Spermatozoa are inactive: causes and methods of treatment. Inactive or immobile spermatozoa: how to treat

Couples planning to replenish, but who have not been able to conceive for more than a year, are recommended to be screened. Moreover, the problem may lie not only in malfunctions of the female reproductive system, but is also associated with the same percentage of probability. Not the last role in this is played by insufficient sperm motility.

Assessment of sperm motility

Only the strongest germ cells of a man, capable of overcoming many obstacles and reaching the fallopian tube, can fertilize a female egg. To determine their activity, special tests for sperm motility, carried out during the laboratory microscopic examination of the male ejaculate, help. Such an analysis is called a spermogram and includes the establishment of several indicators to assess the possibility of identifying some diseases of the reproductive system.

Sperm motility is assessed by the speed and direction of their movement. This term refers to the ability of spermatozoa to make translational rectilinear movements at a speed not lower than normal. If the cells perform oscillatory, circular or other types of movement, or move at a low speed, they speak of weak mobility. Microscopic examination of semen should be carried out by one laboratory assistant with sufficient experience in this field.

Sperm motility is normal

When analyzing sperm motility, the degree of their mobility is set as a percentage, taking into account all the sperm on a glass slide. According to the indicator under consideration, male germ cells are classified into four groups:

  • A - fast and straight moving (speed more than 50 microns / s);
  • B - slowly but straight moving;
  • C - making a non-translational movement or moving very slowly;
  • D - motionless.

Normally, the cells belonging to the first group should be more than 25%, and the sum of the first and second - at least 50%. Absolutely immobile spermatozoa should be less than half of the total, and cells with no rectilinear movement - no more than 2%. In addition to the fact that the number of correctly moving cells is taken into account, the duration of the preservation of their mobility is determined. To do this, the sample is kept for two hours in a thermostat and re-visual calculation is carried out. During this time, the deterioration of mobility indicators in the norm is no more than 20%.

Low sperm motility

If the analysis shows a decrease in sperm motility, this condition is called asthenozoospermia and is divided into three degrees:

  1. Light- the speed of movement of cells of categories A and B, which is permissible for conception, determined an hour after ejaculation, is observed in 50% of sperm.
  2. Moderate- More than 70% of category D cells are observed one hour after sample collection for analysis.
  3. heavy- the ejaculate contains more than 80% of immobile and atypical spermatozoa.

Based on the data obtained, treatment tactics are determined. The reasons for poor sperm motility are different - from diseases of the reproductive system to radiation effects on the male accessory sex glands. In some cases, the causative factor cannot be established, and asthenozoospermia is considered idiopathic (approximately 30% of patients).

What affects sperm motility?

When looking for the causes of asthenozoospermia and the ability to influence the increase in sperm motility, a number of main provoking factors are considered:

  1. Problems with the endocrine system - often the culprit is a reduced level of the hormone testosterone due to age-related changes, injuries, neoplasms, etc. In addition, other hormones secreted by the thyroid and pituitary glands can affect the quality of the ejaculate.
  2. Arterial hypertension - with this pathology, there is a violation of the normal blood supply to the genital organs.
  3. Varicocele is an enlargement of the veins of the spermatic cord, causing an increase in temperature in the scrotum.
  4. Thermal effects on the testicular area, including those associated with wearing warm underwear, professional working conditions, etc.
  5. Insufficient amount of vitamins and microelements in the body, leading to a failure in the synthesis of protein structures of germ cells.
  6. Delayed ejaculation associated with sexual problems, bad habits, etc.
  7. Urogenital infections.
  8. Genetic disorders in the development of the genital organs, in the structure of the flagellar apparatus of spermatozoa.
  9. Unfavorable working conditions (effect of electromagnetic radiation, radiation, heat, chemicals, etc.).

How to increase sperm motility?

Only after conducting all the examinations and obtaining a complete picture of the existing problems, it is possible to determine how to increase sperm motility in each case. The scale of medical intervention can be different - from lifestyle changes to long-term pharmacological treatment and surgical interventions. In the absence of serious pathologies, you often just need to go in for sports, introduce the necessary substances into the diet and protect yourself from stress.

Medication for sperm motility

Complex therapy for this problem may include pills to increase sperm motility, belonging to the following groups:

  • testosterone preparations (Proviron, Androxon, Testoral);
  • gonadotropins (Profazi, Pregnil);
  • means for improving regional blood flow (Trental, Actovegin).

In addition, men seeking to have a child may be recommended drugs to increase sperm motility related to dietary supplements:

  • Speman;
  • spermaktin;
  • Verona;
  • Viardot;
  • Tentex forte, etc.

Vitamins for sperm motility

When wondering how to improve sperm motility, you should definitely take care of the sufficient intake of such vitamins, trace elements, vitamin substances into the body:

  • vitamins A, E, B, D, C;
  • zinc;
  • selenium;
  • levocarnitine.

Nutrition to increase sperm activity

Recently, men have increasingly been diagnosed with asthenozoospermia. This is such a pathology in which the seminal fluid contains an excessively low level of motile sperm or they are completely absent. As a result, the partner of such a man has practically no chance of getting pregnant.

Previously, the blame for the inability to get pregnant lay mainly on the female half, but observations and studies of recent years show that men are gradually pushing the weaker sex aside, increasingly suffering from fertility disorders, up to infertility. This phenomenon is explained by the deterioration of the quantitative and qualitative composition of sperm, which is often caused by sexually transmitted diseases.

What is the disease and its degrees

Normally, there are about 20 million sperm per 1 ml of semen, and more than half of them should have normal motor activity. Asthenozoospermia is characterized by a condition of the ejaculate, which is characterized by a decrease in sperm motility, and the content of active spermatozoa also falls. Such a violation today is considered quite common among men of childbearing age.

Attention! With any degree of severity of asthenozoospermia, conception is possible, but the more sedentary sperm, the less likely it is to become pregnant.

Experts divide pathology into several degrees:

  • Grade I - a mild form of deviation, in which the total percentage of motile spermatozoa is about half of the total;
  • Grade II - moderate asthenozoospermia, characterized by 30-40% of active sperm;
  • Grade III is a pronounced pathology, which is characterized by less than a third of motile sperm of their total number.

Such a pathology causes male infertility in more than a third of cases, so it requires the identification of provoking factors and mandatory treatment.

Why spermatozoa become inactive

Sperm immobility can occur due to many factors:

Often asthenozoospermia is the result of a whole complex of factors, and not any one reason. Sometimes such a pathology develops after high-temperature exposure to the body, electromagnetic or radiation exposure. Often, inflammatory processes or infections in the organs of the reproductive system, such as prostatitis, orchitis, epididymitis, etc., become the cause of sperm immobility. After such diseases are cured, the quality and mobility of sperm will return to normal.

Often asthenozoospermia is preceded by:

  • Frequent depression or stress;
  • Various injuries of the testicles;
  • Overheating or hypothermia;
  • Pathological changes in the structure or activity of the prostate gland, its inflammation;
  • Congenital mutations of a genetic nature;
  • Prolonged sexual abstinence;
  • Incorrect intake of certain medicines.

Pregnancy with asthenozoospermia

The probability of fertilization with such a disease largely depends on the degree of development of the pathology. If at least a small amount of full-fledged, mature, active and mobile "gum" is present in the composition of the seminal fluid, then there are chances for fertilization of the egg, although they are small.

Important! Problems with the motor activity of spermatozoa often arise as a result of an unhealthy lifestyle: alcohol abuse, nicotine addiction, drug use, etc.

The possibility of getting pregnant increases with a decrease in the number of too slow sperm, which characterizes asthenozoospermia. In general, sperm immobility does not apply to irreversible and incorrigible ailments that can prevent a man from becoming a father and putting an end to married life. After all, this disease does not guarantee 100% infertility, it only reduces the likelihood of fertilization.

A mild form of pathology is easily eliminated by taking spermatogenesis stimulants in combination with vitamin preparations. If the severity of sperm immobility is higher, then it is eliminated with the help of complex therapy.

Diagnostic methods

The method of treatment is largely determined by the reasons that provoked asthenozoospermia. It happens that at a mild stage, it is enough to change your lifestyle a little, to exclude alcohol, to give up cigarettes. Cases are known where sperm motility has increased as a result of changes in working conditions, i.e. patients have changed "harmful" activities associated with chemicals or heavy metals to safer industries. Of course, such actions are not always enough to eliminate the pathology. More often, a man still needs the intervention of an andrologist.

Attention! Therapeutic measures will be successful only if the etiological factors that provoked asthenozoospermia are reliably identified.

Since sperm immobility is practically not manifested by any symptoms, it is possible to detect and finally confirm it during a spermogram. Also, the andrologist may recommend additional diagnostic procedures such as the study of prostatic juice, genetic analysis, the study of the patency of the seminal ducts, tests to detect inflammatory and infectious processes. Such diagnostic procedures help in confirming the diagnosis and allow you to identify the root cause of immobility.

In cases where asthenozoospermia has a genetic origin and is caused by morphological mutations and defects in sperm, any treatment tactic is powerless. A man can only become a father with the help of artificial insemination of his wife. The remaining cases are quite amenable to elimination.

Treatment tactics

First, the patient is advised to adjust his lifestyle: eliminate addictions, move more. Often such changes help eliminate the problem, but if this is not enough, then the andrologist prescribes any drug from the group of spermatogenesis stimulants, as well as additional medications and procedures. Complex therapy is selected individually, since the causes of the disease are different.

Attention! If the cause of sperm immobility is a varicocele, surgery may be needed.

Often, treatment tactics for concomitant STIs involve antibiotic therapy, vitamin therapy, taking immunomodulating agents, etc. Often, a set of treatment measures, in addition to taking vitamins and hormonal drugs, includes physiotherapy and massage procedures for the prostate gland. In addition, there are products that have a beneficial effect on sperm activity. Therefore, to reduce the severity of the pathology, and sometimes completely eliminate it, the observance of certain principles of nutrition will help.

It is recommended to ensure a daily intake of selenium and zinc, L-carotene and vitamin E. Selenium is rich in brewer's yeast and eggs, a lot of zinc is present in nuts and seeds, seafood, liver and red meat. Only plants are rich in vitamin E, since this powerful antioxidant is not synthesized in animal organisms. The largest amount of the vitamin is present in seeds and nuts, vegetable oil.

In general, the disease is quite curable, the main thing is to accurately identify its causes.

Have you been living with a girl for more than two years without protection, but still no pregnancy? Has your partner gone through a lot of examinations and claims to be healthy? So the man needs to be tested. Having passed the spermogram, a person can immediately find out what the problem is. If the cause of infertility is low sperm motility, a man who wants to become a father will have to completely change his lifestyle, take special drugs and vitamins for a long time.

Why does sperm motility decrease?

A pathology in which sperm activity decreases is called stenozoospermia by experts. It is not isolated into a separate disease, it can be combined with teratozoospermia - the production of an excessive amount of atypical sperm. Lead to deterioration in sperm quality:

  • Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Injuries, bruises of the genital organs, surgical operations on the pelvic organs.
  • Congenital pathologies of the prostate, testes, vas deferens.
  • Genetic mutations in sperm.
  • Varicocele, stagnation of venous blood in the pelvic organs.
  • Violation of the temperature regime - hypothermia or severe overheating of the testicles.
  • Atherosclerosis of the vessels of the genitourinary system.

Sedentary work of a man has a negative effect on sperm motility. Also, the activity of spermatozoa in a person working in the chemical industry, in the oil refining industry, under radiation or radiation exposure is reduced.

A smoking man has a lower number of motile sperm than a man who has never taken cigarettes in his mouth. If a man abuses alcohol, his blood vessels are destroyed, the brain ages prematurely and the parts of the nervous system responsible for laying the genetic material die off.

A natural decline in sperm motility occurs with age. More precisely, a man over the age of 50 will naturally have only 25-30% of active livestock.

When a laboratory assistant conducts a sperm motility test, he counts the number of sperm that move actively in a straight line, takes into account those live ones that do not move at all or make a “run in place”. It is normal to have more than half of the motile sperm moving straight ahead. If there are less than 29% of such spermatozoa in the ejaculate, the man is shown treatment that will improve the quality of sperm.

Medical increase in sperm activity

Of course, if the reason for the decrease in sperm activity is in a certain disease, you need to start with its elimination. With infections of the genital organs, the urologist prescribes to the patient the intake of antibacterial drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs.

If a man has diabetes, he needs to regulate the level of sugar in the blood, achieving a constant normal balance, otherwise the blood vessels crumbling due to sugar will not allow sperm to move normally.

But there are situations when a man is, in principle, absolutely healthy, and his sperm are inactive. In such cases, a special treatment for sperm motility is prescribed, which includes diet and medication.


Preparations for the normalization of spermatogenesis are prescribed in a complex manner. To improve blood circulation, vasotropic drugs, blood-thinning drugs, drugs to strengthen blood vessels are indicated. These include:

  • Trental. Stabilizes venous outflow, reduces capillary fragility, improves metabolism in the vascular wall.
  • Actovegin. A natural medicine based on the blood of calves. Improves blood composition, relieves thrombosis, normalizes cholesterol.

Long-term use of these drugs helps to improve the functioning of the prostate, increase the performance of the seminal vesicles.

To stimulate the production of zinc and improve the quality of sperm, men are prescribed:

  • Speroton.
  • SpermoPlant.
  • Tribestan.
  • Zincteral.

These medicines are taken to improve sperm motility. Basically, each drug consists of an optimal set of natural ingredients: an extract of argyrea roots, orchis, tribulation, velvet bean seeds, leptademia stems and others. In combination, they have a stimulating effect on the prostate gland, improving the production of a secret that helps sperm move normally.

In addition, with the help of these drugs, cellular metabolism is normalized, the permeability of the cell membrane improves, and immunity increases. For example, Tribestan is used to treat immunological infertility, normalize erection and eliminate asthenozoospermia.

How to Increase Sperm Motility Naturally

hormone therapy

Hormonal imbalance, increased production of female hormones, lack of testosterone also lead to a decrease in the mobility of livestock. In this case, a sexologist may recommend taking drugs for sperm motility that stimulate testosterone production:

  • . Helps restore testosterone production even in the presence of anatomical deficiencies that led to loss of fertility.
  • Proviron. Stimulates the production of male hormones, increases the functionality of the gonads, normalizes potency.

With a low level of gonadotropic hormones, the regulation of gonadal activity worsens, the production of secrets and nutrients necessary for sperm maturation is disrupted. Such problems are noted in men with a cystic formation on the pituitary gland or underdevelopment of this gland, as well as in patients who have had a head injury. Deficiency of chorionic gonadotropin leads to the fact that although sperm are produced, they have poor mobility or a violation of the trajectory of movement.

To normalize the hormonal background, the following gonadotropins are prescribed:

  • Menogol.
  • Pregnyl.
  • Profazi.

Before increasing sperm motility, you need to make sure that stimulating therapy for androgen deficiency is required. To do this, a man needs to donate blood for hormones and determine which elements are not enough for normal spermatogenesis.


Every man with asthenozoospermia is prescribed vitamin E. It has a beneficial effect on the sex glands, stimulating the production of healthy active sperm. Vitamin E normalizes regeneration processes, helps to improve reproductive function.

  1. Zinc in its pure form is essential for the production of testosterone. In addition, without zinc, germ cells will not be able to ripen. With the help of this substance, it is possible to achieve an increase in the volume of seminal fluid and improve its composition.
  2. With a decrease in the activity of livestock, a man must definitely take vitamin C. It stabilizes the processes of thickening / liquefaction of sperm, which are necessary for the normal permeability of spermatozoa through the vaginal mucosa.
  3. To normalize the production of germ cells, men are shown folic acid. Not only does sperm production decrease without this vitamin, but the risk of developing genetic material with mutations and genetic abnormalities increases.

With a lack of selenium, testosterone production decreases. In this case, the man's fertility worsens. It is necessary to drink selenium for those who want not only to increase the number of active sperm, but also to avoid the appearance of underdeveloped, atypical gums.

Vitamins for sperm motility can be taken individually or in special complexes. Men with asthenozoospermia are prescribed:

  • Gerimaks with ginseng.
  • Magne B6 + Selenium + Zinc.
  • Verona.

If a man wants, he can not only drink vitamins, but also completely change his diet, adhering to a vitamin diet that helps to increase the mobility of livestock.

Of course, it is possible to improve the quality of seminal fluid by using herbs to improve sperm motility. But we must remember that alternative treatment only complements the traditional one. Most popular recipes:

Before you increase sperm motility with products containing bee products, you need to find out if a man is allergic to honey.


Weak potency, a flaccid penis, the absence of a long-term erection is not a sentence for a man's sexual life, but a signal that the body needs help and male strength is weakening. There are a large number of drugs that help a man get a stable erection for sex, but they all have their drawbacks and contraindications, especially if the man is already 30-40 years old. Capsules not only help to get an erection HERE AND NOW, but act as a prevention and accumulation of male power, allowing a man to remain sexually active for many years!

How to increase the activity of livestock with nutrition

It is believed that it is better to get vitamins from food, and not from synthetic drugs. To replenish vitamin C and restore normal spermatogenesis, a man can eat:

Peas normalize the pH of seminal fluid, which helps to increase sperm motility. Asparagus, beans, and other legumes have the same effect.

Men need to constantly eat natural dairy products. It is not in vain that they offer to feed the husband with sour cream in order to achieve the appearance of offspring. Dairy products and meat contain L-carnitine. According to recent studies, this vitamin helps increase sperm activity by 4 times.

To improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs, you need to eat food rich in omega-3 acids. These are shrimps, mussels, oysters, crabs, seaweed and other seafood, nuts and seeds.

If low sperm motility is caused by a lack of zinc, a man needs to add the following foods to his diet:

  • Spinach.
  • Eggs.
  • Oatmeal.
  • Red meat (especially beef and turkey).
  • Sprouted wheat, rye.
  • Liver.
  • Corn.

To compensate for the lack of folic acid, a man needs to eat cabbage, green apples, cucumbers, avocados, greens. You can build your diet so that each dish will include onions, onions or greens.

Lifestyle change

It is clear to every person that if a man smokes, moves a little, still visits a hot bath or bathes in a hot bath, he may never restore sperm motility, which corresponds to the norm. If a couple is seriously concerned about the appearance of offspring, a man will have to completely reconsider his lifestyle. To improve reproductive function, it is necessary to play sports:

In order not to expose the scrotum to temperature tests, it is necessary to wear underpants made of natural fabrics, to abandon tight synthetic underwear. In winter, wear tights under trousers.

  • Increased irritability;
  • Lack of desire;
  • flaccid erection;
  • sexual dysfunction.

The only way is surgery? Wait, and don't act radically. It is POSSIBLE to increase the potency! and find out how experts recommend treating...

The study of male sperm is an integral part of the general examination of a man if there are suspicions of a decrease in his ability to fertilize. In this case, the physical, chemical and morphophysiological criteria of the ejaculate are determined, after which the andrologist makes a preliminary diagnosis.

One of the diagnoses that men face is the concept of “sedentary spermatozoa”. In order to understand the meaning of this term and what to do if such a condition is detected, it is necessary to delve a little into the anatomy and physiology of the male genital organs.

A brief excursion into anatomy

The male reproductive system is represented by the following organs:

  • a pair of testicles with appendages;
  • vas deferens;
  • seminal vesicles;
  • cooper glands;
  • penis;
  • scrotum.

The prostate gland is directly involved in the functioning of the male genital area.

In the seminiferous tubules of the testicles, male germ cells are produced - spermatozoa, and the main male hormone - testosterone. Spermatozoa develop from progenitor cells that are located on the epithelial layer of the seminiferous tubules. Their development has an undulating course. Mature germ cells through the connecting tubes enter the epididymis, where a sufficient portion of spermatozoa accumulates.

Further, the spermatozoa move along the self-efferent ducts (this process takes from five to ten days, on average one week) and enter the prostatic part of the urethral canal. In order for the process of sperm formation to proceed normally, the testicles in men are lowered into the scrotum, where the temperature is lower than body temperature. In this way, nature protects the testicles from infections, since at low temperatures, pathogenic microorganisms multiply much worse than at body temperature.

In the seminal vesicles, fructose is synthesized, which subsequently plays the role of a nutrient substrate for spermatozoa. In addition, if sexual intercourse was not successfully completed, sperm from the urethral canal enter the seminal vesicles, where they are absorbed by special cells.

The prostate gland produces its own secret, which has a unique chemical composition and has a number of functions necessary for spermatozoa aimed at maintaining the viability of male germ cells outside the male body.

In the urethral part of the urethra, the secretion of the seminal vesicles and the prostate gland mixes with spermatozoa and forms the ejaculate, or semen.

Before the sperm begins to move through the urethra, the secretion of the Cooper glands passes through it, the main task of which is to eliminate residual urine and normalize the level of acidity. Only after the environment inside the urethral cavity becomes neutral or slightly alkaline, ejaculation occurs.

A minute after entering the vagina, spermatozoa overcome the cervical canal and enter the uterine cavity. After another two hours or even earlier, the most active cells reach the fallopian tubes and fertilize the egg.

Only absolutely normal functioning and fulfillment of its role by each organ allows to ensure the normal course of the process of formation of germ cells.

Anatomy and physiology at the cellular level

The process of sperm formation takes an average of two months. During this time, cells with a normal anatomical structure are formed from progenitor cells, namely:

  1. The head, in which the nucleus of the cell is located (that is, all genetic information is stored). The anterior part of the head is normally represented by an acrosome - a special membrane vesicle containing special enzymes that allow the cell membrane of the egg to dissolve. In front, the acrosomal membrane forms several outgrowths that help the spermatozoon to fix on the egg cell membrane. The average length of the head is 5 µm, the width is 3.5 µm, and the height is 2.5 µm.
  2. The neck and transition section (body) where mitochondria are usually located. The average length of this part is about 4.5 microns.
  3. Tail, or flagellum, which is the organ of cell movement. It is a thin outgrowth on the surface of the membrane and contains a complex of microtubules that allow it to perform rotational movements. The length of a normal flagellum is 45 μm.

The process of sperm formation is subordinated to the hormones of the hypothalamic-pituitary system: follicle-stimulating, luteinizing hormones and testosterone. To ensure the rapid movement of spermatozoa in the process of their maturation, some transformations occur:

  1. Chromatin condenses (extra proteins are removed from it, and the remaining proteins bind tightly to DNA molecules), thereby reducing the size of the nucleus.
  2. Most of the cytoplasm is released from the cell, only the most necessary inclusions remain inside it.

If these changes do not occur or do not occur properly, the size of the sperm cell increases, which directly affects its speed.

Features of the movement of spermatozoa

As already mentioned, the movement of the sperm occurs due to the rotation of its flagellum around its axis, while the maximum speed is about 30 cm / h and allows you to overcome a distance equal to the length of the cervix, its body and fallopian tubes.

At the same time, inside the male body, spermatozoa are practically immobilized, their advancement occurs due to the contraction of the muscles of the genital organs. They acquire activity only after ejaculation, while a large role in the activation of spermatozoa belongs to them. The direction of movement inside the female genital organs is determined by spermatozoa based on the level of acidity: they move towards its decrease; at the same time, their feature is the desire to move against the flow of biological fluids.

Once inside the uterine cavity, the germ cells find themselves in favorable conditions for their life - here especially strong sperm cells can exist for up to three days. In addition, in the uterine cavity, the movement of spermatozoa is activated, since under the action of various enzymes, substances that block the activity of the acrosome are destroyed.

Pathological changes in sperm

Under the influence of various adverse factors, the process of sperm formation is disrupted - it can slow down, stop, or the resulting cells may have abnormal morphological characteristics.

Even in normal sperm, about half of the spermatozoa have an unnatural structure. Under the action of various unfavorable factors, this amount increases, which affects the fertility of the ejaculate, as it has a direct effect on the rate of spermatozoa advancement through the female genital tract.

Given that a mature egg retains the ability to fertilize only for one to two days, the speed of sperm movement is of great importance for conceiving a child. At the same time, its decrease can be observed with a change in the physical, chemical or morphological parameters of sperm.

Change in physical and chemical indicators

Of the physical indicators, the speed of sperm movement is most affected by the viscosity of the sperm and the time of its liquefaction.

Normal ejaculate is a viscous biological substance that becomes liquid over time (usually fifteen minutes to an hour). Practice shows that sperm that has not become liquid within an hour does not liquefy at all.

For the viscosity of the ejaculate, a substance is responsible that is part of the secretion of the seminal vesicles. Experts suggest that normally this substance maintains spermatozoa in an inactive state until the moment of ejaculation. At the time of the eruption of sperm outward, this substance is destroyed by the proteolytic enzyme contained in the secret of the prostate, and the spermatozoa become active. Therefore, one of the reasons for the increased viscosity of sperm is a disorder of the function of the prostate gland, therefore, timely and competent treatment of the prostate is the key to normal physical parameters of sperm.

If the sperm does not liquefy, the spermatozoa remain in an inactivated state and die, practically not starting to move through the female genital organs.

The second physical indicator, which can indirectly indicate the inactivity of spermatozoa, is the volume of the ejaculate.

Since the bulk of sperm is secreted by the seminal vesicles and the prostate gland, an insufficient volume may indicate a malfunction of these organs, and a small amount of their secretion causes an insufficient amount of nutrients necessary for male reproductive cells to move.

Increased acidity is observed during inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system and adversely affects the male reproductive cells, since the acid destroys their membrane and provokes premature death. Therefore, any diseases of the genitourinary sphere must be competently and thoroughly treated.

Change in morphological characteristics

The morphological characteristics, that is, the structure, have a greater influence than physical and chemical indicators on the speed of movement of spermatozoa, because the correct anatomical shape is provided by nature not by chance: it is with such proportions that the cells move at an optimal speed.

Spermatozoa with a modified head, an elongated neck or body, a short flagellum lose the ability to actively move. Cells with a complete absence of a flagellum become completely immobile. Therefore, in practice, the definition of sedentary spermatozoa is often combined with the concept of "teratospermia", that is, an increase in the relative concentration of germ cells with an irregular anatomical structure.

Criteria for making a diagnosis

Insufficiency of spermatozoa (or, scientifically, asthenozoospermia) is said if in the compiled spermogram the number of cells with progressive and non-translational movement (categories A and B) is less than 40% of the total number of germ cells in the ejaculate. At the same time, it is desirable that the number of spermatozoa of category A falls within the range of 31-34%.

Category A includes all male germ cells that move strictly forward, in a straight line, while within two minutes they can cover a distance equal to the length of their body.

Category B includes cells with rectilinear forward movement, but at a lower speed. It is believed that their speed can increase significantly when they enter the uterine cavity, under the action of specific enzymes.

Reasons for the development of the condition

The main reasons for the decrease in sperm motility are considered to be a variety of internal and external factors:

  • prolonged abstinence from sexual activity;
  • intoxication with alcohol, drugs, nicotine;
  • exposure to radiation or electromagnetic radiation;
  • action of high temperatures;
  • decrease in the level of the body's immune defense;
  • inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, including those provoked by sexually transmitted infections;
  • testicular injury;
  • testicular varicose veins.

When a specific reason for the decrease in the speed of movement of germ cells is established, the chances of a cure are significantly increased.

It is important to bear in mind that the results of the analysis may be unreliable if the rules for taking the material and preparing for the delivery of the analysis are violated. So, on the eve of the delivery of the ejaculate, you should not visit the bathhouse and sauna. You need to hand over the material obtained by masturbation, since when using a condom, the latex and substances contained in the lubricant will have a negative effect on sperm, and when receiving sperm through oral contact or interrupted sexual intercourse, various biological fluids may enter the sample.

Basic principles of treatment

Treatment will be most effective if it was possible to establish the cause of sperm inactivity.

In case of chronic intoxication, the effect of the negative factor should be eliminated, the treatment in this case will be reduced to taking general tonic and vitamin preparations, playing sports, including performing special exercises that improve the functioning of the pelvic organs.

Smoking has a strong negative effect on sperm counts, since nicotine causes spasm of blood vessels, and impaired blood circulation in the testicles causes disruption in the production of new sperm and testosterone. Treatment of asthenospermia without quitting smoking or significantly reducing the number of cigarettes per day is usually unproductive.

Treatment of inflammatory diseases of the genital organs should begin with the identification of the pathogen, since diseases caused by various pathogens need to be treated differently: for example, antiprotozoal drugs are recommended to get rid of Trichomonas, and strong antibacterial drugs to combat ureaplasmas.

An important role in the treatment of inflammatory diseases is played by the intake of proteolytic enzymes, since they not only allow to treat the infection as soon as possible, increasing the permeability of tissues for etiotropic drugs, but also partially eliminate post-inflammatory tissue defects. For example, treatment with enzymes of testicular inflammation (orchitis) can reduce the number of cicatricial deformities of the vas deferens, which facilitates the process of excretion of spermatozoa and contributes to the fact that germ cells enter the urethra unimpaired.

Treatment of testicular varicose veins is possible through minimally invasive surgery. Contrary to popular belief, the elimination of varicose veins is of great importance for the normalization of sperm parameters, since an increase in the volume of the vascular plexuses of the testis disrupts the formation of new spermatozoa.

Testicular injuries must be treated immediately after they are received; in the presence of pronounced post-traumatic defects that affect the morphophysiological characteristics of the ejaculate, it is necessary to decide whether it is possible to correct them by surgical intervention.

In general, the treatment includes taking general strengthening drugs, vitamins, adaptogens and tonic drugs.

There are various methods to treat asthenospermia with apitherapy, homeopathic and phytotherapeutic agents. Before non-traditional treatment, it is advisable to consult with your doctor.

Many men try to treat sperm immobility with medications containing el-carnitine. Foreign official medicine has information confirming the sufficient effectiveness of this remedy in the fight against infertility.

In parallel with the treatment, it is necessary to adhere to a special diet rich in vitamins A, E and complete protein.

Probability of fertilization

Experienced andrologists believe that the detection of semen immobility is not an indicator of absolute infertility.

  1. Firstly, when finding out the cause of this condition, the probability of correcting it with competent treatment is very high.
  2. Secondly, these indicators are very relative: the characteristics of a particular sperm are evaluated, and the number of sedentary spermatozoa is calculated in relation to the total number of spermatozoa in a given portion of the ejaculate. If this number is large enough, the number of motile sperm may be sufficient to fertilize the egg. So, it is believed that for successful fertilization, about ten million spermatozoa must penetrate into the uterine cavity.
  3. Thirdly, spermatozoa can be significantly activated when penetrating beyond the cervical canal, so the assessment of their speed on a glass slide is preliminary.

In addition, to obtain more reliable predictions, it is necessary to donate sperm for at least two times during one cycle of spermatogenesis (that is, within two months). No conclusions should be drawn from one result.

Asthenozoospermia or asthenospermia is a condition in which not only the number of spermatozoa in male sperm decreases, but also their motility. Often this becomes the reason, because they are slow, they simply cannot fertilize the egg.

  • A is the most active
  • B - slow
  • C - moving in place
  • D - not capable of movement at all

In order for sperm to fertilize normally, it must contain at least 20% of group A cells and more than 50% of group A and B cells.

Asthenozoospermia is characterized by a decrease in the activity of male germ cells

Asthenozoospermia does not depend on the age indicators of the representatives of the strong half, because getting older, men do not lose their reproductive functions. More often, the causes of this condition are the features that are given to a man from birth, as well as various diseases that a man suffers during his life.

If the chemical composition of the blood changes, this can also affect the mobility of germ cells.

Last but not least is the electric charge. So, if the negative electrical charge decreases or disappears, sperm motility decreases.

Various microorganisms can settle on male germ cells, which also affects their mobility.

The reasons why asthenozoospermia occurs are not fully understood to date. However, the luminaries of medicine assure that many negative factors affect the mobility of germ cells:

  • alcohol, nicotine and medication use
  • exposure to industrial poisons and radiation
  • high temperatures
  • inflammation
  • autoimmune processes

It is also known that due to prolonged abstinence, the number of active spermatozoa increases.

How to determine asthenozoospermia

Asthenozoospermia is asymptomatic. The doctor may suspect the presence of the disease after a man addresses the problem of the inability to conceive a child.

Ejaculate indicators

In order to make a correct diagnosis, the doctor must comprehensively examine the patient, exclude or, if necessary, treat the existing inflammation, check the patency of the pathways that carry the seed. However, the main and accurate conclusions can only be given on the basis of a spermogram - a laboratory study of sperm.

In order to conduct a spermogram, you need to collect sperm. But subject to a five-day abstinence before that. In addition, before the tests, you can not take potent substances, not only drugs, but also alcohol. Collect sperm by masturbating. Only semen that is collected no more than an hour before laboratory testing is considered valid.

Normal semen is viscous, grayish-white, has a specific smell. Its volume should be at least 2 ml (with smaller volumes, we can talk about infertility). Ideally, 1 ml of semen should contain no less than 20 million spermatozoa, while their motility is determined according to WHO criteria. Viscosity is not the last place: too viscous sperm makes it difficult for sperm to enter the uterus.

The semen must have an alkaline reaction. Otherwise, the spermatozoa die in the acidic environment of the vagina.

Spermogram - the surest way to diagnose low activity of germ cells

If the doctor detects any changes or deviations in the spermogram, a re-analysis is scheduled after two weeks. If necessary, the tests should be repeated several times.

If there are very few motile spermatozoa in the semen, this makes it difficult to get pregnant. But even a few active sex cells increase the chances of conceiving a child.

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