Perfect sleep for kids. Maintain healthy sleep for your baby. Healthy baby sleep

Text: Daria Terevtsova

Usually, new parents all around want to get enough sleep. To the fact that you will have to sleep in fits and starts for at least a couple of months, one way or another everyone is ready, but what if the child continues to worry at night?

We asked experts why children fall asleep and sleep poorly and what parents can do to change the situation.

Tatyana Chkhikvishvili

sleep consultant, head of online projects

If the child does not sleep well and constantly wakes up at night, this is an occasion to think and change something. It is not simple. It takes time, effort and motivation. Improving sleep is always the job of parents. A common mistake is that parents do not attach the same importance to the organization of quality sleep for their children as, for example, the choice of clothes, toys, food. And they hope that with sleep everything will work out somehow by itself, the child will outgrow it. And this can take months or even years. As a result, a constant lack of sleep is experienced not only by parents, but also by the baby himself.

As a rule, parents simply do not know when to put the child to bed so that he falls asleep quickly and easily. Often, tears and whims become a signal that it is time to put the child to bed. But it's too late. Whims speak of excessive fatigue. Overwork leads to excitement (this is due to the immaturity of the nervous system of children), prevents you from falling asleep quickly and does not allow you to sleep long and calmly.

In order to normalize sleep, you first need a system. For young children, orderliness and predictability are important. They face a staggering flow of information every day, their life is full of changes, anxieties, events and stresses (because everything is new for them). The presence of a fairly clear rhythm of sleep and wakefulness, when day after day everything is clear, stable and habitual, calms the child and helps him fall asleep and sleep well.

To understand that the child wants to sleep, and not to miss this moment, you need to learn to notice the very first signs of fatigue. Everyone has their own. These may be changes in gaze, facial expression, movements. Someone may start tugging at their earlobe or rubbing their nose. The child may lose interest in the game, turn away, become thoughtful.

Remember how long after waking up the signs of fatigue in your baby become obvious (yawns, naughty, spoils the mood), and in the future, very carefully observe him some time before. Gradually, you will see patterns and understand when the “window to sleep” opens - the moment when the body is ready to fall asleep, but not yet overtired, when it is easiest to fall asleep.

As for age sleep norms, this is a good guideline for parents. But, of course, children are different, and individual characteristics affect the needs of each child. It may be normal for a child to sleep a little less than most peers, but only on the condition that this amount of sleep is really enough for him. It is easy to understand: if a child wakes up cheerful and cheerful in the morning, maintains a good mood all day, falls asleep easily and without tears in the evening and sleeps well at night, then everything is in order, there are no problems.

Olga Alexandrova

baby sleep consultant

If there are problems with sleep, then first of all you need to understand whether they are organizational or medical. Growing teeth, weather, pressure, snowfall can really affect and ruin a child's sleep. Of course they can. But that's the issue of the week. If we are talking about a month or more, the teeth or the weather have nothing to do with it.

Therefore, it is better to start with an examination to exclude neurological diseases. If all is well, the next step is to analyze how consistent and consistent you are with the child. What is possible and impossible, when and how - all this is fundamental.

The third point is the mother's psychological state. After all, mother's anxiety, lack of sleep, irritability can bring down the sleep of even a healthy and calm child.

The ritual will help to improve sleep. These are the same actions repeated every day for 10-15 minutes before bedtime. You can put away toys, brush your teeth, read a book, sing a song. The script can be anything. The most important thing is that it should be relaxing, the same and that the baby and you like it.

The ritual, like anything new, takes some getting used to. Set aside at least a week for this. During this time, you and your baby will have the opportunity to develop your own unique bedtime routine.

For the same reason, sleep associations are important - a set of conditions necessary for a child to fall asleep. Imagine that you fell asleep in your bed with a bear or your beloved husband (wife) in an embrace. And woke up - well, let's say, on a bench in the park. What is your reaction? You will be at least very unhappy.

The child experiences the same thing when he fell asleep with motion sickness or while feeding in his mother's arms, and woke up alone in the crib, without food and without rocking. A child, falling asleep with a set of associations, waking up, needs to restore these conditions.

Daytime sleep plays an important role in a restful night's sleep. It is needed so that the child can rest and recover. The fact is that if the child is too tired during the day, then by the evening he will be so overexcited that it will be difficult for him to fall asleep quickly and sleep through the night. Therefore, do not rush to cancel it. Up to three years it is mandatory, up to five it is desirable, and up to seven it would be great.

But the main criterion for cancellation is the child's well-being, his good mood and the absence of whims in the afternoon. However, if the child does not fall asleep once during the day, it is better to put him to bed an hour and a half earlier than usual. This will allow the baby to recover well.

Olga Snegovskaya

baby sleep consultant

Often parents think that the later they go to bed, the later their child will get up, but in most cases this does not work. Children are more sensitive to biorhythms. Excessive wakefulness leads to the accumulation of fatigue, to stress, with which the body struggles with the release of an additional portion of the wakefulness hormone, which contributes to an even earlier rise in the morning.
And if an adult can get enough sleep, then the child will most often get up as usual even with a later bedtime.

Another common misconception is that a child should run more before bed to get tired and fall asleep better. In fact, physical activity also increases the production of the wakefulness hormone. It contributes to the accumulation of fatigue, but does not contribute to a calm and quick sleep. The child needs time for the wakefulness hormone levels to level off and decrease. Therefore, about an hour before bedtime, it is better to start playing calm games, then by the time you fall asleep, the blood composition will contribute to good sleep.

Parents are especially worried about the nighttime awakenings of children. But here I can say that night awakenings are considered the norm all my life. Even adults wake up several times during the night, but most often they don't even remember it in the morning. So a child at any age can wake up at night.

But after six to nine months, he can fall asleep on his own at night. This is due to the fact that it is at this age that the baby becomes ready to go without food at night, and therefore, to cope with nocturnal awakenings on his own, combining sleep into a single continuous period.

Babies grow fast and spend a lot of energy on activity and cell renewal. Therefore, they need a complete healthy diet. All parents know about this, trying to feed their children tastier and denser. But one of the frequent complaints of parents is the problem of night sleep for kids who do not want to go to bed, fall asleep for a long time and do not get proper rest at night, especially if they need to wake up early in the morning to kindergarten or school. Often this is not the fault of illness or an irrational daily routine, but foods that have an exciting or stimulating effect on the nervous system and disturb the child’s sleep. It is important to know more about them in order to make the menu more rationally.

Good rest is vital for children

The infancy and preschool years are very eventful for both children and their parents. This is a period of continuous exploration and intense movement, exploration of the world, which also requires proper time for the recovery of expended resources and rest. Sufficient, full-fledged night's sleep is the most important, since during this period the body does most of its building and repair work, and the brain analyzes the information received during the day. Without sufficient rest, the development of children and their behavior suffers significantly. But often putting a raging child to bed in the afternoon or evening is not an easy task, even if he is tired and needs rest. Screams, scandals and tantrums, long falling asleep - this is familiar to many parents who grow up at an early and preschool age.

How much sleep is needed?

Depending on age, babies should get up to 12-14 hours of sleep per night on average. However, today many children and parents face sleep problems. Babies either can't fall asleep quickly or don't stay in deep sleep for long enough, often waking up at night. While poor nutrition is not the only cause of sleep problems, it can certainly play a big role in normalizing the quality and quantity of a young child's sleep.

To prepare your baby for sleep, it is important to calm the brain by stimulating the correct release of certain neurotransmitters (substances that transmit impulses in the brain). Especially important is the release of the neurotransmitter serotonin, the synthesis of which should be activated. This is due to the fact that enough serotonin in the brain causes a feeling of fullness, a feeling of happiness and sleepiness. Therefore, in order for children to fall asleep faster and sleep better, you need to increase the synthesis of serotonin as night approaches. Since serotonin is made from tryptophan, an essential amino acid that comes from food, it is important to consume tryptophan-rich foods. Good food sources of the amino acid tryptophan are turkey, chicken, milk, eggs, nuts, bananas, beans, fish, and cheese.

What is important to know about "sleepy" foods?

While a tryptophan intake is beneficial, it is important to choose the right food combination, as tryptophan actively competes with other food amino acids to gain access to the brain. If foods high in other amino acids, such as tyrosine or methionine, are consumed (for example, in meat), tryptophan may enter the brain at lower concentrations. To eliminate this problem in children, it is also important to consume foods high in carbohydrates, as they will also help stimulate the synthesis of serotonin and increase the absorption of tryptophan from food. By consuming carbohydrates, the body will secrete insulin, and the release of this hormone will help minimize the absorption of other amino acids that compete with tryptophan. Fortunately, tryptophan is not dependent on insulin. Therefore, offering children simple snacks such as whole grain crackers and cheese, oatmeal with milk, or plain yogurt with a banana can prepare their bodies for bedtime soon.

Baby food, rich in calcium and magnesium, is also helpful in improving babies' sleep. These minerals help calm the nervous system, making it easier for children to get to bed and fall asleep. Calcium can be found in dairy products, almonds, sesame seeds, leafy greens, oranges, and sardines, while magnesium can be found in seeds, nuts, and green vegetables.

It is important that children receive these foods daily. Something as simple as warm milk before bed can also be effective because it contains both calcium and tryptophan.

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Just as certain foods will help prepare babies for sleep, there are others that will interfere with sleep. Some of the most obvious are those that contain caffeine, such as soda and chocolate. Toddlers should avoid these foods completely if they have trouble sleeping.

One of the most important components of a child's life, along with food, water, air, is healthy sleep. It is a source of energy, strength, good rest. Sleep has another function. It helps to calmly process all the mass of information that the baby receives during the day. Good sleep is the key to health, comfort, and well-being.

Belongs to sections: Development of the child Health of the child

Child's sleep rate

Tables of sleep norms in children depending on age:

Five rules for decorating a child's room

Child sleep disorder

Sleep is at the heart of a child's health and development. While the baby is sleeping, his body is recovering from everything that happened during the day. However, if he has a bad dream, the process of exhaustion of the nervous system starts, irritability and tearfulness appear, which very badly affects the life and mood of the whole family.

Sleep regression is a normal phenomenon and it is associated with the restructuring of cycles. Side effects are frequent waking at night and that the quality of sleep generally deteriorates. This period falls on the interval between 3 - 5 months of life. Usually the regime is restored after a few weeks, the sleep structure is fixed on a clear schedule. If the child is sensitive and very attached to his mother, the “sleepy” jump will manifest itself very noticeably in him.

Regression duration
The baby does not sleep well periodically: first at 14-17 weeks, then at six months, then between 8 and 10 months, then at one and a half and two years. This process prevails in the following weeks of life - 5, 8, 12, 19, 26, 37, 46 and 55. The duration is most often two weeks, but the crisis can drag on for a month and a half.

How to put baby to sleep

Newborn babies sleep a lot, not only at night, but also during the day several times a day. As a rule, up to a month, the child falls asleep after each feeding. With this mode, when laying down for the night, certain nuances must be observed so that the baby feels that the main period of rest has come.

As the child grows, it becomes more and more difficult to rock him. Babies need to be taught to fall asleep on their own. To wean from motion sickness, you need to organize a gradual transition to other sleep procedures. It’s worth starting with a night’s sleep, when the child’s body is most attuned to rest.

Newborn babies fall asleep immediately after breastfeeding, and this is normal. By the year, pediatricians recommend gradually separating sleep and food. Sleep at night should not depend on feeding, so you need to wean from breastfeeding at night. Pediatricians believe that a baby's nighttime sleep should not be associated with feeding.
Around the age of 9 months, the baby becomes more active, gets up, walks and also wakes up at night. How to wean from night feeding at this troubled age?

At one year old, the baby may no longer wake up at night, but only if he is healthy, spent the day actively, and the evening was calm and the baby ate well. In order for the child to go to bed without problems and rest all night, it is important to accustom him to a certain order of actions.

Children at this age are very active, and the psycho-emotional development of babies leads to many new experiences, including fears and unwillingness to part with their mother even for the night. At this age, the child needs to communicate with the family, it is difficult for him to retire in the evening.

After children reach the age of three, it becomes more difficult to put them to bed, especially at the classical time - 9 pm. If the child goes to bed late and visits the kindergarten, you should not be fooled by the child’s unwillingness to fall asleep, as in the morning he will be sleepy and tired.

Sleep safety

The issue of sleep safety in children remains one of the most acute among moms and dads in our country. However, many parents still prefer to simply distance themselves from this painful topic. Why is it necessary to intimidate yourself with “horror stories”? This way of putting the question is fundamentally wrong. Indeed, in our case, we are not talking about mythical “horror stories” at all, but about a very real threat: the cause of approximately 90% of accidents is potentially dangerous behavior.

According to experts, one of the likely causes of SIDS is a weakening of the child's brain control over the work of the respiratory organs, body temperature and heartbeat. A significant percentage of disasters occur in cases of difficulty in the respiratory system of the baby by pressing down on the body of an adult or various objects.

SIDS is the most common cause of death in young children. So, in America, out of a thousand cases, one is talking about a dangerous Syndrome.

Some statistics:

  • Boys die 50% more often than girls from SIDS;
  • In 90%, death occurs in babies who are not yet six months old (in most cases, these are crumbs 2-4 months old). SIDS always occurs during the night or daytime sleep of the baby.

The triggering factors can be divided into:

  • Unmanaged. This list includes insufficient maturity of the baby's brain, other certain health problems, prematurity of the baby;

Managed. The risk of the Syndrome can be increased by smoking before and after the birth of a baby, unsafe conditions for night and daytime rest, feeding with mixtures rather than breast milk, and incorrect body position of the baby during sleep (typical for children up to six months).
Important! Now we have listed the provoking factors, none of which is 100% likely to lead to the death of a child.

The process of sleep and its benefits

  1. Growth and development of the brain

    Mothers know how long a newborn's sleep can be. Most babies sleep most of the day, waking up only for meals and a short - about an hour - communication with their mother. In this mode, babies exist for the first 4-6 months of their lives.
    Exceptional is not only the duration of children's sleep, but also its structure. The duration of the period, which scientists call "REM sleep", in newborns is 2 times longer than in older children and adults. And this is no coincidence.
    REM sleep is the time when dream images form in the cerebral cortex. With their help, new neural connections are formed. So it turns out that the newborn sleeps most of the day in order for his brain to grow and develop.

  2. Energy recharge

    The main task of sleep is to restore energy. This is important at any age. Prolonged deep sleep "recharges" the body, brings a feeling of cheerfulness. This is the so-called anabolic - cumulative - function of sleep.
    It is extremely important that the baby sleeps a lot for up to six months and his sleep is deep, without frequent awakenings. During this rest, blood rushes to the muscles, preparing them for future physical exertion.
    If the newborn does not get enough sleep, he is naughty and constantly asks to be held. Well-sleeping children of the same age will be more active due to the full restoration of strength. Their physical activity will manifest itself in attempts to roll over, sit, and then crawl.

  3. Development of memory and attention

    Somnologists also explain the importance of sleep by the fact that it allows a person to systematize the knowledge gained about the world around him. A growing and actively developing baby cannot do without it.
    The process of systematization is based on different functions of the brain: attention, memory, ability to synthesize, etc. Sleep is a kind of catalyst and the main condition for the normal flow of all this complex activity. It helps the baby to process and organize the ideas received about the world around.
    No matter how hard the mother tries and takes the child to all kinds of developmental courses, if he does not get enough sleep, there is zero sense from them. It has been practically proven that children begin to study better at school, as soon as they add 1-2 hours of sleep per day. Lack of sleep provokes not only the lag behind the general education school curriculum. It is also directly related to the now common diagnosis of ADHD. In the full version - attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

  4. body growth

    An adult needs sleep mainly to restore the forces spent during the day. Child - for active growth. In the first 2 hours of sleep, the pituitary gland produces 80% of growth hormone somatropin. If the child does not get enough sleep, then in physical development he will certainly lag behind.
    Concerned about the insufficient growth and physical weakness of their children, parents begin to look for the cause in some non-existent diseases. Pediatricians are advised to start with the correct organization of the children's daily routine. You need to put your baby to bed long before midnight, then he will get enough sleep and get enough growth hormone.

  5. Recovery of the psyche

    Throughout the day, the baby receives a huge amount of heterogeneous information. His brain is "attacked" by visual, auditory and tactile images. Trying to give their child the maximum, modern parents are actively using all sorts of stimulants, educational games, and developmental games.
    Such a flow of information seriously loads the brain and creates psycho-emotional stress. Sleep helps overcome this stress. It helps to streamline the received data for the whole day and eliminate negative reactions. If the baby does not get enough sleep regularly, he will be nervous and moody from overload.
    Many mothers notice: as soon as the child began to sleep well, his behavior also changed. The baby calmed down, even began to smile more often. This once again confirms that sleep for babies is a unique natural source of psychological health.

  6. Strengthening immunity

    Belongs to sections: Development of the child Health of the child

    According to the results of studies conducted in the United States, a person who does not get enough sleep has a weaker immune system. Cells that eliminate viruses and bacteria, he has 30% less than normal. This is due to another important function of sleep, which can be called recharging the immune system.
    While a person is sleeping, his immune system is most active. That is why sick people tend to sleep all the time. While they are resting, the process of self-healing takes place.
    Some babies are unable to fall asleep on their own in their crib because of the pain. Parents should create all the conditions for a sick baby to get enough sleep. If necessary, rock, cradle. The initial difficult period will soon pass, and the baby will fall asleep without assistance. During this time, his immunity will do everything possible to make the disease recede.

  7. Always good mood

    Good sleep sets a good mood for the whole day. Even adults become gloomy and unfriendly if they did not manage to get enough sleep. If this happened to a small child, it will not be good for all household members.
    Sleep deprivation affects babies in different ways. Some children are only a little naughty, cry, and then gradually enter a more or less normal mode. Others react violently, "do not hear" the comments of their parents, in some cases even become uncontrollable. If parents ignore the problem, over time they will have to deal with a "difficult" child.

  8. Concentration and control of your body

    Even an adult in a state of lack of sleep cannot perform high-quality actions that require concentration. Such as driving a car. You are more likely to fall asleep at the wheel and have an accident. Toddlers, not getting enough sleep, stumble around all corners, fall down stairs and generally coordinate their actions poorly.
    The period of infancy is the time of physical exploration of space. There is no shortage of falls and bruises. Parents can help in this difficult task if they make sure that the baby gets enough sleep. You should not allow severe overwork. If the norms of sleep are observed, the process of comprehending the surrounding world will be easier and more painless.

  9. Prevention of overeating

    Lack of sleep can also cause weight problems. The body compensates for the lack of rest by consuming extra calories. The less a person sleeps, the more he eats. This rule applies to both infants and schoolchildren and their parents.
    Many adults have probably noticed that in the evening the refrigerator beckons to itself. This is due to the fact that the body spent a lot of energy during the day and now seeks to replenish it. American nutrition scientists have noticed one pattern: it is worth reducing children's sleep time, as they begin to consume more high-calorie foods.
    Lack of sleep reduces the production of the hormone that controls satiety. The signal from the stomach travels more slowly to the brain. As a result, a person eats more than what he really needs. Regular overeating is a direct road to obesity. To prevent it, parents need to ensure that children get enough sleep.

  10. maternal depression

    The first months of a baby's life and the night feedings associated with them greatly deplete the mother's nervous system. The restless sleep of the baby makes the emotional state of the woman unstable. This often leads to depression. There is also a feedback: permanent stress in the mother has a bad effect on the psyche of the baby.
    People commonly refer to depression as a recurring bad mood. But true depression is a serious illness that needs treatment. Often it appears in women who are sleep deprived in the first 3 years of a baby's life. According to statistics, almost 50% of these mothers need serious medical treatment.
    Prevention of postpartum depression - regular and full sleep. Spouses and other relatives can help by taking on some of the responsibility of caring for the baby. In general, everyone needs healthy sleep. It helps to be strong, healthy and endure any troubles.

The night comes on a silent path,
To overcome anxiety and fatigue,
To forget all the bad
But the good remains.

L. Derbenev

Sleep is a temporary “disconnection” of a person from the outside world.
The question of the appointment of sleep has not been fully resolved to date. However, most scientists agree on two essential functions of sleep.
The first is the anabolic function of sleep (accumulation), which brings a feeling of physical rest, allowing you to accumulate energy potential and restore the ability to perceive new information.
The second is the function of mental protection, closely related to the unconscious processes that are actively functioning in a dream.

The lack of sleep is expressed in the fact that people show less and less desire to communicate, do not crave the entertainment that pleased them before, they are not as concerned about the quality of food as before. Significantly increase irritability and rudeness in dealing with others.

Losing four hours of sleep in one night slows a person's reaction time by 45%. A loss equal to a full night's sleep can double the time it takes a person to find the right answer. It is known that if a person is deprived of sleep for several days, then he develops mental disorders.

Prolonged sleep deprivation adversely affects health.

A newborn baby spends most of the time sleeping. What tasks does sleep solve for an infant who has just begun to interact with the outside world, without having time to show activity that is tangible and understandable for an adult in mastering the surrounding space?

It is even difficult to imagine what a huge work a baby does, "thrown out" from the stable and calm atmosphere of the mother's womb into a complexly organized outside world. The level of mental stress of a newborn baby can be compared, and even then not fully, only with the state of total mobilization aimed at the struggle for survival in an extreme situation that threatens the life of an adult. Is it necessary to justify the intensity of work on adaptation and processing of a huge amount of information that the baby makes every minute of wakefulness? That is why the importance of sleep for a child is difficult to overestimate.

Sleep is necessary for the baby, first of all, in order to gradually streamline knowledge and ideas about the world. This complex process involves the functions of attention, memory, systematization, and many others, in the implementation of which sleep takes the most direct and immediate part. Sleep disorders in children significantly reduce the productivity of these functions.

The development of a new, unexpected for a child is inevitably associated with stress, which, with a lack of sleep, can lead to serious disorders of the emotional state and behavior of the child.

Unlike an adult, a child's body is actively growing and developing. It is known that the growth process depends on the interaction of several hormones. Chief among them is produced in the pituitary gland. During the day, growth hormone is hidden, but at night, while children are sleeping, the blood contains the greatest amount of the hormone. Scientists have found that growth hormone (somatotropic hormone) is secreted in the most significant amounts (80%) in the first two hours of sleep. Sleep deprivation in childhood can lead to stunted growth and physical development.

A restless night's sleep is reflected not only in the health of the child, but also in the quality of life of his parents. According to studies conducted in Europe, an incredible number of families suffer from inadequate night's sleep - about 44%. In families with infants, the average duration of uninterrupted sleep for an adult is only 5.45 hours, and then by about 4 months, when the interval between feedings increases. It has been proven that lack of sleep not only negatively affects the health of parents, but also often affects the relationship between them. According to statistics, one out of 4 couples, with the advent of a child, troubles begin in family life.

Good sleep is an indicator of the health of children, their mental well-being, while its violation is a cause for serious concern and the intervention of specialists.

Sleep duration

1-2 months — 19 hours a day
3-4 months — 17 hours a day
5-6 months — 16 hours a day
7-9 months — 15 hours a day
10-12 months — 14 hours a day
1-1.5 years - 13 hours a day
1.5-2.5 years - 12 hours a day
2.5-3.5 years - 11 hours a day
3.5-5 years - 10 hours a day

The most common causes of childhood insomnia

1. Overeating or undereating.
2. Overexcitation by active games or bedtime stories.
3. Thirst for attention in children whose mothers work.

If you fix at least one of the existing problems, your child's sleep will improve.

Remember, the child will not be able to find and overcome problems on his own. Help him with this so that he can always please you with his smile. After all, sleep is an important link in the proper development of the child's body!

The problem of children's sleep is one of the most frequently discussed among mothers on the playground. "He doesn't sleep at all!" complains the exhausted mother. In fact, her baby sleeps, like all babies, 16-17, or even 20 hours a day. But he does it so "illogically" from the point of view of an adult, so intermittently and restlessly, that the impression is just the opposite - the child does not sleep! Obviously, the main question is not how much the child sleeps, but how and when he does it.

Bed wisdom

A children's mattress should be even, elastic, exactly match the size of the crib and fit snugly against its walls so that the head, arm or leg of the baby does not accidentally end up in this opening. If the crib model allows you to install the mattress at different heights, first fix it at the highest mark - this will make it easier for you to get the crumbs out of the crib. And as soon as he learns to kneel, lower the mattress down. There are no pillows for babies, but you can put a four-fold diaper under your head: it will absorb moisture if the baby sweats or burps.

In the cold season, try replacing the blanket with a sleeping bag. He will not allow the baby to unintentionally open up. In addition, the child will not feel "lost" while lying in a large bed. To put the little one in the “sleeping bag”, open it, place the child inside and only then put on the sleeves and fasten the “zipper”.

The right atmosphere

Place the crib away from windows and radiators. The window is a source of light that can wake up the baby ahead of time, drafts are dangerous for colds. And next to the batteries, the baby can overheat, because a temperature of 18-21 ° C is considered comfortable for sleeping. Therefore, do not forget to ventilate the room before going to bed.

In order for the baby to quickly realize the difference between the time of day, it is better to put it at night in the dark, and during the day in semi-darkness. To create it during the day, not only blackout curtains are useful, but also bumpers or bumpers in the crib. They should not be too thick so that air can pass through them. Attach them securely to the crib rails and check frequently to see if the ties are holding well. Soft toys are best removed from the crib for safety reasons.

Be observant

In addition to the biological predisposition of the baby to healthy sleep, there are objective realities of everyday life. In order for the child to sleep better at night, you need to adhere to certain principles of behavior. Learn to recognize the signs of drowsiness and put your baby to bed as soon as you notice them.

Only calmness!

Do not disturb the little one before going to bed with either fervent games, or the appearance of guests, or a noisy discussion of the past day. A good end to the evening will be a walk in the fresh air, followed by a bath, evening feeding and a cute ritual that marks the end of the day. Try to follow the rule of "one hand": let the child be under the supervision of one of the adults 1.5-2 hours before bedtime (the mission can be carried out in turn). Mom and dad shouldn't be taking care of the baby at the same time.

Sleeping pills?

Many nursing mothers fall into the trap: "In order for the baby to calm down and fall asleep, he must be offered a breast." And because of this, the child, waking up in the middle of the night, out of habit will require the breast in order to fall asleep again. Newborns can wake up several times a night, but at the same time they know how to fall asleep on their own, whimpering a little. Therefore, do not tie feeding to falling asleep. Breastfeed some time before bedtime, while moving away from the crib. After feeding, change your baby's clothes and ask one of the family members to hold him in your arms, of course, provided that such an opportunity exists.

All in your hands

When laying the baby in the crib, support him by the head, back and buttocks. A newborn can be arranged to sleep only on his back, an older baby - on his back or on his side, if there are no other instructions from the doctor. Alternate the left and right sides so that the skull of the little one takes on a rounded shape.

Pediatrician, Candidate of Medical Sciences Natalya Vitalievna Chernysheva

Healthy sleep of the child is very important. He is like food, water and air. Healthy sleep of a child is a source that gives energy, strength, rest. With the help of sleep, all the information received by the baby during the day is processed. Healthy sleep is a guarantee of well-being, health and comfort.

The organization of sleep in children must be approached with responsibility and thoughtfully. From childhood, you need to teach your children to the daily routine, time management, proper sleep. Sleep is very closely related to other components of life: hygiene, clothing, nutrition, outdoor walks and others. And who, if not parents, can control and teach their child to a healthy sleep.

Need for sleep depends on age. Newborns sleep about 20 hours a night, children 2 to 4 years old about 16 hours, 4 to 5 year olds should get 13 hours of sleep, 6 to 7 year olds should get 12 hours of sleep, and teenagers need 9 hours of sleep.

Of course, first of all, parents themselves must be convinced of the importance and necessity of sleep for the development of their heirs. Now everyone is aware that you need to go to bed at the same time, preferably a couple of hours before midnight. At night, walks and quiet conversations are useful.

The ritual of preparing for sleep is also important, helping to fall asleep quickly and get the maximum benefit from a night's rest for health and study. All these right words, however, help little and our children stay up late at night playing computer games and chatting on social networks.

Much of this is the fault of the parents themselves. Didn't show perseverance, didn't form a habit. They themselves do not set a proper example.

Whatever the rhythm of our life, no matter how busy and busy we are, it is necessary to think about the future of children. Feed, teach, educate - it's important. But to teach a child to live, alternating activity and rest in reasonable proportions, is no less important.

Rules for healthy sleep in a child

In order for sleep to be healthy and beneficial for the child, you need to follow the basic rules

  • Fresh air and ventilated room.

The air in the child's room should not be humidified or stuffy. Children's leading pediatricians are advised to set the temperature in the room to +18 degrees. At this temperature, it is very easy to breathe, sleep is calm, and in the morning the baby will feel good. As the long-term practice of specialists shows, at this temperature the baby does not open. If you are worried that the child will freeze, then use warm and soft pajamas. Try to pay attention to the humidity of the air. If it is not possible to purchase a special humidifier, then place a couple of water containers near the crib or near the battery.

  • Comfortable bed.

The bed is the basis of a healthy sleep in a child. It is better to purchase a bed with an orthopedic mattress. Its advantages: strength, rigidity, maintaining the position of the child. Up to 3 years, instead of a standard pillow, it is better to use a towel or a very thin pillow. A child's blanket should be light, natural, without impregnations and dyes. If there are ruffles, canopies on bedding or cribs, then, oddly enough, these are real dust collectors. And dust blocks the flow of fresh air.

  • Lighting.

Children's room should be well lit. Since the child is here to play and study. But many children do not like to fall asleep in pitch darkness, so experts advise installing lamps around the perimeter of the room. The lamps will create a soft light that will help the child fall asleep easily. Pay attention to the curtains in the children's room. When the child is preparing for bed during the day, then with the help of them you can create twilight. Do not forget about the cleanliness of the curtains, they should not accumulate a lot of dust, wash them periodically.

  • Ritual before bed.

Do the same things every night before bed. Doing the same thing every time, it will be like a ritual for the baby. He will know that first you need to swim, then read a book and fall asleep. Instead of a book, you can use a lullaby or turn on slow instrumental music. After the child falls asleep, the music must be turned off. Keep the house quiet: do not talk loudly, do not turn on loud music. Take care of your baby's sleep.

  • Active day.

Spend more time outdoors, play active games. The day should be spent cheerfully, positively. Try to avoid tantrums and crying. Set up your baby in a good way.

You need to go to bed at the same time. Before going to bed, it is advisable not to play active games, do not run or jump.

It is desirable that the child sleeps only in his own crib, and not with his parents. You can choose one favorite toy, and let the baby fall asleep with it. This will replace his mother. And also this toy will be associated with sleep.

Be sure to kiss your baby before going to bed, wish you good night.

If you follow these rules systematically, then the baby's sleep will stabilize. The baby will get used to the regime and it will be easy to fall asleep. Sleep will also have a positive effect on the health of the baby, on his mood and behavior.

The main thing is to be there and support!

How to convince your child to go to bed on time.

What arguments can be made to convince your child to take nightly rest seriously and not disrupt this important physiological process for the sake of momentary pleasure?

For a girl, a girl, you can focus on the desire to look good. It is worth delicately complaining that today she looks a little worse than when she gets enough sleep. And the skin is paler, and the bags under the eyes, and the eyes are not as shiny as they could be. It usually makes an impression. It is important not to overdo it with criticism. A little bit of everything and very unobtrusively.

A teenager and a young man in search of arguments will have to show ingenuity. This is where the ambition game comes in. If it is important for a guy to win the rivalry among his peers with intellect, then catch him on some kind of oversight, reservation, notice that lack of sleep affects the sharpness of thought.

If the guy goes in for sports, then the emphasis should be on the loss of physical strength, loss of dexterity, compared with those days when sleep takes its rightful place in the daily routine. Emphasize that the result could be much more significant. Naturally, not sharply and not rudely. In passing, as if casually.

How to convince parents of the benefits of sleep for children.

This task is much more difficult. Just think, you didn’t get enough sleep today, you didn’t sleep tomorrow. And now irritability, fatigue, and health noticeably fails. But youth is frivolous. Force yourself to think about more than just today.

Parents should learn once and for all that the correct sleep of their children (at least 8 hours) and every time at the same time is a guarantee that your child will grow up healthy not only physically, but also psychologically.

Children, in whose families His Majesty the “daily routine”, occupies a dominant place, are less prone to depression, balanced and able to withstand the trials that they will certainly meet in life.

They are able to cope with difficulties without resorting to addictions. They have less need to seek oblivion and dubious entertainment. They find it easier to find a common language with their peers, without entering into conflicts.

It is easy and joyful for them already because the body has received its share of rest and is ready to function actively and fully, without looking for additional reserves, without straining.

If you want your children, now and in the future, to live a full, happy life - make sure that the habit of going to bed at the same time becomes second nature.

Forming the habit of proper and healthy sleep is not very difficult. All you need is an understanding of the importance and a little time.

Shcherbonosova Tatyana Anatolyevna - Head of the Department of Nervous Diseases, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, KGBOU DPO "Institute for Advanced Training of Health Specialists" of the Ministry of Health of the Khabarovsk Territory, Candidate of Medical Sciences

Gorbulina Svetlana Vladimirovna - assistant of the Department of Nervous Diseases, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, KGBOU DPO "Institute for Advanced Training of Healthcare Professionals" of the Ministry of Health of the Khabarovsk Territory, neurologist, KGBUZ "Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1" named after. prof. S.I. Sergeeva Ministry of Health of the Khabarovsk Territory

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