Spitz training. How to train a Spitz at home. Video - Professional Spitz training

Raising a Pomeranian is half the battle, it still needs to be brought up and trained in the necessary commands. With the right approach, you will have a real show winner. How to train a Spitz effectively you will learn from today's article.

Having an obedient dog in the house is the desire of any Pomeranian owner. Noisy and cheerful boys and girls require constant attention. Males are especially characterized by a strong temper, the desire to be the first and fight. Puppies bark a lot when they are alone. They often gnaw on shoes, crap and spoil furniture. On a walk, they behave aggressively towards other people and animals, they can bite. Therefore, early training is very important for representatives of this breed.

Regular training helps to establish an emotional connection, improve relationships with a pet. The puppy lives according to the regime and it is easier for him to find out when to eat, go for a walk or sleep. He knows where his hiding place (his own safe place) is.

Video "What you need to know about the Pomeranian"

From this video you will learn what is interesting about the Pomeranian and how to care for a dog.

Rules of upbringing

If you have acquired a Pomeranian, keep in mind that the upbringing of this breed does not tolerate concessions. Almost from birth, puppies show a dominant and unyielding character. They perfectly capture the weaknesses of the owners and can sit on their necks, easily begin to manipulate. From the first day it is necessary to set the right tone of communication, you should adhere to the established regimen of feeding, walking, sleeping.

In order for the upbringing of the Spitz to be successful, it is important to follow the basic simple rules:

  1. You can not show weaknesses of character and be inconsistent. If you have clearly decided that the puppy should not sleep in the master's bed, then do not make concessions.
  2. Educate fidgets patiently and purposefully, do not use harsh punishments, slaps and screams.
  3. You should not go on about the dog if it is overly talkative. All Spitz are distinguished by vociferous and frequent barking, demanding attention. Such attempts should be nipped in the bud.
  4. In no case should you overwork the baby.
  5. It is impossible to demand more than it is necessary by age.

Owners are often interested in the question of how to wean a Spitz from barking. Dogs of this breed bark with anxiety and uncertainty. Violent emotions should not be encouraged, it is better to try to divert attention with a toy. On the street, the command "Sit!" used every time the pet breaks into barking.

When to start training

Pomeranian training is not only fun, but also an indicator of good breeding and discipline. Owners need to know how to raise a pet.

Toilet training begins from the first days the puppy lives at home. The baby is carried in the tray after sleeping and eating.

Until he completely unlearns to crap in the wrong places.

The first stage is the most difficult for the owner, but not for the baby. He is still small, loves to play and learn - if only the owner was nearby. Commands and skills are acquired gradually, training is stretched for more than one month.

The load is distributed in stages as follows:

  • 1-2 months - the baby is introduced to the new house, residents, given time to adapt, accustomed to the nickname;
  • 2–4 months - orders require more concentration, the Pomeranian is taught the commands “Place!”, “Fu!”, “Come!”;
  • 4-6 months - at this age, muscles and bones are strengthened, it's time to start teaching the orders "Near!", "Sit!", "Lie down!".

Required Skills and Skills

In order for the Pomeranian to always please you, you need to teach him to relieve himself in the right place, to know his place, to obey on a walk. The kid must know his nickname and respond. Particular attention is paid to his character, suppressing manifestations of aggressiveness.

At the same time, training is connected to education. All commands are given to the pet in an even and clear voice, it is impossible to scream and break loose. Spitz are very emotional and react to any changes in intonation.

What basic orders should Pomeranians know:

  • "It is forbidden!". The command is given in the case when the pet barks a lot, begs;
  • "Ugh!". One of the main commands indicating danger. Helps prevent dog poisoning. To do this, say "Fu!" and pull the leash;
  • "Place!". The puppy is given a command and with a treat or a toy is taken to the litter;
  • "To me!". The puppy must hurry to the owner;
  • "Beside!". The puppy must go to the right or left, but no further than 30 cm;
  • "Sit!". Sits next to the owner or in the indicated place.

The process of training

Now let's talk about how to teach commands to a Pomeranian.

Training begins with the command "Fu!". As soon as an unwanted object is in the puppy's mouth, the baby is distracted and the order is repeated in a stern voice. In case of disobedience, it is allowed to lightly slap on the croup.

Learning the useful skill "Place!" requires a lot of patience and time. To do this, put treats or a toy on the bedding. If the lively lies down in place, he is praised and allowed to eat a tasty treat. If the fidget fell asleep, where it is not supposed to, the sleeping baby is still transferred to a permanent place.

Commands "Sit!" and "Lie down!" trained with tactile techniques and treats. The dog is shown a treat, pressed on the croup so that it sits on its hind legs, and at the same time is praised. To teach the Pomeranian to lie down on the floor, they press on the withers and give the order.

How to behave as a host

Every loving owner understands that the animal should be trained according to certain rules, which will significantly improve the effectiveness of the lessons:

  1. Exercise regularly with your pet. Better 2-3 times a day for 15 minutes. It is undesirable to allow long breaks in order to avoid the need to work out everything anew.
  2. Repetition is the mother of learning. With a puppy, you should consolidate the practiced skills.
  3. Combine practice with play.
  4. It is better to practice in the morning and evening hours. The puppy should not be sleepy, hungry, too full.
  5. Be sure to praise, give treats, stroke if the pet is doing everything right.

A trained Spitz knows how to behave in society, perfectly adapts to life in an apartment, becomes a devoted friend.

Spitz have a strong character and bright temperament. They are one of the most popular companion dogs. Spitz are very active and mobile, they need a large number of different games.

Spitz dogs are well trained dogs, with due diligence, you can teach them several dozen tricks, not to mention general obedience commands. However, they are quite stubborn and wayward, therefore, in order to achieve perfect obedience from the Spitz, some effort will have to be made. They are suitable for the following training courses:

  • OKD - general training course
  • obedience
  • circus training
  • Agility

Without proper upbringing, they can show themselves far from their best side, they can be overly aggressive even towards members of their family, there are often problems with a place for a toilet and with excessive barking due to every rustle. But even if these behavior problems have already arisen, they can be corrected with proper training.

Spitz puppy training when to start

Pomeranian puppy training is necessary start from day one having a dog in your home. There is an opinion that puppies should be trained no earlier than 6 months, but this opinion is erroneous, although it is quite common. From infancy, you need to instill in your dog the rules of behavior in your home, what is allowed and what is prohibited.

Often, new puppy owners worry that training from the first days will be undue stress on the dog. This is possible only in the case of using outdated strict methods, and with the right approach, training from the first days will be very useful, on the contrary, because it allows you to immediately establish contact with the puppy and build a trusting relationship.

You can also start working on basic obedience commands in a light game form, while focusing on rewards for fulfillment, because the puppy’s psyche is still quite plastic and excessive strictness and exactingness can lead to the fact that the puppy will be intimidated and cowardly. Therefore, it is necessary, first of all, to try to interest the puppy by offering him a toy or treat, and sometimes just praise.

Spitz training in Moscow. Required commands:

Team "To me"- if your dog knows how to execute this command, then you can be sure that he will never get lost, and will not run far in pursuit of another dog, cat or pigeon, but will return to you as soon as necessary.

Team "Stand"- Useful for you to protect the spitz from passing cars or an aggressive dog going to a meeting.

Team "Ugh"- needed to wean the dog to pick up from the ground. In this case, your Pomeranian can no longer be afraid of food poisoning.

Team "Beside"- it is necessary that the dog does not pull the leash and joint walks bring pleasure not only to your pet, but also to you.

Team "Sit"- useful to you when you need to leave him to wait for you, or just while you are busy with other business.

Team "Quiet"- useful if your pet likes to bark at the noise outside the door or at people and dogs passing by.

Team "Place"- it is necessary that your pet does not distract you when doing housework or meeting guests.

A large number of interesting, and most importantly, useful commands will be offered to you by our instructors at the first lesson when compiling a training program for your dog.

Cynologist for Spitz

The most correct solution would be to train the Spitz under the guidance of a professional cynologist.

Spitz training is, first of all, the correct joint interaction with your dog, gaining her trust and respect, and only then explaining commands to her. In this case, your Spitz, knowing perfectly the various commands, will perform them not only when he wants to, but when you need it, in the presence of other dogs and other distractions.

Our experts will teach you how to behave in a given situation in communication with your dog, what to allow, what to prohibit, how to praise and how to express your disapproval in case of undesirable actions on the part of your dog.

Spitz training, its necessity destroys the stereotype that small dogs are not very smart, which is why they are difficult to train. From the "orange" you can raise an obedient and devoted dog, if you follow a systematic approach and take into account the breed characteristics of the character. Read more about the nuances of training Spitz in our article.

Spitz training: basic principles and nuances

- a beautiful, emotional and very cheerful dog, which falls in love at first sight. A charming pet quickly realizes that he has become the object of universal sympathy, and knows how to use it. The habit of misbehaving and showing inappropriate behavior (for example, begging for pieces from the table) can turn into a lot of problems in the future, when an adult dog begins to behave as he pleases. To prevent this from happening, the upbringing of the dog should be dealt with from the first day of its appearance in the house.

It is important to consider that the Pomeranian:

  • prone to dominant behavior, although small in stature;
  • born guards, despite their good looks and cheerful disposition;
  • they lend themselves well to training, as they are smart and try to please their beloved owner in everything.

About the hierarchy in the house: who is in charge?

How effective training will be depends largely on how soon the pet learns to observe subordination. From the moment the dog appears in the house, she must understand that the authority of the owner is an unconditional and constant value. This is not so easy to achieve, as it seems at first glance, because the appearance and behavior of the Pomeranian are conducive to being loved and pampered, and they also looked through the fingers at pranks.

Spitz grasps everything on the fly and can quickly assess the situation. When the dog realizes that he has become the leader among people, he will never give up leadership voluntarily. Only an experienced cynologist can change the behavior of an adult dog who imagines himself a leader. To avoid such a situation, you should educate the Pomeranian systematically and patiently.

Invaluable assistance in this matter can be provided by the breeder from whom the puppy was purchased. People who have devoted themselves to the professional breeding of dogs, as a rule, are well aware of the character traits of the representatives of the breed and do not refuse owners in consulting support.

Important points in raising a Spitz

Each owner makes sure that the pet is well fed and healthy. The health characteristics of each breed should be taken into account when developing a training plan. Frequently encountered ones can be found on our portal. Being aware of the weaknesses of your pet's body will make training more comfortable.


The dog should not create problems in communicating with people and animals, so it is important to teach him good manners. In order for him to get used to the world around him, it is advisable to take the puppy with you as often as possible. "Pomeranians" carry the journey well in a small bag.

Spitz is that breed of dog that you can and should sometimes carry with you and show them the world.

So you can carry them with you everywhere and even ride in public transport. Realizing that he is with the owner, the baby will not worry and behave noisily, bark and whine. Over time, he will stop paying attention to strangers, will not panic from harsh sounds and city noise.

The will to power wakes up in a spitz from an early age, therefore, in games with other puppies, his prowess should be limited

The same applies to communication with the dog team. A kid who has received all age vaccinations should be periodically taken for a general walk so that he has the opportunity to communicate with different dogs, and also get acquainted with the same peanuts as himself. Encouraging him for his courage in games, it is important to stop the attempts of the brave Spitz to bark at large animals.

Sufficient amount of physical activity

So that the dog does not smash the apartment, it must be walked for a long time, giving plenty of run around. In active games, the dog realizes its energy potential, so at home it will be calm and balanced. Energy that has not been found a way out can spill out destructively within the home.

Unconditionality of prohibitions

The task of the owner is to convey to the dog what can and cannot be done. At the same time, it is important not to allow concessions and adhere to the chosen line of behavior. Having allowed the Spitz to do something forbidden once, you should be prepared for the fact that the dog will periodically put forward its demands. The pet perfectly feels the person and knows how to masterfully manipulate.

The ban on misbehavior, which is always relevant, also applies to the dog's attempts to gnaw everything around, for example, the owner's shoes and furniture. Over time, the puppy will be brought up and will not do this, but for now, unauthorized behavior should be stopped. At the same time, it is important to understand that the desire to “scratch your teeth” is due to physiology, so the pet should have toys or bones from the pet store that he could chew on.

If it is decided that the dog does not belong in the owner's bed, it should not be taken there by anyone under any circumstances. A puppy who is in the owner's house for the first time will probably whine at night for the first time. So that the baby does not feel lonely, you can move the couch closer to the master's bed and stroke him. This is usually enough to calm down the Spitz.

litter box training

This is one of the main points of education, which is important both from the standpoint of hygiene and due to the fact that an unvaccinated puppy cannot be walked on the street. The process of getting used to the tray will be long. This must be treated with patience and understanding.

There are several rules and tips that will help make life easier for the owner with a puppy just starting to master the tray:

As a result, the dog will get used to the tray and will use it without a signal piece with a smell.

Features of feeding

Without touching on the question of the diet of the Pomeranian, it is important to pay attention to food intake from the point of view of raising a dog. Feeding should take place strictly on time. The owner is not obliged to necessarily adjust his diet to the meals of the pet, although this is convenient: the Spitz, busy with the contents of his own bowl, will not actively beg for handouts from people.

What if the dog sits in front of the table when the family is having dinner? You can take your pet to another room and close the door. If the Pomeranian gets enough food, he feels fine between feedings, so the habit of "nibbling" is not from hunger. The tendency to pamper a pet with food from the table harms the dog, since not everything is possible and useful for it.

Will the dog be offended if you take him out of the kitchen? He will certainly be offended if he is the head of the family! But a properly educated dog knows that the leader, that is, the person, should not be disturbed during the meal.

Some natural foods that are desirable for Spitz are listed below.

Ways of education and training

To teach your dog simple commands and correct behavior, you can use one of three options:

  • contact a cinematographer. This is the best solution when the owner is very busy, has no experience in dog training, but is able to pay for the work of a specialist. You should know that the learning process will take more than one month, and all this time the dog will not live at home. A significant disadvantage of this method is the inability to visit and see the adored pet at any convenient time. Meetings will be strictly regulated by the schedule;

  • enroll with a Spitz in an obedience school. In the classroom, the dog handler will teach the owner how to properly handle the dog and train it. Among other things, such a school is a great opportunity for a dog to gain experience in communicating with relatives, since classes are held in groups;

    Obedience schools are one of the few opportunities for Spitz to communicate with relatives.

  • train your own Pomeranian. There are many instructional videos and instructions. A good owner is interested in this even before the appearance of the dog in the house, but it is never too late to learn.

An important advantage of home training is that the dog receives all the main behavioral skills from the owner, and the latter does not have to part with his furry friend.

It is worth preparing for the process and stocking up on the necessary equipment in the form of:

  • collar;
  • leashes - long (5 m) and short (3 m);
  • a set of toys to practice the “Give!” command;
  • promotional treats;
  • token for a dog collar, indicating the contact details of the owner. This item is needed in case the dog escapes during street training.

Some owners are switching to a western system for chipping dogs, which allows them to track the pet in case of a runaway.

When everything is ready, you can start.

Video - Professional Spitz training

In order for training to give the desired effect, the following principles must be observed.

Table 1. Spitz training principles

Learning to playThrough the game, it is easier for a puppy to learn to understand and follow commands. Pomeranians are savvy dogs. When classes are fun, they are happy to follow commands.
Compliance with the regimeIt is advisable to exercise with your pet at the same time. It's better if it's in the afternoon
The right placeThe best area for outdoor training will be the area where the minimum number of people, cats and dogs. "Pomeranians" show distrust of strangers and can be aggressive
Personal pet trainingA dog living in a family will never obey everyone equally. There must be a chief, whom he will obey. All the time of the "lesson" the attention of the puppy should be focused only on the "teacher", so it is recommended to conduct classes in the "one on one" format
Prohibition of physical abuse of a petPhysical punishment, as well as emotional torture, will cause the dog to become cowardly and rebellious, and in some cases, angry and uncontrollable. To correct the psyche of such a dog, it will take time and the help of a cynologist, and sometimes a zoopsychologist
Reward for successFor each correct action, the dog should be rewarded. The Pomeranian, like most dogs, is very receptive to treats, praise, and affection. This is important to consider and use in the training process.

Important! It happens that the Spitz's favorite does not cope with training. More often this happens due to mistakes in the process of education, when there is debilitating perseverance or rudeness of a person. If the dog shows fear or flatly refuses to follow commands, you should consider having another family member take care of its training.

When exercising with a pet, it is extremely dangerous to overwork him. You cannot demand from a dog that which is unbearable for him, for example, because of his age. This will lead to the fact that the Pomeranian will become afraid of training and grow up as an inadequate dog.

Table 2. The optimal age of the Spitz for teaching commands

Team training

It’s worth starting with accustoming the dog to a nickname. The dog will learn his name faster if the owner pronounces it every time he addresses him.


Command "Place!" it will be possible to apply only after the spitz has his own place in the apartment

This team is needed so that the pet knows its place in the house (apartment). Each family member has, for example, his own bed. The dog should also have its own corner. It is necessary to select it in advance by arranging a comfortable bed there. When the dog first appears in the house, he must certainly sniff and check everything. After the tour, you should feed the pet, and then take it to the couch:

  • leaving the puppy, you should say in a calm and strict voice: “Place!” - and move away from the dog for a while;
  • after each attempt to run away, the baby should be returned to the litter, repeating the command;
  • if, after some absence of the owner, the dog continues to lie in its place, you should encourage him with a treat. Be sure to stroke and praise with a kind voice. So the dog will understand that the owner is pleased with him;
  • if the dog begins to fit in the wrong place, you should say a command so that the dog returns to his place. If this does not happen, you will have to transfer the Spitz to the litter.

In whatever corner of the apartment the Spitz takes root, the main condition for him is a sense of security.

By the way! When choosing a corner for a dog in an apartment, it is important to make sure that she feels protected there and can not be afraid that someone will disturb her peace.

"To me!"

When the dog is full and in a good mood, the owner says: “Come to me!” - and slightly pulls the puppy towards him by the leash. As soon as the Spitz comes up, you should gently stroke it and praise it, addressing it by name. The team is also worked out on walks so that the pet learns to follow orders as soon as possible. True, once on the street, the dog may forget what he learned at home. This is natural, because there are so many new and interesting things in the yard.” However, the dog must obey.

Frequent repetition of a command can cause the pet to completely stop responding to it.

If a jerk of the leash and the command “Come to me!” Spitz does not react, you should pull harder on the leash. You should not constantly repeat the command - it is enough to say it once clearly and emotionally. Over time, the animal will learn to follow the order from the words, without waiting for other actions of the owner. When the pet becomes obedient, you can unfasten the leash - he must understand that commands should be followed in the “free” state.


This command means that the pet is supposed to walk quietly on a leash next to the owner. After the order "Near!" the person begins to walk and at the same time pulls the leash a little so that the “pomeranian” walks at the left leg. If the dog tries to overtake or even go to the side, the command must be repeated in a firm voice and again pulled on the leash. In this case, the dog should be able to walk calmly, without discomfort and pain, and the owner should be careful not to inadvertently step on her paw.

By inaccurately stepping on a pet’s paw, you risk repelling any interest in classes from him.

For the correct execution of the command, the "pomeranian" must certainly be encouraged. First, you need to treat every few steps, then after a few meters. The dog should receive the bonus less and less as he gets used to the command. Over time, it is worth complicating the situation, namely, walking at different speeds, making turns. While walking, praise the dog, confirming that it is doing everything correctly.

Important! It is recommended to complete the lesson at the moment when the dog is at the peak of activity. If you do this a little later, when he is tired, the enthusiasm will go away, and the animal will associate training with hard work, not play. This is wrong, because walking next to the owner should bring pleasure.


This is one of the main commands that will help develop discipline skills, and will also become the starting point before carrying out other orders of the owner. To teach the dog how to do it correctly, it is placed to the side of itself on a short leash. The owner pronounces the pet's nickname and after a short pause commands: "Sit!". At the same time, he touches the sacrum of the animal with his palm, prompting him to sit down. The leash at this time is pulled back and up a little. When the dog sits, it needs to be praised and encouraged.

Command "Sit!" forms the endurance of the animal in the first place

When teaching a pet to sit on command, it is important to remember that it is only allowed to change the position with the permission of the owner. Such a release sign can be a light slap on the side or the voice command “Walk!”. This is an important point that contributes to the formation of the correct exposure in the pet.

The time spent by the puppy in a sitting position should be gradually increased. First, you will have to slow down the pet with your hands, later he will learn to sit still, without needing a safety net from a person.

The exposure time can be increased to 10 - 15 minutes. Leaving the dog sitting, it is necessary to periodically move away from it for a short distance. By the end of the training process, the dog must remain in a pose, even if the owner at that time is 30-50 meters away from him. The dog should sit and wait without showing anxiety or impatience. This behavior is achieved through the gradual complication of classes.

When going for a walk with your pet or upon returning from the street, you can put him at the door, where he will wait until the owner puts on (takes off) his coat.

Command "Sit!" before feeding, it will save the dog from delusions about its own greatness in the family hierarchy. While food is being prepared for the Pomeranian, he is given the command to wait aside. When everything is ready, a bowl of food is placed in front of the dog and they are not allowed to start eating without permission.

By the way! The exposure time should be reasonable, especially when the pet is quite a puppy. It will be difficult for a three-month-old baby to endure even 5 minutes. For more information on training this team, read on our portal.

The prohibition or permission of the owner to eat is a signal of the leader of the pack, that is, the dominant individual. This technique is also used to correct the behavior of animals striving for leadership in the house.


This command means a ban on an action, such as trying to pick up and eat something on the street. You can train not only on walks, but also at home: put a treat, and when the dog stretches its nose, slightly pull the leash towards you and say “Fu!”.

Team Fu! is the most overwhelming of all, so it is not necessary to work it out in the first place

You should not raise your voice, and also punish your pet if he suddenly did not obey the first time. You should pull the dog by the leash and repeat the lesson again after a while. Order "Fu!" it is also used when it is required to stop empty barking, attempts to jump onto the bed or steal food from the table.


The understanding and execution of this command is easy to teach the Pomeranian during ball games. When the dog brings a toy in his teeth, you should encourage him with a treat and say: “Give!” - and gently release the ball from the dog's mouth. Did the pet give away the toy voluntarily? So he deserves some praise.

The pet can resist for a long time before giving up the coveted item

What to do if the spitz shows disobedience?

At the beginning of the educational process, this will often be the case. Without reacting to the words of the owner, the emotional dog can continue, for example, barking at passing dogs, showing aggression and stubbornness. In an attempt to soothe the puppy, the sensitive owner strokes and picks him up. In dog language, this means: “You are doing everything right, friend!”.

There is a big difference between encouraging and giving in. In training, it is important not to confuse these concepts.

Feeling the support of a person, the dog will try even harder - bark to the point of hoarseness, rush at the object that has become a reason for aggression. After that, it will be difficult to explain to the pet that he is wrong. In order not to nullify all the successes of the Spitz achieved in the process of education, incorrect behavior is stopped by the command “Fu!” with a slight jerk of the leash. Each dog has its own character and temperament.

The bad behavior of the Pomeranian can have its own reasons. To know them, it is important to establish contact with your pet.

It should be understood that a pet, like a person, has a bad mood, poor health. It can also be the cause of bad behavior. Attentive and friendly attitude to the pet is the main condition for raising a healthy, obedient and happy dog.


The Spitz is a smart and loyal dog that adores its owner and will do anything for his praise. Teaching him commands is easy. If the training will take place in a positive way and in a good mood, success is guaranteed.

Differs in ingenuity, high speed of adaptation. The training of the Pomeranian, started after his appearance in the apartment, will help to avoid many problems in the future. However, it would be a mistake to assume that the puppy will learn the necessary commands, the rules of behavior on its own.

The basic postulate of the initial upbringing of a puppy sounds like this: a Spitz can do something that will not threaten him with punishment even at a more respectable age.

Raising a Spitz is not only learning and following commands, but also praise for good behavior, and inevitable punishment for misconduct.

The puppy is very smart, the use of physical force against him is not at all necessary, it is quite confident to make it clear what is allowed and what is fraught with consequences.

Dogs of this breed subtly feel the owner, so in no case should they be given concessions.

The main milestones of training The young Spitz is unlikely to cause any serious problems, he is always happy to help the owner and is obedient in training. By six months, with the proper approach, the puppy will already learn the basic commands.

Importance of the issue

Raising a Pomeranian should not burden either the dog or the owner. To do this, it is worthwhile to arrange classes with a puppy in a playful style, so the owner will act as a friend.

In the future, the connection between a dog and a person that was born during training will become stronger.

It is important that classes with the dog are regular, intervals are highly undesirable. The puppy can forget the already learned command, and then you have to learn it again.

When moving to a new stage of learning, it is necessary to repeat the skills already learned, thus consolidating them. You should not expect that already in the first days the puppy will remember all the commands and begin to execute them correctly.

This is not only detrimental to the speed of learning, but can also turn the puppy into a coward. Any action correctly performed by the dog should be noted with a treat, praise. Thanks to the even, adequate behavior of the trainer, the Pomeranian learns commands faster.

There are three main stages of puppy training:

  1. Get the dog to do the right thing;
  2. A signifying gesture is required for a command;
  3. For a correctly executed command, the puppy will be rewarded.

Cohabitation Rules

For the successful upbringing of the Pomeranian, it is necessary to teach him to respond to the nickname. All further commands begin with the name of the dog.

Before you bring a puppy to an apartment, you should think in advance about his place of residence. The "place" command serves more to educate the puppy.

A puppy that has just appeared in your house should first of all be fed.

Then you should take it to the prepared rookery. After saying the command "place" leave the pet. The young Spitz should spend some time on his couch. This will not happen right away, so you will have to return the fugitive back, while the word “place” should sound.

Important for a puppy is the ability to visit the toilet on time and correctly. This skill plays a special role for all the inhabitants of the apartment.

Train to the tray

It is not easy to accustom a pet to a tray, but it is quite possible. To do this, be patient, otherwise shattered nerves in you and your pet are inevitable. Before the Pomeranian learns to walk in the tray, it may take several months.

Remember, in order to train a four-legged pet, you will have to incur some costs and inconvenience to the toilet. You will need several low trays and hygienic diapers.

It will be necessary to roll up carpets and rugs in the apartment. Spitz once marked on the carpet, in the future it will be perceived as a toilet, because. It's almost impossible to get the smell out.


It is easier to initially accustom a pet to a diaper, for this you need to cover his favorite places with them.

After a week, where the puppy's toilet will be organized, put a tray filled with sanitary napkins, a few more should be in the puppy's favorite places.

This must be done so that their appearance does not cause rejection in the puppy. Do not get angry yourself, and do not hit the pet if he starts playing with them, or falls asleep in a diaper. Spitz may come to the conclusion that this place is forbidden for him.

It is even allowed to put a piece of cloth soaked with spitz in the tray, but not more than for two days. At the same time, you need to reduce the area covered with diapers, leaving them only in the pet's favorite places. The floor is thoroughly washed with a solution of water and ammonia.

After seven days, several trays should be removed, and those that remain should be moved to a previously determined place. It is necessary to help the Spitz get used to the toilet: after he sleeps, eats, you need to accompany the Spitz to the tray.

If everything goes well, then the puppy should be praised and treated to some yummy. There is a possibility that a place completely unsuitable for such purposes will be chosen as a toilet.

Do not give up, the puppy must be taken to the tray, in the end he will understand what is required of him.

Carefully observe the behavior of the Pomeranian, if he starts to show anxiety and sniffing, take him to the toilet, expressing your displeasure in a disapproving tone. If you find "traces of a crime" after some time, you do not need to punish the puppy for this, he simply will not understand the reasons for your anger.

The Spitz will not be able to refuse the administration of natural needs, but will try to resolve the issue. This is fraught with the development of coprophagia, a disease in which the pet eats its excrement to avoid punishment.

Patience is just patience

When accustoming a puppy to the toilet, you should not swear, scream, and even more so, you should not resort to force, even missed the tray.

If you resort to physical force, the baby's psyche may be traumatized. Fear of punishment will force the puppy to relieve himself, not where you want to teach him, but where it becomes invisible.

  • These are the basic rules for raising a small Pomeranian at home. After the puppy grows up, receives all the necessary vaccinations, it will be possible to take him out for a walk.

Before going for a walk, the dog should eat and sleep, but even in this case, incidents are possible. Spitz up to four months of age cannot endure physiologically

The Pomeranian is a unique dog that, with its very appearance, is able to win the owner's heart. This fluffy ball is very playful and frisky, he gets along well with children and other pets. Spitz has his own character, he often shows guests that he is the head of the house. This characteristic dominant can cause a lot of trouble for residents - the dog constantly barks. But if the Spitz is brought up correctly, it is very easy to teach him good manners.

Caring for a Pomeranian is, first of all, daily combing of his coat. If this is not done, tangles may form on the inside of the thighs, on the paws and near the ears. From an early age, you need to accustom the puppy to this procedure, he must behave calmly. Once every 2-3 months, the dog needs to be bathed, but not more than once a month. It is better to dry the Spitz with a hair dryer, otherwise the dry undercoat can cause fungus and spores.

How to raise a spitz

From the moment you adopt a Pomeranian, you are not only responsible for his full stomach and well-being. Any owner should socialize his dog, teach him good manners. As soon as the Pomeranian has got into a new home, he must understand what can be done and what cannot be done. There should be no concessions here. If, for example, you decide that the dog does not belong in the master's bed, you should not take him there in any case. You can’t take pity on a dog today and take it to bed with you, and tomorrow say: “No.” The ban on this or that action should not depend on external factors - the mood of the owner, the season or the condition of the pet.

In the upbringing of the Spitz, there should be no indulgences or breaks. Having made an exception once, the Pomeranian will begin to put forward his demands the next time. Spitz feels his master and his weaknesses, he plays them very subtly. Show the dog that you are the boss in this house, and it will be as you said.

Spitz barks a lot, especially if he understands that a lot can be achieved by barking. This should be nipped in the bud. In order for the dog to be calm and balanced, it needs to be walked often and for a long time. On the street, actively playing with the owner, she throws out all her energy and the dog does not have to entertain herself by chewing on sofas and shoes.

Regardless of whether you want to raise a handsome show dog or a simple pet, a dog needs to be educated. This can be done in three ways. If you don't understand anything about dog training, but want to get an animal trained in the right manners, you can give the dog for a while to an experienced dog handler. He keeps the dog with him for several months. The disadvantage of this practice is that you will not be able to see your pet or will meet with him during the hours strictly allotted by the dog handler.

If this state of affairs does not suit you, you can go to obedience school. In this case, the owner, along with his pet, attends cynologist lessons. Classes are usually in groups, so it's a great experience to interact with other dogs. In such a school they teach not only the dog, but also the owner - how to properly behave with the dog at one time or another.

If these two methods of training do not suit you, do not despair - you can train the dog yourself. However, this will require shoveling a lot of literature. Remember, if a dog doesn't behave the way you expect it to, it's not the dog's fault, it's you. But what is the first thing to teach a Pomeranian?

Basic commands

This is a basic set of commands that every self-respecting dog of any breed should know. If you have a Pomeranian puppy in your home, teach him these basic skills.

"Ugh". This is one of the first commands that a dog must learn. But do not confuse it with the “No” command. “No” is a simple cessation of action, for example, you can’t bark at dogs passing by, climb on the bed, ask for food from the table. The “Fu” command should scare your pet, he should immediately throw what is in his mouth. This is very important, so you can protect your pet from poisoning. For example, you are walking with a dog, and he smelled something. You say: “Fu”, after which you pull the leash quite hard. Precisely in this sequence, so that the next time the dog itself stops the action after your command. This command should mean danger.

"To me". Teaching your dog this command is not difficult. On a walk, tell your dog, "Come," and gently pull the leash towards you. At this time, the dog should not be passionate about something. When he comes to you, he should be treated and praised for the correctly executed command. This is a very important and necessary command, it can save your pet from danger.

"Beside". It is very important to teach a Pomeranian to walk alongside his owner. To do this, give the command and pull the leash so that the dog is next to you. After that, start walking and gently pull the leash so that the dog walks near the owner's left leg. If the dog wants to overtake you or move to the side, the command should be firmly repeated and pull on the leash again. If the dog walks next to you, be sure to praise him and treat him with a treat. It is very important not to make sudden and violent movements, you should not cause pain or discomfort to the dog. In addition, the leash should not be taut, let the dog move freely. It should only be corrected when changing direction. This command is very relevant in the appearance of a dog in crowded places.

"Place". It takes patience and perseverance to teach your dog this command. Say to the dog: "Place", then take it to the bed, praise and treat it with a treat. The Spitz must associate his place with a reliable and protected rear. This command will be needed when there are guests in the house.

"Sit". This is the basic command that the dog needs to practice discipline, and also as a strong point before performing other commands. To teach the Spitz to follow this command, you need to position the dog to your side on a short leash. After that, the name of the dog is pronounced and after a short pause the command “Sit”. In this case, you should slightly press on the sacrum of the dog, and pull the leash slightly back and up. Thus, the Spitz will sit down involuntarily, for which he must be praised and encouraged.

Features of training Pomeranian

Among the advantages of this breed of dog, one can note a cheerful, good-natured character, a beautiful appearance and an excellent ability to inform the owner about extraneous sounds and people. If we talk about the shortcomings of this breed, then Spitz are distinguished by high aggressiveness towards other dogs, as well as long and frequent barking. Many hosts can be annoyed by this. Therefore, one of the main features in the training of Spitz is the knowledge of the “Quiet” command. It is usually practiced in tandem with the Voice team.

Proper parenting is when you don't separate play, training, and normal socializing. Everything should be on the wave of positive and good mood. Spitz loves his master very much and tries to please him in everything. That is why it is not difficult to train a Spitz - you will quickly achieve what you want.

Video: Spitz care

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