What happens if a kitten is beaten. Is it possible to beat a cat, how to punish bad behavior

Raising any pet involves punishment. But it is important to remember that educational methods should not be violent or cruel. If the house lives little kitty, then you should treat him more condescendingly. Over time, he will understand what he can do and what is strictly prohibited. The same applies to adult animals - sometimes they need time to get used to something new and unusual. It is important that the cat understands its owner, and not just afraid to do something.

Why does a cat do something punishable?

An animal that has committed some bad deed does not always understand what it has done. Most often, cats play or look for a comfortable place for themselves. For example, if a pet climbs on new furniture She seemed comfortable to him. In such cases, the cat cannot be punished. It is advisable to purchase a special soft bed for her or lay a bedspread on the sofa so that it remains in its original form longer.

The same can be said about broken dishes, souvenirs, vases - for pet It's a game. He sees how the fragments scatter in different directions, and this is of interest. Breaking and breaking household items is characteristic of small kittens.

The animal tears apart wallpaper, furniture and carpets with its claws - a sign that it urgently needs a scratching post. If it is not there, then it is pointless to scold the cat - the owner is to blame. And if there is, then it either does not suit the pet, or he does not understand its purpose. In such cases, it is necessary to show the kitten the place where the claw sharpener is located.

Be sure to encourage the animal if it does everything right - stroke, scratch behind the ear, treat it to delicious food.

When and how to properly punish a pet?

The most effective punishment for a cat is to raise its voice. But you should not go on a cry, just say the pet's name with a threatening intonation, and he will definitely react to it, realizing his misconduct. You can also gesticulate, frown, threaten the cat with a finger, knock on the table with a newspaper - the animal will perceive such a sign correctly and at the same time will not be scared.

In the most common situations, the action should be as follows:

  • If the animal sharpens its claws on wallpaper or upholstered furniture, then you should scold it and take it to the scratching post, pointing your finger at it.
  • If a cat drops or hits household items, then first the animal must be scolded, and then put things in a place inaccessible to the pet.
  • If the cat jumps on kitchen table or equipment, then you need to pick it up and put it on the floor, gesturing index finger and pronouncing the nickname in a threatening tone.
  • If a pet defecates in shoes, on the floor or on the sofa, then you should show him the tray so that he gets used to doing his physiological needs In one place.

There is a popular method for potty training a kitten. It consists in the fact that in order to educate the owner, seeing a puddle of urine or excrement, pokes the kitten with his muzzle into this mass. You can't do that. You need to show the animal where the place is, where he should go to the toilet. It should be a tray or a special diaper. It is advisable to use litter or newspaper so that the cat distinguishes the toilet from other plastic containers. In pet stores, you can buy special sprays and other products that can help your pet get used to the tray faster.

What can not be done?

In order for the pet to understand and learn the rules that the owners force him to follow, you should correctly approach the punishment for cat misconduct:

  • In no case should you play or pet a kitten immediately after being scolded. The animal will not understand what the owner wants to say with this gesture. If you behave in this way, then the pet will become afraid and avoid people.
  • There is no point in punishing an animal if the offense was committed a long time ago. That is, a person who noticed a plate broken by a kitten only a week after the incident should not scold his pet. The animal has long forgotten about this incident, so the punishment will be perceived as something undeserved, and the owner will become an enemy.
  • You can't hit cats hard. Any physical impact cause physical or psychological harm to the pet. Also, do not spank the kitten on the head, neck and back - in this area there are nerve endings, and the blow will cause him severe pain. If the pet does not understand facial expressions, gestures and intonation, then you can lightly pat the face with your finger - so the cat will understand that she has done something forbidden, while the owner will not deliver it to her. pain or injury.
  • No need to scold the cat if he tore the furniture in the place where the claw sharpener used to be. He acts intuitively. In this case, you need to return the scratching post to its original place or try to show the animal a new place. Punishment in this case senseless and cruel.

It is important to remember that a kitten is capable of doing something by accident or unconsciously. Do not try to harm the animal or hurt him. It is necessary to punish the cat in such a way that he understands both his act and the attitude of a person to this misconduct. Otherwise, the pet will be afraid and treat the owner with distrust for a very long time.

In order for a cat and a person to live in peace and mutual understanding, it is necessary from the very first days of a kitten (or an adult animal) in the house to engage in its upbringing. The cat must clearly understand what is allowed and what is not. However, this is much easier said than done, and few people know how this can be achieved.

As every cat lover knows, these animals are extremely wayward and love to get their way. If a cat has driven something into its head, it is almost impossible to convince it. Meanwhile, the task of the educator is to direct the relationship with the cat in such a way that the cat "drives" the right things into her head, that is, those behavioral skills and stereotypes that the owner would like to see from her side. For this reason, in the upbringing of cats, difficulties often arise.

The matter is further complicated by the fact that, unlike dogs, a cat is not a pack animal. Yes, the myth of a cat that walks only by itself and that communicates with relatives only during the breeding season, and the rest of the time does not want to see them is long gone. Cats may well communicate with their own kind and, moreover, with people with whom over the past millennia they have formed a real symbiosis. However, cats are far from the level of sociality that distinguishes dogs. As a result, it is much more difficult to convince a cat to obey than a dog, since it does not have an attitude to obey its leader for lack of one.

Finally, faced with characteristic features feline nature, people begin to make one of the most serious mistakes - they switch to a forceful manner of education when the only way persuasion is a slipper or flip flops with the palm of your hand. At the same time, it is forgotten that, once hitting a cat, the owner may forever lose her trust and the animal will begin to associate its owner with fear and pain. Fear affects the cat's psyche extremely destructively.

The paradox of this situation lies in the fact that, experiencing fear and pain and fearing every word of his master, uttered a little more in a loud voice than usual, the cat will continue to perform the actions for which it was punished with amazing perseverance. Sometimes it even seems that the cat does not hear when the owner scolds her.

After some time, such punishments become less and less effective until they cease to act at all.

The owner needs to be aware that the cat sees this world a little differently than he does. And the assessment of certain actions from her point of view will be completely different than from the point of view of a person. Also, the ability to build causal relationships in a cat is also noticeably different from a human. For example, if a cat urinated wrong place, and the owner, for example, fifteen minutes later, lifted the cat from the chair and brought it to the crime scene and spanked it, then from the point of view of a person this will be a punishment for the fact that she shat in the wrong place.

From the point of view of the cat, it will be a punishment for sleeping in a chair. Even scolding, not to mention more, a cat is possible only within fifteen seconds after a direct action, which is undesirable from the point of view of its owner. If even a minute passes, the cat's attention will already miss the fact of the recent crime, and the punishment will be associated with anything but him.

It should also be remembered that a cat can evaluate anger and rudeness on the part of the owner in a way that is completely unthinkable for a person, and this, hitting her pride over and over again, can completely destroy her relationship with the owner. As a result, a classic vicious circle is formed.

Many owners in such cases ask experienced felinologists and breeders what they should do then: never scold or beat their pet? How, then, to accustom him to order?

No, the situation is somewhat different. It is almost impossible not to punish or scold a cat, but this can only be done in the most extreme cases. At the same time, the methods used in such cases must be strictly defined, otherwise the cat will eventually become intimidated or spoiled and it will be very difficult, if not impossible, to establish contact with it.

We bring to the attention of readers one option for pacifying a cat, which has proven itself well:

If the owner, for example, noticed that the cat intends to do something that does not delight the owner, you should arm yourself with an ordinary bottle of water with a sprayer. And as soon as the cat starts to misbehave, you need to sharply direct the water jet into it. This is able to scare away any cat without hurting her and then she will associate this punishment with her actions. Cats are afraid of water, and therefore this method works quite effectively without causing any damage to it. mental trauma. It is worth noting that the cat will associate its punishment not so much with its owner, but with the spray gun in his hands. In other words, in her opinion, it was not the owner who punished her, but the spray gun. A paradox, it would seem, but it is true.

With proper upbringing, with age, a cat plays pranks less and less or stops playing pranks, without causing any inconvenience to its owners at all, but even a well-bred adult cat can fool around, even realizing what retribution will befall her for this. Do not be upset and think that all education has gone down the drain. Most likely, the pet simply decided “for prevention” to show its character. In this case, it’s not worth breaking into rudeness, because as the cat grows older, it becomes more and more understanding and at the same time more vulnerable (provided, of course, that she is used to trusting you). Therefore, one should not react violently to such misconduct, especially since they are extremely rare.

Trainer Y. Kuklachev created a "School of Education" for cats, but excluded mentoring and violence from it. Yuri Dmitrievich encourages colleagues to love and study fluffy students. The chief cat expert of Russia for 40 years of work has accumulated 4 boxes of diaries of observations of them.

But the age-old folk wisdom encourages "cane" methods for educational purposes. “Show a vine to a broken cat,” says a Russian proverb. So can you punish a cat? Is corporal punishment acceptable to the most sensitive and sophisticated mammal? Let us turn to the opinion of zoopsychologists.

The domestication of the furry predator began 9.5 thousand years ago. But even today he behaves as if patronizing a person. Cats tend to become attached to the house and the owners, to establish emotional contact with them. However, they easily return to the wild lifestyle.

Unlike the dog, the cat has not lost the habits of distant ancestors and retained the independence of a lone predator. Scientists say: genetically it has not changed. This cannot be ignored when solving the problem of how to punish a cat.

"Crimes" and punishments

One can only adapt to the habits of semi-domesticated "pygmy lions". Main principle education is not to suppress, but to satisfy the needs of the willful animal. Otherwise, the cute kitten will turn into a secretive and vengeful beast. Consider the typical faults of meowing pets and competent ways of "re-education".

How to raise a cat? The eternal question that we encounter on a daily basis. We will reveal some of the secrets of raising our pets. So, let's begin.

A cat is an independent, freedom-loving animal that does not tolerate encroachment. They do not have a developed sense of guilt, and this is an indisputable fact. But the question arises, is it possible to beat a cat?

Any punishment on your part is perceived by the cat as a personal insult. Brute force in this matter is not a solution to the problem. Because the main offender in the eyes of a cat will be you.

Here are six principles for raising a cat.

1. Violence is not the solution.

Never use brute force on a cat. This also applies to the famous "poke your face in a puddle." Do not under any circumstances do this! Your pet will fall into confusion from fear, and again leave a puddle in the wrong place. With physical punishment, the cat will fear you and flee. Of course, one should not look silently at a cat when it behaves in an unacceptable way. Cats take well sound signals. And when the cat jumped on the table, then shout decisively: “No!”, Or even better, just hiss at her, this is enough for the cat to understand the prohibition.

2. At the scene of the "crime"

When an offense has already been committed, do not punish the cat retroactively. She simply does not understand why her master is so dissatisfied. From this, the cat does not understand why she did not please you, becoming unsure of herself, which negatively affects her psyche.

3. Praise your cat as often as possible.

Try to praise the cat in cases where the cat deserves encouragement, immediately after it makes good deed. And in general, praise never hurts. With this simple act, like praise, you can achieve good success in raising a cat. But, unfortunately, many owners forget about it. And often they cannot praise their treasure, for example, when a cat sharpened its claws, not on your furniture, but on a special board or used the toilet in the right place. Remember always, go only by rewarding your pet. Unless, of course, you want to instill in your cat the necessary skills.

4. Be consistent

For people, exceptions to the rule normal phenomenon, cats come from this in bewilderment. When a cat is in doubt, it acts on its own, and not at all in the way that its owner would like.

5. Keep your distance

If the cat cannot be weaned from misconduct with loud shouts, use the method of intimidation. For example, at the moment of committing any offense, the animal should experience a feeling of fear. But you can not allow the cat to consider you a source of fear. Here you can and should be creative. Make it so that in response to your bad behavior- the cat received a punishment not related to you. If the cat jumps on the table, place some empty beer cans on the table surface. Having jumped on the table, the cat will definitely knock over a couple of cans on the floor and as a result, she will be afraid of this place, but will not be afraid of you.

Highly good effect It is observed if the place where the cat is dirty is treated with a citrus smell or an adhesive surface is laid, as a result of which the cat will become confused when the paws stick.

As mentioned earlier, cats are afraid of noise - you can scare a cat sharp sound, for example, burst a balloon or clap your hands, but remember that the cat should not see you. Also use hissing like cats do.

6. Patience, time, nerves

If you want to re-educate your pet, then you will have to be patient. Praise her whenever she does a good deed, ignore her failures. Stock up on patience and time!

In addition to the above rules, I will add the rules from my life experience in raising your pet.

And finally, it is better to solve the problem before it manifests itself. Buy your pet a board where the cat could sharpen its claws, regularly trim the cat's claws. Often a cat's behavioral disorder is due to the fact that the cat is simply bored.

Pay more attention to your cat and she will love you back.

Every person who has ever dealt with a pet knows how difficult it is sometimes to resist punishment, seeing what the animal has done during its absence.

Methods for raising cats from experienced cat lovers

How to educate an animal, if it does not understand the meaning of the words spoken, with all its desire, and force is unacceptable. Cat lovers who have devoted many years to raising animals know why cats should not be beaten. There are several more effective methods impact on a naughty than a whipping:

Choose for yourself an inanimate intermediary in punishment. After all, cats are vindictive and never forget the hand that offended them at least once. But if they receive a slap with a twig or a spray of water from a spray bottle, then they will be offended by these things, and not by the hand that held them.

It is necessary to treat the leprosy of the animal with patience and understanding. It must be understood that cats have different concepts of right and wrong behavior. And in order to develop the most suitable behavior for them, you should work a little, regularly engaged in education. Not every cat will immediately understand what a person wants from her. Therefore, only with age, after several months of tolerable grinding, the animal begins to behave properly.

How to explain to a child why you can not beat an animal

Some children at a certain age show some aggressive behavior in relation to our smaller brothers. This does not in any way indicate the depravity of the child or his bad temper. It's just that in his life the period of personal formation has come. He is trying to prove to himself and others that he has some weight in the world. And this proof is most often expressed in the fact that by one's actions something in it is tangibly changed. Throwing cups and plates off the table quickly gets boring, small man moves on to animate objects.

Subconsciously, the baby chooses weaker creatures for his experiments, unable to answer well in his understanding. So poor cats come across on the way of these tomboys, forced to endure the domination of a person who has just crawled out of a diaper. Parents are obliged to take some measures and explain to the child why cats should not be beaten. After all, this self-affirmation can turn into a habit and eventually pass to people. And on the other hand, not every cat will tolerate beatings. Even well-deserved, let alone just like that.

The best lesson for a child, of course, would be some response from an offended animal. But cats, unfortunately, do not know how to spank a little. If they scratch or bite, then with all their might. And here the task of parents is to explain why it is impossible to touch animals, not even so much out of humane motives, as fearing for the well-being of their own children. Probably, not all mothers know that cats aim to scratch in the eye. In their opinion, this is the most vulnerable place.

There are several ways to influence a child's behavior. Which one to choose depends on each individual case. For some children, it is enough to explain how painful the cat is, that she is crying and offended. That she might die if she thought the child didn't love her. Three-year-olds, not yet tempted by our cruel world, this option is very effective. They are by nature compassionate and kind.

If the child is too aggressive and he himself sometimes received for leprosy, then in this case there is nothing left but to intimidate him with the most suitable argument from the point of view of the parents. If a schoolboy beats animals, then conversations are useless here. Most likely, he simulates the behavioral algorithm adopted in his family. And without child psychologist no longer needed here.

Man, by his nature, must be humane towards weaker creatures. And the question why cats cannot be beaten is not even worth raising. One popular wisdom says: everyone can offend the weak, only the weak can want to offend the weak. And we should not be weak in our world. Otherwise, there will always be someone weaker and offend us already.

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