How to cook sage for conception. Sage - an effective aid in the treatment of infertility

The name of sage, according to one version, comes from the Latin word salvere - heals, according to another - it is based on ancient Greek words denoting the sun and health. To get rid of various ailments, this plant was widely used in ancient Rome and ancient Greece, and in the Middle Ages it was considered a panacea. Sage was also valued in China, exchanging for the best varieties of tea.

He was prescribed properties to prolong life, strengthen the body and treat paralysis. Hippocrates advised women to take decoctions of sage and baths with it for women's diseases, including infertility. Who else does he owe his popularity to? Surprisingly, but to the alchemists who tried to get the philosopher's stone with it.

properties of sage

Due to its unpretentiousness, sage has settled almost everywhere. If desired, it is not difficult to grow it in your own garden and even in a flower pot. Outwardly, it is a perennial shrub up to half a meter high. Rigid straight stems are covered with dark green pubescent leaves resembling velvet. During the flowering period, sage is decorated with small bright lilac flowers, collected in inflorescences similar to candles.

What is useful?

Modern science, of course, refutes the magical properties of sage, but its ability to help with many diseases has only been confirmed. First of all, the unique antiseptic properties that made the plant a popular remedy for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, especially those accompanied by coughs.

And yet, the ability to positively influence the cardiovascular system, balance emotions, eliminate depressive states and help with infertility. Sage is endowed with all these abilities:

  • Flavonoids, which are especially useful for the heart and blood vessels, as they have a coronary dilating and venotonic effect.
  • Tannins, known for their anti-inflammatory properties, as well as the ability to bind and neutralize toxins in the body.
  • Formic and acetic acid also have a bactericidal effect.
  • Triterpenes and diterpenes are components of essential oil, which actually give it a characteristic aroma, as well as endow it with antioxidant properties.
  • Rosmarinic acid, which has a pronounced antiviral and antioxidant effect.
  • Salvin is a substance that is a plant antibiotic, recognized not only by folk, but also by official medicine and capable of coping even with Staphylococcus aureus.
  • Cineol and linalool are compounds responsible for the antibacterial properties of the plant.
  • Coumarin, found mainly in sage roots, is used in medicine as a means of reducing blood viscosity and helping with oncology.
  • B vitamins are substances without which your nervous system will be unable to cope with high loads and stress.

However, sage is used for conception not so much because of such a unique complex of healing components, but because of the phytoestrogens it contains. This term refers to substances that are similar in structure to female sex hormones and have similar properties. Of the popular plants, linden has the same properties.

What is dangerous?

However, the same substances that make sage healing can, under certain conditions, do more harm than good. Who should not use this plant:

  • Those who suffer from elevated levels of estrogen in the blood.
  • Has such hormone-dependent diseases as uterine fibroids, polycystic and endometriosis.
  • With low progesterone levels.
  • With a tendency to high blood pressure.
  • At risk of uterine bleeding.

If pregnancy occurs, then taking sage-based funds should be stopped immediately. The phytohormones contained in it can cause stimulation of the tone of the uterus and thereby provoke a miscarriage. In addition, you should not take sage during lactation, unless, of course, you want to stop it.

Before starting treatment with sage, you should consult with your doctor, especially if you are taking other drugs and get tested for hormone levels in the blood.

Application features

If you plan to use sage for conception, then you should drink it either in the first phase of the menstrual cycle, from the moment the period begins until the approximate day of ovulation, or directly on the days of the release of the egg. The substances contained in it affect the production of follicle-stimulating hormone, which is responsible for the maturation of the dominant follicle in the ovaries.

It is from it that a new egg will appear in the middle of the cycle. In addition, sage helps to improve the properties of cervical fluid, thereby helping sperm to reach faster. The course of treatment, if necessary, continues two full cycles. You can repeat them no more than three times a year.

Preparation of the infusion

You need to use sage to get pregnant in the form of a decoction, since the tincture is prepared on alcohol, which should not be taken when planning conception. It is better to use the whole plant, that is, both leaves and flowers, although just leaves will do. You need to buy them only in specialized stores or green pharmacies. You can collect sage yourself, provided that you know the clean places of its growth and can distinguish it from other plants.

The decoction is prepared at the rate of: one tablespoon or 1-2 stems of the plant in a glass of hot water. Be sure to use water heated to 70C, and not boiling water, which can destroy beneficial substances. You need to brew the grass in a sealed container for about 10-15 minutes. Take a third of a glass, during the day, before meals. Every day you need to prepare a new decoction.

To enhance the effect of stimulating hormone production, linden is often added to the decoction.

In this case, they are mixed in equal proportions, and then one tablespoon of the mixture is poured with hot water. Linden also contains substances - phytohormones and enhances the effect of sage.

Application scheme

How to drink sage, in what phase of the cycle and according to what scheme will primarily depend on the reasons why the long-awaited pregnancy does not occur. Sage for conception in case of unexplained reasons, to stimulate the maturation of the follicle, it is better to drink in the first half of the cycle. For example, with a length of the female month of 28 days, the decoction should be treated from the 1st to the 14th day of the cycle. However, if you know that pregnancy does not occur due to disturbances in the ovulation process caused by low estrogen levels, then the dosage regimen will be slightly different.

To do this, first, using the method of measuring basal temperature, it is necessary to accurately determine the day on which the egg reaches the desired size and is preparing to leave the follicle. On this day, the basal temperature, as a rule, increases to 37-37.5C. For example, with a 28-day cycle, sage for ovulation is used starting from the 3-4th day of menstruation and up to the 11-12th day of the cycle.

When taking sage when planning a pregnancy, be sure to monitor its onset so that you stop treatment as soon as the test shows two strips.

Benefits for men

A decoction of sage will also be useful for men. If in the female body its components are needed to stimulate the production of female hormones, then in men they increase the level of testosterone. In turn, this hormone accelerates and improves spermatogenesis - the process of formation of spermatozoa in the body of men.

The scheme for taking a decoction of sage for men is almost the same: one third of a glass, for 10 days with a break of 14 days between courses.

If during treatment with sage you experience nausea, vomiting, stomach pain and high blood pressure, then you should stop taking it. With caution, start treatment for allergies, diseases of the kidneys and thyroid gland.

Sage has long been called the "sacred herb" and is a symbol of wisdom. Translated from Latin, its name means "to feel healthy." As a medicinal plant, it was mentioned in his writings by the ancient Roman Galen, a well-known physician and author of treatises. An aqueous decoction of sage leaves has also become famous as "Greek tea".

Back in China in the 18th century, a box of this plant was exchanged with the British for two boxes of their tea. In addition, the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt knew about its beneficial properties and used sage for conception. So, after protracted wars and all kinds of epidemics, women were recommended to eat sage, which increased the likelihood of becoming pregnant. And German healers knew about the hemostatic, anti-inflammatory and astringent properties of sage.

It originates from Mediterranean countries with a dry climate. The area of ​​​​its growth is mountain slopes. For medicinal purposes, only leaves collected when the plant was in bloom are used. It has a pronounced aroma and a bitter taste.

Sage for infertility

It greatly affects the female hormonal function. It has medicinal properties to reduce pain during menstruation, stop lactation in the period after feeding, and sage is also used for infertility. Its use is prescribed for problems with conceiving a child, as well as abundant menstrual flow. It contains astringents that slow down bleeding. The fact that it is a natural estrogen allows it to be used during menopause.

Sage in infertility is taken as an infusion of seeds. In this case, sage is used for conception by both men and women. In the second case, it increases the ability of the cervix to retract sperm and removes female frigidity. However, you should be very careful when using sage for conception. It is a potent remedy and should not be taken in large doses and for a long time, as this can cause poisoning or damage to the mucous membrane. After treatment of infertility with sage, its use during pregnancy and subsequent lactation should be abandoned.

Herbalists with extensive experience in herbalism recommend combining sage for conception with linden, which will provide the maximum effect, since linden contains an impressive amount of phytohormones.

There is a trend of infertility due to an increased level of prolactin, which is inversely related to progesterone, in connection with this, herbs are prescribed that increase progestogen, as well as affect the pituitary gland and lower prolactin levels. It is recommended to combine in the application of herbs that can have both estrogenic and progestogenic effects, which allows the use of sage for infertility very effectively along with such herbs as backache, hops and others.

When using sage for conception, it should be remembered that it has an estrogenic effect and its use will be indicated only at the beginning of the menstrual cycle, in the so-called follicular phase. This should be remembered when using sage for conception. If a woman does not have menstruation, it should be applied starting from the fifth day of the cycle.

Sage in infertility. Application

Sage for conception is prescribed on the fifth day of the onset of the menstrual cycle. You need to drink it about 10 days before the onset of ovulation. The entire period of infertility treatment with sage takes 3 months. If after the completed course it was not possible to become pregnant, then sage for conception can be reused after one month.

The recipe for infusion of sage for infertility is as follows: it is necessary to dilute with boiling water (200 ml) a teaspoon of sage collection and strain after infusion. It is taken orally daily for a quarter cup before eating. During the day you will get 3-4 times. It is strongly not recommended to drink the infusion before going to bed. Re-brew daily.

Drinking sage for infertility is best with drugs such as Utrozhestan or Duphaston.

Another version of the sage recipe for conception sounds like this: one tablespoon of sage infusion and infusion of hop cones is mixed with infusions of hawthorn, cyanosis and calendula, in the amount of one teaspoon of each drug. You need to drink half an hour before meals throughout the year. The current dose for a single dose is 30 drops per tablespoon of warm water.

It is possible to use sage for infertility, as well as for women with inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, in the form of warm baths, where the infusion is added. The procedure is carried out in a sitting position.

Sage in infertility. Reviews. Contraindications

Unfortunately, most people consult doctors only when necessary to take chemical drugs, and consider the old "grandmother's" recipes to be absolutely harmless, forgetting about the always present limitations and exceptions. If you are taking sage for infertility, then you must monitor this process very carefully. It will be useful only to those women who have difficulty with self-production of estrogen. Those whose body produces it in excess should not use sage. If you use sage for infertility in this case, it can cause the follicle to burst prematurely.

In addition, this plant is also contraindicated during pregnancy, especially in the first weeks. It is also contraindicated for people suffering from fibroids and endometriosis. And also, if as a result of treatment with sage in case of infertility, poor health occurs, then the reception should be stopped.

But, nevertheless, sage is a very effective drug. Sometimes the results can be overwhelming if sage is used correctly for infertility. The reviews of women who have felt its effect on themselves are mostly enthusiastic and confirm that as a result of the course of treatment they have become pregnant.

Increasingly, in conditions of poor ecology and the rhythm of a big city, couples began to hear the terrible words “You can’t have children.” But you should never give up, because with a great desire and effort, everything can work out. No wonder our grandmothers resorted to traditional medicine and had success, never write off folk remedies. Today in our article we will just talk about one of the methods of treatment and conception of the desired child.

We have already noted that rumors about this miraculous herb have come down to us from our ancestors, so you should take this topic seriously.

By its nature, sage is a unique plant found in both high and low form, in addition, it has a huge range of colors. But any variety of this plant has a huge amount of healing properties. One of the features of its beneficial use is the treatment of infertility. Infertility has recently become a scourge for modern couples who have been trying in vain for many years to conceive such a desired heir, but remember, infertility is not a sentence.

Most often, the problem of infertility is caused by hormonal imbalance or heredity, and this is where this miraculous herb comes to the rescue.

The thing is that sage contains the necessary phytohormones for women, which help fill the hormonal background of a woman.

How does sage work in the treatment of infertility

Due to the diseases of a woman, most often it is the diseases of the reproductive system that disrupt the hormonal background. As we have already said, sage contains phytohormones that help restore a woman's hormonal background.

Many women have faced such a problem as vaginal dysbacteriosis and, as a result, a prescription for a round sum, and so sage even has anti-inflammatory and disinfecting properties on the woman's body (we'll talk about how to do douching a little lower). As for the use of sage in the treatment of infertility, it is enough to list its effect on the body and reproductive organs of a woman in order to understand its miraculous effect:
Stimulates and improves ovarian function;
Regulates the menstrual cycle and has an analgesic effect;
The endometrium thickens;
Relieves inflammation in the vagina;
Improves follicle growth.
And this is not all of its beneficial effects, but even from this minimum it can be understood that it has a noticeably beneficial effect on the work of the entire female body as a whole.

But still, you should not write off individual intolerance and allergic reactions, so before you start self-medication, consult a specialist doctor.

How to take sage to conceive a child

Everything needs to be approached wisely, so it is very important to follow some rules and the result will not be long in coming. We note right away that natural sage leaves collected in the field or specially grown are best for solving the problem. Of course, in pharmacies you can also buy a medicinal composition, but here it is important to pay attention to the purity of the product without any impurities and additives. So, if you nevertheless obtained the desired grass on your own, then you should either dry it (which will allow you to have it on hand even out of season), then you need to chop the leaves and pour a glass of boiling water. Make sure that the tincture is tightly closed and put it in a dark place, after half an hour you can strain the broth through a strainer.

A very important point! Sage is brewed with hot water, but in no case should it be boiled, otherwise it will lose its miraculous properties.

You should not make a huge supply of tincture, it is better to repeat the brewing procedure every day before going to bed. So, the decoction is ready, now let's figure out how to take it correctly:
Reception to begin immediately after the end of menstruation;
Take daily for 8-10 days;
Take 20-30 minutes before meals.

Carefully monitor your feelings, at the slightest skin reaction or internal discomfort, contact a specialist and stop taking it. The course of treatment should last approximately 3 months, then we advise you to take the tests again or take a pregnancy test.

Sage for women at conception

A very important moment in the process of conception is ovulation, it is on it that a favorable conception depends. As a rule, women diagnosed with infertility often have an irregular cycle, and as a result, rare ovulation and a low percentage of egg fertilization. Usually this problem is caused by a lack of the hormone estrogen, which is necessary for the maturation of the follicle.

Here, pay attention to the fact that if estrogen, on the contrary, is elevated, then the use of sage is contraindicated for you.

This is due to the fact that the egg will mature prematurely. Before proceeding to self-treatment with sage, take an analysis for the hormone estrogen.

Pay attention to changes in your body, the first positive signal will be the stabilization of the menstrual cycle, this will mean that ovulation has become regular and the follicles are quite mature.

Sage before conception for men

In our articles, we always pay attention to the fact that both partners must participate in the process of conception. This applies to all tests, because sometimes a woman blames herself, while the problem may be in her partner. Sage is useful for men, even just for prevention, for example, it will help solve such problems as:
Decreased testosterone levels;
Low sexual activity;
A small number of viable spermatozoa.

Sage for men is necessary for stimulating metabolic processes in the testicles and blood microcirculation, which will help increase sexual activity and increase the amount of seminal fluid. Men should take sage in the same way as women on an empty stomach in the morning, you can even replace the usual tea with a decoction of miraculous herbs.

Douching with sage before conception

Of course, only a perfectly healthy female body is capable of generating a new life. As we have already found out, a decoction of sage should be taken within three months after the menstrual cycle for ten days.

But sometimes, as they say, you need to act purposefully, that is, directly on the problem. In this case, we are talking about inflammatory processes inside the female body. And here such a method as douching comes to our aid. For douching, the same decoction that you take on an empty stomach is suitable for us. The procedure should begin approximately on the fifth day of the cycle and continue until the day of ovulation. If you follow all the recommendations and have a positive attitude, very soon your efforts will be crowned with a positive result.

Sage and hog uterus at the stage of pregnancy planning

If we have already figured out the sage and what it is, then we still need to get acquainted with the hog uterus. This perennial plant among the people has a lot of names and in terms of its healing properties it is not inferior to sage in any way. There are many organic substances in the boron uterus, but for the problems caused by gynecology, the presence of phytoestrogens is important in them.

The upland queen has the smell of fish due to the high content of iridoids in it, which are also found in fish husks. The use of a boron uterus during pregnancy planning requires no less than vitamin complexes, it is she who has an anti-inflammatory effect and is able to cure cystitis, she also stops bleeding. As for the treatment of infertility, here even its name among the people speaks for itself, it stimulates the work of the ovaries and stimulates the work of the uterus, which in turn has a positive effect on conception.

We also cannot fail to note the beneficial effect of the boron uterus on the female body during menopause, the plant will help you avoid a depressive state and improve the functioning of the body during hormonal changes.

As for the use of the upland uterus along with sage, then you should choose one thing or use the alternation method, you can also follow the simple path and take a decoction of the upland uterus, and do douching with a decoction of sage. However, remember that everything is good in moderation and any intervention in the work of your body from the outside requires prior consultation with a doctor.

The medicinal properties of sage improve the health of various body systems, but this herb occupies a special place in the treatment of infertility. Sage is able to support the processes of conception and intrauterine. The plan for taking this herb agreed with the doctor, the selection of the optimal dosage and method of application, timely monitoring of the results of treatment make the plant a very effective assistant in planning pregnancy.

Treatment of infertility by methods of traditional medicine is inextricably linked with a very affordable plant - sage. Its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, soothing action helps to make this process easier and safer.

Sage in the treatment of infertility: properties

Sage officinalis has many medicinal properties. Rich plant content:

  • antiseptic and anti-inflammatory essential oils;
  • vitamins B, C, E, P;
  • camphor; phosphoric, nicotinic acids;
  • tannins;
  • thujone.

These components make the plant an assistant in the fight against many pathologies, including infertility.

The beneficial effect of sage on the female body is expressed in the rejuvenation of the reproductive system and its healing for successful conception. In addition, the medicinal herb is used during menopause to facilitate the hormonal changes in the female body. Also, prescribe the use of this medicinal herb in case of suspected pathology of the genital organs.

Treatment with sage can be started only after receiving the results of tests for hormones made under the supervision of a reproductologist. Sage is prescribed exclusively in cases of low estrogen in women and testosterone in men.

The benefits of herbs when planning pregnancy

Sage is prescribed both for prevention and for the treatment of identified problems associated with infertility. This plant improves the reproductive health of both future parents, and the basis of such a healing effect is the high content of phytoestrogens - analogues of a group of human hormones. In women, they are responsible for the successful development of a fertilized egg, and in men, for a healthy one.


In the female body, phytoestrogens help for conception and at the stage of pregnancy planning to improve hormonal levels.

The plant normalizes the content of estrogen, which is necessary for better acceptance of sperm and easier passage of sperm through the genital tract.

Impact on the endometrium

A common reason for the appointment of a plant is the insufficient thickness of the endometrium. Phytoestrogens are able to increase it and, accordingly, the likelihood of successful attachment of the fetus to the uterine wall.

Follicle formation

It is used to stimulate the growth of the follicle, which also normalizes the entire process of the ovaries. However, if a hormone test confirms maturation and rupture, then the plant should not be used, as its intake will disrupt the natural course of the cycle.

How does it affect the menstrual cycle

Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, the herb is both effective and gentle means of normalizing the menstrual cycle.

The plant reduces pain during the bleeding phase and promotes the regeneration of the myometrium in subsequent stages. Sage is also widely used to neutralize menopausal manifestations.

Inflammatory processes

With inflammation of the organs of the genitourinary system, a medicinal herb (together with medicines prescribed by a doctor) can relieve the symptoms of such diseases:

  • cystitis;
  • pyelonephritis.

Testosterone level

Normal testosterone production is especially important for men when planning conception, as it is responsible for the quality of the seed.

Sage phytoestrogens in the male body are converted into testosterone and actively work to increase reproductive abilities: they fight sperm stasis, edema, and infections.

Normalization of sperm count

Sage has an active effect on spermatogenesis due to:

  • restarting metabolic processes in the testicles;
  • activation of the formation of new spermatozoa;
  • improvements in the genitals;
  • normalization of the patency of the vas deferens.

To whom sage is contraindicated

The use of sage for medicinal purposes must be approved by the attending physician, because there are a number of diseases that are an absolute contraindication to the use of this herb:

  • endometriosis;
  • Neoplasms of any genesis in the uterus and ovaries;
  • Hypertension;
  • Acute kidney disease;
  • Hypothyroidism;
  • Allergy.

If the disease was not detected in a timely manner, then the use of the plant can become an obstacle to healthy conception and gestation.

So, an increase in estrogen production exacerbates, and a lack of progesterone can provoke the formation of cysts.

The use of the plant after successful fertilization must be stopped in order to avoid miscarriage!

Medicinal properties of the plant: what do they drink?

The most widely used pomace from the plant is the essential oil. For its manufacture are the leaves and flowers of sage officinalis. A common subspecies - meadow - does not have healing properties, therefore it is not used in medicine.


The leaves of the grass have a gray-green tint with translucent villi. For medicinal purposes, use leaves without cuttings, dried for 3 months. From the resulting dried mass, either herbal tea or infusion is made. Fresh leaves also find their use, due to their antimicrobial properties used in brushing teeth.


Sage blooms throughout the summer period with lilac inflorescences.

The flowers have a pronounced aroma and are great for obtaining an antiseptic essential oil.


The stem is not used separately, only in its full form with leaves and flowers. Bunches of unpeeled stems are poured into boiling water, held under pressure to soften the tetrahedral structure of the stem, then used as poultices.


The plant has a root structure rich in branches of varying degrees of woodiness. An oil is pressed from the roots, which, unlike the essential oil, contains a smaller amount of thujone, a substance that causes food poisoning.

Sage for conception: how to take women

There are several application options:

  • decoction;
  • infusion;
  • poultices;
  • oil, including essential;
  • in rare cases, juice.

Any form of therapeutic use of this herb helps to improve the main indicators of women's health: a stable menstrual cycle, the body's readiness for the possible, the optimal state of the reproductive organs for gestation and childbirth.


Taking a plant to increase the chances of getting pregnant is justified in cases where studies by a doctor show a reduced level of female hormones. Sage infusion is a more concentrated drink than a decoction, and therefore is drunk less often and in smaller portions. The most common dosage regimen is 2 tablespoons a day, one hour after meals. However, options for individual calculation of the daily dose are possible, taking into account the results of the tests.

Recipes to improve ovulation

To produce the hormones necessary for pregnancy (follicle-stimulating, luteinizing, etc.), sage can be used in two ways:

  1. Taking a decoction or infusion inside (brewed according to the instructions and consumed 3-4 times a day according to the scheme).
  2. Massage with essential oil (rubbing into the skin in the lower abdomen).

Reception of a medicinal plant is limited to the first half of the menstrual cycle, when the menstruation itself has already ended.

Douching for conceiving a child

During the douching procedure, a decoction is used, less often an infusion (of low concentration). At the stage of pregnancy planning, it can help to cope with inflammation in thrush, infections and damage to the vaginal mucosa. In this case, douching can be replaced by sitz baths.

If the medicinal plant is designed to eliminate the hormonal problems of a woman that affect conception, then douching must be done immediately before.

The optimum temperature of sage broth for douching is 38 °

Sage leaves: how to take it correctly

The best option for purchasing a plant is at a pharmacy or a specialized store.

Sage can be either a loose collection or powder, or tea bags. The certificate of quality provided by the point of sale will be a guarantee of a properly collected and dried collection.

Instructions for use usually suggest daily brewing and three times a day, but the best way is to take it according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor. The specialist will take into account the individual characteristics of the body and calculate the optimal dose of leaves.

Helps to get pregnant or not after 40 years?

Taking sage by women over the age of 40 helps support the endocrine system and delay. Pregnancy planning is not limited to medicinal herbs, therefore, it requires consultation with a doctor. Only a specialist can approve the use of this herb as a therapy to maintain the production of sex hormones. Sage, rich in phytoestrogens, can significantly improve the functioning of the genitourinary system of a woman.

How to drink sage when planning a pregnancy for men

Sage is able to stimulate the production of the main male hormone - testosterone.

Its reception has a positive effect on the entire reproductive system of a man, helping to improve the process of spermatogenesis, normalize the functioning of the gonads, and increase libido. In addition, herbal baths have a calming effect and are effective for the problem of premature ejaculation.


For a decoction, dry leaves are used, which are brewed in the ratio of "1 teaspoon of the collection to 1 cup of boiling water." The decoction must be done daily, filtered, taken before meals 4-5 times a day. Thus, a glass of fresh broth is enough for a day when consumed in portions of 50 ml.

How to drink in sachets

In pharmacies, you can find sage not only in bulk, but also in individual filter bags designed for one-time brewing. A glass of infusion from one package is consumed twice a day (half a serving), but not at night.

Dosing regimen for hormonal disorders

Sage is able to eliminate hormonal failure only with drug treatment, so its use must be agreed with the doctor. If there are no contraindications, then the following infusion options can be used to improve the hormonal background:

  • Infusion prepared from 2 tablespoons of crushed leaves in a water bath - 3 times a day
  • Alcohol tincture, aged for a month before thickening - 2 times a day for a teaspoon.

Tea with other herbs

Sage in combination with other herbs is often found in various herbal teas, from general strengthening to boosting.

Linden leaves, verbena, ginseng, lemongrass, etc. go well with it. Any herbal tea must be brewed according to the instructions and consumed a couple of hours after eating.

How long to drink sage to get pregnant

The scheme of application is prescribed by a doctor and requires careful observance to exclude possible harm to the body. Your doctor may order an ultrasound and hormone tests to track your results.

Sage intake begins at the end of menstruation and lasts 2 weeks. After stopping the use of medicinal decoction, it is necessary to track the onset of pregnancy.

If fertilization did not occur in this cycle, then the reception can be extended for another two cycles. It is recommended to repeat the courses no more than 3 times a year, which implies a pause equal to at least a month.

It is necessary to pay special attention to the success of attempts to conceive, because the herb must be stopped drinking as soon as pregnancy has occurred.

The medicinal plant is used for a wide range of diseases, including those associated with the inability to conceive. Taking the plant actively helps to improve the genitourinary systems of women and men, to normalize the processes that are important for pregnancy. Proper use gives results within a couple of months after the start of treatment.

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For a woman, the word "well-being" is closely associated with a family hearth and a bunch of little kids. And it's not without reason that sage is popularly called the "herb of health and well-being." How to drink sage to get pregnant can be told by future mothers who managed to succeed with the help of this plant. But keep in mind that any medicine has its own doses and contraindications, which you should be aware of.

Benefits and Applications

Often in pharmacies you can find sage in bags for conception. This herb contains special phytohormones that act on the female body like estrogen, which is responsible for the productive development of eggs. In this case, the plant affects the cervical reflex. Such properties help a woman get pregnant in the shortest possible time.

Along with sage, doctors often recommend hogweed to achieve similar results. It is advisable to alternate the intake of these two herbs, maintaining a similar scheme of preparation and administration.

To achieve good results, you need to drink sage for conception correctly. There are many options for medicines containing the extract of this miracle herb: lozenges, tablets, alcohol tinctures, or just a packaged drink. Helps to get pregnant as tea with sage, and decoctions.

You can make your own tincture or buy it at a pharmacy without a prescription. To prepare such a remedy, you need to take the freshly squeezed juice of the plant or its seeds and insist on alcohol.
In addition to the effect on reproductive function, the remedy is used in the treatment of the thyroid gland and as a cure for the throat.

Taking a decoction can significantly reduce pain during menstruation and PMS symptoms. Sage lozenges are great for coughs, and after 35 years, this herb helps to rejuvenate the body.

Admission rules

Before starting a course of treatment with this method, you should be tested for hormone levels and only after consulting a doctor, start taking a natural medicine.

How much to drink sage for conception? As a rule, one course is enough from the 5th to the 12th day of the cycle. But there are times when you need to drink a decoction of 2-3 cycles in order for the long-awaited pregnancy to occur.

Before starting treatment in a folk way, you need to consult a doctor who leads the pregnancy, who will examine the results of hormone tests and tell you how many times a day it is preferable to use the medicine.

How to drink sage to get pregnant:

  1. a classic decoction consists of a tablespoon of dry raw materials and a glass of boiling water. After that, the medicine is infused for 20-30 minutes;
  2. drink a decoction preferably 3-4 tablespoons 2-3 times a day;
  3. it is necessary to strictly adhere to the equality of the intervals. Keeping the same intervals between medications is very important when planning a pregnancy.

Therapy with such a remedy should begin on the fifth day of the cycle and last up to a maximum of 12 days. Then ovulation occurs and, accordingly, conception is possible, therefore, further drinking sage for pregnancy is dangerous for the fetus.

A short course of treatment can be repeated for 2 months in a row, but if conception does not occur after that, it is recommended to take a break for one cycle, after which the course can be resumed.

product during pregnancy

Is it possible to drink sage during pregnancy? A decoction or tincture will be very useful in planning conception, but as soon as the result is achieved and the test showed two strips, you should stop taking the remedy.

Since the plant affects the cervical reflex and acts on the body similar to the hormone estrogen, further use of the herbal medicine can cause premature birth.

Milk with sage for coughing during pregnancy is also not recommended, since such a remedy has a similar effect to a decoction. For treatment, you can simply gargle with sage without swallowing the drink.

Why pregnant women can not sage:

  • the herb actively affects the cervical reflex, which is good when planning conception and bad when pregnancy has already begun;
  • the plant contains phytohormones that affect the body like estrogen, and hormonal imbalance during pregnancy is harmful;
  • the product contains a large amount of tannins, which in some cases can provoke constipation.

Drinking sage during pregnancy is contraindicated, even if natural cough medicine is needed. A good alternative for a future mother can be lozenges. Such a product contains everything necessary to eliminate the symptoms of the disease without harm to the fetus.


Blindly trusting the reviews of mothers who managed to conceive a baby with the help of such a folk remedy is also not worth it. Each person has his own characteristics of the body and only a specialist can determine the reason for the impossibility of fertilization and say whether sage will help.

  • with a tendency to uterine bleeding;
  • with low blood pressure;
  • if a kidney failure is diagnosed;
  • during lactation, since the properties of the plant provoke the loss of milk and negatively affect the fragile body of the child;
  • decoctions, tinctures, as well as sage with milk during pregnancy can not be drunk, therefore, as soon as the long-awaited effect is achieved, you should immediately stop taking it;
  • with uterine fibroids, thyroid hormone deficiency, polycystic and endometriosis.

The upland uterus also has a similar number of restrictions, therefore, under the above conditions, this method of increasing reproductive function is not suitable. If, with such diseases, one decides to take medicinal herbs, then the woman will not only lose precious time, but will certainly worsen the course of the existing disease.

Despite the fact that traditional medicine is constantly evolving and offering more and more means to solve the issue of infertility, people continue to trust folk methods. It is important to remember about compliance with the dosage and rules for taking the medicine. Knowing when to drink sage to get pregnant can help a couple quickly succeed in this sometimes difficult task.

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