How to improve sperm movement. The best ways to increase sperm motility. How is this disease classified?


The speed of sperm movement depends on many factors. A decrease in their activity can be caused by inflammation of the genital organs, prostatitis, various injuries, complications after infections suffered in childhood. If with similar diseases not encountered, then the decrease may be due to poor environmental conditions, eating harmful products and , smoking, addiction, high .

It is considered normal if 30-35 percent of the total number of spermatozoa taken for analysis are actively moving. In order for your performance to become close to ideal, you should make changes to the existing lifestyle. To begin with, you need to carefully monitor the diet, include in it everything you need for healthy eating products: milk, fruits, vegetables, cereals, Special attention tedious to give meat and nuts. In addition, meals should be regular and complete. In addition to nutrition, try to normalize sleep and rest, set a daily routine and stick to it.

Vitamin C affects sperm motility, and vitamin E affects the quality of the sex glands. Therefore, make sure that your menu includes foods rich in them: pepper, black currant, rosehip, herbs, liver, potatoes, vegetable, olive, butter, as well as the aforementioned nuts and meat.

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  • how to increase sperm speed

The speed of movement is one of the main characteristics that allows the spermatozoon to reach the egg without any problems, moving in a disastrous way for it. acidic environment vagina. This indicator is influenced by many factors, eliminating or, conversely, increasing the influence of which, you can achieve spermatozoa.


Observe correct routine day, providing healthy sleep. Eat right and regularly. Introduce honey and nuts into your diet, eat more fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants, which have a positive effect on. Provide the body enough.

Counteract stress that reduces sexual desire and sperm quality. Improve reproductive health through regular exercise. Make sure that your body weight is within the normal range. In this case, the body will maintain normal hormonal balance which ensures the presence of healthy sperm in the ejaculate.

beware toxic substances affecting sperm quality. Limit your alcohol intake. Quit smoking, which makes you less mobile. Do not take drugs, in particular those that reduce sperm motility.

Stop using lubricants during sex or replace them based on vegetable oils. Reduce the amount of hormones taken that affect the condition of the sex glands. Don't take hot baths or go to the sauna, because spending more than 30 minutes in water that is over 40 degrees Celsius lowers your healthy sperm count.


  • how to increase sperm motility

According to studies conducted by renowned endocrinologist Nils Skakebak, over the past half century, men different countries the number decreased by about 50%. Exact reason no such trend has yet been established. But there are many secondary reasons, it can be both tight underwear and chemical air pollution.

What threatens a small amount of spermatozoa

Not a large number of is the main reason why married couple cannot conceive on its own. This problem is becoming more and more common. According to World Health, every tenth couple is unable to conceive a child, and this is twice as many as a few decades ago. A small number of spermatozoa is not a problem, since a man is still able to conceive a child in this case, since even one spermatozoon is enough for this. But the smaller their number, the less.

The conception is also influenced by the factor of quality and motility of spermatozoa.

Methods to increase sperm count

You need to have more and more sex. it simplest way increase in sperm count. Their number, with daily sex, will increase by an average of 50-90 million. Also, not only their quantity will increase, but also their quality, which will thereby increase the likelihood of conception.

Always stay cool. With increased spermatozoa, they weaken rather quickly, their productivity slows down sharply. Also, doctors advise not to use tight underwear, not to wear tight trousers, to stop using water beds and electric blankets.

You need to practice at least once a day exercise, massage, shaking the testicles or kneading the lumbar region. All these procedures improve blood circulation in the genital area, which will contribute to the production of spermatozoa and increase their mobility. Excessive activity during the day never hurts.

You can't keep your laptop on your lap. The radiation and heat generated by the computer, combined with tight knees, interfere with proper sperm production.

According to recent scientists, mobile phone, which has lain in one pants pocket for more than 4 hours, can also negatively affect sperm production.

Proper nutrition

Scientists advise to eat right, do not abuse, do not smoke, and also active image life. You need to be able to determine your life priorities so that you don’t have to regret some actions later. Following these simple rules, any man can almost completely forget about the loss of sperm functionality. Must include in your diet more vegetables and fruits. More strongly, nutritionists advise eating vegetables that contain glutathione, a special antioxidant that improves the quality and quantity of sperm. These vegetables include broccoli, Brussels sprouts and asparagus. Also on sale there are special dietary supplements, a complex of minerals and vitamins in which is ideally suited for men's health.

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Many men planning to conceive a child are worried about the answer to the most painful and actual question: "How to increase the activity of spermatozoa?". The thing is that the possibility of conceiving a child depends on the speed of movement of spermatozoa. When sperm become too slow, the representative of the stronger sex develops infertility.

AT recent times The number of men unable to conceive a child for health reasons is rapidly increasing. It is almost impossible to determine exactly what caused the decrease in sperm motility. You can increase the activity of spermatozoa only if you approach the solution of the problem with all responsibility. You will have to accept medical preparations and also follow all the recommendations of the attending physician.

If the patient does not know how to increase sperm motility at home, then the first thing to do is to consult a doctor and identify the causes of the violation. The quality of sperm depends on many indicators, but there are several factors that provoke a decrease in the viability of gametes. These include:

  • Natural aging processes in the body of a man. The whole point is that in adulthood less and less testosterone is produced - a hormone that is directly responsible for sperm motility.
  • Excess weight, sedentary image life.
  • insulin resistance. In the patient's blood, insulin is normal, but its receptors cannot properly analyze this condition. This disease can significantly worsen the spermogram.
  • Varicocele arterial hypertension. These pathologies disrupt blood circulation in the male genital area. As a result, the number of motile sperm is also rapidly decreasing.
  • Diabetes mellitus is a dangerous pathology that has an extremely negative effect on the male reproductive system.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Incorrect development of the genital organs, pathological congenital physiological defects.

In search of a suitable answer to the question of how to increase sperm motility and speed, be sure to reconsider your views on healthy lifestyle life. In order to effectively deal with the problem, you must first try to eliminate the cause of its occurrence.


To improve reproductive function, use vitamins and products to increase sperm activity. Powerful medications should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor after preliminary diagnosis, and obtain the results of the spermogram.

Planning to increase sperm activity at home? Then enrich your diet with the following vitamins.

  • Vitamin E. Protects the patient's body from harmful substances, effectively combats free radicals, contributes to the improvement of spermogram parameters.
  • Zinc. This microelement enhances sperm production, improves sperm quality. Many vitamins of this group are found in sea ​​fish, shrimp, nuts, whole grains.
  • Selenium - increases the activity of spermatozoa. Together with this trace element, protein molecules enter the sperm. At the same time, the seed is healed, which excludes the development of various dangerous pathologies The child has. A lot of beneficial vitamins found in garlic egg white and seafood.
  • L-carnitine. Scientists have proven that this microelement is able to increase sperm motility by 4 times. The substance is found in kefir, yogurt and other dairy products, as well as in lean meat.

Now you know what affects sperm motility. If your menu always has enough trace elements from the list above, you will not be afraid of reproductive dysfunction. In addition, doctors recommend regularly consuming foods with multivitamin and anti-inflammatory properties as a preventive measure. It can be poppy or ginger. Drink tea with ginger slices before bed to increase sperm activity and significantly improve sperm counts.


How to treat sedentary spermatozoa at home? If the problem is not yet too advanced, it will be enough to change your lifestyle and nutrition system. First of all, doctors recommend that men completely abandon bad habits - smoking, drinking strong alcoholic beverages. You also need to review your diet. special diet there is no way to improve the spermogram, but there are recommendations from doctors that it is better to listen to.

  • It is recommended to eat oatmeal, red hot peppers, carrots and apricots fresh and dried. Such food significantly increases the production active sperm, as it contains vitamin A in high concentration.
  • Cook dishes with parsley, broccoli, spinach.
  • Drink milk or consume dairy products daily.
  • Be sure to include foods rich in vitamin C in your diet. It can be strawberries, asparagus, tomatoes. This substance increases the activity of spermatozoa and makes them more viable. Foods are best consumed fresh because vitamin C breaks down during heat treatment.
  • An indispensable part of the diet to increase sperm activity - foods containing omega-3 fatty acid. This category includes fish, seafood, nuts. Omega-3 acids improve blood microcirculation in the male genital area, have a beneficial effect on the male reproductive system. in semen healthy man must contain such substances. If they are not enough, the possibility of conceiving a child is significantly reduced.
  • On your table there should always be products with high content zinc. These are seafood, eggs, lean poultry meat, for example, turkey. Sperm activity tablets always contain zinc. It is the lack of this substance that makes the sperm less mobile. This is due to a decrease in the production of the male sex hormone testosterone. A lot of zinc is found in yogurt, whole grain cereals, beef.
  • A lack of folic acid can also negatively affect the male reproductive system. To prevent this from happening, eat more greens, legumes, fresh vegetables, avocado, green pepper and cucumber.

To study the results of your spermogram, you do not need to visit a doctor and take laboratory tests. You can do this test yourself at home. Special kits are now being sold that allow you to determine the activity of spermatozoa. The disadvantage of this method is high price, about 2000 rubles.

If a self-diagnosis showed an unsatisfactory result, be sure to consult a doctor. The doctor will conduct a more thorough examination, and prescribe an effective treatment.


Increase sperm motility for effective conception possible with the help of special medicines. However, it is strictly forbidden to take such pills on your own. They should be prescribed only by a doctor after a preliminary diagnosis and an accurate diagnosis.

Drugs to improve sperm motility:

  • Doctors prescribe drugs containing vitamin E and C in high concentrations to patients with poor sperm counts. This medicine improves blood circulation, as well as the activation of spermatozoa. This group of drugs includes Actovegin and Trental.
  • Zinc-based drugs for sperm activity are also particularly effective. One of the most popular drugs in this group is Speman.
  • Medications that improve testosterone production have a beneficial effect on the male reproductive system. Doctors often prescribe Andriol, Proviron, Pergonal or Pregnil to patients.

Want to speed up sperm and conceive healthy child? Then be sure to listen to all the recommendations of doctors. First of all, change your lifestyle, give up bad habits, start actively playing sports. Doctors also advise to eat properly and balanced, to avoid severe stress and emotional stress.

Sperm motility affects the reproductive function of a man, a spermogram helps to determine the level of activity. Mobility is affected by many factors, such as stress, inflammation genitourinary system and lifestyle. In this article, we will tell you how to increase sperm activity in men through nutrition and treatment.

Causes of low sperm activity

The speed of male germ cells directly depends on the amount of mobility in one second. Normal activity of spermatozoa overcomes half of its size or 0.025 millimeters in one second. There are several criteria for sperm activity:

  • And the class is hyperactive, with a direct trajectory of movement and a speed of 0.025 millimeters per second;
  • In class - cells move progressively slowly, the trajectory of movement is straight, but the movement is slow, less than 0.025 millimeters per second;
  • C class - cell activity is abnormal, incorrect, can move around its axis;
  • D class - sedentary sperm.

For information! Inactive spermatozoa die without having time to pass through the female genital organs, this is due to the fact that the sperm is not able to liquefy.

Factors that can cause sedentary spermatozoa:

  • disorderly sex life - increases the risk of infection with sexually transmitted diseases, reduces cell activity;
  • prolonged abstinence- leads to a slow rate and aging of cells, resulting in infertility;
  • delay in ejaculation- occur as a result of a decrease sexual attraction, drinking alcohol, smoking;
  • poor nutrition and low level vitamin- deficiency of zinc, trace elements and vitamin leads to a violation of the production of the protein structure of gametes, resulting in the rate male cells decreases;
  • the presence of infections in the gonads- influenza, tuberculosis, typhus, smallpox, specific inflammation testicles;
  • low testosterone- production decreases with age, with hypertension, as well as with excess weight;
  • increased temperature in the scrotum- the temperature rises due to the expansion of the veins, when wearing tight and warm underwear.

Violation of sperm activity in without fail must be diagnosed. It is important to determine the cause of the decrease in speed, as well as prescribe a correction and treatment. As a rule, an improvement in the speed of male cells occurs when proper diet and micronutrient intake.

What determines the activity of spermatozoa?

A normal indicator of the quality of male cells is considered to be 50% of sperm with pathologies from total, i.e. healthy cells should make up half of either more from the total number of spermatozoa. Let us consider in more detail what determines the activity of spermatozoa? Factors that negatively affect the activity of male germ cells:

  1. Stress and depression. It has been proven that stress negatively affects the function of childbearing, reduces the level of sex hormones and the number of cells in the ejaculate.
  2. Overheating of the testicles. Long stay in sitting position causes overheating of the testicles and impaired blood circulation in the pelvis.
  3. Influence of ecology and working conditions. Constant inhalation of toxic fumes, work with chemical and industrial products can cause temporary infertility.
  4. Infectious diseases STDs and urinary system. For example, when a testicle is injured, an immune reaction is formed, which begins to work against male cells, i.e. antibodies produced by the body to fight the disease begin to attack the spermatozoa.
  5. Radiation from household appliances. It is not recommended to put the laptop on your knees, because. overheating of the testicles occurs. Also, urologists do not recommend carrying a mobile phone in a trouser pocket, because. electromagnetic waves provide Negative influence on sperm quality.

In order to increase the activity of spermatozoa, it is recommended to monitor health, diet and nutrition.

For information! Reduced or impaired blood circulation in the pelvis causes male infertility and inflammation of the prostate.

Methods for increasing sperm activity

How to increase sperm activity? To improve the quality of the ejaculate, it is recommended to adjust the diet, increase the time for rest, eliminate stress, depression and promiscuity. The decrease in the speed of male cells is affected by different reasons, however, there are several ways to increase their speed: diet, drug treatment and ethnoscience. Let's take a closer look at how to increase sperm activity.

Diet food

Motile sperm is completely dependent on the quality of food. Daily consumption of vegetables, fruits, cereals and herbs can increase cell activity in a man. How to increase sperm activity? It is recommended to include the following components in the diet:

  • Vitamin B9 and folic acid - helps to improve conception in men;
  • Vitamin C - is considered a powerful antioxidant in the human body;
  • Vitamin E is responsible for sexual function and male fertility daily dosage is 15 milligrams;
  • Arginine and Vitamin B11- useful for increasing fertility levels.

Sperm becomes active when normal amount zinc and selenium. These trace elements are found in seafood, daily rate is 15 and 70 milligrams. It is mandatory to exclude from the diet:

  • smoked products;
  • fast foods;
  • pastries and pastries;
  • sweets;
  • greasy food.

For information! Regular intake of ginger root can improve sperm quality and general state health.

Folk remedies

medicinal herbs and various means, prepared on the basis of natural ingredients, can improve the quality of sperm and increase the possibility of conception. Let's take a closer look at how to increase sperm motility with folk remedies:

  • Wheatgrass - wash the grain thoroughly, cover with water and cover with a cloth, it is recommended to eat 2 tablespoons every morning;
  • Nuts and cranberries - one glass of peeled nuts, mixed with softened cranberries, add 2 cubes of chopped apple, pour 0.5 liters of water, add 500 grams of granulated sugar, it is recommended to take 2 times daily, 1 tablespoon;
  • Pumpkin seeds - dried seeds, grind, mix with honey, it is recommended to take 25 minutes before meals, 1 tablespoon;
  • psyllium seeds- it is recommended to brew seeds with regular tea and drink during the day;
  • Anisette- Pour 1 teaspoon of anise seeds with water, let it brew and mix with milk, it is recommended to take it daily 1 hour before meals.

It is important to note that you should not use all folk remedies at the same time, it is recommended to choose the most suitable way, product, herbal mixtures and systematically adhere to the regimen of administration and dosage.

For information! The hyperactivity of the male germ cells is necessary to break through the physical barriers that protect the egg from fertilization.


Among the medicines, there are pills for sperm activity - Speman forte. This drug contributes to the improvement of spermogram due to the following effects:

  • normalizes the morphology of male germ cells;
  • improves sperm speed;
  • liquefies sperm with its strong viscosity;
  • reduces hypertrophy prostate;
  • increases blood circulation in the pelvis.

Speman contains natural ingredients, extracts in the form of powders medicinal plants(compass lettuce, asterkant, orchid tubers, argyre roots, velvet beans). It is recommended to take 2 tablets during the day, the course of treatment is 1 month.

For information! You can take the medicine to increase the speed of sperm again after 14 days.

Another, effective drug Speroton - medicine, which contains vitamins, biologically active substances, vitamins B9, C, E, zinc, beta-carotene, which improve men's health. The drug has the following effects on the body of a man:

  • increases the speed of sex gametes;
  • increases the number of germ cells in the seminal fluid;
  • stimulates the process of sperm synthesis.

The optimal course of treatment is 3 months, it is recommended to take the medicine 1 time per day.

Any drug must be agreed with the attending physician, it is not recommended to self-medicate.

The high rate of spermatozoa is the main factor influencing the reproductive function of a man and the fertilization of an egg. Stimulation of germ cells with the help of diet therapy, folk or medications, allows you to increase the functionality of gametes, blood circulation and potency.

Couples planning to replenish, but who have not been able to conceive for more than a year, are recommended to be screened. Moreover, the problem may lie not only in the problems of the female reproductive system, but also with the same percentage of probability associated with . Not the last role in this is played by insufficient sperm motility.

Assessment of sperm motility

Only the strongest germ cells of a man, capable of overcoming many obstacles and reaching the fallopian tube, can fertilize a female egg. To determine their activity, special tests for sperm motility, carried out during the laboratory microscopic examination of the male ejaculate, help. Such an analysis is called a spermogram and includes the establishment of several indicators to assess the possibility of identifying some diseases of the reproductive system.

Sperm motility is assessed by the speed and direction of their movement. This term refers to the ability of spermatozoa to make translational rectilinear movements at a speed not lower than normal. If the cells perform oscillatory, circular or other types of movement, or move at a low speed, they speak of weak mobility. microscopic examination semen should be carried out by one laboratory assistant with sufficient experience in this field.

Sperm motility is normal

When analyzing sperm motility, the degree of their mobility is set as a percentage, taking into account all the sperm on a glass slide. According to the indicator under consideration, male germ cells are classified into four groups:

  • A - fast and straight moving (speed more than 50 microns / s);
  • B - slowly but straight moving;
  • C - making a non-translational movement or moving very slowly;
  • D - motionless.

Normally, the cells belonging to the first group should be more than 25%, and the sum of the first and second - at least 50%. Absolutely immobile spermatozoa should be less than half of total number, and cells with no rectilinear motion - no more than 2%. In addition to the fact that the number of correctly moving cells is taken into account, the duration of the preservation of their mobility is determined. To do this, the sample is kept for two hours in a thermostat and re-visual calculation is carried out. During this time, the deterioration of mobility indicators in the norm is no more than 20%.

Low sperm motility

If the analysis shows a decrease in sperm motility, this condition is called asthenozoospermia and is divided into three degrees:

  1. Light- the speed of movement of cells of categories A and B, which is permissible for conception, determined an hour after ejaculation, is observed in 50% of sperm.
  2. Moderate- More than 70% of category D cells are observed one hour after sample collection for analysis.
  3. heavy- the ejaculate contains more than 80% of immobile and atypical spermatozoa.

Based on the data obtained, it is determined medical tactics. The reasons for poor sperm motility are different - from diseases of the reproductive system to radiation effects on the male accessory sex glands. In some cases causal factor cannot be established, and asthenozoospermia is considered idiopathic (approximately 30% of patients).

What affects sperm motility?

When looking for the causes of asthenozoospermia and the ability to influence the increase in sperm motility, a number of main provoking factors are considered:

  1. Problems with endocrine system- often the culprit is a reduced level of the hormone testosterone due to age-related changes, injuries, neoplasms, etc. In addition, other hormones are capable of affecting the quality of the ejaculate - secreted thyroid gland and the pituitary gland.
  2. Arterial hypertension - with this pathology, there is a violation of the normal blood supply to the genital organs.
  3. Varicocele - varicose veins spermatic cord, causing an increase temperature in the scrotum.
  4. Thermal effects on the testicular area, including those associated with wearing warm underwear, professional conditions work, etc.
  5. Insufficient amount of vitamins and microelements in the body, leading to a failure in the synthesis of protein structures of germ cells.
  6. Delayed ejaculation associated with problems sexual in nature, bad habits etc.
  7. Urogenital infections.
  8. Genetic disorders in the development of the genital organs, in the structure of the flagellar apparatus of spermatozoa.
  9. Unfavorable working conditions (effect of electromagnetic radiation, radiation, heat, chemicals, etc.).

How to increase sperm motility?

Only after conducting all the examinations and obtaining a complete picture of the existing problems, it is possible to determine how to increase sperm motility in each case. Scales medical intervention can be different - from lifestyle changes to long-term pharmacological treatment and surgical interventions. With absence serious pathologies often you just need to go in for sports, introduce into the diet necessary substances and protect yourself from stress.

Medication for sperm motility

Complex therapy for this problem may include pills to increase sperm motility, belonging to the following groups:

  • testosterone preparations (Proviron, Androxon, Testoral);
  • gonadotropins (Profazi, Pregnil);
  • means for improving regional blood flow (Trental, Actovegin).

In addition, men seeking to have a child may be recommended drugs to increase sperm motility related to dietary supplements:

  • Speman;
  • spermaktin;
  • Verona;
  • Viardot;
  • Tentex forte, etc.

Vitamins for sperm motility

When wondering how to improve sperm motility, you should definitely take care of the sufficient intake of such vitamins, trace elements, vitamin substances into the body:

  • vitamins A, E, B, D, C;
  • zinc;
  • selenium;
  • levocarnitine.

Nutrition to increase sperm activity

If the morphology of spermatozoa is disturbed, then the man may experience serious problems with reproductive abilities, and his partner increases the risk of miscarriages, miscarriage, pregnancy with a fetus with chromosomal abnormalities.

What to do if the spermogram showed morphological disorders, how to improve the quality of germ cells, increase the chances of conceiving and bearing a healthy child, we will tell in this material.

What it is?

Sperm morphology is the features of its structure. The male sex cells consist of the head, neck, middle part and flagellum, which is also called the tail. During the spermogram, the assessment of morphological features of sperm is part of an extended study.

The laboratory determines not only appearance and the number of living and active cells that are theoretically fit for fertilization, but also their appearance. Pretty fast to start healthy baby only completely healthy, without anomalies, spermatozoa can do it.

For conception, only one reference sperm is needed, healthy and active, which will be the first to reach the egg. However, if the percentage of such healthy and in all respects perfect cells is high enough in the sperm of a particular man, then the chances of conception increase significantly.

For evaluation, the image of the standard is used - in medicine, the ideal spermatozoon is described in sufficient detail:

  • It has an oval and symmetrical head in singular, in it the right way all intracellular structures carrying important information are presented;
  • The size of the head of such a spermatozoon is 2.5-3.5 microns in width and 4-5.5 microns in length;
  • The neck of the sperm must be at least 1 micron, even, strong, properly fixed in relation to the head.
  • 9/10 of the entire length of the sperm should be occupied by the flagellum. In the reference germ cell, it is even, without nodules and tubercles, without thickening, slightly thinning towards the end.
  • The tail should be attached at a right angle and be fairly straight, not broken, twisted, not shortened. And, of course, it should be in a single copy.

It is customary to evaluate sperm cells according to the strict Kruger criteria, this is the WHO recommendation. According to them, any spermatozoon that at least in some way does not correspond to the standard or its parameters are in lower border norms are rejected.

good result spermogram is considered to be an indicator of at least 15% of morphologically correct cells. If their number decreases, the chances of fertilization also decrease.

A value of 4% is considered critical. With such a low content of morphologically healthy cells, the chances of conception are negligible, a man is diagnosed with “male infertility”.

Reasons for violation

Pathological changes in the morphology of germ cells are called "teratozoospermia" in medicine. This includes various pathologies cell heads, changes in its shape, structure, the presence of several heads in one cell:

  • The neck may be too thin, not providing a normal attachment of the flagellum.
  • The tail itself is twisted, short or excessively long, due to which its mobility is reduced.

If the test results are disappointing, doctors will try to find the cause of teratozoospermia.

To a violation of the morphology of germ cells, men often lead to inflammatory diseases. Leading in this list are sexually transmitted infections. By the way, many of them are asymptomatic, and therefore a man may not even guess that he has ureaplasma, mycoplasma or chlamydia. Therefore, with a bad spermogram, a blood test for hidden infections and venereal diseases is mandatory.

Morphological features spermatozoa are violated under the influence of radiation, unfavorable ecology, toxins. If a man works for harmful production where such exposure occurs, teratozoospermia may not be the only pathological change in semen.

The structure of germ cells is also affected by lifestyle. It can mutate if a man works at night, sleeps little, is nervous a lot, consumes large amounts of alcohol, takes narcotic and psychotropic substances, and also smokes a lot.

Mutations and abnormalities in spermatozoa can occur against the background of hormonal failure. Most often, the reason lies in the insufficient production of the male sex hormone testosterone. Sometimes the culprit is thyroid hormones.

Often teratospermia is observed in the stronger sex who play sports and use steroid hormones to achieve impressive sports results.

Changes in the morphology of spermatozoa can become a complication of inflammatory and non-inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, such as prostatitis, prostate adenoma, varicocele, orthitis, and vesiculitis.

Often, sperm quality deteriorates due to diseases such as diabetes, oncological problems. That is why it is important to find and eliminate the true cause so that the quality of the ejaculate returns.

Congenital causes of sperm mutation are rare and are genetic in nature. In the body of a man, several stages of spermatogenesis are disrupted, while germ cells are most often produced defective.

Unfortunately, such cases are not subject to medical correction, and the fertilization of a woman with donor sperm can save the family.

Treatment of teratozoospermia

There are many ways to improve the quality of sperm while increasing its quantity. But any treatment always begins with additional examination, since it depends solely on what kind of reason has become the key in violating the morphology of the spermogram.

Infections and sexually transmitted diseases are treated with antibiotics a wide range actions. A specific drug is prescribed according to the results of bakposev, bacteriological research semen, blood tests for infections.

If, in addition to poor morphology, the results of the spermogram show the presence of leukocytes, macrophages, then a urological examination is prescribed, the purpose of which is to identify pathologies of the prostate gland, seminal vesicles. In this case, treatment depends on the specific diagnosis.

If a blood test for hormones shows certain abnormalities, a man needs a consultation with an endocrinologist and treatment with hormonal drugs and improving and normalizing hormonal background. This is usually enough to improve sperm quality.

If inflammation, infections and hormonal disruptions are not detected, the so-called MAP test and the study of ejaculate with DNA fragmentation can be prescribed to a man.

The first analysis allows you to establish the immune factor of infertility, in which the human body produces antibodies to spermatozoa, and completely healthy and morphologically normal cells die under their destructive influence. DNA fragmentation makes it possible to evaluate the genetic component of the ejaculate.

Whatever was true reason violations of the morphology of germ cells, a man is recommended to change his lifestyle, give up alcohol, nicotine, overeating habits.

In order to increase reproductive opportunities, men should sleep at least 8-9 hours a day, and therefore they are strongly advised to refuse to work at night, change their work schedule.

Getting pregnant with poor sperm counts is quite problematic, but if pregnancy occurs, then there is a high probability of miscarriage or non-developing pregnancy, and therefore, for the duration of the treatment of teratospermia, it is recommended to take care of contraceptive measures until recovery.

It is not recommended for a man to overheat, visit a bathhouse, sauna, sunbathe and visit a solarium, use car heating seats, wear tight underwear. Free time he better spend outdoor activities- go swimming, light jogging, cycling, skiing.

The diet also needs to be reviewed. A special diet is not needed, it will be enough if the menu includes foods rich in animal proteins, such as meat, fish, milk, cottage cheese. Necessary for reproductive health representatives of the stronger sex vitamins can be found in fresh herbs, wheat grains, spinach, oranges, currants, lemons.

Men who want to improve their sperm counts should, in consultation with their doctor, if there are indications, take vitamin complexes, designed specifically to increase fertility, as well as drugs to improve the quality of sperm. We have prepared a short overview of these funds.

Preparations to improve sperm quality


This herbal preparation renders positive action on the process of producing germ cells and the amount of seminal fluid. The tool belongs to the category of dietary supplements (BAA) and is often used to improve sperm motility.

The agent cannot affect cells with disturbed morphology, but it contributes to the formation of more healthy cells at the next stage of spermatogenesis. The course of treatment is 1 month.

The herbs included in the composition are not addictive, and therefore, if necessary, treatment can be continued on the recommendation of a doctor.


This medicine will help if problems with sperm morphology are caused by diseases of the prostate gland. The drug for natural basis available in the form of candles for rectal application, tablets. Candles are used to relieve inflammatory process in the prostate, reduce it in size and normalize the blood supply to the gland. To improve spermatogenesis take pills.

Medicine should not be taken without doctor's permission, since it contains antibacterial components. The tool is often combined with vitamin preparations in a single treatment regimen. The dosage and duration of administration is determined by the doctor.


it combined remedy designed specifically to enhance male fertility. The remedy is prescribed specifically for morphological pathologies in the spermogram, however, in addition to improving the quality of cells, it increases the volume of ejaculate, stimulates the mobility of germ cells.

As part of the drug - only the most necessary for the reproductive health of men, more precisely, minimum set: L-carnitine, vitamin E, folic acid, selenium and zinc in large dosages.

The agent is available in the form of a powder for dissolution. A drink is prepared from it, which is taken after a meal. The drug is allowed to be taken for three months, then a short break is required.


It is an Ayurvedic medicine that combines medicinal herbs and minerals necessary for men's health according to the principles of Ayurveda. The drug has an anti-inflammatory effect, stimulates the production of germ cells.

In addition, manufacturers claim that the drug in tablets has a positive effect on erectile function and also helps with premature ejaculation.

Dosage and duration of administration should be discussed with your doctor. side effects and the remedy has practically no contraindications, except for individual allergic reaction on the herbal remedies included in it.

In addition, a man can be prescribed such means as Afala, Lespeflan, Prostagerb, Prostanorm, Samprost, Tentenks, Uroprost. All these funds are usually not independent therapeutic, they are included in the complex treatment.

Vitamins and dietary supplements

"Alphabet for Men"

This vitamin complex contains 9 minerals and 13 vitamins necessary for a man's health, including his reproductive abilities. In addition, the composition of the drug includes Siberian ginseng - a recognized means of improving the quality of sperm.

Manufacturers have made sure that the components of the complex are better absorbed and bring maximum benefit - minerals are taken separately from vitamins, they are simply included in the composition of tablets of different colors.

"Viardot" and "Viardot Forte"

These funds are well-known and widely popular dietary supplements. The release form is capsules, but Viardo Forte is much more practical to use, since one capsule of the drug can replace 3 Viardot capsules.

The course of treatment can take up to a month, the continuation of the course is discussed with the attending doctor. If he sees no contraindications, then taking the capsules can be continued.

"Duovit for men"

The combined vitamin complex contains 11 vitamins and 7 minerals. Useful material divided for better assimilation in different pills, some are taken in the morning and others in the evening.


This biologically active additive contains not only herbal ingredients that have a positive effect on the prostate and spermatogenesis processes, but also essential vitamins and minerals.

The course of treatment is usually three weeks. But addiction to the drug was not noticed, so after a short break, taking the capsules is allowed to continue. All vitamin complexes and dietary supplements must be prescribed by a doctor. Unauthorized and uncontrolled reception can only harm.

It is advisable to repeat the spermogram a month after the start of treatment to make sure that the treatment helps and the seminal fluid indicators are getting better.

Folk remedies

Alternative medicine offers a wide variety of recipes to improve sperm quality. People's love is enjoyed by a drink from the root of nine-sil, for which a spoonful of chopped grass is brewed with a glass of hot water.

For the treatment of pathologies identified by spermogram, rose hips are often used. They can be given to a man in their natural form, boil a decoction of them and take it half a glass three times a day.

At home, you can cook a nutritious and very useful mixture from dried fruits, nuts, figs and honey. All ingredients are passed through a meat grinder and given to the husband in a tablespoon 2-3 times a day.

The real "healer" of the stronger sex is the most common nettle. It is crushed, brewed with boiling water and drunk as green tea several times a day. Herbal teas with a high content of oregano and sage are also useful. They can be purchased at a pharmacy or made independently from plant materials.

There is no need to remind that home treatment you should beware of the advice to "steam your husband in a bathhouse", make him hot bath with a decoction of medicinal plants - overheating of the genital organs in case of deviations from normal values in the spermogram is unacceptable.

You should also avoid uncontrolled use medicinal plants after taking antibiotics and antidepressants, which enhance the effect of many biologically active substances

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