Melanin what you need to drink to restore it. Melanin production and nutrition. Where does pigment accumulate?

It has long been proven that insomnia is hormonal in nature, its cause is a lack of melatonin in the body. This is a special hormone that is produced by the pineal gland (pineal gland) - a tiny, grain-sized organ that has a huge impact on the nervous system. It is melatonin (and not melanin, with which it is often confused) that is a powerful antioxidant that provides protection against stress, seasonal infections and cancer. The main functions of the hormone include:

  • regulation of the thyroid gland;
  • stimulation of lipid metabolism;
  • restoration of motor and secretory function of the stomach;
  • blood thinning, preventing thrombosis;
  • normalization of blood pressure.

It also acts as an important regulator of biorhythms, in particular, the duration of the intervals between sleep and wakefulness. Another name for it is "sleep hormone". The amount of melatonin in the body directly affects the duration and quality of stay in the arms of Morpheus. Deficiency of this hormone is a direct path to insomnia. By restoring the content of melatonin, you can achieve the effect of fast falling asleep. A person will fall asleep within 10-15 minutes and will rest until the morning.

Features of hormone synthesis

As already mentioned, melatonin in the body produces the pineal gland, it is also the pineal gland, it is also the pineal gland. The French philosopher Descartes was sure that it was in this organ that the human soul was hidden. Given that dreams are often associated with the wandering of the soul through parallel worlds, there is something to this semi-fantastic theory. But if we put aside subtle matters and turn to physiology, this does not detract from the value of the pineal gland in the regulation of biorhythms.

The "raw material" for the synthesis of melatonin is the amino acid tryptophan, which enters the body with food. At night, cells in the pineal gland (pinealocytes) convert tryptophan into melatonin. The reaction is catalyzed by the hormone norepinephrine, which is produced by nerve endings during sleep, when the nervous system is resting.

It has been proven that melatonin levels begin to rise rapidly as soon as the lights are turned off in the bedroom. Its maximum concentration can reach 300 pg / ml. The highest percentage of the hormone in the blood is observed in the phase of deep sleep. In the predawn hours, its concentration decreases and reaches a minimum with awakening.

With age, the daily amount of melatonin produced by the pineal gland begins to fall. This is due to the calcification of the cells of the pineal gland: calcium salts settle on them, destroying their structure. Italian scientists experimentally revealed the age dependence of melatonin synthesis. They transplanted the epiphyses of young individuals into elderly laboratory mice, which, in turn, got the old organs. Over time, young mice developed symptoms that indicate a sharp aging of the body: hair loss and cataracts. But mice, "pensioners", on the contrary, have become much more active than before.

Why does a hormone deficiency occur?

The lack of melatonin in the body is associated not only with its aging. There are other factors that reduce its production. If you minimize their action, the activity of hormone synthesis will return to normal in a matter of days:

  • Work at night. Artificial lighting inhibits the formation of norepinephrine and, accordingly, the production of melatonin.
  • Excessive illumination of the bed. It's hard to fall asleep when neon signs or street lights are shining outside the window. A working TV or monitor also inhibits the production of the hormone.
  • Alcohol and caffeinated drinks, if taken less than 2 hours before bedtime.
  • Certain medications (sleep disturbances are listed as side effects).

How to increase melatonin with food?

There are a number of foods rich in tryptophan, from which the pineal gland produces melatonin. Their introduction into the diet provides a rapid increase in the concentration of the hormone.

Top 5 Foods to Increase Melatonin Levels:

  • Bananas. This beloved by many fruit is called "sleeping pills in the peel." In addition to tryptophan, they contain a lot of other important amino acids and trace elements, so they will be useful in any case.
  • Milk. A time-tested way to increase the production of the “sleep hormone” is to drink a glass of warm milk with honey.
  • Cherry. Somnologists (specialists in healthy sleep) recommend increasing the production of melatonin in a simple way - to eat a handful of sour cherries before bedtime.
  • Baked potato. The product itself is not rich in tryptophan, but it is able to neutralize acids that reduce melatonin synthesis in the body. Somnohols advise eating half a tuber of a baked potato every night.
  • Onion. It contains quercetin, a substance that speeds up the production of norepinephrine by nerve receptors.

These are not the only foods that help restore melanin production. Tryptophan is found in rice, corn, peanuts, walnuts and oatmeal. Drinking natural ginger tea also provides a quick boost in melatonin levels.

Melanin is a pigment produced by pigment cells called melanocytes. It is he who is responsible for the color of the eyes and hair, the shade of human skin.melanin productiondirectly related to the activity of the endocrine glands.
Early gray hair is largely the result of a lack of melanin in the body.

The precursor of melanin is the amino acids tyrosine and tryptophan. By eating foods rich in these substances, we will help our body synthesize melanin in sufficient quantities.

1. Fermented milk products, milk, butter are rich in amino acids, including tryptophan, which will help increase melanin in the body. A large amount of it is also found in beans and other soy products, nuts, dates, bananas, peanuts, brown rice. By increasing the dose of tryptophan in the body, we stimulate the production of melanin.

2. Animal products to increase melanin in the body: red meat, beef liver, as well as fish and seafood contain tyrosine. Try to include them in your daily diet. This is the best way to affect the synthesis of melanin.

3. Enzymes contained in millet, sesame, oysters are needed to convert amino acids into melanin.

4. Vitamins of group B, especially B10 (para-aminobenzoic acid) - active assistants in the production of melanin. Accumulating in the outer layers of the skin, under the influence of the sun, B10 undergoes biochemical reactions, as a result of which the production of melanin is stimulated (often included in sunscreen lotions and creams). This vitamin is contained in wholemeal bread, cereals, cereals.

5. Excellent sources of vitamins A, C, E, without which the production of melanin is impossible, are vegetable and fruit juices: carrot, tomato (they are rich in beta-carotene and carotene), orange, grapefruit. The desired result in how to increase melanin in the body will also help to achieve vitamin complexes containing vitamins A, B, C, E.

Thus, the more varied and complete your diet is, the less you should be afraid of the level of melanin in the body.

Melanin is a high molecular weight compound that acts as a natural dye for all life on earth. Such a substance serves as a natural barrier against the negative effects of the environment.

Being synthesized in melanocytes - specialized branched cells of the skin - melanin regulates the vital processes of the body.

Melanin is divided into 4 main types in accordance with the structure of the coloring pigment:

The melanin pigment includes amino acids: tryptophan, histidine, tyrosine, cystine, arginine, methionine, as well as carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and sulfur molecules.

The mechanism of melanin synthesis

Melanin pigment is produced during a chemical reaction with the participation of pituitary and thyroid hormones.

Initially, the amino acid tyrosine is oxidized, forming dihydroxyphenylalanine. Subsequently, in the oxidation process, a coloring pigment is formed, the production of which is enhanced after sunbathing, when the human body is covered with a tan.

The sun, burning the surface of the skin, activates free radicals, which literally break the epidermis cell. Melanin absorbs free radicals, thereby saving the cell from destruction.

Melanin is such a natural protective agent with which people acquire a reliable barrier against the negative effects of ultraviolet rays.

Where does the pigment accumulate?

Melanin accumulates in melanosomes contained in the cells of the epidermis - melanocytes, which have branched processes. From there, through a network of intercellular contacts, it enters the epidermis, the cells of the cortical layer of the hair and the outer layer of the iris.

Numerous studies by scientists have proven that the skin color of representatives of different races is affected not by the number of active melanocytes, but by the type of predominant pigment and the level of its accumulation.

In Africans, it is concentrated in the superficial layers of the epidermis, in Europeans - in the middle, and in Asians in an intermediate position. At the same time, the number of melanocytes in everyone remains the same, regardless of race.

The type of pigment also affects the color of the hair. A dark color is given to them by a black-brown eumelanin pigment penetrating into the core of the hair, and a light shade is given by a yellow-red pigment - pheomelanin. The highest level of pheomelanin in bright red hair. Fair-haired people have significantly less coloring matter, pigment granules are very small in size and are located more superficially.

The predominance of one or another type of melanin determines hair color

The level of melanin also affects the color of the eyes. If there is not enough of it, they will be blue, cyan or gray. The type of pigment primarily depends on heredity, and the color of the child's eyes is transmitted to him at the genetic level.

Some people suffer from such a hereditary disease as albinism. The coloring pigment they have is either completely absent, or almost not reproduced.

Patients with albinism are distinguished not only by their non-standard appearance (they are absolutely white-haired, with light eyes and pale skin color), but also by critically weak immunity, serious diseases of the senses.

According to statistics, among Europeans, one patient with albinism is born in 20 thousand people. In some countries, for reasons unknown to science, this figure is much higher. For example, in Nigeria, there is one albino per 3,000 inhabitants, and in Panama, the incidence among the Indian population is 1 in 132. On average, the incidence for all races is 1 per 15,000.

Functions of melanin

The melanin pigment and its synthesizing amino acids are capable of:

Melanin pigment, surrounding the cell nucleus, protects DNA from possible mutations. It is known that melanin is able to have a calming effect, promote a good mood, increase vitality and normal well-being.

In addition, as a result of numerous experiments and experiments, scientists were able to prove that when exposed to radiation, individuals with a high level of melanin will have a greater chance of survival.

Sometimes people confuse the definitions of the pigment melanin and the hormone melatonin, which is produced only at night during sleep and inhibits the production of melanin.

And although they are antagonists, but scientists endow them with almost the same exceptional virtues in maintaining human health.

Melanin is such a universal remedy that can provide the most powerful protection of the body from chemical contamination, carcinogenic factors and the negative effects of the environment. The listed functions confirm this.

Causes of a decrease in melanin levels

Possible causes of low melanin levels include:

Signs of a lack of melanin in the body

Outwardly, the lack of melanin is determined by:

  • early gray hair;
  • uneven skin color;
  • irritations;
  • sunburn and uneven tanning;
  • the appearance of signs of skin aging;
  • faded eye color.

What happens when there is a lack of pigment?

Melanin is such a substance, the lack of which can exacerbate diseases associated with impaired pigment synthesis, such as albinism, vitiligo, Parkinson's disease and some others, lead to premature aging, loss of immunity, early menopause in women.

But the greatest danger with a decrease in the production of melanin is malignant neoplasms of the skin. A person, being defenseless against the threat of radiation, runs the risk of falling ill with the most dangerous oncological disease - melanoma.

How to restore the level of melanin?

To restore the production of melanin, it is first necessary:

  • lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • eat recommended foods;
  • take special medications and dietary supplements.

Healthy lifestyle

It is well known that the level of melanin can vary depending on the characteristics of a person's lifestyle.

In order not to experience a deficiency of vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids, which are the building material of the cell, you need to eat a full and balanced diet. This is one of the main conditions for increasing the synthesis of melanin.

It is also very important to do what you love and live a full life - visit nature more often, stop smoking, observe sleep and wakefulness, and avoid stress. Moderate exercise is beneficial, especially swimming.


Melanin in the body can be increased with a balanced diet. This is an option in which the body will be fully provided with the necessary amino acids, vitamins and trace elements.

Substances that contribute to better pigment production Food products containing these substances.
TyrosineWalnut, sesame, almond, dairy, meat, wheat, legumes, eggs, avocado, pumpkin seeds, peanuts.
tryptophanCheese, legumes, soybeans, cottage cheese, mushrooms, oats, fish, brown rice, meat, dates, peanuts, yogurt, pine nuts.
Vitamins A, C, carotene.Carrots, grapes, rose hips, apricot, melon, peach, spinach, sweet potato, pumpkin, citrus fruits, legumes, tomatoes.
Vitamin ESeeds, almonds, hazelnuts, cedar, peanuts, wheat germ, wheat bran, cashews, chum caviar, cod liver, olives, salmon, Atlantic herring, oats.
Vitamin B10Whole grain bread, cabbage, mushrooms, liver, oats, eggs, spinach.
Mineral salts and copperMussels, squid, seaweed, peanuts, hazelnuts, liver.
MagnesiumBran, pumpkin seeds, pine nuts, walnuts, sesame seeds, almonds, dates, beans, spinach.

The amount of pigment can decrease with excessive consumption of foods such as:

Medications and dietary supplements

Melanin is such an organic substance, the production of which can be activated and the condition of the skin can be improved by using various medications and dietary supplements.

The table shows some of them:

Name of the drug Compound Indications for use pharmachologic effect Price
Retinol acetate
Oily solution of vitamin A.Prevention and treatment of A-hypovitaminosis.It has a pronounced antioxidant and immunostimulating effect, promotes tissue regeneration, improves vision, normalizes metabolism, increases the body's resistance to infections and colds.The price depends on the form of release and the manufacturer

from 8 to 250 rubles.

"Pro Soleil" (France)Lutein, beta-carotene, vitamin complex.Recommended to improve the quality of your tan.Increases the production of melanin, prevents peeling and dryness of the skin.30 capsules - 2000 rubles.
"Bevital - san" (Croatia)Vitamins E, B1, B2, B6, brewer's yeast in an inactive state.It is recommended to take before visiting the solarium or in case of skin diseases.Prevents photo-aging of the skin.60 capsules - 250 rubles.
"Nature Tan" (France)Turmeric, selenium, grape extract, zinc, beta-carotene, vitamins E, C. soy isoflavones.Protects from ultraviolet radiation.Helps increase pigment production.30 capsules - 1219 rubles.
"Norwesol" (Norway)Seal fat.Source of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins A and E.Slightly affects the level of tanning, while effectively protecting the skin from burns, improves its condition in any pathologies.100 capsules - 720 rubles.

There are other drugs and supplements that are effectively used to stimulate the production of the coloring pigment melanin. But before you start using them, you need to consult with your doctor.

The drug Melanotan-2

Scientists managed to artificially create an analogue of the hormone melanocortin, which promotes the synthesis of coloring pigment. This is the drug Melanotan-2. Under its influence, the connective tissue and the pigment cells of melanophorocytes directly located in it are stimulated to absorb ultraviolet rays and protect against solar radiation.

Initially, this drug was intended for the prevention and treatment of malignant skin diseases, but today its spectrum of action has expanded significantly.

Melanotan-2 is successfully used in cosmetology as part of emulsions and creams. Taking it, you can get a beautiful chocolate tan with minimal exposure to the sun or in a solarium. This quality has made its use widely popular among famous artists, athletes and public figures.

This drug is effective in eliminating problems associated with insufficient libido, depression and insomnia, and due to its ability to suppress appetite, it is possible to achieve significant results in weight loss programs.

Melonatan-2 should be used with caution, since in case of an overdose, pain throughout the body is possible, the heart rate quickens, blood pressure rises, and the effect of dark spots appears after sunbathing.

Before using the drug, it is advisable to consult a specialist.

Melonatan-2 is sold as a white powder for injection. The cost of one bottle (10 mg) ranges from 800 rubles. Affordable price and high efficiency of the drug contribute to the growth of its popularity among the general population.

Cosmetic preparations

In pharmacies and online stores, there is a wide selection of cosmetics containing melanin or components that contribute to its production.

Samples of such products are shown in the table:

Name of the drug Compound Indications for use pharmachologic effect Price
Cream Vitasan (Russia) St. John's wort, fir oil, cedar oil, string, calendula, walnut. vitiligo;

inflammation of the skin,

for the treatment of wounds and trophic ulcers;

getting an even and beautiful tan.

Improves skin color, reduces the appearance of white spots;

has an antiseptic and wound-healing effect.

1000-1200 rub.
Gel Vitilemna

(Czech Republic)

Duckweed extract, propolis, amaranth. vitiligo;


Gives good results in the treatment of skin diseases; helps to strengthen the immune system, improve the general condition of the body. 3000-3400 rub.
Gel Vitix


Melon extract and hydrogenated palm oil. Treatment for vitiligo patches. Promotes the production of melanin pigment and prevents the development of vitiligo. 2200-2750 rub.
Shampoo Tian De Master Herb; 420 ml (China) Extract of ginseng, lovage and angelica. increased hair loss;


hair growth slowdown.

Promotes the appearance of hair in the foci of baldness; prevents early gray hair; activates metabolism; strengthens hair follicles. 900-1100 rub.
Balm Antisedin "Russia" Horsetail and nettle extract, ammonium chloride, ethyl alcohol, glycerin, sulfur. premature gray hair;


hair loss.

Restores hair color and improves their growth, prevents the formation of dandruff. 126-167 rubles

Folk methods

Violation of the synthesis of melanin leads to the formation of age spots. Alternative methods of treatment include their proven ways to lighten the skin and combat pigmentation.

To achieve a positive effect, one or more of the following procedures (optional) should be performed regularly and at least twice a day.

1. Mask from a mixture of starch and lemon juice.

In potato starch (1 tsp), you need to add the juice of one lemon, mix well and apply on dark spots. After 20 - 25 min. the mixture must be washed off with cool water.

2. Tonic based on natural juices.

Birch sap, freshly squeezed juice of lemon, cucumber, parsley, grapefruit, mountain ash (each separately) must be applied to the skin, rubbed slightly, and washed after 20-25 minutes.

3. Calendula juice tonic.

The leaves and inflorescences of calendula are passed through a meat grinder and squeezed. The resulting juice is applied to the skin in the same way.

4. Mask of fermented milk products.

Kefir, sour cream or curdled milk is applied in a thick layer to the pigmentation sites. You can repeat the procedure several times after the previous layer has dried, then wash with warm water.

5. Viburnum ice.

Viburnum juice is frozen in the refrigerator, then dark spots on the skin are rubbed with it.

6. Cucumber lotion on alcohol.

Cucumber pulp (3 tablespoons) is poured with 1 glass of diluted 40% alcohol. Infused in a dark place in a sealed container until a green tint is obtained. The lotion effectively whitens the skin when rubbing age spots. Do not use the product in places of damage!

7. Rice ice.

An effective way to lighten the face, which is enjoyed by many women on different continents, is rice ice. To prepare it, you need to boil rice, strain the broth, pour it into a special mold and freeze. By rubbing your face with ice cubes twice a day, you can achieve permanent skin lightening.

Causes of increased melanin levels

The most common reasons for an increase in melanin production are:

  • age-related changes;
  • the onset of menopause, pregnancy;
  • taking hormones;
  • liver disease;
  • disturbances in the activity of the thyroid gland.

How to lower the level of melanin?

Melanin, with its excess, causes increased pigmentation, an increase in moles and birthmarks in size, uneven skin tone and vitiligo.

This condition of the skin is not particularly pleasant, and this can be eliminated in the following ways:

Melanin is a multifaceted compound, to the study of which the interest of scientists around the world does not weaken. Until the end, no one has succeeded in understanding its action and studying its properties. But such a quality of melanin as a rejuvenating effect, makes its use in cosmetology and other areas of medicine of exceptional importance.

Article formatting: Vladimir the Great

Video about melanin

How melanin is associated with eye color changes:

Melanin is a special substance called melanos produced by melanocytes. This is a natural dye in the body, it is responsible for the color of hair, eyes and skin. Its amount is laid down at the genetic level. Pigment synthesis is an important process for humans, as it protects against numerous external factors. If there is a violation of pigmentation and other health problems, it is necessary to restore melanin as soon as possible.

This substance protects the human body from the penetration of oncogenic agents, viruses, ultraviolet rays, and radioactive radiation.

In people of the Caucasian race, they contain a pigment dye in small quantities. The epidermis of indigenous Africans is completely filled. Melanos is found in the lining of the brain and internal organs. It is responsible for many vital functions. If a substance imbalance occurs regularly, serious health problems will begin.

The main types of melanins:

  • yellow - pheomlanins;
  • brown and black - eumelanins;
  • neuromelanins.

The organism uses mainly black and brown, the main part of the remaining species acts as a ballast.

The main functions of the pigment:

  • improves biochemical processes;
  • reduces the amount of accumulated radionuclides;
  • protects from ultraviolet radiation;
  • contributes to the effective functioning of the immune system;
  • suppresses the effects of ionizing radiation;
  • prevents pathological changes in the thyroid gland, liver, hypothalamus, adrenal glands;
  • neutralizes the harmful effects of free radicals.

Melanin is entrusted to protect the information of DNA cells from the mutagenic effects of ultraviolet radiation. It absorbs and reflects solar radiation. It improves mood, calms the nervous system, raises vitality and improves well-being, rejuvenates. When enough melatonin (sleep hormone) reacts with the colorant, health and general well-being are improved.

At present, scientists have not been able to accurately determine the cause of problems in pigment production, but numerous observations have helped to establish that people who regularly experience stress, nervous tension, physical overwork, do not play sports and eat poorly are susceptible to the development of this pathology.

Melanin deficiency: causes and symptoms

Melanin production can decrease regardless of the frequency of sun exposure. In such cases, there is a decrease in the level of the substance in the body, which contributes to the development of serious diseases.

Reasons for deficiency:

  • diseases transmitted at the genetic level;
  • taking hormonal drugs;
  • nervous breakdowns, stress;
  • malfunctions of the endocrine system;
  • natural aging process;
  • lack of tyrosine and tryptophan;
  • deficiency of minerals and vitamins.

Symptoms and signs of lack of melanin in the body:

  • pale shade of the iris;
  • white spots, irritation;
  • diagnosing chloasma, albinism or vitiligo;
  • premature appearance of age spots and wrinkles;
  • early gray hair;
  • uneven tan;
  • skin prone to sunburn.

With age, the lack of melanin is a natural consequence of the aging of the body and all its organs and systems. This is the main cause of gray hair, fading of the eye iris, the appearance of spots on the hands and face. But cosmetic defects are not the worst. With a strong decrease in the amount, Parkinson's disease or melanoma can develop.

Ways to increase

There are several ways to balance the level of the coloring matter to the previous positions: special nutrition, a healthy lifestyle and dietary supplements, medicines.

Doctors and sports consultants talk about the benefits of a proper balanced diet and an active lifestyle. If there was a failure in the body and the doctor diagnosed a lack of melanin in the skin, then regular exercise and giving up bad habits will help develop a coloring element and overcome the deficiency.

Recovery of pigment synthesis depends on the amount of amino acids entering the body. Of particular importance is the amino acid tyrosine. To maintain a sufficient amount of them, it is recommended to introduce the following foods into the diet:

  • bananas;
  • almond;
  • carrot;
  • seafood;
  • cocoa;
  • peanut;
  • pumpkin;
  • Brown rice;
  • apricots;
  • liver;
  • avocado;
  • chocolate;
  • beans;
  • citrus;
  • dates;
  • bran bread;
  • melon;
  • rose hip;
  • sesame;
  • carrot;
  • Pine nuts.

To fill the deficit will help special medicinal and herbal preparations, which should be combined with sports and enriched nutrition.

Medicines against melanin deficiency:

  • Inneov - the drug contains Indian gooseberries, useful antioxidants and a set of vitamins.
  • Nature Tan is an effective remedy with extracts of grapes, soy, corn, vitamin E, selenium and beta-carotene.
  • Pro Soleil is a fortified medicine with a natural composition.
  • Bevital-San is a tablet containing beta-carotene and B vitamins.

As auxiliary means of pigment restoration, care products and medicines for external use can be used:

  • Vitilemna;
  • Melanin ointment;
  • Vitix gel;
  • cream Vitasan.

Those who want to get an even bronze tan use Melanotan 2. Once in the blood, the injection makes melanocytes work more actively and increases the protective functions of the skin. Under its action, the sun's ray does not penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin.

Before you start taking dietary supplements and medications, you should seek the advice of your doctor and undergo an examination. There are contraindications for admission.

Excess melanin: causes and symptoms

Hyperpigmentation is the process of oversaturation of coloring pigments in certain areas of the skin.

Why does an excess of pigment begin:

  • natural aging of the body;
  • hormonal changes as a result of the onset of menopause, pregnancy or taking hormonal drugs;
  • malfunctions of the liver;
  • thyroid disease, when the hormone begins to affect vital functions.

Symptoms of excess melanin in the body:

  • birthmarks - look like blurry spots of different diameters and shapes, colors - black, light beige, dark brown;
  • age spots - are formed on a clean skin or at the sites of injuries spontaneously or under the influence of external harmful factors, colors - dark;
  • moles - a skin defect of an oval or rounded shape, the shade ranges from black to brown;
  • freckles - closely spaced small spots of dark and light brown tones.

Often hyperpigmentation attacks the face and other exposed areas of the body exposed to solar radiation.

Ways to reduce

You can overcome excess melanin in the body with cosmetic procedures and bleaching agents.

Popular methods of struggle aimed at the destruction of the pigment substance:

  • Exfoliating treatments. Laser resurfacing and acid peeling affect the upper layer of the epidermis and, together with it, the main symptom of hyperpigmentation - spots is eliminated. It is necessary to do a course of several sessions.
  • Mesotherapy. The skin is enriched with special compounds to heal and normalize the production of melanin.
  • Depigmenting cosmetics. Regular application of compositions with brightening components helps to restore an even tone to the cover and destroy excess pigment.
  • The use of inhibitors: ascorbic acid, hydroquinone, azelinic acid. Substances allow you to treat the skin, eliminate excess melanin and its main feature. Regular use will contribute to the normal function of melanocyte cells and pigmentation will be produced in the required amount.

Treatment of hyperpigmentation should be carried out under medical supervision. It is not recommended to restore the work of melanocytes on their own, since it is important to establish the cause of the development of this phenomenon.

The correct synthesis of melanin is important for the body, without it we are like an unprotected newborn child, exposed to dangers from all sides. But few people think about the correct production of pigment, subjecting the body and skin to serious tests. If, over time, in a photo or in a mirror, changes in tan and white or dark pigmentation began to be noticed, it's time to think about health. Only a complex of diagnostics will help to get the previous look. The main thing is to start therapy and prevent complications on time.

What gives a person melanin? In addition to the coveted tan, not always desired freckles and moles? It increases the body's immune properties and resistance to radiation! Scientists attribute a whole range of positive qualities to melanin:
- activity in the fight against cancer cells;
- high resistance to radiation;
- the ability to increase the immune properties of the body.

What is melanin? This is a pigment formed in special cells, melanocytes, the number of which varies in different individuals. This is not only about human beings, because it is due to the presence of melanin in the cells that bananas become brown, potatoes darken, and cockroaches have their own dark color. By the way, there are three types of melanins: pheomelanin gives a yellow color, phacomelanin-brown and black eumelanin, which is usually spoken of.

The exceptional resistance of cockroaches to radiation is precisely due to the presence of a large amount of melanin in their tissues.
How to increase melanin in the body? The answer to this question is in the nature of philosophical reflections and comes down to general recommendations. The fact is that any organism is a fairly stable system in terms of the biochemical reactions occurring in it. We can only create more favorable conditions for its functioning. It is no secret that stressful situations bring down the hormonal background, inhibiting the production of some hormones and increasing the production of others.

With a sufficient amount of melanin in the body, a person looks younger, feels better, and metabolic processes stabilize. A synthetic analogue of melanin, sold in pharmacies, doctors often prescribe to combat excess weight. Melanin is involved in all biochemical processes that increase the natural defense of the human body to the effects of radiation and virus attacks.

What foods should be consumed to increase melanin in our body?

These are seafood, fish, creamy milk, eggs, in short, everything that contains the amino acids tyrosine and tryptophan. These amino acids are found in dates, nuts, and bananas. Recommended for daily use are vegetables and fruits of red and orange color, freshly squeezed juices from carrots, beets, tomatoes, in short, foods containing vitamins in sufficient quantities. They are catalysts, i.e. accelerators of biochemical processes in the body.

The level of melanin in the body affects skin color, eye color, and hair color. A sufficient amount of it gives any person a youthful look, increasing attractiveness and emphasizing the natural beauty.
The more complete, the more stable the biochemical reactions in the body proceed, providing normal and high natural protection against stress.

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