Pemphigus disease is how it is transmitted. Peculiarities of treatment in children. Viral pemphigus in adults

Children are often exposed to many diseases, as the immune strength of their body is not enough to resist various infections. Sometimes on skin or mucous membranes of the child, you can notice the presence of bubbles. It is this main symptomatic manifestation called pemphigus.

This disease belongs to childhood pathologies that are localized on the skin epithelium and mucous membranes of the body. The formation of such bubbles is based on the exfoliation of the epithelium. Pemphigus can spread very quickly throughout the child's body. Therefore, it requires special attention and immediate treatment to a specialist dermatologist.

What is a blister?

A chronic disease of an autoimmune nature, which manifests itself through the formation of blisters on the skin and mucous membranes, is called pemphigus. This pathology has several stages of flow.

Symptomatic manifestations of the disease:

  • blisters in the mucous membranes of the eyes, mouth or genitals;
  • the appearance of an unpleasant odor in places of the affected skin;
  • the formation of colorless content inside the bubbles;
  • after the rupture of the bubbles, ulcers appear.

Most often, the signs of the disease are localized on the mucous membranes in the area:

  • inguinal zones;
  • nasal cavity;

Causes of the development of pemphigus

Possible root causes of pemphigus formation are malfunctions immune system child's body. As a result, the immune response to its own cell structures. But the violation of the integrity of the skin occurs under the influence of retroviruses or aggressive environmental conditions. Bubbles are formed due to disturbances in the metabolic processes between cells.

The main factors provoking the disease are:

  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • violation metabolic processes organism;
  • diseases of the endocrine organs;
  • change in the structure of enzymes;
  • the impact of harmful factors.

Cream unambiguously effective remedy to combat all types of fungal infections both on the skin and on the nails.

It not only eliminates pathogenic dermatophytes, pathogens of epidermycosis and trichomycosis, but also restores the protective functions of the skin. Effectively eliminates itching, peeling and irritation from the first application.

Viral pemphigus in children

Viral pemphigus rather quickly spreads, grows and merges. Very often, with a disease, one can observe a change in the acute phase to remission and vice versa.

This pathology is especially dangerous for newborns. Since it is possible fatal outcome therefore, the help of a qualified specialist is necessary at the first symptomatic manifestations of the disease.

Another viral disease that is more common in children is molluscum contagiosum. you can see here.

Most frequent symptoms viral form pemphigus:

  • the appearance of watery blisters that increase in size;
  • rash on mucous membranes;
  • malaise;
  • feeling of weakness;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • soreness when eating.

Over time, complications are possible.

In the acute form of the course, the disease can affect:

  • kidneys;
  • liver;
  • heart muscle.


Depending on the clinical manifestations, the following are distinguished possible forms diseases:

  1. Vulgar.
  2. Foliate.
  3. Vegetative.
  4. Brazilian.
  5. Erythematous.
  6. Paraneoplastic.

The first signs of pemphigus appear after about a week.

At the initial stage of the disease, symptoms are possible:

Sometimes there may be a rash on the body before the blisters appear.

Pemphigus vulgaris

This is the most common form of the disease. Refers to bullous dermatoses, the main element is a bladder.

Typical symptoms for this form of pemphigus are:

  1. The presence of flabby bubbles, inside which are transparent contents.
  2. Bubbles very often lose their integrity and turn into erosion.
  3. Erosion heals for a long time, may crack or bleed.
  4. The most commonly affected areas are the skin and mucous membranes.
  5. With a strong lesion, palpation of the blisters can cause pain and bleed heavily.
  6. If the formation of blisters takes place in the mouth, then the child has difficult digestion.
  7. A crust may form in the middle of the bladder.
  8. Not certain places localization.

Pemphigus foliaceus

Main symptomatic manifestations this form:

  • the formation of flat bubbles, they have a thin surface;
  • the rash can occur in a variety of areas;
  • after the rupture of the formations, erosion occurs, they do not heal for a long time;
  • violations of water-salt metabolism;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • skin defects are not deep;
  • bubbles are flaky and have bad smell;
  • possible development of conjunctivitis.

This form of pemphigus is dangerous because of the possibility of bubbles to merge with each other. In this case, one large wound may form.

Vegetative pemphigus

This form of the disease is characterized by:

  • benign course;
  • the formation of limited foci;
  • bubbles are located in skin folds and on mucous membranes;
  • erosion with this form of pemphigus have an unpleasant odor and are covered with a purulent coating.

Very often, this form of the disease can turn into pemphigus vulgaris.

Brazilian form of pemphigus

On the territory of the European continent, this form of the disease is not common.

The main symptomatic manifestations:

  1. Mainly female children are affected, the pathogen can be transferred within the family.
  2. The back, chest, or head is often affected.
  3. Flat blisters form on the skin.

This form of pemphigus responds well to treatment and has a favorable prognosis if diagnosed early.

The main symptomatic manifestations of this form of the disease:

  • bubbles have yellow or brown crusts, the effect of scales is visually created;
  • formations without treatment can dry out;
  • mucous membranes are rarely affected;
  • after the elimination of bubbles, the formation of erosive wounds rarely occurs.

Paraneoplastic form

It is characterized by manifestations:

  • formation of dense erosions;
  • palms and feet are affected;
  • the formation of pigmentation;
  • thymomas and lymphomas can form.

This form of pemphigus quite difficult to treat. However, timely diagnosis of pemphigus can significantly increase the chances of a favorable outcome of therapy.

Diagnosis of pemphigus in children

A doctor can cure pemphigus dermatologist. However, depending on the course of the disease, consultation may be necessary. additional specialists. Often this is a surgeon or an infectious disease specialist. For a complete diagnosis, only an examination by a dermatologist is enough. But at the same time, the specialist excludes all possible diseases, according to clinical manifestation illness.

For a detailed diagnosis of the disease in a child, you may need:

  1. General blood analysis.
  2. Histological analysis of the contents of the vesicles.
  3. Immunological study.
  4. Carrying out an antibiogram.

Can't handle fungus?

Nail fungus like everyone else fungal diseases, is contagious. The disease can manifest itself even in those who lead healthy lifestyle life.

At the first symptoms of nail fungus, treatment should be started immediately. If you start the disease, the nail exfoliates, changes color, shape, crumbles and noticeably thickens.

It has the following properties:

  • Freely penetrates under the nail and interungual spaces
  • Has an antibacterial effect. Relieves itching and inflammation in 1 application
  • Removes cracks and itching between the fingers thanks to propolis
  • Kills spores with alkaloids
  • Golden mustache restores healthy nails

Treatment of severe forms of pemphigus

Acute forms of pemphigus are often treated with corticosteroid hormones.

Very often, doctors prescribe drugs:

  • prednisolone;
  • polcortolone;
  • metipred;
  • dexamethasone.

Contraindications to the use of hormones are peptic ulcer stomach or duodenum. In cases of the presence of such indications, the introduction is used hormonal drugs intramuscularly.

long hormone therapy can lead to various side effects:

  1. Symptomatic complex Itsenko-Cushing.
  2. Obesity.
  3. Diabetes.
  4. Erosive and ulcerative formations in the digestive tract.
  5. Hypertension.
  6. Thrombosis.
  7. Osteoporosis.
  8. Psychological influence: insomnia, psychosis, depression, euphoria.
  9. Accession of various infections.
  10. Failures in the work of the cardiovascular system.

There are many disadvantages of corticosteroid therapy:

  1. The presence of side effects is not a reason to stop therapy.
  2. Correction of treatment with the help of therapeutic measures is necessary.
  3. Discontinuation of corticosteroid treatment leads to relapse of the disease.
  4. Together with hormonal medications you need to take antibiotics and antifungal medicines.

During therapy, you must adhere to a dietary diet:

To increase the effect of cortecosteroid drugs on the body, extracorporeal techniques can be used:

  1. Plasmaphoresis;
  2. hemosorption;
  3. Hemodialysis.

Treatment at home

Hospitalization in the diagnosis of pemphigus is rare, only in critical situations. Often, patients are treated at home. In this case, it is especially important to follow the prescriptions of the attending physician.

However, when treating at home, parents should follow certain recommendations:

To relieve itching and irritation, follow a few rules:

  1. Anti-inflammatory creams or lotions can be applied to the affected areas.
  2. After the wounds have dried, the use of an emollient cream is recommended.
  3. Cool water reduces soreness in the mouth.
  4. Periodically it is necessary to ventilate the room.
  5. Wet cleaning should be present daily.


Pemphigus begins to pass, after a week. Often the bubbles in children begin to dry out after 3 days. The temperature can be observed only in the first days. If it does not decrease, then it would be better to visit a specialist. There is no single forecast for all children, since the body of each child is individual.

Complications may occur:

  • sepsis;
  • meningitis;
  • encephalitis.

With the development of complications and the absence of proper therapy, a fatal outcome cannot be ruled out. Especially if the disease has undergone a newborn child. He is not able to fight such an infection with his own antibodies.

Stories from our readers!
"The cream was used in complex therapy from nail and toe fungus. The debilitating itching went away and stopped bothering me altogether. Rubs into toes easily. The key is to keep your skin dry.

Nails after a month of use became lighter, disappeared yellow and the stratification that had already begun has passed. I am very pleased with the result. The fungus didn't even exist."


The best way to avoid pemphigus in a child is to follow preventive recommendations.

Main preventive measures with pemphigus are:

  1. Follow the doctor's instructions.
  2. Do not interrupt treatment with hormonal drugs.
  3. Eliminate the influence of provoking factors.

Pemphigus in children of any age requires mandatory and clear implementation drug therapy. As well as correction of nutrition and lifestyle of the child.

Dr. Komarovsky about pemphigus in children

Pemphigus can also occur on the mucous membranes of the eyes of a baby. When the disease occurs, the destruction of the membranes between skin cells. In this case, pemphigus in the eye area can lead to further blindness of the child.

There are many in the world skin diseases which are very hazardous to health. One of them is pemphigus, which is characterized by a rash on the skin in the form of blisters with liquid.

This topic is very relevant for the readers of this article. Great danger this disease carries for infants, since their immunity is still poorly developed and the routes of infection are very large.

To avoid infection, you need to follow simple rules hygiene. In adults, the disease is very severe and painful.

In this article, you will learn what is pemphigus in adults, what are the causes of its occurrence, types of methods of treatment and prevention. folk remedies, as well as how to prevent the course of the disease in newborns.

Pemphigus in adults - a characteristic

pemphigus in adults

Pemphigus is a chronic autoimmune disease characterized by the appearance of a special type of blisters on the surface of previously healthy skin and mucous membranes. Among the types of pemphigus, one can distinguish: vulgar, vegetative, erythematous and leaf-shaped.

A person without medical education able to determine whether he is healthy or sick. After all, the course of his normal everyday life is disrupted. Daily tasks that were done invisibly become heavy, as the level of energy charge is significantly reduced. Loss of efficiency, lethargy, weakness - these are common causes for all diseases, signaling the beginning of an attack of pathogenic factors on the body.

These are the primary symptoms, with the help of which it becomes clear that the disease has begun. In a society where low level cultures of health, often such a condition is ignored. But, when changes appear on the skin against the background of an increase in temperature, even inveterate skeptics are ready to fight for health.

The formation of a small bubble with liquid contents in the mouth is often not taken seriously by people, because after a couple of days there is no trace of it. But sometimes such a symptom signals the development of pemphigus in the body, a severe skin pathology that can lead to disability and even death.

The disease can be transmitted from person to person during a conversation or a handshake, often causing an epidemic in the work team and kindergarten. It's quite different when similar situation affects small child.

He himself cannot realize that his health has deteriorated. Often bad behavior and whims are a consequence of the baby’s illness, but not all parents are ready to immediately accept this news. But only clear signs(rash, fever) forced to see a doctor.


How can you get pemphigus

If an adult or child does not have a history of an autoimmune disease, this does not mean that he can not be afraid of pemphigus. There is a special subtype of pathology - viral pemphigus, an airborne disease. Bubbles on the skin are formed when enteroviruses enter the body, causing damage to the epidermis of the palms and soles.

Particularly dangerous is the subspecies of enteroviruses No. 71, which belongs to highly contagious diseases, and provokes damage to the membranes and lobes of the brain. Viral pemphigus most often affects adults over 45 and young children.

In babies, immunity has not yet been fully formed, and in adults it can be reduced due to relapses. chronic pathologies. Pemphigus often occurs against the background of untreated viral infections (SARS, influenza, hepatitis), which makes it difficult to diagnose skin pathology.

Here are the main ways of infection with viral pemphigus:

  • airborne way
    When laughing, coughing, sneezing, talking, particles of the saliva of an infected person can get on the mucous membranes healthy person.
  • Non-compliance with personal hygiene
    The use of dishes, bed linen, a toothbrush of a carrier of the virus will inevitably lead to infection.
  • Physical contact during kissing or shaking hands on the skin and mucous membranes of a healthy person can get virions from bursting vesicles. Infection occurs in institutions public transport, restaurants when touching surfaces previously touched by the wearer viral infection. Even frequent hand washing is not a guarantee that the pemphigus pathogen will not get on the mucous membranes.

A particular danger of pemphigus is the length of the incubation period (about 5 days). When contacting a person, it is impossible to determine the presence of pemphigus in him, because noticeable blisters have not yet formed on the skin.

If a person has been ill with pemphigus, then he does not acquire immunity. Within a few months, the likelihood of blisters returning increases. Secondary recurrence already leads to severe skin lesions and internal organs. A slight resistance will appear, but only to the strain of microbes that caused the disease.

Getting a virion on the mucous membranes does not mean that a person will definitely get sick. Strong immunity causes high resistance to skin pathology, therefore, most often get sick:

  1. People with damage to the upper layers of the epidermis as a result of trauma or a predisposition to microcracks
  2. Carriers of autoimmune diseases with an allergic component
  3. Allergy in the period acute stage diseases or exacerbations of relapses

Viral pemphigus in adults and children is seasonal. If too high or low temperatures virions retain their viability, but cannot actively multiply. Therefore, outbreaks of pemphigus epidemics occur in spring and autumn. In kindergarten, almost all kids become infected when exchanging books and toys.

Care must be taken when visiting new places during a vacation or business trip. Old-timers have acquired immunity to pemphigus enteroviruses and practically do not get sick. A pathogenic microorganism can get inside the body of a traveler along with unheated food or water.


Types and stages of pemphigus

Pemphigus is a fairly common disease, since one of the varieties of its forms is viral. A sick person can easily infect a healthy person who has a weak immune system during this period. Incubation period is only 3 to 6 days. With the same probability, both a man and a woman can get sick. Depending on the stage of development of the disease, there are 4 main stages of pemphigus:

  • initial stage - characterized by multiple rashes in the form of blisters with clear liquid yu, no more than two parts of the body;
  • stage of active spread of the disease (generalization) - the general condition worsens, signs of dehydration are fixed, rashes appear on three or more anatomical areas of the body;
  • temporary weakening or disappearance of the main symptoms, in particular, after a course of glucocorticosteroids, which have an immunosuppressive effect;
  • repeated exacerbation of pemphigus - observed in chronic, the most common form.

Pemphigus like dermatological disease not fully explored to date. Doctors and scientists cannot determine the main causes of its origin, but they have already been able to accurately distinguish two main varieties: acantholytic or true pemphigus and non-acantholytic or benign pemphigus. Each of them is divided into several subspecies. Thus, the acantholytic form is divided into 4 key types:


Bubbles as the main symptom of the disease are localized on the back and chest, as well as on the mucosa. oral cavity. At the same time, single foci formed at first gradually spread throughout the cavity and can merge with each other. After opening the bubble, an erosion of a bright red color is formed. Due to severe pain, eating is difficult.


Primary symptom the formation of specific horny scales appears, covered as if with small spikes. With this form of the disease, the mucous membranes remain intact. Such manifestations of pemphigus are often confused with lupus erythematosus and seborrheic eczema. Characteristic blisters begin to appear a little later and indicate the transition of the disease to a vulgar form.

One of the most rare varieties. First, small blisters are formed with a transparent protein liquid inside, after they are opened, erosion appears. Distinctive feature vegetative forms are warty forms and abscesses. Skin problems are predominantly localized around holes and in skin folds.


Less common than vegetative. It is characterized by multilayer bubble formations, that is, located on top of each other. This form develops very quickly.


The most likely cause of pemphigus is considered to be a violation of the processes of the autoimmune system, due to which the cells of the body present antibodies. Changes in the antigenic structure of the epidermis itself are observed due to exposure to external factors(for example, the effect of retroviruses or poor conditions of the environment).

A negative effect on the epidermis and the production of antigens has a disruption in the communication between cells, which is why blisters later appear. As for the risk factors for the course of pemphigus, they have not yet been established, however, it is known that persons with a hereditary predisposition have high percent morbidity.

The nature and danger of autoimmune diseases:

  • cells that perform a protective function are perceived by the immune system as antibodies;
  • the body begins to fight with useful cells, weakening the immune system;
  • communication between cells is disrupted;
  • body stops responding to pathogenic flora;
  • the slightest infection causes serious defeat skin covers.

Treat autoimmune diseases difficult, but vital. Lack of therapy in patients with pemphigus can lead to death. The causative agent of the disease is the Coxsackie virus. Viral infection in most cases develops in young children under 10 years of age.

The disease is very common and affects most salish. The virus is easily transmitted from one child to another by airborne droplets and by contact, a child can become infected through toys, household items. Cases of the disease are more often recorded in summer and autumn.

You can get infected in any crowded places. Most often, children catch the infection in kindergartens, less often at school. There is no need to even contact with a sick child, the disease can be transmitted through toys, surrounding objects, unwashed hands. Babies with reduced immunity are more likely to get sick.

Unlike other childhood infectious diseases, viral pemphigus does not provide strong immunity, and the baby can be re-infected with another strain of the Coxsackie virus. Human skin can be figuratively described as a water-spring "mattress" covered with a kind of "wall". The "mattress" does not participate in the formation of blisters - only the upper layer, the epidermis, suffers.

The epidermal layer consists of 10-20 cell layers, which look like bricks under a microscope. The "bricks" of the second layer of the epidermis are connected to each other by a kind of "bridges". On top of the “wall” there are layers of cells, no longer quite similar to cells, resembling applied cream. These are scales, corneocytes, necessary for protection against mechanical, chemical and physical damage.

If under the influence of internal or external causes antibodies are formed, from which the "bridges" -desmosomes between the cells of the basal layer are destroyed (this is called acantholysis and can be seen under a microscope), this is true pemphigus. If tissue fluid penetrates between the basal and upper layers epidermis, without destroying the "bridges", this is pemphigoid. Viral pemphigus also proceeds without destruction of desmosomes.

The most likely cause of pemphigus are disorders of autoimmune processes, as a result of which the cells of the body become antibodies for the immune system. Violation antigenic structure epidermal cells occurs under the influence of external factors, in particular the effects of retroviruses and aggressive environmental conditions.

The damaging effect on the cells of the epidermis and the production of specific antigens leads to disruption of the connection between the cells, resulting in the formation of blisters. Risk factors for pemphigus have not been established, but in individuals with a hereditary predisposition, the incidence rate is higher.

Experts cannot accurately determine the etiology of development this disease. There is a theory about the autoimmune origin of pathology. Violations of the integrity of the epidermis of a chemical, physical or other nature can become a predisposing factor for the development of the process.


Main features

The rash that appears may be accompanied by itching of the skin, but sometimes occurs without strong irritation. Treatment of identified pemphigus is symptomatic, with uncomplicated forms, the disease resolves in no more than 10 days.

Parents can notice viral pemphigus in their child by several signs:

  1. Before the appearance of blisters characteristic of the disease, the baby may complain of weakness, increased drowsiness, headache.
  2. After about three days, vesicles filled with serous contents appear in the child's oral cavity, on the arms, legs, and less often on the buttocks.
  3. The rash in some children is accompanied by fever, but usually it does not last long.
  4. The blisters quickly open and in their place remain small wounds or sores that are painful, especially in the oral cavity.
  5. In some children, mouth sores are so painful that they force them to stop eating.

Blisters with pemphigus caused by the Coxsackie virus in a child can be distinguished by characteristic signs. Blisters in the oral cavity and on the skin do not exceed 3 mm in diameter, after opening in their center there is a noticeable white dot, surrounded by a red rim around the perimeter.



Pemphigus vulgaris occurs most often in acute form, the first bubbles appear on the oral mucosa, in some cases - on the mucosa of the trachea, larynx or genital organs. Over time, the bubbles open, and small wounds appear that cause unpleasant and pain: It is difficult for the patient to open his mouth and chew food.

After 3-6 months, vesicles appear on the skin, they can be single or grouped, with cloudy contents.

After some time, the bubbles dry up, yellow crusts appear, after which spots remain on the skin. Viral pemphigus is found more often in children than in adults. Pemphigus is diagnosed in children under 10 years old, and adults, having become infected, tolerate this disease easily.

Symptoms of the disease are blisters and sores in the mouth, on the feet, hands, less often on the genitals, legs and buttocks. The child may complain of pain in the mouth, refuse drinks and food, he feels unwell, his temperature rises, his throat becomes inflamed. Similar symptoms pemphigus in children appear 5-7 days after infection.

Symptoms of pemphigus in newborns appear in the first days of a child's life, in some cases - one or two weeks after birth. Bubbles filled with serous contents appear on healthy-looking or slightly reddened skin of a child.

The development of the disease occurs quickly: within a few hours, the blisters enlarge and open, in their place appear wounds covered with purulent crusts. With pemphigus of newborns, the child's temperature rises, symptoms of poisoning appear.

Erythematous pemphigus first affects the skin - vesicles cover the neck, chest, face, hairy part heads. From above, the bubbles are covered with brown or yellow crusts, under which, if they are removed, wounds are found. In the leaf-shaped form of the disease, thin-walled vesicles appear on the skin.

This clinical form of pemphigus disease is so called, because. after opening the blisters, an eroded surface of a bright red color is found, on which, when dried, lamellar crusts appear.

Deterioration occurs general condition. Decreased immune response of the body; Formation of bubbles of varying density. The presence of crusts, ranging from pale pink soft to red dense, resembling lichen.

Injuries and ulcers of the mucous membrane of the mouth, nasopharynx or genitals. Pain during the act of swallowing or eating. Bad breath, indicating damage to the mucous membranes. Hypersalivation or, in other words, increased salivation.

At severe course it is possible to form an eroded surface of the skin in place of the blisters. Their feature is the tendency to peripheral growth. Over time, such erosions occupy a large surface of the skin, causing pain and inconvenience to the patient. Also, in severe cases, separation of the layers of the epidermis is noted, and it can proceed both in the lesion and away from it.

With the seborrheic form, characteristic yellowish or brown-brown crusts appear on the scalp. Bubbles of various appearance, ranging from flat to thin-walled, which burst with a slight touch. Erosions and, later, crusts form in their place. In children, manifestations of pemphigus are localized over the entire surface of the skin, including the limbs.

Treatment of pemphigus foliaceus is important to carry out on time, since it tends to spread quickly and form a continuous wound surface. Symptoms of the vegetative form of the disease - fetid odor and purulent plaque that appear after the opening of the blisters


Pemphigus of newborns

Pemphigus in newborns is an acute infectious disease of the skin, which is clinically manifested in the form of pustules that quickly spread throughout the skin. Pemphigus in newborns is often bacterial in nature.

Her trigger is Staphylococcus aureus. Speaking about the pathogenesis of pemphigus among newborns, a significant place is occupied by the reaction of the skin of children. The reaction of the skin will intensify in case of birth injury or prematurity, and wrong image the life of the pregnant woman herself.

The baby's skin will blister due to exposure. bacterial factors. The epidemiology of pemphigus in newborns indicates a violation of hygiene in maternity hospital, about the presence chronic infections in maternity hospital staff, about the possible occurrence of autoinfected pemphigus (in case the newborn develops purulent types of navel diseases).

Pemphigus in newborns is formed in the first days of life, but the development of the disease is possible after one to two weeks. On the healthy skin there are small blisters with thin walls with serous contents. After a few hours, the process will generalize, the bubbles will increase in size and open.

In place of the bubbles will remain painful erosions with the remaining particles of the epidermis, located at the edges. Such erosion will be covered with a serous-purulent crust. In case of pemphigus leakage in newborns, intoxication will be present, fever and lack of appetite.

If pemphigus is not cured in the early stages, the newborn will develop inflammation of the internal organs (phlegmon, otitis, pneumonia). In weak newborns or in premature babies, the septic form of pemphigus is not excluded. With the latter, the lethal outcome is very high.

Diagnosis of pemphigus in newborns can be based on a visual examination. It is necessary to distinguish pemphigus in newborns from the syphilis form of pemphigus, which is a symptom of congenital syphilis. With the latter, the bubbles are located on the palms. Antibiotic therapy can reduce the percentage of deaths from pemphigus among newborns.

With timely treatment of pemphigus among newborns, a favorable outcome of the disease is much higher than with other types.

Doctors may also prescribe the use of aniline dyes and various kinds non-aggressive antiseptics. Prevention of pemphigus is considered to be a change of underwear and bed linen, isolation of those who have pustular rashes on the skin, as well as the correct observation of pregnant women and the timely provision of treatment among mothers with purulent rashes.

Infectious malaise is seasonal and is more often diagnosed in the spring and summer. Spread by airborne droplets or contact. Outbreaks of the disease are typical for groups where there is close communication between people.

The reasons

The cause of viral pemphigus in adults is considered to be Coxsackie A16 and EV71 enteroviruses. From the moment of infection to the appearance of the first symptoms of malaise, 4-6 days pass. All this time and several months after recovery, the person is a carrier of the infection.

Coxsackievirus usually causes damage to the palms and soles. This form of the disease proceeds easily and without consequences. Enterovirus EV71 is much more dangerous - it causes enteroviral tonsillitis, which is often and severely complicated.

In adults, viral pemphigus is rarely diagnosed. Infections are more susceptible to people after 45 years of age with a weakened immune system or with a hereditary tendency to viral pathology. A chance to become infected also appears in those who at this age first went on vacation abroad or to another unfamiliar place, that is, to where bacteria unknown to immunity "live".

Viral pemphigus should not be confused with true. These rare diseases have similar symptoms, but different causes.

Pemphigus vulgaris develops as an autoimmune pathological process and is very difficult, while a viral lesion, although contagious, rarely causes serious complications and quickly passes.


Infectious pemphigus is manifested by a scattering of vesicles (vesicles) filled with a clear liquid. A favorite place of localization is the oropharynx, palms and the area between the fingers, soles.

Common symptoms of a viral infection in adults:

  • temperature rise to 37.2 °C;
  • lethargy, fast fatiguability, loss of working capacity;
  • abdominal discomfort, sometimes diarrhea;
  • joint pain and muscle pain.

If viral pemphigus occurs in the oral cavity, general symptoms accompanied by sore throat, runny nose, increased salivation, problems with chewing and swallowing food. The patient has an unpleasant smell from the mouth and nasal passages.

When the skin is damaged, soreness, itching, swelling of tissues, irritation can be observed. Sometimes the bubbles burst, leaving behind dried crusts or erosion.

Another typical symptom viral pemphigus is an increase in the submandibular and cervical lymph nodes. Sometimes the skin over them turns red, the patient complains of nausea, heaviness in the head, cough, lacrimation.

Which doctor treats viral pemphigus?

An infectious disease specialist and a dermatologist are involved in the diagnosis and treatment of an unpleasant rash. If there are no such specialists in the local clinic, it is necessary to approach the local therapist.

Sometimes the symptoms of a viral infection prompt the patient to seek the advice of a dentist. After examining the rashes in the oral cavity, the dentist always sends the patient to a specialized specialist.


In most cases, viral pemphigus can be identified already at the first examination. To exclude the addition of a secondary infection or the appearance of complications, the patient is prescribed additional studies:

  • clinical and biochemical analysis blood;
  • test for the presence of antibodies;
  • study of the contents of the vesicles;
  • throat swab;
  • general analysis of feces.

If myocarditis is suspected, echocardiography is performed to help detect abnormalities in the movement of the heart walls.

In the vast majority of cases, viral pemphigus ends with the formation of a strong immunity to the pathogen, so an unpleasant diagnosis is made once in a lifetime and only for those adults who did not have the infection in childhood.


Treatment for viral pemphigus is purely symptomatic and is aimed at improving the patient's well-being. Therapy consists in observing a semi-bed rest, drinking plenty of water, taking vitamins and increasing immunity. The disease most often ends on its own in 10-14 days.

To eliminate the discomfort and symptoms of cystic lesions in adults, the following groups of drugs are used:

  • antiallergic - Diazolin, Fenistil, Citrine, Erius, Suprastin;
  • antipyretic - Aspirin, Paracetamol, Nimesil, Tylenol, Ibuprofen;
  • corticosteroids - Dexamethasone, Prednisolone;
  • cytostatics - Methotrexate, Zeksat, Sandimmun, Cytarabine, Azathioprine.

From antiviral drugs with viral pemphigus, Laferon, Cycloferon and Viferon are most often taken.

Local treatment involves the appointment of antiseptics (Miramistin, Chlorhexidine) and combined drugs with analgesic and disinfecting action (Oflokain ointment). For the healing of the skin, Bepanten, Solcoseryl, Vishnevsky liniment, Levomekol are used.

Treatment of viral pemphigus in the oral cavity is carried out by rinsing with antimicrobial and anesthetic solutions - Oracept, Forteza. You can use infusions of anti-inflammatory herbs: chamomile, calendula flowers, oak bark, cornflower. Lotions with agave juice or fresh nettle, sea buckthorn oil help well.

Supportive care is based on admission vitamin preparations, in particular, ergocalciferol, since it is he who is involved in the formation of skin peptides necessary for the development of local immunity. You should also consume more trace elements - magnesium, calcium, potassium, selenium and zinc.


When vesicles appear in the oral cavity, an adult patient is recommended to exclude hot, sour and spicy dishes limit the use of foods that can provoke allergic reaction. You should quit smoking and alcohol.

The treatment of viral pemphigus will be more effective if you give preference to fresh vegetables, fruits, liquid porridges-slurs and soups-puree. Such a diet will accelerate the recovery of the mucosa and will not cause additional harm.


Viral infection in adults usually occurs without serious consequences, but if it is not treated, it can be complicated by serious diseases:

  • pneumonia;
  • myocarditis;
  • encephalitis;
  • aseptic meningitis;
  • the appearance of a generalized rash;
  • myelitis with paralysis.

The occurrence of viral pemphigus during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, can lead to miscarriage or cause fetal malformations, sometimes incompatible with life.


Since viral pemphigus is contagious, all measures to prevent the disease are aimed at avoiding infection. Standard prevention includes:

  • washing hands after contact with strangers, visiting public places and vehicles;
  • avoiding any meetings with obviously sick people;
  • rinsing the mouth and washing the nasal cavity upon returning home from the street.

If you have to care for an injured relative, you must wear gloves and a mask, wash dishes thoroughly and carry out daily wet cleaning. The patient should be given a separate towel, bed linen and hygiene items. After recovery, you must antiseptic treatment premises, as well as all the things that he touched.

Adults who have had viral pemphigus should be registered with a dermatologist and undergo an annual medical examination, as well as limit the time physical activity avoid stress and overwork.

Within 6 months after the illness, it is recommended to change underwear and bedding as often as possible, treat hands with an antiseptic and rinse your mouth with anti-inflammatory drugs. Such simple measures will help to avoid a recurrence of a viral infection and finally recover.

Useful video about the diagnosis of pemphigus

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A dermatological disease, with characteristic blisters that occur on the mucous membranes and skin, is called "pemphigus" or "pemphigus". The disease is characterized by duration, with the periodic occurrence and disappearance of the main symptoms.


The true causes of pemphigus formation in childhood have not been fully elucidated. Violation of the functionality of autoimmune processes, under the influence of uncertain factors, causes the body to produce antibodies against its own cells. There are several theories of the origin of the process:

  • neurogenic - based on disorders of the central nervous system;
  • endocrine - occurs due to hormonal imbalance;
  • infectious - damage to the body by an unknown virus or bacterium;
  • autoimmune - the body includes a mechanism for the destruction of its own cells by antibodies.

Specialists adhere latest version- at laboratory research specific antibodies are found in the blood of babies. Exact reasons the body's attacks on itself are unknown, doctors suggest that the source is individual factors:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • infection with bacteria of the endogenous type - when they enter the body through contact or air.

There is a theory that individual people are carriers of pathology external manifestation illness. The disease is often determined in children, against the background of an undeveloped immune system, unsuccessfully struggling with any external attacks.

Types and symptoms of the disease

Most often, babies are diagnosed with a viral type of pemphigus - this option is one of the safest. With the timely detection of the disease and carrying out necessary treatment, the disease passes without complications and negative consequences.

Other species are not considered harmless and can lead to serious pathological processes:

Ordinary or vulgar

Able to affect the mucous membranes and skin in children of any age, starting from birth. The causes of pemphigus are considered:

  • severe burns;
  • prolonged exposure to direct sunlight;
  • long-term therapy with hormonal, antibacterial, antihistamines.

At visual inspection the symptoms of the disease are similar to blisters that form after burns.

The general clinical picture of ordinary pemphigus is characterized by:

  • the appearance of blisters filled with transparent contents, easily opened from any contact (including clothing);
  • after the rupture of the shell, erosion appears in its place, accompanied by painful sensations;
  • the affected area does not heal for a long time;
  • its edges are cracking;
  • at the slightest movement, blood is released from the erosions.

If the papules have not been opened, then crusts form in their center. The total area of ​​the bubbles tends to constantly increase, with the capture of adjacent clean areas. Papules do not have a specific location; they can appear on any part of the skin.

The gradual increase in the disease determines the further condition of the child:

  • sleep is disturbed;
  • there is a loss of appetite;
  • lethargy occurs;
  • irritability;
  • muscle pain and headaches.

Pemphigus vulgaris is a disease with rapid progression. With absence adequate treatment, children develop complications that affect the nervous and endocrine systems. Extensive purulent processes and septic conditions can lead to death.


It is characterized by localization of lesions, without rapid growth. In the absence of the necessary therapy, given form goes into pemphigus vulgaris and develops according to its scheme. Vegetative pemphigus is further subdivided into two subspecies:

  1. Apollo - appears in the background long-term treatment corticosteroids, with the formation of purulent blisters. After opening them, the wound surface begins to get wet, an unpleasant odor joins. This subspecies is prone to the addition of secondary infections of bacterial etiology.
  2. Neumann - characterized by voluminous growths similar to cauliflower, with a repulsive effect. Wound surfaces after their opening heal for a long time, after which on the skin are formed flat warts. The formations are located in the perineum, armpit and on the head. In the absence of therapy, further spread is not observed.

Exfoliative or leafy

Occurs in preschool and primary school children age period, refers to chronic forms with serious complications. The main symptomatic manifestations are:

  • shallow damage to the epidermis under the hair of the head;
  • after their opening, peeling of the wound surface occurs;
  • the appearance of a repulsive odor;
  • as a result of prolonged healing, the following blisters appear at the site of the lesion;
  • neoplasms are layered on top of each other;
  • with advanced forms of the disease, an increase in body temperature is noted;
  • possible loss of all hair.

Seborrheic or erythematous

This form of the pathological condition in the general clinical picture is similar to seborrheic dermatitis. It occurs in children in exceptional cases, is fixed against the background of prolonged uncontrolled intake of drugs.

It proceeds in a light form, without the development of complications. It is found on the face, areas of the back, chest and skin under the hair on the head. It develops according to the standard scheme:

  • on the integument of the dermis, strong reddenings with clearly defined contours appear;
  • bubbles appear at the site of hyperemia;
  • blisters quickly open, the affected areas are covered with grayish-yellowish crusts;
  • when they are torn off, an eroded surface is exposed.

The lack of necessary treatment leads to the degeneration of the erythematous form into pemphigus vulgaris.

Viral or enterovirus

Disagreements in relation to this variant of pemphigus led to its isolation as both a common and an isolated subspecies. Some experts consider infectious form to those listed above and do not consider it a separate variation of the disease.

When determining the viral form as an independent type of pemphigus, its special localization is noted - on the skin of the palms and soles.

The causes of the formation of a pathological condition are:

  • enteroviruses 71 types;
  • Coxsackie viruses - type A16.

In the second option, the skin of the child's palms is affected, in the first case, the pathology spreads over large areas, passes with the formation of serious complications.

Babies with a weak autoimmune system are susceptible to this form of the disease, especially in the spring and autumn periods. At this time, whole epidemics break out among children. A secondary prerequisite for the manifestation of the disease is a change in climatic conditions.

The overall clinical picture does not have a clear step-by-step scheme and can manifest itself in various variations:

  • location - palms, feet, in rare cases- genitals, skin of the buttocks and thighs;
  • blisters are oval or elongated;
  • the contents of the papules are absolutely transparent;
  • the child complains of obsessive itching and pain in the affected areas;
  • a reddish rim is visible around the bubbles;
  • after the opening of the bubbles, erosion is formed;
  • a crust appears on the affected areas, which quickly disappears.

The baby has lethargy, drowsiness, loss of appetite, disturbances in night sleep.

It is not possible to independently determine pemphigus - parents need to contact medical institution for consultation with a dermatologist and subsequent examination diagnostic examinations. Self-medication of any form of the disease can lead to serious complications, in some cases - to a lethal outcome.


The therapeutic effect directly depends on the form of the disease identified during the study.

Medical treatment

In case of detection viral option, treatment involves the appointment of the following drugs:

  • antihistamines;
  • glucocorticosteroid;
  • antipyretic;
  • antiviral;
  • cytostatic.
  • antiseptic;
  • combined - based on painkillers and antiseptic drugs;
  • antimicrobial with a local anesthetic effect - for oral mucosa;
  • lotions against obsessive itching from oils walnut, aloe juice or nettle.

In the conditions of inpatient treatment, babies are additionally prescribed therapeutic procedures aimed at cleaning the blood from pathological antibodies:

  • hemosorption - based on carbon filtration;
  • plasmapheresis - replacement of blood plasma with sterile solutions that do not contain immune complexes and antibodies.

The therapeutic course of treatment for other forms of pemphigus is determined individually and depends on the general condition of the baby's body.

Other options

Non-infectious forms of the disease require the appointment of individual medications and manipulations:

  • high doses of glucocorticoids;
  • immunosuppressive agents;
  • administration of human immunoglobulin;
  • monoclonal antibodies;
  • plasmapheresis;
  • antibiotic therapy and antifungal medicines - if necessary;
  • with minimal chance of survival, stem cell transplantation or bone marrow allotransplantation is used.

When treating at home, parents are advised to ensure proper care for the child, which includes a number of specific requirements:

  • a ban on bathing the baby for the entire period of therapeutic procedures - in order to avoid further spread of lesions and prolong their healing time;
  • changing the usual daily diet to a specialized one treatment table, excluding the introduction of spicy and acidic foods;
  • replacement of ordinary clothing with the recommended one - made from natural materials, loose fit (to reduce points of contact with damaged areas of the skin);
  • constant access of air to eroded surfaces;
  • compliance with the standards of ventilation and wet cleaning in a residential area intended for a child;
  • quarantine for seven days to avoid accidental infection of other family members.


The main measures to prevent the development of the disease include:

  • compliance with personal hygiene requirements;
  • limiting contact with infected people;
  • refusal of uncontrolled use of drugs;
  • timely seeking professional medical help, passing periodic examinations by a dermatologist;
  • increasing the functionality of the autoimmune system through vitamin therapy, proper diet;
  • thorough washing of children's things;
  • constant cleaning of residential premises;
  • full treatment of any diseases, without interruption of the recommended therapy regimen.

Pemphigus is serious illness, dismissive attitude to which it may lead severe degrees complications and death. The appearance of primary symptoms requires parents to immediately contact a specialist and carefully follow all prescribed recommendations. Pemphigus is a disease of uncertain etiology, the treatment of which is carried out according to symptomatic signs and has no definite medicinal product affecting the disease.

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Unfortunately, modern medicine still cannot pinpoint the exact cause of the disease. Because of this, treatment is not always effective. However, doctors are inclined to believe that the provoking factor is a violation of autoimmune processes.

A certain factor activates the production of antibodies to the body's own cells. A similar phenomenon occurs in negative impact environment and retroviruses. Also taken into account genetic predisposition to certain diseases.

Symptoms and forms of viral pemphigus in children

The disease viral pemphigus is a viral lesion of the body, as a result of which blisters appear on the skin, which can be either small in size or, in combination with other formations, cover most of the body.

Viral pemphigus also tends to appear on the mucous membranes, inside the formation contains a cloudy liquid.

The child may become infected in public places, after which for some time to be a carrier of the virus and infect others.

The photos show how frightening the symptoms of this disease can be. Pemphigus is a contagious disease that can be spread by direct contact, as well as droplets of saliva when coughing and sneezing, and even through household items.

Pemphigus in children is characterized by the appearance of painful pimples, similar to watery blisters of various sizes. Several foci can merge into one. Causes the disease enterovirus Coxsackie.

A chronic disease of an autoimmune nature, which manifests itself through the formation of blisters on the skin and mucous membranes, is called pemphigus. This pathology has several stages of flow.

  • vulgar;
  • vegetative;
  • leaf-shaped;
  • erythematous.
  • Viral pemphigus is a form of pemphigus and occurs through infection with the Coxsackie A16 virus or intestinal virus(enterovirus 71). The virus is simplest form bordering between animate and inanimate nature. This is a defective cell (like a bacterium), it cannot multiply without "attaching" to a cell of the human body.

    The child's body is fragile and prone to many diseases. A disease in which not water, but purulent blisters form on the body of a child is called streptoderma. You can read more about this disease in an article on the topic of streptoderma in children, photo.

    • blisters in the mucous membranes of the eyes, mouth or genitals;
    • the appearance of an unpleasant odor in places of the affected skin;
    • the formation of colorless content inside the bubbles;
    • after the rupture of the bubbles, ulcers appear.
    • inguinal zones;
    • nasal cavity;
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