosis can develop: severe infections affecting the brain or nervous system, effects of alcohol or drug abuse, exposure to poisons. Psychological trauma, nervous shocks, and prolonged stress also lead to mental disorders. Heredity plays a certain role: if there were mentally ill people among close relatives, the risk of getting sick increases many times over.

How is it treated? It is usually impossible to overcome psychosis without drug therapy. Antipsychotics, tranquilizers, antidepressants and restorative drugs are used. The patient may be prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures and a course of psychological rehabilitation. Treatment for each patient is developed individually. There is no need to be afraid of contacting a psychiatrist: modern medicine does not use harsh methods of treatment, hospital patients are surrounded by care and attention.

Manic-depressive psychosis treatment with folk remedies

Treatment Methods

Treatment of depression with folk decoctions

Did you know that depression can be cured without medication? To do this, you just need to know a few simple tips.

But it is worth considering that depression is a condition that requires treatment. Fortunately, this is possible.

Ten Ways to Get Rid of Depression

All people are subject to mood swings and, of course, each of us has periods when there is absolutely no good spirits, everything that happens is seen as gloomy, and only sad prospects are presented ahead. Without a doubt, this state of affairs must be fought, otherwise the state of apathetic despondency and chronic melancholy runs the risk of developing into a real protracted depression.

Someone immediately helps the first of the presented options, someone feels better using several of them.

John's wort as a treatment for depression

What is St. John's wort? perennial herbaceous plant John's wort is an excellent folk remedy for getting rid of depression. When it is used, the entire nervous system of a person is strengthened. The greatest alchemist and physician Paracelsus especially praised this plant, highlighting its antidepressant properties. St. John's wort grows in the temperate zone in the Northern Hemisphere.

How to beat spring depression

You somehow survived the cold snowy winter, with difficulty overcame spring beriberi and barely recovered from the debilitatingly hot summer? Do not rush to relax: ahead - autumn depression! At least, this is what the authors of numerous seasonal publications on entertainment sites and women's magazines say.

How legitimate is it to call autumn longing for good weather “depression”?

Excellent folk remedy for depression

This tincture has been known for a long time. If you believe the sources, then from the XVIII century. Moreover, it helps not only with depression, but also with overwork, or even just to increase tone. The secret of its creation is quite simple, but you will feel its effect immediately.

For a liter of vodka, take 10 g of lemon balm, 1 g of angelica root, add lemon peel, a pinch of ground nutmeg and crushed coriander seeds, plus another 1-3 dry clove buds.

It is necessary to insist for at least 2 weeks, and then pass through a sieve.

Depression and remedies to combat it with folk methods

depression is serious psychological illness, which is a real scourge of modern man. A busy work schedule, stress, anxiety, fear of inconsistency with the outside world weaken a person's immunity, making him vulnerable and sick physically and mentally. Symptoms of the onset of depression include prolonged insomnia, lack of appetite, negative thoughts about yourself and other people, a feeling of hopelessness, indifference to everything that surrounds you: family, work, etc.


Anyone can experience depression. Try to walk more in the forest, breathe fresh air, because, as you know, plants have healing properties. In addition to walking, try the following recipe: you will need St. John's wort and a golden mustache. 1 teaspoon of chopped St. John's wort, pour the floor with glasses of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes, then mix it with a decoction of the golden mustache: half a leaf, pour half a glass of boiling water, bring to a boil and keep on fire for about 1 or 2 minutes. Drink 1 tablespoon three times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Simple remedies for depression

To get rid of anxiety, bad mood, fatigue, restore sleep and performance, you do not need to swallow medications at all. Sometimes a cup of herbal tea is enough.

Let's start with the well-known dog rose. We fall asleep in a thermos with a glass flask half a glass of dried rose hips, black currants, raisins and hibiscus tea, mix in equal proportions and pour boiling water. We insist at night, and in the morning and afternoon we drink as much as we want.

Pine nuts cure depression

Folk healers use walnut needles to treat depression in the autumn-winter period. A handful of cedar needles should be poured with 2.0 liters of boiling water, placed in a preheated oven or oven, left there until cool. Strain, put in the refrigerator. You can add honey or sugar for taste.

Use in between meals several times a day, but not less than 3-4. Daily dozagram.

Questions and answers

Could I get pregnant like this?


Please help me and be understanding!

My boyfriend and I were engaged in the type of petting (only without clothes). .If anyone does not know what it is, please google it. . Well, he didn’t ejaculate, but there was some kind of lubricant, he says that it’s definitely not sperm, and I would understand if it was her! and i'm a virgin.

What can help in the fight against bouts of anxiety, stress, and to some extent persecution mania?

Recently, I began to notice that I do not trust people AT ALL. It always seems to me that everyone wants to deceive me, they want to be rude to me, and I constantly expect physical violence from some people. Despite everything, in my “incomprehensible” state, I see some advantages: I have become more disciplined, I develop self-discipline, I pay more attention to the physical state of health. Completely forgot. In the spring he experienced depression and not long ago lost his job. I guess it also had a big impact on me. If, on the merits of the question - how to straighten out, how to "pull yourself together"?

How to get rid of intrusive thoughts?

Good day. I have been suffering from obsessive ideas for quite a long time, I understand that from the outside it all looks, frankly, not normal, but I can’t help myself. For example, when leaving home, I can close / open the door several times in order to finally make sure that it is still closed and other, even more ridiculous situations. What can you advise me and how in general it is possible to struggle with a similar illness?

bad mood and deep depression, headache and severe apathy.

In life, I am a cheerful person, but a girl left me 2 weeks ago, of course this has happened before, but now for some reason I am especially worried about this, I can’t calm down. My head hurts all the time, I don't sleep well, and I don't care about anything. My nerves are naughty, but I don’t want to go to the doctors. Perhaps there is some miracle - tea that will help me with this problem?

How can depression be overcome with the help of some folk remedies?

How to overcome depression against the background of family circumstances? AT recent times It so happened that my parents quarrel very strongly, and although I don’t live with them, I still manage the domestic situation. I haven't eaten anything for 3 days. I can’t think about the positive, my friends call me to go for a walk, but I’m all in myself and I can’t do anything. Seeing my mood, some are interested in what happened, and I tell them that these are all hormones associated with pregnancy. That's why I can't trust anyone and I don't have any friends. After several betrayals, she stopped trusting people at all.

How can you fight depression? Are there any folk methods of dealing with it?

In general, I noticed that recently I have started to feel depressed, and my mood has significantly decreased. I don’t even know why, but even interest in life has fallen. Tell me how you can deal with this? Do not drink to me all the time some kind of tranquilizers. I would like to know about some folk remedies for getting rid of depression.

How to deal with depression?

Strange as it may seem, depression is a disease belonging to the group affective disorders(mood disorders). Then how can this disease be cured? How to deal with it? After all, people sometimes do not get out of this state for months. What is the best way to cheer up when everything seems gray and boring?

Is it necessary to be checked by a gynecologist and how important is it?

Help me to understand. The wife is afraid to go to the gynecologist. How important is this? What else can it be, otherwise I'm very worried. My wife often has depression and she absolutely does not want to go to a doctor's consultation. Maybe someone faced a similar problem? What would you do in my place? Waiting for your suggestions!

How to get rid of panic attacks once and for all with the help of traditional medicine?

Panic attacks began after a strong experience. It all started abruptly with a feeling of terrible fear. I didn't know where to put myself. I didn't feel my arms or legs. Thought I was dying. I am afraid to take antidepressants, as a habit to them may appear and without them it will already be even harder. Motherwort and valerian can help me with this terrible obsessive condition. I’m ready to brew these herbs all my life, if only it passes.

How to get rid of insomnia?

Hello! I was tormented by insomnia. I go to bed at about 23.00 and until 2.00 hours, and sometimes I can’t fall asleep until 3.00. Some inexplicable feeling of anxiety appears, I begin to think over all sorts of problems, which in the daytime seem to be mere trifles. I am a mother on maternity leave, we get up early with the baby - at 8.00 in the morning, during the day I don’t sleep so that I can go to bed early in the evening, and in the evening everything repeats again. Advise what you can drink to fall asleep calmly and quickly.

Other topics → Folk remedies for cough

Almost any disease is accompanied by a cough. It seems to be nothing to worry about, but it gives a person unnecessary discomfort. You don't always want to go to the doctor for such trifles. Cough easy.

Other topics → Useful properties of plantain

Probably, every child from childhood, parents tell about the healing properties of plantain. Any wounds received on walks are covered with this plant, the bleeding gradually stops, as well.

Dentistry → Phytotherapy in the complex treatment of periodontal disease

Periodontal disease is characterized by non-inflammatory pathological tissue damage (peritoneal) with exposure of the neck of the tooth, changes in processes (alveolar), etc., resulting from internal ones.

Principles of treatment of schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a mental disorder (and according to the modern classification of ICD-10 - a group of disorders) with a chronic course, provoking the breakdown of emotional reactions and thought processes. It is impossible to cure it completely. Nevertheless, as a result of long-term therapy, it is possible to restore a person's social activity and ability to work, prevent psychosis, and achieve stable remission.

The treatment of schizophrenia traditionally consists of three stages:

Stopping therapy is therapy to relieve psychosis. The goal of this stage of treatment is to suppress the positive symptoms of schizophrenia - delusions, hebephrenia, catatonia, hallucinations;

Stabilizing therapy - is used to maintain the results of stopping therapy, its task is to finally remove positive symptoms of all kinds;

Supportive therapy - is aimed at maintaining a stable state of the patient's mentality, preventing relapse, the maximum distance in time for the next psychosis.

Stopping therapy should be given as early as possible; it is necessary to contact a specialist as soon as the first signs of psychosis appear, since it is much more difficult to stop an already developed psychosis. In addition, psychosis can cause personality changes that make it impossible for a person to work and carry out normal daily activities. In order for the changes to be less pronounced, and the patient to have the opportunity to lead a normal life, it is necessary to stop the attack in a timely manner.

Currently, the following methods of therapy for schizophrenic conditions have been developed, tested and widely used: psychopharmacology, various types of shock-coma therapy, high-tech stem cell therapy, traditional psychotherapy, cytokine treatment and detoxification of the body.

Inpatient treatment is necessary immediately at the time of psychosis, and after the arrest of the attack, stabilizing and supportive therapy can be carried out on an outpatient basis. A patient who has completed a course of treatment and is in remission for a long time still needs to undergo an annual examination and be admitted to hospital treatment in order to correct possible pathological changes.

Actually, it's time for full treatment schizophrenia after another psychosis is one year or longer. From 4 to 10 weeks it takes to stop the attack and suppress productive symptoms, after which, to stabilize the results, six months of intensive care in the hospital and 5-8 months of outpatient treatment are needed to prevent relapse, achieve a fairly stable remission and conduct social rehabilitation of the patient.

Treatment options for schizophrenia

Methods for the treatment of schizophrenia are divided into two groups - biological methods and psychosocial therapy:

Psychosocial therapy includes cognitive behavioral therapy, psychotherapy, and family therapy. These techniques, although they do not give instant results, can prolong the period of remission, increase the effectiveness of biological methods, and return a person to a normal life in society. Psychosocial therapy allows you to reduce the dosage of drugs and the length of stay in the hospital, makes a person able to independently perform daily tasks and control his condition, which reduces the likelihood of relapse;

Biological methods of treatment - lateral, insulin coma, paired polarization, electroconvulsive therapy, detoxification, transcranial micropolarization and magnetic brain stimulation, as well as psychopharmacology and surgical methods of treatment;

The use of drugs that affect the brain is one of the most effective biological treatments for schizophrenia, which allows you to remove productive symptoms, prevent the destruction of personality, impaired thinking, will, memory and emotions.

Modern treatment of schizophrenia during an attack

During a psychosis or an attack of schizophrenia, it is necessary to take all measures for its speedy relief. Atypical antipsychotics are classified as antipsychotics modern drugs, allowing not only to remove productive symptoms (auditory or visual hallucinations and delusions), but also reduce possible violations of speech, memory, emotions, will and other mental functions, thereby minimizing the risk of destroying the patient's personality.

Drugs of this group are prescribed not only to patients at the stage of psychosis, but are also used to prevent relapses. Atypical antipsychotics are effective when the patient is allergic to other antipsychotics.

The effectiveness of cupping therapy depends on such factors:

Duration of the disease - with a duration of up to three years, the patient has a high chance of successful treatment with a long period of remission. Cupping therapy removes psychosis, and a relapse of the disease with properly conducted stabilizing and anti-relapse treatment may not occur until the end of life. If schizophrenia in a patient lasts from three to ten years or more, then the effectiveness of therapy decreases;

The patient's age is schizophrenia late age easier to treat than adolescent schizophrenia;

The onset and course of a psychotic disorder is an acute attack of a disease with a vivid course, which is characterized by strong emotional manifestations, pronounced affects (phobias, manic, depressive, anxiety states) responds well to treatment;

The patient's personality warehouse - if before the first psychosis the patient had a harmonious and balanced personality warehouse, there are more chances for successful treatment than people with infantilism and underdevelopment of intelligence before the onset of schizophrenia;

The reason for the exacerbation of schizophrenia is that if the attack was caused by exogenous factors (stress from the loss of loved ones or overstrain at work, in preparation for an exam or competition), then the treatment is quick and effective. If the exacerbation of schizophrenia occurred spontaneously for no apparent reason, then the relief of the attack is more difficult;

The nature of the disorder - with pronounced negative symptoms of the disease (impaired thinking, emotional perception, volitional qualities, memory and concentration), the treatment takes longer, its effectiveness is reduced.

Treatment of psychotic disorder (delusions, hallucinations, illusions and other productive symptoms)

Psychotic disorders are treated with antipsychotic drugs, which are divided into two groups: conventional antipsychotics and more modern atypical antipsychotics. The choice of the drug is made on the basis of the clinical picture, conventional antipsychotics are used if atypical antipsychotics are ineffective.

Olanzapine is a potent antipsychotic that can be given to all patients with schizophrenia during an attack.

The activating antipsychotic risperidone and amisulpride are prescribed for psychosis, during which delusions and hallucinations alternate with negative symptoms and depression.

Quetiapine is prescribed if the patient during psychosis has increased excitability, broken speech, delirium and hallucinations with strong psychomotor agitation.

Conventional or classical antipsychotics are prescribed for complex forms of schizophrenia - catatonic, undifferentiated and hebephrenic. They are used to treat protracted psychosis if treatment with the atypical antipsychotics listed above has failed.

With paranoid schizophrenia, Trisedil is prescribed.

Mazheptil is used to treat catatonic and hebephrenic forms.

If these drugs turned out to be ineffective, then the patient is prescribed antipsychotics with selective action, one of the first drugs in this group is Haloperidol. It removes the productive symptoms of psychosis - delirium, automatism of movements, psychomotor agitation, verbal hallucinations. However, long-term side effects include neurological syndrome, which is manifested by stiffness in the muscles and trembling in the limbs. To prevent these phenomena, doctors prescribe Cyclodol or other corrective drugs.

For the treatment of paranoid schizophrenia use:

Meterazin - if the attack is accompanied by systematized delirium;

Triftazin - with unsystematized delirium during psychosis;

Moditen - with pronounced negative symptoms with impaired speech, mental activity, emotions and will.

Atypical antipsychotics, which combine the properties of atypical and conventional drugs - Piportil and Clozapine.

Treatment with neuroleptics occurs 4-8 weeks from the onset of the attack, after which the patient is transferred to stabilizing therapy with maintenance doses of the drug, or the drug is changed to another, with a milder effect. Additionally, drugs that relieve psychomotor agitation may be prescribed.

Reducing the emotional saturation of experiences associated with delusions and hallucinations

Antipsychotic drugs are given for two to three days after the onset of symptoms, the choice depends on the clinical picture, with the introduction of Diazepam intravenously combined:

Quetiapine - prescribed to patients who have pronounced manic arousal;

Klopikson - prescribed for the treatment of psychomotor agitation, which is accompanied by anger and aggression; can be used to treat alcoholic psychoses, schizophrenia in people who are in a state of withdrawal after taking alcohol or drugs;

Clopixone-Acupaz - a prolonged form of the drug, is prescribed if the patient is not able to take the medicine regularly.

If the above antipsychotics were ineffective, the doctor prescribes conventional antipsychotics with sedative effect. The course of admission is 10-12 days, such a duration is necessary to stabilize the patient's condition after an attack.

Conventional neuroleptics with a sedative effect include:

Aminazine - prescribed for aggressive manifestations and anger during an attack;

Tizercin - if anxiety, anxiety and confusion prevail in the clinical picture;

Melperone, Propazine, Chlorprothixene - are prescribed to patients over the age of 60 or to people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys and liver.

Antipsychotic drugs are used to treat psychomotor agitation. To reduce the degree of emotional experiences of the patient caused by auditory, verbal or visual hallucinations and delirium, antidepressants and mood stabilizers are additionally prescribed. These drugs should be taken in the future as part of maintenance anti-relapse therapy, since they not only alleviate the subjective state of the patient and correct his mental disorders, but also allow him to quickly get involved in normal life.

Treatment of the depressive component in emotional disorders

The depressive component of a psychotic episode is removed with the help of antidepressants.

Among antidepressants for the treatment of the depressive component of schizophrenia, a group of serotonin reuptake inhibitors is distinguished. Venlafaxine and Ixel are most often prescribed. Venlafaxine removes anxiety, and Ixel successfully copes with the dreary component of depression. Cipralex combines both of these actions.

Heterocyclic antidepressants are used as second-line drugs with low efficacy of the above drugs. Their action is more powerful, but patient tolerance is worse. Amitriptyline relieves anxiety, Melipramine removes the dreary component, and Clomipramine successfully copes with any manifestations of depression.

Treatment of the manic component in emotional disorders

The manic component helps to remove the combination of neuroleptics with mood stabilizers, both during a psychotic episode and later in anti-relapse therapy. Drugs of choice in this case- normotimics Valprocom and Depakine, quickly and effectively eliminating manic manifestations. If a manic symptom weakly expressed, Lamotrigine is prescribed - it has a minimum of side effects and is well tolerated by patients.

The greatest effectiveness in the treatment of the manic component emotional disorders give lithium salts, but they should be used with caution, since they interact poorly with classical antipsychotics.

Treatment of drug-resistant psychosis

Pharmaceutical drugs are not always effective in treating schizophrenia. Then they talk about human resistance to drugs, similar to the resistance to antibiotics produced in bacteria with their constant influence.

In this case, it remains to resort to intensive methods of influence:

Electroconvulsive therapy - is carried out in a short course, at the same time as taking antipsychotics. To use electroconvulsions, the patient is prescribed general anesthesia, due to which the complexity of the procedure becomes similar to surgical operations. Such extreme treatment usually provokes a variety of cognitive impairments: attention, memory, conscious analysis and information processing. These effects are present when using bilateral electroconvulsions, but there is also a unilateral version of the therapy, which is more gentle on the nervous system.

Insulin shock therapy is an intense biological effect exerted on the patient's body by huge doses of insulin, which causes a hypoglycemic coma. It is prescribed in the absence of any result from the use of drugs. Intolerance to pharmaceuticals is an absolute indication for the use of this method. The so-called insulin-comatose therapy, invented back in 1933, is used to this day for the treatment of episodic or continuous paranoid schizophrenia. The unfavorable dynamics of the course of the disease is an additional reason for prescribing insulin shock therapy. When sensory delusions become interpretive, and anxiety, mania, and absent-mindedness are replaced by suspicion and uncontrollable malice, the doctor tends to use this method. The procedure is carried out without interrupting the course of neuroleptic drugs.

There are currently three options for using insulin to treat schizophrenia:

Traditional - subcutaneous administration of the active substance, is carried out in a course with a regular (most often daily) increase in doses until a coma is provoked. The effectiveness of this approach is the highest;

Forced - insulin is administered through a dropper to achieve the maximum concentration in one daily infusion. This method of inducing hypoglycemic coma allows the body to endure the procedure with the least harmful consequences;

Potentiated - involves the implementation of insulin-comatose therapy against the background of lateral physiotherapy, which is carried out by stimulating the skin with electricity in those places where the nerves pass to the cerebral hemispheres. The introduction of insulin is possible both in the first and in the second way. Thanks to physiotherapy, it is possible to shorten the course of treatment and focus the effect of the procedure on the manifestations of hallucinations and delusions.

Craniocerebral hypothermia is a specific method used in toxicology and narcology mainly for relief severe forms"break" state. The procedure consists in a gradual decrease in the temperature of the brain to form neuroprotection in nerve cells. There is evidence of the efficiency of the method in the treatment of catatonic schizophrenia. It is especially recommended because of the episodic resistance of this type of pathology to medicines.

Lateral therapy is a method of severe relief of psychomotor, hallucinogenic, manic and depressive excitations. It consists in conducting electroanalgesia of a certain area of ​​the cerebral cortex. Exposure to electricity "reboots" neurons, much like a computer turns on after a power failure. Thus, previously formed pathological connections are broken, due to which a therapeutic effect is achieved.

Detoxification is a fairly rare decision made to compensate for the side effects of taking heavy drugs such as antipsychotics. It is most often used for complications due to the use of antipsychotics, allergies to similar drugs, resistance or poor susceptibility to drugs. Detoxification consists in carrying out the procedure of hemosorption.

Sorption is carried out with activated carbon or ion-exchange resins that are capable of specifically absorbing and neutralizing chemical components that remain in the blood after taking heavy medications. Hemosorption is carried out in several stages, which increases the sensitivity to drugs prescribed after this procedure.

If observed lingering course psychosis or extrapyramidal disorders, such as impaired coordination and parkinsonism, arising from long courses of conventional antipsychotics, plasmapheresis is prescribed (blood sampling with subsequent removal of its liquid part - plasma containing harmful toxins and metabolites). As during hemosorption, any previously prescribed pharmaceuticals are canceled in order to restart a milder course with a lower dosage or a radical change in the drugs used after plasmapheresis.

Stabilizing treatment for schizophrenia

It is necessary to stabilize the patient's condition for 3 to 9 months from the moment complete healing from bouts of schizophrenia. First of all, during the stabilization of the patient, it is necessary to achieve the cessation of hallucinations, delusions, manic and depressive symptoms. In addition, in the course of treatment, it is necessary to restore the full functionality of the patient, close to his state before the attack.

Stabilization treatment is completed only when remission is achieved, followed by maintenance therapy against relapses.

The drugs of choice are mainly Amisulpride, Quetiapine and Risperidone. They are used in low dosages to mildly correct such symptoms of schizophrenia as apathy, anhedonia, speech disorders, lack of motivation and will.

Other drugs have to be used if a person cannot constantly take antipsychotics on his own, and his family cannot control this. Long-acting drugs can be taken once a week, these include Clopixol-Depot, Rispolept-Konsta and Fluanxol-Depot.

With neurosis-like symptoms, including phobias and increased anxiety, take Fluanxol-Depot, while with hypersensitivity, irritability and manic symptoms are well helped by Klopiksol-Depot. Rispolept-Konsta can remove residual hallucinations and delusions.

Conventional neuroleptics are prescribed in last resort if all of the above drugs do not cope with the task.

In stabilizing treatment, apply:

Haloperidol - is used if the attack is stopped poorly and not completely, the drug removes residual psychotic phenomena to increase the stability of remission. Assign Haloperidol with caution, as it can provoke extrapyramidal disorders, neurological syndrome. Be sure to combine with corrective preparations;

Triftazin - used to treat episodic paranoid schizophrenia;

Moditen-Depot - removes residual hallucinatory symptoms;

Piportil is used to treat paranoid or catatonic schizophrenia.

Maintenance (anti-relapse) treatment of schizophrenia

Maintenance treatment is necessary to prevent recurrence of the disease. With a good combination of various circumstances, thanks to this type of therapy, there is a significant prolongation of remission and partial or even full recovery social functions of the patient. Drugs prescribed during anti-relapse treatment are able to correct the disturbances in memory, will, too strong emotional susceptibility and thought processes that are caused by the state of psychotic disorder.

The course of treatment is usually two years, if the psychotic episode occurred for the first time. After its repetition, anti-relapse therapy should last at least five years. Rarely, but it comes to the point that psychosis happens for the third time. In this case, treatment has to be continued until the end of life, otherwise a relapse is inevitable.

The list of drugs used for maintenance therapy includes the same antipsychotics as in the treatment of seizures, but in a much lower dosage - no more than a third of the amount required for the traditional relief of psychosis.

Non-drug drug treatment

Among the most effective drugs maintenance anti-relapse therapy can be distinguished Risperidone, Quetiapine, Amisulpride and other atypical antipsychotics. With a decrease in individual sensitivity to active ingredients in addition to the above medicines, Sertindole may be prescribed.

When even atypical antipsychotics fail desired effect, and it is not possible to stabilize the patient's condition with the prolongation of remission, conventional antipsychotic drugs are used: Piportil, Moditen-Depot, Haloperidol, Triftazin.

Long-acting (depot) forms of drugs may be prescribed if the patient fails to take drugs regularly, and his caregivers cannot control this. Deposition of Fluanxol-Depot, Clopixol-Depot and Rispolept-Konsta is carried out by intramuscular or subcutaneous injection once a week.

Another group of pharmaceuticals used in anti-relapse therapy is mood stabilizers, which demonstrate a fairly high efficacy in the treatment of sluggish type schizophrenia. With cognitive disorders such as panic attacks and depressive states, Valprok and Depakine are prescribed. Lithium salts, Lamotrigine help relieve passive disorders - anxiety and melancholy mood, and Carbamazepine is indicated for patients with a tendency to irritable behavior and aggression.

Non-drug methods of anti-relapse therapy

Lateral physiotherapy is used to enhance the effectiveness of medical treatment. The method consists in electrical action on skin areas, regulated by the right or left hemisphere of the brain.

Lateral phototherapy has been successfully used to treat a wide variety of phobias, increased or decreased sensitivity, anxiety, paranoia and other symptoms of neurosis. During the phototherapy procedure, the right and left parts of the retina are alternately exposed to light pulses, the frequency of which determines the stimulating or calming effect.

Intravascular laser irradiation - blood purification using a special laser device. It is able to increase sensitivity to medications, which reduces their required dosage and minimizes side effects.

Pair polarization therapy is a procedure for correcting disorders in emotional sphere through the action of electricity on the surface of the cerebral cortex.

Transcranial micropolarization is a method of selectively influencing brain structures using an electric field, which allows you to remove hallucinations and residual effects at the stage of remission.

Transcranial magnetic stimulation - this type of impact on brain structures allows you to relieve depression; in this case, the influence on the brain occurs through a constant magnetic field;

Enterosorption. Like intravascular laser irradiation, this type of exposure is aimed at increasing the body's sensitivity to drugs in order to reduce their dose required to achieve a therapeutic effect. It is a course of sorbent preparations taken orally, including activated charcoal, Enterosgel, Filtrum, Polyphepan, Smecta. Sorbents are used due to their ability to bind various toxins to remove them from the body in an organic way.

Immunomodulators - have a complex effect on the body, allowing not only to improve the effectiveness of immunity, which helps a person to regenerate after damage caused by an attack, but also to increase sensitivity to antipsychotic drugs.

In complex therapy, various immunomodulatory agents are used:

Latest folk remedies

Methods of dealing with toxicosis.

Toxicosis is the most unpleasant thing in the course of pregnancy. Most pregnant women face it mainly in the morning. This disease can be overcome without medication.

It all depends on the body and first you need to determine what helps with nausea sweet (suck a slice of tangerine) or sour (suck a slice of lemon).

Sometimes your assistant can be a salted cracker, lightly salted cucumber or sauerkraut.

One of the tested remedies for toxicosis is mint. Choose what is more convenient to use - mints, chewing gum or tea.

Remedy for heart pain

It is unacceptable to joke with the heart, therefore it is necessary to adhere to all the prescriptions of doctors. However, undeniable benefit folk methods doctors do not deny. A healing elixir that promotes the normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels is obtained by mixing the two compositions.

1 composition. Mix honey (0.5 kg) with vodka (500 ml). Putting on a small fire, constantly stir. When a white film forms on the surface of the mixture, we finish heating and let the composition brew.

2 composition. Prepare an infusion of the following herbs:

Dill and fennel in the fight against enuresis.

Children's enuresis can be for several reasons. Including due to the weakness of the muscles that work to contract the urethra and regulate the process of urination.

To combat this disease, the child should be taught to include these muscles in the work when required. To do this, during the process of urination, the child must force these muscles to contract, which will cause interruption of urination. Then loosen, cut again, loosen again. When the child learns to control his muscles, he will stop peeking into his shorts during the day.

A mask that will strengthen your hair.

Now, when the hair is dyed monthly, they are depleted, so do not be lazy and do next mask. It will strengthen and accelerate the growth of your hair.

Take a small carrot and grate it on a fine grater, pour in 1/3 cup sea ​​buckthorn juice and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of castor oil. Mix and apply to the scalp, wrap and hold for 2 hours, then rinse.

Treatment of acne folk remedies

To combat this problem, you need to eat right. Avoid fish and fatty meats whenever possible fewer eggs, sugar, do not drink strong tea and coffee. The main place in the patient's diet should be occupied by fruits and vegetables, and about once a month, for 3-4 days, you need to arrange fruit diet. And instead of regular tea, it is useful to drink infusion on mint leaves. Still good to drink Fresh Juice from carrots, nettles and beets.

Remove bags under the eyes

The frantic rhythm of life, constant sleep deprivation and overtime work make themselves felt. Sleep less than eight hours makes itself felt bags under the eyes. Their appearance does not please anyone, and a beautiful morning is overshadowed by thoughts of how to remove these ill-fated bags. Contrasting herbal teas will quickly help to cope with the problem. For this, sage, chamomile or parsley are suitable. To prepare a herbal compress, you need to pour boiling water over any of the above herbs for 20 minutes. After that, cool the broth. Slightly warm broth moistens cotton swab and apply to the eyes for 10-15 minutes.

Treatment of food poisoning with herbs and activated charcoal.

Food poisoning is quite common. Our stores often sell spoiled products. There are a lot of dyes and preservatives in meat and dairy products, and nitrates in vegetables. All this leads to food poisoning.

If you are poisoned food products, be treated by the method described below.

1. Drink warm boiled water and cleanse the stomach.

2. Drink 2-3 activated charcoal tablets.

Causes, symptoms and treatment of hemorrhoids during exacerbation: drugs and folk remedies, their action and use

According to the International Classification of Diseases of the 10th revision, the symptoms of proctological disease are observed in 80% of the adult population of the planet. The pathological condition begins to worsen if the disease is left untreated for a long time.

Inflammation hemorrhoids may result from long-term acute attack even if previously the pathology was asymptomatic.

This condition means damage to the vessels due to a violation of the systemic circulation in the anal area. Because of this, not coping with the blood flow, they begin to deform, thicken and protrude, resulting in the formation of bumps.

Why do hemorrhoids get inflamed? The bumps that form as a result of the expansion of the venous vessels can become aggravated, causing inflammatory reactions that begin after the addition of bacterial and infectious agents as a result of creating favorable conditions for them in the lumen of the rectum.

What exacerbates hemorrhoids? Inflammation of hemorrhoids occurs due to various reasons. The first is a late admission to the hospital. If the disease does not bother, but the patient knows about its presence, treatment is required.

The following factors lead to the acute course of the pathological condition:

  • nutritional errors;
  • problems with bowel movements;
  • prolonged stay on your feet or a sedentary lifestyle;
  • weight lifting.
  • Inflammation occurs due to friction on underwear, therefore, in the presence of this pathology, only cotton items should be worn.

    The causes of exacerbation of the disease in women is pregnancy. During this period there is strong pressure on OMT due to a growing fetus, as a result, blood circulation is disturbed and an exacerbation of chronic hemorrhoids begins.

    The disease can become inflamed after childbirth. A woman needs to push hard, and this causes an acute attack.

    The causes of exacerbation of hemorrhoids can be psychological. The disease becomes inflamed if the patient experiences constant stress, mental and emotional overstrain. In modern society, psychosis and depression have become commonplace.

    The causes of proctologic disease may indicate alcohol abuse, poor hygiene of the rectum and perinatal area.

    With this pathological condition, one should not get too carried away with hot baths and use coarse toilet paper. Especially if the patient has an acute external hemorrhoids with signs of bleeding.

    At acute inflammation hemorrhoids symptoms appear immediately. The first symptom is pain in the anus.

    Acute pain with hemorrhoids is common. This symptom accompanies the patient everywhere. Begins to intensify after the act of defecation, cutting underwear into anus, after the patient begins to actively move and carry heavy loads.

    With inflammation of the hemorrhoids, the symptoms may be as follows:

  • they begin to bleed;
  • there is severe itching in the rectum;
  • the disease is accompanied by burning;
  • spasm of the sphincter due to prolapse;
  • thrombosis of vessels in the anus.
  • The internal appearance of the disease is accompanied by incomplete bowel movements. The lump can only be detected when digital examination rectum.

    Signs of inflamed hemorrhoids:

  • the anus is reddened;
  • the bump is hard to the touch;
  • the bump has a bluish color;
  • swelling is observed;
  • patients move slowly.
  • In acute hemorrhoids, the symptoms and treatment of which are recorded in ICD 10 under code I84, intestinal dysbacteriosis develops, manifested by hypovitaminosis, immunodeficiency, and hypersensitivity of the body.

    Also, an inflamed node, if left untreated, can lead to the development of cryptitis (inflammation of the sinuses of the rectal canal, due to the penetration of pathogens). The symptoms are similar, only added general weakness, heaviness in the stomach, the release of pus during the act of defecation.

    The main methods of therapy

    Treatment of hemorrhoids during exacerbation begins with a visit to the proctologist, the doctor:

  • performs a physical examination;
  • appoints the delivery of a number of tests;
  • determines the cause.
  • After clarifying these conditions, the proctologist will tell you how to relieve inflammation of hemorrhoids. Most often, topical preparations are prescribed.

    These funds include:

    With severe inflammation of the hemorrhoids, the treatment is slightly adjusted. Add pills and painkillers.

    Non-traditional methods of therapy help to reduce exacerbation. They prepare lotions, cooling compresses, rectal suppositories, sitz baths on their own.

    Medical therapy

    How to treat acute hemorrhoids? Therapy of a pathological condition depends on the stage of its development, the general condition of the person, the clinical picture. Special attention should be given to the disease if the woman is in position.

    Treatment of acute hemorrhoids begins with the use of conservative ways appointed by the proctologist. Therapeutic process is to eliminate exacerbation, inflammation and pain.

    How to relieve exacerbation of hemorrhoids at home? First aid for exacerbation of hemorrhoids should be provided at home. With inflammation, some measures should be taken before visiting a doctor if the patient is having a hard time with the disease.

    For severe pain and inflammation, it is recommended:

  • apply ice;
  • you need to lie down, a sitting or standing position puts pressure on the bumps, which leads to increased soreness;
  • give a cleansing enema if going to the toilet causes pain;
  • in the evening and in the morning do a cold bath with a solution of potassium permanganate.
  • The acute form of hemorrhoids is characteristic fast development. The surrounding tissues also begin to become inflamed, if timely measures are not taken.

    It is not worth delaying a visit to the attending doctor.

    What to do with acute hemorrhoids of internal origin? With cones inside the rectum, suppositories are prescribed.

  • eliminate itching;
  • stop pain;
  • reduce the inflammatory response.
  • The candle will relieve burning sensation, dissolve blood clots, restore the affected area and tissues around it.

    The positive effect of suppositories is felt after the introduction of several suppositories into the anus. The agent is administered lying down. Before use, a cleansing enema should be performed.

    1. They take potatoes, cut out a candle with a rounded end on one side from the root crop. The candle is inserted into the anus 1-2 times a day. If the cones are outside, use grated potatoes in the form of a lotion.
    2. It will take 50–100 g of belladonna, 200 g of butter, 40 ml of an aqueous suspension of propolis. The medicine can be prepared to make a suppository or a liquid product. In the first case, solid propolis should be used, in the second, an aqueous suspension.
    3. Take 20 g of propolis extract, 80 g of wax and petroleum jelly, you will also need a little cocoa butter. The ingredients are melted in a water bath, the resulting mixture is poured into pre-prepared molds for suppositories. After hardening, suppositories are injected into the anus 2 times a day.
    4. Fat and alcohol, 40 g of propolis are taken in equal proportions. The bee product is mixed with the second component, infused in a dark place for 1.5 weeks. Then the product is put on fire, boiled until the alcohol has completely evaporated. After adding fat, pour the mixture into molds. Candles should be stored in the refrigerator.

    Treatment of acute hemorrhoids with rectal suppositories is carried out until the symptoms disappear completely.

    One course of therapy is 1-2 weeks. If necessary, it is repeated.

    Decoctions for baths and infusions for microclysters

    With proctological disease, it is necessary to use cold baths. They better remove signs of a pathological condition.

    To prepare the bath, use boiled water, cooled to 18-20 degrees. The procedure takes 5 minutes.

    However, sometimes warm baths are allowed. They are prepared on the basis of chamomile, oak bark, onion peel, garlic, manganese.

    Natural ingredients can relieve pain, reduce inflammatory reactions. Over time, the disease will cease to bother at all.

    To prepare them, you need clean gauze, a solution medicinal product, plastic wrap or oilcloth so that the fabric does not dry out for a long time.

    Ice compresses or cold water are considered the best. They quickly relieve pain and inflammation, eliminate the acute course of the disease. The fabric is moistened in cold water, changed as it heats up. You can also buy a heating pad where ice is placed.

    Cold compresses should not be used in the presence of inflammatory diseases in the pelvis.

    Folk remedies are used simultaneously with medicines. Severe pain, profuse bleeding, purulent discharge from the anus require inpatient therapy. Such symptoms should not be ignored, much less treated on their own.

    Effective folk remedies for alcohol

    Many people who are addicted to alcohol prefer to use folk remedies for the treatment of alcoholism, rather than using pills and other medications.

    And do it anonymously. When a person consciously approaches the presence of a problem, realizing that he suffers from alcoholism, he has a strong intention to return to a full life. And folk remedies will help him in this. You can take them both independently and simultaneously with medications, making both of them part of a single complex treatment.

    The main thing is that the initiative to stop drinking alcohol comes directly from the patient himself. Then, listening to the prompts of his own body, he will be able to choose "his recipe", and recovery will go much faster. If a person sees nothing wrong with regular alcohol consumption, relatives can help him cope with the problem. Caring person next to it adds the chances of winning in the treatment of alcoholism in a loved one.

    The principle of operation of folk remedies

    Since the issue requires a delicate approach and is very relevant, let's take a closer look at folk methods for treating alcoholism.

    Traditional healers offer many ways to treat alcohol addiction, which are based on infused and boiled herbs, taking other natural products. Self-treatment of alcoholism is carried out with their help or they are treated anonymously. The purpose of all manipulations carried out with the help of traditional medicine (not pills) is to cause a characteristic disgust and rejection of alcohol.

    Classic treatment options

    These folk recipes for decoctions and infusions to get rid of addiction are used if there is a strong desire to eliminate addiction directly from the patient through self-medication.

    Herbal collection No. 1. In equal parts, yarrow grass is mixed with wormwood, St. John's wort and mint. Finely chopped angelica root and more juniper berries are added to the collection. A dessert spoonful of the mixture is brewed with a glass of boiling water, insisted for 10 minutes. They drink the remedy in a glass four times a day. Herbs are best used freshly cut rather than dried.

    Herbal collection number 2. Mix 4 table. tablespoons creeping thyme with centaury and wormwood, taken 1 teaspoon each. 1 table is separated from the collection. spoon and pour 1 tbsp. boiling water. Wait 1 hour to infuse, then filter. Drink a decoction before meals for 20 minutes in the amount of 1-2 table. spoons.

    Bay leaf. 2 leaves of lavrushka are added to 250 ml of vodka. The infusion is kept warm for a couple of weeks. An addicted person can take 2-3 tbsp. spoons of infusion before meals. Lavrushka contributes to indigestion and vomiting, which completely discourages cravings for alcohol. It is recommended to drink during the week - 10 days every day.

    Bearberry decoction. 2 table. tablespoons of bearberry leaf pour a glass of boiling water. They put it on fire and wait for it to boil. The broth is cooled. Take 1 table. spoon 6 times a day. The time of meals does not affect the reception of the decoction. This method has shown its effectiveness in curing beer alcoholism. This folk remedy for alcoholism involves treatment for 2 months.

    Oats and calendula. Unpeeled oats are poured into a 3-liter saucepan to its middle. Water is poured on top, filling the oats to the top with it. The pan is put on the stove and brought to a boil, after which it is cooked for another half an hour - 40 minutes. The broth is drained, put in it 100 g of calendula flowers. Cover with a lid, wrap and put in heat. After 12 hours, the broth is filtered. Reception of decoction: 200 g before meals three times a day. Aversion to alcohol appears on the 3rd or 4th day.

    The use of curly sorrel. Table. a spoonful of curly sorrel root is poured with boiling water, then boiled for another 5 or 7 minutes under the lid. The broth is wrapped and left for three hours. A folk remedy for alcohol for self-medication is taken 6 times a day, 1 table. spoon. Folk preparations from sorrel help to get out of hard drinking, cause a strong dislike for drunkenness.

    Sheep treatment. 10 g of ram branches are poured into 200 g of boiling water and boiled for a quarter of an hour over low heat. The decoction is consumed in the amount of 2 tables. spoons, along with alcohol. Taking such a remedy should provoke nausea and vomiting. After 3-4 procedures of drinking this drink, there is a feeling of reflex aversion to alcohol. Before you begin to be treated with a ram, you need to pause in taking alcohol for at least 4 days.

    With a strong desire to drinking man to cope with drunkenness, these methods will work more effectively.

    Treatment for alcoholism anonymously

    Very often, an alcoholic does not consider himself such, and even more so refuses the proposed treatment (he does not consider self-treatment), ignoring the helping hand of a loved one extended to him. Then the only way out of the situation for his relatives is the decision to treat the alcoholic without his knowledge.

    Tincture of walnut earrings. Earrings from walnut are harvested at the moment of their blooming. A 0.5 liter bottle is three-quarters filled with earrings, adding vodka to the top. The infusion is kept for 10 days in the dark. After that, the finished infusion is placed in a bottle in a well-visible place where the patient could notice and drink it. Then you can give the infusion to drink at some intervals, thereby forming a persistent aversion to vodka.

    Crayfish shell medicine. Crayfish are boiled and released from shells. The shells are washed into powder, which is then mixed into the patient's food, half a teaspoon three times a day. The powder has its effect after drinking alcohol: nausea and vomiting appear. The remedy is used until the person being treated completely refuses drunkenness.

    Wormwood with thyme. These herbs can be used as a drug for alcoholism, both independently and together. For collection: wormwood is mixed with thyme in the same ratio (1/1). Three table. spoons of the mixture are poured with boiling water (1 cup), insist 1 hour. The prepared broth is added to dishes and drinks that the patient consumes or mixed directly into vodka. The combination of alcohol and decoction leads to severe indigestion, nausea and vomiting. The course of treatment is from 5 days to two weeks, depending on the individual condition of the patient.

    Pepper tincture. 20 g of red pepper powder is poured into 0.5 liters of alcohol (vodka). A tightly closed container is left in a dark place for two weeks. Periodically shake the bottle when the contents in it are infused. The finished infusion is filtered and mixed with wine, which the patient will drink. For 1 liter of wine drip 3 drops of tincture. After the container is completely empty, the craving for alcohol should completely disappear.

    Oleander. Oleander leaf (5 pieces) is crushed and poured into 0.5 liters of vodka. The infusion is kept for 10 days, after which it is filtered. A person suffering from drunkenness is given to drink 50 g per day as a hangover remedy. After taking 2.5 liters of infusion, the craving for booze will disappear.

    With a similar approach, any folk remedy with wormwood, based on lovage, European hoof, hellebore water is used to treat addiction to drunkenness.

    Other home treatment options

    To reduce cravings for alcohol, resort to treatment with folk remedies. That is, they use standard products that cause rejection of alcohol and stronger body resistance.

    If you decide to help a loved one who drinks, then you can start at home tea mushroom. An infusion of the mushroom significantly reduces the craving for alcohol. Drink one glass of infused mushroom for a week several times a day.

    A teaspoon of lyubistik (shredded root) and two leaves of parsley are poured into a glass of vodka and kept for two weeks. Strained infusion is given to the patient 1 teaspoon 4 times a day. This folk method contributes to the appearance of aversion to drunkenness.

    Honey treatment. The use of folk methods of treatment with honey and its products is based on the fact that craving for vodka can be caused by a lack of potassium in the body of a man. The constant intake of honey as a source of potassium neutralizes the intention to drink, contributing to the recovery of the body from the effects of alcohol. Every 20 minutes for 1 hour, the patient is given 6 teaspoons to eat (18 tablespoons in 1 hour). Then they pause for 2 hours. After that, the procedure with the adoption of honey is performed again. For breakfast on the second morning, the alcoholic is again given honey in the same amount (before taking honey, you can get drunk). After breakfast, another 6 teaspoons are served. If the process is repeated for 3-4 days, there will be aversion to vodka and wine.

    Apples, sour in taste, significantly reduce the craving for vodka, if you eat three of them every day. For 6 weeks, continue treatment with apples, while it makes sense to follow a diet.

    Treatment with lemon juice. On an empty stomach, drink freshly squeezed juice of 5 lemons, which is mixed with a couple of tablespoons of granulated sugar and 100 ml of water. The acid contained in the lemon will relieve cravings for alcohol if you use the lemon for a month and a half. This method is contraindicated for those who suffer from ulcers and stomach and duodenal ulcers.

    A mixture of cabbage and pomegranate juice (quite an effective way). Prepare two freshly squeezed juices: one from fresh cabbage, the other from pomegranate seeds. It is better to prepare juices yourself at home, and not to take ready-made purchased ones from the store. Mixed and given in this form four times a day for half a cup before meals. The recipe can be diversified by adding half a glass of apple cider vinegar to the juices. Everyone is boiling. Having cooled, the remedy is taken at 1 table. spoon before each meal. Efficiency this method testify to the opinions of the people who took it.

    Perga (bee bread) is considered very effective means getting rid of addiction. It is especially worth noting the fact that by using this tool, you will significantly reduce the consequences of the occurrence of mental trauma. And all this becomes noticeable after 2-3 days from the start of the course. Half an hour before meals, take 0.5 teaspoons of bee bread and 0.5 teaspoons of honey. Do not swallow immediately: the product is kept in the mouth longer, dissolving it. And healing effect comes about precisely because of this. Taken 3 times a day. For prevention - 3 times a week. The use of bee bread has a positive effect on the blood circulation of the brain, reducing the need for alcohol, and improving liver function.

    Tea reception. Mixed in equal proportions: yarrow, wormwood, mint. The collection is mixed with the roots of angelica and calamus (0.5 parts each) with juniper fruits. The whole mixture is crushed. Tea is brewed at the rate of: 1 tbsp. of boiling water take 1 handful of cooked collection. The patient is given tea for 10 days to two weeks four times a day. Then they stop for five days and repeat the course. It is possible to treat with tea for two to five months, until the craving for alcohol disappears.

    It is possible to use medicinal teas for long-term treatment consequences of alcohol intoxication. The composition of drink 31 for alcoholism includes herbs that make tea more useful than plain black or green tea. All components are added to tea and infused for 30 minutes or heated for a quarter of an hour. The lists of herbs used for making tea are diverse:

    • rose hips, currant leaves, wild strawberries, thyme, blackberries (in equal proportions) are added to black tea, let it brew;
    • apple peel is boiled in water for a quarter of an hour on low heat, 3 minutes before the end of cooking, dry citrus zest is sometimes added, the mixture is added to tea;
    • centaury and azan in equal parts, the cooking method is the same.
    • Combination with medication

      Regular use of such tea will cleanse the body of toxins, have an anti-inflammatory effect, and after some time will bring the work of organs and systems affected by drunkenness back to normal. Of course, these drugs do not completely remove the craving for alcohol.

      Therefore, it is advisable to use medicinal drinks after undergoing a medical course of treatment with tablets - in order to normalize the functioning of the body and get rid of the consequences of drinking alcohol.

      You can read the testimonials of those who have taken tea for rehabilitation after medical treatment for alcoholism.

    In an attempt to cure neurosis, patients bypass many doctors, take a bunch of pills. However, it is only partially possible to treat neurosis with medications, basically they only eliminate the symptoms. Sooner or later, a person makes attempts to cope with the problem on his own, tries to help himself with others, non-traditional methods. Some people start their search with this, as a rule, they are too busy to run to the doctors, and initially try to solve the problem on their own.

    First of all, neurosis is often caused by the presence of other diseases, for example, a violation of hormonal background. And the symptoms of this disease are similar to many other diseases (for example, seizures, and pain in the heart can be caused by a neurological or cardiac disease). Without high-quality medical diagnostics, you will never determine what exactly you are dealing with. Therefore, in any case, you will have to undergo a full medical examination.

    In addition, since the development of neurosis is provoked psychological reasons(stress, conflicts), then psychotherapeutic help is also needed. Just as a surgeon is unable to help himself and operate on himself, so we cannot always see our psychological problems yourself, you need an outside perspective. This is especially true for neurosis. obsessive states- getting rid of obsessive ideas and thoughts without the help of a specialist is quite difficult.

    However, it is quite possible to replace taking pills with natural remedies. How to provide yourself with all possible psychological assistance.

    A person with a strong and stable nervous system requires very serious stress for the occurrence neurotic states(for example, the death of a loved one, the overstress of war, etc.). If this is not your case, most likely, you are the owner of a completely different nervous system (high sensitivity, vulnerability, emotional instability, fatigue). These properties are given by nature from birth, they cannot be cured. But it can and should be taken into account in order to protect oneself from the occurrence of neuroses and other neurotic conditions.

    1. Develop and observe a certain daily routine, it allows you to make the nervous system more balanced, stable. It is necessary to sleep enough (at least 9-10 hours a day), go to bed no later than 22:00. There should be moderate physical activity, daily walks are required. Do not allow mental and physical overload, learn to switch to rest in time.
    2. Give up bad habits (alcohol, smoking) and intake of stimulating drinks (coffee, strong tea, energy drinks).
    3. Develop relaxation skills (a few examples will be given below) and apply as needed.
    4. Apply sedatives as needed aroma oils, do not bring the nervous system to exhaustion and the emergence of neurotic states. After all, it is much more difficult to cure a neurosis than to prevent it.

    Although the treatment of neurosis with folk remedies refers to alternative medicine, actually a more traditional method for treating similar states you can’t imagine - after all, our ancestors have been using it for centuries. To treat any form of neurosis (hysterical neurosis, neurasthenia, obsessive compulsive disorder), medicinal plants with a sedative effect (motherwort, hawthorn, valerian, mint, oregano, skullcap, etc.) are used, their infusions are taken in the evening and before going to bed. And in the mornings, infusions of herbs are used that have stimulating, tonic properties (lemongrass, rhodiola, leuzea, etc.).

    Here are a few options for sedative fees that you can prepare yourself:

    1. Watch leaves (2 parts), mint leaves (2 parts), hop cones (1 part), valerian root (1 part). Take 1 tablespoon of the mixture, pour 1 cup of boiling water. Insist 20 min. The collection is effective for irritability, insomnia, obsessive-compulsive disorders.
    2. Take in equal parts such herbs: cumin fruits, fennel fruits, valerian roots, motherwort herb. Brew similarly to recipe 1. The collection helps to treat insomnia, reduces excitability and irritability.
    3. Chamomile flowers (3 parts), cumin fruits (5 parts), valerian root (2 parts). Brew similarly to recipe 1. Effective for obsessive fears, helps treat insomnia, reduces excitability.
    4. In equal parts, take the following herbs: motherwort herb, valerian roots, mint leaves, hop cones, rose hips. 1 tablespoon of the mixture in a glass of boiling water, brew for 1 hour. It has a calming effect, helps with hysterical conditions, obsessive-compulsive disorder.

    There are also a number of separate recipes that are effective for obsessive-compulsive disorders:

    1. Viburnum berries (5 tablespoons) are ground into gruel, add 700 ml of boiling water. Insist, strain after 4 hours. Take 0.5 cup 4 times a day, half an hour before meals. At the same time, nutrition should be complete, rich in nutrients.
    2. In 1 glass of hot milk, put 1 clove of garlic (pre-crush it into a pulp). Take 1 time per day, in the morning, half an hour before breakfast.
    3. Valerian root tincture and milk are mixed in equal proportions. Take 3 times a day for 1/3 cup.

    Treatment of neuroses with folk remedies avoids side effects and addiction (as in drug treatment). However, between courses of herbal treatment, you also need to take breaks.

    Below are a few more popular recipes used to treat neurosis of various kinds:

    1. With hypochondria, depression, prolonged bad mood: brew black hornwort, 1 tablespoon of dry grass per 1 cup of boiling water. Insist, strain and take for 1 month, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day half an hour before meals.
    2. With suspiciousness, phobias, fears: put 2 large sheets of a golden mustache in the refrigerator for a long period. After 10 days, take out, grind, pour 0.5 liters of boiled water, insist and strain. Separately, we prepare an infusion of heather (1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water), boil over low heat for 10 minutes, leave for 2 hours, strain. Next, take heather infusion throughout the day (as tea), adding 1 tablespoon of golden mustache infusion to each cup.
    3. To treat tantrums, folk medicine uses the following recipe: crow roots are brewed at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 300 ml of boiling water, take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
    4. With absent-mindedness and hysteria, the following recipe is also used: sage (2 parts), motherwort (2 parts) and chicory (1 part). 10 g collection pour 200 ml cold water, boil for 10 minutes, then insist 1 hour. Take 2-3 times a day as tea (50-100 ml) with honey.

    In addition, you can use the healing power of nature by applying baths with sedative fees or ready coniferous extract(sold in a pharmacy), use aromatic oils with a calming effect (mint, pine, lavender).

    To treat neuroses, aromatic oils can be used both in aroma lamps and for soothing baths (5-6 drops of one type of oil, or the same number of drops of a composition of several oils in a bath of water). Water should not be hot, the optimum temperature is about 37 degrees.

    There are many relaxation techniques that you can use at home.

    Meditation is often associated with the spiritual practices of the East, to some extent this is true, meditation really comes from there. But today it has long and tightly entered the practice of many people in our country.

    Meditation helps the body to relax, let go of disturbing thoughts, calm the mind. No special knowledge is required for this.

    1. Play some soft, calm music (soft instrumental music is fine, especially when paired with nature sounds).
    2. Close your eyes, gradually calm your breath, breathe evenly and measuredly.
    1. Imagine that you are in a beautiful corner of nature (for example, in a forest, or by the sea).
    2. Observe, as if from the outside, what is happening in your mind, what thoughts come to mind, what fears you have.
    3. As you exhale, imagine that you are letting go of your fears, doubts, resentments and pain, and they turn into white, fluffy clouds that fly away, farther and farther, and disappear over the horizon. As you inhale, imagine that the sun fills you with its light and warmth. Breathe in this way until your mind is completely cleared of negative thought patterns.
    4. Gradually come out of meditation.

    This is just one example, but there are many options. In the same way, you can exercise muscle relaxation (you gradually relax all parts of the body in turn during meditation, from the periphery to the center).

    Also, in the treatment of neurosis, breathing exercises are effective. Methods shallow breathing can be trained by a specialist. For independent application use just counting breathing (conscious breathing) first. To do this, lying with your eyes closed, just count how long the inhalation and exhalation lasts. Then try to control your breathing - inhale for 4-5 counts, and exhale for the same number of counts. Conscious breathing clears the mind of intrusive thoughts calm the nervous system.

    It is better to learn autogenic training from a psychotherapist, and in the future you yourself will be able to perform it at home. A specialist is needed to help you choose the right, correct formulations for relaxation (for example, you can say “forehead is cool” or “head is warm”, but you cannot say “forehead is cold” or “head is hot” - this can cause too sharp inflow or outflow of blood , respectively cause dizziness, etc.).

    There are many methods and recipes for treating neurosis at home. But in order to cure the disease completely, there must be a harmonious set of measures, individual, suitable for this particular person. Try not to neglect the help of specialists to get the maximum result.

    Depressive manic psychosis

    Methods of treatment with folk remedies

    A disease such as depressive psychosis, is not always pronounced. People with this disease usually look normal, their behavior is quite adequate. We just think that mental illness will never affect us. However, a large number of people around us suffer from one or another disease associated with a mental disorder. Correctly this disease is called manic - depressive psychosis.

    Often the condition of sick people is characterized by a change in emotional state, a period of excitement (manic mood) is replaced by a depressed mood (depressive state). Between mood swings, the disease may disappear completely. These people can live and work in society, have a family. But relatives should know that such a person needs to be protected, to create a favorable emotional environment in the family. This disease may be hereditary. Moreover, it is worth emphasizing that it is not a disease that is inherited, but a predisposition. This disease begins to make itself felt somewhere in the age of thirty.

    Usually relatives at the first stage begin to notice the harbingers of the disease. This is expressed in the unstable emotional state of the patient. This person has too many mood swings. Then the mood phases begin to be traced more clearly. At the same time, the excited state is shorter than the depressed state.

    the main problem is to identify these harbingers of the disease in time to seek medical help in time. Otherwise, there will inevitably be a transition to the disease - manic - depressive psychosis.

    Almost always, this disease occurs for the most part in a depressive state, which is characterized by a depressed mood, the patient may be in some lethargy, be indifferent to what is happening around him, he often has an unreasonable feeling of guilt, he begins to accuse himself of non-existent actions, engages in self-flagellation. In such a depressed mood, a person often bends over and makes suicide attempts. If this patient is not provided with medical assistance, then this can lead to a complete stupor - he stops moving, talking, constantly lies, does not even go to the toilet. He does not want to drink and eat, he does not respond to speech and when they turn to him.

    Naturally, the patient's physical condition worsens, he begins to suffer from tachycardia of the heart, arrhythmia is observed, his pupils are dilated, spastic constipation develops. The depression may be followed by a period of unprecedented excitement. The working capacity of a person increases, he can look at the world overly optimistically.

    Surrounding people may not even understand that these are symptoms of the disease, only an experienced doctor can identify. If the disease is detected, then the medical assistance of an experienced doctor is necessary. It is desirable to be constantly under the supervision of doctors, to consult with them more often, even when the symptoms of the disease do not bother. Usually, depression causes anxiety and sleep is disturbed. To strengthen the work of the heart and normalize sleep, you can drink herbal teas. This trio of herbs does wonders for nerves, sleep, and mood—valerian, California poppy, and kava kava. The main thing to remember is one rule, if the patient is taking medication or undergoing treatment, you should always consult with your doctor whether it is possible to drink infusions from medicinal herbs.

    Nervous system - treatment with folk remedies

    Photo: Depressive manic psychosis

    • Depression

    Secrets of traditional medicine

    Collection of folk remedies for the treatment of various diseases and bad habits

    Neuropsychiatric diseases are not just various kinds of problems in the form of insomnia or fatigue. These are diseases that do not allow a person to live a normal full life. You can spend a lot of money on a psychologist or expensive pills, but positive result may not appear, but on the contrary, the condition can only worsen. Therefore, in this case, it is best to use natural remedies, the gifts of nature, which serve as the basis for treatment with folk methods.

    Very many of us have ever experienced the most common neuropsychiatric disease - insomnia. Early awakening and late falling asleep, interruption of sleep - all this is familiar to many. But you need to fight insomnia, because sleep is essential condition normal existence, since without normal daily sleep, the body becomes much weaker, which means that it will be much easier for a person to catch a disease and much more difficult to fight it later. With insomnia, folk remedies are excellent, which will again make sleep strong and long.

    Another neuropsychiatric disease, asthenia, is also very common. Its symptoms are neuropsychiatric weakness, sleep disturbance, as well as fatigue. Asthenia may be accompanied by muscle pain, headaches, dizziness, irritability. People suffering from asthenia may experience memory impairment and attention disorder. This disease can also accompany any other diseases. Asthenia may be accompanied by anxiety and depression. Therefore, like any other disease, asthenia must be treated. The most reliable way to cope with it is folk remedies. They will not only effectively cure you, but they will do it absolutely safely, without harming the body, unlike pharmaceutical drugs.

    Many people suffer from insomnia: the young - from overexcitation, the old - from experiences. A number of diseases are accompanied by poor, restless sleep. This is due to a decrease daylight hours late autumn and exacerbation of disorders in the spring (seasonal depression). Nighttime sleep disorders often cause increased daytime sleepiness. This may also lead to chronic sleep deprivation over a long…

    The modern rhythm of life puts the human brain and his consciousness in front of constant tests, and it is not always possible to withstand them. The practice of treating mental disorders in patients implies, in addition to medications, psychological therapy. Mental damage has long ceased to be a frightening diagnosis that led to a specialized hospital. modern medicine successfully solves most of these problems.

    What are mental disorders

    Medicine today cannot even decide on a clear formulation of how to determine permanent or regular changes in consciousness. In the most general sense, such disorders are a state of mind, behavioral profile, psychological health that is different from normal. Under the "norm" it is customary to take into account the behavioral model that is characterized for the surrounding society. Key issue lies in the fact that the standard of existence among people can vary depending on the culture and territory of residence.

    In this regard, nationwide and characteristic for all people mental disorders that can be diagnosed and treated are formally distinguished:

    • clinical - schizophrenia, manic states;
    • depression, anxiety for no reason, anxiety;
    • low brain activity;
    • neurasthenia;
    • consequences of drug and alcohol use;
    • gambling addiction;
    • mental disorders caused by trauma or serious illness.


    The usual disease of the body is determined by a complex of tests and examinations. Diagnosis of mental disorders is much more difficult. The definition of the health of consciousness is based on testing mental, cognitive, behavioral factors. The specialist is obliged not only to determine the psychotype of the patient, but also to establish a specific disorder, and they may differ minimally from each other. In addition, the violation may be hidden inside the consciousness, and only an experienced psychologist or psychiatrist will find it.

    How to treat

    Most episodes cannot be self-treated. The help of loved ones and setting oneself to striving for the norm can help to some extent, but without an experienced psychotherapist, full recovery remains unattainable. It must be remembered that most psychosomatic disorders have a very high recurrence. This means that it is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the former patient. Treatment of such diseases includes the following:

    1. Understanding the causes of illness. It is important that the patient himself understands that he is unwell, wants to find the root of the disorder. At this stage chief assistant- family and friends.
    2. Consultations with a doctor. The specialist specifies the disorder, selects a treatment method, and prescribes, if necessary, tranquilizers or stimulants.
    3. Strict adherence to doctor's prescriptions. During this period, support and control from loved ones is also important.
    4. After recovery, you need to monitor the emotional background, any deviations from normal state. Most disorders can recur if the conditions of their first appearance coincide.

    Who treats

    It is important to remember that self-treatment does not actually bring results. Only an experienced doctor can determine the disease, distinguish, for example, neurosis from depression. There is also a diagnosis based on physiological characteristics, since many diseases are provoked or supported organic causes. Mental disorders are treated by a psychiatrist, psychotherapist and neurologist: this gives the maximum accurate diagnosis in each specific case.

    With everyday neuroses and problems in the family, you should contact a psychologist. It will help prevent the development of serious mental pathologies at the initial stage. Main danger appeal to such specialists in that they do not have a mandatory medical education they do not have the right to prescribe medication. Among such doctors there are a large number of charlatans and outright scammers.

    Features of therapy

    The main features are that there is no universal approach even to one disease. Individual variability of personality imposes its own limitations on each course of treatment. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to contact specialists. Self-determination of the disorder often led patients to suicide, starting from banal depression.

    Depending on the intensity of the manifestation of the disease, the patient's behavior, therapy at home or in a medical facility is possible. If the case is related to ongoing physical illness(for example, cancer), then psychological therapy is mandatory in most cases. We must not forget that after recovery, a person cannot be left without support - mental illnesses often return in a more severe form.

    Treatment Methods

    There are two main methods (they differ in the way they affect the patient, but their ratio in the treatment process is important):

    1. Psychopharmacotherapy. Involves the use of biologically active substances plus physical impact on the patient. All pharmaceuticals are divided into groups of directions of action: antipsychotics, tranquilizers, antidepressants, psychostimulants, nootropics, mood stabilizers (lithium salts), insulin shock treatment. We should also mention ECT (electroconvulsive therapy). Its use is almost not common due to unstable, unpredictable results.
    2. Psychotherapy. Treatment of the mentally ill through the word. There are a lot of varieties of this method: from family communication to hypnosis. All of them aim to identify hidden reasons mental illness, helping the patient in dealing with them, in rare cases (suggestive therapy) imposing a behavioral model on the patient if other methods do not help.


    The most common medicines in this segment in domestic medicine and their purpose:

    1. Antipsychotics. They allow to reduce the level of dopamine in the central nervous system and have a pronounced calming effect during exacerbation of psychosis: Haloperidol, Promazine, Risperidone, Quetiapine, Tiaprid. Use in combination with Artan or Cyclodol.
    2. Tranquilizers. Aimed to stop fear, anxiety, emotional tension without affecting the mechanics of thinking and memory: Diazepam, Phenazepam, Alprazolam, Buspirone.
    3. Antidepressants. Cause an emotional upsurge, improve mood without euphoric states: Clomipramine, Gepral, Bupropion, Prozac.

    All groups of drugs are dispensed only by prescription or do not belong to the open sale. Any use of psychoactive substances must be agreed with a specialist. Otherwise, if you use them uncontrollably, a radical deterioration in the condition is possible, up to the development of serious mental illness (for example, schizophrenia). Those antidepressants or tranquilizers that are presented in pharmacies have an underdose active substance, but dangerous if the instructions are not followed.

    Hypnosis treatment

    Hypnosis is considered a proven effective way to treat various psychosomatic disorders. The problem with using it is that a very small percentage of patients are predisposed to hypnotic treatment of disorders. Hypnotic influence is individual for each specific person. Most of the people do not perceive it, and some are subject to an instant trance. In addition, among the "hypnotists" a large number of charlatans.

    homeopathic treatment

    Homeopathic medicine is probably the most controversial phenomenon in the healing community. Treatment of mental disorders with homeopathy is quite possible if the patient himself believes in the remedy. For patients with a disturbed perception of reality, traditional therapy would be more appropriate. Interesting fact: focus on homeopathic treatment and a categorical rejection of the traditional, is considered a kind of mental disorder.

    How to treat at home

    It may sound paradoxical, but treating such diseases at home is a more effective technique than hospitalization. Proper organization The process of therapy in a familiar environment gives every chance to quickly eliminate the disease. At the same time, the disease itself is not so important, but the regularity of procedures, the general mood of the patient, his desire to stabilize and return to normal.

    It is worth mentioning folk remedies that help overcome mental ailments:

    1. Nervous and mental states removed by taking decoctions of herbs (mint, lemon balm, valerian, thyme, geranium). They have a calming effect, relieve headaches and help you fall asleep.
    2. Depression and schizophrenia are compensated by teas with cardamom, ginseng, sage.
    3. Take in minimum quantity coffee, alcohol, sugar, white flour, plants with stimulants. It is permissible to increase the consumption of honey.
    4. Stressful tension will be well relieved by massage and aromatherapy.


    Unfortunately, prevention is mostly aimed at observing and eliminating relapses of conditions that have already occurred. It is possible to predict the development of depression or psychosis with a low degree of probability. There are methods for identifying predisposition to serious mental disorders, but they all have a very large error.

    To prevent the occurrence of these disorders, daily quality sleep, proper physical activity, exercise, daily routine, and a stable family (taking into account the regular intimate component) are important. The right attitude to your life environment will allow you to avoid stressful situations, depression and fully enjoy life. It is important to protect yourself from the effects of psychological manipulators that have appeared great amount in the last few years (personal trainers, sectarians, psychics, psycho-correctors, and others).


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