Low eosinophils in the blood of a child. Normal indicators and what causes an increase in eosinophils in children

Each parent is concerned about the rate of eosinophils in the blood of children. At the same time, they are all interested in abnormal eosinophils in children. The study of such indicators helps to timely identify the presence of certain diseases and begin their immediate treatment. To find out if the eosinophil levels are normal in children, specialists usually prescribe a blood test. Expanded, it more than clearly shows the number of these cells in the human body. Their presence, equal to the norm, indicates a high resistance of the body to various diseases.

The role of eosinophils in the child's body

These blood cells got their name because they can quickly absorb eosin, a coloring enzyme that is used in laboratory studies. The main organ that produces protective cells in a child's body is the bone marrow. Fully formed cells move through the blood for several hours, after which they enter the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, lungs and exit through the tissues.

The main function of eosinophils is to protect the child from typical infections, as well as allergens, the origin of which is of a different nature.

Their other functions include:

  • the ability to quickly recognize malicious cells;
  • absorption of the stimulus;
  • release of the body from pathogens by digestion of foreign proteins;
  • the destruction of allergens due to the content of histamine in the cells.

Indicators of the norm of eosinophils in children

So, for example, in newborns and infants, they do not exceed 0.05 x 10⁹ per liter of blood, the rest of the data are given in the table:

It is believed that as infants grow older, the percentage of eosinophils in children increases to adult levels. After children turn 16 years old, the norm indicators for them are evaluated on a scale for adults. As a rule, if the body works correctly and without interruption, eosinophilic cells may be absent in the blood of children from the age of 6 years.

Causes of an increase in eosinophils

Eosinophilia is an increased content of eosinophil cells in the blood of children, which has certain causes. It is much more common in young children than in adolescents.

It is caused by the following reasons:

  • fight against pathogenic proteins, as well as fungi, viruses;
  • deficiency of magnesium-containing substances in the body;
  • the appearance of malignant neoplasms;
  • occurrence of blood diseases.

When it comes to children who were recently born, then an increased number of eosinophils in their body can be observed when they become infected with some kind of infection while in the womb, and also indicate an allergic reaction to cow's milk protein, medications, or incorrectly organized nutrition of a nursing mother.

If an increased content of eosinophils is recorded in older children, experts begin to talk about:

  • the presence of fungal infections of the body;
  • skin disease;
  • worm infestations;
  • the presence of pathogens and bacteria in children;
  • malfunctions of the thyroid gland;
  • burns, as well as frostbite of thermal origin;
  • tropical eosinophilia - appears at such a time of the year as summer, when it comes to high air temperatures, high humidity and non-compliance with simple hygiene rules.

Causes of a decrease in eosinophils

A reduced number of eosinophils in the blood is called eosinopenia.

Such a state of the body is not considered as dangerous as an increased number of eosinophils in it, but it still requires close attention from specialists. In such cases, we can talk about the presence of serious pathologies in the body of children.

In the event that the number of protective cells in the blood is reduced, we can talk about:

  1. Purulent infections of various origins, sepsis.
  2. Chronic state of stress.
  3. Heavy metal poisoning.

In addition, a reduced number of these cells is observed in recently born children with Down syndrome, as well as in premature infants.

In the event that the stage of leukemia reaches the culminating stage, the number of protective cells may drop to zero.

Eosinopenia is not isolated as a separate disease of the body, however, it is necessary to monitor the number of protective cells in the body of children with special attention.

When the indicators exceed the norm or are at a lower level, it is necessary to contact a pediatrician, as well as a hematologist and nutritionist. It is not always necessary to prescribe drugs to normalize the level of cells that protect the child's body.

What does the deviation from the norm of the level of eosinophils in children indicate?

In addition, eosinophils are able to accumulate and release inflammatory mediators that are involved in immune responses. Also, these blood cells can destroy pathogenic organisms. Eosinophils are called microphages.


In the blood of an adult, eosinophils should not exceed 5% of the total number of leukocytes. In the morning, the level of these immune cells can increase by 15% compared to the norm, at night - by 30%. Also, the level of eosinophils increases in women experiencing the period of ovulation.

As for children, the norm of eosinophils in their blood varies up to 5 years. In the first 2 weeks after birth, the amount of these immune cells in the blood varies from 1 to 6%. In the first year of life, the normal content indicator does not exceed 5%, and in the second year it can reach 7%. From 2 to 5 years is from 1 to 6%. After 5 years, the level of eosinophils in the blood does not exceed 5%. If this type of leukocytes is significantly increased in a child (over 15%), this may indicate the development of some kind of pathology.

The reasons

You can determine the level of these components using a complete blood count. In order for the result to be reliable, on the eve of blood donation, it is necessary to limit the use of sweets, and the analysis itself must be performed in the morning on an empty stomach.

In a newborn baby, eosinophils can be elevated for the following reasons:

  • hemolytic disease;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • the presence of Staphylococcus aureus in the intestine;
  • serum sickness.

In a child under 3 years of age, an increase in the level of these immunity cells occurs with Quincke's edema, allergic reactions to drugs, and with atopic dermatitis. The reason for the increase in the level of eosinophils in a child older than 3 years are:

Also, the child may experience a simultaneous increase in the number of lymphocytes and eosinophils. The causes of this phenomenon are viral infections that have arisen against the background of allergies, helminthic invasion, scarlet fever and the Epstein-Barr virus. If a child has an increase in the level of not only eosinophils, but also monocytes, this may indicate the development of mononucleosis, as well as tuberculosis and sarcoidosis.

In infectious diseases, a slight increase in the level of these immune cells occurs during the recovery period.

What to do with elevated eosinophils?

If an increase in the level of these cells is found in the blood of a child, more complex medical studies must be completed. This is the only way to find out the cause of the increase in the level of eosinophils. Such studies include:

After effective treatment of the underlying disease, the level of immune blood cells gradually returns to normal. In order to detect an increase in eosinophils in time, you need to regularly take a complete blood count. With signs of illness, children should be immediately shown to the pediatrician.

Eosinophils are granulocytic leukocytes, which are characterized by good absorption of the eosin dye used in laboratory tests. These are binuclear cells that can fall outside the vascular walls, penetrate into tissues and accumulate in the area of ​​inflammatory foci or damage sites. Eosinophils stay in the general circulation for about 60 minutes, after which they move to the tissue area.

An increase in the concentration of eosinophils is called eosinophilia. This condition is not an independent disease, but a manifestation indicating a pathology of an infectious, allergic, autoimmune origin. The detection of persistent eosinophilia may indicate an allergic reaction, worms, the development of acute leukemia.

In this article, we will analyze what the elevated level of eosinophils in the blood of a child indicates.

Eosinophils in children: what is the norm and what is the deviation?

Variants of the norm of the percentage of eosinophils, depending on the age of the child:

  • During the first 14 days of life - up to 6%.
  • 14 days -12 months - up to 6%.
  • 12 months-24 months - up to 7%.
  • 2-5 years - up to 6%.
  • More than 5 years - up to 5%.

If there is an excess of indicators, then we can talk about the development of mild, moderate or severe eosinophilia.

In some cases, a control blood test is required to accurately determine the desired cells. This is due to the fact that the dye eosin has the ability to stain not only eosinophils, but also neutrophils. In this case, there is a decrease in neutrophils and an increase in eosinophils.

Increased eosinophils in a child: causes

A similar condition can be detected if you do a blood test taken from a small, premature baby. Over time, the child grows, develops, his immune system is formed and the quantitative content of eosinophils returns to normal. In other children, the occurrence of eosinophilia is affected by the development of:

Bronchial asthma is often accompanied by a disturbing dry cough, which is not amenable to standard therapy regimens. At night, asthma attacks may occur.

An increase in eosinophils in a child can also be observed against the background of exposure to a number of hereditary pathologies: for example, familial histiocytosis.

The development of eosinophilia depending on the age of the child

The most common causes of eosinophilia in children under one year old are:

  • Atopic dermatitis.
  • Development of serum sickness
  • Pemphiguses of newborns.
  • Staphylococcal sepsis and enterocolitis.
  • Rhesus conflicts.
  • development of hemolytic disease.

In children older than 12 months, the cause of the violation is:

  • Allergic reactions to certain groups of medicines.
  • Development of Quincke's edema.
  • Atopic dermatitis.

Children older than 3 years of age are also prone to eosinophilia, the causes of which are:

  • Worm infestations.
  • Skin allergy.
  • development of allergic rhinitis.
  • Infectious diseases: the development of chicken pox, scarlet fever.
  • Oncohematology.
  • Bronchial asthma.

Depending on the exact cause that provokes the violation, additional consultation with an infectious disease specialist, pulmonologist, immunologist, allergist may be required.

Symptoms of eosinophilia

The manifestations of eosinophilia depend on the underlying disease.

  • Worm infestation is accompanied by an increase in lymph nodes, as well as the liver and spleen; manifestations of general intoxication in the form of weakness, nausea, appetite disorders, headache, fever, dizziness; increased heart rate, swelling of the eyelids and face, the formation of a rash on the skin.
  • With allergic and skin diseases, the development of itching of the skin, dry skin, and the formation of weeping is observed. In severe cases, the epidermis exfoliates and ulcerative skin lesions may occur.

Autoimmune diseases can be accompanied by weight loss, pain in the joints, anemia, and fever.


To make an accurate diagnosis, a comprehensive diagnosis is required, including:

If necessary, X-rays of the lungs, puncture of the joints, bronchoscopy are additionally prescribed.


Therapy for eosinophilia begins with the elimination of the underlying factor that provokes such a violation. Depending on the form of the pathology, as well as its manifestations and the individual characteristics of the organism, an appropriate treatment regimen will be selected. In some cases, it may be recommended to cancel the use of drugs that were prescribed earlier.

Clinical analyzes are very difficult for parents to decipher. Especially many questions arise after receiving the results of a blood test. It is given not only for diseases. This is a common method for assessing the general condition of a child.

If everything is more or less clear with hemoglobin to moms and dads, then some analysis indicators cause real panic. One such obscure term is eosinophils. What to do if they are elevated to a child in the blood, says a well-known pediatrician and author of books on children's health Yevgeny Komarovsky.

What it is

If a laboratory assistant, after applying an acidic environment, detects a number of such cells in a child's blood sample that exceeds the age norm, this is called eosinophilia. If the cells are less than the required number, then we are talking about eosinopenia.


  • In newborns and children up to 2 weeks, the blood normally contains from 1 to 6% of eosinophils.
  • In infants from 2 weeks to a year - from 1 to 5%.
  • Between the year and 2 years, the number of cells in the norm increases somewhat and amounts to 1-7% of the total number of blood cells.
  • In babies from 2 to 5 years - 1-6%.
  • From the age of 6 until adolescence, a value of 1 to 5% is considered the norm.

Causes of deviations from the norm

If eosinophils in a child are more than normal, there may be several reasons for this:

If the level of eosinophils in the blood of a child is insufficient, the doctor may suspect that he has the following problems:

  • inflammation(its very initial stage, when there are no other symptoms yet or they are mild);
  • purulent infections;
  • severe emotional shock, stress;
  • heavy metal poisoning and other toxic chemicals.

What to do

If the general condition of the child is not disturbed, nothing hurts, there are no complaints and reasons to assume that he has an illness, then parents do not need to do anything special, says Yevgeny Komarovsky.

If no pathologies are detected, you can live in peace with elevated eosinophils, and after 4 months, redo the clinical blood test (for control). The fact is that no less often an increase in these cells in the blood occurs during the period of recovery from some kind of ailment, most often bacterial. Waiting time will also be required in order for the leukocyte blood count to return to normal for this reason.

You can watch the video below, where Dr. Komarovsky will talk in detail about the clinical blood test in children.

Very often, when conducting a detailed clinical study of blood, a change in the number of leukocytes draws attention to itself. Considering the leukogram in more detail, an experienced specialist may suspect a particular pathology. And what do the increased eosinophils in a child in the blood testify to - such a question is often asked by parents at a pediatrician's appointment. To understand this, it is necessary to consider in more detail the morphological and functional features of these cells.


Eosinophils are a subspecies of leukocytes. They got their name because of the peculiarities of coloring. These cells are only able to absorb eosin, an intensely pink chemical. Unlike other types of leukocytes, eosinophils do not stain with basic dyes.

Eosinophils spend most of their life cycle outside the vascular bed. They leave him and go to the damaged tissues. An increase in eosinophils in a child indicates that the existing cells are not able to restrain the activity of the pathological process.


The causes of an increase in eosinophils in a child are most often allergic reactions, which can manifest themselves in the form of:

  • broncho-obstructive syndrome;
  • seasonal diseases;
  • hypersensitivity to certain medications;
  • dermatological pathology.

The detection of eosinophils above the norm is inherent in oncological diseases. The level of cells can change significantly at advanced stages of the tumor, especially when the pathology affects the regional lymphatic system and is accompanied by necrotic processes.

Relative eosinophilia is a symptom of immunodeficiency states, connective tissue systemic diseases, especially in adulthood.


The indicators of the leukocyte formula depend on the age of the child and are calculated in relative terms. The rate of eosinophils in infants is much higher than in older children, and can reach 7-8% of all leukocytes. Over time, the number of these cells decreases. If eosinophils 6 for a child of 4 years old is considered a physiological indicator, then for older adults the norm is 1-2 percent of the total number of white blood cells. If eosinophils are elevated in a child, then you should already consult a doctor.

It is worth remembering that hormonal factors affect the results of a clinical blood test. Night activity of the adrenal cortex leads to an increase in the number of eosinophils by a third, which must be taken into account when conducting studies at this time of day.


With eosinophilia in a patient, signs of an allergic pathology are most often observed, which can occur against the background of complete health:

  • hyperemia and edema of the conjunctiva;
  • tearing and mucous discharge from the nose;
  • violation of nasal breathing;
  • bronchial obstruction;
  • skin rashes.

In a newborn with elevated eosinophils, pathological reflexes, general weakness, and anxiety may appear. Often such a child suckles sluggishly at the mother's breast, which leads to a deterioration in weight gain.

The severity of eosinophilia is directly proportional to the activity of the pathological process in the body.


The specialists of both public and private laboratories are able to perform the calculation of the leukocyte formula. In order for the results of the analysis to be reliable, it is necessary to follow the general recommendations:

  • the interval between blood sampling and the last meal should be at least 12 hours;
  • do not take medications;
  • exclude physical activity;
  • do not donate blood after X-ray diagnostic methods, physiotherapy procedures.


If a child has elevated eosinophils, then, first of all, it is necessary to identify the reasons. To do this, the specialist needs to carefully collect an anamnesis of life and disease, conduct a physical examination, determine the volume of laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods. With symptoms of an allergic reaction, it is important to eliminate contact with the allergen, if a helminthic invasion is suspected - perform appropriate fecal examinations.

Remember that eosinophilia is not a disease but a symptom. This means that a child may have tissue damage of varying severity, and only the vigilance of parents and the professionalism of a pediatrician can identify the pathological process at an early stage, which will facilitate therapy and improve the prognosis for a small patient.

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Infectious diseases, changes in the qualitative composition of the blood. Today we will talk about such a concept as eosinophils - find out what it is, how their number affects the general physical condition of the child, what are the norms of indicators for different ages.

What it is

Eosinophils are one of the types of leukocytes (white cells) in the blood, this is a special kind of indivisible granules that "mature" in the bone marrow, and after a while move through the blood channels throughout the body. After 3 days of such circulation, these granulocytes settle in the internal organs of a person: in the lungs, the gastrointestinal tract. Eosinophils are necessary for the destruction of any foreign protein that has entered the body. They destroy the protein by absorbing it and dissolving it in their enzymes.

Eosinophils were named granulocytes in honor of the name of the dye, which they perfectly absorb in medical diagnostics. Their structure is similar to an amoeba, only with 2 nuclei. These nuclei can freely move outside the vessels and penetrate into various inflammatory processes, neoplasms and internal tissue damage.

Important! In some cases, the presence of a foreign protein in the body may indicate the formation of a tumor.

What determine

Eosinophils are a kind of "markers", or labels that show what currently prevails in the blood. Thus, depending on their number can be defined:

Properties of eosinophils

These granules have various anti-toxic and functions in the body. Their main properties are:

  • due to the accumulation in the foci of inflammation or tissue damage, they serve as a kind of "liberators" of inflammatory mediators;
  • absorption of small particles by enveloping them with its wall. For this, eosinophils were given a second name - microphages;
  • rapid migration to the foci of infection;
  • the formation of plasminogen (an important protein);
  • increased sensitivity to class E immunoglobulins (contained in blood serum and secrets);
  • powerful cytotoxic properties;
  • can play both a pro-allergic role (intensification of an existing reaction) and an anti-allergic (eliminating);
  • destruction of various microbial cells.
Eosinophils contain many unique components in their composition, for example, a special protein that protects against protozoan microbes and helminths.

Eosinophils in the body appear only when there is any inflammation, infection, allergies, etc.

How is a blood test done?

It is possible to determine the number of eosinophils in the blood and their location in the body only by taking the appropriate one. The most common methods are blood and urine tests. A general blood test is taken from a vein or a finger, after which it is sent for examination.

By themselves, eosinophils are colorless, therefore, when examined, they absorb eosin (a special dye), turn red, and thus make it easy to count their number.

It is noteworthy that for a blood test it is not required to adhere to any special diet or limit consumption - this does not affect the indications.

Norms of eosinophils in young children

The indicators may depend on the time of day: as a rule, there are more of them at night, in the daytime the number decreases. If for an adult an amplitude of 2 to 5% is considered the norm, then for a child's body the indicators will be different. Percentage for a child:

  • birth - 2% (0.4);
  • 12 hours - 2% (0.5);
  • 24 hours - 2% (0.5);
  • 1 week - 4% (0.5);
  • 2 weeks - 3% (0.4);
  • 1 month -3% (0.3);
  • 6 months - 3% (0.3);
  • 1 year - 3% (0.3);
  • 2 years - 3% (0.3);
  • 4 years - 3% (0.3).
If the indicators in the blood test differ from the norm, then an appropriate diagnosis is made. An increase in eosinophils is called eosinophilia, and a decrease is called eosinopenia.

Reasons for deviations

The result of a blood test can be different, but you should know that there is a reason for any deviation from the norm. Depending on the number and location of the granules, the causes of the disease or


What is eosinophilia, we found out. Now consider the reason why eosinophils in a blood test can be elevated. Increasing the level of indicators has its stages. If the number of eosinophils in a child is above 6%, this is an easy stage, if 10-12% is a moderate stage. If the percentage is even higher, this is a severe form of the disease.

Did you know?The heart of an adult pumps almost 10,000 liters of blood in one day.

When eosinophils are elevated in a child - reasons may be as follows:

Important! An excessive increase in the level of indicators leads to the occurrence of hypereosinophilic syndrome - a complication that affects the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart and affects its cells. This syndrome creates the prerequisites for thrombosis in the heart. This disease mainly affects adults.


If a blood test indicated eosinopenia, this indicates a weak protective function of the body, that it cannot cope with the destructive action of foreign factors. A decrease in the level of granulocytes often indicates such pathologies:

  • spicy
  • devastation of the bone marrow;
  • various varying degrees of severity (eg, typhoid fever);
  • acute inflammation;
  • severe purulent infections;
  • influence of adrenal hormones;
  • in rare cases - psycho-emotional overstrain.

What to do

In order to bring the indicators back to normal, you first need to find out the root cause of the deviation. Then proceed to the treatment of the disease itself, having previously found out its nature and area of ​​​​damage.

In any case, the child cannot avoid a thorough clinical examination. The reasons for the violation of the norms of these granules are quite extensive. An increase in the level often signals the presence of an inflammatory process that requires a certain therapy - in this case, it is important to make a correct diagnosis in time and start treatment.

Consultation with a specialist is the first necessary step. Examination and testing will reveal the nature of the disease. Based on the indicators, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate therapy - this may be the treatment of a viral disease, vitamin therapy, physiotherapy and other types of treatment.

Retake the analysis

A repeat blood test to determine the number of eosinophils will be required after treatment. Also, a retake may be necessary if a misdiagnosis is suspected, when there is no positive shift in the treatment process. In this case, the doctor rechecks the data in order to establish the correct diagnosis and replace or supplement the treatment.

How to bring your scores back to normal

So, the analysis showed that eosinophils are above or below normal. However, not everyone knows that this does not always mean the appearance of the disease. The indicator is only an indicator that reflects the processes occurring in the body. The only exception is cancer.

Did you know? The only part of the human body that does not have a circulatory system to supply it with oxygen is the cornea of ​​the eye.

The doctor, often a pediatric hematologist, deals directly with the appointment of treatment. Correction is always aimed at curing the concomitant disease, after which the indicators, as a rule, return to normal. The specialist selects the course of treatment based on the severity of the disease, the age and condition of the child. Additionally, the doctor may prescribe a biochemical blood test, a swab from the nose to detect infection, and an analysis for worms.

It is almost impossible to bring the eosinophils in a child back to normal on their own. Moreover, ignorance or incorrect therapy can only aggravate the physical condition and lead to the emergence of new diseases. Even if, as it seems to you, the reason for the increase in granules is a certain allergic reaction, self-medication is highly discouraged. Remember: only a doctor should prescribe treatment!

Eosinophils in children: the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

Children's doctor and candidate of medical sciences Yevgeny Komarovsky is known for explaining to young parents about various childhood diseases, methods of treatment and preventive actions in a public form. In his lectures, he also touches on the topic of increasing eosinophils in children.

Regular blood donation for a general analysis is a necessary preventive measure that will help you always keep your child's eosinophil level under control and prevent the appearance of various diseases and pathologies. Be healthy!

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