Severe dizziness what to do at home. Treatment of frequently occurring symptoms. Organs responsible for maintaining balance

If vertigo attacks have become a frequent occurrence in your life, it is better not to engage in home-grown methods of getting rid of them, so as not to exacerbate the problem. They can only be the “first call” of some serious illness, and it is most reasonable to determine their cause immediately. But if this happened, you can provide first aid to your body to overcome dizziness.

People sometimes feel dizzy before a migraine attack or during a flare-up pain. The fastest and effective way elimination of these symptoms is a suitable antispasmodic, sweet hot tea and bed rest.

Measure arterial - this is also one of the most common causes of dizziness. If the "culprit" of the attack is hypertension, unpleasant symptom can be removed by reducing the pressure.

Often dizziness provokes diseases of cardio-vascular system. In this case, you will also be helped by appropriate medicines, bedding and hot tea. Walk more often before bed fresh air and regularly give the body a load.

With malfunctions vestibular apparatus can be fought with medical preparations, but for the prevention of dizziness it is especially important to organize a full-fledged, be sure to include in the diet foods containing vitamins B, E, C, iron and phosphorus. eat fish, walnuts, legumes, cucumbers and radishes, as well as cranberries, lingonberries, black currants, blueberries. Try to limit your salt intake.

If you suddenly feel dizzy, try inhaling essential oils - a few drops of lavender, mint, lemon, or you can apply on a napkin or handkerchief. Not so pleasant, but effective remedy- bulb. Cut it into circles and inhale until tears appear.

Dizziness associated with high pressure and mental stress, can be relieved by drinking in the morning an infusion of sage, mint and gentian root. A tablespoon of these plants (take everything in equal parts) pour 300 g of boiling water. Add a pinch of cinnamon and leave for a couple of hours, wrapped in a towel.

A very common cause of dizziness is cervical osteochondrosis in which the normal blood supply to the brain is disrupted. Regular water procedures, massage and performing a set of exercises physiotherapy exercises. You need to strengthen your neck muscles and improve joint mobility; after that, there will be an improvement in blood circulation. You can choose exercises yourself or consult with specialists. The main thing - try not to make sudden movements.

If you are tortured and all kinds of pills do not help, you should definitely contact the doctors for help. But what if this is not possible? Therefore, many are concerned about how to get rid of dizziness at home.

How to provide self-help

The head may suddenly spin. What if the ground goes out of sight? Everyone needs to know how first aid is provided.

Experiencing acute headache and losing consciousness, you should quickly sit down, you can even on the ground. Better to get dirty than get hurt by fainting. If this happened at home, it is advisable to lie down. Later a short time dizziness will go away.

Feeling the symptom dizzy, can be put on the forehead cold compress dipped in vinegar.

A serious increase in pressure is also a prerequisite for the fact that dizziness may occur.

If everything “floated” before your eyes, you need to concentrate your gaze on a motionless object. This normalizes the functioning of the vestibular apparatus.

Always wear something sweet. Even a small candy can eliminate an attack. A couple of sips of water, intense breaths and you can try to get up. It happens that this does not work out and the help of others is required.

Medical preparations

People suffering from vertigo should have home first aid kit necessary medications. But of course, they must know the cause of their frustration and then the question of what to do will not arise.

If this phenomenon is associated with arterial hypertension, diuretics and blockers are used to eliminate it.

If the rheological processes in circulatory system- drugs are used, the basis of which are various antiplatelet agents. AT this case Betaserc, Tiklid and other analogues help well.

When dizziness or vertigo is not caused serious illnesses, then it is allowed to use certain drugs:

  • antihistamines - Diphenhydramine, Promethazine, Pipolfen;
  • sedatives - Seduxen, Andaksin;
  • sedatives - Cerucal, Lorazepam;
  • elimination of nausea - Cerucal and Metoclopramide.

But it should be noted that these drugs eliminate only the symptoms.


In the absence of visible pathologies, you can alleviate your condition yourself. Self-massage of the head is an effective way of self-healing. It is advisable to do it while lying down. Each session takes about two minutes.

The duration of the session is no more than ten minutes. Massage can be repeated several times a day:

  • massaging a specific point between the eyebrows in a circular motion;
  • press a point at the base of the nose;
  • rubbing of the earlobes;
  • the zone of the cartilaginous protrusion of the ear is massaged;
  • massage ends with massaging the occipital region of the head.

To prevent recurring dizziness, it is advisable to do a foot massage. Their massaging is useful regardless of the cause of vertigo.

Using herbs with healing properties

Herbal treatment is approved by doctors. Such fees allow you to quickly eliminate dizziness without resorting to pills and other drugs.

The following decoctions are great help:

  • pour a spoonful of lemon balm with boiling water and drink like tea;
  • a teaspoon of clover flowers is boiled for 5 minutes, filtered and drunk one spoonful 5 times a day;
  • tea from branches of white mistletoe;
  • basil tea.
If you decide to resort to the help of herbs, then you should make sure that you are not allergic to them, and that the selected decoctions are compatible with the medicines you are taking.

Folk recipes

If you need to know folk recipes, which you can always use at home:

  • ginger. Perfectly activates the body, strengthens the immune system and normalizes blood pressure. Make it a habit to add a pinch of crushed ginger to your teapot. Such tea, with a unique taste, will quickly improve well-being and reduce the appearance of dizziness in the future;
  • pomegranate, beets, carrots. The squeezed juice of these fruits is drunk three times a day. This juice relieves spasms of blood vessels;
  • honey and vinegar. Mixing a spoonful of honey and a spoon apple cider vinegar in a cup warm water. Daily use drink for a long time relieves dizziness;
  • garlic. It's proven and enough effective recipe. Garlic cloves are poured with alcohol. After two weeks, the tincture can be taken. A spoonful of tincture is diluted in half a glass of milk and drunk on an empty stomach in the morning;
  • hawthorn. This tincture can be easily purchased at the pharmacy.

Folk remedies successfully compete with traditional methods treatments, and sometimes turn out to be more effective due to the absence of adverse reactions.

Helpful Hints:

  • dizziness can often cause low blood pressure. As a result, you should not abuse alcohol and coffee, which aggravate the situation. An attack of dizziness caused by a pressure surge is quite common;
  • sometimes dehydration. What to do in this case, it is not worth explaining. Sufficient water intake helps stop dizziness;
  • the head may be spinning from some kind of ailment. It may be necessary to treat a cold;
  • head can be dizzy at home, so you need to protect yourself in your own home. No foreign objects on the floor, so as not to stumble during a faint. You can’t get out of bed abruptly, this can cause dizziness;
  • a bath will be an excellent remedy for vasospasm, but if there are no complaints about the heart;
  • as a rule, applying a mint balm to the whiskey helps a lot. The symptom that caused dizziness is instantly eliminated.
Having decided to use traditional recipes, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications to the use of herbs and other methods of traditional medicine.

Before looking for ways to get rid of unpleasant dizziness, you should be absolutely sure of the exact cause of this disorder. You don't have to assign yourself antihypertensive drugs Otherwise, you can bring the situation to hospitalization.

Symptoms of dizziness (vertigo), sensation of objects spinning, tinnitus, blurred vision may occur due to various reasons, including heat stroke, severe mental or physical overstrain, and such dangerous states like hypertensive crisis and stroke. Especially often elderly people face vertigo, their condition is aggravated by hypertension, atherosclerosis of vessels, cervical osteochondrosis.

Treatment of dizziness at home should be adequate to the symptoms that have arisen, ethnoscience recommends a lot effective ways elimination of unpleasant manifestations.

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    Why does vertigo occur?

    In young people, dizziness occurs relatively infrequently, it is associated with significant physical and psychological stress. Attacks of dizziness are caused by prolonged hunger, for example, with a strict diet, as well as being in a stuffy room.

    Vertigo is more common in older people. Here jumps are added to the named reasons. blood pressure, vascular weakness accompanying atherosclerosis, the presence of cervical osteochondrosis.

    Signs of dizziness include:

    • Sudden movement of objects around a person.
    • Blurred vision or double vision.
    • Noise in ears.
    • Nausea, possibly vomiting.
    • Feeling of suffocation.

    Attention! Dizziness after eating may be due to high blood pressure.

    Doctors divide all causes of vertigo into three large groups:

    1. 1. household reasons: diet, overexertion, severe stress, stuffy room. These symptoms do not appear systemically, they occur only under certain conditions.
    2. 2. Ear problems. Dizziness is noted constantly, with tilting, turning the head, changing the position of the body. This type of pathology is characterized constant noise in the ears, ear congestion and temporary hearing loss, the person often feels sick.
    3. 3. Complicated diseases: hypertension, atherosclerosis, osteochondrosis, brain tumors, traumatic brain injury, stroke. The head is spinning constantly or very often, the appearance of symptoms is associated with any physical or mental, even minor stress. If such symptoms are present, urgent appeal for medical help.

    First aid for an attack

    Regardless of age, if a person notices a tendency to vertigo, then you should learn the basic rules for taking action at the time of severe dizziness:

    1. 1. If you feel dizzy, it is important to sit or lie down, in last resort lean on something. It is advisable to take the most comfortable position.
    2. 2. The gaze must be focused on a static object. Try to keep it, you can not close your eyes - this can lead to fainting.
    3. 3. You need to have a small container of water with you so that you can drink. It is very good if it is mint or chamomile tea.
    4. 4. It is important to carry cotton wool and ammonia with you. And with an impending fainting smell of ammonia. traditional healers It is recommended to use camphor for these purposes. You just need to open the bottle and inhale the camphor vapors through the nose until the dizziness subsides (2-3 minutes).
    5. 5. Never (especially in the morning from bed) you can not get up abruptly, it is necessary to carry out actions slowly and smoothly. In the morning, you must first sit on the bed, sit for 2-3 minutes and only then get up.

    Head massage

    Self-massage is considered an effective remedy for dizziness, it is carried out independently, and no improvised means are required at the time of the attack.

    Massage can help relieve discomfort, quickly relieves headaches. It is better to spend it lying down, but you can also sitting position.Each exercise should last at least 2 minutes, the whole procedure takes about 10:

    1. 1. Put your fingers on your forehead, place thumbs at the temples, palms should be at eye level. Massage the skin of the frontal bone above the eyes in circular motions. Fingers should move the skin and slide over it.
    2. 2. Now, with circular movements of the fingers, massage from the forehead to the auricle.
    3. 3. Repeat circular motions from the top of the head to the back of the head along the scalp.
    4. 4. Fold your hands into the lock and place your fingers on top of your head. With your palms, move the scalp to the left and right, and then back and forth. Do this exercise for 3 minutes.

    Help with occasional dizziness

    grass name


    Cooking method

    special instructions


    • 2 fresh, just plucked sprigs (6-7 cm) or 2 dried;
    • 250 ml water
    1. 1. Brew twigs like tea.
    2. 2. Infuse for 15 minutes.
    3. 3. Strain

    Drink throughout the day 2-3 times

    Melissa, mint, chamomile (only one is needed for tea)

    • 1 st. l. herbs;
    • 200 ml boiling water
    1. 1. Boil the herb for 3 minutes.
    2. 2. Insist 7 minutes.
    3. 3. Strain

    Use when dizzy

    clover red

    • 1 st. l. flowers;
    • 200 ml boiling water
    1. 1. Pour boiling water over the flowers.
    2. 2. Boil for 5 minutes.
    3. 3. Strain

    Take 1 tablespoon 5 times/day


    • 1 tablespoon dry herb;
    • 250 ml water
    1. 1. Boil water and add grass.
    2. 2. Cook for 5 minutes.
    3. 3. Strain.

    4. Add 1 tsp. honey

    Drink daily before bed. Especially helpful for the elderly

    Effective at home folk remedy treatment will be juice therapy. Here are some recommended juice options:

    • carrot. Drink 100 ml before each meal. Herbalists recommend using freshly squeezed juice from bright orange root vegetables.
    • Carrot (75 g), pomegranate (50 g), beetroot (25 g). Take 3 times a day before meals.
    • Apple juice and nettle. Take 1 tbsp. l. nettles, pour 150 ml of boiling water in a thermos, insist 4 hours, and then filter. 150 ml is added to the resulting infusion. apple juice. Take 50 ml three times a day for a quarter of an hour before meals. This remedy is not suitable for pregnant women.

    Juices can be used to treat seizures in adolescents, during pregnancy, for women on a diet, and for senile vertigo. The same recipes are effective for dizziness after a stroke and for atherosclerosis.

    Treating common symptoms

    In the treatment of frequent attacks, symptoms in the elderly, herbalists recommend using other, more effective methods treatment:

    • Seaweed powder. It will help get rid of an impending attack. The tool can be bought at a pharmacy. A little powder should be put in the mouth and kept on the tongue.
    • Tincture of garlic. Helps with atherosclerosis and hypertension. To prepare it, take 300 g of peeled and cut in half garlic cloves, place them in a half-liter glass jar, pour alcohol or vodka. The resulting mixture is infused in a dark place for 14 days. Shake the jar well daily. Take 20 drops of tincture in a glass of milk in the morning on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is 14-21 days.
    • Hawthorn tincture. This tool can be bought at a pharmacy, take 1 tsp. with 70 ml of water on an empty stomach. This tincture can be prepared from dried flowers. You need to take 4 tbsp. l. flowers and 200 ml of medical alcohol. Insist in the same way as garlic tincture. Hawthorn will help remove attacks associated with hypertension, cardiac arrhythmia in the elderly. Drink tincture should be 2-3 months.

    If the attacks are caused by a violation of the work of blood vessels, then it is advisable to drink decoctions from herbal preparations.

Dizziness is a condition when it seems to a person that the objects around him suddenly begin to rotate, and he himself loses his balance and becomes unstable, there is a feeling of unsteadiness, as after riding a carousel. This is subjective perception. A lot of people have this syndrome. It is necessary to separate systemic and non-systemic dizziness.

System rotational - a constant monotonous sensation. This may be the flight of surrounding objects upwards, flying in one direction, etc. Systemic dizziness always the same. Non-systemic, internal sensations, without the movement of surrounding objects. Most often associated with the manifestation panic attack, arrhythmia, impaired blood supply to the brain, unsteady walking due to damage to the vestibular apparatus.

The appearance of dizziness can be influenced by such provoking factors.

  • Long trip by transport;
  • pregnancy;
  • taking certain medications (antibiotics, diuretics, beta-blockers, and others);
  • stress, nervous and physical overwork;
  • jerky head and body movements.

Also, dizziness can occur with certain diseases.

  • Vestibular disorders;
  • diseases of the vessels of the head;
  • infectious diseases;
  • poisoning;
  • skull trauma;
  • neurosis.

Treatment of frequent attacks of dizziness is to eliminate the cause, treat the vestibular apparatus, nerves, blood vessels of the head, heart and other diseases. Folk methods treatment will also help to overcome the disease and additionally clean the vessels of the brain.

Simple remedies - first aid

1. Increase vitality, and eliminate dizziness decoction of meadow clover (red). One teaspoon of dried inflorescences pour half a glass of boiling water. Let it brew. Take 2 times a day, 50 milliliters 40 minutes before meals.

2. Will give strength and improve well-being. It is brewed like this: four tablespoons of the inflorescences of the plant are thrown into half a liter of boiling water. Infuse the potion for at least half an hour and drink before meals. It is recommended to add a little honey to this tea.

It will relieve fatigue, cleanse the body of infection and worms, improve the functioning of the vestibular apparatus and stop dizziness infusion of elecampane root. Raw materials are finely ground and one pinch is poured with 200 milliliters of boiling water. After half an hour, the infusion is filtered. Take four times a day, dividing the entire infusion into equal parts.

3. An infusion of parsley will help with "whirlwinds in the head". You will need plant seeds that are ground in a coffee grinder. For 1 teaspoon of raw materials take 200 milliliters of boiling water. After 8 hours, the infusion is filtered. Take 50 milliliters during the day before meals.

4. , cleanse the body of toxins and strengthen nervous system, as a result of which dizziness, simple kelp will pass. It must be taken daily. Dried sea ​​kale Consume one teaspoon daily with liquid.

5. In case of deviations due to violations of the vestibular apparatus, healers recommend taking tea from lemon balm leaves, sprigs of peppermint, mistletoe and linden inflorescences.

6. You can quickly remove the condition if you breathe in the vapors of chopped onions.

7. Weakness and severe dizziness will pass if you regularly use this mixture. They take it, grind it in a meat grinder and fill half a glass jar with mass.

The remaining half of the container is filled with honey (you can also use sugar). The mixture is stirred and sent for 5 days in the refrigerator. After that, the real "medicine" is taken daily for hungry before breakfast, two tablespoons. At severe dizziness this onion mixture should be consumed twice a day.

8. Rub whiskey with onion juice.

9. With nervous excitability and dizziness, they drink an infusion of Veronica grass. For 250 milliliters of boiling water, take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry vegetable raw materials. Insist in a thermos. Take 80-100 milliliters warm before meals.

10. In case of pathology due to diseases of the heart and blood vessels, instead of tea, an infusion of hawthorn flowers should be taken. 5 tablespoons of raw materials are poured with one liter of boiling water and insisted. An hour later, the infusion is taken. It is recommended to add honey to the drink.

Tinctures - proven folk remedies

Garlic. From dizziness, the causes of which are toxins in the body, infectious and cardiovascular diseases, good helper will become such garlic tincture. Take 300 g of peeled garlic, chop it and pour half a liter of alcohol. Give the composition (always in a glass container) to brew in a cool place for 15 days. Accepted with milk: 20 drops of tincture are taken per 100 milliliters.

Hawthorn. With poor functioning of the heart and violation of the vessels of the brain, such a tincture will help to eliminate dizziness. Mix kidneys (150 grams), linden honey (50 grams) and 700 milliliters of cognac. Add a little vanilla and cinnamon (1 gram each). Take a tablespoon 10 minutes before meals.

Chestnut. Improve well-being and regulate the work of cerebral vessels such folk medicine. Spring chestnut buds are crushed and poured with Cahors heated to 70 ° C. For two tablespoons of vegetable raw materials take half a liter of wine. Bet on water bath and simmer the mixture for 15 minutes. When the medicine has cooled, add a little vanilla and two tablespoons of honey to it. Drink before meals 50 ml.


For fast elimination dizziness, you should prepare such a healing oil "talker". Mix: camphor, fir, juniper essential oils. Their composition: 10:3:1. This mixture is rubbed into whiskey, applied to occipital part and lymph nodes of the head

Rubbing the temples with lemon juice will help restore coordination of movements.

You can relieve the attack by massaging the area above the upper lip. Massage of the points along the inner edge of the eyebrows will also help.

For dizziness caused by osteochondrosis, compresses from the leaves of burdock, cabbage or horseradish should be applied to the back of the head. They improve blood circulation in the vessels of the head.


To prevent dizziness, you need to walk more in the fresh air, eat food rich in vitamins, accept cold and hot shower. It is necessary to exclude the consumption of too salty foods, fatty foods, canned food.

Say goodbye to everyone bad habits. Go in for sports and do not expose yourself to stress!

The term "I'm sick" means Different things for different people: Some use it to describe feeling dizzy or off balance, while others use it to describe feeling like everything is spinning around.

Since the symptoms are quite vague and can be caused by a number of factors, it takes trial and error to find a way to stop or prevent the feeling of dizziness.

Here is a selection quick methods which you can try when trying to stop dizziness (lightheadedness):

Sit or lie down
Dizziness or lightheadedness usually strikes when you stand or move around. At the first sign of lightheadedness or dizziness, sit or lie down immediately. This usually helps to remove the sensation of rotation of surrounding objects and is safe in case you fall.

  • If you are sitting, try resting your head on your knees (even better, lower it between your knees). This will increase blood flow to the brain. You will achieve the same result if you lie down
  • Sit or lie down for 1-2 minutes or until the dizziness subsides.

drink some water
Dizziness is often the result of dehydration. Dehydration can be caused by not drinking enough water, as a rule, the state of dehydration is aggravated during or after exercise. Dehydration can also be a problem when you're suffering from an illness that causes vomiting, diarrhea, or a fever that can make you lose a lot of fluids.

  • If you find it difficult to drink plenty of water, try drinking other liquids such as energetic drinks, hot tea with a small amount sugar, soups and broths or diluted fruit juices.

Focus on a specific point
To prevent dizziness when everything is spinning around, many dancers focus their eyes on a certain place. The same technique can be used by people who suffer from bouts of vertigo.

  • Focusing on a specific spot, such as a crack in the ceiling or a speck of dirt on the floor, will help your sense of balance realize that you are not spinning, contrary to what your body is telling you.

Breathe deeply
Dizziness may occur due to an anxiety attack. Often during panic attacks, you feel like you can't breathe.
Typically, the problem is that you are trying to breathe too much. If so, try breathing slowly and deeply. This will help you calm down and overcome the feeling of dizziness.

Get rid of dizziness in 5 minutes

Doctor's advice Chinese medicine Liu Hongsheng on how to quickly improve well-being and get rid of dizziness on your own by pressing special points.

These two symmetrical points are located on the back of the head. It is necessary to draw an imaginary line through the back of the head from top edge one ear to the top of the other.

Then put your hand on your head right hand so that the little finger touches the ear.

Then the point will be at the intersection of the edge index finger and imaginary line. Similarly, a point is also found on the left side of the back of the head.

Two symmetrical points are located above the edges of the eyebrows in the place where the hairline makes the so-called "corner".
You should press just in the upper "top" of this corner.

Missing the point is not scary!

- Dr. Liu, many readers write that they would like to take your advice, but are afraid. They are afraid that they will incorrectly determine the place where they need to press, and this will damage their body.

- I don't think that's what it is. great danger. Even if someone makes a mistake, he will not do much harm.

After all, massage is designed to activate blood flow to the right places, that's all. In the worst case, if you make a mistake, you simply will not get any effect.

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