What a lunar day is August. The history of selection of the best varieties and hybrids of petunia

August 1, 2017, Tuesday

9-10 lunar days, the growing moon in Scorpio

A good day for the usual daily activities, but fresh projects should be postponed for a more favorable time. The first half of the day is fraught with conflicts with colleagues and little-known people, but after lunch you can afford to relax and call those people who are always happy to hear your voice.

August 2, 2017, Wednesday

10-11 lunar days, the growing moon in Sagittarius

The happiest day this year, when any activity goes well, and your charm allows you to easily get out of rather difficult situations, both at home and at work. Feel free to plan the most significant events and romantic dates for this day - Fortune will accompany you in everything. On this day

August 3, 2017, Thursday

11-12 lunar days, the growing moon in Sagittarius

Perfect day for going to the bank for a loan or going to court to get the truth. There will also be successful transactions for the acquisition of real estate and other large purchases. Today the head works clearly, and the people around you are benevolent. Long-distance travel is successful, and all financial investments or commercial acquisitions will give good dividends.

August 4, 2017, Friday

12-13 lunar days, the growing moon in Capricorn

A neutral day when you need to slow down the pace of life, smoothly going with the flow and not making desperate attempts to achieve hasty results. For the afternoon, allow yourself to plan a get-together with friends or a trip with the whole family to an entertainment venue. The stars foretell that rest is simply necessary for you now for energy recharging.

August 5, 2017, Saturday

13-14 lunar days, the growing Moon in Capricorn.

Today it is necessary to carefully analyze all the facts that have happened to you over the past five to seven days and draw conclusions for yourself. Feel free to make plans and enlist the help of more authoritative people. The process of unhurried conversation will allow you to relieve stress, getting new ones for the development of individual talents.

August 6, 2017, Sunday

14-15 lunar days, the growing moon in Capricorn

On this day, family values ​​​​and the observance of traditions will come to the fore. In clothes, give preference to the “classic” style, and in dealing with people - restraint and practicality. Tonight, communication with children and loved ones will bring joy and bring only positive emotions. Enjoy life and try to find a reason for joy even in small things. In response, you will definitely hear a kind word from your loved ones or receive valuable advice that will help you move forward more confidently.

August 7, 2017, Monday

15 lunar day, Full Moon in Aquarius

On this day, the second partial eclipse of the Moon will take place, so it is better not to take any responsible steps. gives advice to protect the nervous system, consciously avoid communicating with people who are ready to provoke a conflict. Do not overwork and refuse to take alcoholic beverages. In the realm of love, unexpected changes can occur in the form of a meeting with a new life partner or a sudden separation.

August 8, 2017, Tuesday

16-17 lunar days, waning Moon in Aquarius

On the day when the Moon passes the South Node, the emotional sphere is unstable, and the desire to change the image and appear before colleagues at work in a new role will be stronger than common sense. Do not take risks unnecessarily and resolutely refuse to participate in dubious adventures, no matter how beautifully the prospects are painted for you. Protect your inner world from excessive interest from strangers.

August 9, 2017, Wednesday

17-18 lunar days, waning Moon in Pisces

The day is not suitable for active work, but making profitable acquaintances is going well, as well as organizing social gatherings. Communication in an informal setting will be more useful than serious formal meetings. Today you can suddenly repay a debt or be reminded of yourself by people who owe you something. Try to find the positive side in all events and keep calm.

August 10, 2017, Thursday

18-19 lunar day, waning moon in Pisces

An unfavorable day for weak personalities who do not know how to cope with difficulties on their own. Tests await the timid and lazy, but people with the makings of a leader will be able to reach new heights in their business. A day is not a suitable day for marriage or a trip to important government structures. Beware of deceit and two-faced people: they will try to use you corny.

August 11, 2017, Friday

19-20 lunar day, waning moon in Aries

The main problem of today is haste, as well as the desire to achieve everything by force. Not being able to show flexibility and diplomacy in communication can turn into disappointment in business partners and depression for you. Do not rush to relieve stress with alcohol, it is better to devote this evening to watching a good movie.

August 12, 2017, Saturday

20-21 lunar days, waning moon in Aries

Do not plan to move or start a responsible business trip today. Everything will not go according to the scenario that you conceived, and you will have to get out literally on the go. Tangible help will be provided by intuition and the ability not to give out true feelings. Romantic dates scheduled for the afternoon will bring interesting news.

August 13, 2017, Sunday

21-22 lunar days, waning Moon in Aries

Controversial day when the best thing to do is just relax. All types of vigorous activity at home or in the garden will bring benefits. Air baths, a sufficient amount of sleep and solar energy will return you to a cheerful mood, allow you to relax for a while, forgetting all the bad things.

August 14, 2017, Monday

22-23 lunar days, waning Moon in Taurus

A positive, full of news day, calling to go forward, boldly achieving the goal. Teamwork will allow you to build a business more efficiently or make useful financial deals. Today is a great day to start a diet and fight any bad habits. You can start a cycle of cosmetic procedures aimed at acquiring more elastic facial skin.

August 15, 2017, Tuesday

23-24 lunar day, waning Moon in Taurus

On this day, the star does not recommend starting new business, as well as being frank or gossip with unfamiliar interlocutors. The consequences of any activity will be unpredictable. The first half of the day should be devoted to hard work and work for the future. In the evening, be sure to cleanse the aura of your apartment from negativity. Pure water will come to the rescue, as well as the fire of lit candles.

August 16, 2017, Wednesday

24 lunar day, waning moon in Gemini

A great day to start new projects and conclude long-term deals. Today, work is simply in full swing in your hands, and the desire to be in time everywhere is compensated by an excess of temperament. Use this day to expand your business, find new supporters, and solve large-scale work tasks. Your authority will grow if the words sound convincing, and the actions look noble.

August 17, 2017, Thursday

24-25 lunar day, waning moon in Gemini

A good day for business and the development of any kind of creativity. Your energy can only be envied, and active pressure will help you overcome any difficulties that arise on your way. However, do not forget that for such an active work, you need to get enough sleep and follow a diet.

August 18, 2017, Friday

26-27 lunar day, waning moon in Cancer

A critical day when it will take the concentration of all willpower to perform daily duties. You will find support in the family, in the circle of relatives. Do not neglect their help, encourage your attention to children. Analyze your dreams and find in them a hint for solving complex issues. Intuition will tell you how to get out of any difficult situation with dignity.

August 19, 2017, Saturday

26-27 lunar day, waning moon in Cancer

A good day to relax and "heart-to-heart conversations" with your loved ones. The ability to get along with children will bring new positive moments in life. Recommends active rest, conducive to mental and physical health. Even leisurely shopping will relieve stress, divert attention from sad thoughts.

August 20, 2017, Sunday

27-28 lunar day, waning moon in Leo

An ideal day for shopping and fairly large acquisitions. Be sure to consult with relatives on how best to develop a business or creative career. Try not to force things and go towards the goal with progressive movements. Make a plan of action for the upcoming seven days and enjoy your vacation.

August 21, 2017, Monday

28-29-1 lunar day, New Moon in Leo

An unfavorable day and when unexpected breakdowns in agreements or business meetings are possible. Today business partners can let you down, so you need to give up financial expenses for a while. Be content with little and do not rush to draw categorical conclusions, then the losses of this day will be minimal. Today is the longest eclipse of the sun in history, this phenomenon will be well observed in the United States.

August 22, 2017, Tuesday

1-2 lunar days, the growing moon in Virgo

A good day for work that does not involve haste and enhanced thought processes. Any mechanical activity goes on without problems, but this can plunge some people into depression. Therefore, allow yourself a small holiday in the form of a cup of exotic tea and a sincere conversation in the company of a true friend.

August 23, 2017, Wednesday

2-3 lunar days, the growing moon in Virgo

A positive day that attracts promising events with the prospect of active development in the near future. Business activities and the signing of important papers are going well. If you have planned a business trip or a trip for this day, feel free to set off: the circumstances will be in your favor.

August 24, 2017, Thursday

3-4 lunar days, the growing Moon in Libra.

Happy day for business development and expansion of business ties. Your authority among like-minded people is growing, and the opportunity to help people pleases and allows you to realize your desire to be in demand and loved. All financial transactions will be successful, and trips to government agencies will be successful.

August 25, 2017, Friday

4-5 lunar days, the growing moon in Libra

Today you should not hope for luck and trust strangers too much. Debt obligations can be violated, and planned events are disrupted due to household trifles. Watch out for food poisoning and eat in moderation.

August 26, 2017, Saturday

5-6 lunar day, the growing moon in Scorpio

A great day for any activity and contact with people. All new business and the beginning of large business trips or travels are successfully moving forward. You can trust us, and good omens today will definitely come true! advises you to make the most of this day for your personal benefit and be sure to visit a beauty salon.

August 27, 2017, Sunday

6-7 lunar days, the growing moon in Scorpio

A favorable day for romantic dates and the development of personal life. Today you can meet your Destiny or significantly improve existing relationships. It is enough to show diplomacy of character and smile more often to the interlocutor. Your charm will be able to win any heart and give you a chance to become happier.

August 28, 2017, Monday

7-8 lunar days, the growing moon in Scorpio

A good time to work in the long term. By laying the foundation for new business today, you bring closer the prospect of becoming richer and more successful. All business ideas will be 100% implemented, and financial investments will bring a stable profit. Listen to the advice of influential people, this will allow you to quickly succeed in any endeavor.

August 29, 2017, Tuesday

8-9 lunar days, the growing moon in Sagittarius

A good day to start a new stage in life: whether it's a move or a transition to a more promising position, everything will turn out well. The first half for is a favorable period of time for solving all business issues and active work in a team. Today, activities related to jurisprudence, construction and signing of important papers are developing well. But the second half of the day should be devoted to taking care of your health and communicating with your family.

August 30, 2017, Wednesday

9-10 lunar days, the growing moon in Sagittarius

An unfavorable day for any new business and important meetings. Dreams and signs today are deceptive and bring disappointment. Be patient and just sail through life without reproaches and ambitious desires. Luck will smile only on patient and hardworking people who know how to work in a team and listen to the opinion of the leadership. Avoid overwork, alcohol abuse and overeating, take care of your health.

August 31, 2017, Thursday

10-11 lunar days, the growing Moon in Capricorn.

A rather calm, even day when you can easily turn to a more influential person for help and get his support and blessing. Successfully passes any trip, both short and long distances. The positive energy of the lunar day will recharge your energy and give you the opportunity to show off your talents. You can find new reliable friends and business allies.

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Not everything in our life lends itself to a simple explanation, and therefore it is customary to think that it is simply impossible to know one's fate. True, there are methods by which one can follow the trends affecting people and other living organisms on the planet, and one of these methods is the observation of the moon.

The sequence of the phases of the moon, in combination with several other factors, such as the location of the ruling constellation, the order of the lunar day and days of the week, help determine which aspects of a person’s life deserve special attention, which are at the peak of energy, and which are at the bottom. The lunar calendar will help you find out what awaits in August 2017.

These days, especially in the phase of the growing moon, it is best to plan the start of new business. This time is also favorable for the female half, for ladies who want to lose weight. Also a great period for those who are going to fight their bad habits.

The dates will be favorable these days - from August 13 to 19 - the growing moon just falls. Next, the phase of the waning moon is celebrated, but the days will also be favorable - from August 21 to 26 and from August 28 to 31.

Unfavorable days in August 2017 will pass on the 15th, 21st and 29th. These days it is better to listen to yourself and be careful and attentive. Astrologers do not recommend starting important things these days. Well, it would be best to pay attention to the state of your health.

I would like to immediately pay attention to what days the new moon and full moon will take place in August. So, August 7 is the Full Moon, August 21 is the New Moon. August 15 - last quarter, August 29 - first quarter.

August 21, 2017, 28, 29, 1 lunar day. Moon in Leo. New moon at 21:29. On the new moon, spiritual comfort is very important: rest, relaxation, meditation - that's what will help you overcome the troubles of this day. Envy and anger signal spiritual pollution. Today, the stars will favor those who clearly know what they want and know how to plan their actions correctly.

August 22, 2017, 1-2 lunar day. Growing Moon in Virgo. A smooth and harmonious day, a time of mercy, patience and spiritual transformation. Practical efforts will not yield much results. But do not quit what you started and be sure to bring it to the end. Overloads are contraindicated today. Devote the evening to your home, family, loved ones.

August 23, 2017, 2-3 lunar day. Growing Moon in Virgo. An active, creative day associated with change, victory, triumph, strength and movement. Today you can be decisive in your actions, it is good to part with bad habits. Build contacts, communicate and solve pressing issues.

August 24, 2017, 3-4 lunar day. Growing Moon in Libra. This is the day of wisdom and generosity. Dare for non-standard solutions, they will bring excellent results. It is better not to build any plans today, but to follow your desires, intuition, reasonably correct everything that happens, focusing on what works best. Successful work with the word and information.

August 25, 2017, 4-5 lunar day. Growing Moon in Libra. Critical day, one of the most difficult days this month. Limit communication, control emotions. Beware of misunderstandings related to management decisions. Do not trust promises and obligations: they will be violated voluntarily or involuntarily. Classes that require intellectual effort today will not bring success.

August 26, 2017, 5-6 lunar day. Waxing Moon in Scorpio. The recommendations of the previous lunar day apply. Today, try to run into crowds and aggressive people, do not enter into conflicts. Quiet, but troublesome activities are suitable. For example, housework - cleaning, laundry, minor repairs. Be careful - there is a high chance of injury.

August 27, 2017, 6-7 lunar day. Waxing Moon in Scorpio. The day is associated with the awakening of the forces of nature. It is believed that a revelation can descend on a person. Do not indulge in sadness or idleness. If you have long wanted to change something in your life, today is the time, especially: in the morning. Good for travel and travel.

August 28, 2017, 7-8 lunar day. Waxing Moon in Scorpio. This is a day of false seduction by your own achievements: you can sin with vanity and pride. In no case Do not take unjustified risks - adventures are contraindicated. Rest, relaxation, meditation - that's what will help you overcome the troubles of this day.

August 29, 2017, 8-9 lunar day. Waxing Moon in Sagittarius. The day is quite tense emotionally. You can only start well-thought-out and carefully planned things. I am not worth making appointments with those who are not related to you, no matter how important they may seem - this communication will not bring success.

August 30, 2017, 9-10 lunar day. Waxing Moon in Sagittarius. The day as a whole is not very favorable, you need to try to get rid of negative energy. Think about your thoughts. Give support to those who need it. The “instinct of the crowd”, base instincts, are aggravated, so you should not follow your impulses and indulge your desires.

August 31, 2017, 10-11 lunar day. Waxing Moon in Capricorn. Possible stress, loss of strength, emotional tension, deterioration of mood. Help your body get rid of all the excess. Cabbage, dried apricots, bran and products containing bran contribute to the removal of toxins from the body. Why? They contain fiber, and it must be ingested daily. You can alternate: one day - bran, the other - cabbage, dried apricots.

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If you want to benefit from astrology without going too far into the realm of special knowledge, start by researching the phases of the moon. One complete rotation around the Earth takes the Moon approximately 28 days. The lunar cycle is divided into 8 phases, each of which lasts no more than 3.5 days:

  • new moon, when the satellite is completely dark;
  • the young Moon, when only its thin crescent is visible;
  • the first quarter, when exactly half is illuminated;
  • the waxing moon when it is more than half lit;
  • full moon when it is fully visible;
  • waning as it gradually becomes less and less illuminated;
  • the last quarter, when only half of it is visible again;
  • the old Moon, when it approaches the very first phase of the cycle - the new moon.

Think of the lunar cycle as a big clock. If you carefully study the lunar calendar for August 2017, you can use the knowledge of the current phase for optimal planning for the month. For example, astrologers claim that during the full moon, people are more prone to stress and pay more attention to their own needs and interests than to others. The New Moon, on the other hand, brings peace. Emotions return to normal, determination returns along with the feeling that everything will work out. There is more energy and better perceived other people's ideas. The phases of the moon have also been used by farmers for centuries to plan their farm.

New Moon and Waxing Moon

During the new moon, the satellite does not appear in the sky and is on the same line with the Sun and the Earth. This is the best period for new ideas and planting. The period of the growing moon is divided into phases such as the young, waxing moon and the first quarter. This is the right time for new beginnings.

  1. Young Moon. Plan a new endeavor, whether it's a wedding, a beauty salon, a diet, a trip, or anything else. Play around with ideas, techniques, and strategies and see what happens. Put forth all your strength. This is one of the phases of the moon in August 2017, when there is a high probability that you will face obstacles and challenges, resistance.
  2. First quarter. During this phase, the satellite is half illuminated by the Sun, at an angle of 90 degrees. This is a period of significant personal growth. Build a solid foundation for the planned business. Spend most of your energy on this in order to achieve the goal.
  3. Waking Moon. If we compare this phase with the flower growth cycle, then this is the time when the bud is formed. Dedicate all your strength to the pursuit of the goal. Pay attention to details, analyze.

Full moon and aging moon

When the full moon occurs, the Sun and Moon are directly opposite each other, and the satellite is fully visible in the sky. In the planting cycle, this corresponds to the time when the flower opens. Try to approach all issues as objectively as possible during this period. The aging moon is divided into the following phases: waning, last quarter and old moon.

  1. Waning moon. If we continue the parallel with the flower growth cycle, then this is the time when the first fruits appear. Now you can share the joy of undertaking with other people. This is the best time for weddings and other important events.
  2. Last quarter. This is the phase symbolizing wilting in the flower's growth cycle. Now the fruits are harvested and the remaining parts begin to die off, returning to the ground. At this time, you can’t plan and start anything, it’s better to wait for a more opportune moment.
  3. old moon. This is the time when mature seeds remain from a plant that has already withered, which will later give rise to the next shoots. All the energy of the flower is concentrated in this seed, ready for a new cycle. So you get knowledge crystallized from the experience of the past in order to further turn it into something new. Prepare a place for the next “shoots”: clean the house, visit a beauty salon, cleanse the body of toxins.

How to plan your affairs for August 2017 using the lunar calendar

For example, you are planning a party and you want it to be a success. Choose a suitable phase, such as a new moon or a waning moon, and then an auspicious day according to the lunar calendar for August 2017. For a holiday, a day is suitable when the satellite is in the sign of Gemini, Leo, Libra or Sagittarius. If you want to impress your boss with an initiative, do it on a day when the Moon is in Aries.

  1. Check out the lunar calendar below. Print it out and hang it in a visible place.
  2. Pay special attention to what zodiac the satellite is in.
  3. When you are about to do something, look at the calendar, marking the day when the Moon will be in the desired zodiac constellation.
the date Moon phases Lunar days Moon in the sign of the zodiac auspicious days
August 1, 2017 (Tuesday) Waxing Crescent 10 lunar day Moon in the sign of Sagittarius, from 13 42(Moscow time)
August 2, 2017(Wednesday) Waxing Crescent 11 lunar day Moon in Sagittarius auspicious day
August 3, 2017(Thursday) Waxing Crescent 12 lunar day Moon in Sagittarius auspicious day
August 4, 2017(Friday) Waxing Crescent 13 lunar day Moon in Capricorn, from 04 36 (Moscow time)
August 5, 2017(Saturday) Waxing Crescent 14 lunar day Moon in Capricorn
August 6, 2017(Sunday) Waxing Crescent 15 lunar day Moon in Aquarius, c 1446(Moscow time)
August 7, 2017(Monday) Full moon 16 lunar day Moon in Aquarius
August 8, 2017(Tuesday) Waning moon 17 lunar day Moon in Aquarius auspicious day
August 9, 2017(Wednesday) Waning moon 18 lunar day Moon in the sign of Pisces, from 01 31 (Moscow time) auspicious day
August 10, 2017(Thursday) Waning moon 19 lunar day Moon in Pisces
August 11, 2017(Friday) Waning moon 20 lunar day Moon in Aries, from 0948(Moscow time)
August 12, 2017(Saturday) Waning moon 21 lunar days Moon in Aries
August 13, 2017(Sunday) Waning moon 22 lunar day Moon in the sign of Taurus, from 1440(Moscow time)
August 14, 2017(Monday) Waning moon 23 lunar day Moon in Taurus auspicious day
August 15, 2017(Tuesday) Last quarter 24 lunar day Moon in the sign of Gemini, from 1741(Moscow time)
August 16, 2017(Wednesday) Waning moon 24 lunar day Moon in the sign of Gemini auspicious day
August 17, 2017(Thursday) Waning moon 25 lunar day Moon in the sign of Cancer, from 09 30(Moscow time) auspicious day
August 18, 2017(Friday) Waning moon 26 lunar day Moon in Cancer
August 19, 2017(Saturday) Waning moon 27 lunar day Moon in Leo, from 2059(Moscow time)
August 20, 2017(Sunday) Waning moon 28 lunar day Moon in Leo
August 21, 2017(Monday) New moon 29, 1 lunar day Moon in the sign of Virgo, from 23 11(Moscow time)
August 22, 2017(Tuesday) Waxing Crescent 2 lunar day Moon in Virgo auspicious day
August 23, 2017(Wednesday) Waxing Crescent 3 lunar day Moon in Virgo
August 24, 2017(Thursday) Waxing Crescent 4 lunar day Moon in the sign of Libra, from 03 17(Moscow time)
August 25, 2017(Friday) Waxing Crescent 5 lunar day Moon in Libra
August 26, 2017(Saturday) Waxing Crescent 6 lunar day Moon in the sign of Scorpio, from 10 26(Moscow time) auspicious day
August 27, 2017(Sunday) Waxing Crescent 7 lunar day Moon in the sign of Scorpio auspicious day
August 28, 2017(Monday) Waxing Crescent 8 lunar day Moon in the sign of Sagittarius, from 23 29(Moscow time) auspicious day
August 29, 2017(Tuesday) First quarter 9 lunar day Moon in Sagittarius auspicious day
August 30, 2017(Wednesday) Waxing Crescent 10 lunar day Moon in Sagittarius
August 31, 2017(Thursday) Waxing Crescent 11 lunar day Moon in Capricorn, s 1037(Moscow time)

If the moon is in:

  1. Aries, start new projects, non-collective activities, sports.
  2. Corpuscle, take care of things related to money, gardening, go for a massage or a restaurant, a romantic date.
  3. Gemini organize meetings, study and other intellectual work, carry out important telephone conversations.
  4. cancer, spend time with family.
  5. lion, have a party.
  6. Virgo, take care of your health, start a diet.
  7. scales, try to resolve controversial issues, visit museums, exhibitions.
  8. scorpio, focus on healing both physical injuries and illnesses, as well as emotional ones.
  9. Sagittarius, travel, read, study.
  10. Capricorn be practical, work hard, draw up a strategy or business plan, set specific goals.
  11. aquarius, try new and unusual, communicate with friends.
  12. Pisces, dream, be inspired, be creative, swim, dance, listen to music, meditate, pray, walk, relax and rejuvenate.
  • New Moon in August 2017- August 21, 2017 at 21 hours 29 minutes 02 seconds.
  • Full moon in august 2017- August 7, 2017 at 21 hours 09 minutes 29 seconds.
  • Lunar eclipse in August 2017- August 7 at 21:20.
  • Solar eclipse in August 2017- August 21 at 21:25.
  • First quarter in August 2017- August 29, 2017 at 11:11:39 am.
  • Last quarter in August 2017- August 15, 2017 at 4:13:50.
  • Growing Moon in August 2017- from 1 to 6 August and from 22 to 31 August 2017.
  • Waning moon in august 2017- from 8 to 20 August 2017.
  • Moon at apogee: August 2 at 23:53 and August 30 at 14:23.
  • Moon at perigee: August 18 at 16:19.
  • Moon at the north node: August 21 at 16:33.
  • Moon at the south node: August 8 at 13:55.

Detailed lunar calendar for august 2017

August 1, 2017, 9-10 lunar day. Waxing Moon in Scorpio. The day is quite tense emotionally. You can only start well-thought-out and carefully planned things. It is not worth making appointments with those who are not related to you, no matter how important they may seem - this communication will not bring success.

August 2, 2017, 10-11 lunar day. Waxing Moon in Sagittarius. Critical day, one of the most difficult in the month, Limit communication, control emotions. Beware of misunderstandings related to management decisions. Do not trust promises and obligations: they will be violated voluntarily or involuntarily. Classes that require intellectual effort today will not bring success.

August 3, 2017, 11-12 lunar day. Waxing Moon in Sagittarius. Don't get stressed out and don't get carried away. If possible, relax or spend time in nature. Think over and plan your actions: today's plans, thoughts and desires have every chance to come true.

August 4, 2017, 12-13 lunar day. Waxing Moon in Capricorn. A day of work on oneself, knowledge and humility. Do not lie or gossip, do not give in to fuss, avoid haste and harsh judgments. Take the first steps towards achieving the goals you have set for yourself. Favorable communication with those who are close to you in spirit and energy.

August 5, 2017, 13-14 lunar day. Waxing Moon in Capricorn. The day is quite tense emotionally. If you want to make a decision today, think it over a hundred times first. You can only start well-thought-out and carefully planned things, otherwise there is a risk of getting into a difficult situation, running into problems.

August 6, 2017, 14-15 lunar day. Waxing Moon in Capricorn. A good day for active activities that require a lot of energy, for communication with nature and building creative ideas. Today one should not live according to the plan: fate can bring unexpected surprises. You can ask bold questions - chances are you'll get honest, sincere answers.

August 7, 2017, 15-16 lunar day. Moon in Aquarius. Full moon at 21:09. Today is the day of assimilation and absorption of the energy of the Cosmos. The most favorable time for establishing and restoring contacts, in search of like-minded people. Call old friends. Give support to those who need it. On this day, you can improve a lot in human relations, turn life for the better.

August 8, 2017, 16-17 lunar day. Waning Moon in Aquarius. Today you should not try on other people's roles, imagine yourself in the place of others - it would be nice: to deal with your problems. Do not give up on what was planned, even if circumstances turn out to be unfavorable at first glance, bring everything to the end. Avoid chaos and nervousness.

August 9, 2017, 17-18 lunar day. Waning Moon in Pisces. If this day does not go well, if everything falls out of hand, this means that something urgently needs to be changed - and rather not in external circumstances, but in oneself. Listen carefully to those who criticize you today: they will help you take a sober look at yourself, evaluate your achievements, opportunities and resources.

August 10, 2017, 18-19 lunar day. Waning Moon in Pisces. An ambiguous day, successful for active people and dangerous for those who are subject to other people's influence. Today it is important to show independence in decisions, self-control and character, not to succumb to provocations, avoid other people's influences. It is undesirable to actively communicate, to be in crowded places.

August 11, 2017, 19-20 lunar day. Waning Moon in Aries. The best time to relax. Good communication with nature. It is good to think on this day about the traditions of your family, ancestors, about how to support and strengthen these traditions. Work with information, listen to your inner voice. Try not to succumb to the fuss, talk less and listen more.

August 12, 2017, 20-21 lunar days. Waning Moon in Aries. A day in which caution and care are needed in the performance of any business. Don't quit what you started, be sure to finish everything. This is the time of awakening hidden reserves, the transformation of human nature.

August 13, 2017, 21-22 lunar day. Waning Moon in Aries. A day of love, creativity, spontaneity and joy of being. Be attentive and indulgent to yourself, show altruism, but do not relax. The period is favorable for business negotiations - you can reach mutual understanding with others. Mercy and compassion are essential today.

August 14, 2017, 22-23 lunar day. Waning Moon in Taurus. This is the time of accumulation of information. It is better not to rush forward, but to look back: many situations on these lunar days are repeated, returning, like poorly completed lessons: for correction, revision and alteration.

August 15, 2017, 23-24 lunar day. Waning Moon in Taurus. A day of work on oneself, knowledge and humility. Do not lie or gossip, do not give in to fuss, avoid haste and harsh judgments. Take the first steps towards achieving the goals you have set for yourself. Favorable communication with those who are close to you in spirit and energy.

August 16, 2017, 24 lunar day. Waning Moon in Gemini. The best day for important, long-term projects and long-distance trips. All things started during this period work out as well as possible. The next such chance will have to wait a whole month. Listen to every word that is said. This will help you to know your path, your destiny, to understand your purpose in this life.

August 17, 2017, 24-25 lunar day. Waning Moon in Gemini. Avoid impulsiveness and rash actions. Conflicts are possible today, so give yourself a good workout in the gym. Refrain from excesses. Control your emotions and desires. You can feel your vulnerability, it will be difficult to find mutual understanding with people.

August 18, 2017, 25-26 lunar day. Waning Moon in Cancer. Today, the stars will favor those who clearly know what they want and know how to plan their actions correctly. Try to direct your energy in a creative direction: you should not limit yourself to getting new experiences. Absorb information, share experience, communicate.

August 19, 2017, 26-27 lunar day. Waning Moon in Cancer. Day of illusions, delusions, deceit and poisoning (you can get poisoned even with quality products). Do not succumb to suggestion, laziness, earthly temptations. Postpone all important things, no matter how urgent they may seem to you. Be alone with yourself. The best thing to do is routine things.

August 20, 2017, 27-28 lunar day. Waning Moon in Leo. An ambiguous day, successful for active people and dangerous for those who are subject to other people's influence. Today it is important to show independence in decisions, restraint and character, not to succumb to provocations, to avoid other people's influences. It is undesirable to actively communicate, to be in crowded places.

August 21, 2017, 28, 29, 1 lunar day. Moon in Leo. New Moon at 21:29. On the new moon, spiritual comfort is very important: rest, relaxation, meditation - that's what will help you overcome the troubles of this day. Envy and anger signal spiritual slagging. Today, the stars will favor those * who clearly know what they want and know how to plan their actions correctly.

August 22, 2017, 1-2 lunar day. Growing Moon in Virgo. A smooth and harmonious day, a time of mercy, patience and spiritual transformation. Practical efforts will not yield much results. But do not quit what you started and be sure to bring it to the end. Overloads are contraindicated today. Devote the evening to your home, family, loved ones.

August 23, 2017, 2-3 lunar day. Growing Moon in Virgo. An active, creative day associated with change, victory, triumph, strength and movement. Today you can be decisive in your actions, it is good to part with bad habits. Build contacts, communicate and solve pressing issues.

August 24, 2017, 3-4 lunar day. Growing Moon in Libra. This is the day of wisdom and generosity. Dare for non-standard solutions, they will bring good results. It is better not to build any plans today, but to follow your desires, intuition, reasonably correct everything that happens, focusing on what works best. Successful work with the word and information.

August 25, 2017, 4-5 lunar day. Growing Moon in Libra. Critical day, one of the most difficult in the month. Limit communication, control emotions. Beware of misunderstandings related to management decisions. Do not trust promises and obligations: they will be violated voluntarily or involuntarily. Classes that require intellectual effort today will not bring success.

August 26, 2017, 5-6 lunar day. Waxing Moon in Scorpio. The recommendations of the previous lunar day apply. Today, try to run into crowds and aggressive people, do not enter into conflicts. Quiet, but troublesome activities are suitable. For example, housework - cleaning, laundry, minor repairs. Be careful - there is a high chance of injury.

August 27, 2017 6-7 lunar day. Waxing Moon in Scorpio. The day is associated with the awakening of the forces of nature. It is believed that a revelation can descend on a person. Do not indulge in sadness or idleness. If you have long wanted to change something in your life, today is the time, especially: in the morning. Good for travel and travel.

August 28, 2017, 7-8 lunar day. Waxing Moon in Scorpio. This is a day of false seduction by your own achievements: you can sin with vanity and pride. In no case Do not take unjustified risks - adventures are contraindicated. Rest, relaxation, meditation - that's what will help you overcome the troubles of this day.

August 29, 2017, 8-9 lunar day. Waxing Moon in Sagittarius. The day is quite tense emotionally. You can only start well-thought-out and carefully planned things. I am not worth making appointments with those who are not related to you, no matter how important they may seem - this communication will not bring success.

August 30, 2017, 9-10 lunar day. Waxing Moon in Sagittarius. The day as a whole is not very favorable, you need to try to get rid of negative energy. Think about your thoughts. Give support to those who need it. The “instinct of the crowd”, base instincts, are aggravated, so you should not follow your impulses and indulge your desires.

August 31, 2017, 10-11 lunar day. Waxing Moon in Capricorn. Possible stress, loss of strength, emotional tension, deterioration of mood. Help your body get rid of all the excess. Cabbage, dried apricots, bran and products containing bran contribute to the removal of toxins from the body. Why? They contain fiber, and it must be ingested daily. You can alternate: one day - bran, the other - cabbage, dried apricots.

Moon without a course (idle Moon) in August 2017

  • 31 July 14:10 — 01 August 15:01
  • 04 August 0:38 — 04 August 03:37
  • 06 August 12:22 — 06 August 15:15
  • August 08 22:07 — August 09 0:56
  • August 10 16:38 - August 11 8:22
  • August 13 11:01 — August 13 13:40
  • August 15 4:15 - August 15 17:06
  • August 17 16:38 — August 17 19:13
  • August 19 18:17 — August 19 20:55
  • August 21 21:30 — August 21 23:25
  • August 23 23:02 — August 24 4:04
  • August 26 8:39 - August 26 11:53
  • August 28 12:38 — August 28 22:47
  • August 31 7:42 — August 31 11:18

August 1, 2017, 9-10 lunar day. Waxing Moon in Scorpio. The day is quite tense emotionally. You can only start well-thought-out and carefully planned things. It is not worth making appointments with those who are not related to you, no matter how important they may seem - this communication will not bring success.

August 2, 2017, 10-11 lunar day. Waxing Moon in Sagittarius. Critical day, one of the most difficult in the month, Limit communication, control emotions. Beware of misunderstandings related to management decisions. Do not trust promises and obligations: they will be violated voluntarily or involuntarily. Classes that require intellectual effort today will not bring success.

August 3, 2017, 11-12 lunar day. Waxing Moon in Sagittarius. Don't get stressed out and don't get carried away. If possible, relax or spend time in nature. Think over and plan your actions: today's plans, thoughts and desires have every chance to come true.

August 4, 2017, 12-13 lunar day. Waxing Moon in Capricorn. A day of work on oneself, knowledge and humility. Do not lie or gossip, do not give in to fuss, avoid haste and harsh judgments. Take the first steps towards achieving the goals you have set for yourself. Favorable communication with those who are close to you in spirit and energy.

August 5, 2017, 13-14 lunar day. Waxing Moon in Capricorn. The day is quite tense emotionally. If you want to make a decision today, think it over a hundred times first. You can only start well-thought-out and carefully planned things, otherwise there is a risk of getting into a difficult situation, running into problems.

August 6, 2017, 14-15 lunar day. Waxing Moon in Capricorn. A good day for active activities that require a lot of energy, for communication with nature and building creative ideas. Today one should not live according to the plan: fate can bring unexpected surprises. You can ask bold questions - chances are you'll get honest, sincere answers.

August 7, 2017, 15-16 lunar day. Moon in Aquarius. Full moon at 21:09. Today is the day of assimilation and absorption of the energy of the Cosmos. The most favorable time for establishing and restoring contacts, in search of like-minded people. Call old friends. Give support to those who need it. On this day, you can improve a lot in human relations, turn life for the better.

August 8, 2017, 16-17 lunar day. Waning Moon in Aquarius. Today you should not try on other people's roles, imagine yourself in the place of others - it would be nice: to deal with your problems. Do not give up on what was planned, even if circumstances turn out to be unfavorable at first glance, bring everything to the end. Avoid chaos and nervousness.

August 9, 2017, 17-18 lunar day. Waning Moon in Pisces. If this day does not go well, if everything falls out of hand, this means that something urgently needs to be changed - and rather not in external circumstances, but in oneself. Listen carefully to those who criticize you today: they will help you take a sober look at yourself, evaluate your achievements, opportunities and resources.

August 10, 2017, 18-19 lunar day. Waning Moon in Pisces. An ambiguous day, successful for active people and dangerous for those who are subject to other people's influence. Today it is important to show independence in decisions, self-control and character, not to succumb to provocations, avoid other people's influences. It is undesirable to actively communicate, to be in crowded places.

August 11, 2017, 19-20 lunar day. Waning Moon in Aries. The best time to relax. Good communication with nature. It is good to think on this day about the traditions of your family, ancestors, about how to support and strengthen these traditions. Work with information, listen to your inner voice. Try not to succumb to the fuss, talk less and listen more.

August 12, 2017, 20-21 lunar days. Waning Moon in Aries. A day in which caution and care are needed in the performance of any business. Don't quit what you started, be sure to finish everything. This is the time of awakening hidden reserves, the transformation of human nature.

August 13, 2017, 21-22 lunar day. Waning Moon in Aries. A day of love, creativity, spontaneity and joy of being. Be attentive and indulgent to yourself, show altruism, but do not relax. The period is favorable for business negotiations - you can reach mutual understanding with others. Mercy and compassion are essential today.

August 14, 2017, 22-23 lunar day. Waning Moon in Taurus. This is the time of accumulation of information. It is better not to rush forward, but to look back: many situations on these lunar days are repeated, returning, like poorly completed lessons: for correction, revision and alteration.

August 15, 2017, 23-24 lunar day. Waning Moon in Taurus. A day of work on oneself, knowledge and humility. Do not lie or gossip, do not give in to fuss, avoid haste and harsh judgments. Take the first steps towards achieving the goals you have set for yourself. Favorable communication with those who are close to you in spirit and energy.

August 16, 2017, 24 lunar day. Waning Moon in Gemini. The best day for important, long-term projects and long-distance trips. All things started during this period work out as well as possible. The next such chance will have to wait a whole month. Listen to every word that is said. This will help you to know your path, your destiny, to understand your purpose in this life.

August 17, 2017, 24-25 lunar day. Waning Moon in Gemini. Avoid impulsiveness and rash actions. Conflicts are possible today, so give yourself a good workout in the gym. Refrain from excesses. Control your emotions and desires. You can feel your vulnerability, it will be difficult to find mutual understanding with people.

August 18, 2017, 25-26 lunar day. Waning Moon in Cancer. Today, the stars will favor those who clearly know what they want and know how to plan their actions correctly. Try to direct your energy in a creative direction: you should not limit yourself to getting new experiences. Absorb information, share experience, communicate.

August 19, 2017, 26-27 lunar day. Waning Moon in Cancer. Day of illusions, delusions, deceit and poisoning (you can get poisoned even with quality products). Do not succumb to suggestion, laziness, earthly temptations. Postpone all important things, no matter how urgent they may seem to you. Be alone with yourself. The best thing to do is routine things.

August 20, 2017, 27-28 lunar day. Waning Moon in Leo. An ambiguous day, successful for active people and dangerous for those who are subject to other people's influence. Today it is important to show independence in decisions, restraint and character, not to succumb to provocations, to avoid other people's influences. It is undesirable to actively communicate, to be in crowded places.

August 21, 2017, 28, 29, 1 lunar day. Moon in Leo. New Moon at 21:29. On the new moon, spiritual comfort is very important: rest, relaxation, meditation - that's what will help you overcome the troubles of this day. Envy and anger signal spiritual slagging. Today, the stars will favor those * who clearly know what they want and know how to plan their actions correctly.

August 22, 2017, 1-2 lunar day. Growing Moon in Virgo. A smooth and harmonious day, a time of mercy, patience and spiritual transformation. Practical efforts will not yield much results. But do not quit what you started and be sure to bring it to the end. Overloads are contraindicated today. Devote the evening to your home, family, loved ones.

August 23, 2017, 2-3 lunar day. Growing Moon in Virgo. An active, creative day associated with change, victory, triumph, strength and movement. Today you can be decisive in your actions, it is good to part with bad habits. Build contacts, communicate and solve pressing issues.

August 24, 2017, 3-4 lunar day. Growing Moon in Libra. This is the day of wisdom and generosity. Dare for non-standard solutions, they will bring good results. It is better not to build any plans today, but to follow your desires, intuition, reasonably correct everything that happens, focusing on what works best. Successful work with the word and information.

August 25, 2017, 4-5 lunar day. Growing Moon in Libra. Critical day, one of the most difficult in the month. Limit communication, control emotions. Beware of misunderstandings related to management decisions. Do not trust promises and obligations: they will be violated voluntarily or involuntarily. Classes that require intellectual effort today will not bring success.

August 26, 2017, 5-6 lunar day. Waxing Moon in Scorpio. The recommendations of the previous lunar day apply. Today, try to run into crowds and aggressive people, do not enter into conflicts. Quiet, but troublesome activities are suitable. For example, housework - cleaning, laundry, minor repairs. Be careful - there is a high chance of injury.

August 27, 2017 6-7 lunar day. Waxing Moon in Scorpio. The day is associated with the awakening of the forces of nature. It is believed that a revelation can descend on a person. Do not indulge in sadness or idleness. If you have long wanted to change something in your life, today is the time, especially: in the morning. Good for travel and travel.

August 28, 2017, 7-8 lunar day. Waxing Moon in Scorpio. This is a day of false seduction by your own achievements: you can sin with vanity and pride. In no case Do not take unjustified risks - adventures are contraindicated. Rest, relaxation, meditation - that's what will help you overcome the troubles of this day.

August 29, 2017, 8-9 lunar day. Waxing Moon in Sagittarius. The day is quite tense emotionally. You can only start well-thought-out and carefully planned things. I am not worth making appointments with those who are not related to you, no matter how important they may seem - this communication will not bring success.

August 30, 2017, 9-10 lunar day. Waxing Moon in Sagittarius. The day as a whole is not very favorable, you need to try to get rid of negative energy. Think about your thoughts. Give support to those who need it. The “instinct of the crowd”, base instincts, are aggravated, so you should not follow your impulses and indulge your desires.

August 31, 2017, 10-11 lunar day. Waxing Moon in Capricorn. Possible stress, loss of strength, emotional tension, deterioration of mood. Help your body get rid of all the excess. Cabbage, dried apricots, bran and products containing bran contribute to the removal of toxins from the body. Why? They contain fiber, and it must be ingested daily. You can alternate: one day - bran, the other - cabbage, dried apricots.

Moon without a course (idle Moon) in August 2017

  • 31 July 14:10 - 01 August 15:01
  • 04 August 0:38 - 04 August 03:37
  • 06 August 12:22 - 06 August 15:15
  • August 08 22:07 - August 09 0:56
  • August 10 16:38 - August 11 8:22
  • August 13 11:01 - August 13 13:40
  • August 15 4:15 - August 15 17:06
  • August 17 16:38 - August 17 19:13
  • August 19 18:17 - August 19 20:55
  • August 21 21:30 - August 21 23:25
  • August 23 23:02 - August 24 4:04
  • August 26 8:39 - August 26 11:53
  • August 28 12:38 - August 28 22:47
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