How to drink carrot and beet juice. Contraindication of beet juice. Carrot and beet juice: benefits and harms for children and adults

Vegetables are among the foods that should be included in the diet of any person. Due to the large amount of fiber and beneficial trace elements, they are directly responsible for normal work all internal organs. The most accessible and popular crops are beets and carrots, the usefulness of which can hardly be overestimated. These vegetables are a storehouse of vitamins and can be used in any form. What are the benefits and harms of carrots beetroot juice?

Carrots contain many vitamins: K, C, E, D, PP, B and A vitamins, as well as various acids, magnesium, cobalt, phosphorus, iron, copper, potassium. The root crop is best absorbed in liquid form: the drink strengthens immune system, restores the lack of vitamins in the body. Often it is taken for digestive disorders and liver diseases.


Root crop brings great benefit the brain, strengthens the nerves. Often, the healing liquid from carrots is used during lactation: it significantly improves the quality of milk.

In addition, the vegetable has the following properties:

  • improves appetite;
  • stimulates the gastrointestinal system;
  • cleanses the organs toxic substances and poisons;
  • positively affects the condition of tooth enamel and gums;
  • is a good prevention of visual disorders;
  • activates the synthesis of female sex hormones due to the content of carotene.

Drinking a carrot drink, women can prolong youth and health.

Vegetables are used to treat:

  • urolithiasis;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • various inflammations of internal organs;
  • infertility.

Using it externally, you can eliminate ulcerative lesions and purulent abscesses on the skin.

The use of fresh carrots has shown high efficiency during epidemics of colds, SARS and influenza: they can gargle and drink inside with honey.

In addition, the drink has a positive effect on the organs of vision and is successfully used for myopia, conjunctivitis.

It is believed that in case of oncological diseases, liquid from carrots strengthens healthy cells and inhibits the growth of malignant growths.


Long-term use of vegetable drinks can be harmful. Vitamin A, contained in fresh carrots, is poorly absorbed in large quantities.. Most often, carotene is part of sunflower oil and sour cream, which are high-calorie foods and are not used in dietary nutrition.

Contraindications to the use of carrot fresh are:

  • ulcerative lesions of the stomach;
  • increased acidity;
  • colitis;
  • hepatic pathologies;
  • gastritis.

People with diabetes need to be careful.

Excessive use can cause:

  • yellowing of the skin;
  • increase in temperature;
  • pain symptoms in the head;
  • prostration;
  • drowsiness.

Besides, carrots in fresh do not use children under 1 year: it can cause diathesis.

Beet juice

Beets are a very useful vegetable for the body, which includes iron.. This explains his beneficial effect for blood. Most often, the root crop is used in boiled and baked form, however, freshly squeezed liquid has a lot of useful properties.


Vegetables contain vitamins, amino acids, minerals
positive effect on memory and metabolic processes.

Beetroot juice is capable of:

  • dilate blood vessels;
  • eliminate spasms of arteries;
  • strengthen capillaries;
  • stabilize arterial pressure;
  • get rid of anemia;
  • relieve fatigue;
  • improve digestion;
  • increase endurance;
  • reduce inflammatory processes;
  • heal wounds.

The iodine, manganese, zinc and copper included in its composition have a beneficial effect on sexual function, normalize the work of the endocrine and lymphatic systems.

By applying the healing liquid externally, you can get rid of ulcers, boils and abscesses. Beetroot juice is recommended for people suffering from heart disease, prone to obesity, as well as people with insufficiency. thyroid gland, diseases of the liver and bile ducts.

Just like carrots, the root vegetable has cleansing properties and increases the body's resistance to various infections.

Beets are useful for children: the vegetable stimulates the work of the stomach and intestines, participating in the metabolism of proteins and fats, has a positive effect on intestinal microflora. In addition, the root crop is an excellent prevention of hypovitaminosis, and favorably affects the growing body as a whole.


Beetroot drink can cause nausea, gag reflexes and dizziness. Do not consume freshly squeezed liquid with food containing proteins.

Frequent use concentrated juice can cause glut and backfire.

Fresh beetroot should not be drunk immediately after preparation: it can provoke vasospasm. Before drinking the liquid, it is necessary to brew for 2 hours.

  • under reduced pressure;
  • during an exacerbation of urolithiasis;
  • with kidney disease;
  • with pathologies duodenum;
  • with stomach ulcers.

In some cases, after use, you may experience:

  • nausea;
  • gagging;
  • general weakness;
  • tachycardia;
  • dizziness;
  • dermatological skin rashes.

So that the juice of carrots and beets opens beneficial features, it must be properly prepared.

Carrot and beetroot fresh: recipes

Making juice from beets and carrots is very simple. This will require:

Before cooking, the vegetables are washed well, peeled and cut into small cubes. First, beets are placed in the juicer. The resulting drink is insisted at room temperature at least 2 hours. After that, they start processing carrots. Both juices are mixed and diluted with water at room temperature.

Another recipe for cooking involves the addition of an apple. For cooking you need:

  • 1 carrot;
  • 1/2 beet;
  • 1 apple.

All components are thoroughly washed, cleaned and passed through a press. Juice from beets, carrots, apples has a sweet taste and is great for children.

Some prefer the mix without the addition of carrots. Apple-beetroot juice is prepared as follows: for 3 apples - 1 beetroot. First of all, the liquid is squeezed out of the beets, which is kept for at least 2 hours. Apple juice is added to the resulting drink.

In addition, if desired, celery, pear, ginger, lemon can be added to the drink.

How to take

With intolerance to vegetable juices in pure form, as well as the appearance unpleasant symptoms in the form of nausea, gag reflexes, indigestion, drinks are diluted with water

Most often, the ratio of carrots and beets is 3:1. For achievement therapeutic effect fresh take 200 grams 2 times a day, 30 minutes before meals or 2 hours after meals.

Besides, great benefit for the body will bring a drink if you add one teaspoon of honey to it.

Beetroot juice is not consumed for more than 2 weeks in a row. The amount of carrot juice should not exceed 1.5 liters per day, beetroot - 50 ml. Carrot-beetroot mixture is taken no more than 90 days, after which it is necessary to take a break of 60 days.

Do not drink in one gulp. For better assimilation vitamins composition is drunk in small sips, holding in the mouth. Children are advised to take a vegetable mix between meals: on an empty stomach, it can aggressively affect the mucous surfaces of the esophagus and stomach.

To bring vegetables maximum benefit for the body, it is necessary to prepare them correctly, observing the recommended proportions, and also avoid excessive consumption. Long-term use can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Beets are not only one of the most affordable vegetables, but also extremely useful. This amazing root vegetable can be stored all year round, and during this time it does not lose its useful properties.

The most healing are dark red fruits without white streaks or blotches. Beetroot juice is widely used to treat many diseases, it is rich in fiber, vitamins and trace elements. It is also indispensable for healthy eating and for weight loss. So, beetroot juice: benefits and harms.

Beneficial features

The juice contains carbohydrates, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, copper, iron, monosaccharides and disaccharides, vitamins A, PP, C, E and group B. The benefits of beet juice are undeniable. It is widely used in the following diseases:

  • With anemia. Beetroot juice effectively cleanses the blood, so it is indispensable for the treatment of all blood diseases. Thanks to the substance betaine, beets help cleanse the blood of cholesterol and strengthen capillaries.
  • This vegetable will help to overcome.
  • Beets help prevent atherosclerosis and. Juice is useful to take with mental and physical activity. It invigorates and restores strength.
  • Improves digestion, helps fight constipation, has a mild laxative property.
  • As a compress, the juice will help get rid of sores or boils on the skin.
  • Accelerates the metabolic processes of the body, removes toxins and toxins.
  • Reduces blood pressure.
  • Helps reduce gallstones.
  • Perfectly cleanses the liver.
  • It is an excellent cancer prevention.
  • Helps to overcome insomnia and.
  • Is natural antiseptic. Beetroot juice cleanses the mouth of all germs.

Contraindications for use

Apart from useful qualities there is also some harm to beet juice. It should not be taken by people suffering from diseases of the duodenal ulcer or stomach, as well as acute gastritis and in the presence of kidney stones. An overdose of juice can cause dizziness, nausea, and vomiting. Frequent use of juice can turn urine dark red, this is absolutely normal phenomenon, do not be afraid of it. Since beetroot juice has a light laxative effect, it should not be used for diarrhea and. Also, it should not be drunk with heartburn and gout. In any case, treatment with beet juice should not be carried out for more than two weeks. If you have a chronic disease, please consult your doctor.

Methods for the treatment of diseases with beet juice

  • For the treatment of hypertension, mix beet juice with cranberry in a ratio of 2: 1, add a teaspoon of honey and take 50 ml three times a day.
  • beet juice mixed with water in equal doses will help. It should be instilled into the nose in the morning and evening.
  • During menstruation, beetroot juice will help to remove pain syndrome, if taken in mixtures with carrot or orange juice.
  • To help the body recover from protracted illness or stress, you need to drink the juice of beets, carrots and radishes in the same proportions of 50 ml 4 times a day.
  • A vegetable mix, consisting of beets, carrots and cucumbers in equal proportions, will help to clear the toxins. A glass of this vitamin cocktail per day will give strength and vigor to the body.
  • For colds and bronchitis, you need to drink the juice of beets and carrots in equal doses. Half a glass 2 times a day.
  • Purulent sore throat will be removed by the following rinse: add a tablespoon of 9% vinegar to a glass of beet juice and gargle in the morning and evening.
  • Anyone who should drink a cocktail of beets, carrots, celery, grapefruit, cucumber and plums.
  • Take off hangover syndrome juice from beets, apples, oranges, carrots and lemons will help.
  • will boost the freshly squeezed juice of beets and carrots. This drink should be taken in a glass a day.
  • To improve digestion, take the juice of beets, carrots, apples and fresh ginger. This drink should be taken in the morning. It will help you shed a few extra pounds.
  • The liver will cleanse the juice of beets, carrots, and limes.

How to take beetroot juice

Beetroot juice how to drink? The most useful is juice that has stood for 3 hours in the refrigerator after being squeezed. It must be strained to get rid of the natural sediment. For those 3 hours that the drink is in the refrigerator, the beets lose everything harmful properties. Not everyone likes the taste of this juice. If you like carrot, apple or tomato juice, you can mix these vegetables, but beetroot juice should prevail.

Treatment with beetroot juice should be started with minimum doses- from a tablespoon per day. Over time, you need to increase the dose to 50 ml. You can use the juice not only in its pure form or as part of other vegetable juices, but also in a diluted form. Best for palatability beets are combined with carrots, tomatoes, celery, cranberries, oranges or cucumbers.

Beet juice is one of those drinks that causes the most conflicting feelings for many. The colossal benefits of drinking encourage its preparation, but the unusual specific taste is alarming and often repulsive. An excellent solution in this case would be the addition of beetroot juice with other nectars.

How to prepare beetroot juice?

You can get natural beetroot juice in an elementary way by passing peeled and cut into pieces root crops through a juicer. You can squeeze the product without the participation of a kitchen gadget using gauze, into which you place the grated vegetable mass. Secrets, subtleties of the execution of each process and all kinds of versions of recipes will help you complete the task flawlessly.

  1. For juice, it is preferable to choose a vegetable with a rich burgundy color of salad sweet varieties.
  2. Root crops must be thoroughly washed, cleaned and cut into small slices.
  3. Freshly squeezed, unique in its properties, the drink is consumed in small portions in its pure form, diluted with water, juice from other vegetables or fruits.
  4. In the presence of diseases gastrointestinal tract consume beetroot juice even in medicinal purposes should be used with caution, in small portions, and in some cases, completely abandon such therapy. The presence of organic acids in the drink can provoke a deterioration in the condition of ulcers, gastritis.
  5. Freshly squeezed pure fresh can cause vascular spasm, so it is better to keep it for about an hour in a dark, cool place before use.
  6. If desired, beetroot juice can be preserved for the winter, corked in sterile jars.

Freshly squeezed beetroot juice

It is rarely used in its pure form from beets, as it has a pronounced specific taste and impressive richness, tickling in the throat. Often the drink is diluted with water in equal proportions or to taste, combined with other suitable liquid ingredients.


  • beets - 1 pc.


  1. Beets are thoroughly washed with a brush, peeled, cut into slices.
  2. Pass the slices through a juicer.
  3. Leave beetroot Fresh Juice for an hour in the refrigerator, after which it is consumed in its pure form, with honey or other juices.

Beet and carrot juice

Beetroot is best solution to increase hemoglobin or simply an indispensable therapy to maintain vitamin balance, if you eat a treat in the morning on an empty stomach in small portions. For better assimilation of valuable elements, the drink is supplemented with a spoonful of vegetable oil.


  • beets - 0.5 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil (optional) - 1 tbsp. a spoon.


  1. Beets and carrots are washed, peeled and cut into slices, the size of which is smaller than the passage opening of the juicer.
  2. The device is launched and the juice is squeezed out with it.
  3. Beetroot juice mixed with carrot juice is optionally supplemented with oil.

Beet-apple juice

A more pleasant and harmonious taste is the juice from beets, carrots and apples. By varying the proportions of the components, you can adapt the characteristics of the drink to your needs and effectively fill the body with certain valuable elements contained in one of the basic components.


  • beets - 0.5 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • apple - 2 pcs.


  1. Beets and carrots are thoroughly washed, apples are rinsed.
  2. Vegetables and fruits are peeled, cut into pieces, passed through a juicer.
  3. Season the juice as desired lemon juice or honey.

Beet Lemon Juice

You can make beetroot juice with your own hands with the addition of citrus fruits. The participation of oranges or, as in this recipe, lemons has a very positive effect on both taste and flavor. nutritional properties healthy drink, filling it with an additional portion of vitamins, balancing the harsh taste and giving it a pleasant sourness.


  • beets - 1-2 pcs.;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • orange - 0.5 pcs.;
  • honey (optional) - to taste.


  1. Washed, peeled and cut into pieces, the beets are passed through a juicer.
  2. Leave the drink in the refrigerator for a while.
  3. Orange and lemon are washed, cut in half, squeezed with a fork or a citrus juicer.
  4. Three components of the drink are mixed, if desired, beetroot juice with lemon and orange is seasoned with honey.

Tomato juice with beets

After squeezing beetroot juice in a juicer, it can be supplemented with pre-prepared tomato juice. The drink tastes good and is surprisingly healthy fresh, but if desired, it can be stored for the winter, using the recommendations from this recipe. For ideal long-term preservation, the jars with the workpiece should be turned over onto the lids and wrapped warmly until completely cooled.


  • beets - 3-4 pcs.;
  • tomatoes - 2 kg.


  1. Tomatoes are cut into pieces, heated and boiled for 5 minutes, and after cooling they are ground through a sieve, separating the juice with pulp from the peel and seeds.
  2. From the washed and cut into pieces, the beet juice is squeezed out on a juicer, which is mixed with tomato juice.
  3. Place the container with the resulting drink on the stove, bring the contents to a boil.
  4. Cork tomato-beetroot juice for the winter.

Beet juice for the winter - recipe

Without a doubt, beetroot fresh juice is healthier and more valuable than heat-treated juice. But there is not always time and opportunity to tinker daily with the preparation of a drink that is unique in its properties. Then a blank will come to the rescue, drawn up taking into account the following recommendations. sweetened with sugar natural product diluted with water before use, getting a drink that is harmonious in taste.


  • beets - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 300 g.


  1. Squeeze juice from peeled and chopped beets using a juicer.
  2. Pour fresh into a saucepan, add sugar and heat, stirring, until all crystals dissolve.
  3. The drink is poured into sterile jars, sterilized after boiling for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Cork beetroot juice for the winter, wrap it up.

How to make beetroot juice without a juicer?

Fresh beetroot juice is easy to get without the use of a special kitchen gadget. To do this, the prepared washed and peeled vegetable should simply be rubbed through a fine grater and then squeezed out using a gauze cut folded three or four times. It is better if the grater is plastic, which will help to avoid unwanted oxidation.


  • beets - 200 g;
  • honey - to taste.


  1. Prepared root crops are cleaned, ground.
  2. The resulting vegetable mass is transferred to a gauze bag or cut and squeezed out the juice.
  3. If desired, the drink is diluted before drinking. boiled water and sweetened with honey.

Vegetable juice with beets

Beetroot juice is a recipe that can be performed with the addition of freshly prepared fresh juice from other vegetables and fruits. The drink goes well with bell pepper, carrots and in the company of fruit mixes. The proportions of the components included in the drink may vary according to taste or availability.


  • beets - 0.5 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • bell pepper - 1-2 pcs.;
  • tomato juice - 50 ml;
  • salt (optional) - to taste.


  1. Carrots, beets are cleaned, peppers are removed from the stalks with seeds.
  2. Squeezing juice from vegetables.
  3. Add fresh tomato.
  4. Salt the juice to taste if desired and serve.

What are the benefits of beetroot juice?

Which are invaluable, applied in folk medicine how effective remedy to help fight various ailments. You can evaluate all the properties of drinking by using fresh juice in its pure form or supplementing it with other components.

  1. Freshly squeezed juice mixed with honey lowers blood pressure, and with regular use improves the condition of blood vessels and the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  2. If you supplement the drink with kefir, you can get rid of constipation, cleanse the body of toxins, toxins, and reduce weight.
  3. Drinking daily or every other day a mix of beetroot juice with apple and carrot juice will strengthen the immune system, improve the condition of hair and nails, and refresh skin color.
  4. No less valuable for immunity is the combination of beetroot juice with orange and lemon. By adding a little fresh carrot juice to the mixture and drinking on an empty stomach in the morning, it will be possible to effectively increase hemoglobin and improve the absorption of iron in the body.
  5. In the presence of chronic diseases beetroot juice should be consumed with caution, starting with small portions.

Table beet is known to almost everyone, but not everyone knows that it is not only a delicious vegetable used to prepare various culinary specialties but useful and even medicinal product. Her unique properties due to very diverse chemical composition rich in amino acids, glucose, fructose, pectins, bioflavonoids, vitamins, macro- and microelements, as well as organic acids. Wherein useful material are contained not only in the roots of fresh beets, but also in the tops of the plant. For treatment various diseases beetroot juice is most often used, since it contains increased concentration all the elements present in the vegetable.

Useful properties of beet juice

And today its use has not lost its relevance. Its juice is useful for the most various problems with the body: chronic fatigue, constipation, colds, hypertension, atherosclerosis, stress, depression, metabolic disorders, low hemoglobin and immunity, lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. In addition, it has a rejuvenating, diuretic, cleansing, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, inhibits the growth of neoplasms.

Contraindications for use

But, in the presence of a large number of useful properties, beets also have a number of significant contraindications for use. Both the vegetable itself and, accordingly, its juice is not recommended if you have:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • chronic diarrhea;
  • Hypotension;
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • Pyelonephritis;
  • osteoporosis;
  • Gout;
  • High acidity of gastric juice.

Root vegetable juice

To prepare beetroot juice, you need to select healthy root crops that do not have thick veins, wash and peel them. Then pass them through a juicer or grind on a grater and squeeze. Remove the foam from the prepared juice, and send it to the refrigerator for two hours. Such a procedure is necessary, since freshly squeezed juice contains quite a large number of poisonous volatile substances that can provoke a sharp decline pressure, slowing of the pulse and spasms.

Beet juice: useful properties (video)

Leaf juice

In addition to juice from root crops, you can use juice from beet leaves for treatment, they also have many useful properties:

  • To cleanse the blood and liver diseases, juice is taken from beet tops(one part), carrot juice and four parts each);
  • For vascular diseases and metabolic disorders, a mixture of equal parts juice tops of red beets, carrots and cabbage;
  • Freshly squeezed juice from beet leaves is used to wash wounds and make baths for cracked feet, as it has a high healing effect.

dry juice

Despite the fact that beetroot is a vegetable that is available to eat at any time of the year, many do not have the time or patience to regular treatment, daily preparing freshly squeezed juice. To date, the pharmacy can buy dry beetroot juice. For its manufacture, only proven, environmentally friendly raw materials are used, and modern technologies allow you to save all the substances included in the fresh product. The benefits of drinking dry juice will be exactly the same as regular juice.

Folk recipes

In folk medicine there is great amount recipes for the treatment of various diseases.


When infected with sore throat from beetroot juice, you need to make solutions for gargling, which have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, emollient and analgesic properties:

  • Take two hundred milliliters of beetroot and cranberry juice and add one hundred milliliters to them warm water and two tablespoons of honey. Gargle with this composition and oral cavity three times a day;
  • Dilute two hundred milliliters of beet juice with the same volume of water and add two teaspoons of lemon juice. For a quick result, it is advisable to spend five rinses with this mixture during the day.

Runny nose

  • Beetroot juice is very useful for a cold. To the most effective recipes can include the following:
  • Put freshly squeezed beetroot juice in a warm place and wait until it ferments. After that, instill the resulting composition into the nose a few drops three to four times a day;
  • Dilute beet juice halfway with carrot and add a small amount of honey, which will help relieve itching and irritation in the nose. Instill this mixture five drops into each nostril up to five times a day.

Weakened immune system

In order to prepare a composition that enhances immunity, you need to take an equal amount of beets, carrots and fresh cucumbers. Squeeze juice from vegetables, mix and send for one hour in the refrigerator. Drink every morning one hundred and fifty milliliters of the mixture, which can be stored for no more than a day. This treatment is especially useful in winter and spring period when the body usually lacks vitamins and other necessary elements. Several two-week courses, with a break of ten days, will improve the liver, cleanse the digestive organs and even improve eyesight.

Low hemoglobin

With low hemoglobin, you need to mix beetroot, carrot and black radish juice in equal volumes. Drink one tablespoon this composition four times a day before meals until desired results are achieved.


(itch, rash). To do this, you need to mix beetroot (three parts), carrot (one part), cucumber (one part) juice and drink one hundred milliliters three times a day before meals until the desired effect is achieved.


To combat constipation, you need to take two hundred milliliters of beetroot juice and add one hundred milliliters of carrot juice to it. To enhance the laxative effect, you can add one tablespoon of honey to the mixture. Drink a third of a glass medical composition four times a day before meals. In parallel, you can eat prunes (five or six pieces per reception). It is also recommended to cleansing enemas diluting the beetroot juice in half with warm water.

Oncological diseases

The studies carried out have shown that beet helps to improve the condition of patients suffering from cancer. For treatment various forms oncology use the following recipe. Squeeze out the juice from one hundred grams of carrots and beets with an apple, add a pinch of dry ginger and a tablespoon of lemon juice to it, mix everything well. Drink the mixture in the morning on an empty stomach for a month, then spend a week break and continue treatment throughout the year.

Cardiovascular diseases

For heart problems, it is recommended to drink half a glass of beetroot juice, previously half diluted with apple juice, twice a day, half an hour before meals. In addition, this drink helps to stabilize blood pressure and cleanse the body of toxins.

How to drink beetroot and carrot juice for preventive purposes

Often in preventive purposes, as well as to cleanse and saturate the body with vitamins and minerals, use a beet-carrot drink. The fact is, beet root juice is too saturated various substances and may cause nausea and dizziness. Therefore, when starting a course of treatment, ten parts of carrot juice should be added to it. In the process of using the composition, the proportion of carrot juice is reduced, and gradually they switch only to beetroot juice. The drink is taken one hundred milliliters twice a day for a crescent, then they take a break from one to two weeks and resume the course of treatment. At will and health carrot juice can be replaced with pumpkin, tomato, apple, any berry or kefir. Also, if there are no contraindications, it is recommended to put one teaspoon of honey on a glass of the mixture.

Harm of beet juice (video)

A detailed study of the chemical list of beets showed that the root crop in without fail should be used in medicine. The benefits of beet juice were discovered by ancient Chinese healers who adapted to treat colds, heart ailments, diseases of the urinary system, etc. with a drink. Many people began to prepare juice from freshly squeezed and boiled beets, combining it with carrots, celery, and apples. Consider the available recipes, highlight the important.

The benefits of beetroot juice

  1. The drink effectively cleanses the veins with varicose veins. It improves performance urinary system, does not allow stones and sand to be deposited in the kidneys. Beet juice takes part in the release of the liver from poisons, prevents oncological diseases. The juice owes all these qualities to the chlorine contained in the beets.
  2. Pectin cleanses the intestinal walls, envelops the gastric mucosa and is responsible for the full activity digestive system. The element prevents the penetration of radiation into the body, stops the accumulation heavy metals.
  3. Protein and amino acids are necessary for the formation of bone and muscle tissue. Elements remove excess fluid, salts and urea from the body. Amino acids also prevent atherosclerosis.
  4. Beetroot juice takes an active part in the hematopoietic function, it promotes the production of new bodies and strengthens cell membranes. The drink cleanses blood vessels (relevant for smokers), improves visual perception and memory, affects the production of red blood cells.
  5. The accumulation of macro- and microelements, such as manganese, zinc, copper, allows you to put in order all metabolic processes in the body. Minerals affect reproductive system men, enhancing potency and reproductive function.
  6. Experienced doctors unanimously say that beetroot juice should be consumed to prevent heart attacks and strokes. The drink is responsible for the release of its own insulin, this has a positive effect on the health of diabetics.
  7. The pigment responsible for the red tint of beets strengthens the walls of capillaries and blood vessels, promotes tissue renewal at the cellular level, lowers blood pressure and fights against surges, and relieves vascular spasms.
  8. For people who regularly experience stress due to the nature of their work, beetroot juice is necessary to restore the psycho-emotional background. A drink consumed 1 hour before going to bed will relieve you of insomnia, nightmares and lingering anxiety.

There are several basic recipes for beetroot juice. Consider the options for preparing a drink from boiled and fresh root crops, with the addition of carrots and apples.

  1. First, take care of suitable raw materials. The beets should have a bright reddish hue without visible streaks of whitish. If possible, make juice from the root crop, which has an elongated shape.
  2. Rinse the vegetable, remove the tops and 1/4 of the top. If you have a juicer, dip the root vegetable into it and squeeze out the juice. In all other cases, scroll the vegetable in a blender or grate, then squeeze out the liquid with gauze.
  3. After straining, pour the juice into a glass container, let the drink stand for 2 hours. Keep composition refrigerated. This period is allotted for the evaporation of toxic enzymes that can harm the body.
  4. During the entire infusion, foam will form on the surface of the juice, it must be removed. After 2 hours, the drink can be considered ready.
  5. Take it starting from 50 ml. per day, gradually increasing the volume to 100 ml. For the prevention and treatment of ailments, pure juice is drunk for a half-moon.

Juice from boiled beets

  1. Wash the roots of a red shade and an elongated shape. Do not peel, immediately load the vegetable into a saucepan with warm water. Boil until cooked or bake in the oven, covered with foil.
  2. After heat treatment remove the skin from the beets, squeeze out the liquid with a juicer. If it is not there, use a fine grater, then squeeze the juice out of the gruel through cheesecloth.
  3. After preparation, let the drink stand for a third of an hour. After a specified period of time, dilute the drug drinking water in equal proportion.
  4. Juice based on boiled beets should be taken in 150 ml. daily. Start with a volume of 60-80 ml., Gradually increase the amount.

Beet juice with apple and carrot

  1. Take a sweet and sour large apple, rinse the fruit and rid it of the middle. Do not peel the peel, it contains a lot of useful elements.
  2. Now remove the tops from the beets, remove the top of the root crop. Similarly, clean large carrots, getting rid of the tails.
  3. Now you need to get juice from the listed vegetables and fruits. Carry out the manipulations with a juicer or a grater with gauze. Mix the juices together, you can add a little grated ginger.
  4. After preparation, the juice must be kept in the refrigerator for about 2 hours. Do not seal the container with a lid so that harmful compounds evaporate.
  5. To increase immunity and strengthen the heart muscle, it is better to use the prepared juice 15 minutes after waking up in the morning. The course of treatment and prevention - 2 months.

  1. Take 3 red beets. Release the roots from the skin, remove upper part. Now peel 1 carrot. Squeeze juice from vegetables in the usual way (through a special squeezer or grater with gauze cloth).
  2. Thoroughly mix 2 types of juices, pour into a glass container, let stand for 2.5-3 hours in the refrigerator. Do not stopper the container with contents to harmful substances disappeared.
  3. Drink carrot-beetroot juice 2 times a day, 100 ml. half an hour before the main meal. If the drink is highly concentrated, dilute it with drinking water in a ratio of 1:1.

How to drink beetroot juice

The use of beetroot juice is limited to specific limits. So, you should not consume more than 0.25 liters per day. composition, breaking the indicated amount into 2-3 doses. There are other rules for use in specific diseases.

  1. For the gastrointestinal tract. To normalize digestion and prevent the formation of an ulcer in the stomach, it is necessary to drink only diluted beetroot juice. For 50 ml. concentrated composition accounts for 450 ml. pure water. It is allowed to drink no more than 150 ml per day. juice. The course of treatment lasts 6 days.
  2. For the liver. To cleanse the liver of heavy metals, it is necessary to use beet-carrot juice. Permissible daily rate- 180 ml., The reception should be divided into 3 times 60 ml. Drink fresh juice before the main meal. Before cleansing the liver, it is advisable to consult a doctor to make sure there are no contraindications.
  3. For immunity. Boost the immune system during the off-season and the "walking" period viral infections you can juice based on beets, apples, carrots. Drink a drink starting from 60 ml. Then gradually increase the volume to 120-150 ml. per day.
  4. For the kidneys. To prevent the formation of stones or sand in the kidneys, it is necessary to supply juice from boiled beets with lemon juice. It is enough to add a couple of drops of acidifier to 50 ml. drink, then drink the composition before the main meal. Manipulations are carried out twice a day for a month.
  5. For heart. If you have recently suffered a heart attack or want to strengthen the heart muscle, it is useful to drink beetroot juice with honey. Take 50 ml three times a day. juice with 5 gr. honey. Also, the composition perfectly normalizes the psyche and fights insomnia.
  6. For hypertensive patients. If you have high blood pressure or constant spikes, drink beetroot and carrot juice. Dilute the drink with water in equal amounts. Take 100 ml twice a day. drugs half an hour before a meal. You can supply the juice with honey.

Making juice from beetroot is not particularly difficult. Carry out manipulations with a fine grater and gauze folded in 3 layers. If you have a juicer, use it to simplify the task. Mix the root crop with carrots and apples, learn the rules for drinking.

Video: how to make beetroot juice

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