White dots on the face: treatment with pharmaceutical and folk remedies. What to do if white spots appear on the face of a child? White spots on the face of a teenager

The skin on the face is the first to react to disruptions in the body. Violation of the work of the internal organs immediately causes spots, from which sometimes it is not possible to recover. In addition to internal causes, malfunctions in the body can be the result of using the wrong cream. In this case, you only need to replace the cream, but what internal causes cause the appearance of spots?

Often the cause of their formation on the skin is vitiligo disease. The disease can manifest itself at any age, but, as a rule, occurs before the age of 25. The disease has a long course and can last a lifetime.

The mechanism of the onset of the disease is still completely unclear, the factors that can cause the development of vitiligo include mental stress, all kinds of disturbances in the endocrine system and immunity, deterioration of the gastric tract, liver, etc. Treatment of the disease can be quite lengthy and does not give a positive result.

Also, white spots appear with an infection such as pityriasis or multi-colored lichen, its development is associated with the penetration of the fungus Malassezia which damages the skin.

Light spots in children may be a sign of the development of a disease such as hypomelanosis. The first signs of this disease can appear both immediately after birth, and after a few months. Most often, severe infectious diseases precede the appearance of this pathology. Moreover, the consequences can be quite serious, up to developmental delay disorders, as well as the peripheral nervous system and the functioning of the central nervous system.

Varieties of hypomelanosis include diseases such as leukoderma, albinism and vitiligo. With the appearance of vitiligo, the hereditary factor plays a rather important role. The causes of the disease can also be helminthic invasions, disturbances in the functioning of the digestive organs, pathological conditions of the cardiovascular system, stress as a result of a decrease in the functioning of the nervous system. Most often, this infection does not have any effect on the general well-being of the child.

There is also an assumption that this disease in a newborn child appears as a result of insufficient development of immunity and may go away on its own as it grows older. According to some scientists, a child aged up to 3-5 years no treatment is needed requires constant medical supervision.

But each disease is individual, and only a professional doctor can decide on the need for treatment based on the tests performed. In the presence of various pathologies that can provoke vitiligo, the underlying disease is firstly treated.

Pityriasis versicolor in children appears very rarely. As a rule, the infection is common among young people.

Light spots on the body of a child may be a sign of a disease such as white lichen. Most often, white lichen occurs in children and rarely infects adults.

The causes of this disease remain unknown. The causative agent of the disease is a fungus that is found on the skin of every person and is harmless. According to some scientists, a large amount of this fungus blocks the sun's rays from reaching some places on the skin, as a result, white spots form on it. The highest probability the appearance of white lichen in people who suffer from such diseases:

  • dermatitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • different types of mycoses;
  • allergy;
  • eczema.

The specificity of this disease lies in the fact that it can reappear even in the absence of accompanying factors. As a rule, spots with white lichen appear on the legs, arms and face. The size of these neoplasms may have 1-4cm. Moreover, the general condition usually does not worsen, the body does not burn or itch.

Sometimes spots on the skin become moist or flaky. When white lichen appears, the child needs a comprehensive examination to timely determine any other disorders in the body that led to the appearance of this disease.

As a rule, the treatment of the disease occurs with extensive infections of the skin, with a significant deterioration, the formation of lichen on the face, as well as with the appearance of severe itching and inflammation on the skin.

When light spots appear on the face of a child, in no case should you do the treatment yourself. If this symptom occurs, it is imperative to show the child to the doctor.

Small white spot on the body

A small white spot on the body can be a symptom of the formation of a disease such as vitiligo. In the future, this formation may increase, white spots may appear on different parts of the body, including the face.

Vitiligo usually appears on the skin In young age but can also develop in the elderly and in children. Often vitiligo appears in people with malfunctions of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, and thyroid gland.

White spots on different parts of the body

White spots on the back

These spots may indicate the presence of diseases such as leukoderma, vitiligo, or pityriasis versicolor. A dermatologist can determine these diseases during the diagnosis and examination.

During pityriasis spots on the skin can peel off and have irregular contours. For treatment, antifungal agents are used.

Vitiligo appears in the form of spots that have clear contours; at the initial stage, they are most often small in size, but later they can increase, grouping into several continuous large spots or one spot located on some area of ​​the back. Spots with vitiligo disease, in addition to the back, can form on the face, legs, arms and other areas on the body. When diagnosing this disease, first of all, the treatment is aimed at stimulating the production of melanin in the body.

With leukoderma light formations on the back also come in different shapes and sizes and can infect different places on the skin. This disease can be the result of the action of medications, skin lesions of a different nature, as well as infectious diseases. To differentiate the disease that caused the formation of light spots on the body, and the appointment of treatment, you need to contact a dermatologist.

White spots on the face

Of course, light spots on the face represent a serious defect in terms of aesthetic appearance. This problem can appear at almost every age, giving people a lot of inconvenience, creating a negative impact on the psychological state of a person.

As the disease progresses, the spots may develop in size and coalesce into a big spot. When light formations appear on the face, a person is advised to avoid exposure to direct sunlight in order to prevent burning of discolored skin pigments.

The probable causes of light spots on the face include a disease such as vitiligo. The real reasons for the appearance of this pathology have not yet been clarified with accuracy, but there are some assumptions about the appearance, these include the following:

In addition to the above, there are other factors that may, according to experts, cause an impact on the development of the disease. To accurately determine probable causes, the patient needs to see a dermatologist and undergo a comprehensive examination.

White spots on legs

Light formations on the legs can have different sizes - from small to very large, with the exception of the surface of the feet - white spots do not form in this place. The manifestation of this pigmentation is most likely also associated with the development of a disease such as vitiligo.

If none of the above suspicions is confirmed, you should at least try to protect the person from stress. In addition, periodic rest in a sanatorium or in nature will bring a positive effect to the recovery process, it will not only strengthen the immune system, but also saturate the body with new strength and positive energy.

Sometimes white spots may appear on the skin of a child. Do not immediately panic about this. However, it should be taken into account that the problem is not only in the aesthetic plane - a small bright spot can be a sign of various pathological processes.

What to do? First of all, you need to seek professional help from a dermatologist - only a specialist will be able to determine what caused the symptom and prescribe an effective treatment.

White spots on the skin of a child - a reason to consult a dermatologist

Pityriasis versicolor

Pityriasis versicolor is a fungal infection of the skin with a long chronic course. Light spots of various sizes appear on the skin, the structure of the skin changes. Lichen causes a special kind of yeast spores. It is constantly present in a healthy child, but under favorable conditions, it begins to actively multiply.

Factors contributing to the development of pityriasis versicolor:

  • increased sweating;
  • diabetes;
  • neglect of hygiene rules or incorrectly selected care products;
  • decreased immunity due to past illnesses or stress, mental strain;
  • hormonal disorders.

If small, clearly defined white spots appear on the chest, neck, back, armpits, accompanied by peeling, then we can talk about the presence of a disease. When making a diagnosis, the doctor uses the Balzer iodine test or a study using a mercury-quartz lamp. Treatment in children takes place in a gentle mode, with the use of antifungal drugs and under the obligatory supervision of the attending physician.

Pityriasis versicolor patches


Vitiligo in children usually appears at the age of 4-5 years. External manifestations of the disease look like depigmented foci located throughout the body, less often on the face. If the spots are localized on one of the parts of the body, this is a segmental form. There is also a generalized form - a symmetrical arrangement of discolored lesions on several parts of the body.

The mechanism of the start and development of the disease is a weak immune system combined with a genetic predisposition. Stressful situations, unfavorable ecology, malfunctions of the hormonal system, helminthic invasions, lack of vitamins and minerals are provoking factors.

Treatment should combine the use of medications (immunomodulators, corticosteroids), vitamins and exposure to ultraviolet rays. Good results are obtained by the use of an excimer laser, skin whitening with Monobenzone (applied to the body 2 times a day), and limiting exposure to the sun. The child must be dressed in clothes that will protect him from hypothermia and overheating, avoid any skin damage, you can not go to the sauna, bath, take hot baths.


Setton's nevus is a benign formation that appears on various parts of the body, more often in childhood. It looks like a dark brown (sometimes white) nodule rising above the skin level, surrounded by a light halo. A clear mechanism leading to its occurrence has not been found.

Halonevus (Setton's nevus)

It is noticed that this disease often occurs in children suffering from vitiligo (25%) or autoimmune pathologies. Nevi occur after a long stay in direct sunlight, with frequent stress, hormonal changes.

The nevus passes on its own and does not require treatment, the main thing is to exclude the malignant nature of the disease with multiple white formations. After a few years, having passed certain stages of development, the nevus disappears.


This skin disease usually has a genetic etiology or is the result of a serious illness suffered in infancy, which led to a violation of the production of melatonin in the body. On the body and face it appears in the form of light spots. The foci themselves are easily removed by peeling procedures with special ingredients and do not pose a danger to patients.

However, sometimes the disease affects the nervous system of the child, causing developmental delay - this form of hypomelanosis is called leukoderma. A comprehensive examination and symptomatic treatment help to improve the health of a small patient and prevent further spread of the disease.

Tumorous sclerosis

Tumorous sclerosis is a disease that affects the central nervous system of a child, causing epileptic manifestations, mental retardation. There are also pathological lesions of internal organs. Outwardly, this disease manifests itself in the form of white dots about 3 cm in diameter. Points are most often localized on the face and limbs.

tuberous sclerosis

For the appointment of effective treatment, it is necessary to undergo diagnostic examinations. The use of complex treatment will reduce external manifestations and slow down the influence of pathology on internal organs and systems.

Unbalanced diet

With an unbalanced diet, a lack of essential vitamins and minerals in the child's diet, a general weakening of the body and a decrease in skin immunity occur. With a decrease in the protective functions of the body, those bacteria that lived peacefully on the surface of the child's body can begin to actively divide and grow.

Vitamins D, E, B12, zinc and calcium are responsible for the healthy color of the epidermis, white spots appear when they are insufficiently supplied with food, so you should take them in dosage form.

The key to the health of a growing child's body is a varied diet rich in vitamins and microelements, selected taking into account individual characteristics (presence of allergies, chronic diseases, etc.).

Other reasons

It happens that a child suddenly has a small bright dot or spot. If the reasons discussed above are excluded, then the provoking factors may be:

  • previous infections;
  • temporary hormonal failure;
  • malfunctions of the liver and gastrointestinal tract;
  • helminthic invasions;
  • reaction to vaccinations;
  • strong emotional states;
  • dermatitis of various etiologies;
  • problems in the work of the adrenal glands - a mandatory examination by a specialist.

In addition to the rashes described above, white marks may appear on the child's body that do not pose any danger to health and do not require treatment:

  • traces after sunburn, injuries, burns, wounds, squeezing - as a rule, this is not dangerous, and it takes time for the symptom to disappear;
  • white pitiriasis (white oval plaques) occurs in children aged 3-16 years, does not require special treatment (the key to recovery is good skin hydration);
  • insect bites - in the absence of itching and other allergic reactions does not require the use of any medications.

The reasons for the appearance of white spots can be different. Identification of possible factors will help to understand how to eliminate the symptom, prevent the occurrence of complications and increase the effectiveness of preventive measures in the future. There are infectious and non-infectious nature of the appearance of a white spot - the tactics of treatment depend on one type or another.

Children and adolescents may develop white spots on the skin that are devoid of pigment.

Most often they are painless, but they can indicate serious health problems, and they are worth paying attention to.

Types of stains

White spots can be both large and small, appear one by one or in groups.

The presence of a fungus is evidenced by multiple small spots of a round or oval shape, which can merge over time. A chronic disease caused by a fungal infection is called and considered non-contagious, goes away on its own, and relapses are possible.

  • Zhibera's lichen is caused by the herpes virus and is also considered non-contagious. A pale pink maternal spot appears on the skin, then the spots disperse over the skin. The affected areas are small. The correct rounded shape, with a clearly defined border, painless.

They are located along the natural folds of the body, develop against the background of severe infections, a general decrease in immunity. After recovery, depigmented areas remain, repeating spots in shape.

  • White lichen is another disease of a fungal nature. With this infection, pale pink raised patches appear on the skin, which subsequently become faded white and flat.

The disease is accompanied by inflammation and itching, however, with proper treatment, it will be possible to return the correct pigmentation to the skin within a few weeks or months.

  • Vitiligo disease - on the skin of the face there are rather large painless white spots of irregular shape, sometimes with a "lace" edge. It is diagnosed more often in young people, up to 20-25 years. The disease can last a lifetime without affecting quality of life and is a cosmetic problem.

  • Tumorous sclerosis is a dangerous congenital pathology., which is characterized by mental and physical retardation, a decrease in the functionality of internal organs, as well as high convulsive readiness and epileptic seizures. With this disease, spots up to five centimeters in diameter are observed on the skin of the face, they also cover the skin of the hands and feet.
  • Pale nevus - a rapidly growing growth on the skin, which may be mistaken for a wart or. It can develop into melanoma, a malignant tumor of the skin. For accurate diagnosis and removal of the neoplasm, you should consult a doctor.

Possible Causes of White Spots

Until the end, the mechanism of the occurrence of pathology has not been established, however, a number of reasons can contribute to skin discoloration:

  • Congenital immunodeficiency states. Congenital immunodeficiency in a child can occur due to abnormal intrauterine development, transplacental infection with viral infections, Rh conflict with the mother, complicated pregnancy. The risk group includes children born prematurely, as well as by caesarean section.
  • Acquired immunodeficiency develops if the child suffered from severe infectious diseases, after taking antibiotics, with malnutrition or malnutrition. More often, children who received artificial feeding in the first year of life or have congenital metabolic disorders are at risk of developing an immunodeficiency state.

  • Allergic reactions have many manifestations, one of which is a rash on the skin, which can be either red or white.
  • autoimmune conflict- develops against the background of long-term chronic diseases, in this case, immune cells, leukocytes and lymphocytes, attack healthy cells of the host organism.
  • Violation of the adrenal cortex- if corticosteroids are not produced in the body, this affects the work of all organs and systems, first of all, it affects the skin.
  • Viral and fungal infections cause skin damage and blemishes.
  • Taking nephrotoxic, hormonal drugs, affects the synthesis of hormones in the body and can inhibit the activity of melanocytes.
  • Avitaminosis - lack of vitamin D, involved in the synthesis of melanin, can cause white spots on the skin, especially around the mouth, and also provoke rickets in children of the first year of life.
  • Skin cancers- in some cases, the appearance of a colorless spot on the skin signals the development of melanoma - a malignant tumor of the epidermis.

How to get rid of white spots on the face?

To get rid of white areas of the skin, there are both medical and cosmetic procedures. Traditional medicine can also suggest several recipes for getting rid of this problem. It should be remembered that before using this or that remedy, it is better to consult a dermatologist, and only a specialist can prescribe medications and medical procedures.


With Vitiligo disease, the doctor may prescribe drugs for external treatment of stains, as well as drugs for oral administration.

For the treatment of Vitiligo, a course of drugs is prescribed that increases sensitivity to light, as well as hormonal drugs to restore the metabolism in the body.

To normalize skin tone, placenta extract can be used, it is used in the form of an alcohol tincture for external use.

From fungal diseases, products that are sold in a pharmacy in the form of creams, sprays or ointments will help:

  • clotrimazole
  • Vitasan
  • Vitilem
  • Lamezil
  • Mifungar

Folk remedies

In order to get rid of white spots, you can resort to traditional medicine.

In case of Vitiligo on the skin, it is recommended to prepare a decoction of the following herbs:

  • St. John's wort
  • Parsnips
  • Sage
  • Chamomile officinalis
  • nettle leaves

Herbs are infused in boiling water, then the broth is filtered.

The resulting product should be stored in the refrigerator, and lotions should be applied to white areas of the skin, while short-term exposure to the sun is indicated to restore melanin synthesis.

Cosmetic procedures

In order to hide the defect, resort to the following methods:

  • Photochemotherapy: a cosmetologist prescribes drugs to increase the production of melatonin, then the white areas are treated with UV radiation
  • Laser correction- an excimer or helium-neon laser is used. The procedure is quite expensive, in addition, it can be painful and leave burns on the skin.
  • In rare cases, donor skin grafting is used, or highlighting of non-affected areas, in order for the skin color to even out

In what cases is it necessary to consult a doctor?

Sometimes the appearance of white spots can indicate serious health problems.

If the spots appear suddenly, they grow rapidly, this may indicate a serious skin lesion or a violation of hormonal metabolism. If the disease is not detected in time, serious complications are possible, up to the occurrence of cancerous tumors on the skin.

There is also a risk of cancerous degeneration of hormone-producing tissues of the adrenal cortex or thyroid gland. In case of a sharp growth of spots, it is necessary to consult an endocrinologist, as well as undergo an examination by a dermatologist.

You will also need to take measures to strengthen immunity, drink immunomodulators and probiotics.

Prevention of white spots

In order to avoid skin problems, you need to remember and follow a few simple recommendations:

  • Dehydration- It should be remembered that skin that is not protected by pigment dries out easily, so it is necessary to apply moisturizing and nourishing creams; in summer, a cream to protect against burns is required. Also, in the hot season, you need to drink from 1.5 liters of pure water: this will help maintain a sufficient amount of fluid inside the skin cells, help maintain the firmness and elasticity of the skin.
  • Often, pigmentation problems begin due to excessive sun exposure.- the appearance of discolored spots is the first signal that tanning is not good for the body. In this case, it is necessary to avoid direct sunlight, when in nature, choose shaded places. It is better to sunbathe in the morning or evening hours, start from 15 minutes a day. Sunbathing is strictly not recommended from 12 noon to 4 p.m. in the summer: at this time, ultraviolet rays are especially aggressive and will cause painful burns.

  • Proper nutrition- in order to establish a metabolism, sometimes you just need to adjust the diet. In order to keep the skin healthy, it is recommended to consume raw strawberries or strawberries.

In the summer, 300 g per day is enough to protect the skin from unwanted spots.. In order to produce a sufficient amount of melatonin, it is necessary to fill the diet with foods rich in iron, zinc and copper. It is quite simple to do this: beef and turkey meat, buckwheat, pistachios, and lentils should be included in the diet.

To compensate for iron deficiency, it is necessary to eat fresh spinach, zinc is found in soft cheeses, beef liver and oatmeal serve as a source of copper.

  • herbal teas- another good preventive measure. They contain natural antioxidants, have a positive effect on the immune system, and reduce the risk of skin cancer.

Sage, calendula, string and oregano are suitable for making tea - these herbs are sold in almost any pharmacy. Especially recommended is the use of herbal tea in winter - this will reduce the likelihood of peeling of white areas and protect against frostbite.

  • Compliance with personal hygiene. It is recommended to carefully monitor hygiene, use strictly individual towels, underwear and bed linen, keep clothes clean
  • Focus on allergy prevention: ventilate the room, remove dust from the surface of objects, once a week carry out wet cleaning of the room, knock out blankets and pillows. Also, if a child has skin problems, contact with animals should be excluded.

If you have a food allergy, you must carefully follow the diet prescribed by your doctor, limit the intake of sweets, try to eat more fresh green fruits: apples, kiwi, gooseberries.

  • Prevention of fungal infection: it should be remembered that fungi develop in a humid environment, therefore, after bathing, it is necessary to thoroughly rub the skin dry, especially along the natural folds of the body, to combat excessive sweating of the body. If there are whitish rashes on the skin of the face, you need to undergo an examination by a dermatologist
  • Strengthening immunity: it is necessary to observe the temperature regime, walk in the fresh air, take multivitamin complexes and supplements - this will help to avoid the disease

In order to preserve the health of the child, it is necessary to comply with all hygiene requirements, introduce complementary foods according to age, carefully monitor the manifestation of symptoms of the disease, regularly visit a pediatrician, and carefully follow all the appointments of the treating specialist. Only proper care of the child guarantees his health and full development.

Facial skin is a kind of mirror of the human body. If a malfunction occurs in the body, then the skin begins to react to this with rashes of various etiologies.

The skin is a mirror of the health of the human body. Everyone dreams of smooth and healthy facial skin. But in some situations, these dreams can collapse overnight. For certain reasons, white spots begin to appear on the skin of the face.

The cause of the appearance of white spots on the skin is hidden in the disease vitiligo. In the old days it was known as the dog. The disease begins to progress under the influence of ultraviolet rays, stress, endocrine and neurological diseases. In most cases, complaints from patients come only to the appearance of spots that cause some inconvenience when they appear on the skin of the face and neck.

The disease is most often acquired (congenital is very rare). Colorless spots begin to appear on the skin of the face and body. Usually there is a long course of the disease. The contours of the skin areas are uneven, the spots have a different shape, they can gradually increase in size. The hairs on the affected areas become discolored.

The skin begins to lose its original color due to the fact that the body stops producing melanin.

Children get sick

Are there white spots on the child's body? Most parents start to sound the alarm. They visit polyclinics, centers, the best doctors with their child, but with this they only frighten the child, who begins to believe that he is terminally ill.

The reasons that children have white rashes on the skin of the face and body can be hidden in:

  • infectious diseases;
  • hormonal changes in the body;
  • worms;
  • immune response to vaccinations;
  • rapid growth;
  • excessive emotionality.

Sometimes vitiligo can, as a hereditary disease, be passed on to a child from close blood relatives.

If no other accompanying symptoms are observed, parents should not panic, as this can cause stress in children.

  1. Examination of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Examination of the bile ducts.
  3. Study of the liver.
  4. Examination for the presence of helminths in the body.

If children have white patches of skin, you should consult a dermatologist. This will help eliminate pityriasis versicolor from the list of possible causes.

In rare cases, spots may disappear on their own. The disease occurs in all age groups, but young people are most often affected.

Specialized Treatment

Getting rid of vitiligo is very difficult and often the treatment does not give any results. It may happen that having appeared on the face once, a bright spot will remain there forever. Patients are advised not to go out in the sun without the use of special protective equipment, as the white surface of the skin burns very quickly.

As a medical treatment are used:

  • photosensitizers;
  • B vitamins;
  • corticosteroid ointments.

To date, you can get rid of stains using the latest techniques involving the use of microwave therapy. More than 50% of patients experience changes for the better. You can also get rid of stains when exposed to electrophoresis with copper sulfate. Simultaneously with this method, the use of vitamin groups and comprehensive health promotion is recommended.

Thanks to the latest developments, a drug has been released that promotes the production of new cells (melanocytes) by the body, which begin to produce melanin.

Folk remedies

Sometimes traditional medicine gives a good effect, but it is often not recommended to use them.

  1. Baths from the rhizomes of red-bloody geranium will help get rid of white spots. Rhizomes (50g) are crushed and poured with boiling water. Infused for 5 hours, after which the infusion is filtered. Infusion is recommended to be added to the bath before going to bed. The course of treatment is 12-14 procedures.
  2. A good effect can be achieved using decoctions of sage and St. John's wort.
  3. In order to get rid of white spots on the skin, Chinese traditional medicine advises applying a mask to the face once a day. The mask contains chicken eggs (2 pcs), apricot kernels (120g). You can wash off the mask with warm water. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.
  4. Spots can be masked using self-tanning or foundation creams.

Treatment of children

Only a highly qualified doctor should deal with the treatment of small patients. An experienced specialist will prescribe the necessary course of treatment for the child, which includes taking special drugs. For a more effective impact, sessions are prescribed in which the affected skin areas are exposed to radiation. This therapy contributes to the fact that the skin of the face and discolored areas become approximately the same color.

During treatment, it is recommended to carefully follow all the instructions of a specialist and protect the skin from sunlight. It is also recommended to introduce as many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible into the daily diet of the child, after consulting with the attending physician. This will help boost your child's immunity.

Self-medication of this disease is not recommended. You must first contact a specialist who can determine why spots began to appear on the skin.

A child (5.5 years old) has white spots: first on the cheek, now on the arms. the patch on the cheek has grown. The pediatrician refused to give a referral to a dermatologist, saying that there was nothing special. At first, there was a spot on the cheek with a pink rash that looked like pimples. The doctor prescribed zinc ointment. They smeared it for almost a month, there is no rash, but the problem is spots on the face and hands. Very concerned. What could it be? Advise where to turn for qualified help?


Most likely, the pediatrician interprets these spots as manifestations of diathesis, complicated by combing and infection. Considering the experience of doctors of this profile in such matters, most likely it is so.

Causes of white spots in children

There are many circumstances that provoke such symptoms in young children - worms, immunological reactions to a number of stimuli, hormonal changes. Sometimes white spots appear after vaccinations, acute respiratory viral infections, emotional outbursts.

Much less often, white spots are a sign of vitiligo or pityriasis versicolor. If the relatives of the child have a history of vitiligo, it is worth working out this version as well.

What to do

Contact the clinic of the dermatological dispensary for diagnosis, you will be admitted without a referral from a pediatrician. If the child does not have skin diseases, then at least you will know about it right away.

Ringworm is treated with antifungal drugs, vitiligo involves a skin care regimen and anti-relapse therapy. Such symptoms do not carry life-threatening conditions for the child (the exception is leprosy, which does not occur on the territory of the Russian Federation).

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