Vegetables for feeding. What vegetables should not be eaten while breastfeeding? What vegetables will be useful for HB? Vegetables suppliers of vitamins

A nursing mother is forced to take a very responsible attitude to the choice of food so as not to harm the newborn baby. It is for safety reasons that girls during the period of breastfeeding often completely exclude vegetables from their diet. Let's figure out which vegetables should be discarded, and which vegetables are allowed with HB, and how best to cook them.

Why do breastfeeding mothers need to eat vegetables?

As you know, the composition of breast milk directly depends on the nutrition of the mother, which is why the diet should not only be safe for the baby, but also balanced. The rate of recovery of her body, exhausted by the long bearing of a child, depends on how varied and at the same time useful a woman eats during this period.

Eating vegetables for a nursing mother is not only possible, but also necessary, excluding them from the diet can harm the health of both mother and child.

Why you shouldn't give up vegetables:

  • Poor nutrition of a nursing mother deprives the baby of vital substances, minerals and trace elements;
  • Refusal of vegetables a large number vitamins that are so necessary for the body during lactation;
  • Vegetables are an indispensable "assistant" in the absorption of protein, as well as iron;
  • Vegetables are a natural laxative, if they are completely abandoned, a woman will be bothered by constipation;
  • If you completely abandon vegetables, you will have to replace them with more high-calorie side dishes, and this will sooner or later lead to a set excess weight woman.


What vegetables are allowed while breastfeeding?

You should be especially careful about the choice of food in the first month of feeding, since the baby's digestive system is very weak and reacts to the slightest changes in mother's nutrition. Some vegetables can cause gas, colic, and constipation in a baby. But there is a list of completely safe vegetables:

  • Potato- rich in thiamine, which is so necessary for the harmonious development of the baby;
  • Beet- contains a large amount of vitamin C, is effective as a prophylactic against constipation. Useful for anemia;
  • Carrot- a source of carotene, as well as vitamins of groups B and A, which are indispensable for good vision both mother and child;
  • Zucchini- include valuable trace elements: magnesium and potassium, iron and copper, and are also rich in calcium;
  • Bell pepper- strengthens capillaries high content they have routine and calcium;
  • eggplant- a source of pectin, which has a beneficial effect on digestion;
  • Celery- eliminates bloating, rich in B vitamins, as well as carotene;
  • Cauliflower- contains folic acid, which is indispensable for the baby, which is responsible for mental development. Positively affects the work of the intestines;
  • green onion- rich in flavonoids and other trace elements and vitamins.

As we can see, the list of vegetables that can be eaten with HB is not so meager. They can be prepared in many ways - as side dishes, independent main courses, soups or salads.

How to cook vegetables for a nursing mother?

Not all vegetables with HB can be eaten raw, it is also forbidden to fry them. Best Ways heat treatment in this case:

  • Boil vegetables in slightly salted water;
  • Stew in your own juice;
  • Steam, in which case a double boiler or slow cooker is useful;
  • Bake in the oven.

What dishes are allowed:

  • Such a popular dish fried potatoes, for a young mother, of course, is prohibited, but you can eat mashed potatoes with milk or baked potatoes;
  • A tasty and healthy dish is a stew of stewed vegetables. You can use zucchini, potatoes, eggplant and carrots. Such a dish will diversify your diet and help get rid of edema if you add zucchini to it;
  • In the summer season, you can safely make salads from cucumbers and tomatoes, exclude seasonings, you can season the salad with olive oil;
  • Cauliflower and broccoli can act as an independent side dish, it is better to steam them, then they will not lose valuable vitamins. You can also make a delicious cream soup with cream from them.

Useful advice:

Always give preference to seasonal vegetables grown in your area.

What vegetables are recommended to avoid while breastfeeding?

There is a list of vegetables that are not recommended for breastfeeding, but this does not mean that they are under strict prohibition. Just be careful when using them. Consume in small amount and monitor the reaction of the child. Among them:

Fresh cucumbers

Cucumber is a vegetable that is usually consumed only in fresh, it definitely should not be consumed in the first month of breastfeeding. Despite the fact that it is low in calories and almost never causes allergic reaction, it can cause digestive problems in an infant. Sometimes this product causes increased gas formation even in adults, but in infants in most cases.


Rich in calcium and iron, effective for anemia, but in the first months, mothers with HB are not recommended. They are allergenic products, like all red vegetables, can cause a rash in a child.

Useful advice:

If a child develops after three months allergic rash after mom consumes tomatoes, then she can try yellow varieties of tomatoes, they are considered less allergenic.

White cabbage

Fresh is contraindicated for nursing mothers, as it causes fermentation in the intestines, provokes bloating in both mother and baby. under strict ban and sauerkraut, like any marinade and pickles. After the child is one or two months old, boiled and stewed cabbage can be introduced into the mother's diet.

Any legume

They will cause gas formation in the baby, pain in the stomach. It is possible to introduce them into the diet of a nursing mother only after the child is three months old, it is by this period that the baby’s gastrointestinal tract will improve.

Onion and garlic

They are forbidden in the first months, but it is better to exclude them until the end of feeding, as they give breast milk a special flavor that the baby may not like at all.

exotic vegetables

Prohibited in the first months of breastfeeding, as they often cause severe allergic reactions in the child.

It is important!

Buy only fresh vegetables from reputable sellers, avoid the first fruits of the season, as they are often treated with special chemicals to ripen faster. Imported vegetables are also dangerous, they are often treated with wax for an attractive appearance.

How to introduce vegetables into the diet of a nursing mother?

A new vegetable should be introduced into the menu according to the following scheme:

  1. Each vegetable should be introduced into the diet separately; a pause of at least three days should be maintained between new types of vegetables.
  2. More on the topic (posts from this category)

After a long period of pregnancy, when the birth is already over, leaving the hospital and getting home, every nursing mother begins to think about what she can eat on this stage her life and what foods will be most beneficial for the newborn. Such caution is justified by the great maternal care for her child, the desire to give him all the best and protect him from possible troubles.

As you know, the quality of breast milk depends largely on the diet of a woman. The higher it is, the more benefit can extract the baby, the healthier and stronger he will grow and gain weight. Vegetables at breastfeeding play an important role. How they affect mother's milk, what vegetables can be eaten while breastfeeding and in what form - let's try to figure it out in this article.

Question proper nutrition during lactation and breastfeeding is very relevant in our time. From the intestines of a woman, all useful and harmful substances are absorbed into the blood, then enter the breast milk, and already with it - into the body of the child. As you know, any forbidden product eaten by mom can cause serious problems with the health of the newborn. Very often one or the other vegetables can cause serious allergic reactions.

At the same time, abandoning vegetables and not eating them at all is extremely wrong. The fact is that they are assigned one of the main positions in the daily diet during breastfeeding. Vegetables are irreplaceable source fiber and vitamins, especially autumn-winter period when the shelves of our stores are littered with imported fruits, the quality of which is questionable, and our own fruits, while breastfeeding during this period, are inaccessible.

Therefore, during breastfeeding, they are especially needed by both mother and her baby, especially those grown in their own garden or in the country and do not contain any harmful substances, nitrates, etc. The most common vegetables in our region are:

  • zucchini; carrot;
  • cabbage; tomatoes;
  • pepper; celery; potato;
  • beet; pumpkin, etc.

Regarding the amount of consumption, different specialists are expressed differently. The daily diet of a nursing woman should, according to different versions, contain vegetables:

  • a fourth of the entire diet;
  • 7 vegetables daily;
  • about 700 g of vegetables.

You need to choose one of the proposed schemes individually, depending on your own preferences and taking into account some features and frequency of feeding. In addition, vegetables are very convenient to use for snacks, for example, on a walk.

Do not forget that vegetables cause an increase in lactation, so they should be a mandatory component daily nutrition. In addition, in their raw form, they will help relieve constipation for a nursing mother and her child.

What vegetables can be eaten by a nursing mother

  • Zucchini, which are a source of copper, vitamin A, and also help reduce the manifestations of puffiness. daily rate when breastfeeding should be no more than 1 zucchini.
  • Potatoes rich in the amino acid thiamine. Maximum benefit from the use of this vegetable will be in the period until January. You need to eat about 4 potatoes a day.
  • Tomatoes, which are a source of iron, zinc, calcium, vitamins B6 and C. Their role in the prevention of diseases such as anemia and osteoporosis cannot be overestimated. In the diet of a nursing mother, no more than 2 pieces per day should be present.
  • Cucumbers rich in iodine, which is so necessary for normal operation thyroid gland. A nursing mother should eat no more than 3 pieces a day.
  • Sweet pepper containing rutin, which strengthens capillaries, potassium and vitamin A. It is permissible for a woman during breastfeeding to eat no more than 1 pepper per day, and it is better to choose a green or yellow vegetable.
  • Celery, which is especially rich in carotene and vitamins E and B. Is an excellent prophylactic from bloating in an infant. AT daily diet a nursing woman is allowed the presence of a piece of celery.
  • Broccoli and cauliflower containing vitamin C, folic acid.

Remember that breastfeeding nutrition must be balanced. Stop at one vegetable diet, as many women do, in order to restore the figure after childbirth, it is absolutely impossible. The diet should include other healthy foods including poultry, fish, milk, fruit, etc.

What vegetables should you avoid?

Many nursing mothers are interested in what vegetables should not be eaten or their consumption should be limited. First of all, during the period of breastfeeding, you should be wary of everything imported that is sold in our supermarkets. Such goods may contain nitrates and may be treated with other chemicals during transportation.

There is also a taboo on vegetables that are too spicy. These include:

  • garlic;
  • white cabbage;

If the child does not have allergies, you can eat beets and carrots. As is known, With the help of these vegetables, you can successfully fight anemia.

Mushrooms should be treated with great care, you can even completely abandon them in the first months of feeding. In addition to the fact that they are heavy food for the stomach due to the content protein substance, mushrooms are also known as the cause of quite serious poisoning.

What kind of vegetables to eat

You can eat vegetables while breastfeeding different form. Most best option cooking that preserves vitamins and useful material- in a steamer. You can also boil, bake or eat vegetables raw, carefully studying the reaction of the child to each New Product in the diet. An excellent option would be vegetable stew.

It is not recommended to eat fried, pickled or canned vegetables, as this method almost all processing is lost beneficial features and nothing good, except for colic in the stomach, they will not bring to the baby. Also, vegetable dishes should not be seasoned with mayonnaise before use, especially in the first months of a child's life.

Thus, by eating seasonal vegetables, a woman introduces her baby to the rich world. taste sensations and fills his body with vitamins and microelements, which will help lay the foundation for rapid growth strong child.

At healthy pregnancy woman trying to eat a lot of healthy nutritious foods without limiting yourself in any way. But immediately after the birth of the baby, she has to stick to a strict diet. It would seem that fruits, greens, and vegetables filled with vitamins will only benefit a nursing mother. But this requires precise control. After all, the digestive system of a newborn is not yet formed and can react unpredictably to ordinary cucumbers or cabbage. What vegetables can be consumed, and in what form?

The importance of vegetables during breastfeeding for mom and baby

The nutritional value of milk depends entirely on what the nursing mother eats. Many women, fearing indigestion and allergies in a child, try to exclude vegetables from their diet. But in order for the baby to develop normally, he must receive everything necessary substances, which are found in large quantities in vegetables.

With their lack of nutrition, a woman may experience constipation and beriberi. The natural fiber that vegetables are made of gently stimulates intestinal motility and acts as a laxative. In addition, they will have to be replaced with other products that are much more high-calorie, which means that such a diet threatens a nursing mother with unnecessary kilograms.

  1. Restricted nutrition during lactation deprives the baby of vital micronutrients.
  2. Vegetable products help to digest protein and iron.
  3. Every day, mom needs to eat at least 400 g of vegetables.

Allowed vegetables during lactation

In the first month of establishing lactation, a nursing mother needs to carefully approach her menu. Some vegetables provoke in a newborn increased gas formation, colic, diarrhea and an allergic reaction. Pediatricians and neonatologists will help you figure out which vegetables you can with natural feeding.

There is a list of permitted and absolutely harmless vegetables that you must adhere to:

  • Potato. Contains thiamine, potassium and phosphorus, amino acids - necessary components for the full development of the child. Potato improves metabolic processes, removes excess fluid and salt from the body. But you should not abuse the product, as it is high-calorie, and leads to fullness.
  • Beet. Excellent natural remedy against postpartum constipation. Strengthens the immune system, prevents anemia, removes toxins, helps to cope with depression. Increases the body's endurance, which is important for a new mother. Beets are not eaten diabetes, limit in case of osteoporosis, as it prevents the absorption of calcium.
  • Carrot. Normalizes carbohydrate metabolism. It is a source of carotene, a substance responsible for hair growth and vision. It should be introduced gradually, as the child may develop allergies due to the large amount of vitamin A.
  • Zucchini. Includes fiber that removes bile acids from the body, pectins, eliminating toxic substances, vitamins, micro and macro elements. Zucchini perfectly replace beets, without causing gas formation and allergies. The product can be added to any vegetable dish, they are neutral and fast-cooking.
  • Bell pepper. A great diet vegetable. Accelerates the absorption of iron, filled with vitamin C, removes toxins from the body of a nursing mother. Provides the synthesis of collagen, which is responsible for the health of gums, bones and teeth.
  • Eggplant. Normalize kidney function and urinary tract. They have a mild laxative effect positive influence on the liver.
  • Celery. Prevents many diseases, strengthens and rejuvenates the body. Tones, relieves stress, improves sleep. Using celery root, a nursing mother will improve the condition of the skin, hair, lips and eyes.
  • Cauliflower. rich folic acidindispensable substance for development nervous system baby. Strengthens the heart system, has bactericidal properties. Normalizes hormonal background. No less useful is broccoli, saturated with iron, potassium and zinc. The product contains substances that inhibit growth cancer cells. An ulcer is also treated with this type of cabbage.
  • Green onion. Increases appetite, improves digestion, strengthens tooth enamel. The fiber in onion feathers promotes weight loss, which is extremely important for many mothers after childbirth.
  • Pumpkin. It is a storehouse of vitamins and substances that provide normal digestion. Pumpkin pulp relieves puffiness, eliminates constipation. It's low calorie delicious product. Enter it carefully, as an allergy is likely.

The vegetable list recommended during breastfeeding is quite large. They can be eaten as a separate main dish, added to soups, eaten in the form of salads, cook cereals, stews and casseroles. Vegetable garnish along with cereals increases the flow of milk.

What vegetables to avoid while breastfeeding

Not all vegetables during breastfeeding are desirable to eat. This does not mean that they should be completely eliminated from your diet. But they must be treated with extreme caution, minimum doses and closely monitor the infant's behavior.

  • Fresh cucumbers should not be eaten in the first month of breastfeeding. Despite their low calorie content and hypoallergenicity, green fresh vegetables can cause indigestion for both mother and child. They can be introduced when the baby is 3 months old. Pickled and pickled cucumbers are recommended to be completely excluded until the end of breastfeeding.
  • Tomatoes enriched with trace elements healing effect with anemia, are not recommended at the beginning of breastfeeding. They cause an allergic reaction in babies, like all bright vegetables. If the mom tries to eat a tomato when the baby is 3 months old and develops a rash, you can switch to the yellow, sweeter varieties. They are considered not so allergenic.
  • undesirable to use during lactation. It causes fermentation, provokes bloating and gas formation in the intestines of the baby. When the baby is 2 months old, cabbage is included in the diet in stewed or boiled form.
  • Legumes often cause colic and increased gas formation in children. Their use must be abandoned until the child is 3 months old. By this time, his digestion will be established, and he will be able to quickly digest peas, beans or lentils.
  • Raw onions are excluded from the diet until the end of lactation. They give sweetish milk an unpleasant aftertaste.
  • Exotic vegetables are also recommended to be completely excluded. They often call severe allergies at breasts.

It is better to buy vegetable products in trusted stores. Early in-season vegetables treated with chemicals to ripen quickly should be avoided. Imported vegetables are extremely dangerous. For presentation, they are treated with wax. Fresh vegetables Better to eat from your garden. If this is not possible, you need to wash them thoroughly and cut off the peel.

In what form is it better to eat vegetables for mom

Vegetables are best introduced gradually. Between each new vegetable species, a three-day interval must be observed so that you can see how the child reacts to the new product. It is advisable to eat a small portion before lunch, and then feed the child. If after 3 days everything is fine with the baby, he normal stool and the color of the cheeks, you can safely introduce the vegetable into your diet.

Not all raw vegetables can be eaten while breastfeeding. They are difficult to digest and cause intestinal upset in a child. It is also not recommended to eat them fried.

Suitable heat treatment methods:

  • boiled vegetables with a little salt;
  • stewed under a closed lid;
  • steamed (a double boiler or slow cooker will come in handy here);
  • baked.

Popular healthy meals for breastfeeding mothers:

  • fried potatoes or french fries - not the most the best dishes when breastfeeding. A healthy hearty vegetable is best baked or boiled;
  • excellent dish - stew, in which you can add stewed zucchini, carrots, beets, potatoes, eggplants;
  • in the summer season, if the baby's age allows, vegetable salads of cucumbers and tomatoes with the addition of vegetable oil or sour cream;
  • cauliflower, boiled or cooked in a double boiler, perfectly diversifies the menu. From it you can make a delicious creamy soup with sour cream sauce.

Additional reading:

Well, oVery tasty - Vegetable Stew

What vegetables can a nursing mother? Accuracy and caution in this matter is vital. At the stage of breastfeeding, the baby receives all the nutrients and vitamins from the mother.

Therefore, if you want your child to remain healthy and strong, carefully monitor your diet. We have prepared for you some tips, as well as a list of foods that you can while breastfeeding.

The importance of vegetables for a nursing mother

Proper nutrition during lactation and breastfeeding is a guarantee wellness your child. It is in the first months that the foundations are laid for the health and development of the baby for the rest of his life.

Everything that a woman eats dissolves in her intestines and enters the blood, and from there they pass into. The child's body does not react to anything as sharply as to changes in the composition mother's milk. Vegetables contain many beneficial vitamins and micronutrients.

Refusal of plant foods can lead to such unpleasant side effects as:

  1. Avitaminosis
  2. Weakening of the immunity of the baby
  3. The development of allergies in the future

All this can happen simply because the body does not get acquainted with a number of products in time. But what vegetables can a nursing mother of a newborn eat? Let's figure it out.

When breastfeeding, you should especially carefully plan your diet.

What vegetables can I breastfeed

If you really want fried, choose dry grilled vegetables

How to cook vegetables for nursing mothers

For most vegetables the best option there will be steam cooking, which “seals” all trace elements in the fruits, preventing them from disappearing during heat treatment.

Tasty and healthy will be baked and raw foods. Also, a nursing mother can have stewed and boiled vegetables.

It is better to exclude fried foods or preserves and pickles: no matter how tasty they are, vegetables prepared in this way lose almost all useful substances and cause stomach cramps.

Choose seasonal products. Pay close attention to your child's reactions to new flavors in his diet so that you can easily understand what is best for your baby's health and pleasure. And do not forget about goodies, in the form of nuts with honey, various fruits.

Treat yourself to okra dishes from time to time

A balanced diet with plenty of fluids will benefit both you and your baby. But some vegetables that can be eaten while breastfeeding cause a sharp reaction in children in the form of bloating and increased gas formation.

Because of this, the baby experiences discomfort, may disturb you by crying or even refusing to eat. How to prevent this, and what vegetables can you eat while breastfeeding to avoid such situations?

We have prepared for you some tips and recipes that will help your baby always feel good, and you - to create a healthy and nutritious menu for every day.

The safest products with minimal gassing effect are:

  1. Salad
  2. Pepper
  3. Tomatoes
  4. Okra
  5. Asparagus

They are low in calories and rich in water. To complement them healthy fats, which also help to absorb vitamins, eat olives.

Remember also that for good digestion of food, diet and proper daily routine are important.

Broccoli is best eaten in the form of mashed potatoes or mashed soups.

Broccoli and cabbage

Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower it is best to use pureed.

So the fiber contained in them is easier to digest, and the formation of gases is significantly reduced.Also, these pureed products can be used as a sauce or even added to baked goods.

Potato and eggplant

The average amount of gases in the intestines is formed during the processing of potatoes and eggplants. Depending on your reaction with your child, adjust the number of these foods eaten.

And of course, don't get too carried away. fatty meals like eggplant parmesan or french fries.

Advice: the largest number gas is formed from potato skins, so discard potatoes in their skins.

Beans and lentils

Beans and lentils cause an extremely active work of the intestines. However, they contain many vitamins, minerals, protein and fiber, so experts recommend including in daily menu 25-30 grams of legumes.

To reduce their impact on digestive system soak the grains for several hours before cooking.

Several Yet useful tips about what vegetables you can eat while feeding your baby, you will learn from the video below:

Hello dear readers!

Traditionally, after childbirth, women are prescribed the strictest diet. You can't eat anything but pure water and air. It is not surprising that after a while the hair begins to leave the head in friendly tufts. And going to the toilet becomes either a myth from prenatal life, or a major nightmare. Let's try to move away from the myths, stereotypes and the list of "nothing to eat" and try to consider more or less scientific facts. Let's find out which vegetables and fruits can be eaten after childbirth, and which cannot.

To take a few books and pamphlets published by the World Health Organization and the La Leche League - international organization to support breastfeeding. Visiting the official medical sites that are friendly to mother and child, one can discover an interesting fact.

There is no list limiting the menu of a nursing mother.

There are clear and logical recommendations to limit caffeine intake, avoid alcohol, tobacco and other harmful substances. However, not a word about the fact that a nursing mother should not eat cabbage or cucumbers. On the contrary, there is a recommendation to include vegetables and fruits in the diet - this will help to improve the functioning of the intestines. American mothers are advised to eat oranges as good source vitamin C.

Now that we are completely confused, let's put everything on the shelves.

The first conclusion: we limit caffeine, avoid alcohol, nicotine and drugs.

When a woman is breastfeeding a newborn baby, she needs additional energy, vitamins and minerals. The simplest and safe way to meet this need - eat a little more than usual (based on appetite) and take some vitamins and minerals. Why exactly some, we discussed in the article "Vitamins for mom during lactation".

Doctors limit the choice of products, fearing an allergic reaction on the part of the child. In the case of the big eight allergens, this fear is quite justified. It's good that they do not include any fruits or vegetables.

We are still unfamiliar with a newborn baby. We just have to learn about his tastes and instill some preferences. Therefore, we so carefully protect the child from obvious toxins, aggressive microorganisms and obvious allergens.

It is also worth remembering that the best prevention inappropriate immune responses to food products is variety. Do you know what happens to those who eat only strawberries in season? That's right - they get a rash - this is in best case. At worst, some kind of intolerance reaction develops. In this case, they will no longer be able to eat strawberries without consequences for many years.

If a breastfeeding mother whole month eat boiled veal and oatmeal, then she may begin to react to these products.

The second conclusion: we eat everything, but we observe the measure and strive for diversity. Special attention we give products from the big eight allergens - we eat them less often.

It is far from news that exotic products are poorly perceived by our body. Therefore, for women who grew up in the tropics or subtropics, oranges are a good choice. For us, not so much. Blackcurrant is closer to us than citrus fruits. By the way, it contains 3 times more vitamin C.

The big eight allergens include wheat. However, this is not a reason to completely exclude it from the diet. For us, it is a local product that our ancestors ate. And we will remove it completely only in case of proven necessity.

Reactions to dairy products are quite common. There, too, everything is not clear. But in case of a reaction from the child, the mother should think about them first.

If there have been cases of a true allergic reaction in the family, it is better to play it safe and consult a nutritionist and find an adequate replacement for “forbidden” foods.

Third conclusion: we focus on local fruits.

It is no secret that modern agricultural technologies involve the use of fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides. The risk of finding these substances in vegetables and fruits is especially high, for which now is not the time to ripen. So, for example, summer cucumbers are useful, and in early spring they can do significant harm. The same goes for early strawberries and watermelons. It is better to wait for the high season and eat heartily.

Fourth conclusion: seasonal fruits and vegetables will bring maximum benefit to mother and child.

Before the appearance of a newborn baby in our lives, we may not be too closely monitoring the reactions of our body to certain foods. With the advent of the child, the mother begins to look for a connection between her own food and the behavior of the crumbs. Sometimes such a connection exists. But you need to start somewhere else.

The first step is Attentive attitude to yourself. Pay attention to which foods you have a reaction to. You may not be able to tolerate certain vegetables yourself. Or you eat a decent portion of something in one sitting, and then flatulence begins. If the mother's digestion is not going too smoothly, the child can feel it on herself.

It is useful for a nursing mother to eat a few cucumbers, but if there are unusually many of them or the woman herself does not tolerate them well, it is better to choose something else.

The second step is to look for foods that the newborn cannot tolerate. Most often these are dairy products, but my son did not tolerate kiwi, which, however, is not surprising. See your doctor for dietary adjustments. Remember that breastfeeding women should not exclude many foods from their menu at once. The standard hypoallergenic diet is contraindicated for them.

Fifth conclusion: first we look at our reaction and only then - at the child. Remember moderation.

And, of course, all fruits must be washed in the most thorough way.

2. The most useful vegetables and fruits for nursing mothers

As already mentioned, at the beginning of the article, a nursing mother needs not only more energy, but also more useful vitamins and minerals. Therefore, food should be the most useful.

Rating of healthy vegetables, fruits and herbs


  • Asparagus
  • Avocado
  • beet greens
  • Beet
  • bell pepper
  • bok choy
  • Broccoli
  • Brussels sprouts
  • white cabbage
  • Carrot
  • Cauliflower
  • Celery
  • Corn
  • cucumbers
  • eggplant
  • Dill
  • Garlic
  • string beans
  • Green pea
  • Kale
  • Leek
  • Mushrooms
  • mustard greens
  • Olives
  • Potato
  • Romaine lettuce
  • sea ​​vegetables
  • Spinach
  • Squash
  • Pumpkin
  • Sweet potato
  • swiss chard
  • Tomatoes


  • Apples
  • apricots
  • Bananas
  • Blueberry
  • Cantaloupe
  • Cranberry
  • figs
  • Grapefruit
  • Grape
  • lemon and lime
  • oranges
  • Papaya
  • Pears
  • A pineapple
  • Plums and prunes
  • Raspberry
  • Strawberry
  • Currant
  • Watermelon

Beans and legumes

  • black beans
  • Peas
  • White beans
  • Lentils
  • Lima beans
  • spotted bean


  • Basil
  • Dill
  • Ginger
  • oregano
  • Parsley
  • Rosemary
  • Thyme
  • Turmeric

Remember, the maximum benefit and minimum risk for a nursing mother will bring local seasonal products.


Delicious, healthy, fresh and baked vegetables can only benefit a nursing mother. They can and should be eaten immediately after childbirth. Gradually introduce new foods into your diet, choosing the fruits that are most familiar to you.

If before the birth of the child you rarely ate vegetables and fruits, introduce them gradually and carefully. Unusual amounts of fiber in the diet can disrupt digestion.

Thank you for sharing the article in social networks. All the best!

Sincerely, Elena Dyachenko

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