Products that increase sperm motility. Low sperm motility. Minerals and active substances

Active spermatozoa in the seminal fluid of a man should be at least 40-50%. The condition when the volume of motile spermatozoa is reduced is called asthenozoospermia. Violation is diagnosed using the spermogram method. When such a pathology is detected, it is necessary to deal with the causes that provoked the violation, and understand how to increase the activity of spermatozoa.

Causes of low sperm activity

  1. Concomitant or past illnesses. The most common diseases that provoke poor sperm activity are prostatitis and prostate adenoma. Often, a violation can cause sexual infections or vascular disease.
  2. Changes in the level of hormones in the blood. Hormonal disbalance in the body of a man negatively affects spermatogenesis.
  3. Genital trauma. Inflammation resulting from injury to the testicles or prostate, can also lead to changes in sperm counts.
  4. Wrong nutrition. In many cases, the cause of decreased sperm activity may be wrong diet nutrition.

The reasons can also be bad habits, insufficient physical activity, too frequent sexual contact or prolonged abstinence from sex. Establishing the causes will help determine how to increase sperm motility. After the reasons are clarified, the man will be prescribed an individual treatment.

To date, many couples faced with the inability to have children. As practice shows, both men and women can be equally guilty of such trouble. And for exact definition causes of infertility, it is extremely important to consult a doctor together, and go through full examination. One of the most common factors that make pregnancy simply impossible is insufficient sperm activity, let's try to figure out how to increase sperm activity most effectively.

Sperm motility is measured with special study- spermograms. This is the only analysis that allows you to accurately determine the ability of a particular man to conceive, as well as draw conclusions about the general men's health. All possible deviations from the norm, they reduce the likelihood of a partner's pregnancy, but they do not completely exclude it, since sperm activity can be increased.

The speed of movement of male germ cells may depend on the most various factors. For example, it can decrease by an order of magnitude if a man has had some infections in childhood, if he suffers from prostatitis and other ailments. In addition, a decrease in sperm activity may be due to insufficiently good environmental conditions, the presence of bad habits, malnutrition And excessive loads.

In the event that the spermogram shows that a third or slightly more spermatozoa are active, this is considered to be a variant of the norm.

To increase the mobility of male seminal cells, you first need to change your lifestyle. Particular attention should be paid to the daily diet, including more fruits, dairy products, vegetables and cereals. It is extremely important to systematically consume high-quality lean meat and fish, as well as various nuts.

Important role plays the organization of an adequate regime of the day. So, to ensure the normal activity of spermatozoa, you need to sleep at least seven to eight hours a day, and it is normal to distinguish between work and rest.

Many experts also recommend that men remember vitamins. So the qualitative activity of the gonads is largely determined by the sufficient intake of tocopherol, vitamin E, into the body, and ascorbic acid also affects sperm motility. That is why it is necessary to include in the diet vegetable oils, nuts, rose hips, red peppers, various greens, black currants and meat.

As practice shows, spermatozoa become especially active if a man abstains from intimate relationships.

In parallel with lifestyle changes, it is strongly recommended to take stimulant drugs, which perfectly increase the total number of spermatozoa and have a positive effect on their mobility. An increase in sperm activity occurs if stimulant formulations are consumed for at least two to three months. This recommendation is explained by the natural duration of the cycle of spermatogenesis.

medical methods

To increase sperm activity, doctors most often advise men to take vitamin preparations, with particular attention paid to tocopherol and ascorbic acid. In addition, agents that can improve regional blood flow, such as actovegin, trental, etc., have a good effect.

To improve the quality and motility of spermatozoa, zinc preparations, various herbal preparations, for example, Speman, as well as antiestrogens represented by clostilbegid, can also be used. In certain cases, testosterone agents, including Proviron and Andriol, as well as gonadotropins, represented by pergonal, menogon, pregnil and profazi, become the drugs of choice.

Quite often, treatment male infertility, including poor sperm motility, is carried out by taking the drug Speman. Such a tool consists of a whole complex medicinal plants, characterized by a moderately pronounced androgen-like quality, as well as a prostatotropic property. It is believed that taking it helps to reduce the viscosity of sperm, increase the mobility of male sex cells, and also activate spermatogenesis.

Folk remedies

A good effect in the treatment of insufficient sperm activity is the use of drugs traditional medicine. However, they should be consumed in parallel with official treatment.

Sperm activity in men can be increased by tincture based on ginseng root. To this end, you need to take fifty grams of dried roots of this plant and combine them with one liter of vodka. The medicine is prepared for two weeks, after which it is filtered. Take ten drops of ginseng tincture shortly before a meal.

You can also prepare a decoction of St. John's wort. Brew a tablespoon of dried and crushed raw materials with half a liter of boiling water. Infuse this remedy for four hours, then take half a glass twice a day.

Also, do not forget to drink 1.5 liters of water, not counting the amount of tea, coffee, soup or borscht.

If low sperm activity is detected, therapy should be carried out under the supervision of a qualified doctor. The feasibility of using any medication and folk remedies should be discussed with a specialist.


P.S. The text uses some forms characteristic of oral speech.

One of the optional, but desirable procedures for men is.

Based on results sperm analysis determine its quality:, and activity.

    How to check sperm activity?

    It is advisable for both partners to check with a doctor and pass the necessary ones before deciding to conceive a child. With the help you can find out how active a man is. This analysis identifies all possible deviations that may prevent pregnancy.

    ON A NOTE! It is quite difficult to notice any deviations in fertility on your own, because the disease does not affect sex drive, erection and ejaculation. That is why a man is sure that he is absolutely healthy.

    • Observe abstinence 2-7 days before delivery.
    • Exclude Reception alcoholic beverages any fortress.
    • Avoid high temperatures: refuse to visit baths, saunas, acceptance hot bath and also do not visit the solarium.
    • Temporarily stop taking any medication.

    Sperm donation takes place in a specially equipped room in the laboratory by masturbation. The established norm of ejaculate is at least 2 ml, the color is whitish-grayish, a yellowish tint is possible.

    Mobility assessment

    The viscosity of semen (prostatic fluid) also affects mobility, because it is on this that the dissolution rate and mobility of gums depend. To do this, the sperm is allowed through a pipette, measuring the length of the descending thread. Her length must not exceed 2 cm. Otherwise, it indicates problems in the prostate gland.

    There are the following activities :

    • Progressive movable (PR), mobile gums with active rectilinear, or in a circle of a large radius of movement.
    • Non-progressive movable (NP), sedentary tadpoles, with erratic versatile movements.
    • motionless (IM), there is no movement.

    How many active sperm should be?

    According to the new WHO (World Health Organization) guidelines, in normal sperm progressively mobile must be at least 32% if the percentage is less, then this indicates asthenozoospermia ( inflammatory processes in the genitals).

    Total mobility PR+NP should be above 40%. At the same time, the number of tadpoles having a normal one should be at least 14%.

    REFERENCE! Asthenozoospermia - decreased total motile spermatozoa, that is, a decrease in the group of gummies A and B and an increase in the group C and D.

    Decreased sperm activity

    Over the past 7 years, the problem of activity in men has become the most common. This is due to the influence on male fertility external and internal factors . IN medical terminology reduced level semen activity dubbed as asthenozoospermia . It can appear in a man due to any genetic abnormalities, and can also be acquired. In addition, the sperm itself can also be the cause, namely its qualitative changes:

    • Gluing together several sperm ().
    • Fusion with other cells ().
    • Decrease or increase in the PH level of the seed.

The reproductive function of a man directly depends on the activity and mobility of his spermatozoa. Therefore, for most infertile men the only possibility prolongation of the genus is medicinal methods how to increase sperm motility. Otherwise, passive spermatozoa in acidic environment female genital organs will instantly die before reaching the egg.

If most of the spermatozoa show passivity, the doctor, after the test, issues a verdict - infertility. In simple words the fact of the predominance of passive "tadpoles" of the ejaculate doctors call the term asthenozoospermia. There are several ways to eliminate such a pathology, after which full male fertility returns.

What determines the activity of spermatozoa?

Before increasing sperm motility using the method chosen by the doctor, it is important for a man to understand what factors can negatively affect reproductive function. Most often, the prerequisites for this are diseases genitourinary system which were not fully cured and led to complications.

In addition, the activity of "tadpoles" depends on:

  • harmful environmental conditions;
  • the negative impact of chemical toxic substances;
  • decline in the immune system;
  • tight underwear;
  • overheating or hypothermia of the scrotum.

For reference! According to statistics, in most of the men who are faced with infertility, the cause of low fertility was the abuse of alcoholic beverages.

Based on this, it is already possible to find a way to increase fertility - the elimination of such prerequisites. Artificial activation is also appropriate, but only if agreed with the doctor in combination with therapeutic treatment.

How to increase sperm activity with folk remedies?

In ancient times, increase the activity of sperm in men who for a long time did not give offspring, it was possible with the help of a decoction of elecampane, which had to be taken for at least 10 days.

Until today, the most effective ways The following recipes are considered to increase sperm motility:

  1. Ginseng tincture. There are about 50 grams of crushed plant root per liter of vodka. The tincture, settled for 2 weeks, should be taken every day, 10 drops before meals.
  2. St. John's wort. A tablespoon of herbs is dissolved in half a liter of boiling water, after which the broth is infused for 4 hours. Every day you need to take half a glass twice.
  3. Rosehip tea. To prepare the drink, the fruits are poured with boiling water and simmer a little on the fire. After that, the drink is taken 3-4 times a day, one glass.

In addition, it is important for a man to lead active image life, eat mostly protein foods, monitor your weight and health. Helpful for recovery metabolic processes will bee pollen, which is consumed in a tablespoon before each meal for 2 months.

What foods increase sperm activity?

To improve fertility and sperm quality, a complete nutritional adjustment is necessary. There are a number of foods that doctors recommend for support reproductive capacity, such as those rich in vitamin A:

  • red pepper;
  • carrot;
  • oats;
  • dried apricots;
  • all kinds of greenery;
  • sweet potato;
  • milk products.

Also foods that contain vitamin C:

  • asparagus;
  • tomatoes;
  • strawberry;
  • ginger;
  • greenery.

Indispensable for sperm will be products containing omega-3 fatty acid, For example:

  • all kinds of nuts;
  • anchovies;
  • salmon and other seafood;
  • chickens.

You also need to include foods that contain zinc in your diet, for example:

  • seafood;
  • liver;
  • lean meat;
  • eggs;
  • oatmeal;
  • grain products;
  • yogurt.

An important condition for the possibility of procreation is folic acid. It can be obtained by using the following products:

  • green vegetables;
  • legumes;
  • avocado;
  • whole grains;
  • apples.

To track the impact proper nutrition on the quality of sperm and the mobility of "tadpoles", it is necessary to pass a spermogram at the beginning of the journey, and after some time.

Drugs that increase sperm activity

To improve fertility and reproductive function male body Your doctor may prescribe special medications. In no case should you take them on your own without the consent of the attending doctor. Typically, such drugs should be a source of vitamins E and C, which improves blood flow in the pelvic organs, and hence fertility.

Zinc-containing products, for example, Speman, will also be useful.. A drug containing antiestrogen - Clostilbegid is considered effective. With a lack of testosterone, the doctor may prescribe the appropriate hormonal preparations- Andriol, as well as Proviron. Gonadotropins - Pregnyl or Pergonal.

For reference! In general, a set of measures to restore normal sperm motility consists of specific therapy drugs, antibiotic therapy if necessary, hormone therapy, physiotherapy, surgery, antioxidant therapy and diet.

If the causes of infertility were various diseases, the doctor first conducts appropriate therapy to eliminate the cause, and then selects auxiliary drugs to restore seed quality. A complex approach is the only way increase in sperm activity.

Diagnostic methods

Not the last role in choosing the optimal solution for increasing fertility is a properly performed complex diagnostics. It is impossible to make a verdict of asthenozoospermia without the following examination methods:

  • spermogram- taking ejaculate to calculate the speed of sperm and the number of active "tadpoles";
  • additional techniques- Ultrasound, x-ray, blood test, CT or MRI, etc.

It is necessary to conduct a spermogram at least twice, between each examination a 2-week break is maintained. This method of studying the seed also allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of the methods of treatment chosen by the doctor.

How to increase sperm motility if the spermogram shows asthenozoospermia? Today you will find out why the morphology of livestock is changing, what affects the quality and their trajectory of movement, how many days a man lives outside the body.

Every couple who wants to conceive a child and they fail for a long time thinks about it. To determine the quality and concentration of spermatozoa, it is necessary to pass a spermogram, and undergo a complete examination of the couple.

Statistics show that in Lately the reason for infertility is precisely the quality of the ejaculate and the mobility of male gametes (asthenozoospermia).

How long do spermatozoa live

Many are interested in the question: “what is the cycle of the livestock?”. The duration depends on where you got - in what environment. Outside the body live up to one week. Let's take a closer look at the lifetime:

  1. Spermatogenesis (origin, development, formation) - 70-75 days;
  2. Duration in the seed - 1-2;
  3. mature male cells exist up to 28;
  4. In the vagina - 2-3 hours;
  5. IN fallopian tube- up to 5 days.

The distance to the egg (womb) of a woman is up to 20 cm, the time of movement of a mature spermatozoon is 0.1 mmsec, their fusion will occur approximately half an hour after ejaculation. Since they live in the uterus for up to 5 days, they can wait there for the moment of ovulation of a woman and meet with the egg.

How does sperm move in the ejaculate?

So that during ovulation, the livestock can fertilize a mature egg, he needs to be quite active and energetic. To determine the indicators of mobility, there is such a procedure approved by WHO as a spermogram. Thanks to it, health problems can be identified.

The norm of the total volume is considered to be up to 5 ml male sperm in order for a woman to become pregnant. But it happens that in this amount there is a scanty number of "good" ones, and attempts to conceive long-awaited baby reduces to zero.

Activity and motor ability determined by the trajectory of their direction, movement and movement. The spermatozoon is normal, moves in a straight line without any hesitation, "tremor" and rotation. For the correct reading of the spermogram, there must be a physician of the highest qualification.

Therefore, the laboratory must be chosen carefully, and if you hear a disappointing diagnosis of asthenozoospermia, change the clinic or take the test again.

What is sperm composed of: chemical composition

The male ejaculate is saturated with important components:

  • Zinc;
  • Potassium;
  • Calcium
  • Vitamin C, B12;
  • Fructose;
  • Lemon acid is necessary for liquefaction;
  • Seminal plasma, prostate secretions, mucus;
  • spermatozoa;
  • Proteins;
  • Fats;
  • Carbohydrates;
  • Hormones (testosterone).

Mobility decoding: table of norm indicators

The laboratory doctor analyzing the ejaculate should pay attention to the degree of their vigor, their morphology and agglutination (clumping).

WHO spermogram norm table

Indicators Description
Abstinence before analysis5 days
Ejaculate volume (V)2-5ml
Color Grey,unpainted
Liquefaction time1 hour
Consistency (ductility)Up to 1cm
Density (P) in 1 ml of ejaculateUp to 150 million
Total QtyUp to 600 million
MobilityI. Cat.A - moving with a rectilinear trajectory (progressive). >50%;
II. Cat B - slow. 15-20%;
III. Cat.C - poor maneuverability, rotate and oscillate. 15-20%;
IV. Cat. D - inactive 10%.
MorphologyThis indicator determines the percentage of spermatozoa ready for fertilization. The norm is 20% of the total.
immature sex cells1-2%
AgglutinationAgglutination (gluing). No glued.
LeukocytesUp to 4 in sight
red blood cellsNo
amyloid bodiesNo
Lecithin grainsNo


Activity (asthenozoospermia) is divided into 3:

  1. Easy degree, mobile cat. A + B up to 50% in the ejaculate. The ability to fertilize the egg is available only after identifying the cause and minor drug treatment the problem will be fixed;
  2. moderate degree(cat. A + B<40%). При этой стадии эякулята мужчине нужна тщательная диагностика для выявления первопричины;
  3. Severe degree(Cat.A+B<30% + С (10%) + Д (10%). Необходимо длительное лечение и восстановление.

Medical terms for sperm evaluation:

  • Normospermia - ejaculate indicators are normal;
  • Normozoospermia - small deviations, egg ovulation is high;
  • Oligospermia - volume less than 2 ml;
  • Oligozoospermia - a weak concentration in 1 ml of ejaculate (<20%);
  • Asthenozoospermia - low mobility;
  • Teratozoospermia - morphology is disturbed, abnormal > 50%;
  • Necrozoospermia - no living (severe form);
  • Leukocytospermia - a high content of leukocytes;
  • Hemospermia - the presence of red blood cells;
  • Azoospermia - no sperm in the ejaculate.

Why morphology changes

The diagnosis of asthenozoospermia is not a sentence and can be treated. What are the causes of pathology?


  1. genetic predisposition;
  2. Negative substances affecting the body, a harmful profession;
  3. Stress, severe psychological shocks, prolonged depression;
  4. Prolonged abstinence from intimacy;
  5. STIs, chronic ailments that were not treated on time;
  6. High temperatures, overheating (baths, saunas);
  7. Infectious and viral;
  8. Endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus, thyroid pathology);
  9. Hormonal disbalance;
  10. Age and male menopause;
  11. Overweight;
  12. Abnormal development of the genital organs and vas deferens;
  13. Injuries;
  14. Improper diet, the presence of addictions;
  15. Unstable intimate life.

As you can see, there are a lot of reasons for the development of pathology, to identify which it will be necessary to find the main cause so that the doctor can decide on the treatment.

How to identify the disease

The pathology of gamete immobility can be established by several laboratory tests.


  1. Spermogram (WHO standards). Accurate analysis of the seed with a complete decoding of mobility, abnormal development, shape and structure;
  2. Mar is a test. Method for detecting autoimmune male infertility;
  3. The Kruger morphology of the sperm is determined, abnormal forms, and this is the focus of this test.

How to increase sperm motility, and what medications are needed to fix the problem, these tests will help the doctor.

Treatment, prevention, alternative medicine

An increase in sperm motility is the main task in the diagnosis of asthenozoospermia. Medicines to improve and increase activity are divided into:


  • "Spermactin". An ideal drug for the treatment of all types of infertility, in preparation for artificial insemination;
  • "Doppelhertz Spermaktiv". If a man wants to know how to increase the amount of sperm, then this drug is perfect as a biological supplement to the main treatment;
  • "Speman". Recommended for oligospermia;
  • "Speroton". To improve the performance of the seed, increases reproductive function, sperm motility increases up to 45%.


  • "Menogon". With infertility and in preparation for IVF;
  • "Actovegin". Based on the blood of calves, it is prescribed when planning a pregnancy, it has no side effects;
  • "Andriol". With a lack of the male hormone testosterone;
  • "Trental". A drug to improve blood circulation.

In some severe cases, surgery is also required. In addition to the therapeutic measures of asthenozoospermia, there is the prevention of infertility and treatment with folk remedies.


  • Refusal of bad habits - alcohol, nicotine addiction;
  • Proper nutrition;
  • Vitamin therapy;
  • moderate exercise;
  • Do not overheat, do not visit saunas and baths during the conception of a child;
  • aromatherapy;
  • Prevent stressful situations during pregnancy planning.

To increase the activity of spermatozoa, there are folk remedies. Treatment of asthenozoospermia at home will help you cope with the disease yourself if stress is the cause. There are many recipes, but the most effective ones are listed below.

Folk ways

№1 Composition: Plantain 1 tbsp, a glass of boiling water, insist, strain, take 4r. x 50 ml. An ideal tool to increase the activity of livestock.

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