Actovegin analogs in ampoules. Analogue of Actovegin in tablets - a list of drugs similar in composition and mechanism of action. Medicinal properties of Solcoseryl

Actovegin is a drug that stimulates metabolism in body tissues, improves their nutrition and accelerates regeneration mechanisms.

Characteristics of the medicinal product

The tool is available in forms:

  1. Solution sold in ampoules and vials.
  2. Gel, cream and ointment.
  3. Dragee in blister packs.

Depending on the purpose of the application, the doctor prescribes one or another type of drug administration.

The main active ingredient in Actovegin is hemoderivat deproteinized. This substance penetrates the human body and reaches the target organs.

At the same time, glucose metabolism and energy production in the form of ATP molecules are accelerated in the tissues. Increasing the energy supply of cells contributes to improve tissue nutrition and accelerate regeneration.

Thus, Actovegin is a drug that is widely used in rehabilitation after many severe pathologies. These include:

  1. Disorders (ischemic attacks, strokes).
  2. Vascular pathologies - angiopathy.
  3. Brain damage.
  4. Varicose veins and accompanying pathological changes in the skin.
  5. Severe burns.
  6. Severe necrosis (consequences of radiation exposure, trophic ulcers).
  7. Damage (cornea, sclera).

With a number of diseases, Actovegin cannot be used. These include:

  1. Allergy to the components that make up the drug.
  2. Heart diseases.
  3. Diabetes.

Do not use the drug during pregnancy and lactation.

When using the drug, some patients may experience side effects:

  1. Severe tearing, redness of the eyes and others.
  2. Hives.
  3. Increased sweating.
  4. Burning, itching and redness of the skin (when applied topically).
  5. In rare cases - fever, chills, fever.

The price for 50 tablets in Russia is about 1,500 rubles, and in Ukraine - 600 UAH; the cost of 5 ampoules (5 ml each) in Russia is 550 rubles, and in Ukraine - 300 UAH.

In this way, Actovegin is a biogenic stimulant. The tool has shown itself well in the treatment of a wide range of pathologies.

Drug analogues

Many other drugs, which are cheaper, have a similar effect.


This drug is the most famous analogue of Actovegin.

It also contains deproteinized hemolysate, which is released from the blood of calves.

The drug belongs to the group of biogenic stimulants.

A wide range of ways to use the drug makes it convenient for patients. It could be:

  1. Gel or ointment in a 20 ml tube.
  2. Special eye gel for laying over the edge of the eyelid with a volume of 5 ml.
  3. Solution for intravenous injections with a volume of 1-2 ml.
  4. Dental paste with adhesive properties.

Solcoseryl is a highly effective remedy for the treatment of a wide range of diseases. The active substance penetrates the tissues and stimulates the processes of energy synthesis in them. Due to this, the activity of metabolism increases, the processes of rapid regeneration and repair are launched. The nutrition of the organ increases, due to which the therapeutic effect of the drug is achieved.

The drug is widely used in the following diseases:

  • trophic ulcers;
  • burns;
  • various skin injuries;
  • venous insufficiency;
  • disorders of cerebral circulation;
  • dementia.

Solcoseryl is a remedy that almost similar to Actovegin in its action.

These drugs have almost identical composition and can replace each other. It is worth noting that Solcoseryl is a cheap remedy, therefore it is more profitable to choose it.


Curantyl is a drug that cannot be considered a direct analogue of Actovegin according to the mechanism of action.

The drug has a similar effect on cerebral circulation, but the medicinal effect is carried out in a different way.

Curantil belongs to the group of antiplatelet agents, that is, it prevents platelets from binding to each other.

Due to this, blood viscosity decreases, and blood circulation in the brain normalizes.

The drug is widely used for:

  • brain damage;
  • encephalopathies.

Do not prescribe the drug to patients suffering from heart disease as they may have severe side effects.


Another indirect analog of Actovegin is Cortexin.

This tool is widely used for restoration of normal blood circulation in the brain tissue. The drug acts on the cerebral cortex.

An additional positive effect of its reception is anticonvulsant effect, which is very important for patients with encephalopathies.

Cortexin stimulates human cognitive functions - improves memory and attention, increases sensitivity to stress.

In this way, Actovegin is an effective drug that belongs to the group of biogenic stimulants. A wide range of uses and a specific composition make the tool almost indispensable.

Its only direct analogue is Solcoseryl. A similar effect on the human body is also exerted by drugs from other drug groups - Curantil and Cortexin.

There are many means that contribute to the rapid restoration of damaged tissues, activating cell regeneration.

However, not all of them are considered safe, which can be seen in the impressive list of contraindications.

One of the well-tolerated drugs is Actovegin .

To eliminate dermatological problems, forms are used in the form gel and ointments.


The basis of the composition is deproteinized hemoderivat.

The substance is extracted from calf blood. In 1 g of the drug it contains 0.2 g in dry form or 5 ml in liquid form.

Other compounds help the active component to be absorbed:

  • propyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • cetyl alcohol;
  • white paraffin;
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • cholesterol;
  • distilled water.

External signs of the ointment: homogeneous white consistency.

The drug is packaged in tubes of 20, 30, 50 g.


The drug is gemoderivate.

It is obtained by dialysis and ultrafiltration. Actovegin stabilizes the plasma membranes of cells and helps to suppress the formation of lactate by influencing the transport of glucose and its utilization.

A similar process is provided with oxygen. Both effects are interconnected, which causes an increase in ATP metabolism, an increase in energy metabolism.

The result is an accelerated regenerative function.

The opinion of experts regarding the properties of the product:

  • reduction of sensory disturbance;
  • improving the mental well-being of patients.

Pharmacy price

You can buy medicine in Moscow in a regular pharmacy or by placing an order in an online pharmacy.

The price of a tube of 20 g starts from 125 rubles.

The product is released freely recipe no need to submit.

Find out how much the ointment costs and where to buy it is available on the reference website of medicines that have been registered in the Russian Federation. They will also be able to tell you which pharmacy has the remedy in stock.

What is Actovegin ointment used for?

Given the properties of the active substance, doctors prescribe a medicine in the following cases:

  • with inflammation of wounds, mucous membranes, including burns of various etiologies;
  • in order to stimulate the regenerative function after thermal and chemical burns;
  • for the treatment of ulcers of varicose origin (other weeping wounds);
  • in order to eliminate bedsores, as a prevention of their formation;
  • with trophic ulcers;
  • with damage from radiation;
  • to accelerate the recovery of sluggish wounds;
  • in violation of cerebral circulation;
  • for the treatment of damaged tissues before transplantation.

Instructions for use

For the treatment of ulcers and wounds, a long course is prescribed, which can reach two months.

The scheme of therapy involves the application of funds to the affected areas of the skin with a thin layer.

You can also apply bandages from sterile gauze (bandage) 3-4 p. per day.

When processing, it is important to observe the following rules:

  • around the focal zone, necrotic tissues must be carefully removed;
  • clean the borders of the wound with an antiseptic;
  • apply a tampon or bandage soaked in medicine to the wound;
  • fix with dressing material.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Clinical studies to study the effect of the active substance of the ointment on the development of the fetus have not been conducted.

Therefore, during pregnancy, you can use Actovegin only in case of emergency if the threats outweigh the risk.

Lactation for the duration of therapy is better artificially interrupt to prevent the active substance from entering breast milk.

Application restrictions

You need to start the treatment process by studying the annotation, especially with regard to the sections describing what the remedy is prescribed for and what restrictions exist.

The considered pharmacological product cannot be used in the following pathologies:

  • pulmonary edema;
  • heart failure of decompensated type;
  • allergies to the components of the composition;
  • fluid retention in the body;
  • decrease in the amount of urine excreted by the kidneys;
  • no flow of urine into the bladder.

special instructions

It is impossible to thoroughly study the properties of the active ingredient due to the fact that it does not contain the chemical formulas that are present in the human body that are thoroughly determined.

The mechanism of action of the drug is based on the activation of metabolic processes, their normalization, restoration of blood circulation.

The tool is used primarily to solve problems associated with circulatory disorders of the brain, peripheral vascular diseases.

Doctors and patients speak about the high therapeutic effect. However, research data do not support this result.

Application in cosmetology

Actovegin helps to solve some cosmetic problems.

The value of the ointment lies in its ability to influence the regeneration and restoration of cells.

The active substance of the agent under consideration is a biological antihypoxant and stimulant, which opens up oxygen to the tissues and cells of the epidermis.

The composition of the ointment contains substances valuable for the skin:

  • magnesium;
  • copper;
  • oligosaccharides;
  • amino acids;
  • enzymes;
  • oligopeptides and other macro and microelements.

External factors, including atmospheric, have a negative impact on subcutaneous processes.

After a course of procedures using Actovegin, changes in the structure of cells are noted, which become focused on survival. As a result, the skin becomes more elastic, soft to the touch, moisturized and open to nutrients.

The drug is used in the fight against wrinkles due to the ability to regulate the regenerative function. After several procedures, new cells begin to form, which leads to smoothing of the skin.

In combination with high-quality nourishing creams, it is possible to achieve a rejuvenating effect.

Facial benefits:

  • restores elasticity;
  • effectively smoothes fine wrinkles (the medicine does not even out deep folds);
  • improves skin color;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • eliminates acne and acne.

In the fight against pustular formations, it is more effective to use the dosage form in the form gel.

It is applied to the hearth with a gauze napkin as a compress for 15-25 minutes.

Side effects

The pharmacological agent is predominantly easily tolerated by patients with various skin lesions.

In the presence of allergies on the components used in production, a rash, redness and itching may appear on the skin, and body temperature may rise.

If characteristic symptoms are detected, stop using the ointment and consult a doctor to select a substitute.


The annotation does not indicate restrictions on the use of the drug in combination with other pharmacological products.

But in order to avoid unwanted reactions, avoid simultaneous with means of identical action.

How to store

The tube of ointment must be kept in a locker so that the product is out of the reach of children and animals.

The optimum temperature regime of the environment is from 5 to 25 degrees.

The shelf life is 5 years. The opened drug is stored less, it is necessary to dispose of the remains when the color and smell change.

The drug is able to activate the metabolism in tissues, stimulating regeneration processes. In addition, the drug increases oxygen consumption, increases the resistance of tissues to its reduced content, the process of energy metabolism and glucose consumption. Glucose circulation and utilization improves with increased oxygen uptake.

The active effect of the drug is achieved no later than 30 minutes after use. The maximum effect is after 3 hours.

The drug belongs to the group of antihypoxants. The active ingredient in the composition, gemoderivate, is obtained from the components of the blood of calves. The drug promotes the activation of metabolism and stimulates regeneration processes. At the level of cellular structures, an acceleration of ATP synthesis is observed.

Auxiliary components depend on the form of release of the drug. The drug may include:

  • cellulose;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • talc;
  • water for injections;
  • sodium chloride.


Solcoseryl is also aimed at enhancing metabolic processes in the skin, regenerative processes on the skin. In addition, solcoseryl is used by girls due to its anti-aging properties. The main properties of solcoseryl: - Stimulation of collagen production in the skin; - Improvement of the transport function of oxygen in the tissue; - Stimulation of cellular respiration;

- Activation of cell growth; - Regeneration of small damaged vessels; Solcoseryl is produced in several forms, this is due to ease of use. Dosage forms in which Solcoseryl is produced: - Ointment; - Tablets; - Solution for injection; - Gel; - Paste. It is effective for necrotic lesions of the epidermis, for example, with trophic ulcers, bedsores.

Solcoseryl helps soften scar tissue, restore skin after a burn. Therefore, girls after a caesarean section with Solcoseryl can lubricate the skin in the area of ​​​​the dissection, after the period of breastfeeding. Solcoseryl in the form of a gel has found application in ophthalmology. Damage to the cornea of ​​​​the eye, keratitis and eye injuries, the drug is able to heal the tissue and help a person forget the problem with the eye. The price of solcoseryl ranges from 230-1660 rubles.

The price varies - this is due to the fact that different forms of solcoseryl cost differently. Another plus is that Solcoseryl is available without a prescription, so you don’t have to wait for a doctor’s appointment to get a prescription.

The well-known analogue of Actovegin - Solcoseryl - contains a substance made on the basis of hemoderivat. The drug activates metabolic processes in damaged tissues, stimulates and accelerates their recovery. The release form of the drug, as well as its analogue Actovegin: tablets, solution, gel, ointment, paste.

Medicinal properties of Solcoseryl:

  • elimination of cell hypoxia by providing oxygen transport;
  • activation of tissue regeneration;
  • increased collagen production;
  • activation of cellular respiration;
  • stimulation of the growth of a healthy group of cells;
  • restoration of capillaries affected by impaired blood flow;
  • acceleration of regeneration of the skin, broken as a result of cuts, burns.

Solcoseryl or Actovegin in the form of an ointment is used not only for burns and frostbite, but also for bedsores, trophic ulcers. The gel is successfully used in the cosmetology field for skin rejuvenation. Analogues of the antioxidant drug Actovegin help to improve the general condition of the skin, get rid of scars, and even out the tone of the face.

Good results were shown by Solcoseryl gel, as well as Actovegin ointment, in the treatment of thermal damage to the cornea of ​​​​the eyes, its xerosis, keratitis and mechanical injuries. Actovegin, like its substitute Solcoseryl, is allowed to be used at the time of getting used to contact lenses. The drug rarely causes allergic reactions and is usually well tolerated by patients of all ages.

The drug Solcoseryl is cheaper. Its price in pharmacies ranges from 350 rubles to 1000 rubles, depending on the form of release. Actovegin and its analogues are available without a prescription.

Substitute in the form of an ointment

This medicine is used in cardiology, psychiatry and neurology. Can be used as adjunctive therapy in dermatology and ophthalmology. Actovegin has a wide spectrum of action:

  • promotes the process of healing and tissue repair;
  • has an antioxidant effect;
  • improves blood microcirculation;
  • makes cells more resistant to oxygen starvation;
  • helps to eliminate the effects of hypoxia.

This drug has several forms of release:

  • gel;
  • ampoules;
  • cream;
  • injection;
  • tablets.

Actovegin in the form of ointments, creams and gels is often used to treat dermatological diseases, wounds and burns. Solution for injection and tablets are used for therapy in violation of the blood circulation of the brain, cognitive disorders and encephalopathy. The drug is also used for recovery after traumatic brain injuries, surgical interventions, after strokes and with a decrease in vascular tone.

Despite the fact that Actovegin is an effective drug that is well tolerated, it can still cause some negative manifestations. Side effects can be expressed as:

  • headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • tachycardia;
  • pain in the heart;
  • urticaria;
  • angioedema.

If negative manifestations are observed, you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor so that he can prescribe analogies for the active substance of the drug or even change it.

The average price in Russian pharmacies varies from 1200 to 1600 rubles, depending on the dosage and dosage form of the drug. Not everyone can afford the drug at this price, so there are cheaper, but no less effective analogues.

Actovegin is produced in various forms. This allows you to select the most optimal treatment option for the treatment of patients. Currently released:

  • tablets;
  • dragee;
  • gel;
  • cream;
  • ointment;
  • eye gel;
  • solution for injection in ampoules.

All dosage forms are produced in different dosages. The concentration of the active substance in injection ampoules may vary. The volume of the ointment varies from 20 to 100 mg. The price of Actovegin is from 500 to 1500 rubles.

It is advisable to use Actovegin in cases where oxygen supply to tissues is impaired. Indications for the use of the drug are the following diseases:

  1. Diseases of the brain. Assign for the treatment of ischemic stroke, the effects of traumatic brain injury, dementia.
  2. Various injuries of the skin and mucous membranes. Ulcers, burns of any etiology, bedsores are easily treated.
  3. Pathology of the peripheral blood supply. Actovegin is included in the basic treatment program for patients with angiopathy.
  4. consequences of radiation therapy.

Injectable forms of the drug are used to treat patients with diabetic polyneuropathy. During treatment, paresthesias, pain syndrome and burning sensation disappear in patients with diabetes.

Actovegin also has a number of contraindications:

  • heart failure;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • decrease in the amount of urine or cessation of the urinary function of the kidneys;
  • hyperhydration;
  • allergic to the active substance.

The drug should be used with caution in patients with type I diabetes mellitus. The course of treatment is carried out under the control of biochemical blood parameters: an increased concentration of sodium and chlorine is a contraindication to use.

Mom Tiger, 42 years old.

A medication with the same therapeutic effect as Actovegin is produced in the form of an ointment for external use. The active ingredients in Alantan Plus are allantoin and dexpanthenol.

Alantan Plus is a drug that accelerates wound healing. Dexapanthenol in the composition of the cell is converted into pantothenic acid and acts on the affected areas like a vitamin. Allantoin in the composition of the drug has an anti-inflammatory effect, and also stimulates the granulation of the layers of the epidermis and softens the skin.

An ointment is used to treat such pathologies:

  • wounds, cuts;
  • burns from phototherapy, sunburn;
  • keratosis of the skin on the feet and palms;
  • prevention of diaper rash in a newborn;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • eczema.

Also, the ointment is used by women to care for the nipples during lactation (before feeding, rinse the ointment thoroughly from the breast). During pregnancy, Alantan Plus is prescribed only by a doctor. You can not use the drug in the treatment of allergies to its components.

The ointment must be applied twice a day with a thin layer on the affected areas on the skin. Nipples should be lubricated after each feeding procedure, and the skin of a newborn should also be lubricated after changing diapers or diapers. With dry skin, the ointment can be applied 3-4 times a day.

The drug rarely causes side effects, but still there is a possibility of their manifestation. The skin reacts to the drug as follows:

  • eczema;
  • irritation and rash;
  • erythema and urticaria.

Allergic reactions of the body to the ointment:

  • angioedema;
  • labored breathing;
  • pale skin;
  • a sharp drop in pressure;
  • cyanide in the lips.

The digestive tract reacts to the use of the ointment:

  • nausea with vomiting;
  • diarrhea.

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Curantil belongs to the group of antiaggregants, immunomodulators. Actovegin analogues are due to their blood-thinning and vasodilating properties. Curantil improves blood microcirculation, is used in coronary heart disease, is used as an interferon inducer in acute respiratory viral infections. The active substance of chimes is dipyridamole.

The price of chimes is about 575 rubles. The main indications for the use of chimes are: - Treatment and prevention of ischemic cerebrovascular disorders; - dyscirculatory encephalopathy; - primary and secondary prevention of coronary artery disease, especially with intolerance to acetylsalicylic acid; - prevention of arterial and venous thrombosis and treatment of their complications ;

Prevention of thromboembolism after heart valve replacement surgery; - prevention of placental insufficiency in complicated pregnancy; - microcirculation disorders of any type (as part of complex therapy); - prevention and treatment of influenza, acute respiratory viral infections (as an interferon inducer and immunomodulator) - for taking the drug in a dose 25 mg.

But it is worth remembering the contraindications, these include: - Angina pectoris during an exacerbation; - Acute heart attack; - Narrowing of the aorta and rhythm disturbance; - Exacerbation of an ulcer, peptic ulcer; - Blockage of the airway lumen Actovegin can be replaced with chimes, provided that the doctor approves the replacement . The drug should not be replaced on its own, because chimes have serious contraindications and the consequences can lead to an undesirable outcome. The cost of the chimes is about 600 rubles, depending on the region, the price may vary.

The drug Curantil belongs to the group of antithrombotic and angioprotective agents and is used as a vasodilator that reduces the manifestation of hypoxia of the drug. It is not structurally identical. The main component is dipyridamole, which not only has a beneficial effect on the state of blood vessels, but also increases the synthesis of interferons. This property of the drug allows it to be used as an antiviral drug during influenza epidemics.

Indications for the use of Curantyl, an analogue of Actovegin, are as follows:

  • ischemia of the heart, angina pectoris;
  • atherosclerosis and associated hypertension;
  • hypoxic state of the fetus with placental insufficiency;
  • dysfunction of the brain with weakened blood circulation in its vessels;
  • strengthening the immune system during an influenza epidemic.

Like many other cheap analogues of Actovegin, Curantil has a number of contraindications:

  • acute heart attacks of the heart and brain;
  • exacerbation of angina pectoris;
  • low blood pressure, propensity to faint;
  • arrhythmia and aortic stenosis;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • obstruction of the lungs and bronchi.

Actovegin can be replaced by a cheaper analogue Curantil, provided there are no contraindications and as prescribed by the attending physician. The drug is available in tablets of 25 and 75 mg. Before buying the drug Curantil, you need to read the instructions. In case of side effects, you should consult a doctor.

The price of the drug Curantil, an analogue of the drug with gemoderivate, is cheaper and amounts to 642 rubles.

Who is affected by the ban?

Vegetative dystonia; - Encephalopathy of various origins; - Traumatic brain injury; - Post-withdrawal disorder; - Anxiety-phobic disorders; - Ischemic heart disease; - Stress conditions The cost of mexidol is not much cheaper than actovegin, is about 400 rubles. You should not replace one drug with another on your own.

Cerebrolysin is released strictly by prescription. It has a metabolic effect on the brain, improves the function of the organ, especially in the aging population. The neuroprotective effect of cerebrolysin protects the brain from the action of free radicals, protects brain cells from death during hypoxia and ischemia.

Cerebrolysin has a proven neurotrophic effect, improves memory. Indications for Cerebrolysin: - Attention deficit in children; - Dementia; - Mental retardation - Alzheimer's disease; epilepsy.

Contraindications are: - Renal failure; - Epilepsy. The dosage regimen depends on the clinical manifestations of the disease, the age of the patient. Cerebrolysin does not depress attention, so drivers can take the drug. The cost of Cerebrolysin is about 1020 rubles.

Indications for use:

  • Vascular and metabolic disorders of the brain - TBI, inadequate blood saturation, dementia;
  • Various peripheral vascular problems (arterial and venous) and prevention of their consequences (trophic ulcers and destruction of the vessel wall);
  • Diabetic polyneuropathy.

A remedy from an Austrian manufacturer has a significantly different price tag, unlike analogues available on the pharmaceutical market. Substitutes are produced by imported and domestic factories and have a lower price. However, almost each of the generics has its own peculiarity.

Actovegin is a drug that significantly improves the number of metabolic processes in the body, has the ability to restore and regenerate new cells. The active ingredient is a specially isolated extract of demireate from the blood of young calves, completely freed from the presence of protein.

The form of release of the drug is quite diverse: in ampoules, in the form of a gel, ointment, cream, injection and even in tablets. The average price in Russia is 1200-1600 rubles, depending on the form of release, the amount of medicine.

The main property of actovegin is considered to be a quick ability to restore blood circulation. The main indications for use are: the presence of stroke, diabetes mellitus, arthritis of various types, lupus and diseases caused by vascular disorders.

Actovegin's pricing policy is not small, so cheap analogues of the drug in Russia should be considered in more detail. You can also find a drug substitute produced in countries such as Ukraine, Belarus.

There are many analogues of Ukrainian-made actovegin.

The main ones are:

  1. Bioglobin - U. Stimulates the metabolic processes of the body, the main substance is bioglobin. It is used by injection for the treatment of various forms of arthritis. It is partly an analogue of Actovegin, but requires the recommendation of the attending physician before use. It is contraindicated for acute heart diseases, oncological diseases at the last stage, pregnancy, lactation. The average price is 300-500 rubles.
  2. Ginkgoba. Dietary supplement that improves brain function. The main substance is an extract of the plant ginkgo biloba. Significantly improves memory, concentration, mental work. It has contraindications to high sensitivity. The average price is 120-220 rubles.
  3. Cerebrovital. It is also used as a dietary supplement to renew brain cells and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. The active ingredient is based on the extract of gotu kola and lecithin. With a special sensitivity of the drug, use during pregnancy and lactation is contraindicated. Release form of the drug: tablets. The average price is 100-200 rubles.
  4. Memorin. Release form in the form of an oral solution. Provides oxygen supply to the brain, improves metabolic processes. It is a relative analogue of Actovegin, it is prescribed for circulatory disorders. The average price is 100-180 rubles.
  5. Neuromine is the energy of the brain. A dietary supplement containing a combination of natural ingredients aimed at restoring and preventing the development of cerebral hypoxia. It has contraindications in case of high sensitivity to the components of the drug, it is not recommended for children under 6 years of age during pregnancy, lactation. The average price is 100-200 rubles.

Actovegin is a natural medication based on the extract of peptides from the blood of young calves. The drug restores blood microcirculation, which contributes to replenishing the oxygen deficiency in the blood and filling tissue cells with it.

Actovegin is prescribed for the following diseases:

  • cerebral disorders of vascular etiology;
  • post-traumatic period of concussion or skull trauma;
  • dementia;
  • neuronal failure;
  • with violations of the peripheral parts of the blood flow of venous and arterial origin;
  • angiopathy of trophic etiology;
  • polyneuropathy of atherosclerotic and diabetic genesis.

Actovegin is not prescribed in the treatment of patients with such disorders and diseases in the body:

  • swelling of the lungs and brain;
  • anuria and oliguria;
  • myocardial insufficiency during decompensation;
  • fluid retention in the body.

Actovegin is used with caution when:

  • increased concentration in the body of chlorine with sodium;
  • during pregnancy and lactation, although there is no clinical evidence of danger in use, it is necessary to calculate all possible risks for the child.

The dosage of Actovegin is calculated as follows:

  • violation of blood flow in the cerebral arteries - 5-25 ml per day with a dropper or intravenously. Subsequently, the doctor may prescribe pills;
  • ischemic stroke, polyneuropathy of sclerotic and diabetic etiology - 50 ml by drip. It is necessary to combine treatment with the use of Actovegin gel;
  • trophic eczema and ulcers in atherosclerosis and diabetes - 10 ml in a vein together with a gel for the treatment of non-growing tissues.

Actovegin tablets are prescribed individually, but the standard dosages are 1-2 pieces three times a day. Therapeutic course - up to 45 days.

Analogues of Actovegin in tablets or ampoules are not always cheaper than the original drug, their price directly depends on the manufacturer and on the components that make up the drug, but still there are more affordable drugs.

Among the analogues of the drug can be called means, which are represented by a solution and tablets.

Cavinton is a cerebrovasodilator that restores functionality in the brain regions and is a substitute for Actovegin tablets. The drug restores blood microcirculation, which improves the supply of oxygen to the cerebral arteries. The active ingredient vinpocetine stimulates the effects of norepinephrine and the hormone serotonin on metabolism in the cerebral organs. The drug does not affect myocardial contraction and blood pressure indicators.

The drug is effectively used to treat such cerebral pathologies as hypertensive and hypotensive patients:

  • transient brain attacks;
  • encephalopathy of atherosclerotic origin;
  • memory loss and development of cephalgia;
  • tinnitus and deviations in the functionality of the organ of hearing.

It is forbidden to use the drug in patients with such pathologies:

  • violation of the heart rhythm;
  • reduced tone of the arterial membranes;
  • unstable blood pressure.

Cavinton is also not used in the treatment of pregnant women and during lactation. For therapy, it is prescribed orally 1-2 tablets three times a day. With maintenance therapeutic treatment - 1 tablet 3 times a day. Positive dynamics in treatment appears after 7-14 days of taking the medication.

The solution is used only drip - 1 ampoule per 500 ml of sodium chloride. With severe development of the disease - droppers are prescribed three times a day. After the symptoms of the acute phase of the disease are removed, the patient is transferred to treatment with tablets. For children, the drug is administered by drip in a glucose solution for 14-21 days, after which tablets are prescribed with a dosage of 0.5 mg per 1 kilogram of the child's weight.

Cavinton can provoke such negative actions in the body:

  • arrhythmia;
  • dizziness and pain in the head;
  • body weakness;
  • dyspeptic disorders.

Cavinton's injections are forbidden to be administered intramuscularly.

The nootropic medication Mexidol has a membrane-stabilizing effect and is available in tablets and ampoules. The drug reduces the development of hypoxia in brain cells, and also has an antioxidant effect on neurons. Due to the effect of the drug, neurons become more resistant to oxygen deficiency, which was the result of impaired hemodynamics in the cerebral regions, as well as in the cerebral organs, the following changes occur:

  • increases the protection of cell membranes to emotional stress and the effects of toxins;
  • with an imbalance of oxygen, the formation of foci of necrosis decreases, which cause ischemic stroke;
  • memory improves, as well as the intellectual abilities of the patient;
  • platelet aggregation decreases, which increases the speed of blood movement in the brain.

The course of treatment with Mexidol is prescribed for such diseases:

  • vegetative disorders;
  • insomnia or drowsiness;
  • decrease in memory quality;
  • withdrawal syndrome;
  • dementia and epilepsy;
  • injury to the skull and brain;
  • severe stress;
  • intoxication of the body with medicines, poisons and ethanol;
  • acute phase of pancreatitis;
  • encephalopathy.

Do not prescribe Mexidol in ampoules in pediatrics, allergies to the components in the composition of the drug, during pregnancy and feeding the newborn with mother's milk. It is also forbidden to use the drug in patients with kidney and liver failure.

Cavinton indications for use

Cavinton belongs to the group of drugs with cerebrovasodilating properties. The drug helps to restore metabolic processes in the brain, improve the flow of oxygen into it thanks to vinpocetine, the main component. Actovegin analogues, such as Cavinton, have a stimulating effect on the cerebral metabolism of norepinephrine and serotonin.

Indications for the use of the drug are:

  • transient ischemia;
  • atherosclerosis and associated manifestations of encephalopathy;
  • cephalgia, memory impairment;
  • eye diseases;
  • hearing loss, tinnitus.

Before using cheaper analogues of Actovegin, for example, Cavinton, you should consult a doctor. The medication can cause dizziness, migraines, feelings of weakness, increased frequency of arrhythmia attacks, which are contraindications to taking the medication. Preparations with vinpocetine in some cases lead to the appearance of dyspeptic disorders, heartburn.

Cavinton is much cheaper than imported and domestic medicines based on gemoderivate. The average price of a drug, an analogue of Actovegin, is 378 rubles.

Cavinton is aimed at improving cerebral circulation and metabolism in the brain. Cavinton helps brain tissue consume glucose and oxygen, thereby reducing hypoxia in tissues. Glucose without "effort" passes through the blood-brain barrier to the brain. Actovegin analogues are classified due to similar properties. The active substance in Cavinton is Vinpocetine and is not a structural analogue of Actovegin in terms of the active substance.

Indications for the use of Cavinton: - Chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system; - Reduction of neurological symptoms in various forms of circulatory failure of the brain; - Meniere's disease; - Hearing loss and tinnitus. Cavinton cannot be administered intramuscularly, it is produced in ampoules for intravenous administration and tablets. The cost of Cavinton is about 400 rubles.

List of inexpensive Russian and imported synonyms

Name of the drug Price in rubles Characteristic
Cortexin 800–1200 The active substance is a water-soluble compound of the polypeptide type. Due to its ultra-high permeability, it quickly enters the cells, significantly restores the functional features of the brain. It is an effective analogue of Actovegin. It has contraindications for individual intolerance to cortexin, it is prohibited during pregnancy and lactation.
Vero - trimetazidine 90–120 It has a high antihypoxic effect and is not inferior to actovegin in many respects. It is widely used for ischemic strokes, hypoxia of the heart. It is contraindicated in allergic reactions to the active substance, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.
Noben 500–600 The active substance idebenone has the ability to increase oxygen volumes, improve blood circulation, and restore brain function. It is prescribed for various types of neurasthenia, memory impairment, and attention. The use is not recommended in case of intolerance to idebenone, renal failure.
Divaza 250–400 It performs a protective function of neurons, thereby favorably influencing the restoration of brain cells. The active substances of the drug are antibodies of a specific brain protein. In case of an overdose, allergic side effects are possible. Admission to pregnant women, children under 18 years of age is contraindicated.
Mexidol 250–500 Relatively inexpensive domestic analogue of actovegin. The main substance - mexidol has an antioxidant effect, inhibits the development of hypoxia. It can be used in injections with the introduction of an injection solution, dosed tablets. It is contraindicated in case of high sensitivity to the components of the drug, acute renal failure, pregnancy, lactation.
Omaron 100–300 It has the ability to quickly dilate blood vessels, neotropical effect. The active ingredients are piracetam, cinnarizine. Release form: tablets. Contraindicated in children under 5 years of age, pregnant women, during lactation.



Belarusian generics

Name of the drug Price in rubles Characteristic
Neurotropin 1000–1400 The active ingredient is mexidol. Restores oxygen supply to cells, improves blood circulation. It is a qualitative analogue of Actovegin. It is prescribed for various hypoxia, encephalopathy, complex purulent processes (peritonitis). It is not recommended during pregnancy, lactation, severe disorders of the kidneys, liver.
Piracesin 150–300 Active substances: piracetam, cinnarizine. It has an antihypoxic, vasodilating effect. An inexpensive analogue of Actovegin. They are used not only for disorders of the brain, but also as a developmental stimulant for children with lagging abilities. Contraindicated in pregnancy, lactation, renal failure, hypersensitivity to components. Not recommended for professional athletes.
Piracetam 50–100 Affordable Actovegin prototype. The active ingredient piracetam has a positive effect on the functioning of brain activity and practically does not cause side effects. It is not recommended for diabetes, children under 1 year old, pregnancy, lactation, acute renal or hepatic insufficiency.


Other foreign analogues

A wide range of analogues of foreign production allows you to choose the most high-quality and inexpensive synonyms for Actovegin.

  1. Solcoseryl. The advantage of this drug is almost complete identity with actovegin. The active substance is also a protein-free dialysate obtained from the blood of young calves. It is produced in the form of a gel and injection solution. It is used to treat diseases caused by a lack of oxygen in the cells and in the healing of wounds and burns. It is undesirable to take the medicine during pregnancy and lactation. The average price is 250–800 rubles.
  2. Curantyl 25. It contains the main substance dipyridamole. Assign for the treatment of various types of thrombosis, applicable for recovery after myocardial infarction. Suitable as an analogue of actovegin. Release form in the form of injections, tablets, dragees. It is strictly contraindicated in acute heart disease, arterial hypotension, stomach ulcers, liver and kidney disorders, high sensitivity to the drug, pregnancy and lactation. The average price is 600–900 rubles.
  3. Nootropil. Piracetam is the main active ingredient. A qualitative synonym for Actovegin. Available in the form of injections for injections, tablets, syrup for children. Effectively restores, improves brain function. Used to treat various pathologies of the nervous system. Main contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, liver failure, bleeding, special sensitivity to piracetam. The average price is 250-350 rubles.
  4. Tanakan. Herbal preparation based on ginkgo leaf extract. A fairly effective analogue that improves blood circulation in the brain. It is applicable for various neuroses, encephalopathy, Alzheimer's disease. It is not recommended for children under 18 years of age, with acute diseases of the heart, kidneys, liver, during pregnancy and lactation. The average price is 500-650 rubles.
  5. Anantavati. Regulates the activity of the brain on the basis of phytopreparations. It is produced in the form of tablets. It has no serious contraindications, it is not recommended during pregnancy, lactation and children under 18 years of age. The average price is 100-250 rubles. It has positive reviews from a large number of people.

In the final part of the article, I would like to summarize and say that choosing a cheaper analogue of Actovegin is not particularly difficult.

But it should be remembered that replacement with a cheap drug should be carried out only on the recommendation of a doctor! After all, the health of any person is the main factor of his well-being. Be healthy! Share this post


Mexidol as an analogue of Actovegin

Mexidol is a drug belonging to the group of broad-spectrum antioxidants. In its composition, ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate is used as an active ingredient, which has the following list of positive effects on the human body:

  • Fighting active free radicals that disrupt tissue metabolism and contribute to cellular damage, leading to disease and premature aging.
  • Reduces the likelihood of excessive thrombosis, which helps to improve blood flow, and hence the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • It reduces the concentration of bad cholesterol, which contributes to the prevention of atherosclerosis, which, in turn, leads to a large number of health problems, ranging from high blood pressure to angina pectoris.
  • Normalizes the nervous system, improves the passage of nerve impulses through tissues and organs.
  • Stimulates fat metabolism.
  • It improves the condition of cell membranes, which means it enhances the protection of cells from damage from outside.
  • In general, it improves metabolism and leads to the normalization of its balance.

All these effects make the drug one of the most preferred drugs for the treatment of various diseases associated with the pathology of the nervous system. These are the consequences of stress, and especially prolonged, as well as head injuries. Including the remedy is prescribed when it is necessary to compensate for the long-term use of heavy psychopharmacological drugs.

In addition, Mexidol is also taken in the case when the patient needs supportive therapy for diseases of the cardiovascular system, such as atherosclerosis, increased thrombus formation or mild angina.

However, it is worth remembering that taking the medication may be contraindicated in severe degrees of renal or hepatic pathologies. In addition, contraindications include:

  • allergic reactions;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period.

The tool may show some side effects, despite the fact that most often it is very well tolerated by the body. Side effects associated with the digestive tract: nausea, problems with the stomach or intestines. In rare cases, there may be an allergy or drying of the mucous membranes in the oral cavity. No other significant side effects were found.

According to the indications for taking the drug, the doctor should determine. This is especially true for diseases associated with the functioning of the brain:

  • circulatory disorders;
  • treatment of the consequences of a stroke;
  • treatment of head injuries.

The doctor selects both the dosage of the drug and the duration of the course of treatment as a whole. During treatment, it is necessary to carefully monitor the general condition of the patient and adjust the dose and number of doses in time.

As a rule, the maximum duration of administration does not exceed 6 months, after which it is necessary to take a break of several months, if for some reason it is necessary to continue therapy with this drug.

In addition, there are restrictions on the injection of the drug. It should be administered strictly intravenously slowly, the rate should not be more than 40-60 drops per minute.

Among other things, some patients have a problem associated with impaired concentration, therefore, when taking Mexidol, it is necessary to refuse to drive a vehicle, and if work activity is associated with the need for such concentration, then another medication should be selected for treatment.

Mexidol was also on the list of analogues of Actovegin, because it has resistant properties to ischemia, cerebrovascular accident. In addition, Mexidol has anti-stress, anticonvulsant, nootropic properties. After taking mexidol in the brain, the content of dopamine (the hormone of joy) increases, the “sleep-wakefulness” balance is restored, and memory improves.

The drug Mexidol, which is based on ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate, is used as a nootropic, anxiolytic and membrane stabilizing agent. The drug, like its counterpart Actovegin, has antihypoxic and antioxidant effects. Mexidol improves memory, reduces the body's sensitivity to stress.

The course of drug therapy is indicated for the following conditions:

  • the presence of symptoms of somatovegetative disorder;
  • violation of the mode of wakefulness and sleep;
  • deterioration of the memorization process;
  • the presence of disorders in the tissues of the brain;
  • transferred stresses;
  • states of intoxication with alcohol abuse;
  • the presence of purulent-inflammatory processes in the digestive tract.

Before replacing the Actovegin medication with another, cheaper analogue, you must carefully read the contraindications and study the information about the difference, find out from the doctor which is better. Mexidol is not used when the body is prone to an allergic reaction to ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate.

Actovegin belongs to the group of antihypoxants - agents that activate cellular metabolism (metabolism) due to the effective utilization of oxygen circulating in the body. It increases resistance to hypoxia (oxygen starvation) and accelerates tissue regeneration. With a wide spectrum of action, the drug is very popular, but its rather high price forces many people to look for cheaper analogues.


As part of the drug, a deproteinized (freed from protein) extract (hemoderivat) from the blood of calves is used as an active substance.

Forms of release: tablets (pellets); solution for injection in ampoules; solution for infusions (droppers); gel 20%, cream 5%, ointment 5% for external use; eye gel.

The use of various forms of the drug and the duration of the course of treatment depend on the symptoms and severity of the disease. Instructions for use contain general recommendations, but each individual case requires agreement with the doctor.

Indications for use:

  • cerebrovascular insufficiency, including ischemic stroke, cerebrovascular disease, dementia (senile dementia);
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • diabetic polyneuropathy;
  • violations of peripheral circulation (arterial, venous);
  • angiopathy (impaired vascular tone);
  • trophic disorders (deterioration of skin nutrition) with varicose veins;
  • ulcers of various origins;
  • bedsores;
  • open wounds;
  • thermal and chemical burns;
  • prevention and treatment of radiation injuries;
  • damage to the cornea and sclera of the eyes (burns, ulcers, keratitis).

Among the side effects, allergic manifestations are possible - redness, itching or rashes on the skin, weakness, dizziness, headache, fever, fluctuations in blood pressure.

Actovegin is well tolerated and has practically no contraindications. It is not recommended to use it for pulmonary edema, decompensated heart failure (for infusion solution), problems with urine production (anuria or oliguria), fluid retention in the body, hypersensitivity to the drug.

During pregnancy

Intrauterine infections and various diseases during childbearing can lead to placental insufficiency, when there is a threat of hypoxia or malnutrition (developmental delay) of the fetus. In such cases, Actovegin is prescribed - it is involved in metabolic processes and participates in the regulation of energy supply: it normalizes uteroplacental blood circulation and gas exchange between the mother and fetus, improves the functions of the placenta.

The drug or its analogues can prevent amniotic ovum detachment, miscarriage, development of varicose veins and hemorrhagic nodes. They are also recommended for pregnant women with diabetes.

For a child

The main reason for prescribing the drug and its analogues to newborns and infants is chronic fetal hypoxia, as well as acute hypoxia (for example, cord entanglement or prolonged labor), brain injury. In such cases, the greatest efficiency is achieved when using Actovegin in injections.



Active ingredients - chlorophyll derivatives, carotenoids, salts of fatty acids, film formers. Release form - ointment.

The drug promotes wound healing and is used for purulent-inflammatory, radiation and trophic lesions of the skin and soft tissues.

Algofin can be applied in a thin layer on the cleaned surface of the wound, make applications with it, use it with cotton swabs to fill purulent cavities. The frequency of application depends on the nature of the lesion and varies from 2 times a day to 2 times a week.

Side effects: burning sensation, in some cases pre-treatment with a local anesthetic is desirable.

No contraindications have been identified.

Diosmin (Vazoket, Diovenor, Phlebodia 600, Phlebopha)

The active substance is diosmin. Release form - tablets.

Angioprotective drug has venotonic activity. It is indicated for varicose veins, chronic lymphovenous insufficiency of the lower extremities, microcirculation disorders, hemorrhoids.

Take 1-3 tablets (600-1800 milligrams) per day, the course of treatment can be from 7 days to 2 months.

Side effects: nausea, heartburn, abdominal pain, headaches, allergic skin reactions.

Contraindications: I trimester of pregnancy, lactation, age up to 18 years, hypersensitivity to the drug.

Dipyridamole (Curantil, Parsedyl)

The active substance is dipyridamole. Release form - tablets.

It is an anticoagulant (thinning the blood). Effective in the treatment and prevention of deterioration of cerebral circulation, coronary heart disease, arterial and venous thrombosis and their complications, microcirculation disorders. It is also used to prevent placental insufficiency in complicated pregnancy, and due to its immunomodulatory properties (the ability to stimulate the production of interferon), it fights influenza and SARS.

The dosage of the drug and the duration of administration depend on the severity of the disease, and can range from 25 to 600 milligrams per day.

Side effects: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache or muscle pain, weakness, dizziness, heart palpitations, allergic skin manifestations.

Contraindications: acute myocardial or cerebral infarction, acute angina pectoris, decompensated cardiac, renal or hepatic failure, obstructive diseases of the broncho-pulmonary system, fainting, collapse, arterial hypotension, bleeding tendency, peptic ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract, age up to 12 years, drug intolerance .


The active substance is an extract of protein fractions obtained from the cerebral cortex of cattle and pigs. Release form - lyophilisate (powder) for the preparation of a solution for intramuscular injection.

Refers to nootropic drugs, effective for traumatic brain injury, cerebral circulatory disorders, encephalopathies, memory and thinking disorders, delayed psychomotor and speech development in children, cerebral palsy.

The course of treatment consists of single injections for 10 days with the possibility of repeating after 3-6 months: adults and children weighing more than 20 kilograms are injected with 10 milligrams of the substance, for young children the dose is determined at the rate of 0.5 milligrams per 1 kilogram of weight.

Side effects: local allergic reactions (redness and itching of the skin).

Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, hypersensitivity to the drug.

Mexidol (Mexiprim, Neurox)

The active substance is ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate. Release form - tablets, solution for injection. Mexidol toothpaste is also produced.

Antioxidant of a new generation, used for circulatory disorders and atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, vegetative-vascular dystonia, intoxication with neuroleptics, anxiety in neurosis, acute purulent-inflammatory processes of the peritoneum.

Take 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day, but not more than 6 tablets (600 milligrams) per day. In the form of injections, the drug is administered by jet or drip, the dosage depends on the nature of the disease, but does not exceed 1200 milligrams of the substance per day.

Side effects: nausea, dryness of the oral mucosa, drowsiness, allergic manifestations.

Contraindications: acute disorders of the liver or kidneys, pregnancy, lactation, childhood, individual intolerance to the drug.


It is the only analogue of Actovegin in terms of the active substance - deproteinized dialysate from the blood of dairy calves.

Release form and dosage: pills - take 100 milligrams 3 times a day; solution for injection - it is desirable to dilute with saline in a ratio of 1: 1 and inject intravenously at 10-20 milliliters daily or several times a week; infusion solution - inject drips of 250-500 milliliters daily or several times a week; gel (jelly) and ointment for external use - apply a thin layer on the affected skin 1-2 times a day; dental adhesive paste - apply a thin layer on the oral mucosa 3-5 times a day; eye drops - instill 1 drop 3-4 times a day into the conjunctival sac.

Indications for use are the same as for Actovegin.

Side effects: allergic reactions.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, age up to 18 years, lactation. Use with caution during pregnancy.

Trimetazidine (Deprenorm, Preductal, Trimectal)

The active substance is trimetazidine hydrochloride. Release form - tablets, capsules.

The drug reduces tissue hypoxia, protects blood vessels and the heart muscle, has a positive effect on cerebral circulation and the vestibular apparatus, and restores the functional activity of the retina in case of vascular pathology of the eyes.

Take 1 tablet (20 milligrams) 2-3 times daily.

Side effects: dizziness, headache, sweating, nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, skin rashes.

Contraindications: severe renal failure, liver dysfunction, lactase deficiency, lactose intolerance, pregnancy, lactation, age up to 18 years, hypersensitivity.


The active substance is a complex of peptides and amino acids from the brain of a pig. Release form - solution in ampoules for injection.

Psychoanaleptic, used for disorders of the central nervous system, impaired blood circulation in the brain, dementia, cognitive impairment (disorders of memory and thinking), mental retardation in children.

The course of treatment lasts 10-20 days, the dosage depends on the severity and nature of the disease, and ranges from 5 to 50 milliliters of the substance 1 time per day. The dose for children is 0.1-0.2 milliliters per 1 kilogram of body weight.

Side effects: feeling hot, sweating, dizziness, headache, agitation, insomnia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, allergic skin rashes.

Contraindications: acute renal failure, epilepsy, hypersensitivity. Use with caution in the first trimester of pregnancy, while breastfeeding.

The composition of the medicine: deproteinized hemoderivat blood of calves - 200.0 mg in the form of Actovegin® granulate * - 345.0 mg,
Excipients: magnesium stearate - 2.0 mg, talc - 3.0 mg

Short description

The drug Actovegin is a drug that improves the metabolic processes of the body. Promotes cell renewal and regeneration.

From the blood of suckling calves, a demireative extract is isolated, which is completely free from the content of protein compounds. This drug is available in all pharmacological forms, except for capsules.

The demand for the drug today is high. It is prescribed to restore metabolic and regenerative processes and improve cellular nutrition. A special method is used to make a substrate from the blood of young calves, which is part of the drug.

The biological product is indicated for patients with diseases:
- vascular diseases of the brain;
- consequences of traumatic brain injury, concussion;
- dementia;
- deficiency of neurons;
- violation of peripheral circulation;
- damage to blood vessels due to a disorder of nervous coagulation;
- atherosclerotic / diabetic polyneuropathy.
It is forbidden to take Actovegin to patients with diseases:
- swelling of the brain / lungs;
- absence or deficiency of diuresis;
- myocardial decompensation;
- water is retained in the body.

The therapeutic agent normalizes blood supply and ensures the correct supply of substances needed by the body to the tissues. The existing analogues of Actovegin have lower prices, and the efficiency is the same. But substitutes in the form of a solution for injections and tablets are usually not cheaper than the original, the cost depends on the brand of the manufacturer and the components of the drug composition. However, you can buy Actovegin generics at an affordable price.

Russian counterparts

Actovegin (injections) - taking this analogue allows you to stimulate and resume metabolic processes in the circulatory system. The tool helps to effectively deliver oxygen and glucose to cells. The drug is often prescribed in case of diabetic polyneuropathy of the extremities. The components of the drug allow to saturate the cells with oxygen to the proper extent, help to assimilate and utilize it.
The course of treatment with Actovegin is prescribed to improve blood circulation, saturate damaged tissues with oxygen and glucose. At the same time, this medicine is well tolerated by patients, since it does not have serious side effects, and also does not cause vascular disorders.

Mexidol - this tool is designed to improve the blood supply to the brain, the rheological properties of blood, microcirculation, increases the content of dopamine, reduces platelet aggregation. The use of this substitute makes it possible to increase the tolerance of tissues to a lack of oxygen, to protect cells from excessive oxidation. There is also a gradual restoration of cell membrane lipids. It has an anticonvulsant effect, successfully suppresses the symptoms of anxiety, fear and anxiety.

This domestic analogue is an effective corrector of cerebral blood flow. The drug is prescribed to eliminate symptoms such as poor memory, dizziness, inattention. The components of the drug contribute to the expansion of blood vessels, normalize the outflow from the veins. Application leads to improvement of metabolic processes in brain cells, normalization of blood pressure, improvement of eye trophism. In addition, Bravinton prevents the progression of deafness of vascular origin, and at the same time increases intellectual productivity.

Korsavin is a drug that effectively improves brain metabolism and blood circulation in the brain. An analogue is used for the treatment of blood vessels, atherosclerosis of the brain, as well as to eliminate the consequences of a stroke. The medicine is also prescribed for idiopathic tinnitus, with symptoms of hearing loss, Meniere's disease. At the same time, Korsavin is effective in the treatment of chronic vascular diseases of the retina.

Import analogues

Solcoseryl is a drug that effectively transports oxygen and glucose to cells that are in a state of hypoxia. The use of the drug allows you to activate regenerative processes in tissues. Effective for frostbite, burns, skin injuries and bruises. The ointment is used exclusively on non-weeping dry wounds. At the same time, the cost of this analogue in pharmacies is usually lower than the original drug.


Release form: Paste for topical use in a tube

Active substance: Deproteinized hemoderivat

Prices in pharmacies: No current offers

This analog is prescribed for symptoms such as erosions and ulcers of the oral cavity, as well as for the treatment of gum disease. The paste is effective with regular use: damaged tissues heal, regeneration occurs. It has natural components in its composition, they contribute to the activation of the work of blood vessels, which causes the division and restoration of damaged cells. Also in the composition there is an anesthetic, which provides an analgesic effect. The drug is prescribed for use by patients of any age.

The active component of the drug Cavinton is obtained from the periwinkle flower. The component is a plant alkaloid. This plant has long been used in folk medicine, as it has a cerebrovasodilating and cerebroprotective effect. Thanks to the active component, metabolism and blood circulation in the nervous tissues are significantly improved. The substitute has an antioxidant effect, improves blood properties, has a pronounced nootropic effect.

This is a popular analogue of Actovegin, which is prescribed for hypoxia of the brain tissue, as well as for activating the blood circulation of the brain, as well as for patients with traumatic brain injury. The agent does not affect blood pressure and heart rate, and systemic circulation does not suffer. Used to improve metabolism in nerve tissues. The components of the drug promote healthy blood circulation in the tissues. The peculiarity of Vinpocetine is that it acts exclusively on the affected part of the brain in ischemic pathology.

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